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  • 7/28/2019 Meditation on The


    Meditation on the

    Chakra Petal


    Creation occurred due to the first sound Aum. The universe and everything in it is condensed

    energy, that energy is vibrating and all has sound. The body itself is sound, called sabda inSanskrit. The body can be recreated with sound as many modern technologies are now tappinginto. In the ancient Puranas (sacred story texts), there are elaborate stories of the creation of theworld, this is called Shristi Karana. Meditating on the bijas (seed sounds) of the chakra petals isalso called Shristi Karana, for it is the recreation of the body through sabda (sound).

    (1) First step is to worship the Guru and Paramguru. Those who dont have one can do themantra Aum Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah [1] 108 times while meditating on the crown,imagining golden radiant light coming into the crown and light sitting on the head. The Gurusgrace rests on the head. (2) Next pranayama can be done.

    (3) Meditate on the third eye chakra, bringing the awareness there. (4) If one knows the Agninavakshari mantra it can be done 21 times (5) followed by the Chaitanya mantra. (6) Then onecan do their parampara mantra [2] to stabilize the five aspects of the mind and make it peaceful.

    (7) When the mind has become stable andpeaceful one begins with the throat chakra. It contains 16 petals with the vowels of the Sanskrit

    alphabet. A knowledge of Sanskrit alphabet and its pronunciation is very helpful.aM, M, iM, M, uM, M, M M lM lM eM aiM oM auM aM aM

    Some traditions use Aum (the akshara + M) namah. So it would go Aum aM Namah, AumaaM Namah, etc.

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    (8) Next the petals of the heart chakra are

    visualized with the first twelve consonants of theSanskrit alphabet.

    kaM, khaM, gaM, ghaM, aM, caM, chaM, jaM,jhaM, aM, aM, haM

    (9) Then the petals of the navel chakra arevisualized with the next 10 letters.

    aM, haM, aM, taM, thaM, daM, dhaM,naM, paM, phaM

    (10) The Svadhisthana (2nd chakra) has 6 petals.

    baM, bhaM, maM, yaM, raM, laM

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    (11) The root chakra has four petals and is oftenvisualized as parrallel to the ground.

    vaM, aM, aM, saM

    Next the Kundalini is raised from the root to the top to create the two petals of the third eye. SriAchyuta Das teaches that each chakra has a different shakti, and we go through and pray to each.In South India there is Tirupati, the place of the 7 hills, which are considered a pilgrimage place.These 7 hills reside within the body, and all the gods reside within the body. The root chakra isthe abode of Ganesh with his wives Vriddhi and Siddhi. He (the son) is always worshipped

    before seeking the Mother (Kundalini), he is the gaurdian of the doorway and prepares theKundalini for rising. (12) Ganesh is worshipped with various mantras like Aum GaMGanapataye Namah or Siddhi Rastu.

    (13) The mountain is climbed by cleaning the bhutas (elements). The prithvi (earth) bija mantrais used at this point. LaM purifies the earth element and gets us ready to move to the 2ndchakra. Bhuta shuddhi (purification of the element) is reccomended to do between chakras not inthe chakra itself. Earth rules the space between the root and 2nd chakra, water rules the spacebetween the 2nd and third chakra, etc.

    (14) In the second chakra Kamadev and Rati are worshipped, (15) then vaM bija is done

    ascending to the next chakra. (16) Brahma and Saraswati are worshipped in the nabhi chakra,(17) then raM bija is used for agni bhuta shuddhi (purification of the fire element).

    In the heart lotus dwells the Ishta Devata, the personal form of the liberating deity. This is oftenone of the avatars of Visnu, (according to the 12 th house from Karakamsa). (18) One is to dwellin the heart lotus, where one can realize themself. (19) Mantra of the Ishta devata is to be done inGyatri, or a mala mantra, but nothing shorter than a dwadaksari mantra [3]. The bija of the Ishtacan be established in the heart, in this way it wil always protect the practitioner. Then takepermission to visit the Guru, send me to the Guru so that I may have your gati. (20) Then riseto the throat chakra with yaM bija purifying the air element.

    The 5 th chakra is the residence of Shiva and Parvati. Gati, direction, is in the feet of Shiva andParvati. It is the Mother that gives gati, our direction in life. (21) Do the coreect mantras to themand you will speak the truth. Patanjali says those who always speak the truth, everything they saycomes true. (22) Rise to the ajna chakra with the akash bija haM. (23) Worship or meditateupon Agni, the god of fire (one can use raM bija if they dont know anything else). This purifiesyou of all sins and prepares you to be with th eIshta Devata. (23) Meditate with the third eyepetals haM and ksaM.

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    (24) Rise up to the crown to visit the paramguru/Sadashiva. The body should become cool andcalm. Depending on ones parampara (tradition of yoga), reside in at the crown or return to theheart lotus and reside with the Ishta Devata. The Ishta is now beyond form, nirankara. Form wascreated by Maya (illusion), but is removed after the blessing of the Guru.

    [1] Vyasadeva (also called Vedavyasa) is the compiler of the Vedas. He is an archetypalparamguru who represents the compiling, harnessing, and application of knowledge. Invokinghim is invoking gurus grace, which is the asking for yourself to be in harmony with the universeso you can open to universal truth. One can also invoke their personal paramguru of theirlineage, or use a traditional Shiva mantra.[2] Parampara mantra is the traditional mantra that is used in ones lineage. One can also use adiksa (initiation) mantra if they dont have a lineage. Or one can use traditional mantras likeAum Namah Sivaya or Hare Rama Krsna etc.[3] Dwadakshari mantras are mantras that have 12 syllables. Ishta mantras often have 12

    syllables, as Rshi Parashara said in the Visnu Purana that those who do the 12 syllable mantra ofVasudev never return (and he was the most famous astrologer, one who would have suchknowledge). The Ishta is also seen in the 12 th house from karakamsa so it is activated by 12syllable mantras. The Ishta Devata is revealed to one after much tapas has been done and is theguiding light, protecting deity, liberating energy of the soul.

    Freedom Cole

    Freedom lives half the yeain India and abroad, the other half in the USA teaching classes andworkshops on Yoga and Jyotisha. He is also available for private instruction in Yoga, meditation,Ayurvedic diet and herbal consultations, and Vedic Astrology Readings.

    Robert Svoboda, Aghora II p152Speech issimply the verbal expression of Kundalini. Thisis why the lotuses of the chakras have BijaMantras for petals, and why mantras are soimportant for awakening Kundalini.

    Hatha Yoga PradipikaIn the middle of theeyebrows is the place of Siva, there the mind isquiescent. That state is known as turiya or thefourth dimension. There, time is unknown.IV.48

    Agni Purana [ve ih pr< tp> svRpapih.5.AaE,l< ipbeTs svERStu papEvER ivmuCyte.6.

    raave hi para brahma tajjapasarvappahi||5||

    aukraatajapta tu nbhimatrodakasthita|

    ala pibetsa sarvaistu ppairvaivipramucyate||6||

    The praava mantra is held identical with thesupreme Brahma and a repetitionof such a mantra is sure to expiate a man of all

    Siva Purana` u< iizoayE bpayE Svahadi][e mXye %re c

    om ru triikhyai bahurupyai svh (dakiemadhye uttare ca)` Stu< ihr{yayE Svaha @zaNyEom stu hirayyai svh (eenyai)` u< knkayE Svaha puvRSyaMom bru kanakyai svh (purvasym)` u< rayE Svaha AeyaMom ru raktyai svh (gneym)
  • 7/28/2019 Meditation on The


    sins.A man living on haviya diet each day repeatingthe mantra a hundred thousand times,is sure to attain salvation. A man standing inwaist deep water and repeating the praava

    mantra a hundred times, should drink draughtsof consecrated water, whereby he would bepurgedoff of all 'impieties'.-Dutt, M.N. trans, Agni Purana, chapter 259

    ` pu< k:[ayE Svaha nE\RTyaMom pu kyai svh (nairtym)` F+< suayE Svaha pimayaMom hru suprabhyai svh (pacimym)` < miayE Svaha vayVye,

    om dru marujjihvyai svh (vyavye)|

    Plain cosmetics

    "Dosh Shristi mein nahi drishti mein hai" There is no problem in existence, the problem is inyour perspective

    Friday, December 31, 2010

    Who am I? (part 22) Chakra activation

    In the last blog, we had an overview of the chakras and discussed its transformational value. Today, let

    us look at some of the principles of spiritual growth using chakras to purify the body, open the

    blockages, balance the body and energize it. While I cannot share my practice - I would recommend that

    anyone interested in personal evolution should learn some practices like yantra, mantra, tantra and

    yoga practices for chakra bhedan (opening). I shall just attempt to explain the principles of chakra

    cleansing, balancing and energizing using yantra (visualizing colors and shapes), mantra (uttering ofsounds) and tantra (techniques of action). We shall look at the seven main chakras and then describe

    them one by one.
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    Please note that energy follows awareness. For example, pain is a demand for energy - because once

    there is pain in body, the brain sends more energy to that spot hence healing it faster. Every life is full of

    innumerable examples of being aware of some problem, putting our energies there and solving them.

    Therefore, by visualizing and hence being aware of the chakras, nadis and other energy parts of the

    body, we automatically send energy there to open blockages and energizing them.

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    Meaning : Foundation / Root Element : Earth Action : Grounding Mindset : SelfAspects: Food and

    shelter Guna: Tamas Yoga: Hatha

    Yantra : Muladhar can be visualized as a rotating vortex of energy with four petals which are the four

    nadis coming in carrying energy from the legs, feet, bones and the large intestines. The colour of this

    slowest of the chakras is Red (remember that the seven chakras correspond to the division of the

    white light into VIBGYOR colors, with muladhar being the slowest, thus being Red). The symbolic animal

    for this earth chakra is an elephant and its deity is Ganesh. This deity is designed to symbolise all aspects

    of muladhar with its earthy look, vermilion colour, shape, elephant head and square structure - if one

    knows the correct procedure for any chakra meditation, then one can actually see the deity before their

    eyes. Because it is the first chakra and denotes the beginning of evolution, Ganesh or Ganapati is also

    prayed whenever any new work is commenced including spiritual sadhana. That's the starting point. It

    also contains the symbol of the kundalini as the kundalini is situated below the spinal cord.

    Mantra: The four alphabets on the petals correspond to the vibratory frequency of the four nadis

    coming in from the physical body, namely vang, shang, Kshang and sang. The main frequency or

    Bija mantra of the muladhar chakra is "Lam". Uttering these mantras in a certain format and in a certain

    phonetic style, stimulates the chakra.

    Practices: There are teachers and gurus who teach the correct techniques of stimulating the chakras

    using visualization, puja, havans and mantras, also called kriya kands. There are various yogic practices

    held to incite the energy in Muladhara including: asanas (such as Garudasana, Shashankasana,

    Siddhasana); nosetip gazing, and specific pranayamas; and most importantly the practice of mula

    bandha the contraction of the perineum., which awakens kundalini

    Foods : Meat, proteins, onions, garlic, beans, nuts, dairy products releases adrenal gland. Red food

    beet, red meat, red wine are good. Being a root chakra food grown below the soil is good for


    General : People who are predominantly of Muladhar constitution are good in health, fit and fond of

    heavy food. They are too self oriented, insecure, stable, grounded, pessimists, instinctual, violent with

    great survival instincts. Animals are predominantly of Muladhar.

    The first chakra is connected with psychological abilities, ensuring survival, protection of an individual.

    Its proper functioning gives confidence and stability. The lack of balance leads to the weak will, self-

    consciousness, sadness, depression. Such people cannot find the goal in their lives, lack roots and are

    preoccupied with satisfying their own bestial needs.

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    SWADHISTHANA CHAKRA (Sacral)Meaning : Home of selfElement : Water Action : Comfort Mindset : Enjoyment Aspects: Procreation

    Guna : Tamas Yoga: Tantra

    Yantra : Swadhisthana is the next chakra with six different nadis entering and visualized as a rotating

    vortex of energy with six petals carrying energy from womb, genitals, kidney, bladder and lower back.

    The shape of the chakra is a crescent of the moon, because being a water chakra, it is affected by the

    moon The colour of this chakra is Orange. The symbolic animal for this water chakra is a Crocodile,

    which is an amphibian connected to the earth as well as water. Moving with the water, it depicts the

    sensuous nature of a second chakra person. Its deity is Vishnu the lord of preservation.

    Mantra: The six alphabets on the petals correspond to the vibratory frequency of the nadis coming in

    from the physical body, namely bang, bhang, mang, yang, rang and lang . The Bija mantra of

    the swadhisthana chakra is Vam". Uttering these mantras in a certain format and in a certain phonetic

    style, stimulates the chakra.

    Practices : There are teachers and gurus who teach the correct techniques of stimulating the chakras

    using visualization, puja, havans and mantras, also called kriya kands. Practices for controlling and

    balancing the energy in Swadhisthana chakra include vajroli mudra ( contraction of the genitals ), ashvini

    mudra ( contraction of the anus ) and various asanas and pranayamas.

    Foods : Juices, soups, water, drinks, alcohol. Orange foods like carrot, oranges, sweet lime are good.

    General : People who are predominantly of Swadhisthana constitution are reasonably good in health, fit
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    and fond of liquid food. They are interested in comfort and luxury with a nature of disdain, delusion and

    suspicion. They have a feeling of all-destructiveness, affection and pitilessness. The desire for physical

    sensations and mental fantasies accompanied by restlessness and confusion. The person of second

    chakra predominance loves entertainment and fantasy and is full of jealousy, mercy, envy and joy.

    A properly functioning Svadhishthana is connected with such psychological features as patience,

    stamina and self-confidence. The lack of balance results in frustration, worry and fear.

    MANIPURA CHAKRA (Solar Plexus)

    Meaning : Home of gems Element : Fire Action : Recognition Mindset : Competitive Aspects: Ego /

    family Guna : Rajas Yoga : Karma

    Yantra : Manipura is the next chakra with ten different nadis entering and visualized as a rotating vortex

    of energy with ten petals carrying energy from the digestive system, liver and gall bladder. The shape of

    the chakra is an inverted triangle, symbolizing a fire rising. The colour of this chakra is Yellow. The

    symbolic animal for this chakra is a Ram, the vehicle of Agni, the fire god. It depicts the nature of a third

    chakra person strong and charges with the head. Its deity is Rudra a primal form of Shiva seated on

    tiger skin (depicting the mind).

    Mantra: The ten alphabets on the petals correspond to the vibratory frequency of the nadis coming in

    from the physical body. The Bija Mantra of the manipura chakra is Ram". Uttering these mantras in a

    certain format while meditating on the navel and in a certain phonetic style, stimulates the chakra.

    When repeated in proper manner, the sound increases digestive power, powers of assimilation and

    absorption and brings longevity.
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    Practices : There are teachers and gurus who teach the correct techniques of stimulating the chakras

    using visualization, puja, havans and mantras, also called kriya kands. Different practices for arousing

    and balancing the energies of Manipura include various asanas which work on that part of the body,

    pranayama, Uddiyana bandha (exhaling and pulling back and up of the abdomen and diaphragm

    respectively) and agnisara kriya (practicing jalandhara bandha and moving the abdomen in and out), as

    well as the practice of Nauli (stomach churning), and a pranayama called the union of prana and apana,

    where the lower and higher winds are made to unite together.

    Foods : Starch, carbohydrates, sugar, sweets, caffeine. In the endocrine system, Manipura is said to be

    associated with the pancreas, and the outer adrenal cortex. These glands create important hormones

    involved in digestion, converting food into energy for the body. Yellow food like lemon are good.

    General : Some of the characteristics of people of this chakra are spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy,

    treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness and sadness. Manipura is considered the centre of

    dynamism, energy, willpower and achievement. It is associated with the power of fire, and digestion. It

    is also associated with the sense of sight, and the action of movement.

    The proper functioning of the third chakra ensures the following psychological features: decisiveness,

    independent behavioral motivations, personal energy, strong will bright individuality. Imbalanced

    Manipura may result in nervousness, lack of confidence, avidity, and complex of guilt.
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    ANAHATA CHAKRA (Heart)Meaning : Unstruck Element : Air Action : Love Mindset : Charity Aspects: Balance Guna : Rajas or

    sattva Yoga: Bhakti

    Yantra : Anahata is the next chakra with twelve different nadis entering and visualized as a rotating

    vortex of energy with twelve petals carrying energy from the lungs, heart, circulatory system, arms and

    hands. The shape of the chakra are two triangles one straight and one inverted, symbolizing balance and

    the male and female aspects in harmony. The colour of this chakra is Green. The symbolic animal for this

    earth chakra is an antelope. It depicts the nature of anahata chakra person aware, sensitive and

    nimble. Its deity is Ishana Rudra Shiva a detached form of Shiva wearing a tiger skin (depicting the


    Mantra: The ten alphabets on the petals correspond to the vibratory frequency of the nadis coming in

    from the physical body. The main frequency of the anahata chakra is Yam". Uttering these mantras in acertain format while meditating on the navel and in a certain phonetic style, stimulates the chakra.

    When repeated in proper manner, the sound vibrates in the heart and opens up minor blockages.

    Practices : There are teachers and gurus who teach the correct techniques of stimulating the chakras

    using visualization, puja, havans and mantras, also called kriya kands. Anahata is awoken and balanced

    through practices including asanas, pranayama, and the practice of ajapa japa (repetition of a sacred

    mantra). It is purified through the process of bhakti (devotion).

    Foods : Vegetables, green leafy vegetables gives the body a balanced hygiene and is good for anahata.

    Music, scenery fulfill anahata.

    General : This encompasses good tendencies, sanctity, balance and good consciousness. Full of love,

    faith, bhakti and trust. To beware of sleep, dullness, laziness, anger and cruelty. Generally happy,

    playful, joyous people.

    Properly functioning heart chakra gives such features as love, compassion, friendliness, responsibility.

    When it lacks balance a person becomes insensitive, emotionally closed, passive, stuck in sadness and


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    Meaning : Pure Element : Ether Action : Creativity Mindset : Communication Aspects: Knowledge Guna: Rajas or sattva Yoga: Mantra

    Yantra : Vishuddha is the next chakra with sixteen different nadis entering and visualized as a rotating

    vortex of energy with petals carrying energy from the throat, ears, mouth, shoulder and neck. The shape

    of the chakra is a silver crescent the lunar symbol of pure sound. , The colour of this chakra is Blue. The

    symbolic animal for this earth chakra is the elephant Gaja the lord of herbivorous animals depicting

    patience, memory and synchronicity with nature. Its deity Panchavaktra Shiva a five headed

    symbolizing Aghora (ether), Ishana (water), Mahadeva (earth), Sada shiva (Air) and Rudra (fire) depicting

    fearlessness, dissolution of all elements into one union.

    Mantra: The sixteen alphabets on the petals correspond to the vibratory frequency of the nadis coming

    in from the physical body. The main frequency of the chakra is Hmm". Uttering these mantras in a

    certain format vibrates the brain and causes the cerebral spinal fluid to flow into the throat and improve

    the tonal quality of the voice.

    Practices : There are teachers and gurus who teach the correct techniques of stimulating the chakras

    using visualization, puja, havans and mantras, also called kriya kands. Vishuddha can be opened and

    balanced through practices including asanas (such as shoulder-stand), pranayama, jalandhara bandh

    (throat lock), and most importantly the Khechari mudra (pushing the tongue up the opening). This

    chakra can be cleaned/opened by meditation and also by practicing singing or playing instrumental


    Foods : Fruits.

    General : One who enters this chakra becomes a master of his self. This encompasses psychic energy,

    clairvoyance and non-verbal communications. it is associated with higher discrimination, and it is
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    associated with creativity and self-expression. When Vishuddha is closed, we undergo decay and death.

    When it is open, negative experience is transformed into wisdom and learning. The success and failure

    in one's life depends upon the state of this chakra (polluted/clean). Guilty feeling is the most prominent

    reason for this chakra; to block the Kundalini Energy moving upwards.

    The proper functioning of the fifth chakra manifests in such features of psyche as communicativeness,

    expression high creative potential, inspiration. If it lacks balance a tendency to obsessive ideas occurs,

    expression is missing, and behavior becomes stereotypic.

    AJNA CHAKRA (Third eye)

    Meaning : Perception Element : Light Action : Intuition Mindset : Humanity Aspects: Spends life for

    others Guna : Sattva Yoga: Yantra

    Yantra : Ajna is the next chakra with ninety six different nadis entering from two sides in bunches of 48

    each and visualized as a rotating vortex of energy with petals carrying energy from the eyes, base of

    skull, brow etc. The two petals symbolize the end of dualism, or the two worlds - manifest and

    unmanifest or denotes the two nadis that meet here - ida and pingala. The colour of this chakra is

    Indigo. Its deity Ardhanareshwar a half-female and half-male form of Shiva - Shakti, symbolizes the left

    and right brain activity union.

    Mantra: "Aum" or "Om" is the Bija(seed) mantra which is the drone of the person's body itself. The

    mean sound from the nadis coming in from the two sides are "Hum" and "Kshum".

    Practices : There are teachers and gurus who teach the correct techniques of stimulating the chakras

    using visualization, puja, havans and mantras, also called kriya kands. Different practices are said to

    stimulate the Ajna chakra, including Trataka (steady gazing), Shambhavi Mudra (gazing at the space

    between the eyebrows), and some forms of Pranayama (breath exercises).This chakra can be

    cleaned/opened by meditating on Aum.

    Foods : Ganja, Grass, Herb, Marijuana, Weed, Incense etc.
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    General : Ajna is associated with the third eye on the forehead. It is sometimes associated with the

    pineal gland, and sometimes with the pituitary gland. The Pituitary Gland is considered as the master

    gland of all endocrine glands, whose secretions control all the other endocrine glands. The third eye is

    the conscience. It enhances the development of psychic abilities - clairaudience, clairvoyance etc. Being

    the connecting point of the three main nadis - ida, pingala and sushumana, it goes beyond the routine of

    day-to-day life and has an overview of existence and a person with an active ajna chakra will spend his

    life serving humanity.

    The normal functioning of this chakra activates intellect and psychic abilities, imagination, possibility of

    bright visualization.Imbalance of the sixth chakra makes concentration more difficult, mind stiff,

    communicativeness bad, can provoke schizophrenia. Its malfunctioning may be the reason of head


    SAHASRARA CHAKRA (Crown)Meaning : Thousandfold Element : Thought Action :Understanding Mindset : Bliss Aspects: Is in communion with the highest energies Guna : Sattva Yoga:

    Jnana or knowledge

    Yantra : Sahasrara is described with 1,000 multi-coloured petals which are arranged in 20 layers each of

    them with 50 petals. The pericarp is golden, and inside of it is a circular moon region, inside of which is

    an downward pointing triangle. Thousands of nadis out of the 72000 nadis come together here from the

    cerebral cortex and the central nervous system. During the concentration on the seventh chakra it can

    be visualized as the amaranth or purple spot. It corresponds with the highest unincarnated in form being

    Paramashiva. As the higher being Paramashiva contains non-differetiated male and female elements.

    That is why images of male and female gods are missing in the meditation on Sahasrara.

    Mantra: 50 in number in each layer: Ang to L(rh)ang or Kshang, arranged from right to left. As the
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    highest chakra Sahasrara does not have the sound mantra, yet it is connected with the subtle vibration

    of mantra OM that cannot be heard.

    Practices : There are teachers and gurus who teach the correct techniques of stimulating the chakras

    using visualization, puja, havans and mantras, also called kriya kands. This chakra can be

    cleaned/opened by visualizing the Shri Yantra.

    Foods : Fasting

    General : Sahasrara chakra is the highest frequency chakra and symbolizes detachment from illusion; an

    essential element in obtaining supramental higher consciousness of the truth that one is all and all is

    one. When a yogi is able to raise his or her kundalini, energy of consciousness, up to this point, the state

    of Samdhi, or union with God, is experienced. Meditating on this point is said to bring about the

    siddhis, or occult powers, of transforming into the divine, and being able to do whatever one wishes.

    The seventh chakra is believed to be the center connected with higher spiritual level. The opening of this

    chakra removes all limits of space and time.

    The properly functioning seventh chakra is associated with ability for enlightenment, universal love,

    contact with universal mind, having universal energy. If it lacks balance depression, isolation, worry,

    psychosis and more serious psychic diseases can occur.

    Posted bymayank gandhi at2:34 PM


    1.ManaanJanuary 1, 2011 at 6:57 PM

    very well explained dad... very concise and yet explains the chakras very well...


    2.AnonymousJanuary 16, 2011 at 9:59 AM

    this is the best explanation i have read about the chakras so far. Very interesting to see theprogressive connection to the colours, the elements, the glands, the type of yogas, eventhe sounds associated with each - from the gross to the subtle as we go top. Alsointeresting was the 'actions' associated with each chakra. I wonder if Maslow 'borrowed'his theory of needs from this. :)
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    3.Jaky AstikAugust 13, 2011 at 10:53 AM

    Hey, thanks. Shivyog anyone?


    4.AnonymousOctober 21, 2011 at 4:02 AM

    The image is confusing me with 8 chackras is confusing me!


    5.AnonymousNovember 17, 2011 at 3:52 PM

    Thanks Sir ..Very well explained ... Rgds NY


    6.AnonymousDecember 2, 2011 at 2:37 PM

    Superb explaination!! I have taken out a print out of this...... one of the best explainationever read...... THANKS !!


    7.AnonymousDecember 27, 2011 at 3:22 AM

    A very nice explanation. Keep on sharing with others. Thanks you. Om shanti
  • 7/28/2019 Meditation on The



    8.AnonymousAugust 11, 2012 at 5:52 PM

    very very thanks


    9.AnonymousOctober 21, 2012 at 3:28 AM

    Good explanation. However, extreme caution should be observed by those seeking toprogress beyond the 5th. The 6th is especially dangerous and the 7th can result inextremes - "extreme" evil - powerful, dangerous evil ... a "snake" or a "rishi".. This is the"deva" or "asura" aspect.. the 3 worlds. We have the power of choice - most humans livein the material world - "root" chakra.. 2nd level onwards - you have to follow the rightpath - "light" or "good" or "deva" and the converse. This is the choice that is available toall beings that are conscious of this "free will" or "choice" available. My 2 c.. on this


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