meeting the aspirations of older people- presented by: royston betts head of commercial development...

Meeting the Aspirations of Older People- Presented By: Royston Betts Head of Commercial Development What is Extra Care and how is it evolving?

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Meeting the Aspirations of Older People-

Presented By:

Royston Betts

Head of Commercial Development

What is Extra Care and how is it evolving?

How did Older Peoples’ aspirations shape the Extra Care model?

Better designed homes that reflect aspiration not just functionality

Homes that respect private space as well as a thriving community

‘I retired from work not from thinking and living’

‘More choice and self-determination’

‘More discreet – less invasive - services that I control’

‘More involvement in decisions that affect me’

‘Respect for my individual lifestyle’

‘I change – so you need to as well’

Ability to contribute to my community and economy if I wish / need

Preventative – enabling me to be healthier and more active – focus on my potential

Enabling – don’t think that I am incapable of doing things myself just because of my age

Stimulating- prevention of isolation – sometimes I need my confidence building in a safe & friendly environment

A living space that my friends and family of all ages will feel welcoming

How did this translate to a housing

with care model?

What does extra care look like?

So what actually is extra care?

Alternative to Residential Care … but not a replacement

Model of housing with care provision – social rent; leasehold; outright ownership.

Mixed dependency community – low to high care need.

Ranges from 10 to 200+ flats in size.

Typically 2 x bedrooms, living room, kitchen and large bathroom with walk in shower.

Offers enabling housing environment with 24 hour on-site care … more flexibility and safety than home care

A home and community resource

Its NOT a hotel!!

Service Model Features …

Progressive Privacy / Outdoor Space

People have privacy and a key to their own front door

Whole Person approach: Flexibility and focus on personalised outcomes

Within reason … People make choices about what time they want care delivery

There is a background support to promote feeling of security – Waking Night Service

Core ethos is active aging: Independence is key - positive risk management

Its cheaper than residential care for most people

BUT It is not always a home for life

Extra care …A flexible living community

To sustain a thriving on and off site community - it needs to continuously adapt and evolve..

Imports what it needs: Builders; Carers; Management; a diverse community; commercial business; public services; creative therapies; volunteers; apprentices; activity workers …

Exports benefits: Provides high quality homes; skilled jobs and workforces; a community hub, a local resource centre; a competent local care team and other resources to go out into the local community…

In Blackburn, Sunderland, Oldham and Portsmouth Extra Care has been at the heart of estate regeneration

In Derbyshire, Staffordshire and North Yorkshire rural Extra Care has created jobs and services in rural areas

Extra Care…A Lively Community Resource.

• Restaurants & Cafes

• Health Care & Wellbeing Suites

• Customer-run shops

• Libraries & Information Points

• Councillor Surgeries

• Post Offices

• Community Halls & Churches

• Hairdressers & Beauticians

• Computer facilities…

HCA AHP pump primed. PFI developmentsProvider / Consortia Funded. Leasehold / Ownership Models

Extra Care Services are seldom block purchased Individual Service Funds/ Provider Managed Services

• Understanding core support which everyone must buy into – it represents value for money• Tailor made planned support service on top• Banked hours / even more choice and control• Pooling personal budgets to joint-purchase services• Increasing self-help / peer support / volunteers

Extra Care as Local Resource & Brokerage Hubs?

Greater control, flexibility and choice

• Positive partnership working- pilots to share learning• Increased personal contributions • Overall reduction of cost to Public Sector

Innovation … Funding & Delivery: More Customer Choice

Innovation... Its not just bricks and mortar

It’s the ethos – not just bricks and mortar – we need to think bigger

Portable Care Packages- Hospital in reach project (Bristol) : carers from extra care support people admitted to hospital. Significant cost savings for Adult Social Services and NHS – barriers to delivery on the front line.

• Treated with dignity and respect in other settings • Improved recognition of the PERSON in hospital • Improved speed of discharge • Improved planning of discharge• Improved success of discharge

• Our approach – least institutional setting possible • Service Model flexes with the person• From low care needs to end of life

And the next steps?

Greater use of Assistive Technology

Redefining what is standard kit in our customers’ homes

Telecare / Telehealth - routine

What technology will customers purchase themselves? Aspiration and Lifestyle?

Increased use of Interactive communication and self-management tools

Any Questions?

An Older Person’s aspirations and expectations are changing …are WE???