mendix idioms for cios

Mendix Idioms for CIOs

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Post on 09-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Mendix Idioms for CIOs

Mendix Idioms for CIOs

Page 2: Mendix Idioms for CIOs

A value chain is no stronger than its weakest link

When formulating the

strategic goals for an

organization, information

technology plays an

important role throughout

every function in the value

chain. How future proof is

your strategy?

Page 3: Mendix Idioms for CIOs

A billion pennies saved is a billion pennies earned

A long term IT strategy

requires a cost effective

approach to implementation.

Greater value is achieved

when minimizing time and

money spent. An agile

methodology increases value

by lowering costs and

maintaining quality.

Page 4: Mendix Idioms for CIOs

Take a leaf out of someone else’s textbook

Whether your background is

in business or IT, you’re

ability to lead an organization

with both perspectives in

mind should be a priority.

The gap between business and

IT is always closing.

Page 5: Mendix Idioms for CIOs

The bigger they are, the harder they change

Large organizations require

more resources to make

strategic change. This means

that making investments in

the ability to change offers

infinitely higher returns.

Page 6: Mendix Idioms for CIOs

Uneasy lies the head that wears the IT crown

Even an entire IT strategy

can be simplified by agile

development methodologies.

Without giant upfront

investments, you can sleep

easier knowing your ROI is

still intact.