medical advantages of a healthy weight

Medical Advantages of a Healthy Weight

Upload: grayjohn

Post on 16-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Medical Advantages of a Healthy Weight

Medical Advantages of a Healthy


Page 2: Medical Advantages of a Healthy Weight

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes

High Blood Glucose (Prediabetes) is a condition that happens when sugar

levels in the blood are higher than ordinary.

Being overweight or fat is a fundamental danger element for sort 2 diabetes.

Conveying overabundance weight makes it troublesome for cells to react to

insulin, in light of the fact that the additional fat acts like a protecting layer,

making it harder for the sugar to move into cells and bringing about higher

circling glucose levels.

Page 3: Medical Advantages of a Healthy Weight

Improved Blood Glucose Control

Complications of diabetes occur mainly due to poorly controlled high blood

glucose (sugar) levels.

By maintaining good control over blood sugar levels, T2D patients can prevent

or at the very least delay the development of some of these complications of

diabetes by maintaining tight control over blood glucose.

Page 4: Medical Advantages of a Healthy Weight

Stay Heart Healthy

Two of the real hazard variables for coronary illness are hypertension and

increasing cholesterol. Gathering of overabundance muscle to fat quotients

discharges certain regularly happening chemicals into the circulation system

that causes circulatory strain to rise and being overweight causes the liver to

create inordinate measures of LDL cholesterol.

LDL (low thickness lipoprotein, some of the time called "terrible cholesterol")

has a tendency to be sticky and lines or amasses in the dividers of veins

prompting narrowing of the conduits (atherosclerosis) and builds the danger of

heart assaults and strokes.

Page 5: Medical Advantages of a Healthy Weight

Improved Sleep

Snoring is created by a narrowing of the aviation route, discouraging air

development and making the trademark "wheeze".

Overweight individuals have a tendency to have all the more delicate tissue in

the neck which builds the frequency of wheezing. Wheezing can be an

indication of a conceivably life-undermining condition called slumber apnoea -

where breathing gets to be totally impeded and requires the sleeper to stir to

start breathing once more.

Page 6: Medical Advantages of a Healthy Weight

Mobile and pain-free Joints

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disorder causing bone and cartilage (the

tissue that protects the joints) to wear away. As a result, the joints become

swollen and tender and movement becomes very painful.

Being overweight increases the load placed on the weight bearing joints eg

knees & hips. It is estimated that a force of between three to six times your

body weight is exerted across the knee while walking so an increase in body

weight of 10 kg increases the force on the knees equivalent to carrying an extra

30 to 60 kgs.

Page 7: Medical Advantages of a Healthy Weight

Improved Energy and Vitality

The physical medical advantages of accomplishing and supporting a solid

weight are remarkable yet what frequently amazes individuals are the mental

advantages. Studies have demonstrated that weight reduction seems to

significantly improve nature of life1 and is connected with expanded respect

toward oneself and lower rates of sorrow

Page 8: Medical Advantages of a Healthy Weight

Improved Fertility

• Mechanisms underlying the relationship between obesity and infertility are

unclear but it has been suggested that carrying excess body fat can cause

disturbances in sex hormone metabolism that produce menstrual disturbances

and thus subfertility.

• Being overweight during pregnancy has been reported to increase rates of

miscarriage and medical complications, specifically pregnancy-induced

hypertension, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, thromboembolism and sleep


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