membrane reactor

 Theoretical comparison of packed bed and uidized bed membrane reactors for methane reforming Fausto Gallucci*, Martin Van Sintannaland, J.A.M. Kuipers Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering Group, Faculty of Science and Technology, (IMPACT) University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Recei ved 16 Novemb er 2009 Recei ved in revised form 8 February 2010 Accep ted 11 Februa ry 2010 Available online 15 March 2010 Keywords: Hydrogen production Membrane reactors Fluidized bed Heat and mass transfer limitati ons a b s t r a c t In this theoretical work the performance of different membrane reactor concepts, both uidized bed and packed bed membra ne rea ctors, has bee n compare d for ult ra- pur e hydroge n produc tion via methane reforming. Using detail ed theore tical models, the requir ed membrane area to reach a given conversi on and the prevailin g temper ature proles have been compared. The extent of mass and heat transfer limitations in the different reactors has been evaluated, and strategies to decrease (or avoid) these limita- tions have been proposed for the uidized bed membrane reactor concept. The results show that the pack ed bed membran e reac tor requ ire s in some con dit ions double membrane area with respect to the uidized bed membrane reacto r. ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu . Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Int rodu ction The recent advances in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) for small or medium scale applications make the production of ultra-pure hydrogen a challenging topic in energy conversi on. On an industrial scal e, most of the hyd rog en is cur rent ly produced via steam reforming of meth ane (SRM). The traditional SRM process cons ist s of different process steps such as feed gas preheating and pre- treatment (for example hydrodesulphurisation), primary and secondary reformers (often multi-tubular xed-bed reactors) and high and low tempera ture shift converters, CO 2  removal and methanation units. Often a PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorp- tion) unit is used to achieve the desired hydrogen purity. In vie w of thermod yna mic limitations and the hig h endo- thermi city of steam reforming, heat transf er at high temper- atures (850–950   C) is required, where excess of steam is used to avoid carbon deposition (typical feed H 2 O/CH 4  molar ratios 2–5)  [1] . For the production of ultra-pure hydrogen for small sca le app lication, the lar ge number of pro cess units wit h complex heat integration and the associated uneconomical downscaling make this route inefcient. A high degree of pr oce ss integr ation and pr ocess intensi cat ion ca n be accompli shed by integ rati ng hydrogen perm-se lecti ve membranes in the steam reformer [2,3]. Via the integration of hydrogen per m-selective memb ran es, the number of process units can be strongly decreased and the total required reactor volume can be largely reduced, while higher methane conver sions and hydro gen yield s beyon d thermod ynami c equilibrium limitations can be achieved, at lower tempera- tures and with higher overall energy efciencies  [4–7]. Pd- based membrane reactors for pur e hydrog en production have been propos ed in litera tur e for dif ferent reactio n systems such as methanol reforming  [8,9], ethanol reforming [10], and autothermal reforming  [11]. In particular, Gallucci and Basile [9] have demonstrated the feasibility of packed bed *  Corresponding author. Tel.:  þ31 53 489 2370; fax:  þ31 53 489 2882. E-mail address: [email protected]  (F. Gallucci). Available at journal homepage: international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 7142–7150 0360-31 99/$ – see front matter  ª 2010 Profes sor T. Nejat Veziro glu. Publis hed by Elsevie r Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.02.050

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membrane reactor


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    cked bed membrane reactors, has been compared for ultra-pure

    profiles have been compared. The extent of mass and heat transfer limitations in the

    different reactors has been evaluated, and strategies to decrease (or avoid) these limita-

    different process steps such as feed gas preheating and pre-

    tion) unit is used to achieve the desired hydrogen purity. In

    view of thermodynamic limitations and the high endo-

    thermicity of steam reforming, heat transfer at high temper-

    atures (850950 C) is required, where excess of steam is usedto avoid carbon deposition (typical feed H2O/CH4 molar ratios

    process units can be strongly decreased and the total required

    based membrane reactors for pure hydrogen production

    have been proposed in literature for different reaction

    systems such as methanol reforming [8,9], ethanol reforming

    [10], and autothermal reforming [11]. In particular, Gallucci

    and Basile [9] have demonstrated the feasibility of packed bed

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: 31 53 489 2370; fax: 31 53 489 2882.

    Avai lab le at iencedi rect .com


    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 7 1 4 2 7 1 5 0E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Gallucci).treatment (for example hydrodesulphurisation), primary and

    secondary reformers (often multi-tubular fixed-bed reactors)

    and high and low temperature shift converters, CO2 removal

    and methanation units. Often a PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorp-

    reactor volume can be largely reduced, while higher methane

    conversions and hydrogen yields beyond thermodynamic

    equilibrium limitations can be achieved, at lower tempera-

    tures and with higher overall energy efficiencies [47]. Pd-The recent advances in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel

    Cells (PEMFC) for small or medium scale applications make

    the production of ultra-pure hydrogen a challenging topic in

    energy conversion. On an industrial scale, most of the

    hydrogen is currently produced via steam reforming of

    methane (SRM). The traditional SRM process consists of

    complex heat integration and the associated uneconomical

    downscaling make this route inefficient. A high degree of

    process integration and process intensification can be

    accomplished by integrating hydrogen perm-selective

    membranes in the steam reformer [2,3]. Via the integration

    of hydrogen perm-selective membranes, the number ofAccepted 11 February 2010

    Available online 15 March 2010


    Hydrogen production

    Membrane reactors

    Fluidized bed

    Heat and mass transfer limitations

    1. Introduction0360-3199/$ see front matter 2010 Profesdoi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.02.050tions have been proposed for the fluidized bed membrane reactor concept. The results

    show that the packed bed membrane reactor requires in some conditions double

    membrane area with respect to the fluidized bed membrane reactor.

    2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    25) [1]. For the production of ultra-pure hydrogen for small

    scale application, the large number of process units withReceived in revised form

    8 February 2010hydrogen production via methane reforming. Using detailed theoretical models, the

    required membrane area to reach a given conversion and the prevailing temperatureReceived 16 November 2009 fluidized bed and paArticle history: In this theoretical work the performance of different membrane reactor concepts, bothTheoretical comparison of pacmembrane reactors for metha

    Fausto Gallucci*, Martin Van Sintannaland,

    Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering Group, Faculty of S

    Enschede, The Netherlands

    a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

    journa l homepage : wwsor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Pued bed and fluidized bedreforming

    A.M. Kuipers

    ce and Technology, (IMPACT) University of Twente,

    e lsev ie r . com/ loca te /heblished by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • self supportedmembrane reactors for different fuels. Simakov

    and Sheintuch [11] have developed a small scale autothermal

    membrane reformer by coupling an exothermic reaction

    (carried out in a separate compartment of the reactor) with the

    endothermic methane reforming with hydrogen recovery

    through Pd-based membranes.

    Both packed bed membrane reactors [12,13] and fluidized

    bed membrane reactors [1416] have already been presented

    in literature for the reforming ofmethane and advantages and

    disadvantages of both concepts have already been discussed.

    However a direct quantitative comparison of the two concepts

    at the same conditions is lacking. In this paper a direct

    comparison between the two concepts is performed for ultra-

    pure hydrogen production via methane reforming using

    detailed theoretical models. The extent of mass and heat

    transfer limitations in the different reactors is evaluated, and

    strategies to decrease (or avoid) these limitations are


    2. Reactor configurations

    order to increase the hydrogen permeation through the

    membranes. With the fluidized bed membrane reactor

    a virtually isothermal condition can be achieved and bed-to-

    membrane mass transfer limitations are largely avoided. On

    the other hand, bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer

    limitations and the extent of gas back-mixing could deterio-

    rate its performance. In particular, the use of membranes

    inside the reactor could decrease the extent of back-mixing

    and can also help in decreasing the bubble diameter,

    enhancing the bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer. With

    the help of a two-phase phenomenological reactor model, the

    effect of bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer limitations

    on the temperature profiles and reactor performance. The

    influence of the reactor and particle dimensions is investigated.

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u rn a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 7 1 4 2 7 1 5 0 71432.1. Fluidized bed membrane reactor concept

    A schematic representation of the considered fluidized bed

    membrane reactor configuration is shown in Fig. 1. The

    methane steam reforming takes place in a fluidized bed

    operated in the bubbling regime. Pure hydrogen is recovered

    via dead-end Pd-based membranes inserted into the fluidized

    bed. The hydrogen recovery through the membranes shifts

    both the methane reforming and water gas shift reactions

    towards the products resulting in higher conversion and

    hydrogen yield compared with a conventional reformer.

    A pressure difference between the reaction side (fluidized bed)

    and the permeation side (membrane lumen) is applied inFig. 1 Scheme of the fluidized bed membrane reactor.3. Reactor models

    In both reactor concepts the reactions considered are the


    CH4 H2O5CO 3H2 (1)

    COH2O5CO2 H2 (2)Where the reaction rate expressions are taken from Numa-

    guchi et al. [17]:

    r1 k1pCH4pH2O p3H2pCO=Keq;1


    (3)and gas back-mixing are quantified and a possible strategy to

    decrease these limitations is proposed.

    2.2. Packed bed membrane reactor concept

    A typical tube-in-tube packed bed membrane reactor config-

    uration is considered (see Fig. 2). The catalyst is packed in the

    tube side of the membrane while pure hydrogen is recovered

    in the shell side of the reactor. Also in this case, a pressure

    difference between the reaction side and the permeation side

    is applied.

    The reactor has been studied with both a 1D model and

    adetailed2Dmodel inorder to identify theextentofwall-to-bed

    heat transfer limitations and the bed-to-membrane mass

    transfer limitations (concentrationpolarization) and their effectFig. 2 Scheme of the packed bed membrane reactor.

  • the bubble phase, distributed according to the local bubble

    fraction. The gas extracted from the emulsion phase is

    Bubble phase component mass balances1

    s sXnc


    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 7 1 4 2 7 1 5 07144subsequently instantaneously replenished via exchange

    from the bubble phase (to maintain the emulsion phase at

    minimum fluidization conditions) (following Deshmukh

    et al. [19,20]).

    A uniform temperature is assumed throughout an entiresection of the fluidized bed, assuming no heat losses to the

    surroundings (adiabatic conditions) and no heat transfer

    limitations between the bubble phase and the emulsion

    phase [21,22].

    The mass and heat balance equations are as follows:

    Total mass balance

    usb;n1ATrb;n1 usb;nATrb;n use;n1ATre;n1 use;nATre;n

    Xnc n

    f00membranei;mol Mw;iAmembraneeb;nr2 k2pCOpH2O pH2pCO2=Keq;2



    The contribution by homogeneous gas phase reactions can

    safely be neglected for this reaction system.

    Themembranes considered in this study are Pd-based thin

    dense layer supported membranes prepared by electroless

    plating by ECN (Energy research Center of the Netherlands).

    The hydrogen permeation rate through the palladium

    membranes follows the Richardson equation:

    JH2 P0e$eEa=RT$hplumenH2



    where the values of the apparent activation energy Ea and pre-

    exponential factor Pe0 (in agreement with [18]) are

    12,540 Jmol1 and 2.21 1003mol s1m2 Pa0.5, respectively.

    3.1. Fluidized bed membrane reactor model

    A typical 1D two-phase model for a membrane assisted

    fluidized bed reactor has been used for the simulation of the

    fluidized bed membrane reactor based on the following main


    Dead-end hydrogen perm-selective membranes are inte-grated in the reactor.

    The reactor consists of two-phases, viz. the bubble phaseand the emulsion phase.

    The gas flowing through the emulsion phase is consideredto be completely mixed in each section and at incipient

    fluidization conditions.

    The bubble phase gas is assumed to be in plug flow (i.e., largenumber of CSTRs), where the bubble size and the bubble rise

    velocity change for each section.

    The heterogeneous reactions (methane steam reformingand water gas shift reactions) take place only in the emul-

    sion phase, assuming that the bubble phase is free of cata-

    lyst particles.

    Gas removed from the fluidized bed via membranes isassumed to be extracted from both the emulsion phase andi1

    f00membranei;mol Mw;iAmembrane1 eb;no 0 61 Note that

    Transfer term

    Q use;n1ATre;n1 use;nATre;n Xnci1

    f00membranei;mol Amembrane1 eb;n


    Kbe;i;nVb;nrb;nwb;i;n we;i;n


    use;nAT ue;nAT1 eb;nusb;0AT utotATeb;0use;0AT utotAT1 eb;0

    Energy balance (in case of energy supply inside the reactor)



    usb;n0ATrb;i;n0 use;n0ATre;i;n0



    usb;nNATrb;i;nN use;nNATre;i;nN



    f00membranei;mol Mw;iATeb;n

    f00membranei;mol Mw;iAT1 eb;n)

    E 0 10

    where E depends on the kind of energy supply used (see e.g.

    Gallucci et al. [15]). All the parameters used are described

    elsewhere [15].

    3.2. Packed bed membrane reactor 1D and 2D models

    The axial temperature and concentration profiles in both

    reaction and permeation compartments were modeled with

    a 1D reactor model. The mass and energy conservation

    equations read:

    Mass conservation equations:




    CMSD 2pris2cell pr20

    J (11)ub;n1ATrb;n1 ub;nATrb;n i1

    Kbe;i;nVb;nrb;n wb;i;n we;i;n


    f00membranei;mol Mw;iAmembraneeb;n

    we;i;nSFQ wb;i;nSFQ 0 7Emulsion phase component mass balances1

    use;n1ATre;n1 use;nATre;n Xnci1

    Kbe;i;nVb;nrb;nwb;i;n we;i;n


    f}membranei;mol Mw;iAmembrane1 eb;n



    1AVe;nrp;n1 ee we;i;nSFQ wb;i;nSFQ 0SFx x if x > 00 if x 0 :

  • 0 lz

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u rn a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 7 1 4 2 7 1 5 0 7145vrtgu



    CMSD2riJ (12)







    rsj;g (13)







    !61 3tg





    2riJ jtj rtj;s 0


    Energy conservation equations:



    sp;g rsbulkCsp;g



    vz vvz






    2pr0s2cell pr20

    astwTtw Ts (15)



    tp;g rtbulkCtp;g



    vz vvz







    Ttw Tt (16)

    rtwg Ctwp;g


    vt vvz




    2r0r20 r2i

    astwTs Ttw

    2rir20 r2i

    attwTt Ttw (17)

    The remaining constitutive correlations needed to close the

    model are summarised elsewhere (see Smit et al. [23])

    The 2D model consists of a pseudo-homogeneous, 2D

    reactor model consisting of the total gas phase continuity and

    NavierStokes equations augmented with gas phase compo-

    nent mass balances and the overall energy balance (see e.g.

    Tiemersma et al. [12]). The model is based on a standard

    dispersion model which describes the gas phase mass and

    energy transport as convective flowwith superimposed radial

    and axial dispersion.

    The following assumptions have been made in this model:

    The gas bulk can be described as an ideal Newtonian fluid. The porosity profiles have been accounted in the model.

    The model equations in 2D axisymmetrical cylindrical co-

    ordinates are:

    Continuity equation


    vt V$


    0 (18)

    Total momentum balance equation






    3Vp b3rgu V$

    3sg 3rgg (19)

    Friction coefficient

    b 1501 32



    rgd2p 1:751 3



    wherejuj u2r u2z

    q(21)where source terms equals:

    Sr;i 1 3rSXnrj1

    rjDHj for j 1;2;.;nr (28)

    4. Results and discussion

    All the simulations for both the FBMR and PBMR have been

    performed without sweep gas and considering vacuum in the

    permeation side. A comparison between the two reactor

    concepts is carried out based on the membrane area required

    for a target conversion, because it is anticipated that

    membrane costs is the most important parameter in deter-

    mining the reactor investment costs. A first comparison has

    been made between the fluidized bed membrane reactor

    model and the 1D packed bed reactor model at ideal condi-

    tions: isothermal conditions and absence of mass and heat

    transfer limitations, i.e., the number of grid cells of the 1D

    model is set equal to number of CSTRs in theMAFBmodel. The

    results show that as expected in these conditions the two

    reactors give identical performance in terms of membrane

    area required for a given conversion. In this way it has been

    verified that the two models are working properly. The

    following simulations have been performed with a heat flux

    through the reactor walls. The main difference between the

    fluidized bed and the packed bed membrane reactors is

    related to the heat management. In fact, for the fluidized bed

    membrane reactor it is well known that a virtually isothermal

    condition can be achieved while for the packed bed

    membrane reactor a temperature drop in the first part of therg Mgp

    RTgideal gas (22)

    Newtonian fluid

    sg lg 23mg

    V$uI mg

    hVu VuT


    Porosity profile (Hunt and Tien [24])

    3r 30 1 30exp 6r0 r



    Component mass balance









    with Di Dr;i 00 Dz;i


    where source terms equals:

    Sr;i 1 3rSMiXnrj1

    ni;jrj for i 1;2;.;nc (26)

    Energy balance

    3rgCp;g 1 3rSCp;S



    V$li$VT Sh with li

    lr 0

    (27)reactor is always observed irrespective of the profile of

    temperature at the reactor wall.

  • z, m

    0. .2 0. .6 0. .0 1. .4 1.0 0 4 0 8 1 2 1 6 1.8 2.0



    re, K








    dp = 0.0005 m

    dp = 0.0015 m

    dp = 0.0025 m

    Fig. 3 Axial temperature profile in a packed bed

    membrane reactor.

    z, m

    0. .2 0. .6 0. .0 1. .4 1.0 0 4 0 8 1 2 1 6 1.8 2.0



    re, K








    Wall temperatureReaction temperature

    Pre-reforming zone

    Fig. 5 Axial temperature profile in a packed bed

    membrane reactor with pre-reforming zone.

    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 7 1 4 2 7 1 5 07146A typical result for the axial temperature profile in the

    packed bed membrane reactor is reported in Fig. 3, indeed

    showing a temperature drop of 80100 K in the first part of the

    reactor which can give stability and sealing problems for the

    membrane. In fact, the membrane material should withstand

    a large axial temperature gradient, which might cause the

    detachment of the Pd-based layer from the support with

    consequent loss in perm-selectivity. Moreover, the first part of

    the membrane is not effectively used since it is working at

    a relatively low temperature which, following Richardsons

    equation, results in a lower hydrogen permeation flux. The

    decrease in temperature at the beginning of the reactor also

    gives a decrease in the reaction rate. The result is an increase

    of the membrane area required for a specified conversion

    compared to the case of constant temperature. In particular,

    the membrane area required increases by about 21% ifcompared with an isothermal operation (which is only

    possible in a fluidized bed membrane reactor). The effect of

    the particle size on the temperature profile is negligible as also

    z, m

    0. .2 0. .6 0. .0 1. .4 1.0 0 4 0 8 1 2 1 6 1.8 2.0


    4 co


    n, -







    dp = 0.0005 m

    dp = 0.0015 m

    dp = 0.0025 m

    Fig. 4 Methane conversion for different particle size in

    a packed bed membrane reactor.indicated in the same figure. By changing the particle size the

    combination of the temperature change and the change in the

    effectiveness factor is counterbalanced so that the final

    conversion is practically the same for different particle

    diameters (see Fig. 4).

    A way to overcome the problem of the temperature drop is

    the use of a pre-reforming zone (in our case about 2025 cm)

    where no membrane is applied. In this case (pre-reforming

    section 25 cm) the membrane is used at an almost constant

    temperature (maximum temperature difference 28 K) so that

    the stability problems are prevented and the membrane is

    effectively used resulting in a lower membrane area needed

    for a given conversion (i.e., slightly longer packed bed, but

    smaller membrane area). The results are shown in Fig. 5. In

    these conditions the increase of membrane area with respect

    to an ideal fluidized bed membrane reactor is 13%.

    Another difference that can occur between a packed bed

    and a fluidized bed is mass transfer limitations between thebed and the membrane wall which are present in the packed

    bed but not in the fluidized bed. To investigate the extent and

    r/R, -

    0. .2 0. .6 0.0 0 4 0 8 1.0

    H2 w


    ht fra


    n, -







    z/L = 0.1

    z/L = 0.5

    z/L = 0.8

    Fig. 6 Radial profile of the H2 weight fraction for the

    isothermal operation mode.

  • Fig. 8 reports the relative H2 weight fraction (defined as the

    actual H2 weight fraction divided by the H2 weight fraction at

    the catalyst center) as a function of the radial position. The

    results reported in the Fig. 8 suggest that at higher membrane

    permeabilities mass transport limitations to the membrane

    Fig. 9 Schematic representation of the membrane reactor

    concept with bubble increasing in size.

    r/R, -

    0. .2 0. .6 0.0 0 4 0 8 1.0

    H2 w


    ht fractio

    n, -









    Original H2permeation rate

    2 * Original H2

    permeation rate

    5 * Original H2

    permeation rate

    z/L = 0.1

    Fig. 7 Radial profile of the H2 weight fraction for the

    isothermal operation mode at different hydrogen

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u rn a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 7 1 4 2 7 1 5 0 7147the influence of the concentration polarization a 2D model

    was used.

    First the radial H2 concentration profiles have been calcu-

    lated at different axial positions at isothermal conditions. As

    can be seen in Fig. 6, radial concentration profiles are present

    but not really pronounced. It can be concluded that for the

    present membranes and for small membrane diameters (1 cm

    in the simulation shown in the figure), the bed-to-wall mass

    transfer limitations have a negligible influence on the

    membrane area.

    In view of further developments and optimization of Pd-

    based membranes, higher membrane fluxes will become

    possible in the near future. Whether concentration polariza-

    tion will occur with increased permeability was investigated

    numerically. Simulation results where the membrane

    permeability was increased with a factor of 2 and 5. As shown Figs. 7 and 8, an increase of hydrogen permeability causes

    a significant increase of the concentration polarization, even

    in membrane tubes with a diameter as small as 1 cm.

    r/R, -

    0. .2 0. .6 0.0 0 4 0 8 1.0




    e H

    2 w


    ht fractio

    n, -







    Original H2

    permeation rate

    2 * Original H2

    permeation rate

    5 * Original H2

    permeation rate

    z/L = 0.1

    Fig. 8 Relative H2 weight fraction for the isothermal

    operation mode at different hydrogen permeabilities.wall will negatively affect the reactor performance resulting in

    an increased H2 slip through the reactor exhaust. The 2D

    model can be further applied to quantify the effects of mass

    Factor multiplying the mass transfer coefficient, -

    1e+0 1e+1 1e+2 1e+3 1e+4 1e+5


    4 co


    n, -









    Mass transfer limitations calculated

    as Fluidized Bed without internals

    No mass transfer limitations

    Fig. 10 Effects of bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer

    limitations on the conversion (FBMR).

  • itself increases by increasing the reactor length as schemati-

    cally indicated in Fig. 9.

    As a result of this bubble increase, themethane conversion

    decreases as indicated in Fig. 10. The figure shows that the

    methane conversion decreases by increasing the mass

    transfer limitations. In case of mass transfer limitations

    calculated as a fluidized bed reactor without internals (worst

    case) the methane conversion decreases tremendously as

    compared with the case without mass transfer limitations

    (previously indicated as ideal condition for fluidized bed

    Membrane area, m2

    3 4 5 6 7 8


    4 co


    n, -








    Fig. 11 Membrane area needed for a given conversion in

    Table 1 Comparison between staged fluidized bed and1D packed bed.

    T, C P, bar Fluidized bed (5 stages) Packed bed (1D)

    700 20 3.24 3.94

    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 7 1 4 2 7 1 5 07148transfer limitations at different membrane diameters, and

    different operating conditions.

    Concerning the fluidized bed membrane reactor, an

    important transfer limitation affecting its performance is the

    mass transfer limitation between the bubble phase and the

    emulsion phase. In fact, the gas transported inside the bubbles

    should be exchanged with the emulsion phase to react. A high

    mass transfer limitation (low mass transfer coefficient)

    between the bubble phase and the emulsion phase results in

    a larger gas slip via the bubble phase and a lower conversion

    degree. In our fluidized bed membrane reactor model the

    bubble-to-emulsion phases mass transfer coefficient is

    calculated with the equations derived for a fluidized bed

    without internals. Although the internals (solid membranes)

    should enhance the mass transfer characteristics of the bed,

    at the moment, reliable equations for bubble-to-emulsion

    phases mass transfer coefficient for fluidized bed with

    inserts are not available.

    For a fair comparison with the packed bed membrane

    reactor, the fluidized bed has been simulated with the same

    case of mass transfer limitations (FBMR).membrane area but also with the same bed length. As

    a matter of fact, the bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer

    limitation increases with increasing bubble diameter, which

    Number of stages

    2 4 6 8 10 12


    4 co


    n, -









    Fig. 12 Conversion reached for a given area in case of

    mass transfer limitations for different stages (FBMR).reactor). The figure also shows that by improving the mass

    transfer by a factor of 10 results in a conversion close to the

    ideal case without mass transfer limitations.

    In order to achieve the same conversion degree of a fluid-

    ized bed membrane reactor without mass transfer limitations

    the membrane area installed in the reactor needs to be

    increased as indicated in the following Fig. 11.

    The membrane area required in case of mass transfer

    limitations increases 2.4 times with respect to the case

    without limitations as reported in the figure.

    However, it has to be pointed out that the use ofmembranes

    inside the bed leads to a decrease of the bubble size (both

    because of gas extraction through themembranes and because

    of break-up of bubbles by the solid membrane tubes) and

    a consequent decrease of the mass transfer limitations. Fig. 10

    shows that a decrease of 10 times in the mass transfer limita-

    tions is enough to reach the limit conversion required. Thus,

    a more detailed experimental work on the determination of

    the bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer coefficient in

    a fluidized bed with internals should be carried out.

    On the other hand, even considering the worst case

    (bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer coefficient equal to

    a fluidized bedwithout internals) themass transfer problem in

    the fluidized bed can be easily circumvented. In fact, themass

    transfer resistance is higher when the bubble diameter

    H4 C





    n, -





    Staged Fluidized bed

    2D isothermal modelz/L, -

    0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25




    Fig. 13 Comparison between a staged fluidized bed and

    a packed bed with 2D model. 5 bar reaction pressure.

  • i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u rn a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 7 1 4 2 7 1 5 0 7149becomes larger, and the bubble diameter increases with

    increasing of the bed height, so that we can reduce the bubble

    diameter by inserting stagers such as meshing wires at

    different reactor heights (i.e., staging the fluidized bed reactor).

    InFig. 12 the conversion inafluidizedbedwithmass transfer

    limitations is shown for different numbers of stages. For these

    simulations the axial position of the stagers has not been opti-

    mized. This means that the distance between two stages is

    constant for one simulation and it is given by dividing the total

    lengthof thereactorby thenumberofstages. Ina futureworkan

    optimization of the axial position for stagers will be carried out.

    The area used in this simulation was kept the same as was

    needed in the case of no mass transfer limitations. From the

    figure it can be seen that the conversion required can be

    achieved already with 34 stages. Thus, dividing the reactor in

    different stages completely circumvents the problems ofmass

    transfer limitation for the fluidized bed membrane reactor.

    A direct comparison (in terms of membrane area required)

    between theperformancesof a stagedfluidizedbedmembrane

    reactor and a packed bed membrane reactor simulated in

    1D (no effects of bed-to-wall mass transfer limitations) is

    reported in Table 1 (for a 50 Nm3/h hydrogen production).

    The packed bed membrane reactor needs around 22%

    larger membrane area if compared with a staged fluidized bed

    membrane reactor. Moreover, the membrane in the packed

    bed is exposed to an axial temperature variation of about 100 K

    in the first 25 cm of reactor length, with possible stability and


    The fluidized bed becomes even more advantageous

    compared topackedbedmembranereactorwhen theeffects of

    concentration polarization on the performances of packed bed

    are considered. A comparison in terms ofmethane conversion

    between the staged fluidized bed membrane reactor and the

    packed bed membrane reactor simulated with the 2D

    isothermal model (effect of bed-to-wall mass transfer) is

    reported in Fig. 13. The effect of bed-to-wall mass transfer

    limitations in the packed bed reactor results in a decrease of

    methane conversion compared to the fluidized bedmembrane

    reactor. An overview of themembrane reactor increase due to

    the effects of bed-to-wall mass transfer limitations is reported

    inTable 2. In theworst case (complete conversion requiredand

    1 bar reaction pressure) the packed bed membrane reactor

    Table 2 Increase of membrane area with respect to theFBMR due to bed-to-membrane mass transfer limitation.


    Preaction 1bar

    Preaction 5bar

    Preaction 10bar

    0.975 85.4% 64.5% 60.0%

    1 98.7% 81.3% 79.5%requires almost double themembrane areawith respect to the

    staged fluidized bed membrane reactor.

    Finally, we can state that the more evident advantages of

    a fluidized bed reactor with respect to a packed bed membrane

    reactor are: constant temperature along the reactor and better

    heat integration (see Gallucci et al. [14,15]), no mass transfer

    limitationbetweenthefluidizedbedand themembranesurface.

    Some disadvantages such as the erosion problems and

    horizontal membrane sealing should be further studied

    experimentally.The authors are grateful to the Dutch Ministry of Economic

    affairs for financial support of this work in the EOS program

    (Project EOSLT05010).

    Table of symbols

    AT Area of bed cross section, m2

    Amembrane,n Membrane surface area per cell, n, m2

    CSTR Continuously stirred tank reactor,

    dp Particle diameter, m

    Cp Heat capacity, J/(kg K)

    D Dispersion coefficient, m2/s

    Dg Gas diffusivity, m2/s

    eb Bubble phase fraction,

    ee Emulsion phase fraction,

    Ea Activation energy for hydrogen permeation, J/mol

    g Gravitational acceleration (9.81), m/s2Hj Enthalpy of specie j, J/mol

    HTi;x Enthalpy of component i at temperature T at position

    x, J/mol

    J Permeation flux through membrane, mol/(m2 s)

    jj Mass flux component j, mol/(m2 s)

    ki Reaction rate constant for ith reaction

    Kbe,i,n Bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer coefficient

    for component I in cell, n, s1

    Keq,i Equilibrium constant for jth reaction [depending on

    the reaction]5. Conclusions

    In this work, two different membrane reactor concepts for

    the H2 production via methane steam reforming have been

    compared via detailed models. It has been shown that both

    concepts may suffer from mass transfer limitations. For the

    fluidized bed membrane reactor the mass transfer limitations

    occur between the bubble phase and the emulsion phase. The

    effect of these mass transfer limitations on the membrane

    area required is quite significant. However, these mass trans-

    fer limitations can be easily circumvented by staging the

    fluidized bed with consequent break-up of bubbles and

    decrease of mass transfer limitations. For the packed bed

    membrane reactor, the mass transfer limitations occur

    between the catalytic bed and the membrane area (concen-

    tration polarization). These mass transfer limitations cannot

    be easily avoided (not even with membrane tube diameters as

    small as 1 cm), and the packed bedmembrane reactor requires

    in some cases double the membrane area with respect to the

    staged fluidized bed operated at the same conditions. More-

    over, a 2025%moremembrane area is required by the packed

    bed (with respect to the fluidized bed) because of the temper-

    ature profile prevailing in the packed bed.With the advance of

    the development of H2 perm-selective membranes with ever-

    increasing permeabilities, the advantages of fluidized bed

    membrane reactor become more and more pronounced.

    AcknowledgmentMw[i] Molar mass for component i, kg/mol

    CMD Average molar mass, kg/mol

  • Greek2

    i n t e r n a t i on a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 7 1 4 2 7 1 5 07150a heat transfer coefficient, J/(m K s)

    b friction factor,

    r Density, kg/m3

    3 Porosity,

    3e Emulsion phase porosity,

    l Thermal conductivity, J/(m K s)

    leff Effective thermal conductivity, J/(m K s)

    mg Viscosity of gas, Pa s

    sg Stress tensor, kg/(m s)

    f00membranei;mol Molar flux component i through themembrane percell, mol/(m2 s)


    0 Reactor inlet,

    b Bubble phase,

    e Emulsion phase,

    g gas phase,

    i Component i,

    j Number of reaction,

    n Number of CSTRs for emulsion or bubble phase,

    r radial co-ordinate,

    s solid phase,

    z axial co-ordinate,

    r e f e r e n c e s

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    Theoretical comparison of packed bed and fluidized bed membrane reactors for methane reformingIntroductionReactor configurationsFluidized bed membrane reactor conceptPacked bed membrane reactor concept

    Reactor modelsFluidized bed membrane reactor modelPacked bed membrane reactor 1D and 2D models

    Results and discussionConclusionsAcknowledgmentTable of symbolsReferences