medicine cabinet makeover

gone OILED Eight years as an active duty Registered Nurse ... turned stay at home mom and wife. Blessed through doTERRA to once again live out the passion of helping restore health to others.

Upload: crystal-campbell

Post on 07-Aug-2015




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OILED Eight years as an active duty Registered Nurse! ... turned stay at home mom and wife.

Blessed through doTERRA to once again live out the passion of helping restore health to others. !

Essential Oils are comprised of Phytochemicals- Non-nutritive plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties. There are several thousand known phytochemicals. They are the HEALING COMPOUNDS of Essential Oils! Some of the well-known phytochemicals are lycopene in tomatoes, isoflavones in soy and flavanoids in fruits.

How do we get the oils from the plants? Steam Distillation- 93% of EO’s

Essential Oils are


-This means that they evaporate easily when exposed to the air.

Essential Oils are


-This means they do not mix with water.

Plant material is placed in an extraction chamber and where steam from boiling water passes through that plant material. Both the steam and EO’s rise to the top and are directed to another chamber to cool. The EO and water then separate from each other.

Cold Pressing -or expression

Some oils are extracted by manually pressing the oils out

of the plant material.

The rinds of

Citrus Fruits are usually cold


Wild Orange ~‾ Lemon ~‾ Lime

Bergamot ~‾ Grapefruit

What do the labels mean? �  So far, there are no national standards in America

governing the purity and labeling of Essential oils= LOTS of FRAUD in the oil industry.

�  Many EO’s online and in stores claim “100% pure, Organic, All Natural, and Aromatherapy Grade” �  100% pure- It can have 100% pure EO taking up 2% of the bottle. �  Organic- by definition, as used by Organic Chemists, means anything

containing a carbon compound. Literally speaking, gasoline is organic and so is every artificial compound synthesized by an organic chemical laboratory no matter how cancerous or otherwise dangerous it is.

�  All Natural- anything on planet earth is natural, as apposed to spirits and the unseen.

�  Aromatherapy Grade- taken from British standards where the term means 2-5%EO’s and the rest is carrier oil and use for massage only.

�  Without regulation, these misleading descriptions are legally printed on labels and sold to us.



“AVOID INHALATION” But it says “100% pure Essential Oil”!!!

They lie...And its perfectly legal

Can you imagine if Pioneer Woman had to say, “wear a mask when cutting lemons as the fumes are toxic, and never zest them on your chicken as the oils shouldn’t be taken internally.”

Why do they do this...?!

To increase their profit margin!

Retail costs (diluting with vegetable oil)

Agricultural costs (pesticides,


Production costs (using chemical solvents)

Synthetically reproducing the constituents in a lab saves on the growing, harvesting, and distilling costs.

What am I getting in a doTERRA oil?

�  A living, plant derived oil with the ability to treat and heal the body.

�  It is alive with an electromagnetic current.

�  Harvested when its therapeutic constituents are at its peak.

Free of Pesticides, Herbicides, Dilutents, & synthetic copycats of constituents.

Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry

GC: The EO compounds are vaporized and pass (or ‘elute’) through a long column called a gas chromatograph where each individual compound travels though that column at a different rate and is measured as it exits the column. This allows QC engineers to determine which compounds are present and at what levels. MS: After being vaporized and then ionized, each individual compound in a sample is measured by weight. This provides additional insight to the purity of an EO by revealing the presence of any non-aromatic compounds, such as heavy metals or other pollutants, which are too heavy to elute along a gas chromatograph.

In an FTIR Scan, a light is shown at the material sample and the amount of light absorbed by the chemical constituents of the sample is measured. Results are then compared against a historical database to ensure adherence to composition standards.

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry

Microbial Testing

& Organoleptic Testing

All incoming material to the manufacturing facility is subjected to testing for the presence of biohazards such as bacteria, fungus, and mold.

Real people using their God-given senses to test the oils.