memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tennessee) 1885-06-23 [p ]. · 1, si i t u i i i ' viuiwa...

1 , Si i t U i i i ' Viuiwa "wL J mmmam"' '"aiaBISB"BgaaB ;"gw,'- - - - y" f . "" " -M ""' , u imi pmw rwwrirnw RAILWAY RECORD. ARRIVAL AND DEPARHJRZ Of TRAINS. Hii)lftMfpp! Talloy koule JU, S, O. A Tl (In effoct Sunday, May '21, is.v), No. 1, Going- South Leavin? Memphis 8:30 p.m.; arriving a Arkansas City 6 a.ui : Vicks- burg 9a. m. ; arriving at Now urleans 7:" p.m. This train leaving Visiii-hi- Tt x o'clock p.m. Will arrive at tireonville a'. ! : a.m. No, 2, Going Iorth Leaving Orleans 8:15 arriving at Vicksburg T :li p.m. ; . :lu a.m. Train leaviog Arkansas Luyatb; p.m. connect, wi;h this train. So. 3, oin South Leaving Memphis t p.m.: arriviagtit Ykksburg U;5o p.m.; Or- alis :15 io. l.Goi..,; North Leaving New OrIe.i :00 p.w.; Vicksburg at 3: a.m.; arnvitit; a. Sera-ph- is p.rn. Jto. 1 sleeper to Yickebuiv oniy; 1 fto. a, through sleeper to JNew Oricm . A. J. KN.'r'H, G. P. A-- Meiij'ui?, Ten;;. JAS. M. KO-.- AHDS, V. P. & t,. jj... Mo cphia. M jiwU-.4.r- auI 't fnnwfc. "ai' train ei.yes at 4:i6 p.m. : arrives at y :' a.m. a'reigut trnin loaves vdauy except nnday at 5:15 a.m.; arrives 'daily excopt fcuudy) at a. it. 3iAAH.ttz., (i1o ami Houmwvptprn-- Tn xaove an follow : 8 (i"tst line dv.jy) Lwes at 8.15 a.m. No. 2 leaves at Hi) p.m. dtiJy. Ripley accommodation leave at 4 p.m. di.y (except Sunday. IN o. 7 fit iinc laity; .'.r rives at 1 p.m. Mitil and express arrives daily at:i 'a.m. Hiploy a;'oijiimoiii;uun arrives aaiiy (except Sunday at J?.:3 a.m. Jrl mp Im nwrl l.fti!e ftr b. mcr a; follow ji nntr.'l ;anJiTi : 1 'fsve diily at5:' p.m. arrives at 10 p.m.; No. 3 leaves 4:.i a.m. : arrives a. 8; 50 a. iu. ; Nd. 6 (iTcr. icavos iiopefi-'- daily, except Sunday, t6:00a.Gi.: arrive at7:O0p.aa- - joU-.- Fast mail arriv daily a'. 4:35 a.m.; leaves at 11:m n. an.; karci d.viy at 9: HO a.m. ?. 'fwr.eTiiJ-- t HOJomsio-iio- leave viaiiy, x.:c..t baajj, a. I'M p.m. ; s'mi arrive a; 5 pi:. I rotrnii; if imicc-iAtio- .arrives Jst.:y, except tiu&da, a.u. '.iLaadrd time). of as Xiireacb express icfcvv. ut.iiy ct lv:o6 p.m. flT:l aoi oxitos it-- dai:- - c 9:.- :q n:frviiii e,c?o n z:i leaves daily, zcpt Haai-iy- . at 5 1 p.m. A"nr.ucii e; rr-- j rwe oH:i7 at 10: iU uu at nrrivei daily at 5:i)p.m. Soruorvi-- AccymBiO-dati:- 3 arrive Jvlty. except ijo lity. t'si ae Triir ioave M. and I'.copntai foUow: io4. mu im fipr joiTss uaiiy at n:w a.m. ; jo. 3, mail and express arrives at t;lMn iu. ; No. t , St Lout? xpredit lesve i"iiy at 2:;i) p.m.; o. lio. t. i.oui express arrives at i:4'f p.m. Aeniphlt, Nelnin autl llrniiKn irk- - Holly Fprmra H'iuie Trnina move a loii'-ws- Leave Meuiphifl aaity at .;..) p.m.; arrive u ll:Ua.ra. SUMVEK RESUItTS. Bon Aqua Springs, in OPENS on the 13Ui Jure, 1HS5. i;h many lir?t cla uppoinuiirni.-'- at re floi Ki'riln 'tU'k f. W. B. K' .SKLL. AP. M'ltlX.S ASO B 11 ( 4LKA- - line Ltthia Wnter; sfo fine Irn Watorfr;. Hampshire Cm., W, "a. No Fss. No Malar a. IV bore the si'i re:over, D'i the well are always hfti 'py. Hend pt:ni S:ct. W. i!. SALK, Prn'r. 4 Tlie Pavilioii IMi Wolfooro, If. IL above well known ni:4 f.ivorit- - Hotel, on the Luk, wiih aecomaioJjtiuns i'. r 20 suestj, will ba oi.eno.l thi. fp ibuii by Mr. O. M. Tilton, ! of the Hotel Windsor, Nt Orleans. The ratronase of the citizens of Memhii n J vicin- ity f dicttcd. Vrice, cxcccJin'y rcaoDHblo. Good fare and fine muric. OI'.O. M. TILTON', l'rorri"t. r. llo, For Becrshcba Springs fiiraoa? Rammer Pert oprr.s fr the THIS ol' thi public JiiupJI.jiIi. to con- tinue the entire renovated anU and ties for eiuertamuiect to nottr in the ruth. Hound-tri- tirVca from MTphi?, vit. ah-vli- i, ci5.iU, witn stop-ov- at Nashville gu'ng ur comuix. L. Ail nepsry inf'irmation will siipplicd i ihe I". Dr. JOiiN ri. CjOl'E;!. J;eer':ie rori:iK?. irundy lenn., or JOHN 1. KKV. A gont, S'frrh Curt Mf nit hi.-'- Tnn. K. Ht. bijloxi, sass. OPEN MflnU; ANi) VilSTEE. deliebtful So.fide Eerort fcT Toa-:- THIS i class AcomuiO'iati'tn. It 5t. ritufted directly the lsh of tha i.i f i .Mfii.-o- , aiid fine Hoiliufe-- . Kttiiii r, ItiiuilDir aud Jritln. The urv-tihi- pure air and ireedom 1'roiu uial iri. oqo nfthe deiirbie :poti on tio 7nIl'alioio. -- Ho:el First class ta Arp.i-"tion- room?, by mail or ieie-ra- J( wiii receive iro!i: pt nttntiir, . P. J. .VuNin0?5.rr.v-ritir- Bonita iprm gs! 1.. vw orr-v-- o one ciiio from BLArit -- L J, :CK. AKK., on Kin?n City h.-.- i. and - Von.t.hif i.lote liiih. healthy, iilendid t6r and gv-- d LhiLg, K,ttnt'-"-.- l' jj VriV.i,??' I'miTictor, J . Forr.-.erl- of Ji". t.Mce:ij MINERAL SPKZ', Moiitop Coaniy, K. Tenupee. APKX JI'.Nt Jtil. Thin celehr.ttcd fcuramor K5ort is sitnute 1 on tt.p oi t'aiih'wpf? ;r,it'-et above trie ij"d waurs pore atuicphcre, niavnilitTent pcenery acd c'iu ati'.i'.j. V v.iy line of sta ? and dailv mail from Allien", Tenn., over a g d T:d. L'itnce. sixteen lull1?. Te egraph ol.' e in bote!, .aiiftir-i- with otiier Hups r.t Athene. Teru renMinabiP, and Special Kate t Fa:ii-ilie- e. tor ciri!i;irj. rfivinjr analysis f wate;.-- , CM., address propriet r, T. A. .M AviILL, Vji:e ClifSprinKS, lenc. Oct l'nu'UT!''y modern :e oct prirgp. Mnny Southern rererenpei. Ort Oct Old Point Comfort, An. Hygeia Hotel, Not ftiimitf-r- t 100 Vunli from Fort Monmc. vl'KN all the yertr- AccminodMe" U' Rue?". HOC L iua! ti an faotM in tre I oita etatcp. hec :v'ije and b'iorie. ij'iinTriienii. Ltth:Q nad uncxoeUed. Batii- - llee inn, btaticr, fttid drivintf p'e:ially Terr! Iv? i: cil iT.iUii!V)d.tli-;i:- Jun t;ian any resort in the country. Fare .cp-- mr, free froui malaria un.l funuucive i rctreahicg Jf.n elcep. Send ior dcerr.(,:u c pn . .lull ii. PilotH a, i'reprjetcr. Eoli tji 3000 isiaci? : Feb IEEU PAUli AM OxKLlXD, On the Crjt of the AiIe?hnnio, within the Fa- mous tiiade t Ion. Lircriy on tne Lino of the E. and O. 77? Staye IVidea or iiue :cr?. All Limited TIir Triris With, the new and uni !!t sheo-.u- on the Lnltimore and Ohio jKaiir'ja'l lhe?e lovely twin r.'rt.5 arc beyond ail rnipario?! fhe E''t a Ivanuwreou-l- iofiJ, VtoUi to trail. ?crvico al surruundiiir!, of r.ny M Em of tb Ho- kis. Leave Ctn.-m- iti hile.r Buppsr; ter,Parn lor car:y.bre;ikiit. trains artally tavorro!e. LevoDecr Park aitr upier? --rnve at mnnati -r breakfast. There is ls a Hay.Lxpre each war, maKia Ioubie fwy ; rains erh w.iy. b. and O. Liiaited itr Washitiseiou and Juai-Bior- e, via Deer iarit and fk'ntu, leave Cueiu-na- ti 7:' p.m.. srrivir.jr V j aiiigton 1 : v. rn,, l,ltiirore - :lo p.nj. .U. an-- i O. Lunited for cinnti, st. Louw an! iou'.b. via Fuk and laklaad.le.ive lialtimoro 'Z : p. ta., arri ios at Cri"' r.nau at 7 a.m., ht. Louie '3 :: p.m. Matfaiii.-en- Trains 1 hroaifb VS itnout .barc. BUcinjf, i'Arlor, 'a:r.i!y-ru'-- and lay Cov:heJ. Hifcta lK'ii June U'JI. No i'licsl No Wrwiuitos : No Hay Fever! No Malaria! leor Fark and 0..kiand, the one bein but fix yniied distant from ilie other, wit:i the iuo-- t ch iriuinK drives conne'inar thetii. wiii be ui;dr?r the Diaitdiiieut of Mr. W. J. W ALivKH. wh ,;rt lis two mviMtCS inanrercent of bear Parc. nia-i- any enthu iirti friends of the iilorio;j? nnionK bo ut hern pe.(oe. L O. Teler.ii h niM, in ooin noie o Livery and r.t I.aaudry. All i LiiiiHTitton fnoui'i te adarcsii to W.J. Water. U'i'tn '"v 'Lto'., as w.d. M i.j up to June i .n. Aiitr uci d't. ':Thr I'eer Park or Oakland, Xd. k AT Kri t;nd ; er riontu, accord ins to locations. Ti od 0. fp;treJ no extent in beer Park and "kj:md the Al'.untu?i ita..rta of the ;, and lor ta qo.uon of the tiraction wui Iom . cbara-te- r not hitherto .fuiied. and the cuiiu ol' both hca.-c- s r.ot Tae i inest i'iace fnr f h in f"i In'- This EFLTorhp.-'..e'--to- r iiiide iy s Cure oi ueenerauoa vfiVfHl thi, n ortrun?. Ilhcfe ie DO li;.f:il..e POo'it .jtjxPic.B&y iii iflftruxelit t':. .;n- - a3 "X ,x.t!.r.KB U.C pru icu.t k ' ; T , it V .u.r. to healmy at iLri Uiil.1 U.U with Llectrn! lu i t t.j it ii dvflf.icd to ear ii at t ,r cirouKTMKTv- - (to'y-r'.- I'urpcrse. lor tro u.n r. ,r'naiionf .ndure theevsr LiecUiC v kiV at ft: 'J th -- "ti'i ' 5 at l. M. STAJTLEY, funeral Director, l1) 204 n'a Street. Memphis, Ttun. A TI LL r.f Wooden and Metallic Caie i, and CafKb1' liuristl Kohen, etc., aiai3 on hand. Urderfc by Jolegrapb or l'uleihuue !. 7 attended t MAN'MOOl) tti vjil Mi.Dt; 'torn work ? r""V itemtr of Italia tu .id , aiiUJ.1.: s i.t: iw. .x fat ir- - ' .c..;-.;- i AoxiCK or xio DIKKC'TOKS. Mtxpnn, May 10. 1HSS. rockh.-";d- if tho fit TUE Cori.fJiiy re herei.y n..U!ied lh;vt a eleAiva l .r tiireetun Fill be bcld at the vu.l&.u7'e ofli-- e, crner of ilrim and London .ireo-,o- Taur.- - iny, June r;t 1 K. L1 ll.tV i tlAibki'., President. Bcr"Pi;tbon:n2 0ttnecnnrcn oi ;waiis iSB tiiiUOp UJ U1B tUAlYai.. FINANCE AND TRADE. UHKU KK1UW. XotLiug Iringpired in linanoial or com- mercial circles last week to in any way affect the money market. Baukers con- tinue to report businesa dull, money abundant aud t.iy at 6 to 8 per cent, dis- count. The wet k'd buBineas atregate at the bankg ohovrs a decided falliug-of- f, aa compared with thatof the preceding wek, the CieariDlicase Bta'erneiit appended: I.n-- t W?cV Week Previous Monday SH"i.t.: h7 uefiiuy ... l.ii.ft! M h.,,w 10 Wednoxlay .. ll',,. t I'M,: W Thurrtav .. !,t,'".:n :." 177,' '.'I Friuuy .. l.'.-l- t is vm,.-- batuidiiy .. ti,n"J M 7i,41 IS Total!,T'2: 14 "S Same week . 67".l!f si Same week i . 5;'.2,,.,&0 (w In general nte the week was barren of interest locally, excepting what attached to the cpeninj; oi the potato trade. i!ut that has not fairiy begun yet, and there was very little activity amoui; the produce dealers, l'rovisions and breadstuils de- veloped no material chancre in tone or pries. Kes3 are duli and lower thaii at the cIcro of the ptevious week, with an iibu:.d-an- t supply on the market. Groceries and general supplits quiet and unchanged. Tt e cattou marset aiso ho3 b?en very quiet, the tono rulitig dud but SIM ly at the decline reported. All accounts from the Krowinjj crops are very favorable. A n even; of the week was the advent of the first bloom, which this season cornea 1:1 dttyB earlier than, and from a number localities, iiidica.-int- an nnusual of tue crop's advancement. Sum- marizing the weed's business, the market opened dull but steady, miduiing quottd 10 jc, the price ruiiug at the close of t';e week, and closed dull but steady at 10'c, the following comparative table indi- cates : JuneiO h Junrl'ith Ordinary o:o. i,oir.. lOod Onlinary - :'Ki i Low Middiics...- - l'l l"'n .Mid.llinc H;i Hood ;iidd!'r.f 1' h Middiint: 1'air v1"-'- J'". i'a;r Xum. Xoiii. istaiaa, ir.i..'4i:; liliKeS', yj.aiot'. Keceirts at Memphis dnitng the week aeK'reguted 414 bulcs, against tilt) bulea the previouj wee!.-- , 4"'l the a-- last and 5S'7 1SSU. The total receipts Biuco Soptem-l;e- r 1, 1SS4, were 4l'o,1H ba!-- 444.K12 ba'es at the torrt-spondir- perio;! last season, a decrci'.ae of Is, t'lS bales. At itie same time in lSsil the receipts were 50U,47j bales. Miipmeuts during the week aggregated jso baler, lltj bales the previous week, 27G4 baled ti.e corresponding week laot season, arid 14;'J ba es in 18tSJ. The total shimuenU since September 1st wre 41.S.2.)!) bales, atrainst 4:'.7,0j1 bales iu 18SJ, aud 4S3,31 bales in lsso. The total stock on band was 12,4117 bales, ajrrtinbt 14,U1'.I bales at this time List rear; in lbtKS, i.'.;,023 bales. Sales in Memphis during the week apgiegated 700, of which ex- porters took bales, ppinners 700 bale?, acatnst a total of 2'JJ'J tales last week, of which bales were t export- ers, and -- ) bales to spinners. Total bales since SDtitomber 1, 1S4, to close of this week, 375,230 bales, of which 174,575 bales were to ezpoiiere, and 2 !0,475 bales to Epinr.ers and speculators. Micdiing dull but s'eady, at 10c. WEEKLY STAT H 5! EXT OF V.rCE!PT3. KECK KNDIN'J j JINK i'.', Jv KB 1ST. THENLE ECCEIVtn TT i 3 Lnr--I This Year Vt Yea Mem. K ! 7,.v, t'i.715 Mifi. x 'Icon. 1; U i X. i. S. Kit '1 4'".liT 47,1.V 1.3 C.,0. W. Itt; 1 !.. O. X I . Bit S i.:,.;-- j C. S. M. Kit S'l7 MU?i.. .ipl.i Kiver "ii fcl,i7 Whit. Kiver 11 lO.Mj li.171 Fmnoi- - Kiver. Arkaii.tip Kiv.tto- - .l river.-- , lrfi.... 4,475 7,H3 Wagons and oth-3r- sources 6. 4 B. UR Total.. 11 421 'jjil.llt ii(.vai WEEKLY STATEMENT OK SHIPMEXT.. Jl'Mv 1'.', 1. BEB 1ST, kOCTJ!. This Last This iLmt Year. Year. Yoar.j Year. ?.ra. A Char. ?. i! 47 12! 5,277 ,V$ Miss Teiiti. Bli M.fiiS 77.2o X. . S. KM 1.210 - :lii!.7:il C.x.irS.W. KK l.a l.lii L..X.O. IT. KH 4J,-'- i4 Mein.ALit.hkKK .teasaer. north... 4.117 81,31- i.?'.i bujamerp south fit.oU Igul 4..'-v- 2,7'il HS.2f,! 'fn.'f'l coriLss or ins Mnvtriiis market. 2, The foilowini; shows the course of tiie Memphis market and the prices of mid- dling cotton from tha opening of the sea- son as compared with the same time last vear : :.l 2 J Sept.... r; 2., 47 St.t....i.'; l.o. 4,.'.: ?ert....l.'! o 4.VJ Se.t...W; 1.9--- 12'); ,10 3j 4.i Ill' lt.':.'. 17 I".' ' ft '2 2 1) it ,i S.. Ri.i:. ....i '"..7'- - Jl o7 ....2 11 7.72--- ' p;.27 ' 21 ', 2,,.41 "' 1'' 12 .".r-J,.- ; ' ." ii 2: I" Iier- - Jsg..C-r- i.7'; 21.110 tv'oS i.js 2 17.:7 :.- -' '.' l:.-.- i;.$r. in 2 B.Ii- s.mi i4.w lii. v ".s";. :t...7 l''.'.i27 !2,4.-- 10.7"" Jot).. . 1'i 1". o.'.n'j l.l.'Jll 11S.' 0.7'' I" n o S.M11 11 - li,4' 1" . 0.211 H.ipi !4,i i" l '7.2".t r'.2" at eh o . pi l'l." lo f. 7. I::.:'. 1.' 7". 0.17 rb 2 '! 5,1 U- l'i,7".i 27: 4,7".. ii'-- y, .1 Var o, 74." 1.10' .:!' !:'' S,:4i V.! 4.'M V.r..-.2- i' ..ti Ti.ti'.'. tt,4-- y.r IT ;.2..! r, iM"; 7..N- - April .. 31 2..'.' 4J.Hl! 7.: April ..I'll l.'.'- -t n.27'-- 4J.iU 1,4'- - A.r'l..l' l.C ;,i17! ' .V..U'.' :S.y.- April 2S! 1, 7 ,.'.'t H4.110: 2.02 1', .May i.7t HI,: 21, s 11 in May l,o 1.- -- "'ill' ,y... .1, l.i 12 '.'7.0 w.'.':i' 2.i My t J ..' '7 2,loi 22,1:17, of liny :i.o',i ZM7 2,'.i Julo... ' B.471- - 17.1:' 3.1' Jone.. .'l:i b.i l.l'Hi HL'-W- June.. 2' 411 4.S5 12 -', The moveraejit of the crop ct tsenty-i- x interior towns op to Jane ltuh, was as follows i Iieceipta, 52ii0 baits, aiciinst 2tioS bales feet year increase 2W1 btit-s- ; and against 8513 bales in decrtaui, 3274 bales. .Shipments, 13)27 bales, ags:iit 70,VJ bales last yp.r iaercas. 5138 bales, and astiinst l'.',076 bales in IS'm decrease, 6W4 bai Stock, o't.'.M:! bales, ayiinst 45,y34 bales Jiit year decrease, 5'JtH bales; and asraitiHt NS,240 bales in 1883 decrease, 48,21)7 of bales. The plantation movement for the Creole ending Friday, June 17th, was as fciiow?, compared v.nh the three previous years; Tiis week, FH", "Inisweelv, Jv,4: - 1.i"2 Ifcisweek, lir-- i ...: 2 s The total visible e'ipply, June J'.Hh, vaa l,t'J7,27iJ buies, ogaiust 2,280.818 bales the hkiic time last year, 2,403,525 bsl3 iu 18b3, and 2,158,450 iu 1882. The above figures indicate a decrease in the cotton-i- eight of 283,548 bale3 ascompsred with the came date of 1884, a decrease oi k3,2j5 bales 3 compared with the corresponding date cf IroJ, and a decrease of 101,13'J compared with 182. .Liverpool begau tbfl week dull at Sir-t- closed dull and irregular 5 Saturday evening. Liverpool lutnroa bean the week eapv 5 d etdiers for i una deliveries, and closed with June quoted itui ii. 5 buyers. iiew York ppits bean the week otcady iv 1 be, below the price ruling for middling at the clotse last Saturday. De- clines of ic we.a reported during the jreek, reducing the price ci 'niddiing cot- ton vi JO on which the wei closed. The Ne Vork future market closed witii Jane deliveries (.noted at 10.28 :id0.30. 'ew Orleans spots be-a- the week eusy, with u.iddiirg quoted at 10fe, ic beiow price mlmg at tue close isst batur ' day. pecHiies of 'a were made, and .ho week clove l .tead, vita middling quoted 10c. The Mew Orleans future market closed with June onoted at 10.00y,;U.02c. A DAILY ItHI'ORT. The a,n and security marketa are unchanged, tiuuunfcs ruiing every where. 'J he cotton msrket cIoe Jd dul! but aieady, with tniddiing quotod at lOc, anu s; of 50 baha reported. Iteceipta were balfcs, C noiiS oi wbicii were by river; shipments, 21 balt-c- ? which none were by river, btock, 12,3i;7 baia. .Vew York snots closed sttadv, middling qnoted at 10lc; ei'vei Rarely steady, June Quoted at 10 .1'JCiJ 20," end other months 7 to o points lower. huZ Orleans epotd clw ony and irrstuiar ti futures closed steady, Juno quoted at iOc and other months 0 to 8 points love. Liverpool spots closed quiet, moderate inquiry, quoted at 6 futnrea fiosed weak, June, June-Jul- 6 buyers. 8toci at Liverpool, June lyth, 816,tkJ0 balea, acainnt Sti3,000 bales same date last year, ioceiptxi et tli Ucitod 8u.tes ports yesterday, 21 biilej. The produce dealers are toe only active bneinecs men in generai trade, sn tho7 eompla'n that business is not what it should be at tins e! ago of that line oi trade. Proviaionc are quiet aud uuchauge i. K.'j;3 and poultry tr j I abundant atd lo.ver. Others uncbar.g.:a. Liiceiptg snd ehip-ment- s yesterday were as foi ows IJ POUTS. One liundied and twenty-eigh- t tea ba- con and Imii, 50 eks bran, 0 pkgs butttr, 42 pkga boots and m . marked the steel' Lea lcent could be lCIVAlllC, wa um shoes, 4225 bu corn, 3 cura cotton- seed, 797 sks cotton eeed, 11 pkgs cheese, 60 sks colii-e- , Jo hd cattle, 20 rues dry gjods, 71 pkgs egM, 1750 brls flour, 4 hd hoirs, 1 car hay, ti hd horec--a and mules, 100 pkes'lard, 76,000 ft lumber, 40 pk;ra liqunre,275 brls meal, 576 bu oats, 26 brls potatoes, z cars bulk port, 100 brls packea pork, 88 brls sogar, 2:ta pkgs tobacco and oUO bu wneat. ESPOKTS. Three hundred and twenty brls apples, 21 tea bacon and bams, 184 sks bran, U br's beans and peas, 13 pkgs butter, 114 pkgs boots and eno3, 4ttl4 bu corn, 50 baia cotton-set- a oil. 6U42 rks cotton-see- oil meal, 3 pkas cheese, 182 sks coffee, 31 hd cattle, !'8 pkgs dry goods, 4 pkgs etrgs, 52 brisllrmr, 1(' bales ijay, 14 lid noiaes and mules, 122 ukg4 laro, bu(w It lum ber, 21 p'g4 liijuora, 410 brls meal, 36 brls molafes. 117 k EiiU. 23 bu oats, 32i2 bris potatoes, 2 cars bulk polk, Yi brls packed poik, 118 bris sngar and 173 pkgs tobacco. i'lXAlfCli!. Money 6 to 8 ;ercent. on satisfactory Tiie foiiowing showB the clear ances and baiauecs, tha rates of exchange and prices of local stocks and bonds at the Cio-- cl vesterdav 9 business Clearances j'epf erdny, S127.22S 23 ; thus far this week, i:127,22S 2:1; same time iast week, $13J,18ij 3!; same week hwt vear, SOl.t. iii hi i euino week in ,1 s.S. J 1 i . ,84 L 84 lialanoca yesterday, S40.257 S; thus far tbt.)Wfek,44t),.o bbuio time last weeK, $44,7 IS 48; same week year, $10,-38- 2 !)o; week in 1S83, $35,083 SI. jiCiiAXtiiv. Xevr York. purt rrcm 'tvr li-;-.r.,- i licnialtd r- X.T sight -- ..S dlfi ,, i,ef 'Jrieun. aisi'J par BANK KTOUIis, Park of roir:nerco........ i.ir0 First Nat o il 127 ijO tie, t, biocal - ......I'-- ' ", Munh-ittM- .l''o" 17.1 :i; .Sa:i 1J S Li. I'nion .c i'luiiLors !42, 145 Mercantile.- .- .. u.?3 lixiiURAXCB ST0CK5. Homo Id'iCCity l(.';oi l'oooloj Y2 ! :r Planter! , KiV'iloa Ft;o?iiix - . City lloiiiu-- j Vanar.r'oik - . V"' 2d Hornar.oo ..1'.' SliH An.Estos - 30 RAILWAY STOCKS. Memphis and CLiricnon ... 3S and Yennossee '' 4'J Loui:iriie and Xahviiio o'4 Mobile afld OUio ft 1LH AY noxns. l'"J "ieuii-hi- aoo f cong .la lo. Meo.'pnii and tlo Hook iet luort Ss ...ll'i fcllo ,iUlj. ippi u. .eon-a.i- con?oiu ...117 Sfci2n ileoldliitu L ouriOBSee eoDolsli. eo '.KLLASK'S. Tflxin-Diftrii- :. .l.roi!i;.-- ojhob b (s in Mouip qIi; .Mori. . ?" ? 97 Me.apiiiri tiao my stock d0 a 5 Meiur-in- on.31 .oy bondfl loj iiSl'-l-- l ', ater i oonds, luroruod iat ( 1' Meiu. iii? Water C slock M In Nlemphis City bot. . :. old & Ulem; iiir lity ot;roiuife bondd, uo- - EtdTll!ied 7S Icint his City coui:oti5 Iroin old bonds. i4 iciiii-l-i- City coup, from coinp. bondd. oil (S Meaiph'S C.ty ledxor bulatiooii tm 42 Memi uit Cit iud.T. on coup. K londi?... 'M t'4 .N'o:iiphisCiiy ir.deotedness of county (M-i- 0 lt.ii,.) ton t)8.1o:tftl'ri Sheliiy county w arrants...- -. tM t fo Pioaoer Cotton Mills &0 (S 60 Hy I'elefifri!. New York, June 22. Money on call easy at 1 per cent. Primo merc.nti'o paper 42,5. Foreign exchange dull and steady at 48o for sixty days, and 480 for de- mand. Bonda Government bonds are quiet and steady at unchanged quotations, ex- cept the 4 per cents, which are down J. There was a little more business in tjtato bonds this afternoon and quotations are steady. There has been an enormous business y iu Shore firsts and Krie second con;o!?, ti;e sales cf the former alone btiag about double an average d',y'a buBincss in the whole list. The fcauie in- fluences that acted in the decline in the Yander'i ih. ctused a break iu West Shore's firsts oJ, at which, ti.ey sold in the mornin;;, to 3", from which thev rallied j, but clobcd at 35 J, a net loss of 2j percenc Tbe Iratii.-vctior.- s in these bonds during the list hour ai.'i ir.uted to 815,000, and for the d3y to 2,2(jl,ti. "J. The transactions in Erie second c vn-o'- sgi ated $131,000, the bonds declining at fame time from 53, at which they opened, to4'-'j- , at wiiich hey closed, a loss oi 2,L percent. The other istnes were moderately active, the sales aggte-ga'.in- g $7:.U,00,, iiiakirg the total sale3 o: ail bonds y 8i,3o2,0iJd, the largest business in runny icomns iu that class of sectiri'.i'.-?- . With the exception of the bonds mentioned, prices are generally higher, although a number of issues displayed some weakness in the early transactions. Chesapeake and Ohio 0, series A, are up S:. I'.uii fii'd'.t, Ss , the 7a, gold, f , tbe cjnolht.v.ed 7s 1, aud tiie terminal 5s j, Iowa Jlidland firsts J, Winona and St. i'etera firstx lJ;,Hi3riebjn and Texas Central finite, coupon oil, 2, aod the western di. vision firsta, cor.pon oti', 1. Northern Ta-cll- ij b3 rejisiered 1, Xeiaa and Paciiie Grand division 0a 11. Sto-jk- The week op?ued ou the Stock Exchange with a strong ana active mar- ket. First prieea were in nearly ail cases to i per cent, higher than the closing quotations lapt Saturday, and aithouga some ii; tie feverishness waa shown in eariy trsMction3 the market soon became steady, ana then s'rong, and bo coaiiuued until about 1 o'clrck. T'.t was eiinp'y a of the strength end activity dis- played iast week, without any sp.t'rao 'ic advance-:)- the gains ritngicg ia most ca-te- from J to' J pei L?nt., but St. I'aul, Louis- ville and Xaahviile and J.ackawarjca rcsa itoli per cent , with large traurat-i.'.ti- s in .UiP.n:itJaet mentioned. It was in Lacka- wanna that the jreticw was dis- played in early dealing? It opened and soon declined J ps cnt, to 102:. but by 1 o'clock it was agiin selling 10:;;c. A determined attack was then mnJn by some of the leadi.-i- ? b.oker oper-ative- a upon the YanderbiMj and Lacka- wanna, which was continued throughout the aiutrnoon and vhi.h r,tuited in a decline of It to i'J per cent, for these stocks f.otn the highest prices ot the d iy, and 1 j per cent, for the remainder of the ac'ivo lis', except Union Pacifie, which only fell 3, but wiiich rr.B9 tt,c Jorenoon only L ihe m&tket clostd weak at or w.tUu 1 per cent, in most C4' e : the lowe it f c( end J to 2 per cent, lower than tbo final quot.iii-t'- on Satur- day. The heaviest decline was in tiew York Central, 2 per cent., but Lake Shors snd Michigan. Central arc elf 1 J each, a? d CenUal of New Je-so- y li per cent. The other declines v. ere fcr frftotionul amajnU, b'aion Paciiic and Korthwe-t.,r- n each showing a l"s of ; Canadian Pacific and Western L nicn, f, and I'acitic Mail, Mani- toba, Omaha preferred and Northern I'a-cil- preierred, each J per cent, The ex- ception to the ruie is an advance of i in Louisviii and Nasbvilie. The break this afternoon was accompanied t-- staiements that the aliened sci.eme for the Buttieinent the truub.e bet'C-s- the NewYork Cen- tral and the Shore had i.??n broken oil' and various other jetjortS of a siruiiar nature. Lito thia tftornoon n dispatch from Chic-g- o was received and circulated on the street, however, to the cii2Ct that tbe pool agent there wm in receipt ol advices that a general rustor.ttiou of freight rates will be ordered to take effect July 1st, when it is expected that the Central Trallia Association will begin cp-eri- '?, and passenger rat-- s will be ad- vance! 7. 'Iho total sales iy have been the largest to. "ne time pat, amounting to 214, 200 shares, and tLo busi-net- s was very well distributed, there being no very active sleeks, except Lackawanna and St. luaL Tha iotl Bales of stocks y were 214,233 shares, iEilndia Let aware, Lackawanna and Western, 42,'dki; Like Shore, 10, ISO; Louicville and Naau-vill- e, 13 1 i0; Northwestern, 10,8('5;New Jersey Central, il,4S0; l'acilic Mail, 43ii5; St. Tattl, 39,070; Union Pacif.c, 11.650; Western Union, 20,2i0. Closing quota-tioii- a : ' IT. S. Ss. V.-- i, 1 '",. - 44s,ll2 i,. F!fi3a ofl'Oo.127. BODS. C. P. firstn, 114. T. P. land (trantd, Krie seoond., 4 . T. P-- . Kioti.d;v.,5.V.3. Lsui:-;- : A V.ilKes, V. V. first, ll.i'-i- . Louitwrii 1.";: "U, " b. P. lnd Kranld, l'"'i!4. ,Miuuri os, . !'. P. Eink. lund, ,21''. St. Joai-'ph- 117'.. Vi.vUia Ss, bt.P.t o. C.Srsw. 120. Va. con., eit;T7. c. enn. lis, old, 47r.. Ya. oondols, dl'd, Teuu. C, neff, 47'4. Srocts Adams ExproF... Morrii! k E., ofl"d, 112.',. Alleheuy Coolml, . l ashviil. & 0 . Alton i. 'i'erre 11, iB. X.J. Central. .'!:'Ta. A T. II., Pfd, 0". Norfolk 4 W. Ida. 11. AliiO'LjiU ).i press, W. Northern Pacilie, . L., c. 1'. i. 11., . Xorthern P. pf,i,o; . Canada i ariCc, 10. Cii-'se- 4 X. W., '.i2 h. Canada ISouit'.orD, '.'.I. C. 4 H. V. Ceutral PaciHc, ;'ii. Xew i ork Ccn., i,,1. Chesnpealie and O., 4. tibio Ceolral, PiO. Istpfd, S. Ohio Jk . U'-w- i: O 24 old. t'i. Ohio A it pld, 521!. Chicago 2 iiitoo, 135. Oulnrio Jt West., 7'b. C. A. Mi, Yu. OrcicoD XuviKatioTi, 74 C, P. i VS.. tuei. vli T rar.fl., luM C, t t. L. 4 X. 0... Orft'-- I'lip., Z c, st. n. s c e.eiuc .Mail C.,8t. L, A P. pld, 14S- - Panama. i C, 8. i C, l'J. P., b. t., v-i- . C. 4 U.. 1.2. Pitkiburg. 141. Pel. A ilud.,7'.i. Pullman Pui Car, 11G. tel., L. W., Keadir.K, 14 'i. ben. ii hiool., ... Kock Lsiacd, U't'i. Krie, to. L. A S. t ., in. Erie pfd, 20. St. L. 4 8. F.,pfd. 31 ,. Kt lenu., 3. hi. L.iei-F.J.- t ,id.li2'-- ; Fan Tenn. idl. . C 8t. P., 7'i.. "ifort Wayae. Hi. CM. 4 8t.,P.,pld.lo7;i. llunnioa.1 4 M. jo, tit. V., M. ii M.. HI. 11. it bt. JO ptu, . 8t. P. A Omaha, 21. JH-ri- t"t. P. A O., pld, Tiii. lloui'.on iT.,21. t Toxiss Pr.iifie, UPJ. Illinois Central. Iv.S. I'nion Paciiic, o2.7v. Ind. B. i V.,H'-i- . U. 8. Kxoreas. 51i. ifc T ., . W., Ft. t. A P., I. LpA ii. A W.. 2. ' W.,St.L. AP.,pid, S. Lake titi're. 5,, . Wellsi Freo Kx..lil. Loa. A Ntsa. ) . W. U. Tel.lii'i. Loo. A.. C:!crado Cool, 10JS. M.A C, 1st t fd, . lioiuo. ii.Ue, 1 1. v.. A 0. 21 11k- ,-. Iron silver. - Mout. Jt Ciiaf., Oatiirio, 2.'. Michigan Cootre', 52,'i. i1. Min. 4 c. L.i 12. Ouicknilver. pid, 22. M. A fet L. pfd. 27. boutb P:,citic, .:s 1 butro, 17. Moi-.ji- A Boston, June 22. Tbe following table compiled from special dispatches to the i rnr,-c- ;. .- -. - t ' ... i Pux, L 1; TECjB MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-TUESDA- Y, JUNE 23, 1S85. Boston PotL, from managers of tb lending clearinghouses in the United States, gives clearances for the week ending June 20th, toget.lior with percentage of increase and decrease, in comparison with the corre- sponding week last year: Now York. J440,(n9,74; decrease, 17.4: Boston, 8 ,,174.'.m: dooroao, 0.1. Philadelphia. decren.e, 9.1. Chicniro, ineroase. 2.'.. Pt. Louie, li.'t.'iol.'.iU ; decrease, 3 9. Baltimore, $ increase, Ban Francisco, 210.S7ti,lol ; inoroae, 21.1. llimonrmLi. SH. ').! (IW: inorease. Pittsburg, r7.27'i,22H: dc.Tea.e, H9. Kkoiiilh ijity, $1,522,170; increase. 45.2. Isew Orleans. ',l77.l.41; deereumj, 2.2. Atilwaukce, f2.',ji,lNNj; decreatto, 9.1. Louitivilie, .t,i.4.407: decreao, 1.6. Providence. $l,u4o,mu; decrease, 26.3. Iletroit. f.',40S,4'o; increaee, 2.4. Omaha, S2,03S.i'22. Clovelaml, ill, '.'SI, 175: docrea.e, 6.7. Indianapolis, decroape, SJ.7. llartlord, $1,441.70.1; increone, ii."). Columhu-- , ll.liu.mjO; decrease, 5.1. New Karen. Sl.oH.IMH; d crease. O.S. 7:t 1.721s iDCreane, 13.0. Sprioftlield, S,2ii,170; ineroiue, 3.2. orcci'tcr, 2710 17o; decroase. 7.3. -- Peoria, ; decreime, 4.b. hyracujie. So22,f,z2; deoreaje, 4 9. Lowell. 511.l7; increase, 11.1. Total, e:74,'.i;i.72e ; decroai-'e- , J2.4. OuUide New York. f2.H.'.i'i.'i,'.,SJ; docrerufl, 1.3. Koto. Omaha is Dot iuctuded in the totals. New Ohlkans. June 22. Sight ex change on New York, $2(52 50 per 1000 premium; bankers sterling, 480. London, June 22. Consols, 99 for monev, ana iris lor tiie account; Lmtea States bonds, 4a, 115J ; Atlantic and Great W eatern hrsts, 83jj ; Canadian 1 acihc, 41t ; Erie, 10 1 ; Erie, seconds, 54J; Mexican ordinary, 20J; St. I'aul common, New York Central, M ; Pennsylvania, 50; Keading;, 7$. Paius, Jane 22. Three per cent, rentes, 81f, 70c, for the account. THE COTTON MARKETS. The local market opened aud closed dull but steady, with quotations un- changed, snd eaies ol bales reported, all to spinners. Quotatations at tha close were: ateaterday Day Befor ftom. ftom. tloodOvdiuary . '.1J4 H Low Middling.. 1" 1" Middling lo' 10'. ttood Middling. ln'-i- Hi.'-- Middling iair 10'a W,i fair - Nom. Kom, titaiaii, tlif.'40; Linges, Keceipt3 of cotton yeeterday, 32 bales; total to date, 426,210 bales, against 4 15,514 bales same time but year, sad 506,-72,- 8 bales in 1SS3. Shipments yesterdav, 21 bales; total shipments to date, 418,485 bales, leaving stock on hand ye&terday, 12,-33- 7 bales. New York spots opened quiet, closed steady, middling, 10;c, and tales of 1728 Imiea. Euturea opened quiet and closed barely steady ; June quoted at 10.193il0.20, against 10.28(o 10 30 the previous day, with other months 7 o 8 points lower. Sales, 64,000 bales. Iieceipts, bales; btock, 245,041 bales. New Orleans spots opened quiet, Closing easy and irregular, middling 10c, and Bales of 1500 bales. Futures opened quiet and steady, closing steady ; J uue quoted 10 neked, aud other months 6 to 8 points lower. Sales, 20,300 bales. Receipt, 13 bales; Btock, 56,tt:!6 bales. Tbe conditions at other domestic mar- kets at the close yesterday weroas follows: Galveston, ecsy at lOJa; receipts, 17 bales; stock, 3088 bales. Mobile, nominal at 10c;receipts,21 bales; stock, 7:81 baies. Savannah, nominal atlOJc; receipts, 10 bales; stock, 2114 baies. Charleston, quiet at 10c; receipts, 4 bales; stock, llit'4 bales. Wilmington, lirra at 101 c; receipts, bales ; stock, 400 baies. Noifolk, steady at 10 Jc ; receipts, 20 bales; stock, 1815 bales. Baltimore, nominal at lOJc; receipls, bales ; stock, 5005 baiea. Boston, quiet at lOjC ; receipts, 101 bales ; Gtoek, 0310 baies. Philadelphia, dull at 10 c; receipts, 22 bales ; stock, 8020 bales. St. Louie, nominal at l'Jie; receipts, 12 bales; stock, 5008 bules. Acgusla, dull at lOJc; receipts, 3 bales ; stock, 2U34 bales. Recripts at the ports, 217 bales, against 327 bales same day last year, and 1034 bales tiie year before. Keceipta at the ports 3 days this week, 1540 bales, against 815 bales same time last week, and 1053 bales same week last year. Exports to Great Britain. 71S0 bales. against ?3'.!3 bales same time last week, ana vasj bales same week last year. Stocks at all United Slates ports yester day, 340,700 bales, against 375,100 bales same time; lust week, and 357,759 bales same week last year. lotal receipts at the porta thus far this season, 4,703,826 bales, against 4,720,504 bales same time last season, aud 5,N),2U4 baies in.lSsL Decrease in receipts, 25,709 baies. Total foreign exports, 3,fi!.i0,049 bales. against 3.654,700 bales same time last sea son, and 4,505,141 baies in 1883. Liverpool spots at noon were q noted quiet, moderate inquiry, with sales of 8000 bales, ol wtnen bsc'O were American. Re ceipts, 3000 bales, of which 1300 were American. At 12: Ordinary, 5 : good ordinary. 5 low middling, 5 good mid- dling, 5 uplands, 5 ll-16- d; Or leans, o:j.l. Liverpool futures at noon were dull at advance; July-Angns- t, 5 43 6'd; August-Saptc-mbe- r, 5 d ; September-Octobe- r, 5 40-- 0 Id; October-Novembe- r, 5 39 6 Id; uece moer-danuar- 0 30 04d. At z: Utnl: June. Jnne-Jul- o value ; July-Augus- t, 5 sellers ; 5 , value; Soptem-ber-Octobe- r, 6 4 o4d, buyers; October- - ivoveffiaer. a value; No.ember- - December, 5 . buvererTBefember- - Januarj. 5 35 64d, buyers; January-Februar- y, 5 value. At 4: June, Jane-Jul- 6 3d Bid. buyers: July-Angus- t, 5 sellers; August- - &i;pteai!er, o 44 Old sellers; fcepternber-Octobe- r, 5 12-- id, value ; October-Nove- ber, o sellers; November Decem ber, 5 34-0- value; December-Januar- 6 34 Old, value; January-Februar- 0 36-6- 4 I, vaiae. Futures closed weak. GENERAL TRADE. I'AIL BOiKU DEALIXC8. The foliowrng is a rotiord of bids, offer- ings and tianEiystions during yesterday's session of the Call Boara: coaN. No. 2 white, spot, 5Sc bid, 57c asked : June, 5,'c bid, 5c asked ; Juiy, 58c aiksd ; August, bucatkeu; year, 15c asked; No. 4 white, 40c asked. No. 2 spot, 4ojc asked June, 4;;ic asked; July, 48AC bid, 4'iic asked; year, lie bid, 43c asketb No. 3 Epot, 40c bid. No. 4 spot, 0c bid. OATS. No. 2 white, spot, 37c bid; June, S7Jcbid ; July, 34c bid. No. 2 spot, 37c bid, 3iic ; July, 35c asled; August, 33c asked ; year, 30 jc bid. COEKJIEAL. June, 2 70 asked ; July, J2 CO asked. BititVDsi t rrs. Corn White, 65c; mixed 56c, from store. From levee white, 60; sacked, 58:; bulk; mixed, 53ie sacked, 50Jc buik. Hay Strictly choice, from store, $1 ; prime, 90to)ti5c; prairie, 55c; round lots from levee or depot, choice, $2050; prime, 17 50,2-18-; prailie, $11$U 50. C.-.t- j W bite, 48i, and mixed, 45c from store. Round lots from levee or track while, sacked, 4t; mixed, 6ecked, 44c; in buik, white, 4o44c; mixed, oiJjc. EK-ti- Front, store, 75c perct; round lots from levee. $14 per ton. ConsM KAir ietaadurd, $2 h0(23; pesrl, i3 75ti4 from store; 5c cheaper from mill, levee or track. liinxa Navy, $1 75(7T1 85 ;mediam.$l 50 ff.l r,6. Table peas, $t ijf)l 75 per bushel, block peas, no demand. Oatukax. In half barrels, 4 from . Vy.m tfKD WHaAT In half barre'a, $4 50 Loin btoi u.. Floor Frm taore, triple 6tra. fi !J0 4 60; family, choice, J5 25ti",5 50 ; fancy, tr75l2,0; extra fancy, $6; patents, i-- i 5ta a 75 ; round lota Lorn levee or tra k l'Xidoc cheaper. Iio!iir (I"its From tfore, $3 75 e. Rich Louiiiaa, 5lg,CJc; 7jc. CKAOKKas Eoda, extra,4c; la,double extra, 5c; assorted jumbles, ti i,le extra, 10c ; finger sntps, extra, 7c Loiisvillk, Jace 22. Omn easier. V.'heat No. 2 longberry, $1 02 . So. 2 red, tl. Corn Ho. 2. mixed, 50Je; No. 2 white, oOjc. Oats No-- . S miked, '37c. Cincinsati. June 22. Flour quiet; f.imilv, $1 354 6'J; fancy, $4 70(25. Wheat heavy; No. 2 rrd, $loj;102; 230J bu; shipments, 3iXKt bu. Cora firm; No. 2 mixed, 4ic. Gats dull nnd low er; No. 2 mixed, iioj 0.36JC. Kyo in fair demand; No. 2, 69pi;70c. Barley out of market. New Orleans, Jnne 22 Flour dull and nominal; choice, $175; fancy, $4 90(3,5; extra fancy, 5 40. winter wheat patents, i5 7o; iiinneaota patent process. $5 50. Corn dull; in sacks, mixed, rj8c: yellow, 6i)j; white, 71c. Oats dull ana Louisiana, ordinary to prime, 4'to5c Bran duil and easier, 82 85c. ." Kansas City, June 22. Whiat re-c- ei pts, 1 0,689 bu ; withdrawal.", 3438 bu ; in store, 076,756 bn ; market opened weak ; No. 3 red winter, cash, OSic bid, O'icrskel; July, 110 dtferings; August, 6.8c bid, 70c asked; No 2 red winter, cash, 7ebid, 7SJc asked; July, 79 Jc bid, 79 jc asked ; August, 5000 bu at 82Jc Corn receipts, 15,839 bu ; withdrawals, 5830 bu ; in store, 183,607 bu; raarket weak ; Juue, 37c asked, 36 jc bid; July sales, 38c; August sales, 39c; No. 2 white, 4j2jc asked. St. Louis, Jane 22. Flour easier but not quoted lower; family, $3 (52;,3 75; choice, $4 20iij;4 30; fancy, $4 655 ; patents, t5 25 (W5 61). Wheat unsettled and nervous; declined jJd eariy, then partially recov- ered, fluctuated and closed below Saturday. No. 2 red, cash, U9i(S,99tcj July, 09jfni$l 00 j, closing 100; August, $101(Ti l 02L closing $1 02 hid; Septem- ber, il O30jl 04, closing fl 04J asked. Corn higher but very slow for option; closed i(mjiC above Saturday; No 2 mixed, cash, 43j(7i,44ic; July, 44i 44i!c, closing 44c1 August, 44I(o,45c, clos- ing with top prices bid Oa'.s dull but firm ; No. 2 mixed, cash, 32tft,33c; August 25c. Rye dull: 00c bid. Firx seed quiot at tl 26. Hay duli; prairio $9(oll timothy $1(5,16. Bran lower; 64c at ml.l. Cornineal quiet at $2 00. 2000 brls ; wheat 33,000 bu ; corn, 97,000 bu; oats, 12,000 bu ; rye, none; barley, none. Shiprueuta Finur, 7000 brls; wheat, 2000 buj corn, 41,000 ba; oats, 13,000 bu ; rye, 2000 bu ; burley none. At Die afternoon board wheat was firm and unchanged and corn was steady but siow. Chkiaqo, June 22. Tiie trading in wheat was active during the first half of the session, but at a lovter range of prices. The market opened bteady, with the cables quntin? a firm feeling in the foreign mar- ket ; bet with very little outside trading the feeling became heavy and prices fo i off jj(S) jc quite rapidly, recovered a trifle, and thisn ruled dull aud steady during tbe remainder of the day. There was some specultition as to the visible supply state- ment, the expectation appearing to be gen- eral that it would show an increase. Re- ports were received of harvesting in por- tions ol Illinois, Missouri and Kansas, and the statement was made that tiie outlook for a yield in the latter State bad improved somewhat, but this was denied again in other telegrams. No pronounced features of any character were developed during the day, and the close in the afternoon was tame at jjc under Saturday. The re- ceipts were iree, with the expectation of larger receipts Shiiimenta are light. The feeling in corn was firm, but trade was quiet, the market closing J(5 jc higher on the regular board, with another fractional advance in the afternoon. The receipts were large, but operators generally calculated upon a decrease in the visible supply, and it was hinted that negotia- tions were in progress for the shipment of a large quantity of corn by lake. The oats market ruled very quiet, and prices exhibited little change. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat ruled moderately active, with a weak feeling and lower prices. Liverpool was reported firm, but the crop reports from the West and Southwest were more favor- able, and operators calcnlated npon an increase in the visible supply. Tbe market opened J.? lower, declined jc more, rallied 8c, and finally closed jc under Saturday. Salts ranged : Jane, 88(o) 89a, closed issjc: July, 89(2,-8- ic, closed 89jc; August, !r0j(u91jc, closed "Uc; Sep- tember, 93tSyUJc, closed 93c; No. 2 spring, 8S4SNc; Nr 3spring, 78(ii79c; No. 2red, 94 jc; No. 3 ri 85(2,SJc. Corn quiet but 6ria; the ret pts were large, but a de- crease in tho supply was confident- ly expecte.d. The market opened $e hi.h-e- r, rallied ic additional, declined Jc, ral- lied Jc, and closed ic higher than Satur- day; cash, 47 Jc; June, 47 J '.47c, closed 47J.t; July, 46 j(Ti,47c, closed 465-- ; August, 40i(546jc, closed 46c. Oats quiet but s'eady, cash, 32j(a;32 jc; June, 32j32ij, closed 32jc; July, 32j(3;3ij(c, closed 32c; August, 285?i28lrc, closed 28c. Rye dull ; No. 2, 64c. Fiax-see- quiet ; No. 1, $1 22 j. Receipts Flour, 9000 brls; wheat, 76,tXib bu ; corn, 250,000 bu ; oats, 127,000 bu ; rye, 3000 bu ; barley, 4000 bu. Shipments-Flo- ur, 12,000 bris ; wheat, 98,000 bu ; corn, 169,000 bu; tats, 122,000 ba; rye, none; barley, 40tM) bu. The folio wirg figure", taken from the official statement of the Board of Trade to be posted on 'Change morning, show the amount uf grain in sight in the United States and Cauada, on Saturday, June 20tb, and the amount of in- crease or decrease over the preceding week: Wheat 41,188,026 bushels, in- crease 310,9:6 bushels; corn 4,868.851 basbels, increase 187,410 bushels; oats 3,117,78 bushels, increase 678,257 bushels; rye 221,033 bushels, decrease 3982 bush- els; barley 132,801 bushels, decrease 5493 bushels. The amount of grain in store in Chicago on the date named, was: Wheat 14,874,727 bushels; corn 879,034 bushels; oats 409,988 bushels; rye 40,592 bushelB; harley 539 bushels. VISIOSK. Burrna Creamery, 2255c ;dairy, 1 13c; butterine, 13t)l5c; country, 15(322c, according to condition. Chkesb Prime flats, 5(Tj6c: N. Y. fac- tory, 78c; full cream, 12j13c; Y. A., 12jrt)13c. Ikss Pobk $12 50 per barrel; sugar-cure- d hams, packed, 9jllc; breakfast bacon, 8(3)10 jc; clear rib bacon, 6:1c. Bulk Pork Clear sides, 6jc; clear rib sides, 6c; shoulders, 4$c. Lasd Tieic--3,7- ; kegs, 7jc; buckets, 7'o; s, 8c; 20-i- b tius,7!c;10-l- b tins, 7ic; b tins,72c; 3--lb tins, 7c; choice kettle, 83. Lot tsviLLE, June 22. Provisions weak-e- r, but not qnotably lower. Bacon clear rib sides. 6c; clear sides, 6 jc; shoulders, 4j 4Jo. Bulk meats clear rib sides, 5c ; clear sides, 6c ; shoulders, 4c. Mess pork, ill. Hams sugar-cure- 9J10c. Lard choice leaf, 8c. St. Louis, June 22. Provisions quiet and slow. Porit, $10 75. Bulk meats, car lots, f.o.b. long clear, 5.30c; short rib, 5.40c ; nhort clear, 5.00c. Bacon long clear, 5 705:c; short rib, 5 .S05jc; short crti',. 6ft 6.15c. Hams, gKHl- - Lard nominal,' SSS'S:!5 Nkw Orleans, .Tune 22 Pork dull, $11. Lard quiet; refiaed, liorc, flic. Bulk meats dull; shoulders, S.SOfiT.Tiuef- - long clear and clear rib, 5jc. Bacon dull and lower; shonlders, 41e; long clear, 6c; clear rib, Ojc. Choice sugar-cure- d canvassed bams dull and easier, 9.20c. CisciNNArr, Jane 22. Pork dull, $10 75. Lard quiet, 6.40c. Balk meats quiet and firm; shoulders, 3Jc ; short rib, 5jc. Bacon steady; shoulders, 4?c; short rib, 6.20c ; short clear, 6 jc. Butter firm ; extra creamery, 18g.20c;" fancy dairy, 12 (13c. Eggs firmer, 11 jc. Cheese steady ; Ohio full cream factory, 6(o7c. Chicago, June 22 Provisions ruled quiet and e;hibited little channe; mess pork fairly active and irregular; price-rul- ed 5c lower, but rallied again, and closed steady; cash, $10 2V-fil- 25; Juiy, J10 17ji0 5, closed flO 2210 25; August, 510 2"i10 32 j, closed $10 30(5) 10 3uj; September, $10 i510 40, closed $10 4010 42J. Lard quiet but steady; cash, 6 60v"i,0sc; July, 65o"Ih.67 jc, closed 0.'5f'36b7jc; August, 6.70,'ai6ijj, closed 6.72j(?;0jc; September, 6.S08 S5c, closed 6H2J(,oib5c Boxed nieaU steady; dry salted shoulders, 3:jlc; short rib sides, 5.30(i5.32jc; short clear sides, 5.80(iJ5 85c. On the Produce Exchange butter ruled dull and weak; creamery, 1416c; dairy, 13(?14c. Egos heavy, ll(o 114c. 1lcrTtoon iiuurti. iork higher. Lard unchanged. PKTKOLEl'X JJAEUST. Coal-Oi- l Prime while, wholesale lota, 9c per gallon. Cleveland, June 22. Petroleum firm ; s.w. 110, 6J. Bradfokp, Pa., Jnne 22. Petroleum opened at 825 arJ(i closed at S2J; highest price, 82; lowest, 8I4. Balance not re- ported. PrrrsEcsG, June 22. Petroleum dull nd heavy. National TTans.t certiiicatefi Queued at 82 j and closed at 82 $ ; highest pric9, 82 j; lowest, 81. CoFfFj Common, 8j(7o9c: ordinMv, ft!?.10lc; prime Rio, 1 1(4)11 la; cuoice, 12ta15jc; old j'overumpnt, 20Ca2Sc. Sugar Pure w'nitc, 7Jc; olf white, 6 (5'7c; yellow clarified, 6Jc;open kettle, 6ojc; refined A, 7Jc; granulated, 7jc; powdered, c; ont khf, 8c, SioLA8.Sis LouisiBua, common to fair, SK3ic; prime to choice, 48(o53c; syrup, 2530c: centrifugal, fancy, 45c; common to .'air, '"C ; prima to fair, 3540c. Candiks Sticks, all sizes, in boxes, pails nd barrels, 8jc and Tiss Bagging, jute, fijrS lljc; flax, lOfSyiOjc, according 0 weight-Ties- , $1 301 40. Soap 8J(o)6ic per pound. Candlks Fnli weight, 12 Jc. Tobacco Common, 28(oV5c ; other grades and styles, 35(iy0o-- - Snuff Garret's, $11 per case; Ralph's, $10 25 per case; railroad, 9 250310. Salt Her car-loa- fl 30 per barrel; $1 40 in sacks; pockets,' bleached, 21(7c; coarso, $1 15; car-loa- from levee or de- pot, 610c cheaper. Cannkh Goods, Etc Prices per dozen: Pineappiea, $1 501 60; peaches, standard, $1 50; seconds, $1 20; tomatoes, lb standard, f 1; $1 251 35; straw- berries, $1 2x1 50; raspberries, $1 15- - 1 25; black berries, $1 10(;tl 25; green gages, $1 25150; pears, No. 2, $1 50; piums, $1 50; asparagus, ?1(A4 50; green corn, fliail 40; pteen pew, 54 75; cove oysters, full weight, $1 15 ; cove oys- ters, full weight, $1 80: cove oysters, light weight, 65c; cove oysters, light weight, $1 20; condensed milk C:rown,$8 40650; Eagle, $3 25; Swiss, $0d 25. Baltimokb, June 22. OifTee dull; Rio, cargoes, ordinary to fair, V(n;8jo. Naw Obleans, Jn ne 22. Coffee Irregu- lar but quiet: Rio cargoes, and common to prime, 7(5,9c. Sugar firm; common to lair, 4;;i:!'o;c; goon lair to choiw, nomi nal : oil white, ti(S.ti ; choice vellow clari fied, 6jc; choice while, Ojjc Molasses fteady with a good demand ; stock light ; common to good common, 1722c; fair to good fair, 2325c; prime to strictly prime, 2033c. Naw York, Jane 22. Coffee spot fair Rio, dull, 8c; options moderately active; sales. 16,250 bags: Jnne, 6J(ol6.8c; July, 6.80(36 8,5c; .August, 6.90c j September, 6.95tVi;7.05c : October, 7.10c; November, 7.10(7.150; December, 7.2071c; Jan-nar- y, 7.20('t;7Jc. Sugar firm but quiet; fair to good refining quoted 5Jfu)5jc; re- fined, steady; "C," rV"5Jc; extra "Ci," 5Ca,5c : white, extra "C,r 6c ; off "A," He; standard "A," 6jc; powdered, 7J7Jc; granulated, 6 Molasseg firm. HOrHEKOt.UCiljrPI.IES. VaonTABijes Onions, yellow, new,$4 4 60 per barrel. Potatoes home-raise- $1 75(i2 packed, $1 loose. Sweet potatoes, $32 V3 50. Cabbage, $3 754 25 per crate. Turnips, $1 60 per barrel. Kraut, new, $4 25(j15 per barrel ; $2 602 75 per half barrel. Garlic, $1 100. Api-le- s Green apples, $1(31 60. Dried apples, 3j(4ic per pound from store. Dried peaches, (o7b from store. Pickles, medium barrel, $7(S)7 be; hall barrel, $4(24 60; pint jars $1 25 per dozen ; quart jars, $1 75ft2 per dozen. Poultry Spring chickens, $1 253 50; old hens, 12 600i;2 75; young and mixed, fl 502 50. Fbks.'i Heats Peef Good Kansas C.ty etoere, heavy, 7j8e; light, 7c; cows and heifetJ, Cj7c; mutton, 7 jc; mutton sad- dles, 9c: lambs, loV; pork. Sc.- - Fecit Oranges, $34 50 per box. Lem-on- s, I3Ci3 50 per box. Bananas, $12 liO per bunch. Co:oanuts,$5 per 100. Peanuts Virginia, 67c: Tennessee, farmers' stock, 2Jc;recleaned, 3JlW)4c; roasted, 2jc higher; shelled, 10c. Alirond.i, 18(zia)c. Che8tnnt8 gTeen, 12 jc; dry, 15c. Texas pecan", 10(3tl5c; Arkansas, 4(Sflc English wainutfl,12c; Naplos, 6c. Filberts, 14c. Brazil nnts, 8c. Raisins London layers, $2 75(313; Imperial, &3 751. Brandy cherries, 33 25 per dozen. Cidbr llissonri, $7 69 per barrel and $4 50 per half-barre- Kentucky barrels, $6 507; Kentucky $ 1. Vin- egar, 12 j15c per gaiion. Fisrt Mackerel. 10-i- b kit No. 1, 80c; No. 2, 70c; 15-l- No. 3, 60c. Eqgs 11c. l)TTOS-SHE- Cotton-Sk2- d Oim In caHoad lots, prime crude C. S.od, 29(2;,30c ; off crude,25(ai 28c; prime summer yellow, 30(ij;3Sc; off summer yellow, 3536c; Miner's, 36(oJ 39c; choice cooking summer yellow, 3S(o) 38c. Less than car-loa- d lots: Cchoice cooking summer yeiluw, 4042n; choice winter yellow, 4ei50c. CoTTo-StE- Meai, Prime, f. o. b., 119 25 per ton. Cotton-Skk- d Cotton-seo- railroad, sacked, $12 per ton, delivered ; wagon seed, delivered, $12 per ton ; river seed, on bank, $10 per ton. Rates established by Mem- phis Cotton-See- d Clearinghouse. New Orleans, June 22. Cotton-see- oil ; prime crnde, 2Hjc; summer yellow, 36 37c; cooking, 4344c; cake, 2424 ijc Lo.b. Market dull. MIDUIIU MAKIIET. The following are tbe wholesale prices of lumbal in this market: Poplar 1 in., 1st and 3d clear, $18(a) 21; 1 j and 2 in., 1st and 2d clear, $22(524; common board, $1012 50; siding strips, lx6, face measure, 1st and 2d clear, $22 ; ceiling, 1x6 in, 1st and 2d, $20: dressed, 1, ljand 2 in., 1st and 2d, $2S30; com- mon dressed, 1 in., $1415. TiMBKa Poplar, $5(S9: cypress, $59; Cottonwood, J2(V3; frum,$3i3 50; oak, $5 8; ash, $8; black walnut, $2050. Yellow Pine 1,1 and 2 in., 1st and 2d, $20fi)24; dressed, $30; flooring, 5 and 6 in., $25; floorinn, 3 and 4 in,, $27 60; 2d flooring, $22 50; heart step lumber, $35 40; ceiiing, $25; I ceiling, $22 50; ceiling, $20. Cyprhss 1, lj and 2 in., 1st and 2d clear. $23(325; common, $15; fencing, 1x6, 16 ft., il6. Bi.acx Walnut let and 2d, 1, 1 and 2 in., $057 5 ; common, $35 50ta40 ; culls,$18 2.- -. Oak 1 to 4 in., 1st snd 2d, $2022; common, 1 and 2 in., $812. Red Gcm 2d,$1819; common $S10. Cottonwood 1 to 3 In. mill run, culls out, $1011. Lath Poplar, $2; cypre38, $180. SnisGLES No. 1, sawed or shaved,$4 25 ; sawed or 6haved saps, $3. Ash 1st and 2d clear, 1 to 3 in., $20 23; common, $ll(i13 50. UOUNE-Hl'ILIMN- U HATF.U1 A Framing-Lttmbe- r Yard prices Rough, $15 per 1000 feet ; dressed, $30 ; yellow pine flooring, $25 ; shingles, $34 50: lathing poplar, $1 75; cypresa, $2 per 1000 laths. Extra prices for extra lengths abov3 20 feet. Limb and Cement Fu. e Alabama lime, 75(il85c in bulk delivered ; 90(5)95c per barrel; in store; Louisville cement, $1 50 1 10 Dr barret: cement. i2 2o(,i 2 50 per barrel; Portland, $i(y4 50; Ro- man, $5; plaster of Paris, $2 50; Hair, 5c per pound ; 40c per basnet. Nails $2 35 per keg. vyinsiiY. ETC. Whisky Straight Bourbon, $1 506; rye, $1 507. Wines Imported port, $1506; sher- ry, $1 506; champagne American ex- tra, $7()S; Piper Heidsick, $2527; Mumm's extra dry, $29(531 ; Roederer, $29 (3)31 ; Ve. Cliqaot, $3133; claret, $3 75 13 per box ; Catawba, $4f $5 per case. Chicago, Jano22. Whisky, $115. Cincinnati, June 22. Whisky, $1 13. St. Louis, June 22. Whisky, ?1 13. New Om.B.'.NS.Jnne 22. Whisky West ern rectitie.t. $1 03('iil 25. ri!EHAM PtLTBT. Wool. Choice washed, 2.8c per lb; 1023c; unwashed burry, 10 16c ; clear do, 1622c. Market weak. IIidkh Dry flint No. 1, 16 jc; No. 2, 13ic Dry salted, 10(iillc- - Green calted, 8jSJc.J Tallow, 6Sblc. Beeswax, 22 It''- - Markftf-rirm- . St. Louis, Jnne Vi. 22.- - wl steady, with a good demand tubwasheu,-f;taw!C- f washed, 10X220c ; Texas, l0tVJlc. 'X. lIOkSLS AS1 MI LES. Mesars. F. A. Jones A Co., live stock andcostmission merchants, Monroe street, furnish the following quotations of the horse aSd mule market: Horses Good driving, $125(31250; good saddle, $140(3)300; plugs, $35(d80; good mares, !fa5($140. Mules 14 to 15. S110130: 15 to 15. $12,V3140; 15Jto 10, $140t3)175. Supply small; demand moderate. UYlMirotK BIREET. The Ilnion Stock-Yard- s and Fertilizer Company reported the following condition of the iive-stoc- k market, Saturday, June 20th: There has been but little done in gdod butcher's cattle for tbe pat week. The receipts have been light for those grades, and owing to the extreme dullness of trade tbe demand has been correspond- ingly light. There has been some trans- actions in common cattle during the week, with the market fairly supplied and equal to the demand. There has been bat little doinz in medium and half-fatte- d cattle: supply equal to demand. Sheep and lambs in moderate demand and market fairly supplied. Hogs in light supply and no demand, w e nave no cnauge to state in our quotations, which are as iollows : Cattle Choice corn-fe- d steers, 800 to 1000 pounds, $4 855; good to medium corn-fe- d batchers' steers, $4(5)4 50 ;smooth, fat cowb and heifers, $4(ii,4 75; good to choice grass fed steers, $3 25(23 75 ; good to medium baif-fatte- d grass cattle, $3(7 3 25 ; common, grsziDg cattle, mixed lots, $2(5.3; scallnwag cattle $1 75C-- ! ysarUnfis, $5v ' ' ' per heni, - Sirrtn- G r d io 1 xtra bcivy mutton wea'.hcr, jc ; Minaaa to intdium, to extra fat, iv) to 70 UOUhdM, fci'i.O'j: licht and mixed io!s. St 50 (a;2 00 per head. llWiHiH) to 125 pounds, 4?4o. Ka ns as City, June 22 The Lire Sltx-- In- - dicalor reports: Cf.ttie rsccipts, 390 head; shipments, 5GS heal; good to choice fat steady, g!ai5e-- w?a ; exporters, $5 20 5 40; good to choice chipping, $4 ofieAo 15; common to , $4 6'K''i4 85; b,!ers, f4 2-- 73; cows, 32 75-- 75. Hog receipts, 10,207 head; shipments, 6103 hsad' weak and 10e lower; choice, $3 65; mixed, !j)3 i.0(5ij l0. Sh&ip rec.iprs, $52 bead ; shipments, 356 bead ; quiet; fair 10 gooa muttons, u oopja 10; common to medium, $1 75(3)2 50. Chicago, June 22. The Drovert' Journal reports : Cattle receipts, 7800 head ; ship- ments, 3000 head; natives, 610c higher: shipping steers, $5(3)5 90 ; Blockers and feeders, $3 504 75; cows, bulls and mixed, $2 50(4 60; through Tesas cattle, 10: lower; corn-fed- , $4 70t5 35; grefaers, $2 75125. Hogs receipts, 30,0o0head: shipments, 5000 head; market firm and closed Btrong; rough and mixed, $3 80(3) 4 05; packing and shipping, t0!yi 10; light weights,'$3 9C(n4 16 ; skips, $3i3 60. fsheep receipts, 2500 bead; shipments, 800 head ; market steady ; natives, $2 50(3 4 25; Western, $2 57(33 75; Texans, $2 25 (3)3 60 ; lambs, per head, $1 253 75. St. Louis, June 22. Cattle receipts, 2300 head; shipments, 1000 head; steady, with a fair demand for all good grades; light to heavy shipping steers, $4 80 5 65; good Colorado steers, ji5 35; native butchers' steers, $4 404 85; cows and heifers, $3 5(3)4 25; stackers and feeders, $3 50(34 65 ; grass Texans, $3 20 (3)4; corn-fe- d Texans, 23 75(5)4 50. Hogs ieceiptfl, 600 head; shipments, SOt'O neau ; siow ana weai ; X orders, k.j4 05; packers, $3 6o(7i.3 90 ; butchers, $4(3,4 10. Sheep receipui, 7C0 head ; shipments, 400 nead ; very siow except lor lngti grades which are scarce; good to choice heavy natives, $3 2"K'14 15; common, $2(3)2 60; RIVER NEWS. STEAKKKX LEtTIiCQ T11I9 DAT. New Orleans C'r Bitoc Sin, Salter, 10 a m. Bt.Franci.Riror.HKKMAcaKjtDY, Joplin, 6 p.m. St.Francis , Smith, 6 p.m. St. Louts 4.15ELLKMKiirHi8.Baker,6 p.m. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. Arkansas River. R. L. Cobb, Wodnesder, 6 p.m. White River Chickasaw. Wedneadar, 6 p.m. Friars Point...... Coahoka, Wednesdar, 6 p.m. Oseola.MM...H....DiAV ADAKS.Wednesdar.S p.m. ArkniasCitr..EATl Adams, Tha-siaj- r, 6 p.m Clneinnati Ja. W. OArr, Tbondar. S p.m. HOVEMEI Tft AT TUB LEV EE. Arrival: Kate Adams, Arkansas City; Coahoma, Friars Point; li. L. Cobb, Ar- kansas river; Chickasaw, White river; Ohio, Cincinnati; City of Vickabarg, St. Ijouis; City of Cairo, St. Louis; Arkansas City, Vicksburg. Drparturt. City of Cairo, Vicksburg; City of Vicksburg, Vicksbnrg; Kate Ad- ams. Arkansas City; Coahoma, Friars Point; Arkansas City, St. Laa;s; Ohio, Cincinnati; Dean Adams, Osceola. .foat in Pari. R. L. Cobb, Rene Mac-read- y, Winnie and Chickasaw. Jioatt Due Down. City of Bayon Sara. lioatt Due Up. City of Baton Rouge and Belle Memphis. Heeelpl YMtcrdajr. Kate Adams 688 scksseed and 71 pl-g- s sundries. City of Vickbarg 190 dry barrels, 46 wet barre's, 13 crates and tea hams, 50 sks malt and 505 pks sundries. R. L. Cobb 153 Bks seed, lot old iron, 17 hd cattle and lot sundries. Coahoma 3 bales cotton, 35 sks seed, 4 hd cattle and 15 pkgs sundries. Dean Adams 73 sks seed, 74 bdls shingles and lot sundries. Ohio 2099 pkgs merchandise. City of Cairo 1193 pkgs merchandise. rurcits HOVKHKNTI. The Winnie, Capt. Al Smith, goes oat this evening at 5 o'clock for Si. rancts This Chic'-asa- Capt, E. C. Postal, la the Wednesday packet for all points on White river. Tub Lee Line packets even- ing are the Coahoma, for Friars Point, and I'eau Adams, for Osceola. The KeneMacready, dpt. O. K. Joplin, is tbe packet this evening at 5 o'clock for ail points on S'. Francis river. Tnz Belle Memphis, Capt, Geo. Baker, is Iho Anchor Line packet this evening at 6 o'clock for Cairo and SL Louis. Al Simpson is her c erk. Tue Anchor Line steamer City of Bayou Sara, Capt. Wm. Baker, will pass down this morning at 10 o'clock for New Or- leans and all intermediate points. The Kato Adams, Capt Mark R. Cheek, is the United States mail packet Thursday evening at 5 o'clock for Helena, Arkansas City and all way landings. W. C. Blanker is in her office. The R. L. Cobb, Capt El Nowlsnd, is the United States mail packet evening at 5 o'clock for all points on Ar- kansas river, going through to Pine Bluff. Chas. Musselman is in her office. Tb James W. Gaff, Capt. William Tichenor, is the packet Thursday evening at 5 o'clock for Cairo, Louisville, Cincin- nati and all way landings on the Ohio river. H. C. Bruce is in her office. The Gall will give cheap rates to all points North and East GENERAL HEWS. Business moderate. Pleasant on the wharf yesterday. The Lee Line packets, were in and ont on time. Capt. James Rees arrived borne from Pittsburg yesterday. Tue John F. Walton, with a big tow coal for Southern ports, will pass Khcstts by river yesterday, three bales of cotton and felly sacks of cotton- seed. Tub Arkansas City parsed to St. Louis and the City of Cairo to Vitksbarg late Saturday night The Chickasaw arrived out of White river yesterday evening, and returns to- morrow as usual. Workmen are engaged laying the foun- dation of the cutomhooso enclosure wail fronting the river. Cuiep Clerk Billy Blenkeb resumed charge of the Kate Adams's office jester-da- y, after a brief absence for rest The City of Vicksburg passe I to Vicks- burg yesterday evening, discharging 816 packages and adding 10 tons of way freights. TnE R. L. Cobb arrived out cf Arkansas river yesterday morning with a lot of cotto- n-seed and sundries. She returns to- morrow evening. Tub W. W. O'Neil, on her way South with a heavy tow of coal, arrived yester- day evening and was moored at the head of tbe island at dark. Supervising Inspector Garrett, who had started on a tour of bis district, got as far as Cairo, where he was taken seriously ill and bad to return home on tbe City of Vicksburg. Tns Ohio arrived from Cincinnati, Sun- day, with 2099 packages, and returned yesterday evening with 172 bales of cot- ton, 40 bales of rags, 30,000 feet of lumber and a good list of passengers. St. Louis Republican, Sunday: '"The riverat this point has again commenced rising under the influence of the late heavy rains. This rise is not merely local, and coming as it djes on an already high river, may cause coosiderable damage be- fore it subsides." Mrs. Ann Cavett, No. 927 North Four- teenth street, St. Louis, would like to know the whereabouts of George W. Ca- vett, who Was assistant engineer on the Confederate ram Arkansaw at the time she was destroyed in Red river. Mrs. Ca- vett would also like to have the names and poBtolhce addresses of some of tbe officers or crew of the Arkansaw. Caft. John Klinefelter died at his residence in Bunker Hill, 111., last Mon- day, in the seventy-fift- h year of his age. j)teased was a native of Pennsylvania. He was ommander of tbe Penn- sylvania wis" ene Dlew np, nearly 300 lives beiDg losf.Durint tfae wr he owned an interest in the"Grir,'ii3r, & chartered other vessels, with which" Ii? served the government trausporting troopsSJid stores. In 1803 he retired and removed toBuw-- Hill, where he has sines residad. Tns St Louis Rpublcm of Sunday contains the sad announcement of the suicide in that city, on Saturday, of Capt Isaac Mcliee, commander of the Anchor Line steamer City of Raton Rouge. The act is attributed to illneas and domestic troubles, of which no details are given. Capt McKee was an old and experienced Bteanibost master aui pilot and was well known in the Missouri and Mississippi river trades. For the past twenty-fiv- e years he has been with what is now the St. Louis and New Orleans Anchor Line at master of the Colorado, Urahaui, Helena, Belle Memphis and City of Baton Rouge. eleven years of which time he spent as master of the Helena. Previous to his connection with the Anchor Line he com manded tbe Gen. Laze, Plonghboy, Lucy Bertram and other steamers in the Mis souri. The last steamer comnanded by mm was ine tjny ot liaton liiuge, trom which be was taken on the 9th instant. suffering with a congestive chill. Darinv bis long service with the Anchor Line Capt. McKee was regarded as one of i'rj most faithful officers, tie loitvea) a wife and ttyo cuiWieit. ' - WK AT filial AND KIVEB8. Ornn Sionai. Schtios. TJ. 8. A., I Mjwpnia, litiK., Juno 41, 1885, 1 p.m. J The following observations are taken at all stations named at 7o3 meridian time, whieh is 1 hour factor than Momtibig time. Changes. low Abov Rise. FalT Feet j loths Feet I lOths Feet I lOi. Cairo w 30 ChattAnoega 4 Cincinnati... S Daven Dort 5 bubuoue J 1 Fort Smith 8 l!elena.... S3 Keoknk s La Le&Tenw'h.. 17 Little Hook. 11 Louisville .. 5 Jtieiiinhla, 23 2 N.ishville .... 5 . 4 tKewOrle'nsI 4 t'inaua 14 6 Pitubunr 3 4 Shreveport.. 16 9 St. Louis. .... i 6 i. Paul 7 a Viekgbgrg..- S9 8 t Below hik-- mark. 1874. PiTTnBURO,.June22. Noon Rier3 feet 4 inches, and rising. Weather clear and ooul. Wheeling, June 22 Noon River 4feet 10 inohei. and rising slowly. W eat bar clear and (.learjant. ISigut Kiver 4 toet 7 inches, and fall- ing. Cincinnati, Jnne 22 Noon River 9 feet 11 inches and falling slowly. Weather clear and cool. ISo arrivals or departure. IN inhit River 11 feet, and rip in?. Weather clear and very cool-S- o arrivals or departures. Evansvill, June 22. Noon Kiver 9 ffet 10 inches, and falling. Weather clear and warm. iNo arrivals or departures. Sight River 9 feet 4 inches, and falling. No arrivals. De- parted: James W.ftafl, Memphis. Th Wyoming Will arrive leavd tor rtew Orleans to- morrow morning. Louibvillk, Jane 22. Noon River fall- ing, with 5 feet 6 inches in the canal and 3 feet 4 on tbe falls. Rusiness improving. Weather clear and pleasant. So arrivals. Defttrted: Wyoming:. Sew Urleane. Sight River falUcg, with 6 leetn Inones in tbe canal and 3 feet 4 Inches on the the falls. Business dull. Weather clear and cool, soartvalior departures. CAiRo.June 22. Noon Weather cloudy ana warm, iuvor JO reeto inches, and ruing. Ar- rived: City of Uayou Sara, St. Louis, 10 p.m.; cm a ne v union ana tow, iew urieans, z a.m.: Oakland and tow, Naw Cleans. 2a.m; Raymond Homer and tow. Ohio river, i a.iu,; Arkansas City, VickphuTff, fl a.m. Departed: Sidney n and tow, 8t. Ioui.-- n.m.; O'ki.iLd end tw, Louis, a a.m.; K;tywnd llornor and tow, Vw OrJtins, 4 a.m.; -- rkann" City. St. lsouin, 7 a m. : Jo'Oph li VV illiam nnl low, .w OrUanp. y a.m. Nigh River fret 5 inrhr, aud rising. Vt eather c!f ar itnl e.wiler. No irriv-o- f regular packet. lcprtc l: City of Uyou Sira, .Sew Ci'Ioans. London, Jnne 22. Arrived : Strut), from Nw York for Liverpool; South Walef, from Philadelphia. The I.onta City, from lioton for this pot, has posted the iAzn.fl. and . from Sew Y rk, haj arrived at AuiriUirdam. A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Tiie qvtwf Itn hae nrahably ten tutknA thoouinle of timia. ' H iw can Itmwn's Iron Bittffra curt Well, h d(ff n't. B'Jt it 4t. euro My iiwnm f.r nichmrputttil phjuci&n woul J pnwcrit lldK FhyTUcixjEi rttcviicruxe Ix n aa ttui bont ant kmrnn to thv prof.wktn. and iiniuiry uf any leading nbemto! nrm will uaijktant ite Ui suMXrtitia thl Uiwro ara mure prnpamt tuna uX inm tlion uf auy ePivveiy tlia irm m a.'iti twlmlirM f be the m t iu rxirt tat f&ct4r itt wnor,iMtta miniicu practice It ia, h:ivfr, a rwiitrknf fiu-t- t t" tlio (Jikciv-T-u- f I(ltlVV N'S I IfON li f ILItS - .tat let ivz wry mat oombiasUioD hai ovur beuo iiAiud. EROW.VS IRO.t EinERSruSS lwacLnelitj, or prodaoo ermrtipat ion all other Iron medic.ndo. ItltOWN rtlUON KITTKfCHt mrrm 1 ndisvefitlnn, II 1 in u Wrnfa IlTHprplti4 illalnriiM Cbllta and Fv-r-- Tired Ke'llnir.4iuernJ iebillty,Poso in ttu Kld, Ilnfli or lAlml,Iladacbr and Ncnrrtl-tn- n f'r all theae ailmetitji Iron in daily BROWN'S IRON RITTERS., ;r: mhinta. f.iVB all rrther tbfmujrTi mwticiitM it acta b1jw1'. VF:wn by ' i!jo rinrt nn;rtom "f b"c :it In n arwixy. Tim- - m ftrni'ir, t!iad!gHttinn hnpr-T-- , t'l-- nreartr.n. In tf,n.t thsi uLf tct ia nsoally mrn rapirl and iTurkM. Ttw lktfin a? (mem u brixhrmi t!w Vin np , wilor ixmium to iii hwk; rKTvni'rt dtssp funrtf-tDs- r. and if nor-it- m mothi r, abandvit hi F.iitpU,-- tli rbild. Kann-mif-'s In iittr. tatiia O.N'fV iron Dwiicino t't ic not 7yn(utiu Itruj-fxr- rternmriui it. The Oenaina luia Trnda Murk ctwI nvl lines onwmpper. TAKK OTIITit. STtAiEJlrAT?, The Fnt nni Safe Stdcwheel 6tanier Will mak. throe trips a week durinir the .uiuioor to 6oanl;in LanUi.'-ir- Ark., teavinfr Momphis every TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATUKHAY at S r.ra. On Sundnvs the will make hor CI1KAP EXCURSIONS, leaving the wharf at 2, 4 and 8 oYltx-- p.m. The Kntiuirercitn le chirttred iirivate picnic? and excursion when not engaged. For Information a:.,ly n tn:,rd. Notice to (Shippers iu the I'pjier J ratie. THE Str. GAYO.SO loft lost even- - . r!T K for Paducnh, where she will "y undcrfro repairs, and s,K,n a. ready will re- turn to her regular trade, and will remain perm- anently in the trade as heretofore, and try v do tbe buinec for the people as sa'i'laMnry aa fh. has in the past. V. 1. li AI.L. HcmiihU and Cinciunult I'nckot t'omp'y. Change cf Time! Summer Schedule! For Cairo, Evausviile, louiviile and Ciucinnati. Tiie tegnnt Steamere of this Line will leave Mfiiiphis KVKKT autl THl'KSDAY at 5 p m. Special Kates to Bound-Tri- parties to all point. STATE-ROOM- S FEEE tVHILE IN rORT. Thronsrh Tickets lo All Pnlal. North, tMHt mud He(, For full Information, freight or passage, apply to R. W. LIGHTBURNE, G. F. and T. Agt., cor. Madison anil Front mw Te, parlletdmlrlig to make saliort mud plrrtaant trip np tiie river, return ins; tha next aleamer. the IIIHllvr kvTRM er knnn will le mndp. FOR LOUISVILLE 4SD CINCINNATI Mcmpltla i;r(I fiiirinnall I'nrkrt 'e. F4I LullSVILLK AU (l.tlliri .laiii.-- s W. dSafi; rEL W. C. martor, Will leave on TUUKbl'AY, June 2,th, at 5 p.m. For freight or passage apply to 11. t . Mil R S" K, Agent, corner M.nli'-o- and Frnt ?ts. FOR CAIRO AND KT. LOUIS. ft-- Lonlsand owurlmiia I ne If. (. Mull FOB CAIKO AND ST. LOUIi,. iselle Mem plus , Geo. Baker master. wl Will le.wefrom the Elevator THIS DAY, June 23d,at6p.m. Tor freight or paf.'iago apply to C. L. If ai.i.. Pa- -. Agt. Al) STOHM. Snp't. FOR NEW ORLEANS. St. Lonls snd Kfvl tsrlcna Anchor Llue U.S. flnil FGKSEW OKLEASH. W- - W. Baker...master, WWRSSW Will leave from the Klevator THIS U A1 , June 23d, at Id a.m. For freight or p.iage apply to C. f,. Htt.l.. Paw. Art. T) STORV. Snn't. FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. HILT I1.4KHT blte A Bluck Rlvor II. H. 3'iiil fwkrl. For Indian Bay, St. Chiries. Clr.rendon, Devalli Bluff, las Are, Autinta. Jacksonoort, Searcy, Batesville, Powhatan mi Pocalioniaf Steamer ALUlHTA, Ao. Z, M. R. Harry, master, 'f3sBr3-wil- leave Mem phis every mturiay at 5 o'clock p.m., connecting direct with U pper S'hite river pae&et for Po.'hatn and Pocahontas, and with the Daily Packets to BatosvUle and Upper Whit, river. Through Rates te all points. Freight oonsigned to Milt lltirry Line, Memphis or Terrene, will b. promptly f, rwardsd. R. W. L1UIITUURNE. Agt., Cornrr and Kf-ri- Hirrtip. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Memphis and Arkansas River PACKET CO. United Stateg Mail' Line. For Pine Bluff and all Way on Arkan- sas Kiver The new aad elegant steamer IS. Ij, COBB, d. Rowland... master. LoavoS as HOOVQ Every Wedufidiiy tit II p.m. For general information amdy at ouioe, No. 285 Front street. 11. 0. I.OWK, Agon t. Planter Indrpcucles.. pAcket For Ter- rene, Ked Arkansas Poet, Pendleton, New Gascon? and Pine Bluff Steamer J2d. Foster, J. V. Knhn. m fist a Will leave as above KV'KRY 6ATLHiiA .at p.m. t or freight or passage apply on board, or to K. K. THOMAS. Arrnt. FOR 8T. FRANCIS RIVER. The St Francis lUver Transportation Go's Fin. U. 8. Mail Stsamar Ileno SSacready. - s) 0. K. JopliT, maJVer. WII.I. LEATK MKMfUII EVKKT trj'Of tCK for Karianna, the Citt-Of- f, and inter mediate ra."1'." on nl 'rancis river. AO tain resorv VST. J, ?u b deems unsafe. Ji.- - " J a., fauperiutena.nt. ttt't. So. 4 Madi..',i i?.-- - LEE LINE STEAii,'"8- - Memphis, frier. I'otut aud s.f" For Holeaa, Ulendsie, Friars Point and all Ataauings oteamer COAHOMA, B. T, Clagettma-te- r I Piatt Rhoici clerk WUlleHver,boveor.eTery!tii)AV.WDKA;b-HAVB- d FRIDAY . ato'oiooVp.Hi. For EandoIph.Fulton , Osceola snd War t aadiog, Steamer DEAN ADAMS, J. H. Cooper, matte? .J. W. Kmithors elerk Leaves as above every MOKDAY, VtliDKliS- - DA x and FRIDAY at 5 p.m. Ihe bceU of this line reserve the right toj ass all landings tti. cap- tain may deem OT.,af , OiS-e- ., 5o. i Madison st. JAMK;. T.KB. ,!.. HatieH"iend.nt.. Memphis, Arkuusas City and Vicksborfr Packet Conipanj--U.S.M- aU Line, For Helena, lurreue and Arkansas City Th. new andeleaant ni..,enn,r itnain.. KATE ADAJSSjXiC M. R. Cheek master I W. C. BltnkarlSiT Leaves ftlemtihi. EVERY MONDAY ti THURSDAY, at 5 p.m. The steamer WILL S. HAYS wi!l the ioksburg trade, commencing Saturday. October 3d. and leave every Saturday thereafter For general information ar.ply atr.tnre, No. Front 'W-,,...- . WALWORTH, Agent. Pay.crcer A rent. Memphis & Whits River Pkt Co. V. H. MAIL LO. STR. CiilCKASA W,; K. C. Poitaw.M.aiutr I 0. M. Posui...oierk Claresxlna, Devalijtv l&r lUm Arf, Aa-tust- a, and Nearry. LEAVES MKMPtUS EVERY WEDNESDAY at 6 p.m. Through rates to all points. Freight consigned to Memphis and White iiTeri:a:sti;o. will berorwaraed promptly, H.C '"v-" Whnrfhnnt. MATHEY HAYLUS' TJeed for ovr 2j wild preat pnoccss by tbft phyEicinnBof P:iip, Now Yorkatnllstunlon, audfttii rioTtoUotb,T t'T Uif rroniT'tciireofcil rae,rrtfnt or of knT Ptiindintr. Pot up orly in Gluts Bottles cnnfflniDir 64 OpbuIpw . I'TJiris l.i CENTS. MAKJM THl'M T14E iiHAfKST CAl'SUla IK THE MaKKLT. Notice. Clrenit Conrt of Sholby County, Tenneflfiee Kansas City, Springfield and Moinphie lir.Uroad Co. vs. Francis White. It apearing from the pe.iiion, filed tn this cause, which is swora to, that the defendant, Francis White, is a o( the State of Xennrssoe ; It is therefore ordered. That he mrba Vis appearance herein, at the conrtbotis in the Tax; of Shelby county, Tenn., on or be- fore tbe third Monday in September next, ISS. and plead, answer or demur to plaintiff's pe- tition, or the same will betaken for confessed as to mm una sec tor nearmr ex parte; and that a copy of this order be published onsa a wee a for four succeFive weeks in th MdiBrh Anneal. Alcopy Attest; JOri. VBL, Clerk. y tio. J. Campbell. DenutT Clerk. ewican Krb, Attorney tor Plai n ti ft. Manhood Restored KKMiOJT t KKE. A TICtim Of Vt.rit h '.utn.i.n.rl.n,. uing lrematiire Ifrci, Aorron Debility, host Manhood. te.,bving tnrd in Tain everr known wrwdy.uajfiifkxrvtired a Kimpio meanuf whk-- be w.l! wird I KKK to his f DR. D. S. JOHNSON'S Medical Bispcnury , Kc. 17 Jcftersoa fct. Between Mada and Vroat, HrmpUh ESTABLISHED VA 18C0.1 DH.J0UF.IJ0N iJactfiowieHsvd by all rur'i by i'ar the i(.s'.rcei'rul ') if ianln ti.e tiratmer.l cf privr'te or reorft :; evoi. Quick, iriaamat enrer gnariUQtiJ n every ear: tn.i'r, or Pit caret r WtsBrrhra and cur.;i ia u f'-- dyz, wi oat tne n oi inrrfcury, clmriin Jiel or 1 drawee from buiine., tiertoituary tSyrhiiiSt i Iwt Testi:e withr.ut the ore t it-- r cor7. avtlbrti.'y Ict-- of Fmen t.xii Ir a shortttoiv. buten-r- i fro u im potency lot: ci sexual powers retire 1 to Ire yjtvf in a woo?. Vutims of seif-r.?- e and fic; .i TAwery. snCeriot from t rmtorrhaa aoa- - iru t phyie:'.l or mental power, and i articcinr atencios paii lo us Utwwi of Woxcn, and earefl aaranteed. '.'.$ and olJ nores ceicl wi'.b 'Ut the ne of caoetiiM f the knffo. All eonnaJtili ?i striatic eon ff dent'ulj sModieintg seut by eii.-- l W ait parts ol tig ecu '.try. Worklrcavea ctaraZ at half thettsnal pri-- Ottcebouri fiOia to r tu. D3. mm' CCLCIM 5?i:CIF13 A POSITIVE CUFIE FCR DRnEHSS OK THE LIQUOK HABIT. It fiin li" rlvpti !n .i ni) of ci ; nr f ft w 'tTsnt thf kn.-- i Hi- - pcrs.i'1 . in; 11 As n! il u, y liiriiil- -. :.! ,! i;i !,.h-- ti Min r.! y cur', v, (, n.iti-- nl Kh inf.). 'MP iirii.k- r or in u!, Ji i,n p.i'M fi HxiuU i if hi .(;.ii- t cur- - lii.i f'illiu,l. nfver ImiU. Fl i l7i pr'..:.-- l witn n. ffft ii (."'-- t:( uU:C luiMsin:hty for ttit upiM-- it" tit';i:. 4il4cm frrlfle I'rop'r, i lavlnaatl, U. FOR RAL3 Tl V A.RZ."iKCRT&CO.Druts, fer. Inn mul Ailnmf Si-..- . nUn for. itlnla nn.1 Mnrkrl KiH., 'II iri.'I. Call r xvritp lur rirnlin and fn'l pimifiilArt Dropsy Treated Free DR. H. H. GREEN, No. 55 Junes Avoune, Atlanta, CaM A SJPKOALIST FOR Kl.tVtN TEAK PAST, Han treated Dropsy and Its complications with tbe most wonderful fiucee??; ucea vt'Kctiitfie rem- edies, entirely harmless. Kcioores all syutptoms ot Uropsy in eight t. twenty day. Cures patients pronounoed by the best of phyidi-iaiis- . Iroin tUe firpt d'ec the symptoms rapidly Ji appear, acd iu ten daD at least u of all By mp to ins are removed. Some may cry huoibuK viiaont koowicgnny-thin- e about iv. KeiiAcmber, it dn nv.l toft yuu anything to rcaliie the merit:' i.f u;y treatment for yourselt. In urn tiny ihu difheuity of breath-iu- g is relieved, the puie made repuirir, the urin- ary organs made to dipchar.-- tlmir full duly, lecp i restored, the rwelling all or nearly coae, the strength incrcn.ed, and ai oiittj uiile good- I aiu coimUr-tl- curir;-- ; chscp it Ion: ftau cares that have ben Uipied a number of times, and tbe patient deciarei unublo to live a weok. tiend tor lu days treatment; diiertions and term free. Give lull biotory ot ca.-'c- Name sex, how long atilicted, how badly swollen ard where, is bowels costive, have lens bursted and driped water. Send for free paiui hist tectiuionial?, question? cto. Ten days t eatuient luniiched free by 'mail. Epilepsy ui poeU'veiy i. 11. il. J HEEN.M.D., 55 Jones Avenue, AtianU, 0. State this purer. THIS OUJLC.12IT MAGNOLIA C0TT0X GIN, - 'V Feeder p,nd Condenser. Th- - rortuoMt Standard Cotton Uin INow ManarHctarcil. At the World's Cotton Cenfenniat Kxp'1ion in New Orleans, it has iit taken the 'll:rhet Award, Diploma and Uold Modal for liKht-d-ul- t, best sample anU general utility." Our uiachinoti are oimple and durnble, clean the asod thoroughly, and produce a large yield. They never break the roll in ginning, nor c.nke under the severeuttest. They re aleo ligbt-dral- t, gin fnft, and for superior enmplo htve nvcr been eiuttled. For prioe", etc.. nddre.s tiULLlfcTT WIN C().,AVrTE, LA. OrOrgi1.! Hrothrn A ., Memphis 1 t un. 41. oia, s PROS. iithful HAItRIS' s too In indiiici.m'A. re "overbraln work. Avr I jt.te tiiipoBiiirn ol pirten I s,v I - A RADICAL Cone FOR? fCir.ular'erwtTrut Pa:k- - Cranio Weasaessil 4ir7.X sPHTSTPsT. B itionloL tviJlpniaor incAJaipnwijje i. EKCAY, wry. f iimiicd ci .: .. prircl- - Ajied Men. ti' sw't . I til! Tfstto TOW 6EVTN j Years by use inmamy umI hT- ru.Mnfi tLe bu- - Thousand CAateV I .t r,:; ::it.i in rrslrtrj ona Month. - cm nr. liareirivcTitarVis L . Two Month. - ? 'at ar.rj.hlSvMin.b.'.'.ft tt'i jee .atoiube, vrnn.h euu atxualv. KARRIS REMDT CO. FCCf SQQ K, Teatij fit. ST. X.OVia,yjt CHANCERY SALE OF BAL ESTATE. Iso. R. Chancery Court of Fholby conn-t- y H. L. Bedford et al., Exorutnrs, etc., of li. W. Bedford, deoeaoed, vs.C. M. W aid ran et al. JY virtue of an interlocutory decree of pale in the above eaue on the 2 ah dny of March, 1S5, M. B. 47, page 274. I will neil at pub- lic auction, to the highest bidder, in front ol tiie Clerk ani Mapter's office, courthouse of fchelby eounty, McinphU, Tenn., on Saturday, Jnne 27, within legal hours, the following- - oesoribed prop- erty, fituntcd in Shelby ooanty, TenD-- Just north of the l;ixing-li(tnc- t of paid county, being part; of the B. K. Thomas subdivision, snd k.o"., n as tbe 44 Homestead Kcnervo " by the plat ofrecord in i'lat Book 1, page 64, in the Hetitior's otnee of said county. Also, block 2, containing 21 ljts, numbered from 1 to 21, inclusive. Allot block 3, except lot 8, said block contain-in- ; 20 lots. AIm, 1oU3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and R, in block 4. Also, loig H, 4, ft, , 7, , 9, lu and 11, in block 5. Also, block 5, containing 12 lots. Also, block 7, containing 6 lots. Also, block 8, cont ticiDg 1'2 lots. Also, block 9, containing 12 lot. AI50, block 10, containing li tots. Also, block 11, contusing 1 lota. Also, biock 1?, oontaining 7 lots. Also, b!ojk IX containing 14 lot, AIfo, lots 12, U and 14, in bluck 14. Abo, lots H, 7, 3 and lu, in block 1. Also, all the streets lying north of Brir-kle- and eouth of the south line of White tK8Bi ast f Park street and to the east lino of Che-tn- ut "treet included all containing Hi floriM. Also, all th iniorjt of the detendTntR,in Prk 8treet- Terms of S'e0n eredit or seven mnnlhs; purchasers execu(Va w,uh ,ei"ty. and Hen retained to gure tclii l- - Fraier A Boyle, Clapp A Be.71"' Jobaato A Ford, Solicitors. Ii2AIi ESTATE, Ko. 5017, R. D- - Chr.neery Court of Shelby coun- ty State ot Tennessee vs. J.H. Olivwretal. BY virtue of an- - interlocutory decree tor sate, entered in the above cause on the Mh day oi Becember, 1KS4, M. B. 4, page 12, I will sell, at public auction, to the highc.-- t bidder, in front of the Clerk and Matter's oftice, courthouse of fchelby eounty, Memphis, Tenn., cn Nal n nlay, Jnly is, 1HS5, within legal hours, tbe following described prop- erty, situated in Shelby county, Tenn., Lots 23 and 24, block 1, fronting 24 feet each on the oast side of Water street and running b'tt-- to the base of the bluff of the Missiipia ri . cr, as shoen by the plan of Fort Pickering, ifo 1 a property of the Lafiin k Rand Powlor Co. LoU 31 and 32, block I, Kurt Pickering, front- ing U4 feet each on the east side of Water ttrcet and running hak between parallel lios 7U lect. Sold as property of Kenneth tiarrett. Lot Hi, block 13, fronting 25feeton the nrrth weft corner of Jackson and Fourth fltroets, Muth ward, and running back north between parallel lines ltiU feet to a alley, iiotd as property of Edmund Taylor an suanown heirs of Anna tirordon. Lot2ri. bToK 12, fronting 25 feet on the south 8ide of Alnbama street, tenth ward, and raoniDg back between parallel tines feet to an alley. Sold as property of Alice and F- ti&ss. Lot 14, block 4, fronting 25 feet on the north cido of Alabama ijtreet, tenth ward, and running back between parallel lines 11 feet. tSold as pr. party uf the unknown heirs of BenJ. B. lior-n- er Lot 13, block 7, fronting feet on the west side of fecond street, tonth nard, and running back between rar)lel lines 100 fubU Sold as property Qf Bridge1 Powers. Lot 4' block 1, Fort Pickering, fronting 24 feet on the west side of Water street by &0 feet deop. Sold ss property of the Memphis Ga.ilight Co. B't 2, block 2, fronting i feet cn the east side of Promenade street, tenth ward, and run- ning back between parallel lines 10 (Wt. Soid ae property of W. B. Reid and A. liittlold. Lot 16, block 17, fronting X feet n the north side of Carolina streAt. tenth ward. Fort Picker- ing, and running back between parallel lines UO feet. Solua. proerty of John Morgan. iotf, block 2, Fort Pickering, fronting feet on the west side of Front street and running back between parallel lint l&S feet, bold as property of Chas. Lo.and. Lou &t, 40 and j block 1, fronting each 24 feet on the outside of the Batteor, Water strt, and runwing back between para lei lined Va feet, bold as property of W. W. Hurt and 8. Buck. Part lot 3, block 38: Beginning at the southeast corner of lt conveyed by Lewis liraham to J. J. Murphy, March li. PVtt; thence northwardly snd parallel with St. Martin street 34 feet to the CiiiiUrof said lot; thence westwardly at rip:H angles through the centcrj(.(f said lot &o feet ; thence southwardly and parallel with St. Martin street 32' feet to the uth line of aforepaid lot thence eastwardly with said sonth lino M feet to the beginning, beirif east of bayou on alley. 6old as property of Mary Moaus. Lot 11, block 2, front'ug 26 feet on the west side of Front strept. Fort Pickeries, tenth ward, and running bark feet. Sidd as pr4'erty of Stephen, James, Elizabeth lliirgina, et al. Terms of SaleOn a credit of eif months; note with security, beaiing iotoreft. re'iuired; lien retained; redemption barred. This J una Id, lv, B. I. McBOWELL, Clerk and Muster. By TI. F. WaUh, Deputy Clerk and Master. ' F. U. A C. W. iivukeU, Svlicire, A POSITIVE Care P 1 n I (! riot i. l.: liiT.; One hex will cure the most obsUnave ease ia four IVo r.iawuti dnscg of, opiba or oil el that tre certain to prosm dy.;epeisj by dc?rri:,,r the e aiins i,t tue at- much. r 1' , ? I .'i. bold by all droiT ci.t. .r tii:nirt nil reotii tof price. r'.r turther parti"if"-:'.i:- (of J. ' A i t. a W k CURE. HA John street, New Vork. ' CONCENTRATED tf rr-- : TRADE 'I lie idrvnt KcnovHlor. Used, Recommenr!ed ani IpiinrHfd by Physicians ail over the World. The Only Remedy th t Arts on AM of the Great Or:HP ot tue iiuuiau byauim. IHK I IV1K, A KIIKTS. 4 SHE MOI S H, a I tij: now t:in. f ! I. k m f r sr kv j y . t4tHH 'ioi Mnml .nwt(rlttt lr f All ill fr'iiiiioiiri Naiiiral HsierH, t'l'NT.P A'l IiN, Mvh iJKADACUK. h rl'KF-S- I A n - pr ..::i j.' 'y eufe M y it Vt'o ;ill tha i r'i iji w 'rt luf-- fjrr.i'ii f trTos both swltn and V'ii!:r. A il prj a.'H'cir bur ' he Crab Ai'f'ij" TiJi'ir-j.-wr- k .n t';e 'i''!-'?- . tiet bc cen-- ui :.e "0r;- pple'' C'n centra ted W a tor, iv. vt ; ilMtuine Snii.t, in sealed packasges.ftt 10 CSnfj;,!i i'lrerifi e'-b- rmU r h:irI n..r Co., rroprittorn. hl.V'JN N. JONES. Lnui?viile, Ky. We '4 ' W -- ir. O.e't t ty kn n U(,ixiUit ire'.. i - !,Are moM r'oi lrr '.iii liti ery i ti bM s . unvtx it AieoU A I.Uk. tmz Cfisaleal Zz.' v Hudtxs. N. Y, Ohio. Soli hf PruffMi, rv e ti ov. CHANCERY SALE op REAL KMT ATE. No. 32v9 Court of Fholby County bt;ttc uf Teunre n. . fc. Butier et al. : No. 1 Citj oi Mauphif vs. Jee Page, guardian, ec. al. ; N.. e..l ii. p. Aadenoo vs. Martha i'niKiell at at. B of Interlocutory decree for pale entered in the u.ove raen on July 6, 1M, and Beoemocr t:t and February 13, lKa'., I wiil f;!. At puolic imjiMi,, , the hlghrnt bidder, in fr.r.t nf the Clerk and Maxtor', oilioe, court- house of tbe by eoiiniy, .'Jeiuphis, Teoo. on HrtTtirilii', iuae 1 HHA, within let".: i. u?, tie i'.!lowin,c describe i pmx-er- , filtered iu the Taxing-Liutric- t of .iheiby oonntv, Tenn., P of t . s, in block i'J, fronting fret on c" i Ic oi t -- ii. !t etftt, between Vance and El- liott strfcU. ruDoiii back 7;. ieel, bcingthe couth i of said bit , fronting to r.choU street, its omh line being the line of the Butler tritftiH d itn we.--t line being the cat line of ,,fc ho. i. owntd by d:fvndant Meath, Uumes, dr avern.r and othi rt. Part ol lot. and 4, block fid, fronting JiO fret on the w(U cide of Desoto street and runniflit bak lJr tcet. being situated at the .iihweritcor-ner of Wsofj and liayoo sUecUj owned by sajia dv teminnu. t No. 13, block 67, frcrir.g W fert on the South side of I nion wien Hernando tret ruuoiug back2n; feet, owned by satire defeo Janrj. Part of Uis 4 and ft. blck M, fronting 1 feet on th nurti ?idc ul Linden swt, runnirg bark lJ toet, raid lot being between Def-t- and Turley screoTs and its eiiFt luie being 2H fvet west of Turiiy "ircot. owned by same defendants, Lou No. 11 and 1. ttlock fronting 141 feet on tha west side of Turney street and 2 (net in depib, being at tte m.rtbwert corner of Turley ac J Lindtn Ftroet-- , owned by aid dclenda.nts. Jorui5 of Sj1,- i n acrt .iit of ik uionthi ; notes with fcurCy: hen retained : redemption burred. This iUay 2'), ltv. S. 1. Mi POWELL. Clerk snd Master. By H. F. Wuhh, Uci uty Clerk anl Ma:ter. J. W. li amp ton aid Jwbn Johnston, iols The sale?wf Hbore i continued ontil NMiitrdiiy, Juue 27, l.1t at 12 iu. This June 3, lv.) ;S'J- Clrrk and Master. By J. M. Bi,,aluy. I'CfUty Clerk and Mailer. S .S j' Orv. MIjS n xsf S) Cure Biuousnfss, DrsPCPStA.ToPiD Liver. Sick Headache, MalariA, Inoiocstion. 8oua 6towach, Dad Breath., DvseMTtnv, iAt)nOire, tNLAHOKO SPLEEN. OROWlNrt-- A ITER M FAL9, &0-- WITHOUT GRIPI14U, 6,CKU IHO OR WEAKrTNtNO THB &Y3TFM. DOSE, ONE BEAN". PRICE, 5 CETTTfil Ak for HIl.R MilM to uii v U'litrcn, -- fl in !.tnin-- So!l bjr Iruj:t.'it9 o:; t Mi :u r.i ev. rj tnr. r Krfc J.F. SMITH at, CO. biuPrapa. St. Louis, MO Ko. WSR. D- - Ch.m ery Court of Fhalby Coun- ty, Tenn J. A. Wives et ai. vs. the MullaUj C. and U. Co. et al. PV HL' ANT to n order of sale In this oaure on liunday, Jnsie 3, between 10 o clock a in. and 2 o'clock P.m., I will sell in front of tiie couT'.Uou'fr, Memphis, Tenn., the following ;dcriited property, namely: The en tire lc:FA.' id intorct of the parties to this :uit ip tae premise? on tbe southwest corner of Auc- tion and Fr nt Mrefis, which pafed by the lease from too (iin and Machine Company to Hi- - defpntiant. Ii. A. Mullaily, subject to the term a and con of tne faid leiue, and of the leiiao from A ui '"' Woodruff, as trustee, under which tbo said Milburn tiiu and Machine Coio-pat- iy holdti the naid promteos. And also all the engines, boilers, machinery and other property ued in or about or belonging to the paid Mulln'iy Crushing and Keeping Company, and inHuuior all that may be embraced in the inventory of J. M. F"wlkts, (he receiver, on flic with the C'erk and M.ipter, except nuch products of the mill as have already been Fru or otherwise disposed of by tbe said receiver under the former orders of the Court. And nil the bagcing, ties, sacks, oftice furniture and tixturos, safes, tools, lamps, pipe fittings and o her property ot the said Mul-lai- ly Cradling and Kenning Company of every d8criptiun, whether embraced in the said or not, and wherosoover or in whosoev-er'- s custody or contnd ti iuo may b. But it If not intended th-- .t any dobta owing to the said Company, or any c a usee in action belonging to it, shall be scd or ditpo5cd of. All the property herein def ribed to be "old will bo sold tvs a whole, except one battery of fiva crufbiug relU and tour iinters, and one stand of prop Pea, including pumps, ctop and hydraulic ripe? ard tv'i hejitur', being the ssmo I t furnished by t ho Milhurn tiin and .Machine CompHnyto the MuKally Crushing and Re6ninsr Company. The articles so excepted will each bo fold "eparatcly. 'forms of Sale d cash: balance In equal installments of fix and twelve months; notes of purcri.uers payable to tbe or. lor ot tho Clerk find Master of said Court, with interest rom date, with security to be ai prov d by the receiver. .j. M. FOWLKKS, BecMve M m. M. Ran-loip- Taylor A Carro KBte Wrr.nor. tijiciturs. 4f ( Use after eatinr.rA tniM- - :VMV,u'n' A tubstitate Vtect 1 PlTVf,.'rtobar--- o Aakyourdrug-Ams- T jIT J. 1SI eonfactioiier for 0d- - 8 eenuine ana originu r. '! r j " . M ti!". KX i..Ar.',i.!. hnnrlU hm n.k- - nwk m. ceiptCif eig centc. " 1 'H WW Gndisputed in tte BP.CAD CUIM of t'eing tie VEKY BEST CFER3TIN3, ' QUICKEST SELLING, . ElKDSCHEST m MOST PERFECT COOKING RANGE EVER PLACED ON SALE. FOIt SALE BY HAVetter&Co.Agts. Memphis, Tena SHIS. A. 15I1TAT, li Caul St., New Orleana, BrsciALTita ro Maaiko FliiVUS ANB BAXTERS, And Dealer in all kinds of Paraphernalia! for booteiios. Associations ana Clubs. aiJLK.eOLD NUTEX ISBXOIBEHI1M Mad. tn or.. p.w Ar.stimal.s L.'.-- . immti n ., u '" ra pariDED bt E0YAL HAVANA LOTTERY DRAWN AT HAVAKA. CUBS, 1 Every 'J to 1 1 Iays. ' TICKET! IN FIFTHS. Vt liula, n; Fractions, pro rHla. Rm that the nam. H,il'l.n k Co. is the tlrket. Nui,jt to no manipulation, i:r,f ,ntri)ilfwi bf the re lied in interact, it tho fnircsl iIjiiik ia tlio tiMure of clmnre in For ' anil i ... u .. r. uit ly to SHIP. BKY A. C ., benpr.-fc- Aents, l.iz broalwa,, N. X. Citr. oiNu.t) WMtCvurtat.,MoiLvku,leiii4 r.-

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Page 1: Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1885-06-23 [p ]. · 1, Si i t U i i i ' Viuiwa "wL J mmmam"' '"aiaBISB"BgaaB;"gw,'----y" f"" ".,-M""' u imi pmw rwwrirnw RAILWAY RECORD

1 ,





i i


' Viuiwa "wL J mmmam"' '"aiaBISB"BgaaB ;"gw,'- - - - y" f ."" " -M ""', u imi pmw rwwrirnw


Hii)lftMfpp! Talloy koule JU, S, O. A Tl(In effoct Sunday, May '21, is.v),

No. 1, Going- South Leavin? Memphis 8:30p.m.; arriving a Arkansas City 6 a.ui : Vicks-burg 9a. m. ; arriving at Now urleans 7:" p.m.This train leaving Visiii-hi- Tt x o'clock p.m.Will arrive at tireonville a'. ! : a.m.

No, 2, Going Iorth Leaving Orleans 8:15arriving at Vicksburg T :li p.m. ;

. :lu a.m. Train leaviog Arkansas Luyatb;p.m. connect, wi;h this train.So. 3, oin South Leaving Memphis tp.m.: arriviagtit Ykksburg U;5o p.m.; Or-alis :15io. l.Goi..,; North Leaving New OrIe.i :00

p.w.; Vicksburg at 3: a.m.; arnvitit; a. Sera-ph- is

p.rn. Jto. 1 sleeper to Yickebuiv oniy; 1

fto. a, through sleeper to JNew Oricm .A. J. KN.'r'H, G. P. A-- Meiij'ui?, Ten;;.JAS. M. KO-.- AHDS, V. P. & t,. jj... Mo cphia.

M jiwU-.4.r- auI 't fnnwfc. "ai' trainei.yes at 4:i6 p.m. : arrives at y :' a.m. a'reigut

trnin loaves vdauy except nnday at 5:15 a.m.;arrives 'daily excopt fcuudy) at a. it.

3iAAH.ttz., (i1o ami Houmwvptprn-- Tnxaove an follow : 8 (i"tst line dv.jy)

Lwes at 8.15 a.m. No. 2 leaves at Hi) p.m.dtiJy. Ripley accommodation leave at 4 p.m.di.y (except Sunday. IN o. 7 fit iinc laity; .'.rrives at 1 p.m. Mitil and express arrives dailyat:i 'a.m. Hiploy a;'oijiimoiii;uun arrives aaiiy(except Sunday at J?.:3 a.m.

Jrl mp Im nwrl l.fti!e ftr b. mcra; follow ji nntr.'l ;anJiTi : 1 'fsvediily at5:' p.m. arrives at 10 p.m.; No. 3leaves 4:.i a.m. : arrives a. 8; 50 a. iu. ; Nd. 6(iTcr. icavos iiopefi-'- daily, except Sunday,

t6:00a.Gi.: arrive at7:O0p.aa- -

joU-.- Fast mail arriv daily a'. 4:35 a.m.;leaves at 11:m n. an.; karci d.viy at 9: HO

a.m. ?. 'fwr.eTiiJ-- t HOJomsio-iio- leave viaiiy,x.:c..t baajj, a. I'M p.m. ; s'mi arrive

a; 5 pi:. I rotrnii; if imicc-iAtio- .arrivesJst.:y, except tiu&da, a.u. '.iLaadrdtime).

ofas Xiireacb express icfcvv. ut.iiy ctlv:o6 p.m. flT:l aoi oxitos it-- dai:- - c 9:.-

:q n:frviiii e,c?o n z:i leaves daily,zcpt Haai-iy- . at 5 1 p.m. A"nr.ucii e; rr-- jrwe oH:i7 at 10: iU uu at

nrrivei daily at 5:i)p.m. Soruorvi-- AccymBiO-dati:- 3

arrive Jvlty. except ijo lity. t'si aeTriir ioave M. and I'.copntai foUow: im fipr joiTss uaiiy at n:w a.m. ; jo.3, mail and express arrives at t;lMn iu. ; No. t ,St Lout? xpredit lesve i"iiy at 2:;i) p.m.; o.lio. t. i.oui express arrives at i:4'f p.m.

Aeniphlt, Nelnin autl llrniiKn irk- - HollyFprmra H'iuie Trnina move a loii'-ws- LeaveMeuiphifl aaity at .;..) p.m.; arrive u ll:Ua.ra.


Bon Aqua Springs,in

OPENS on the 13Ui Jure, 1HS5. i;h manylir?t cla uppoinuiirni.-'- at

re floiKi'riln 'tU'k f . W. B. K' .SKLL.

AP. M'ltlX.S ASO B 11 ( 4LKA- -line Ltthia Wnter; sfo fine Irn Watorfr;.

Hampshire Cm., W, "a. No Fss. No Malar a.IV bore the si'i re:over, D'i the well are alwayshfti 'py. Hend pt:ni S:ct. W. i!. SALK, Prn'r. 4

Tlie Pavilioii IMi

Wolfooro, If. ILabove well known ni:4 f.ivorit- - Hotel, on

the Luk, wiih aecomaioJjtiuns i'. r 20 suestj,will ba oi.eno.l thi. fp ibuii by Mr. O. M. Tilton,! of the Hotel Windsor, Nt Orleans. Theratronase of the citizens of Memhii n J vicin-

ity fdicttcd.Vrice, cxcccJin'y rcaoDHblo. Good fare and

fine muric. OI'.O. M. TILTON', l'rorri"t. r.

llo, For Becrshcba Springsfiiraoa? Rammer Pert oprr.s fr theTHIS ol' thi public JiiupJI.jiIi. to con-

tinue the entire renovated anUand ties for eiuertamuiect

to nottr in the ruth.Hound-tri- tirVca from MTphi?, vit. ah-vli- i,

ci5.iU, witn stop-ov- at Nashville gu'ng urcomuix. L.

Ail nepsry inf'irmation will siipplicd i

ihe I". Dr. JOiiN ri. CjOl'E;!. J;eer':ierori:iK?. irundy lenn., or JOHN 1.KKV. A gont, S'frrh Curt Mf nit hi.-'- Tnn. K.

Ht.bijloxi, sass.OPEN MflnU; ANi) VilSTEE.

deliebtful So.fide Eerort fcT Toa-:-THIS i class AcomuiO'iati'tn. It 5t.ritufted directly the lsh of tha i.i f i.Mfii.-o- , aiid fine Hoiliufe--. Kttiiii r,ItiiuilDir aud Jritln. The urv-tihi-

pure air and ireedom 1'roiu uial iri.oqo nfthe deiirbie :poti on tio 7nIl'alioio.

-- Ho:el First class taArp.i-"tion- room?, by mail or ieie-ra- J(

wiii receive iro!i: pt nttntiir, .P. J. .VuNin0?5.rr.v-ritir-

Bonita iprmgs! 1..

vw orr-v-- o one ciiio from BLArit--L J, :CK. AKK., on Kin?n City h.-.- i. and -

Von.t.hifi.lote liiih. healthy, iilendid t6r and gv-- dLhiLg, K,ttnt'-"-.- l'

jj VriV.i,??' I'miTictor,J

.Forr.-.erl- of Ji". t.Mce:ij

MINERAL SPKZ',Moiitop Coaniy, K. Tenupee.

APKX JI'.Nt Jtil. Thin celehr.ttcd fcuramorK5ort is sitnute 1 on tt.p oi t'aiih'wpf?

;r,it'-et above trie ij"d waurspore atuicphcre, niavnilitTent pcenery acd c'iu

ati'.i'.j. V v.iy line of sta ?

and dailv mail from Allien", Tenn., over a g dT:d. L'itnce. sixteen lull1?. Te egraph ol.' ein bote!, .aiiftir-i- with otiier Hups r.t Athene.Teru renMinabiP, and Special Kate t Fa:ii-ilie- e.

tor ciri!i;irj. rfivinjr analysis f wate;.-- ,CM., address propriet r, T. A. .M AviILL,

Vji:e ClifSprinKS, lenc.Oct

l'nu'UT!''y modern :e octprirgp. Mnny Southern rererenpei. Ort


Old Point Comfort, An.Hygeia Hotel, Not

ftiimitf-r- t 100 Vunli from Fort Monmc.vl'KN all the yertr- AccminodMe" U' Rue?". HOC

L iua! ti an faotM in tre I oita etatcp. hec:v'ije and b'iorie.

ij'iinTriienii. Ltth:Q nad uncxoeUed. Batii- - lleeinn, btaticr, fttid drivintf p'e:ially

Terr! Iv? i: cil iT.iUii!V)d.tli-;i:- Junt;ian any resort in the country. Fare .cp-- mr,free froui malaria un.l funuucive i rctreahicg Jf.nelcep. Send ior dcerr.(,:u c pn . .lull

ii. PilotH a, i'reprjetcr.Eolitji 3000 isiaci? :FebIEEU PAUli AM OxKLlXD,

On the Crjt of the AiIe?hnnio, within the Fa-mous tiiade t Ion. Lircriy on tne Lino

of the E. and O.77? Staye IVidea or iiue :cr?. All Limited

TIir Triris With, the new and uni!!t sheo-.u- on the Lnltimore and Ohio

jKaiir'ja'l lhe?e lovely twin r.'rt.5 arc beyond ailrnipario?! fhe E''t a Ivanuwreou-l- iofiJ,VtoUi to trail. ?crvico al surruundiiir!, of r.ny MEm of tb Ho- kis. Leave Ctn.-m- iti hile.rBuppsr; ter,Parn lor car:y.bre;ikiit.

trains artally tavorro!e. LevoDecrPark aitr upier? --rnve at mnnati -r

breakfast. There is ls a Hay.Lxpre eachwar, maKia Ioubie fwy ; rains erh w.iy.

b. and O. Liiaited itr Washitiseiou and Juai-Bior- e,

via Deer iarit and fk'ntu, leave Cueiu-na- ti

7:' p.m.. srrivir.jr V j aiiigton 1 : v. rn,,l,ltiirore - :lo p.nj. .U. an-- i O. Lunited forcinnti, st. Louw an! iou'.b. via Fuk andlaklaad.le.ive lialtimoro 'Z : p. ta., arri ios at

Cri"' r.nau at 7 a.m., ht. Louie '3 :: p.m.Matfaiii.-en- Trains 1 hroaifb VS itnout .barc.

BUcinjf, i'Arlor, 'a:r.i!y-ru'-- and lay Cov:heJ.Hifcta lK'ii June U'JI. No i'licsl No

Wrwiuitos : No Hay Fever! No Malaria!leor Fark and 0..kiand, the one bein but fix

yniied distant from ilie other, wit:i the iuo-- t

ch iriuinK drives conne'inar thetii. wiii be ui;dr?rthe Diaitdiiieut of Mr. W. J. W ALivKH. wh ,;rtlis two mviMtCS inanrercent of bear Parc. nia-i-

any enthu iirti friends of the iilorio;j?nnionK bo ut hern pe.(oe. L O. Teler.ii hniM, in ooin noie o Livery and r.t

I.aaudry. All i LiiiiHTitton fnoui'i teadarcsii to W.J. Water. U'i'tn '"v 'Lto'., as

w.d. M i.j up to June i .n. Aiitr ucid't. ':Thr I'eer Park or Oakland, Xd.

k AT Kri t;nd ; er riontu, accord insto locations. Ti od 0. fp;treJno extent in beer Park and "kj:mdthe Al'.untu?i ita..rta of the ;, andlor ta qo.uon of the tiraction wui Iom .

cbara-te- r not hitherto .fuiied. and the cuiiuol' both hca.-c- s r.ot Tae i inest i'iacefnr f h in f"i In'-

This EFLTorhp.-'..e'--to- riiiide i y

s Cure oi ueenerauoavfiVfHl thi, n ortrun?.

Ilhcfe ie DO li;.f:il..e POo'it.jtjxPic.B&y iii iflftruxelit t':. .;n- -a3

"X ,x.t!.r.KB U.C pru ' ; T , it V .u.r. to healmy

atiLri Uiil.1 U.U with Llectrn! lu

i t t.j it iidvflf.icd to ear ii att ,r cirouKTMKTv- -(to'y-r'.- I'urpcrse.lor tro u.n r.,r'naiionf .ndure theevsr LiecUiC

v kiV


ft: 'J


-- "ti'i ' 5 at


funeral Director, l1)

204 n'a Street. Memphis, Ttun.A TI LL r.f Wooden and Metallic Caiei, and CafKb1' liuristl Kohen, etc., aiai3 on

hand. Urderfc by Jolegrapb or l'uleihuue !.

7 attended t


tti vjil Mi.Dt; 'torn work ? r""Vitemtr of Italia tu .id , aiiUJ.1.:

s i.t: iw. .x fat ir- - ' .c..;-.;- i

AoxiCK or xioDIKKC'TOKS.

Mtxpnn, May 10. 1HSS.

rockh.-";d- if tho fitTUE Cori.fJiiy re herei.y n..U!ied lh;vt aeleAiva l .r tiireetun Fill be bcld at thevu.l&.u7'e ofli-- e, crner of ilrim and London.ireo-,o- Taur.- - iny, June r;t 1

K. L1 ll.tV i tlAibki'., President.

Bcr"Pi;tbon:n2 0ttnecnnrcn oi ;waiisiSB tiiiUOp UJ U1B tUAlYai..


XotLiug Iringpired in linanoial or com-

mercial circles last week to in any wayaffect the money market. Baukers con-

tinue to report businesa dull, moneyabundant aud t.iy at 6 to 8 per cent, dis-

count. The wet k'd buBineas atregate atthe bankg ohovrs a decided falliug-of- f, aacompared with thatof the preceding wek,the CieariDlicase Bta'erneiit appended:

I.n-- t W?cV Week PreviousMonday SH"i.t.: h7

uefiiuy ... l.ii.ft! M h.,,w 10Wednoxlay .. ll',,. t I'M,: WThurrtav .. !,t,'".:n :." 177,' '.'IFriuuy .. l.'.-l- t is vm,.--

batuidiiy .. ti,n"J M 7i,41 IS

Total!,T'2: 14 "SSame week . 67".l!f siSame week i . 5;'.2,,.,&0 (w

In general nte the week was barren ofinterest locally, excepting what attachedto the cpeninj; oi the potato trade. i!utthat has not fairiy begun yet, and therewas very little activity amoui; the producedealers, l'rovisions and breadstuils de-veloped no material chancre in tone orpries. Kes3 are duli and lower thaii at thecIcro of the ptevious week, with an iibu:.d-an- t

supply on the market. Groceries andgeneral supplits quiet and unchanged.

Tt e cattou marset aiso ho3 b?en veryquiet, the tono rulitig dud but SIM ly atthe decline reported. All accounts fromthe Krowinjj crops are very favorable. A neven; of the week was the advent of thefirst bloom, which this season cornea 1:1

dttyB earlier than, and from a numberlocalities, iiidica.-int- an nnusual

of tue crop's advancement. Sum-marizing the weed's business, the marketopened dull but steady, miduiing quottd

10 jc, the price ruiiug at the close of t';eweek, and closed dull but steady at 10'c,

the following comparative table indi-cates :

JuneiO h Junrl'ithOrdinary o:o. i,oir..lOod Onlinary - :'Ki iLow Middiics...- - l'l l"'n.Mid.llinc H;iHood ;iidd!'r.f 1' hMiddiint: 1'air v1"-'- J'".i'a;r Xum. Xoiii.

istaiaa, ir.i..'4i:; liliKeS', yj.aiot'.Keceirts at Memphis dnitng the week

aeK'reguted 414 bulcs, against tilt) buleathe previouj wee!.-- , 4"'l the

a-- last and 5S'71SSU. The total receipts Biuco Soptem-l;e- r

1, 1SS4, were 4l'o,1H ba!--

444.K12 ba'es at the torrt-spondir- perio;!last season, a decrci'.ae of Is, t'lS bales. Atitie same time in lSsil the receipts were50U,47j bales.

Miipmeuts during the week aggregatedjso baler, lltj bales the previous

week, 27G4 baled ti.e corresponding weeklaot season, arid 14;'J ba es in 18tSJ. Thetotal shimuenU since September 1st wre41.S.2.)!) bales, atrainst 4:'.7,0j1 bales iu 18SJ,aud 4S3,31 bales in lsso.

The total stock on band was 12,4117bales, ajrrtinbt 14,U1'.I bales at this timeList rear; in lbtKS, i.'.;,023 bales.

Sales in Memphis during the weekapgiegated 700, of which ex-porters took bales, ppinners 700bale?, acatnst a total of 2'JJ'J tales lastweek, of which bales were t export-ers, and -- ) bales to spinners. Totalbales since SDtitomber 1, 1S4, to close ofthis week, 375,230 bales, of which 174,575bales were to ezpoiiere, and 2 !0,475 bales toEpinr.ers and speculators. Micdiing dullbut s'eady, at 10c.



TT i 3 Lnr--I ThisYear Vt Yea

Mem. K ! 7,.v, t'i.715Mifi. x 'Icon. 1; U

i X. i. S. Kit '1 4'".liT 47, 1.3

C.,0. W. Itt; 1

!.. O. X I . Bit S i.:,.;-- j

C. S. M. Kit S'l7MU?i.. .ipl.i Kiver "ii fcl,i7Whit. Kiver 11 lO.Mj li.171

Fmnoi- - Kiver.Arkaii.tip Kiv.tto- -

.l river.-- , lrfi.... 4,475 7,H3Wagons and oth-3r-

sources6. 4 B. UR

Total.. 11 421 'jjil.llt ii(.vaiWEEKLY STATEMENT OK SHIPMEXT..

Jl'Mv 1'.', 1. BEB 1ST,kOCTJ!.

This Last This iLmtYear. Year. Yoar.j Year.

?.ra. A Char. ?. i! 47 12! 5,277 ,V$Miss Teiiti. Bli M.fiiS 77.2o

X. . S. KM 1.210 - :lii!.7:ilC.x.irS.W. KK l.a l.lii St.tciL..X.O. IT. KH 4J,-'- i4

Mein.ALit.hkKK.teasaer. north... 4.117 81,31- i.?'.ibujamerp south fit.oU

Igul 4..'-v- 2,7'il HS.2f,! 'fn.'f'lcoriLss or ins Mnvtriiis market. 2,

The foilowini; shows the course of tiieMemphis market and the prices of mid-dling cotton from tha opening of the sea-son as compared with the same time lastvear :


2 J

Sept.... r; 2., 47St.t....i.'; l.o. 4,.'.:?ert....l.'! o 4.VJSe.t...W; 1.9--- 12'); ,10

3j 4.iIll' lt.': .'.17 I".' 'ft

'22 1)

it ,i S.. Ri.i:.

....i '"..7'- - Jlo7 ....2

11 7.72--- ' p;.27 ' 21 ', 2,,.41 " ' 1''12 .".r-J,.- ; ' ." ii 2: I"

Iier-- Jsg..C-r- i.7'; 21.110 tv'oS i.js2 17.:7 :.-

-' '.' l:.-.- i;.$r. in2 B.Ii- s.mi i4.w lii. v

".s";. :t...7 l''.'.i27 !2,4.-- 10.7""Jot).. . 1'i 1". o.'.n'j l.l.'Jll 11S.' 0.7'' I"

n o S.M11 11 - li,4' 1"

. 0.211 H.ipi !4,i i" l '7.2".t r'.2" ateh o . pi l'l." lo

f. 7. I::.:'. 1.' 7". 0.17

rb 2 '! 5,1 U- l'i,7".i27: 4,7".. ii'-- y, .1

Var o, 74." 1.10' .:!' !:'' S,:4i V.! 4.'MV.r..-.2- i' ..ti Ti.ti'.'. tt,4--

y.r IT ;.2..! r, iM"; 7..N- -

April .. 31 2..'.' 4J.Hl! 7.:April ..I'll l.'.'- -t n.27'-- 4J.iU 1,4'- -

A.r'l..l' l.C ;,i17! ' .V..U'.' :S.y.-

April 2S! 1, 7 ,.'.'t H4.110: 2.02 1',.May i.7t HI,: 21, s 11 inMay l,o 1.- -- "'ill',y... .1, l.i 12 '.'7.0 w.'.':i' 2.iMy t J ..' '7 2,loi 22,1:17, ofliny :i.o',i ZM7 2,'.iJulo... ' B.471- - 17.1:' 3.1'Jone.. .'l:i b.i l.l'Hi HL'-W-

June.. 2' 411 4.S5 12 -',

The moveraejit of the crop ct tsenty-i- x

interior towns op to Janeltuh, was as follows i Iieceipta, 52ii0 baits,aiciinst 2tioS bales feet year increase2W1 btit-s- ; and against 8513 bales in

decrtaui, 3274 bales. .Shipments,13)27 bales, ags:iit 70,VJ bales last yp.r

iaercas. 5138 bales, and astiinst l'.',076bales in IS'm decrease, 6W4 bai Stock,o't.'.M:! bales, ayiinst 45,y34 bales Jiityear decrease, 5'JtH bales; and asraitiHtNS,240 bales in 1883 decrease, 48,21)7

ofbales.The plantation movement for the Creole

ending Friday, June 17th, was as fciiow?,compared v.nh the three previous years;

Tiis week, FH",

"Inisweelv, Jv,4: - 1.i"2Ifcisweek, lir-- i ...: 2 s

The total visible e'ipply, June J'.Hh,vaa l,t'J7,27iJ buies, ogaiust 2,280.818 balesthe hkiic time last year, 2,403,525 bsl3 iu18b3, and 2,158,450 iu 1882. The abovefigures indicate a decrease in the cotton-i-eight of 283,548 bale3 ascompsred with thecame date of 1884, a decrease oi k3,2j5bales 3 compared with the correspondingdate cf IroJ, and a decrease of 101,13'J

compared with 182..Liverpool begau tbfl week dull at

Sir-t- closed dull and irregular5 Saturday evening.

Liverpool lutnroa bean the week eapv5 d etdiers for i una deliveries, and

closed with June quoted itui ii. 5buyers.

iiew York ppits bean the week otcadyiv 1 be, below the price ruling for

middling at the clotse last Saturday. De-

clines of ic we.a reported during thejreek, reducing the price ci 'niddiing cot-ton vi JO on which the wei closed.The Ne Vork future market closed witiiJane deliveries (.noted at 10.28 :id0.30.

'ew Orleans spots be-a- the week eusy,with u.iddiirg quoted at 10fe, ic beiow

price mlmg at tue close isst batur 'day. pecHiies of 'a were made, and .howeek clove l .tead, vita middling quoted

10c. The Mew Orleans future marketclosed with June onoted at 10.00y,;U.02c.

ADAILY ItHI'ORT.The a,n and security marketa are

unchanged, tiuuunfcs ruiing every where.'J he cotton msrket cIoe Jd dul! but aieady,

with tniddiing quotod at lOc, anu s; of50 baha reported. Iteceipta were balfcs, CnoiiS oi wbicii were by river; shipments, 21balt-c- ? which none were by river, btock,12,3i;7 baia. .Vew York snots closed sttadv,middling qnoted at 10lc; ei'veiRarely steady, June Quoted at 10 .1'JCiJ

20," end other months 7 to o pointslower. huZ Orleans epotd clw onyand irrstuiar ti futures closed steady,Juno quoted at iOc and othermonths 0 to 8 points love. Liverpoolspots closed quiet, moderate inquiry,quoted at 6 futnrea fiosedweak, June, June-Jul- 6 buyers.8toci at Liverpool, June lyth, 816,tkJ0balea, acainnt Sti3,000 bales same date lastyear, ioceiptxi et tli Ucitod 8u.tes portsyesterday, 21 biilej.

The produce dealers are toe only activebneinecs men in generai trade, sn tho7eompla'n that business is not what itshould be at tins e! ago of that line oi trade.Proviaionc are quiet aud uuchauge i. K.'j;3and poultry tr j I abundant atd lo.ver.Others uncbar.g.:a. Liiceiptg snd ehip-ment- s

yesterday were as foi owsIJ POUTS.

One liundied and twenty-eigh- t tea ba-con and Imii, 50 eks bran, 0pkgs butttr, 42 pkga boots and

m . marked the steel'Lea

lcent could be lCIVAlllC, wa um

shoes, 4225 bu corn, 3 cura cotton-seed, 797 sks cotton eeed, 11 pkgs cheese,60 sks colii-e- , Jo hd cattle, 20 rues drygjods, 71 pkgs egM, 1750 brls flour, 4 hdhoirs, 1 car hay, ti hd horec--a and mules,100 pkes'lard, 76,000 ft lumber, 40 pk;raliqunre,275 brls meal, 576 bu oats, 26 brlspotatoes, z cars bulk port, 100 brls packeapork, 88 brls sogar, 2:ta pkgs tobacco andoUO bu wneat.


Three hundred and twenty brls apples,21 tea bacon and bams, 184 sks bran, U

br's beans and peas, 13 pkgs butter, 114pkgs boots and eno3, 4ttl4 bu corn, 50baia cotton-set- a oil. 6U42 rks cotton-see-

oil meal, 3 pkas cheese, 182 sks coffee, 31

hd cattle, !'8 pkgs dry goods, 4 pkgs etrgs,52 brisllrmr, 1(' bales ijay, 14 lid noiaesand mules, 122 ukg4 laro, bu(w It lumber, 21 p'g4 liijuora, 410 brls meal, 36 brlsmolafes. 117 k EiiU. 23 bu oats, 32i2bris potatoes, 2 cars bulk polk, Yi brlspacked poik, 118 bris sngar and 173 pkgstobacco.

i'lXAlfCli!.Money 6 to 8 ;ercent. on satisfactory

Tiie foiiowing showB the clearances and baiauecs, tha rates of exchangeand prices of local stocks and bonds at theCio-- cl vesterdav 9 business

Clearances j'epf erdny, S127.22S 23 ; thusfar this week, i:127,22S 2:1; same time iastweek, $13J,18ij 3!; same week hwt vear,SOl.t. iii hi i euino week in ,1 s.S. J 1 i . ,84 L 84

lialanoca yesterday, S40.257 S; thus fartbt.)Wfek,44t),.o bbuio time last weeK,$44,7 IS 48; same week year, $10,-38- 2

!)o; week in 1S83, $35,083 SI.jiCiiAXtiiv.

Xevr York. purt rrcm'tvr li-;-.r.,- i licnialtd r-

X.T sight -- ..S dlfi ,,i,ef 'Jrieun. aisi'J par

BANK KTOUIis,Park of roir:nerco........ i.ir0First Nat o il 127 ijOtie, t, biocal - ......I'-- ' ",Munh-ittM- .l''o" 17.1

:i; .Sa:i 1J S Li.I'nion .c i'luiiLors !42, 145Mercantile.- .- .. u.?3

lixiiURAXCB ST0CK5.HomoId'iCCity l(.';oil'oooloj Y2 ! :rPlanter! , KiV'iloaFt;o?iiix - . City lloiiiu-- j

Vanar.r'oik - . V"' 2dHornar.oo ..1'.' SliHAn.Estos - 30

RAILWAY STOCKS.Memphis and CLiricnon ... 3S

and Yennossee '' 4'JLoui:iriie and Xahviiio o'4Mobile afld OUio

ft 1LH AY l'"J"ieuii-hi- aoo f cong .la lo.Meo.'pnii and tlo Hook iet luort Ss ...ll'i fcllo

,iUlj. ippi u. .eon-a.i- con?oiu ...117 Sfci2nileoldliitu L ouriOBSee eoDolsli. eo

'.KLLASK'S.Tflxin-Diftrii- :. .l.roi!i;.-- ojhob b (s inMouip qIi; .Mori. . ?" ? 97Me.apiiiri tiao my stock d0 a 5

Meiur-in- on.31 .oy bondfl loj iiSl'-l--l', ater i oonds, luroruod iat ( 1'

Meiu. iii? Water C slock M InNlemphis City bot. . : . old &Ulem; iiir lity ot;roiuife bondd, uo- -

EtdTll!ied 7SIcint his City coui:oti5 Iroin old bonds. i4iciiii-l-i- City coup, from coinp. bondd. oil (S

Meaiph'S C.ty ledxor bulatiooii tm 42Memi uit Cit iud.T. on coup. K londi?... 'M t'4.N'o:iiphisCiiy ir.deotedness of

county (M-i- 0 lt.ii,.) ton t)8.1o:tftl'riSheliiy county w arrants...- -. tM t foPioaoer Cotton Mills &0 (S 60

Hy I'elefifri!.New York, June 22. Money on call easy

at 1 per cent. Primo merc.nti'o paper42,5. Foreign exchange dull and steadyat 48o for sixty days, and 480 for de-mand.

Bonda Government bonds are quietand steady at unchanged quotations, ex-cept the 4 per cents, which are down J.There was a little more business in tjtatobonds this afternoon and quotations aresteady. There has been an enormousbusiness y iu Shore firsts andKrie second con;o!?, ti;e sales cf the formeralone btiag about double an average d',y'abuBincss in the whole list. The fcauie in-

fluences that acted in the decline in theYander'i ih. ctused a break iu West Shore'sfirsts oJ, at which, ti.ey sold in themornin;;, to 3", from which thev rallied j,but clobcd at 35 J, a net loss of 2j percencTbe Iratii.-vctior.- s in these bonds during thelist hour ai.'i ir.uted to 815,000, and for thed3y to 2,2(jl,ti. "J. The transactions in Eriesecond c vn-o'- sgi ated $131,000, thebonds declining at fame time from 53, atwhich they opened, to4'-'j-, at wiiich heyclosed, a loss oi 2,L percent. The other istneswere moderately active, the sales aggte-ga'.in- g

$7:.U,00,, iiiakirg the total sale3 o:ail bonds y 8i,3o2,0iJd, the largestbusiness in runny icomns iu that class ofsectiri'.i'.-?-. With the exception of the bondsmentioned, prices are generally higher,although a number of issues displayedsome weakness in the early transactions.Chesapeake and Ohio 0, series A, are up

S:. I'.uii fii'd'.t, Ss , the 7a, gold, f , tbecjnolht.v.ed 7s 1, aud tiie terminal 5s j,Iowa Jlidland firsts J, Winona and St.i'etera firstx lJ;,Hi3riebjn and Texas Centralfinite, coupon oil, 2, aod the western firsta, cor.pon oti', 1. Northern Ta-cll- ij

b3 rejisiered 1, Xeiaa and PaciiieGrand division 0a 11.

Sto-jk- The week op?ued ou the StockExchange with a strong ana active mar-ket. First prieea were in nearly ail cases

to i per cent, higher than the closingquotations lapt Saturday, and aithougasome ii; tie feverishness waa shown in eariytrsMction3 the market soon becamesteady, ana then s'rong, and bo coaiiuueduntil about 1 o'clrck. T'.t was eiinp'y a

of the strength end activity dis-

played iast week, without any sp.t'rao 'icadvance-:)- the gains ritngicg ia most ca-te-

from J to' J pei L?nt., but St. I'aul, Louis-ville and Xaahviile and J.ackawarjca rcsaitoli per cent , with large traurat-i.'.ti- s in.UiP.n:itJaet mentioned. It was in Lacka-wanna that the jreticw was dis-

played in early dealing? It openedand soon declined J ps cnt, to

102:. but by 1 o'clock it was agiin selling10:;;c. A determined attack was then

mnJn by some of the leadi.-i- ? b.oker oper-ative- a

upon the YanderbiMj and Lacka-wanna, which was continued throughoutthe aiutrnoon and vhi.h r,tuited in adecline of It to i'J per cent,for these stocks f.otn the highestprices ot the d iy, and 1 j per cent, for theremainder of the ac'ivo lis', except UnionPacifie, which only fell 3, but wiiich rr.B9

tt,c Jorenoon only L ihe m&tket clostdweak at or w.tUu 1 per cent, in most C4' e :

the lowe it f c( end J to 2 per cent,lower than tbo final quot.iii-t'- on Satur-day. The heaviest decline was in tiewYork Central, 2 per cent., but Lake Shorssnd Michigan. Central arc elf 1 J each, a? dCenUal of New Je-so- y li per cent. Theother declines v. ere fcr frftotionul amajnU,b'aion Paciiic and Korthwe-t.,r- n eachshowing a l"s of ; Canadian Pacific andWestern L nicn, f, and I'acitic Mail, Mani-toba, Omaha preferred and Northern I'a-cil-

preierred, each J per cent, The ex-ception to the ruie is an advance of i inLouisviii and Nasbvilie. The break thisafternoon was accompanied t-- staiementsthat the aliened sci.eme for the Buttieinent

the truub.e bet'C-s- the NewYork Cen-tral and the Shore had i.??n brokenoil' and various other jetjortS of a siruiiarnature. Lito thia tftornoon n dispatchfrom Chic-g- o was received and circulatedon the street, however, to the cii2Ct thattbe pool agent there wm in receipt oladvices that a general rustor.ttiou offreight rates will be ordered to take effectJuly 1st, when it is expected that theCentral Trallia Association will begin cp-eri-

'?, and passenger rat-- s will be ad-

vance! 7. 'Iho total sales iy

have been the largest to. "ne time pat,amounting to 214, 200 shares, and tLo busi-net- s

was very well distributed, there beingno very active sleeks, except Lackawannaand St. luaL Tha iotl Bales of stocks

y were 214,233 shares, iEilndia Letaware, Lackawanna and Western, 42,'dki;Like Shore, 10, ISO; Louicville and Naau-vill- e,

13 1 i0; Northwestern, 10,8('5;NewJersey Central, il,4S0; l'acilic Mail, 43ii5;St. Tattl, 39,070; Union Pacif.c, 11.650;Western Union, 20,2i0. Closing quota-tioii- a


'IT. S. Ss. V.-- i, 1 '",. -44s,ll2 i,. F!fi3a ofl'Oo.127.

BODS.C. P. firstn, 114. T. P. land (trantd,Krie seoond., 4 . T. P-- . Kioti.d;v.,5.V.3.Lsui:-;- : A V.ilKes, V. V. first, ll.i'-i- .

Louitwrii 1.";: "U, " b. P. lnd Kranld, l'"'i!4.,Miuuri os, . !'. P. Eink. lund, ,21''.St. Joai-'ph- 117'.. Vi.vUia Ss,bt.P.t o. C.Srsw. 120. Va. con., eit;T7. c.

enn. lis, old, 47r.. Ya. oondols, dl'd,Teuu. C, neff, 47'4.

SroctsAdams ExproF... Morrii! k E., ofl"d, 112.',.Alleheuy Coolml, . l ashviil. & 0 .

Alton i. 'i'erre 11, iB. X.J. Central. .'!:'Ta.

A T. II., Pfd, 0". Norfolk 4 W. Ida. 11.AliiO'LjiU ).i press, W. Northern Pacilie, .

L., c. 1'. i. 11., . Xorthern P. pf,i,o; .

Canada i ariCc, 10. Cii-'se- 4 X. W., '.i2 h.Canada ISouit'.orD, '.'.I. C. 4 H. V.Ceutral PaciHc, ;'ii. Xew i ork Ccn., i,,1.Chesnpealie and O., 4. tibio Ceolral,PiO. Istpfd, S. Ohio Jk . U'-w-

i: O 24 old. t'i. Ohio A it pld, 521!.Chicago 2 iiitoo, 135. Oulnrio Jt West., 7'b.C. A. Mi, Yu. OrcicoD XuviKatioTi, 74C, P. i VS.. tuei. vli T rar.fl., luMC, t t. L. 4 X. 0... Orft'-- I'lip., Zc, st. n. s c e.eiuc .MailC.,8t. L, A P. pld, 14S- - Panama. iC, 8. i C, l'J. P., b. t., v-i-.

C. 4 U.. 1.2. Pitkiburg. 141.Pel. A ilud.,7'.i. Pullman Pui Car,, L. W., Keadir.K, 14 'i.ben. ii hiool., ... Kock Lsiacd, U't'i.Krie, to. L. A S. t ., in.Erie pfd, 20. St. L. 4 8. F.,pfd. 31 ,.Kt lenu., 3. hi. L.iei-F.J.- t ,id.li2'-- ;Fan Tenn. idl. . C 8t. P., 7'i.."ifort Wayae. Hi. CM. 4 8t.,P.,pld.lo7;i.llunnioa.1 4 M. jo, tit. V., M. ii M.. HI.11. it bt. JO ptu, . 8t. P. A Omaha, 21.JH-ri- t"t. P. A O., pld, Tiii.lloui'.on iT.,21. t Toxiss Pr.iifie, UPJ.Illinois Central. Iv.S. I'nion Paciiic, o2.7v.Ind. B. i V.,H'-i- . U. 8. Kxoreas. ifc T ., . W., Ft. t. A P., I.LpA ii. A W.. 2. ' W.,St.L. AP.,pid, S.Lake titi're. 5,, . Wellsi Freo Kx..lil.Loa. A Ntsa. ) . W. U. Tel.lii'i.Loo. A.. C:!crado Cool, 10JS.M.A C, 1st t fd, . lioiuo. ii.Ue, 1 1.v.. A 0. 21 11k- ,-. Iron silver. -Mout. Jt Ciiaf., Oatiirio, 2.'.Michigan Cootre', 52,'i. i1.Min. 4 c. L.i 12. Ouicknilver. pid, 22.M. A fet L. pfd. 27. boutb P:,citic,

.:s 1 butro, 17.Moi-.ji- A

Boston, June 22. Tbe following tablecompiled from special dispatches to the

i rnr,-c- ;. .- -.- t ' ... iPux, L


TECjB MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-TUESDA- Y, JUNE 23, 1S85.Boston PotL, from managers of tb lendingclearinghouses in the United States, givesclearances for the week ending June 20th,toget.lior with percentage of increase anddecrease, in comparison with the corre-sponding week last year:

Now York. J440,(n9,74; decrease, 17.4:Boston, 8 ,,174.'.m: dooroao, 0.1.Philadelphia. decren.e, 9.1.Chicniro, ineroase. 2.'..Pt. Louie, li.'t.'iol.'.iU ; decrease, 3 9.Baltimore, $ increase, Francisco, 210.S7ti,lol ; inoroae, 21.1.llimonrmLi. SH. ').! (IW: inorease., r7.27'i,22H: dc.Tea.e, H9.Kkoiiilh ijity, $1,522,170; increase. 45.2.Isew Orleans. ',l77.l.41; deereumj, 2.2.Atilwaukce, f2.',ji,lNNj; decreatto, 9.1.Louitivilie, .t,i.4.407: decreao, 1.6.Providence. $l,u4o,mu; decrease, 26.3.Iletroit. f.',40S,4'o; increaee, 2.4.Omaha, S2,03S.i'22.Clovelaml, ill, '.'SI, 175: docrea.e, 6.7.Indianapolis, decroape, SJ.7.llartlord, $1,441.70.1; increone, ii.").Columhu-- , ll.liu.mjO; decrease, 5.1.New Karen. Sl.oH.IMH; d crease. O.S.

7:t 1.721s iDCreane, 13.0.Sprioftlield, S,2ii,170; ineroiue, 3.2.

orcci'tcr, 2710 17o; decroase. 7.3.-- Peoria, ; decreime, 4.b.hyracujie. So22,f,z2; deoreaje, 4 9.Lowell. 511.l7; increase, 11.1.Total, e:74,'.i;i.72e ; decroai-'e- , J2.4.OuUide New York. f2.H.'.i'i.'i,'.,SJ; docrerufl, 1.3.Koto. Omaha is Dot iuctuded in the totals.New Ohlkans. June 22. Sight ex

change on New York, $2(52 50 per 1000premium; bankers sterling, 480.

London, June 22. Consols, 99 formonev, ana iris lor tiie account; LmteaStates bonds, 4a, 115J ; Atlantic and GreatW eatern hrsts, 83jj ; Canadian 1 acihc, 41t ;

Erie, 10 1 ; Erie, seconds, 54J; Mexicanordinary, 20J; St. I'aul common,New York Central, M ; Pennsylvania, 50;Keading;, 7$.

Paius, Jane 22. Three per cent, rentes,81f, 70c, for the account.

THE COTTON MARKETS.The local market opened aud closed

dull but steady, with quotations un-changed, snd eaies ol bales reported,all to spinners. Quotatations at tha closewere:

ateaterday Day Beforftom. ftom.

tloodOvdiuary . '.1J4 H

Low Middling.. 1" 1"Middling lo' 10'.ttood Middling. ln'-i- Hi.'--

Middling iair 10'a W,ifair - Nom. Kom,

titaiaii, tlif.'40; Linges,

Keceipt3 of cotton yeeterday, 32 bales;total to date, 426,210 bales, against4 15,514 bales same time but year, sad 506,-72,- 8

bales in 1SS3. Shipments yesterdav,21 bales; total shipments to date, 418,485bales, leaving stock on hand ye&terday, 12,-33- 7

bales.New York spots opened quiet, closed

steady, middling, 10;c, and tales of 1728Imiea. Euturea opened quiet and closedbarely steady ; June quoted at 10.193il0.20,against 10.28(o 10 30 the previous day, withother months 7 o 8 points lower. Sales,64,000 bales. Iieceipts, bales; btock,245,041 bales.

New Orleans spots opened quiet, Closingeasy and irregular, middling 10c, andBales of 1500 bales. Futures opened quietand steady, closing steady ; J uue quoted10 neked, aud other months 6 to 8 pointslower. Sales, 20,300 bales. Receipt, 13bales; Btock, 56,tt:!6 bales.

Tbe conditions at other domestic mar-kets at the close yesterday weroas follows:

Galveston, ecsy at lOJa; receipts, 17bales; stock, 3088 bales.

Mobile, nominal at 10c;receipts,21 bales;stock, 7:81 baies.

Savannah, nominal atlOJc; receipts, 10bales; stock, 2114 baies.

Charleston, quiet at 10c; receipts, 4bales; stock, llit'4 bales.

Wilmington, lirra at 101 c; receipts,bales ; stock, 400 baies.

Noifolk, steady at 10 Jc ; receipts, 20bales; stock, 1815 bales.

Baltimore, nominal at lOJc; receipls,bales ; stock, 5005 baiea.

Boston, quiet at lOjC ; receipts, 101 bales ;Gtoek, 0310 baies.

Philadelphia, dull at 10 c; receipts,22 bales ; stock, 8020 bales.

St. Louie, nominal at l'Jie; receipts, 12bales; stock, 5008 bules.

Acgusla, dull at lOJc; receipts, 3bales ; stock, 2U34 bales.

Recripts at the ports, 217 bales, against327 bales same day last year, and 1034bales tiie year before.

Keceipta at the ports 3 days this week,1540 bales, against 815 bales same timelast week, and 1053 bales same week lastyear.

Exports to Great Britain. 71S0 bales.against ?3'.!3 bales same time last week,ana vasj bales same week last year.

Stocks at all United Slates ports yesterday, 340,700 bales, against 375,100 balessame time; lust week, and 357,759 balessame week last year.

lotal receipts at the porta thus far thisseason, 4,703,826 bales, against 4,720,504bales same time last season, aud 5,N),2U4baies in.lSsL Decrease in receipts, 25,709baies.

Total foreign exports, 3,fi!.i0,049 bales.against 3.654,700 bales same time last season, and 4,505,141 baies in 1883.

Liverpool spots at noon were q notedquiet, moderate inquiry, with sales of 8000bales, ol wtnen bsc'O were American. Receipts, 3000 bales, of which 1300 wereAmerican.

At 12: Ordinary, 5 : good ordinary.5 low middling, 5 good mid-dling, 5 uplands, 5 ll-16- d; Orleans, o:j.l.

Liverpool futures at noon were dull atadvance; July-Angns- t, 5 43 6'd; August-Saptc-mbe- r,

5 d ; September-Octobe- r,

5 40-- 0 Id; October-Novembe- r, 5 39 6 Id;uece moer-danuar- 0 30 04d.

At z: Utnl: June. Jnne-Jul- ovalue ; July-Augus- t, 5 sellers ;

5 , value; Soptem-ber-Octobe- r,

6 4 o4d, buyers; October- -ivoveffiaer. a value; No.ember- -

December, 5 . buvererTBefember- -

Januarj. 5 35 64d, buyers; January-Februar- y,

5 value.At 4: June, Jane-Jul- 6 3d Bid. buyers:

July-Angus- t, 5 sellers; August- -&i;pteai!er, o 44 Old sellers; fcepternber-Octobe- r,

5 12-- id, value ; October-Nove-

ber, o sellers; November December, 5 34-0- value; December-Januar-

6 34 Old, value; January-Februar- 0 36-6- 4

I, vaiae.Futures closed weak.


The foliowrng is a rotiord of bids, offer-ings and tianEiystions during yesterday'ssession of the Call Boara:

coaN.No. 2 white, spot, 5Sc bid, 57c asked :

June, 5,'c bid, 5c asked ; Juiy, 58c aiksd ;

August, bucatkeu; year, 15c asked; No.4 white, 40c asked. No. 2 spot, 4ojc askedJune, 4;;ic asked; July, 48AC bid, 4'iicasked; year, lie bid, 43c asketb No. 3Epot, 40c bid. No. 4 spot, 0c bid.

OATS.No. 2 white, spot, 37c bid; June, S7Jcbid ;

July, 34c bid. No. 2 spot, 37c bid, 3iic; July, 35c asled; August, 33c

asked ; year, 30 jc bid.COEKJIEAL.

June, 2 70 asked ; July, J2 CO asked.

BititVDsi t rrs.Corn White, 65c; mixed 56c, from

store. From levee white, 60; sacked,58:; bulk; mixed, 53ie sacked, 50Jc buik.

Hay Strictly choice, from store, $1 ;

prime, 90to)ti5c; prairie, 55c; round lotsfrom levee or depot, choice, $2050; prime,

17 50,2-18-; prailie, $11$U 50.C.-.t- j W bite, 48i, and mixed, 45c from

store. Round lots from levee or trackwhile, sacked, 4t; mixed, 6ecked, 44c; inbuik, white, 4o44c; mixed, oiJjc.

EK-ti- Front, store, 75c perct; roundlots from levee. $14 per ton.

ConsM KAir ietaadurd, $2 h0(23; pesrl,i3 75ti4 from store; 5c cheaper from mill,levee or track.

liinxa Navy, $1 75(7T1 85 ;mediam.$l 50ff.l r,6. Table peas, $t ijf)l 75 per bushel,block peas, no demand.

Oatukax. In half barrels, 4 from.

Vy.m tfKD WHaAT In half barre'a, $4 50Loin btoi u..

Floor Frm taore, triple 6tra. f i !J04 60; family, choice, J5 25ti",5 50 ;

fancy, tr75l2,0; extra fancy, $6; patents,i-- i 5ta a 75 ; round lota Lorn levee ortra k l'Xidoc cheaper.

Iio!iir (I"its From tfore, $3 75e.Rich Louiiiaa, 5lg,CJc;

7jc.CKAOKKas Eoda, extra,4c; la,double

extra, 5c; assorted jumbles, ti i,le extra,10c ; finger sntps, extra, 7c

Loiisvillk, Jace 22. Omn easier.V.'heat No. 2 longberry, $1 02 . So. 2 red,tl. Corn Ho. 2. mixed, 50Je; No. 2 white,oOjc. Oats No-- . S miked, '37c.

Cincinsati. June 22. Flour quiet;f.imilv, $1 354 6'J; fancy, $4 70(25.Wheat heavy; No. 2 rrd, $loj;102;

230J bu; shipments, 3iXKt bu. Corafirm; No. 2 mixed, 4ic. Gats dull nnd lower; No. 2 mixed, iioj 0.36JC. Kyo in fairdemand; No. 2, 69pi;70c. Barley out ofmarket.

New Orleans, Jnne 22 Flour dull andnominal; choice, $175; fancy, $4 90(3,5;extra fancy, 5 40. winter wheatpatents, i5 7o; iiinneaota patent process.$5 50. Corn dull; in sacks, mixed, rj8c:yellow, 6i)j; white, 71c. Oats dull ana

Louisiana, ordinary to prime, 4'to5cBran duil and easier, 82 85c. ."

Kansas City, June 22. Whiat re-c- ei

pts, 1 0,689 bu ; withdrawal.", 3438 bu ; instore, 076,756 bn ; market opened weak ;No. 3 red winter, cash, OSic bid, O'icrskel;July, 110 dtferings; August, 6.8c bid, 70casked; No 2 red winter, cash, 7ebid, 7SJcasked; July, 79 Jc bid, 79 jc asked ; August,5000 bu at 82Jc Corn receipts, 15,839bu ; withdrawals, 5830 bu ; in store, 183,607

bu; raarket weak ; Juue, 37c asked, 36 jcbid; July sales, 38c; August sales, 39c;No. 2 white, 4j2jc asked.

St. Louis, Jane 22. Flour easier but notquoted lower; family, $3 (52;,3 75; choice,$4 20iij;4 30; fancy, $4 655 ; patents, t5 25(W5 61). Wheat unsettled and nervous;declined jJd eariy, then partially recov-ered, fluctuated and closed belowSaturday. No. 2 red, cash, U9i(S,99tcjJuly, 09jfni$l 00 j, closing 100; August,$101(Ti l 02L closing $1 02 hid; Septem-ber, il O30jl 04, closing fl 04J asked.Corn higher but very slow for option;closed i(mjiC above Saturday; No 2mixed, cash, 43j(7i,44ic; July, 44i44i!c, closing 44c1 August, 44I(o,45c, clos-ing with top prices bid Oa'.s dull but firm ;

No. 2 mixed, cash, 32tft,33c; August 25c.Rye dull: 00c bid. Firx seed quiot attl 26. Hay duli; prairio $9(olltimothy $1(5,16. Bran lower; 64cat ml.l. Cornineal quiet at $2 00.

2000 brls ; wheat 33,000 bu ;

corn, 97,000 bu; oats, 12,000 bu ; rye, none;barley, none. Shiprueuta Finur, 7000brls; wheat, 2000 buj corn, 41,000 ba;oats, 13,000 bu ; rye, 2000 bu ; burley none.

At Die afternoon board wheat was firmand unchanged and corn was steady butsiow.

Chkiaqo, June 22. Tiie trading inwheat was active during the first half ofthe session, but at a lovter range of prices.The market opened bteady, with the cablesquntin? a firm feeling in the foreign mar-ket ; bet with very little outside tradingthe feeling became heavy and prices fo ioff jj(S) jc quite rapidly, recovered a trifle,and thisn ruled dull aud steady during tberemainder of the day. There was somespecultition as to the visible supply state-ment, the expectation appearing to be gen-eral that it would show an increase. Re-ports were received of harvesting in por-tions ol Illinois, Missouri and Kansas, andthe statement was made that tiie outlookfor a yield in the latter State bad improvedsomewhat, but this was denied again inother telegrams. No pronounced featuresof any character were developed duringthe day, and the close in the afternoon wastame at jjc under Saturday. The re-

ceipts were iree, with the expectation oflarger receipts Shiiimenta arelight. The feeling in corn was firm, buttrade was quiet, the market closing J(5 jchigher on the regular board, with anotherfractional advance in the afternoon. Thereceipts were large, but operators generallycalculated upon a decrease in the visiblesupply, and it was hinted that negotia-tions were in progress for the shipment ofa large quantity of corn by lake. Theoats market ruled very quiet, and pricesexhibited little change. Flour dull andunchanged. Wheat ruled moderatelyactive, with a weak feeling and lowerprices. Liverpool was reported firm,but the crop reports from the Westand Southwest were more favor-able, and operators calcnlated nponan increase in the visible supply.Tbe market opened J.? lower, declinedjc more, rallied 8c, and finally closed jcunder Saturday. Salts ranged : Jane, 88(o)89a, closed issjc: July, 89(2,-8- ic, closed89jc; August, !r0j(u91jc, closed "Uc; Sep-tember, 93tSyUJc, closed 93c; No. 2 spring,8S4SNc; Nr 3spring, 78(ii79c; No. 2red,94 jc; No. 3 ri 85(2,SJc. Corn quiet but6ria; the ret pts were large, but a de-crease in tho supply was confident-ly expecte.d. The market opened $e hi.h-e- r,

rallied ic additional, declined Jc, ral-lied Jc, and closed ic higher than Satur-day; cash, 47 Jc; June, 47 J '.47c, closed47J.t; July, 46 j(Ti,47c, closed 465-- ; August,40i(546jc, closed 46c. Oats quiet buts'eady, cash, 32j(a;32 jc; June, 32j32ij,closed 32jc; July, 32j(3;3ij(c, closed 32c;August, 285?i28lrc, closed 28c. Rye dull ;No. 2, 64c. Fiax-see- quiet ; No. 1, $1 22 j.Receipts Flour, 9000 brls; wheat, 76,tXibbu ; corn, 250,000 bu ; oats, 127,000 bu ; rye,3000 bu ; barley, 4000 bu. Shipments-Flo- ur,

12,000 bris ; wheat, 98,000 bu ; corn,169,000 bu; tats, 122,000 ba; rye, none;barley, 40tM) bu.

The folio wirg figure", taken from theofficial statement of the Board of Trade tobe posted on 'Change morning,show the amount uf grain in sight in theUnited States and Cauada, on Saturday,June 20tb, and the amount of in-

crease or decrease over the precedingweek: Wheat 41,188,026 bushels, in-

crease 310,9:6 bushels; corn 4,868.851basbels, increase 187,410 bushels; oats3,117,78 bushels, increase 678,257 bushels;rye 221,033 bushels, decrease 3982 bush-els; barley 132,801 bushels, decrease5493 bushels. The amount of grain instore in Chicago on the date named,was: Wheat 14,874,727 bushels; corn879,034 bushels; oats 409,988 bushels;rye 40,592 bushelB; harley 539 bushels.

VISIOSK.Burrna Creamery, 2255c ;dairy, 1

13c; butterine, 13t)l5c; country, 15(322c,according to condition.

Chkesb Prime flats, 5(Tj6c: N. Y. fac-tory, 78c; full cream, 12j13c; Y. A.,12jrt)13c.

Ikss Pobk $12 50 per barrel; sugar-cure- d

hams, packed, 9jllc; breakfastbacon, 8(3)10 jc; clear rib bacon, 6:1c.

Bulk Pork Clear sides, 6jc; clearrib sides, 6c; shoulders, 4$c.

Lasd Tieic--3,7- ; kegs,7jc; buckets, 7'o; s, 8c; 20-i- b

tius,7!c;10-l- b tins, 7ic; b tins,72c; 3--lb

tins, 7c; choice kettle, 83.Lot tsviLLE, June 22. Provisions weak-e- r,

but not qnotably lower. Bacon clearrib sides. 6c; clear sides, 6 jc; shoulders, 4j

4Jo. Bulk meats clear rib sides, 5c ;

clear sides, 6c ; shoulders, 4c. Mess pork,ill. Hams sugar-cure- 9J10c. Lard

choice leaf, 8c.St. Louis, June 22. Provisions quiet

and slow. Porit, $10 75. Bulk meats, carlots, f.o.b. long clear, 5.30c; short rib,5.40c ; nhort clear, 5.00c. Bacon long clear,5 705:c; short rib, 5 .S05jc; shortcrti',. 6ft 6.15c. Hams, gKHl- - Lardnominal,' SSS'S:!5

Nkw Orleans, .Tune 22 Pork dull, $11.Lard quiet; refiaed, liorc, flic. Bulkmeats dull; shoulders, S.SOfiT.Tiuef- - longclear and clear rib, 5jc. Bacon dull andlower; shonlders, 41e; long clear, 6c; clearrib, Ojc. Choice sugar-cure- d canvassedbams dull and easier, 9.20c.

CisciNNArr, Jane 22. Pork dull, $10 75.Lard quiet, 6.40c. Balk meats quiet andfirm; shoulders, 3Jc ; short rib, 5jc.Bacon steady; shoulders, 4?c; shortrib, 6.20c ; short clear, 6 jc. Butter firm ;extra creamery, 18g.20c;" fancy dairy, 12(13c. Eggs firmer, 11 jc. Cheese steady ;

Ohio full cream factory, 6(o7c.Chicago, June 22 Provisions ruled

quiet and e;hibited little channe; messpork fairly active and irregular; price-rul- ed

5c lower, but rallied again, andclosed steady; cash, $10 2V-fil- 25; Juiy,J10 17ji0 5, closed flO 2210 25;August, 510 2"i10 32 j, closed $10 30(5)10 3uj; September, $10 i510 40, closed$10 4010 42J. Lard quiet but steady;cash, 6 60v"i,0sc; July, 65o"Ih.67 jc, closed0.'5f'36b7jc; August, 6.70,'ai6ijj, closed6.72j(?;0jc; September, 6.S08 S5c, closed6H2J(,oib5c Boxed nieaU steady; drysalted shoulders, 3:jlc; short rib sides,5.30(i5.32jc; short clear sides, 5.80(iJ5 85c.On the Produce Exchange butter ruleddull and weak; creamery, 1416c; dairy,13(?14c. Egos heavy, ll(o 114c.

1lcrTtoon iiuurti. iork higher. Lardunchanged.

PKTKOLEl'X JJAEUST.Coal-Oi-l Prime while, wholesale lota,

9c per gallon.Cleveland, June 22. Petroleum firm ;

s.w. 110, 6J.Bradfokp, Pa., Jnne 22. Petroleum

opened at 825 arJ(i closed at S2J; highestprice, 82; lowest, 8I4. Balance not re-

ported.PrrrsEcsG, June 22. Petroleum dull

nd heavy. National TTans.t certiiicatefiQueued at 82 j and closed at 82 $ ; highestpric9, 82 j; lowest, 81.

CoFfFj Common, 8j(7o9c: ordinMv,ft!?.10lc; prime Rio, 1 1(4)11 la; cuoice,12ta15jc; old j'overumpnt, 20Ca2Sc.

Sugar Pure w'nitc, 7Jc; olf white, 6(5'7c; yellow clarified, 6Jc;open kettle,6ojc; refined A, 7Jc; granulated, 7jc;powdered, c; ont khf, 8c,

SioLA8.Sis LouisiBua, common to fair,SK3ic; prime to choice, 48(o53c; syrup,2530c: centrifugal, fancy, 45c; commonto .'air, '"C ; prima to fair, 3540c.

Candiks Sticks, all sizes, in boxes, pailsnd barrels, and Tiss Bagging, jute, fijrS

lljc; flax, lOfSyiOjc, according 0 weight-Ties- ,

$1 301 40.Soap 8J(o)6ic per pound.Candlks Fnli weight, 12 Jc.Tobacco Common, 28(oV5c ;

other grades and styles, 35(iy0o-- - SnuffGarret's, $11 per case; Ralph's, $10 25 percase; railroad, 9 250310.

Salt Her car-loa- fl 30 per barrel;$1 40 in sacks; pockets,' bleached, 21(7c;coarso, $1 15; car-loa- from levee or de-pot, 610c cheaper.

Cannkh Goods, Etc Prices per dozen:Pineappiea, $1 501 60; peaches,standard, $1 50; seconds, $1 20; tomatoes,

lb standard, f 1 ; $1 251 35; straw-berries, $1 2x1 50; raspberries, $1 15- -

1 25; black berries, $1 10(;tl 25; greengages, $1 25150; pears, No. 2, $1 50;piums, $1 50; asparagus, ?1(A4 50; greencorn, fliail 40; pteen pew, 54 75; coveoysters, full weight, $1 15 ; cove oys-ters, full weight, $1 80: cove oysters,light weight, 65c; cove oysters, lightweight, $1 20; condensed milkC:rown,$8 40650; Eagle, $3 25; Swiss,$0d 25.

Baltimokb, June 22. OifTee dull; Rio,cargoes, ordinary to fair, V(n;8jo.

Naw Obleans, Jn ne 22. Coffee Irregu-lar but quiet: Rio cargoes, and common toprime, 7(5,9c. Sugar firm; common tolair, 4;;i:!'o;c; goon lair to choiw, nominal : oil white, ti(S.ti ; choice vellow clarified, 6jc; choice while, Ojjc Molassesfteady with a good demand ; stock light ;

common to good common, 1722c; fairto good fair, 2325c; prime to strictlyprime, 2033c.

Naw York, Jane 22. Coffee spot fairRio, dull, 8c; options moderately active;sales. 16,250 bags: Jnne, 6J(ol6.8c; July,6.80(36 8,5c; .August, 6.90c j September,6.95tVi;7.05c : October, 7.10c; November,7.10(7.150; December, 7.2071c; Jan-nar- y,

7.20('t;7Jc. Sugar firm but quiet;fair to good refining quoted 5Jfu)5jc; re-

fined, steady; "C," rV"5Jc; extra "Ci,"5Ca,5c : white, extra "C,r 6c ; off "A," He;standard "A," 6jc; powdered, 7J7Jc;granulated, 6 Molasseg firm.

HOrHEKOt.UCiljrPI.IES.VaonTABijes Onions, yellow, new,$4

4 60 per barrel. Potatoes home-raise-

$1 75(i2 packed, $1 loose. Sweetpotatoes, $32 V3 50. Cabbage, $3 754 25per crate. Turnips, $1 60 per barrel.Kraut, new, $4 25(j15 per barrel ; $2 60275 per half barrel. Garlic, $1 100.

Api-le- s Green apples, $1(31 60.Dried apples, 3j(4ic per pound fromstore. Dried peaches, (o7b from store.Pickles, medium barrel, $7(S)7 be; hallbarrel, $4(24 60; pint jars $1 25 per dozen ;

quart jars, $1 75ft2 per dozen.Poultry Spring chickens, $1 253 50;

old hens, 12 600i;2 75; young and mixed,fl 502 50.

Fbks.'i Heats Peef Good Kansas C.tyetoere, heavy, 7j8e; light, 7c; cows andheifetJ, Cj7c; mutton, 7 jc; mutton sad-dles, 9c: lambs, loV; pork. Sc.- -

Fecit Oranges, $34 50 per box. Lem-on- s,

I3Ci3 50 per box. Bananas, $12 liO

per bunch. Co:oanuts,$5 per 100. PeanutsVirginia, 67c: Tennessee, farmers'

stock, 2Jc;recleaned, 3JlW)4c; roasted, 2jchigher; shelled, 10c. Alirond.i, 18(zia)c.Che8tnnt8 gTeen, 12 jc; dry, 15c. Texaspecan", 10(3tl5c; Arkansas, 4(Sflc Englishwainutfl,12c; Naplos, 6c. Filberts, 14c.Brazil nnts, 8c. Raisins London layers,$2 75(313; Imperial, &3 751. Brandycherries, 33 25 per dozen.

Cidbr llissonri, $7 69 per barrel and$4 50 per half-barre- Kentucky barrels,$6 507; Kentucky $ 1. Vin-egar, 12 j15c per gaiion.

Fisrt Mackerel. 10-i- b kit No. 1, 80c;No. 2, 70c; 15-l- No. 3, 60c.

Eqgs 11c.l)TTOS-SHE-

Cotton-Sk2- d Oim In caHoad lots,prime crude C. S.od, 29(2;,30c ; off crude,25(ai28c; prime summer yellow, 30(ij;3Sc; offsummer yellow, 3536c; Miner's, 36(oJ39c; choice cooking summer yellow, 3S(o)38c.

Less than car-loa- d lots: Cchoice cookingsummer yeiluw, 4042n; choice winteryellow, 4ei50c.

CoTTo-StE- Meai, Prime, f. o. b.,119 25 per ton.

Cotton-Skk- d Cotton-seo- railroad,sacked, $12 per ton, delivered ; wagon seed,delivered, $12 per ton ; river seed, on bank,$10 per ton. Rates established by Mem-phis Cotton-See- d Clearinghouse.

New Orleans, June 22. Cotton-see- oil ;

prime crnde, 2Hjc; summer yellow, 3637c; cooking, 4344c; cake, 2424 ijc Lo.b.Market dull.

MIDUIIU MAKIIET.The following are tbe wholesale prices

of lumbal in this market:Poplar 1 in., 1st and 3d clear, $18(a)

21; 1 j and 2 in., 1st and 2d clear, $22(524;common board, $1012 50; siding strips,lx6, face measure, 1st and 2d clear, $22 ;

ceiling, 1x6 in, 1st and 2d, $20: dressed, 1,ljand 2 in., 1st and 2d, $2S30; com-mon dressed, 1 in., $1415.

TiMBKa Poplar, $5(S9: cypress, $59;Cottonwood, J2(V3; frum,$3i3 50; oak, $5

8; ash, $8; black walnut, $2050.Yellow Pine 1,1 and 2 in., 1st and

2d, $20fi)24; dressed, $30; flooring, 5 and 6in., $25; floorinn, 3 and 4 in,, $27 60;2d flooring, $22 50; heart step lumber, $35

40; ceiiing, $25; I ceiling, $22 50;ceiling, $20.

Cyprhss 1, lj and 2 in., 1st and 2dclear. $23(325; common, $15; fencing,1x6, 16 ft., il6.

Bi.acx Walnut let and 2d, 1, 1 and 2in., $057 5 ; common, $35 50ta40 ; culls,$18


Oak 1 to 4 in., 1st snd 2d, $2022;common, 1 and 2 in., $812.

Red Gcm 2d,$1819; common $S10.Cottonwood 1 to 3 In. mill run, culls

out, $1011.Lath Poplar, $2; cypre38, $180.SnisGLES No. 1, sawed or shaved,$4 25 ;

sawed or 6haved saps, $3.Ash 1st and 2d clear, 1 to 3 in., $20

23; common, $ll(i13 50.

UOUNE-Hl'ILIMN- U HATF.U1 AFraming-Lttmbe- r Yard prices Rough,

$15 per 1000 feet ; dressed, $30 ; yellow pineflooring, $25 ; shingles, $34 50: lathingpoplar, $1 75; cypresa, $2 per 1000 laths.Extra prices for extra lengths abov3 20feet.

Limb and Cement Fu. e Alabama lime,75(il85c in bulk delivered ; 90(5)95c perbarrel; in store; Louisville cement, $1 501 10 Dr barret: cement. i2 2o(,i2 50 per barrel; Portland, $i(y4 50; Ro-man, $5; plaster of Paris, $2 50; Hair, 5cper pound ; 40c per basnet.

Nails $2 35 per keg.

vyinsiiY. ETC.Whisky Straight Bourbon, $1 506;

rye, $1 507.Wines Imported port, $1506; sher-

ry, $1 506; champagne American ex-tra, $7()S; Piper Heidsick, $2527;Mumm's extra dry, $29(531 ; Roederer, $29(3)31 ; Ve. Cliqaot, $3133; claret, $3 7513 per box ; Catawba, $4f$5 per case.

Chicago, Jano22. Whisky, $115.Cincinnati, June 22. Whisky, $1 13.St. Louis, June 22. Whisky, ?1 13.New Om.B.'.NS.Jnne 22. Whisky West

ern rectitie.t. $1 03('iil 25.

ri!EHAM PtLTBT.Wool. Choice washed, 2.8c per lb;

1023c; unwashed burry, 1016c ; clear do, 1622c. Market weak.

IIidkh Dry flint No. 1, 16 jc; No. 2,13ic Dry salted, 10(iillc- - Green calted,8jSJc.J Tallow, 6Sblc. Beeswax, 22It''- - Markftf-rirm- .

St. Louis, Jnne Vi.22.- - wl steady, with

a good demand tubwasheu,-f;taw!C- f

washed, 10X220c ; Texas, l0tVJlc.'X.

lIOkSLS AS1 MI LES.Mesars. F. A. Jones A Co., live stock

andcostmission merchants, Monroe street,furnish the following quotations of thehorse aSd mule market:

Horses Good driving, $125(31250; goodsaddle, $140(3)300; plugs, $35(d80; goodmares, !fa5($140.

Mules 14 to 15. S110130: 15 to 15.$12,V3140; 15Jto 10, $140t3)175. Supplysmall; demand moderate.

UYlMirotK BIREET.The Ilnion Stock-Yard- s and Fertilizer

Company reported the following conditionof the iive-stoc- k market, Saturday, June20th: There has been but little done ingdod butcher's cattle for tbe pat week.The receipts have been light for thosegrades, and owing to the extreme dullnessof trade tbe demand has been correspond-ingly light. There has been some trans-actions in common cattle during the week,with the market fairly supplied and equalto the demand. There has been bat littledoinz in medium and half-fatte- d cattle:supply equal to demand. Sheep and lambsin moderate demand and market fairlysupplied. Hogs in light supply and nodemand, w e nave no cnauge to state inour quotations, which are as iollows :

Cattle Choice corn-fe- d steers, 800 to1000 pounds, $4 855; good to mediumcorn-fe- d batchers' steers, $4(5)4 50 ;smooth,fat cowb and heifers, $4(ii,4 75; good tochoice grass fed steers, $3 25(23 75 ; good tomedium baif-fatte- d grass cattle, $3(7 3 25 ;

common, grsziDg cattle, mixed lots, $2(5.3;scallnwag cattle $1 75C-- ! ysarUnfis, $5v '

' 'per heni, -

Sirrtn- G r d io 1 xtra bcivy muttonwea'.hcr, jc ; Minaaa to intdium,

to extra fat, iv) to 70UOUhdM, fci'i.O'j: licht and mixed io!s. St 50(a;2 00 per head.

llWiHiH) to 125 pounds, 4?4o.Ka ns as City, June 22 The Lire Sltx-- In- -

dicalor reports: Cf.ttie rsccipts, 390 head;shipments, 5GS heal; good to choice fatsteady, g!ai5e-- w?a ; exporters, $5 205 40; good to choice chipping, $4 ofieAo 15;common to , $4 6'K''i4 85; b,!ers,f4 2-- 73; cows, 32 75-- 75. Hogreceipts, 10,207 head; shipments, 6103hsad' weak and 10e lower; choice, $3 65;mixed, !j)3 i.0(5ij l0. Sh&ip rec.iprs,$52 bead ; shipments, 356 bead ; quiet; fair10 gooa muttons, u oopja 10; commonto medium, $1 75(3)2 50.

Chicago, June 22. The Drovert' Journalreports : Cattle receipts, 7800 head ; ship-ments, 3000 head; natives, 610c higher:shipping steers, $5(3)5 90 ; Blockers andfeeders, $3 504 75; cows, bulls andmixed, $2 50(4 60; through Tesas cattle,10: lower; corn-fed- , $4 70t5 35; grefaers,$2 75125. Hogs receipts, 30,0o0head:shipments, 5000 head; market firm andclosed Btrong; rough and mixed, $3 80(3)4 05; packing and shipping, t0!yi 10;light weights,'$3 9C(n4 16 ; skips, $3i3 60.fsheep receipts, 2500 bead; shipments,800 head ; market steady ; natives, $2 50(34 25; Western, $2 57(33 75; Texans, $2 25(3)3 60 ; lambs, per head, $1 253 75.

St. Louis, June 22. Cattle receipts,2300 head; shipments, 1000 head; steady,with a fair demand for all good grades;light to heavy shipping steers, $4 805 65; good Colorado steers, ji5 35;native butchers' steers, $4 404 85; cowsand heifers, $3 5(3)4 25; stackers andfeeders, $3 50(34 65 ; grass Texans, $3 20(3)4; corn-fe- d Texans, 23 75(5)4 50. Hogs

ieceiptfl, 600 head; shipments, SOt'Oneau ; siow ana weai ; X orders, k.j4 05;packers, $3 6o(7i.3 90 ; butchers, $4(3,4 10.Sheep receipui, 7C0 head ; shipments, 400nead ; very siow except lor lngti gradeswhich are scarce; good to choice heavynatives, $3 2"K'14 15; common, $2(3)2 60;


T11I9 DAT.New Orleans C'r Bitoc Sin, Salter, 10 a m.Bt.Franci.Riror.HKKMAcaKjtDY, Joplin, 6 p.m.St.Francis , Smith, 6 p.m.St. Louts 4.15ELLKMKiirHi8.Baker,6 p.m.

WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY.Arkansas River. R. L. Cobb, Wodnesder, 6 p.m.White River Chickasaw. Wedneadar, 6 p.m.Friars Point...... Coahoka, Wednesdar, 6 p.m.Oseola.MM...H....DiAV ADAKS.Wednesdar.S p.m.ArkniasCitr..EATl Adams, Tha-siaj- r, 6 p.mClneinnati Ja. W. OArr, Tbondar. S p.m.

HOVEMEI Tft AT TUB LEV EE.Arrival: Kate Adams, Arkansas City;

Coahoma, Friars Point; li. L. Cobb, Ar-kansas river; Chickasaw, White river;Ohio, Cincinnati; City of Vickabarg, St.Ijouis; City of Cairo, St. Louis; ArkansasCity, Vicksburg.

Drparturt. City of Cairo, Vicksburg;City of Vicksburg, Vicksbnrg; Kate Ad-ams. Arkansas City; Coahoma, FriarsPoint; Arkansas City, St. Laa;s; Ohio,Cincinnati; Dean Adams, Osceola.

.foat in Pari. R. L. Cobb, Rene Mac-read- y,

Winnie and Chickasaw.Jioatt Due Down. City of Bayon Sara.lioatt Due Up. City of Baton Rouge and

Belle Memphis.Heeelpl YMtcrdajr.

Kate Adams 688 scksseed and 71 pl-g- s

sundries.City of Vickbarg 190 dry barrels, 46

wet barre's, 13 crates and tea hams, 50 sksmalt and 505 pks sundries.

R. L. Cobb 153 Bks seed, lot old iron,17 hd cattle and lot sundries.

Coahoma 3 bales cotton, 35 sks seed, 4hd cattle and 15 pkgs sundries.

Dean Adams 73 sks seed, 74 bdlsshingles and lot sundries.

Ohio 2099 pkgs merchandise.City of Cairo 1193 pkgs merchandise.

rurcits HOVKHKNTI.The Winnie, Capt. Al Smith, goes oat

this evening at 5 o'clock for Si. rancts

This Chic'-asa- Capt, E. C. Postal, lathe Wednesday packet for all points onWhite river.

Tub Lee Line packets even-ing are the Coahoma, for Friars Point, andI'eau Adams, for Osceola.

The KeneMacready, dpt. O. K. Joplin,is tbe packet this evening at 5 o'clock forail points on S'. Francis river.

Tnz Belle Memphis, Capt, Geo. Baker,is Iho Anchor Line packet this evening at6 o'clock for Cairo and SL Louis. AlSimpson is her c erk.

Tue Anchor Line steamer City of BayouSara, Capt. Wm. Baker, will pass downthis morning at 10 o'clock for New Or-leans and all intermediate points.

The Kato Adams, Capt Mark R. Cheek,is the United States mail packet Thursdayevening at 5 o'clock for Helena, ArkansasCity and all way landings. W. C. Blankeris in her office.

The R. L. Cobb, Capt El Nowlsnd, isthe United States mail packetevening at 5 o'clock for all points on Ar-kansas river, going through to Pine Bluff.Chas. Musselman is in her office.

Tb James W. Gaff, Capt. WilliamTichenor, is the packet Thursday eveningat 5 o'clock for Cairo, Louisville, Cincin-nati and all way landings on the Ohioriver. H. C. Bruce is in her office. TheGall will give cheap rates to all pointsNorth and East

GENERAL HEWS.Business moderate.Pleasant on the wharf yesterday.The Lee Line packets, were in and ont

on time.Capt. James Rees arrived borne from

Pittsburg yesterday.Tue John F. Walton, with a big tow

coal for Southern ports, will passKhcstts by river yesterday, three

bales of cotton and felly sacks of cotton-seed.

Tub Arkansas City parsed to St. Louisand the City of Cairo to Vitksbarg lateSaturday night

The Chickasaw arrived out of Whiteriver yesterday evening, and returns to-

morrow as usual.Workmen are engaged laying the foun-

dation of the cutomhooso enclosure wailfronting the river.

Cuiep Clerk Billy Blenkeb resumedcharge of the Kate Adams's office jester-da- y,

after a brief absence for restThe City of Vicksburg passe I to Vicks-

burg yesterday evening, discharging 816packages and adding 10 tons of wayfreights.

TnE R. L. Cobb arrived out cf Arkansasriver yesterday morning with a lot of cotto-

n-seed and sundries. She returns to-morrow evening.

Tub W. W. O'Neil, on her way Southwith a heavy tow of coal, arrived yester-day evening and was moored at the headof tbe island at dark.

Supervising Inspector Garrett, whohad started on a tour of bis district, got asfar as Cairo, where he was taken seriouslyill and bad to return home on tbe City ofVicksburg.

Tns Ohio arrived from Cincinnati, Sun-day, with 2099 packages, and returnedyesterday evening with 172 bales of cot-ton, 40 bales of rags, 30,000 feet of lumberand a good list of passengers.

St. Louis Republican, Sunday: '"Theriverat this point has again commencedrising under the influence of the lateheavy rains. This rise is not merely local,and coming as it djes on an already highriver, may cause coosiderable damage be-fore it subsides."

Mrs. Ann Cavett, No. 927 North Four-teenth street, St. Louis, would like toknow the whereabouts of George W. Ca-vett, who Was assistant engineer on theConfederate ram Arkansaw at the timeshe was destroyed in Red river. Mrs. Ca-vett would also like to have the namesand poBtolhce addresses of some of tbeofficers or crew of the Arkansaw.

Caft. John Klinefelter died at hisresidence in Bunker Hill, 111., last Mon-day, in the seventy-fift- h year of his age.j)teased was a native of Pennsylvania.He was ommander of tbe Penn-sylvania wis" ene Dlew np, nearly 300lives beiDg losf.Durint tfae wr he ownedan interest in the"Grir,'ii3r, & charteredother vessels, with which" Ii? served thegovernment trausporting troopsSJid stores.In 1803 he retired and removed toBuw--Hill, where he has sines residad.

Tns St Louis Rpublcm of Sundaycontains the sad announcement of thesuicide in that city, on Saturday, of CaptIsaac Mcliee, commander of the AnchorLine steamer City of Raton Rouge. Theact is attributed to illneas and domestictroubles, of which no details are given.Capt McKee was an old and experiencedBteanibost master aui pilot and was wellknown in the Missouri and Mississippiriver trades. For the past twenty-fiv- e

years he has been with what is now theSt. Louis and New Orleans Anchor Line atmaster of the Colorado, Urahaui, Helena,Belle Memphis and City of Baton Rouge.eleven years of which time he spent asmaster of the Helena. Previous to hisconnection with the Anchor Line he commanded tbe Gen. Laze, Plonghboy, LucyBertram and other steamers in the Missouri. The last steamer comnanded bymm was ine tjny ot liaton liiuge, tromwhich be was taken on the 9th instant.suffering with a congestive chill. Darinvbis long service with the Anchor LineCapt. McKee was regarded as one of i'rjmost faithful officers, tie loitvea) a wifeand ttyo cuiWieit. '

-WK AT filial AND KIVEB8.

Ornn Sionai. Schtios. TJ. 8. A., IMjwpnia, litiK., Juno 41, 1885, 1 p.m. J

The following observations are taken atall stations named at 7o3 meridian time, whiehis 1 hour factor than Momtibig time.


lowAbov Rise. FalT

Feet j loths Feet I lOths Feet I lOi.

Cairo w 30ChattAnoega 4Cincinnati... SDaven Dort 5bubuoue J 1Fort Smith 8

l!elena.... S3Keoknk sLaLe&Tenw'h.. 17Little Hook. 11

Louisville .. 5Jtieiiinhla, 23 2N.ishville .... 5 . 4tKewOrle'nsI 4t'inaua 14 6Pitubunr 3 4Shreveport.. 16 9St. Louis. .... i 6

i. Paul 7 aViekgbgrg..- S9 8

tBelow hik-- mark. 1874.

PiTTnBURO,.June22. Noon Rier3 feet4 inches, and rising. Weather clear and ooul.

Wheeling, June 22 Noon River 4feet10 inohei. and rising slowly. W eat bar clear and(.learjant. ISigut Kiver 4 toet 7 inches, and fall-ing.

Cincinnati, Jnne 22 Noon River 9 feet11 inches and falling slowly. Weather clear andcool. ISo arrivals or departure. IN inhit River 11feet, and rip in?. Weather clear and very cool-S- o

arrivals or departures.Evansvill, June 22. Noon Kiver 9

ffet 10 inches, and falling. Weather clear andwarm. iNo arrivals or departures. Sight River9 feet 4 inches, and falling. No arrivals. De-parted: James W.ftafl, Memphis. Th WyomingWill arrive leavd tor rtew Orleans to-

morrow morning.Louibvillk, Jane 22. Noon River fall-

ing, with 5 feet 6 inches in the canal and 3 feet 4on tbe falls. Rusiness improving. Weather clearand pleasant. So arrivals. Defttrted: Wyoming:.Sew Urleane. Sight River falUcg, with 6 leetnInones in tbe canal and 3 feet 4 Inches on thethe falls. Business dull. Weather clear andcool, soartvalior departures.

CAiRo.June 22. Noon Weather cloudyana warm, iuvor JO reeto inches, and ruing. Ar-rived: City of Uayou Sara, St. Louis, 10 p.m.;cm a ne v union ana tow, iew urieans, z a.m.:Oakland and tow, Naw Cleans. 2a.m; RaymondHomer and tow. Ohio river, i a.iu,; Arkansas

City, VickphuTff, fl a.m. Departed: Sidney n

and tow, 8t. Ioui.-- n.m.; O'ki.iLd endtw, Louis, a a.m.; K;tywnd llornor andtow, Vw OrJtins, 4 a.m.; -- rkann" City. St.lsouin, 7 a m. : Jo'Oph li VV illiam nnl low, .wOrUanp. y a.m. Nigh River fret 5 inrhr,aud rising. Vt eather c!f ar itnl e.wiler. No irriv-o- f

regular packet. lcprtc l: City of UyouSira, .Sew Ci'Ioans.

London, Jnne 22. Arrived : Strut), fromNw York for Liverpool; South Walef, fromPhiladelphia. The I.onta City, from lioton forthis pot, has posted the iAzn.fl. and .

from Sew Y rk, haj arrived at AuiriUirdam.


Browns IronBitters

ANSWERED.Tiie qvtwf Itn hae nrahably ten tutknA thoouinle

of timia. ' H iw can Itmwn's Iron Bittffra curtWell, h d(ff n't. B'Jt it 4t. euro My iiwnm

f.r nichmrputttil phjuci&n woul J pnwcrit lldKFhyTUcixjEi rttcviicruxe Ix n aa ttui bontant kmrnn to thv prof.wktn. and iiniuiry uf anyleading nbemto! nrm will uaijktant ite Ui suMXrtitiathl Uiwro ara mure prnpamt tuna uX inm tlion uf auy

ePivveiy tlia irm m a.'iti twlmlirM f be the m tiu rxirt tat f&ct4r itt wnor,iMtta miniicu practice It ia,h:ivfr, a rwiitrknf fiu-t- t t" tlio (Jikciv-T-u- fI(ltlVV N'S I IfON li f ILItS -

.tat let ivz wry mat oombiasUioD hai ovur beuo iiAiud.

EROW.VS IRO.t EinERSruSSlwacLnelitj, or prodaoo ermrtipat ion all other Ironmedic.ndo. ItltOWN rtlUON KITTKfCHtmrrm 1 ndisvefitlnn, II 1 in u WrnfaIlTHprplti4 illalnriiM Cbllta and Fv-r--Tired Ke'llnir.4iuernJ iebillty,Poso in ttuKld, Ilnfli or lAlml,Iladacbr and Ncnrrtl-tn- n

f'r all theae ailmetitji Iron in dailyBROWN'S IRON RITTERS., ;r:mhinta. f.iVB all rrther tbfmujrTi mwticiitM it actab1jw1'. VF:wn by ' i!jo rinrt nn;rtom "fb"c :it In n arwixy. Tim- - mftrni'ir, t!iad!gHttinn hnpr-T-- , t'l-- nreartr.n.In tf,n.t thsi uLf tct ia nsoally mrn rapirl and iTurkM.Ttw lktfin a? (mem u brixhrmi t!w Vinnp , wilor ixmium to iii hwk; rKTvni'rtdtssp funrtf-tDs- r.

and if nor-it- m mothi r, abandvithi F.iitpU,-- tli rbild. Kann-mif-'s Iniittr. tatiia O.N'fV iron Dwiicino t't ic not

7yn(utiu Itruj-fxr- rternmriui it.The Oenaina luia Trnda Murk ctwI nvl lines

onwmpper. TAKK OTIITit.


The Fnt nni Safe Stdcwheel 6tanier

Will mak. throe trips a week durinir the .uiuioorto 6oanl;in LanUi.'-ir- Ark., teavinfr Momphisevery TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATUKHAYat S r.ra. On Sundnvs the will make hor CI1KAPEXCURSIONS, leaving the wharf at 2, 4 and 8oYltx-- p.m. The Kntiuirercitn le chirttrediirivate picnic? and excursion when not engaged.For Information a:.,ly n tn:,rd.Notice to (Shippers iu the I'pjier J ratie.THE Str. GAYO.SO loft lost even- - . r!T Kfor Paducnh, where she will "yundcrfro repairs, and s,K,n a. ready will re-turn to her regular trade, and will remain perm-anently in the trade as heretofore, and try v dotbe buinec for the people as sa'i'laMnry aa fh.has in the past. V. 1. li AI.L.HcmiihU and Cinciunult I'nckot t'omp'y.

Change cf Time!Summer Schedule!

For Cairo, Evausviile,louiviile and Ciucinnati.

Tiie tegnnt Steamere of this Line willleave Mfiiiphis KVKKT autlTHl'KSDAY at 5 p m. Special Kates toBound-Tri- parties to all point.STATE-ROOM- S FEEE tVHILE IN rORT.Thronsrh Tickets lo All Pnlal. North,

tMHt mud He(,For full Information, freight or passage, apply to

R. W. LIGHTBURNE,G. F. and T. Agt., cor. Madison anil Front

mw Te, parlletdmlrlig to make saliortmud plrrtaant trip np tiie river, returnins; tha next aleamer. the IIIHllvrkvTRM er knnn will le mndp.

FOR LOUISVILLE 4SD CINCINNATIMcmpltla i;r(I fiiirinnall I'nrkrt 'e.F4I LullSVILLK AU (l.tlliri.laiii.-- s W. dSafi; rELW. C. martor,

Will leave on TUUKbl'AY, June 2,th, at 5 p.m.For freight or passage apply to 11. t . Mil R

S" K, Agent, corner M.nli'-o- and Frnt ?ts.

FOR CAIRO AND KT. LOUIS.ft-- Lonlsand owurlmiia I neIf. (. Mull FOB CAIKO AND ST. LOUIi,.

iselle Mem plus ,Geo. Baker master. wl

Will le.wefrom the Elevator THIS DAY, June23d,at6p.m. Tor freight or paf.'iago apply toC. L. If ai.i.. Pa- -. Agt. Al) STOHM. Snp't.

FOR NEW ORLEANS.St. Lonls snd Kfvl tsrlcna Anchor LlueU.S. flnil FGKSEW OKLEASH.

W- - W. Baker...master, WWRSSWWill leave from the Klevator THIS U A 1 , June23d, at Id a.m. For freight or p.iage apply to

C. f,. Htt.l.. Paw. Art. T) STORV. Snn't.


Bluck Rlvor II. H. 3'iiil fwkrl.For Indian Bay, St. Chiries. Clr.rendon, DevalliBluff, las Are, Autinta. Jacksonoort, Searcy,Batesville, Powhatan mi Pocalioniaf SteamerALUlHTA, Ao. Z,

M. R. Harry, master, 'f3sBr3-wil-leave Mem phis every mturiay at 5 o'clockp.m., connecting direct with U pper S'hite river

pae&et for Po.'hatn and Pocahontas, and withthe Daily Packets to BatosvUle and Upper Whit,river.

Through Rates te all points.Freight oonsigned to Milt lltirry Line, Memphis

or Terrene, will b. promptly f, rwardsd.R. W. L1UIITUURNE. Agt.,

Cornrr and Kf-ri- Hirrtip.


Memphis and Arkansas RiverPACKET CO.

United Stateg Mail' Line.

For Pine Bluff and all Way on Arkan-sas Kiver The new aad elegant steamer

IS. Ij, COBB,d. Rowland... master.

LoavoS as HOOVQ

Every Wedufidiiy tit II p.m.For general information amdy at ouioe, No. 285Front street. 11. 0. I.OWK, Agon t.Planter Indrpcucles.. pAcket For Ter-

rene, Ked Arkansas Poet, Pendleton,New Gascon? and Pine Bluff Steamer

J2d. Foster,J. V. Knhn. m fista

Will leave as above KV'KRY 6ATLHiiA .atp.m. t or freight or passage apply on board, orto K. K. THOMAS. Arrnt.

FOR 8T. FRANCIS RIVER.The St Francis lUver Transportation Go's

Fin. U. 8. Mail StsamarIleno SSacready. - s)


trj'Of tCK for Karianna, the Citt-Of- f, and intermediate ra."1'." on nl 'rancis river. AO

tain resorv VST. J, ?u bdeems unsafe. Ji.- - " J a., fauperiutena.nt.ttt't. So. 4 Madi..',i i?.-- -

LEE LINE STEAii,'"8- -

Memphis, frier. I'otut aud s.f"For Holeaa, Ulendsie, Friars Point and allAtaauings oteamer

COAHOMA,B. T, Clagettma-te- r I Piatt Rhoici clerkWUlleHver,boveor.eTery!tii)AV.WDKA;b-HAVB- d

FRIDAY . ato'oiooVp.Hi.For EandoIph.Fulton , Osceola snd War t aadiog,

Steamer DEAN ADAMS,J. H. Cooper, matte? .J. W. Kmithors elerkLeaves as above every MOKDAY, VtliDKliS- -DA x and FRIDAY at 5 p.m. Ihe bceU of thisline reserve the right toj ass all landings tti. cap-tain may deem OT.,af , OiS-e- ., 5o. i Madison st.

JAMK;. T.KB. ,!.. HatieH"iend.nt..

Memphis, Arkuusas City and VicksborfrPacket Conipanj--U.S.M- aU Line,

For Helena, lurreue and ArkansasCity Th. new andeleaant ni..,enn,r itnain..

KATE ADAJSSjXiCM. R. Cheek master I W. C. BltnkarlSiT

Leaves ftlemtihi.EVERY MONDAY ti THURSDAY, at 5 p.m.

The steamer WILL S. HAYS wi!l theioksburg trade, commencing Saturday. October

3d. and leave every Saturday thereafter Forgeneral information ar.ply atr.tnre, No. Front'W-,,...-. WALWORTH, Agent.Pay.crcer A rent.

Memphis & Whits River Pkt Co.V. H. MAIL LO.

STR. CiilCKASA W,;K. C. Poitaw.M.aiutr I 0. M. Posui...oierkClaresxlna, Devalijtv l&r lUm Arf, Aa-tust- a,


at 6 p.m. Through rates to all points.Freight consigned to Memphis and White

iiTeri:a:sti;o. will berorwaraed promptly,H.C '"v-" Whnrfhnnt.

MATHEY HAYLUS'TJeed for ovr 2j wild preat pnoccss by tbft

phyEicinnBof P:iip, Now Yorkatnllstunlon, audfttiirioTtoUotb,T t'T Uif rroniT'tciireofcil rae,rrtfntor of knT Ptiindintr. Pot up orly in Gluts BottlescnnfflniDir 64 OpbuIpw . I'TJiris l.i CENTS.MAKJM THl'M T14E iiHAfKST CAl'SUlaIK THE MaKKLT.

Notice.Clrenit Conrt of Sholby County, Tenneflfiee

Kansas City, Springfield and Moinphie lir.UroadCo. vs. Francis White.It apearing from the pe.iiion, filed tn this

cause, which is swora to, that the defendant,Francis White, is a o( the State ofXennrssoe ;

It is therefore ordered. That he mrba Visappearance herein, at the conrtbotis in the Tax;

of Shelby county, Tenn., on or be-fore tbe third Monday in September next, ISS.and plead, answer or demur to plaintiff's pe-tition, or the same will betaken for confessed asto mm una sec tor nearmr ex parte; and that acopy of this order be published onsa a wee a forfour succeFive weeks in th MdiBrh Anneal.

Alcopy Attest; JOri. VBL, Clerk.y tio. J. Campbell. DenutT Clerk.ewican Krb, Attorney tor Plai n ti ft.

Manhood RestoredKKMiOJT t KKE. A TICtim Of Vt.rit h '.utn.i.n.rl.n,.uing lrematiire Ifrci, Aorron Debility, hostManhood. te.,bving tnrd in Tain everr known

wrwdy.uajfiifkxrvtired a Kimpio meanufwhk-- be w.l! wird I KKK to his f


Medical Bispcnury ,Kc. 17 Jcftersoa fct.

Between Mada and Vroat, HrmpUhESTABLISHED VA 18C0.1

DH.J0UF.IJ0N iJactfiowieHsvd by all rur'iby i'ar the i(.s'.rcei'rul ')if ianln ti.e tiratmer.l cf privr'te or reorft :;

evoi. Quick, iriaamat enrer gnariUQtiJ nevery ear: tn.i'r, or Pit caret rWtsBrrhra and cur.;i ia u f'-- dyz, wioat tne n oi inrrfcury, clmriin Jiel or 1

drawee from buiine., tiertoituary tSyrhiiiSt iIwt Testi:e withr.ut the ore t it-- r

cor7. avtlbrti.'y Ict-- of Fmen t.xii Ir ashortttoiv. buten-r- i fro u im potency lot: cisexual powers retire 1 to Ire yjtvf in awoo?. Vutims of seif-r.?- e and fic; .iTAwery. snCeriot from t rmtorrhaa aoa- - iru tphyie:'.l or mental power, and

i articcinr atencios paii lo usUtwwi of Woxcn, and earefl aaranteed. '.'.$and olJ nores ceicl wi'.b 'Ut the ne of caoetiiM fthe knffo. All eonnaJtili ?i striatic eon ff dent'uljsModieintg seut by eii.--l W ait parts ol tigecu '.try.

Worklrcavea ctaraZ at half thettsnal pri--

Ottcebouri fiOia to r tu.



It fiin li" rlvpti !n .i ni) of ci ; nr f ft w 'tTsntthf kn.-- i Hi- - pcrs.i'1 . in; 11 As n! il u, yliiriiil- -. :.! ,! i;i !,.h-- ti Min r.! ycur', v, (, n.iti-- nl K h inf.). 'MP iirii.k- r orin u!, Ji i,n p.i'M fiHxiuU i if hi .(;.ii- t cur- -lii.i f'illiu,l. nfver ImiU. Fl il7i pr'..:.-- l witn n. ffft ii (."'-- t:( uU:CluiMsin:hty for ttit upiM-- it" tit';i:.

4il4cm frrlfle I'rop'r, i lavlnaatl, U.

FOR RAL3 Tl VA.RZ."iKCRT&CO.Druts,fer. Inn mul Ailnmf Si-..- . nUn for. itlnla

nn.1 Mnrkrl KiH., 'II iri.'I.Call r xvritp lur rirnlin and fn'l pimifiilArt

Dropsy Treated FreeDR. H. H. GREEN,

No. 55 Junes Avoune, Atlanta, CaMA SJPKOALIST FOR Kl.tVtN TEAK

PAST,Han treated Dropsy and Its complications withtbe most wonderful fiucee??; ucea vt'Kctiitfie rem-edies, entirely harmless. Kcioores all syutptomsot Uropsy in eight t. twenty day.

Cures patients pronounoed by the bestof phyidi-iaiis- .

Iroin tUe firpt d'ec the symptoms rapidly Jiappear, acd iu ten daD at least u of allBy mp to ins are removed.

Some may cry huoibuK viiaont koowicgnny-thin- eabout iv. KeiiAcmber, it dn nv.l toft yuu

anything to rcaliie the merit:' i.f u;y treatmentfor yourselt. In urn tiny ihu difheuity of breath-iu- g

is relieved, the puie made repuirir, the urin-ary organs made to dipchar.-- tlmir full duly,lecp i restored, the rwelling all or nearly coae,

the strength incrcn.ed, and ai oiittj uiilegood- I aiu coimUr-tl- curir;-- ; chscp it Ion: ftaucares that have ben Uipied a number oftimes, and tbe patient deciarei unublo to live aweok. tiend tor lu days treatment; diiertionsand term free. Give lull biotory ot ca.-'c- Namesex, how long atilicted, how badly swollen ardwhere, is bowels costive, have lens burstedand driped water. Send for free paiui hist

tectiuionial?, question? cto.Ten days t eatuient luniiched free by 'mail.Epilepsy ui poeU'veiy i.

11. il. J HEEN.M.D.,55 Jones Avenue, AtianU, 0.State this purer.


- 'V

Feeder p,nd Condenser.Th- - rortuoMt Standard Cotton Uin INow

ManarHctarcil.At the World's Cotton Cenfenniat Kxp'1ion

in New Orleans, it has iit taken the 'll:rhetAward, Diploma and Uold Modal for liKht-d-ul- t,best sample anU general utility."

Our uiachinoti are oimple and durnble, clean theasod thoroughly, and produce a large yield.

They never break the roll in ginning, nor c.nkeunder the severeuttest. They re aleo ligbt-dral- t,

gin fnft, and for superior enmplo htve nvcr beeneiuttled. For prioe", etc.. nddre.s

tiULLlfcTT WIN C().,AVrTE, LA.OrOrgi1.! Hrothrn A ., Memphis 1 t un.

41. oia,

sPROS.iithfulHAItRIS' s too In indiiici.m'A. re

"overbraln work. Avr Ijt.te tiiipoBiiirn ol pirten

I s,v I -A RADICAL Cone FOR? fCir.ular'erwtTrut Pa:k- -

Cranio Weasaessil 4ir7.XsPHTSTPsT. B itionloLtviJlpniaor incAJaipnwijje i.

EKCAY, wry. f iimiicd ci.: .. prircl- -

Ajied Men. ti' sw't . I til!

Tfstto TOW 6EVTN j

Years by use inmamy umI hT- ru.Mnfi tLe bu- -

Thousand CAateV I .t r,:; ::it.i in rrslrtrj

ona Month. - cm nr. liareirivcTitarVisL .

Two Month. - ? 'at ar.rj.hlSvMin.b.'.'.fttt'i jee .atoiube, vrnn.h euu atxualv.KARRIS REMDT CO. FCCf

SQQ K, Teatij fit. ST. X.OVia,yjt


BAL ESTATE.Iso. R. Chancery Court of Fholby conn-t- y

H. L. Bedford et al., Exorutnrs, etc., of li.W. Bedford, deoeaoed, vs.C. M. W aid ran et al.

JY virtue of an interlocutory decree of palein the above eaue on the 2 ah dny of

March, 1S5, M. B. 47, page 274. I will neil at pub-lic auction, to the highest bidder, in front ol tiieClerk ani Mapter's office, courthouse of fchelbyeounty, McinphU, Tenn., on

Saturday, Jnne 27,within legal hours, the following- - oesoribed prop-erty, fituntcd in Shelby ooanty, TenD--Just north of the l;ixing-li(tnc- t of paid county,being part; of the B. K. Thomas subdivision, sndk.o"., n as tbe 44 Homestead Kcnervo " by the platofrecord in i'lat Book 1, page 64, in the Hetitior'sotnee of said county.

Also, block 2, containing 21 ljts, numberedfrom 1 to 21, inclusive.

Allot block 3, except lot 8, said block contain-in- ;20 lots.

AIm, 1oU3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and R, in block 4.Also, loig H, 4, ft, , 7, , 9, lu and 11, in block 5.Also, block 5, containing 12 lots.Also, block 7, containing 6 lots.Also, block 8, cont ticiDg 1'2 lots.Also, block 9, containing 12 lot.AI50, block 10, containing li tots.Also, block 11, contusing 1 lota.Also, biock 1?, oontaining 7 lots.Also, b!ojk IX containing 14 lot,AIfo, lots 12, U and 14, in bluck 14.Abo, lots H, 7, 3 and lu, in block 1.Also, all the streets lying north of Brir-kle-

and eouth of the south line of WhitetK8Bi ast f Park street and to the east lino

of Che-tn- ut "treet included all containing HifloriM. Also, all th iniorjt of the

detendTntR,in Prk 8treet-Terms of S'e0n eredit or seven mnnlhs;

purchasers execu(Va w,uh ,ei"ty. and Henretained to gure tclii l- -

Fraier A Boyle, Clapp A Be.71"' Jobaato AFord, Solicitors.

Ii2AIi ESTATE,Ko. 5017, R. D- - Chr.neery Court of Shelby coun-

ty State ot Tennessee vs. J.H. Olivwretal.BY virtue of an- - interlocutory decree tor sate,

entered in the above cause on the Mh day oiBecember, 1KS4, M. B. 4, page 12, I will sell, atpublic auction, to the highc.-- t bidder, in front ofthe Clerk and Matter's oftice, courthouse offchelby eounty, Memphis, Tenn., cn

Nal nnlay, Jnly is, 1HS5,within legal hours, tbe following described prop-erty, situated in Shelby county, Tenn.,

Lots 23 and 24, block 1, fronting 24 feet each onthe oast side of Water street and running b'tt--

to the base of the bluff of the Missiipia ri . cr,as shoen by the plan of Fort Pickering, ifo 1 aproperty of the Lafiin k Rand Powlor Co.

LoU 31 and 32, block I, Kurt Pickering, front-ing U4 feet each on the east side of Water ttrcetand running hak between parallel lios 7U lect.Sold as property of Kenneth tiarrett.

Lot Hi, block 13, fronting 25feeton the nrrthweft corner of Jackson and Fourth fltroets, Muthward, and running back north between parallellines ltiU feet to a alley, iiotd as propertyof Edmund Taylor an suanown heirs of Annatirordon.

Lot2ri. bToK 12, fronting 25 feet on the south8ide of Alnbama street, tenth ward, and raoniDgback between parallel tines feet to an alley.Sold as property of Alice and F- ti&ss.

Lot 14, block 4, fronting 25 feet on the northcido of Alabama ijtreet, tenth ward, and runningback between parallel lines 11 feet. tSold aspr. party uf the unknown heirs of BenJ. B. lior-n- er

Lot 13, block 7, fronting feet on the west sideof fecond street, tonth nard, and running backbetween rar)lel lines 100 fubU Sold as propertyQf Bridge1 Powers.

Lot 4' block 1, Fort Pickering, fronting 24 feeton the west side of Water street by &0 feet deop.Sold ss property of the Memphis Ga.ilight Co.

B't 2, block 2, fronting i feet cn the eastside of Promenade street, tenth ward, and run-ning back between parallel lines 10 (Wt. Soidae property of W. B. Reid and A. liittlold.

Lot 16, block 17, fronting X feet n the northside of Carolina streAt. tenth ward. Fort Picker-ing, and running back between parallel lines UOfeet. Solua. proerty of John Morgan.

iotf, block 2, Fort Pickering, fronting feeton the west side of Front street and runningback between parallel lint l&S feet, bold asproperty of Chas. Lo.and.

Lou &t, 40 and j block 1, fronting each 24 feeton the outside of the Batteor, Water strt, andrunwing back between para lei lined Va feet,bold as property of W. W. Hurt and 8. Buck.

Part lot 3, block 38: Beginning at the southeastcorner of lt conveyed by Lewis liraham to J. J.Murphy, March li. PVtt; thence northwardly sndparallel with St. Martin street 34 feet to theCiiiiUrof said lot; thence westwardly at rip:Hangles through the centcrj(.(f said lot &o feet ;

thence southwardly and parallel with St. Martinstreet 32' feet to the uth line of aforepaid lotthence eastwardly with said sonth lino M feet tothe beginning, beirif east of bayou on alley.6old as property of Mary Moaus.

Lot 11, block 2, front'ug 26 feet on the west sideof Front strept. Fort Pickeries, tenth ward, andrunning bark feet. Sidd as pr4'erty ofStephen, James, Elizabeth lliirgina, et al.

Terms of SaleOn a credit of eif months; notewith security, beaiing iotoreft. re'iuired; lienretained; redemption barred. This J una Id, lv,

B. I. McBOWELL, Clerk and Muster.By TI. F. WaUh, Deputy Clerk and Master. 'F. U. A C. W. iivukeU, Svlicire,

A POSITIVE CareP 1 n I (!

riot i. l.: liiT.;One hex will cure the most obsUnave ease ia four

IVo r.iawuti dnscg of, opiba or oil that tre certain to prosm dy.;epeisjby dc?rri:,,r the e aiins i,t tue at- much.r 1' , ? I .'i. bold by all droiT ci.t. .r tii:nirt nilreotii tof price. r'.r turther parti"if"-:'.i:- (of

J. ' A i t. a W k CURE.HA John street, New Vork.


rr-- :


'I lie idrvnt KcnovHlor.Used, Recommenr!ed ani IpiinrHfd by Physicians

ail over the World.The Only Remedy th t Arts on AM of the Great

Or:HP ot tue iiuuiau byauim.IHK I IV1K,

A KIIKTS. 4SHE MOI S H,a I tij: now t:in.

f ! I. k m f r sr k v j y .

t4tHH 'ioi Mnml .nwt(rlttt lrf All ill fr'iiiiioiiri Naiiiral HsierH,

t'l'NT.P A'l IiN, Mvh iJKADACUK. h rl'KF-S-IA n - pr ..::i j.' 'y eufe M y it Vt'o ;ill tha

i r'i iji w 'rt luf-- fjrr.i'ii f trTos both swltn andV'ii!:r. A il prj a.'H'cir bur ' he Crab

Ai'f'ij" TiJi'ir-j.-wr- k .n t';e 'i''!-'?- . tiet bc cen-- ui

:.e "0r;- pple'' C'n centra ted W a tor,iv. vt ; ilMtuine Snii.t, in sealed packasges.ftt 10CSnfj;,!i i'lrerifi e'-b-

rmU r h:irI n..r Co., rroprittorn.hl.V'JN N. JONES. Lnui?viile, Ky.

We '4 ' W-- ir. O.e't t ty

kn n U(,ixiUitire'..

i - !,Are moM r'oi lrr'.iii liti ery iti bM s . unvtx it

AieoU A I.Uk.tmz Cfisaleal Zz.'v Hudtxs. N. Y,

Ohio. Soli hf PruffMi,rv e ti ov.


REAL KMT ATE.No. 32v9 Court of Fholby Countybt;ttc uf Teunre n. . fc. Butier et al. : No.

1 Citj oi Mauphif vs. Jee Page, guardian,ec. al. ; N.. e..l ii. p. Aadenoo vs. Marthai'niKiell at at.

B of Interlocutory decree for paleentered in the u.ove raen on July 6, 1M,

and Beoemocr t:t and February 13, lKa'., Iwiil f;!. At puolic imjiMi,, , the hlghrnt bidder,in fr.r.t nf the Clerk and Maxtor', oilioe, court-house of tbe by eoiiniy, .'Jeiuphis, Teoo. on

HrtTtirilii', iuae 1 HHA,within let".: i. u?, tie i'.!lowin,c describe i pmx-er-

, filtered iu the Taxing-Liutric- t of .iheibyoonntv, Tenn.,

P of t . s, in block i'J, fronting fret onc" i Ic oi t -- ii. !t etftt, between Vance and El-

liott strfcU. ruDoiii back 7;. ieel, bcingthe couthi of said bit , fronting to r.choU street, itsomh line being the line of the Butler

tritftiH d itn we.--t line being the cat line of ,,fcho. i. owntd by d:fvndant Meath, Uumes,dr avern.r and othi rt.

Part ol lot. and 4, block fid, fronting JiO freton the w(U cide of Desoto street and runniflitbak lJr tcet. being situated at the .iihweritcor-nerof Wsofj and liayoo sUecUj owned by sajia

dv teminnu.t No. 13, block 67, frcrir.g W fert on the

South side of I nion wien Hernandotret ruuoiug back2n; feet, ownedby satire defeo Janrj.Part of Uis 4 and ft. blck M, fronting 1 feet

on th nurti ?idc ul Linden swt, runnirg barklJ toet, raid lot being between Def-t- and TurleyscreoTs and its eiiFt luie being 2H fvet west ofTuriiy "ircot. owned by same defendants,

Lou No. 11 and 1. ttlock fronting 141 feeton tha west side of Turney street and 2 (net indepib, being at tte m.rtbwert corner of Turleyac J Lindtn Ftroet-- , owned by aid dclenda.nts.

Jorui5 of Sj1,- i n acrt .iit of ik uionthi ; noteswith fcurCy: hen retained : redemption burred.This iUay 2'), ltv.

S. 1. Mi POWELL. Clerk snd Master.By H. F. Wuhh, Uci uty Clerk anl Ma:ter.J. W. li amp ton aid Jwbn Johnston, iolsThe sale?wf Hbore i continued ontilNMiitrdiiy, Juue 27, l.1t at 12 iu. ThisJune 3, lv.)

;S'J- Clrrk and Master.By J. M. Bi,,aluy. I'CfUty Clerk and Mailer.

S .Sj' Orv.

MIjS n xsf S)Cure Biuousnfss, DrsPCPStA.ToPiD Liver.

Sick Headache, MalariA, Inoiocstion. 8oua6towach, Dad Breath., DvseMTtnv,iAt)nOire, tNLAHOKO SPLEEN. OROWlNrt--


DOSE, ONE BEAN". PRICE, 5 CETTTfilAk for HIl.R MilMto uii v U'litrcn, -- fl in !.tnin-- So!l bjr Iruj:t.'it9o:; t Mi :u r.i ev. rj tnr. r KrfcJ.F. SMITH at, CO. biuPrapa. St. Louis, MO

Ko. WSR. D- - Ch.m ery Court of Fhalby Coun-ty, Tenn J. A. Wives et ai. vs. the MullaUjC. and U. Co. et al.

PV HL' ANT to n order of sale In this oaure onliunday, Jnsie 3, between 10o clock a in. and 2 o'clock P.m., I will sell infront of tiie couT'.Uou'fr, Memphis, Tenn., thefollowing ;dcriited property, namely: The entire lc:FA.' id intorct of the parties to this :uitip tae premise? on tbe southwest corner of Auc-tion and Fr nt Mrefis, which pafed by the leasefrom too (iin and Machine Company toHi- - defpntiant. Ii. A. Mullaily, subject to theterm a and con of tne faid leiue, and of theleiiao from A ui '"' Woodruff, as trustee, underwhich tbo said Milburn tiiu and Machine Coio-pat- iy

holdti the naid promteos. And also all theengines, boilers, machinery and other propertyued in or about or belonging to the paid Mulln'iyCrushing and Keeping Company, and inHuuiorall that may be embraced in the inventory of J.M. F"wlkts, (he receiver, on flic with the C'erkand M.ipter, except nuch products of the mill ashave already been Fru or otherwise disposed ofby tbe said receiver under the former orders ofthe Court. And nil the bagcing, ties, sacks,oftice furniture and tixturos, safes, tools, lamps,pipe fittings and o her property ot the said Mul-lai- ly

Cradling and Kenning Company of everyd8criptiun, whether embraced in the said

or not, and wherosoover or in whosoev-er'- scustody or contnd ti iuo may b. But it

If not intended th-- .t any dobta owing to the saidCompany, or any c a usee in action belonging to it,shall be scd or ditpo5cd of.

All the property herein def ribed to be "oldwill bo sold tvs a whole, except one battery of fivacrufbiug relU and tour iinters, and one stand ofprop Pea, including pumps, ctop and hydraulicripe? ard tv'i hejitur', being the ssmoI t furnished by t ho Milhurn tiin and .MachineCompHnyto the MuKally Crushing and Re6ninsrCompany. The articles so excepted will each bofold "eparatcly.

'forms of Sale d cash: balance Inequal installments of fix and twelve months;notes of purcri.uers payable to tbe or. lor ot thoClerk find Master of said Court, with interestrom date, with security to be ai prov d by the

receiver. .j. M. FOWLKKS, BecMveM m. M. Ran-loip- Taylor A Carro KBte

Wrr.nor. tijiciturs.

4f ( Use after eatinr.rA tniM- -:VMV,u'n' A tubstitateVtect1 PlTVf,.'rtobar--- o Aakyourdrug-Ams- T

jIT J. 1SI eonfactioiier for 0d- -8 eenuine ana originur. '! r j " .M

ti!". KX i..Ar.',i.!. hnnrlU hm n.k- - nwk m.ceiptCif eig centc.



WWGndisputed in tte BP.CAD CUIM of t'eing tieVEKY BEST CFER3TIN3,






HAVetter&Co.Agts. Memphis, Tena

SHIS. A. 15I1TAT,li Caul St., New Orleana,

BrsciALTita ro Maaiko

FliiVUS ANB BAXTERS,And Dealer in all kinds of Paraphernalia! for

booteiios. Associations ana Clubs.aiJLK.eOLD NUTEX ISBXOIBEHI1M

Mad. tn or.. p.w Ar.stimal.s

L.'.-- . immtin ., u '"ra pariDED bt



Every 'J to 1 1 Iays.' TICKET! IN FIFTHS.

Vt liula, n; Fractions, pro rHla.Rm that the nam. H,il'l.n k Co. is the tlrket.Nui,jt to no manipulation, i:r,f ,ntri)ilfwi bf

the re lied in interact, it tho fnircsl iIjiiik iatlio tiMure of clmnre in

For ' anil i ... u .. r. uit ly to SHIP.BKY A. C ., benpr.-fc- Aents, l.iz broalwa,, N.X. Citr. oiNu.t) WMtCvurtat.,MoiLvku,leiii4
