memorie urbanà ªi continuitate / urban memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de...

Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / ARGUMENT 307 MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and Continuity ªef lucrãri dr. arh / Assist. Prof. PhD Arch. Marina MIHÃILÃ [email protected] REZUMAT Moºtenirea culturalã se referã la patrimoniul construit, de spaþiile urbane conservate, de activitãþi ºi tendinþe urbane, dar ºi de stãruinþa de a completa, în spirit unitar, prin continuitate, valorile consacrate. Memoria urbanã se referã la identificarea imaginilor, - ca proporþie, culoare, detaliu, siluetã, ambianþã. Perceperea liniilor spaþiului în profunzime þine de regãsirea obiectelor arhitecturale care au definit istoria ºi memoria locurilor. Suma acestor elemente este esenþialã pentru imaginea memoriei ºi replicarea ei în amintire. Identitatea þine de ‘sensul spaþiului’, ºi este extensia dupã care o persoanã poate recunoaºte un loc ca formã existentã distinctã de alt loc, având unicitate, particularitate, caracter propriu. Sensul depinde de forma spaþiului ºi de calitatea sa, dar ºi de culturã, temperament, statut, experienþã, curenta acuitate a observatorului. Articolul exemplificã aceste idei legate de noþiunile de memorie urbanã ºi continuitate prin descrierea unor proiecte semnificative. Secvenþe: despre memoria în general, tipuri de memorie, memorii uitate, lipsa memoriei, managementul ºi conversia memoriei, experiment. Cuvinte cheie: spiritul locului – ‘genius-loci’/ spiritul timpului – ‘zeitgeist’, continuitate, ‘place’/’non-place’, timp, culturã, patrimoniu. ABSTRACT Cultural heritage is related to the build patrimony, to the preserved urban areas, urban activities and tendencies, but also to the perseverance to complete, in the spirit of a unitary space, through continuity, the established values. Memory is related to the identification of images, as a proportion, color, detail, silhouette and atmosphere. Perception of deep space lines is related to the retrieval of objects that defined architectural history and memory locations. The sum of these elements is essential for memory image and its replication in mind. Identity is related to the ‘space sense’, and it is the extension from which a person could recognize a space as a distinct existing form, different from another one, being unique, particularity, and having its own characteristics. The sense depends on the shape space and its quality, but also on culture, temperament, status, experience, and current acuity of the observer. This paper exemplifies these ideas related to urban memory and continuity by describing some significant projects. Sequences: about memory in generally, types of memory, forgotten memories, missing memory, management and re- conversion of memory, experiments. Keywords: spirit of place - ‘genius-loci’, spirit of time - ‘zeitgeist’, continuity, ‘place’/’non-place’, time, heritage.

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Page 1: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / AARRGGUUMMEENNTT 330077


ªef lucrãri dr. arh / Assist. Prof. PhD Arch. MMaarriinnaa MMIIHHÃÃIILLÃÃ

[email protected]


Moºtenirea culturalã se referã la patrimoniul construit, despaþiile urbane conservate, de activitãþi ºi tendinþe urbane,dar ºi de stãruinþa de a completa, în spirit unitar, princontinuitate, valorile consacrate. Memoria urbanã se referã la identificarea imaginilor, - caproporþie, culoare, detaliu, siluetã, ambianþã. Perceperealiniilor spaþiului în profunzime þine de regãsirea obiectelorarhitecturale care au definit istoria ºi memoria locurilor. Suma acestor elemente este esenþialã pentru imagineamemoriei ºi replicarea ei în amintire.Identitatea þine de ‘sensul spaþiului’, ºi este extensia dupãcare o persoanã poate recunoaºte un loc ca formã existentãdistinctã de alt loc, având unicitate, particularitate, caracterpropriu. Sensul depinde de forma spaþiului ºi de calitateasa, dar ºi de culturã, temperament, statut, experienþã,curenta acuitate a observatorului.Articolul exemplificã aceste idei legate de noþiunile dememorie urbanã ºi continuitate prin descrierea unorproiecte semnificative.SSeeccvveennþþee:: despre memoria în general, tipuri de memorie,memorii uitate, lipsa memoriei, managementul ºi conversiamemoriei, experiment.

CCuuvviinnttee cchheeiiee:: spiritul locului – ‘genius-loci’/ spiritul timpului– ‘zeitgeist’, continuitate, ‘place’/’non-place’, timp, culturã,patrimoniu.


Cultural heritage is related to the build patrimony, to thepreserved urban areas, urban activities and tendencies, butalso to the perseverance to complete, in the spirit of aunitary space, through continuity, the established values.Memory is related to the identification of images, as aproportion, color, detail, silhouette and atmosphere. Perception of deep space lines is related to the retrieval ofobjects that defined architectural history and memorylocations. The sum of these elements is essential formemory image and its replication in mind.Identity is related to the ‘space sense’, and it is theextension from which a person could recognize a space as adistinct existing form, different from another one, beingunique, particularity, and having its own characteristics. Thesense depends on the shape space and its quality, but alsoon culture, temperament, status, experience, and currentacuity of the observer. This paper exemplifies these ideas related to urban memoryand continuity by describing some significant projects. SSeeqquueenncceess:: about memory in generally, types of memory,forgotten memories, missing memory, management and re-conversion of memory, experiments.

KKeeyywwoorrddss:: spirit of place - ‘genius-loci’, spirit of time -‘zeitgeist’, continuity, ‘place’/’non-place’, time, heritage.

Page 2: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

DDeesspprree mmeemmoorriiee îînn ggeenneerraall

“Universul se poate organiza în jurul unui ansamblude puncte focale, sau poate fi divizat în regiuni cãrorale dãm nume, sau poate fi brãzdat de itinerariicunoscute. Pe cât de inepuizabile par indiciile pe careun om le poate alege pentru a diferenþia universulsãu, pe atât de variate sunt metodele de orientare, -acestea lãmurind mijloacele pe care le folosim astãzi,pentru a regãsi, repera, propria noastrã fiinþã înlumea urbanã” (Kevin Lynch, Image of the City)Întâmplãri mai mari sau mai mici sunt prezente înssppaaþþiiuull mmeemmoorriieeii uurrbbaannee. Le ºtim din povestiri, sau ne face plãcere sã ledescoperim când facem cunoºtinþã cu un oraº. PPoovveesstteeaa ssppaaþþiiuulluuii--oorraaºº eessttee oo iissttoorriiee aapplliiccaattãã,,eemmooþþiioonnaallãã,, ººii ffaaccee ccaa ssppaaþþiiuull ssãã ddeevviinnãã uunn lloocc.Ontologia spaþialã þine de memorie, dar ºi decapacitatea sitului de a o înmagazina.

330088 Universitatea de Arhitecturã ºi Urbanism “Ion Mincu”/”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

AAbboouutt mmeemmoorryy iinn ggeenneerraall

“The Universe could be organized around a set offocal points, or could be divided into regions whichgive names, or may be crossed by known routes. Asendless seem to be the clues that a man could chooseto differentiate his universe, the more varied are themethods of guidance, clarifying these means that weuse today to find, reference, our own being in theurban world.” Kevin Lynch, Image of the City.Large and small events are present in urban memoryspace.We know all these from stories, and we are pleasedto discover when we meet the city.

The city-space story is an applied history, emotional,and makes the space to become a place. Ontologyrelates to spatial memory, but also to space capacityto store it.

Bucureºti - Spaþiu al memoriei /Bucharest – A space of memory Foto / Photo: © Marina Mihãilã

MMoottttoo:: “Arhitectura nu este doararta de a construi, este o disciplinãfoarte complexã, care interpreteazaistoria, tehnologia, ºi schimbãrile dinsocietate” (Andrea Branzi)

MMoottttoo:: “Architecture is not only theart of building, it is a very complexdiscipline that interprets history,technology and changes in society.”(Andrea Branzi )

Page 3: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

ÎÎnnþþeelleeggeerreeaa mmeemmoorriieeii în contemporaneitate se aflãcumva între spiritul locului ºi spiritului timpului/ îînnttrreeggeenniiuuss llooccii ººii zzeeiittggeeiisstt. Parcurgerea spaþiului nu depinde decât de sens,dispoziþia cãtre decodificarea ‘semnelor’ ºi deaccentul pus în spaþiu de obiectele arhitecturale sauurbane. Trecãtorii nu sunt decât martorii atmosfereiactuale, ºi a mãsurii amintirii ce se citeºte princomportamentul urban, lumina din ochi sau starea deconfort pe care o resimt la contactul cu locul.CCllããddiirriillee ssuunntt,, cceell mmaaii aaddeesseeaa,, mmaarrttoorreellee iissttoorriiiilloorrttrreeccuuttee,, iiaarr ppoovveesstteeaa ttiimmppuulluuii lloorr iinniiþþiiaall llee ddeeccoonnssppiirrããpprriinn ssttiill ººii aattiittuuddiinnee ffaaþþãã ddee oorraaºº – citim mai mult saumai puþin, în funcþie de starea ºi cunoaºtereapersonalã, stãri ºi frânturi de viaþã de altã datã, saude prestanþã urbanã, sau statalã.

MMooººtteenniirreeaa ccuullttuurraallãã þþiinnee ddee ppaattrriimmoonniiuull ccoonnssttrruuiitt,, ddeessppaaþþiiiillee uurrbbaannee ccoonnsseerrvvaattee,, ddee aaccttiivviittããþþii ººii tteennddiinnþþeeuurrbbaannee,, ddaarr ººii ddee ssttããrruuiinnþþaa ddee aa ccoommpplleettaa,, îînn ssppiirriittuunniittaarr,, pprriinn ccoonnttiinnuuiittaattee,, vvaalloorriillee ccoonnssaaccrraattee..

Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / AARRGGUUMMEENNTT 330099

Understanding memory in contemporaneity issomehow between the spirit of place and spirit oftime, between genius-loci and zeitgeist.Going through the space depends not only ofmeaning, available to decode ‘signs’, but also ofemphasis in architectural and urban space objects.Passers by are only the witnessing of currentatmosphere and measure of memory that is read bythe urban behavior, light from the eyes, or state ofcomfort they feel in contact with space.

BBuuiillddiinnggss aarree mmoosstt oofftteenn wwiittnneesssseedd ooff ppaasstt hhiissttoorryy,,aanndd ssttoorryy ooff tthheeiirr oorriiggiinnaall ttiimmeess ddiisscclloosseess tthheemmtthhrroouugghh ssttyyllee aanndd cciittyy aattttiittuuddee – we read more or less,depending on condition and personal knowledge,states and other bits of life time city state or prestige.

CCuullttuurraall hheerriittaaggee iiss rreellaatteedd ttoo tthhee bbuuiilldd ppaattrriimmoonnyy,, ttootthhee pprreesseerrvveedd uurrbbaann aarreeaass,, uurrbbaann aaccttiivviittiieess aannddtteennddeenncciieess,, bbuutt aallssoo ttoo tthhee ppeerrsseevveerraannccee ttoo ccoommpplleettee,,iinn tthhee ssppiirriitt ooff aa uunniittaarryy ssppaaccee,, tthhrroouugghh ccoonnttiinnuuiittyy,, tthheeeessttaabblliisshheedd vvaalluueess..

Bucureºti, Calea Victoriei: Palatul ªtirbei / Bucharest, Calea Victoriei: ªtirbei Palace Foto / Photo: © Marina Mihãilã

Bucureºti, Calea Victoriei: Palatul Telefoanelor, Hotel Novotel, Hotel Continental /

Bucharest, Calea Victoriei: Telephone Palace, Novotel Hotel, Continental Hotel

Foto / Photo: © Marina Mihãilã

Page 4: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

MMeemmoorriiaa uurrbbaannãã ssee rreeffeerrãã llaa iiddeennttiiffiiccaarreeaa iimmaaggiinniilloorr,,-- ccaa pprrooppoorrþþiiee,, ccuullooaarree,, ddeettaalliiuu,, ssiilluueettãã,, aammbbiiaannþþãã..Perceperea liniilor spaþiului în profunzime þine deregãsirea obiectelor arhitecturale care au definitistoria ºi memoria locurilor.

Suma acestor elemente este esenþialã pentruimaginea memoriei ºi replicarea ei în amintire.

Identitatea þine de ‘sensul spaþiului’, ºi este extensiadupã care o persoanã poate recunoaºte un loc caformã existentã distinctã de alt loc, având unicitate,particularitate, caracter propriu. Sensul depinde deforma spaþiului ºi de calitatea sa, dar ºi de culturã,temperament, statut, experienþã, curenta acuitate aobservatorului.

Sensul unui spaþiu particular va varia la diferiþiobservatori, ca ºi abilitatea lor diferitã de a percepe.Sensul unei aºezãri, claritatea cu care poate fiperceputã ºi identificatã, uºurinþa cu care elementelesale vin în contact cu alte evenimente ºi locuri, este oreprezentare coerentã mentalã a timpului ºi spaþiului,ºi aceastã reprezentare ne rreelleevvãã eexxiisstteennþþaa uunneeiiiiddeennttiittããþþii ccoonnttiinnuuee,, ccaa ssuummãã ddee iiddeennttiittããþþii ttrreeccuuttee,,mmeennþþiinnuuttee ººii vviiiittooaarree..

Procesul identificãrii ºi memoriei se poate defini ºi princapacitatea subtilã a locului de a acumulaimplementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþiicorespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, lacare se coreleazã timpul universal ºi cel prezent.

Schimbãrile aduse unui spaþiu þin de epocã, putere ºipoliticã, ºi în particular de politici urbane, deîntâmplãri ce þin de teoria hazardului ºi dezastrelor,sau pur ºi simplu, ce þin de durata de viaþã a uneiconstrucþii, corelate sau nu, cu reguli ºi reglementãrice þin de patrimoniu.

331100 Universitatea de Arhitecturã ºi Urbanism “Ion Mincu”/”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

UUrrbbaann mmeemmoorryy iiss rreellaatteedd ttoo tthhee iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn ooffiimmaaggeess,, aass aa pprrooppoorrttiioonn,, ccoolloorr,, ddeettaaiill,, ssiillhhoouueettttee aannddaattmmoosspphheerree.. Perception of deep space lines is relatedto the retrieval of objects that defined architecturalhistory and memory locations. The sum of theseelements is essential for memory image and itsreplication in mind.Identity is related to the ‘space sense’, and it is theextension from which a person could recognize aspace as a distinct existing form, different fromanother one, being unique, particularity, and havingits own characteristics.

The sense depends on the shape space and its quality,but also on culture, temperament, status, experience,and current acuity of the observer. The sense of aparticular space will vary for different observers, andtheir ability to perceive different. The sense of asettlement, the clarity that it could be perceived andidentified, the ease with which its elements are incontact with other elements and places, is a coherentmental representation of time and space, and thisrepresentation reveals us the existence of acontinuous identity, as the sum of maintained pastand future identities.

The process of identifying and memory could bedefined also through the subtle capacity of the placeto accumulate repeated symbols implementations,traditions corresponding to the archetypal models,facts remembering, which connect the universal andpresent time.

Changes that are brought to a space structure arerelated to age, power and politics, and in particular tourban policy, to events related to the hazard anddisaster theory, or simply related to the life time ofthe building, related or not, to heritage rules andregulations.

Page 5: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

SSttuuddiiii ddee ccaazz,, aannaalliizzee,, ttiippuurrii ddee mmeemmoorriiee suntidentificate de cãtre autorul articolului de faþã.Expunerea argumentelor se deruleazã pe parcursulprezentãrii exemplelor.

TTiipp 11:: ddiirreeccttãã,, ppeerrssoonnaallãã,, iimmpplliicciittãã..

TTiipp 22:: iinnffoorrmmaattiivvãã ssaauu eellooggiiuu,, mmoonnuummeennttuull..

TTiipp 33:: ssppaaþþiiaall--aarrhhiitteeccttuurraallãã..

TTiipp 44:: mmeemmoorriiaa ttrraannssffoorrmmaattãã îînn lleeggeennddãã..

TTiipp 55:: mmeemmoorriiii ttrraasseeuu,, eexxppeerriimmeenntt..

TTiipp 66:: eevvooccaattooaarree,, tteemmppoorraall -- rreeggeenneerraannttãã::


Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / AARRGGUUMMEENNTT 331111

Study cases, analysis, types of memory1 are identifiedby the author of this paper. The arguments will followthe presentation of examples.

Type 1: direct, personal, default memory.Type 2: informative memory or eulogy; themonument.Type 3: architectural-spatial memory.Type 4: memory turned into myth/ legend.Type 5: memory route, experimentType 6: evocative memory, time-renewable memory,the memorial

Paris, Place VendomeFoto / Photo:

Page 6: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

TTiipp 11:: mmeemmoorriiaa ddiirreeccttãã,, ppeerrssoonnaallãã,, iimmpplliicciittãã..

Aº vorbi aici despre llooccuurriillee ccuu ‘‘nnuummee’’ ccaarree aauu ccããppããttaattsseemmnniiffiiccaaþþiiaa rreeppeerruulluuii ssaauu ppeelleerriinnaajjuulluuii uurrbbaann..Dar ºi de obiectele arhitecturale cu caracter istoric,monumentale, sau evocatoare.În general acest tip de memorie enunþã un concept-reper al locului, asociat cu acþiunea, ºi se manifestã castare a epocii de denumire. Fie ca sunt locuri sedimentate istoric – genul pieþelormarilor oraºe europene, sau ‘locuri instant’ de tipuloraºelor cu boom economic ºi industrial, aceste spaþiiau fost gândite în sensul reperãrii lor directe ºiemoþionale. ªi cele mai multe sunt întreþinute însensul acestei memorãri implicite ºi directe, printrasee turistice arhitecturale, evenimente anuale ceimplicã istoricitatea locului, sau unicitatea.Intervenþiile într-un asemenea sit sunt pe mãsuraenunþatului spirit al locului - genius loci, prin contrastsau prin continuitate.

331122 Universitatea de Arhitecturã ºi Urbanism “Ion Mincu”/”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

TTyyppee 11:: ddiirreecctt,, ppeerrssoonnaall,, ddeeffaauulltt mmeemmoorryy..

I would like to speak at this category about the placewith ‘names’ that have acquired the meaning of thelandmark or of the urban pilgrimage. But also, Iwould like to mention the architectural and historicalobjects, monumental or evocative ones.Generally this type of memory enounces a landmarkplace concept, associated with the action, and it actsas the time designation status.Whether sedimented historical places – large marketskind from the great European cities, or ‘instantplaces’ such as sites form the cities with economic andindustrial boom, these places were designed for thepurposes of their direct and emotional tracking. Andmost of them are maintained for the purposes of thisimplicit and direct memory places througharchitectural tourist routes, annual events that areinvolving place historicity and uniqueness. Interventions within such a site are far equal on thespirit of the place measure - genius loci, throughcontrast or through continuity.

Page 7: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

PPrrooiieeccttuull ‘‘BBeettwweeeenn CCaatthheeddrraallss’’ se doreºte ointervenþie într-un loc semnificativ, istoric al oraºuluiCadiz, unul din cele mai vechi oraºe din Spania –inserþia alege sã umple spaþiul ‘gol’ dintre noua ºivechea catedralã. Spaþiul public, considerat unul de patrimoniu,primeºte o platformã albã, deschisã cãtre mare ºiinspiratã din conceptul unui vapor, din memorianavigãrii, dar ºi amintind de drumul de procesiune alunei sãptãmâni sfinte.Arhitectul ºi echipa sa au dorit sã creeze un nouobiect de arhitecturã în armonie cu locul ºi care sã seintegreze în memoria colectivã ºi a spaþiului Cadiz.

Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / AARRGGUUMMEENNTT 331133

TThhee pprroojjeecctt ‘‘BBeettwweeeenn CCaatthheeddrraallss’’ is desired to be anintervention in a significant site, historical one of thecity of Cadiz – one of the oldest towns in Spain;insertion choose to fill the ‘gap’ space between thenew and the old churches. Public space, considered a heritage one, receives awhite platform, open to the sea and inspired from aship concept, from the sailing memory, but alsoremembering of a procession path in a holy week. The architect and his team wanted to create a newarchitecture object in harmony with the beauty ofplace, and that is integrated in the collective and alsoin the Cadiz space memory.

‘Between Cathedrals’, Cadiz, Alberto Campo Baeza arhitect

Foto / Photo:

Page 8: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

TTiipp 22:: mmeemmoorriiaa iinnffoorrmmaattiivvãã ssaauu eellooggiiuu,, mmoonnuummeennttuull.

Statuile ºi monumentele sunt exemplele specifice alememoriei informative ºi elogiului, repere cunoscute înconcordanþã cu semnificaþia lor iniþialã, ºi care nu ºi-au pierdut din memoria sau dedicaþia iniþialã(memoria locuitorilor/ trecãtorilor). Adesea, prezenþa monumentului cautã reperul social,ºi informaþia culturalã datã trecãtorului. Clãdirile monument pot fi repere de identitatenaþionalã, cunoaºtere a valorilor culturale ºi umane.Multe clãdiri au avut din start, din destinareaconceptualã, în vedere tematica monumentalã saucea de reper identitar naþional, cultural sauarhitectural.

331144 Universitatea de Arhitecturã ºi Urbanism “Ion Mincu”/”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

TTyyppee 22:: iinnffoorrmmaattiivvee mmeemmoorryy oorr eeuullooggyy;; tthhee mmoonnuummeenntt..Statues and monuments are specific examples of theinformative memory and eulogy.They are known marks in accordance with their ownoriginal meaning, and that are not lost from theirmemory or initial dedication.Often, the presence of the monument gives/ searchfor the social mark, and also cultural information ofthe passers by.Monument – buildings could be landmarks ofnational identity, cultural values and humanknowledge. Many buildings have included from the beginning themonumental thematic or perhaps the national,cultural or architectural identity theme.

Neue National Galerie, Berlin, Mies van der Rohe arhitect Foto / Photo::


Guggenheim Museum, NY, F.L.Wright arhitect Foto / Photo:

Londra, Tate Modern, .Herzog&de Meuron arhitecþi

Foto / Photo:


Page 9: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

Iniþial o centralã electricã (Bankside Power Station),clãdirea actualã Tate Modern, ce gãzduieºte faimoasãgalerie de artã contemporanã, este în prezentprincipala atracþie turisticã a Londrei. Clãdirea iniþialã s-a dezvoltat între anii 1947 ºi 1963,avându-l ca arhitect pe Sir Giles Gilbert Scott; centralaa fost închisã în 1981. Convertorii clãdirii, arhitecþii Herzog & de Meuronsunt cei care au implementat funcþiunea actualã ºi auconvertit spaþiul într-unul muzeal, extensie a spaþiuluipublic urban, dar ºi punct de reper vizual la Tamisa,dominantã spaþialã, ºi punct opus de perspectiva aSt.Paul Cathedral.Clãdirea elogiazã atât epocã industrialã a Angliei, câtºi transformarea edificiului într-un monument urbanal unei metropole în permanentã modernizare, darrãmânând mereu tradiþionalã prin reperele culturale.RIBA a acordat Royal Gold Medal în 2007 celor doiarhitecþi pentru aceastã realizare.

Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / AARRGGUUMMEENNTT 331155

Originally a central fixture (Bankside Power Station),Tate Modern current building, which in presenthouses the famous gallery of contemporary art, is inpresent the main tourists attraction of London.The initial building was developed between 1947 and1963, having Sir Giles Gilbert as architect; the plantwas closed in 1981.Converters of the building, architects Herzog & deMeuron are the ones who implemented the currentfunction, and turned the space into a museum,extension of the urban public space, but also adominant landmark form the riverside Thames, and inopposition with St. Paul Cathedral.The Building evokes the industrial design age ofEngland, but also the transformation of the buildingin an urban monument, being part of a metropolis inpermanent modernization, but standing alwaystraditional through cultural items.RIBA awarded the two architects with Royal GoldMedal in 2007 for this project.

Londra, Tate Modern,.Herzog&de Meuronarhitecþi

Foto / Photo:

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TTiipp 33:: mmeemmoorriiaa ssppaaþþiiaall--aarrhhiitteeccttuurraallãã..

Mã refer aici la spaþii care au intrat în memorie caspaþii generice, sau primare, ºi de la a cãrorsemnificaþie au continuat sã iºi lãrgeascã sensurile ºiconotaþiile, în marea lor majoritatea coexistând. Centrele oraºelor, zonele pietonale ºi meºteºugãreºtiintrã la aceastã categorie de memorie arhitecturalã –zonã predefinitã ºi omogenã a unui loc/ spaþiu.Caracteristicile ar fi: constanþa de stil sau amalgam,ritmul ºi alternarea armonica; într-un cuvânt,caracterul constant definit.În ansamblul unor clãdiri de facturã barocã (fostegrajduri), aflate în zona de protecþie arhitecturala,profesioniºtii de la biroul Ortner&Ortner au amplasatcâteva volume de facturã modernã, transformândîntreg spaþiul într-un ansamblu cultural, muzeal,artistic.Museum Quartier (1998-2001) înglobeazã 60 000 mpde suprafaþã muzealã chiar în centrul Vienei,întregind spaþiul cultural arhitectural al oraºului.Leopold Museum ºi MMUUMMOOKK –– MMuusseeuumm ffoorr MMooddeerrnnAArrtt sunt cele douã ‘obiecte’ arhitecturale de facturãmodernã, contrastante, care completeazã atmosferaºi statementul artistic al spaþiului.

331166 Universitatea de Arhitecturã ºi Urbanism “Ion Mincu”/”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

TTyyppee 33:: aarrcchhiitteeccttuurraall--ssppaattiiaall mmeemmoorryy..

I’m referring here to spaces that have entered intomemory as generic spaces, or primary ones, and fromwhich specific signification they have continued tobroaden their meanings and connotations, most ofthem coexisting. City centers, pedestrian and craft areas are in thisarchitecture memory category – as predefined andhomogenous area or place. Their characteristicswould be: consistency of style of mixture, rhythm andharmonic alternation of items, constant character in aword definition.In a baroque style buildings composition (formerstables), situated in the central architecture protectedarea, architects Ortner&Ortner have located a fewnew modern volumes, making the entire space into awhole museum and art place.Museum Quartier (1998-2001) includes 60.000 squaremeters of museum surfaces in the center of Vienna,complementing the city’s architectural valuable andheritage space. Leopold Museum and MUMOK –Museum for Modern Art are the two modern trendstyle architectural ‘objects’, contrasting andcompleting the atmosphere and artistically statementof the space.

Vienna, MQ + MUMOK - Museum Quartier + Museum For Modern Art, arhitecti ORTNER&ORTNER Foto / Photo: / / google earth.

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Copenhaga era acum 10 ani un oraº tradiþional de secolXIX. Memoria urbanã þinea de texturile ºi caracterularhitectural. Activitãþile se conectau în genere la spaþiulpietonalului central, ºi la malurile canalului CopenhagenHavn. Masterplanul de modernizare al oraºului a cuprinsrealizarea de inserþii importante culturale ºi dereprezentare în zona frontului la Copenhagen Havn:extinderea Bibliotecii Regale, realizarea unei OpereNaþionale Regale vis-à-vis de Piaþa Regalã –Amalienborg, a unui Teatru Regal, pe lângã alte multedezvoltãri rezidenþiale ºi turistice.Investiþia în spaþiul memoriei a vizat tocmai aceastãrefacere ºi susþinere a activitãþilor ce se desfãºurau înjurul apei – concursuri sãptãmânale de canotaj alemembrilor comunitãþii, plimbãri cu barca ºi vaporul,plimbãri pe faleza canalului, ciclism, petreceri în piaþaPalatului Regal, în faþa Bibliotecii Regale sau în spaþiuldin faþa portului. Deºi inserþiile arhitecturale suntcontrastante ca texturi ºi rezolvãri cu fondul construitunitar, acest lucru se realizeazã într-o manierã nuanþatã,ºi pãstreazã viaþa ºi atmosfera oraºului.

Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / AARRGGUUMMEENNTT 331177

10 years ago Copenhagen was a traditional 19th centurycity. Urban memory was kept into the texture andarchitecture style. Activities generally was connected tothe pedestrian central space and also to the channelbanks Copenhagen Havn.

The modernization masterplan of the city includedupgrading with new cultural and representativeinsertions in the banks of this main channel: extension ofthe Royal Library, a new Royal Opera in opposition withthe Royal Square – Amalienborg, a new Royal Theatre,and many others residential and tourist developments.

The investing in memory space aimed precisely thisrecovery and support activities that took place aroundwater – weekly community members rowingcompetitions, boating and boat rides on the canalpromenade, cycling, market parties in the Royal PalaceSquare or in front of the Royal Library, or even in thefront space of the harbor. Although architecturalinsertions are contrasted as textures and unitary builtfund solutions, this is done in a nuanced manner.

Copenhaga, Copenhagen Havn – reconfigurarea canalului.Foto / Photo: google earth ºi © Marina Mihãilã

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TTiipp 44:: mmeemmoorriiaa ttrraannssffoorrmmaattãã îînn lleeggeennddãã..

Existã spaþii care se bucurã de un trecut fabulos,incredibil. Memoria ºi istoria pe care au trãit-o parincredibile, deºi uneori nu sunt foarte îndepãrtate catimp.Clãdirile care participã la spaþiu pot fi ele însele marcatesau atinse mãcar de aceastã memorie legendarã. Potdeveni ele însele personaje urbane unice prin mesaj,prezenþã, dar ºi eveniment spaþial.Prin integrarea / reintegrarea lor în spaþiul cultural seaduce legenda în atenþia publicã.Edificiu istoric prin excelenþã, actuala clãdire aBundestag-ului German, a fost edificatã în 1894, ºi avãzut schimbãri incredibile politice ºi de vremuri. Aadãpostit Reichstag-ul pânã în 1933, când a suferit unincendiu major. În timpul rãzboiului a fost una dinþintele preferate ale Armatei Roºii, ceea ce a distrusclãdirea în cea mai mare parte a sa, aducând-o în starede ruinã.A fost refãcutã în 1961-64 de arh. Paul Baumgarten, învremea rãzboiului rece, ºi a separãrii Berlinului; clãdireaaparþinând zonei de Vest a oraºului. 1989 – reunificarea Germaniei, ºi implicit a Berlinului,gaseºte Clãdirea Reichstagului în forma optimã deconcurs de reconfigurare sub forma unui manifestarhitectural pe mãsurã, care sã o transforme în clãdire aParlamentului German – actualul Bundestag.Conceptul de remodelare o transformã într-un simbol alnoii Germanii, eliberate, transparente, moderne,europene.

331188 Universitatea de Arhitecturã ºi Urbanism “Ion Mincu”/”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

TTyyppee 44:: mmeemmoorryy ttuurrnneedd iinnttoo mmyytthh// lleeggeenndd..

There are spaces which enjoys a fabulous past, incredibleone. Memory and history they have lived, seemincredible, though sometimes not very distant in time.Buildings that are involved in the space, could bemarked themselves or even touched by this legendarymemory. They could themselves become the urbancharacters, unique through message, presence, but alsospatial event. Through their integration/ re-integrationin the cultural space, legend is brought in publicattention. Historic building par excellence, the actual building ofthe German Bundestag, has been built in 1894 and hasseem incredible changes in political and times. It housedthe Reichstag until 1933, when sufferend a major fire,during the war was one of the favourite targets of theRed Army, which destroyed the buiding in the largestpart of it, bringing it in a state of ruin.It was rebuilt in 1961-64 by the architect PaulBaumgarten, in the cold war and divided Berlin times;the building was in the west area of the city.In 1989 at Germany reunification, that implied also thereunion of Berlin, the Reichstag building was in its bestshape for an architectural competition for finding amanifesto at the reasonable scale form, that could havebeen transformed it in the present German Parliament –Bundestag.The concept of remodeling transform it in a symbol of anew Germany, issued, transparent, modern, andEuropean.

Deutsche Bundestag, Berlin. Norman Foster & Partners

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TTiipp 55:: mmeemmoorriiee,, ttrraasseeuu,, eexxppeerriimmeenntt..

Trecerea printr-un spaþiu urban poate genera un anumittip de memorie asupra locului. ªi în acelaºi timp, trecereapoate fi un experiment vizual, reper. Locurile cu identitate specificã pot genera necontrolatastfel de memorii-traseu la experienþa trecerii prinspaþiu.Peste astfel de locuri predefinite se poate interveninumai în sensul completãrii tipului spaþial definit deja.Venezia este azi un muzeu în aer liber. Amplasarea sa detip lagunar a fãcut ca trecerile dintr-un spaþiu în altul sãfie un experiment similar: legãtura de tip ‘link’, podul. Amplasarea pieþelor, strãzilor existente fac ca memoriasã fie una de traseu, experiment: în amintirea parcurgeriispaþiului, imaginile sunt legate de acelaºi cliºeu – podul. Experimentarea parcurgerii spaþiului nu este aleatorie, cipredefinitã, - decât o anumitã înºiruire de spaþii esteposibilã fizic. Memorarea traseului este esenþialã ºisuportã un numãr limitat de combinaþii.

Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / AARRGGUUMMEENNTT 331199

TTyyppee 55:: mmeemmoorryy,, ppaatthh,, eexxppeerriimmeenntt

Passing through an urban area could generate a specifictype of memory on space. And at the same time, theswitch can be a visual experiment, part and mark of thesite.Places with specific identity could generate suchuncontrolled memory-route when experimenting thepassing through space. On such predefined places and sites we could interveneonly in the sense of already defined spatial timecompletion.Venezia is today an open-air museum. Its lagoon typelocation has made an predefined experiment thetransition from one space to another: the ‘link’ typeconnection – the bridge.The location of markets and existing streets make a pathmemory, an experiment: in the remembering of the paththrough space images are connected with the samecliché: the bridge.The experiment of browsing space is not random, butpredefined; only a certain sequence of physical space ispossible. Remembering the path is essential andsupports a limited number of combinations.

Pedestrian bridge, Venezia, Santiago Calatrava arhitect.

Foto / Photo: http://www.e-

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TTiipp 66:: mmeemmoorriiaa eevvooccaattooaarree,, tteemmppoorraall--rreeggeenneerraannttãã ––mmeemmoorriiaalluull

Existã locuri evocatoare în sine, sau care au reuºit sãînmagazineze istorii multiple, spiritualitate, dar ºi dramãurbanã, umanã sau globalã. În genere spaþiul esteevocator, format din configurãrile emoþiilor suprapuse,ce nu pot fi ºterse, ºi nici uitate.Inserþia într-un astfel de spaþiu implicã regulamenteurbane speciale – atunci când este vorba de arhitecturaclãdirilor. Implicã ºi tipologii spaþial-publice la nivelul comemorãrii,sau atât la nivelul comemorãrii ºi direcþionãrii mesajuluispaþial-formal.Este ºi cazul Memorialului Holocaustului de la Berlinrealizat de arh. Peter Eisenman. Suprafaþa spaþiuluiurban pe care se desfãºoarã memorialul cuprinde 2711blocuri de beton aºezate în formã de grid spaþial, pe oarie de 19 000 mp. Ordinea gridului este în acelaºi timpdezordonatã, iar parcurgerea fizicã a locului poate fi oexperienþa confuzã a unui labirint ce variazã caaltimetrie primarã; ieºirea din labirint este o eliberare, ºiadevãrata senzaþie a memoriei spaþiale invocate.Blocurile de beton au dimensiunile de 2.38m x 0.95m xh = 0.2 - 4.8m, sugerând conform lui P.Eisenman ordineasistemului funerar, ce a pierdut noþiunea umanitãþii ºicontactul cu oamenii.

332200 Universitatea de Arhitecturã ºi Urbanism “Ion Mincu”/”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

TTyyppee 66:: eevvooccaattiivvee mmeemmoorryy,, ttiimmee--rreenneewwaabbllee mmeemmoorryy,, tthheemmeemmoorriiaall

There are evocative places themselves, or that succeededto store multiply histories, spirituality, but also urbandrama, human or global drama. In general, space isevocative, formed from the overlapping emotionalconfigurations, that could not be deleted, or forgotten. Insertion in such a special place involves special urbanregulations – when it comes to building architecture. ItInvolves also space public typologies at commemorationlevel, or at commemoration and message-formal spacetargeting.

Is the case of the Holocaust Memorial from Berlin,realized by architect Peter Eisenman. The urban surfaceon which the memorial is developed involves 2711concrete blocks shaped in a spatial grid form on an areaof 19.000 square meters. The grid order is in the sametime disordered, and natural completion of grid could bea confusing experience of a labyrinth that varies as aprimary altimetry. The exit form the labyrinth is arelease, and a true feeling of spatial memory invoked.

The concrete blocks have 2.38m x 0.95m x h = 0.2 - 4.8mdimensions, P.Eisenman suggesting the funerary systemorder that had lost the contact with people.

Holocaust Memorial Berlin. Peter Eisenman arhitect Foto / Photo:

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MMeemmoorriiii uuiittaattee.. Memoriile uitate ale spaþiului sunt îngenere un subiect interesant; dispãrute odatã cusuportul fizic, sau pur ºi simplu prin uitare. Tipurile deselecþie ale memoriei: amintirile ºi întâmplãrile suntintrigante, combinaþia lor poate înlocui alteinformaþii+memorii.În genere þinem minte înºiruirea spaþiilor. Când unobiect dispare din amintirea noastrã sau din ceaurbanã de care era legatã, simþim o pierdere,personalã sau a spaþiului oraºului. “Prezenþa trecutului în prezent” de care pomeneºteMarc Augé în cartea sa “Non-Places – AnIntroduction to Supermodernity” (‘From Places toNon-Places’), este importantã pentru spaþiulmemoriei oraºului.Spaþiile ºi oraºele cu identitate nu ºi-au uitatreferinþele, istoria ºi identitatea, pentru cã suntdefinite ca ‘locuri’; locuri care nu s-au schimbat, deºis-au transformat. Ideea de loc implicã si ideea de spaþiu definit, reperat,identificabil. Ideea de loc implicã si ideea de memorieasupra spaþiului – ne aducem aminte de el; de acel loceste legatã o amintire, fie ea numai imaginea ºiatmosfera spaþiului în sine.“Dacã un loc poate fi definit ca relaþional, istoric ºipreocupat de identitate, atunci un spaþiu care nupoate fi definit ca relaþional, sau istoric, saupreocupat de identitate ar fi un ‘non-place’” MarcAugé , “Non-Places – An Introduction toSupermodernity” Prin uitarea memoriilor, spaþiul poate deveni un non-spaþiu – ‘non-place’.MMeemmoorriiiillee uuiittaattee aallee ssppaaþþiiuulluuii ppoott ccaauuzzaa uunn ggooll îînnssppaaþþiiuull mmeemmoorriieeii uurrbbaannee,, aa iissttoorriicciittããþþiiii ssaallee,, ººii iimmpplliicciittoo ttrraannssmmiitteerree iinneeffiicciieennttãã aa rreeppeerreelloorr ººii ccoodduurriilloorr ppeeccaarree oorraaººuull llee eemmiittee llaa nniivveell ddee rreepprreezzeennttaarree..Memoriile uitate pot fi cauza unei aammnneezziiii uurrbbaannee,generatã de înlocuirea simbolisticii unui reperarhitectural sau monumental.

Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / AARRGGUUMMEENNTT 332211

FFoorrggootttteenn mmeemmoorriieess.. Forgotten memories of thespace are in general an interesting subject;disappeared together with the physical support, orsimple by forgetting. Memory selection types:remembering and stories are intriguing.In general, we remember the sequence of the spaces.When an object disappeared from our memory or thedistinct was bound, we feel a loss, personal or fromthe city area.

‘Presence of the past in present’ from which MarcAugé starts the argument in his book “Non-Places –An Introduction to Supermodernity” (‘From Places toNon-Places’), is important for the city space memory.Places and cities with identity did not forgot theirreferences, history and identity, because they aredefined as ‘places’; places that are not changed intime, although they transformed. The idea of place involves also the idea of definedspace, marked, identifiable. Idea of place involves alsothe idea of memory instead of space – we rememberit, of the specific place a memory is connected, oreven an image and atmosphere of the space itself.“If a place could be defined as relational, historicaland concerned with identity, then a space that couldnot be defined as relational, or historical, orconcerned with the identity should be a ‘non-place’”Marc Augé, “Non-Places – An Introduction toSupermodernity”By forgetting memories, space may become a non-space, a ‘non-place’.

Forgotten memories of the area could cause a gap inthe urban memory, of its historicity, and through it,an inefficient transmission of the city landmarks andcodes that are issued at the level of representation.Forgotten memories could be the cause of an urbanamnesia , generated through an architectural ormonumental landmark replacement.

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LLiippssaa mmeemmoorriieeii.. Locurile fãrã memorie nu suntatrãgãtoare. Lipsa memoriei le face seci prin lipsapoveºtii, sau pur ºi simplu ‘greu de digerat’ ºiapropiat. Fãrã memorie, scenografia urbanã nu îºi areobiectul, la fel ca un decor de teatru unde piesa nu s-a jucat. Fãrã memorie, identitate spaþialã evocatoareºi orientatã, spaþiul este asemeni unui organism carenu fiinþeazã, nu respirã. “Ipoteza iniþiatã aici este cã supermodernitateaproduce ‘non-places’, spaþii care nu sunt ele înselelocuri antropologice ºi care, spre deosebire demodernitatea Baudelaire-iana, nu integreazã locurileiniþiale: în timp ce acestea sunt listate, clasificate,promovate ca status ’locuri-ale-memoriei’ ºideterminate ca la o poziþie circumscrisã ºi specificã.”Marc Augé , “Non-Places – An Introduction toSupermodernity”. Mall-urile, autostrãzile, spaþiile derelaxare din aeroporturi, benzinãriile, toate suntidentificate de Marc Augé ca ‘non-places’, spaþii carenu produc emoþii, ºi în consecinþã, nu produc amintiri. Inserþiile de arhitecturã ar trebui sã urmãreascãpãstrarea memoriei locului ºi a timpului oraºului.Arhitectura nouã nu poate fi decât o completare aspaþiului deja definit, care sã pãstreze aceeaºiatmosferã ºi muzicalitate.“[…] un environment este ‘arhitectura obiectelor carene înconjoarã’. Aceastã idee mi-a apãrut în minte:ideea de a crea o clãdire, sau un mare ansamblu declãdiri, sau chiar un obiect mic, care sã facã parte dinmediul obiectelor înconjurãtoare.”(Peter Zumthor“Atmospheres: Architectural Environments -Surrounding Objects”)RReeccuuppeerrããrrii ddee mmeemmoorriiee.. MMaannaaggeemmeennttuull ººii ccoonnvveerrssiiaammeemmoorriieeii.. Recuperãrile de memorie în spaþiul publicau în genere rol social, antropologic, dar ºi orecuperare în sensul restaurãrii identitãþii culturale. Recuperarea memoriei se poate referi la refacereaunui link temporar sau al unuia spaþial, sau comun acelor douã componente.

332222 Universitatea de Arhitecturã ºi Urbanism “Ion Mincu”/”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

LLaacckk ooff mmeemmoorryy.. Places without memory are notattractive. Lack of memory makes them dry throughtelling no story, or simply “hard to digest’ and close.Without memory, urban scenography has no object,similar to a theatre décor where play has never act.Without memory, evocative and oriented spatialidentity, urban place is like a body which exists, notbreathing. “Initial hypothesis here is that supermodernityproduces ‘non-places’, meaning spaces which are notthemselves anthropological places, and which, unlikeBeaudelaire modernity, do not integrate the initialplaces: while they are listed, classified, promoted asstatus ‘places-of-memory’, and defined as acircumscribed and specific position.” Marc Augé,“Non-Places – An Introduction to Supermodernity”.Malls, highways, recreation space in airports, gasstations are all identified by Marc Augé as ‘non-places’; places that do not produce emotions, andtherefore do not produce memories.Architecture insertions should follow the memory ofplace and the time of the city. New architecture couldonly be a completion of the space already defined,that retain the same atmosphere and musicality.“[…] an environment is the ‘objects architecture thatsurrounds us’. This idea came to my mind: idea ofcreating a building or a large group of buildings, oreven a small object that will be part of theenvironment surrounding objects. “Peter Zumthor”“Atmospheres: Architectural Environments -Surrounding Objects”

MMeemmoorryy rreeccoovveerriieess.. MMeemmoorryy mmaannaaggeemmeenntt aannddccoonnvveerrssiioonn.. Recoveries of memory in public spacehave generally a social role, and also a retrieve in thesense of cultural space identity restoration.Memory recovery may refer to the restoration of atemporary link or a spatial one, or even common ofthe two components

Page 17: MEMORIE URBANÃ ªI CONTINUITATE / Urban Memory and … · 2016-05-06 · implementãri repetate de simboluri, tradiþii corespunzãtoare modelelor arhetipale, amintiri, la care se

MMaannaaggeemmeennttuull ººii ccoonnvveerrssiiaa mmeemmoorriieeii ssuunntt ssoolluuþþiiaappeennttrruu ssppaaþþiiiillee uurrbbaannee aaggrreessaattee iirreevveerrssiibbiill.. PPlluussuull ddeeccoonncceepptt ddee vviinnddeeccaarree aall ssppaaþþiiuulluuii vvaa ffii uunnuull ccoonnssiisstteenntt,,mmeeddiittaattiivv--ccoonntteemmppllaattiivv,, aattââtt îînn sseennssuull rreeccuuppeerrããrriiii,, ccââttººii îînn sseennssuull rreeggeenneerrããrriiii ppee uunn ffoonndd ddee iiddeeee cceennttrraallãã ddeennoouu,, rreennaaººtteerree,, nnoouuaa sseemmnniiffiiccaaþþiiee aa ssppaaþþiiuulluuii,,rreeoorriieennttaarreeaa mmeessaajjuulluuii aaggrreessiivv..

Memoria þine de atmosferã, iar atmosfera poate figeneratã, aºa cum enunþã Peter Zumthor peparcursul cãrþii sale, succesiv, “Atmospheres:Architectural Environments - Surrounding Objects”, ºiþine de: ‘magia realului’, ‘esenþa arhitecturii’,‘compatibilitatea materialelor’, ‘temperaturaspaþiului’, ‘obiectele înconjurãtoare’, ‘simþul întrecompoziþie ºi seducþie’, ‘tensiunea dintre interior ºiexterior’, ‘nivelul de intimitate’, ‘lumina lucrurilor’,‘arhitectura ca mediu înconjurãtor’, ‘coerenþa’spaþiului ºi ‘frumuseþea formelor’.

Studii ºi cercetãri ºtiinþifice de arhitecturã ºi urbanism / Architecture and Urban Research Studies / AARRGGUUMMEENNTT 332233

Memory management and memory conversion aresolutions for irreversible assaulted urban spaces.The added space concept of healing will be aconsistent one, thoughtful, contemplative, both interms of recovery and for the purpose ofregeneration on a central idea fund of new revival,the new meaning of space, redirecting aggressivemessage.

Memory refers to atmosphere, and atmosphere couldbe generated, as Peter Zumthor enounces through hisbook, “Atmospheres: Architectural Environments -Surrounding Objects”, successively: “magic of real’,‘architecture essence’, ‘space temperature’,‘surrounding objects’, ‘the sense betweencomposition and seduction’, ‘tension betweeninterior and exterior’, ‘level of intimacy’, ‘the light ofthings’, ‘the environment architecture’, ‘thecoherence of space’ and ‘beauty of forms’.

BBiibblliiooggrraaffiiee // BBiibblliiooggrraapphhyy

AUGÉ , Marc, Non-places: introduction to an anthropology of supermodernity, 1995 Verso Books, London, UK, ISBN 978-1844673117BRANZI, Andreea, Architecture is not the art of building, it is a very complex discipline, interpreting history, technology,and the changes in society, 2007 Museo Alessi, Maurizio CORAINNI, Mantova, Italy, ISBN 978-88-7570-151-2CLIFF, Stafford / De CHABANEIX, Gilles, Arta de a trãi în oraº, 2008 Humanitas, Bucureºti, Romania, (first edition: 2007Thames & Hudson, London, UK), ISBN 978-973-50-1908-2ZUMTHOR, Peter, Atmospheres: Architectural environments - surrounding objects, 2006 Publisher: Birkhauser Verlag AG,Germany, ISBN-13: 978-3764374952