meeting of students


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but after the door of the theatre was smash-ed, and some other parts were damaged, thepolice succeeded in clearing the premisesfrom the enemy. It was said, that only oneSt. Thomas’s student took part in the affray,but that gentleman’s threat to " dash out thebrains " of any one who should dare to op-pose the porters, was prevented from execu-tion by a stalwart pinning of his arms, frombehind, by one of the bystanders. Mr.TRAVERs and Mr. TYRRELL appeared in thepell-mell to aid the police, but none of theirdirections could be heard amid the confu-sion, and they departed much chagrined atthe state of affairs, returning, however, withthe new division, and giving orders whichmust have led to very bloody work, hadthey been followed. The police, however,acted with great caution and forbearance,replying to Mr. TRAVERS that " they had noorders from their inspector to use violence."A ludicrous event occurred in the outer-

square of the hospital at the close of theaffray. Some person, slightly resemblingSir ASTLEY COOPER in appearance, was inthe act of passing through the public tho-roughfare, when he was mistaken by thestudents for the worthy baronet, and underan impression that Sir ASTLEY—being ac-,cidentally at Guy’s-had heard of the con-flict, and had come to the assistance of theGuy’s men, a general cheering was com-menced, which so alarmed the passenger-who proved to be a venerable old gentleman,only resembling what might have been a‘ remain" of Sir ASTLEY,—that he suddenlytook to his heels, and fled as fast as his legswould permit. The circumstance quite re-stored the good humour of the party. Ninestudents, however, were persuaded by thepolice to go to the station-house to givetheir names and addresses.On the evening of the same day, just

before Mr. KEY entered the theatre at Guy’sHospital to deliver his lecture on surgery,one of the students; who were present pro-posed, that after the lecture a meetingshould be held to consider ’’ the best meansto be adopted on occasion of the late out-rageous conduct of the oflicers at St. Tho-mas’s." At the conclusion of this proposalMr. KEY entered the theatre, and was londlycheered, as it was understood that he wasof the Guy’s party. He said, that " he wasat a loss to infer how it happened that hebad met with so nattering a reception, thoughhe understood that au outrage had beencommitted at St. Thomas’s that day, bysome party or other, which he did not know,as he had not made enquiry, but he wascertain that if complaint was directed to theproper quarter, the grievance would be im-mediately redressed. After lecture lir.KEY called from his seat one of the gentle-men (a dresser of Guy’s) who had beenejected from St. Thomas’s in the morning,and from the facts stated to him Mr. K.

evidently was inclined to think that the

authorities of the hospital had far over-

stepped the bounds of propriety: and, in fact,he stated in the theatre, that when thosegentlemen who were summoned to appearat Union-Hall attended before the magis-trates, he should also be there to protectthem against any unjust advantage whichthe opposite party might take of them. Be.fore the meeting separated, it was unani.mously agreed that the students of Guy’sand Grainger’s should defray any expensethat might be incurred in defending theirfellow-students who had been cited at theinstigation of the porters and surgeons ofSt. Thomas’s to appear at the bar. Afterthis the meeting, which filled the theatre,quietly dispersed. On the next morning apaper was laying at the hospital for thenames of subscribers to the fund, and byMonday morning a large sum was enteredin the list. It was on that day generallyreported that the surgeons and students oft. Thomas’s were about to petition that theunion between the two hospitals might bedissolved.

MEETING OF STUDENTS.Since the above account was in type we

have received the following report:-On Monday e enin the meeting of stu.

dents of Guy’s Hospital was held in t,,i-,Great Room of the Three .’f’u.tzs Tavern,Borough, to consider the cireumstances connected with the disturbance on Friday, andadopt measures to vindicate themselves andtheirfrienc1s, from the charges broughtagainstthem for their conduct ùll that occasion.Although notice of the meeting was not givenbefore half-past four o’clock ia the after-noon of the same day, not less than 150students had assembled at eight o’clock.On the motion of Mr. LEVER, seconded byMr. KNOWLES, Mr. BLACKBURN was called tothe chair.Mr. BLACKBURN said he felt much honoured

by the invitation to preside on that impor-tant occasion ; in consequence of the dis-

turbance at St. Thomas’s, warrants hadbeen issued against three of their fellow.students, three whom E,il knew to be dis-tinguished for their gentlemanly mannersand behaviour. (Cheers.) Believing thecharges against them to be without founda-tion, the students at Guy’s had rcsohed toprepare evidence oil the subject, well con-vinced that a fair examination would fullyrebut the charges, and reflect them back notheir accusers. (Great applause.) The meet-ing was purely one of business, and hetrusted that he should be understood to

express the sentiments of the three who were chiefly interested, when heentreated that brevity and harmony mightprevail in the proceedings. Such plans hadbeen drawn up, with the full concurrence ofthose gentlemen, as they thought best calcu.



tated tu attain the common object, to prevent reality, a question, whether the pupils oftime from being needlessly lost in discussion. Guy’s should avail themselves of privilegesIn order to set an example vf brevity himself, to which they were entitled at St. Thomas’s-he should now conclude by calling on Mr. without interruption or insult. (C/tccr.?.)TWTEDIE to propose the first resolution. This question did not affect one or two in-(Applause.) dividuals, but the school at large, at rvktichMr. TWEEDIE said, he identifted himself the stigma of misconduct had been levelledwith pleasure with those who had so lately by some of the otlicers of St. Thomas’s ; forbeen his fellow-students, to whom he was from the moment that the pupils of St.bound by ties of friendship, and many plea- Thomas’s had been desired by Mr. Southsaut recollections. He was persuaded that (loud groans,) to separate themselves fromthe students of Guy’s Hospital had been the pupils at Guy’s, it was clear that theunwarrantably treated by the door-keepers, imputation was cast on the whole, and theand others placed in a little brief authority odium and nrislxehar-iour. (if any), was at-at St. Thomas’s. (Great applause.) It was tempted to be removecl from the shouldersin accordance with the usual custom and of the few, to the b,;dy of the school atundoubted right of the Guy’s students that large. The events which had taken placethat they attended at the intended operations at St. Thomas’s this very day fully justifiedonfriday, and having upon iarriieroccasioiis him in this assertion, for a cry had beensustained inconvenience from the insolent raised there for a total separation of thebehaviol1r of the porters, (hear, hear,) they two hospitals, fortified, perhaps, by a senseon this occasion took care to be provided of the benefits which they had alreadywith their cards of admission. Two of the reaped by shutting out this establishmentdressers of Guy’s were proceeding to their from a participation in the emoluments ofproper seats, having shown their tickets, theirs. (Chen’s.) He was farther surprisedwhen they were wantonly assailed, and at the unceremonious rejection which onerudely pulled about, by two menials, in the of the accused gentlemen had experiencedgarb of porters, stationed within the theatre. when he afterwards went over to the stewardWhen these gentlemen remonstrated a dis- of St. Thomas’s, with an anxious desire tot,irbaiice took place, and their friends at the afford such explanation as should effect anouter-door imagining that personal violence amicable adjustment of what had occurred.was being inflicterl, burst open the door, and The object of the resolution which he hadrushed to their rescue. An unjust charge now to propose, was to obtain evidence inof assault was then brought against the two vindication of the accused students, undergentlemen already mentioned, and a third, legal advice, at the judicial investigation.who was not in the hospital at the time, was (Cheers.) Nobody denied that confusion hadsummoned for breaking down the door. He occurred; every body regretted it; but thebelieved that no di’nculty would be found gentlemen against whom the present chargesin disproving that the assault and whole were brought, were, in reality, first rudelyconsequent disturbance originated in the assaulted, and then they naturally resentedconduct of those who now audaciously such treatment. No three gentlemen couldadded false accusations to brutal violence. have been selected from the school upon(Great cheering.) Believing the students of whom the imputation could have been

Hu)’s, generally, to be identifted in these aflixed with a truer primâ facie evidence ofproceedings, he with much pleasure moved its untruth. Each of them were distin-

the following resolution:- guished in the school for general propriety’’That the students of Guy’s Hospital, of demeanour. (Immense applause.) Mr.

having understood that certain charges aris- Gaselee added,= I am not aware that theing out of the recent disturbance in the conduct of the porters at St. Thomas’s hasoperating theatre of St. Thomas’d Hospital, ever before led to such’a crisis as tliiis, butare brought forwarsl against Messrs. Mos- I have no hesitation in speaking of thegrove, Lingwood, and Carrington, three of nncoutlx behaviottr which, on former occa-thdr fellow-students, and beiieviug those sions I have witnessed, and which, thoughcharges to be without foundation, resolve not present on Friday, I can readily believeto combine for the purpose of investigating was tlrea repeated. (Hear, hear.) Identifiedthe evidence, and laying it fully before a as I am (though the days of itly pupilageproper tribunal." (Great applause.) may have passed away) with the generalMr. TAMPLIN seconded the resolution, interests of the pupils against whom thewhich was curried unanimously.. wholesale charge of misconduct is brought,Mr. GASELEE, having been entrusted with I avail mysel of the opportunity of saying

a resolution, availed himself of the oppor- how proud I atn to witness the manly buttunity of expressing the regret which he temperate resolution which t!’ey have formedalways felt when the pupil’s attention was to meet the charges brought against them.abstracted from his pursuits by the agitation Conscious of innocence, they have no desireof topics which were foreign to his studies, to shrink from that legal investigation tobut the present question fully justified their which their accusers have led them, andmomentary interruption ; for it was, in they are anxious to maintain unsullied that



character for honourable and gentlemanlydemeanour which has so long characterizedour school. Mr. Gazelee then proposed," That for the purpose mentioned in the

first resolution, a committee, consisting ofMessrs. King, Tweedie, and Blackburn, beappointed to collect the evidence and pre-pare the defence. That all those who canfurnish any information, be urgently re-

quested to place themselves immediately incommunication with this committee." (loudcheering.)The resolution was seconded by Mr.

MORRISH, and carried unanimously.. The CHAIRMAN then said, that the meet-ing would see the propriety of immediately- proceeding to the proposed investigation,and requested all those who had any evi-dence to offer, to remain in the room, andthose who had none to withdraw. Thecommittee would assuredly discharge theduties imposed on them with energy andability. They had the assistance of one 01the most able solicitors in London, by whoseadvice they should be guided. They hadno doubt, that by firmness and calmnessthe matter would be brought to a success-ful issue. (Cheers.)Thanks were then voted to Mr. Black-

burne for his conduct in the chair, on t!iemotion of Mr. TAMPLIN seconded by Mr.MOSGROVE, and the meeting, which was con-ducted with the utmost harmony, and withthe greatest forbearance towards the partieswho had attacked the Guy’s ptpils, thenbroke up. A large number, however, re-mained, anxious to bear testimony to thefacts of the recent disturbance, and the com-mittee, aided by the solicitor, were engagedto a late hour in examining the es idence.

CHARGES AT UNION-HALL.The case came on for hearing on Wed.

- nesday morning, at Union-Hall, Sonthwark,before Messrs. JEREMY, WEDGWOOD, andCURLING, magistrates. On the bench wereMessrs. Key, Morgan, Callaway, Travers,and Tyrrell, and other officers of the hos-

- pitals. Mr. PHILLIPS was retained for thestudents, and Mr. ADoi.pncs appeared forthe porters and surgeons of St. Thomas’s.The first charge brought was against ThomasWilliams, porter of St. Thomas’s hospital,and a constable of the Borough, for anassault on IBlr. LINGWOOD, a dresser of Mr.Morgan, at Guy’s, Mr. L. having preferredthis charge in consequence of the obstruc-tion to his admission to the theatre.Mr. PHILLIPS, for the plaintiff’s, said, it

must be understood, that a mutual accom-modation had long existed between St.Thomas’s and Guy’s Hospitals, by which itis agreed that whosoever enters to the sur-gical practice ol either institution, is entitledto attend that of the other, This was statedin the printed prospectuses issued at both

the hospitals in September, and up to lastFriday he agreement had always been actedon. This fact involved a question of right.but the student on paying for his entraiceticket always considered himself entitledto see the practice of both hospitals. Thepupils of St. Thomas’s were always reariiiyadmitted into Guy’s Hospital, on the samefooting as those who had entered directly atGuy’s. No distinction was made at the

operations there m the admission of pupilsto tha theatre. Last Friday, however, anoperatiol was to be performed at St. Tho-

mas’s, and the pupils at Guy’s were oti thatday ordered not to be admitted to the ope-rating-theatre without showing’ thpir tickets,—a recent innovation, and one which was

quite unnecessary, as the persons of the

Guy’s students were well known to theporters. Mr. LINGWOOD, who was a dresserat Guy’s, was on that occasion proceedingwith Mr. Carrington, who, also, had been adresser at Guy’s, to see the operation.Their tickets were demanded at the door,and shown, and they were admitted ; but asMr. Lingwood was proceeding to the areaof the theatre, to occupy a position whichhis office of dresser entitled him to take, hewas assaulted by the man at the bar.Mr. JEREMY enquired whether the pri-

vilege of admission was merely one can,

ceded by courtesy, or possessed by right?Mr. PHILLIPS said that the prospectuses

of both hospitals, and the tickets issued tothe pupils, stated that it was a right bypurchase. (The prospectuses and ticketswere shown to the magistrates.)Mr. LINGWOOD said he was a dresser to

Mr. Morgan at Guy’s Hospital. He Nientto see the operations on Friday. Three

porters were on duty there. Bull kept theouter door, and would not admit himself

(Mr. L.), or Mr. Carringtou, without show-ing their tickets, though they were wellknown to the porter. On showing theirtickets they passed on, and as he (Mr.L.)was proceeding along the vestibule to thearea, in which as a dresser he was entitledto a place, the porter Williams, without say-ing a word, in a very rude and violent man-ner, placed himself in the way, with hisarms across, and said that he had no rightthere. Plaintiff said he had a right, and

, attempted to pass on, saying that he was adresser, and Mr. Carrington confirmed bisassertion, but the porter still refused to lethim pass, and did all he could to present

him from passing, and by this proceedingcommitted an assault.

: Cross-examined by Mr. ADOLPHUS,—Heknew that none would be admitted to the

. operations without showing’ a ticket,but hedid not know that a dresser would he re-

fused admission into the area. MR. Travers.l certainly, when he came into the theatre.pointed to a notice which was hung up inI tbe theatre, and -said, " This is not tLe