media: just fabulous tv commits to hd complex - tvb europe november 2006

, , , , TVBEUROPE HD EUROPE Just Fabulous TV commits to HO complex By Chris Forrester The East End of London has never been fashionable, but over the past year or two it has devel- oping into a centre of broadcast- ing excellence. For example, a nondescript factory site just South of the River Thames pro- vides the sound stages for some of Kudos Productions' top- flights drama productions such as Hustle and Spooks. Across the old factory court- yard, now renamed the Tower Bridge Business Complex, you'll find Just Fabulous TV putting the finishing touches on a four-studio HDTV-equipped complex in readiness for 24-hour transmission of its new TV channel. currently previewing on Sky's EPG at 372. "That, we hope, will soon change," says MD Dowshan content that isn't football or sport or imported American material. We believe our quality British content could give Sky and its viewers a different dimension. " Just Fabulous TV is an unashamed full-service network, with documentaries, drama, com- edy, current affairs and what Humzah's team stress as "cutting- edge" shows covering music, dance, sport, motoring and more. Some material will be acquired, but much will be produced locally. To help, JFTV is equipping two audience-friendly studios (one with retractable seating for 130, the other accommodating 98), plus blue-screen and green-screen studios, backed up with 11 edit suites, master control and tape- I;] Continued on page 23 Humzah, who says JFTV wants to be on the 'general entertain- ment' section of the EPG, and not seen as a purely music station. Humzah comes to pure broad- casting from his position as cable company NTL's director/strategy & planning and earlier experience with players like Proctor & Humzah says HDTV is key to their commercial plans. "All our shooting is in HD today and this helps fulfil our strategy. Obviously we will be transmitting in standard definition initially but as the high-def audience grows we'd hope to migrate to a full high def service, at least on Sky. But "The physical investment in these new studios is very real and we are working all-day shifts to get everything finalised in the next few weeks" Gamble, Hugo Boss and Orange. "The physical investment in these new studios is very real and we are working all day shifts to get _ everything finalised within the next few weeks. At the moment we're using third-party suppliers for all these elements." also having the fully HDTV equipped facility allows us to rent out studio space to third parties during our own downtime. We are talking to Sky about the opportu- nity this presents and stressing to them that they have on their doorstep British-produced HD Rap star Lupe Fiasco, being interviewed for JFTV's In The Mix show .................................................................................................................................................. Polish sports lead with Piero Red Bee Media announced at MIP- COM that it has sold its Piero sports technology to Polish broadcaster ITI Neovision for the nsportchannel. Piero enables viewers to see 'play' from angles that are not captured by cameras "There was a lot of interest in Piero at IBC and I'm delighted that we have been able to announce another sale so soon after the event. IT! Neovision will be the sixth broad- caster this year to adopt the system to make the most of its sports coverage," said Andy Townsend, design systems manager at Red Bee Media. Red Bee Media developed Piero from a BBC Research and Development 'proof of concept' in HD best Observe'd through glass collaboration with BBC Outside Broadcasts for BBC Sport. Earlier this year Piero was also adopted by SkyItalla, Hong Kong Cable and TV Globo in Brazil in time for the World Cup and later ITV in the UK for its UEFA Champions League coverage. The Piero technology places pic- tures of real players into a virtual sta- dium, where it is possible to view and analyse play from different angles in animated sequences. It is the only technology of its kind with a transi- tion between original footage and a virtual stadium. Offside, forward passing and other offences can be seen from the best angle for analysis = Continued from page 14 with a niche router manufacturer because routers are such a spe- cialised area. It uses Leitch HD Glue and fibre channels and Evertz up and cross converters. In the separate audio area it has Dolby E 5.1 surround sound, a 2 x 64 bi-directional Madi interface, and a "fully-loaded" 480-input Studer Vista 8 audio mixer, which seems to have become the standard choice for OBs recently. "We had ordered a Calrec, but then we saw this and loved it" - particularly its Making the conne~tion: HD1's input ports ergonomic layout and its excellent EQ. It has so many channels because a light entertainment show easily uses 100 channels and each EVS has six channels, as do any soundfield microphones and every 5.1 mix. Even a rugby match can use up 120 channels. There is also full 5.1 monitoring in the main gallery. Alacrity in Egypt After a rigorous tender process the ERTU in Egypt has awarded a con- tract to Gee Broadcast Systems for eight Alacrity Editors and two Geevs servers. The AJacrity MR offers multi-resolution support and allows the editing of mixed format material in the same project. The edit suites, configured with support for MXF and Sony XDCam, also provide fast editing with shared material and projects The Lightworks console provides an efficient user interface and facilities are also pro- vided for voice-over. Each Alacrity editor is based on a Dual processor dual core work- station and has the Inscriber Titlemotion CG and Combustion effects software installed. Using the Sharknet Gigabit networking allows each pair of Alacrity editors to share their own storage and that of a cen- tral NAS store. Archiving facilities are provided with the NAS store. The Geevs SD servers will be con- nected to the AJacrity editing system. by the Sharknet network to provide easy sharing of material. The servers provide ingest and playout facilities to compliment the editing suites NOVEMBER 2006 20

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Page 1: MEDIA: Just Fabulous TV commits to HD Complex - TVB Europe November 2006

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Just Fabulous TV commits to HO complexBy Chris ForresterThe East End of London hasnever been fashionable, but overthe past year or two it has devel-oping into a centre of broadcast-ing excellence. For example, anondescript factory site justSouth of the River Thames pro-vides the sound stages for someof Kudos Productions' top-flights drama productions suchas Hustle and Spooks.

Across the old factory court-yard, now renamed the TowerBridge Business Complex, you'llfind Just Fabulous TV putting thefinishing touches on a four-studioHDTV-equipped complex inreadiness for 24-hour transmissionof its new TV channel. currentlypreviewing on Sky's EPG at 372.

"That, we hope, will soonchange," says MD Dowshan

content that isn't football or sportor imported American material.We believe our quality Britishcontent could give Sky and itsviewers a different dimension. "

Just Fabulous TV is anunashamed full-service network,with documentaries, drama, com-edy, current affairs and whatHumzah's team stress as "cutting-edge" shows covering music,dance, sport, motoring and more.Some material will be acquired,but much will be produced locally.To help, JFTV is equipping twoaudience-friendly studios (onewith retractable seating for 130,the other accommodating 98),plus blue-screen and green-screenstudios, backed up with 11 editsuites, master control and tape-

I;] Continued on page 23

Humzah, who says JFTV wantsto be on the 'general entertain-ment' section of the EPG, andnot seen as a purely music station.Humzah comes to pure broad-casting from his position as cablecompany NTL's director/strategy& planning and earlier experiencewith players like Proctor &

Humzah says HDTV is keyto their commercial plans. "Allour shooting is in HD today andthis helps fulfil our strategy.Obviously we will be transmittingin standard definition initially butas the high-def audience growswe'd hope to migrate to a full highdef service, at least on Sky. But

"The physical investment in these new studios isvery real and we are working all-day shifts toget everything finalised in the next few weeks"Gamble, Hugo Boss and Orange."The physical investment in thesenew studios is very real and weare working all day shifts to get _everything finalised within thenext few weeks. At the momentwe're using third-party suppliersfor all these elements."

also having the fully HDTVequipped facility allows us to rentout studio space to third partiesduring our own downtime. We aretalking to Sky about the opportu-nity this presents and stressing tothem that they have on theirdoorstep British-produced HD

Rap star Lupe Fiasco, being interviewedfor JFTV's In The Mix show..................................................................................................................................................

Polish sports lead with PieroRed Bee Media announced at MIP-COM that it has sold its Piero sportstechnology to Polish broadcaster ITINeovision for the nsportchannel. Pieroenables viewers to see 'play' from anglesthat are not captured by cameras

"There was a lot of interest inPiero at IBC and I'm delighted thatwe have been able to announceanother sale so soon after the event.IT! Neovision will be the sixth broad-caster this year to adopt the system tomake the most of its sports coverage,"said Andy Townsend, design systemsmanager at Red Bee Media.

Red Bee Media developed Pierofrom a BBC Research andDevelopment 'proof of concept' in

HD best Observe'dthrough glass collaboration with BBC Outside

Broadcasts for BBC Sport. Earlierthis year Piero was also adopted bySkyItalla, Hong Kong Cable and TVGlobo in Brazil in time for the WorldCup and later ITV in the UK for itsUEFA Champions League coverage.

The Piero technology places pic-tures of real players into a virtual sta-dium, where it is possible to view andanalyse play from different angles inanimated sequences. It is the onlytechnology of its kind with a transi-tion between original footage and avirtual stadium. Offside, forwardpassing and other offences can beseen from the best angle for

= Continued from page 14

with a niche router manufacturerbecause routers are such a spe-cialised area. It uses Leitch HDGlue and fibre channels and Evertzup and cross converters.

In the separate audio area it hasDolby E 5.1 surround sound, a 2 x64 bi-directional Madi interface,and a "fully-loaded" 480-inputStuder Vista 8 audio mixer, whichseems to have become the standardchoice for OBs recently. "We hadordered a Calrec, but then we sawthis and loved it" - particularly its

Making the conne~tion: HD1's input ports

ergonomic layout and its excellentEQ. It has so many channelsbecause a light entertainment showeasily uses 100 channels and eachEVS has six channels, as do any

soundfield microphones and every5.1 mix. Even a rugby match can useup 120 channels. There is also full5.1 monitoring in the main

Alacrity in EgyptAfter a rigorous tender process theERTU in Egypt has awarded a con-tract to Gee Broadcast Systems foreight Alacrity Editors and twoGeevs servers. The AJacrity MRoffers multi-resolution support andallows the editing of mixed formatmaterial in the same project.

The edit suites, configured withsupport for MXF and Sony XDCam,also provide fast editing with sharedmaterial and projects The Lightworksconsole provides an efficient userinterface and facilities are also pro-vided for voice-over.

Each Alacrity editor is based ona Dual processor dual core work-station and has the InscriberTitlemotion CG and Combustioneffects software installed. Using theSharknet Gigabit networking allowseach pair of Alacrity editors to sharetheir own storage and that of a cen-tral NAS store. Archiving facilitiesare provided with the NAS store.

The Geevs SD servers will be con-nected to the AJacrity editing the Sharknet network to provideeasy sharing of material. The serversprovide ingest and playout facilities tocompliment the editing NOVEMBER 200620

Page 2: MEDIA: Just Fabulous TV commits to HD Complex - TVB Europe November 2006


Just Fabulous TVcommits to HD

OTT householdsset to surgeCurrent forecasts from predictthat the worldwide digitalterrestrial TV market willgrow signficantly over the nextfive years, from an estimated37 million households in 2006,to a forecast 131 million house-holds by the end of 2011.Primarily driven by DTTuptake in Western Europeancountries, the EM EA regionhas experienced the most suc-cess in DTT adoption, and isexpected to comprise nearly62% of worldwide DTT house-holds by 2011, according to[MS Research.

According to analyst MarkMeza, "The success of DTT inEurope is due in large part togovernment and industry ini-tiatives, a growing selection ofcontent, and increasinglyaffordable set-top boxes. Thissuccess has created an opportu-nity for value-added paid DTTservices, such as Top Up TV inthe UK. Paid DTT serviceshave a distinct advantage inmarkets where a free DTT serv-ice has been successful."

Meza continued, "Stand-alone pay DTT services facegreater challenges in establish-ing subscribers, often due tolimited content offerings andpricing that is not competitivewith other pay TV options. Anexample of this is the difficultyfaced by USDTV, which recentlyfiled for Chapter 7 bankruptcyafter securing only about10,000 subscribers in threeyears of operation, as well asearly launches of pay-DTT inthe UK." With the continuedgrowth expected for DTTworldwide over the next fiveyears, IMS Research predictsan accompanying rise in value-added pay-DTT NO VEMBE R 2006

"We recognise that producing content is significantly more expensive thanacquiring material but we hope that our plans to exploit our assets overmultiple platforms and overseas makes the investment worthwhile"

exploit our assets over multipleplatforms as well as the potentialsale value overseas makes theinvestment worthwhile. Ourvision is to take our content and

be a Number One platform. Welike to think we are stylish andsavvy. In addition to our own pro-duced material we are acquiringmovies, documentaries, comedies

= Continued (rom page 20

less playout. Arqiva is handlingterrestrial distribution and satel-lite uplinking.

Humzah says he is not justtargeting the ratings enjoyed by r----------------------------------------------------the likes of MTV "We've beenworking here for some ninemonths, quietly preparing forlaunch. We look at [UK chan-nels] Channel Four, Channel 5and channels like Bravo andTrouble and we can see that theyall have good American content.The only way to beat this is tohave great British content for ourtarget audience.

"We recognise that producingcontent is significantly moreexpensive than acquiring materialbut we hope that our plans to

and even a soap that we believefits in with our overall strategy.However our own producedmaterial is also available for saleto third parties. "

JFTV, says Humzah, is muchmore than just about ratings.however. He says the stationhas a duty to be socially aware,and as such is closely in touchwith the local community."Consequently we are develop-ing close relations with theLondon Mayor's Office, thePolice and other leading com-munity organisations."