mediev grad abby

ne of the earliest books on the design of ilie garden was written in ilie ihiiteemh century by the German theologian. Albertus Magnus. Me died in 1280, and the last years of his life were devoted to the composing of a long treatise on the creation of the world according to the account given in Genesis. In ihc course of speculating about the Third Da\ (when all plants were created). AlbcrtUS Magnus discussed the viridarium or green pleasure garden. 1 He saw it as c o mposed of three related spaces, all enclosed by a wall. The first space, located near the castle or mansion, consisted of a terrace with a formal composition of beds of flowers and herbs. This was called the ortus. Below the terrace was a large open rectangular expanse of grass, known as the Piatum. Sometimes there was a pool of water, or a loun-tain, in the center. He had much to say about this lawn, and it was interesting to read that he recommended that it IK - made out of strips of sod or turf, taken from elsewhere, for in the Middle Ages grass seed was not to IK - had. Albertus Magnus advised that it be frequently rolled and cut so that the area could be used for games.  The third space in the viridanum was the Sehatieus or BaSCUS". a grove of trees— beech, linden, elm. ash—provided shade and a degree of seclusion, and protected the rest of (he garden from the north wind. Deer and rabbits and other wild .inimals were often held in the lloxus. Each of these three spaces provided its own kind of pleasure. The ortiis offered the fragrance of herbs and flowers, the fnalum was for informal sociability, ami in the Hotcm the visitor could glimpse the less artificial aspects of nature. They also symboli/cd a tripartite creation, for the Middle Ages had a strong taste for three: the Trinity. God and heaven and the earth, the (in those days) three seasons, and a general belief in the proverb that "all good things come in threes" So the pleasure garden was a microcosm. It was a work of ait, entirely distinct from its workaday surioundiugs and protected by the wall. Allx-rtus Magnus had nothing to say about the gardens of ordinary people, the ne dintre cele mai vechi cărţi despre design de gradina Ilie a fost scrisă în secolul ihiiteemh Ilie de teologul german. Albertus Magnus. Mi-a murit în 1280, iar ultimii ani ai vieţii sale au fost dedicate compus de un tratat lung cu privire la crearea lumii în funcţie de cont dat în Geneza.  În cursul IHC din speculaţii cu privire la a treia Da \ (când toate plantele au fost create).  AlbcrtUS Magnus discutat viridarium sau verde plăcere garden.1 El a văzut cum ¬ com ridicate de trei spatii aferente, toate închisă de un zid. Primul spaţiu, situat în apropierea castelului sau conacul, a constat o terasa cu o compoziţie formală de paturi de flori şi ierburi. Acesta a fost numit ortus. De mai jos pe terasa a fost un mare întindere deschis dreptunghiular de iarbă, cunoscut sub numele de Piatum. Uneori nu a existat un bazin de apă, sau un loun-Tain, în centru. El a avut multe de spus despre acest gazon, şi a fost interesant de citit că el a recomandat ca aceasta IK-a făcut din benzi de SOD sau gazon, luate din altă parte, în Evul Mediu seminţele de iarbă nu a fost la IK-au avut.

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Page 1: Mediev Grad Abby

8/2/2019 Mediev Grad Abby 1/2

ne of the earliest books on the design of ilie garden was written in ilie ihiiteemh century by the

German theologian. Albertus Magnus. Me died in 1280, and the last years of his life were

devoted to the composing of a long treatise on the creation of the world according to the

account given in Genesis.

In ihc course of speculating about the Third Da\ (when all plants were created). AlbcrtUSMagnus discussed the viridarium or green pleasure garden.1 He saw it as composed of three

related spaces, all enclosed by a wall. The first space, located near the castle or mansion,

consisted of a terrace with a formal composition of beds of flowers and herbs. This was called

the ortus. Below the terrace was a large open rectangular expanse of grass, known as the

Piatum. Sometimes there was a pool of water, or a loun-tain, in the center. He had much to say

about this lawn, and it was interesting to read that he recommended that it IK - made out of 

strips of sod or turf, taken from elsewhere, for in the Middle Ages grass seed was not to IK - had.

Albertus Magnus advised that it be frequently rolled and cut so that the area could be used for


 The third space in the viridanum was the Sehatieus or BaSCUS". a grove of trees— beech,

linden, elm. ash—provided shade and a degree of seclusion, and protected the rest of (he

garden from the north wind. Deer and rabbits and other wild .inimals were often held in the


Each of these three spaces provided its own kind of pleasure. The ortiis offered the

fragrance of herbs and flowers, the fnalum was for informal sociability, ami in the Hotcm the

visitor could glimpse the less artificial aspects of nature. They also symboli/cd a tripartite

creation, for the Middle Ages had a strong taste for three: the Trinity. God and heaven and the

earth, the (in those days) three seasons, and a general belief in the proverb that "all good

things come in threes" So the pleasure garden was a microcosm. It was a work of ait, entirely

distinct from its workaday surioundiugs and protected by the wall.

Allx-rtus Magnus had nothing to say about the gardens of ordinary people, the

ne dintre cele mai vechi cărţi despre design de gradina Ilie a fost scrisă în secolulihiiteemh Ilie de teologul german. Albertus Magnus. Mi-a murit în 1280, iar ultimii ani aivieţii sale au fost dedicate compus de un tratat lung cu privire la crearea lumii în funcţie

de cont dat în Geneza. În cursul IHC din speculaţii cu privire la a treia Da \ (când toate plantele au fost create).

 AlbcrtUS Magnus discutat viridarium sau verde plăcere garden.1 El a văzut cum ¬ comridicate de trei spatii aferente, toate închisă de un zid. Primul spaţiu, situat în apropierea

castelului sau conacul, a constat o terasa cu o compoziţie formală de paturi de flori şiierburi. Acesta a fost numit ortus. De mai jos pe terasa a fost un mare întindere deschis

dreptunghiular de iarbă, cunoscut sub numele de Piatum. Uneori nu a existat un bazinde apă, sau un loun-Tain, în centru. El a avut multe de spus despre acest gazon, şi a

fost interesant de citit că el a recomandat ca aceasta IK-a făcut din benzi de SOD saugazon, luate din altă parte, în Evul Mediu seminţele de iarbă nu a fost la IK-au avut.

 Albertus Magnus recomandă ca acesta să fie frecvent laminate şi taie, astfel încât zonaar putea fi folosit pentru jocuri.

 Al treilea spaţiu în viridanum a fost Sehatieus sau BaSCUS "unei livezi de pomi de-fag,tei, ulm.. Cenuşă-umbra oferit şi un grad de izolare, şi protejate de restul (el gradina de

Page 2: Mediev Grad Abby

8/2/2019 Mediev Grad Abby 2/2

vânt de nord. Deer şi iepuri şi alte sălbatice. inimals au fost adesea a avut loc în lloxus.Fiecare dintre aceste trei spaţiile prevăzute fel propriu de placere. Ortiis oferit parfum de

ierburi şi flori, fnalum a fost de sociabilitate informale, AMI în Hotcm vizitator ar puteaarunca o privire la aspectele mai puţin artificială a naturii. Ei au, de asemenea,

simbolice / cd o creaţie tripartite, pentru Evul Mediu a avut un gust puternic pentru trei:Trinity. Dumnezeu şi cerul şi pământul, (în acele zile) trei sezoane, şi o credinţă generală

 în proverbul că "toate lucrurile bune vin în câte trei" Deci, grădină placerea a fost unmicrocosmos. A fost o lucrare de Ait, complet diferite de la surioundiugs sale prozaic şi

protejate de perete. Allx-RTU Magnus nu avea nimic de spus despre grădinile oamenilor obişnuiţi,