mental and emotional health

Mental and Emotional Health Chapter 3

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Mental and Emotional Health. Chapter 3. Lesson 1 - Your Mental and Emotional Health. Objectives: You will learn to... 1. Recognize traits of good mental and emotional health 2. Identify factors that influence your self concept 3. Develop skills to build your self-esteem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Mental and Emotional Health

Chapter 3

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Lesson 1 - Your Mental and Emotional Health

Objectives: You will learn to...1. Recognize traits of good mental and emotional health2. Identify factors that influence your self concept3. Develop skills to build your self-esteem4. Practice communication skills to improve your mental and emotional health

Vocabulary (5):Adapt, Personality, Self-concept, Self-esteem, Resilience

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Mental and Emotional Health

Do you... 1. Have a positive outlook on life? 2. Deal effectively with challenges when they arise? 3. Accept yourself and others? 4. ADAPT (adjust to new situations)? If you answered probably have good mental/emotional health

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Teen years are a time to develop good mental/emotional health * Time to learn about the qualities that make you

unique * Begin to form values and learn importance of standing behind them * Personality and self-concept play big role in shaping us

What Makes You Who You Are?

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PERSONALITY (the unique combination of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that make you different from everyone else)

* Affects how you handle situations and problems* Different people react to the same situation in different ways

Your Personality

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SELF-CONCEPT: the view you have of yourself* Grows out of your experiences and relationships

* If you have a (+) self-concept and make a mistake = learn from it & move on - gives you confidence - allows you to achieve goals

* If you have a (-) self-concept and make a mistake = everything I do is wrong - prevents you from achieving goals

Your Self-Concept

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SELF-ESTEEM (the way you feel about yourself, and how you value yourself)* Affected by personality & self-concept

* People with high self-esteem - feel appreciate & valued - have a high degree of confidence in abilities - "can-do" attitude - resilient RESILIENCE (the ability to bounce back from disappointment)


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Chapter 3 Lesson 1 Review

1. What is self-esteem? Use it in an original sentence.2. What are the traits of good mental & emotional health?3. How does your personality affect how you handle new situations and problems?4. Which of the traits of good mental & emotional health (listed on page 53) do you think is the most important? Why?5. Shawn was hoping to make the gymnastics team but was turned down. Now he feels terrible and has vowed to never do gymnastics again. How can Shawn build his self-esteem?

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Chapter 2 Lesson 2 Understanding Your Emotions

Objectives: You will learn to...1. Identify common emotions2. Express emotions in healthy ways3. Recognize healthy ways to meet emotional needs4. Practice healthful behaviors to manage anger

Vocabulary (4):Emotions, Anxiety, Panic, Emotional Needs

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EMOTIONS: feelings created in response to thoughts, remarks, and events* No emotion is good or bad - it's how you express them

• You may experience mixed emotions

ANXIETY: state of uneasiness, usually associated with a future uncertainty* Mild anxiety is helpful* Overcoming anxiety builds resilience* Too much or poorly handled anxiety interferes with life* A heightened state of anxiety produces PANIC: feeling of sudden, intense fear|

Expressing Emotions

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Recognizing Emotional Needs

EMOTIONAL NEEDS: needs that affect your feelings and sense of well being

3 main emotional needs 1. Need to love and be loved (show others you care) 2. Need to belong (join a group) 3. Need to make a difference (volunteer)

There are healthy and unhealthy ways of meeting emotional needs

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1. What is panic? Which emotion does is grow out of?2. What are mixed emotions?3. What are the basic human emotional needs?4. Rick is annoyed with a teammate whose mistake on the field caused the team to lose the game. What emotions is Rick probably feeling? Why?5. Give an example of a character trait (from Chapter 2)and the emotional need it can meet?

Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Review

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Objectives: You will learn to...1. Identify the causes of stress2. Describe how your body responds to stress3. Develop skills to manage stress in your life

Vocabulary (5):Stress, Stressor, Fight-or-Flight Response, Adrenaline, Time Management

Chapter 3 Lesson 3 Managing Stress

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STRESS: the body's response to change* Normal reaction to situations or events - Long-term effects & stress-related habits ~ Nervous habits (biting fingernails) ~ Sleeping problems or eating* Not all stress is bad stress|

What is stress?

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STRESSOR: anything that causes stress * Can be positive and negative * Each person may respond differently * Extremely stressful stressors for teens: ~ Separation or divorce of parents ~ Family member's alcohol or drug problem ~ Others?

Causes of stress

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Body's response to stress

Stress is emotional but the body responds too

* FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RESPONSE: process by which the body prepares to deal with a stressor| ~ natural response to threat of harm ~ body goes through changes preparing you to act such as releasing adrenaline

- ADRENALINE: hormone that gives the body extra energy

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What does stress do to your body?

Pupils widen Speeds up; more blood to arms &


Sweating increases

Hearing sharpens

Tighten & tense to get ready for action

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Stressors are a part of life but you can manage them through: *Relaxation, laughter, having a positive outlook, being physically active, and time management

(strategies for using time efficiently)

Skills for managing stress

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1. What causes stress? Give 2 examples.2. What are 3 ways your body responds to stress?3. What is time management? Use it in a sentence that describes how it reduces stress.4. Which stressor mentioned affects you most? Why?5. As soon as Lisa came to class, she discovered that a report assigned two weeks earlier was due. Lisa had forgotten about it and is now feeling stress. How could a daily planner have helped her?

Chapter 3 Lesson 3 Review

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Chapter 3 Lesson 4 Coping with Loss

Objectives: You will be able to...1. Identify stages in the grief reaction2. Recognize strategies for coping with personal loss3. Provide emotional support to someone who is grieving

Vocabulary (3):Grief, Grief Reaction, Coping Strategies

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Unavoidable part of life* One of the most painful types is the death of relative, friend, pet, etc.

* Normal reaction to loss is GRIEF (the sorrow caused by the loss of a loved one)

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The Grief Reaction

GRIEF REACTION: is the process of dealing with strong feelings following any loss

5 Stages: usually occur in this order but everyone grieves differently

1. Denial - can't believe the loss has happened2. Anger - intense bitterness 3. Bargaining - try to make a deal to fix situation4. Depression - reality of the loss sets in; deep sadness5. Acceptance - ready to move on

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Coping with GriefNo way to undo loss; we must cope

COPING STRATEGIES: ways of dealing with the sense of loss people feel at the death of someone close

* Crying and sadness are normal reactions to loss - Crying is a physical way the body deals with emotions - Talking to others can help

* You can be a great support to others who are grieving - Let them decide how you can help, respect their feelings, let them decide how long they need to recover

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Chapter 3 Lesson 4 Review

1. What is grief?2. What are the 5 stages in the grief reaction?3. What are 3 ways of showing emotional support for someone who is grieving?4. What are 2 coping strategies for dealing with grief?5. Trish just found out that her best friend is moving away. Trish is feeling sad and upset. Trish's sister, Brittany, told her to "get over it". Do you think Brittany's words show emotional support? Explain.