memorable work stories

1 Memorable Work Stories 1. Academic Of or pertaining to a college, academy, school, or other educational institution, especially one for higher education. While I consider myself a lifelong student, I would have to say that the best example of being academic is that I retain knowledge very well, have always scored high on tests, won awards and bonus cash for my presentations of knowledge, have exceeded on self directed studies and graduated magna cum laude from Champions College. 2. Accurate Free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact. Careful or meticulous. Nobody’s perfect, but I am particular about details. As the Petridge Farm’s slogan says, “Good is in the details”. My accuracy has shown consistently in my selling techniques, presentation, contracts, administrative and graphic works, as well in my personal attention to detail when it comes to taking care of your loved one. The clients that I have taken care of have said that they enjoy me being around which makes them feel valued and secure. 3. Active Engaged in action; characterized by energetic work, participation, etc.; busy: an active life. I am a “do-er”, a planner, and a border line compulsive perfectionist. That is only accomplished by being active and involved in providing a quality service. I work from a on-going list to actively prioritize my tasks and cost account the time spent towards each activity. 4. Adaptable Able to adjust oneself readily to different conditions. In the care industry, you have to be adaptable. Things change consistently when it comes to care. I approach these with flexibility because peoples conditions change, sicknesses and needs evolve. I respond to the necessary changes of the client’s needs.

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Memorable Work Stories

1. Academic

Of or pertaining to a college, academy, school, or other educational institution, especially

one for higher education.

While I consider myself a lifelong student, I would have to say that the best example of

being academic is that I retain knowledge very well, have always scored high on tests,

won awards and bonus cash for my presentations of knowledge, have exceeded on self

directed studies and graduated magna cum laude from Champions College.

2. Accurate

Free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact.

Careful or meticulous.

Nobody’s perfect, but I am particular about details. As the Petridge Farm’s slogan says,

“Good is in the details”. My accuracy has shown consistently in my selling techniques,

presentation, contracts, administrative and graphic works, as well in my personal

attention to detail when it comes to taking care of your loved one. The clients that I have

taken care of have said that they enjoy me being around which makes them feel valued

and secure.

3. Active

Engaged in action; characterized by energetic work, participation, etc.; busy: an active


I am a “do-er”, a planner, and a border line compulsive perfectionist. That is only

accomplished by being active and involved in providing a quality service. I work from a

on-going list to actively prioritize my tasks and cost account the time spent towards each


4. Adaptable

Able to adjust oneself readily to different conditions.

In the care industry, you have to be adaptable. Things change consistently when it comes

to care. I approach these with flexibility because peoples conditions change, sicknesses

and needs evolve. I respond to the necessary changes of the client’s needs.


5. Adept

Very skilled; proficient; expert.

Thanks to how I am wired, the people and businesses that I have been around, I have

acquired a well rounded skill set that is without a doubt above the norm. This has

translated into the endorsements that I have received from colleagues, other work

professionals, awards, and achievements I have received.

6. Alert

Fully aware and attentive; wide-awake; keen: an alert mind.

It is my personal belief, that to be affective, you have to stay alert to the details, look,

listen and further question situations to be the best at serving your clientele, families and


7. Analytical

Pertaining to or proceeding by analysis (opposed to synthetic ).

As I child I was just the opposite. However, I perceived that there was a greater reward

for myself when I looked at thing logically.

8. Appreciative

Feeling or showing appreciation.

I am one of those people who started writing down all the things that I was grateful for.

My box is full of wonderful experiences that have added to my overall well being

personally and professionally.

9. Articulate

Uttered clearly in distinct syllables.

Arguably, it is not only the syllables that are important when speaking to an individual or

a group, but equally important is the message your are conveying and how it is actually

said. There are numerous times, that I have made people pause (for the better) by the

words that I have uttered; sometimes these were practiced and many times they were not.

10. Assertive

Confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive.

If you are going to be competitive in the marketplace as an individual, an employee, or a

business, you must be assertive. I have always had an attitude of “all in” towards the

endeavors I have taken on.


11. Astute

Of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.

clever; ingenious; shrewd.

I have learned over time that a contributing factor to my success is to be astute towards

the big picture of what is happening around you. As a wise teacher once told me and her

students, is that you have to consider everyone sitting around the table… especially when

it comes to situations, planning, and executing on a plan.

12. Attentive

Characterized by or giving attention; observant.

At one time I worked for Business Careers in downtown Tacoma selling administrative

services. I had the privilege of reading one of applicants’ references from her former

employer. It had said that she had a way of making you feel like you were the only thing

that mattered. This really struck a chord with me internally. I knew that this was an

important key that I needed to learn to improve what I had to offer to others. The best

way that I found success with this is listening to the everyday details when it came to

serving the people around me whether it was personally or professionally.

13. Authentic

Not false or copied; genuine; real.

One of my favorite quotes by Thomas Jefferson is, “In matters of style, swim with the

current; in matters of principles, stand like a rock.” In order to accomplish that, one has to

take the time, as I have, to authentically discover what principles, values and attitudes are

important to you.

14. Broadminded

Free from prejudice or bigotry; unbiased; liberal; tolerant.

I do consider myself to be broadminded. Being broadminded doesn’t change what I

personally believe in, or what I hold myself accountable to. What being broadminded

does mean is that when it comes to dealing with humanity on a day to day basis, I want to

treat people with dignity and respect.

15. Businesslike

Conforming to, attending to, or characteristic of business.

I am businesslike. I carry myself professionally because as a whole, I am a walking

billboard or business card at all times. I am my own best representative to who I am and

what I do. I strive to be transparent in all aspects of my life.


16. Candid

Frank; outspoken; open and sincere.

To be a good steward of communication with others, I find it far more beneficial to speak

candidly and directly so that it doesn’t waste anyone’s time.

17. Capable

Having power and ability; efficient; competent.

I am a very well-rounded individual that is highly capable of many things. Does this

mean I would be a shoe in for a professional soccer league, certainly not. What it does

mean is that I understand the value of having possession of the ball and being fleet on

your feet.

18. Cheerful

Full of cheer; in good spirits.

I see no other option in life is to face everything in life as cheerfully as possible. I have

been known to always look for the brighter side of any situation.

19. Clear-thinking

Not mentally confused; able to think clearly and act intelligently

Is there really any other option? If there is a benefit to not thinking clearly, please let me


20. Clever

Mentally bright; having sharp or quick intelligence; able.

There have been times in my life when I have had to work with what was only in my

hands. I had cardboard, duct tape and paint. What I would do with just those few items,

contributed to a very creative high scored presentation on perspective. Cardboard was

turned into a truck that ended up with a flat tire.

21. Composed

calm; tranquil; serene:

In order for me to respond to charged situations, I take a deep breath, survey the situation

quickly, and take care of business.


22. Competitive

Of, pertaining to, involving, or decided by competition:

Here’s the ironic thing; as I child I was not competitive. However, in order to survive and

thrive in the professional world, I have developed the ability to be competitive. There are

different types of competitiveness, but I choose good sportsmanship.

23. Communicative

Inclined to communicate or impart; talkative:

Good communication is one of my core values. I always have shown positive results by

taking the time to communicate mutually with those I have worked with. Sometimes this

requires asking the right questions and listening to others more than me just talking.

24. Concerned

Interested or affected

I’ve only done my work well when I have been concerned with what I’m doing and how

I’m doing it.

25. Confident

Having strong belief or full assurance; sure:

True confidence is something that you can only develop over time. It requires these

ingredients; curiosity, passion, skill, knowledge, repetition, and time.

26. Conforming

To act in accordance or harmony; comply:

I work equally well independently or as part of a group. I find that when you enter in to

an established group, there are roles that are being taken care of and ones that you are

expected to do. I will conform to the culture of a group providing it doesn’t conflict with

my values.

27. Conscientious

Controlled by or done according to one's inner sense of what is right; governed by

conscience; principled:

I strive to be conscientious with everything that I do. I know that in the bigger picture of

things the small things that I do positive or negative are going to have an effect on my

over all environment.


28. Conservative

Disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones,

and to limit change.

Honestly, I am not opposed to change. However, I think that the most effect changes are

done gradually, measurably, and conservatively.

29. Considerate

Showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc.:

There is one thing that will ruffle my feathers every time – and that is when careless

words are spoken towards another without consideration of how that will translate to

another person.

30. Consistent

Agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self-contradictory:

In order to have built a good reputation for myself, gotten excellent references, and have

been successful professionally, I have had to be consistent in being on time, fully engage

in the activities of the day, and detailed.

31. Cooperative

Working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit:

There have been many times that I am put into a team environment either as a leader or a

valuable team member. I realize and implemented being cooperative in any situation as I

realize that when you are part of a team, you are working together to accomplish a

common goal together.

32. Creative

Resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; imaginative:

There are many times that I have to think on my feet to creatively approach solving a

problem. I try to live by the K.I.S.S. principle (Keep It Simple Stupid) when faced with a

situation. For example, most recently, my client and I learned that the nebulizer

medications are not to be exposed to the sunlight. However, my client needed easy access

to get the medication. Now we use a eye glasses sleeve to put the dose in that

accomplishes both goals.


33. Curious

Eager to learn or know; inquisitive:

Thank God for technology! I am so grateful that we have a wealth of information at any

time in just about any place! It spurs me on to satisfy my curiosity and increase my


34. Dedicated

Wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal:

All in all out. That is the way I approach things. If you are going to do something, do the

best you possibly can and be open to learn how to be better!

35. Deliberate

Carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional:

Personally, I don’t like doing things without purpose. It comes across to me as a waste of

time. Whether it is my relationships, work, family, education, health or finances I

approach each one with a purpose, a vision, and deliberate actions.

36. Dependable

Capable of being depended on; worthy of trust; reliable:

I am dependable. My reputation is at stake if I am not.

37. Detailed

Having many details:

Now I may not be the girl who is going to do your taxes, but I am the girl who will find a

needle in a hay stack. (Finding Waldo is a breeze!) There are many different ways of

being detailed. Visually and verbally I have acuity for detail when it comes to how things

will be perceived by others.

38. Determined

Resolute; staunch:

What’s the result of not being determined? Being down, out and defeated? Or having to

totally reliant on others to take care of you and fix your problems. No thank you! I am

determined not to be ordinary either, rather extraordinary!


39. Diplomatic

Of, pertaining to, or engaged in diplomacy:

Words have the power to bring life or death to someone or a situation. I choose life and

choose it abundantly! I am cautious not only about the words that I say, but also the tone

and attitude that are behind them.

40. Dignified

Characterized or marked by dignity of aspect or manner; stately; decorous:

Wouldn’t anyone want to be treated in a dignified manner? I want to treat people as I

would want to be treated by others; with respect and honor.

41. Diligent

Constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything:

I enjoy doing activities to the best of my ability and then seeing if there is a better way to

do them.

42. Diplomatic

RE: diplomacy

Skilled in managing negotiations, handling people, etc., so that there is little or no ill will;


I’ve been in many a situation that required me to be the liaison between multiple parties

to create a viable win-win solution for those involved.

43. Disciplined

Having or exhibiting discipline; rigorous:

I admit it. There are times that I would rather stay home and do something else. But I

don’t. I keep moving forward and pushing myself to reach new heights through


44. Discreet

Judicious in one's conduct or speech, especially with regard to respecting privacy or

maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.

In every job that I have had, I have had to work with people’s private proprietary

information or just situations that couldn’t be openly disclosed. It seems as though I am

the “Duchess of being Discreet”.


45. Discriminating

Noting differences or distinctions with nicety; discerning; perspicacious:

having excellent taste or judgment:

Having discriminating taste is a bit of a curse unless you have the life style to support it.

Having discriminating judgment on delicate situations is a blessing.

46. Dynamic

Pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful;


There are clients that I have worked with that dealt with a lot of pain. My dynamic

personality helps to positively and kindly bolster them on.

47. Economical

Avoiding waste or extravagance; thrifty:

I’ve acted extravagantly with my finances as well as economically. Acting economically

is the better choice of the two.

48. Effective

Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result:

49. Efficient

Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and

effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry; competent; capable:

I am effective and efficient in the care of others, general office work, and sales.

50. Enthusiastic

One who absorbs or controls possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively


I am so grateful to be enthusiastic about the work I do. If I wasn’t, I would be working

hard at something I had little interest in.

51. Exceptional

Forming an exception or rare instance; unusual; extraordinary:

My goal is to provide a valuable and exceptional experience in their care.


52. Experienced

Wise or skillful in a particular field through experience :

My entire work experience is based in customer service, while my specific experience of

caring for others was established in 2011.

53. Expert

Possessing special skill or knowledge; trained by practice; skillful or skilled (often

followed by in or at):

I’m an expert in listening to others and finding out what their needs are as well as having

an expert skill level in office programs.

54. Fair minded

Characterized by fair judgment; impartial; unprejudiced:

Before I surmise a judgment on a situation, I like to be fair minded and consider

everyone’s perspective.

55. Far sighted

Wise, as in foreseeing future developments:

I like the term “visioneering” myself. I like to project and develop something more out of

the basis of what I am currently doing.

56. Flexible

Susceptible of modification or adaptation; adaptable:

When it comes to caring for people, you have to remain flexible and adaptable.

57. Focused

To bring to a focus or into focus:

Back in the day, I definitely not a focused type of person. However, I have developed that

skill and work of a list, know how to prioritize and schedule my time to accomplish


58. Forgiving

Disposed to forgive; indicating forgiveness :

When you don’t forgive, you only hurt yourself. It is my personal belief that it is better to



59. Friendly

Characteristic of or befitting a friend; showing friendship:

I am a friendly person. I can go into a room full of strangers and make friends.

60. Good natured

Having or showing a pleasant, kindly disposition; amiable:

I wouldn’t have a clue as to why someone wouldn’t want to be good natured. You cannot

be an outstanding employee or grow a caring business without being good natured.

61. Healthy

Possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality:

I am a healthy person. I try to eat healthy when I go out and when I cook at home. And I

fiercely try to protect having a positive attitude. Sure I could do better at sleeping, eating,

exercising, but all in all I am healthier than most my age.

62. Helpful

Giving or rendering aid or assistance; of service:

I like to be a giving elf. If there is a way to brighten someone’s day by making them

laugh, smile, or giving a gift, I love to do that. It is very satisfying to me regardless of

whether it is reciprocated or not.

63. Honest

Not given to lying, cheating, stealing, etc; trustworthy

I think I must be related to George Washington, who if you will remember after cutting

down the cherry tree said, “I cannot tell a lie”. While being honest is an endearing,

positive quality, it does make me a lousy card player.

64. Humorous

Characterized by humor; funny; comical:

I do try to look at the glass half full, full of potential, and will look for ways to amuse

myself to keep the world around me full of life, laughter and love.


65. Idealistic

Of or pertaining to idealism / cherishing or pursuit of high or noble principles, purposes,

goals, etc.

Idealistic and principled. Maybe to a fault. I value fairness, justice, and peace.

66. Imaginative

Characterized by or bearing evidence of imagination :

In my professional life, I have found that being imaginative is very beneficial. Whether it

is a matter of finding a new way to present verbal or written information in an attention

getting way, or solving a problem with the materials that you have around you, my

imagination has been the key to solving the problem.

67. Independent

Not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or

acting for oneself:

I am independent. But let’s get this very clear. I am not a loner, or a lone ranger. I do very

much understand the value and necessity of working well with others. I strive for unity in

relationships, and I value other peoples’ differences.

68. Innovative

Tending to innovate or characterized by improvement.

There is always a better way to do something. I strive to look for a better way to do things

and save money and time while doing them.

69. Inquisitive

Given to inquiry, research, or asking questions; eager for knowledge; intellectually


Thanks to our hand-held devices, I can easily satisfy my curious mind. If I don’t know

something, I am motivated to research and investigate to increase my understanding of

just about anything.


70. Insightful

Characterized by or displaying insight; perceptive.

I think that the key to being insightful and perceptive is two things; looking at the over-all

big picture and look for clues, such as eye contact, body language and positioning to get

untold insight on situations.

71. Inspiring

Filling others with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence:

Being inspiring to me is also being an encourager. The buy into someone giving

encouragement/inspiration is how they present the information.

72. Integrity

Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

Integrity is very important for me to live it out in my every day personal and professional

life. Once that is established over the long term, which is the hallmark to your reputation.

73. Intellectual

Possessing or showing intelligence or mental capacity, especially to a high degree:

Am I at the intellectual level of Stephen Hawking? Certainly not. Do I have the capacity?


74. Intelligent

Having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend

When I first looked at this word, the first thought I had was that I remember my dad

telling me many times, “It’s not whether you understand it right away, but knowing to

ask the right questions.” I love learning new things – and asking the right questions!

75. Inventive

Apt at creating with the imagination.

Even as a young child, I loved to solve problems. So much so that I wrote a letter to the

President with detailed solutions on problems those were near and dear to me.


76. Kind

Of a good or benevolent nature or disposition

I like to treat others as I treat myself, and how I would want to be treated by others, with

kindness and dignity.

77. Knowledgeable

Possessing or exhibiting knowledge, insight, or understanding; intelligent; well-informed;

discerning; perceptive.

I know a little bit about a lot of things only because I read.

78. Leader

A guiding or directing head

I may start off as a team member, but time and time again shows, that I am wired to be a


79. Likable

Readily or easily liked; pleasing:

For the most part, I would say I am likable and approachable. In all honesty, I’m the one

who will start a conversation.

80. Logical

Reasoning in accordance with the principles of logic, as a person or the mind:

There has been more than one occasion where I have been caught with a funny look on

my face. It wasn’t to be funny; it was to analytically and logically look at a situation and

think it through.

81. Loyal

Faithful to one's oath, commitments, or obligations:

This is a core value of mine. Every personality test I have ever taken lists this as a

founding value of mine. And it is true. Once I have developed a relationship, the next

action items are valuing that relationship and doing what it takes to maintain it.


82. Methodical

Performed, disposed, or acting in a systematic way; systematic; orderly

Yes, I admit it, I am a little OCD. It’s the way my brain is organized. If I take a

methodical approach to organizing things, processing things, and creating things, it seems

that the overall result is much better all around.

83. Modest

Having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance

I am conservative and modest on most things, but especially when it comes to my

professional approach to work relationships and view of myself.

84. Motivated

To provide with a intention; incite; impel.

Being motivated has helped me in sales and also in launching my own business.

85. Objective

To provide with a motive or motives; incite; impel.

I am not one to think that you can excel at work or in business without having an

objective. That would be like hoping in your car without have a destination already in


86. Open minded

Having or showing a mind receptive to new ideas or arguments.

I am a firm believer of seeking understanding first. That has developed my ability to be

open minded.

87. Optimistic

Disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most

favorable outcome.

Absolutely! The glass is half full! (Even if there is a fly floating on top of the water – at

least it wasn’t just a wing!)

88. Orderly

Arranged or disposed in a neat, tidy manner or in a regular sequence:

My world operates so much more efficiently when everything is in its place.


89. Organized

Having a formal organization or structure, especially to coordinate or carry out for

widespread activities:

Being organized was one of the key pieces of coaching that I got during my internship at

school. When you are organized, it demonstrates to others that you at least have a basis

and foundation of what you are trying to accomplish.

90. Original

New; fresh; inventive; novel:

Honestly, there are times that I wish that I was more original. However, when a fresh idea

comes a long, it is usually more than just one; it’s a series of original ideas. From there it

is fun to mind map what comes next!

91. Patient

Bearing provocation, annoyance, misfortune, delay, hardship, pain, etc., with fortitude

and calm and without complaint, anger, or the like.

Patience is a skill I’ve learned and has been an excellent teacher. Since I’ve learned this

skill, its helped me to listen and discern the overall picture of any given picture.

92. Peaceable

Inclined or disposed to avoid strife or dissension; not argumentative or hostile:

Peace / harmony are another reoccurring value that comes up on my personality tests

repetitively. That to me, is a true hallmark of excellent teamwork.

93. Perfectionist

Of, pertaining to, or distinguished by excellence

Yes, I am the type of person that wants to refold the map back the way it was originally

folded, want everything back in its place, and want everything to proceed flawlessly.

While that doesn’t happen all the time, if I had my “druthers”, that it what I would prefer.

94. Persevering

Displaying perseverance; resolutely persistent; steadfast:

This is another skill that I have learned. Again, I have to put out a nod of gratitude for

Champions College, because without them, I may not have learned the full value of

persevering to accomplish the goal of graduation.


95. Persistent

Lasting or enduring tenaciously:

Persistence goes hand in hand with perseverance. It’s those daily activities that you do

reliably over and over that lead you to persevere in accomplish any goal.

96. Planner

A person who plans.

I am a planner. I don’t commit myself to anything unless I have my planner with me, and

when taking on a new endeavor, I actively strive to plan what needs to be done, when to

do it, what type of result is expected and evaluate the total outcome.

97. Pleasant

Socially acceptable or adept; polite; amiable; agreeable.

I think that is why young children and elders tend to like me. I am pleasant!

98. Polite

Showing good manners toward others, as in behavior, speech, etc.; courteous; civil:

You have to value people. Otherwise it’s a disservice to them; it’s a disservice to

yourself. Being polite helps to win people over and trust you.

99. Positive

Confident in opinion or assertion; fully assured:

I shudder to think of the alternative to being positive. Being negative? What does that

ultimately do for you? Make you more attractive? Put more money in your pocket? Win

people over? Change the circumstance for the better? The list goes on and on, but the

answer remains the same. No!

100. Practical

Of, pertaining to, or concerned with ordinary activities, business, or work:

I have a confession to make. There was a time in my youth I was far from

practical. Quite the opposite – very impractical. I learned from my mistakes. I try

to take the most practical approach to everything now.


101. Productive

Producing readily or abundantly; fertile:

We are given only 24 hours in a day. Eight of those per day should be sleeping,

and 1.75 hours are spent eating. The rest of it needs to really matter on what you

do with it. I plan my time so that I may maximize my productivity professionally

and personally. If it is not scheduled, it doesn’t happen.

102. Prudent

Wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober.

As a prudent professional and business owner, I do not seek unrealistic returns or

being an overnight success. However, I do make and effort and accomplish a little

bit towards improving my business or myself every day. In doing so, then I will

see a return for my hard work and prove myself successful in the long run.

103. Punctual

Strictly observant of an appointed or regular time; not late; prompt.

While working at Mountain View Cemetery, my trainer impressed on me that

when working with older adults, even if you show up right on time, often times

they perceive you being late. So not only am I punctual, I arrive early and ready.

104. Purposeful

Determined; resolute.

I think that the most difficult thing about being purposeful in what you are doing

professionally and in starting is a business, is not to be swayed by nay-Sayers.

Even though it may be discouraging to hear from the ones close to you that they

do not see your vision and purpose, I am very thankful for my persistence in

achieving my goals.

105. Quick

Done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process,

etc.; prompt; immediate:

There have been a few occasions that I have been accused of being too quick and



106. Rational

Agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible:

In any given situation, I lead with logic and rationality. I question what is at hand

and what my part is or should be.

107. Realistic

Interested in, concerned with, or based on what is real or practical:

I just wonder how an individual can go through life being unrealistic by choice. I

think that to move towards success you have to be completely realistic in your

overall approach to deal with what comes your way. Otherwise the venture will


108. Reasonable

Agreeable to reason or sound judgment; logical:

Even in times of conflict, I remain reasonable. I seek for understanding first and

look to have an understanding of all the parties involved.

109. Reflective

Given to, marked by, or concerned with meditation or deliberation:

Sometimes being reflective gets me in trouble. It prevents me from sleeping. But

when I am reflective, I am trying to think through how to make things better.

110. Reliable

That may be relied on; dependable in achievement, accuracy, honesty, etc.

There are a number of businesses that fail within the first 2 years of launching.

My business starting being successful within 5 months – impart to being a reliable

person towards my clients.

111. Reserved

Kept or set apart for some particular use or purpose.

It is my goal to serve a diverse clientele. My approach is to come reserved as I

find that I can win people over more effectively.


112. Responsive

Responding especially readily and sympathetically to appeals, efforts, influences.

I think that when working with clients, you have to listen and really understand

what their needs really are. It is only from listening to them that you can be

appropriately responsive to their needs.

113. Resourceful

Able to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations, difficulties, etc.

I do not have an eidetic memory; therefore I rely on my resourcefulness to

enhance my skills.

114. Respectable

Worthy of respect or esteem; estimable; worthy

I treat people as I would like to be treated; with respect.

115. Responsible

Answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or

management (often followed by to or for):

I am a responsible person. It is another core value of mine. I am responsible for

everything I do or don’t do in every aspect of my life.

116. Sensible

Having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment

I do have a sensible approach to my everyday living as I see no other alternative

that is worthwhile.

117. Sensitive

Endowed with sensation; having perception through the senses.

I think that being sensitive to others has served me well. If I had a quarter for

every time someone said, “I probably shouldn’t have told you all that, but you are

so easy to talk to.”


118. Sentimental

Expressive of or appealing to sentiment, especially the tender emotions and

feelings, as love, pity, or nostalgia

I am sentimental, but when that moment in time is so sweet, you never want to

forget it.

119. Sincere

Free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest

I take a sincere approach to business. I want to hold onto being transparent in

every aspect of what I do.

120. Sociable

Friendly or agreeable in company; companionable.

I can be a very sociable person when I put myself out there.

121. Spunky

Plucky; spirited.

Moxie would be my favorite word for spunky. Do I have it? Yes indeed!

122. Stable

Not likely to fall or give way, as a structure, support, foundation, etc.; firm;


If I was not a stable type of person, I wouldn’t be able to run a small business and

stay in business.

123. Steady

Constant, regular, or habitual:

One of my secrets to being successful at my business is being steady and

consistent towards my clientele.

124. Successful

Achieving or having achieved success.

Most businesses fail within 2 years. I became profitable at my business within

five months. I see myself as successful.


125. Supportive

Giving support. Through providing sympathy or encouragement:

My whole business is designed to provide support to my clientele. This has

worked well because I am sensitive to their needs and am empathetic to their


126. Tactful

Having or manifesting tact

If I was given a magic wand to make this world a better place, one of the things

that I would change would be to have people be tactful. Since I cannot change the

world, I choose to be tactful.

127. Teachable

Capable of being instructed, as a person

I love learning new things! Whether it is self teaching me or taking an actual

class, I remain teachable.

128. Tenacious

Holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold

I created full time work for myself. The only way to have accomplished this was

to take a tenacious approach to launch my business.

129. Thoughtful

Showing consideration for others; considerate.

I love doing thoughtful things for my clients! I find it personally rewarding.

130. Thorough

Executed without negligence or omissions

Admittedly, I am not thorough at all things. I never check pockets before putting

clothes into the wash. What I am thorough on is staying organized, developing

processes and procedure to deal with work items, creating user friendly forms,

and finding errors on visual media, and balancing my check book.


131. Tidy

Neat, orderly, or trim, as in clearly organized and systematic

I know that that there are types of people that thrive well in un-tidy environments.

I am not one of those people. Everything has a place and needs to be in its place.

132. Tough

Strong and durable; not easily broken or cut

I am tough! What was my alternative? When hard times fell on me it was either

sink or swim. I chose to swim!

133. Trustworthy

Deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable

I can say that I am trustworthy, but in my personal opinion, trustworthiness is

something that can only be revealed from one person to another over time.

However, I have always handled client’s money and propriety information with

great care in every job I have ever had. I am personally entrusted into people’s

homes to take care of what matters most.

134. Uncommon

Not common; unusual; rare

Yes, I am uncommon, rare and hard to find. I’m a real gem!

135. Understanding

Characterized by understanding; prompted by, based on, or demonstrating

comprehension, intelligence, discernment, empathy, or the like

That is a biblical principal and proverb! “The beginning of Wisdom is: get

Wisdom (skillful and godly Wisdom)! [For skillful and godly Wisdom is the

principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment,

comprehension, and interpretation).” Proverbs 4:7 AMP. I want to be wise, so I

make an effort to understand things.

136. Versatile

Capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks,

fields of endeavor, etc.

I love a routine, but also love change. Variety offers spice in our life – and the

only way to respond to variety is to be versatile.


137. Warm

Characterized by or showing lively feelings, passions, emotions, sympathies, etc.

It is easier for me to be a task oriented person. However, I find that you take

yourself and those around you to a whole greater level when you engage with

them. This has to be done in a sincere and warm way. What I have learned is that

the rewards are always amazing when you approach your clientele in this way.

138. Wise

Having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right;

possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion

I do not think that I will ever consider myself “wise”. As time goes on, I get

wiser, but I believe that the moment you believe you have arrived at being wise,

you are only fooling yourself.