meigs county telegraph (pomeroy, ohio : 1848). (pomeroy...

a. 1 ' 1 f I v i w n.4 hJf If' 4t to f;rO M f -- iifcr 81 a .an 3t,i ;.UA j .Alrlr.JM I '1 JAOITMOf fTKLEtlJl'APHi ffl If II;aT, "J r v .. .at iWtiv OF THE -- OFFICE TtUQRAfH, I vvi; :nw of ajr 1 f. T. V1X l!OitHf, Editor. i ii tubV : "ii ca 'ihuriday iflforningy. 1 W DZ! .UIUU WTIWf I'OMKROrv WT O'.TIH 0110. CoCKT)Vl!. .TF"MS OF SUBSCRIPTION. r :i .'ii f ' v v j ; ltai of AdwrtUtog! r i 4.uiiar and Futv fVnta. iiiiii-O-U- ; One auam (li cr ln t)nw uLt li nn if paid MiMiTu.c, ..".: '. ...:!... , ! hSCllilS.-- l KB t '1-- .t.!. y , ... , , - J'l".. . ' ... Evprjr jabspquent iaaertioaj. j ff lint Tw n.M Dollar n.i;i within the lU' " v- .- . . , 7 V 1 .1 ' ; r ; - :t-t- . t. .. i. ...... . . On wjuare three taonlMS 1.IW - uriillommcvfc, ilTarkcls anatmral. IntcUtomce One aquaro. one-re- ar. ? . i if, ITNd paper will b disoonuatd until laroo-iourt- otveoKunn, out rear, i M OA' paid, xyjpt at tlie One oolamnt on i ' i t i ; KM rptiaa of the pub. Oil li. , BSftel. f, ,.; tv.,,, j.,.,. ,v , , .. .... 7 nJt tfain i amber 1 o tie etuuaeea of the n it;o marked on copy, wii U ooounaed anbi forbid and obsrgwl acooidinfly. " . u jcure attention. m vjamu au'wugofi muni par tit adrance. of VJ or toote, the paper will BY: II: T. VAN 7 i ! a libera'. Ruction in pnoev i exeoutod wita tocutaey and neatneet. '"," 0" ' JW?o a man frow manner, K v- -i a. . ! I. T J t - H ' wn-feht- know him by hi drew! : : ,uPrtly U fu Tor prince, "... ,,J. T Y'C69 fit for ome Uiug lew. . . , . VrvmpfcJ lin an J dirty jacket May be, clothe the golden ore n W llie dcrptU ilioughi and feeling '? v Snilri rtiii could do no more: Ever welling niii of ione : "n i i Ji'lhvrtf arc orpla buds and go'drn.- - i & v tHddeir'cruthd and overgrown. ' ' uvi, hu courkia by couli, tiot.dreasca, 'f' l '!LoTea and pnwpura you and me, "," a TV bile lie raluss ironca the hlgnett ; .i. A but rxbblei in the sea. . , Man. upraised above, his fallows, Y OA ior(ou.his follows titan. .T' Matre-rulc-rs lords remember That your meanest kinds are men I "' Men by labor, muri by fcoling, (. 7 Men by ihought and men by fame, ' fcJisimlng equat rights to Sunshine ,' In a man's onablod name, ' There aro foamembroiderod oceans. There ara lhilo weed-cla- d rills, There are foebld, inch high saplings, There are cedars on the bills ; "l; ' Out Oud, who counu by souls, not stations, ' Loves and prospurs you and mo, For to him all vaiu dbuinciiona " ' ' ' Are as pebbles in the seu. Toiling hands alone aro luildtrs . Of nation's wealth and fame. I Ti. lad laziness is pensioned, red and fattened on the same ; 11 v the sweat or others foreheads. Living only 10 n joicc, WhiU the poor man's outraged freedom Vainly 'iftcth up its voico. U it truth nod justlco arc eternal Darn with loveliness and light. And.sutisi'i'a wronjj bi nover prosper, While there is a sunny light, .And God, whose world-hoar- d voice is singing Bound! lovo to you and me, Will licit opproMion with its titles, As the p?Mlea In thq sea. y TflR UKKM1T WOMAN OF THE ALLE OUEMFlt, . The subjulnsd lnteresilng sketch of a mnit Irtgular woman is furnisliud the National I oteltigencer by a cornspondont whs has rtcently et plrej (He so jrce of the Pon:iac siver: "De'lghtoJ. tt.iwavrr, and deeply Impress- ed, as I have bnen, by tho scenery of this Alpine land, 1 have been far more intcrrs i d in an !J woman, wlmtn 1 have had the pleasure of seeing. Her name is Elizabeth Golding, or Goldijon. 8ho resides in a log cshin entirely alone, directly at tha t)l of the gorge which has takm her name. She is ol German origin, and herself one hundred and twelve years of age. 8he was born, according to her own words, 'within a two days' rido of Philadelphia, and hei father was a soldier In the revolution under Washington, and she hrrself was In the immedinie vicinitvof the American camp at the defeat of Gen. Brtddock, of which event the habitually re- counts a fircnt number of interesting and thrilling Incidents, closing each paragraph with ihe remark, that the battlefield was wet very wet with blood. She has been and childless for nearly a half a vrntury, and for many yeara has lived, as now, in the soliiu le of the mountains, ut- terly alone. Indeed, everything about the ld woman is peculiar and strange. In stat- ure she is quite Small, and her hair (which la white as snow) is verv long. When en- - gsged in conversation, her countenance fires p ciceedingly, and she accompanies each entence with the most animated cesiures. (ler Voice, though still strong, is altogether beyond, her control, having an unnatural tone; and the wrinkles, running entirely oyer her faco and neck, are as deep ss we might imsgino them to be after having been urrowed bv the toars of even one heart for so long 1 time as n century. . She was clothed in tho simplest manner, bavins no- - on, her bead a cap made of common brown frpon, a, frock of blue home-spu- n cloth. (nd on her feci nothing but wollcn socks. ' Purina tho whole time that we were in her cabin she was smoking somo bitter weed in a corn cob pipe, and though haggard end r worn to a marvellous degree ; she had a jdeasini smile; and when either ef her guests happened 10 utter something thnt was novel to hor she would exclaim, 'Oh, yes thai is woncjorfiill' Hor only means of ...subsistence for years past had been obtained py making hickory brooms t but even this business she had been compelled 10 clvo up .t for tho could no moro climb the mountains o obtain the proper material ; and though . she seemed to be perfect. y certain that ahe . would be provided for. she expressed the greatest dread of the county almshouse. . We enquired as to her appetite ; and she re- plied, 01). I eat very littlo ; I never eot . much sometimes nothing in a whole day. And never more than once a day, and I am - well acquainted with hunger.' As to her c sleep we also questioned her, and she said 'that's what troubles me most; 1 cannot '...sletp now I am so old ; and so I lay on . Rty bed all night thinking of my great, good siesrt Falhtr in Ihe Heavens' We asked her how she managed to obtain the 'necessities of life, and she naid ahe did not know, only that tht people, who travelled the road sometimes stopped in to give her a little coffee or flour, her main stay being a malt garden of vegetables, the brush fence I around which had boon built by, her own hand t and this garden was just exactly the neatest one that I everbeheld.- - 'As to her :lght, ii was as good Is ever, arid she was wjUBr.led with the" uss" of spwoo'es 3 per Annum. :7.," I " b"ji' c'o'u "NTR Y-- L O N E r&ONBTT' - - .. t . y, j.y .; -;r all : Tea m .f; U7"4dTonMficapnU of ooromuaioatioiu I HORN. ivd be V pskod her h.w tnufli money she Would want in support her a vear, and ehe replied that ten dollars would take care of her a long time mors than a year. ' As a matter of course my companions and 1 made up a little purse for iter benefit ; and when we gave it to her it seemed as if she would embrace us In spite of ' us. Indeed, ' we made her a number of trifling presents; and she expressed her gratitude by weeping and assured m that her .'Father in the Heav- ens' would bless and moke us happy wher- ever we mlcht go, And can assure' the render that the tears shed by that old woman of Gve e years and ten were not the on ly oiks that sprung into 'the eys on that "But I have hot dveri the reader an- idea pf the home of this lon-l- y being j In truih. It liaffles description. Her nearest neighbor is some four utiles off. and her, only com- panions in her solitude are a little dVg and a cat. Her cabin stands licnr the water's edge, and directly' on the hill side; it is without a window, but light in abundance comes in from the gaping roof and sides of the black and mouldering log habitation, the chimney of which is of mud and sticks. and in a dillanidated condition. ' Her bed stead m made of small pine sticks with she j bark Still on ; hercouch consisting of hem - ' lock boughs covered with straw, upon which are two or three wretchedly-wor- n t. in one corner of the room are two or three sho'ves, where ara displayed her cook- ing utensils, the original cost of which (and they were very old and worn) could not have been more than a dollar. An old stool answers the purpose of a chair, and a board nailed to the side of tho cabin is her only table. Hanging from the logs at the side of tier oed arc two or three old gowns, which help to keep out the air and the rain. She is also the owner of a spinning wheel ; and from the crevices of the logs around, above, and everywhere, depend bunches of herbs and faded flowers, which she has gathered in horramblc8; but there was a taste and neatness displayed in the arrangement of me misersbw furniture or the room, which tt.lVft it r.hpnrrnl ncnorl. Wo miiimA ih . - - r- - Jo woman if she never apprehended any darger whilo thus living so utterly alone, and sho replied, 0f course not : who would harm a noor forsaken hnina (ika mat It flin t afraid even of the bears ; for It is only last fait thai hnn nmt Hnwn hflm and scratched up my garden, but I drove him off with a bifi stick.' Up lo this point ev erything we saw and heard concerning this aged woman was strange; but when we arose to depart we were still more astonish- ed at to have her rivet our attention by her wild movements, and address us to the fol- lowing ed effect ; 'Men, 1 thank y dU for your in goodnees; I cannot read, but my great Fa ther has loid me in my heart, all about it. There is a Heaven, mon, and it's a very happy place ; and there i:; a hnll. men, and its a very dreadful place; they both will never have an end. Now, men, good by; we shall meet once more at the judgment, but for only a short lime. Live, men, as that you may get to Heaven.' And so we left this strange buing ; and I am confident thai long after the bones shall hnve mingled with ihe dust one trio of travellers, if still living, will remember with wonder nnd pleas urn iheir interview with the "Herinii Wo man of the Alleghenics." OT The editor of the Iivansville Jour nal went to another S ate and look to him self a wife. On his return home and on r sumingthe Editorial chair, he thus discor ses. or And in announcing the fact of our return home with a rib, we cannot rufiain from ex pressing our profound disgust of bachelorism and bachelors and we expect to be disgust in ,l i i cu mm uuiu lur several weeKS. we are well aware that in times gone by, we occasionally made ourself ridiculous in the eyes of sensible men by upholding the bach elor state as iho only lire of happiness, in wye J .J I I w ucpuuuence anu eanniy giory. uut we were young nnd green then, and of course knew but one side of the subject. Now stand up here, you consumed ugly plcters of ing; numanity rejoicing in tne name ol bache- lors, and answer us a few questions. What are you fit for in this world t to What good are you doing )our country T What are you doing for posterity T What bout interest hove you in tin V generations yet duty unborn" you read of? Where will you "be all when old men. if your rile habits ever per- mit you to arrive nt a good old age ? Won't you be like lortety senred and scathed trees that standing iu n big clearing without a compan- - Ion, and your Itle unprotected from the frosts be by young saplings and shrubs at your feet? not Or won't you bo like pumpkins in a corn field, more prominent because of yout pro-- i digiotis ugliness anj loneliness, than the stalks at your side laden with golden grain t Hold your neat's up, and talk like men tea, whether you con act so or not. Now, don't you fcol ashamed of yourselves T Look at lect the girls about you, all smiles and sugar they hearts overflowing with lovo ready to be spilled on tho first good, follow that can ihey touch their, syu pathieR feelings rich" : as cream, which by a kindred spirit can soon in be worked into butter and spread over your life till you arc happy as ihe birds of spring. Look at 'em, and i'eel the dibgustlng pos'nion you occupy in tho cabbngo garden t f hu mnnity, . What are you holding; bacjt.r. for 1 Xowjusi reform put on yo'ur best looks was and other coat ico .cream them,, talk to. them prettily, drive them, walk thein,'fcue w ilicm thou propose, gel accepted, marry, und the country will rly on yolf as a faith- ful nnd well disposed ciiizen ' ' ' ' OrYou can'i change an old coal Into; a we for new one by tubbing it with or uncjean dici- er, or blowing it with the belfows ;' neither and can ynu change your, bad character intq, a good one. by nbuss,'or boastful lulk, br bj lax. fighting- .- Bill," said Bobj.'why is that tree called a veeping willow?' u : . i . "Cause one of the sneakljiglratied,thjngs the grew near our school hou'so and'supptied i be roaster. with tho sticks which (lid all the toy's llcliing iim fci ngi pjcn;'e., TUB WHISKEY INSU.KKECfrjtON. ' ' ' - ,r' '' ." 'The following address on ihe subject the Whiskey:. Jnsuirociion, was delivered in Mount Pleaantv .Westmoreland county. Pa., by the Hn.. John Lobingier.( We have no doubt !C will be accepiible to many of our readers; p furnisliing them with aome facts and incidents, by a person, who was an s, and. in some degree, an aciof in one of those scenes of madness and mjirule that sometimes take possession of whole cornmuniiies as well as individuals.;'" " Judge Lobingier, though ninety year of nee, is suit, we are nappy 19 team, a naie. active msn.tAenfcwble for his ae. and es ,ta' j.A-.- . . .. - for tin' urbanity ol liismaniMirs and the in- tegrity M his life. I Gasper Tarr and Phillip Reagan, El- - mehtioned I'n'tHe narrative, have both died since 'the delivering of the address--Va- rr in about the seventv - fiuh year of his .Wt Reajin at the very ad vanced a'n ' one hundred and seven. - ' ' ' Pitltburg Dis'ch. , MR. LOBI NGIER'S ADDRESS. I rise to niv vou mv recolluciions of the Western, or what i5 called .'he Whiskey In - surrection, in the vear J794. ' in doing so, 1 ana" have to depend ati.nost tntirely upon mywn niemory, having .o documents 10 watch to refer. I have . howev''er, lately had a conferorce with Gasnor Tarr Phillip Reagan, (both of this neighborhood-- ) whosu recollections aided me considerably vn ,ne uecurrntiena. RTora 1 nrocced will.' my nnrrntivci. f wilt trtvn vrtn ft ahnrt armnm' of the first settlement of this part o. Pennsylvania, with the manners, customs and bubits nhich the settlers acquired under the peculiar circumstances in which they were placud. The settlement commenced about the year 1709. The whole country at that time was an entire wilderness, covered by a heavy growth of timber. The settle- ment progressed and improved till the year 1776, when the revolutionary war broke out, which continued till the year 1783. Du ring thai period many or the Irontier innaa-itant- s were driven from their dwellings by the hostile Indians. ' Some lost their lives, and somo' returned to the other side of the mountains from whence they had come. Others, not willing to give up their settle menu, erected temporary runs and block' houses, into which they occasionally fled when apprehensive of dancer. The men weM oul in companies to work their little fields of corn, with thoir guns on their slioul dors, placing part of themselves as sentinels round the fields, while the other pan were work, lor fear of an attack, from the In diana, lr this perilous situation they suffer many privations, until peace was restored 1783. After thai period many of the old inhabitants returned, with increased numbers of immigrants, and the country improved so rapidly as soon to , supply the inhabitants with abundance of evory kind of provision Unfortunately about this iim.-- , or a little before, they began to convort their surplus grain into whtskev. 1 his was the more an evil, as th- y used the whiskey principally among themselves, from the great de mand Tor it, it was the principal article ol trade, and became a kind of standard ol valuo fur other articles; und the man who had plenty of whUkey in those limes, 'wnd at regarded by his lellow-cittzen- s pearly in ihe same light as a man is now who has more money than his neighbors. 1 am astonished in when 1 look back and reflect upon tho quan- tity of it that were used. It was the medi- cine for almost every disease, and was a constant beverage wherever people met to- gether, whether to assist each other in labor amusement. At military trainings, at funerals and weddings; at raisings, grubb ng frolics, chopping fro- lics, in harvest fields and at corn hnsklngs; ms short, wherever the people met. and what ever they met to do, they must have wins key. Owing to the perilous times through me which ihey had passed, and from the very nature of the employments in a new coi n- - thn niAnla hnH mil ini aha hnhil sl mo utuifiD nuu .liy tiv mv iiuvii vi doing almost all thjfr ordinary labor in com panies, ond these-- were a kiild ol convivial meetings that greoily fostered" whiskey drink in short, the tct'stom hud become so universal, that a man was considered, chur- lish lor or nuan, that did not treat his neighbors a dram whenever an opportunity ottered. new fhe country . remained in this state till a- - and the year 1781, when Congress. luid a or excise of fuur pence per gallon on distilled spirits. The long war with England had greatly exhausted the public treasury, and this was thought to bo a tax as would assist the revenue with as little injury to the citizens as any other that could devised. The people, how ever, would submit to it. . They considered it a great oppression,and tyrannical beyond fanduranco. What. ' said they, snail we, wno witntn twenty years have successfully contended ith Great Britain on account oi a tax on now submit to be taxed for whiskey?" When the excise officer came round to col oi officers came round to collect ihe duty, and were everywhere hissed at and insulted nd threatened to be tarred and leutneref it few persisted in executing their office. Other officers were sent, .and were treated tlie same manner. Some few recommend- ed : submission to the laws and that they this should petition Congress for redress of griev- ances, but they were disregarded. ; The now popular frenzy was such that the man who talked either of submission or moderation, in great danger pf getting his person or his house burned.. Public moenngs the re held in clifTiron't sections of the coun- try, inflammatory speeches made, and liberty poles raised, with such devices on them as part these: "Liberty and no excis'-;- " t "United had. stand, divided we fall;" "No asylum that ' '"" "" ' ' cowards or traitors," Thus a very great excitement was raised, this a laige majority were willing to go any and in opposing-tlio,- -, collection, of th .Whilst affair remained ii) this situa- tion, by government sent out ' three influontial hud commissioners to ihejiisttffected counties, ,in order to persuade the citizens to submit to law.iuThe excitement, however, was so her' high that they would no, hear, thq commis-Kioner- r, and scarcely desisted from ii fulling x them. They were plainly Informed by the on j commissions, that the" la 4 t'..' (nor would be repealed I so. J of 2ens resisted itj and jh.ajt 1 viability of inc. government i should enforce obrdinncii'ti i strong arm. if nothing else w effect of this'menaeei waii'iht. vention of the citizens wa fc whether .(hey would .submit resist ft.).. The delegates aasf kinson's ferry fnow ' Monon" the early pArfotthAsu miner majority of the convention pn that ihe several excisa brought Jn injmediateiy and that their commit r oould be asihe ciii- -' Jignity and. n d that it iws by ihe 1 do. o consider d aj a city 3.u The. solutions' Itould be '5, ..force, lie taken I rn - them thai they would not again aci in capacity, and thai- - if any resistance made should be burned of house and ( home.. . Thtis , this affuir The ingurcents, ty a numerous tody armed men, made their first nttack on The - dwelling house of Gen. Neville,-th- e excise officer in Washington county .Neville,, was aware of their coming, and had prepared an armed lorce to delend himself., tie warned them to desisi or he would fire on them. They advanced, however, and CHpt. M'Far- - land was shot dead.: Ihe assail anu retired. and a, , day or( ;two; afterward, , returned to, resume the attack... Neville in meantime had abandoned the house, and assailants meeting-'wit- no resistance, cbti the the nro to it and burned It down. I he next movement was made against Philip Reagan, the deputy excise officer in Westmoreland county. ' The attack was made in the night Y a numerous body ot men; Keagan ex n'a. -- ted to be attacked, and bad prepared him self v"'in a number of guns, and one or two mpn The firing . commenced , front the hnnxn m .'d the assailants fired at it for some time withou' effect on either side." The thei;1 801 &re 'Reagan'e barn, which ihnv hii.'ned down, and, retired for that time. In th'co""0 ,wo rir. tin nciiUntk'. with a ir e of one hundred nnd Hfiv mmt. '. returned"' to t the attack. After some IjWleylng, Reagan, rather than shed blood, prc,8cd w WPilu' lai with ihnm. nrnviileH ih' WOUld dO . II r- - - . oij honorable terms, and give hi."W assurance that they would neither abuse his ."r5n "or d ;stroy his property,, and would g!rfiB on his part to five up his commission, andiisvei again to act as an exciseman. These etJjT't- - lations were agreed; to, reduced to writing. and signed bv the parties. .Regan then o nened his . door, came? out with a kee of whiskey, and treated them all. Id a short lime, however; after the w'.hiskey was drank. some of them began to nitirm'r and 10 that the old rascal was lei oif w"0 esY anu that he ought to be set up as a 10 De ahoi at. Some were for larrinf and if',." tier ing him, bul others look his part, and saic4 ne nan acted manlully. and that after capitula- - ting with him they wore bound by every thing sacred, to treat him honorably. At length they got to fighting among themselves, After this it was proposed and canied. that they should march off. right nway, to Ben Wells of rayeue county, the excise officer there, and catch and trv him and Reagan both together. , They sat out , accordingly, iBKing iieagan along, but when they arrived Well s house, he was not there, so ihey set fire to it and burned It with all its con tents. I hev left an ambush near ihn rnina. order, ii ihey could, to aeize unon Wells Next morning he wua taken, but during the night, as Reagan had escaped, and Wells was very submissive with them, ihey let him off without further molestation. I he next attack was made on Cantain Webster, of Stoystown. the excise officer for ssutnerset county, by about one hundred and fifty men from Westmoreland. They look commission Irom him, and made htm promise never again to act as collector of an excise. Al attempt was made bv soma of party to bre his hay.stacks. but it was prevented by others or thorn before any in- jury was done. They mar.-he- d off home wards, taking Webster a few miles along wun ineui, and souirg him very submissive, they ordered him lo mount the stump, and repeal his promise, never again to act as col- lector He of excise, and to hurrah three limes on Tom ihe Tinker,' after which they dis- missed him. This Tom the Tinker was a god added to Mythology, at this lime was supposed to preside over whiskey-still- s and still houses. Whoever hurrahed stoutly for Tom the Tinker was of bnquea-tionibl- e loyally with the ' whiskey boys; whilut those who would not were branded traitors to thia new Deity, and to their country. , , . Allaire now arrived nt such si crisis that either the government or the people must submit, and for the government to have done so, under the circumstances, would have been an end of tlie government. Nothing now could restore order but the strong arm or ihe nation. The President called out the Militia from the eastern pan rennsytvania, wew Jersey, Maryland is Virginia. Upwards of. five thousand men, consisting of Infantry, cavalry, and a, companies of artillery, promptly obey- ed the call of ihe President. The Penney!-- 1 was vania and New Jeisey troops came through Somerset,. and halted in three divisions on pay side of the Chessnut Ridge. The ad. vance division came on to where this town stands; the second division remained ai'a Mills.' They remained in iheir encampments for iho space, jof .eight days; during which iime,the Cavalry , conducted by you excise oifidurs, were out scouring' the the country in Bearch of whiskey "boys. But chiefly all' those who had taken an active 'is in the lata insurrectionary movements, I either fleJtor secreted , themselves, so few could, be. found; I believe not mure than one or two." Tho part of (lie army in he neighborhood, then struck Iru'lr' tents of marched to thd'forks of the Yough, in Washington co.inly Vhlro they wore met the Maryland end: Virginia troops, who coma up through .vuinporland, and Un iuntowtv. .Whilst, there a feWj.morit.pfj the insurgent were lakoii.' The precise 'nuin l do hoi Verhember, but"! thinkv'aboui firteefl?"'" ' yti M oi ii t(MhqM A proctamaftoh wasMherr hsuod calling all persons, (a few names only excepted.) to come, foward at a curtain iim.) and place, and accept ol A general amnesty; for al past offences. , This wna generally acceed ed to "by 'those wh6'had takefi ah active In the. late, illegal movements,'" he" emir manding pmeers navrng now lull assurance that the citizens' would tubmlt' to- - the laws and no longer resist the collectors .propose to ih 'ciiizens.'ihnf,' ff one or more militl Par; coiipanies in. each county would pledge Y in' themselves to the ' government support, the, constitution and laws", 'when called upon," they4 would remove i th army from amongst them. This proposition was gladly'cceded to," for (ho citizens were iienruiy nrreo oi mem, anu toe o nicer ana rnpii were vwry anxious to return horne.- that do ' not Tomenibor " bow "inittiv" combaua was pledged themselves to support the laws, bu but one or tho Westmoreland companies that was did so I had the honor of commanding my- self. ' The army 'come here, 10 the beat of my recollection, sometime in October, 1794 the and left about the latter end of November. The excise officers resumed ' their duties and met with, no further opposition. The prisoners were taken to Philadelphia, which was then tlieseatol the general government, under the administration of President Wash ington, and there, In order to expose them and mortify their feelings, they were march- ed through some of the principal streets, with white papers stuck upon their ham. They were aiterwards tried In iho f edeTal Uourt: set two onty were convicted and sentenced to be hanged, the one for treason, and the oiher for intercepting and breaking epen the Uni ted States Mail, for .the purpose of ascertain' ing what steps the government were about to take relative to the laws. The - othors - I.. I B:.1 wem acquittea, anu inose convicted were pardoned and discharged. Thus ended tlti lolly artd madness, into which the had been led by a few asoirinu. political demagogues, who had raised their spirits to such a height, as at one time to threaten ruin to the country. Now, fellow citizens. I presume thkt manv of you may wish to know what part I took in the unhsppy affair. I confess, frankly, wiaiu was wun reluctance I remained a neutral spectator. Had it not been for the good advice of my venerable father, whose counsel I followed, rather than mv own in clination, 1 should most likely have taken an active part with thoae that were outrag ing ihe laws of - their country. Through hi instrumentality, 1 was fortunately saved from a course of conduct, that must, on re- - taction, forever after have given me uneas- iness It w.u shortly before this time, that the Jacobin spirit had overthrown the French government, and drenched the nation in blood; anu' many 4:90a and reflecting men began to fear, that tinker ihe spurious names of democracy and liberty, the ' same ' evil spirit was about to take possession of our people. 1: , ,!::; ,' - ANDREW ACKSOff. writer In 'Arthur's Home Gazette, draws t.1'8 Por,r',il wf en Jickson', at the limeheva'P'esident- :- Jockson's i08 8n0 n8ure WM 40 remark- - . . o nnulrl Ka an nmmiR fllclr tft able mat noin.'"," r " than Jikeneaa of him. His an artist to gSl ... face confirmed every - nomist. It wss lont" a ii u narrow, anu pro- - minent below. A mou h and chin more uvnroeelva rf ctrn ff..f..lin. n can scarce be tA.i.vnov w.w... wm i ,i , ing, and little Miniiiuu sua nvou sisgif niii' drooping indicating strength t , character would a man in (Bonapart hardly emploj' any important trust who had no.' nose,) with a mixture ol shrewness. 'this quality was also strongly marked 1.1 1, he large folds of skin about the corner of '.he eyes (often called crotcs feet;) hia cheek were hollow, the eye ttsoll was the eye of eagle cold, grey, piercing in the highest degree, and when concentrated by rage, dar- ling living fire; ihe brow was fretful, serious and lowering; the forehead narrow and deep- ly corrugated His figure tall and com- manding, but thin and sinewy; his hair of iron grey, was still anJ unyielding, very a- - .K bundant, and stood erect upon his head. looked well when standing, still better horseback, and hia appearance was much improvement by a rpendid uniform. The habit of prolano swearing had grown with his growth and strengthened with his strength, till it becanio a aecond nature to him. ' Hi well known oath, 'by ihe inter- nal!" is remembered by all who ever was long in hia company. I .have heard it re- marked, and 1 believe with truth, that among those who indulge in profane language,. it is easy to detect such as have a religious edu- cation, out by the more terrible emphasis and import of their oaths. . The remark. may possibly apply lo this President, who was a frequent attendant on divine worship,- - and . well acquainted with the doctrines of Chris tianity. When roused to wrath, It was learlul to hear the torrent ol prolano lan guage which poured from, his lips. There an anecdote told ol him winch strongly illusiratea this fact. At the closo of his residential iierm. I think it. was, the Gene- - rai.accoinpanied by a company of hia friends, .. returning to the West, and traveling on turnpike road, had or course, id nop and toll, which, as there were several in the company, took some time. A gentleman traveling the same road' came' up. about a quarter of an hour after, to the turnpike gate, and as ho was; getting ready4 his change,: the gale keeper, said, io him ;Can in tell me fir, who that tal( man , is, with high white huir, who'passed hero a ' few and minutes ago""' Why,' said the gentleman, it possible you don't know' who thai is?' dd not.'---Wh- do you wUh so much to know?'.) tBecauso,' said lha gato-keepo- be with a look of wonder on his face, 'because has th- - greatest mar ul power i f wearing any-roa- l everieeij in ' mftttti ; .Jvoi i,l nil i i, in, ii .UM.) ' rt-- V A singular error has occurred in the acsounia of. the late General : Tf easurar of RnJde Island;"' 'The Providedce Oonrnal saysi'1n- he"!ft idsf'irV ni'a 'possession 'five thousand, dotlara. of which he haa no ac- - oUnt which he ia sure do,,' DPI. bolong.lo him, and which musi therefore, fcuiong,,! ihe Statf , to which he pttM It over. New Coastllutloa & License-CCic- Ial. II ,:;.) o S "1 It":""' fli ' "' ' " , COSTJTtlTlOn HCRNSIJ QOB S H " CooNms.'" For. "Against." For. "Against Adam. ' 'f:fi97.Iii70 1837 K 1 182 pan Allen,' jm (ti MSr 65t !.n104l" Ashland,, 2047 ,81 , .jn 1659 ,! Ashtabula, , 1657 735. , 582 . ninens, 754 ' 1649 730 Auglaize, V I I.; " r. Belmont, 1951 2601 ' 19'82 Brown, ;1 1696. 1467 1123 Butler. . . 2423 .1218' 1830,; 1292 nlG96 1660 1448 8C6 Carroll, 1130 IfiOt' Champaigii;;c"' 1248" '1780 1478,' Clark, '" r.i ilOW 1881 1610' Clermont. : 2253 1798- - 1624 ciin7b'i;r'ii2aTio.,TnTfii5 Columbiana. 2687 1646 1606 591 Coshocton, 18(19 1279 Crawford.1- - 1441 ' 399 u 1221 Cuyahoga,' I 2967 1113 '1424 uurke,..; ,,11222 1404 i 1632 Defiance, . ; , Delaware. 1476 1858 1116 Erie,'' ' 1300 "681" ' 877 Fairfield, 2828 '2181 Fayette, . .441 1068 630 Franklin, 2928 2623 2276 Fulton, 399. . 200. , 376 Gallia, " ' 394 1144 442 Geauga, ' 1227 789 ' ' 668 Greene, ' 1126 1906" '1089 Guernsey 1054 2170 1298 Hamilton, ,9186 4066 r 4942 Hancock, 1218 858 1212 Hardin ' ' ' 639 736 772 Harrison,-HeAr- 10711 1816 " '1266 .. 271 .1220 - 273 Highland, ; 1662 1711 , . 990 nocking, 796 . 946 . 963 Holmes, " 1(57 1182 1818 Juron', "- - '1869 1364 J480 Jackson, 338: : ''767 -- 461 Jefforson, .1643 2035 1479 Knox,. 1987 ; 1976 1087 Lake, 1172 442 440 Lawrence,' ' 265 ' 867 346 Licking, 2644 2264 1616 Logan, : 922 1710 1089 Lorain, 2061 '1113 1069 Lucas, . 791 441 417 Madison, 449 1083 .653 Mahoning, 2080 392 1468 Marion, . 945 726 . 1064 Medina, 1853 1291 1381 Meigs, 9t7 '. ; 645 660 Mercer, 605 331 477 Miami, 1476 1668 Monroo, 1698 694 1408 Montgomery, 2496 -- 2069 2713 Motgan, 1212 1865 1163 Morrow, ,,1303 1364 1128 Muskingum, 2313 3841 2266 Noble, ..',,. 963 1361 1228 Ottnwa, 244 109 279 Paulding, '.' 283 35 161 Perry, ' 1385 1436 . 1360 Pickaway,- - 1452 1425 1396 Pike, 482 901 620 Portage, ,2610 741 1320 Preble, 977 1881 873 Putnam, 654 388 405 Richland, - 2833 1093 2220 Ross, - : 1867 1961 1405 Ssndusky. 1203 218 954 Scioto. 644 1034 , 693 Seneca, 2190 518 1948 Shelby, 960, 1070 1170 Stark, 2635 ' 1773 2663 Summit, 2025 2013 Trumbull, 1956 1622 Tuscarawas, 1577 2226 Union, 663 1116 Van Wert, 256 367 Vinton, 369 757 Warren, 1348 2240 Washington, 16 5 1377 Waj no, 2587 1629 w'Mliams, 607 231 510 Wyao.'. 836 667 2313 ,1369 692 2630 : 680 2282 1729 913 173 811 2787 270 968 1163 1777 " 1712 8348 721 413 1366 ' 188 2040 621 774 1635 1902 1662 1960 2430 ... 957 638 2956 1310 1726 698 870 . 886 646 1687 931 394 1461 826 1621 1606 1355 3517 994 84 134 1228 1309 658 1741 1709 451 1292 2184 418 94 1030 661 1659 1676 2054 1508 1839 2261 1337 675 930 440 130 698' 551 1477 1835 1075 1758 2460 1157 397 368 560 373 958 487 . :; s 126,654 109,276 104,266 113,239 ,T, 'Hear oneol the Quatile ro,i who effervesces bums of South C na u .t,o on Msrcury , ; ftllllMIKII Hlu VlimiV" - i.tL me Declaration of aviso asis v iwH j inA.,nAanl.m .hn.,1,1 ba . made use of by our young friends (boy fro.""'10 "ge "t"0 ...... .nJ..n.e in r,.n Southern Rights the altar of A..lo,!on. .nrt in ivnnr inon their country, (I mean the south o o'y) their ri.vniinn. i.inrnn and never dvli'ig n.'cu .u our tnTflmnuslv .... . - affirressive. on , anid fall.Mical Government." VV. .hmiM think lhat fellow's fU'C W88 aching I But there'a hope yet ! ?bra ' patriotism even there, for see how it bvoke the other dsy t , What I bust this glorious Union up? "" An' go to drawih trigger Just fur a a ihunderin panel of " , Emancipated niggers I a The engle of Ameriky That flue across the sees, ..' , ; And throde the bluddy Dritih lion Kar slump upon his knees : Say I -- say shall we rent him from Iim to Iim Wun wing wun way wun totbor, And. every aepperit pin fether ,A flyin' at the other I "h can't be did I" . ' - An earthquake waa felt in this city yes terday morning, about 10 o'clock. There were three distinct shocks, the whole oc- curring in about pno minute. - A fritnd who poted the. occurrence says that the motion was undulating, or wavo-lik- nnd appeared, proceed from the southwest. " The second shock was decidedly the strongest, tho first third being about .equal to each other. None, of them were acoompantud with any perceptible sound. As our informant had a watch in his hand, the time bnd durnton can relied upon as accurate. The mo ning ly was somewhat c!bildy,cobl calm followed a great while nl'torwsrd.'by a slight Jain, with thitiidcr.f,, Aboui haii-pa- si - up 1 with warm sunshiny and so continued for the hui.- rt "e of the'dJty.-S.XoH- is ZZ,i.4iiiit "Mv eon,". .said Mf Smith to bis little y boy, who was' davoyring aii.egg, (it waa 'Mr. SmithV desire lo instruct' his boy) ''My son, do- - you tthoa that 'chicken come out oriecgs?"9,'hido they. -- father WsaJd i. young Hopeful .'.tlvought fjt-ttlwirgz- s nnte out ol crttckt-w- s .1 hk Ssa DiJtlM6HiKr. LrVutenant Wil- liam D. Porter, of the Navy ha mode an interesting communicuiWn in jjjte Intelligen- cer, In which be undertakes to show that all the phenomena of chunge in iho oewn line of at acost, and appearMico of rocks abov the water which hive been observW and commented oh from nme 19 ilipe, ore eaused' by u constant dituinuiit '11 of 1I10 waters of the ocean and that a process is mi ull time going on by which ihe, subjiancca held in solution th ihe ocean . aanrrt are' converted. " - - Into solid: 418 014 1637 1513 y. 7 : CONSOLATION, j r, ? rt94 A SridBA.: J ',t. J Jg t V. s '. U I K WW) Ii';' wi!)Aprlm 'l 4. ,. t i$tit v ' ,!-- . i' With mf e and ttiiti- - ; Of tw tip-'ia- SrocraTrr: eT W ii- - ii mWit quite iaa.paolfti -- Oj ' Joh- n- mechanic ' ti j ; 1 7 'ffro,"K her pride with ao "ifftr." ' Tl exceedingly queer, 1 acknowledge my dour," ' "" Retorted her sorrowing brother ' -- "But you may dtjpenu",- v io your very life'e end, You 12 never be pained With another'. A man down East hu Invented yellow spectacle for moking lard look like butter. I hey are a great saving of expense If werq while eating. , 4 ,. OSrSome western villain has concocted the following 'con:1 Whv am ci-i- .. u. diei of tbe present day like the 'forlorn hope' of a besieging armyf Becausu may are about to throw themselvea rma ,h breeehu, ' ' Cur fob Cohns. Pare off the hard pan' of the corn with a sharp knifo, not ao a to cause It to bleed; apply the inner pan of an onion, mnrshed fine; Keep It on during tha. night, and a aery few applications wili effjot a cure. 'So they say'. Sckns Lf wiih a jug.) a GaocBBV. (Exit ousioraor Grocery keeper to hia son onaibari) did you charge that rum V ' le. ; "Timortjy, did" you charge thei rum f- -' "Yes Sir." 'Joseph,- did you charge that ruin V ' i es otr-e- e i "All right so have 11" Definitions. laisHMETf The Inhabit. ants of every country except their own; Mustachio The tipper lip going late mourning for the loss of the brains. EjtctATio.t.--- A desire to excel by aobte effort. Akbiiiok X rfesire to bo Installed in the. seat of honor, no mailer ho. ' Diction ht A Sepulchre for the Mrpsr fl of idea. . . OiT "John; what I the past of eee-l- " "Seen, ir." - "No, it i 'saw' te ollect that." i i 'Yes sair. Then If a cca-fis- h swims bf . ut,..uiiio a aaw-as- n wnen it m pan ana can't be seen." "You may go home, John." : tttOne little "oardn ni(.K r hs been profitable, verv thia Mln TK- - bugs ate up the cucumber, the chickens ate up the bugs the neighbor' fntm aia iK. chickens and we are now In search of something that will eat tha cats. Can any of our agricultural friend aid An. Union. (t!r" Bob," said a young codfish to hia father' t porter, "do you ace that butcher' wagon loaded with calves I wouldn't be a butcher for all the world." "Ahem I" said Bob, eying his employer' son from head to foot, "I'd a plaguy aight rather be a butcher than a calf." (fir Why ia a school-minim- i, lik. ter C ? Because he form lasse Into cla e. (D-Pars- on Miller, a famnn. nr..t,.. who flourished in Newburvnon ago, had the following request sent to him to read in In the pulpit Plum. er and wife desire to return thanks for be-in- g blei ed with the natural consequences of matrimony." OT'There's s eonnlurlon miA M... shal Saxe, we shall now be laid asido and forgotten, e are like cfoaksonlr vsmii in rough weatherf ' ' - ' A Toast the admlniatrailon nf the elder Adams, the following was given by gentleman more noted for ignorance than-fo-r information: 'Our President. John Arlsma May thatiai7-p7- r of George Wash- - ingtoa fall upon hia : hrttd. ' He mean mantle.!. .... , ,: v MtrstCAL. 'I'd give almost anvihin - hear Old Bull said a down east lass to hrr lover. ' - Well, answered he, 'dad's tot an old brindle chap, and voa can hear him bellow a'most any time , .; ,. , ... frVA aervant girl writing a letter, asked her master if tho next month had coma In yet; he laughed. 'Well she said, what I mean is, 'has the old mcnth gone out yet? Rats. A man in New York hss offered' he New York Common Council to riu 'he- - city of rats not only tho bouses, but air tile common sewers for ono, hundred thousand dollars; and afterwards keep the city entire free Tront rpts lor t tn years lor thirty thou-san- d dollars par annum. (rA young dandy In' Broadway. V evonings ago, aceostcd a bellman as follows; "You take all sort of trash in your can do .,: Yes, jump to b:,,ujri "Or'Airit ltwicTtod"tb wbd'is c nckia foct, IWiiV' ''' '. t'cO rr. ''Dat's n gjeat mersJt qawniun. fiumbw-- s haitu no time tn nrgnt it ' " ' Mm pn!li ."" J

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Page 1: Meigs County telegraph (Pomeroy, Ohio : 1848). (Pomeroy… · a. 1 ' 1 f I v i w n.4 hJf If' 4t to f;rO M f --iifcr




1 f




w n.4 hJf If' 4t to f;rO M f -- iifcr 81 a .an 3t,i ;.UA j .Alrlr.JM I '1 JAOITMOf

fTKLEtlJl'APHi ffl If II;aT, "J r v .. .at iWtiv OF THE-- OFFICE TtUQRAfH,I vvi;:nw of ajr 1f. T. V1X l!OitHf, Editor. i iitubV : "ii ca 'ihuriday iflforningy. 1 W DZ! .UIUUWTIWfI'OMKROrv

WT O'.TIH0110.


.TF"MS OF SUBSCRIPTION. r :i .'ii f' v v j ; ltai of AdwrtUtog! r

i 4.uiiar and Futv fVnta. iiiiii-O-U- ; One auam (li cr ln t)nw uLt li nnif paid MiMiTu.c, ..".: '. ...:!... , ! hSCllilS.-- l KB t '1-- .t.!. y , ... , , - J'l".. . ' ... Evprjr jabspquent iaaertioaj. jff lint


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uriillommcvfc, ilTarkcls anatmral. IntcUtomce One aquaro. one-re-ar.? . i

if,ITNd paper will b disoonuatd until

laroo-iourt- otveoKunn, out rear, i M OA'paid, xyjpt at tlie One oolamnt on i ' i t i ; KMrptiaa of the pub. Oil li., BSftel. f, ,.; tv.,,, j.,.,. ,v , , .. .... 7 nJt tfain iamber

1 o tie etuuaeea of then it;o marked on copy, wii U ooounaed anbi

forbid and obsrgwl acooidinfly.".

u jcure attention. m vjamu au'wugofi muni par tit adrance.of VJ or toote, the paper will BY: II: T. VAN 7 i !a libera'. Ruction in pnoev i exeoutod wita tocutaey and neatneet.

'"," 0" ' JW?o a man frow manner,


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- H

'wn-feht- know him by hi drew!

: : ,uPrtly U fu Tor prince, "...

,,J. T Y'C69 fit for ome Uiug lew. .

., . VrvmpfcJ lin an J dirty jacket

May be, clothe the golden oren W llie dcrptU ilioughi and feeling

'? v Snilri rtiii could do no more:

Ever welling niii of ione : "n i i

Ji'lhvrtf arc orpla buds and go'drn.- -

i & v tHddeir'cruthd and overgrown. '

' uvi, hu courkia by couli, tiot.dreasca,'f' l '!LoTea and pnwpura you and me, ","

a TV bile lie raluss ironca the hlgnett ;

.i. A but rxbblei in the sea. .

,Man. upraised above, his fallows,


OA ior(ou.his follows titan..T' Matre-rulc-rs lords remember

That your meanest kinds are men I

"' Men by labor, muri by fcoling, (. 7Men by ihought and men by fame,

' fcJisimlng equat rights to Sunshine ,'In a man's onablod name,

' There aro foamembroiderod oceans.There ara lhilo weed-cla- d rills,There are foebld, inch high saplings,

There are cedars on the bills ;"l; ' Out Oud, who counu by souls, not stations,

' Loves and prospurs you and mo,

For to him all vaiu dbuinciiona" ' ' ' Are as pebbles in the seu.

Toiling hands alone aro luildtrs. Of nation's wealth and fame. I

Ti. lad laziness is pensioned,red and fattened on the same ;

11 v the sweat or others foreheads.Living only 10 n joicc,

WhiU the poor man's outraged freedom

Vainly 'iftcth up its voico.U it truth nod justlco arc eternal

Darn with loveliness and light.And.sutisi'i'a wronjj bi nover prosper,

While there is a sunny light,.And God, whose world-hoar- d voice is singing

Bound! lovo to you and me,Will licit opproMion with its titles,

As the p?Mlea In thq sea. y


. The subjulnsd lnteresilng sketch of a mnitIrtgular woman is furnisliud the National

I oteltigencer by a cornspondont whs hasrtcently etplrej (He so jrce of the Pon:iacsiver:

"De'lghtoJ. tt.iwavrr, and deeply Impress-ed, as I have bnen, by tho scenery of thisAlpine land, 1 have been far more intcrrsi d in an !J woman, wlmtn 1 have had thepleasure of seeing. Her name is ElizabethGolding, or Goldijon. 8ho resides in a logcshin entirely alone, directly at that)l of the gorge which has takm hername. She is ol German origin, and

herself one hundred and twelveyears of age. 8he was born, according toher own words, 'within a two days' rido ofPhiladelphia, and hei father was a soldierIn the revolution under Washington, andshe hrrself was In the immedinie vicinitvofthe American camp at the defeat of Gen.Brtddock, of which event the habitually re-

counts a fircnt number of interesting andthrilling Incidents, closing each paragraphwith ihe remark, that the battlefield was wet

very wet with blood. She has beenand childless for nearly a half a

vrntury, and for many yeara has lived, asnow, in the soliiu le of the mountains, ut-terly alone. Indeed, everything about the

ld woman is peculiar and strange. In stat-ure she is quite Small, and her hair (whichla white as snow) is verv long. When en- -

gsged in conversation, her countenance firesp ciceedingly, and she accompanies eachentence with the most animated cesiures.

(ler Voice, though still strong, is altogetherbeyond, her control, having an unnaturaltone; and the wrinkles, running entirelyoyer her faco and neck, are as deep ss wemight imsgino them to be after having beenurrowed bv the toars of even one heart for

so long 1 time as n century. . She wasclothed in tho simplest manner, bavins no- -

on, her bead a cap made of common brownfrpon, a, frock of blue home-spu- n cloth.

(nd on her feci nothing but wollcn socks.' Purina tho whole time that we were in hercabin she was smoking somo bitter weed ina corn cob pipe, and though haggard endr worn to a marvellous degree ; she had ajdeasini smile; and when either ef herguests happened 10 utter something thnt wasnovel to hor she would exclaim, 'Oh, yesthai is woncjorfiill' Hor only means of

...subsistence for years past had been obtainedpy making hickory brooms t but even thisbusiness she had been compelled 10 clvo up

.t for tho could no moro climb the mountainso obtain the proper material ; and though

. she seemed to be perfect. y certain that ahe. would be provided for. she expressed the

greatest dread of the county almshouse.. We enquired as to her appetite ; and she re-

plied, 01). I eat very littlo ; I never eot. much sometimes nothing in a whole day.

And never more than once a day, and I am- well acquainted with hunger.' As to her

c sleep we also questioned her, and she said'that's what troubles me most; 1 cannot

'...sletp now I am so old ; and so I lay on. Rty bed all night thinking of my great, good

siesrt Falhtr in Ihe Heavens' Weasked her how she managed to obtain the

'necessities of life, and she naid ahe did notknow, only that tht people, who travelledthe road sometimes stopped in to give her alittle coffee or flour, her main stay being amalt garden of vegetables, the brush fence

I around which had boon built by, her ownhand t and this garden was just exactly theneatest one that I everbeheld.- - 'As to her:lght, ii was as good Is ever, arid she waswjUBr.led with the" uss" of spwoo'es

3 per Annum. :7.," I " b"ji' c'o'u "NTR Y-- L O N E r&ONBTT'- - .. t . y, j.y .; -;r

all :

Tea m.f; U7"4dTonMficapnU of

ooromuaioatioiu I

HORN. ivd


V pskod her h.w tnufli money she Wouldwant in support her a vear, and ehe repliedthat ten dollars would take care of her along time mors than a year. ' As a matterof course my companions and 1 madeup a little purse for iter benefit ; and whenwe gave it to her it seemed as if she wouldembrace us In spite of ' us. Indeed, ' wemade her a number of trifling presents;and she expressed her gratitude by weepingand assured m that her .'Father in the Heav-ens' would bless and moke us happy wher-ever we mlcht go, And can assure' therender that the tears shed by that old womanof Gve e years and ten were not the only oiks that sprung into 'the eys on that

"But I have hot dveri the reader an- ideapf the home of this lon-l- y being j In truih.

It liaffles description. Her nearest neighboris some four utiles off. and her, only com-

panions in her solitude are a little dVg anda cat. Her cabin stands licnr the water'sedge, and directly' on the hill side; it iswithout a window, but light in abundancecomes in from the gaping roof and sides ofthe black and mouldering log habitation,the chimney of which is of mud and sticks.and in a dillanidated condition. ' Her bedstead m made of small pine sticks with she j

bark Still on ; hercouch consisting of hem - 'lock boughs covered with straw, upon whichare two or three wretchedly-wor- n t.

in one corner of the room are two orthree sho'ves, where ara displayed her cook-

ing utensils, the original cost of which (andthey were very old and worn) could nothave been more than a dollar. An old stoolanswers the purpose of a chair, and a boardnailed to the side of tho cabin is her onlytable. Hanging from the logs at the side oftier oed arc two or three old gowns, whichhelp to keep out the air and the rain. Sheis also the owner of a spinning wheel ; andfrom the crevices of the logs around, above,and everywhere, depend bunches of herbsand faded flowers, which she has gatheredin horramblc8; but there was a taste andneatness displayed in the arrangement ofme misersbw furniture or the room, whichtt.lVft it r.hpnrrnl ncnorl. Wo miiimA ih

. - - r- -Jo woman if she never apprehended anydarger whilo thus living so utterly alone,and sho replied, 0f course not : who wouldharm a noor forsaken hnina (ika mat Itflin t afraid even of the bears ; for It is onlylast fait thai hnn nmt Hnwn hflm andscratched up my garden, but I drove himoff with a bifi stick.' Up lo this point everything we saw and heard concerning thisaged woman was strange; but when wearose to depart we were still more astonish-ed

atto have her rivet our attention by her

wild movements, and address us to the fol-


effect ; 'Men, 1 thank y dU for your in

goodnees; I cannot read, but my great Father has loid me in my heart, all about it.There is a Heaven, mon, and it's a veryhappy place ; and there i:; a hnll. men, andits a very dreadful place; they both willnever have an end. Now, men, good by;we shall meet once more at the judgment,but for only a short lime. Live, men, asthat you may get to Heaven.' And so weleft this strange buing ; and I am confidentthai long after the bones shall hnve mingledwith ihe dust one trio of travellers, if stillliving, will remember with wonder nnd pleasurn iheir interview with the "Herinii Woman of the Alleghenics."

OT The editor of the Iivansville Journal went to another S ate and look to himself a wife. On his return home and on rsumingthe Editorial chair, he thus discorses. or

And in announcing the fact of our returnhome with a rib, we cannot rufiain from expressing our profound disgust of bachelorismand bachelors and we expect to be disgust in

,l i icu mm uuiu lur several weeKS. weare well aware that in times gone by, weoccasionally made ourself ridiculous in theeyes of sensible men by upholding the bachelor state as iho only lire of happiness, in wyeJ .J I I wucpuuuence anu eanniy giory. uut wewere young nnd green then, and of courseknew but one side of the subject. Nowstand up here, you consumed ugly plcters of ing;numanity rejoicing in tne name ol bache-lors, and answer us a few questions.

What are you fit for in this world t toWhat good are you doing )our country T

What are you doing for posterity T What boutinterest hove you in tin V generations yet dutyunborn" you read of? Where will you "be allwhen old men. if your rile habits ever per-mit you to arrive nt a good old age ? Won'tyou be like lortety senred and scathed trees thatstanding iu n big clearing without a compan- -

Ion, and your Itle unprotected from the frosts beby young saplings and shrubs at your feet? notOr won't you bo like pumpkins in a cornfield, more prominent because of yout pro-- idigiotis ugliness anj loneliness, than thestalks at your side laden with golden grain tHold your neat's up, and talk like men tea,whether you con act so or not. Now, don'tyou fcol ashamed of yourselves T Look at lectthe girls about you, all smiles and sugar theyhearts overflowing with lovo ready to bespilled on tho first good, follow that can iheytouch their, syu pathieR feelings rich" : ascream, which by a kindred spirit can soon inbe worked into butter and spread over yourlife till you arc happy as ihe birds of spring.Look at 'em, and i'eel the dibgustlng pos'nionyou occupy in tho cabbngo garden t f humnnity, . What are you holding; bacjt.r. for 1

Xowjusi reform put on yo'ur best looks wasand other coat ico .cream them,, talk to.them prettily, drive them, walk thein,'fcue wilicm thou propose, gel accepted, marry,und the country will rly on yolf as a faith-ful nnd well disposed ciiizen ' ' '

' OrYou can'i change an old coal Into; awefor

new one by tubbing it with or uncjean dici-er, or blowing it with the belfows ;' neither

andcan ynu change your, bad character intq, a

good one. by nbuss,'or boastful lulk, br bjlax.fighting- .-

Bill," said Bobj.'why is that tree calleda veeping willow?' u : . i

. "Cause one of the sneakljiglratied,thjngs thegrew near our school hou'so and'supptied i be

roaster. with tho sticks which (lid all thetoy's llcliing iim fci ngi pjcn;'e.,

TUB WHISKEY INSU.KKECfrjtON.' ' ' - ,r' '' ."'The following address on ihe subject

the Whiskey:. Jnsuirociion, was deliveredin Mount Pleaantv .Westmoreland county.Pa., by the Hn.. John Lobingier.( Wehave no doubt !C will be accepiible to manyof our readers; p furnisliing them with aomefacts and incidents, by a person, who was an

s, and. in some degree, an aciof inone of those scenes of madness and mjirulethat sometimes take possession of wholecornmuniiies as well as individuals.;'" "

Judge Lobingier, though ninety year ofnee, is suit, we are nappy 19 team, a msn.tAenfcwble for his ae. and es

,ta' j.A-.- . . .. -for tin' urbanity ol liismaniMirs and the in-

tegrity M his life. I Gasper Tarr and PhillipReagan, El- - mehtioned I'n'tHe narrative,have both died since 'the delivering of theaddress--Va- rr in about the seventv - fiuhyear of his .Wt Reajin at the very ad

vanced a'n ' one hundred and seven. -' ' 'Pitltburg Dis'ch. ,

MR. LOBI NGIER'S ADDRESS.I rise to niv vou mv recolluciions of the

Western, or what i5 called .'he Whiskey In -

surrection, in the vear J794. ' in doing so,1 ana" have to depend ati.nost tntirely uponmywn niemory, having .o documents 10

watch to refer. I have . howev''er, lately hada conferorce with Gasnor Tarr PhillipReagan, (both of this neighborhood-- ) whosurecollections aided me considerably vn ,ne

uecurrntiena. RTora 1 nrocced will.' mynnrrntivci. f wilt trtvn vrtn ft ahnrt armnm' ofthe first settlement of this part o.Pennsylvania, with the manners, customsand bubits nhich the settlers acquired underthe peculiar circumstances in which theywere placud. The settlement commencedabout the year 1709. The whole countryat that time was an entire wilderness, coveredby a heavy growth of timber. The settle-ment progressed and improved till the year1776, when the revolutionary war brokeout, which continued till the year 1783. Du

ring thai period many or the Irontier innaa-itant- s

were driven from their dwellings bythe hostile Indians. ' Some lost their lives,and somo' returned to the other side of themountains from whence they had come.Others, not willing to give up their settlemenu, erected temporary runs and block'houses, into which they occasionally fledwhen apprehensive of dancer. The menweM oul in companies to work their littlefields of corn, with thoir guns on their sliouldors, placing part of themselves as sentinelsround the fields, while the other pan were

work, lor fear of an attack, from the Indiana, lr this perilous situation they suffer

many privations, until peace was restored1783. After thai period many of the old

inhabitants returned, with increased numbersof immigrants, and the country improved sorapidly as soon to , supply the inhabitantswith abundance of evory kind of provision

Unfortunately about this iim.-- , or a littlebefore, they began to convort their surplusgrain into whtskev. 1 his was the more anevil, as th- y used the whiskey principallyamong themselves, from the great demand Tor it, it was the principal article oltrade, and became a kind of standard olvaluo fur other articles; und the man whohad plenty of whUkey in those limes, 'wnd atregarded by his lellow-cittzen- s pearly in ihesame light as a man is now who has moremoney than his neighbors. 1 am astonished inwhen 1 look back and reflect upon tho quan-tity of it that were used. It was the medi-

cine for almost every disease, and was aconstant beverage wherever people met to-

gether, whether to assist each other in laboramusement. At military trainings, at

funerals and weddings; at raisings,grubb ng frolics, chopping fro-

lics, in harvest fields and at corn hnsklngs; msshort, wherever the people met. and what

ever they met to do, they must have winskey. Owing to the perilous times through mewhich ihey had passed, and from the verynature of the employments in a new coi n- -

thn niAnla hnH mil ini aha hnhil slmo utuifiD nuu .liy tiv mv iiuvii vidoing almost all thjfr ordinary labor in companies, ond these-- were a kiild ol convivialmeetings that greoily fostered" whiskey drink

in short, the tct'stom hud become souniversal, that a man was considered, chur-lish

loror nuan, that did not treat his neighbors

a dram whenever an opportunity ottered. newfhe country . remained in this state till a- - and

the year 1781, when Congress. luid aor excise of fuur pence per gallon ondistilled spirits. The long war with

England had greatly exhausted the publictreasury, and this was thought to bo a tax as

would assist the revenue with as littleinjury to the citizens as any other that could

devised. The people, how ever, would

submit to it. . They considered it a greatoppression,and tyrannical beyond fanduranco.

What. ' said they, snail we, wno witntntwenty years have successfully contended

ith Great Britain on account oi a tax on

now submit to be taxed for whiskey?"When the excise officer came round to col oi

officers came round to collect ihe duty, andwere everywhere hissed at and insulted

nd threatened to be tarred and leutneref it fewpersisted in executing their office.

Other officers were sent, .and were treatedtlie same manner. Some few recommend-

ed : submission to the laws and that they thisshould petition Congress for redress ofgriev-ances, but they were disregarded. ; The nowpopular frenzy was such that the man whotalked either of submission or moderation,

in great danger pf getting his personor his house burned.. Public moenngs the

re held in clifTiron't sections of the coun-try, inflammatory speeches made, and libertypoles raised, with such devices on them as partthese: "Liberty and no excis'-;- " t "United had.

stand, divided we fall;" "No asylum that' '"" "" ' 'cowards or traitors,"

Thus a very great excitement was raised, thisa laige majority were willing to go any and

in opposing-tlio,- -, collection, of th.Whilst affair remained ii) this situa-


government sent out ' three influontial hudcommissioners to ihejiisttffected counties, ,inorder to persuade the citizens to submit to

law.iuThe excitement, however, was so her'high that they would no, hear, thq commis-Kioner- r,

and scarcely desisted from ii fulling x

them. They were plainly Informed by the on

j commissions, that the" la 4t'..' (nor would be repealed I so. J

of 2ens resisted itj and jh.ajt 1

viability of inc. government i

should enforce obrdinncii'ti i

strong arm. if nothing else w

effect of this'menaeei waii'iht.vention of the citizens wa fc

whether .(hey would .submitresist ft.).. The delegates aasfkinson's ferry fnow ' Monon"the early pArfotthAsu minermajority of the convention pn

that ihe several excisabrought Jn injmediateiyand that their commit

r oould beasihe ciii- -'

Jignity and.n d that itiws by ihe

1 do.

o consider

d aja city3.u'

Itould be'5, ..force,lie taken

I rn


them thai they would not again aci incapacity, and thai-- if any resistancemade should be burnedof house and ( home.. . Thtis , this affuir

The ingurcents, ty a numerous todyarmed men, made their first nttack on


dwelling house of Gen. Neville,-th- e exciseofficer in Washington county .Neville,, wasaware of their coming, and had prepared anarmed lorce to delend himself., tie warnedthem to desisi or he would fire on them.They advanced, however, and CHpt. M'Far- -

land was shot dead.: Ihe assail anu retired.and a, , day or( ;two; afterward, , returnedto, resume the attack... Neville inmeantime had abandoned the house, andassailants meeting-'wit- no resistance,



nro to it and burned It down. I he nextmovement was made against Philip Reagan,the deputy excise officer in Westmorelandcounty. ' The attack was made in the night

Y a numerous body ot men; Keagan exn'a. -- ted to be attacked, and bad prepared him

self v"'in a number of guns, and one or twompn The firing . commenced , front the

hnnxn m.'d the assailants fired at it for sometime withou' effect on either side." The

thei;1 801 &re 'Reagan'e barn,which ihnv hii.'ned down, and, retired for

that time. In th'co""0 ,wo

rir. tin nciiUntk'. with a ir e of onehundred nnd Hfiv mmt. '. returned"' to tthe attack. After some IjWleylng, Reagan,rather than shed blood, prc,8cd w WPilu'lai with ihnm. nrnviileH ih' WOUld dO . II

r- - - .

oij honorable terms, and give hi."W assurance

that they would neither abuse his ."r5n "ord ;stroy his property,, and would g!rfiB on

his part to five up his commission, andiisveiagain to act as an exciseman. These etJjT't--

lations were agreed; to, reduced to writing.and signed bv the parties. .Regan then onened his . door, came? out with a kee ofwhiskey, and treated them all. Id a shortlime, however; after the w'.hiskey was drank.some of them began to nitirm'r and 10

that the old rascal was lei oif w"0 esY anuthat he ought to be set up as a 10 De

ahoi at. Some were for larrinf and if',." tiering him, bul others look his part, and saic4 nenan acted manlully. and that after capitula- -

ting with him they wore bound by everything sacred, to treat him honorably. Atlength they got to fighting among themselves,After this it was proposed and canied. thatthey should march off. right nway, to BenWells of rayeue county, the excise officerthere, and catch and trv him and Reaganboth together. , They sat out , accordingly,iBKing iieagan along, but when they arrived

Well s house, he was not there, so iheyset fire to it and burned It with all its contents. I hev left an ambush near ihn rnina.

order, ii ihey could, to aeize unon WellsNext morning he wua taken, but during thenight, as Reagan had escaped, and Wellswas very submissive with them, ihey lethim off without further molestation.

I he next attack was made on CantainWebster, of Stoystown. the excise officer forssutnerset county, by about one hundred andfifty men from Westmoreland. They look

commission Irom him, and made htmpromise never again to act as collector of anexcise. Al attempt was made bv soma of

party to bre his hay.stacks. but it wasprevented by others or thorn before any in-

jury was done. They mar.-he- d off homewards, taking Webster a few miles alongwun ineui, and souirg him very submissive,they ordered him lo mount the stump, andrepeal his promise, never again to act as col-


of excise, and to hurrah three limes onTom ihe Tinker,' after which they dis-

missed him. This Tom the Tinker was agod added to Mythology, at this lime

was supposed to preside over whiskey-still- s

and still houses. Whoever hurrahedstoutly for Tom the Tinker was of bnquea-tionibl- e

loyally with the ' whiskey boys;whilut those who would not were branded

traitors to thia new Deity, and to theircountry. , , .

Allaire now arrived nt such si crisis thateither the government or the people mustsubmit, and for the government to havedone so, under the circumstances, wouldhave been an end of tlie government.Nothing now could restore order but thestrong arm or ihe nation. The Presidentcalled out the Militia from the eastern pan

rennsytvania, wew Jersey, Maryland isVirginia. Upwards of. five thousand

men, consisting of Infantry, cavalry, and a,companies of artillery, promptly obey-

ed the call of ihe President. The Penney!-- 1 wasvania and New Jeisey troops came throughSomerset,. and halted in three divisions on pay

side of the Chessnut Ridge. The ad.vance division came on to where this town

stands; the second division remained'a Mills.' They remained in iheirencampments for iho space, jof .eight days;during which iime,the Cavalry , conducted by you

excise oifidurs, were out scouring' the thecountry in Bearch of whiskey "boys. Butchiefly all' those who had taken an active 'is

in the lata insurrectionary movements, Ieither fleJtor secreted , themselves, sofew could, be. found; I believe not mure

than one or two." Tho part of (lie army in heneighborhood, then struck Iru'lr' tents ofmarched to thd'forks of the Yough, in

Washington co.inly Vhlro they wore metthe Maryland end: Virginia troops, whocoma up through .vuinporland, and Un

iuntowtv. .Whilst, there a feWj.morit.pfj theinsurgent were lakoii.' The precise 'nuin

l do hoi Verhember, but"! thinkv'abouifirteefl?"'" ' yti M oi ii t(MhqM

A proctamaftoh wasMherr hsuod callingall persons, (a few names only excepted.)

to come, foward at a curtain iim.) and place,and accept ol A general amnesty; for alpast offences. , This wna generally acceeded to "by 'those wh6'had takefi ah activeIn the. late, illegal movements,'" he" emirmanding pmeers navrng now lull assurancethat the citizens' would tubmlt' to-- the lawsand no longer resist the collectors .proposeto ih 'ciiizens.'ihnf,' ff one or more militl

Par; coiipanies in. each county would pledgeY in' themselves to the ' government

support, the, constitution and laws", 'whencalled upon," they4 would remove i tharmy from amongst them. This propositionwas gladly'cceded to," for (ho citizens wereiienruiy nrreo oi mem, anu toe o nicer anarnpii were vwry anxious to return horne.-

that do ' not Tomenibor " bow "inittiv" combauawas pledged themselves to support the laws, bubut one or tho Westmoreland companies that

was did so I had the honor of commanding my-self. ' The army 'come here, 10 the beat ofmy recollection, sometime in October, 1794

the and left about the latter end of November.The excise officers resumed ' their dutiesand met with, no further opposition. Theprisoners were taken to Philadelphia, whichwas then tlieseatol the general government,under the administration of President Washington, and there, In order to expose themand mortify their feelings, they were march-ed through some of the principal streets, withwhite papers stuck upon their ham. Theywere aiterwards tried In iho f edeTal Uourt:

set two onty were convicted and sentenced tobe hanged, the one for treason, and the oiherfor intercepting and breaking epen the United States Mail, for .the purpose of ascertain'ing what steps the government were aboutto take relative to the laws. The - othors

- I.. I B:.1wem acquittea, anu inose convicted werepardoned and discharged. Thus ended tltilolly artd madness, into which the citizj.ishad been led by a few asoirinu.political demagogues, who had raised theirspirits to such a height, as at one time tothreaten ruin to the country.

Now, fellow citizens. I presume thkt manvof you may wish to know what part I tookin the unhsppy affair. I confess, frankly,wiaiu was wun reluctance I remained aneutral spectator. Had it not been for thegood advice of my venerable father, whosecounsel I followed, rather than mv own inclination, 1 should most likely have takenan active part with thoae that were outraging ihe laws of - their country. Throughhi instrumentality, 1 was fortunately savedfrom a course of conduct, that must, on re--

taction, forever after have given me uneas-iness It w.u shortly before this time, thatthe Jacobin spirit had overthrown the Frenchgovernment, and drenched the nation inblood; anu' many 4:90a and reflecting menbegan to fear, that tinker ihe spurious namesof democracy and liberty, the ' same ' evilspirit was about to take possession of ourpeople. 1: , ,!::; ,' -


writer In 'Arthur's Home Gazette,

draws t.1'8 Por,r',il wf en Jickson', at the

limeheva'P'esident- :-Jockson's i08 8n0 n8ure WM 40 remark- -

. . o nnulrl Ka an nmmiR fllclr tftable mat noin.'"," r "

than Jikeneaa of him. Hisan artist to gSl...face confirmed every

nomist. It wss lont" a ii u narrow, anu pro--

minent below. A mou h and chin moreuvnroeelva rf ctrn ff..f..lin. n can scarce betA.i.vnov w.w... wm i

,i , ing, and littleMiniiiuu sua nvou sisgif niii'

drooping indicating strength t ,character

would a man in(Bonapart hardly emploj'any important trust who had no.'nose,) with a mixture ol shrewness. 'thisquality was also strongly marked 1.1 1, he

large folds of skin about the corner of '.he

eyes (often called crotcs feet;) hia cheekwere hollow, the eye ttsoll was the eye of

eagle cold, grey, piercing in the highestdegree, and when concentrated by rage, dar-

ling living fire; ihe brow was fretful, seriousand lowering; the forehead narrow and deep-

ly corrugated His figure tall and com-

manding, but thin and sinewy; his hair of

iron grey, was still anJ unyielding, very a- - .K

bundant, and stood erect upon his head.looked well when standing, still betterhorseback, and hia appearance was much

improvement by a rpendid uniform.The habit of prolano swearing had grown

with his growth and strengthened with hisstrength, till it becanio a aecond nature tohim. ' Hi well known oath, 'by ihe inter-

nal!" is remembered by all who ever waslong in hia company. I .have heard it re-

marked, and 1 believe with truth, that amongthose who indulge in profane language,. it iseasy to detect such as have a religious edu-


by the more terrible emphasis andimport of their oaths. . The remark. maypossibly apply lo this President, who was afrequent attendant on divine worship,- - and .

well acquainted with the doctrines of Chris

tianity. When roused to wrath, It waslearlul to hear the torrent ol prolano language which poured from, his lips. There

an anecdote told ol him winch stronglyillusiratea this fact. At the closo of his

residential iierm. I think it. was, the Gene- -

rai.accoinpanied by a company of hia friends, ..returning to the West, and traveling on

turnpike road, had or course, id nop andtoll, which, as there were several in the

company, took some time. A gentlemantraveling the same road' came' up. about a

quarter of an hour after, to the turnpikegate, and as ho was; getting ready4 his

change,: the gale keeper, said, io him ;Canin

tell me fir, who that tal( man ,is, with

high white huir, who'passed hero a ' fewand

minutes ago""' Why,' said the gentleman,it possible you don't know' who thai is?'

dd not.'---Wh- do you wUh so much toknow?'.) tBecauso,' said lha gato-keepo-

bewith a look of wonder on his face, 'because

has th- - greatest mar ulpower ifwearingany-roa- l everieeij in ' mftttti ;

.Jvoi i,l nil i i, in, ii .UM.) 'rt-- V A singular error has occurred in the

acsounia of. the late General : Tf easurar of

RnJde Island;"' 'The Providedce Oonrnal

saysi'1n- he"!ft idsf'irV ni'a 'possession 'five

thousand, dotlara. of which he haa no ac- -

oUnt which he ia sure do,,' DPI. bolong.lohim, and which musi therefore, fcuiong,,!

ihe Statf , to which he pttM It over.

New Coastllutloa & License-CCic-Ial.

II ,:;.) o S "1 It":""' fli ' "' ' ", COSTJTtlTlOn HCRNSIJ QOB S H

" CooNms.'" For. "Against." For. "AgainstAdam. ' 'f:fi97.Iii70 1837 K

1 182


Allen,' jm (ti MSr 65t !.n104l"Ashland,, 2047 ,81 , .jn 1659 ,!

Ashtabula, , 1657 735. , 582 .

ninens, 754 ' 1649 730Auglaize, V I I.; " r.

Belmont, 1951 2601 ' 19'82Brown, ;1 1696. 1467 1123Butler. . . 2423 .1218' 1830,;



1448 8C6Carroll, 1130 IfiOt'Champaigii;;c"' 1248" '1780 1478,'Clark, '" r.i ilOW 1881 1610'Clermont. : 2253 1798- - 1624ciin7b'i;r'ii2aTio.,TnTfii5Columbiana. 2687 1646 1606


Coshocton, 18(19 1279Crawford.1- - 1441 ' 399 u 1221Cuyahoga,' I 2967 1113 '1424uurke,..; ,,11222 1404 i 1632Defiance, . ; ,Delaware. 1476 1858 1116Erie,'' ' 1300 "681" ' 877Fairfield, 2828 '2181Fayette, . .441 1068 630Franklin, 2928 2623 2276Fulton, 399. . 200. , 376Gallia, " ' 394 1144 442Geauga, '

1227 789 ' ' 668Greene, ' 1126 1906" '1089Guernsey 1054 2170 1298Hamilton, ,9186 4066 r 4942Hancock, 1218 858 1212Hardin ' ' ' 639 736 772Harrison,-HeAr- 10711 1816 " '1266

.. 271 .1220 - 273Highland, ; 1662 1711 , . 990nocking, 796

.946 . 963

Holmes, " 1(57 1182 1818Juron', "- - '1869 1364 J480

Jackson, 338:: ''767 -- 461Jefforson, .1643 2035 1479Knox,. 1987 ; 1976 1087Lake, 1172 442 440Lawrence,' ' 265 ' 867 346Licking, 2644 2264 1616Logan, : 922 1710 1089Lorain, 2061 '1113 1069Lucas, . 791 441 417Madison, 449 1083 .653Mahoning, 2080 392 1468Marion, . 945 726 . 1064Medina, 1853 1291 1381Meigs, 9t7 '.; 645 660Mercer, 605 331 477Miami, 1476 1668Monroo, 1698 694 1408Montgomery, 2496 -- 2069 2713Motgan, 1212 1865 1163Morrow, ,,1303 1364 1128Muskingum, 2313 3841 2266Noble, ..',,. 963 1361 1228Ottnwa, 244 109 279Paulding, '.' 283 35 161Perry, ' 1385 1436 . 1360Pickaway,- - 1452 1425 1396Pike, 482 901 620Portage, ,2610 741 1320Preble, 977 1881 873Putnam, 654 388 405Richland, - 2833 1093 2220Ross, -

: 1867 1961 1405Ssndusky. 1203 218 954Scioto. 644 1034 , 693Seneca, 2190 518 1948Shelby, 960, 1070 1170Stark, 2635 ' 1773 2663Summit, 2025 2013Trumbull, 1956 1622Tuscarawas, 1577 2226Union, 663 1116Van Wert, 256 367Vinton, 369 757Warren, 1348 2240Washington, 16 5 1377Waj no, 2587 1629

w'Mliams, 607 231510

Wyao.'. 836 667



: 680






" 17128348


1366' 188






2430... 957


. 886646










16591676 20541508 18392261 1337

675 930440 130698' 551

1477 18351075 17582460 1157

397 368560 373958 487


:; s 126,654 109,276 104,266 113,239

,T, 'Hear oneol the Quatilero,i who effervescesbums of South C na

u .t,o on Msrcury,

;ftllllMIKII Hlu VlimiV" -

i.tL me Declaration ofaviso asis v iwH j

inA.,nAanl.m .hn.,1,1 ba .made use of by

our young friends (boy fro.""'10 "ge "t"0...... .nJ..n.e in r,.n Southern Rights

the altar ofA..lo,!on. .nrt in ivnnr inontheir country, (I mean the south o o'y) their

ri.vniinn. i.inrnn and never dvli'ig n.'cu .u

our tnTflmnuslv.... . -affirressive.on ,

anid fall.Mical

Government."VV. .hmiM think lhat fellow's fU'C W88

aching I But there'a hope yet ! ?bra 'patriotism even there, for see how it bvoke

the other dsy t ,

What I bust this glorious Union up?"" An' go to drawih trigger

Just fur a a ihunderin panel of "

, Emancipated niggers I a

The engle of AmerikyThat flue across the sees, ..' , ;

And throde the bluddy Dritih lionKar slump upon his knees :

Say I -- say shall we rent him from Iim to IimWun wing wun way wun totbor,

And. every aepperit pin fether,A flyin' at the other I

"h can't be did I" . '-

An earthquake waa felt in this city yesterday morning, about 10 o'clock. Therewere three distinct shocks, the whole oc-

curring in about pno minute. - A fritnd whopoted the. occurrence says that the motionwas undulating, or wavo-lik- nnd appeared,

proceed from the southwest. " The secondshock was decidedly the strongest, tho first

third being about .equal to each other.None, of them were acoompantud with anyperceptible sound. As our informant had awatch in his hand, the time bnd durnton can

relied upon as accurate. The mo ning lywas somewhat c!bildy,cobl calm followed a

great while nl'torwsrd.'by a slight Jain, withthitiidcr.f,, Aboui haii-pa- si - up 1with warm sunshiny and so continued for thehui.- rt "e of the'dJty.-S.XoH- is ZZ,i.4iiiit

"Mv eon,". .said Mf Smith to bis little yboy, who was' davoyring aii.egg, (it waa 'Mr.SmithV desire lo instruct' his boy) ''Myson, do-- you tthoa that 'chicken come outoriecgs?"9,'hido they. -- fatherWsaJd i.

young Hopeful .'.tlvought fjt-ttlwirgz- s

nnte out ol crttckt-w- s

.1 hk Ssa DiJtlM6HiKr. LrVutenant Wil-liam D. Porter, of the Navy ha mode aninteresting communicuiWn in jjjte Intelligen-cer, In which be undertakes to show that allthe phenomena of chunge in iho oewn lineof at acost, and appearMico of rocks abovthe water which hive been observW andcommented oh from nme 19 ilipe, ore eaused'by u constant dituinuiit '11 of 1I10 waters ofthe ocean and that a process is mi ull timegoing on by which ihe, subjiancca held insolution th ihe ocean . aanrrt are' converted." - -Into solid:



1513 y. 7 : CONSOLATION, j r, ?rt94 A SridBA.: J ',t. J Jg t

V. s '. U I K WW) Ii';'wi!)Aprlm 'l 4. ,.t i$tit v ' ,!-- .

i' With mf e and ttiiti- - ;Of tw tip-'ia- SrocraTrr: eT W

ii- - ii mWit quite iaa.paolfti --Oj' Joh- n- mechanic 'ti j ;

1 7 'ffro,"K her pride with ao "ifftr."' Tl exceedingly queer,

1 acknowledge my dour," ' ""Retorted her sorrowing brother ' --

"But you may dtjpenu",-

v io your very life'e end,You 12 never be pained With another'.

A man down East hu Invented yellowspectacle for moking lard look like butter.I hey are a great saving of expense If werqwhile eating. , 4 ,.

OSrSome western villain has concoctedthe following 'con:1 Whv am ci-i- .. u.diei of tbe present day like the 'forlornhope' of a besieging armyf Becausu mayare about to throw themselvea rma ,hbreeehu, ' '

Cur fob Cohns. Pare off the hard pan'of the corn with a sharp knifo, not ao a tocause It to bleed; apply the inner pan of anonion, mnrshed fine; Keep It on during tha.night, and a aery few applications wili effjota cure. 'So they say'.

Sckns Lfwiih a jug.)

a GaocBBV. (Exit ousioraor

Grocery keeper to hia son onaibari)did you charge that rum V '

le.; "Timortjy, did" you charge thei rum f--'

"Yes Sir."'Joseph,- did you charge that ruin V


i es otr-e-e i"All right so have 11"

Definitions. laisHMETf The Inhabit.ants of every country except their own;

Mustachio The tipper lip going latemourning for the loss of the brains.

EjtctATio.t.--- A desire to excel by aobteeffort.

Akbiiiok X rfesire to bo Installed in of honor, no mailer ho. '

Diction ht A Sepulchre for the Mrpsrfl of idea. . .

OiT "John; what I the past of eee-l- "

"Seen, ir." -

"No, it i 'saw' te ollect that." i i'Yes sair. Then If a cca-fis- h swims bf. ut,..uiiio a aaw-as- n wnen it m pan

ana can't be seen.""You may go home, John." :

tttOne little "oardn ni(.K rhs been profitable, verv thia Mln TK- -bugs ate up the cucumber, the chickens ateup the bugs the neighbor' fntm aia iK.chickens and we are now In search ofsomething that will eat tha cats. Can anyof our agricultural friend aid An.Union.

(t!r" Bob," said a young codfish to hiafather' t porter, "do you ace that butcher'wagon loaded with calves I wouldn't bea butcher for all the world." "Ahem I"said Bob, eying his employer' son fromhead to foot, "I'd a plaguy aight rather be abutcher than a calf."

(fir Why ia a school-minim- i, lik.ter C ? Because he form lasse Into clae.

(D-Pars- on Miller, a famnn. nr..t,..who flourished in Newburvnonago, had the following request sent to himto read in In the pulpit and wife desire to return thanks for be-in- g

blei ed with the natural consequences ofmatrimony."

OT'There's s eonnlurlon miA M...shal Saxe, we shall now be laid asido andforgotten, e are like cfoaksonlr vsmiiin rough weatherf ' ' - '

A Toast the admlniatrailon nfthe elder Adams, the following was given by

gentleman more noted for ignorance than-fo-r

information: 'Our President. John ArlsmaMay thatiai7-p7- r of George Wash- -

ingtoa fall upon hia : hrttd. ' He meanmantle.!. .... , ,: v

MtrstCAL. 'I'd give almost anvihin -

hear Old Bull said a down east lass to hrrlover. ' -

Well, answered he, 'dad's tot an oldbrindle chap, and voa can hear him bellowa'most any time , .; ,. , ...

frVA aervant girl writing a letter, askedher master if tho next month had coma Inyet; he laughed. 'Well she said, what Imean is, 'has the old mcnth gone out yet?

Rats. A man in New York hss offered'he New York Common Council to riu 'he--

city of rats not only tho bouses, but air tilecommon sewers for ono, hundred thousanddollars; and afterwards keep the city entire

free Tront rpts lor t tn years lor thirty thou-san- d

dollars par annum.

(rA young dandy In' Broadway. Vevonings ago, aceostcd a bellman as follows;"You take all sort of trash in your can do

.,: Yes, jump to b:,,ujri

"Or'Airit ltwicTtod"tb wbd'is c nckia foct,IWiiV' ''' '. t'cO rr.

''Dat's n gjeat mersJt qawniun. fiumbw--s

haitu no time tn nrgnt it' " '

Mm pn!li ."" J