mehi regional health it meetings - springfield, ma - sept, 2013

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Presentation from the Massachusetts eHealth Institute Regional Health IT meeting in Springfield, MA in September, 2013.


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The Massachusetts eHealth Institute

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MeHI is designated state agency for:

  Coordinating health care innovation, technology and competitiveness

  Accelerating the adoption of health information technologies

  Promoting health IT to improve the safety, quality and efficiency of health care in Massachusetts

  Advancing the dissemination of electronic health records systems in all health care provider settings

  Connecting providers through the statewide HIE

  Managing HIE and REC grants from Office of National Coordinator

MeHI is a division of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, a public economic development agency

2 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

MeHI Overview

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2013   2014   2015   2016   2017  

Meaningful  Use  Stage  2  Repor4ng  Starts  October  2013  

Massachusetts Healthcare IT Drivers

  Meaningful Use Stage 2 requires use of an HIE, starts in October 2013

  Federal HITECH Grants supporting EHR and HIE adoption

  Physician Licensing Requirement Starts - January 2015 –  Massachusetts requires physicians to be proficient in the use of health information

technology as a condition of licensure. Proficiency, at a minimum, means demonstrating the skills related to the “meaningful use” requirements.

  All Providers on EHRs and the HIE - January 2017 –  All providers (not just physicians) in the Commonwealth shall implement fully interoperable

electronic health records systems that connect through the statewide health information exchange

Physician  License  Requirement  Starts  January  2015  

All  Provider  Requirement  January  2017  

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Massachusetts EHR Adoption

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  89% of Massachusetts physicians are using an EHR/EMR system ranking us #1 in the US.*

  56% of eligible healthcare providers in Massachusetts have received Meaningful Use payments ranking us #2 in the U.S.**

  62% of Massachusetts office-based providers have adopted an EHR system ranking us #4 in the U.S.**

  89% of non-federal acute care hospitals in Massachusetts have a certified EHR system ranking us in the Top 12 states***

*Hsiao CJ, Hing E. Use and characteristics of electronic health record systems among office-based physician practices: United States, 2001–2012. NCHS data brief, no 111. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2012. Hyattsville, MD; National Center for Health Statistics, 2012.

**CMS Health IT Dashboards.

***ONC Data Brief. No. 9. March 2013: Adoption of Electronic Health Record Systems among U.S. Non-federal Acute Care Hospitals 2008-2012.

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Meaningful Use in Massachusetts

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Massachusetts EHR Incentive Payments

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MeHI | How We Help

Awareness Education Qualify Engage Implement Optimize

Impact Adopt Motivate

Communications  Webinar Series

 Regional Meeting Series  HIway Newsletter

 EU-US Conference October 22-23

Regional Extension Center  Recruiting a few new providers

 Helping providers get to Meaningful Use

Medicaid EHR Incentive Program  Processing 2013 MU applications

HIE Last Mile Program

 HIway Implementation Grants

 HIway Vendor Grants

eHealth Economic Development   eHealth Firm

Listing (>150 firms in MA)

 Workforce Planning

Provider and Consumer Research

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Massachusetts Health Information HIway

  A collaboration between EOHHS and MeHI to deploy a secure statewide health information exchange.

  EOHHS leads infrastructure development and operation

  MeHI leads the Last Mile Program: –  Connection and adoption

–  Demonstrate measurable improvements in care quality, population health and health care costs

–  Catalyze innovation

  Funded through ONC and CMS with state matches – sustained through private sector contributions

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Health Information Exchange Progress

9 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

Coordination of care for elderly psychiatric patients

Pre-hospital transport care coordination for homeless

Referrals from specialty care to home health

Care management for Heart Failure patients

Decision support through 2-way exchange of data

Discharge summaries from acute care to SNF and Home Health

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Introducing Massachusetts Success Stories

  Baystate Health, Inc. –  Joel L. Vengco

Vice President & Chief Information Officer

  Holyoke Medical Center –  Carl R. Cameron

Chief Information & Analytics Officer

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Coordinating and Improving Care through

the Mass HIway

Sean Kennedy Mass eHealth Institute Director, Health Information Exchange

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  Health Information Exchange 101

  Overview of the Statewide HIE - the Mass HIway

  Introduction to the Last Mile Program

  Example Use Cases


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Health Information Exchange 101

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14 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

Health Information Exchange 101

1.  Patient name 2.  Sex 3.  Date of birth 4.  Race ** 5.  Ethnicity ** 6.  Preferred language 7.  Care team member(s) 8.  Allergies ** 9.  Medications ** 10.  Care plan 11.  Problems ** 12.  Laboratory test(s) ** 13.  Laboratory value(s)/result(s) ** 14.  Procedures ** 15.  Smoking status ** 16.  Vital signs

NOTE: Data requirements marked with a double asterisk (**) also have a defined vocabulary which must be used.

  Electronic sharing of health information among varied healthcare systems – while maintaining meaning

  HIE Model Types

o  “Push” vs. “pull” (query) -  Consent implications

  Content standards

o  Create and display capabilities (C-CDA, CCD/C32 or CCR)

o  Common MU data set (data frequently exchanged)

  Transport standards

o  Transmit and receive capabilities   Health Information Service Provider

o  Certificate discovery, message delivery, Direct address provisioning

  The MA state-wide HIE

o  The Mass HIway

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Mass HIway Overview Benefits

Governance Security + Privacy

Roadmap Services

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Mass HIway | Hub for Health Information Exchange

The Mass HIway enables the secure electronic exchange of health information among diverse participants in the Commonwealth:

The Benefits of HIE

Improve & streamline care coordination Fewer medical errors/improved patient safety Reduce duplication Supports achieving Meaningful Use Reduce costs throughout the care delivery system Ease & improve public health reporting & analytics Foundation for Accountable Care Organizations & value-based healthcare models

Public Health

Ambulatory Care

Long-term Post-Acute


Acute & Post-acute

Care Payer




Mass HIway

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17 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

Governance and Advisory Groups

Consumer Advisory Group

Provider Advisory Group

Technology Advisory Group

Legal & Policy Advisory Group

HIT Council

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Mass HIway | ‘Trust Fabric’

  The Mass HIway ‘trust fabric’ is achieved through the combination of technical security standards + legal policies to which all participants agree.

18 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

SECURITY Encryption Authentication

PRIVACY Participation Packet

Patient Consent TRUST

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PHASE 2 Registries + Query Exchange

PHASE 1 Information Highway

2012-2013 •  State assumes HISP role •  ‘Directed’ exchange of

electronic health information •  Provider can ‘push’ health

information to another provider

2013-2014 •  Query-based exchanged enabled

(Master Person Index, Relationship listing service, Consent database)

•  Development of DPH registries, analytical repositories

•  Patient-directed exchange

19 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

Mass HIway | Roadmap

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HIway Services

EHR Connect directly

.................................................. Connect with local

gateway .................................................. Connect through LAND (Local Application for Network Distribution)

.................................................. Browser access to

webmail inbox ..................................................


Participant directory

Certificate repository

Secure messaging

Message Transformation

Secure web mail

User Types

Physician Practice


Long-term Care Other Providers

Public Health Health Plans

Labs & Imaging Centers

20 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

Mass HIway | Connection Options & Services

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Mass HIway | Last Mile Program

Mission Goals

Environment Approach & Initiatives

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22 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

Last Mile Program | Mission

Grow adoption of the Mass HIway by all eligible participants, while catalyzing innovation ultimately demonstrating measurable improvements in care quality,

population health and health care costs

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23 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

Last Mile Program | Goals

Connect and Integrate Connect participants to and enable integration with the Mass HIway by all eligible participants

Maximize Adoption Optimize Mass HIway services and grow utilization

Impact Healthcare Demonstrate measurable improvements in care quality (better care), population health (healthy people and communities) and health care costs (affordable care)




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Barriers Incentives

EHR technology interfaces & product timelines Meaningful Use

Consumer on-ramps & workflows HIway Implementation Grants

Consent infrastructure HIway Interface Grants

Evolving HIway infrastructure

Evolving policies (consent, HISP-HISP)

HIway awareness

Enablers Penalties

Chapter 224 – force of law to require connectivity (patients, providers, etc)

Chapter 224 – Penalties for non-participation in HIE (1/1/2017)

Pioneer Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) CMS readmission penalty

Community-based care transition programs BORIM – meaningful use licensure (1/1/2015)

Patient Centered Medical Home (PCHM)

Mergers & Acquisitions

Innovation & outcome funding


Last Mile Program | Our Environment

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Impact Healthcare Adoption Connection

Outreach - Education

HIway Interface Grant Program

Implementation & Support

HIway Implementation Grant Program

Community of Practice

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Last Mile Program | Initiatives

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Mass HIway | Get Connected

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27 ©2013 Massachusetts eHealth Institute. All Rights Reserved. Confidential.

Connection | Pricing

Annual Services Fee

Tier Category One-time Setup Fee

LAND HIE Services

(per node)


HIE Services (per node)

Direct Webmail HIE Services

(per user)

Tier 1 Large hospitals $2,500 $27,500 $15,000 $240

Health Plans $2,500 $27,500 $15,000 $240

Multi-entity HIE $2,500 $27,500 $15,000 $240

Tier 2 Small hospitals $1,000 $15,000 $10,000 $240

Large ambulatory practices (50+) $1,000 $15,000 $10,000 $240

Large TLCs $1,000 $15,000 $10,000 $240

ASCs $1,000 $15,000 $10,000 $240

Non-profit affiliates $1,000 $15,000 $10,000 $240

Tier 3 Small LTC $500 $4,500 $2,500 $120

Large behavioral health $500 $4,500 $2,500 $120

Large home health $500 $4,500 $2,500 $120

Large FQHCs (10-49) $500 $4,500 $2,500 $120

Medium ambulatory practices (10-49) $500 $4,500 $2,500 $120

Tier 4 Small behavioral health $25 $250 $175 $60

Small home health $25 $250 $175 $60

Small FQHCs (3-9) $25 $250 $175 $60

Small ambulatory practices (3-9) $25 $250 $175 $60

Tier 5 Small ambulatory practices (1-2) $25 $60 $60 $60

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HIway Use Case Examples

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Use Case Scenario 1.1/1.2 – Referral


Patient Scenario

1.  Patient sees PCP

2.  PCP’s plan includes a referral to a Cardiac specialist

3.  Referral to specialist is authorized and generated via Direct with a summary of care document

4.  Referral and summary of care is sent via HIway to Cardiac specialist


A.  Receives Direct message with summary of care document

B.  Provides necessary care

C.  Generates a consult note for delivery to PCP

D.  Consult note is attached to a Direct message and sent via the HIway to PCP


Consult Note PCP Specialist

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Use Case Scenario 2.1/2.2 – Hospital Referral


Patient Scenario

1.  Patient sees PCP or specialist

2.  Treatment plan includes a referral to a local hospital

3.  Referral to hospital is authorized and generated via Direct with a summary of care document

4.  Referral is sent via HIway to hospital


A.  Receives Direct message with summary of care document

B.  Provides necessary care

C.  Generates an admission notification and summary of care document

D.  Admission notification sent via HIway to PCP and/or specialist



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Use Case Scenario 3.1 – ED Notification


Patient Scenario

1.  Patient presents at ED

2.  Patient is treated and released


A.  Provides necessary care

B.  Generates an admission notification and summary of care document

C.  Admission notification sent via HIway to PCP and/or specialist


Referring Physician

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Use Case Scenario 3.2/3.3 – Discharge Summary


Patient Scenario

1.  Patient is discharged from hospital to the care of a referring physician, PCP or other care setting


A.  Provides necessary care

B.  Generates a discharge summary and summary of care document

C.  Discharge summary sent via HIway to referring physician, PCP, and/or other care setting




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Use Case Scenario 1.1/1.2 – Referral


XYZ Hospital

1.  Patient admitted to XYZ ED

2.  Treatment plan calls for a tertiary level of care

3.  Patient is referred to ABC hospital

4.  Referral and summary of care are generated via Direct message

5.  Direct message is sent via HIway to ABC hospital

ABC Hospital

A.  Patient is received at ABC hospital

B.  ABC hospital receives referral and summary of care document

C.  Provides necessary care

D.  Generates a discharge summary and summary of care via Direct

E.  Sends discharge summary and summary of care via HIway to XYZ hospital

XYZ Hospital ABC Hospital

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Massachusetts eHealth Institute 617-371-3999 617-725-8938 (fax) [email protected] Twitter - @massehealth MeHI Community -

Mass HIway Last Mile Program 1.855.MA-HIWAY (1.855.624.4929) Option 1 [email protected]

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Connect with MeHI & Last Mile