meditation for the arctic flyer

Let’s get together this coming Wednesday evening for a meditation to collectively send positive and healing energy to the Arctic region and all of its fauna, flora, and native peoples, so that they may be spared the insane intentions by Shell to drill for oil up there. We want to send strong energy to our political and economic leaders worldwide so that they may listen to the voices of the people and have the wisdom to declare the Arctic region an international Sanctuary to be protected from any type of resource extraction, just as is the case with the Antarctic region. As the Arctic ice cover continues to diminish year after year due to the effects of global warming, this once pristine and naturally protected region of the world is about to be exploited by the likes of Shell Oil. This cash- rich company, who loves to advertise its friendly face, happens to have two 20-year-old oil rigs in Seattle. The rigs are about to head out to the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, called the “nursery of the planet”--for whales, seabirds, polar bears, and many other species, including salmon that are migrating northward as seas warm. The effects of Climate Change on the Arctic region are a huge warning sign for us that we need to change our ways. Humans must transition to cleaner sources of energy; and to more sustainably based economies. But instead, reckless profiteers are in a hurry to extract fossil fuels and other resources from this harsh yet fragile region, putting it at grave risk of irreparable damage from oil spills and toxic pollution, and increasing the overall effects of climate change worldwide by the burning of these additional stocks of fossil fuels. The Arctic is affected by Climate Change at twice the rate as the rest of the world. Pier 62/63 is just and north of the new waterfront Ferris wheel by the Aquarium. We’ll begin gathering at the Pier around 7PM and start the meditation at 7:30PM, ending at 8:30. We will sit at the southwest edge of the Pier, in a semi-circle manner, facing the Shell oil rigs docked on Harbor Island, across Elliot Bay. Bring your own cushion or seating and also your re-usable water bottle. Public restrooms are available at the nearby ferry docks. Dress for the weather, which for now is expected to be dry on Wednesday. Contact Rick Harlan [email protected] , Denis Martynowych [email protected] , or Carlo Voli [email protected] for more information. Or look for the “Meditation for the Arctic” event page on Facebook .

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Let’s get together this coming Wednesday evening for a meditation to collectively send positive and healing energy to the Arctic region and all of its fauna, flora, and native peoples, so that they may be spared the insane intentions by Shell to drill for oil up there. We want to send strong energy to our political and economic leaders worldwide so that they may listen to the voices of the people and have the wisdom to declare the Arctic region an international Sanctuary to be protected from any type of resource extraction, just as is the case with the Antarctic region. As the Arctic ice cover continues to diminish year after year due to the effects of global warming, this once pristine and naturally protected region of the world is about to be exploited by the likes of Shell Oil. This cash-rich company, who loves to advertise its friendly face, happens to have two 20-year-old oil rigs in Seattle. The rigs are about to head out to the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, called the “nursery of the planet”--for whales, seabirds, polar bears, and many other species, including salmon that are migrating northward as seas warm. The effects of Climate Change on the Arctic region are a huge warning sign for us that we need to change our ways. Humans must transition to cleaner sources of energy; and to more sustainably based economies. But instead, reckless profiteers are in a hurry to extract fossil fuels and other resources from this harsh yet fragile region, putting it at grave risk of irreparable damage from oil spills and toxic pollution, and increasing the overall effects of climate change worldwide by the burning of these additional stocks of fossil fuels. The Arctic is affected by Climate Change at twice the rate as the rest of the world.

Pier 62/63 is just and north of the new waterfront Ferris wheel by the Aquarium. We’ll begin gathering at the Pier around 7PM and start the meditation at 7:30PM, ending at 8:30. We will sit at the southwest edge of the Pier, in a semi-circle manner, facing the Shell oil rigs docked on Harbor Island, across Elliot Bay. Bring your own cushion or seating and also your re-usable water bottle. Public restrooms are available at the nearby ferry docks. Dress for the weather, which for now is expected to be dry on Wednesday.

Contact Rick Harlan [email protected] , Denis Martynowych [email protected] , or Carlo Voli  [email protected] for more information. 

Or look for the “Meditation for the Arctic” event page on Facebook.