medicine evals 4 rationalization

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  • 7/30/2019 MEDICINE EVALS 4 Rationalization


    MEDICINE EVALS 4 rationalization:(December 03, 2012)


    unconjugated bilirubin + albumin ---> transported to liver ---> hepatic uptake w/o albumin via process that partly

    involves carrier - mediated membrane transport in hepatocyte cytosol - unconjugated bilirubin coupled predominantly

    to Glutathione S- transferase (formerly ligandin)

    2.CONJUGATIONin endoplasmic reticulum: bilirubin is solubilized by CONJUGATION to glucuronic acid forming BILIRUBIN

    MONOGLUCURONIDE and DIGLUCURONIDEconjugation of glucuronic acid to bilirubin is catalyzed by bilirubin uridine - diphosphate (UDP) glucuronosyltransferase


    - bilirubin glucoronides are excreted across the canalicular membrane into the bile canaliculi by ATP dependent transportprocess mediated by canalicular membrane protein called multidrug resistance associated protein2 (MRP2)


    80-90% urobilinogens: excreted in feces either unchanged or oxidized to orange derivatives - UROBILINS 10-20%: passively absorbed, enter venous blood and re-excreted by liver small fraction < 3 mg/dl: escapes hepatic uptake: filters across renal glomerulus and excreted in urine

    5. UNEXPLAINED ENIGMAS IN JAUNDICED PATIENTS WITH LIVER DISEASE- can be explained by prolonged half-life of albumin

    1. Some patients with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia do not exhibit bilirubinuria during the recovery phase oftheir disease because bilirubin is bound to albumin and therefore not filtered by renal glomeruli.

    2. Elevated serum bilirubin levels decline more slowly than expected in some patients who otherwise appear to berecovering satisfactorily.Late in recovery phase of hepatobiliary disorders - all conjugated bilirubin may be in albumin linked form- value in serum falls slowly because of long half-life of albumin

    6. Bilirubinura is suggestive of:a. overproduction of bilirubinb. impaired hepatic uptakec. impaired conjugationd. decreased bile excretion

    7. A. Benign Recurrent Intrahepatic Cholestasis (BRIC)- Rare disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of pruritus and jaundice- Familial recessive pattern of inheritance- Jaundice and pruritus may be debilitating and prolonged- BRIC type 2- mutation in bile salt excretory protein (BSEP)

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    - defect is a point mutation in the gene for canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter- (+) altered excretion of bilirubin into bile ducts

    C. CRIGLER-NAJJAR TYPE I- exceptionally rare condition in neonates- complete absence of bilirubin UDP glucuronosyl transferase activity ---> unable to conjugate and

    excrete bilirubin

    - characterized by severe jaundiceo (bilirubin > 20 mg/dL) + neurologic impairment 2 kernicterus

    - frequently leads to death in infancy or childhood- only effective treatment: orthotopic liver transplantation

    D. Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis (FIC)- Phenotypically related syndromes- Byler disease: progressive FIC type I presents in early infancyas cholestasis, initially

    episodic; mutation in FIC1 gene

    - Type2: mutation in protein sister of p- glycoprotein, major bile canalicular exporter of bile acids (BSEPbile salt excretory protein)

    8. A. CRIGLER-NAJJAR TYPE II- more common than type I- mutation in bilirubin UDP glucuronosyl transferase gene causes reduced but not completely absent

    enzyme activity- patients live to adulthood, serum bilirubin:- 6-25 mg/dl- Treatment: phenobarbital-induces UDP glucuronosyl transferase activity- (+) marked jaundice but survives into adulthood- with intercurrent illness (surgery) ---> kernicterus


    (+) problem with hepatic storage of bilirubin

    C. GILBERTS SYNDROME- marked by impaired conjugation of bilirubin due to reduced bilirubin UDP glucuronosyl transferase

    activity- mild unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia < 6 mg/dL- serum bilirubin levels may fluctuate and jaundice often identified only during periods of

    fasting- very common: 3-7%, male predominance 2-7:1

    D. DUBIN-JOHNSON SYNDROME- defect is a point mutation in the gene for canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter- (+) altered excretion of bilirubin into bile ducts


    I. Increased bilirubin productionHemolysisIneffective erythropoesis

    II. Decreased Hepatic Bilirubin ClearanceDecreased Hepatic uptakeImpaired conjugation

    Physiologic Neonatal JaundiceAcquired Conjugation defects

    III. Hereditary Defects in BilirubinConjugation

    Crigler Najjar TypeI

    Crigler Najjar Type IIGilberts syndrome

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    - Familial Defects in Hepatic Excretory Function- Dubin-Johnson syndrome (DJS)- Rotors syndrome- Benign Recurrent Intrahepatic Cholestasis (BRIC)- Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis (FIC)

    11. In a jaundice patient presenting with pruritus, tea colored urine, and alcoholic stools, which lab test will most likely besignificantly increased?

    a. ALTb. ASTc. GGT

    d. Alkaline Phosphatase


    - indicates severe hepatocellular injury

    13. PALPABLE LIVER WITHOUT HEPATOMEGALY- Right diaphragm displaced downwards (e.g. emphysema, asthma)- Subdiaphragmatic lesions (e.g. abscess)- Aberrant lobe of the liver (Riedels lobe)- Extremely thin or relaxed abdominal muscles- Occasionally present in normal persons

    14. Falsely Increased Liver Span:- Consolidation (pneumonia)- Atelectasis/fibrosis- Pleural effusion

    15. Falsely Decreased Liver Span:- Pneumothorax- Emphysema

    16. A patient with family background for colonic malignancy should undergo:COLONOSCOPY

    17. HISTORY OF PATIENT W/ CONSTIPATION- ask for:- Diet (low residue, low water intake, calcium carbonate intake rock-like stools)- Emotional state- Prolonged travel- Presence of blood in stools- Weight loss- Family background for malignancy

    *history for Sexual Preference is NOT NEEDED

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    18. PE FOR PATIENT W/ CONSTIPATION- look for:- Neurological deficits (including autonomic function)- Signs of weight loss- Bowel sounds- Tender areas- Masses- Abnormal digital rectal examination findings (fissures, stenosis)

    *least pertinent PE for Px w/ constipation: Peri-orbital/ bi-pedal edema

    19. Constipation:- Reduction in frequency of defecation- Constant sensation ofrectal fullness- Feeling of incomplete evacuation- Painful defecation or dyschezia- Stools are small- Encopresis (paradoxical diarrhea in constipation)

    20. Constipation may result from:- Excessive mucosal absorption of water- Motor dysfunction due to electrolyte disturbance- Luminal obstruction

    21. Constipation may be attributed to the intake of:Drugs:

    - Antacids (calcium containing antacids)- Anticholinergics- hematinics (iron containing vitamins)

    22. Passage for fresh blood admixed with stools. Lab procedure least likely indicated is:FECAL OCCULT BLOOD TEST not needed since the blood in the stool can be observed


    24. Encopresis is best managed by:

    a. Anticholinergicsb. Fluid, Electrolyte replacementc. Intestinal antisepticsd. AOTAe. NOTA


    - small intestinal origin- less frequent BMs- absent tenesmus- watery- greasy foul smelling stools- periumbilical pain

    - large intestinal origin,- more frequent BMs,- prominent tenesmus,- bloody/ mucoid,- hypogastric pain

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    25. In Dysentery, stools are usually:- type of small stool diarrhea,- prominent tenesmus,- usually bloody and mucoid- large intestinal origin

    26. Hallmark symptoms of AMOEBIASIS:

    - bloody and mucoid- (+) tenesmus

    27. High risk groups for Diarrhea:

    Antibiotic use pseudomembranous colitis (c. defficile), carbohydrate fermentation, fungi overgrowth (candidaspecies)

    Travel ETEC, Shigella, Salmonella, rotavirus Homosexuals, gay bowel syndrome herpes simplex proctitis (tenesmus, dysuria, ano-rectal ulcers,

    vesicles/pustules) Day-care facilities and institutions shigella and giardia (low inoculum), rota/adeno viruses (easy to spread)


    Osmotic Diarrhea non-absorbable solute laxatives (lactulose, Mg(OH)2), acarbose (a-glucosidase inhibitor)

    Secretory Diarrhea active secretion into the lumen by: laxatives (castor oil, bisacodyl, senna) other drugs (metformin, prostaglandins) toxins (seafood/shellfish, bacterial)

    Exudative Diarrhea mucosal sloughing- (amoebiasis, shigellosis,

    enteroinvasive E. Coli)

    29. Palpation of abdomen in a patient presenting with abdominal pian entails:- Light palpation for muscle spasm/rigidity- Deep palpation for size of liver, kidneys, spleen, intra-abdominal masses- Test for rebound tenderness

    30. Landmarks in doing digital rectal examination:- Genital Structures- Ano-rectal ring- Sacro-spinous ligament

    31. & 32.

    PERTINENT HISTORICAL DATA: Evolving pattern (visceral to parietal) acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis Disproportionate pain (more pain, less PE findings) ischemia, biliary ascariasis Post-prandial onset PUD, pancreatitis, biliary obstruction, irritable bowel Relief by bending forward retroperitoneal source/ hemo/ pneumoperitoneum

    33. Common manifestation of abnormal GI motility mostly revealed by INSPECTION: DISTENTION

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    34. Visceral pain in early stages ofAcute Appendicitis is usually felt over the: UMBILICAL

    35. Visceral pain in early stages ofAcute Cholecystitis is usually felt over the: EPIGASTRIC

    36.Acute Diverticulosis involving the sigmoid colon, early visceral pain is usually felt over: HYPOGASTRIC

    37. Cause of abdominal distention wherein abnormal intestinal motility is least expected to play a role:a. fecesb. flatusc. fluidd. tumor

    38. Disproportionate pain (more pain, less PE findings) ischemia, biliary ascariasis


    Pallor: vasoconstriction in shockORanemia due to hemorrhage

    40. Sudden change in the pattern of long standing visceral pain to a parietal type in an elderly strongly points to thepossibility of:

    A. Acute pancreatitisB. Biliary ascariasisC. Acute PyelonephritisD. Perforated peptic ulcer ---ito nasa answer keyE. Acute cholecystitis

    *** Evolving pattern (visceral to parietal) acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis pero bat hindi E ang sagot? Or di ko lang alam na correct pala talaga.

    41. Must be considered when pain and fever is heralded by dysuria: PYELONEPHRITIS

    42. Slowly progressive evolving pattern of pain over a long period of time in an elderly is a hallmark manifestation of:MESENTERIC ISCHEMIA

    43. Abruit in the setting ofsevere abdominal pain and shock is suggestive of:AORTIC ANEURYSM

    44. CLINICAL FEATURES OF VOMIT No antecedent nausea CNS origin (tumor) Voluntarily induced gastric outlet obstruction Fecaloid odor intestinal obstruction, ileus, gastric outlet obstruction (with bacterial overgrowth) Succussion splash (clappotage) gastric outlet obstruction Vomiting and pain sequence vomiting first (medical abdomen), pain then vomiting (surgical)

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    45. Bilous Vomitus is at least suggestive of:a. biliary tract diseaseb. acute pancreatitisc. peptic ulcerd. AOTAe. NOTA

    46. A 21 y.o. male medical student came in due to hematochezia and diarrhea of less than 1 week durationassoc. with fever. Most likely diagnosis is:

    a. irritable bowel syndromeb. colonic malignancyc. inflammatory bowel disease

    d. Amebic colitis

    47. A 61y.o. male alcoholic with history ofvomiting of previously ingested food preceding hematemesis. What is the

    most likely cause of hematemesis?a. Gastric malignancyb. Mallory-Weiss Tearc. GERDd. PUD

    MALLORY WEISS TEARS: Tears which are usually on the gastric side of the GE junction Vomiting, retching or coughing preceding hematemesis

    48. Melena ing 21 y.o. male, smoker, with gnawing epigastric pain is most likely due to:a. esophageal varices

    b. GERDc. PUDd. Gastric malignancy


    - endoscopically visualized subepithelial hemorrhages and erosions- mucosal, do not cause major bleeding- ingestion ofNSAIDs, alcohol, stress

    50. A 45 y.o. female w/ history of melena. EGD and colonoscopy revealed unremarkable findings.Most likely source of bleeding is:

    a. Large intestinesb. Small intestinesc. STOMACHd. esophaguse. AOTA

    51. Hematemesis in a 61 y.o. alcoholic meal assoc. withjaundice and ascites is most likely due to:a. PUD

    b. ESOPHAGEAL VARICES *Esophageal Varices: Liver disease, poorer outcomec. GERDd. Gastric malignancye. AOTA

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    52. Hematemesis with early satiety, epigastric pain and weight loss:

    GASTRIC MALIGNANCYusually basta may weight loss.. ung may malignacy na sagot. :))

    53. Most common cause of lower GI bleeding in general population: ANAL FISSURES/HEMORHOID

    54. Hematochezia assoc. with change in bowel habit and weight loss: COLONIC MALIGNANCY

    55. Best way to assess a patient with GI bleeding initially: CHECK HR AND BP

    56, 57, 58, & 59.

    USUAL PRESENTATIONS OF GI BLEEDING: HEMATEMESISVomiting of fresh blood from esophageal varices;

    UGI bleeding above the ligament of treitz

    MELENA - blood has been present in the GI tract for at least 14 hours,more proximal bleeding site

    HEMATOCHEZIA - a lower GI source of bleeding,- massive upper GI bleeding, usually associated with hemodynamic instability

    and dropping haemoglobin- usually due to hemorrhoids

    60. Small amount of GI bleeding which can only be detected by stool chemical testing:a. Hematemesisb. Melena

    c. Hematocheziad. AOTA

    e. NOTA

    *Occult GI bleeding can only be detected by chemical testing.