media analysis 3

Media Analysis 3 The Roommate

Upload: claudieat

Post on 24-May-2015




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Media Analysis 3 The Roommate

Page 2: Media analysis 3

High key lighting is used on the next character ‘Sarah’ which gives the impression that she is an innocent and open character, different to ‘Rebecca’

Low Key lighting is used on one of the characters ‘Rebecca” this gives the impression that she has something to hide and that she is some what suspicious.

Page 3: Media analysis 3

Text on black screen shows that the information is important for the watcher as that is only what is on the screen & nothing to be distracted by.

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Soft fade in and out gives the impression of a happy scenario and that everything is seen as easy and happy. The High key lighting in both scenes of the transaction also represent the happy and light atmosphere of the characters

Transactions change and become more solid and quick cut gives a fast paced edit shows tension and suspense, what's going to happen in the next scene? The Low key lighting gives the atmosphere of the scene as is gives the feeling of suspicious and an un safe environment as it maybe harder to see.

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Close up on Sarah shows her expression of the situation & where she is a happy, that she feels safe. A low angle represents her dominance in the scene compared to the other character. High Key lighting of her face signifies

High angle on Sarah shows that she is inferior within the situation, suggesting that because she is seen as the good character that something bad is happening/going to happen. Low key lighting also signifies danger and give a feeling of tension and suspense.

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Voice over of character talking “I got rid of them all”Suggests what is happening is what she is talking about. Two shot camera composition shows that she is the dominant character in that situation as the audience can see a mid shot of her where as we cant see the face of the second character.

Point of view shot makes the audience feel as vulnerable as character as they only know/ see what the character does. Establishing shot shows the scene of where the character screaming is, audience don’t know why/ no reason to be?

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Fast paced editing gives tension and shock to audience unsure what happened, Did it happen? Extreme close up of facial features makes the audience ask what happened? How did she get like that? What is she screaming at?

Mid shot shows lighting on one character and other character fades into scene from darkness, gives a feeling of suspense, what is she going to do? Gives a spooky sinister feel to that character also what are they? What happened to them?

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Blue connotes calm and tranquility showing the emotion and characteristics of the character wearing it. Black connotes authority and power suggesting the characteristics of the person wearing it, stereotypically used to represent evil/ the villain in films.

Red connotes danger and courage. Suggesting is the character wearing it in danger of some sort? Dose she have courage?