media auteur

Kate Green

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Media Auteur

Kate Green

Page 2: Media Auteur

Auteur theory has influenced film criticism since 1954, when it was advocated by film director and critic François Truffaut. This method of film analysis was originally associated with the French New Wave and the film critics who wrote for the French film review periodical Cahiers du Cinéma. Auteur theory was developed a few years later in America through the writings of The Village Voice critic Andrew Sarris. Sarris used auteur theory as a way to further the analysis of what defines serious work through the study of respected directors and their films.

François Truffaut

Andrew Sarris

Page 3: Media Auteur

“The auteur theory is a way of reading and appraising films through the imprint of an auteur (author), usually meant to be the director.”

Andre Bazin was the founder, in 1951, of Cahiers du cinema and is often seen as the father of auteurism because of his appreciation of the world-view and style of such artists as Charlie Chaplin and Jean Renoir. It was younger critics at the magazine who developed the idea further, drawing attention to significant directors from the Hollywood studio era as well as European directors.

Auteur theory is when the director has his own personality when creating the film. Also they may use similar themes in what they have done before, so you could be able to tell who directed the film just by looking at the different scenes in the film.

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Steven Speilburg Tim Burton David Lynch

Alfred Hitchcock Woody Allen Quentin tarantino

Martin Scorsese

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“A true film auteur is someone who brings something genuinely to his subject in stead of producing a tasteful, accurate but lifeless rendering of the original material”.

“The film of tomorrow will resemble the person who made it, and the number of spectators will be proportional to the number of friends the director has.” Francois Truffaut

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Looking at Quentin Tarantino’s film posters he likes doing a lot of action films and some horror films. His likes to use some pastel colours but he uses a lot of dark colours in his film posters. You can tell what film posters are his because he likes to use gory pictures and his film posters look very powerful, most of them are presented in the same way. He likes to put the picture in the centre of the page this draws people in to wanting to watch the film because it looks very powerful and strong. He makes sure he gets as much detail as possible on to the film posters to draw as many people in as possible.

His technique in his films is to get objects of violence in as many themes as he can this is how you will know what films are his because he tires to get violence in most of his films, this is why people like his films so much because he gets as much action in to his scenes and makes it such a thrill to watch. He also gets a lot of personality into his films and puts a lot of vision in to each of his scenes, a lot of people understand what he is trying to do in each scene and that’s why they like watching his films so much.

Here is a link to one of Quentin Tarantino’s trailers the film called the Hostel