medical gross anatomy-muscles

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  • 8/12/2019 Medical Gross Anatomy-muscles


    Medical Gross Anatomy

    Anatomy Tables - Muscles

    Muscles of the

    Back Region -Listed

    AlphabeticallyMuscle Origin Insertion Action Innervation Artery Notes Image

    erector spinae iliac crest,sacrum,transverse andspinousprocesses ofvertebrae andsupraspinalligament

    angles of theribs,transverseand spinousprocesses ofvertebrae,posterioraspect of theskull

    extendsandlaterallybends thetrunk, neckand head

    segmentallyinnervated bydorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C1-S5

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.,subcostal aa.,lumbar aa.

    the erector spinae m. isseparated into 3columns of muscle:iliocostalis laterally,longissimus in anintermediate positionand spinalis medially;each of these columnshas multiple namedparts

    iliocostalis iliac crest andsacrum

    angles of theribs

    extendsandlaterallybends thetrunk andneck

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C4-S5

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.,subcostal aa.,lumbar aa.

    the most lateral part ofthe erector spinae; itmay be subdivided intolumborum, thoracis andcervicis portions

    interspinales upper borderof spinousprocess

    lower borderof spinousprocessabove

    extendtrunk andneck

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C1-L5

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posterior

    intercostal aa.,

    these are small andfairly insignificantmuscles

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    subcostal aa.,lumbar aa.

    intertransversarii upper borderof transverseprocess

    lower borderof transverseprocessabove

    laterallybend trunkand neck

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C1-L5

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,

    posteriorintercostal aa.,subcostal aa.,lumbar aa.

    these are small andfairly insignificantmuscles

    longissimus transverseprocess atinferiorvertebrallevels

    transverseprocess atsuperiorvertebrallevels andmastoidprocess

    extendsandlaterallybends thetrunk, neckand head

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C1-S1

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.,subcostal aa.,lumbar aa.

    the intermediate part ofthe erector spinae;itmay be subdivided intothoracis, cervicis andcapitis portions

    multifidus sacrum,transverseprocesses ofC3-L5

    spinousprocesses 2-4vertebrallevelssuperior totheir origin

    extend andlaterallybend trunkand neck,rotate tooppositeside

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C1-L5

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.,subcostal aa.,lumbar aa.

    semispinalis, multifidusand rotatores make upthe transversospinalmuscle group

    obliquus capitis inferior spinousprocess of theaxis

    transverseprocess ofatlas

    rotates thehead to thesame side

    suboccipitalnerve (DPR ofC1)

    occipital a. greater occipital nerve(DPR of C2) passessuperiorly around theinferior margin ofinferior oblique

    obliquus capitis superior transverseprocess ofatlas

    occipital boneabove inferiornuchal line

    extends thehead,rotates thehead to thesame side

    suboccipitalnerve (DPR ofC1)

    occipital a. the suboccipital triangleis formed by obliquuscapitis superior andinferior and rectuscapitis posterior major

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    rectus capitis posteriormajor

    spinousprocess ofaxis

    inferior nuchalline

    extends thehead,rotate tosame side

    suboccipitalnerve (DPR ofC1)

    occipital a. none

    rectus capitis posteriorminor

    posteriortubercle of


    inferior nuchalline medially

    extends thehead

    suboccipitalnerve (DPR of


    occipital a. rectus capitis posteriorminor is deeper and

    inserts more medialthan rectus capitisposterior major

    rotatores transverseprocesses

    longrotatores:spines 2vertebraeabove origin;shortrotatores:spines 1vertebraeabove origin

    rotates thevertebralcolumn totheoppositeside

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C1-L5

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.,subcostal aa.,lumbar aa.

    semispinalis, multifidusand rotatores make upthe transversospinalmuscle group

    semispinalis transverseprocesses ofC7-T12

    capitis: backof skullbetweennuchal lines;cervicis &thoracis:spines 4-6vertebraeabove origin

    extends thetrunk andlaterallybends thetrunk,rotates thetrunk to theoppositeside

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C1-T12

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.,subcostal aa.,lumbar aa.

    three parts are namedbased on theirinsertions: capitis,cervicis and thoracis;semispinalis, multifidusand rotatores make upthe transversospinalmuscle group

    spinalis spinousprocesses atinferiorvertebrallevels

    spinousprocesses atsuperiorvertebrallevels andbase of theskull

    extendsandlaterallybends trunkand neck

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C2-L3

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.,subcostal aa.,

    lumbar aa.

    most medial part of theerector spinae; may besubdivided intothoracis, cervicis andcapitis portions

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    splenius ligamentumnuchae andspines C7-T6

    capitis:mastoidprocess &superiornuchal linelaterally;cervicis:posteriortubercles ofC1-C3vertebrae

    extendsandlaterallybends neckand head;rotateshead tosame side

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C2-C6

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.

    splenius meansbandage; it gets itsname from its broad,flat shape

    splenius capitis ligamentumnuchae andspines of C7-T6 vertebrae

    mastoidprocess andlateral end ofthe superiornuchal line

    extendsandlaterallybends theneck and

    head,rotateshead to thesame side

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C2-C6

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posterior

    intercostal aa.

    named for its shape:splenius meansbandage and capitisrefers to the insertion ofthis portion of the


    splenius cervicis ligamentumnuchae andspines of C7-T6 vertebrae

    posteriortubercles ofthe transverseprocesses ofC1-C3vertebrae

    extendsandlaterallybends neckand head,rotateshead to thesame side

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C2-C6

    suppliedsegmentallyby: deepcervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.

    named for its shape:splenius meansbandage and cervicisrefers to the insertion ofthis portion of themuscle

    Muscles of the Upper Limb - Listed Alphabetically

    Muscle Origin Insertion Action Innervation Artery Notes Image

    abductor digitiminimi (hand)

    pisiform base of theproximal

    phalanx of

    abducts the 5th digit deep branch ofthe ulnar nerve

    ulnar a. abductor digitiminimi, flexor digiti

    minimi brevis, and

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    the 5th digiton its ulnarside

    opponens digitiminimi are locatedin the hypothenarcompartment of thehand


    pollicis brevis



    base of the

    proximalphalanx ofthe first digit

    abducts thumb recurrent branch

    of median nerve


    palmar br. ofthe radial a.

    abductor pollicis

    brevis, flexorpollicis brevis, andopponens pollicisare located in thethenarcompartment of thehand (Latin, pollicis= the thumb)

    abductorpollicis longus

    middle one-third of theposteriorsurface of theradius,interosseousmembrane,mid-portion ofposterolateralulna

    radial side ofthe base ofthe firstmetacarpal

    abducts the thumb atcarpometacarpal joint

    radial nerve, deepbranch

    posteriorinterosseous a.

    the tendons ofabductor pollicislongus andextensor pollicisbrevis make thelateral border of theanatomicalsnuffbox (Latin,pollicis = thethumb)


    oblique head:capitate andbase of the2nd and 3rdmetacarpals;transversehead: shaft ofthe 3rdmetacarpal

    base of theproximalphalanx ofthe thumb

    adducts the thumb ulnar nerve, deepbranch

    deep palmararterial arch

    deep palmar archand deep ulnarnerve passbetween the twoheads of adductorpollicis, which is inthe adductor-interosseouscompartment (Latin, pollicis = thethumb)

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    anconeus lateralepicondyle ofthe humerus

    lateral side ofthe olecranonand the upperone-fourth ofthe ulna

    extends the forearm nerve toanconeus, fromthe radial nerve

    interosseousrecurrent a.

    (Greek, anconeus= elbow)

    biceps brachii short head: tipof the coracoidprocess of thescapula; longhead:supraglenoidtubercle of thescapula

    tuberosity ofthe radius flexes the forearm,flexes arm (longhead), supinates

    musculocutaneous nerve (C5,6) brachial a. a powerfulsupinator only if theelbow is flexed

    brachialis anteriorsurface of thelower one-halfof thehumerus andthe associatedintermuscularsepta

    coronoidprocess ofthe ulna

    flexes the forearm musculocutaneous nerve (C5,6)

    brachial a.,radial recurrenta.

    a powerful flexor

    brachioradialis upper two-thirds of thelateralsupracondylarridge of thehumerus

    lateral side ofthe base ofthe styloidprocess ofthe radius

    flexes the elbow,assists in pronation &supination

    radial nerve radial recurrenta.

    althoughbrachioradialis isinnervated by thenerve for extensors(radial), its primaryaction is elbowflexion; the neutralposition of thismuscle is half waybetween supinationand pronation(elbow flexed,thumb up)

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    coracoidprocess of thescapula

    medial side ofthe humerusat mid-shaft

    flexes and adductsthe arm

    musculocutaneous nerve (C5,6)

    brachial a. themusculocutaneousnerve passesthrough thecoracobrachialismuscle to reachthe other arm flexormm.(biceps brachiiand brachialis)

    deltoid lateral one-third of theclavicle,acromion, thelower lip of thecrest of thespine of the


    deltoidtuberosity ofthe humerus

    abducts arm; anteriorfibers flex & mediallyrotate the arm;posterior fibersextend & laterallyrotate the arm

    axillary nerve(C5,6) from theposterior cord ofthe brachialplexus

    posteriorcircumflexhumeral a.

    the deltoid muscleis the principleabductor of the armbut due to poormechanicaladvantage itcannot initiate this

    action; it is assistedby thesupraspinatus m.


    four muscles,each arisingfrom twoadjacentmetacarpalshafts

    base of theproximalphalanx andthe extensorexpansion onlateral side ofthe 2nd digit,

    lateral &medial sidesof the 3rddigit, andmedial side ofthe 4th digit

    flex themetacarpophalangeal

    joint, extend theproximal and distalinterphalangeal jointsof digits 2-4, abductdigits 2-4 (abduction

    of digits in the hand isdefined as movementaway from themidline of the 3rddigit)

    ulnar nerve, deepbranch

    dorsal andpalmarmetacarpal aa.

    bipennate muscles;remember DAB &PAD - Dorsalinterosseous mm.ABduct and Palmarinterosseous mm.ADduct - then you

    can figure outwhere they mustinsert to causetheseactions (Latin, inter= between + os =bone)

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    extensor carpiradialis brevis

    commonextensortendon (lateralepicondyle ofhumerus)

    dorsum of thethirdmetacarpalbone (base)

    extends the wrist;abducts the hand

    deep radial nerve radial a. works with theextensor carpiradialis longus andflexor carpi radialisin abduction of thehand (Greek, carpi=the wrist)

    extensor carpiradialis longus

    lower one-thirdof the lateralsupracondylarridge of thehumerus

    dorsum of thesecondmetacarpalbone (base)

    extends the wrist;abducts the hand

    radial nerve radial a. works with theextensor carpiradialis brevis andflexor carpi radialisin abduction of thehand (Greek, carpi=the wrist)

    extensor carpiulnaris

    commonextensortendon & themiddle one-half of theposteriorborder of theulna

    medial side ofthe base ofthe 5thmetacarpal

    extends the wrist;adducts the hand

    deep radial nerve ulnar a. works with theflexor carpi ulnarisin adduction of thehand (Greek,carpi= the wrist)

    extensor digitiminimi

    commonextensortendon (lateralepicondyle ofthe humerus)

    joins theextensordigitorumtendon to the5th digit andinserts intothe extensorexpansion

    extends themetacarpophalangeal, proximalinterphalangeal anddistal interphalangeal

    joints of the 5th digit

    deep radial nerve interosseousrecurrent a.

    extensor digitiminimi appears tobe the ulnar-mostportion of extensordigitorum


    commonextensortendon (lateralepicondyle ofthe humerus)

    extensorexpansion ofdigits 2-5

    extends themetacarpophalangeal, proximalinterphalangeal anddistal interphalangeal

    joints of the 2nd-5th

    deep radial nerve interosseousrecurrent a.and posteriorinterosseous a.

    the extensorexpansion insertsvia a central bandon the base of themiddle phalanx,

    while lateral &

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    digits; extends wrist medial slips inserton the distalphalanx

    extensor indicis interosseousmembraneand the

    posterolateralsurface of thedistal ulna

    its tendon joins thetendon of the

    extensordigitorum tothe seconddigit; bothtendonsinsert into theextensorexpansion

    extends the indexfinger at themetacarpophalangeal

    , proximalinterphalangeal anddistal interphalangeal


    deep radial nerve posteriorinterosseous a

    extensor indicis isa deep forearmextensor, whereas

    extensor digitiminimi is in thesuperficial layer ofextensors

    extensorpollicis brevis

    interosseousmembraneand theposteriorsurface of thedistal radius

    base of theproximalphalanx ofthe thumb

    extends the thumb atthemetacarpophalangeal


    deep radial nerve posteriorinterosseous a

    the tendons ofextensor pollicisbrevis andabductor pollicislongus make thelateral border of theanatomicalsnuffbox, in whichthe radial arterialpulse can befelt (Latin, pollicis =the thumb)

    extensorpollicis longus

    interosseousmembraneand middlepart of theposterolateralsurface of theulna

    base of thedistal phalanxof the thumb

    extends the thumb atthe interphalangeal


    deep radial nerve posteriorinterosseous a

    the tendon ofextensor pollicislongus hooksaround the dorsalradial tubercle; itforms the medialborder of theanatomicalsnuffbox, in whichthe radial arterialpulse can be

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    flexor digitorumsuperficialis

    humeroulnarhead: commonflexor tendon;radial head:middle 1/3 ofradius

    shafts of themiddlephalanges ofdigits 2-5

    flexes themetacarpophalangealand proximalinterphalangeal joints

    median nerve ulnar a. median nervetravels distally inthe forearm on thedeep surface of theflexor digitorumsuperficialis m.

    flexor pollicisbrevis flexorretinaculum,trapezium

    proximalphalanx ofthe 1st digit

    flexes thecarpometacarpal andmetacarpophalangeal

    joints of the thumb

    recurrent branchof the mediannerve

    superficialpalmar br. ofthe radial a.

    flexor pollicisbrevis, abductorpollicis brevis, andopponens pollicisare the threemuscles of thethenarcompartment of thehand (Latin, pollicis= the thumb)

    flexor pollicislongus

    anteriorsurface ofradius andinterosseousmembrane

    base of thedistal phalanxof the thumb

    flexes themetacarpophalangealand interphalangeal

    joints of the thumb

    median nerve anteriorinterosseous a.

    the tendon of flexorpollicis longuspasses through thecarpal tunnel withthe other longdigital flexortendons and themediannerve (Latin,pollicis = the

    thumb) infraspinatus infraspinatous

    fossagreatertubercle ofthe humerus(middle facet)

    laterally rotates thearm



    infraspinatus,supraspinatus,teres minor andsubscapularis arethe rotator cuffmuscles

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    interosseous,dorsal (hand)

    four muscles,each arisingfrom twoadjacentmetacarpalshafts

    base of theproximalphalanx andthe extensorexpansion onlateral side ofthe 2nd digit,lateral &medial sidesof the 3rddigit, andmedial side ofthe 4th digit

    flex themetacarpophalangeal

    joint, extend theproximal and distalinterphalangeal jointsof digits 2-4, abductdigits 2-4 (abductionof digits in the hand isdefined as movementaway from themidline of the 3rddigit)

    ulnar nerve, deepbranch

    dorsal andpalmarmetacarpal aa.

    bipennate muscles;remember DAB &PAD - Dorsalinterosseous mm.ABduct and Palmarinterosseous mm.ADduct - then youcan figure outwhere they mustinsert to causetheseactions (Latin, inter= between + os =bone)


    four muscles,arising from

    the palmarsurface of theshafts ofmetacarpals 1,2, 4, & 5 (the1st palmarinterosseousis often fusedwith theadductorpollicis m.)

    base of theproximal

    phalanx andextensorexpansion ofthe medialside of digits1 & 2, andlateral side ofdigits 4 & 5

    flexes themetacarpophalangeal

    , extends proximaland distalinterphalangeal jointsand adducts digits 1,2, 4, & 5 (adductionof the digits of thehand is in referenceto the midline of the3rd digit)

    ulnar nerve, deepbranch

    palmarmetacarpal aa.


    remember PAD &DAB: Palmarinterossei ADductand Dorsalinterossei ABduct,and you will beable to figure outwhere they mustinsert (Latin, inter =between + os =bone)

    latissimus dorsi vertebralspines from T7to the sacrum,posterior thirdof the iliaccrest, lower 3or 4 ribs,sometimesfrom the

    inferior angle

    floor of theintertubercular groove

    extends the arm androtates the armmedially

    thoracodorsalnerve (C7,8) fromthe posterior cordof the brachialplexus


    the insertingtendon twists sothat fibersoriginating highestinsert lowest (Latin,latissimus =broadest)

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    of the scapula


    transverseprocesses ofC1-C4vertebrae

    medial borderof the scapulafrom thesuperiorangle to the


    elevates the scapula dorsal scapularnerve (C5); theupper part of themuscle receivesbranches of C3 &


    dorsal scapulara.

    levator scapulae isnamed for itsaction (Latin,levator = to lift)


    flexordigitorumprofundustendons ofdigits 2-5

    extensorexpansion onthe radial sideof theproximalphalanx ofdigits 2-5

    flex themetacarpophalangeal

    joints, extend theproximal and distalinterphalangeal jointsof digits 2-5

    median nerve(radial 2) viapalmar digitalnerves & ulnarnerve (ulnar 2) viadeep branch

    superficialpalmar arterialarch

    lumbricals, arisefrom the profundustendons and havethe same pattern ofinnervation as doesthe profundusmuscle (ulnar andmedian nn. split thetask equally) (Latin,

    lumbricus =earthworm)

    opponens digitiminimi

    hook ofhamate andflexorretinaculum

    shaft of 5thmetacarpal

    opposes the 5th digit ulnar nerve, deepbranch

    ulnar a. opposition is arotationalmovement of the5th metacarpalaround the longaxis of its shaft;opponens digitiminimi, abductordigiti minimi, andflexor digiti minimibrevis are in thehypothenarcompartment of thehand



    shaft of 1stmetacarpal

    opposes the thumb recurrent branchof median nerve

    superficialpalmar branchof the radial a.

    opposition is arotationalmovement of the

    1st metacarpal

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    around the longaxis of its shaft;opponens pollicis,abductor pollicisbrevis, and flexorpollicis brevis arein the thenarcompartment of thehand (Latin, pollicis= the thumb)


    four muscles,arising fromthe palmarsurface of theshafts ofmetacarpals 1,2, 4, & 5 (the1st palmarinterosseousis often fusedwith theadductorpollicis m.)

    base of theproximalphalanx andextensorexpansion ofthe medialside of digits1 & 2, andlateral side ofdigits 4 & 5

    flexes themetacarpophalangeal, extends proximaland distalinterphalangeal jointsand adducts digits 1,2, 4, & 5 (adductionof the digits of thehand is in referenceto the midline of the3rd digit)

    ulnar nerve, deepbranch

    palmarmetacarpal aa.

    unipennatemuscles;remember PAD &DAB: Palmarinterossei ADductand Dorsalinterossei ABduct,and you will beable to figure outwhere they mustinsert (Latin, inter =between + os =bone)

    palmaris brevis fasciaoverlying thehypothenar


    skin of thepalm near theulnar border

    of the hand

    draws the skin of theulnar side of the handtoward the center of

    the palm

    superficial br. ofthe ulnar n.

    ulnar a. palmaris brevisimproves the grasp

    palmaris longus common flexortendon, fromthe medialepicondyle ofthe humerus


    flexes the wrist median nerve ulnar a. palmaris longus isabsent in about13% of forearms; itmay be present onone side only

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    pectoralis major medial 1/2 ofthe clavicle,manubrium &body ofsternum,costalcartilages ofribs 2-6,sometimesfrom therectus sheathof the upperabdominal wall

    crest of thegreatertubercle ofthe humerus

    flexes and adductsthe arm, mediallyrotates the arm

    medial and lateralpectoral nerves(C5-T1)

    pectoral branchof thethoracoacromial trunk

    the deep fascia onits anterior surfaceshould not befused to the fasciaof the mammarygland - if it is, thisis an importantclinical signindicating breastdisease

    pectoralis minor ribs 3-5 coracoidprocess ofthe scapula

    draws the scapulaforward, medialward,and downward

    medial pectoralnerve (C8, T1)

    pectoral branchof thethoracoacromial trunk

    branches of medialpectoral nerveusually piercepectoralis minor toreach thepectoralis majormuscle


    medial side ofthe anteriorsurface of thedistal one-fourth of theulna

    anteriorsurface of thedistal one-fourth of theradius

    pronates the forearm median nerve viathe anteriorinterosseousnerve

    anteriorinterosseous a.

    pronator quadratusis the deepestmuscle in the distalforearm; it workswith pronator teresand has the same

    nerve supplypronator teres common flexor

    tendon and(deep or ulnarhead) frommedial side ofcoronoidprocess of theulna

    midpoint ofthe lateralside of theshaft of theradius

    pronates the forearm median nerve ulnar a.,anterior ulnarrecurrent a.

    median nervepasses betweenthe two heads oforigin of pronatorteres

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    spines ofvertebrae T2-T5

    medial borderof the scapulainferior to thespine of thescapula

    retracts, elevates androtates the scapulainferiorly

    dorsal scapularnerve (C5)

    dorsal scapulara.

    named for itsshape



    inferior end of

    theligamentumnuchae,spines ofvertebrae C7and T1

    medial border

    of the scapulaat the root ofthe spine ofthe scapula

    retracts, elevates and

    rotates the scapulainferiorly

    dorsal scapular

    nerve (C5)

    dorsal scapular


    named for its



    ribs 1-8 or 9 medial borderof the scapulaon its costal(deep)


    it draws the scapulaforward; the inferiorfibers rotate thescapula superiorly

    long thoracicnerve (fromventral rami C5-C7)

    lateral thoracica.

    a lesion of longthoracic nerve willcause winging ofthe scapula (i.e.,

    the medial borderof the scapula fallsaway from theposterior chest walland looks like anangel'swing) (Latin,serratus = to saw)


    thoracolumbarfascia, spinesof vertebraeT11-T12 andL1-L2

    ribs 9-12,lateral to theangles

    pulls down lower ribs branches of theventral primaryrami of spinalnerves T9-T12

    lowestposteriorintercostal a.,subcostal a.,first two lumbaraa.

    a respiratorymuscle, it receivesventral ramusinnervation;embryonicallyrelated to theintercostalmuscles, not thedeep backmm. (Latin, serratus= to saw)

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    ligamentumnuchae,spines ofvertebrae C7and T1-T3

    ribs 1-4,lateral to theangles

    elevates the upperribs

    branches of theventral primaryrami of spinalnerves T1-T4

    posteriorintercostal aa.1-4

    a respiratorymuscle, it receivesventral ramusinnervation;embryonicallyrelated to theintercostalmuscles, not thedeep backmm. (Latin, serratus= to saw)

    subclavius first rib and itscartilage

    inferiorsurface of theclavicle

    draws the clavicle(and hence theshoulder) down andforward

    nerve tosubclavius (C5)

    clavicular br. ofthethoracoacromial trunk

    it serves animportantprotective function- it cushions thesubclavian vesselsfrom bonefragments inclavicular fractures

    subscapularis medial two-thirds of thecostal surfaceof the scapula(subscapularfossa)

    lessertubercle ofthe humerus

    medially rotates thearm; assists extentionof the arm

    upper and lowersubscapularnerves (C5,6)

    subscapular a. subscapularis,supraspinatus,infraspinatus, andteres minor are therotator cuffmuscles

    supinator lateralepicondyle ofthe humerus,supinator crest& fossa of theulna, radialcollateralligament,annularligament

    lateral side ofproximal one-third of theradius

    supinates the forearm deep radial nerve recurrentinterosseous a.

    deep radial nervepasses through thesupinator to reachthe posteriorcompartment of theforearm

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    supraspinatus supraspinatous fossa

    greatertubercle ofthe humerus(highestfacet)

    abducts the arm(initiates abduction)

    suprascapularnerve (C5,6) fromthe superior trunkof the brachialplexus


    supraspinatusinitiates abductionof the arm, then thedeltoid musclecompletes theaction; a memberof the rotator cuffgroup

    teres major dorsal surfaceof the inferiorangle of thescapula

    crest of thelessertubercle ofthe humerus

    adducts the arm,medially rotates thearm, assists in armextension

    lower subscapularnerve (C5,6) fromthe posterior cordof the brachialplexus

    circumflexscapular a.

    teres major insertsbeside the tendonof latissimus dorsi,and assistslatissimus in itsactions

    teres minor upper 2/3 ofthe lateral

    border of thescapula

    greatertubercle of

    the humerus(lowest facet)

    laterally rotates thearm

    axillary nerve(C5,6) from the

    posterior cord ofthe brachialplexus

    circumflexscapular a.

    fixes the head ofthe humerus in the

    glenoid fossaduring abduction &flexion of the arm;a member of therotator cuff group

    trapezius medial third ofthe superiornuchal line,externaloccipitalprotuberance,ligamentumnuchae,spinousprocesses ofvertebrae C7-T12

    lateral third ofthe clavicle,medial side ofthe acromionand the uppercrest of thescapularspine,tubercle ofthe scapularspine

    elevates anddepresses thescapula (dependingon which part of themuscle contracts);rotates the scapulasuperiorly; retractsscapula

    motor: spinalaccessory (XI),proprioception:C3-C4

    transversecervical a.

    named for itsshape; trapezius isan example of amuscle thatmigrates duringdevelopment fromits level of origin(cervical) to its finalposition, pulling itsnerve and arteryalong behind

    triceps brachii long head:infraglenoid

    tubercle of the

    olecranonprocess of

    the ulna

    extends the forearm;the long head

    extends and adducts

    radial nerve deep brachial(profunda

    brachii) a.

    long head of thetriceps separates

    the triangular and

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    scapula;lateral head:posterolateralhumerus &lateralintermuscularseptum;medial head:posteromedialsurface of theinferior 1/2 ofthe humerus

    arm quadrangularspaces (teresmajor, teres minorand the humerusare the otherboundaries); allthree heads oforigin insert by acommon tendon

    Muscles of the Head and Neck - Listed AlphabeticallyMuscle Origin Insertion Action Innervation Artery Notes Image

    anterior scalene anteriortubercles of thetransverseprocesses ofvertebrae C3-C6

    scalene tubercleof the first rib

    elevates the firstrib; flexes andlaterally bendsthe neck

    brachial plexus,C5-C7

    ascendingcervical a., abranch of thethyrocervicaltrunk

    a muscle ofinspiration; animportantlandmark of theneck; it is locatedbetween thesubclavian veinand thesubclavian artery;

    the roots of thebrachial plexuspass posterior toit; the phrenicnerve crosses itsanteriorsurface (Greek,scalene =uneven)

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    aryepiglottic apex (superiorpart) of thearytenoidcartilage

    epiglottis draws theepiglottisposteriorly anddownward duringswallowing

    inferiorlaryngealnerve, fromrecurrentlaryngealnerve, a branchof the of vagus(X)

    laryngeal br. ofthe superiorthyroid a.

    the mucosa israised by theunderlyingaryepiglottic m. toform thearyepiglottic fold

    arytenoid, oblique muscularprocess of thearytenoidcartilage

    posterior surfaceof thecontralateralarytenoidcartilage, near itsapex

    draws arytenoidcartilagestogether,adducting thevocal folds

    inferiorlaryngealnerve, fromrecurrentlaryngealnerve, a branchof the of vagus(X)

    laryngeal br. ofthe superiorthyroid a.

    the obliquearytenoid m. liesposterior to thetransversearytenoid m.; thearytenoideus isoften consideredto be one musclewith oblique andtransverse fibers(


    posteriorsurface of thearytenoidcartilage

    posterior surfaceof thecontralateralarytenoidcartilage

    draws arytenoidcartilagestogether,adducting thevocal folds

    inferiorlaryngealnerve, fromrecurrentlaryngealnerve, a branchof the vagus

    nerve (X)

    laryngeal br. ofthe superiorthyroid a.

    the transversearytenoid m.liesanterior to theoblique arytenoidm.; thearytenoideus isoften considered

    to be one musclewith oblique andtransverse parts

    auricular anterior: galeaaponeuroticaanterior to ear;superior: galeaaponeuroticasuperior to ear;posterior:mastoid process

    auricle anteriorly,superiorly andposteriorly

    wiggle the ears anterior &superior:temporalbranches offacial nerve(VII); posterior:posteriorauricular

    superficialtemporal a.,posteriorauricular a.

    the auricularmuscles arederived from themesenchyme ofthe secondpharyngeal arch,as are themuscles of facial

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    branch of facialnerve (VII)


    buccinator pterygomandibular raphe,mandible, andthe maxillalateral to themolar teeth

    angle of mouthand the lateralportion of theupper and lowerlips

    pulls the corner ofmouth laterally;presses thecheek against theteeth

    buccalbranches of thefacial nerve(VII)

    facial a. although thebuccinator isimportant inmastication, it isinnervated by thebuccal branch ofthe facial nerveand NOT by thebuccal nervefrom V3 (asensorynerve) (Latin,buccinator =trumpeter)

    chondroglossus medial side ofthe lesser hornand body of thehyoid bone

    ascends to blendwith the intrinsictonguemusculature

    pulls the sides ofthe tongue down hypoglossalnerve (XII) lingual a. chondroglossusis oftenconsidered to bepart of thehyoglossusmuscle

    ciliary meridionalfibers: scleralspur; circularfibers: encirclethe ciliaryprocess

    meridional fibers:ciliary process;circular fibers:encircle theciliary process

    relaxes thesuspensoryligament of thelens

    parasympathetic fibers in theoculomotornerve (III),synapsing inthe ciliaryganglion

    ophthalmic a. relaxation of thesuspensoryligament allowsthe lens tothicken foraccommodation(near vision)


    oblique line ofthe thyroidcartilage, lateralsurface ofcricoid cartilage


    constrictspharyngeal cavity

    vagus (X), viathe pharyngealplexus, with aidfrom thesuperiorlaryngeal and


    ascendingpharyngeal a.,superior thyroida., inferior thyroida.

    the most externalof the threepharyngealconstructor mm.

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    lesser andgreater horns ofthe hyoid boneand the inferiorpart of thestylohyoidligament


    constricts thepharyngeal cavity

    vagus (X), viathe pharyngealplexus

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    of the threepharyngealconstrictors, thisone isintermediate inbothsuperior/inferiorposition anddepth


    medial pterygoidplate, pterygoidhamulus,pterygomandibular raphe,

    mylohyoid lineof mandible

    pharyngealtubercle andmidlinepharyngealraphe

    constricts thepharyngeal cavity

    vagus (X), viathe pharyngealplexus

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    the most internalof the threepharyngealconstructor mm.

    corrugator medial part ofthe supercillaryarch

    skin of themedial half of theeyebrow

    pulls eyebrowstogether medially

    temporalbranch of thefacial nerve(VII)

    supratrochlear a. this musclecauses thefurrowed brow ofthe worriedlook (Latin,corrugator= towrinkle)

    cricoarytenoid,lateral arch of thecricoid cartilage muscularprocess of thearytenoidcartilage

    draws themuscular processof the arytenoidcartilageanteriorly, whichpivots thearytenoidcartilage andadducts the vocalfolds

    inferiorlaryngealnerve, from therecurrentlaryngealnerve, a branchof the vagusnerve (X)

    superiorlaryngeal a.,cricothyroidbranch of thesuperior thyroida.

    an antagonist ofthe posteriorcricoarytenoid m.;the arteries thatsupply the larynxanastomosewithin the larynxto supply themucousmembranes and


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    depressor angulioris

    oblique line ofthe mandible

    angle of themouth

    pulls the corner ofthe mouthdownward

    marginalmandibular &buccalbranches of thefacial nerve(VII)

    inferior labialbranch of thefacial a., mentala.

    a "frown" muscle

    depressor labiiinferioris

    anterior surfaceof the mandible

    skin of the lowerlip

    depresses thelower lip

    marginalmandibularbranch of thefacial nerve(VII)

    inferior labialbranch of thefacial a., mentala.

    this muscle isused to bare thelower incisorteeth

    depressor septi maxilla near themidline abovethe incisor teeth

    nasal septum depresses thenasal septum;involved in flaringthe nostrils

    buccal branchof facial nerve(VII)

    superior labialbranch of thefacial a.

    depressor septi isconsidered a partof the nasalis m.

    digastric anterior belly:digastric fossaof the mandible;posterior belly:mastoid notch ofthe temporalbone

    body of the hyoidvia a fibrous loopover anintermediatetendon

    elevates thehyoid bone;depresses themandible

    anterior belly:mylohyoidnerve, from themandibulardivision of thetrigeminalnerve (V);posterior belly:facial nerve(VII)

    anterior belly:submental a.;posterior belly:occipital a.

    the digastric m.forms two sidesof thesubmandibulartriangle; it isformed frommesenchymederived from thefirst twopharyngealarches, hence itsdual innervation

    dilator pupillae outer margin ofiris

    inner margin ofiris

    dilates the pupil sympatheticfibers via shortciliary nerves,synapsing insuperiorcervicalsympatheticganglion

    ophthalmic a. none

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    epicranius frontalis: galeaaponeurotica;occipitalis:superior nuchalline

    frontalis: skin ofthe eyebrows;occipitalis: galeaaponeurotica

    elevates theeyebrows andwrinkles theforehead

    frontalis:temporalbranches of thefacial nerve(VII);occipitalis:posterior

    auricularbranch of thefacial nerve(VII)

    frontalis:supraorbital andsupratrochlearaa.; occipitalis:occipital a.

    the frontalis andoccipitalismuscles are twobellies of theepicraniusmuscle; alsoknown as:


    frontalis galeaaponeurotica

    skin of theeyebrow

    elevates theeyebrows andwrinkles theforehead

    temporalbranches of thefacial nerve(VII)

    supraorbital andsupratrochlearaa.

    frontalis is theanterior belly ofthe epicraniusmuscle

    genioglossus mental spine on

    the inner aspectof the mentalsymphysis

    fans out to insert

    into the tonguefrom the tip tothe base

    protrudes the

    tongue (inferiorfibers); depressestongue (middlefibers)


    nerve (XII)

    lingual a. an extrinsic

    muscle of thetongue; XIIinnervates alltongue musclesexceptpalatoglossus[innervated byvagus (X), as aremost of thepalate and

    pharynxmuscles];genioglossus isused to test thefunction of cranialnerve XII

    geniohyoid mental spines ofthe mandible

    body of the hyoidbone

    elevates thehyoid bone;depresses themandible

    ventral primaryramus of spinalnerve C1 viafibers carriedby the

    lingual a.,submental a.

    thyrohyoid andgeniohyoidreceive ansacervicalis fibersthat travel with

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    the hypoglossalnerve distal to thesuperior limb ofthe ansacervicalis

    hyoglossus upper border ofthe greater hornof the hyoid andbody of thehyoid bone

    spreads out intothe intrinsicmuscles of thetongue

    depresses thesides of thetongue; retractsthe tongue

    hypoglossalnerve (XII)

    lingual a. an extrinsicmuscle of thetongue

    inferior oblique floor of the orbitlateral to thelacrimal groove

    sclera on theinferior surfaceof the eyeball

    elevates andabducts thecorneal part ofthe eye; rotatesthe superior poleof the iris

    laterally; whenthe eye isadducted, thismuscle elevatesthe cornea

    oculomotornerve (III),inferior division

    ophthalmic a. cliniciansexamining theeye will ask thepatient to looktoward the bridgeof the nose to

    test the functionof this muscle


    oblique line ofthe thyroidcartilage, lateralsurface ofcricoid cartilage


    constrictspharyngeal cavity

    vagus (X), viathe pharyngealplexus, with aidfrom thesuperiorlaryngeal andrecurrentlaryngealnerves

    ascendingpharyngeal a.,superior thyroida., inferior thyroida.

    the most externalof the threepharyngealconstructor mm.

    inferior rectus commontendinous ringat the apex ofthe orbit

    sclera on theinferior surfaceof the eyeball

    depresses andadducts thecorneal part ofthe eyeball;rotates the

    superior pole of

    oculomotornerve (III),inferior division

    ophthalmic a. because thismuscleapproaches theeyeball from amedial direction,

    it has a rotational

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    the iris laterally action on the iris


    arch of thecricoid cartilage

    muscularprocess of thearytenoidcartilage

    draws themuscular processof the arytenoidcartilageanteriorly, whichpivots thearytenoidcartilage andadducts the vocalfolds

    inferiorlaryngealnerve, from therecurrentlaryngealnerve, a branchof the vagusnerve (X)

    superiorlaryngeal a.,cricothyroidbranch of thesuperior thyroida.

    an antagonist ofthe posteriorcricoarytenoid m.;the arteries thatsupply the larynxanastomosewithin the larynxto supply themucousmembranes andmuscles

    lateral pterygoid superior head:greater wing ofthe sphenoidbone; inferior

    head: lateralsurface of thelateral pterygoidplate

    superior head:capsule and &articular disk ofthe

    temporomandibular joint; inferiorhead: neck ofthe mandible

    protracts themandible; opensthe mouth; activein grinding

    actions ofchewing

    lateralpterygoidbranch of themandibular

    division of thetrigeminalnerve (V)

    pterygoid branchof the maxillary a.

    the only one ofthe muscles ofmastication thatopens the mouth;

    the superior headof lateralpterygoid issometimes calledsphenomeniscusdue to itsinsertion into thedisc of thetemporomandibular joint (Greek,

    pterygoid = wing-shaped)

    lateral rectus commontendinous ringat the apex ofthe orbit

    sclera on thelateral surface ofthe eyeball

    abducts thecorneal part ofthe eyeball

    abducensnerve (VI)

    ophthalmic a. loss of function ofthe abducensnerve will causethe eye to beabducted

    levator anguli oris canine fossa ofthe maxilla

    angle (corner) ofthe mouth

    elevates theangle of the


    buccal branchof the facial

    nerve (VII)

    infraorbital a.,superior labial

    branch of the

    a "smile" muscle

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    facial a.

    levator labiisuperioris

    inferior marginof the orbit

    skin of the upperlip

    elevates theupper lip

    buccal branchof the facialnerve (VII)

    infraorbital a.,superior labialbranch of thefacial a.

    levator labiisuperioris is usedto bare the upperincisor teeth, asin a sneer (Latin,levator = to lift +labial = lips)

    levator labiisuperioris alaquenasi

    frontal processof the maxilla

    ala of the noseand skin of theupper lip

    elevates theupper lip andflares the nostril

    buccal branchof the facialnerve (VII)

    infraorbital a.,superior labialbranch of thefacial a.

    (Latin, levator =to lift + labial =lips)

    levator palpebraesuperioris

    apex of the orbitabove the opticcanal

    skin and fasciaof upper eyelidand the superiortarsal plate

    elevates theupper eyelid

    oculomotornerve (III) andsympathetics(to the superiortarsal portion)

    ophthalmic a. fibers insertinginto the superiortarsal plate arecalled superiortarsal muscle andare smoothmuscle; lesion ofthe sympatheticsupply causesslight ptosis(drooping of theeyelid) (Latin,levator = to lift +palpebrae =eyelid)

    levator scapulae transverseprocesses ofC1-4 vertebrae

    medial border ofthe scapula fromthe superiorangle to thespine

    elevates scapula dorsal scapularnerve (C5); theupper part ofthe musclereceivesbranches of C3& C4 spinalnerves

    dorsal scapulara.

    named for itsaction (Latin,levator = to lift)

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    levator velipalatini

    apex of thepetrous part ofthe temporalbone and themedial surfaceof the auditorytube cartilage

    muscles andfascia of the softpalate; palatineaponeurosis

    elevates the softpalate

    vagus nerve(X) via thepharyngealplexus

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    a derivative of thefourth pharyngealarch (Latin,levator = to lift)


    within tongue within tonguenear the apex

    shapes thetongue forspeech andmastication

    hypoglossalnerve (XII)

    lingual a. an intrinsicmuscle of thetongue;longitudinalis hassuperior andinferiorsubdivisions thatspan the lengthof the tongue

    linguae,transversus within tongue within tongue compresses thesides of thetongue; shapesthe tongue forspeech andmastication

    hypoglossalnerve (XII) lingual a. an intrinsicmuscle of thetongue whosefibers runtransversely

    linguae, verticalis within tongue within tongue shapes thetongue forspeech andmastication

    hypoglossalnerve (XII)

    lingual a. an intrinsicmuscle of thetongue whosefibers runsuperoinferiorly

    longus capitis anteriortubercles ofvertebrae C3-6

    basilar portion ofthe occipitalbone

    flex the head andneck

    cervical plexus,ventral primaryrami of spinalnerves C1-4

    deep cervical a. none

    longus colli anteriortubercles andanteriorsurfaces of the

    bodies of

    anterior arch ofatlas, anteriortubercles of C5-6, anterior

    surfaces of

    flex neck, rotateand laterally bendneck

    cervical andbrachial plexus,C2-7

    deep cervical a. none

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    vertebrae C3-T3 bodies ofvertebrae C2-4

    masseter zygomatic archand zygomaticbone

    lateral surface ofthe ramus andangle of themandible

    elevates themandible

    nerve to themasseter, fromthe mandibulardivision of thetrigeminalnerve (V)

    massetericbranch of themaxillary a.

    (Greek, masseter= the chewer)

    medial pterygoid medial surfaceof the lateralpterygoid plate,pyramidalprocess of thepalatine bone,tuberosity of themaxilla

    medial surface ofthe ramus andangle of themandible

    elevates andprotracts themandible

    medialpterygoidbranch of themandibulardivision of thetrigeminalnerve (V)

    pterygoid branchof the maxillary a.

    this musclemirrors themasseter m. inposition andaction with theramus of themandiblebetween the two

    mm. (Greek,pterygoid = wing-shaped)

    medial rectus commontendinous ringat the apex ofthe orbit

    sclera on themedial surface ofthe eyeball

    adducts thecorneal part ofthe eyeball

    oculomotornerve (III)(inferiordivision)

    ophthalmic a. this muscledirectly opposesthe action of thelateral rectus m.

    mentalis anterior surfaceof the mandible

    near the mentalsymphysis(midline)

    skin of the chin elevates thelower lip and skin

    of chin


    branch of thefacial nerve(VII)

    mental a., inferiorlabial branch of

    the facial a.


    lesser andgreater horns ofthe hyoid boneand the inferiorpart of thestylohyoidligament


    constricts thepharyngeal cavity

    vagus (X), viathe pharyngealplexus

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    of the threepharyngealconstrictors, thisone isintermediate inbothsuperior/inferior

    position and

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    middle scalene posteriortubercles of thetransverseprocesses ofvertebrae C2-C7

    upper surface ofthe first ribbehind thesubclavian artery

    elevates the firstrib; flexes andlaterally bendsthe neck

    brachial plexus,C3-C8

    ascendingcervical a.

    a muscle ofrespiration(inspiratory); alsocalled scalenusmedius;penetrated by thedorsal scapular n.and long thoracicn. (Greek,scalene =uneven)

    musculus uvulae posterior nasalspine

    mucosa of theuvula

    shortens theuvula

    vagus nerve(X) viapharyngealplexus

    lesser palatine a. the soft palateand uvula resistthe upwardpressure of the

    tongue duringswallowing

    mylohyoid mylohyoid lineof mandible

    midline rapheand body of thehyoid bone

    elevates thehyoid bone andthe tongue;depresses themandible

    mylohyoidnerve from theinferior alveolarnerve, a branchof themandibulardivision of thetrigeminalnerve (V)

    mylohyoid branchof the inferioralveolar a.

    the nerve tomylohyoid alsoinnervates theanterior belly ofdigastric m.; bothmuscles arederivatives of thesecondpharygneal arch

    nasalis maxilla abovethe incisor teethand the canineteeth

    ala of the noseand midlineaponeurosis

    flattens the nose,flare the nostrils

    buccal branchof the facialnerve (VII)

    superior labialbranch of thefacial a.

    nasalis has twosubsidiary parts:nasalis parsalaris and parstransversa

    nasalis parsalaris

    maxilla abovethe canine teeth

    ala of the nose flares the nostrils buccal branchof facial nerve(VII)

    superior labialbranch of thefacial a.

    a subdivision ofthe nasalism. (Latin, pars = a


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    nasalis parstransversa

    maxilla abovethe incisor teeth


    flattens the nose buccal branchof facial nerve(VII)

    superior labialbranch of thefacial a.

    a subdivision ofthe nasalism. (Latin, pars = apart)

    oblique arytenoid muscularprocess of thearytenoidcartilage

    posterior surfaceof thecontralateralarytenoidcartilage, near itsapex

    draws arytenoidcartilagestogether,adducting thevocal folds

    inferiorlaryngealnerve, fromrecurrentlaryngealnerve, a branchof the of vagus(X)

    laryngeal br. ofthe superiorthyroid a.

    the obliquearytenoid m. liesposterior to thetransversearytenoid m.; thearytenoideus isoften consideredto be one musclewith oblique andtransverse fibers

    oblique, inferior floor of the orbitlateral to the

    lacrimal groove

    sclera on theinferior surface

    of the eyeball

    elevates andabducts the

    corneal part ofthe eye; rotatesthe superior poleof the irislaterally; whenthe eye isadducted, thismuscle elevatesthe cornea

    oculomotornerve (III),

    inferior division

    ophthalmic a. cliniciansexamining the

    eye will ask thepatient to looktoward the bridgeof the nose totest the functionof this muscle

    oblique, superior apex of the orbitabove the opticcanal

    sclera on theposteriorsuperior surfaceof the eyeball

    depresses andabducts theeyeball; rotatesthe superior poleof the irismedially

    trochlear nerve(IV)

    ophthalmic a. passes through afibrocartilagenouspulley known asthe trochlea;when the eye isadducted, thismuscle movesthe corneainferiorly

    occipitalis superior nuchalline


    pulls the scalpposteriorly;


    occipital a. occipitalis is theposterior belly of

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    elevates theeyebrows

    branch of thefacial nerve(VII)

    the epicraniusmuscle

    occipitofrontalis frontalis: galeaaponeurotica;occipitalis:superior nuchalline

    frontalis: skin ofthe eyebrows;occipitalis: galeaaponeurotica

    elevates theeyebrows andwrinkles theforehead

    frontalis:temporalbranches of thefacial nerve(VII);occipitalis:posteriorauricularbranch of thefacial nerve(VII)

    frontalis:supraorbital andsupratrochlearaa.; occipitalis:occipital a.

    the frontalis andoccipitalismuscles are twobellies of theoccipitofrontalismuscle; alsoknown as:epicranius m.

    omohyoid inferior belly:upper border of

    the scapulamedial to thescapular notch;superior belly:intermediatetendon

    inferior belly:intermediate

    tendon; superiorbelly: lowerborder of thehyoid bonelateral to thesternohyoidinsertion

    depresses/stabilizes the hyoid bone

    ansa cervicalis transversecervical a.

    the intermediatetendon of

    omohyoid istethered to theclavicle by afascial sling

    orbicularis oculi orbital part:medial orbitalmargin and themedial palpebralligament;palpebral part:medial palpebralligament

    orbital part: skinof the lateralcheek; palpebralpart: lateralpalpebral raphe

    closes the eyelids temporal &zygomaticbranches of thefacial nerve(VII)

    supraorbital a.,supratrochlear a.,infraorbital a.,angular branch ofthe facial a.

    activatedinvoluntarily inthe blink reflex;the palpebral partis active innormal blinkingand the orbitalpart is used toforcefully closethe eye

    orbicularis oris skin and fasciaof lips and thearea

    skin and fasciaof the lips

    purses the lips buccal branchof the facialnerve (VII)

    superior andinferior labialbranches of the

    the "kissing"muscle

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    surrounding thelips

    facial a., mentala., infraorbital a.

    palatoglossus palatineaponeurosis

    side of thetongue, enteringit from above

    elevates andretracts thetongue

    vagus nerve(X) via thepharyngealplexus

    tonsilar branch ofthe facial a.,ascendingpharyngeal a.

    althoughpalatoglossussounds like atongue muscle(and wouldtherefore beinnervated byXII), it is a palatalmuscleinnervated by X


    posterior marginof the bonypalate and thepalatine


    posterior wall ofthe pharynx andthe posteriormargin of the

    thyroid cartilage

    elevates thelarynx

    vagus nerve(X) viapharyngealplexus

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    palatopharyngeus is part of theinner longitudinalmuscle layer of

    the pharynxplatysma fascia overlying

    the pectoralismajor anddeltoid muscles

    inferior border ofthe mandibleand skin of lowerface

    draws the cornersof the mouthdown; it aids indepression of themandible

    cervical branchof the facialnerve (VII)

    facial a. platysma isderived from themesenchyme ofthe secondpharyngealarch (Greek,platysma = a flatplate)

    posteriorcricoarytenoid posteriorsurface of thelamina of thecricoid cartilage

    muscularprocess of thearytenoidcartilage

    draws themuscular processposteriorly, whichpivots thearytenoidcartilage andabducts the vocalfolds

    inferiorlaryngealnerve, from therecurrentlaryngealnerve, a branchof the vagusnerve (X)

    superiorlaryngeal a.,cricothyroidbranch of thesuperior thyroida.

    the posteriorcricoarytenoid isthe only ABductorof the vocal folds;the arteries thatsupply the larynxanastomosewithin the larynxto supply themucousmembranes and

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    posterior scalene posteriortubercles of thetransverseprocesses ofvertebrae C5-C7

    lateral surface ofthe second rib

    elevates thesecond rib; flexesand laterallybends the neck

    brachial plexus,C7-C8

    ascendingcervical a.

    a muscle ofrespiration(inspiratory); it isthe longest of thescalenemuscles (Greek,scalene =uneven)

    procerus nasal bone skin between theeyebrows

    depresses themedial corners ofthe eyebrows

    temporalbranch of thefacial nerve(VII)

    supratrochlear a. (Latin, procerus =long andstreched out)

    pterygoid, lateral superior head:greater wing ofthe sphenoidbone; inferiorhead: lateralsurface of thelateral pterygoidplate

    superior head:capsule and &articular disk ofthetemporomandibular joint; inferiorhead: neck ofthe mandible

    protracts themandible; opensthe mouth; activein grindingactions ofchewing

    lateralpterygoidbranch of themandibulardivision of thetrigeminalnerve (V)

    pterygoid branchof the maxillary a.

    the only one ofthe muscles ofmastication thatopens the mouth;the superior headof lateralpterygoid issometimes calledsphenomeniscusdue to itsinsertion into thedisc of thetemporomandibular joint (Greek,pterygoid = wing-shaped)

    pterygoid, medial medial surfaceof the lateralpterygoid plate,pyramidalprocess of thepalatine bone,tuberosity of the

    medial surface ofthe ramus andangle of themandible

    elevates andprotracts themandible

    medialpterygoidbranch of themandibulardivision of thetrigeminalnerve (V)

    pterygoid branchof the maxillary a.

    this musclemirrors themasseter m. inposition andaction with theramus of themandible

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    maxilla between the twomm. (Greek,pterygoid = wing-shaped)

    pupillae, dilator outer margin ofiris

    inner margin ofiris

    dilates the pupil sympatheticfibers via shortciliary nerves,synapsing insuperiorcervicalsympatheticganglion

    ophthalmic a. none


    encircles iris encircles iris constricts thepupil

    parasympathetic fibers ofoculomotornerve (III),

    synapsing inciliary ganglion

    ophthalmic a. none

    rectus capitisanterior

    lateral mass ofatlas

    basilar portion ofoccipital bone

    flexes the head ventral primaryramus of spinalnerve C1

    deep cervical a. none

    rectus capitislateralis

    transverseprocess of atlas

    occipital boneanterolateral toforamenmagnum

    laterally bendsthe head

    ventral primaryramus of spinalnerve C1

    deep cervical a. none

    rectus, inferior commontendinous ringat the apex ofthe orbit

    sclera on theinferior surfaceof the eyeball

    depresses andadducts thecorneal part ofthe eyeball;rotates thesuperior pole ofthe iris laterally

    oculomotornerve (III),inferior division

    ophthalmic a. because thismuscleapproaches theeyeball from amedial direction,it has a rotationalaction on the iris

    rectus, lateral commontendinous ringat the apex of

    sclera on thelateral surface ofthe eyeball

    abducts thecorneal part ofthe eyeball

    abducensnerve (VI)

    ophthalmic a. loss of function ofthe abducensnerve will cause

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    the orbit the eye to beabducted

    rectus, medial commontendinous ringat the apex ofthe orbit

    sclera on themedial surface ofthe eyeball

    adducts thecorneal part ofthe eyeball

    oculomotornerve (III)(inferiordivision)

    ophthalmic a. this muscledirectly opposesthe action of thelateral rectus m.

    rectus, superior commontendinous ringat the apex ofthe orbit

    sclera on thesuperior surfaceof the eyeball

    elevates andadducts theeyeball; rotatesthe superior poleof the irismedially

    oculomotornerve (III),superiordivision

    ophthalmic a. because thismuscleapproaches theeye from amedial position, itcauses the iris torotate medially

    risorius fascia of thelateral cheek

    skin of the angle(corner) of themouth

    draws the cornerof the mouthlaterally

    buccalbranches of thefacial nerve(VII)

    transverse faciala., facial a.

    risorius is activein expressions ofmirth (Latin,risorius = tolaugh)


    inferior surfaceof theanteromedialend of theauditory tubecartilage

    pharyngeal walland superiorborder of thethyroid cartilagealong with thepalatopharyngeus m.

    elevates thelarynx

    vagus nerve(X) via thepharyngealplexus

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    like othermuscles of thepharyngeal wall,salpingopharyngeus is derived fromthe fourthpharyngeal arch

    scalene, anterior anteriortubercles of thetransverseprocesses ofvertebrae C3-C6

    scalene tubercleof the first rib

    elevates the firstrib; flexes andlaterally bendsthe neck

    brachial plexus,C5-C7

    ascendingcervical a., abranch of thethyrocervicaltrunk

    a muscle ofinspiration; animportantlandmark of theneck; it is locatedbetween thesubclavian veinand thesubclavian artery;the roots of the

    brachial plexus

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    pass posterior toit; the phrenicnerve crosses itsanteriorsurface (Greek,scalene =uneven)

    scalene, middle posteriortubercles of thetransverseprocesses ofvertebrae C2-C7

    upper surface ofthe first ribbehind thesubclavian artery

    elevates the firstrib; flexes andlaterally bendsthe neck

    brachial plexus,C3-C8

    ascendingcervical a.

    a muscle ofrespiration(inspiratory); alsocalled scalenusmedius;penetrated by thedorsal scapular n.and long thoracicn. (Greek,scalene =uneven)

    scalene, posterior posteriortubercles of thetransverseprocesses ofvertebrae C5-C7

    lateral surface ofthe second rib

    elevates thesecond rib; flexesand laterallybends the neck

    brachial plexus,C7-C8

    ascendingcervical a.

    a muscle ofrespiration(inspiratory); it isthe longest of thescalenemuscles (Greek,scalene =uneven)

    sphenomeniscus greater wing ofthe sphenoid

    capsule andarticular disk ofthetemporomandibular joint

    pulls the articulardisk forward inopening of themouth

    lateralpterygoidbranch ofmandibulardivision oftrigeminalnerve (V)

    pterygoid branchof the maxillary a.

    sphenomeniscusis another namefor the superiorbelly of the lateralpterygoid m.

    sphincter pupillae encircles iris encircles iris constricts thepupil

    parasympathetic fibers ofoculomotor

    ophthalmic a. none

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    nerve (III),synapsing inciliary ganglion

    splenius ligamentumnuchae andspines C7-T6

    capitis: mastoidprocess &superior nuchalline laterally;cervicis:posteriortubercles of C1-3

    extends andlaterally bendsneck and head;rotates head tosame side

    dorsal primaryrami of spinalnerves C2-6

    suppliedsegmentally by:deep cervical a.,posteriorintercostal aa.

    it gets its namefrom its broad,flatshape (Greek,splenius = abandage)

    stapedius walls of thepyramidaleminence

    neck of thestapes

    dampensvibration of thestapes

    facial nerve(VII)

    anterior tympanica.

    entirely enclosedin bone, exceptfor its tendon; aderivative of thesecondpharyngeal arch


    sternal head:anterior surfaceof themanubrium;clavicular head:medial 1/3rd ofthe clavicle

    mastoid processand lateral 1/2 ofthe superiornuchal line

    draws themastoid processdown toward thesame side whichcauses the chinto turn up towardthe opposite side;acting together,the muscles ofthe two sides flexthe neck

    spinalaccessorynerve (XI), withsensory supplyfrom C2 & C3(forproprioception)

    sternocleidomastoid branch of theoccipital a.

    carotid sheathstructures liedeep to it

    sternohyoid posteriorsurfaces of boththe manubriumand sternal endof the clavicle

    lower border ofthe hyoid bone,medial to theomohyoid m.insertion

    depresses/stabilizes the hyoid bone

    ansa cervicalis superior thyroida.

    sternohyoidoverlies thesternothyroid andthyrohyoid mm.

    sternothyroid posteriorsurface of themanubrium

    below the origin

    oblique line ofthe thyroidcartilage

    depresses/stabilizes the hyoid bone

    ansa cervicalis superior thyroida.

    sternothyroid liesdeep to thesternohyoid m.

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    of thesternohyoid m.

    styloglossus anterior side ofthe styloidprocess

    posterolateralside of thetongue

    retracts andelevates thetongue

    hypoglossalnerve (XII)

    ascendingpharyngeal a.,ascendingpalatine branchof the facial a.

    an extrinsicmuscle of thetongue

    stylohyoid posterior side ofthe styloidprocess

    splits around theintermediatetendon of thedigastric m. toinsert on thebody of the hyoidbone

    elevates andretracts the hyoidbone

    facial nerve(VII)

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    facial nerveinnervates boththe stylohyoid m.and the posteriorbelly of thedigastric m.shortly afterexiting from thestylomastoid

    foramenstylopharyngeus medial side of

    the styloidprocess

    superior borderof the thyroidcartilage andalso into thepharyngeal wall

    elevates thelarynx

    glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    stylopharyngeus,the only muscleinnervated by IX,is the onlymuscle of thepharyngeal wallNOT innervatedby the vagus (X)nerve; it is a

    derivative of thethird pharyngealarch

    superior oblique apex of the orbitabove the opticcanal

    sclera on theposteriorsuperior surfaceof the eyeball

    depresses andabducts theeyeball; rotatesthe superior poleof the irismedially

    trochlear nerve(IV)

    ophthalmic a. passes through afibrocartilagenouspulley known asthe trochlea;when the eye isadducted, thismuscle moves

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    the corneainferiorly


    medial pterygoidplate, pterygoidhamulus,pterygomandibular raphe,mylohyoid lineof mandible

    pharyngealtubercle andmidlinepharyngealraphe

    constricts thepharyngeal cavity

    vagus (X), viathe pharyngealplexus

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    the most internalof the threepharyngealconstructor mm.

    superior rectus commontendinous ringat the apex ofthe orbit

    sclera on thesuperior surfaceof the eyeball

    elevates andadducts theeyeball; rotatesthe superior poleof the irismedially

    oculomotornerve (III),superiordivision

    ophthalmic a. because thismuscleapproaches theeye from amedial position, itcauses the iris torotate medially

    temporalis temporal fossaand thetemporal fascia

    coronoid processof the mandibleand the anteriorsurface of theramus of themandible

    elevates themandible; retractsthe mandible(posterior fibers)

    anterior andposterior deeptemporalnerves from themandibulardivision of thetrigeminalnerve (V)

    anterior andposterior deeptemporal aa.

    a powerfulchewing muscle;a derivative of thefirst pharyngealarch

    tensor tympani cartilagenousauditory tubeand the greaterwing of thesphenoid bonewhich liesadjacent to it

    manubrium ofthe malleus

    dampensvibrations of thetympanicmembrane

    medialpterygoidbranch of themandibulardivision of thetrigeminalnerve (V)

    superiortympanic branchof the middlemeningeal a.

    V3 innervatesboth tensormuscles of thehead (tympaniand veli palatini)which arederivatives of thefirst pharyngealarch (Latin,tympanum = akettle drum)

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    tensor velipalatini

    scaphoid fossa,lateral wall ofthe auditorytube cartilage


    opens theauditory tube;tenses the softpalate

    mandibulardivision of thetrigeminalnerve (V)

    ascendingpharyngeal a.

    remember: V3innervates bothtensor muscles(tympani and velipalatini); ALLother palatalmuscles are

    innervated byvagus

    thyroarytenoid inner surface ofthe thyroidcartilageanteriorly

    lateral border ofthe arytenoidcartilage

    draws thearytenoidcartilage forward,relaxing andadducting thevocal folds

    inferiorlaryngealnerve, fromrecurrentlaryngealnerve, a branchof the vagusnerve (X)

    laryngeal branchof the superiorthyroid a.

    its subsidiaryparts are thethyroepiglottic m.and the vocalism.; the medialmost fibers ofthyroarytenoidthat insert alongthe vocalligament arecalled the vocalismuscle

    thyroepiglottic inner surface ofthe thyroidcartilage nearthe laryngealprominence

    lateral surface ofthe epiglotticcartilage

    draws theepiglotticcartilagedownward

    inferiorlaryngealnerve, fromrecurrentlaryngeal

    nerve, a branchof the vagusnerve (X)

    laryngeal branchof the superiorthyroid a.

    represents thesuperior fibers ofthyroarytenoidmuscle which fanout to the

    quadrangularmembrane andepiglottis

    thyrohyoid oblique line ofthe thyroidcartilage

    lower border ofthe hyoid bone

    elevates thelarynx;depresses/stabilizes the hyoid bone

    ansa cervicalis(via fibersrunning withthe hypoglossalnerve thatleave XII distalto the superior

    limb of ansa)

    superior thyroida.

    thyrohyoid liesdeep to thesternohyoid

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    the mechanismfor fine tuning thevibrations of thevocal folds


    upper lateralsurface of thezygomatic bone

    skin of the angleof the mouth

    elevates anddraws the cornerof the mouthlaterally

    zygomatic andbuccalbranches of thefacial nerve(VII)

    transverse faciala., facial a.

    a "smile" muscle


    lower surface ofthe zygomaticbone

    lateral part of theupper lip

    elevates theupper lip

    buccal branchof the facialnerve (VII)

    transverse faciala., facial a.

    a "smile" muscle

    Muscles of the Thoracic Region - Listed AlphabeticallyMuscle Origin Insertion Action Innervation Artery Notes Image

    diaphragm xiphoid process,costal margin,fascia over thequadratuslumborum andpsoas majormm.(lateral &medial arcuateligaments),vertebral bodiesL1-L3

    central tendonof thediaphragm

    pushes theabdominalviscera inferiorly,increasing thevolume of thethoracic cavity(inspiration)

    phrenic nerve(C3-C5)

    musculophrenica., superiorphrenic a., inferiorphrenic a.

    left crus attaches to theL1-L2 vertebral bodies,the right crus attachesto the L1-L3 vertebralbodies


    lower border of arib within anintercostal space

    upper borderof the ribbelow,coursing,downward andmedially

    keeps theintercostal spacefrom blowing outor sucking induringrespiration

    intercostalnerves (T1-T11)

    intercostal a. 11 in number; theyextend from thetubercle of the rib to thecostochondral junction;continuous with theexternal intercostalmembrane anteriorly

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    upper borders of arib

    fibers courseup andmedially toinsert on theinferior marginof the ribabove

    keeps theintercostal spacefrom blowing outor sucking induringrespiration

    intercostalnerves (T1-T11)

    intercostal a. innermost intercostalmm. have the samefiber direction as theinternal intercostalmm., the onlydifference being thatthey lie deep to the

    intercostalneurovascular bundle


    upper border of arib

    lower borderof rib above,coursing upand medially

    keeps theintercostal spacefrom blowing outor sucking induringrespiration

    intercostalnerves (T1-T11)

    intercostal a. 11 in number; theyextend from the marginof the sternum to theangle of the rib;continuous posteriorlywith the internalintercostal membrane

    levatorescostarum transverseprocesses C7-T11 rib below itsorigin, medialto the angle

    elevates the rib dorsalprimary ramiof spinalnerves C7-T11

    deep cervical a.,intercostal aa. these are fairly smalland insignificantmuscles

    subcostalis angle of ribs angle of a rib2-3 ribs aboveorigin

    compresses theintercostalspaces


    intercostal a. subcostalis,transversus thoracis &innermost intercostalmm. make up thedeepest intercostal

    muscle layertransversusthoracis

    posterior surface ofthe sternum

    inner surfacesof costalcartilages 2-6

    compresses thethorax for forcedexpiration

    intercostalnerves 2-6

    internal thoracica.

    transversus thoracis,subcostalis &innermost intercostalmm. make up theinnermost intercostalmuscle layer

    Muscles of the Abdominal Region - Listed Alphabetically

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    Muscle Origin Insertion Action Innervation Artery Notes Image

    cremaster inguinalligament

    forms thinnetwork ofmusclefasciclesaround thespermaticcord andtestis (oraround thedistal portionof the roundligament ofthe uterus)

    elevatestestis (notwelldeveloped infemales)

    genital branchof thegenitofemoralnerve

    cremasteric a., abranch of theinferior epigastrica.

    the cremaster m. isinternal abdominaloblique muscle'scontribution to thecoverings of thespermatic cord andtestis; the cremastericreflex may be elicited bystroking the medial thigh(where the femoralbranch of thegenitofemoral n.distributescutaneously) (Greek,cremaster = suspender)

    dartos subcutaneousconnectivetissue of thescrotum andthe penis (orlabium majusand clitoris)

    skin of thescrotum andpenis (orlabium majusand clitoris)

    elevatestestis(tenses theskin of thepudendalregion in thefemale)

    postganglionicsympatheticnerve fibersarriving via theilioinguinalnerve and theposterior scrotalnerve

    cremasteric a.,posterior scrotal(labial) a.

    the dartos elevates thetestis in response to cold(it is modified arrector pilifibers, or the goose-bump muscles) (Latin,dartos = leather)



    lower 8 ribs linea alba,pubic crest &

    tubercle,anteriorsuperior iliacspine &anterior half ofiliac crest

    flexes andlaterally

    bends thetrunk

    intercostalnerves 7-11,

    subcostal,iliohypogastricand ilioinguinalnerves

    musculophrenic a.,superior epigastric

    a., intercostal aa.7-11, subcostal a.,lumbar aa.,superficialcircumflex iliac a.,deep circumflexiliac a., superficialepigastric a.,inferior epigastrica., superficial

    external pudendal

    the inguinal ligament is aspecialization of the

    external abdominaloblique aponeurosis; theexternal spermatic fasciais the external abdominaloblique muscle'scontribution to thecoverings of the testisand spermatic cord

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    interfoveolar transversusabdominisfibers that liesuperficial tothe inferiorepigastricvessels

    anteriorlamina offemoralsheath,immediatelydistal to originof inferiorepigastricvessels


    iliohypogastricand ilioinguinalnerves

    inferior epigastrica.

    an inconstant part of thetransversus abdominism. which may bereplaced by a ligament(interfoveolar ligament)



    thoracolumbarfascia, anterior2/3 of the iliaccrest, lateral2/3 of theinguinal


    lower 3 or 4ribs, lineaalba, pubiccrest

    flexes andlaterallybends thetrunk
