memphis jewish community center jccscene april 2012

6560 POPLAR AVE. MEMPHIS, TN 38138 901-761-0810 VOL. 19, NO. 2 APRIL 2012 NISSAN 5772 Inside Page 2 ......... We Have a Problem, Rick Jacobs Isn’t It Page 3 ......... Gap Between Orthodox & Other Jews Page 5 ......... Membership Matters Page 6 ......... Camp Sabra Page 7 ......... Outdoor Pool Recreation Hours Page 8 ......... 50th Annual Yom HaShoah Commemoration Page 9 ......... The Yiddishe Cup Page 10 ........Early Childhood Center Page 12 ........ECC 2nd Annual Peace Week Page 13 ........Art House Page 15 ....... Day Camp Page 16 ....... Markell School of Dance Page 19 .......Maccabi Special Section Page 28 ....... GPAC Page 29 ....... Adults Page 30 ....... Shainberg Art Gallery Page 31 ....... Senior Lunch Bunch Page 32 .......Adult Club Monthly Luncheons Page 33 ....... Athletics Page 35........ Adult Athletics Page 36........ Wellness Page 37........ Aquatics Page 38........ Late Days of Summer Luau Page 40........ Youth Page 42........ Study Shack at the MJCC Page 43 ....... Calendar of Events Page 44 ....... Tributes

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Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


Page 1: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012

6560 POPLAR AVE. • MEMPHIS, TN 38138 • 901-761-0810 •

VOL. 19, NO. 2APRIL 2012NISSAN 5772


Page 2 ......... We Have a Problem, Rick Jacobs Isn’t It Page 3 ......... Gap Between Orthodox & Other Jews Page 5 ......... Membership Matters Page 6 ......... Camp Sabra Page 7 ......... Outdoor Pool Recreation Hours Page 8 ......... 50th Annual Yom HaShoah Commemoration Page 9 ......... The Yiddishe Cup Page 10 ........Early Childhood Center Page 12 ........ECC 2nd Annual Peace Week Page 13 ........Art House Page 15 ....... Day Camp Page 16 ....... Markell School of Dance Page 19 .......Maccabi Special Section Page 28 ....... GPAC Page 29 ....... Adults Page 30 ....... Shainberg Art Gallery Page 31 ....... Senior Lunch Bunch Page 32 .......Adult Club Monthly Luncheons Page 33 ....... Athletics Page 35........ Adult Athletics Page 36........ Wellness Page 37........ Aquatics Page 38........ Late Days of Summer Luau Page 40........ Youth Page 42........ Study Shack at the MJCC Page 43 ....... Calendar of Events Page 44 ....... Tributes

Page 2: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


We Have a Problem, but Rick Jacobs Isn’t ItJ.J. Goldberg

J.J. Goldberg will be an MJCC-Allen E. Cohen visiting Scholar in April

Thirty-four years ago, when Menachem Begin first led the Likud to power in Israel, it was Rabbi Alexander Schindler, the leader of Reform Judaism, who reached out to embrace him. In doing so, Schindler averted a crisis in relations between America’s liberal-leaning Jewish community and an Israel where the right was newly ascendant. This would be a good time for Benjamin Netanyahu to return the favor.

The recent se lec t ion of Rabbi Richard Jacobs as Reform

Judaism’s next leader is causing a bit of a stir. It’s mostly just a murmur, actually, but it’s worth watching. Some critics worry that in choosing Jacobs as its president-designate, the Union for Reform Judaism is signaling a sharp turn leftward. Some even fret that the liberal denomination is returning to its pre-World War I anti-Zionism.

The worriers are onto something. But it’s not what they think it is.

Jacobs’s accusers, which include the Zionist Organization of America and various far-right bloggers, charge him with consorting with “extremist groups” — as the ZOA’s president, Morton Klein, put it — that are helping to delegitimize Israel. The evidence: Jacobs is a member of the rabbinic cabinet of J Street and is active with the New Israel Fund. The critics also note that Jacobs participated in an anti-settlement protest in the Sheikh Jarrah section of East Jerusalem. The critics insinuate that he will not stand up for Israel, and some suggest his associations reflect hostility to the Jewish state.

Let’s clear up one thing at the outset: Jacobs is no more hostile to Israel than Shimon Peres, or David Ben-Gurion for that matter. Like Ben-Gurion he supports partition of the Land of Israel into two states. And like Ben-Gurion, he fears the consequences for Israel’s future if there is continued settlement in the West Bank. More to the point, his views put him more or less at the center of today’s evolving American Jewish mainstream — strongly supportive of Israel as a democratic Jewish state, committed to a deep, mature Israel-Diaspora relationship and insistent on equal rights for all streams of Judaism.

True, Jacobs takes his style of liberal Zionism further than most. He visits Israel regularly, knows the language and even owns a home there. He is a fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute, an important, Orthodox-led think tank in Jerusalem. And of course he plays a role in liberal causes that most liberals only talk about, via groups such as J Street and the New Israel Fund. But his broad outlook is

in line with his movement’s famously liberal membership. He wouldn’t have lasted two decades as spiritual leader of one of America’s biggest synagogues if he were a fringe figure.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem, though. It isn’t that Jacobs’s appointment raises the likelihood of some future crisis in Israeli-American Jewish relations. The problem is that the crisis is already here. Jacobs’s appointment only brings it into sharp relief, the way a lightning flash illuminates a dark, moonless battlefield.

The problem is that while Jacobs’s views on Israel are quite mainstream among American Jews, the notion that such views

endanger Israel and have no place in Jewish communal d i scourse i s becoming mainstream in Israel. In other words, we have a very serious family feud brewing.

Where is the American Jewish mainstream today? You might start your search

with the simple fact that the largest Jewish religious movement chose Jacobs to lead it. But then consider this: J Street was founded just three years ago and is already one of the biggest organizations on the American Jewish scene, even before it’s out of diapers. Consider, too, the rapid growth of Jewish activism to the left of J Street, among the boycott, divestment and sanctions crowd and Palestinian-solidarity types. What used to be the left is now closer to the center.

Also telling is the fact that the objections to Jacobs’s nomination come from a narrow spectrum on the right. Being identified with the New Israel Fund and J Street just isn’t remarkable in American Jewish life anymore. Attacking them is increasingly a sign of eccentricity.

That’s not how it is in Israel. As Jacobs’s appointment was announced in New York, the Knesset in Jerusalem was in the midst of hearings to determine whether J Street is entitled to call itself “pro-Israel.” With everything else going on in the world, Israel’s parliament decided to investigate whether one of the fastest-growing Jewish organizations in America is a friend or foe.

The Knesset’s J Street hearings are part of a sharp rightward trend in Israeli politics, reflected in a rash of legislation curtailing criticism of Israel and limiting rights

J.J. Goldberg

Jacobs is no more hostile to Israel than Shimon Peres, or David Ben-


The recent selection of Rabbi Richard Jacobs as Reform Judaism’s next leader is causing

a stir

Rabbi Richard Jacobs

It was Rabbi Alexander Schindler who reached out to

embrace Menachem Begin

Continued on Page 4

Page 3: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


When journalist Peter Beinart talks about the growing alienation between young American Jews and Israel, and with their Jewish practice, he is quick to point out that he isn’t referring to the Orthodox.

Indeed, young Orthodox Jews, reflecting their elders’ behavior, are the exception to his rule, deeply committed to their religion and the Jewish state.

At a time when the issue of West Bank settlements is increasingly divisive in much of the American Jewish community,

it’s still a no-brainer among the Orthodox, who support the settlements enthusiastically. (In fact it seems like some Orthodox congregations here rarely invite a speaker from Israel who lives inside the Green Line.)

Settlements are but one issue where the gap between the Orthodox community and the rest of American Jewry is disturbingly wide, and growing, from politics in the Mideast and Washington to religious practice, education and family values.

I’m often taken aback by how little each group is aware of, and sensitive to, the concerns of the other.

For example, one reason why support for the Jewish communities in the West Bank is a given in Orthodox synagogues is because many congregants have family members, friends and former neighbors living there. (Keep in mind that the large majority of Americans making aliyah each year are Orthodox.)

It is not uncommon for congregants to visit Israel several times a year, especially if they have a son or daughter studying in an Israeli yeshiva post-high school, which has become the default pattern for Orthodox teens over the last two decades.

In recent years there has been a major shift in voting patterns from Democrat to Republican among the Orthodox, primarily over the issue of Israel. Whether or not he is seen as a Muslim or follower of Rev. Jeremiah Wright — it seems unlikely he could be both — President Obama is viewed with deep suspicion, if not outright hostility, as a negative factor for the Jewish state.

The fact that the levels of strategic and military cooperation between Jerusalem and Washington are at a high point is trumped by the troubled personal relationship between Israel’s prime minister and the American president, and the feeling that Obama has disrespected Netanyahu publicly and privately.

More and more I hear friends in the Orthodox community express their willingness to vote for anyone but Obama in the 2012 election, convinced that he has no patience or sympathy for Israel. Even moderates in the Orthodox community on domestic issues

Mind The Gap Between Orthodox And Other JewsBy Gary Rosenblatt

Gary Rosenblatt will be an MJCC-Lowenstein Scholar this May

say they are willing to tolerate an ultra-conservative president who will be demonstrably supportive of Israel.

That reflects the fact that many Orthodox Jews list “Israel” as the No. 1 issue on which they will determine who to vote for next year in the national elections, unlike most other Jews.

One reason why close to 80 percent of American Jews voted for Obama in 2008, and a majority will do so again next year — though his numbers are likely to decline — is that only a small percentage of

the U.S. Jewish community is Orthodox, generally estimated at between 10 and 20 percent.

Most American Jews are still liberal, and see themselves as supportive of Israel, certainly, but also caring deeply about a wide range of domestic concerns, from the

economy to human rights, and deeply distrustful of Republican candidates who speak about their fervent Christian beliefs.

According to a recent American Jewish Committee survey of American Jewish attitudes, 53 percent of American Jews disapprove of Obama’s policies toward Israel; among Orthodox Jews the disapproval rate is 81 percent.

Overall, 45 percent of American Jews approve of Obama, a 23 percent drop-off from 2008, but 6 percent higher than Americans in general; among Orthodox Jews, who represent 9 percent of the AJC sampling, Obama’s disapproval rate is 72 percent.

But politics is not the only issue that divides the Orthodox and overall Jewish communities.

It really goes deeper, to issues of values, and Orthodox Jews are more traditional not only in religious practice but in cultural behavior as well. They marry younger, have more children and put a great emphasis on intensive Jewish education.

Day schools and yeshivas are a major priority, with a focus increasingly on the tuition crisis. The combination of a sinking economy and large number of children is making affordability a

huge concern for Orthodox families. But they believe t h e g e n e r a l J e w i s h community, including the federation world, is not interested enough to alleviate their plight in a meaningful way.

So Orthodox Jews tend to see federations as not addressing their needs, and federations see the Orthodox as not wanting to be involved in the communal agenda and campaign. Which is a shame, because if more Orthodox Jews were active in federation, chances are there would be more attention given to the day school agenda.

In addition, the Orthodox perceive the mainstream Jewish organizations as having too liberal an agenda, championing a strong church-state divide, for example, when many parents of

Gary Rosenblatt

Orthodox congregations rarely invite a speaker from Israel who lives inside

the Green Line

Strategic and military cooperation between

Jerusalem and Washington are at a

high point

Orthodox Jews marry younger, have more

children and put a great emphasis on intensive

Jewish education

Continued on Page 4

Page 4: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


day school children would prefer vouchers or some other form of government financial aid.

As society has become more open, religious families are increasingly conservative, culturally as well as politically. It’s true of Americans in general, and it certainly holds among Jews.

Orthodox families often are resistant to sending their children to universities where coed dorms, sexual experimentation, drinking and drugs are common. And while the majority of American Jews admire the Orthodox for their commitment to Torah study and observance, and preserving family and tradition, they also feel alienated from their very different worldview, seen as sheltered and parochial.

That love-hate feeling works both ways, with Orthodox Jews regarding the high intermarriage and assimilation rates among most of American Jewry as a disregard for essential Jewish values and deeply disturbing in terms of the future.

A number of surveys show that with Orthodox women averaging between 3.3 and 7.9 children (the more observant, the more children) as compared to 1.86 for other Jewish women, it won’t be too long before the Orthodox become the majority of an American Jewish community that will continue to decline in overall numbers.

Whether or not anything can be done to stem the growing divide within and among our people, at least we should be more aware of it, and talk about it. There are discussion groups between Jews and Christians, and Jews and Muslims; how about a few more between Orthodox Jews and the rest of the community?

This article is reprinted with permission from The New York Jewish Week (

Rosenblatt article continued from page 3Goldberg article continued from page 2

of Israeli Arabs. The J Street hearings came barely a month after the Knesset debated legislation aimed at foreign funding of Israeli nonprofits that criticize the Israeli government. (The bill eventually passed in watered-down form and imposes heightened disclosure requirements for Israeli nonprofits that receive funding from foreign governments.)

That bill grew directly out of a campaign launched a year ago by Israeli right-wing activists to discredit the New Israel Fund as an anti-Israel organization. The campaign sought, through outrageous newspaper ads, billboards and a slick research paper, to link the fund with groups that work to isolate Israel internationally through boycotts and war-crimes lawsuits. The connections drawn between the fund and the boycott campaigns were mostly spurious, but the rightists’ noise left its mark on segments of public opinion, both in Israel and here.

Nations have their political mood-swings, and the two great Jewish communities have had their ups and downs b e f o r e . T h e r e ’s n o precedent, however, for the sort of concerted assault against American Jewish institutions that’s underway in Jerusalem. It’s irresponsible, and it’s self-destructive. If Rick Jacobs is anything, he’s a peacemaker. Israel will need him.

This article is reprinted with permission from The Forward (

If Rick Jacobs is anything, he’s a


Jewish Historical Society, Rhodes College and the Marcus Orr Centersponsor Jonathan D. Sarna who will review his recently published book,


2:00 p.m.Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jonathan D. Sarna is the Joseph H. & Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University and chief historian of the National Museum of American Jewish History. He has written, edited, or co-edited more than twenty books, and is best known for the acclaimed American Judaism: A History, which received the Jewish Book Council’s Jewish Book of the Year Award in 2004. He is a key player in Jonathan Gruber’s new documentary “Jewish Soldiers in Blue and Gray,” the trailer to which you may find at this link (he is the first interviewee pictured in the trailer):

Page 5: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


This month is all about why you need the Center and what the Center has to offer!

It is now a couple of months past the start 2012 and already most of us have abandoned our resolutions for fitness and possible weight loss, etc. It is hard to stay motivated, we lose interest, we get busy and the list of excuses both real and imagined can go on and on. How can the Center help? The beauty of the MJCC is that the MJCC is that we can start each month as if it were the beginning of a new year! Think about it…

We all look for a magic easy answer and it has been here and available all along under one roof, one location, right in your neighborhood for home, school or work.


Group X classes are now included in your membership (new & improved benefit)! Have you seen that schedule? Check online or at the Center. If you are tired or bored of the same routine, then try something

nnew. Classes are available 6 days a week and at varied times. Ask our fitness professionals for guidance and suggestions. They will be happy to help you.

After you try one, two or three of the Group X classes, try some Specialty classes. Have you ever thought

about boot camp, reformer, and tai chi? You will be amazed at how the different types of classes and ways to exercise will motivate you to do more.

NNow I know you are thinking this is all about classes, but if that is not for you, then try personal training.

We have 17 Nationally Certified Personal Trainers on staff. Maybe you do need someone else to help get you motivated and moving.

Classes, personal training, still not for you, then swim. The indoor heated pool offers many ways to enhance fitness, develop endurance, ease muscle and joint pain and it is fun! Just remember, the

Outdoor Family Water park will open on Tuesday, May 29, 2012. Need some structure to your water wwork out, then Aqua Zumba and Aqua Fit will certainly get you bouncing.

The Center has all this and more for you. Make the most of your membership. Come to the Center.

Try new things. Meet friends, exercise and relax in the lobby. The MJCC can be your magic answer to a healthy and happy life.

Thank you to all the members who paid their dues in full by 12/31/11. All those members were entered in a drawing for the Pay Early, Win Big

priprize of getting their 2012 Membership Dues for FREE! Congratulations to Steve Platkin as the big winner! Steve graciously

declined his prize and asked us to give this money toward a family needing financial assistance. What a true mensch!!!

The 2012 MEMBER-GET-A-MEMBER program is valid through October 1, 2012. If you refer a new member to the Center and they join, you will receive a $50 credit on your 2013 dues.

The member who refers the most new members will get their dues for FREE! In the In the event of a tie, a drawing will take place to determine the winner.

Page 6: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


Where Good Times Make Great FriendsBecome a part of the Sabra tradition!

3.5 miles of private shoreline • 360 wooded acres One, two and four week sessions

$1,000 camperships available*

Contact: Terri Grossman, [email protected]


Page 7: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


OutdOOr WaterparkrecreatiOn HOurs

May 29-June 3Sunday, 8:00 a.m.-5:45 p.m.

Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-9:45 p.m.Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:45 p.m.

June 4-July 27Sunday, 8:00 a.m.-5:45 p.m.

Monday-Thursday, 12:00 -9:45 p.m. (8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Lap Swimmers Only)

Friday, 12:00-5:45 p.m.

July 29-september 3Sunday, 8:00 a.m.-5:45 p.m.

Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-9:45 p.m.Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:45 p.m.

important dates:May 29 - Tuesday Opening Day June 4 - Summer Camp Starts. Recreational swim starts at 12:00 p.m.June 17 - Triathlon Club StartsJuly 4 - Late Days of Summer Luau from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Page 8: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012

Join The Jewish Community In The50th Annual Yom HaShoah Commemorationfeaturing Documentary Filmmaker Pierre Sauvage

50th Anniversary ProgramSponsored by

Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker Pierre Sauvage is a child survivor of the Holocaust. He and hisparents were hidden by the townspeople of the French mountain village of Le Chambon. In 1982, Mr. Sauvagefounded the nonprofit educational Chambon Foundation, that seeks to explore and communicate the Holocaust’slessons of hope and despair.Mr. Sauvage is best known for his 1989 feature documentary Weapons of the Spirit, which chronicles LeChambon’s rescue of 5000 Jews. The film has won numerous awards, and remains one of the most widely useddocumentary teaching tools on the Holocaust. Mr. Sauvage recently completed Not Idly By – Peter Bergson,America and the Holocaust, which tells the story of a Jew from Palestine’s controversial American rescue effortsamid American Jewish apathy and opposition. Due out in 2013 is his third rescuer film, And Crown Thy Good:Varian Fry in Marseille, that recounts Harvard-educated Varian Fry’s smuggling of more than 2,000 Europeanintellectuals and artists out of Nazi-occupied France to America.Mr. Sauvage lives in Los Angeles. He and his wife, entertainment lawyer Barbara M. Rubin, have two children.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 – 27 Nisan 57726:45 PM at the Memphis Jewish Community Center

This annual commemorative program is hosted by Memphis Jewish Federation and co-sponsored with theMemphis Jewish Community Center. Supporting the program are Anshei Sphard-Beth El Emeth Congregation,Baron Hirsch Congregation, Beth Sholom Synagogue, Chabad-Lubavitch of Tennessee, Or Chadash-NewConservative Synagogue, Temple Israel, and Young Israel of Memphis.

BUCKMAN-JewishScene.indd 1 12/14/11 1:26 PM

Page 9: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


Make your plans to play in the 2012 Yiddishe Cup Mini Golf Tournament

Sunday, April 29, 2012 2 PM Golf & Games

The only family ‘fun’draiser where all ages can participate.

How You Can ParticipateBe A Sponsor ($118-$5000)

Enter as a Team ($36 - Team of 4)


Address____________________________________City____________ State ________ ZIP _______________

Phone _________________ Cell Phone _________________ E-mail___________________________________

____ Yes, I would like a hole/tee sponsorship.* ($118-$5000) Special benefi ts may include one complimen-tary team, 4 YC golf balls, 4 chances to win a YC putter, reference in all promotional materials and publicity, discount of Golf & Games wrist bands, name on Hole/Tee sign. *Sponsorships are 100% tax deductible.

Please have my sponsorship sign read _____________________________________________

All funds raised will benefi t Hillel student programming and book grant scholarships.

Players on my complimentary team:

1)________________________________ age______ 2)_________________________________ age______

3)________________________________ age______ 4)_________________________________ age______

TEAM NAME _____________________________________________________________________ Yes, I would like to help the Hillel of Memphis students. Sorry, I cannot play. Please accept the check as a donation.

Please return the Yiddishe Cup Registration form and payment to Hillel of Memphis, 3581 Midland Ave., Memphis, TN 38111.

____ Check OR ____Credit Card Amount: __________________

Please circle one - VISA MasterCard Discover Am. Express

Card #___________________________________ Exp. date______ Security Code_______

Select one of the following:_____ Yes, please enter me as an individual ($10)._____ Yes, please enter my team of 4 ($36) - Please list Team members and ages.

1)________________________________ age______ 2)_________________________________ age______

3)________________________________ age______ 4)_________________________________ age______

TEAM NAME _________________________________________________________

NEW Register Online! Go to and click on the Yiddishe Cup logo to register.

Page 10: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


Early Childhood Center

Dates to RememberApril 4 .......................................ECC Passover ExperienceApril 6 .......................................ECC Closed for PassoverApril 9-12 ..................................Spring Break for Preschool and Kindergarten; Toddling Tots Open, Spring Camp Available for Preschool and KindergartenApril 13 .....................................ECC Closed for PassoverApril 16 .....................................Preschool/Kindergarten ResumeMay 24 .......................................Kindergarten GraduationMay 25 .......................................Last Day of Preschool/KindergartenMay 28 .......................................ECC Closed - Shavuot/Memorial DayMay 29-June 1 ..........................Camp Lifnei (Pre-Camp)June 4-15 ...................................ECC Camp Session 1June 11.......................................New Toddlers StartJune 18-29 .................................ECC Camp Session 2July 2-13 ....................................ECC Camp Session 3July 4 .........................................ECC Closed - Independence DayJuly 16-27 ..................................ECC Camp Session 4

Spring Camp April 9-12

7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.What happens when the Earth wakes up? We all know that spring begins when we hear the birds chirping and see the flowers blooming, but how else do the plants and animals wake up each spring? Come to camp to find out! You’ll learn all about the Earth and how she wakes up each year after the cold, dark winter is over. Don’t forget your lunch. We will provide morning and afternoon snacks that are kosher for Passover as well as time for rest and relaxation. Spring Camp is available for those children who turn 3 years old by January 31, 2012. Children must be potty trained to attend. You can register for all 4 days or drop-in for just one.

Camp Lifnei (Pre Camp)Sunsational Summer Fun

May 29 – June 17:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Join us before camp starts to get a jump-start on your summer fun. There will be summer-themed arts and crafts projects as well as indoor and outdoor play, music, drama, and much more during these sun-filled days. You may register by the day or per week at a discount. We will provide a morning snack and an afternoon snack as well as juice for lunch. You send lunch and a mat for rest time. Open to children who are 3 by June 4, 2012 through t h o s e e n t e r i n g Kindergarten in the fall. Children must be fully potty trained to attend. Space is limited so register early!

Class # Fee Dates11042100 $185 May 29-June 111042101 $52 Tues., May 2911042102 $52 Wed., May 3011042103 $52 Thurs., May 3111042104 $52 Fri., June 1

Class # Fee Dates

11032100 $185 Mon.-Thurs.,April 9-12

11032101 $52 Mon., April 911032102 $52 Tues., April 1011032103 $52 Wed., April 1111032104 $52 Thurs., April 12

Page 11: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


Dr. Joel Turetzky, President of the B’nai B’rith International Sam Schloss Lodge, delivers a copy of

The Peanut Butter Bee by Joel Cox to the ECC. Judaic Studies teacher Sara Kaplan and kindergarten students

Cooper Lynch and Jordan Kirshbaum accepted the book on behalf of the school. Cox, a local high school senior, took top prize in the B'nai B'rith International Diverse

Minds Youth Writing Challenge.

Summer Camp AM/PM CareDon’t forget to register for AM and/or PM Care if you need to drop off your camper before 8:45 a.m. or pick-up after 4:00 p.m. You can register for all 8 weeks, for a particular 2-week session, or drop-in as needed. Drop-in fee is $12 per AM Care and $12 per PM Care.

Camp Paperwork DueMAY 14

All camp paperwork including the Camper Information Form, Medical Form, Media Release and Sunscreen

Permission Form must be completed and returned to the ECC Office.

SuMMER CAMPJune 4 – July 27

Go for the gold this summer and join us as we learn about and celebrate the Olympic Games. A curriculum created around training camp, the Summer Games, the Winter Games, and the Maccabi Games will foster a love of sports and encourage good sportsmanship for years to come. Sign up for all 8 weeks or for a two-week session. For more information call 761-0810 x 125 or email [email protected].

Camp Me & You12-36 months

Class # Fee Dates

11042115 $100 member$120 nonmember June 5-26

Session I:Tuesdays, 9:15 - 11:30 a.m.

Class # Fee Dates

11042125 $100 member$120 nonmember June 6-27

Session II:Wednesdays, 9:15 - 11:30 a.m.

Class # Fee Dates

11042215 $100 member$120 nonmember July 3-24

Session III:Tuesdays, 9:15 - 11:30 a.m.

Class # Fee Dates

11042225 $75 member$90 nonmember July 11-25

Session IV:Wednesdays, 9:15 - 11:30 a.m.

Camp Me & You is designed to create a nurturing community for children and their adults. It provides an environment that enhances early learning, social skills and increasing confidence and independence. Your child will be exposed to the BEST the MJCC has to offer. Activities will include waterbabies swim lessons, swim time at the baby pool and splash pad, yoga, dance, music and creative movement, art, storytelling and dramatic play, Judaic exploration, and motor skill gym time. Come join us this summer!

Page 12: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


ECC Celebrates Second Annual Peace WeekThrough engagement in carefully planned activities, students, teachers, and families focused on

promoting peace in our classrooms, school, homes, community, and world.

Toddler Eli Cole receives assistance from Pre-K teacher Ms. Toni Archer when creating his Peace Pinwheel. Kabir Syali enjoys the experience of getting together with his younger friends.

The whole school dressed for the occasion and brought their peace pinwheels to the Belz Social Hall to celebrate Peace Shabbat together.

Renie Lynch enjoys painting her dove puppet. Transitional Nursery student Samhita Jani works alongside Kindergartener Micah White to create a cooperative dove shape collage.

Pre-K students Elliot Ben-Moshe and Shayna Klein poured their contributions to a cooperative snack into a bowl during Kabbalat Shabbat.

Nursery students Meredith Epstein, Alaina Feinman, Zain Amin, Lyla Talley and Alan Hamburger showed off their peace hats and glasses, strummed on their peace guitars, and led the school in singing peace songs.

Page 13: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


Mondays 8:00 - 8:45 a.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492113 $80 members* 3-6 years Mar 12 - May 7

*Drop In Fee: $12 MembersWednesdays 8:00 - 8:45 a.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

17492114 $80 members* 3-6 years Mar 14 - May 9*Drop In Fee: $12 Members

Early Care Art ClubStudents will learn a variety of art concepts that encourage playful exploration. Concepts will include color mixing, mark making and shape identification.

Fundamentals of ArtStudents will explore the fundamental concepts of art, including color mixing, color identification, mark making and shape building through a variety of fun projects.

Tuesdays 2:15 - 3:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492115 $160 members

$200 non-members3-4 years Mar 13 - May 8

Wednesdays 3:00 - 3:45 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492116 $160 members

$200 non-members5-6 years Mar 14 - May 9

Drawing, 7-9 yearsYoung artists will explore foundation drawing and mark making concept through a variety of creative projects.

Tuesdays 3:45 - 4:45 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492118 $160 members

$200 non-members7-9 years Mar 13 - May 8

Painting, 7-9 yearsYoung artists will explore foundation painting and color concepts using a variety of creative projects.

Wednesdays 3:45 - 4:45 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492117 $160 members

$200 non-members7-9 years Mar 12 - May 9

Art House

Art House at the MJCC Open Studio

The Art House at the MJCC offers an open art studio for children and adults daily. Explore

your creative side with a wide variety of artistic mediums appropriate for aspiring artists.

Each session is purchased at an hourly rate ($8 member $10 non-members).

Reservations are recommended as space is limited.

Open Studio HoursMonday – Thursday 9:00am – 11:00 am 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult.

If you are interested in hosting a birthday party at the Art House at the MJCC, please contact

Kelly Gunter at (901) 870-1060.

The Art House is a community art space that provides the opportunity

for process-based artistic exploration and creative indulgence through

classes, workshops, private lessons and an open studio.

Want a class but don’t see it on the Art House schedule?

Contact Amy Hutcheson to get the class started.

To schedule a private lesson with Amy Hutcheson, please call (901) 409-7515.

Page 14: Memphis Jewish Community Center JCCScene April 2012


Beginning Comic Book Design, 10-13 years

Young artists will learn the beginning basics of designing both comic book layouts and narrative drawing through story storyboarding and character design.Tuesdays 4:45 - 5:45 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492120 $160 members

$200 non-members10-13 years Mar 13 - May 8

Drawing & Painting, 10-13 yearsArtists will create a variety of work that will teach them how to explore and combine drawing and painting techniques.

Mondays 4:15 - 5:15 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492119 $160 members

$200 non-members10-13 years Mar 12 - May 7

Drawing & Painting, for TeensArtists will explore a variety of drawing and painting concepts through various projects that will explore their creative side.

Wednesdays 4:45 - 5:45 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492121 $160 members

$200 non-members13+ years Mar 14 - May 9

Adult Drawing & PaintingThis class is a versatile opportunity for both beginning and advanced students. Beginners will be taught foundation techniques and advanced students will have the opportunity to further explore at a comfortable and challenging level.Thursdays 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492123 $160 members

$200 non-members17+ years Mar 15 - May 10

Specialty Drawing ClassThis class is a versatile opportunity for both beginning and advanced students. Beginners will be taught foundation techniques and advanced students will have the opportunity to further explore at a comfortable and challenging level.Thursdays 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates17492122 $160 members

$200 non-members7-13 years Mar 15 - May 10

Project Hours at the MJCC Art House

Mommy & Me Project HourNew young artists and their mommies can explore

various creative techniques that will encourage motor skill development and creative play.

Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays9:15 am - 10:00 am

Ages: 1-3 yearsFee: $5 members $8 non-members

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CampSummer Camp Staff Wanted!!!!!

According to a recent study done by USA Today, working at a summer camp will teach you more life skills than a professional internship. With that being said, go to and fill out an application online or print out an application

to become a Specialist, Junior Counselor or Senior Counselor and have the best summer job of your life. How many jobs can you get that will allow you to swim every day, play every sport imaginable, participate in Arts and Crafts, hang out with old and new friends as well as wear shorts to the office? If this sounds like an unforgettable summer in the making to you, then the Memphis JCC is

where you belong!

Junior Counselors – Entering 11th & 12th grade

Senior Counselors – Post high school

Specialists – Post High School

Summer Camp Staff OrientationTuesday May 29-Friday June 1

MJCC summer camp is only a few days away, so every counselor knows what that means…Summer camp staff orientation. After applying and interviewing with Aaron Tevlowitz, save the dates for a fun filled opportunity to meet, and get to know, the rest of the staff you will be spending the best summer of your life with. Applications can be picked up at the front desk or found under the

“Camp” tab at

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Markell School of DanceAlexei Moskalenko, Director

2012 May Performance Dates:Thursday, May 10 ................................. Dress Rehearsal I and Photos: 5-6:30 p.m. - Primary Ballet, Ballet I-II, Ballet II-III, Tap I, Hip-Hop I, II 6:30-9 p.m. - Academy III-IV, Tap VI, VII, Jazz VI, VII & Jr. & Sr. CompanySunday, May 13 .................................... *Spring Performance I at 3:00 p.m.Monday, May 14 ................................... Discovery Dance Demonstration-Performance at 5:15 p.m. (Dance Studio)Tuesday, May 15 ................................ Pre-Ballet (Tues. Class) Demonstration-Performance at 3:15 p.m. (Dance Studio) Pre-Primary Ballet Demonstration-Performance at 5:00 p.m. (Theater)Wednesday, May 16 .............................. Pre-Ballet (Wed. Class) Demonstration-Performance at 3:15 p.m. (Dance Studio)Wednesday, May 23 ........................... Dress Rehearsal II and Photos: 5-5:45 p.m. - Ballet IVA, Hip-Hop II, Jazz IV, Tap IV 5:45-6:45 p.m. - Academy I-II, Jazz V, VI, Tap V, VI 6:45-9:15 p.m. - Academy III-IV, Jazz VII, Tap VII, Jr. & Sr. CompanyThursday, May 24 ................................. **Spring Performance II at 7:00 p.m.

*Dancers include: Primary Ballet, Ballet I-II, Ballet II-III, Tap VI, VII, Hip-Hop I, II, Academy III-IV, Jazz VI, VII, Jr. & Sr. Company**Dancers include: Ballet IVA, Academy I-II, III-IV, Jazz IV, V, VI, VII, Hip-Hop II, Tap IV, V, VI, VII, Jr. & Sr. Company

Summer Is Important To Stay In Shape!All dancers (especially Maccabi Dance Team) are recommended to workout and

do some stretches at home or take more dance classes during the summer.

No Dance Classes:Sunday, April 8 PassoverThursday, April 12 PassoverThursday, April 19 No classes after 6:00 p.m.

Jonathan Matthews (in white t-shirt) taking Summer Ballet Intensive at Harid Conservatory in Boca Raton, Florida in June 2011. Jonathan graduated last year

from MJCC Markell School of Dance.

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Ballet Classes in June10+ years old

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 6:15 - 7:45 p.m. Pointe or Rehearsal: 7:45 - 8:30 p.m.

Class # Fee Dates

17602132 $72 members$82 non-members June 11-14

17602133 $72 members$82 non-members June 18-21

17602134 $72 members$82 non-members June 25-28

Alexei Moskalenko teaching Master Class at Beijing Academy of Dance, China, June 2011

Alexei Moskalenko teaching Summer Ballet Intensive Program at Briansky Ballet Center at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, July 2011

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Dancetastic Camp in July!Rising 1-4 Graders

Summer Camp Session III: July 2-13, 2012


Your child will be the Star as we celebrate the Red, White & Blue and some of Disney's most beloved characters.


An "out of this world" experience that will have you dancing to the rhythm of nature and the galaxies.

Cheerleading Mini-Camp in June!Rising 1-4 GradersJune 25-28, 2012

Come Scream Your Head Off! Cheerleading camp will lead kids on a path toward improving self-confidence, overall physical health, and creative self-expression through teaching of basic Cheer concepts,

movements, spirit and execution. Learn jumps, leaps, chants and basic tumbling skills. Tons of fun!!!

Monday - Thursday 4:15 - 6:15 p.m. Class # Fee Dates

17602135 $100 members*$110 non-members June 25-28

*$90 members/$100 non-members if you register before or on June 1, 2012.

Hip-Hop Mini-Camp in June!Rising 1-4 GradersJune 18-21, 2012

High energy, fast moving and most recognized form of dance. Learn exciting dance combinations. Great for Boys & Girls!

Monday - Thursday 4:15 - 6:15 p.m. Class # Fee Dates

17602136 $100 members*$110 non-members June 18-21

*$90 members/$100 non-members if you register before or on June 1, 2012.

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Waysto HelpUs MakeHistory


3S p e c i a l S e c t i o n

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Show Your Support in theMaccabi Games Souvenir Book.


My name is Nataly Shapira. I live in Petach Tikva,

Israel. I am the granddaughter of Amitzur Shapira,

one of the 11 Israelis murdered by terrorists at the

Munich Olympics in 1972.

My grandfather, Amitzur Shapira, was athletics coach

of the Israeli Olympic Delegation. I shall try to explain

the pain and the loss; there will always be more tears

to shed. I never knew my grandfather…a man who

reached Olympic-grade, brought pride to Israel, a very

special person…I hear of him, but never knew him...

it is a memory in a painful vacuum of knowledge.

I would like to thank the Memphis Jewish community

for giving me the opportunity to come to the 2002

JCC Maccabi Games and to share knowledge of my

grandfather and cherish the memory of the Munich

11 with your teens.

Thanking you,

Nataly Shapira

Show your pride. Show your unity. Show your support.The JCC Maccabi Games, an annual athletic event for Jewish teens from around the world, serve as a point of entry for teens into the Jewish community. The Games are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Jewish teens to build pride and unity throughout the Jewish world – something we need to support today, more than ever. And the MJCC is supporting the games wholeheartedly.

But support is expensive. Only 1/4 of the costs of the Games are offset by entry fees.We also don’t believe any teens should be excluded from participation due to an inability to pay. That’s why our Federation’s Lemsky Fund is subsidizing the entry fees of a full team of teens from Mazkeret Batya, Israel who are unable to pay registration fees or associated costs. We are paying for two family members of Israeli Athletes murdered at the 1972 Munich Olympics to participate, and we are covering the expenses of many local athletes who would not be able to participate otherwise.

Show your support in the Maccabi Souvenir Book.One way for our members to contribute to this worthy cause is through participating in our Maccabi Games Souvenir Book. Placing an ad will put your name front and center before a worldwide audience – in a book that promises to be a collectible item and a keepsake for years to come.

Whether you purchase an ad in our special section as a Full Gold Page Patron, or place a personalized message to an athlete with a tribute ad, participating in the Maccabi Games Souvenir Book is the best way to ensure that all athletes will get a chance to compete, while also showing your own pride in supporting the Jewish community.

See Back Page of Special Section for Ad Order Form.

Letter from the Granddaughter of Athlete Amitzur Shapira, who was murdered at the 1972 Munich Olympics

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See Back Page of Special Section for Ad Order Form.

Don’t miss this opportunity to:• ExposeMemphisJewishteensfromalldifferentbackgroundsandaffiliationstoaJewishcommunal environment replete with healthy competition.

• ProvideaforumfortheJewishCommunityCentertoreachouttoteenstoprovideongoingJewishathletic, educational, and cultural year-round programming.

• ProvideteenswithnewentrypointstoaffiliatewiththeorganizedJewishcommunityinMemphis.

• CreateanenvironmentforJewishyouthtoparticipateinaworldwideJewishcompetitionwithafocus on fun, Judaism, sportsmanship, and leadership.

• ProvideasettingforteenstolearntheValuesofTikkunOlam(repairingtheworld).

• CreatelastingmemoriesforJewishteensfromaroundtheworld.

Join us and sponsor the future.See details on purchasing a Souvenir Book Ad on the back page of this section. Help us support our athletes at the Maccabi Games. We can’t do it without you.

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I can house August 5-10 (5 nights) ❏ 2 ❏ 3 ❏ 4 ❏ 5 ❏ 6 ❏ Boys ❏ Girls

I can house members of the Mazkeret Batya, Israel Team August 2-12 (10 nights) ❏

Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone # ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell # ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

❏ JCC Member ❏ Non-Member

*Minimum of two Maccabi athletes per host family.For additional housing information, please call

Jennifer Roberts at 761-0810 ext. 106.Shelby Baum, Teri Graber, Elise Jordan

Housing Co-Chairs

I Want to Do My Partto Help House

the Visiting MaccabiAthletes in 2012!

Show Our Guests Some MJCC Southern Hospitality.

Return Housing Form to Front Desk.

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Show Our Guests Some MJCC Southern Hospitality.

Return Housing Form to Front Desk.

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Participate in Sponsorship Opportunities for the Historic 30th Anniversary Games.

For More Information, Contact Barrie Weiser.

Be a Part of the Games!

$100,000❏ Overall Games

Benefits: Opportunity for 4 employees, customers, guests, trustees, etc. to lead in Memphis delegation at Opening Ceremony, each carrying their company, foundation, business, or family sign; photo op presenting gold medal at competition of their choice; 24 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony and 24 VIP Reception invites; gold or color full page ad on page 1 in souvenir book (5,500 copies).––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

$50,000❏ Opening Ceremonies

Benefits: Opportunity to introduce Israeli government representative (Minister of Sport) at Opening Reception; 12 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony; 18 invites to VIP Reception; full page color or gold ad on page 1 of souvenir book.

❏ Name on All Maccabi Buses

Benefits: Name of family, foundation, company, etc. on all buses; 12 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony, full page silver ad; 12 VIP Reception invites; full page gold ad in souvenir book (5,500 copies).


$36,000❏ Day of Caring

Benefits: Opportunity to introduce dignitaries; photo ops; name on program for the afternoon (1,500); 10 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony, 10 invites to VIP Reception; full page silver ad.

❏ Closing Party and Dinner

Benefits: Multiple signage at party; photo ops; 10 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony, 10 invites to VIP Reception full page silver ad.

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For More Information, Contact Barrie Weiser.






1 9 8 2 – 2 0 1 2

$25,000❏ VIP Reception❏ Evening Social Events (2)❏ Maccabi Central Office❏ Israeli Delegation❏ Lobby Maccabi Computer Kiosk

Benefits: Prominent signage at venue or site; 8 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony; 8 invites to VIP reception; full page silver ad in souvenir book.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

$18,000❏ Memphis Maccabi Team ❏ Official Games Schedule and Map❏ Munich 11 Memorial❏ All Day Hospitality Area at JCC❏ Mezzuzot (1,000) for U.S. Armed Forces Personnel

Benefits: Prominent signage and/or announcements; 6 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony, 6 invites to VIP Reception; full page silver ad.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


❏ Dining Area for Athletes (2)❏ Signage in JCC Gym❏ Basketball Competition (2)❏ Baseball Competition❏ Soccer – Boys (2)❏ Dance❏ Lacrosse❏ Flag Football❏ Swimming

Benefits: Prominent signage at appropriate venues; 4 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony, 4 invites to VIP Reception; full page ad.


❏ Soccer – Girls (1)❏ Girls’ Basketball❏ Tennis❏ Table Tennis❏ Track and Field

Benefits: Prominent signage at appropriate venues; 2 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony, 2 invites to VIP Reception; full page ad.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

$7,500❏ Lunch (4)❏ Local Teams• Soccer–Boys(2) • Soccer–Girls(1) • Swimming • Girls’Basketball(1) • Boys’Basketball(2) • Dance(1) • TableTennis(1) • Boys’Baseball(1) • Lacrosse • FlagFootball

Benefits: Prominent signage at appropriate venues; 2 reserved seats at Opening Ceremony, 2 invites to VIP Reception.

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David Cooper, Robin Orgel, and Steve Wishnia, Resource Development Chairs

ReturnOrderFormto:SarahSehnert,ExecutiveAssistantorEmailto:[email protected]

Maccabi Games Souvenir Book Ad Order Form

Advertiser’s Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact ___________________________________________________________________ Solicited by (if Applicable) _____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________________________________ Fax ______________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City _____________________________________________________ State ____________________________________________________ Zip _____________________________________________

I want to be part of the Historic Community Event.

Amount Due: $ _________________________________________________________________

Check # __________________________________________________________________________

Credit Card Mastercard Visa AMEX Card # ___________________________________________________ Exp Date _____________________________

Authorized Signature __________________________________________________________

Please Submit Payment with Order Form

Gold Full Page 7 1/2 x 10 $5,000Silver Page 7 1/2 x 10 $2,500Full Page 7 1/2 x 10 $1,0001/2 Page Horizontal 7 1/2 x 4 3/4 $600 Vertical 10 x 3 3/41/4 Page 3 3/4 x 4 3/4 $3501/8 Page 3 3/4 x 2 1/4 $200

Tribute Ad Example Below – $36

I am giving you camera ready artwork. I am giving you written copy (See below) plus camera ready logo art.I am giving you written copy only (See below).

Copy (Can be either business promotional copy or a personal message):

6560 Poplar Ave. / Memphis, TN 38138 / 901-761-0810 / Fax 901-767-4888 /

To Ben Binder –Good luck in the games!

We’re so proud of your hard work.Have fun and do your best!

Mom, Dad and Suzie

David Cooper, Robin Orgel, and Steve WishniaResource Development Chairs

Return Order Form to:Sarah Sehnert, Executive Assistantor Email to: [email protected]






1 9 8 2 – 2 0 1 2

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Congratulations to our Senior DancersHARPER LANDAu AND JODIE STRuMINGER

Harper and Jodie in 2002

Harper and Jodie in 2012

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Milton SchaefferDelores Kinsolving Scheidt

Family Foundation

It’s Happening at GPAC2011-2012 SEASON

VictOr ASuNciON, piano

MAriE-StèphANE BErNArd, sopranoThursday, March 22 • 7:30 P.M.

Following on the heels of the success of Jazz in the Box, The Music Box is an “out of the box thinking” chamber music series featuring intimate cocktail seating, a full bar, and some of the most exciting classical musicians in the region. Performing works by Ravel, Debussy and Duparc, March features soprano Marie-Stephane Bernard and pianist Victor Asunsion.

Ravel: Gaspar de la nuit Debussy: “L’enfant Prodigue” Air de Lia

Ravel: Shéhérazade Ravel: L’oiseau triste

Debussy: Jardin sous la pluie Duparc: La Vie Antèrieure

Debussy: Reflet dans l’eau

Tickets: $20 (plus handling fee) Series Sponsor: delores Kinsolving

BElA FlEcK & thE FlEcKtONESFriday, aPril 13 • 8 P.M.

Groundbreaking banjoist Bela Fleck is joined by the extraordinary original Flecktones: pianist/harmonica player Howard Levy, bassist Victor Wooten and percussionist Roy “Futureman” Wooten. The four-time Grammy winners weave together a sound that is like no other, a perfect synthesis of jazz, bluegrass, blues, and other influences from classical to African and Eastern European folk dances. Simply put, it is The Flecktones – the music made only when these four individuals come together.

Tickets: $25 • $35 • $45 (plus handling fee)

hotel sponsor:show sponsor:

pONchO SANchEz with tErENcE BlANchArdCubano be! Cubano bop!a tribute to Chano pozo and Dizzy Gillespie

sunday, aPril 22 • 7 P.M.

Poncho Sanchez and Terence Blanchard, with the backing of the Poncho Sanchez Latin Jazz Band, have created a hot new project that is a tribute to the legacy of the Original Conga King, Chano Pozo, and his co-conspirator in Latin Jazz, Dizzy Gillespie. With their 1947 Carnegie Hall concert, Pozo and Gillespie put Afro-Cuban Jazz on the map, literally changing the face of musical history and the course of American Jazz.

Tickets: $25 • $35 • $45 (plus handling fee) Jazz series sponsor:

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Thursday, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.Class # Fee Dates

17492123 $160 members$200 non-members

Mar 15-May 10

Adult Drawing & Painting

Singular Sensations A Social Circle for People Over 50

APRIL 17, 2012 at 3:00 PMUniversity of Memphis Harris Concert Hall

Southern Comfort Jazz Orchestra presents a tribute to Jewish-American Songwriters in collaboration with the University of Memphis Library.

Healing Meditation Part I with Daniel Lamontagne

A teacher of meditation for the past 20 years, Daniel Lamontagne has experienced the profound benefits of meditation in his own life and witnessed the positive changes it has brought about in the lives of many others. His standard classes are eight-week programs that teach participants how to stay centered in the present and to develop and strengthen their natural abilities for healing, intuition, and mindfulness. Students gain important tools for shaping healthy, meaningful lives in this challenging world and for making the most of their personal potential.

In these classes Daniel will incorporate the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn on stress reduction as well as may other teachers including Eckart Tolle and Jack Kornfield. There will be handouts given at each class with information on the subject as well as things to reflect on.

Monday, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Class # Fee Dates

17632102 $135 members$145 non-members April 9-June 4*

*No Class on May 28 - Closed for Shavuot

Class # Fee Dates17632103 $5 April 17

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The Nathan and Dorothy Shainberg Art Galleryfeatures

TransformationAmy HutcHesonApril 19 - May 25

Opening Reception: Thursday, April 19, 2012 from 2:00-4:00 PM

Amy Hutcheson’s new exhibition is aptly named “Transformation,” for this is a display of work that is transformational, if not transfiguring in every sense, and represents a breakthrough for the artist. “Transformation” consists of fairly large ink, graphite and gesso pieces on heavy Stonehenge paper that are dynamic, brutal and gestural, or graphite drawings on the same type of paper that are more delicate, lyrical and sensual.

While Hutcheson’s conceit is figurative, the impulse is reductive and mythic. Hutcheson, who earned a bachelor of fine arts degree from Memphis College of Art in 2004, applies her notion of thick, rapid-fire brushstrokes and abstraction to dislocate figurative subjects from time and space and place them in a moment of pure medium and motion and emotional crux.

While the ink, graphite and gesso pieces are exhilarating and often provocative, the graphite

drawings, however lyrical they may be, also bring a sense of sparseness, self-denial and maturity. Their vision involves an extension of the gestural principles of the other works into the realm of long, balletic, breathless lines and an atmosphere of barely suppressed desire.

As Hutcheson explains in her artist statement, “My works are as much about what I have left in as what I have taken away, starting with layer upon layer of drawing, erasing, then covering the same areas over and over again. My process focuses upon surface changes and the shifting and pushing of the mediums. New shapes and structures appear on the surface, some dredged up from my memory and some my imagination.

Each piece explores what is intimate, what is exposed -- either cherished or abandoned. Images unfurl and curl up, folding and unfolding at the same time. Secrets are not confidential, but exposed. The viewer is given glimpses around corners that are in motion. You are held in safe place, but motionless and inescapable.

Imagine a puzzle with ever infinite changing pieces and solutions; that is what my process means to me.”



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Senior Lunch BunchLuNCH WILL BE SERVED AT 11:30 A.M. ON MONDAY THROuGH FRIDAY BEGINNING JANuARY 2012, and programs will be at 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. Meal reservations: Call 761-0810 by preceding morning before noon or sign up on the list outside the Gift Shop. Note: Reservations for lunch on Mondays must be made BEFORE noon on preceding Friday. No names will be added after 12:00 noon.

ThursdayApril 5 Trip to Stein Mart and Fresh MarketApril 12 Passover: NO LUNCH OR LUNCH BUNCHApril 19 Speaker: Ann Dudash, Memphis in May featured

country “Philippines”April 26 Trip to TargetMay 3 Movie: TBA. $1.00 includes movie, popcorn

and drinkMay 10 Speaker: Dr. Giel on topic “Arthritis, Joint Pain

and Treatment Options”May 17 Trip to Dollar TreeMay 24 Trip to TCBYMay 31 BINGO!!!

TuesdayApril 3 Speaker: Rabbi Aaron Rubinstein visits. Topic:

PassoverApril 10 Passover: NO LUNCH OR LUNCH BUNCHApril 17 Movie: TBA. $1.00 includes movie, popcorn

and drinkApril 24 Visit to Dixon Gallery to see “Lee Littlefield

Sculpture.” (Pay what you can day at Dixon)May 1 BINGO!!! .25/cardMay 8 Trip to Wal-MartMay 22 MJCC ECC Kindergarten Graduation PracticeMay 29 Driving tour of Memphis!

SundayApril 15 Trip to Germantown Community Theater to

see “The Spitfire Grill.” $13.00 admission fee. Prepay at the MJCC front desk.

May 6 Trip to Germantown Performing Arts Center to see “Little Mendelsohns and Mozarts” children’s orchestra. $10 admission fee. Prepay at MJCC front desk.

Transportation will be provided to the MJCC on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Call Jennifer

Roberts at 761-0810 for further details.

The Rain or Shine JCC Line

ATTENTION BRIDGE PLAYERSDo you know how to play bridge, but don’t

have anyone to play with? Let Jennifer Roberts know and she’ll help you get a

game together!

OngOing SeniOr


• Collecting old eyeglasses and cases to be sent to Sierra Leone, West Africa

• Collection of old cell phones to be made into “911” phones

• Penny and coin collection to help aid Horn Lake Middle School’s Holocaust Memorial

• Collection of reusable tote bags to send on next medical mission to Nicaragua

Cantor John Kaplan, MJCC Seniors and MJCC ECC Kindergartners celebrating the holiday of TuB'Shevat.

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MJCC Seniors at university of Memphis Art Gallery

Adult Club Monthly Luncheons

Featuring the Music ofRene Koopman, Pianistwith easy listening and sophisticated jazz

Wednesday, May 23 at 12:00 p.m.In the Belz Social Hall

$4.50 MJCC members/$6.00 non-membersReservations are REQuIRED BY WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. If you are not called by the Telephone Committee, call Bobbie Kaplan at 685-6868 or Sylvia Walter at 754-1986. If you cannot attend, please call to cancel. Musical entertainment provided by Creative Aging.

Featuring the Soft Fire Duo Music ofAlfred Rudd & Kurl McKinney

with jazz, standards, rhythm and blues, and popular songs.

Wednesday, April 25 at 12:00 p.m.In the Belz Social Hall

$4.50 MJCC members/$6.00 non-membersReservations are REQuIRED BY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18. If you are not called by the Telephone Committee, call Bobbie Kaplan at 685-6868 or Sylvia Walter at 754-1986. If you cannot attend, please call to cancel. Musical entertainment provided by Creative Aging.

Casino TripsSPOnSOred by Mjcc & PArAgOn nATiOnAl bAnk

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18Sam’s Town Casino


WEDNESDAY, MAY 16Harrah’s Casino


Leave JCC at 9:00 a.m.Return to JCC at 4:00 p.m.

$20 includes round-trip motor coach transportation, $5 slot play & buffet lunch

Pick up reservation form at MJCC Front Desk, and mail $20 check payable to: Paragon National Bank; Attn: Rita Fiduccia; 6300 Poplar Avenue, Suite 117; Memphis, TN 38119

Limited Spaces!

BSSS’ Makelah (choir) entertain MJCC Seniors.

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Adult Cardio TennisTuesdays 9:00-10:00 a.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322121 $90 members$120 non-members

18+ years Jun 5-Jul 24

Thursdays 9:00-10:00 a.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322122 $90 members$120 non-members

18+ years Jun 7-Jul 26

All Youth tennis classes will now utilize “Quick Start” tennis balls

and teaching methods.

AthleticsYouth Tennis

Tennis: Summer SlamMonday-Thursday 9:00-10:00 a.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322118 $350 members$450 non-members

18+ years Jun 4-Jul 26

Adult Tennis

Tennis: Women’s ClinicMondays 6:00-7:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322123 $80 members$110 non-members

18+ years Jun 4-Jul 23

Tennis: Men’s LeagueMondays 7:00-8:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322125 $80 members$110 non-members

18+ years Jun 4-Jul 23

Tennis: Men’s ClinicWednesdays 6:00-7:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322124 $70 members$100 non-members

18+ years Jun 6-Jul 23

Tennis: Morning Mini Champs “Quick Start”Mondays & Wednesdays 8:15-9:00 a.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322115 $225 members$255 non-members

5-8 years Jun 4-Aug 1

Tennis: Morning Super Servers “Quick Start”Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:15-9:00 a.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322116 $225 members$255 non-members

8-10 years Jun 5-Aug 2

Tennis: Next LevelMonday-Wednesday 4:30-5:30 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322117 $210 members$240 non-members

11-17 years Jun 4-Aug 1

Tennis: Never Ever

Mondays 9:00-10:00 a.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322119 $120 members$150 non-members

18+ years Jun 4-Jul 23

Wednesdays 9:00-10:00 a.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322120 $120 members$150 non-members

18+ years Jun 6-Jul 25

Drop your kids off at the MJCC summer camp and enjoy an hour of one of the best tennis instructors in the Mid-South.

Tennis: Women’s LeagueWednesdays 7:00-8:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322126 $70 members$100 non-members

18+ years Jun 6-Jul 25*

School’s Out for Summer Tennis CampTuesday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322114 $150 members$200 non-members

6-16 years May 29-Jun 1

SESSION I: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322127 $160 members$220 non-members

12-18 years Jun 4-Jun 8

Super Servers Tennis CampGet your summer tennis swing on and improve your game with one of the best tennis staffs the Mid-South has ever seen.

SESSION II: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322128 $160 members$220 non-members

12-18 years Jun 18-Jun 22

SESSION III: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322201 $160 members$220 non-members

12-18 years Jul 9-Jul 13

SESSION III: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14322202 $160 members$220 non-members

12-18 years Jul 23-Jul 27

There will be NO League play on Wednesday, July 4th

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Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30-6:30 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14152101 $140 4-6 years May 13 - Jun 30Please Note: There is a possibility of

Sunday afternoon games.

MJCC Co-Ed Tee Ball

The MJCC Tee-ball league is an entry to baseball and softball for young players. Members of two teams take turns hitting a ball off a batting tee set on home plate. Batters try to get on base and advance to home; fielders try to prevent that from happening. The elimination of pitching a l l o w s c h i l d r e n t o participate without the fear of being hit by a pitched ball. Tee ball develops the primary baseball skills of hitting, running, fielding and throwing. The players gain an understanding of the fundamental rules. This is a great way to introduce your child to the concept of team sports. Don’t miss out on the fun.

Season starts May 13th

Games start May 29th

Athlete of the MonthLee Harkavy

Favorite Food: On the non-healthy side--chili dogs; otherwise anything my wife makes.

Favorite Athlete: I would have to say that I was very impressed with Olympic gold medalist Lenny Krayzelburg who came to Memphis this fall.

Favorite Saying: We are 100% responsible for how we act and react.

Interesting Fact (about you): The most interesting fact about me is that my wife of 19 years is Laura Harkavy.

How long have you participated in MJCC athletic programs: All my life.

Current MJCC sports participation: Adult League Basketball and Youth Sports Committee Chair

Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:30-5:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14132102 $90 members$120 non-members

7-8 years Apr 3-May 17

Mini Stars Basketball Clinic w/ Rhynia HenryThis program provides basketball instruction to help develop fundamental basketball skills. Some of those skills include dribbling, shooting, passing, and hand/eye coordination drills. While ou goal is to teach basketball related skills, we also focus on team building, focus and group participation.

Tuesday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14382102 $155 members$175 non-members

8-16 years May 29-Jun 1

Memphis Grizzlies Summer Basketball Camp

May 29th - June 1st

9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.All participants will receive:• 1 Memphis Grizzlies T-Shirt

• 1 Memphis Grizzlies Basketball• 1 Memphis Grizzlies Game Ticket

• 1 Memphis Grizzlies HeadbandAll participants must bring a lunch each day.

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MJCC Adult Softball LeagueForm your own teams, and take the field!

$500 Team Fee10 games plus Tournament

Dust off your gloves and hit the batting cages because teams registration opens this month! All games will be played on Tuesdays.

Join up with Jewish friends, co-workers or organizations like your Synagogue, Business partners or Brotherhood group to form your team. Teams will pay a fee of $500 and should consist of a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 14 ($500 regardless of how many are on the team). Team fees do not include uniforms, but the MJCC does have brand new uniforms for purchase if a team does not want to order their own.TuesdaysClass # Fee Age Dates

14262101 $500 per team 18+ years May 22 - Aug 20

Adult Athletics

Adult Basketball Clinic w/ Rhynia HenryThe MJCC Basketball program is now extending our basketball training to those looking for an edge against the competition. This program focuses on providing a challenging basketball skills program for those adults that are looking for a way to get an excellent workout as well as improve their game. This class will challenge your dribbling, shooting, cardio, footwork, hand/eye coordination as well as inform participants on ways to improve their games from a strategic standpoint. This class is great for both men and women who want to improve their game and fitness.Tuesdays 7:30-8:30 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14252107 $120 members 18+ years Apr 3-May 17

Adult Summer BasketballWomen’s Basketball League

Playoffs will start Monday, July 30th

8 Game Season plus playoffsDraft: Tuesday, May 29th at 6:30 p.m.

Mondays 6:30-8:30 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14252109 $65 members$65 non-members

18+ years Jun 4-Jul 23

18+ Men’s Basketball LeaguePlayoffs will start Thursday, August 2nd

8 Game Season plus playoffsDraft: Tuesday, May 29th at 7:30 p.m.

Thursdays 6:30-8:30 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14252110 $65 members$90 non-members

18+ years Jun 7-Jul 27

30+ Men’s Basketball LeaguePlayoffs will start Monday, July 30th

8 Game Season plus playoffsDraft: Tuesday, May 29th at 8:30 p.m.

Mondays 6:30-8:30 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14252111 $65 members$90 non-members

18+ years Jun 4-Jul 23

BYOT - Summer Adult Basketball LeagueB.Y.O.T. = Bring Your Own Team

Team Captain must be a member of the MJCC in good standing. Teams may consist of anyone so long as the Captain is a member of the MJCC. Captain’s will be held responsible for their team’s behavior. Any ejections applied to a team

player will also be applied to team captains. The roster of each team is limited to 12 players or less. Team rosters must be turned in prior to the start of the season. Team rosters may not change once the season starts without approval of all

team captains. Games will be Sundays from 4-5 & 5-6. The season will consist of 8 games plus playoffs. Sundays 4:00-6:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14252108 $500 per team 18+ years Jun 3-Jul 29

There is a Maximum of 8 teams allowed in the league so get your team’s spot soon!

Sunday 12:00-2:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14382101 $20 members$25 non-members

17+ years Apr 1

Sunday 2:00-4:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14382103 $20 members$25 non-members

17+ years Apr 1

Sunday 4:00-6:00 p.m.Class # Fee Age Dates

14382104 $20 members$25 non-members

17+ years Apr 1

Basketball Coaching for DummiesHave you volunteered to coach your kid’s basketball team and are having trouble remembering what your 8th grade coach taught you? Well... HELP IS HERE. Join us for a two (2) hour “Coaching Basketball for Kids for Dummies” workshop, with Coach Dee. In this two (2) hour clinic, you will learn fun and creative ways of teaching shooting, lay-ups, free throws, ballhandling, defenses, positions, drills and game simulations. Come prepared with your workout clothes and notebook to take notes. Let us equip you to make this a FundAmentAlly sound coaching experience for both you and your team.

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AquaticsWaterbabies, 6-36 months old

Class # Fee Day/Time Dates14532127 $20 Sun 10:30-11:00 Apr 1-29*14532128 $15 Sun 10:30-11:00 May 6-2014532129 $20 Sun 10:30-11:00 June 3-2414532201 $20 Sun 10:30-11:00 July 1-22*No class on April 8

Beginning Swim, 3 years & upSession I

Class # Fee Day/Time Dates14532131 $81 Mon-Thurs 1:05-1:35 June 4-1414532132 $81 Mon-Thurs 4:05-4:35 June 4-1414532133 $81 Mon-Thurs 5:30-6:00 June 4-14

Class # Fee Day/Time Dates14532134 $81 Mon-Thurs 1:05-1:35 June 18-2814532135 $81 Mon-Thurs 4:05-4:35 June 18-2814532136 $81 Mon-Thurs 5:30-6:00 June 18-28

Session II

Class # Fee Day/Time Dates14532202 $72 Mon-Thurs 1:05-1:35 July 2-1214532203 $72 Mon-Thurs 4:05-4:35 July 2-1214532204 $72 Mon-Thurs 5:30-6:00 July 2-12* No class July 4

Session III

Class # Fee Day/Time Dates14532205 $81 Mon-Thurs 1:05-1:35 July 16-2614532206 $81 Mon-Thurs 4:05-4:35 July 16-2614532207 $81 Mon-Thurs 5:30-6:00 July 16-26

Session IV

Advanced Beginning Swim, 4 years & upSession I

Class # Fee Day/Time Dates14532137 $81 Mon-Thurs 1:05-1:35 June 4-1414532138 $81 Mon-Thurs 4:05-4:35 June 4-1414532139 $81 Mon-Thurs 5:30-6:00 June 4-14

Class # Fee Day/Time Dates14532140 $81 Mon-Thurs 1:05-1:35 June 18-2814532141 $81 Mon-Thurs 4:05-4:35 June 18-2814532142 $81 Mon-Thurs 5:30-6:00 June 18-28

Session II

Class # Fee Day/Time Dates14532208 $72 Mon-Thurs 1:05-1:35 July 2-1214532209 $72 Mon-Thurs 4:05-4:35 July 2-1214532210 $72 Mon-Thurs 5:30-6:00 July 2-12* No class July 4

Session III

Class # Fee Day/Time Dates14532211 $81 Mon-Thurs 1:05-1:35 July 16-2614532212 $81 Mon-Thurs 4:05-4:35 July 16-2614532213 $81 Mon-Thurs 5:30-6:00 July 16-26

Session IV

JCC Maccabi Games Swimmers!Join Team Memphis

We are getting ready for the Games! Practice is 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. We may be adding more practice times as we approach summer, so check with Danny Fadgen for additional practice times. The swimmers have been enjoying a unique experience with fellow swimmers of the same age group. If there are any teens out there that would like to give it a try, you are more than welcome to come visit and see if it is something you like. Call Danny Fadgen at 761-0810 x118 or email him at [email protected].

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Blue Dolphin Summer Swim Team4 years & up

Sun 4:00-4:45 p.m.; Mon-Thurs 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.Class # Fee Dates*

14552102 $210 member$160 per sibling

May 21-Aug 2

*Swimmers can join anytime. Fees will be prorated.

Monday & Wednesday, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.Members: $55/10 classes

Non-Members: $65/10 classesPay for an Aqua-Zumba exercise card at the Front Desk.

Aqua Zumba is a shallow water Aquatics Aerobics class that heats up the pool with Latin sizzle! Come join the party!!! First class is FREE! Bathing suit required, aqua shoes recommended.

FREEBlue Dolphin Swim Team

Anytime One Week TrialWe like to let new swimmers try the swim team anytime for a week to let them know that it will be a good fit before they sign up. If they decide to sign up in the middle of a session we will prorate the registration for what is left of the session. Participating on the Blue Dolphin Swim Team gives the swimmers great physical exercise and produces stronger cardiovascular systems which will carry over in adult life. Don’t stop at “swimmer”. Keep them going until

they become STRONG SWIMMERS.

Late Days of Summer Luauby the Lazy Blue Waters of the Outdoor Water ParkWednesday, July 4 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Lovely Hawaiian maidens making leis at last year’s luau party.

Arthritis Aquatics ExerciseMonday, Wednesday & Friday, 8:30-9:20 a.m.

Class # Fee Dates14572104 $17 members

$30 non-membersApril 2-30

14572105 $17 members$30 non-members

May 2-30

14572106 $17 members$30 non-members

June 1-29

14572201 $17 members$30 non-members

July 2-30

Individual Adult Swim TrainingBy Sam Brooks

Level 4 American Swim Coaches Assoc.4 One Hour Sessions $80

Available Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 5:45 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Contact Sam at 761-0810 ext. 141 during these days and times.

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Class # Fee Dates14542104 $190 member

$220 non-memberApril 1-25

14542105 $190 member$220 non-member

May 2-20

14542106 $190 member$220 non-member

May 20-25

2011 Lifeguard Training Certification15 years and older

Prerequisites: Must be at least 15 years old, able to swim 500 yards, tread water proficiently, submerge 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound brick and swim with it 25 yards. Students must attend all classes with swim suit and towel.

May Class - Session IWednesday, May 2 6:00 - 9:30 p.m.Sunday, May 6 12:30 - 5:45 p.m.Monday, May 7 6:00 - 9:30 p.m.Wednesday, May 9 6:00 - 9:30 p.m.Sunday, May 13 12:30 - 5:45 p.m.Monday, May 14 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.Wednesday, May 16 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.Sunday, May 20 12:30 - 5:00 p.m.

April ClassSunday, April 1 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.Monday, April 2 5:00 - 8:30 p.m.Monday, April 9 5:00 - 8:30 p.m.Wednesday, April 11 5:00 - 8:30 p.m.Sunday, April 15 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.Monday, April 16 5:00 - 8:30 p.m.Wednesday, April 18 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.Sunday, April 22 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.Monday, April 23 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.Wednesday, April 25 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

May Class - Session IISunday, May 20 3:30 - 5:45 p.m.Monday, May 21 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Tuesday, May 22 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Wednesday, May 23 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Thursday, May 24 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Friday, May 25 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Triathlete & Masters Swim TrainingBecome Faster and more Efficient

Fitness Swimmers/Masters Swimmers/Triathletes

Schedule(Morning) Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 5:45-6:45am

Monthly - JCC Members $15/mo. Non-members $30/mo.Drop in Fee - JCC Members $5 Non-members $7.50

For more information, contact Danny Fadgen at [email protected] or (901) 761-0810.

Class # Fee Dates14562105 $15 members

$30 non-membersMay 2-30

14562106 $15 members$30 non-members

June 1-29

14562201 $15 members$30 non-members

July 2-30

What a fun way for KIDS to learn about “Fitness for Life.”

Kids Triathlon Club, 7-15 yearsSun 8:00-9:00 a.m.; Thurs 4:15 - 5:15 p.m.

Class # Fee Dates*14532130 $115 member June 17-Sept 6

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Master Chef Cooking Series

Fun Appetizers and Party Food

With the school year winding down, parties are beginning to pick up. There are graduation parties almost daily, birthday parties every weekend and

end of the school year parties less than a month away. Ordering food for everyone can be expensive, so why not have a chef in your own home help with the work? Join us on April 22nd for our final Master Chef class until

the fall and learn how to make delicious appetizers and fun party foods that will have everyone asking “where did you order these from?” Sign-

ups are limited so hurry and sign your child up today online or at the front desk!

Sunday, April 22nd

2:00-5:30 pm

Sunday 2:00 pm - 5:30 pmClass # Fee Age Dates17502112 $25 9-12 years Apr 22


Maccabi Assistant CoachesJust because you can’t play in the games, doesn’t mean you can’t be involved. Many of you have participated in the past and want to help the current participants have the life changing experience that you had…..and here is your chance. Introducing the Maccabi Assistant Coaches (MAC) program! Through this program, teens/young adults between the ages of 17-20 will help coach all of the different teams involved in Maccabi. Help ensure everyone has the same unforgettable experience that you had by picking up an application at the front desk. If you have any questions please contact Aaron Tevlowitz, 901-761-0810 ext. 108 or [email protected].

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MJCC Youth Theater presents: The Little Mermaid

Performances:March 29th

6:00 pmand

April 1st

12:30 pm

MJCC High School Theater presents:

Little Shop of Horrors

Performances:March 29th 7:30 pm

andApril 1st

2:30 pm

Are your pre-teens looking to get fit, blow off some steam and help eliminate stress? Well

look no further because we are bringing back our Pre-Teen Boot Camp! Every

Tuesday at 5:30 bring your 4th-7th graders to the JCC and work out with Raheem Shabazz, former Ohio State football player, and amazing Certified Personal Trainer. We will have everything from Circuit training, speed and agility training, fun games to get your heart rate up, and much much more! For only $5 per class, you WON’T find a better workout that is this much fun anytime else. You can also purchase a card for $25 at the front desk. The class will not run with less than 5 kids in it, so get your card today! Parents, you are welcome to join in with your child(ren) too!Sign up at the front desk. If you have any questions please contact Aaron Tevlowitz via phone, 761-0810, or email, [email protected]

Shabazz’s Superstars

Tuesdays at the J is a once a week program for your homeschool studnets to get them out of the house and into our JCC. From 12-4:30pm every Tuesday, we will be offering electives such as sports, advanced art and music; each lasting for approximately 1 hour. Every 8 weeks the electives will change, giving your children an opportunity to try a lot of different things during the year.You DO NOT have to be a member to enjoy this wonderful, innovative program so tell all of your friends and head on down to Tuesdays at the J.

The final day of this program until the fall is MAY 15th

Price: $200 for 20 sessions or $12 drop-in fee

Tuesdays at the J

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Attention Riverdale Parents:

The MJCC has an exciting new pilot program for you and your children. Every day, the MJCC will be sending a bus over to Riverdale to pick up the children that have signed up for study shack and bring them to the JCC! Get 20 sessions complete with transportation for only $300. Most people pay $15-$20 a day just to have your child(ren) picked up from school and dropped off at home. We will help them complete their homework, give them snack, take them to and from any of our great after school enrichment activities and when all of that is done, we will take them to through a structured schedule and allow them to release all of the energy they have had bundled up since the start of the school day! All of this, for the same price it would be to have someone pick up your child and just drop them off at home.

The school year may be winding down, but it’s never too late to start coming to the best afterschool program in Memphis….MJCC Study Shack! With qualified teen staff, an

amazing game room and a brand new Youth Yoga component (every Friday), this is the perfect environment for your child to improve his/her health and report card!

Is your child enrolled in another amazing JCC activity such

as swim team, sports, dance or tae kwon do? If so don’t worry, our staff will make sure they have changed clothes

and we will escort them to and from the activity.

Purchase a Study Shack card at the MJCC front desk. Get 20 sessions for $200 and you can use the

sessions as needed. One day drop-in is $12.

Study Shack at the MJCC

If you have any questions please contact Aaron Tevlowitz,

[email protected] or 761-0810.

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APRIL2 0 1 2

NISSAN5 7 7 2

Tuesday, May 22Dust off your gloves and hit the batting cages in the MJCC’S ADuLT SOFTBALL LEAGuE! All games will be played on Tuesdays. Join up with Jewish friends, co-workers or organizations like your Synagogue, Business partners or Brotherhood group to form your team. See Page 35

Tuesday, May 29OuTDOOR WATERPARK OPENS!!! Be the first to make a splash at the Outdoor Waterpark this summer! Check out the hours and don’t miss out on the important dates!See Page 7

Tuesday, June 5CAMP ME & YOu is back by popular demand! This camp is designed to create a nurturing community for children and their adults. It provides an environment that enhances early learning, social skills and increasing confidence and independence. Your child will be exposed to the BEST the MJCC has to offer. Activities will include waterbabies swim lessons, swim time at the baby pool and splash pad, yoga, dance, music and creative movement, art, storytelling and dramatic play, Judaic exploration, and motor skill gym time. Come join us this summer! See Page 11

Sunday, April 1Have you volunteered to coach your kid’s basketball team and are having trouble remembering what your 8th grade coach taught you? Well... HELP IS HERE! Join us for a two (2) hour “COACHING BASKETBALL FOR KIDS FOR DuMMIES” WORKSHOP with Coach Dee. See Page 35

Tuesday, April 17Join SINGuLAR SENSATIONS: A SOCIAL CIRCLE FOR PEOPLE OVER 50 at the University of Memphis’ Harris Concert Hall where Southern Comfort Jazz Orchestra presents a tribute to Jewish-American Songrwriters in collaboration with the University of Memphis Library. See Page 29

Sunday, April 22With the school year winding down, parties are beginning to pick up. There are graduation parties almost daily, birthday parties every weekend and end of the school year parties less than a month away. Ordering food for everyone can be expensive, so why not have a chef in your own home help with the work? Join us on for MASTER CHEF CLASS: FuN APPETIZERS AND PARTY FOOD. See Page 40

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APRIL 6 ........... 7:08 PMAPRIL 7 ........... 8:05 PMAPRIL 12 ......... 7:13 PMAPRIL 13 ......... 7:14 PMAPRIL 20 ......... 7:19 PMAPRIL 27 ......... 7:25 PM

6560 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38138


PAIDMemphis, Tenn.Permit No. 196

TRIBuTESThe Mariette and Herbert Shainberg Endowment Fund receives all gifts and requests not specifically designated for other purposes. Other special tribute funds available are the Building Fund, the Dorothy and Nathan Shainberg Scholarship Fund, Morris and Mollye Fogelman Ellis Island Fund, Stanley Zellner Memo-rial Fund and Day Camp Scholarship Fund.


Sam Abraham

TOMMY BECK Sam Abraham

BARRY BIERMAN Debra & Alex Saharovich

DORIS MOSS Marilyn & Herb NotowichArlene & Vic Schlesinger

Lindsey & Jon Olswanger Jenni & Andy Falkof Susan & Barry Chase

DAVID NATHAN Jennifer & Joe Roberts


AL SAMPSON Jennifer & Joe Roberts

Diane & Steve Leib Susan & Barry Chase


Patti & Bill Weiss Benita Blachman & Jerry Kelly

Renelle & Leslie BallinMarty Blachman

Cheryl & Richard Druce


Patti & Bill Weiss


Alyne & George Matz

NICK RINGEL’S 75TH BIRTHDAY Rayna & Michael Greenberg & Family


Lindsey & Jon Olswanger


Lyda Parker

STEVE BAUM Linda B. Nahmias

JOY BEARMAN Marilyn & Herb Notowich

PACE COOPER Cathy & Craig Weiss

RONALD HARKAVY Marilyn & Herb Notowich

STEVE LIBBY The Moskovitz Family

LESTER LIT Arlene & Vic Schlesinger

Beverly & Dr. Bob Buchalter

JANICE RINGEL Marilyn & Herb Notowich

In Memory Of Con’tPAULA SCHATZ Benita Blachman & Jerry Kelly Renelle & Leslie Ballin Marty Blachman Cheryl & Richard Druce

JENNIFER SCHEUNER Jay & Mindy Mattingly


Bari & Rick Eiseman Jennifer & Joe Roberts Lauren & Bill Hackney Diane & Steve Leib Rayna & Michael Greenberg Debra & Alex Saharovich Marilyn & Herb Notowich


Sam Abraham