mepenbent leaber - digifind-it · woodbridge — joseph p . somers township industrial...

Mil" of Over 35,000 ' a Valuable Market VII Our Advertisers. Mepenbent leaber Complete Nevri, Pictures Presented Fairly, Clearly And Impartially Each Week h NO. 2 W0ODBRID0E, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1958 PRICE TEN CENTS of E. Slices ,iidget,Saves ,5 Tax Points Iweetness and Light GKEGOR* Property Purchase Called Off Freaks of Storm Woman Insists on Prompt Plowing Service -So She Can Get to Party! WOODBRIDGE — It srcrax that Horiietime* you '.|i«t can't win no matter how hard you try. Despite effort! of the Road and Police Depart- ment!! to keep main arteries open since the weekend bliz- zard, they have been target!) of criticism, most 6f It un- fairly. Working day and night in freezing temperatures with limited equipment, the Road Department employe* have really tried to do a job. How- ever, some folks In outlying sections, particularly in Iso- lated areas where there are but one or two homes, have be«n flooding the twitch- board with complaints. Since the Road Depart- , motit phone calls go through the Police D e p a r t m e n t switchboard, that board has been tied op. Adding to the condition were unthinking folks who incessantly called headquarters Monday and Tuesday to find out If there was school, Instead of lis- tening to the fire whistles or Station WOR as they are asked to. As a remit, it was difficult to reach police headquarters with emer- gency calls and at tlme% the police themselves could not (Contlnned on Paste 8) niscious and not to illness. llnt't i my r\ thing have rele- his- always will my memory us encourage- t rame alike WOODBRIDOE T h e Board of Eduratlon budget will be re-Bubmltttd to Town- ship voters February 26, but this time $221,000 will have been slashed from appropria- tions, in addition a referen- dum, which would have per- mitted the Board lo spend 159.000 for acquisition and renovation of property at. 82 Oreen Street for administra- tive offices and for the pur- chase on Freeman Street for h ben has been storage purposes, eliminated. 221 liminate The 1221,000 cut means 8 it er reduction of 41 points per cd valuation In the school district tax rate. The elimination of 'he referendum means knottier 12-polnt cut." After Mayor Hugh B Qulii- ley had issued a statement i «»"•''' I30&.67* could be cut 01 """.from the Board budget at a dear to me j ,i many who' ,ir- from me. :,l the inex- kmdn esses as- •h them were 58 Base \ \ Rate Likely Near $14.30 v ft Gas Co. Buys 42 Acres for Plant Promoted by Hunk ,, n( i comfort, they ex- savlnic Of 60 points to the tax- SNOW MAY BE BEAUTIFUL, BUT: It was just a great big headache for the Township Road Department. With limited equipment, the men battled all weekend to keep ah»ad of the storm. The photograph above was taken by our staff photographer Monday morning at the corner of Miin and William Streets, as the hiige snow conveyor was beginning to load tracks. Standing near a pile of snow to dhow how high It was Is Mrs. John Mesar, 23 Crampton Avenue, Woodbiidge. The Woodbridge Businessmen's Association, Tuesday, commended the Township Road Depart- ment employes for their efficient and prompt removal of the snow. payers, the word-high 17,- "• 051.580 budget was soundly nlways be aj d <, (eat( v d at tne polte> Fehru . ary 11. In a statement Issued by the Board thi.s week. It was noted that "a conference be- the mayor, Town Com- of Ernie*- inusure kept ,, heart which ii again. Iden- i place here— only. I would j ...• \[> cause crrv :.',nt to good and •rinicis, but also , i ;Vi'l a closer at- ui ;n them when \!icm carefully Fire Vote OKs Costs WOODBRIDGE - With a Rash of Mishaps BlamedonSto Tin 1 ^ e V a n d ^ r d of W - WOODBRIDOE JJ tionieouW not be held *,<• ^comparatively snmll number the iwyor'a prior commit-(<»f voters' " « { « *™ jJT hU" «nd "there tore only; oudsets o ^ weekend bliraard. which made i by police as the cause of a Aspirants Lining Up WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P. Somers. Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth- town Consolidated Gas Company signed an agreement lust night with Sommer Brothers for the purchase of 42.3 acres of land In Iselln on which will be constructed a Distribution Center. The purchase will cancel litigation now pending, brought by Sommer Brothers against the Township for de- nial oX bulldir* permits for construction of 187 homes oh the site, which the developers had planned to name Brook Tree Manor. The site in question Is on Green Street, near the Oreen Street circle. It is Understood that the Elizabethtown Consolidated Gas Company paid $225,000 for the acreage and the in- stallation it plans to build will eventually come close to a million dollars. WOODBRIDGE The firm plans to build modern structures for the center which will also include , a maintenance shop and wlth storage buildings as well as a and "there tore only \ budtiets of days available foi study j re re —"' fire^dtotricte In the rire j rereap"proved [ C o m m i s s i o n e r s elections : 1: iii »V iwever, iden- them — the General ii;i I will take , n to do It be- iiink I may by, an endur- iio to untold > . no therewith i i verse Fate :,i\ take un- •.:•.«! cxaggerat- ftivd conferences." However, the Board state-! throughout the ment continued, the mayoi a j Saturday. (Continued on Page 8) U.S. Snafu Hits Keasbey Worry WOODBRIDGE Two k>tters on the rumored merger Hwrt by a vote of 418 to . of the Keasbey Post Office T he amount to be raised by with Perth Ambov ^appear to | taxation Is $111,082.88. One person was slightly Injured Saturday afternoon when a car driven by Richard Pellcgrlno, 19, 137 Soncfra Avenue, e eicv.i.u.«, iselln. collided with another car operated by Mrs. J. J. Girtj, Township, 1 115 Harrow .Drivi | the intersection ol Sonora and The total amount to be MarConi Avenues . Mr5 Cath . raised by taxation for lire , , purpose/ is $373,847.41 as erine Bandura ' of the Colonla compared with 1355,785.06' address, a passenger in the Ust year. [ Oirlj car was taken to Perth .... ( In Fire District 1, which In- cludes WoodbridRe and Sc- I warcn. John J. Kellner, in- : cumbent, defeated Melnert contradict each other Mario ran an v>n- Finn President Of Board Again Ull IJ VPI *»«« * - - ( Amboy General HoBpital byj ,,; omRR . mr wl - •• -.._.. »ij On ,,,H onrtl WOOUBHlUUr. Will Iselin First Aid Squad and Isclin First AW Squaa aim \ released alter being treated j field J. Finn was unanlmous- for minor injuries. Mrs. Angela GrEftovic. 57, 3819 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, was admitted for treatment at Perth Amboy General Hoo- pltal Saturday afternoon lor contusions of the head and 1 j a week a a y political l e a d e r s of both parties are mshlnft around endeavoring to find suitable chndidates for Town Commit- tee and County Committee. The new five-ward system goes Into effect with the Pri- mary election—which means that the Republicans must find 10 candidates for the Town Committee and the the zoning to light industrial Mr. Somers said he started original negotiations with,Ed- wnrd S. Potter, president of Elizabethtown Consolidated Gas Company, who Is now vacationing in Florida. At the negotiations " Rohrs, vice today, William president and Democrats four new candl- intradlct earn omci. , , , „, IS gSST S^IZZ/^S^ \JS ^=ed"when ^ - . J Reading, receiving 82 pilots.j bftnd ^^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ l 0! mine wrote I was « p»* 1 sting 1 now ; Uie opportu n myself If the iticsandboaat- I rum oti»». ... Smith stated he had.checlced with the Post Office Depart- nwnt in Washington and found "no such proposal un- der consideration at the pres- ent time." Another letter from the Post Otfice Department. ilgned by Edward A. Kilty, director 06 Postal Service* Division, stated "the needs of the area will be the deter- [jnlnlng factor." CommUt|eeman Peter Schmidt noted that the "let- ters contradict each other" and upon hU suggestion a h I used in our hospital ome justlflca licd that we d perfection area—which r only irnpor spirit. 1 Thla ;u long days nights wore mc more and clearer and The appropriations total $30, uinu was no contest In Fire District 4, Keasbey. where Harry. Dunham arid George Butth were elected to the Board, the former receiving 107 votes and the later S3. The budget amount* to | l 2 - 000. (Continued on Page 8 In Avenel, Fire District 5, Harold Deter and Herman Stetnbach were winner* for the three-year term with 470 and 281 votes respectively. •Continued on Page 6) of his car after hitting the safety Isle. The car landed on the west bank of the highway. Mrs. Mary Introne and her cigh,t-year-old son, Gary. 116 Inman Avenue, Avenel, were seriously injured late Satur- day afternoon when the car Mrs. Introne was driving on Railway Avenue at the Read- ing Railroad crossing hit a drill ensine which was back- k t P t h Amboy ly reelected president of the Board of Education at the annual meeting Monday. Named as vice president was Dr. Ralph Barone, who .suc- ceeds Harry Burke. Dr. Barone, John Jewkes and John Csabal, who were reelected for three-year terms, were sworn Into office by Miss Anna Johnson, notary public. Named to teaching posi- tioijs were Mrs. Judltn Brown at- $4,250 a year, more- than five years teaching experience, assigned to grade 6 In School 6 Iselln; Mrs. Dorowthy W- Knigee. $3,100, assigned to grade 5, School 4, Avenel; Mrs. Myrna Lomozoff. $3,100, assigned to English Depart- dates. Thorvald O'Neil who was named R e p u b l i c a n leader after the resignation of Arn- old 8. Graham said yesterday that several "likely candi- dates" are being considered, but no official announcement will be made 'Ijnttl the very last minute." Mr.O^Nell, him- self, will have to run for re- election as municipal chair man the Monday after the primaries. Woodbridge Emergency High School. '.nil 1 • :t community 'litauied within a which embraced f personnel from I'ickcrt through 'i' organization. not achieved in cause it is de- "i it is achieved 1 iiftiicatlon to a 1 wiuch all who ki ii contribution, 1 1 achieved he- "'••iii-s are not an fcli 11 i fclckert, in the nubility ol hi* 1 and fatth, odbrig (Continued on Page 8> lt ZSK Club Tu»VM W re«.ttonai Church Joseph Somers, Democratic Municipal chairman, said sev- eral names have been sub- mitted as Town Committee candidates and they will be J.^g discussed at a meeting of the ^he County Committee tonight. Since there Is no change in the First Ward. Edward Kath will undoubtedly s'eek reelec- tion. His fellow representa- tive on the committee Is L. Charles Marigione. In the Second Ward, which includes Fords, Hopelawn and, Keasbey, R. Richard Kraussi will seek reelection .and since' his present colleague Peter Schmidt will now represent the Fourth Ward, I&elln, another candidate will have to be secured in the Second Ward. Among those men- tioned are Leon Blanchard, Joseph Damabach and CUI- ford Handerhan. Mentioned Candidates Mr. Schmidt will have to have a fellow representative In the Fourth Ward.' Those mentioned as possible Demo- cratic choices are Thomas | Costello, Frank Terrlll and John Jewkes, who was recent- (Continued on Page 6i Home-to-HoiM Visit* For Heart John Kean, administrative di- rector,, represented the compa- ny. Louis S. Jacobeon, Perth Amboy attorney, who resides in Woodbridge was attorney for Sommer Brothers and John Seyler was counsel 'for the gas company. The sale was made for the developers under the firm name of Mid' dlesex Associates. Houses Refilsed When the developers asked for a major subdivision las 1 Fall, t(j permit the construe tlon of 187 homes, the Plan nlng Board recommended t the Town Committee that thi application be- denied due t the overcrowded school sltua tion. The Town Committee the Planning Board's BERNARD F. DUN1GAN Mr". Duniean, member of a prominent local family vho resides with his family at US Grave Avenue, has be«m elected Assistant Trust Officer at the Rockefeller Center branch of the New York Trust Co., New York. He has bwn with the bank for 25 years. Active m many civic and political groups, Mr. Duni- gan Is a graduate of Wood- bridge High School and attended New York Univer- sity and the American Insti- tute of Banking. He former- ly was president of the Liberty Club, a group com- posed of bank employes. He is a member of the Lions Club, is Finance Chairman of the Northeast District of Boy Scouts, and a member of the Woodbridge.Town- ship Board or Adjustment POSTPONE SESSION jiinBDUBiuni WOODBIUDGE i »•= me UUY*™ W ..— ..— -,- and rejected 1 League of Women's Voters of feated February 41, the mayor Suit was in- Woodbridge announces the •eplted: .11 believe that this ment of the unit hear-, meeting scheduled for Fire Tax ToBoost Changes WOODBRIDGE — Prom | all indications ut press time, |) ; the base tax rate for 19B8 will .:,?£?.• be between $14,30 and 414.40 A'; ner $100 assessed valuation, '; according to Mayor Hugh B. |; ; Quiglry. This will mean an 5" 'ncifftsc of apnroxlmately 256 '•' noints over lash year when '$•: 'he bftse rate was tll.75. To .:£;, the base rate must be added_• f ' •he cost of fire protectlon.'ji which has not yet been fixed. * The Town Committee will ; ' rheet tonight to go over all Hems once more in an effort "to do a little more cutting in the department appropria- tions." the mayor said. Last weekend, a series of TleetinKS was held with de- iRitmpnt heads and each item was gone over thorough- !v with cuts made here and . there. However, the mayor pointed >> nut, there- will be some man-«;' ifrtOTytaerawesin the Town- 1 ship- Wftlfet. TJhe police pay iljereasBs, apprttved by the voters, will add 8Vj point. 1 ; in :he tax rate. A mandatory . ( udget Increase for pensions ram $31,000 to $54,000 will iccount for another 6V2 point increase. * aalary Increases for Town- ship eittployes-r-possibly $200 across the board—will also materially increase the lUdget. '•In meeting with the de- partment heads," the mayor said, "w« impressed upon theni the need for economy. Although a great deal of new equipment is needed, and should M purchased, we elimi- nated as much as possible for the time being." At pwsent it a-ppears as it • the Schdol Board budget will aocouM lor |9.09 of the new tax rate and the county $2.44. B. of E. Commended Asked If he was satisfied with UlB new budget of th0 Board of Education which shows a slash of $321,000 off the budget which was Aa - ieve h has tried and several preliminary hear meeting scheduled Ings have already been held, to next Thursday, id the new' at the home of & held, to next Thursday, 8:30 P.M., bers h^ve done an honest Job Mr. Somers .said the new' at the home of Mrs. Joseph 1 agree with them that the installation will be modern hi Ostrower. 11 Dixon Drive, salaries appropriation should every detail, landscaped hi'Metuchen, under the leader- not be ferjnpei'ed with no', a such a way that it will bcauti-, ship of Mrs. Richard Koons, teacher who has spent several (Continued on Page 6) chairman of higher education. '(VnttJniiPd on v.>ize H> C O t O N I A - A house-to- house canvass is planned for Sunday, weather pennlttiUK, It W»K announced today by Dr. Edward A- Partenope, chair- man Of. the Heart Fund Drive In the Colonta area. 1H the event of Inclement weather an afternoon will bo desk; lifted tot' the collection. Envelopes left at hwries of absent residents umy ' be mailed to area captains, or to Dr. Partenope, Middlesex Ave- Q1U. FLAMES LEVEL COLON IA HOUSE: Because aufflclent water W t t u t available from1^ Hie nearest hydrant 30* yards $way, thf house owned and Mcuplcd by Charles;'% Kanif'm's at tlie corner of Charles and Warr*'« Streets, Colonla, van dt»tr«yed. The. *; (Ire was cauhtd by an exploding all burner. Mrs. Kaiuenn* w»l 4i|hUjf burned '»n4|"i' treated at the scone by Iselln First Aid Sqund, Both Iselln Fire O»ijo#ftnlei »«d A V p ' lire Company (ought the blase. ' tMnii^Mm

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Page 1: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed


of Over 35,000

• ' a Valuable Market

VII Our Advertisers.Mepenbent • leaber Complete Nevri, Pictures

Presented Fairly, Clearly

And Impartially Each Weekh

NO. 2


of E. Slices,iidget,Saves,5 Tax Points



PropertyPurchaseCalled Off

Freaks of StormWoman Insists on Prompt Plowing Service

-So She Can Get to Party!

WOODBRIDGE — Itsrcrax that Horiietime* you'.|i«t can't win no matter howhard you try.

Despite effort! of theRoad and Police Depart-

ment!! to keep main arteriesopen since the weekend bliz-zard, they have been target!)of criticism, most 6f It un-fairly.

Working day and night in

freezing temperatures withlimited equipment, the RoadDepartment employe* havereally tried to do a job. How-ever, some folks In outlyingsections, particularly in Iso-lated areas where there arebut one or two homes, havebe«n flooding the twitch-board with complaints.

Since the Road Depart-, motit phone calls go throughthe Police D e p a r t m e n tswitchboard, that board has

been tied op. Adding to thecondition were unthinkingfolks who incessantly calledheadquarters Monday andTuesday to find out If therewas school, Instead of lis-tening to the fire whistlesor Station WOR as they areasked to. As a remit, it wasdifficult to reach policeheadquarters with emer-gency calls and at tlme% thepolice themselves could not

(Contlnned on Paste 8)

niscious andnot toillness.


i my

r\ thinghave rele-


always willmy memory

us encourage-t rame alike

WOODBRIDOE — T h eBoard of Eduratlon budgetwill be re-Bubmltttd to Town-ship voters February 26, butthis time $221,000 will havebeen slashed from appropria-tions, in addition a referen-dum, which would have per-mitted the Board lo spend159.000 for acquisition andrenovation of property at. 82Oreen Street for administra-tive offices and for the pur-chase on Freeman Street for

h benhas beenstorage purposes,eliminated.

221liminateThe 1221,000 cut means 8

i t erreduction of 41 points percd valuation In theschool district tax

rate. The elimination of 'hereferendum means knottier12-polnt cut."

After Mayor Hugh B Qulii-ley had issued a statement

i « » " • ' ' ' I30&.67* could be cut0 1 """.from the Board budget at a

dear to me j,i many who',ir- from me.:,l the inex-kmdn esses as-•h them were

58 Base\\Rate LikelyNear $14.30 v


Gas Co. Buys 42Acres for Plant

Promoted by Hunk

,,n(i comfort,they ex-

savlnic Of 60 points to the tax-

SNOW MAY BE BEAUTIFUL, BUT: It was just a great big headache for the Township Road Department. Withlimited equipment, the men battled all weekend to keep ah»ad of the storm. The photograph above was taken by ourstaff photographer Monday morning at the corner of Miin and William Streets, as the hiige snow conveyor wasbeginning to load tracks. Standing near a pile of snow to dhow how high It was Is Mrs. John Mesar, 23 CramptonAvenue, Woodbiidge. The Woodbridge Businessmen's Association, Tuesday, commended the Township Road Depart-

ment employes for their efficient and prompt removal of the snow.

payers, the word-high 17,-"• 051.580 budget was soundly

nlways be ajd<, (ea t (vd at tne polte> Fehru.ary 11.

In a statement Issued bythe Board thi.s week. It wasnoted that "a conference be-

the mayor, Town Com-of Ernie*-

inusure kept,, heart whichii again. Iden-i place here—

only. I would j...• \[> cause crrv:.',nt to good and

•rinicis, but also, i ;Vi'l a closer at-ui ;n them when

\!icm carefully

Fire VoteOKs Costs


Rash of MishapsBlamedonSto


^ e V a n d ^ r d of W - WOODBRIDOE J JtionieouW not be held *,<• ^compara t ive ly snmll numberthe iwyor'a prior commit-(<»f voters' " « { « *™ jJT

hU" «nd "there tore only; oudsets o


weekend bliraard. which madei by police as the cause of a

AspirantsLining Up

WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P. Somers. Township IndustrialCommissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed an agreement lustnight with Sommer Brothers for the purchase of 42.3 acresof land In Iselln on which will be constructed a DistributionCenter.

The purchase will cancell i t i g a t i o n now pending,brought by Sommer Brothersagainst the Township for de-nial oX bulldir* permits forconstruction of 187 homes ohthe site, which the developershad planned to name BrookTree Manor.

The site in question Is onGreen Street, near the OreenStreet circle.

It is Understood that theElizabethtown ConsolidatedGas Company paid $225,000for the acreage and the in-stallation it plans to buildwill eventually come close toa million dollars.


The firm plans to buildmodern structures for thecenter which will also include

, a maintenance shop andw l t h storage buildings as well as a

and "there tore only \ budtiets ofdays available foi study j r e r e —"'

fire^dtotricteIn the rirej rereap"proved

[ C o m m i s s i o n e r s elections

: 1: i i i »V

iwever, iden-them — the

Generalii;i I will take,n to do It be-iiink I mayby, an endur-iio to untold>. no therewithi i verse Fate:,i\ take un-

•.:•.«! cxaggerat-

ftivd conferences."However, the Board state-! throughout the

ment continued, the mayoi a j Saturday.(Continued on Page 8)

U.S. Snafu HitsKeasbey WorryWOODBRIDGE — Two

k>tters on the rumored merger Hwrt by a vote of 418 to .of the Keasbey Post Office The amount to be raised bywith Perth Ambov ^appear to | taxation Is $111,082.88.

One person was slightly Injured Saturday afternoon whena car driven by Richard Pellcgrlno, 19, 137 Soncfra Avenue,

e eicv.i.u.«, iselln. collided with another car operated by Mrs. J. J. Girtj,Township,1115 Harrow .Drivi

| the intersection ol Sonora andThe total amount to be M a r C o n i A v e n u e s . M r 5 C a t h .

raised by taxation for lire , ,purpose/ is $373,847.41 as e r i n e B a n d u r a ' of t h e C o l o n l a

compared with 1355,785.06' address, a passenger in theUst year. [ Oirlj car was taken to Perth

. . . . (

In Fire District 1, which In-cludes WoodbridRe and Sc-

I warcn. John J. Kellner, in-: cumbent, defeated Melnert

contradict each other Mario ran an v>n-

Finn PresidentOf Board Again

Ul l IJ VPI *»«« * - - (

Amboy General HoBpital byj , , ; o m R R . m r w l- •• -.._.. » i j O n , , ,H onrtl WOOUBHlUUr. — WillIselin First Aid Squad andIsclin First AW Squaa aim \released alter being treated j field J. Finn was unanlmous-for minor injuries.

Mrs. Angela GrEftovic. 57,3819 15th Avenue, Brooklyn,was admitted for treatmentat Perth Amboy General Hoo-pltal Saturday afternoon lorcontusions of the head and

• 1

j a week a a ypolitical l e a d e r s of bothparties are mshlnft aroundendeavoring to find suitablechndidates for Town Commit-tee and County Committee.

The new five-ward systemgoes Into effect with the Pri-mary election—which meansthat the Republicans mustfind 10 candidates for theTown Committee and the

the zoning to light industrialMr. Somers said he started

original negotiations with,Ed-wnrd S. Potter, president ofElizabethtown ConsolidatedGas Company, who Is nowvacationing in Florida. At thenegotiations "Rohrs, vice

today, Williampresident and

Democrats four new candl-

intradlct earn omci. , , , „,

IS gSST S^IZZ/^S^ \JS =ed"when ^ -. J Reading, receiving 82 pilots.j b f tnd ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^l

0! mine wroteI was « p»*

1 sting 1 now; Uie opportu

n myself If theiticsandboaat-

I rum oti»». . . .

Smith stated he had.checlcedwith the Post Office Depart-nwnt in Washington andfound "no such proposal un-der consideration at the pres-ent time." Another letter fromthe Post Otfice Department.ilgned by Edward A. Kilty,director 06 Postal Service*Division, stated "the needs ofthe area will be the deter-

[jnlnlng factor."C o m m U t | e e m a n Peter

Schmidt noted that the "let-ters contradict each other"and upon hU suggestion a

h I used inour hospitalome justlflcalicd that wed perfectionarea—which

r only irnporspirit.1 Thla

;u long daysnights wore

mc more andclearer and

The appropriations total $30,

uinu was no contest InFire District 4, Keasbey. whereHarry. Dunham arid GeorgeButth were elected to theBoard, the former receiving107 votes and the later S3.The budget amount* to | l 2 -


(Continued on Page 8

In Avenel, Fire District 5,Harold Deter and HermanStetnbach were winner* forthe three-year term with 470and 281 votes respectively.

•Continued on Page 6)

of his car after hitting thesafety Isle. The car landed onthe west bank of the highway.

Mrs. Mary Introne and hercigh,t-year-old son, Gary. 116Inman Avenue, Avenel, wereseriously injured late Satur-day afternoon when the carMrs. Introne was driving onRailway Avenue at the Read-ing Railroad crossing hit adrill ensine which was back-

k t P t h Amboy

ly reelected president of theBoard of Education at theannual meeting M o n d a y .Named as vice president wasDr. Ralph Barone, who .suc-ceeds Harry Burke.

Dr. Barone, John Jewkesand John Csabal, who werereelected for three-year terms,were sworn Into office by MissAnna Johnson, notary public.

Named to teaching posi-tioijs were Mrs. Judltn Brownat- $4,250 a year, more- thanfive years teaching experience,assigned to grade 6 In School6 Iselln; Mrs. Dorowthy W-Knigee. $3,100, assigned tograde 5, School 4, Avenel;Mrs. Myrna Lomozoff. $3,100,assigned to English Depart-

dates.Thorvald O'Neil who was

named R e p u b l i c a n leaderafter the resignation of Arn-old 8. Graham said yesterdaythat several "likely candi-dates" are being considered,but no official announcementwill be made 'Ijnttl the verylast minute." Mr.O^Nell, him-self, will have to run for re-election as municipal chairman the Monday after theprimaries.

W o o d b r i d g e Emergency High School.


1 • :t community'litauied within awhich embraced

f personnel fromI'ickcrt through

'i' organization.not achieved

in cause it is de-"i it is achieved1 iiftiicatlon to a

1 wiuch all whoki ii contribution,

1 1 achieved he-"'••iii-s are not an

fcli 11i fclckert, in thenubility ol hi*

1 and fatth,

o d b r i g(Continued on Page 8>

lt ZSK Club Tu»VM C»Wre«.ttonai Church

Joseph Somers, DemocraticMunicipal chairman, said sev-eral names have been sub-mitted as Town Committeecandidates and they will be J.^g• discussed at a meeting of the ^heCounty Committee tonight.

Since there Is no change inthe First Ward. Edward Kathwill undoubtedly s'eek reelec-tion. His fellow representa-tive on the committee Is L.Charles Marigione.

In the Second Ward, whichincludes Fords, Hopelawn and,Keasbey, R. Richard Kraussiwill seek reelection .and since'his present colleague PeterSchmidt will now representthe Fourth Ward, I&elln,another candidate will haveto be secured in the SecondWard. Among those men-tioned are Leon Blanchard,Joseph Damabach and CUI-ford Handerhan.

Mentioned CandidatesMr. Schmidt will have to

have a fellow representativeIn the Fourth Ward.' Thosementioned as possible Demo-cratic choices are Thomas

| Costello, Frank Terrlll andJohn Jewkes, who was recent-

(Continued on Page 6i

Home-to-HoiM Visit*For Heart

John Kean, administrative di-rector,, represented the compa-ny. Louis S. Jacobeon, PerthAmboy attorney, who residesin Woodbridge was attorneyfor Sommer Brothers andJohn Seyler was counsel 'forthe gas company. The salewas made for the developersunder the firm name of Mid'dlesex Associates.

Houses RefilsedWhen the developers asked

for a major subdivision las1

Fall, t(j permit the construetlon of 187 homes, the Plannlng Board recommended tthe Town Committee that thiapplication be- denied due tthe overcrowded school sltuation. The Town Committee

the Planning Board's


Mr". Duniean, member ofa prominent local familyvho resides with his familyat US Grave Avenue, hasbe«m elected Assistant TrustOfficer at the RockefellerCenter branch of the NewYork Trust Co., New York.He has bwn with the bankfor 25 years.

Active m many civic andpolitical groups, Mr. Duni-gan Is a graduate of Wood-bridge High School andattended New York Univer-sity and the American Insti-tute of Banking. He former-ly was president of theLiberty Club, a group com-posed of bank employes. Heis a member of the LionsClub, is Finance Chairmanof the Northeast District ofBoy Scouts, and a memberof the Woodbridge.Town-ship Board or Adjustment

POSTPONE SESSIONjiinBDUBiuni WOODBIUDGE — i »•= me UUY*™ W . . — ..— -,-and rejected1 League of Women's Voters of feated February 41, the mayorSuit was in- Woodbridge announces the •eplted: .11 believe that this

ment of the unithear-, meeting scheduled for

Fire TaxToBoostChanges

WOODBRIDGE — Prom |all indications ut press time, | ) ;the base tax rate for 19B8 will .:,?£?.•be between $14,30 and 414.40 A';ner $100 assessed valuation, ';according to Mayor Hugh B. |;;Quiglry. This will mean an 5 "'ncifftsc of apnroxlmately 256 '•'noints over lash year when '$•:'he bftse rate was tll.75. To .:£;,the base rate must be added_• f'•he cost of fire protectlon.'jiwhich has not yet been fixed. *

The Town Committee will ;'rheet tonight to go over allHems once more in an effort"to do a little more cuttingin the department appropria-tions." the mayor said.

Last weekend, a series ofTleetinKS was held with de-iRitmpnt heads and eachitem was gone over thorough-!v with cuts made here and .there.

However, the mayor pointed >>nut, there- will be some man-«;'ifrtOTytaerawesin the Town-

1 ship- Wftlfet. TJhe police payiljereasBs, apprttved by thevoters, will add 8Vj point.1; in:he tax rate. A mandatory . (udget Increase for pensionsram $31,000 to $54,000 williccount for another 6V2 pointincrease. *

aalary Increases for Town-ship eittployes-r-possibly $200across the board—will alsomaterially i n c r e a s e thelUdget.

'•In meeting with the de-partment heads," the mayorsaid, "w« impressed upontheni the need for economy.Although a great deal of newequipment is needed, andshould M purchased, we elimi-nated as much as possible forthe time being."

At pwsent it a-ppears as it •the Schdol Board budget willaocouM lor |9.09 of the newtax rate and the county $2.44.

B. of E. CommendedAsked If he was satisfied

with UlB new budget of th0Board of Education whichshows a slash of $321,000 offthe budget which was Aa-

ieve hhas tried

and several preliminary hear meeting scheduledIngs have already been held, to next Thursday,

id the new' at the home of&held, to next Thursday, 8:30 P.M., bers h^ve done an honest Job

Mr. Somers .said the new' at the home of Mrs. Joseph 1 agree with them that theinstallation will be modern hi Ostrower. 11 Dixon Drive, salaries appropriation shouldevery detail, landscaped hi'Metuchen, under the leader- not be ferjnpei'ed with no', asuch a way that it will bcauti-, ship of Mrs. Richard Koons, teacher who has spent several

(Continued on Page 6) chairman of higher education. '(VnttJniiPd on v.>ize H>

C O t O N I A - A house-to-house canvass is planned forSunday, weather pennlttiUK, ItW»K announced today by Dr.Edward A- Partenope, chair-man Of. the Heart Fund DriveIn the Colonta area. 1H theevent of Inclement weatheran afternoon will bo desk;lifted tot' the collection.

Envelopes left at hwries ofabsent residents umy ' bemailed to area captains, or toDr. Partenope, Middlesex Ave-Q1U.

FLAMES LEVEL COLON IA HOUSE: Because aufflclent water W t t u t available from1^Hie nearest hydrant 30* yards $way, thf house owned and Mcuplcd by Charles;'%Kanif'm's at tlie corner of Charles and Warr*'« Streets, Colonla, van dt»tr«yed. The. *;(Ire was cauhtd by an exploding all burner. Mrs. Kaiuenn* w»l 4i|hUjf burned '»n4|"i'treated at the scone by Iselln First Aid Sqund, Both Iselln Fire O»ijo#ftnlei »«d A V p '

lire Company (ought the blase. '


Page 2: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed


OBITUARIESPlans (Empiric

Fur Breakfast1 on-. \

1 ." ijiii-; Punnai sen ices' : 1 • uis Va«:.dy, 965 Furd'-.', ':,iii-. iu - r r lirtM Tuesday:•; ;!n' .it 10 30 l inm Ihfliv.i.. and Son Funeral Hoot,. •< Fold Avenue wjth Rev.! ,' ^ Vitf-? of Uie Jolw C'al-

• M;u:> 1 Hi fotmt-d Churrti1 ?:•,-i:i;ii)!! Burial was inr: ,•. 111< at P.irk Cemetery. The;...;! b.',ints wcif WillJam.i..' S11 v-- Paii . Joseph M«-1 •-.• ;. D..niil D*yrr, RalphCM 1 cvalc tuid John Schfin.

I ' m | j 1 i«' lor of Varady's

al Perth Ainboy O n -<:aj aflT n brief ill-ness HP waf a communicant,of St. .lames' Church. Piir-vivitiK ntf his widow. Mrs. Ai,nMcGri* Vereb; tXtite daugh-ters, Mrs. M a r y Po7.y:ki.Woodbridar, and the MissesAnt. and Irene Vereb at homr:four Mtrtrrs. Mrs. ElizabethPa.tnrk, Mrs. Julia Winkler,Mrs HC'len GPWSW a<id Mr*.Mary Ounia, Pertft Amboy;fivr brothers, John, Meisirm.N, Y.; Joseph, RoMwIIle. S I ;Pmnk, Mk-hai'l and Walter.Perth Amboy; find luur gr.ind-

At u

f,w,v. Mi Viirady died sud-(IM.IV Kii'kiy at work In the ,children.I :CMII r.imr He was born influ-, niv and rame tortnis OIIARLKS E. BRIOnT

miry m 1910. A former resi- WOODBBIDOE — Pim ral(ll 1,1 of KtMstx-y. he was first services for Charles E. Bright.(tiiiiUiyni by Didier-March 25 Earl Street, were held Mon-CMiupaiiv. and later entered, day morning., b:30, from thrtt •• i.ui.iiti and grocery busi-1 \j,an j Genty Funeral Jlomp,-,, . i H the past 24 years, he 4]] Amboy Avenue, with a 9,.,:,(lu iwl Die tavern and i.o'clock requiem Mass offered,MOW Ijiihiness.- and also w a s ' a t st. James' Church. Burial:,i o:i( lime employed by the j was in St. James1 Cemetery

ijonindum Company, Keas-Hiring from thstcompa-1954. He WM a member


Mr. Origin died last Thurs-day at Roosevelt HospiUl after ;


Port Reading NBy

,,f MRS JOHN' T13 Sivth


P«rl ftftflWI ndv of

V •„ 'vimi in Mi* li | l ! r i r

\V:!!iiim Wtmnli. 6K-4;i UurhmoTit

Commmilfint on March !). ooen-of r.irl Sonut Week

(an) I'»rty WinnersGamr winners at the card

party sp'insored by the Ladles'Auxiliary (if Port Roadln«Fire Cnnipuny 1 wre Mrs.Syhbv. Mnrtlnn. Mrs. StellaPutri k Mrs. Vincent Murray,Mrs GaKuno Russo, M1** Ann

c o m p a n y 1 win 1,,O'clock.

WqMfoi Annlv, rMr. and Mrs. ,in,,,

15 Second Street, „brttc th*lr wedding „,a r j today and \i :

birthday o< Pebru.iiv

daunhtrrs will, sidowsky. Mr*. Frank Petrntp,Communion ««i N1vs Oss NeAngell and Mrs.

Our Njcimins Pflli •:: were

Prtroni. Mary

New Arriv.ilMr. and 141* Ralph


-.rived Inter in the MrI"'

K i i i n K

Namekw will he nvflllnble in

b««pment nfler

by members,' „ .)nS(-ph R17JW.— ••• Kll l"s"' •- Ed

VilmaMrs. Edwftrjl

M,-s Mrs Alfred Russo and";Mrs. Frank B.irbato.

winner* werevis «nd Mrs.

Ails rifts, and other ex-will he dlsnhved 'or( .^ prm

. .. ; viewine at the Field \ Jos,, ) )h N

ir Interest Exhibit at the R p - p , ( t s V iaRusso.formed Church Fellowship ^rfreshments of coffee andHall. Lake Avenue. Metuchen, - h o m e m a d , , CRk.c were served

of 337 Columbia A.,Woodbridge, have ;,n

their family, » ,1,Anna Lynn: tn,,,Ptrth ATOboy Gemm ,Ul.


Thp Vnlted Stiii. ,

n lenirthy illness. He was aI'fUli Amboy Lodge 784,; member of St. James' parish,>K and Woodmen of the 1 ancj jS sunrtv?d by his widow.

Mrs. Mary Green Bright; sixsisters, the Misses Allre, Ben-trice, Charlotte and Maude,all of Norfolk. Va, Roselle.San Dieuo. Calif., and Ruth.

Fords; two sons, James JTacoma. Wnsh.; two brothers.William L.. Fords: a *ls-1 William, Buffalo, N. Y.. andand tliree brothers in j Louis, Norfolk, Va.

nd seven grandchil- j

-i Cmnp 65.,,-.iv:nu are his widow.Rose Varady; twodaugh-Mrs. Elmer Vecoey. Co-

,, Hnd Mrs Joseph Car-

CROWNED QIW.N; Srrn-tary of Statr Kdward 1. Patten places » crown on nine-year-old Suzanne Milam, as theyouni miss wai crownr<r-*t)ufen of Hraxts" at a dinner-jUnce o(nnlnt the Uetrt Fuml Drive in the Ford* ftMtionby the Fords Uons Club, at the f'olonia Country Hub Friiay niibt. SuUUinc U a canlUc patient and her father isa member of the Lions. In the photo, seated fnun left to rirht, are Mrs Donald %fff, William Milam, Suianne andMrs. Milam. Standing, in thr same order, are Donald Kerr and Cb*rk* Gtrfssfco, on the dinner arraiuements

romniltUe, anl Mr. Patten.

Fmope: ad i m


• AJJTtF.D G. ZELLERI WOODBRIDOE — Funeral! services for Alfred G. Zellef,I MS High Street, were held

','OODBRIDOE — Funeral i y e s t e r d a y afternoon at 2. for Ralph

67 Prospect Avenue,o'clock from theFuneral Home.

G r e i n e r44 Green

v ere held this morntojE »t | street. C r e m a t i o n was in30 fram the Plynn arM Son

r-.mrnl Home, Pords, witti a•ilemn requiem M»» offered

i-i our Lady of Peace Church.Burml was in St. Gertrude'sCemetery, Coloni».


E. R«mond. 302 Araboy Ave-IP. died Tue..<!ay at the Perth

RosehiU" Crematory, Linden.Mr. Zeller died Monday at

his home after a brief illness.He ha<d retired in 1844 fromhis position at E. I. duPontCompany. Parlin He w«i apa«C muter of St. Stephen'sLod«e S3, P. and A.M., BoothAmboy, and a member ofRiverside Council 33, JuniorOrder OUAM, South River.

fered ^t St. James' Church,Rev. Harold Hlrseh, celebrant.Burial was in the churchcemetery. The pall bearerswere Thomas and Peter Dunn.Martin Minklex. Steven Var-go. E d w a r d J a n i g a andGeorge Wittenzellnar.

Shanley SpeaksIn WoodbridgeWOODBRIOGE — Bernarfl

Shanley last night calledMr. Romond, 55, died Fri- 'i 'Pon Congress to reduce the

day morning at the perJh;c°rP<H'at< income tax onAmboy General HospiUl, after small business from 30 to 20a short Illness. Son of the P e r c e«t to 8»ve a "shot in thelate Mr. and Mrs. Edward ai'Bi to the .little man in theseRomond. he was a native and 1 difficult days tt an economiclifelong resident, employed as ' J

a truck driver by Hyer Truck-

lar benefit to small firms g?;; . 1 C!,«««—nhoie stockholders hav« v e r y l * ' / m l 0 b e ShoU>n

modest Incomes."Third, small businessmen

should be,permitted to de-preciate for tax purposes,used property at an acceler-ated rate. This privilege is

to businesses which

At JWV MeetingAVENEL — A film, "Your

State Police in Action,"be shown bythrough the

willA, Kretael.

courtesy (IfStandard Oil Company ofNew Jersey, at the social

Ing Company, Perth Amboy.his widow,

Romond; aSurviving

Ju|la F. Dunn"

down-turn.'Mr. Shanley, candidate for

the Republican nominationfor the Senate, spoke beforea j Republican meeting here


purchase new equipment. B u t ' " " . " " ^ "" V'JC "Tl""many small busTneksmen c a n - ; m M t m e ot t h e Avenel-Co-not afford the expense of newequipment. Therefore, this ac- 'celerated dapreciation should \ J e w « h Cnimunity

a t t h e


nAmboy Genual Hospital after j Surviving are his widown brief ilium v communicant | M r s , EUa A Zeller; a son, Al-of St Jame.s' Chur;;h, he wasa mi-mbcr of Middlesex Coun-


bert H., Miami, Fla.; a brother,j William, S a y r e y i 11 e ; five

ril 851. KmuhU of Columbus; [grandchildren, and pne great-

j jdaughter, Mrs. Edward L*r- designated a« " S h a n l e ysen. 'Woodbridge; a sister,' Night."Mrs. John Rupp, Metuchen; | "More -and more, as thetwo brothers, Edward, Mount y e a r s g 0 by, we se | instancesyernon. N. Y., and William oi &m&\\ businessmen being

and two' caught in an economic squeezeIEast Brunswick;


87, American Lagion; andthe Woodmen of the World.

Hu is survived by his widow,Mrs.' Margaret Bergen Rom-ond; a brother, Edwin, Wood-bfklge, and a sister, Mrs. Al-Jir-cl Plunkelt. ljod\.

Funeral services will beheld Saturday morning at |


E 30 from his residence and9 o'clock at St, James' Church.Burial will beCemetery.

in St. James'


services fur Steven Vereb, 137Grovt Avenue, were held yes-terday morning from theZyikji Funeral Home, PerthAmboy, with a 9:30 solemnrequiem Mass offered at ^t-James' Church. Woodbridise.Burial was in the churchcemetery.

Born ui Perth Amboy, anda Woodbridge resident for thepast 13 years, Mr. Vereb died


services for Jolui J. Ifimpet^r,174 Main Street, were heldthis morninu at 8:30 (rout theLeon J. Gfiity Funeral Home.411 Amboy Avenue, and a 9o'clock High Mcu-is of R iwas offered at St. ^Church. Burial WB.S in Resur-rection Cemetery, Piscataway

Mr. Leimpeter, 72, who diedMonday is survived by hisWidow, Mrs. Margaret GelsLeimpetei; a daui(h,ter, Mis.Alex Dembeck; a ion, Jolin F ,and a brother, Edward.

f T. EGANRAHWAY — Mrs. Kathryn

T. Egan. 75, 132 Elm Avenue,Eahway, widow of the lateThomas Egan. died yesterdayafternoon. Born In Wood-bridge, she was the daughterof the late Thomas and JuliaBray Whalen. She was aresident of Rahway for 50ypars.

tbat have forced many toclose their doors. We mustimmediately give smaU busi-ness a weapon which will per-mit them to grow economical-ly despite the" Trend toward

be extended to them. |"Fourth, the t a x p a y e r

should be given the option ofpaying the estate tax over aperiod of 10 years in caseswhere the estate consistslargely of investments inclosely held business con-cerns."

Shanley said similar recom-mendations have been made,by the Cabinet Committee on!

business which reportedto the president.

President E i s e n h o w e rturned down the tax cut pro-

Lord Street.

The post,

10 A.M. to bjp j i s t y ( , a l , s s l l l t P of officers,

Mrs Joseph R u ^ . M"* C » r "inenD'Ale«lo.Mrs.Patwl«-H u s s O i Mrs. k D\poMDFranksOi Mrs. Fr

M r s Ni rhoU5 Pellegrtno,

The Brtwnies will fellcookies fromlMarch 15 to 19f

nclusive. In observance of _•Thinkinr Day." Saturday,1; Auxiliary ActivitiesBrownies «nrt Intermediates; A combined meeting Of thewill dopate pennies to the ^^,-f,- Auxiliary and theJuliette I-ow World Friend-; b o n ) d o f d irP( tors will be heldship Fund. j Friday nmht The board will

Thirteen lender." and co-, m e r t at the Port Reading fire-„ aders from the OLP N^h-1 house at 7; 15 and the regular,norhood and six from Clara: m p e t i n K of ti»e Ladies Aux-

" " - - ' - - " ' alary of Port Reading

6U, with Uu recent iof 1W ortoltlnir'ExpliH,:tlge that was lost i,In October "when ilu.'launched Its firstHowever, top of[. ;

knowledge the nationit long way to go' These officials sun!

be foolish to underc'lead Russia holsd ,t

I suit of its achieves, iItUig two Sputniks hluf'I before the United ;;•

1U Sxplorer into oilIt is hoped that >,:

early diplomatic ret.ui-

Bsrton attendedworkshop course


and leader, is workini on

early d psupceiefu*lU. S. satellite will t.United States mov<

at theMrs. Ruthschool cafeteria.

While Mrs. F. Parente

e l - In the President El&enlum.,v-,omemaking field. The Blue- pWal U> Spvln Pm,

u bird Patrol is sewing aprons, ganln for an .,f i M id 'he Sunflower .Patrol pledging outer spaf

in conjunctionnith the auxiliary, will spon-sor a paid-up membershipdinner and dance, Saturday,8:30 P.M. at Inman AvenueSchool 11 A spaghetti dinnerwill be served, and a show ofboth men's and women'sfushiona featured. All mem-

huge- retail markets, chainstore operations, and bignessin gpneral."


services for Joseph J. Rom-ond 150 Clinton Street, wereheld Monday morning at 8:30from the Grelner FuneralHome, 44 Green Street, witha 9 o'clock requiem Mass of-

son. Thomas, Rahway; adaughter, Mrs. Free} JcftC?,Witheviile, Va., and a sister,Mrs. B. J. Dunigan, Wood-biidge.

Funeral services will beheld Saturday morning fromthe Thomas P. Hlggins {JonsFuneral Home, 1116 BryantStreet, at 9:30 and at 10o'clock in S t Mary's Church.Burial will be in the churchcemetery. '



FEBRUARY SALEKxtra Special Valm-s in FineWorsted Sharkskin, Flunm-I,

unil Smurt Him'

posal at this time."It is unfortunate," said

Shanley, "that the admlnis-. . _. , ,, , L, tration did not lend supportMr. Shanley proposed that 1 tQ t h l s i m p o r t a n t prOposal.

Congress act immediately o n | C o n R r e s g sbOu\d overrideijfour basic changes in the tax j t h e a d m l n t a t r a t l ( I I 1 . 8 objections;'

and pass the measure just the.


custodian of a local churchreported the theft of $75 fromthe church safe. The custodi:an's came is Jesse James.

celved in anWilliam Cariste will assumeleadership of Troop 32. Pa-rent* are asked to note meet-

d toIngsare awill be changed to

37Ings will bWednesday afternoons at '37Ireland Avenue.

Brownie Troop 123. underthe leadership of Mrs. J.Lucv and Mrs J. Thomsoncombined Januarv's theme of jHomemaking and February'stheuie of I n t e r n a t i o n a lFriendship by preparing aforeign dish at yesterday'smeeting. A short play waspresented, and the ehtire pro-gram devoted to the February itheme.

Intermediate Troop 85. Mrs. i

Mrs. Egan is survived by a | l a w s designed to give reliefto small corporations.

"First, is the basic tax cut."he said, "which would reducethe government's bite by athird on the first $25,000 ofcorporate income. It has beenestimated that this will costthe government $440,000,000a year in revenue. I anticipatethat the increased economic

vth of small business thatwill result as a direct benefitfrom this tax cut will, In thefuture, more than make upfor the loss of revenue. The





Nut »11 s i m in every fabric, but goodselections in most sizes iq regulars,shorts, longs and stouts.


ices ft>r Anton Orosjnun, 17Loretta Street, were held thismorn'ins at 8:30 from KainMortuaries, Inc.. Perth Am-tH>y, and a 9 o'clock solemnrequiem Maae offered at HolySpirit Church. Burial was inSt. Gertmde'g Cemetery, Col-onia.

Mr. Grossman, a nati'/e ofAustria Who had resided InHupelawn for more than 50years, died T^onday at hishome. He was a cqramunicantof Holy Spirit Church and issurvived by a dau^hkr, MrsAnna Salaki. Hopelawn: a son,

j Anton, Jr., Jamesburjj; threei arandchildren, and one great-grandchild.


States lias apologized to theSoviet Union because a UnitedStates Air F'orce jet made anaccidental flight over EastGerman territory recently. AUnited SUU-s mission spokes-man said the apology hud beenmade in an oral exchange be-tween the Soviet and UnitedSUttfc members of the AirButetj Center, the big-fourbody that opjitrols air truffle|« Berlin. . KVB

Federal government will col-lect more taxes in the "longrun."

"Second." he continued, "Ipropose that corporationswith 10 or fewer stockholdersbe given the option of beingtaxed as if they were partner-ships. This would be particu-

same." ]Shanley called for imple-'

mentation of all 14 points irecommended by the CabinetCommittee to Aid Small Busi-:ness/ . i

"This is 4 sound program," Jhe said. "It U designed to give'an added lift to the small;businessman who does nothave the advantage of volume

nd reduced per capita |, 'I

"The tax relief programwould be a shot in the armfor many of thqse small busi-nesses which have sought toregain the economic stabilitythey have found waning overthe past few years. I thinkthis relief is long overdue."


Enclosed please find $3.50 for one-yearsubscription to:


To be sent to:

HonorGeorge Washingtonon His Birthday!



Disfay Your Country's Flagon February 22nd

Telling tales about cherry trees is mienough. Let us honor the Father of mi:Country with the reverence his" merrnnydeserves. Fly the U, S. Flag from youhome, office, school or business.

Enough information forspace travel expected In year.

Here is a

Washington's BirthdaySPECIAL

February 22, Qnty




Op Sale frws \» A*to » P.M. - • A l .

Only! 3 ,95

! * •


Washington's Birthday Special!


REDUCED $1 O O 0 0

READY TO PITCH INTO YOUR JOEwith new hustle, new muscle, new Style I

Now Swing-NwdU SINGER AiriemalU Id* you

do all kinds of fancy stitches autoroatkaJiy! fcm-

broiders, seal lops, monQgrams! Mend), dims, hem» I

SAVE $1IM).UO on this automatic sewi|| |machine! This special is »v*ltabJe lsjt your !>iiiger ^ewing Ceniarbelow.




We Mao Have a Pew

Portables atConsoles ot

Singer Sewing Center169 Smith Street,




Modal 3445 Sltp-Von with I looi body

Watch 'era ride all-(day runs with a new

kind Of efficiency I Chevy's new light-

duty Apache line \m loaded with new

way* to «*ay and aave on long schedules I

When time mean$ everything-you need a truckwith everything. You need a .Chevrolet! All Chevypickups and panels are cjuick-as-a-whip hustlersin traffic and on the highway, They have Chevrrokt's own special brand of built-in muscle-extra-figid front end sheet metal and hefty frames.

New Step-Van delivery modth,compete with bodies

Got a delivery job? Loo* ovej Chevrp^'s spa-cious new Step-Vans iwtfc^alk-io bodies-

Higher powt(*i V8and6

Chevy offers the improv»d (uelrsaving 145-lipIhriftmaster 6. For OMff ipwer—with i " 1

economy-the new 2 « ) ^ 7 i n . , iS is available « « | l r a cost.


Chevrolet'! rugged mcdluflHlutytan move bkT>*4s fast, Chevy's beuvy-

348-cu..i«. itmsjM y» |of engine for t n$W kfod, of efficki^y *"«economy. See yoitf Cnevrqlet dealer


Page 3: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed


PTA•iikcrA : t i n t l E



... M

. ) • • ' "


.' yCiUS." *»»n sptfchbyDohcrty of

.llr'S church"~lhns- Nightschool PTA.irll that "the.;l,vitv «f Pa~,',„•,.(! to hi'lpj-i'ne in famt-', • in- said.i trilfHcl'S Ofi,v their ex-

thf- ormis of the

lolcon, whoni! with a

Double-Ring CeremonyAtFoldi'Simon WeddingWOODBRIDHF, In a

double-ring ceremony per-formed by Rev. Vincent Iienylst noon Saturday in OurLady of Mt. Cnrmel ChurchMiss Barbara Marie Simon,daughter of Mr. and Mrs.John Simon, 291 Oak Ave-nue be«me the bride of JohnL. Foldl, son of Mr. and MrsMtchatl Soldi, 1C Fraser


i m , ,v

athan 450

KniUkowski..,,nif*(i that

trsts 'or,,1-0,-rfss, and.,,.,-s tn assist,'. rnloi-bUlld-;..i«,vl that 31

, :i purchased/nr.iry., urdllmeflt oft >7n fathers..,: member -, \|.ivwed!' the• ,Mi fathers

, Mirrrssful;«' used to

• Hvc Beach,::.•ii.ion break-i:,i! honor roll

. , i.ih grade,an-

-, in

1 I'lihy. Riftreported

The wide, escorted by herfather to the alttir. wove agown of Alcncon law oversntln. Her fingertip-lengthveil of Illusion was arrangedfrom a coronet of tulle petalsand, orange blossoms, shecarried a white prayer bookadorned with a Mngle orchid.

Mrs. John Lilly, Wood-bridge', cousin of the bride,jerved as matron of honor,and Mis» Emma Foldl, thebridegroom's s i s t e r , wiubridesmaid. .

Th,« best man was JohnLilly, and Carl Andreonl,

ODelftwn. inhered.The newlywefts will return

March 1, after a honeymoonIn Miami. Fla.. to^restdV at391 Oak Avtnue. For going-away, the bride chose aknitted blue milt with black

Minstrel DatesMay 10 and 11

PORT READING • Talent.pit her for specialty numbers,or mnlc and female voices fortlir mixed chorus. Is beingnought as plans near comple-tion and rehearsals progressfor thn third annual minstrelof St. Anthonv'f? Church. Abennflt show for th« buildingfund, it will be held in School9, Mny 10 and H.

There will be a rehearsaltonight at the church hall, atwhich prospective talent willbe auditioned by Mrs. Ar-mando Simeone, director, orInterested persons may makeapplication to Rev. StanislausMilos, who Is serving as hon-orary chairman,

Of the talent secured, thenames of John Trepano ofSouth Amboy and Fred Zullowill be recognized by veteran«how-goers for their excellentperformances as endmen InminstreU over the years.

Julius Kollar Is generalchairman of the affair, withMrs. Joseph Nevis, assistant.Mrs. John Ahlerlng and Mrs.John McDonnell are in chargeof publicity.

Parkway HeadTo be Speaker


Mrs. Foldl Is employed bythe New Jersey Bell Tele-phone Company, Perth Am-boy. Her husbRnd served two!years In the U. s . Army, and

Churchwomen Schedule'World Day of Prayer'WOODBRIDGE

nual World DayThe an-1 Episcopal Church; Rev. Earl

of PrayerU an employe of P. B. Mutrie j sponsored by the UnitedMotor Transport, Inc., Ave- i Churchwomen of Woodbrldge,nel. Both are graduates of •will be held tomorrow at 2Woodbrldge High S c h o o lclass of 1955.

Officers NamedBy Democrats

P.M., at the First Congrega-tional Church.

Rev. Robert Bonham, as-sistant pastor of the FirstPresbyterian Church, Avenel,will be the guest speaker,taking as his subject, "Breadof Lire." MUi Martha Menkowill be the organist and Miss

WOODBRIDOE - Officers j , l d y jackson, the soloist,gift* for elected at the monthly moet-i Ministers taking part will

ulicn. and ing of the First Ward Second be RJV, Dewey Fagerburg,notify District Democratic Chib of I pjrst Congregational Church,

may come Woodbrldge at its Fulton ;R*V. Robert Rlbble, IselinStreet headquartm are Emiljprwfoyterian C h u r c h , Dr.

PiradeIpajak, president: M i c h a e l \ c h a r l e s MacKenaie, FirstPresbyterian Church, Avenel;Rev. C. B. Munh, WoodbrldgeMethodtat Church: Rev. Wil-liam H. Schmaus, "Trinity

cake;ifit-r each:.rld In the

:i with Mrs.:; and Mrs.

i i n-rhair-

.. I'd mem-.; : vimi day. A, iike place• ,.;:!orium of

. ]n\7f wasM.u'v Hugh's•. fund prizes! r Trakamo-n;«r Reager,

..:.d Robert

. i-cond and,;>:is were In

;ic co-chair-Mi-. William'••I: Thomas

in SPEAK:'.. . Albert F.i -L-tant cliap-1.":i:tfd States

: :!iv at West• :o tiit- Mens1

• Au-ncl Pres-Mnnday atTin- public


Terpanlck, vice president:Mrs. Margaret Rose, treasur-er; Alex Enik. recording sec-retary; and Joseph Uptak,sergeant-at-arms.

Commit teeman E d w a r dKath spoke on the defeat ofthe Board of E d u c a t i o nbudget and the functioningof the Township budget pre-pared by ttie Township Com-mittee. He installed the offi-cers, and welcomedmembers. Charles and

Hannum Devanny, First Pres-byterian Church, Woodbrldge;Rev. Egry. Hungarian Re-formed Church.

After the services, Rev.

Fagerburg will conduct in-

stallation of officers.

Women who will take, partIn the services are Mrs,Arthur Bruer, Miss LouiseHuber, Mrs. Harlan Tralll,Mrs. Charles Kuhlman, Mrs.Arthur Peterson, Mrs. AlbertBergen, Mrs. Walter MerwinMrs. James Reid.

An e v e n i n g service foryoung people will be held at7 P.M., at the CongregationalChurch. At 8 P.M., there wllbe another service at the Ave-nel Presbyterian Church withMrs. Wllluyn Johnson incharge.

Miss Patricia Ann NagyBride of Donald Schuck

FORD8 — Miss Patricianew: Ann Nagy. daughter of Mr.Car-' i-ud Mrs. Emery Nagy. 24

ENJOYABLE EVENING; A very successful fathers' night was hrld by St. James* Parochial PTA In the wshool audi-torium. Front row, left tn right, Mrs. Prter Knilikowski, Rev. Thomas J. Dohertjr, Rev. Outtav Napoleon, Mr*.James Currljan; back row, same order, Mrs. Leon Witkowiki, Mrs. Joseph Tlrpak, M B , Gerard O'Brien, Mr«. William

Leahy. Missing from the photograph Is Mrs. William Kinnelly.

WOODBRIDGE — MrS.KBlhrnne E. White. <*l»lr-

th<' Garden *UteAuthority and for*

r mavnr n[ R*4 Bank, wWswnki'r nt a dinner Beet-

nf me Woodbrldge Tow-n Hir-lni'st and ProtcMht-Woman's Club March 1 at

rplnnln Count*v CWb.Members arc urged to BMfce

iilimis as SOOtl U POS-wild Mr* Lavrenw

or Mr1!. Joseph H«an.lit Sewnren. co-eh*lr-

of Hie riinTwr. Mettieflinvite guests.s ,1 DIin Mtiller. COIanla,

oT the SUeOeMfldniK-tion suli' held last 8»t«|r-

nt ihf Hungarian P a d *u\\. School Street, lor Onlfnpfli of the Barron PuWVeibrary, will present her re»

port.Preliminary dlseusrion vfll

be held on a proposed nuaaerestival the early part of

June, according to Miss lMtbWolk, president. Plans »U1also be made for the Instafia,-;on dinner In Mar whkti vfll

mark the first anniversary • (the club.

Juniors PlanMember Drive

Author to Speak at 3rd'Evening to Remember'

AVENEL — Plans for amembership drive were dis-cussed at the regular meetingof the Junior Woman's Clubof Avenel held at the Avenel-Colonia First Aid SquadBuilding. Mrs. Martin Outow-skl, president, appointed Mi&SGall Cooper. Mrs. AnthonyAndriola and Mrs. Bruce Mc-Kee as membership commit-tee, under the chairmanshipof Miss Joann Mohr. Women,between the ages of 18 and 35,Interested In becoming clubmembers are Invited to attendTuesday's meeting. Interestedpersons may call Mrs. dutow-skt at ME 4-0951 or MissMoHr, FU 8-2283, for furtherinformation.

Mrs. Alfred A n d e r s e n ,chairman of literature, educa-tion and librarian depart-ment, announced letters arebeing sent to approximately80 doctors in the area to In-form them of the existing

WOODBRIDGE — Membersof Congregation Adath Israelare advised by Albert Leon,program chairman of thee d u c a t i o n committee, thattheir children in high schoolsand colleges may accompanythem to the third "Evening toRemember" without charge.

Maurice Samuel, author,will speak on "The ToynbeeHoax," a resume of Judaism'scontribution to world civiliza-tion and an answer to Profes-sor Arnold Toynbee. Talcingplace on Purim night.5, the program Is appropriatesince the holiday of Purimmarks a milestone in Jewishhistory.

Copies of Mr. Samuel'sbook. "The Professor and theFossil," which will be usedas the basis of his lecture, may1« obtained fre by members

from the Congregation library,which is under the supervisionof Mrs. Sadie Zlegler,



Amputeeby the

mela Albanese. lx>ui« Toth; Ford Avenue, was marriedand John Koczun. j Saturday to Donald Schuok,

The group endorsed a pro-!gen of Mr. and Mrs. Williamposal to go on record as op- j Schuck. 123 Hommann Ave-posed to the school budget,' nue, Perth Amboy, at an 11basing Its stand mainly on the; o'clock nuptial Mass In Holyfact thst a complete presen-l spirit Church, Perth Amboy.tatlon of the recommend*-', Rev. Louis Leyh performedUons Incorporated therein' t),e double-ring ceremony, andhad not been made to the' the bride was given in mar-people. Particular objection jriage by her father,was volted to Hie proposed] S h e w o r e , . go w n Of whitepurchase of the Green Street xtallan silk and her finger-

tip-length veil of Illusion wasd-aped from a coronet oforange blossoms. She carriedwhite sweetheart rose's andlilies - of - the - valley on a

building. Mr Pajftk recom-mended endorsement of theposition taken by Mayor HughB. Qulgtey and the TownshipCommittee regarding revisionof the school budget and : p r a y . r book.elimination of specified items.

A special tt*nij was madeto LmUr Bharrle. and J.Johmann won the darkhone prixe.








Mrs. Dorothy Schuck, PerthAmboy, was matron of honorThe bridesmaids were MissBetty Ann Dellapletro, Hope-lawn and Miss Violet NagyNixon, cousins of the bride,and Miss Kathy DeverlnCheryl Soporowski. cousin ofthe bridegroom, was flowergirl.

i Thomas Schuck served his| brother as besf man. Joseph

I j Soporowski. Perth A m b o y! cousin of the bridegroom;j Carmine Dellapietro> Hope-

I i lawn, cousin of the bride, andj Robert Na«y. brother of the| bride, ushered.J The newlyweds will be athorn* at 24 Loretta Street

Hopelawn, after their return'ebruary 24 from a weddingrip to Washington, D. C. For

traveling, the bride wore agrey ensemble with pink ac-cessories, and a rose corsage.

Mrs. Schuck Is employed asdental assistant by Dr. M. M.Hodes, She Is a graduate ofWoodbridge High School, classof 1657. Her husband attendedPerth Amboy schools, and Isemployed by C. Dellapietro,Incorporated, Hopelawn.

Slate of 3 NamedTo Methodist BoardWOODBRIDOE — Andrew

Auioc and William Conw»y| v,vi<- rerleeted trustees of the| Woodbridge Methodist Churchat a meeting1 held Tuesday

Named as a new mem-ber was John Schork whosucceed* Fred Strahl.

Presiding at the meeting,as Dr. Rowland Leurloh,

District Superintendent otthaSouthern District of Newark.

Evidence suggests electric-ity in clouds causes rain.

Cancer SocietyMakes Awards

WOODBRIDC3E — Citatioruhave been awarded by Mid-dlesex County Chapter of theAmerican Cancer Society tovolunteer workers as follows:For 10 years service, Mrs. Mi-chael Langan, dressings-unitc h a i r m a n of St. James'Church, Woodbrldge; f i v eyears, Mrs. Charles Barnekow.Sewaren. dressings-unit chair-man of Woodbridge Chapter,P«rth Artiboy Hospital, Mrs.Andrew G e r i t y and Mrs.Thomas Hooban, co-chairmenSt. James' Church, Mrs. Wal-lace Mitcheltree, associatedressings-unit c h a i r m a nWoman's League of RutgersUniversity; four years, MrsE. C. Moffett, dressings-unitchairman First CongregationalChurch.

Three years service, crusadechairmen, Mrs. John DomejkaFords, Mrs. Frank RussellWoodbrldge, and Mrs. ElmerSemok, Hopelawn; two yearsservice, Mrs. Daniel Howell.dressings-unit chairman, FirstPresbyterian Church of Ave-nel, cnisade chairmen Mrs.R, T. Ambrose. Iselin, Mrs.Francis Foley, Colonla, MrsAnne Sltcoscy, Keasbey. Mrs.Harper A, Sloan, Sewaren; 1year service, Mrs. Frank Step-


MEDICAL NEEDSWe dt-Uver free Of oharge


Phone ME 4-0809


Junior Woman's Clubs In NewJersey. Any amputee In needof help ma,y apply to theJunior Woman's Club.

The club voted to enter thesixth district musical festivalMay 24. with the WestfieldJunior Woman's Club ashostesses.

MLss Anne Baumgarten,imerican home chairman,iiinounced six members have•ntered' the national sewing:ontest. Their outfits will beudged at the March 25 meet-

ing and the local winner willhave her entry judged at thesixth district spring confer-ence in Rahway, April l.MlssBaumgarten asked membersto bring In turklsh towels toused In making bibs for To-towa nursery.

Mrs. James E. Gordon,braille chairman, announced

pink elephant party March3 at her home. The proceedswill be used to purchase aradio for a blind person.

The meeting1 featured aphysical fitnes3 program, andgames were played under thedirection of Miss Wllma Froe-llch and Miss Cooper.

Mrs. QutowBki reported onthe N o r t h e r n Presidents'Council meeting at Paramus,also, attended by Miss Froe-lich, vice president; MissCooper* recording secretary:and Miss Mahr, correspond-ing secretary.

Mies Nancy Zarsky


AVENEL — Airman pc andMrs. Earling E. Oodejohn,Pleasantville, are the parentsof a son, Earllng Garlth. bornTuesday at Shore Point Me-morial Hospital, Somers Point.Mrs. Godejohn Is the formerMiss Pauline Elster, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Adolph

nlak, chairmannlak, qFirst Aid Squad, Ladles' Auxlllary, Fords, crusade chairmen Mis. John Callahan, PortR e a d i n g . Mrs. Robert L.

helle, Fords, Mrs. RobertSclinelder, Av*nel.

Stanciks MarkGolden Wedding

WOODBRTDQE — Mr. andMrs. Prank Stanclk, 373 Ber-ry Street, observed their 50thwedding anniversary at a din-ner and reception given bytheir children at the LegionHall Saturday

The couple was married onFebruary 12,1908, In the HolyTrinity Church, Perth Amboy,where they made their homefor several years. They movedto their present residenceyears ago.

Mr. Stanclk was employedby the American Smelting SiRefining Company at Barberfor 50 years until 1646, whenhe retired as Tank HouseSupervisor.

The Stanciks have tw<daughters and two sons, MrsJohn Jurechko, Jr., Leviltown, Pa.; Mrs. Frank Kealing and F. Clemens, Wood-brldge, and Edwardv PhoenixArizona. They also have sever

Sister, 53 Commercial Avenue, grandchildren.

,ocal ResidentFeted at Party

Fords Blast CauseStill being Probed

FORDS — Police are stillendeavoring to find the cause

WOODBRIDGE — Irvingillenbogen, 330 DeKalb Ave-ue. was honored on his 50thirthday at a surprise partyaturday at the home of Mr

and Mrs. Samuel Shangold9 Eggert Avenue, Metuchen

A "This la Your Life"ram was arranged with Mr

Ellenbogen the principal sub-ect. Mr. Bhangold was narator and Mrs. Ellenbogen an

6ther relatives and friendsparticipated.

Guests Included Mr. andMrs. Joseph Ellenbogen. Mr.and Mrs. Albert Ellenbogen,Mr. and Mrs. Jullur AAister,Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminMannes, Miss Betty Ellen-bogen, Brooklyn; Mrs.' LouisGlnitz, Mr. and Mrs. RichardGinltz, Millburn; Mr. andMrs. Harold Rafel, SouthOrange; Mr. and Mrs. MorrisStelnman, Hillside.

Also Mr. and Mra. JosephStelnman. Mr. and Mrs. Rod-man Steinman, Maplewood;Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stein,Martin Stein, Mr. and MrsHerman "Wechsler, Mr. andMrs. Seymour Turner, Mrand Mrs. ^attln Nlederman,Plalnjfleld; Mr. and Mrs.George Stelnman, -HighlandPark; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel

of an explosion at 5M KtnyGeorge's Road, which sentMrs. Marv Krelssler, 60, tothe hospital with flret andsecond degree bums aboutthe face, arms, abdomen andthighs. Her condition is re-ported as poor.

T h e explosion occurredshortly after 7 o'clock Sun-day night. Employees of theEilzabethtown Gas Companyhave Investigated and havefound no gas leak. Police saidthe cellar was tilled withashes, and they are now pro-ceed ins on the theory thatsewer gas may have causedthe explosion.

Johnny Ray, who has justhad a successful ear opera-tion, is busily proposing toJane Kean.<-

Stegel, Newark; Mr, and Mis.Jack Faber, Mr. and Mrs,Irving Kriel, Mr. and Mrs,Carl Toborowsky, Mr. andMrs. Edward Nlemara, Mr.and Mrs. Meyer Wolfson.Perth Amboy.

Also Dr. George Frederick,Mr. and Mrs. Saul Klein. MT.and Mrs. David Salton, Wood-bridge; Mr. and Mrs,B l f k d M I

, ?7Belafsky, Mr. and Mrs. IrvingGottlelb, Fords.

welcomed as a gueit.wasCo

hostesses were Mrs. Gordonand Mrs. Gutowskl. The nextmeeting will be Tuesday, 8:15P.M.


Stockman, a chef at a PortReading dinner, who residesIn the Post Office BaldingPort Reading, reported to po-lice Tuesday that his roomwas entered and $100 In ten-dollar bills was stolen.


Charles m , was born to Mr.and Mrs. Fred C WandmII, 4*0 Janaen Avenue, atPerth Amboy General Hospi-tal, February 15.



P Enclosed please findsubscription to:


N A M l B : '•-•• —'•

ADPRKS3 t....l..v-..» ;..,.,,..-.:.;...T-

\ JWN. —~ --*"- - ••

AnnouncingThe Opening of


AD-LIBUltimate in

Route No. 1 at the Iselin Circle Woodbrldge, N. J.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 1958< * • •



froi 5 P. M, 'till?


and Hor^d'oeuvres

BobBrwetonPlaying Orginu you lUw it

. Mixing Your Cocktailsyour palate.

Telephone MErcttty

Page 4: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed


N'KW MH'IJ-MFA'T: Dr. F.dnard O. Bnurns rtplairm thf operation of a new heart-monit/iriri Instrument in Nur^i1 I)ori* Prus-T. a*. Rahwav Hospital Administrator Mrs.Ivj L. Mother. Woodbridef, f<>nl*r lonk". on The instrument is part of S ."!R5 worth ••

of new equipment donated by the Vnion f'nunty Ilrart Association.

Equipment Worth $3,285 Stores OfferingGift toKahwayHospital Holiday Sales

RAHWAY — The UnionCounty Hrart Association hasdonated $3,285 worth of de-vices lor examination of thehuman heart to the RahwayHospital. Administrator IvyL. Mophpr announced today.

They include an operatingroom rardioscope. which per-

Mediral Staff at Rahw»yHospital, described the new WOODBRIDGE - Seven-!devices as "providing just tPen member storDs of thethat greater measure of safe- Wcodbridge Businessmen'siy for patients undergoingrseessar? chest surgery ofother operative proceedure."

Avia t ion will offer special" h " for the Washington

her operative procedure 'Birthday Sales scheduled for"We loin our patients in our .Saturday j

In addition to the salesincere thanks to the Unionm;t< surgeon* to watch the County Heart Association for (vent, the association hasb--at c' t v patients heart on making these fine new lustra- mside arrangements for a Na-

menis available to Rahuay t;onal Defense Exhibit onHospital." he said.

E s-rrwn Fifciilar to a televisiontube A permanent record ofthe heartbeat may also bemade, and if the heartbeatilowp dangerously, a warningsignal is sounded auto-matically.

Th? carc.ioscope may alsobr: used to help the surgicalt<am in maintaining the exactdepth of anesthesia whichcombines both comfort andscfety for the patient.

Budget ReviewTime Lack Hit

t;onal DefenseMain Street which will fea-ture a "Nike" Kiiided missile.Armv tanks will also be onhand.

Inasmuch as Washington'sBirthday is a legal holidayparking meters will not be1 inoperation, thus offering free

a narking space all over town.WOODBRIDGE — Inresolution unanimously ap- However. Police Chief Johnproved Monday, the Board of R E g a n mge(i residents notFducation requested the legis- t 0 -l&^e advantage" of the

, The Heart Association also iature to enact legislation to Traditions by parking all dayhas donated a Breath-o- - ivP Boards of Education ad- i c n ?

ditional time for re-submis--r.n of a budget when it lade-: s h o p p i n g . . . h efeated once at the polls.

phone, which gives promptwarning should the patientexperience any difficulty inbreathing while under anes-thetic.

Two other devices keepsensitive electronic fingers onthe heartbeat of patients un-dergoing surgery or comingout of anesthesia, or patientsvbo have been seriously in-jured m accidents and whoseheart action may have beenaffected.

"t>r Edward G. Bourns, im-mediate past president of the

Cast SelectedFor 'Salesman';

..Give everyone a chance to

Under the present-law, if a Emanuel Choper, chairmanbudget is defeated it must be of t h e *a le ' s a l d a U t h € V**re-submitted withjn, 15 days ticipating stores have a

to chop prices andagreedurged

lo meat the same or lesser amountr.nd it is necessary to post-notice of the election in the 'cements on Pages 12 andform to be adopted at least m

10 days before election.In its resolution, the Board

"such time


WOODBRIDGE — HenryGlass, director, has selectedthe cast of Arthur Miller'sPulitzer Prize drama, "Deathof a Salesman," to be pre-sented by the Adath IsraelPlayers at the WoodhridgeJewish Community Center,April 12, 13 and 19.

Emanuel Goldfarb will playthe central role of Willy Lo-

_.-aian, llie exhausted travelingsalesman, beaten down by thefailure of his two sons, andthe loss of his own dignityaud place in the world. Thispsrt was portrayed by Fred-eric March in the movie ver-sion of the play.

Mrs. Henry Belafsky willhave the role of his devotedwife, Linda. Dr. Albert Rich-man and Bertram Kata willportray Happy and Biffi thetwo sons who exemplify theOscar Wilde epigram thatfirst children love their pa-rents, then judge them, butrarely forgive them,i The Oliver nine roles in the

play will be talcni by LarryGoldhtnith, Mis. Buddy Green-berg, Walter Ruderman, Sid-nij/ Pri'iuid, Alfred Rauch-Sl»n. Mi.s David S t a h 1,Mitchell Sandier, Mrs. Lor-fttjne Stemnaii and Mrs. A1-find Rauchrnan.

pavid Stahl is the producerhll Ar Freeman Is hand-

ling all Lhf art worb,•ftcket chai|inen are Joseph

Schleg^nger. Mis. M a u r i c eC^odofh and Mrs. EmanuelOoldfaib Publicity is beinghjtndjeii by Mrs. Stahl and|B6 "Sanford Brandt.

jj|>IfBACLl£ IN PUSSJlttl Dorothy was watch-

mother take a pie fromoven. As tl ie stesm

leaped through' the openingsthe top of the cover sllgbt-raised up, Dorothy sud-ily exclaimed, "Look. mo>hthe pie is breathing." X\

the issue of The Inde-pendent-Leader.

All stores will be open until6 P.M.. and additional sales

precludes a Board personnel will be on hand toEducation from mee*'"'! assist shoppers. Participating

'»'th municipal officers, dvl8 stores may be identified bygroups and others >.. . , cherry color sales banners on.•; budgetary matters and their windows,precludes holding of an ef-fective special hearing." i

Copies of the resolution! WOODBRIDGE — Two-vrere sent 'to all legislators y<?ar-old Theodore Robinson,Ft-rving Middlesex County, the bl Burnham Drive, Fords, wasState Department of Educa- taken to the Perth Amboytion, the Commissioner of General Hospital TuesdayEducation, the County Super- after he swallowed appfoxi-intendent of Schools and mately 25 mild medicine tab-interested educatipnal and lvis. He was released afterteachers associations." ' treatment.




Kraft'sDel i i t Slice*


# •

KraH'sMacaroni Diner

HeiuSweet Gherkin


KraH'sSalat* Dressing

Mirtel* Whip


White Rese Tea


HeinzTomato Ketchup


Beech-Nut .Baby Food

Strtintd Chopped

10-99c 6-89'

Crisco %Pun vtgttabU ihortininf

- Wesson OilFar cookinij m

KaiserAluminum Foil

7 Inch widiiQf

Qiality READY-TO-COOK " " "Inspected


18 t i 22 lbs.35 I Sizes4 to 14 lbs.


OPEN SATURDAY!February 22nd

WASHINGTON'S BIRTHUsual Hours, 8 A.M. io 6 Pj

"Siper-Rigbt" Quality

RIBS of BEEIRtgilar Style

i l laehUt 7 Inch Cut

53V 59A10 Inch Cut

SALE CONTINUED!In order to take care of cusrorrJ

who may have been snov

early this week, we arc con

our steak tale until

"Super-Right" QualMyBg

Sweet PeasTomato JuiceRed Cherries

A&P BrandOar Finest Qiality

Libby'i Brand

A & P BrandSour Pitted

Libky's Brand



75 cIb.


Lenfen Seofccd!

Fresh Codfish Steatu 31Halibut Steaks ' 5Fried Codfish Cakes M lFancy Whiting » = = • • '

20 ft. roll

ScottiesFacial Tissues


1 ° ; 39c Sardines 3 r 47


Laundry Stareh

New Brunawtek Secre-t UrUI. ActounUm and

l*r«p SchoolMlfMt it* week*' iramiiiB youtoo u u *artc i# ux aHlu»l

XV) Aib4Ui Bt. Kilmer 5-lllfl







Ivory SoapFor toil.) and ktth

4 p.rion«l

Ivory Soap(or duh«i, laundry and baik

A U , , . 4 H e

* caUi • •

Ivory SoapFor dnh«v, laundry and bard

3 madiuinttA*caka, * » "

Sweetheart Soapf«r loilar and aith

ftiP Brand

Orange Juice 2 49c Fruit Cocktail 2 : 43<Itm Brand-Cut Variety

Green Beans 4TomatoesTomato SoupCrispo Fig Bars . .Carolina White Rice

- 3 " « 4 0 c G r a h a m crackers »><.''; 32c3 io'/i «• 90e Tuna Pick c^cLnoft . $•• ^ n . M <

„„, * ' lunansn v^-w-*..* t.. • '. . ;. 25= Marcal Pastel Napkins . : : W. . ;, 18C Fels Napiha Soap . . 3 • «29«

Tomatoes P o p * i ; : : ; ; : : : ^ r n 3 : : « 6 Household Bags - > - . ^ 2 5 «Milani's 1890 ^^-^ b : ; .M e Rap-in-wax Waxed Paper ™1\*Thrivo Dog Food . . 315I°'37« Vanity Fair ^ - *

Dairy Buysf Frozen Foods!SuuyfitW-Fresh, Fancy, Creamery

In v, Ib.


Brand-Sliced and Sweetened

Print ButterSwiss SlicesGhed-o-Bit ch, ,<ood ,Cottage Cheese J ^


UP Irani tu.Boiwslic pkg.

25cL 16 01.

>rni« Cup

69c Strawberries 3 * . 55c^ r Green Peppers H o

s ; i H ; u > * PV;55e

*Ji Milady's Cheese Blintzes \ ^ Vi;-79« Swanson's Pies Tul:,c.h;k" 2 £ 57«

31e Birds Eye Fish Sticks -


Garden-FreshFruits and Vegetables

From Western Farms

LETTUCE « •» 2 ; 2!Yillow -StMtn Up!

BANANAS 2Fna Wistui Orchtrtft

APPLES J&* 2 25(1Fitridj—*iw Crap

ORANGES ••-- 5 (49|From Wisltn Fjrms

FRESH BROCCOLIlewis tunt-Muitt

S P I N A C H J & 1 9 c - 3 ]-Extra Lvfi Sill

FRESH PINEAPPLE 29:|Frsa Wctlm firm


FRESH PEASFrMi Cdtlmii ftm%


For Your i»n\w Menu1


"Alive11 with Flavor!MILD 1 MfUOW

i-u:•AO 75 3-lk, log





T l(|vl*rl? PricM tl IS*Jmi ruk*/—Vanilla Ice*

Spice Pound Coke " r 29c

White Bread ^ 24c

Hot Cross BuDelivered lioh itsilvall through Utit!

in Sv^ar Mj rkr t i and! Self S « ' ^ |u "


Lestoil Betergeiti „ All-purpsia


Du OxydelDetergNtfa •+!• ftmily w«k

• p k 9 .



OrleansBig Food

A & P SUPER MARKET, 113 Mail Street, Woodbridge **J P J P ,Open Tu»»d«yt aM^ThuiWliy* *f« 9 P.M.- frWayt 'Ul 10 P.M. M l *"••****••

Page 5: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed

^m:w^ •'•< i ti:^^w^m^i &


Church ServicesPT.A. meeting, third Tue«-

day Of each month at, 8 P. M.'

7 P. M.—Junlflj Hl«h F d - '


Pilgrim Fellowship. Sunday,

M Super-

, A. M. S u -

7:30 P .M. 'Merrs Club, fourth Tues-

day, 6:30 P. M.Choir Mothers, 8:00 P. M.

second Tuesday.Choir R«h«*ruli

Chancel. Wednesday.V. M.

Junior, Wednesday.P. M.




48 BrrkHey BoulevarilIwlln, Nrw Jersey

Rrr. Rohert K. SUwatd, Putor8unday School. 9:45 A. M.Morning Worship. 11 o'clock.Evangelistic Service, 7:45

P. M,Wednesday Prayer and Bi-

ble Study, 7:45 P. M.Friday Prayer, 8:00 P. M.

,. II A. M..

.,.(1 time »t•riunrt-.vnndTuee-

I. first

• ( 1 t . l l


nrd Mon-



Rtbmir R. D. INew Dorer Road

I w , jUknt K. lw««t.

Female Choir Rehearsals,R:00 P. M.

CntifeMiolMEvery Saturday from 11 A.

M. until noon: 4 lo 6 P. M.and 7 to 9 P. M, and some-times on days before HolyDays of Obligation.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHMarket and High Street

Perth AmboyHer Peter KowalfhtSk, Pattnr11:00 A. M... Morning Wor-

7 P. M .-Senior Hi«h Fel-lowship.

8 P. Xvice.

S e r ".v


Port ResdlnjRet. Stanlilam Mlloj, Paitor

_. _ _ Sunday Masses: 1:00, 8:00."Monday afternoons. 3:O0J9:0° a n ( l '1:00 A. M.

o'clock. Youth Ftllowanlp: Weekday Masses at 8 A.>M.

7 P. M.-OW f7 P. M^-Boy ScottjBThlr'd Monday M

raonth-7:30 P. ^Third Mondftf

month. 8 P. M,—Trustees.


Second Tuesday of eachmonth~8 P. M.—Session.

Second Tuesday of eachmontte-8 P. M. - Women's

ship.9:45 A. M.. Sunday School.B.I5 P. M., Baptist Youth

Fellowship.7-10 P. M., Evening Gospel




Novena In honor of St. An-thony each Tuesday at 7:15P. M.. with Rev. Shelley. St.Peter's Hospital, New Bruns-

| wick, in charge.

•ictv. firit


l i r.<



r Friday

r vi.Friday cve-

:„!,«• con-,. 10 A. M-;v;iowshlp at

nnd Jun-,,n Monday.! through

i first Mon-


H < I1KIST, „ i.

, , l , l . r nf MUHlf

( hurrh School

Bpy Scouts.Saturday mornings, 11:15,

BrownWs.Sunday mornings:


Group.Sunday afternoons,

Girl ScouU.Wednesday evenings,

Senior Choir wactJce.ThurwJay m n l n . 1 . 7:30,| R T j m m — - ^ ^

Amboy Avenue. WoodbrldfeRt. R n . Mifr. CharlM G.

MtCorriitln, PMtvrRet. Guttare Napoleon,

Aulitant PutorR*t. Harold Hltieh,

AMliUnl ttltor.. _. Sunday Masses: 8:45. 7',45,11:15-'8:45. 10:00 and 11:09 A. M,

Novenn services every Tues-



1 P. M. — Cancer DressingGroup.Fourth Wedn^s'day of each

month—10 A. M.—MlsslonarjCommunion; sewing Group.

7 P. M.—Senior High Rec-reation.

A. M..first Sunday of each

ChurchySchool, Early Session, 8:45-9:45: Morning Worship Ser-vice, 10:00 - 11:00: ChurchSchool, Late Soulon.12:15.


CHURCH .,26 Fourth Street, Fords

Rev. Eldoh R. StohsOrganists: Eddie Jacobson

and Mildred Jordan.


Ret. ClHtort B. MnnnMain Street, Woodbrldje

! day. 7:30 P. M.! Weekday Masses, 7:00 and< 7:30 A. M.

Worship. 11:00 A. M.Bible School, 9:45 A. M.Youth Fellowship, 7 P. M.

Stated Meetliuxr-OTtnlghtly Oulld, wcond

and fourth Mondays. 8 P M .Woman's Society of Chris-

tian Service, third Wednes-day, I P M


90 Cooper Avenue, lseflnRibhl Jacob JunsrtM

j Sabbath Services — Friday[evening, 7:30 P. M.

SUNDAY SERVICES8:15 A M , Divine ServiceI0:4S A. M.. Divine Service

and Bible Classes9:30 A. M., Sunday SchoolThursday, 7 P.M. t o B P . M

Senior Choir Rehearsal.Thursday, 8 P. M. to 10 P

M.. Junior Choir Rehearsal..Saturday, 9:30 A. M. to

11:20 A. M., Confirmation Initruction.

•f P. M-. — Westmlnstei

:holr.8:15 P. M.—Chaneel Choir.

Friday7 P. M—Junior High Rec-


9:30 A. M.—Carol Choir.•1.30 A. M.—Crusader Choir10:30 A. M.—Termite Fel-

•,•.::V S e r v i c e ,

n.ble Cla-ssJor young

,n:i:s Wor-

00 P.


Rahway Avenue and CarterttRoad. WoOdbrldtr

I ReT. Earl Hinnum Devannj1 MlnUter

Frederick BronMma, it.,Yautii Diiwlor

Frrt Elder, Onani i t and DirectorSunday Seiyieet

! Morning Worship at1

Sunday School. 9:30 A. MRegular MeeUnm

First Monday Session meet


IUT. Rtekud B. fttkMe, PutorHoliday

8:45 A. M.—Early WorshipService

»:45 A. M—Sunday School .for children three to eight ing In the churcb office at

of ate. Parent* can at- 8:00 P M


-iflmf Elsenhower h» |I rnmtrrss for amrnslon of the reels

pnwram with '*pown for him totariff cuts He saidntial to America's vlt

iiiUonal mterrsts." *


WHY THEY WERE LATE FOR WORK: Edrar V. KrenUberg, circulation managerof The Independent-Leader, and John Royle, sports editor, drove to WhiUhaven,Pa., last FrtdaV hopine to eet In some skiing at the Big Boulder ski area.. But tbUitime there was too much snow and they were marooned until Tuesday. This is what

Mr. Kreutiberg's station wagon looked like before it wat shoveled oat.


Hoy and Hamilton AvenuesFords

R«». WUllim H. Payne, V l«rHoly Communion 8:00 A.M.I

• Morning prayer • and ser-mon. 11:00 A. M.

Church School. 9:45 A. M.Baints' Days and Holy Days,

Holy Communion 10:00 A. M


621 Woodbridge Avenue,Avenel

wship.1 p. M. - Prayers for we

Lord's Day.

COLON1A OOSPfX^HAFELImmui Avenue at West

Strtcl, Cotoni*Sunday 'School and Bible

Classes, 9:00 A. M.Oospel 3enjce, Bunday, 8

P.M.Christian Women's HomeBible Cl'ass, Tuesday, 2 P. M.Young People's Meeting,

i Friday.

Girls' FriendlyThursday,'8:45 P. M.

Trinity Acolyte Guild meetsquarterly. ,

Trinity Choir, Thursdays,8:00 P. M.

Trinity Church Sabool Fac-ulty, fourth Friday. 7:30P.M.

Boy Scout Troop 34, Friday,7:00 P.M.

Cub Scout Pack 134, fourth

Society, I Tpllowship Adult advisors,Mr. and Mrs. James Sabatlno.

7:00 P. M.—Evening GospelService.

Wednesday, 8:00 P. M.—Prayer Meeting and BibleStudy.


Rahway Avenue, WoodbridfeRev. Wllllua H. Schnuui, Rector

AUon Brandet, OrftnlitSunday Services

8:00 A. M. — Holy Com-munion.

9 3 0 A. M., Sunday School.11:00 A. M., Holy Corn-

Monday. 8 P,. M.

B»T Charles 8.PMlor

i » « . » v - - • -Th.n., munlon and lermon <nr»i

d Mrning

Tomtend church at the same time. Becond Monday. BoardI o f , - - - „ _ „ „ „10 A. M. Sunday S c h o o l , ^ i Trusteesto^the church office f ^ ^ > ^ ^ ^

Don C. Mmon.'iii'nlstfT of Muslt

munlon and lermand third Sunday); Morning

(second'«t"'»«-r,H.« i Prayer and seijnon. M,nuS,TvoU th !and fourth Sunflay).

St. Agnes' Unit, first Mon-


Kev. John Wllus, PastorSunday Masses, 6;30, 8:00,

9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 A.M.Weekday Masses, 7:30 and

8:00 A.M.


Florida Grove RoadHopelawn

Joseph Benyola, MinisterJames Btnyola,

Sunday School SuperintendentRichard, Benyola, Organist

Sunday Morning '


Joseph H. Thomion, Liy LeaderMrs. Dorothea Pocklemba,

Organist9:45 A. M., Sunday School.11:00 A. M., morning prayer!

and service.11:15 A. M. — Communion

Sunday, first Sunday of eachmonth.


' Lord Street, AvenelR»bW Moshe Cabana

Sabbath Services8:30 P.M. Friday


-West Avenue, SewartMSunday School. 9:30 A. MChurch S e ' r v i c e s , 11:00

A.M.Wednesday, 8 P. M., Testi-

monial Meeting.Thursday. 2 to 4 P. M.,

Reading Room. ,

nor,FAUGUS. Mass. — Paul

Murphy said thieves ransachis home of 11.000 Innlus furs and .tiviriR his watch dog froM*steaks to chrw on.

, Hr said the dog was'.ryiiiR to r'.ww through t h |iteaks winn he wot home aniiiscovered thr theft. j


R e f f Tn- W-4' 1NOTICE OF PUBLIC SM.B -i

TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN:;.At a rsjulsr mMtlng of *"•*

Townahlp Commltt»e n( th«"ship of Woodbrldne. hfldday, Febmarv IB. IMA. 1 mMeted to jdv^rHsr the [act thon Tuesdnv evetunn, M4, 195S. the Township Oommwill meet m 8 P. M. (EST) In tbCommit** Clinmbfrs, Memor"Municipal Building. Wo_^,N«w Jersey, and pxpoae andat public tale and to the ht|bidder accolrtlng to terma of- fllf with the Real RsUtepartment and Township Copen to Inapertlon and topublicly rend prior tn sale, LotIn Block 551-D on the WoodbrtdgeTownship A&XsamenL Mftp.

Take further notice thut tbtTown&hlp Committee has, by re*#»lutlon antt pursuant to law, Bi«*a minlmmn price at which anttllot In s»lfl block will be sold to-gether with all o t h « d»talls pe»-tlnent. Bald mlmrmim price being»15«00 plus routs ot pnpar.ntdeed and advertising this •»!«.Bald lot In aald block. If aold OHterms, will n"qulre a down pay-ment ol 257r ot the hid icceptMby the Township Commit!**, tb*balance of purehaw price Vo Mpaid In canh.

Upon acceptance of the mini-mum bid, or bid above minimum,by the Township Commute* andthe payment thereof by the pur-

i >r.aft.M

• ; . i ! . u n . 1 30High

HighThird Wednesday. Men's

ship Service. Nursery for chil-dren from one year up.

' 8:30 P. M., Juniorr Monday.! p e , ^ } ^ .

. ! 1:30 P. M - S e n i o rPr.i. second P r i | 0 W i h ! p ,

i.rt;iv 8:00 Adequate parking facilities,Brotherhood.In war of church. Third Thursday. Women's

;ir>i Sunday, ^ ^ A W Soe\Hyi geopnd(Association gjeeU at 8 P. M,pnd fourth Mondays J » q b fc Adu;t Chafe-Rehearsal, .^

YOung Women's Guild. Youth Choir kehearsal.Sat-fourth Tuesday at 8 P. M.

^. .. . . . .A. M. iNursery through Jun-

_ for all from three at 8:00 P. M. ( ,! year, through high school. . Second and fourth Monday, j and 11_:01 A M .' 11-15 A. M.. Regular Wor-Whlte Church Oulld. ICl'urch School. > • «

Second Wednesday. SundaySchool teachers.

Second and fourth Wednes-day. Ladies Aid Society, 2P


Broad and Division StreetsPerth Amboy

Rev. Stephen Sedor, PastorSunday Matins, 1 A; M.

Early English Mass, 8 A. M.Solemn Divine Liturgy, 10

, A. M.; Chllrch School, 9 A. M.| Vespers Saturday nights and

Physicists gauge solar sys-tem age by study of moon.

10)00! 10:30 A. M.

and 11 'A.M. and T.30 P .M.

lor1 Department".11 A

Trinity Vestry, stoond Mon-day.

High and Trinity Altar. <H0d meeU

Senior High Departments. 'quarterly.

i invv


urday. 9-10 A. M.

•SUHt'.no; co.

Junior Choirat 1 P. M,

Senior Choir Thursdays at8 P M .

Bay ScouU7 P M |

Explorers and Sea ScoutsMondays at 1 P M , 1

Session second Tuesday at1:30 P. M.

Trustees second Wednesdayat 7:30 P . M .

Deacons second Wednesdayat 9 P. M.


I n . J»»B Cfu. hstarWeekday M a i m 7:30 A. M.Sunday Masses at 7:00.8:00,

0:00. 10:00 and 11:00.

i a r. m. urday. 9-10 A. M.Wednesdays' Junior Choir Rehearsal,

Saturday. 10-11 A. M.

The Woodbridge Township Recreation Department BasketballLeague schedule for the week of February 24 is as follows:


East tide Boys vs. Fords Bqys'Cjjab"CWR*' v*.rSt. J&taif, _ _ „ . _ , .3o-She!l vs. Arty & George's, Fords lC7:Q0Avenel Presbyterians vs. Jlgg's Tavern, Fords 14, 8:00Wildcats vs. Stan's Bar and Grill, Fords U, 9:00

WEDNESDAYWildcats vs. St. James', Barron School, 7:00Avenel Presbyterians vs. Arty <& George's, Barron School, 8:00So-8hell vs. Lions. Barron School, 9:00

Sunday School. 9:15 A. M


118 Prospect StreetWoodbridge

Hey. Peter Burgess, Pastor |9:45 A. M.—Sunday School

for all ages. William Butters,Superintendent. Adult BibleClass at same hour; teacher,Runycm Err>s(;. ^ , , . .

ll:«0 A. M.—Morning Wor-ship. Service. A nursery- is pro-vided at this hour.

6:00 P. M.—Young People's

Worship, | before holidays at 7:30 P. M.Children's Holy Communionfirst Sunday of erery month.


Amboy Avenne, WoodbridgeRev. Samuel Newherjer, E»bblFriday, 7:30 P. M., regular

Sabbath services.

the payment inorrvi u; *>.* r ~chawr according to the nHann«r Ofpurchaae in accordance with term*of sale on file, the Township will1

deliver a barenln and sale deed totaald premises.

DATED February 18, 1958.B. J. DUNIQAN, Township ClerkTo be advertlaed February It ,

1958, and February U. IBM, In UNIndependent-Leader.

SUMMARY OF m > l T >•February 10, iJW

Board of Fire Commii&loners 'Fire District Ko. 12Woodbridge Township ,Colonia, New JerseyQcntlemen:

An required by lav. an mu'lt nf U'c tranaacllona o( the Board h ubeen made from the Treasurer's record*.

The cash balance was connrmed by the bank and was reconciledwith the record!.

A ComparetlTe Balance Sheet for the thirteen-month period endedJanuary 31, 1958. Is summarized at tollowa1.


January 11IMS

t 1.303.6512.000.00


Deferred Chars" to FutureTixstlon—Bonded


of Colonia and ClarkSchool 17, In man Avenae

ColoniaRev. Oorfce A. Shults, PastorSunday—-Morning Worship

at 10 o'clock.

IncreaseDecember 31, (Decrease)I 1»K

I 2.5TT.91





XIABILtTIES ADD SURPLUSAppropriation ReservesSerial Bonds3urplu& (Deficit)

I..L. 2/20/58

% 1.310.3111,000.00


1 1.800.00 *(l,4St.SS)14.000.00 tl,OOO.«B)l l : « 2 09l 1415.43

»13,503.65 116,571.91 «<8,074.M>

Respectfully submitted,FREDERICK K. «tEBN,' JR.,Oprtiflert fuhllo AccountantIselln, New Jersey

OUR LADY OF PEACECHURCH ! So-sneu «s. uous. m n V . i », ,

, r - Branswick Avenue. Fords i fords Boj.s Club vs. Stan's Bar and Grill. Fords 14. 7:00BOT. ja»t»b BnoimiM, TtMet \ East TSide Boys vs. Ji?g5 Tavern. Fords 14, 8:00Sunday Masses 7:00, 8:00. | INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL LEAGUE

9:00. 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. ! (Completing First Half Schedule)Weekday Masses 7:00 ind: ' TUESDAY

8.15 A.M.

Novena. 7:30 P. M.Male Choir Rehearsal.

P UAltar-Rosary Society, first

i Monday after first Sunday Ht'| S P. M,I Holy Name Society, aeoond

Monday after second Sundayat 8 T . M.

| Pink Rats vs. Avenel Presbyterians, Barron School, 8:00di Flyers vs. Five Fools, Barron School, 9:00St. James' CYO vs. Hopelawn Indians, Fords 14. 8:00

8 Screamin' J's vs. Woodbridge Braves, Fords 14, 9:00JUNIOR BASKETBALL LEAGUE

TUESDAYBiTtolami's, Barron School,vs.


St. James1 vs. Scheno's Cities Service, Fords 14, 7:00THURSDAY

St. James' vs. Demons, Barron School. 7:00Scheno's Cities Service vs. Bertolami's. Barron School, 8:00


4 Days Only • Thursday - Friday • Saturday - Sunday

i9ii"Times change. . .

. . . but thrift is always in style. .Trie big difference berw««n saving nowand saving fifty years agois that many new thrift servicesmake it easier for yogto keep moving ahead financially.


» A.M.: I »I*, friav » A.M. • t f.«.

TOPCOATSUt'^ulurlv 19.9t> — Kcdiucd to




to $29.95

15 00





Boys' Wash 'N Wear

SLACKSHejjulurly 6.95 - Rt'ducod t«



Sport CoatsR^ularly lo 23.95 - K.-ilui-eil lo

Q 89

*ackard[VAC Motors

i N, J,

Safety for. Sfevtngs Since 1869

The PERTH AMWYSavings Institution


SERVICE SAVERS c e • i e e> a


MON. thr^ SAT.

8 A.M. to 8 P.M.


10 A. M. to 5 P. M.


Page 6: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed

4 * >•»


Heart Patient. 5, AidsCounty Heart Campaign

WO'ITIBRJDGF • Wearinnri f1!) •;*• rmb:oici'-rf(1 in little!'d i.enri'. mid .1 iiran-shapedIcrket aimr,<i h«-i neck.f've-vf-^r-old Cheryl1 Ulman.t!-iua:>tp; o! Mi and Mrs. An-tr.n Ilm»n 119 WoodbridgeAvenue mar hed inU) MayorDuel) B Qiigley s office res-in day B!i;i obtained the firstoffiml duii:i'.:>r, u> ttM* H w tfund.

I.:t;lf Civ ry: '.as • verypif-onnl '".von [or bfir.s ::-.-U:( - " l ' ( l ,.'1 ',K:f \-,-;:'l !.ir;<I i <

ii y<-:<! ai-d a l.aif a.:c d *

which permit/ blood to the orat.a Into the pul-ir.onary artery The little girl»a« only «nen a 50-50 chanceto survive

Mr and and U{». Ulounfrr trtvful to torn MiddleanCounty Heart AancUUon a&dt«* e u c u t m dinctor. Mr*.

L Ointner Highland

und. o^craiion for

With l»O older children Lo<•«• for tad • third one ex-

tt the time Chen!"**4.« a great fSn»n/ial

r-»iii on the family It »asthai Mr maun, » ma-

at Boa Bnglnrtrin;Newark, turned to

' > i ( < w u t « i and learned ofc Wvh*>! i clun and ser -» . -« attttatOc to heart pa-;:*nu The i v o ' ^ n o f alsoraid fm Ote nurwf who tookrut of Vat yoantuen aftertine optntittt.

Mrs, UIBWB also had a spe- <cai word of for theWaod&ndr? Squad*ii5rfc *•»« «r«Uable at all.throes u? provide oxyatn for

n loand !?om the hospital

i\ M'lioii i.nsrt a;ljr..-r.'. w.\hrh:--)i fhr- born

He mothpr KraWhil u> tin-Mi'lrlleffx Hear! Aj cciauaT".tin its moral and fiTianriilassiMair:?. cirf no', wait W b*n Ucd to work for thp as.«o-(iation — she has voluntefTedlei srrvids as a Woodbndg?<'.imi>al'Jn raptain.

Clinryl is now leading a!,'iini;:l li'1". after'an opera-tion performed at St. Mi-ciiai'l's hospital to correctputrnt durttis. a Condition

3th Ward COPClub OrganizedCOLONIA .— The newly-1 A1"Lii> o n , —

formed Fifth Ward Republi- i >m Circle will ha?e it*rjn Club of woodbridge i»P e n l nKM o nO«"*«>T"Wd»J r-'Tonwhio mK Monday at the! Formerly known as the Cir-:Lome of Mr and \fre John c]e I n n - building has beenFrlrtman. 38 Fairview Ave-! remodeled inside and out byn-.uv Offers elected for termslthe n e w o w n e r - M r s - ton)&

to run until after the April Homer. ,primary flection are WalterOarvan. Fifth Ward, thirddiFtriri county ch«i:%?n: Mrs. PaulEkuia. Fifth Ward, ninth dii-jIrict. vire-c-jisirman; Mrs.1

Karry Morecroft. Fifth Ward..JJJJ^** 0 F 1 O L R

seventh distrrt. treasurer'.; .Mrs. Her.rv Strubel. Fifth O n B t

Homer'» 'Ad-Lib'To Open Xext Mon.

WOODBRIDGE - • Hornprs


Ward. . third districtnamed publicity chairman.

Organization candidates forQounfy committee posts in ther.ew districts introduced wereGeorge Graham, first district;Fred Miles, second district;Mrs. Bernard Falk. fourth

Valentine's Day iw a g healthy hearts normally beat

!»5t. but a fast heart at any !t me does not necessarily in-dicate disease. Tachycardia j'Uck-ee-car'-dia' us a term jwhich doctors apply to a -heart that beats abnormally^generally In excess of |

district; and Mrs. Richard, c n e " " " ^ P y l o n s aGeorge* fifth district. minute. Of course there are

Henry Strubel asked s u p . ; times when everybody s heartport for Bernard M. Shanley.! s l a r t s r a c l n ? ' a s t h e r e 6 " U o f

f iindidate for the U. S. Senate e f f o r o r emotion. Such re-in the April primary. , ! m - t l o n 1S «"'tom*Uc and quite

The second Monday of the'; n o r m a l - P r e l a w s who usemonth will be regular meet- i t h l F t e m «P | l l a r l y m e a n a

in;" niRht and, until further PnioA o f r a P l d h p a r t a c t i o n

nptice. mretingK will be at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Feld-man. To precede primaryfiling, JLU h 6. a specialmeeting Is vlanned for March3. 8 P.M., Tvhen all organiza-

which cannot be attributed toanv known or apparent cause.

Attacks of tachycardia mayoccur under most matterrof-fact conditions, with jthe vie*,tim at rest or even asleep. The

tion candidates will have pe-' f a s t h e 8 T t b e a t m^ n a v e t h e

titions available for filing ' c f f e c t o f frightening the indi-with the municipal chairman, j vlduuj Jn whom It occurs, withThorvald O'Neil.- The club is open to all Re-publicans and anyone wishingto join may contact Mrs.Morecroft, Kir^berley Road,for membership applications.

Jf Kveryone loves Freshfg Fluwers — Especiallyf ML'MS — Order some| today — a bouquet or

smart corsage — She'lllove you for it. j

We Deliver and Telegraph


305 Auiboy Ave. MK-4-1636

jthe rejult of further steppingtip the rate. In most casesthe condition passes quickly,though It may cohtinue foran holir or more, The bestnt-eventlve against tachycar-dia is to observe the sane ad-vice so frequently on the lipsof friends, "Take it easy." Thegreat majority of cases oftachycardia are * nervous inorigin and offer no real causefor concern. If the phenome-non persists, if is best to seen physician to find out what,it anything, is wrong. Thendo as he says. Most peoplewith tachyardia will agreethat a faBt heart beat is betterthan no heart be*t at all.

Michael S. Newjohn, M.t>.

Gas Co. Buys(Continued from Page 1)

fy the area and will addconsiderably to the Town-ship's tax ratables without•adding to the ever-growingschool problem.

Keep in touch byPHONE...


*3-minulf million-rate from Nrwttrkulh-r (i p.m. Tax not included.

$ 1795Fir only \aaiIlltl, II Hf,

lBind. Indian*.

Amwfca'i lm**t-fik*i T V M IEconomical '58 SCOTSMAN

• Ml-si2«d, full poweied • Sii-p**W|if opacity*Z-doof-4 door*stationwinn • EnduiirtTwioTuctioniYHIibH• Prices Include healer/

, dwcttonali

(D Studebaker-PaokardKOVAC MOTORS

1M Amboy Avenue, WoodbrUUe, N. j .


1TRST DONATION: Mayor Hnih B. QMiglfy is presenting the first Township contri-bution to the 1958 Middlesex County Heart Association fund campaign to five-ye»r-oUt Cheryl Ulman, 119 Woodbrider Av«nur, who a year and a half at» underwent aserious heart operation vith financial assistance from the association. Looklnt on isDr. I.. W. Haffner, optometrist. 73 Albert 8tr«et, who has acceplrd the rhUrmanRhip

in WoodbrMxe proper.


CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTSiNote: For insertions in the calendar,call Mrs. William Romig, Jr.. 501Crows Mill Road. Vall«y 6-4563, be-fore noon on Tuesday of tach week.Mrs. Romig ,1s correspondent forFords, Hopelawn and Keasbey.)


20-Food sale. 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., V.F.W. Hall, NewBrunswick Avenue. attjDices of Ladies' Auxiliary,Fords Memorial Post 6090.

20—Hqt dog sale at noon in milkroom of school, Hope-hwn Home and School Association.

21—Teenage dance, 7 to 10 P. M.," HopeUwn School.HYO supervised.

M^lce-skating party at Asbury Park Casino, JuniorFellowship, St. John's Episcopal Church.

23—Blue and Gold dinner, Hopelawn Cub Pick 157.

23—Scrap paper drive, Pords Lions Club. Newspapersonly.

24—Art department of Woman's Club of Fords meetsat home of Mrs. Frank Paytl, Grant Av*nue,

2i—Penny sale, Ladies' Auxiliary, Hopelawn MemorialPost 1352, V.F.W. '

24—Meetinu of Fords Lions Club.24—Meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary, Fords Memorial Post

6090, V.P.W.24—Male choir. Our Lady of Peace Church, 3 P. M.25—Music department. Woman's Club of Fords, meets• • '•St. home of Mrs. Nicholas Elko. 994 Main Street.

7:30 i o 8:20 P: M.25—Hopelawn First Aid Bquad meeting.25—Meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary. Pords Post 163. Amer-

ican Legion.26—Meeting of Hopelawn Home and School Association.27—American home department of Woman's Club of

Pords meets X P. M. In library.27—Meeting of Cub Pack 154, School 14, POrds.

Name ChairmenFor Auxiliary

WOODBRIDGE — At, an.eeting'-«f the Parent*1 Aux-iliary of the' WoodbridgeLittle League and P o n yleague. Mrs. Thomas Peeney,president, appointed Mrs.Betty Szakacs, hospitalitychairman; Mrs. Alex Notchey.welfare; Walter Tomes, ways!arid means: and Mrs. James jMullen, publicity. 1

' Further >plans were niadefor the square dance, March1, at St. James' School audi-torium.

Definite dates for the regis-tration or boys for the base*ball season will be announcedbefore the March 13 meeting.

The Ravens of the PonyLeague were, represented by

, the greatest number of pa-rents. A special award' was

: won by Mrs. Szakacs.

Irr ran'Siifccly be felt—and altruist aecn.

•» - * *

I havr never hoardsounds as musical as Mrs.Peterson'.", brisk, smiling,sincere "Good morning,boys," as she made herstarched and pretty ap-pearance in their doorways on sultry mornings—or seen such quiet effi-ciency as is Mrs. Dwyer'shousekeeping — or suchcalm, confident, patienceunder critical clrcum-tances of the staf!

nurses —or such painc'aklng effort by the diet'citchen to accommodaterratic or jaded appetite::-like mine, for instance.

* * ;* *Patience ts "not one of

my own virtues, but Icatalogue myself amongits greatest admirers. Ofthis quality there is anabundance in our hospi-tal—a n o t h e r 'valuablecomponent in the spiritwhich dprainabes it. It ex-tends through all theoersohnel, in their rela-tion with each other andwith those who havecome for care. I oftenwondered w h e t h e r i t sgreat reservoir which hadan apparently unendingsupply, could ever go dry.There was no evidence Icould detect of such an.eventuality, and I believe

it will never come.• • • •

In fact, J believe thatneither the total spiritnor any gf its compon-ents can ever die — butthat they will pass from

one nurse to the next,one pharmacist U> the

: nrxt. one maid to thenext. This is how strongis their inculcation inhearts, hands and minds;this is how durably theyhave been fostered, howattractive is the climatet h e y have fashioned.

I Beauty such as this livesthrough eons of time,

'' watches even light years,pend themselves.

i « • » •

Besides all the other; expressions of this spirit.j, there remains the mostp o i g n a n t of all—the

, limitless faith of thosewho minister, in the in-fallibility of divine guid-

ance, in the efficacy ofprayer, in the certaintythat all those who seek toheal the sick are obeyinga mandate from God.

* • » •

It is little wonder thata spirit so great and sogood is so conspicuous.

AVENEL PERSON \|BT MRS FRANCES T. TOWN j Kolonz nt a n,-,-,m Rfmwn A i f l * . AVMI*I| —CapI mu\ •,

Marmadukn, (formerly of R(Ih ,liavereturnrdiiii,a 24-nwnth t,ni l'n

Germany and „,!!U«sU of Mr. and A,Morgan, 395 n,,,,.,, .

?rm *ri •"' 3were guests of Mi '", *•'«ten U B " ^


! MI and Mrs. Joseph>hershen. 4 « Avenel Street,were guestt of Mr. and Mrs.J a s eph s n e i u n * * Wood-

i j i n t «f>*2»« o nJoint

Of the Bhsmawk,-inniversarjf and Mr. Bnei-

ishen'a birthday , .Mrs. Joa*ph Koieni, i l l

Fire Vote(Continued from Page 1)

The one-year term went toMichael Petras who

[306 votes. Other; were Stephen Coharsky, 199votes; Jules Creter, 96; JackMaclver, 20»: Francis Price.131; James Atkinson. 205. Thebudget total was 44&.307 08.

Leonard Fischer and LouisGrlspart with 66 votes each

| were the successful candi-j dates in Fords Fire District 7,wher« Bie budget amounts to

! V*4396flThe winners in Hopelawn

Fire DjMrtct I were Stephen! E*u)k, Jr., with 107 votes and'Anton Pollack with 86 vot*s.I William Bagfi received 25'vote*. The amount to t»

r a ! w d by taxation (h l".09O.iMlin Wlnaet*

'• Victors in'District 9, Ea«tIselin were Anthony t Poredannd RermM W. Osfcorn« who,

1 received 108 ftnd ^ w o t e '| W ^ t i v e l y . Other eandWfttej

and the votes they ^ ' ^

E. Sedlak, 89 and. W . T I. Jdcobson, 31. T ieappropriations of the districttotal »27,4t6.90.

In DLstrict 11, Iselin, therewas no contest with L. J.Bkelly Jr.. returned to office.The budget total WM $26.-977.63.

Reginald Brady with 80«votes was rtturwd to office

I m Tire District 12. I jm» n

j Avenue saction of Cotonla. Hedefeated Paul S k u l f t who

; tallied 126 votes. The budgetappropriations totalled $28.-485.

) CandidatesI (Continued from Page 1»j ly reeletted to the Board ofI Education.

The Democrats will alsohave to find two candidatesfor the new Fifth Ward, Co-lonia. Charles H o z e m p a .,

| Charles TeneUa and Richard jPolhamus art said to be like- jly Democratic party choices.!

However, Mr. Somers madeit plain that no definite se-lection will be made untilearly next week.

ofTlberty, willin the AvenH s,,lum, » P M

A v m i M e m u r l H l

w , u ^ ^ M o n ( | ; i i

,> .,—The Junior

of Avenel willAvenel-Co|onUSquad BulldmpTuesday, A

N«w rule propoKedchemicals In food.


craticWednesday. 8 P ,;gerald's Tavern.!(,,',..

—fht Avenci-f,;Isli War Vetenm ;•meet Monday, \i )> ;

Avenel Jewish iCenter, Lord Str>.;

—Walace Baldw.:erlng from recrnt ;

tlon At the horn.-ter. Mrs. Harold \;Livingston Sireet

-William J Aiof Mr. and Mi.-brecht, 10 Park APort DU for ei,.basic training. Hi ,,signed to H C.::

Training' RegimnTraining Center i:.:

—Mr. and Mrs. K,,384 Hyatt Stmttheir son, Rirhani

Ls: 3P 3 K

RA113201!in ;puny 9470, Son ::Aril.

—It has bpciinthat there will b-- :St. Andrew's Cluin

IOJMO more U iDetroit auto regime

Sweettoees & light(Continued from Page

always asserted to his as-I sociates that this is an In-controvertible fact —andthat it is a valid basis forconduct, for aspirationsand for peH&rmance. Hisown acceptance of it andhis own example of itsvalidity, has inspired atthe hospital—I am cer-tain—a warm, generous,humble spirit whose lus-


Live Better.. • Electrically!Call your electrician for a free "RATING" and wiring estimate on


• 3-wir* 100-Ampere Service Entrance. /

• 12-circuit Distribution Panel.

• Properly planned circuits, outlets and switches.


I Mail thi» couponI to your local1 Pj,ibli« Service OtTic*

Pleai« tend m« a I f t t copy of "How'iI Wiring?^' No obligation lo mt, >of course-.

Jl 9«n my homt Y«» -Q No Q



Adiller,adollar,alO o'clockscholar....

far school thing. But'missing out on school completely canbe far more serious. So many of today'ihigher-paying jcjbs demand highereducation. Very often an employer'sfir« question will be, '/Do you havta<olU$t diploma ? "• To make su reyour youngsters get the right trainingfur a good jUrt on the road to uiccwi,sft your kail Prudential A&nt.He will be g|?d to show you howyour children will have funds to helppay for college expenses—whetheryou are here or noi,'

• »>LUM roll

tan-be gimra^ttfd by hw-cfstPrudential Inwtnct.

ran run-COI«NC ^ Prudent I


. II. (j

, HI, *

Page 7: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed

"\i 7'»|

lad, "Rainbow-at HTLdnlgM";i;io flip side, "Honky TonkWoman." We mention LeoD i a m o n d ' s "Te-Amo," adreamy affair backed by••Funky," Diamond's interpretlatlon of tjie n«w danrr., "TheStroll." . !,

The Coasters on an Atco

disc, "Do Dance" lor the Wtons, backed by '.'gee Dolly";»lso on Afcco in a slower moodis Bobby Darin dolnff "SoMean' and "Just, in Case YouChange Your'Mind."

Other 45'R orth hea r ing-Atlantic's "Rnve On"; thefliiMffle, ••can o n Cupid,"

waxed by Scan? West, and tones. In k lively rocklnK llpht HnwkwlEpic's "Crazy Chemlrtry, fashion, wat "This la Lov»" from here and Abroad.backed by "Happy Peel," done and Hunky Dory" .fiflr- 'tk- \ We < an only mention a few,

by Doc Banby, are bovincy.toe-tapping fcune.1. Then Huppoffers in country and westernstyle, "Country Waltz" and"Ive LAar.BSa," with BetsyJones vocailJil'rijt. The Ouy-


Luxe."Capitol prewinM


' but H you're a muslc-lovefneviral rhrck all of C»pltoVa L.P. re

"Mommy. CHmmle < Drink ofWater" (Danny Kayei; m<\"Jazz Ultimate." feftturlnHBnbby Hnokfctt and Jafk Tea-

. 1.1

, . , > ! • • i l l -

:IH' I-'"1



l l i . l l i *

.Hill '111

; „ • • , ! • H i n t


Telontj-playlng slbnm'n it\ their, leases. "Voires In Latin" (The (?nrdcn.February roieasea. They con-1 Four Freshmen>, "HI F1 Others to consider are "AllInln vocal and instrumental pnimf" <Billy May and or- Throunh the Night" by Fredvariation* in popular and jlieKtrji; "NiRht M|^t" (The Waring and The

nlan»: "C1»M of '96'' b j Joe"Flnjers' Carr. and Pee WeeHim||, "Romantic ixindon."«'nxpd ny Fddle Calvert. withPeter Yorke',8 nrchestrn. and"An Tostal" by Tulla CelliBnnd. After you hear some ora',1 of these you'll probablyadd several to your collectionOf favorite*.


. Ohio - Wllen theCity Council presldmt. Earl E.MnthlHS, eflRt his first deriding >.vote in about five years reoettt-ly. he did it with a bang.

Someone liftd fastened someoai>s to Ills gavel.

,,l. in each!.MM meat, |

i • •• ; . •«• y o u r |

;,,*ly,Tryl;ii)d din-1

r tossed

•...•ii t i m f i |

N' xt. rat;

Mm have!.,,-, rs are!

•:. milk or'•i'.r VOU |

.inil min-i lnl 'IfS Of


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. :•.<•••]> t h e

.Hil l k l ' I ' P ;

hunni'r.i. •• perfect'; .is they

IUIIC some'

in ri'iisonI'i.i.incd to

Ki'd (II i t 'S

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••.i:,t l i a l f

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.:,i; to BtB.iby."

! -Id d'oe»!: :. Hork"j


: I ' •Click• i i- rock

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Ian Science\i,s

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'"*' K. M.1 "I A M.


lh r l »

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• * g l , p»y

" " iruuapor.""ioi (jur mf.





Armour's Star and Swift's Premium Table Trimmed


CALA HAMS Fresh PorkBhuulder 35<

•<* Delicious # 1

IT STEAK Ib. 4 9 c Canadian SMELTS Ib. 3 9 cIb. Ib.

(MtUU lOktS - Our tfmUl of quality u4Utihntu lor «ort flwo 30 ytvnl

(iolden Itipe

Ib. 10Fresh, Crisp, Washed, B*«dy (of the Pot

SPINACH19-12. cello bag

ugt, Sno-Whlte


2 9 clarge Heal

'ook wha9 New amazing soap - gets clothes cleaner!



LIVERWURSTi/4-lb. 13

• Sliced or halves

HUNT'S PEACHES 25• Light meat, chunk style

STAR KIST TUNA 25§ Fresh corn off the cob

For Qood Things To Eat •H'l ALLEN'S Fresh Bake* Foods!

' C i w m o n , Poppyseed, Almond, Applf, Fr»n«, Fruit

STOUER ^ _ _ » . k 4 9 cUah, ftoth, Pintopplt. COCM«1 Cvitard, Pintopple-Clntst

FRESH PIES „ _ >49c*«r. K*. It.. lor hiwimi*!!-*! nrr«».

NIBLETS CORN 2 25• Stratford Farms

PRESERVES —. rlSf• Hunt's rich, red

TOMATO JUICE - - 2 5• Lucky Leaf CHERRY


Sliced or Chunk

MUENSTER /. 13cChicken • Beef • Turkey Frozen Birds Eye

T V D I N N E R S ^ complete p»kage 55CChicken -Beef • Turkey Birds Eye frozen

P O T P I E S „ . complete packaged (or 8 9 CNu Maid Premium Flavor

MARGARINE _ . * ^ 29cFresh Home Made Style

MACARONI SALAD 19cCrisp and Tasty


Plain, Chive, Relish or Pimento BULK


Kraft Natural

Swiss Cheeses oz. »k*. 4 3 C

Mutual Super MarketsRdhway Aval Main St.



Medium B » n

jVory SOAP3 for 29c

Kra/t Vdvwttt



NAPKINSpkgs. 25«


DUve »n«J fipieote


Kftlt s PlUlftdelphia


! # ' •


•'I ..

/ "

Page 8: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed



Crows Nest

Facsimile of the Voting Machine BalloTBoard of Education Special Election, February 26, 19,

Y E * NO

HeroAt li

ontl «•if b:

m'Tt.t'in &'iVK>lN H .

is theJr.rr'1-l«rii:iBOn S;r t H . ;•••,.>!<•<!; i


sar.r c.


; '..:; t •

'/ Tlirro:'E'Tuwni! oi the sec-,., .,< New Hamp-

N(\a^_fcU mpton.1 F ButhrJVip. fil,• vmior clasB~Hpof Mr. and Mrs

H-''-!:n,ll.of Co-Juhn D Nemeth.

.":•'• Avenue. Ave-:! V 74th annual

v.:v Veterinary••ficmtiPTi of New

,-: HOT] Berkeley ~Car-

(1) Resorrad that the Board be and hereby is authorized to ratae br apodal district tax th« nim oi $25,750.00 in addi-tion to fiw amount provided in the annual budget for (he purpOM of bantering School 14 located on Pard Avenue, Ford«,by ottering, replacing and improving Ate heating fariHnet by removing fke coal fired boOer and replacing the tamewith a new oil fired boiler, together with a 10JJ00 gtdfan tank and neceeeafy tempeitttme controls and appurtenancesand to perform the neeeepary work and purchase the necWeary equltnueul in oaanectkm wife die improvement of theheutlug system.


To RoUe by DWridTent. For CurrentExp«ii« $3,423,668.00ior the enmtnq •chool year



To Raise by DistrictTax, For Repair* andReplacement* $174,800.00ior the ensuing school year


YES NOTo Babe by Biitrid ToyFor Land, Bufldhiga

for the mmtaq Khool ' A

(19Se-1959) l'

B. of E. Slices Budget


\ end it is anticipated that con-i tract cancellations because of

(Continued Iron. P a * L 'Itallon oil tank, an oil-fired specialized field which re- \ £ ^ d H o t J J ^ J j-•nquetfs in connection with heating unit, a pneumatic quires special training. The, I * 1 ' ™ , ^ J ™ , ^ J T . M

v purl last week, the budget were the subject heating control sjstem to one charged with this reapon-*:t J Araollini. 66 of discussion and reconroien-,service each and e w y room Ability must coordinate

Avrnup. Wood- dation and many of his sug- and which is desUfnied to re- activities oT thePon'fild H. Mar- gesttora were adopted with- duce heating bosVs by ap- supervisors and teachers andRutgers Avenue.,out revision. Other raeom- proximately one-third, water direct them toward the aims

U.S. Snafu Hits Freaks of Storm• Continued from Pare 1> '

ropy of the communicationfrom the Postal authorities

be sent to Senator Smith,

have joined Naval'memJatianB were baaed upon softener, air •compressor, to- and objectives previously es-- with installation of all tablMied. It is the sincereSurface Division, i n c o r r e c t information and

Perth Ambov . . Ruth R. I could not be effected." >.,.•.,mean, daughter of Mr. and; , o r d e r to bring abcWtthe1™ connection with the defer the hiringMrs S'oti Macan 79 Roow- . 2 2 ^ c u t STtrJ! budget, furbishing of the .heating, lor of CiirneuluBvelt Boulevard. Fords, a Jun-1 S J ^ i f / g o , system. The sum of U5.750 ven*Iy affect thein- at Cedar Crest Co l l ege ,^ M W 0 WM lhxA f r o m was predicated upon sealed education in theAHentow-n. Pa. Is on t h e ^ ' ^ [ £J£ZJZ& *** ttken 0D t h U ***« i n Jowr^p School SfS^m"

»34.000Thirteen new routes must be

n r i n r t - s established to provide for the'""ring him to "follow,it up ap p ^ ' t r a n s p o r t a t i o n of children in little more." I

accordance with the law. It: Mrs. Mabel Naylor. switch-,must be remembered that'board operator, who was oni

of the transportation a le»ve of absence without.75T

i3 "

list. Dr. John ^• \TfV

l i z o pnnc-ipal of Woodbridge|theHigh School, WM one of the :


TfV'imummtt appropriationi

p ^summer of 1957 and esti- Further on in It* statement

in : Mrs. Herbert Neilson. an em-plose in the mayor's office.

(was granted a six monthsJoemllv mid out for transport 1"™ of absence due to 111-chargeK."

Tlrht on Parness.

The Town Committee was

sr>ciation of Secondary School;Principals Convention at In- |disnapolis. Ind.. last week.RIB subject was "How Can WeMotivate the Under Achiever;In the Senior High Schoolfor Boner Academic Performence9' . . account w « re-1 mates furnished by nation-j«« Joart « t d t t had "re- C o r i c h ] d i | t § l M m a t , a u t h o r i z e < r to e n t e r m t o „

by *5,0M and $10,000 :-We companies which manu- J ^ * " ^ ™ ^ ^ * 5 * j t i » Bo.rd savs: -The lUvcr I Agreement with John J. B»f-

Township Committee j fa, consulting engineer,


the previous


that this question—which ap- j» 115.000 cut.pears as the first question on

left oi the voting machine:Neecadtr Htttatei

"In addition to the approxl-""""^! —be approved In tne interests mately 1.500 new children,"

,1 ,»»««. " ' " " ^ " " W 0 U " ! 0 f the safety and health of the statement reads, "who Trill.ihave meant obtaining four f h D

F , h l I H r m w h n D t t j m r i o t t j n w 1 t h o wWfW1, m c t - m .f ir

At Random :

i classrooms in the Barren Ave-nue Junior High School and

office apace for the

the children who attend attend the school system, itSchool 14."

The Board decided to use

w,,- of the braver and more the Secretary of the Board. | pnation balance or surplusingenuous of our Fords'hue-[ the Board decided to hold in i toward the reduction of the f00

in the coming 'school Itnew books are more « p e nas recommended by [ *™ ™ B"1"1 ,"*"**%? \ i t r a » "

reduced this account by »5,000 \but the account can be re-!

T'fiT""* *""""' w " ^ ! ; I Towrtship and b furnished at i Rahway Alleges the Townshipucu «, i lu .u u . , !»•!« J S . r « V h ™ « h i» ^ H ! * « l o w e s t Possible cost to the is exceeding flow rights in the

bands brought home abeauti-1 abeyance any further action unount to be rai«d by ^ - i ^ " ^ k " ' ^ ^ " i f J ^ i ^ x p a y e r . It urges an affirma- existing trunk line. Mr. Bilfafully wrapped smoked fish on W n t a g the acquisition of atton in the comtag school. J « e ^ k s ^ m o r e j ^ e n ^ , f ^ y ^ m ^ b u d g e t a r y ( R , mMng a ^ M

Valentine's Day, laid it beside the house and acre and one- vear. as recommended oyhis wife's plate, went upetairB haif Of land on Green Street., Mayor wash, then hastened to the The original proposals called | "Notwithstanding that ther":nner table to watch the fun. i for the spending of $25.500, BoardPrettily thankinz I w spouse'. for the land and building and

duced no lower.

In his recommendations.forh:sihougMfulne»Sheun-;$ 3o,000 for alterations, park-1 full amout." the Board d e - ^ h e mayor had advocated a cutwrapped—a fish skeleton and aig facilities and improve- j dares, in view of the rejection

auditor h»s recom-the retention of the

rmDty skin! Not until after ments to the site.having his eare blistered by a; x h e Board reasoned that to

of the budget, the Board hasdecided to adopt the recom-

f e e U t h a t



tirade on 'greedy gift-givers." j build four classrooms for a; nendation of the Town Com-did the dazed guy realise his junior High would cost in theimittee and reduce the surplusequally c l e v e r w i l e had j neighborhood of H00.000 and I by S200.000." Doint•jnooped," made a few altera-ijpenoUng *55,000 for office; The mayor had urged that t^°__;

and c a r e f u l l y re-:space, parting area, play-jM9.176.36. which appeared inthe package!. . -The pound ^ a iftn(j for future; the.. 1957 audit u capital

a.iction sale sponsored by : expansion of the Barron Ave- J ev,thorization surplus, be usedthe Woodbridge Township, n u e school would in effect| to reduce the current budget.Business and Professional Wo- ; r e s U i t in a saving to the tax- on that point, the Board hadmans Club Saturday for t h e | P a y e r and would furnish lm-jtnis to sav: "The mayor ob-b'nefit of the BBrron Public; mediate classroom space. The gained this figure from the

the maxj-

i Continued from Pag* 1'*ft a clear wire to farry »npotiet baatnen.

Mr*. Lawrence Ry»H, ad-mir.l«tr»Uvr secretary, a idrrery effort was made tet«kt care of emerrencjcases. Roads wen clearediiMnediairiy when tberew»s Illnrss.

However, there wertmaurcalh in which Irate resi-dents were abasfre to thoseannrrrinc the telephoneand wiibwi eaoae. Onewoman insisted the tmw-

' pkiir come to her area ls»-mediatrly u the had to goU a card party.

Others eallee and he»t-edlj declare*: "Why dratfna do mmKhinc? I'm ataxpayer and pay yoursalarr"

Stilt others phoned andwanted their s i d e w a l k scleared ol snow and becameabusive when told the side-walks were the homeowner*'responsibility.

Thr Police Departmentwas askrd several times toprovide free towinf service,which thrr had U deny.

At least £5 cars wen leftin danirerons positions, par-ticularly on the highway,were town) away by areagarages at the request ofthe State Highway Depart-ment.

Tht roads are graduallybeing cleared and we all

open next Wednesday from M ^ V h Z ' T J ^ Z ^ ^ r T J i ho»* l h w* i s n o t r u t h ta. - . - ..-.„ M300. The appointment of; t n e prP(l lct lon t h a t m o r e

jno recommendations New York City, to nuke a

'rsofar es salaries are con- survey of sewer disposal fa-Trned nor does the Board | cilities in the Iselin-ColoniaN^iiei* that any changes section, inasmuch Rahway hasshould be made in salary ac- instituted aetion before thecounts. j Rahway Valley Sewerage Au-

thority to compel the Town-

Finn President(Continued from Page 1)John O"MaUey was trans-

ferred from the High Schoolto the Barron Avenue Schooland Mrs Annabelle Barney'sleave of absence was extended.

Rash of Mishaps'Continued from Page 1)

Squad. Mrs. Introne was'rested for possible fractured

op,Route 27J. Davu %aUo of I;*;,:lice he wan m .on to Oak 1Route 27 whn.In front of i:.Albertrectlngsection. .sa:iistruck by 1fender. Tin-taken to thrIseltn Firs:


**the m i n i m u m trunk line from St. Georges

prepare a oomprehensive re-Indjvidual Board members, port including preliminary

estimates of construction costs•his week pxnressed the opin-ion the budget will be ap- i of any recommended im-orbved this time. Several ^rovements.•ivic organizations—especial-ly in the developmerr5—ha—s"one on record during theoast few days as being infavor of the new budget . ,„ t M ^ s h o u l ( 1 h a v e

All UM^usualpolU._wiU be & ^ ^ s U r i l n g M l g r y t h a n ;j

Base Tax Rate(Continued from Pact 1)

lacerations and con-tusions of the scalp and pos-sible Iff! fracture. The boy«a* also treated for possiblefracture of the skull, larcera-tions of the scalp and possi-ble leg fracturt.

Car Overturns |Also on Saturday, George S.;

Brechka. 30. 1 Laurel Street. ISouth Amboy. w u taken tothe Perth Amboy GeneralHospital by the Hopel&wnFirst Aid Squad after he lostcontrol of his car on theslippery pavement. His caroverturned on thr safety isle.Brechka was treated for con-tusions of the skull, larcera-tions of the chin and tongueand fractured J»w.

Admitted to l e u h AmboyHospital yesterday morningwas William Yeager, 33, 52Bender Avenue. Iselin. who,;was struck by a car at thecorner of Oak Tree Road and

admitted u,\fractured ti.

P.M.. until 9 VM__ I teachers above the minimum j' starting salary of $4,200 was

FATHER MISUNDERSTOOD_ PXDlained to nw satisfactorily |School account Dad— "you're thinner than and I now know that teachers

of the neces-i »hen you left for college last: who have experience must benry funds m this account." ! fall. How much do you• raid more."

snow is due soon.


those who^helped makefi;ty a success. . .

Navr Ensign

schools open

Although the mayor had.Library was a decided success! Board also decided to hold in; audit" for the"period ending lecommended a reduction of j u j* r ~7h< snack bar. open all day, abeyance any further action j u iv 1. 1957 and by July I.1 *15,000 in the transportation, ^ „ -,was preatly patronized. The; i n r e g a r d to the acquisition 1958 this amount will have account, the Board declinedBPW wishes to thank all oi l n e property on Freeman hren denleted and used for to make the reduction M "the ;"___

the street." i dedicated purposes. In effect, t-ansportation budget cannotNew Heaters Asked the amount of $39,176.36 cut without seriously un-

The voters will again be 1 B n item to be reduced, will', Pai"ne the safety of theinked to give its approval to ,10t exist * when the new school children.

Robert M-jthe spending of. $25,750 for b u d « t period commences." ; The mayor had pointed outKopcsik. sgn of Mr. and Mrs.-replacement of the boiler,; Compromise with Mayor itne fact that theMilo Kopcsik, 40 Clum Ave-(heating system and moderai-; A cut of $12,000. has beenmr Ford": is serving aboard wtion of the heating system called for by the Mayor in the jthe attack transport USStin School 14, Main Street, repairs and replacemenU.-ap-

with the TJ. S. Sixth fords. That question was de- pvopriation«^from $36,000 totii" Mediterranean...'feated at the February 11 $24.000.-The Board compro- '•Oarvan and Henry election in most sections of mised by reducing the ap-

STmblc. Colonia. have been j the Township, including Cwo pjopriation by $6,000. stating::r/imed municipal campaign polls at School 14. -The experience for the past,chairmen for the Shan}ey| In giving its Stand on the FlX months was that $4,500campaign. . . Colonia resi-! question the Board reports:. p f r month has been spent forritnu ar» up in arms after, "Recent engineerina studies ; w , c n repairs for a toUl offndirm dogs half-frozen i n ; i n d i c a t e that this boiler $27,000 foi onerhalf of thethe snow. Seems that dog should be replaced as 8 o o n > r a r . due to.the facfc thato',vn<rs rhould have' some j as possible. School 14 is ap- : most repairs arerr-fiponsibility, . . Dr. Haffner,ciiairman oi the Heart FundD-IVP in Woodbridge, ha*r.amed hh assistants as fol-1 heating system. | S36.000 is lower then com-lows. Mis. Saul Klein, Mrs.! "The sum of $25,750 in-J parable school districts, but

a Necjistro, M!rs. Val | eludes the cost of a 10,0001 vrith an eye toward economytile Board has reduced the

The mayor was pleased that125 the Board was using $200,000

: of the free appropriationDad"-;'Who in thunder is'balance to reduce the school

district tax.



be the result

the U 0 0 new pupils

cost at thistime. There are presentlycontracts in force of $384,64u

Anna MasnaniAnthony Qtiinn

Anthuny trtnnr^,

"WHdistheWind"Plu* — Brian

"Escape FromRed Rock"


Walt Disney'sTrue Life KanUsy


Plus, Guy Madison

"The Hard Man"Color


THVRS.. FR1., SAT.Jeff Chandler. Lana Turner





l:S0 Saturday: 2 BijrFeatures and 5 i artoon*

SUN., MON., TVKS.Rock Hudson in






TODAY 1 in;Anna M , ;

Anttinm 1,

is THE


"SAYONARA"With Marlon Brando,

Patricia Owen,Miiko Taka

Evening Showings6:00 and 8.40

Sunday 2:35, 5:45 and 8:45

Saturday, Special Matineefor children starting at 2P. M.

'Invasion of USA""Three Stooges'Western Picture

"Our Gang"

Every Wednesday from2 P. M., Continuous


A \ i . r DISNEY

_ ( n !

J m - 1 •*•!•


WED. THl:iFEB. 26 ni l :

Tumi'! 1


proximately 35 years old and | n ^ e first two months of the jIs presently serviced with the school year. July and August!original boiler and coal-fired j The original budget figure .of 1

Martell. Mrs. Robert Lei*en.|Mis. Kurt Carlsen. Mrs. Wll^Stitt: a son to Mr. and Mrs.liam G. Nelson, Mrs. James'Fred Wandra*. 440 JanscnCanigan. Mr*. Thomas IJoo- j Avenue. . .From T"ords, a sonbnn, Mrs. George Mill«r. Mrs. j to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-

Allister, 95 Corey Street; adaughter to Mr. and Mrs. PaulVojaok. *W Amboy Avenue:

Alex NotcheV, Mrs. RoccoVacca. Mrs. Andrew Racz,Mrs. lsadore HotenWum andAlex Enik. . . •

Last but not Least:Born at the Perth Ainboy

General Hospital: Fromvlselin,a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.John Sesla. '46 ParmhavenAvenue; a son to Mr. andMrs John E. Ross, 3 Mel-vin AvenueReading. a

Prom Portson to> Mr.

Mrs. Raymond Baum. 658Fourth Street; a son to Mr.and Mrs. Alex Egri. 28 Haga-mitn Street; a son to Mr. mdMrs. Samuel Vernillo, 9 Sec-ond Street. . Prom Colonia, adaughter to Mr. and Mrs.Daniel DeCicco, 106 PatriciaAvenue; a son to Mr. andZolton Varga, 400 FairvlewAvenue. . .Ftora Avenel, a sonto Mr. and Mra. ThomasMonaco, 42 Clark Place; a

a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.

amount by $6,000. !One of the mayor's recom-;

mendations was the elimina-tion of $10,000 allocated asthe salary of a new AssistantSuperintendent of SchoolsThe proposed appointment, jthe Board states, was advised >,

Manuel Mendes, 21 Bernharo j by the State DejWtaenr 0H'"Drive; a son to Mr. and Mrs.' Education "in view of the size j

W A S H I N G T O N ' S BIRTHDAY SALEThursday, Feb. 20; Friday, Feb. 21; Saturday, Feb. 22

Used, Rented, Exchanged and

Sample Models of

ORGANSBernard C^eniiawski, 34-CodyStreet. .From Menlo Park Ter-race a daughter to Mr. and

and expansion of the schooldistrict." The Board alsopointed out that the adminis-

Mrs. Joseph Sheeley, 44 Jef-1 trative staff has been "con-ferson Street.. .From Sewaren, ducting interviews to hire aa son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Director of Curriculum to fillSmith, 42 Qeorge Stret. . .Prom Hopelawn, a daughterto Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kr>c-HK, 50 May Street: a daughter

tKis position,. , , The organi-zation of the new junior highschool system will be a major jfunction of the person se- j

to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Per- \ Iff ted a.s curriculum director.nJcka, 02 loretta Street. Curriculum development is a

SL Demetrius Community CenterDancing

Every FridayNight '

681-691Roosevelt Ave.



AISDY WELLS and His Orchestra

send congratulationsin*person by P H O N E




[We'll Br Opeit fur BuiilM*»


*H-minutt Motion rate from Newarkaft* 6p.m. To* mt mdttdmf.

A splendid opportunity to get an clectroiiic organ atle&» than you expected to pay.



ui>Lsioxonuik,HihHTuriiyoco.or HtuAKK v627 PARK AVENUE, PLA1NFIELD

George Wjashinglon, general, fought for irwdom and U.

of men, leading his army through to victory against f •

George Washington, father of^ow country, and our fii !

dent, guided this nation through its important

UtfmM«uuUyt« Friday; 9:30 9 Saturday 9.30 A.M. lo 3i3U P.M.

On his birthday, we lie* t»ek at ou

ugc. with pride anditov* lor our

^BtHudt and honor to Jt».toun4t'i

forward to the fu(ur«, we ftftdge u>

in keeping America thMyt the

free."1 • • • • ' • " ,

^ . 'T/ie Bank with AU lbs Smk**"



Page 9: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed

1SELIN Snbepentient-Heater -COLONIA I


listedCard Fete

Charter Review SessionHeld by Scout Troop 44

COLONU-The Tvoop Com-i Oscar Vollmar showed two•riv Udles'j mittee of Boy Scout Troop «'reels on flshlnn, "Fishing

First Aid; held Its annual charter re- Thrills" and "Rocky Moun-:I,,I

snimcj head-1 view moetlni? at the home of tain Trout"Avenue, the Scoutmaster. Frederick: Th(1 Molh ( , r s .

pInns for »build-

Ca-\;, x Brlz were..;W.,,. personsi-mdins: the;isltMi to call


Boyle.Eev. Albert Bwcet. Oscar'hold a demonstration of

Vollmar. Institutional repre- household Items and toys atsenUtive, and Qeorne Hack-\ the next meeting. Monday, atrtt, new commltteemari, rep-1 the home of Mrs. FrederickrewnWd the sponsorlnK Instl- Boyle. 110 West Hill Road, attiitlon, the New Dover Road,8 P. M. The proceeds will be

Fourth GradersPlan Display

ISELIN—Art executive boardmeetlnu of the PT A of Ise-l:n School 15 was held Thurs-day, when plans were dls-

Troop 44 and Post 244 will I cussed for a cake sale In April.Circle of

Methodist Church.[-hi reported, Theodore Wjngender con-;>iinB square tinues as chairman. Harold:

dmwd ' r o r n i Hibell as assistant scoutmas-• •-r, The affair ter, Robert Prank as trea-,• tue VF.W. m n , Charles Parks as ad-

vancement, man. and Johni,card from Srally M committeeman. Acle

•runittep. con- Rist ^as elected second as-

donated to the troop and post.

Election SetByB'naiBrith

Mrs. Thomas Ferris, rela-tions chairman, announcedthat letters will be sent hometo all non-members of theP.T.A., Inviting them to join.

Mothers of the fourth gradepupils will be in charge ofhospitality at the FoundersDay meetinR March 3 at 8P. M. at the school. The meet-ing had been scheduled forMonday but was cancelled dueto the inclement weather.

Pupils of the fourth gradewill present an art display Inthe'.girls' court.

Donald Whitaker. principal,,. . , _ ".. "... i.u.n no IHAV ii»v>- requested that 1100 be raised

final reading, OTre HerscheK Tarver u i n s Wednesday. 8:30 P. M., at for the purchase of two pho-tilr by-laws ;cnmpn« man, Robert Adam.v Soh(K)1 n I n m a n. next meet-, and Albert Schmidt. ! Mld r l f C t offlccrR

quadhrad- On Thursday a larRe sroup ,„ , l o n o r rf B r o t h e r n o o d

into'Si '" - Z > , T ,? i - W(>pk thp «r™P hM MM*J*V Troop and Post 244 aUended M r s Mkp H e c h t a n d ^

t " * .^ul T ? ' m e S T a b e r ' I S a d i p Gottesman, councilneighborhood commissioner, r l i a l r m P n o f

V Navin. 4«outmMter NewCOtONTA Slnal Chapter,'

B n R i B r R h W o m e n , Qand members signing the Charter, m k m w i n hol (J Ug n p x t

•. ot

Avenue. Mrs.OIIP of. the

;ii'.(l i-endered

* as a uuest. who will Rive support on the

jAt the Court of Awards, j outstanding work the B'nalAssistant Scoutmaster Hibell; Brlth Is doinir for people of all

rears.* q h J awarded Second Class Badges races and creeds.


,,nV rwld-' ^ A n d r e w B o y k ' R o b* r t ° o U Another Intenwtini? featureI den. NlcholM Unza. William t of the meeting will be a make-

M S r q U M d t > W a I t e r E m e r r ' "P and cosmetic demonrtraKreiU l J o™ Pt^tMn- Charles Skib- tion by a representative of 8

Mr. Leo : b l f ' R l « h l l r d Gtulard. 8te-\\fadlng cosmetic firm. Anyone!phrn Lenart. Albert Schmidti and Oerald Tarver.

wishinR to attend U welcome.Mrs. Samuel Feingold, donor

nogrnphs and for Rraduationexercises for kindergarten andsixth grade pupils. He alsoannounced that the next openhouse meeting will be March17 at 8 P. M. The executiveboard will serve refreshmentsln the auditorium.

There will be a parent edu-cation meeting March 13 at8:15 P: M. with Mrs. John;Mascola^jfchalrqnan. Mrs. jWestfree Home will speak on;'The Exceptional Child."

Mrs. Paul Kersch.chairman, announced that:March 31 is the deadline forthe National P.T.A. magazine

NEW SERVICE STATION FOR COIONIA: Raymond PiRvno, proprietor nf the new Gulf station at West Lake andRailway Avenues. Colonia. I left) is shown with Thomas Falcone, District Manager for Gulf, at tht grand opening

last weekend. Free gifts were presented to customers and to the youngsters.

Im ParishItcarSheed

Theodore Wingender pre- chairman, announced that•.t-nted one-year pins to Rob- j more than 75 women will at-rtt Adams. Albert Beutel.' t»nd the 10th anniversaryWalter Emery. Richard Oau-1 donor luncheon at the Wal-l.ird. Anthony Novltsky, John! dorf-A«torla Hotel, New York,Peterson and Stephen Lenart: [March 2. Mrs. Bernard Dres-

i tiro-year pins to Ralph De-! kin announced plans for the.i shoed.

,:id founder . a n d , t n r e e . y e a r

' , .c 0:: Connolly.

and Harold Hibell. Jr.,'Installation dinner March 26to Bruce 1 at the Shackamaxon Country

{Club. Westfleld. A fashion: k Ward | scoutmaster Boyle awarded)show and dinner were among' »iH ad- ; t | l f ufe .Badge and Mothers' lot her features of St. , P i n l 0 H o w l l r ( J Newmark.'H M PM. m Howard also received i

i Bis sut 'v and me Wl l ! iam schubijer a Scribe, By Parochial VTA

I Badge |•;.()i of such Explorer Adv-Uor John Lease•.-nlasy and con(jUcted an Explorer indue-

^Youngsters Enjoy FineProgram at Teen Dance

subscriptions. Please contact > C O L O N 1 A „ T h e colonia nisht at the school between

MarksTenth Anniversary

ISELIN — Mr. and Mrs.Samuel R. Ekovich. 35 Farm-

her if you wish to subscribe, youth Organization was host 17:30 and 10:30 P. M. Parents ISELIN — Leaders of Cub j haven Road, were feted on

Cubs ArrangeDinner Sunday

It was unanimously asrecd| tp n o t e c n a c e r R a t a dance are urged to pick their chll- Pack 138. sponsored by theto start a book project. Fly«* I g a t u r d ' n l g h t a t S c n o o ] 1 7 | d r e n u p a t the school no laterwill be sent requesting booksj^g 'cavaliers.' conslsttng of \than 10:30.that children have outRrown.

In thelibrary of School 15.

! Harry Weisman and Norman jSchwartz, entertained the BIRTHDAY PARTY

I bays and Rirls with guitar andThree members, Mrs. Henry, l", " w t , ; n ,elman Mrs Lloyd Harayda1 v n c a l s e l e c t i 0 n 5-Weiman. Mrs. Lloyd Harayda

and Mrs. Harry Klein, volun- \teered to serve as a nominat-

Corhest winners were: DoorLana Squaehic, 144

ing committee. Two others Cleveland Avenue; spotlightwill be appointed from the j dance: Jackie Tetesco. 39

I floor at the regular weetinR. I N ^ n e Place and Vincent' Den mothers and cub pack i Gianmcoia, 51 Neptune Place; and sons John, Clifford and

ISELIN - Forest, Painter,son of Mr. and Mrs. RobertPainter, 1499 Oak Tree Road,celebrated his birthday at afamily party. Attending wereMr< and Mrs. Forrest Pigott,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Painter

ISELIN— P.TA. I of St. Ce-Parochial School met'

are urgently ii needed !or Cub Pa,ck 148. |

Dance' J a ^ l i e 5 a T ; M r a n d Mrs-

Communism t i n n m M n o n y . gcOutR from;last Wednesday and Unit 2lor his t i n n m M n o n

.:,own lor his T l 0 o p 44 n o wl f i n s

of the met last night In the schoolT l 0 o p 44 n o w mem^r of met last night In the schoolonfessions P(Wt a r e p h l i , p B o y ] , , Bruce,cafeteria. Mrs. rrank Ctecone

He has been Connolly. Donald Frank and presided at both meetings.Westminster Hrold Hlbf 11 Jr 'Sh anouaced that a cake

Mm Frances GibbsBetrothal Announced

Westminster H g r o l d H i b p l l J r

Irskit or demonstration. The j Maawr«flWi?r«rhe

She annouaced that a cake I 1SELIN-Mr. «nd Mrs. E. F. \

Pasco, 43 Westminster Road.Chaperones were Charles

Ftemm, Mrs. Mildred Shan-non. Mrs. Earl Well of Lyn

jOflks; Mr. and Mrs. Josephjcsrusone and Carl Meier of

and PatJMaglione and daughters, An-

.lided the Doc-:Po!,t showed how to ust gun* of the pupils In Mrs. Heffler's (m e n t

,-fd Theology ^t\y ! flrth grade will furnish and ~\T Rheed is KP1| t n e

' " " U S n SIPPORT Bl'DCET• r-.i-! > in L o n d o n . . . . . . . ^.i._

,-vd over 3,000

announced the engage- n u k e sof their h

Colonia^ Civic As-TJSttttf "6f

totnette and An'gela; Mr. andMrs. Edward Turek and chil-dren, Susan, Valerie, Florence,Joseph and Margery; Robert,Frances! Constance and DorisPainter, all of Iselin; Mrs. UseTtete, Mr. and Mrs. PhjupPainter and daughters, Evelyn

n u k e s j ^ e a n

daughter, j Z j n d e i . v i d e o P a r k .May. to Pfc Philip, P i a n s a r e ^.^ formulated

a n d M r a E t h e l a n d T h e r e s a Hopelawn.P k j

Monday at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Raymond Brown. 56Francis Street. WoodbrtdgeOaks. Where final arrange-ments were made for the Blueand Gold Dinner at Top HatInn, Route I, Edison Sunday.Mrs. •William Doerr Is chair-man.

The March theme, "Alaska,"was discussed by the denmothers and Cubmaster Wil-liam Doerr.

Assistant Cubmaster Rhine-hardt Thoraen announced hewill accept the leadership ofthe new Weblos dens andappointed as his aides, JohnCody and George Raynak.• The p»ck committee ac-cepted with thanks the dona-tion of an American flag and

Mel Ferrer says they haveMrs. Coviello 'Conway Stewart, son of Mrs. !for a square dance in the j decided to photograph "The

'is chairman, assisted by Mrs.L- A. Fuqua, Alexandria, La..:nr,ar future. The next regular I Nun's Story" in technicolor.— The executive Bothwell, Mrs. Brennan. Mrs. and R. E. Stewart, Texas. : dance will be held tomorrow

tneir tenth wedding anniver-sary at a party Saturday, byMr. and Mrs. Michael Stepickat their home at 206 ReglnaStreet, Wegtbury Park.

Rev. F. OeUcolJlck, dean ofSt. Sava Serbian OrthodoxCathedral, New York City,who performed the weddingceremony was present, aswere members of the originalwedding party, Miss MildredElsovitch, Hollis, L. I.; Mr.and Mrs. Eugene Burke. NorthPlainfield; Nicholas Sarapi,Nicholas Stepick, Mr. andMrs. John Sterrrac, Miss EvaLouise Stemac, Secaucus; EliKomick. Roselle; and Mrs.Ekovich'5 mother, Mrs. Doro-thy Sarapa, Wentbury Park.

Weblos den flagMaude Jacobus

by Mrs

' Decline continues in steam-ehip charter market.

Colonia HoldsScout CampaignCOLONIA — TV local Boy

Scout fund raising drive wanconducted last weekend inColonia. As ln the past, theCnlonia Civic Club donated the

of its building to be usedns headquarters.

Thomas Lrworthy, fundrhdirman. announced a totalof $R4B.M) has beon collectedIn datr with WoodbridueKnolls still to be covered.

Piirtleipatlng as fund cap*tnins in various sections were:Cluster SuRent, CanterbunrVlllaur; Walter Gavin. Col-omn VUlRge: David Miller,Dukes Estates: Felix Saludetti,Shorecrest; Derby Denson,Oak Ridge Heights; JosephPalumbo. Lynn Oata; KennethStyloB. Inman Avenue; JanVranken. Oxford Road; Mrs.James Black. Florence Avenue:J. Oberdick, West ' Street,Laurpnce DeMalo, Video PaikMrs. Leworthy and Mrs. Ted

jWelber served as auditors,

Oak Ridge RetidmtsHear Talk on Taxes

COLONU-Oak Ridge resl-lenU were treated to an in«formattre talk on filing in-come t u returns at lastThursday's meeting at School17.-

The Awoclatlon was host toEdward Lautenshlager, groupsupervisor In the Elizabeth of-fice of Internal Revenue, whogave important details as tothe taxpayers' obligation tothe government as well as de-duction requirements. He em-phasized the fact that the In-ternal Revenue Departmentencourages citizens to seek ;uclIn filing an equitable return.

Later, the group discussedthe defeat of the Board ofEducation school budget. Thediscussion centered on themore objectionable portions ofthe budget and hopes were ex-pressed that a more favorablebudget would be presented atthe next election.

DennlB Crosby. 23. one ofBing Crosby's four sons, uengaged to Pat Sheehan, 26*year-old showgirl. The couplewill soon marry.


y. Cided to support theJ . f " " " J r Board of Education budget

' / ' f Varh' committee outlined plans,.,<> oi «acn,.{or ^ l e l e p n o n e campaign to

Urge all residents of Shore-did up-and-' crest to get,, out In favor of

.:i 1957. the newly-amended budget.



K NOW FEATUR-.\ i UF.ME rCEMA-j« \\¥. iVALUE TO)mil ONLY m»\

11 ir.:: •


n>(lric'<•• IMIHI>RKKHER

! Baron Boblck's orchestra willifumlsli the music. He alsoannounced that the pupils ofthe morning session of thesecond grade will receive their j

|First Communion March 9 at!I the 1 o'clock Mass. Pupils of,the second grade afternoon;

j sessKin will receive their First!Communion March 16 at the |7 o'clock Mass, :

was graduatedfrom Menard High School,Alexandria, class of 1956. Heis now serving with the U. S.Army at Fort Bragg, N. C.

Robert Morley joins YulBrynner. Deborah Kerr, andKurt Kaznar in "The Jour-ney." which has a differentnationality for each role.

Boy Scout Troop 47, sponsoredby the First Presbyterian jChurch of Iselin. a new ilate Iof officers was elcted as fol-

• lows: Mrs. T. J. Nieradka,I president: Mrs. J. Bilinski,vice-president; Mrs. GeorgeHutnik, treasurer,. and Mrs.

I Henry Happel, secretary. Thenext meetinR will be heldMonday. 8 P^I.. at the church.

In AppreciationI wish to thank the voters of Fire District

No. 9, Iselin, for electing me to the Board ofFire Commissioners last Saturday. I also wishto thank the voters who turned out despite theinclement weather. It was greatly appreciated.



Zircon Rings'" 10-Kt. (.old Mounting 16 Only)


Alarm CLOCKS 1 49I (Oolj S4) J/

JEWELERSQmny Streets






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3 Pc. Slipcover Set

YOURSOFA and 2 Ch '

• ('ustuui Muitr • Cut and ttltrd Inhunic f Tu-iiiiii' i^inhiiwtioni •;.i,,1 (I; .]M»- f \iMir i tiulrc'<i[ »UrU •n i d mil niM.illid • (iiuxantHKl lit i n d

(Keg. $115.00 Value)! 8'

SLIPCOVER a n d DRAPERYFABRICStyliunwrlirr siilrluth prints, CoflMtl barkdiith \mnli diid aiilldi. Antique latin print*

(Values to 2.98 yd.)

SHORTY DRAWDRAPERIESjt> Inns l>eliuc Ubrin in Oefontor FW11K

(lies- 3.98 Pair)4;r—Regular 4.98 - .54" Regular 5.98tili" Regular 6.98 :

f a , '! < l i : • , .1 ( ' i . ' l ' - ••

1.001 va

1.98| PK.

2.49 Pr.2.98 x¥r.3.4!) Pr.

We Che S&U Green Utam/w, Too'

Rahway Fashion FabricsH'i MAIN SfBRKT

OfEM rRlOAY TILL » f- *.

Page 10: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed



(1»4»)The WMdhrMrr l*wi*tWMrtftrtfcfr IndependenTh» iwfln JWJTTIII

1*r iwrfrr-journjl

C**M« itt diur *••

Th» nwrfkrMcr PakltdMaf r i (If tir**n ftm( M-4-MI1

E. Gwfory,Lawrrner F. Ci

Vi<* PmiArnt an4 Tfcaacrer- - - - • - - j - —


maintain it After all. non-sectarian-ism is a two-way street.

Sn wp hope that contributions to theGuild will come not only from theRoman CatfioUr parishes wrth thr 'same generosity as in other years, butalso beyond them — from each of uswho recognises the incalculable meritof this community eftort as an expres-sion of true tetr* for our brothers.

Contributions may be sent by thoseQot solicited to ttlght Rev. Charles O.MrOorristiti, pastor of Bt James'Church and Moderator of the Guild


ntn t; miU, KcMMi . _no, vru. II M. BI MMllM. I1.7J; Hint W—1**, ! tl

""«£?"*" * miU " """ *" *"* f The bunfcn or prorklinf the leadership and judgment in the expenditureof nearly 17.000,060 in operating costsTor our school system and an addi

_ tkmal tt.000.000 for its expansion""*-" ' breathtaking—tt> put it miMly

* '„.**.. . .•.-,. on AU of L* His colleagues on the Board of Edu-On Sunday, the Mount Carmel Kurt- ;cf t tion haw elected Winfleld I, Mnn

ing Guild wffl. launch its drive f o r , ^ , , u iMf p ^ ^ t t ^ 4 m p o s . ifunds to finance the inspiring work of I u p o n ^m t l w pespofcajbaity Of sup-,the Little Servant Sisters who provide: p iy t^ t h i 5 leadership and judgmentskilled nursing service m Woodbridge.: fhis surely is an efcpresstoh of eonfi-Fords and Perth Amboj free of charge., nce b y t h o s e ^ h t T C mftifii ^ t h

We have said many times that t h e , h i m m6 vho h a r e a c l p a r r i e w o f h i s

assurance and encouragement which; c a p a c , t y to a^ ^ h the obligationthe* Sisters bring into fear-stricken; h i s h i e h p o t i o n addition to their high pn> j Mr_ p j ^ through kmg associationfcssional devotion to the s iA-cannot j flnd ^ ^ ^ ^ i h t h e a ^ n j 0{ E d u c a .be calculated. Our community is privi- t i o a „ p r o b a b l y ^ w e l ] a w a r e o f t h e

;eged Indeed to be the recipient of such; e n o r m i t v of this obligation as anyone Iunselfish care, and it should be a ; C a n ^ fn i t s discharge we wish tor'source of great pride to us that we con- h i n i s u c c e s s and the satisfaction which jtinue to make it possible— that we are' o m e s f r o m t h e perjonai knowledgejso truly concerned with the welfare of | t n a t a difficult undertaking is being

GOP Leads n Cong;resN .'

I>;.! M CiTffl.M1 would propnM .i

day IP tx sf! asid" J ; ' ••!'

propriate proclamfttj11!'^ I T

M.ivor QiilPley to bt1 kT, a n .:

Woodbndgp Hol-y Dnv

In prrparst ion, lh» town^hij1

hishwii.v dcpurtment \<ot>id

<icpoMi ^m:ill piles of pirn • i*i

matpnal,- pvery b l o k u: "--n

Au the signal was n..P!i "11

ijif rcsidpnts would pnl. h I'K-

hoics :n the s t r u t s near Uifii

homes Tfiose with civi, prirto

wnnl-i ou tdo t)ipmif!\'f-.^ i«

i. ' lp thfir nef:,'hl»rsAt tin- end of the d;iv the



Krmirth Fink. DlreeUr.fcnta

,-.. ,-iand in

withSisters to

our bretbren that we will jointhese dedicated nursingguarantee t !» t it be kept safely andsecurer}'.

The •eifare of which we speak isnot, in the hearts and in the loyalty.

approached with courage and convic-tion.

Under the Capitol Dome•y J. JIMI* ertbfctts

Good - for iVvrices

nui. m me „ - . » „ . - ~ »,_..,., When it is remembered that evento the lofty Weals of the vocation and i the experts in the snow belts aroundthe profession (A these Sisters, mea-|the country were left prostrate andsured on a sectarian basis. Their min-1 helpless in keeping roads clear andislrations are aTailable to all who may I traffic muring after the weekend'sneed them, regardless of the manner I blizzard, perhaps we can gain a better

TRENTON — New Jersey's | share. But greatest of all our remains of the arch are care-State government would ^ost \resources are the nwn. women i fully kvpt. look upon the an-$?99,679J33 to operate during •. and children of this grea; : .^» with awe and reverence,the 1956-59 fiscal year begin-1 State. It is for them that ihis despite its dilapidated appear-

l i b d t has been shaped; withning next July 1. under annual i budget has been shaped; with ance.budgtt proposals submitted to major emphasis on opportuni- Historians claim Generalthe Legislature by Governor; ties for education, with con- 'Washington spent more time,

obert B. Meyner. ' t x m I o r t h * handicapped and < i r u^- Jersey during theTo keep the State out of the! the unfortunate in our midst, i Revolutionary War t h a n

red, the Governor declared the I with interest - "™ •'--'^

tour of inspection anda. «fnin a1 possible therea'trr.Mr Schmidt could aw.iidprize? for thr neatfM fra!r!. 'the pii<ch with the most dec-orative edges, etc.

Everyone uould profit Thecoot; citizen;; of WoodbnditPwould have a fwlinfc ol to-aethemes-s. The township rom-mitlet would uet a lot of T.ib-li itv .'Tid trie road> wouldhav* no holes

!; ;tif- experiment were suc--f-^ful w could make it ?.n.',<:.:; ;av ••vent

Very truly ynur>.5 FREUND

\»t*: Failowinf is 3of • letter to H»»or Hwsti

which wa* sent tnUader

40 Pine Tree DriveColonia VillaxaRthvay, N. J'February 10 1958

Hon Hugh B Quigley MayorTownship of WoodbndseCity Hal)Woodfcridge. N. JDear Mr Mayor:

Enclose*! you will find anotice distributed to my doorduring a so-called 'dog cen-sus." It is. without doubt, ailassic example of how govern-ment. Federal, State, or local

the M »?<*-^- .r ibbi l Distr,. •

PHINCFTON. N. J. ~ ^ U l o i t t this N., M ,;:.. i*o major politick

the stoW If U L T V

•connffssawn today """J-T""'. m novcmber-leM » J J V *i:-, months from now? rartT*t-

of the latest sUK-j In 194C •al heat" of voter clean Rwec;

by the New JerW • the excr;,;Republican candi- County. »ir.:

ronfrrpss aheid of Conpreasior; •c candidates by »! In 1M8 :••4 per cent. [OOP took


v. :df



prindinas represoit

. th<1954

had alreadvI the short !•


OOPr Congress 'House ofnatives' racked uprent of the sUtt>trtdexaioi party Congren-

in(1:d9tes to t h e ^ a rr,. 41.3 per cent

1Y>d;i\ > rfsultfsper;al ^ientrance because:hev pr:<\ .do an excellent in-d:catinr, "! basic strengths of, _:»* twn muir political partiei ? " n t y ' ' : n n ":n the «ate le&s than nine F o u r t** r i t ' f

months before the all-in-pcrtan*. r a Senate and Con-"*-Hoiiw of Repre--cntativf Elections

One V S Senator and 14Cnnere.'siona! 'House of Rep-resentative wais will be upTor srab1- come next Ifovem-

In 1956

election V Hbiitory by

should not tie run in a systemwe hold to be democratic. I'm

in which they express their faith—and j understanding of theer it be in a church or syna- which the notices of our community, jThis to us seems the absolute | county and state were confronted. ; sources are listed at only

epitome of the charity of which the! This is not me^nt to belittle their ^ ^ £ £ „ £ £ £Master spoke. ' (efforts, resourcefulness and industry— ditionai $2,493,100 to pay bills

The Guild's 1&57 statistics show, for i but merely to point out that when incurred Uiis year for which no! . . . . •„ „ appropriation was sanctioned.

other State He lived twonuic IUUOI i«iu ».• a—4 - „ _. Morristown in 1777S56.500.000 through new : tion area* for greater use end • a n d 1 7 7 9 a n t J o n e a t jjiddle-

as available re- j enjoyment by our citizens, • brook, now Bound Brook, in

; sure such a notice would havel n had its place in Germany

under Hitler or in present slp$Russia, but I hardly expectedto find it happen here.

Let me examine this noticewith you. First, it is a notice

owners of unlicensed, md

while Prf 'piled upmariur. n\Stevenson

At the farctn Florpivthe seat a*Harrison P '

j Union Connslonal Dlstr:

I This is Hi •New Jersev p .of Congre^.New Jersey

Watch .Vnewspaper' This yea:Poll will pie:;the New >:andU. S Se:

This newfi

with attention to the ?iant!i7 7 8 He moved his army[

need for a modern, safe high-: 3 1 9 0 S ; l h e s^^ four tim^ jway system. ifou-ht three major battles 1 - , . . r . , . ,.

•This budget r«ogni«s the land at least ninety minor e c . | u t t e r e d dogs. My do? isneed of getting essential gagements. The triumphal! l lcensea

instance, t r a t the Sisters nursed 152 jnon-Catholic patients, requiring 1,668visits and 1,204 hours of work. Twenty*! enee

t that When incurred this year for which no need of getUne e gage. „ ___«™i , i n :„ y,AJ+v,»^ N__, , appropriation was sanctioned., things done. For all of thesearth belonss to him-are impassable in northern New T h e e x e c u t i v e b u d g e l te t h e ( ^ a pr0U(1 s u i e must be, P 0 , , T , c , A v.

for days, there their expert-snow mnevfcl has

xecutive budgel te (^ phighest in the history of the willing to invest, not only to

lstate. the Governor admitted .m»ke the most of tod^-s op-

nine Jewish families were visited 402! through years of constant struggle

times, requiring 338 houfs. Just for ' ' L 'coinparison, St. James' parish — the

I without apology,'gte deciared. -so

plargest in the area seTTed by the Guildhad only 109 patients, 1498 visits arid1.150 hours of nursing service.

While the greatest burden lor financ-ing this nursing service falls upon the

with the elements, we mustthat we were attempting to cope with|a"f f**?* * B ™ J*

r ^ r „ leity for highway projects:a situation for which we had but small: g^ t h e demands for ourpreparation. In addition, our mechani-; manitarian services."

cal equipment is probably insufficient.; J J f S J ^ 'Surely, many Of US wpre incon-|of one cent per gallon to yield

venienced and delayed and had our! sn,7oo,ooo. He also supported-1 the weekend recommendation

ing mis nursing uerncc imia upuu u&| >UUw ,,Roman CathoUc churches—and they j tempers frayed by the tUftculties of | ^ ^ 6 ^ ^have accepted lull responsibility tor'travel Sunday arid Monday. By and1 '-•--•— •- ™«-»maintaining ii—we feel that those whe 1 large under the circumstances, howworship elsewhere but Whe are so de-' il-!-*- ^wi«» .„«? c™n

pendent upon the merciful work of the. Sisters, should also assume some obli-gation. If this is to be a non-sectarianenterprise of such praiseworthy char-

C o t n .

porturuues for better living,but also to build a better fu-ture for New Jersey and allher people. A budget to some

I is a dry decument. full of un-glamorGus detail, dreaded asan unwelcome necesity. Intruth, this budget for ourState' is warm and human m

nor Robert B. Meyner admitshe is a politician and thatlikes politicians.

"It is the politician who iit<he mediator the coordinator,t h e seneralist operatingamong experts." he said re-cently, "He is the skilled tay-man who weaves the com-promises on the issues that

our people; it is he who8t ^ ^ o u r p e o p l ^ p

its impact, exciting in its po- p r o v l d e s l n e p r a c t l c a l wisdomteU f th tiued

and registered withthe Department of Health.She has been ever since 1 ob-tained her and I have neverattempted to avoid the law.

it tells me I havefailed to license my doe Tf Ihave failed to license my dogfor 1958. it's because I haven'tbeen notified of the date li-cense fee* were due A shortreminder to my home or anotice in the Woodbnd;;e In-dependent-Leader would havetaken care Of this. Third, the

Here's how the vote went int.he state «hen New .JerseyPol", staff reporters asked arepresentative sample of thestate s voters:"If the elections for Can-2 res* were being held today.which party's candidateswould you like to aee win intriu. Mate—the Republicanor the Democratic?"

j The following table shows.the statewide results among- *J t f Ii:

those who had an opinion on \ ™ c l " s l v f l v

the above question, or who. if jundecided, stated t o w a r d swhich party they "leaned."


' 1 House of Representatives!Registered Veters Only

Republican 32 <*Democrat 18% '

J u s tA """



ct, gfor the continued

lhe a p .

tax applicable to the" . . . . , ; . _ _ j _ | net income of both incqrpor-

ewr, we think our plowing and snow| a t e d andmuncorporatedbusi-removal job—Herculean as it was— j ness to provide funds for theWas a credit to our crews, supervisors! replacement of the present

. .. __ '. , • . [locally assessed taxes onand administration. Practice, to be | household goods and businesssure, makes perfect—but we hope the i inventories.

growth and well-teing of New - h ; a n d u a l h e ^ ^ ^Jersey challenging in the op- : w h ( J x n w a s t n e b a l a n c e

pmtunlty it presents to meet -^ L w h o converts panic Intothe test* of our times and u> a * a s e o t u r 4 e n c y w n o

build for future generations."

acter, then all-regardless of church, opportunity for such practice willmerribership — should help to thus 1 come again real soorT.

High School HighlightsIn the annual polio drive, the book by including as many

held at Woodbrldfe Highj pictures as poadble. Any stu-School during the weeks of i dent who wishes to submitJanuary 13-27, bpthmorning and afternoon,Mons collected VJ71.98.


Mr. Stephen 8z 11 n s k y ' shomeroom contributed thelargest returns amounting to

dent who wishes to submi1 candid shots to the staif iswelcome to do so.

Thea Chodoah, editor has

ter. develop new talent, andprovide the school with a highlevel form of drama.

Mr. Kmtt attended rtain-High SchML Allegheny

The Governor explainedif this proposal is adopt-

ed, then the State, bjr in-creasing the rate frotn 3 percent to 5 per oent, o«n lookto the same revenue source forthe additional amount neces-sary to meet its budget re-quirements.

| 'If the commission's re-placement program i£ not ac-ceptable, then I recommend

| the imposition ol a owporate! net income tax, integrated

the present corporation

iitive to the prod of an in-WASHDfGTON: — General formed public opinion.

-An effective politician anhorse through a huge wooden ueipates an issue before it Detriumphal arch near the As- comes critical and decisive. Bysinpink Creek in Trenton in being considerate of others, he1789 while enroute to NewYork City to accept the presi-dency of the United States. A

lary Air SPensacola

of Health thenthreaten me by

dency osection of the arch still exists.

Tlie New Jersey HistoricalSociety will decorate the pre-vious memento ol Briumph Despite his partisanship andg on Saturday—Washing- his personal involvement, he

Urn's birthday—as part of an is more effective than the in-annual tribute to the Father divwlnal who site on the side-

has his own radar system forspotting needs before they areblown up to critical propor-tions And he knows enoughw move swiftly to meet aproblem ai It* early stage.

Departmentproceeds tospending the next eight linesspelling out the penalties Iwill be subject to if I do notcomply in the next ten daysThank God I'm not spendingtwo weeks away from home onvacation or it would appear Iwould be subject to fines to-taling from UM lo $100 00 orup to ten days in jail I'm suresuch a penalty would havebeen justified on the basis ofmy not being at home.

The .notice later states, m(Continued on Page 13 i

Three months ago. the vot* l } u t

I on the same question was R«r * ^ n l t e ' '' publican. 52.75 per *» cent;: Df-moerats. 47.25 per cent, in-riicatint; little change since

: that's results are

.acked\p alongside the voter.f the pas\six Congressionalelections. the\rend looks likethis:


I House of Representatives)

One of th-for a man '•ion of himst-in the Elm:.

1946 Elections1948 Elections1950 Elections1952 Elections1954 Elections1956 Elections:TODAY


Epitaphjudge of !ik-less executeV. 8, Mav«:pbia. Pa

templatiQi—Mike Qu::1 Iowa i Ne*

Off year iNon-Presidential)Election year

Two important fact* phoukl ^ - . ~be kept m mmd in interpret- frequentmi!, today's findings: declsro

1. The figures funcem only mightycandidates tor the Home of tleUrB-

of our Country. — _4—i lines talcing the lofty viewThe original triumphal arch. • that he ii above politics and

supported by thirteen pillars that politics is a dirty busi-anri festooned wish laurel and ness"early sprint flowers, formed jWOEUJ FAIR: —Governor

George Washington

y p tthe pasageway for

j- |and Mrs Meyner will witamneia nign sciaoi. fti«g"««y i with the present corponiuon | ine pasagrwnj iw »»aauiii6- [«nu .ms w j * . - u . -.—.-,

Cdlege,, ftutgers University, business tax, to provJ* addi- ] urn who was acclaimed as ne I the New Jersey State Flag fly-announced that pledge cards j ma C o l u m b i a Bniversity.! t"o7aT tax'Tevemie of t t t OOfl -will be distributed among the! M m he majored in English' - - . .

451-77. In second place wasMr. James Brawn'sroum with $32.15. In chargeuf the drive were Mm. MaryKuzma and Mr. John Walfih.


sophomores, andin the near future.

home-1 The price of the yearbook forthe underclassmen will bethree dollars.

The newly formed Dra-A new Science Club hafijmatks Club of Woodbndge

been formed in the highj ' " '.school to widen individualknowledge and to stimulateinterest in the fields •of sci-ence and mathmatfcf. Mr.J u n e Mundy it head advisor'and Mr. John Me Hale andj

Hi^h School, under the dtrec-fon of Mr. Bertram Kati, h usettled down to a schedule oX

dratoa He has had three|«*rspeikAtttv

of summer stock ex-was a member of an

Servicea Acting:h tAured Prance,

passed through it. Washing- j ln« in the position of honorton. later remembered the in- on the esplanade of the Unitedcident and wrote to the ladies States Pavilion when they vistt

000." said the GovernorGovernor Meyner pointed

out State operational expenses of Trenton thanking them for the Brussel's World Fair onfor thus fiscal year total MM- ttnin tine reception. j May 7 next. • j000.000 The $S9*,6T9,23S The historie memento is ap- i Flags of the « States, t ierecommended by him fer the proximately a yard long and! District of Columbia. Alaska,

"-— -—r-~ :-- --- --~,. :'n xt fiscal year represents an i several inches thick Visitors Hawaii and Puerto Rico WM,7*5 T * ',r*e ..Jtl.l » -.injerease of $58,700,000. He , u> the Old Barracks adjacent, b* flown around foe pavilion

listed tri#e increases as fol- \ i 0 the Sttw3 Home where the i Continued on Page 13)seniorLitt" given b; the classISSt OB Dwewbet 11 and


. . . a Name ThaiShintt Down On

C am


A t a r e c e n t Carole:t the high school.Members ot the Dramatics

construction and extraordi-nary maintenance. $18,490,-000; Health building and tat-

a d v l i O r £ -| urer'^ play-reading commit-At a recent meettw Ralph | tee was also chosen. Those


SheilaSue Benutein,

Throm was elected president,Kurt Kramer, viet-presidentiiiui Biiirky Pwkiflo, secre-tary-treamirer.

Tentative plaltl which wereset up include aotonttflc flus-iA*Tt in the hlfh scho«l it-self, aaaembly program* u>be presented to U c Hudentbod}, and an exhibit of theirwerfc at the Rutfvs' Scien-tific Fair.

tee was a sstrvmg on this committee In-clude: Mary mm Rosen, Chair-man, Ellen Cohen, PaulaFrohwin, Eva Hfe&yi, andNona Levine.

wBarwtet PNat

The W o o d b r i d r e HighSchool yearbook, the Baromt,ts In f«U »h *

tts In f«U ndM i»h iranmmatelj oM-fcuHK If tbe book


Thil _ thebM trtti «#

•TheSdett P1*J

Dancers," a

B_ • „ „ „ "id tor welfare, $988,000,Prucia Buicell. Elkn Colien, M e n t m C w m e n t * for SUtej

Stuart E « ^ l » t e i i » , Hani, ^ ^ j ^ ^ , Ho^tal-1

efiu. $900,000; Deferred costof 1957-S8 new

Frohwien. Florenee Gibson, !Maureen Gire, CaoiueE H i L H U U

one-actplaj by Horton Foote, wasselected to be presented to thestudent body. This is the storyof two socially insecure teenragtrs who find happtnaae Ineuih othei. Tbe reasons forUiia particular play being ae-lecbed are: It prewnu inter-esGimj Uieatrteal prttdenu forthe cast, and 1U subject mat-ter and characterisation* %reenjoyable tp a teen-age audl-cnee., Through this type of club,Mr Katz hopM to buiid a

! stronger interest in the thai

reach no high

hopet tnd a-

thin to dtt g i w t B*me t

Be«et wiA the

Eve Hecyl. Loi* HolkinK andCarole KuKftk

Other members of the Clubconatet of Nana Irvine. Ka-

j ; i c J

«tfcinf world. weand chat.

yPa^uafoa and

taut juicUi:

1413,000; salaryIMO.000 materiala and sup-plies. $1030,000. services othtrthan uetbunal M04 ,BM; Slate

aren Martin, Carole M«Uger, j pensions, Jl,440.0Q«; eontrlhiS d MiJ B l h d Magy S t t Uiversity toaren Martin, Caro « gSandra MieJe. Blchard Magy,

ns, J ,to State University tot

lSandra MieJe. B a d gy, yons to Stat sJoan Nickoal. aaundra Nicko- operetion (536.1)00; generallai, Marty Ralter, Joyce Obei't, (ucenst alate re-tewie, *«00,00t)WulUin H*h»nowlU. Dorothy 'Rader. Barbara Hoff. Joyce

m, JudyRow, l iamna RowRiukai. ap4 Joan ftu!*il.

t JoanScmwJit, Jwa Stein. H«leu,

stai4W, fMartha. Urban. Joy Watn-

and net misceUaneouscrewea. MfS.000

"New Jeney is a weB-(m-dow«d State," declared theCJovernor "It has many at-tributes. IU location, its brighthiittory, ft* natunU aAVaattieaas a site for home* aod rec-reation, fw farm and buMnoi,

j art timnr** *« ail

MB* tolUJm. Corntr Mooreerry Street


National Barfull"

Page 11: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed




and Mrs ChartedM r and Mrs Pas-attended n dinner

dance sponsored by the 62!| Club at SchuetMn Park New-

Kenedy. Jr., and children. Mi- a l l c ' Saturdaychael, Stewn Bnd Kateri, Lyn-croft.

—Mr. and Mrs. RichardMiddlesex iDerevem. Ethel Street, were

,. .irwish; hosts «t bridge Saturday.' t.iir din- i Guests were Mr. and Mrs.

—Donald Ennenr Bofrardus.«m of Mr. and Mrs RussellBogardus. Wnli Street, washonored on his seventh birth-day at a party Quests were

™ 1 " Rnd


in-iGuwte were Mr. and Mrs I MacDEs-I Robert Bfcrahwdt, Jefferson! !?!'-r!lh»1 ***&• °erald

l n C l i


mid Mrs.und Mri.Mrs. Wil-

Street; Mr. and Mrs. WilliamWlUianu, Stephensville; Mr.and Mrs. Donald Roberts.

and laeun.and | —Confratulatlons


, Mr i n d

IhfTK. Mr.Iiw Mr.


to Mr.

C o o l i n * m - KathyJ a m e s HeeninE, Mr.

and Mrs Thomas MacDonaldand son. Thomad. Jr.. Cynthia

!Jean and Russell

and ; a n d Mrs. David Powell. MercerStreet, on the birth of adaughter tt Mother Cabritu's

Mew York City.


Political Club InductsNew Slate of Officers

AVENEL — Installation of mtttws are Mrs. Sechwalaofficers was held Monday by and Mrs. Svoboda, hospltal-

Comtitution AdoptedCOLONIA PERSONALS!**-'*-*••«(Including Cnlonia Propw and Cokmia Village)

the Third Ward Second DIs- ity: Al Aaolia and Michael By MRS, SIDNF.Y FREVND illiary of Avenel-Colonla Posttrlct Democratic and Civic Bodnar, ways and moans;: ig Sandalwood Lane. ColonUClub of Avenel at Hlllcrest MTR. Albrecht and Mrs. JohnInn. Elmer Dragos. Third Fabian, good and welfare: j

FUlton 8-ZM9Jewish War Veterans an-nounced final plans lor th«Joint membership. Italian

Ward Township Committee- Mr. Kennedy and Mrs. Hop~: —Members and guest/; "''supper Saturday night atman. was the installing ofll-pl»r, membership; MTS. Hop- thr Colonia urrit who attended| P r n o o ] 1 7 Members andcer. New officers are Henry p!er, profrram. *nd "" " • - - - - • - "— *•*Nelson, president; Philip 8vo- Mahon, publicity.boda, vire president; Mrs.| Quests were Harry O'Con-; sponsored by the MiddlesexOwen Roff. correspondinn r.or. third Ward chairman. County Womens Republicansecretary; Mm. John Mahon,'and Joseph Kellyl fifth dis- Club. Inc.. were Mr. and Mrs. ^n"for"the' danw May

AVENEL — The new com-*tfhitlon for the ConijegaUonSons of Jacob was unani-mously accepted after thethird ind final readirj at a

held Thursday at theJewish Community

Brown I*1 Troop 78At Valentine Party

AVKNKL A Valentino

Mrs. the Uncoln Day DinnerOak Hills Manor. Metuehen.

areTickets are available for

members and guests of theColonia Village Civic Ajuocia-

y. . recording secretary; Mrs. Or- tiict r.ommitteeman.-Mr'.andMrs Wallace Do-j tamlo C o p p o l B .treasurer, and Walter Wllk find

John Radin. Mr and Mrs.Mrs.'Philip. Prasser. Mr. and Mrs.!nhin I h»li if " - " " [wnao uoppoia. treasurer; ana waiter WHK nnn Mrs. n m m r n u m . ™i. »>»• """• j | au ^'rf u e n t e r - i Jomes Mulhuan. sergeant-at- James MulliRan weie wel- Morris Greenfield. Mr. and Q r o v W p d

S T ? ™±°™ °J. M.rS- .P - «™. ' corned «s new members. | MrS; Norman Bresee. Miss « £ «Richard Homan. i Mr. and Mrs.

U n d in honor of Mrs. Do-:phin's birthday Guests were


«t the Knights of Columbuswffl be

Kay and

... so! Fish-'irvinNaddl..•.,i':ii!i B o y d -

at a larewell luncheon at 8al- Joseph Kasierowski a n _Highland daughters, Gail and Karen! c ient-



Park, Saturday. Attending i Tom's River; Mr and MrfitWre Mrs. John Shelly, Mrs.: Harold Plerson. Winfield Pat fc.dene Johnson, Mr*. William John Martin, RoselleMonroe. M#. Helen Petrokta, | —Susan Torgerson, daush-

.Her , " I Fords: Mrs. Jack MoOrail,V M ; Jo i F D r d * : M r s J ( M * Mo0""!, tw of Mr. and Mrs. WMIace1(1 ..... !Mrs. Robert Barnhardi. Mrs. Tomerson. Hudson Street, wu

M:' . I : a


Mrs.Mrs.!(ind |

T h o m M H 0 l t ' M r R l M e d at a party on her sixthyThom«. Mrs. Jack Orirnes. birthday. Present were Lisa

. | Mr* Larry "Weacott, Mrs. John , and E*H Wells. New Mllf ord.

. i Meade. Mrs. John Ewirw. Mrs. | Vicki Poti. Lynn CoUci-io.1 Gilbert Bates. Mr». Don Wiley.' James Caffery, Jr.. FrederickMrs. Nell Sullivan Taylor. Melsnle and JauU-e

enrsa*. was presented1

I —Happy birthday wishes to; Torgersen. The MUsw Well*, Mrs. Henry Fileppelll. Theo- were weekend iruestis.

. Kenneth Owen ' —An early party to celc-dore

Mv.nd utiu Mr.,. Mrs Na-:;. and thetjv Mr and.leselsohn's

,n-d ,:t then stiolom,

' " "I' * L ' SchaeMer I Street, was attended by Mary,"'" . L r 5 -Carmen Mtelii, son ol Mr j Jane Barnes and James andj w o r K

' tinneer' a n d M r * X^^rt Mlrlli. Jef-' Prances Looby. James wil?<m ' lerwn Strm. w u honored at! leave for ftvc Cathedral of 8t

Ruswll. Donald Iglay. Debra brate the seventh birthday ofLynn. Steven Jaher, Edward; William Looby, son of Mr. andHalusuka, Robert and Linda;Mrs. Joseph Looby. Wall

to Mrs. James HoppleT, com-mitteewoman. and a bouton-nlere to Henry Kennedy, com-,mitteeman. j

A donation was made to the;American Red Cross, and anadvertisement purchased inthe Lions Club journal book.

Mrs. Mahon, chairman, re-ported on plans for the springdance April 26 at Ironworkers'Hall, Perth Amboy. Ticketswill go on sale this week. '

Mrs. Svoboda, chairman,reported on the card partyheld January 24, and thankedher committee.

Joseph Godby. president of

A buffet super, under the Adelaide D.Mrs Albrecht. Georse Keller. Mrs.

The dark-horse I> Lisle and Misswas won by Mr O'Con-1 Burteletti.

—ConavatuldttoR to '

MnO hls w h e s t r a T l c k e t e

. and

Anthony Seybuck. FTJ 8-OO70,u any member of the com-mittee.

house-to-hoiise canvass

Election SetBy Auxiliary

JflrneS Taoer. Dogwood•

Onter.The RynaKonue will now be

sdminldtrated under the con-gregation svRtem as recom-mended by the United 8yn«-

of AmericnEl«ctions of new officers

under the new constitutionwill be held March 13, atwhich time nominations fromthe floor will be acceptedalon™ with the slate as pre-sented by the nominatingcommittee appointed by Na-than Temkin. *ctmg presi-dent. CompriRtng the commit-tee are Edward Stern, MrsManny Twnkin, Lester Jacobs,

party for Brownie Troop I f * 'v ie held at the home of MriPrank Bla.%h. 133 DemoreitAvenue. astistaBt leader. ' .

Valentines were exchange* j , "d dancing was enjoyed. t, :'<'i.It was announced that Mlsff j

Jnann Appleby hw sold mori{h 0 f ki


j a family dinner.I -Carol Sideris.' "tii hf-r sister Helene.| freshman, of Devon Road,

Martin roth won listing on the Upper

day weather permltttof. Pro-junior. e e e ( l g ^ n ^ u s e d , o r kiddie.

•ex County's three-point pro-gram of education, research

Goodman, program chairman.| Pohool' honor roll for thepresented Dr. fanford Paul first semester at Vail-Deanewhoce topic was "What Is School. It was announced byLife?" at the recent meeting Mills Margaret 8. Cummmgs.of the Avenel-Colonla Jewish headmistress of the achool.War Veterans Auxiliary held! _Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ca-at the Avenel Jewish Com- rupo. Dogwood Lane, an-

j the Lions Club, spoke on thedone by his

for Avenel and Coloniaimnn w a s

a party on his tenth birthday, i John, the Divine, where he is'• Guectt *ere Mr. and Mrs ( enrolled in the Choir School.

; to Mr C g r m e n -j-oiuolla and chil-' —On his tenth birthday," l ; " d l ^"Idren . John. Nicholas. Michaeli George Ramsey, son of Mi-M. ,wdMrs!

t n ( 1Jefferson ^^

' : :(>lr ' ) e d ' belhk

sayrevllle; Mrs. and Mrs Daniel Ramsey. Ford

week j n ( j (

I.n-bcrnun. j j nand Mrs. a n c l

Atlantrt M r s


Marie Caprggro. Eliza-1 Avenue, was host at a dinnerMrs. Connie Tonzolla ; at Howard Johnson's Restau-

diiivliter. Anne. Mr and rant and the movie* to JamesDomtnlck Nunez. Mr.'. Kftflowskl. John Crrvanac,rs. Harry Midi*. Mr and Rudolph Wirte. Theodore VanJoseph Savaca and Aulen. Andrew Cldrone and

her fifth daughter. Camille. Mr. and i Timothy Hadtow.:iv Friday Thomas Gftiocchl and sons. | —Mr. and Mrs. Beymour A.

Raymond Thomas and Ricky. Mrs. Mary Kaston Laurelton. L. I. fetedI'sael. Mrs,

da am•v Un«?1"-, Prwkrick Pmrrott. Andrem-; p«rtyH'-nty and Berezney. Arthur Haluwka.! ^

H03 II- and Jeanne Anthony and Richard n « | |

." ' • i iweis- i M W h Jr. "astor lells: N<irdi;i __« r t n ( i j | r s . Robert

.jicider ""^ ' MUrprtf, Mason Street, #din«l? bcit and l n N e w Yatt Ctty and attend-

!ed the theater with Dr andiiv ill. son Mrs O e m d Quigiey. Hamil-

Arthur I.! end -Hton. Ont.

residents will be conducted bythe Lions Club at the Avenel-Colonia First Aid SquadBuilding. April 2, 3 and 4.

Mr. Nelson announced thechairmen of standing com-

Avenel libraryGets Donation

munity Center munce the birth of a daugh-Mrs. Henry Sukoff, presi- ter. Victoria Louise, at Moun-

dent. presided at nominations tainside Hospital,for new officers for the! _ A successful talent salecoming year. Additional nomi-1 was held, for members andnations and the election will j guests of the Auxiliary oftake place at, tlje March Colonia Post 248 Americanmeeting. All members are Legion at the Tiome of Mrsurged to attend. i Jack VUlee, South Hin Road.

Mrs. M u r r a y Friedman. Proceeds will be uaed for themembership chairman, an- j rehabilitation program,nounced final plans for the —Mrs. John Oregorcik,paid-up membership dinner Doswood Lane, is recuperat-to be held jointly with the; ing at home from recentpost on February 22 atlnmani.ciirsery at St. Michael's Hos-Avenue School 17, which will' pital. Newark.feature a fashion show with —Mrs. Theodore S. Chos-both men and women partlci- n p y Guernsey Lane, was apsting as modete. A spaghetti p,"egt o f M i s s M a h e l , P a t t o n i

AVENEL — A meeting of; dinner will be served. ThereMr» Gtonlano ami daughter. Mary-i Mr and Mrs. Seymour R. Rus-' the board of trustees of the j will be a nominal charee for""• lin Newark; William and [sell. AtlanUc Street, at a Avenel Public Ubrary Asso-jron-membera which will be•»,-. _ .*._, L •__ . i • _ . ! ... rlatinn with Mrs Hftniel Lew : deducted from their dues

Sermon Topic

Newark, at a cocktail partyhonoring Miss Leola Rummer,

iCarmel, Calif., who just completed a four month's worldcruise.

—Gail Housman, 2 Bram-, Seymour Mermelstein. u\\ Court, was hostess at a

Ward Second District Demo- ^ hospital chairman, announced j Valentine party to Linda' ciatlc and Civic Club for t h e i a bingo party to be held at!Mason, Leslie Sliker. Con-buildinc fund. I Lion's Hospital is scheduled j stance Hanna, Cheryl Bistak

nresidiiiK. was held in the new when they join the organic-library A donatwn of $10.00' tions.was received from the Third j

Arvid WinquL'U, trustee and j «or j u n e 1 g Nancy Staceyk. Paula Vanukbuilder, reported the new M r s Charles G o l d b e r g . Dorothj" Mack', B a r b a r

A V E 1 ? L " R * vm

D r C h ^ library building is nearing, d o n o r ' chairman; announced

***?"?!*lU/7?C\ ill b ',:-.n-.' Street.ii.riav in St. trr of Mr. and Mrs: t !i;: Spon- Vendolla. Ethel Street. *as

Cithcr'.ne feted at a party on her sixth,ind Jo- •, birihday Preaent were B«r- w h l l f R e v

• ? m ^ l i a r y b u d i g g, d o n o r

- f" ***?"?! .* l U /7? C \ « <=o»i»Jetlon and will soon be' a donorUW 0 H h i p ge n . i c f 5 a t the First;

be held atready for public use. ! Stsee Coach Inn, June 8.

movie matinee held, Q u e s t s were Mrs. Mollle

Frank WlndmanTemkin.

and Mr

than 50 boxes of cookies. ,-Those present at the partil

were Mrs. Jacob K o l e n l ;

leader; Mrs. Joseph Shenhetassistant leader; and Mitt*Applrby. Karen Bluh, PegBBredow. Patricia EsmeraldiDiana Kolenz. Lynn JacobTerese Larsen, Ellen O'C«nell. Linda Scott. PttriciShershen. and Anne SI

Jim Brosnan. righthanpitcher of the Chicago Cuwas married on June 23. 195JHte -wife's maiden name^nne Ste*-grt Pitcher.

,nd community xrvice.—The Mothers Club of d

Scout Troop 45 will meetMarch 5 at the home of Mr*.

ohn Solano. North Hill Road.card party will be held after

the business secion.—A tuenage dance will bt

leld Friday from 7:30 to0:30 Pit., at School 17 under

the guidance of the ColoniaYouth Organization.

—Mrs. Mildred Woodruffierson, 427 Wood Avenue,

has announced the engage-ment of her daughter. MissCarole Ann Pjerson. to ErnestRonald Sandonato. son OfMr. and Mrs. Paaniale Sari-1

donato. 614 Middlesex street.Linden.

—The Rahway MemorialHospital announces the birthsof a son to Mr. and Mrs.Frank Prwco. 23 3andalwoodLane, and a daughter to Mr.and Mrs. Anthony Forestano,30 Overbrook Drive.

Calendar of Caning Events(NOTB. Contributions to this column must be ln thisoffice no later than TUESDAY NOON of each week.)


Hank Aaron of the Braves,the National League's MostValuable Player m 1957, ledthe NL in three batting de-partments—runs Ul»i, home!runs (44) and runs batted in(132). li

FHMUARYMembership spaghetti supper, 8:30 P. M.. School 17,

lnman Avenue, Ladles' Auxiliary, Avenel-ColonlaP06t. Jewish War Veterans.

22—Annual ball, Amertcus Chapter 1J7. 0.E5., 9 P. Maaonk Temple. 84 Green Street.

24—Meeting of Whit* Church Guild In Fellowship'Hall,28—General meeting, «lnal Chapter B'nat Brith, 1:30

P. M., School 17. lnman Avenue, Colonia.MARCH

1—Square dance. I .P. M., St. James' School audi-torium. Parents' Auxiliary. Woodbrtdge little

3—White elephant bazaar. 9 A. M.. Community Cen-ter, Iwlln, Sisterhood. Congregation Beth 8hotom.

4—Shorecrest Civic Association, School 17, lnmanAvenue, Colonia. 8:30 P. M.

7—pinner meeting of Woodbridge Township Businessand Professional Woman's Club at Colonia Coun-try Club.

10—Woodbridgc Mothers Club, fathers and guest nightat home of Mrs. Henry Wamer. 702 MountainAvenue, Wmfield.

12—Fashion show.'8 P. M., The Pines. Metuehen, WoOd-brldge Township Education Association.

14 and 15—"Colonia Capers of '58," Barren AvenueSchool, PTO of Schools 2 and 16.

14—Penny sale. 7 to 10 P. M. in portable building ofIselin School 6, Home and School Association.

26— Installation dinner, Sinai Chapter B'nat Bllth,Shackamaxon Country Club, Westfleld.League and Pony League. ' *

Church, speak- Saturday was sucessfnl. The v/einer, Post 160. New Lon-L y i n g W o r l d a p p r e c l a t i a n I

.ind Jo- i birihday Present were H*r- w h l l f R e v R o b e r t Bonhftm. for t h e services of Wood-Havon^bara Sue Engter, Jack Ztm- j h u c k ) K n to d e v e ] o p " W e i b r W g e P n l i c e a t s t r w t c r o s s .

:.»!-. .ifter the merman. Eugene wiiey. juen-1 p^ , . m S p t r l t Enrich Towards t p g s a n d t h e hishway, and:. and Mrs ard Mohr Ross Derevme and; ^ ^ j . . a l 9 : 3 0 A M S u ndav. t h e p r o L e ( . U o n accorded chil-si Vin?ent Richard Wescott. The Westminster Choir will c i r e n ftt t n t m 0 V j e D y m e m .

;•'• Mr and1 -Mrs. Anthony Passinello.: h,ng ..A1] m t n e A p r i l E e v . ^ o f A v e n e i pirP company.!.:i|iiiy and. Wall S u m . »«* nostess at a • ,,.nC]» b y Robertson, at the A n o t h e r movie. selected by

,.:.rt Kati>] baby shower m honor of Mrs. j J.JO h o u r w n l j e t n e Carol A l a n phifer, will be held inuid Mrs.! John SutUvan. Att*ndiW! were : c h w r w l l , ^m ^iWit^s. »r- M 8 T c n . The title and date will

:.. Mi and Mis. John Me»de. Mrs. John r a n u e n i e n l Of "The Lord's My b(. BnnOunced.••KI1: Satur- Ewln;. Mrs Gilbert B«ws. g^pherd" a t the 11 o'clock M r s jvancis W. Smith.!. Murpny-s Mr? James Cam. Mrs. Rich- 5 P r v K ( . Trenton, of the State of New

W,!u;r. J ard Ktromon Mr> Kenneth Donald Mason, music mm- J ( 1 | .w v p^c a n d school

stale recording sec-

I |K I tn NlMi

OR LEASE!Three Brand New


lake Your Pick:-I. tu Stn-H and MouUgue Ave.

ISELINl\.ili>*a\ and W«l^;«"woo<l Avfiiu***

W OODBRIDGEKUOM v«"h AvenufandPekolaTer.

CARTERETtodern 2 Bay Stations


Warner, Barbara Odenborgand Angal Mohoroski.

—A rehearsal for the castof Colonia Capers of 58 will'be held tonight at School, 16auditorium at 1:3(f, and aSpecial rehearsal at the Bar-ren Avenue School. March 6.Tickets are available from allnumhers of the cast or byrilHna Mrs. Howard WhiteFU 8-8263. AH copy for thead-book must be in by Thurs-day.

—The fashion show spon-sored by the WoodbridgeEducation Association will beheld March 12 at The Pines.Metuehen. Proceeds will bedonated to the scholarship

MENLO PARK TERRACE— The Metwood Chanter ofWomen's American ORT will

-«ter announces Mis. H. T. Libraries. Department of Edu- sponsor a Sweetheart DanceSmnh, soprano soloist,'will c a n o n . w l U b e a g u e s t at a Saturday at the VJ.W. Hall..*r.::. "Come Ye Blessed." at s ; j e c m l ^ o f t n , b o a r d; Hopelawn. Featured will be I _T h f_ M e n , s ^ ^ rf ^the wond weeklv Lenten o t t r u s t e ( , s February 13. The'> l e S f l l K l 1™ o f «, ^ f . ^ i N e w Dover Methodist .Churrh. w i t to be held Wednesday.'nrxt m c e t u i g W1n be March'G"fen

uof H ^ r l s -

MwKfniif will pteacn on. j27 4S at which time Dr. i _ O l i u u i a

Chrisfj Offer of Paradise.", Barbara Nichols' finally got,chestra has been.engaged i ° r ; p a r t i c l p a t e

Sing.spirat.on service, 8 P.M.,t!>e role <hes been lookms for the evening. f ' Stke February 28, March 1Sunday .ill feature the re-1 - s h e plays the feminir»c lead, Proceeds wU ^ u f f f ^ . a nd 2 to Jamcsburg. Volun-.-ption of new members into o|.positc Aldo Ray with Cliff the purchase of materials fon ^ nmM ^ Ariw

t »• c-iun-'i us well as ordina-; Robertson and R a y m o n d !!ie 400 ORT schools, locatedind installation of elders Massey ln The Naked and ;n 20 countries on five eon-

- i l l w i l l meet Pebniary 28 in theE f t m « a f : education building.Greenesjca-., t j

i n a

tioii deacons 'elected at .the the Dead." under the direc-.tinents. which make ORT thejt congregational meet-, Uon pf Raoul Walsh.Mrs. Smith will sine.

drive" | members to and lrom camp

—Mrs. MuiTay Friedman.

non-Rovernmental vo-• , I c.itional training organization

Jennifer Jon«' frienis can't, i n ^ world.

at this special Smcspi-i . i t i o n

The nien of the congrega-are reminded thaf on

understand why she wouldtake 20 trunks, for a two weeks'vacation in Jamaica. Thoseclose to her believe she in-tends to return to New Delhi

202 MacFarlane Road, juniorvice-president. Ladies Aux-

Grand OpeningHILLTOP

BEAUTY SALON2 2 1 Rermen Avenue, Avenel (Just 00 Avenel st.i

MRS. MARCELLA ARNY, Proprietress

Permanent $10.00L StULmiHH), Set i n d S

Shampoo amIndividual








Monday. 8 M l a Feilowslup - — , ' 7 ^meeting will be held at t h e i .church, with an address by IBcv. Albm F: Hill, of their1

First Presbyterian Church,,'' Elizabeth. j

The pastors announce those | _wi.shmi to place flowers on;.me altar should sigjn the chart .,:n the front vestibule of t h e . !

tnurcii. Purchasing and ar-ia mjemeiU of flowers will be,Liken care of by Mrs. CharlesMilkr.

White or pastel material isurgently needed by the Cancer'Drcssins Group. Donationsmav be left at the church!office.


Jerry Lewis has had a call,from Val Parne J in Ldndonasking ii he would payanother visit to the Palladi-um. He will try to do it inMarch.


e You Le»ra




OpportunityRight Party!

Call EL 4-27001 A M. »u4 j M L — A * ttr Hf. ilfc*»n*r)


KEftOH 7


Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex!Crralde. Sr.. 462 Butler Street.i.s home on ten days leave!alter completing his ntne-wt*k> Bool Training at GreatLdkes Naval Training Center.III. Seaman Ceralde, who was

1 graduated from S>.. Mary's"High School, class of 1957 will

nturn to Great Lakes fortr»iu>ng as an electronicstechnician.


Enclosed please find $3.50 for one-yearsubscription to:



To be sent to:



" '

i r. M. «n mnm»

DO YOU DESIRE« relaxing SwedishMassage in frt pri-vary ol y«"r homeor office by * profes.-idunul niahseur? Call

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"BOYES"/y ModernRug Cleaning Plant

Free Pick-up andDelivery Service in

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What extra comfort or convenience,

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Whatever it h, we'll welcome

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Carteret Bank and Trust Company


BANKING HOURS:Dully 9 A. M. u> i P. M.Friday 9, A. M. to B-F. M.

Member offederal Reserve

Federal O«poelt

" •* *

Page 12: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed

>.**• *

PAGE 3fl.

Wooflbriiige Oaks Newsimfl

TrBtktnt Iff

<vi.u>v- r

Studmt NursrSupper is HfM



r n ; ) [ i


t ?>" M :%H U k US* trie Mrs

Urt S b • 1 "• Z


<9iarca3 BtufcartF tarr i b

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y.d Mf«. ic*•.•*•• K-nrtrr; Rtfuan Kriwr. infl t>ori*Wood A'.'Trjf O'V" i if.:Uirf WBI&ITIF «;.! i pjw! "5

kTii dfjr•:/•:••• Pa:;.••• Aip^u'nf_ ED; M: tnf Mn _ M . : ar><! 5£:F., C:TT.


to an

SIT WrMra:-:>.

i n pM The*t that youn? people; » • .

13 yearx of agr-to be j y ^ | | nI. At Uw Vtlentl itfj1"1 1 1 1"lti FrWay niKht

r Mr- di'Oi-pn7* winnw* wer« Leona | _v..-..fn» T;m»r Glen Howrtl. P ' ^ ( c h a m - n ,,.; !•* HsydlnAk and Linda Dflle i a ( J b

• nomc-nwde fake, wda an_d

r/ M: »ni3 M n

V.:T o T4( Caeprr Avternf.

of Mrr

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»(-.«*-tr.if w tmr :.hf- MfiOf.i»Tjor, if

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. fc~. Story r«li*d t*!MSTTJT- as

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A.M. wsd


B a n t t iSwa-Aera Afiaoc«tKra hasi-jMl iw*o new Triwrn fenIKM s*9Pb*H mum) B o *iram th? Th«* I

art Urn id j . ML

Mflwsn "w*»o n t i w l , WidWfi.'-r»T. H«-Ba* vi+ns tint b«T.



i» t ;v-r-. innil Ubcr i.u< wti

t Inibrt M-!i« ((•f'lsttr. 4 tt ipn



»!«-< futor tt Van ( t f c f*** • C** Kjurf B»f1; I t EMU KJu i

»• ox:.lfc-Yr. G U U I D M» t I U I I U Tkrov



Jbttllt t)9t




IM—DOnrfl «h«l « t kdM»-

•. Bra «luOltf «l




Wriu lor fartber lnfunBiOoD !<• »bU(iU«a

Wlc Cwtk «fb«tr Ji

Pftricway 1-7020Route 46. I»di


Vll^lt Bl lLDEU. OIC.O BOX 3K WITH 4MBOT, * . #.

«T»TK rnast

VlTf R«Lhrt~ff•Sr-f-ritr M Ov- Rrhodl MisfM*Ti-' l J*TIBIT "Mlw CarolPa-idc rwi Ms »a5 Mr* H.

M~F,Mrj- Risih

Miif- Rofhclk- St.:-•toc I B I MTt J STWMT Mf-*•,!: run MJW Jtaifif Bwi":UT"if.

•Miii.ts-kr: Mu* JjJjf Coifh-

• : I ~ : Uooat7 M; Mr?T Vori-a-j- Visr Albe.-Ji W*;-Vrrt. Mrs. T. "STaJifrf.,brJdpf: MJM Xorwr•aid Mr* It Gflnrj'. lselin.

K*li>e a tM: and Mrs. J


M" - Mr and Mr». Robert M«r- jJJ .^nk o n , , , , Aven?1. h w movad into,fel-lwnrvr- or< oJ th» apartment at 528 j w »«••!•<

Mr(. BuBWl! Srtt snd r!:ff «o«^ ^

r * ^ " M "°- .ndMrV-,lAglon Si •their »,


D Clurk


Day of PrayerPlans Outlined

• v .". . t * •, .T .3C Hi

Th* krmeid tor:*r. vffl di*-ri'bT w'fr.sf scjuipiteni rn li«-:


be a « n«*t jrarber or, p.^.

Dotina ].-.

a'.ppwnteirr Mr' ^ ^ ^ e 7 2 r t ! ^ j ^ A'';;rvfcM,. ol World Day ofj™'11'*1 .»•avo *:1] be obHTved to-i


im RenterFor Auditions

Thursday. Pehnwnr 5tLeEWai litany «emw «1 Si

'Join's »t 1:». ftrr, ao*acnis t w rwoar of 1*» J^IWK^tkaliku church n "WEl rtJiiry

OwiaM Moran. sw. of Mr«:id Mrs, Raymond M0.1t



—Mr KSA ll!?Arbor MK*.

tb* ^srth of ih«'• MR


Vr and M:-K L F

Usif-nko So-jlt R:r«.Jokr. Dosahrf. Mi» Son-

M:-f A Gar*>w

i.OW frwt

pan- M>KS PhT-llu Wfelkpr andi Mt< H W alt FT . J^irfpluitli:'Mi« Varjorit OBsrs. Al-"i lantjc Cnr and Mrs Dorothy

Church, under!_ . . - . .... d:miion of Mrs.

3 ATWIUC. re>bi'itrt r^ .iflrn-jvon »nd J;ponl»r^d by nu*. *ho .Sunil»T »'.vh * uv l'r.:t*d Church Women, birthday v,

ii his. hca». Guw-i! ;n- .,« .^f N a t i o n a l Counril.i —Cont:..* ,«„ fci* r » troihfrs c v u r r h P i of Christ. The pur- j«W Cam;.!

Soon. juraawJ Bad GfoHrer and i w t n« j^*. day U to unit* llliAvenup. -A.lamt *nd Enr. V:i- c'r^tians in a bond of pr»yw family di: • •

xr,i Yi'1****'H G;!Kit p,,^ j f l make Mi offering forttjrat* hn •..rrm-jmrf 3» ra i!» _..% sw vas- born Friday ID- cf-i:;c;,an missions »t hofif i —Thr (

jty Hosp:iai Asu A:- y.r 4 a d Mr?. P i a ' T Par>'-Df srfl a c : o « d . This year's I Sunjical Ii- cs^'*; if ihf larnvw gjj Wesi ATCEU*, *' Pc:'h ...(— - •j«->-- ™^««J «» ' •'• "

o5 M: 4ns*irT Gfufra: Hospii*' ^j,Crfciif T.*rf FVbruajr mw-lir-E of ^t

Mr Sro" ?f- ;;- Sf*krtr, Hottf aad Sc.^osi v / ,. . „ . — _ t,,,^. ,-.if nmjir*' dfcrw frooi ^rrif »*j; br bf'd nrxl Tuts- s

r.e'J an suore*ai* .-..; iB.-v^sityifcif June I^T *• i PM- f. 1J« srhool. -bwraiun* MartisJS y npv>T.!onn«! Se- B^t« ii .' UIMT. dbnf ^o: ol t :.

*ad *T-Q,nr Max J. SJfcoii H ^ 2 . f / 'Or., - ^ ^ vgo? w , , r f , v ^ ^ Cf-fbra] PalfJ' ','F-Jw-jk.educauona. airerar bT M ^ M & r m i ^ f jtolt. heU Cer.u: ra Prrth Aajbor 13'•'• ^If'2'1"13 J E a o a o ^ * ' n'i»^jor, Know :r. -jf Palish F^** *«5 shoit wHored iiides

'r"TnT?-, ' ^ f ^ ' I ? C - " ^ Hoa2* '*-M T"m 'n ' f ' r : r l f °-' Vaf ™* °' l h f w"211*! if»V":he cast of promoUonjWfv;t*!i<- TP8T —-— -'— . . . . _ _ n c fSn-ij . .uii n a i c

! part-. <f. \ht. . . Bread of life.",Tuesday •

n developed by a Rroup of Mrs ?.;Australia Each I both Av.;.

progrmm •COTBPP from' --Conicnt country. j Miller. R;

T » offering is allocated for : wlebraicti

rk through Uw Divisions of \Fortlsn Missions.! Lucil!» '.

•:1 of

Communicants ClouTo

ixf ia Th? toud ; ^ ;

AYEKtX — K a Baitwratmnounces Uifct the

CiiM ol Usev- Dwnr. «1U

1 resume meetioe11:34 AM for sixweekly r-wiienogs Y o u n g

andM] Coffl-Classes las:


T«5 K4 ^orffiDE » Mr» S l ^ ' i h f cr^rlh are invited.' vle». On-,,

of p;ar»o. — T : j t Cul &:I)-'' W ^ ^ ^ . ^ t-jirman " ^ " " taMrinj !).•TD:-* and Histmt* • TTOt«> CfM™-1^ n r ; IEK _!^. ." , .v j a J P J ^ T M f - - M&:c Guley. Syracuse Uni-! rheti sheT - 3 bf annauncw! at Tu««i»J' »*> Uj*r ^ . / " ^ ^ oii--*'*-. tar Sem^n' Schoo! \en-cy baiietoan coach, will surai^ht ••

a lat*r da:* iosept: M*di;fU.. C^-i fta»c f ^ 'w^gfi. •*;:. ;»ke pia<f- I-J'.« t-»' Orange golf team wllh » ;:.up wiili i

Tr.e Senior High Prilocihiplia- erii-jseo TTic Boyhood midBaptism (rf JeaB." u iistJ»eme fw Sunday night smertirig. 7 P.M.

J-riir. Lame an. Ife runout.'.v fanny isocter fonrird. was,• W K L m«tnt>q- of the GrtawrBOMW. Iijlerscholartic All SUJ•itain -anile at Belmont Mas-'i,-ij»tti«. Hijifc Sc-hoaJ.

Anne Hull.and Ernest JUrrij of TewhertCofierr CS V M S J Harsar.r. cfioa University Mr. a=d Mrs.'Richard M c C J a n a h a n ofRiverdal* School: Tsara Mil-suW of the Amagansett Schoolo« Muac snd Leon Carson,

of the A w r i a nT « c h « f of S^i--

M r s


in tb* yxse an iai«r«le *1B be judged by XXr r x * r WtaMniim. eonduc-

'tw: Boae Ran^ori. fanner•cp«« soirsr.o iad t*»eljer;

OoMsajid. «TKen pi-and Thomas

of * e] ciMstr. Society.I The sat-tions «-.:J::. EX prad« Iromttory to senior and yerj1 li-t trade S-JW«SS!U! EiJiU r. *Jbf latter frmde wJ!

<Q0ved into Ihe ri?»awnaaen-t rtuct Mrs H D

CTUff Raa* mmr

f l w n Tampa.


Ssiurdsy M



71 .


your week

at our big

xafter > five-day


hare the_T ?rar,d-', dsothter. CS Tf-ty Ann

•• Christensen'sFriendly Store"


We're Booming Out a "BARRAGE"


"Revolutionary Low Prices

, dsothter. CS Tfty Ann RarRe-jtber :s cent*: of W« kai. *t * fmest for 30 days

la!»r dispiie !'s parents Mr. and



1ST PLACEIn the MediumPrice Class!



huudnful tkar p|Wf ytaoc» »J«b

mm nm re 2ytk.iooNew Percale Prints ^ * 3 yfc. 1 -00failles & Gabardines *?»u 2 yis. 1 •<*>Woven Checker Plaids 2 y k 1 -ooEverglaze Ctuntz » v 2 f f i i 1 - o o4S1 teetate Taffeta ^ * 2 yis. 1 o o45* KROBARK . . ^ 2 y f c . 1Printed Barkcloth ^ - 2 fix 1Caituui Hand Towels »~ 3 l i f 1 - o oWASH CLOTHS - 6 1 * 1 - 0 0Cami Ifefe Tunis ^ * 4 l i f 1 o oPlastic Table Cfcfa T T 1-OOea.Chelae Bedsireads ^ 2 - 0 0 ea.Ufe «r r » CwUint ^ 1 - 0 b e « .Assorted Valances "%.u 2 f o r 1 o oMidget Curtains wxsr 1 o o


a t your IQCEPI aurt»ori»ojd

OLDSMOBILESpecial Buys 0B Us«d Cart, T»!

CM* to m

MW9 OUKT Cnadvcrtised

Sale Starts Itarsday 3 A. M.


475 Rahway Aye. Phom ME 44100 Woodbridce. N. J.M«ia Slrtct,

Men's JACKETS 11 IAA — S|H'iial \ ulurs I

A^^orlelI M\lt's & Colors |

Men's SHIRTS .99Lot of Quality

Sport. Flannel & Dr«**w

Men's Flannel SHIRTS2 for 5-001 Lot Only-

Rep. Sl .00 Values

Men's Trousers O.991 U t Only -

Valuer to $5.*>r»

Men's SOCKSStretth and Soft (x>lton

Regular $1.00 Pair 3 pair 2.00

Interwoven SOCKSIrregular*in Solid 39'


Men's NeckwiarValues to $1.50 2 for 1.25


rrowt»:JI A. M.

• r. M.• r. M.

We* AU Di ,


,,,,, /

• - <^..*idmb

Page 13: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed

Nil THtJRflbAY, 20, 1950


* < < • '

„, ilh:ii«"i.v.1 II H-l«79


\ A W mi. \ Ins ri n r , l t u > r having

"',. ,1 paiii'ni. n tCo-


, ,l viis. A. Thomas|Ml , ,m , Douglas., . in ]1 | . , .spent the

', piineess Anne,Hiev visited Mr.

•1.,ii,ei: nnd sister-,mil Mrs. Mmer

.,.;,i,-i Karen, was.',ml Mrs. Richard

'n |.,.|-:.iiins Avenue,Meinnrlal Hospl-1,1 ,, the urand-\l and Mrs.

M.ri.ny. 87 Mid-.

,i iiifiint baptisms!,',.,,,'d :\t First Pres-ji!,iirii, I.sdln, by,;,1 I! RlbblC. Chil-,,! •o.i-rc ,lnmes Pit-Li Mr. and Mrs.

Tliomns P i t m a n ; LyndaSusan Bates, daughter of Mr.and Mr.s. Richard S. Bates;Richard Undqulst, son of Mr,and Mrs, John UndquUt; EricSteven David, soh ol Mr. andMrs. Harry David; BarbaraLynn, Carolyn Ann, PatriciaJay and Albert Carl Wohlert,children of Mr, and Mrs. Al-tteft Wthlert.

'linnor in New York City.Kathleen nnd William

Klulih, children of Mr. andMrs. R a y m o n d Asqulth,Snyrnvillf. were guests Sat-urday of their, maternalmandparents. Mr. and Mrs.Edward Onllnsher, ElmhurstAvenue,

—Mr. and Mrs. Harry L.Hubbs, Mllltown. was a week-end (most of son-in-law anddaiiRhtor. Mr. and Mr* JamesO'Rourke, 149 Auth Avenue.

—The Blue and Gold Din-ner of Cub Pack 148, which

| NeWS from |

I Hollywood |It will oi- Jack Carson

playing Me older brother ofPaul Newman In "Cat on aHot Tin Roof" with ElizabethTaylor.


Mnsortet was Installed na lu-st do sentinel, and Mrs. .loMphKuslman an warden at amcetinB of Perpetual LightCouncil, Daughters of Amerl-ra. held In V.F.W. Hall. Mis.Mahlnn Parsons, Colonln, amember of Stdr of RunyonCouncil, was a sucst.


Rrmnno Brazil's price wastoo high for "The Blessing"

and Joan, Newark, havemoved tg-their new home at81 Hofofca Park Avenue. Thefamily formerly lived at 8o-nora Avenue before movinKto Newark.

—The Woman's club ofJ-'ClIn win meet March 5,1:30P.M. at the Iselln Free PublicLibrary, Middlesex Avenue.The meeting, scheduled foryesterday, wn* cancelled onaccount of the inclementweather,

—Mr. and Mrs. JeromeCornell. 152 Middlesex Ave-nnt, Mr. and Mrs. MortimerSunshine. Irvlnnton, attendeda theater performance and

School lft, orlKinally sched-uled for last Sunday at the


Top lint Restaurant" Edison ! S n p h i f l Lor e n ' s Studio1 screens her aunbaths rigidly.Too much ^un last summermade her too dark on thescreen.

was cancelled due to in-'clement weather. The new)date will be announced Ishortly. Members are taking!orders for Easter candy.

—School 15 P.T.A. meetingscheduled for Monday, wuscancelled on account of the'inclement weather, and will jbe held March 3, 8 P.M. atthe .school.

—Five members of theWomen's Christian Mission-ary Council of Iselin Assem-bly of God Church attended

I a dinner sponsored by theWomen's Christian Mtsslon-


Club of, Iselin sponsored acard party at the home ofMrs. John Cwlekalo, 1429 OnkTree Road. Winners were Mrs.Berthn Hatma, Mrs. WilliamDhhsell, Mrs*. Margaret El-liott, and Mrs. ChftMes dares.

iMrs. Cwlekalo won the speciali ward.

Oree Oarson has a new;Texas oil field named for her.1,

!>ry Council of New Jersey atFourth' Presbyterian Church,Tn-nton, Saturday. Theywere Mrs. George Maxwelland daughter. Miss KathleenMaxwell, Mr.s. Robert K.Steward, Mrs. Richard Work-man, nnd Mr.s. Henry Pur-nell.

H. S. Highlights(From Editorial Page)

' wrtght, Elaine Wisenfeld,| Carol Zlonce and Arista Zuker-burs complete the member-

ver cup in the final debate ofrue filth annual Hall of FameInter-scholastic D e b a t i n gTournament held on Satur-day. February 19, 1958, atN.Y.U.

They were one of the six-teen four-member teams se-lected aa survivors of the pre-liminary rounds held on Sat-ii'day, Febmary 1. The otherschools were: Cardinal HayesHigh School; the Bronx; Do-minican Commercial HighSchool, Jamaica, Queens;Pordtaipi Preparatory School,the Bnmx* Hackley School,TarrytoWitf N. Y.; LaSalleAcademy*Manhattan; MaryL o u i s e Academy, Jamacia.Queens; Mount St. MichaelAcademy, the Bronx; NewHartford Central High 8chool,N. Y.; Passalc High School,N. J.; Red Bank CatholicHigh School. N. J.; SacredHeart Academy, Hempstead,N. Y.; St. Dominic Academy,

nJtsistant prbtemor speech atNYU'd University College ofArts and Sriflnce and directorof the tournament, the pur-po«f of the competition is "toPncourage high school stu-

Capitot DomeiFrom Editorial Page)

during the period of the fnirfrom April IT to October 19.The flags will be rotated so

The New Jerseyhas expressed rh'Pp reRiet Atthe reteiit death of Mayor 9Ol ,Needles, Jr.. of Cape MajKCity. . . investment funds otthe Stale of New .lersev held

dents to think seriously about that approximately every third $«88,381,050 par value ofthe vital Issues of our day." day the flag of one State will \ curlties ns of January 31 . .

The final rounds wire held j be moved into the wnter post- '•Motor vehicle license n«encle».n the Gould 8tudent Center lion of honor. i inspection stBtions. nnd driv-

the University Heightscampus in the Bronx. The

Jersey City, N. J.; St. John'sPreparatory School, Brook-Kn; St. Mary's High 8chool

ship, Perth Amboy; antl SavltrCompete for Cup High School, Manhattan.

Pat Leary, R a y m o n d i The debate topic was: "Re-Rheinhart, Bl?nd^ Wilson, solved: That United States

! and Alan Zlefijef of the W(ood- foreign aid should be'sub'! bvldse High School Forensic stantlally increased." Accord-'Society competed for the sil-1 m^ to Dr. Raymond S. Beard,



It's the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing buti IK TRUTH . . . the best bargains anywhete are atour Washington's Birthday Sale! By George, whatbuys Ami what a selection! Honest, it's the greatest!UVve chopped down prices all over town. Result:liilmloin values for your family, your home! Hurrym early!

ONE DAY ONLY-Saturday, Feb. 22nd.

FREE PARKING ALL OVER TOWN!Parking Meters Will NoUBe in Use

Because of Legal Holiday.

SHOE SALE!I il clearance on hundredspair-, of footweat ati tiiiillv reduced prices!







ONNikr (iiiii

linitnl St




lies Army Tanks



's Dress Slacks

s to $».% 2 " ^


m & PEPPER SHAKER SEISI|»M led cut ^lass withi luii; Mlvt'r tups!

i I nix- U P Sold Out—Uurryi " *>•'*



SCHOOL KEYS & PINS^'•'iilliriiijjc and C'arteret!n i^ Keys for boys,I'111'- ">i Kirls. Si value!



SWEATERS fi.00( R e g i r i a r 10.9S to l(i.i)K) ^


Revlon LIPSTICK(Regular $1.35) 7QC





2-Bar Tricot Panties

5 for 1 O°MAE - MOON

, (Limit 5

Pairs Only)





1 " I "I I) AND DRIP DRY COTTONSs"lui-. .uid Prints—Reg. 98c Yd.) Yd.

" l h l l l | l l > Et'ROI'EAN WHITi; GOOHE C•»»h"»'i I'llluws—Jumbw Sift. 23"x29" °

11 v U iiAi:<ii; PLASTIC SHOWER SETS O.951 '""I'li-lf Set—K(,. t0 5.98 , *<

Borden's Surprise CenterH4 MAIN STMCET

Taint Holler and Tray i

<\\Vi I'lastic Drop ClnUi '

Full She Household Broom ,

I'Mri-ad.v Ili»slili(!lit ami )

Your Choice

88<•i Kattcririi

Woodbridge Hardware74 MAIV STItlKT

Carton of Flash Bulbs12 Number 5's w i l h

Regular $1.68 M . 99(


Broil King Food SlicerModel 170—All Chrome 4 ^ Q QUvular $19,115! | \J

General Appliances(ili MAIN STREET


2-50RQN-LEN Decorators

Custom-made, Foam RubberWith Zipper. Regular 4.95


, GIRL'S Wool CoatsV a l " « s to $18.95,

)!!""• l l t tv«- fur collars! >v95I'vcn Only—llurryl) W


Corduroy PANTSIvy League—Reg. $6.98Men's and boys'—all slies 2-98


Genuine Chino Slacks(Reg. 3.05 Value)

Priced Far Below Cost! 1TERRY SHOPS




At 10 30'A. M. on Wednes-!lri(t examination renters Inday. May 7, the flag of New

ournanwht takes its namefrom thr 11*11 of J*ame forOreat Americans, which Is pianadc. Participating in thelocated on the campus.

At this drtate, Woodbrldgepceived B Hall of Fame de-

bating plaque. Resell tR as tothe final wlhners will be an-munced «t a later date.

Jersey will be raised In thei position of honor on the

cercitiony will ba the UnitedStat*« Commtesiunrr GriKval,Governor and Mrs. MeyneT,

officials affiliatedState Department

Interestedwith theand the Fair, the New Jersey

Don't forget the Snowball pavilion OuHea and any

Ng* Jersey will be closed onWashington's Birthday. . . .The most troublesome probleA ,A


Dance which will be held Inthe high school gym tomor-row night at i;00 P.M. Boththe morning and afternoonsessions are Invited to attend.At this dance, a king andqueen to reign over Wood-bridge High School will becrowned by Sharon Martin,

groups from New Jersey at-tending the Fair who maketheir presence known. Follow-ing the flag raising there willbe an official tour of thepavilion for the entire group.

Governor Meyner has Issueda proclamation designatingMay 7 as New Jersey Day at

ot New Jersey municipalcourts is the scofflaw. clalrtlU;*1

Edward B. McCormell, Admin*/,lstrative Director of the courts. *. . . Republican State Chair-man Samuel L. Bodlne h»»called upon the Legislature(or immediate nctlon In the •field of law enforcement toprotect Now Jersey from or--ganlaed nncl syndicated crlme\. . . The State EmploymentSecurity Council recommend* •that unemployment payment*'be Increased from $35 to $85':

editor-in-chief of the All-Hi t h e 6 r u w l s W a . w . g P e ) r i l nMews which sponsors thisaffair annually.

Also keep ln mind theJunior Review which will begiven by the class of 1959 onFebruwy 28 at 8: IS In thehigh school auditorium. Tic-kets may be purchased fromnny member of the juniorclass at the price of eighty-five cents a ticket. The pro-gram will be under the direc-tion of Mr. Thomas Bates, am e m b e r of the morningfaculty,

his proclamation the Governor

weekly. New Jersey con-tinues to lead the nation inthe percentage of farmh hav-ing electric service.

LelterB to theEditor

urged New Jersey citizens CAPITOL CAPERS:—A broth- )er's keeper law to curtail drivtmg offenses would produce ;too many hawkshaws. awe** •nor Meyner believes. . . . On. t,Saint Valentine's Day healthy. >heart* normally beat fast. but.a fast heart at any time doesnot necessarily indicate dls-case, claims the Medical So-ciety of New Jersey. , . . 'Areyou abusing your coffre breakprivilege," asks a sign in the3tate House , cafeteria."'The State Senate is some-,what guilty of not being able;to interpret the election re-1

suits," claims Governor Mey-;

ner. • i

abroad, who are in a positionto do so, should visit the fairon that day and take part .inthe special ceremonies.

PEDKSTRIANR: — Highwaysand streets of modern NewJersev are more dangerous to-day than when they were meretrails through the woods withurking Indians and outlaws

ady to attack the unsuspect-ing wayfarer.

As a result, pedestrians

'From Editorialthe license application whichI have returned for fear ofIOKIHK my citizenship, that toobtain this license I must in-'elude a stamped, self-ad-'dressed envelope. To Hell Isay! What do I get for my twodollars anyway? I have-neverseen a dog catcher or spokento anyone who has seen onein all of Colonta. Dogs runwild up here in packs aod putear Into the bravest of our•itizens. Yet the Departmentof health can't address one ofheir own envelopes and put a

stamp on It. You can push meiiroural a little, but don't kickme while I'm down.

I would like to suggest thatin 1959 the Department ofHealth use somewhat lessauthoritative tactics, A shortniem« reminding (Jog ownersthat fees are due would be justas effective. For those who dnot comply, the departmen.can'. ...then, ,j*Y«rt ,to their"police stale" tactics and hav'these law breakers Imprisonefor the legal period of time,might also add, that while wdog owners are paying our"pound of flesh," you mighthink of cat owners. They alscrun wUd, are diseased, ancause damage. I'm sure thDepartment of Health coulcollect enough fees from themto buy the typewriters, envelopes and stamps, and hlr<

couple of part-time typist;o release the rest of us fronlending in stamped, self-adressed envelopes.

Sincerely,WILLIAM J. DAV

111 soon b|e told emphaticallyliat "It's True When It's You"

et Over the fact that theyever think of traffic safetyntil after an accident.Automobiles killed 265

seople in New Jersey during957. This toll Contrasted withotals of 285 irt both 1958 and.955. These deaths show clear-

that protection <jf pedes-,rlans remains one of thesreatest traffic problems con-wonting most communities ln;he State particularly in thearger urban areas

The safety campaign beingplanned Is based ^n the factthat in almost nil pedistrianaccidents, one. or more trafficaws are broken by tht driver

pr person on foot or both.JERSEY JIGSAW:-New Jer-sey has a 21 per cent Increasein traffic deaths already thisyear compared with the sameperiod in 1957 despite effortsat stricter law enforcement.

, Thirteen New Jerseycounties are now rated as of-ficially brucellosis-free areaswith Cumberland County themost recent addition to thelist. . . . Orders for tree seed-lings should be placed as soonas possible with the State De-partment of Conservation andEconomic Development beforethe supply of osme species isexhausted. . . . Special one-session outboard motor coursessponsored by the State andinstructed by members of theU. 8. Coast Guard Auxiliarywill continue through May.. . . The New Jersey BlueCross Hospital Service- Plaiand Blue Shield Medical-Surgical Plan are seeking a 28.9per cent Increase in rates fronthe State Department ofBanking and Insurance. . . .



Prices Chopped LOWER THAN EVER BEFORESuburban Coats and Jackets


Boys' Men'sJUST 16! JUST 18!Sizest 6 to 20 Sizes 36 to 44

4" 4.99

JUST !>!





to 2.98 99cLADIES'

BRAS 99cValues to 2.50

Men's Dress


42 I 18


Pillow Cases


CHOPER'S I81 Main Street, Woodbridge - 1357 Oak Tree Road, Iselin'

Page 14: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed


You can hope all you>v»ntto that the oi'Kt and dlsewMv; 1 pass you by. But tfhWHyou're vi'.Jing/x* spriv. VfciWsure to be dlt-a HX)Urt*d..

I irsl Spray D M -It may surprise you to

know that itY not U» etrryfor the first spray of the sea-son and may BOOH be too lttt.Peaches and nectarin** peed aspray now while trees' iredormant to prevent •disease known as leaf .and apple trees must hrve aspray at »the dormant leaaonto kill aphlds.

'Dormant1 and "delayeddormaint" are common tertnf•around fruit farms. Tb* dormant season ends when budbegin to swell and show anysign of green at the Up,

As you can see. the fruitseasons depend on the "weath-er. A warm spell can bring thedormant season to an end.

Peaches and nectarines inthe home orchard need nofewer than nine thorough.sprays to insure pe»t-(»«fruit. Apples end pears needrlRht and cherries and plum*;six.

Sprar CalendarJust out, in tune for' the

new season. Is a Rutgers cir-cular called "Pest fJdntrolRecommendations for HomeOrchards." Written by an en-tomologist, Dr. Leland O. Mer-rill, and a plant pathologist;Dr. Spencer H. Davis, Jr., Jtgives the short and to-the-point directions a backyardorchardist needs to keep outof trouble.

By the way, don't let thin"plant disease" term- seareyou, Your peach tree cantpass its leaf cuj'l or brown rotalong to you any more th*nyou can give it yoiJJthroat. I mention this becaonce in a while someone 4§toif these plant diseases -are"witching."

You ciiii get a copy of the,new circular from your 'itty piieultural agent:wiilinj to GardenCollie uf Agriculture, , c ,University, New BruAawlftk,"N.M. It's free. Just. Jepd ,»card and "Spray Calendar H"with jour name and address.

You'll get it in Ujne ii ttujrtin; spray you need so you'll Vtready. " • • ' ? .•

Betsy Drake, In Londonwhile Cary Grant is making apicture, says he'll remainwhile she makes one overhere.

...tell youwho teachesanythingYou'll find in*m*tiomin: darwing • bowling^music • public ipaakjtyf/nutomobib driving--'schools, in fact,



, y , y can depe o ol planning easier. See for yourself whatd f d ll F d F i ' l

of 'h'"J

wo; in .:

C'i i i.

mi miit'i

into ,m

"M jokrs ftbOUt the

"- 't1 ' ' vr>u can't re-tiif inst t ime you Wtr*p;>l" or pe«ch and

cani>' tii>"ti iomi- sort Of wild*lit' in.-:!-' E.sjx-eially it you'veb ^ i i f-aciiK "store-boughV' orfurrn-n' iMi fniit.

I; ni..y br a different storywi::-. |yi'Oiiucis of the homeerrh u .1. your own or someoneei.c's

L,.it' summer the maUn..f- full of letters and cardsv.iosr «r:t«rs wondered whytheir backyard fruit hadn'tlived up to the promises of thecolor pictures in the nyraery

menu suggestions

riety of Lenten foods we'v


or ClowsIn Our fresh Seafoodl Dept. # f

Cheddar SlicesSnappy Brand-Sharp 6


Boston M a c k e r e l SElECIED

«• 69OPEN LATE-Thurs. to 9-Fri. to 10


Washington's BirthdayFebruary 22 — 8 A.M. to & P.M.'

BIG 28 inchModern Ceramic \ Gold



2 BOOKSof MerchantsGreen Stamps

n»i'«il »•>"•

* Washinqton't Birthday It An Ideal

""Bafcc A Cherry Pie" Time!...

Cherries 49

Don't Forget To Pick UpSoveral Cant of

PET EYAP. MILK3:::,46c

Git FREE Recipe In Start

Delicatessen Dept. SavingsIMPORTED SLICED

Boiled Ham 33Fresh Salmis For Lenten Meals

Macaroni Salad K^F-h l b29 c

Fish Cakes ^^^ 4PTContinuing Our Sensational


Btautiful Golden Wheat Pattern



With Purchase of $7.50 or M e n


Swiss CheeseICBy The

Piece Ib49CUverdell

HERE'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT . , . C m b m e a fCheetewich . . . made with King CrabmMt at today'ilow advertised price and Shai'p Cheddar Slices.

Halibut SteakFish Fillet Cod or Per<h


MAKE THIS FAMILY FAVORITE . . . Baked Fish andV»g#tables . . . with fish from Food Fair's PersonalizedSeafood Department or Frozen Food case.


THIS WEEKEND'S ONE DISH MEAL SUGGESTION . . .Tuna, Macaroni Casserole with tangy Country Fair

( Sharp Cheese.

TRY A DEUGHTTUL TROPICADO SALAD . . . withAvocados and fresh vegetables from Food Fair'sgardtn fresh Produce Department.

Deep Sea ScallopsLarge Whi te Fish FRESHCAUSHT lb

Selected No I Smelts lb

Fr«h-Slic.4 •> * E Q cIn Our Fresh SaafoodtDtpt « # #

3 Mb. $1.00pkgi. I

Fried Fish Fillets * ^ « " 3X1.00Fish Steaks T*SIEOSEA-F«OZEN 3 K I . 0 0Realemon Lemon JuicePlanter's Peanut Oil HIHAI

White Tuna " ^ 2• • • or Spaghetti *%

Macaroni -^ ASharp Cheese Cou"l'v Fa'r b 6 7Tomato PasteD M A M M n r r A TomatoesW lOfirVJjU Imported-ltalian

AvocadosCauliflowerIceberg LettuceRed Bliss Potatoes 1 2 9

H - " t j 6

Green-Large Size

Ye||ow —slictd or Ho|v>i

Banquet — Frozen



19 Del Monte•" New Aroma

Peas 2 29 Maxwell HouseMidtown Club — Assorted

49 Beverages

4:49Instant 6 ox.Cofft* jar


Turkey. Beef or ChickenUot.pkg. 2 25


PSG TOP QUALITY-Tender Genuine



Fresh Calas39Short Shank Ib.

Pork Roll j t y »R O U T E 2 7 (UHCOLN HIGHWAY) JUST WEST OF ST, cpucts

Pure Pork SausageShoulder Veal ChopsPlate Boiling BeefSliced Lamb Liver

Country Stylt


Page 15: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed

s * . ' : \ n \ >•• . •••"••taj





, h ( .; vm|ti apnroxi-

" f . . m i l i ^ n f t h C

[,„• thn purposel pro -

, . , .| ( i l

,j-, ^nd Wivl-11 charge of the1 follow the In-liPV. Eldpn R-

forth (is theI wo by two,

people of thevoinf. and

win,','(" [,uihi'ian Hour,!-,tniti- to the work',',,,,,,.r,im heard in, , nVrr more than,n. m 64 countries

1|]:1V. under the, ,,f dip Lutheran[, .; , /UP. lnterna-

,t,. ni the Missouriv.iii envelopes will.,',1 [or a free will

hi lp the program,.', rxiire«f«d pur-',;;:•„ Christ to

• ,:,• ,df purpit pro-i.irs ;i family «er-y M. WednesdaysivnuiMice of youngI children, and "a•;,.,. ,,t 8:15 P. M.

mis will cover'.atry. money,war. amuse-

• r ticatlon.arc

Gift." on

HONORED AT CMIB PROGRAM: Pri-sentrd at Husbands' Niuht of the Fords Woman's Club, front row, left to WMrs. Nicholas F.lko, Mrs. Howard Madison, Mrs. Bernhardt Jemen, Mrs. Wlllard Dunham, Mrs. W. Howard Jensen,Mrs. Arthur A. Ovrrxaarcl, punt presidents. Bnck row, Mr*. Sidnry Dell, formeT librarian; Mrs. George Moliur, firstvice prrsldnil; \V. Howard Jensen, former secretary of Our Redremer Lutheran Church; Mrs. Frank Dunham ard Mrs.

Albert Gardner, charter and honorary members,

Club History ReviewedIn Television Adaptation

FORDS — An historical re- (Its new church, W. Howardview of the Woman's Club of(Jensen, then secretary of theFords was presented In a novel church,' was Instrumental Inmanner with a "This U Your securing the building As a re-Club" adaptation of a popular i clprocal gesture, the club p « -television program. A tributewas paid the first president,the late Mrs. T. W. Llddle_andher successor, the late Mrs.George (Annie) Uddle, andattention directed toletter's portrait which

wnted Our Redeemer con-Ri-pRatlon with two inscribedBibles at the church dedica-tion.

In the general rejoicingj which followed the gift of the

,hv with Holy I f*'n> ftr

• 8 15 P. M.; "brafy-

presented to the group by h«rdaughter, Mm. Allyn Peter-un, and now hang* In the

thew a s chapel, there was an under-

o[ CBlvary,"closing with

, Hid All Men."-A w\. 8:15 and

i. follows: Feb-. v.ivit, "SavingMiiM'h 2. Reml-

•; We Love?":i .. "His Word

March 16,• so We Eat": -Pace the(•,. :tn. PalmSun-luvuhion.'U>K.Ktfi- Sunday.

itiM'n Redeem*• mnnmion at 8

N U'lTION1 l "•' A Chinese

: •• featured at; h meeting of

nut school As-Mrs. Norman

; si man, nutated..>>. Ruflo and

tone of personal triumph forMrs. Madison, then president.Not too long before, a planshe had promoted to build on

The story of the growth of j the club property was shelvedthe club since its organization J on considered advice that

$7,000, the construction price,was "a lot of money!" "Whichit was—at the tlmfc." sheruefully admitted.

Dedication of the FordsPublic Library, January 24,1940, brought a long-cher-l-.hed dream to fruition the game time, cut a swathIn the budget- In fact, pre-paring the site, moving the

In 1920 by 10 women was•The simply and interestingly re-

lated by several past andhonorary p r e s i d e n t s andmembers, as well as guestsconnected with outstandingevents of the 38 year period.The determination to remainunited Was Illustrated by.Mrs.Howard Madlwin, who actedas commentator, when she xt-

Mrs. Jensen remarked, "Ourfamily circle now ranges fromthe age of 11 years to—shallwe say, er, 39?"

Shelves were overhauled,old books discarded, newbooks purchased and addi-tional facilities added in 1955when Mrs. Nicholas Elko,president, fostered entry Inthe S t a t e C o m m u n i t yAchievement contest.

Mrs, Arthur A. Overgaard.who serves on the state boardas district 3 chairman, insti-tuted the Christmas hopedecoration contest, an opera-tion of the American Homedepartment, which also makescancer dressings and hospitalgarments.

Home FrontThe terms In office of Mrs,

Willard Dunham and Mrs.Adolph Quadt were . markedby home front activities Inconnection with World WarII. Donations were made forthe soldiers' recreation room

Leonard Mario PinelliCelebrates Birthday

HOPELAWN LeonardMario Plnelll, son of Mr. andMrs. Mario Pinelli, 103 ClydeAvenue, was guest of honor ata party, Monday, celebratinghis fifth birthday.

Attending were Mrs. HelenFedor and daughter, Nancy;Mr. and Mrs. Nunzle Plnellland sons, Mario and Otto,Woodbridge; Mrs. CharlesKresz and son, Charles, Jr.;Mrs. Ernest Tengeri and son,Ernest, Jr.; Benjamin West-berg, Perth Amboy; Mrs. Ste-phen Stankewlcz and children,Mary and William; RalphRuffo, Mr. and Mrs. PeterPinelli and sons, Ronald andPeter, Hopelawn.

Husbands NightHeld by Group

FORDS-Dlsplaylng mark-ed individuality and freedomfrom exaggeration In bothtechnique and Interpretation,Professor A. Kunrad Kvam,rellist, and his wife. Ann Mer-<<r KvBm, pianist, gave a note-worthy performance at Hus-bands' Night of the Woman'sClub of Fords. The programincluded "Hymnus," Holter;"Sonata in O Minor," Mar-

crllo; "Lullaby," Scott; "Min-uet," Valensln, and "AllegroAppasionato," Saint 8aens.Mr. Kvam received his mas-ter's degTee In music at theUniversity of Wisconsin, andIs chairman of the music de-partment at Douglass Colletfind conductor of the Eliza-beth Rodman Voorhees ChapelChoir. His wife, a graduate ofKent Place Senool, Summit,received her diploma hi pianoat Munich, Germany, and ac-cepts pupils at her home iriMetuchen.

In the absence of Mrs. JohnR, Egan, president, recuper-ating from a regent Illness,'Mrs. George Molnar, first vicepresident, welcomed t h eguests. Valentine's Day wasthe theme, with accompany-ing motto, "Many Loves HaveI — Country, Religion, Familyand Activities." Mrs, HarryPetersen was In chargs of hos-pitality.

The announcement of a

Tickets ReadyFor April Fete

FORDS — Tickets for theAnrll 26 dance sponsored by'lie Mothers'Auxiliary of theFords-Clara Barton Little'/•ngue have been allotted to'earn managers for dlstrfbi;-Ion to the boys, It was nn

nouncod by Mrs. Walter gstew-v.yk, ticket chairman, at an•xecutlve board meeting In the

home of Mrs. Stanley Jedrww-ikl, Erin Avenue. Mrs. Szew-•zyk will supply additional'•ickcts on request. Returns•"'st. foe made by April 12,

The dance is an adult affnlrvltii music by The Commflnd-rs, and will be held In Our

' :idy of Peace School annex,loo Purcl and Jobn Kaher-

arc assisting with ir-Mrs. John Lyons

ias appointed the Brownsmd Senators to serve as the•ospitallty committee.

A few reservations are stillCONORATXILATIONS—Louis Tnrkus, on Oie right, out- open for the March fi trip togoltti chief of the Fords Fire Department, offers bin con-gratulations to Joseph Dudlk, nrw chief nf the company.The photo was taken during Uir annual ex-chief's dinner

/ held at The Tines, Metuchen, Saturday night.> ..„ . i

• ' , ' | :

Yaftek - Wisheart RitesSolemnized on Saturday

FORDS — The marriage of, wedding trip to Miami, Fla.

Gracious hostess and loyalclubwoman" Mrs, Jensen Isone of three members whohave brought distinction t^ Lions Club which has con-


<> i'>i sou In your

•>n in- appolnt-

n ind snort form

V " Vhrdult C't for

infvsfv Phone

^ VA-8-5821

.niri Weekends

thumselves and the club byhavlijg their names placed dhthe State Honor Roll, theothers being Mrs. LiddleandMrs. Arthur A. Oversaaid.

The olub was federated In1924 and legally IncorporatedIn 1925. In January, 1924, thelint library opened In a localstore and was housed In vari-ous locations for the next ISyears. During this period,

called that dues were lowered structure and adapting It forto 25 cents a month during j use, wiped out the budget andthe Depression for membersunable to pay mart.

It was during these leanyears that Mrs. BernhardtJmsen. past and honorarypresident, opened her hometo meetings and social affairs.

Uft a tidy dcflqjk Cojajnunttep;lde was soon Evidenced bycooperative support of Indi-viduals and organizations.Throughout the years, thelibrary has been nurtured to aKieat extent by donations ofmoney, books and furnishings.

Staunchest friend amongorganizations has been the

Merck Players BeginCasting f or'Tovarich'

WOODBRIDGE — Castingfor the Merck Circle players'

at Fort Dix and buddy .bags — - < %£* ™presented the crew or the " at 8 PM at theat thepresented theJ S. Battleship NewJersey^War bonds were sold ^ | A v e n u e and Martin Terrace,members served at U.S.O.I _ r < n h » . ^ ^ ^Centers.

Aloert. L. . Gardner,c h a r t e r m e m b e r activethroughout the years as par-liamentarian, is composer of

Tovarich," a comedya full measure of lively in-trigue, Is the Players' fourthand final play of the season..The casting Is open to thepublic.

benefit movie, "The Robe," totbe shown at the Fords Play-house, March 25, was made byMrs.1 Arthur A. Overgaard,ways and means chairman.There will be two perform-ances, one at 5 P. M., the otherah8 P.M.

A nominating committeewas chosen, consisting of Mrs.Ernest Nelson, Mrs. ChesterBaginski, Mrs. Oeorge Frick,Mrs. James' Harkay and Mrs.James Clement. A slate ofnominees for president, firstvice president and correspond-ing secretary will be presentedat the March board meeting.

Mrs. Nelson reported 643cancer dressings made In Feb-ruary, and members of theAmerican home departmentwill make kits for the Aprilcancer drive at New Bruns-wick headquarters, March 6.

the Club song and prayer She A n y o n f i t n t e r e s t e d ln( t a k i n g

recalled the early choral and R n d u n a W e t o a t t e n d tiKkitchen band groups, popular t r y Q U t d f t t c s ^ a s k e d to g e tsource of community enter- j n t o U c h w i t h D r Euzabetb.Uinment. which sponsored ] T h i j 106Q W e g t u k e A v e -

trlbuted more than 41400 inaddition to services and sup-

recitals and performed at PTAand Federation meetings, andbefore church societies.

Under the guidance of Mrs.piles, including a new tile j o i l n R, Egan, who U nowfloor and hew tables, Ol the president, the club last yearindividual supporters, t h ename of Samuel Katz, localpharmacist, heads the list. Inaddition to liberal donationsof cash and books, Mr. Katzenables the library to main-tain a wide and modern circu-lation with lowered expense

welfare work was not ncg- by sectirir^edjtlons^at.cort.lected despite a continuing ef-fort to erect a building on theC6rlelle Stret property pur-chased In 1925 for 11700.

Hopes spiralled u p w a r dwhen. In 1939, Our RedeemerLutheran Church offered itseld chapel, on completion of

Great Presidentlil'll".y accords George Washington a:•••"ll»ij ixwttion among the illustrious

'''•'•'iilmts who hinte served America.

••MI hough a span of more than 157

' ' ; u s intervenes sinca his death, wel l : i l lsr atsnin to honor his memory,

ie Fords National BankI "iendjy Bank of Fords, New Jersey


Thrift PracticedThrift marked the presi-

dency of Mrs. W. HowardJeiks«n who convinced mem-bers a savings account WM avery nice backlog in Case of;emergency. Her library chair-man, Mrs. Prank Dunham,charter member., was treatedto some good-natured joshingfor her ability to enlist vol-unteers from hapless hus-bi\nds. other relatives andfriends, making this periodpeculiarly free from repairbills.

NotliiK the formation of theJunior Woman's Club in 1930,with Sub-Juniors and Little

reached out a helping handto local Hungarian refugees,providing them with hundredsof Items of clothing, furnitureand other needed articles.

The history was compiledand dramatization arrangedby Mrs. Oeorge Molnar, pro-gram chairman,Madison.

and Mrs.


William Petersen, 24 AlbourneStreet. Saturday, were Mrs.Frank Sclirmont, Nutley; Mr.and Mrs,' Chester Petersen,Tom's River; Mr. and Mrs.Prank Solirmont, South Plain-field; Miss Josephine Yaftek,Newark; Walter Petersen.New York City, and Mr: andMrs. Michael Oasko and chil-dren. Ellen and Michael. Me-tuchen.

niie, Rahway. to arrange foran individual appointment.


of the Better Schools Associa-tion was cancelled because ofthe storm. The group willmeet March 11 at the homeof Mrs. Martin Sorensen, 7Mystic Avenue.


rulebki, 486 Crows' Mill Road;Is recuperating at home aftersurgery at Perth Amboy Gen-eral Hospital.

Briton urges trade area toWoman's Clubs soon after, I avoid discrimination.


CALL 3.50



PHONEHI 2-1067

Materials suitable for makingaprons were-wquested.

An appeal for wSrm serv-iceable clothing in good condi-tion and clean items of bed-ding was made by Mrs. OswaldA .Nebel, International rela-tions chairman. Donationsshould be left at the libraryfor the American FriendsService Committee, Philadel-phia, drive which ends March1. She also announced a spe-cial social has been planned tofeature Pan-American Day,April 14, and the amount ofti collected for Meals lor Mil-lions, non-profit CaliforniaFoundation and federationproject. Her report as sixthdistrict education chairmannoted a donation to the NewJersey State Federation edu-cation fund lor fellowship aid,

Mrs. Oeorge Heath, gardenchairman, asked all memberstnterested In attending theMew York flowe/ show theweek of March 9 to 15 notifyher at VA-6-2330.

The offer of tine Clara Bar-ton Woman's Club to share abus for transportation toHahne's Day at Newark,March 13, was related by Mrs.Rodman Stratton, New JerseyClubwoman chairman.

Mrs, Nicholas Elko, libraryand music chairman, advisedmembers of a conference aWoodbridge High School nexWednesday, 10 A. M., fochairmen of school, local, andState libraries. Mrs. Helen

Miss Jeanett* Helen Wisheart,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.S^Wlsheart, U13-A Wood-"bridge Avenue, and RobertTheodore Yaftek, 19 AlbourneStjreet, so l of the late Mr. andMrs. Julius Yaftek, was sol-emnized Saturday at 3 P. M.In Our tadjr of Peace Church.Rev. Alfred D. Smith officiatedat the double-ring ceremony.

The bride was given In mar-riage by her father, and wore

floor-length gown of Dup-onl silk, long-sleeved, with

Sabrina neckline trimmedwith seed pearls and irrides-ent sequins, lace yoke, fitted)odlce, and panels of Chan-;llly lace. She carried a cas-ade bouquet of white roses

and baby's breath, and heringertlp-leugth veil was

draped from a headpiece oflhantllly lace.Miss Joan Chrlstensen. of

Perth Amboy, was maid of.honor. The bridesmaids wereMiss Carole Jug»n, Perth Am-boy, and Miss Eileen Geo-hagen, Queens Village, L. I.Their gowns were of shadedtangerine peau de sole withGrecian necklines and bustlebacks, with feathered head-pieces-to match, and they car-ried talisman roses. The flowergirl, Patricia Davidson, Ro-chelle Park, a cousin of the

The Wooiridgc Businessmen's AssociationWishes to Commend

The Township Committee,Members of the Road Dept.

and the

Police DepartmentFor the prompt, efficient jobof removing the huge quantitiesof snow that had accumulated

on Main Street

bride, wore a floor-lengthwhite lace over satin gownwith boulfant skirt.

Walter Krebs, Fords, wasbest man and the ushers wereHerman Bauman and RonaldSorensen, Metuchen.

The couple will be at homeat 19 Albourne Street on theirreturn February 28 from a

For traveling, the bride choseblue wool dvess with match-

ing accessories.A reception for more than

00 guests from Connecticut,New Yoj-k, Pennsylvania andNew Jersey took place afterhe ceremony at the Marine

Room, Perth Amboy.Mrs. Yaftek, a graduate of

Forest Hills High School, L.I., Is employed as a comp-tometer operator at GeneralCable Corp., Perth Amboy.Her husband was graduatedfrom Metuchen High School,served seven years in theNaval Reserves, and is a line-man with Public Service Corp.,New Brunswick.

the Newark brewery, and ar-rangements may be madewith Mrs. Thomas Jago, whoadvised a bus will leave the •annex at 6 P. M. Mrs. Jagoalso reported soda and chipswere served at the fathers' andsons night, which was attend- -,ed by more than 200 boys and100 fathers.

Mrs. Walter Pajak, Mrs.William'Matusz, Mrs. Lyons,Mrs. Jago, Mrs. Szewczyk andMrB. James Flemingioss werepresent at the meeting.

Altar GuUd to HoldRummage Sale

WOODBRIDQE — Due tothe inclement weather of lastweekend, the rummage salesponsored by the Altar Guildof the Trinity EpiscopalChurch, has been postponeduntil next Tuesday from 10AM., to 9 P.M., and Wednes-day from 10 A.M., to & P.M.

The sale will be conductedIn the Trinity Parish House,Rahway Avenue and Trinity"Lane.

earflow in Our 54tli

GREINERFuneral Home


A new Home At The Same Addresis• Completely Remodelea •


PhoneMErcury 4-0264


Plnelll and sons, Peter andRonald, 89 Clyde Avenue, wereguests of Mrs. Elsie Grossi,New York City.

Poland said to have askedbig Soviet credit.

Falken»tein, librarian, andMrs, Elko will attend. ThemuBlo department will meetTuesday at the home of Mrs.Elko, 86 Main Street, and re-hearsals are underway for thespring music festival at theMonday Afternoon Club,Plalntleld.

IRVING SAMS, PresidentWoo4brl«Ue Btwluemmen'i Association

Ukank I/ftou

To the Residenfs of Woodbridge Township:

We wish to extend our sincere thanks,. to you for returning us to the Board of

Education for three-year terms.

The next three years'will undoubtedlybe marked by many problems, the resultof a rapjidly-growing schoq) system. ypu to.dp our utmost to solvethese problems to the advantage of theresidents of the community.

Orice again we say thank you for ex-pressing your cpnfldenqe la us.



Father of aFree Country

First in war, first in peace, first in thehearts of his qountrytnen, GeorgeWashington held first in Ws own heart

, the ideal of a free nation. Let us todaydedicate ourselves to our priceless heri-ta'ge of liberty, which we ow£ in suchlarge measure to the courage of hisconvictions and the wUdoiti of hisleadership.

The Edison BankRoule 27 at Willow Avenue, Edition

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Page 16: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed


Miss Margaret llrabikQueen Named Marries llopelawn Man

Teenage King,

\ I.AROK CROWD, fsllmalpd at 400 youne men and women, attended the Teen-AjelUnce Frldav nfuht at tlif Hoprlawn School. Ejvind Kjems, Fords, second frofn thel.-ft. was crowned "trine" and 1^being congratulated by the runner-up, August Wesch,llnpelawn. Marianne Robins, Menlo Park, third from the left, was named "queen,".Hid the runner-up, Carolyn Sarket, Hopelawn, stands beside her. The dance wasMxinsored by Hte tt'oodbridifp Township Recreation Department In conjunction with

the llopelawn Youth Organization. Trophies and cash awards were made.

TIIP writtenof 400 leenriuTs at inM

Friday's RwoPthfnit Pnn.'p inMonrlnwn School i'l(Ht?dMarlnnnc Knhbins, MenloTnrk Trrnir". and EjvindKJPIIIK, Fords, mieen v\& kiT>,

. ,If)hn Zullo, of UicRmentirm De-

partment, wlilrli sponsors theweekly tinnvps. pi-pficritcd tripwinners '.vlth \a\\i\v. elms.

Onrolyn sackptt and AugustWesrh. holh of whov.viT nmnerr-up In t1ie i-on-tf-st. wrc rivi'ii (;ifh pllJirs.

The sr-l"'-(ion of> tPPni'!?monmrlis is an Mnifiul aff;ilrplanned r>v thp sup!>rvisorv

'Muff hf thi' Ho;v1n\vn YouthOririTiiS'ftt%»ii in enincielo "Vi'hSt. Vnlontlm's n.'v. ami t! "hear I motif Is entiled out la(jffiiiifiorK and proijnirtmln".

Dnor prl'/f1.1; u w von bv'Eleanor Thonvii. Fold1;, uml.! John Kw.thn, HoiHaWn.i In response to pdrlulnr de-: mnnd. tr-e HYO will feature! another JiUprbil1; dance crin-i test, date lo be announcedi inter.I There will be another danretomorrow ni£ht from 7 to 10P. M. Refreshments, in?ludln«soda, cake and candy, will beoffered for sale. No teenagermay leave the school beforethe end of the danre, dun-garees should not be worn,

, FORDS d t r Lartv of Pence; Church was the sett inn Sun-. dny afternoon for the woddln"^ f Miss Mnrfjtare.t C. Hrnblk..daURhtPr of Mlrhael Hnbik.• 51 Warner Street, and Mrs.j Ethel Vehlteili. Juliette Street..i Hopelawn, to Oliver tVilUnms.| son of Mr. and Mrs. Vlrtril! Williams. 358 Elm Street,i Perth' Amboy. ftov. Alfred| Smith officiated at the double-tine ceremony and the bridewas given In marrltu'e by herfather.

The brtde wore a g9wn <:fWillie, ChafltMy luce overwhite tnifcta. with full skirtending In n chapel train. Herveil of Illusion Was dranedfrom a coronet trimmed withseed ppttrls. and she carriedwhite drdilds oh a nrawrbook.

MISR Cnmllle Inhnncane nt-the brldfe as maid of

Lewis, Perth Amboy. and 111'•ushers weir Eugene Ciwtai'7-oand ,I limes Zsorej'. Fords

The newlywcris will reside flt125 Lewis Street, Perth Amboy,on their return ftQTn a NewYork honeymoon. For nolrig-nway. the bride chose a blftrkand white wool dress withwhite accessories and a whileorehld imsa:-"v .

Mrs. William!: Is tt ftradunleof a*. Mary's High School,Perth Amboy. Her husbandattended Middlesex CountyVocational and Hlj;h School.He srrvrtt tolth the paratrbopsstntlcnett at Port Brngir N. C .and is employed at thfe Amrfl-enn SftieHbiR nntt ft*flnlhsCompany, fertli Amboy.

W a n Avenue Section ColoniaVilla( ' F.s««trs.

W«.dl>ri<Uf Knolls. Shore

Attrndina «•,., : ' 1 ! i i l t

Bt MttS. I.MtoY HOI.MAN!•:. fcirst Slrtrl

-Mr . nnd Mrs. Hnrnld Bar-ber t'Jikfc Awntie, attended'ty nt i w Cltbin, Clark. Inh

, T n t ? of a daughter, Victoria1 Jodti. born February 5, , a t•Muhlenbrtc Hospital. P l | ln -feld. t h e y have andlherd:\nflliiev, Elizabeth.

...Mr nnd Mrs. WilliamWcKlnleyr.nrty nt i w Cltbin, Clark. In ^npiHeh. WcKinley A V P W ,

honor of the ennauement of .entertained nt a luncheon andMrs. Barber's sister Miss Bar-i r n | l r r skating party In honor

h R l l Park hd f Mr GuelAirs , c u l i u r i .-i .^i-ii-i • 4....-- - - j [ (I | IT-I , iMn»«t . t- .-bum McMnhon, Rtwelle Park ) , ,,,,, hi, tlidays nf Mr. GUeland Arthur Cannon, Uurence 1 H , „„,) their son. Richard

the jmestfi were MissBronitlyn: Mr. and


- The Ladles Auxll-Foi-ds Membrlal Post

i'nnbiin?ed the eaneelln-

Anthony Mercurio TakesRahway Girl as Bride

matchiiiR accessories.— Miss Eliza-periwinkle, blue silk dress with

l)-i:, '.iin Long, 1414 New(.:h:irc'.i Street, R a h w a y ,(;Mi"iit"r of the late Mr. andMi-. John P. Long, became

of Anthony VincentU

UK- y?on of Mr. and Uvi.

Anr'ior.y Mcreurio, 120 How-iir'l Sirei't, in a double-rliil;(i n iiiony ijerfonned at 3(.'•••I'.ck Saturday afternoon byV<\- Thomas B. Meaney inft. Mury's Church, Rahway.

('• i'.'cn in marriage by heruiicit', Ervllle P. Madison, thebride wore a gofrn of satin,tiillr ;iml point de mac-he lace,wiOi chapel train. Her finger-t:ii-U'M!;tli veil of imported•:.k Fiench illusion fell from

".i i ..;i i!.f point de mache luce,i.i.;l !<IJI' carried a prayer book,: ;loinc,1 witli eucharist HUes.Hid liti'phanotls,

Thr ir.iitron of honor wasMis. Miirotliy D'Andrea, ?erthAml'iiy. Miss Dolores Caruso,Ki <t nninswtck, cousin of theIn if'.i'Ki iiom, was bridesmaid.

Con ,ido J. D'Andrea, PerthAmbuy. served as best man,»nd u.'lifis were BenjaminJohnson, Woodbrldge, andAiilhoiiy Salvta, Avenel, bro-Ihtt-in-kiw of the bride.

TIH- couple will live at 39Clum Avenue, Fords, on theirlclurn March 1 from a wed-dim.; trip to Florida. For

the bride wore a

Mrs. Mf.rc.urio, a uraduateof Ralnvay High School andDrake Business College, Eliza-beth, was employed by John E.E a r s e r , coun.sek)r-at-la*,Rahway. Her husband, &Ifraduate of Woodbrldge HighSchool, sei'ved in the NationalGuard, and is employed byTony's Service Station, WooU-biidec


Arleen Boerer, Menlp ParkTerrace, and Miss iiarbartiBoelh'-jver, 601 Mata Street,were hostesses at a Valentineparty held Friday In thela tier's home. Guests were Jo-seph Boelhower, Woodbrldge;Howard Sumka, Menlo ParkTerrace: Miss Charlotte Zed-erbaum, Gerald Brannlgan,Lafayette Estates; John Bdel-hower, Jr.. Robert Bojdah'o-witz, Fords: Miss PaulineBoyle and Miss Edith Blaneh-ard, Iselin.

—The Colonia First AidBquad will conduct its pionth-ly paper collection SujidaybeKinninu at 10 AJyl. Jteki-dents are again aiked to co-operate by placing bundledpapers and magazines atcurbs.

Perth Amboy, the bride-groom's stst*r, ana Miss Bev-erly Koryczlnski, Perth Am-boy.

The best man was Allan

and smoking will not be per-mitted on the premises. Par-(nts are asked to cooperate incalling for their childrenpromptly; at 10 P. M.

to the storm.


Pnvne armounces Lenten ser-v'ces at St. John's EpiscopalChurch, Hoy Avenue, startingnext week, will be held Thurs-days at 8 P. M.

India. Pakistan study plann end water dispute.

- M r and Mrs, William nita R-ns. BronKlyn: Mi . anaholriies'. fe. First Street had vtrs. Edward OooUhue. KJ7-

wceneim itt*sts, Fred Gibi, Hew York and Cpl Fredwdh, Jr.. Port MonmotUh.-Mrs. J o s e p h PaJ?tena.

port: Mrs.Ut i ' n l i ;


towns.—Final n-M,,

Litt le Fcl lnv i l '1 '1! 'lontn win it r am 2 to 5 1 ' \ ] ; «Chib bulldliiir ) . , , : ' 'nhd Conduit w t ' ";in -thn afen bft„•,.,',' Al!k

l a n d 12 Inw-r."'!!'"ball with ti,,, 'I** « « o n must , j , "date. Aripiioai i,,| *|be Rlgned b\ ',' HKuardlan. "5t>"

—The Mot In.of Colonln. i;officersschool 17, AH .r, '

to ain-,,,1 M

Eirtmaj , , , , . , Rlmoneau. CarolAiUnii Penrsoh. Ed-(•nkowKkl and sister,

MornihRslde Road, celebrated.Mn-M.-.rei. On Sunday theher birthday at a family j oucUi-hs wen- %wm of Mr.iaihher. | and Mrs, John Cormair. Jer-

—Mrs. .Samuel Ingram, In-,«-y Citv.Itian Avfentle, has returned| .-Congratulnttons to Bar-hoihe after a weeks' visit with'barn Heller, daughter of Mr.reiatlvt* iti Mt. OileaiJ. N .C . | a n l ) Mrs Richard Heller, 10

were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ttirariny,Rogers New Haven, Conn.; MI iind Mrs J a c kSaturday the Sprulll's and snifter. 90 Broadway Avcnne,their guests visited Mr. and; were hoMs at a partyMrs Samuel hlcholsen. Hack- fl< the l.onn of Mr and Mrs.ensack. 'WilUiim Spandel. 21 LOIIK-

- M r . and Mrs. John Simn. • li.llo*- Drive, honoring MT111 Cameo Place ore the pa- land Mrs Sprandel on their

atnotinchd that „,'?*


Mrft. HJIII,I(|

in. Drmald Sm -

—Mr. and \v ]liK

enbcrry.Caroii!, . v ; ,tertalned m <1; . , ' . ' ;pf the blrthd'ie. ',..'ThompROn. Am!'. -,',

—Michael wdi l ldreh, n i a m .Qaytt-hod Au •J o h n fltirketi ,.R a h * a y , we;-,Lincoln Biiii.ii',the home nf >;Benjamin -nherst Avrnur


Student NursesSponsor DahCfc

PERTtt AMBOY — MissBarbara Nagy, ForHs, *Asdecorations c h a i r m a n for"Cupids tapers" held Fridayat Perth Amboy GeneralHospital School of Nursing.She Was assisted by MissBernlce Sllagyi sttd k\ss Ar-lehe Boelhower, also of Fords.

For the c e l e b r a t i o nthe committee decorated theSchool's a u d i t o r i u m withRiant hearts and cupids, aridarranged Seats and tablesabout the floor in cafe style.During the evening Miss Mftr-earet Bodnar, Carteret aridRichard BuBacz, New Bruns-wick, Were chosen as "Queenand King of Hearts."

Stndents, faculty and stuestsenjoyed dancing to the musicof "Four Sharps and a Flat."and buffet refreshments wereserved. Miss Barbara Ander-son, Perth Amboy, was chair-man. In addition to the deco-rations committee shte was as-sisted by the Misses BarbaraSasala and Mary Ann Ferreira, Perth Amboy. MissDorothy FayUk. South River,MUs Nancy Yurlnko, MenloPark and Miss Jean Johnson,Keyport.

—Quests of Mr. and Mrs.Nicholas Sarapa, Mr. and Mrs.Street, were Mr. and Mrs.Nicholas Stmpa, Mr. and Mrs,Jdhn Steinac and daughter,Eva Louise, SecatlcUs.

Are you REGISTERED?Have You Changed Your Address

Since You Voted Last?

THUltSDA Y, MARCH 6, 1958is the LAST DA Y to REGISTERIf you have changed your address you must give notice of your newaddress to the County Election Board or the Municipal Clerk. This noticemust be given before March 6, 1958, or you cannot vote in the PrimaryElection, Tufesday, April 15, 1958. ,

If you have changed your name since you last voted you must re-fegistgr.You may register or give notice eft your new address at the office of theMiddlesex County Board of Elections, 313 State Street, Room 708, PerthAmboy, or at the Municipal Clerk's Office, any day from 9 A.M. to 5 P. Mor 7:30 to 9 P. M. on March 3, 4, 5 and 6. If you are 21 Election Dayyou are eligible to vote if you register.

If you are 21 years of age or over, a citizen of the United States and NewJor.sey, and you have resided in said State of New Jersey at least 6months and in the County of Middlesex at least 60 days on or beforethe next General election you are eligible to register and vote.

A person -cfflaHfled to register and vote and if he is afflicted with ai.-iironic or inpurable illness and mentally competent may register athis place of wtinnement by applying to the County ftoarq of flectionsfor an appHc&iioh,, which must be accompanied by an Affidavit of aPhysiciun. ,


Be Sure You Are Registered


Room TOB - 7lli Floor - lVrth Amboy National Bank Building313 State Street, Perth Amboy, N. J.

Low, Low Prices



DINNERWARE• Reg. $1.49 Value!* Top Quality!ir Oven-Proofit Detergent Proof 99 4-PIECE


WITH EACH $5.00 PURCHASE*LL MARKETS WILL BEStart your se» today! This beautiful 4-piece place settihg available at ^

all Acme Markers! Many lovely add-on pieces will be available week- Open Al l Day Saturdayby week, at equally sensationally low prices with each $6 purchase. Washington'* Birthday




COCKTAIL 2 \Ut.cans

! ] 1 T ' l i i l r t ' < ' i i ' - | > y ' I.;ii-ii i n h . i ; i v i U i m i i i s u i l d





24 it. tan

1162. jar


' • LETTUCE 2 : 2 543<:

SPEARS 2 29^ * .h i ic . 1 lii[,c: Mel lnw! Rfiidy-tu e;it'^ k K"! i; v "-iiliuls nnd tempt ing dissi'it.-;.



• Green BeansToilet Tissue 4 39 I



22 LBS. >b.39You'll be pruiitl to serve ei top-qual i ty , tender Luni'listoi' Brand Broad breastfed1 t u rkey for d inner T h e n \ n m l u n - hit.fnm, the finest tlnrks and marked exdusm- l .v f..i- ACME. T h w b ready- to-cook beau t l e t have mo ,o ol the . , . • , Ithe juicy d a r k nu-at i iom chunky, tender Kg-, ! , - s bone and waste und they ' r e priced to save money 1»<>:' ' ' '


ROUND ROASTBONKLESS, .solid meat' Like all ACME meuts, I^awaster Biund n^bt


Ulld steak !•; yu,.r.iiit(-et| tu!




Cod Fillet ' fARTIC SEAL

Perch F i l l e t ' u>TASTE 0' SEA FILLET

W h i t i n g IK>TASTE 0 ' SEA French Fried

Haddock too;TASTE 0' SEA French FriedCod Steak io ozTASTE 0' SEA

Fish Sticks ION.



i Cherry Pies ••

large size | & W r M

^ » mr |ikgS. • A Washlttgton Birthday Special —

*»*dm,m. •* 15. „„.-,«„ - . * • N Y "ATHXTRA SHARP

$ 1 0 0 • Breodft:,=' z22c i CHEESE| a Buns»«««»** - • 35° • Auiln


VELVEETAKRAFT 2 Ib. pkg. g / l

AH PUCH tffecnvi

Page 17: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed


The> H K " "

, 1 1( f . . !""

1 1 1 I " 1 1

11 '1v i l l

. . . , • • • ' !

,- r. i ' ]"'

|. in •*•

i i . i


M i l

)V" u

niixillftry0'' .I,,iion o(,,v' NnU° I i a l

,. [i Vnlfn-

'.^(nrririy ati l r k Armory.,,! nl. !) P M l

•!„. Mud Cats.

',„, purchased

)TIcKs ;

'..' me <"r t h f

'Jl.r'nIW w l " " l l

, ,|psi(iniite<l on

i l l - ' •'• * ' \Ar |C 7 AD A J i "


known M th«then** 4


But* P»rt- longutaon not!n m l north f

Route Ne. 4, io « point wiwre Itinternets the effftUt lln* of Rut*fllRhwHV lUvut* No. 2A; th*nrp (!i)in a we«t*fly direction ulring naiiicenter Hn* flf State HlRhwnv nom*Ho. 81 to the «fl«t*irly lln* or Kfll-«,tt1 T^wn»hl*>: thence (R' in nsoutherly direction alonn the dl

But* fii»h*n. I FHVMI «n!i , r r 0 M l n f Clinton tti«no« northerly alonnBUt* Hi h*n I Btrect nnrt fontlnMlnR ThroMBb th« lln* to the. center Jn.


last mentioned center HM to


n*ttl>**«t*ri;r ilorut the pro


rnifi.r Hn* of 9t, Ototge'ii Avenue; Jonjatloft Mid ih» M t W line ofthenn* northerly alonji R»l<l center Myrtle Avenue to th* r*ni*r line

it of Btdte of A»b fWrwrt; thetie* (11 north-

er ly lln* of WMtbury11 tlon tt3, nulrt point bPinni»tely lovj r*n north-

tiiri* 'r"m W l t l t " Street;wpBtorly l in*' <"'Teitrmry"Part,


Highway Route No. tt; thence inft sotithwsBt.»rly rtlrrotlon alongUnlfl c«nter line to the point orplnce of beginning.

Seventh District Pnlllnit FUc*:No. 11 School, ROM HI feet


Comprising nil of Rcanhey. Allof the Word aovnh of Lehlufi VBI-


Iat ft point where thr

_ . .. .... winter l in*of Nrw Dover Rosd In-*n«t«flv unit alone th* renter line ! f r w U the c»ntrr line ot New J*r-of A«h Street with th» rrhter lln*ol Homestead A m i l c thence (91«0\ithPa»t*rlT nlOnR the ctnt ll

MJ Onrdtn State Parkway. Routr4 l f Ul h l it

MJ O4. «


rwl from pointt

tlon alona the oonter line oT H. J.Htat* Blnhw»y # M (U. B #1) toa point In the northerly Hoe ofthe rl«ht of *«7 of th» Port Rent-Inn Railroad; thencs In a w*«UrlyAnd viiithwentftly dlrertlon olooRMUl right of **$ line of the PortReading Railroad to the point oi


southenst*rlv| Icy Railroad tracka.line o l L F I n i t District Polling Pise*:

cross-1 School No. I, Smith Street, Keai-" bey

ninnlna caRteriy nlonu thf centerof Hnm'eMfttri" Av*'nii(i to rrf* ren-1 Ho* nl Ni»w Dover Hand to a point , . „ „.t«r line of Blair Road; thenc* (0) ' where tri* aiun* Intersects thf cm-1 Seventh District Pallia* Plac*:northeasterly nlonff thr cenlir llnf i trr line of Middlesex Avemi*: Krhnnl No. II, Indiana Avmu*,of Blair Road to th* point of in- [ th*nc* In » n*n«rsl southerly rtl- - "t*rs*ctlon with tht boundary lln*| rretl'm alonu said Ml'ldli-sex Avr-bf»we*n the Township of Wood- mi* Io the right of wayhrldg* anrt the Borough of Car- Pennsylvania Railroad.terei.; thenc*. -('01 emt/rly an i westerly along said right of way to•outhMurtmy alonglln* ncron« the O<

of theithenre'

( s»ld boundary I a point where the same IntersectsCentral Railroad! thf center line of aald New Jersey


Beginning at a point wher* th*cfnter line of Ford Avenue Inter-

thpnee swt« the center line of State


ththoe northerly «loii(t the centerline of (aid fSrkwa; to a fwlnt


northerly alonn the rJordan Road mid along the pro-


m i t i l n i the prolpngatinn *a(rt»rly i longntlon ih*r*ni in th* boundaryof th* northerly hn* of Block 4M line of Clark Tnvnihlp; thenf*on thf W«odbridg« Township Tux westerlyMap; th*nc* westfrlv along thf 'northerly llnf nt Blocks «W, 4M,"a, Wl and 4«9 to the c*nt*r Hn*

betweenth* boundixry line

Cltir* nnd WoodnrtiiieTownahlpn to the northwesterlycorner of WoodlirldRp Townahip

of ri»r* PIBC*: thmi-* continuing uml trif bonndnrv line ol Idlannwesterly nlong th* center lln* of Townships; thenc* wuthfrly along("Inrk PlK-i' in th* honndar'.1 hf-1 thf honntiarr line of Kdlson Town- .tr**n EilKnn »nd Wnodhrldg* , ship to the point or pluce of be-To»nahipH: th^nc* j^onthprly along ' ginning.••Id boundary \n th* point or; SfVfnth Dlitrift Polllni! PUet-pl»c« of h*glnnlnn- I 8rh»ni No. 1J. Cnlonla

Fifth I>l«trlcl rolling PUr*:1

Flrrhoni*, lnman A«*n»e. Colotila FIFTH WARH—KKiHTII niSTRKT

7 |pout ni) New Bmnswlrk! thenro i in, nonthwmteriA«nl!« to » point Ih the center the southfdRtprlv Unr ofline of Me.dow Road which a l« , ; Park. Section I t* i n « n S ? iSrtS t h e ?marks the dl . ldlnj line between , In m.M line In the wt."of LoT IflH r? R•alrl Townnhlps; thence im in a Block Sss-E- thenVs I l . «.iii' nf Fwiithcrly direction alotid the pen w m h w e a t l l X i li•alrl p ; Block SssE thenVs I l . «.iii' nf Florid,wiithcrly direction alotid the pen- wmhweaturlj n l X the riar l l l i northerlytfr line of Menrtow Rnnrl and a l o m . of Lota 13. 14 I? S f l T IBS IS W l d "the dlrldinn line, betwrn Bdlwin apprniimately '

W r t b l r i T h l t h — "nnd Tn»'nihln" to the

IM^''1 mdlmid the

votedilnn to


Riirltnn R1wr; thimr*. i») in ».•eneral *»st«rly direction along theRurltnn R l w r to th* point or placeof BeRlnnlns.

inThe lines, the extent and the

boundartM ot the THIRD WARD

at a point whereore:



cniiierft, one!„( the I™""1

also marks the

to the point <rf int*rs«ctlon of Garden

HlKhway nue; thence nouttieaBterly Mon« First District Polllnc Place: Port NINTH DISTRICTBeginning »t a point where the

District Pollin

Avenue and Conduit Way,

way Route it4rth«nce wutllertycenter line Reading School slnug the center line of naia lasth f the w i t

of Block j < °K>nl»aaid dividing line

SfoclT IBS IS Worldafeet to • the! llrie of

northwem. romrr of Lot 11, Block northwesterly395-R; thence. (12> southeanterly line ofalong the northfanterly line of c«nterBlock 305-E, 402-A. 4*2-B, and RotU'1?oI'

<' '" «h* c e n t f r Hne ot Ro\ite along _«2S (U. S. # i | ; thence (13) In a Highwaynortheasterly direction along tho t(-r linecenter line ot state Highway nue; th ...„Route #25 , to the center line of nald center line to theBt, Oeorgcs Avenue; thence (Ml;of Pennsylvnnlil A«nue; thence;

Woodhrldge | in n northerly »nd northeasterly I noiitherly along said center Use to i THIRD WARD—IntM- dlrpctlnn along th* center line «f i the oenter line of the, Lehlgh Val- SEroW) mSTRICTJ

l a r v W o f th7cU^\h Cnah™r'a?on^^^ " »°[ai "J ,Bt' »l"i>V" the-center' lln« oj James•bridge Town.hlpsTtheno* northI?J.;.". -.?]."!!! cJty_of1.n»hway,|along saw tentfr line to the point OeoruMAyenuewhere «*me l3in ;; P U c R u, th* boundary line hf-ter}y along said boundary line to

s l u g the center lin of n gmentioned route to the point of centerI t t i ith th enter line R o tm n e d ro o p c n o State HighwayIntersection with the center line. Route #25 intersects the boundaryo! Jam*a Place; thence westerly' line between Edison and Wood-

l h t ' li f J a e s 1 b i d T h i h h

irrm of onftr;. (nin man


S o i ' f ary lln«. of the City of Rahway;*l*««»n« >»»* "«t*e«n the City of ! thene* (15) In a northwesterlyL ' r t 5 i ^ t K ' y B ^ T T n s h l p o f » " " n o r t h e r l d i l l d


thence i n In a g»n-nnel northerly direction along aaldboundary of the City f R hto th ll f C l k;; . ; ! , r . lnr , r ther ly direction Und along , 0 Vie ' l iw a cla/k ToSn.hip

.,t ihel th' center 1 n*of «ald Woodbridg* thrnce iw in » werterly direction,, , )„• . Rl"T or Woodbrtdge Cr**k to n alonn thf dlvldlnj line between

'point wh*r* th* name lnt«r«ert«; woodhrldge Townahlp and tlarkth* e n t e r line of th* Woodbrldip-. Township to the boundary line ofC»rt*r»t Rond; th*nre (2) in n txi\mn Township; thence (17)srneml weatfrly dlrfction along \ wiuthf.rly nlong said boundary linn•h* c*ntf r llnr of th* woodhrldzr-, t 0 the point or place ot Beginning

VIiienrly as can be awertalned,

or place of __,._ „.Second Diitiict Pulling Place:

School No. W, Clyde Avenue, Hope-lawn

liurd and

ni Fifth

. ,f Wno<t-In

Cftrtcret Road to a point wherethe name Intersects the centertine of Rubway Avenue: thmce Cli

Rnhway A»*mi* to a point wrier*!thf wme lDl*r=ectR thf center lineof r»**mnn Hlre*t; thfncr K) Ina general northwMtfrlv directionnenl northwesterly direction i X* r t

F n * \,i: tho. center line of Freeman •'"I1' r,? r l h

;»t|cm of the 8e«ond Ward Is

\ W JL 7 :h

Inxs 0 t |rmanfnt ivim th* !

Rir^*l ifi • rmliU wh*r* th* namelnt*r»*rt« thf cfnt*r lln* of Am-hov AT*nu*: lh*nef 15) In a gfti-

i rral northfflv fllrfctlon along th* !

1,851 and thepopulation of the rtfth Ward In


All that tract lying north of th«l#hl(th Valley Railroad tracka.

n A h p \ i c r ui the boundary line b r ! e r j y along said boundary line totenected by th« Port Reading | t»,;en Edison and Woodbrldge Its Interncctlon with the crnUrRullroad, and from said beginning Townriilps; thence northerly alon« line of the Philadelphia and Read-point running northerly along theoenter line of SI. Oeornes Avenueto a nolnt nelnc too feet eant ofU. S. Highway Route No. 1; thence

' h l ' li h i h i 100g

>or'he,rlv a line which is 100r nnfeet easterly and parallel withU. 8. Highway Route No 1 to a

west of Crow's Mill Rood, south nolnt In the center line of WooU-of Klni? Geopie'a Post Rosd and!east of the Edison Townahlp line.

Third DUtrlet PoIUn* Place:Flrehoute, Cortellt Street, Fords


Beninninn nt a point In the Edi-son Township line loo feet north

bridge Avenue; theme, northerlyalong the center line of Wood-bririne Avenue U> Its Intersectionwith the center line of D. 8. High-way Route No- I, thence northerlyalong center line of U. S. HUhway

nld boundary line to the point or, ing Railroad; thence easterly alongplace of beglnnlnft. - -

Second District Polllni; Plac*:New FlrehoUM, Auth Avenue,Iielln


Beginning at a point In the dl-vldlnu line between Edison Town-Bhtp and Woodbrldge Townahlpwhere the same Is Intersected bythe center line of James Place andfrom said beginning point n m -

Route No. 1 to the Pennsylvania ninff , , , stcrly along the center llnc

th* center line of said Railroadto Its Intersection with the centerline of Ford Avenue: thencesoutherly along the center line ofFord Avenue, m In Intersectionwith the center line of StateHighway Rout* #25: thence west-erly along the center line of saidState Highway to the point orplace of beginning.

Ninth District Polling Place:Garage, cor. State Highway #1 andFord Avenue, Fords

Railroad; thenre southerly alonRthe Pennsylvania Railroad to the

ol the northerly line of Fifth i Port Reading Railroad; thence I w a y

of James Place to the center lineof New Gd k

VIIhrrelo. mad* ft part

100 feet northcroaalng Or»nt

along the P»rtof Klfth Btrtct | Rullroad to the point or place ofAvenue to the

-rn'T llns of AmtiiY ATfiiu* 'n n 1 hereof nnd nmTktrl EXHIBIT "A"wh«r* the «amf InterwrU Is n m«ii of th* Township of

ffnter lln* of HI Oeorge's WoodhrldK* showing the lines ind,;,i T"»'ii-1 A7fmi*' thfnr* isi In a1 general i th* extent nnd boundaries of thf.• '''"''' ""northerly direction nlone th* r*ii-'rir«t. Hfrond. Third, Fourth 8Dd, .diu'wlny. , , r i i p r o * f<t Omr"*1" »-... .•.. -^ Fifth W irds herrlnahov* created.«tnv. »*p- , pni,,) Vh*r* the same lnt*rs*rts Attached hfrelo. mad* a paH

northerry llnf of Fords TerraceNo. 1; thence northerly along thfsum* to an angle point; thence

of Fords Terrncf No. 1 to the c*n-

potnt in th* renter Hn^ of Rah-wsv Hivrr. tlifnc* (Hi I|< a « iuth-

beiilnnln?Second (llitrirt Polling

Schnni No, 4, Avfnel Street. Ave-nel, N. J.


Oomprlsing Hewaren,Third nislrlct Polilne Plarfr

Revtarrn School


Garden State Park-it*", thence southerly

along th* last mfntloned route toth* right of way of the Pennsyl-vania Railroad; thence southwest-erly along aald right of way to thelln* of Edison Township; thencenortherly along the lust mentionedUne to the point or plnce of Bc-

northensi*rly .46U-6' -"thence westerly along the •northerly line of Blocks 4M-B. | F I F T H WARD—NINTH DISTRICTM»-R. 4«I-M, and«8-Ltoth«rf iost - ... *northwesterly comer of BlockM«-L; thenc* .southerly along thewenterly lln* of Block 4M-L to th*southeasterly corner of Block 4«1;thence westerly along the south-erly IIn» of Block 4*1 to the south-westerly comer ot Block 461;thence continuing westerly alongthe northerly llnf ot Blocks 488-A,47J, 415 nnrt. 410 crossing: the Oar-den Stutf Parkway, Route # •.continuing westerly along thenortherly line of Blocks 404, « 3 ,4!)l and 489 to th* center line ofEdirrwood Avenue and Clark Plac*;thene* continuing westerly alongh* renter Hn* of Clark Plnre tothe center H

FIFTH WARD—FIRST DISTRICT j the center line ol Wood Avenue

ginning.Third District Polllne Place:

of King George's Post Rood; thence of Woodbrtdge Creek., , , , wrjt+rly along the last mentioned Fonrth DUtrief Polllnt Place:

. . . **htfflv illrwrllnn a long t IK rrn'*r H R R T W,\RIV-riRST DISTRICT center line to the llnf. of Edison Barron Llbrarj (WoodbrHte)t > . i l v ; " M "\ lh ,' R a n w V R'y l>r to th* Beginntnj In the center Hut Df Township; thence northerly nlontf:

'f- '>•"> xrMcrlv lln* of lh* Boroii'h nf th* I'fimnylvanla Railroad wh*r*' Uld lln* to th? point or place of

Maiding Avenue Firehousc, I.ieUn


. , Beginning at a point where the.Including nil the ward south of! enntef llnc (prolonged) of Middle-

Port Reading Railroad find west' sex Avenue Intersects the, right ofway line of the Pennsylvania Rail-road and from said beginningpoint ninulng northeasterly alongnald right of way line of said Rnll-road to the center line of NPWDover Road; thence northwesterly«)onn the center line of the lastmentioned road to the center lineof Mlddieee* Avenue; tbence In ft

Avenue to the point or place ot

,",;.: Highway Route #31 to a pointwesterly nlong the westerly bo

Beginning at the Intersection ftfthe center lines of Cbftln O'HIIURoad and 8t- Cleorges Avenue)thence in a general westerly direc-tion along the center lltie of ChainO'HIlls Road to the Intersectionthereof with the prolongationwesterly of the center llne& otBlocks 3S7-O and 38S-A. snUl dlvld-iiiK line being the celiteT of theblocks between Pleasant Avenuennd Bouth Cliff Road; thenceniotig said prolongation and alongthe center line of the above men-tioned block*, southeasterly cross-Inn Clinton Street and continuingthrough the center of ftlocks WI""and 388-B to the westerly linWestbury Park, Section 3. said lustpoint belnc approximately 105 feetnorthwesterly from t.he northwest-erly line of Winter Street; thencenortheristerly slonK thr westerlyline of Weslburv Park, Section J,approximately 310 feet to the di-viding line between Sections 3 ftnd4 of Westbury Park, said last point 1

81-He ol

and the boundary llnf betweenEdison and Woodbrldg* Town-ships, thf point or pliice ot be-

Sltlh Wstrlrt Polling Place:Flrihous*, lnman Avenue, Colonia


Beglnnlhg at a point whore thecenter ISnr of Inman Avenue ln-terwets th* boundary lln* betweenfidlson end Woodhrldgt Township«n* frflm Raid beginning pointrunning easterly along th* centeriln* nt Inmnn Avemie to the cen-

Beginning *l the point of Inter-section of the center line of lnmanAvenue with the center line ofDukes Road and the dividing line,between Woodbrldge Towmhlpand the City of Rahway; thencenortherly along the center line ofDnkes Road which IB the aald di-viding line between Woodbrldgeand the City of Rahway to thepoint of Intersection of said cen-ter line of Dukes Road with th»boundary line between Clarit andWoodhrldge Townships; thencewesterly along the dividing linebetween Clark and WoodbrtdgeTownships to the center line ofthe Garden State Parkway, Rout*#4' thence southwesterly along t h 0center line of the Oarden StateParkway, Route #4. to the pointof intersection of said center linewith the center line of lnro»0Avenue: thence easterly along thecenter line of lnman Avenue tothe Intersection of said"cent«r linewith the dividing line betweenthe City ot Rahway and Wood-

iway i. thebrldge Townahlp. the point pr

plnre of Beginning.Ninth niitrict Polilne Plwe:

Cnlonla Civic Improvement Club,lnman Avenue and Conduit Waj,


1 nolnti *o«t*r!v dtrf i lon nlonx 'hf cfntfr

•nc DlMrtcl i line of New1 Dover Road to the n*w,'rl lor lh» Oard*n flints Pirkwuv ov»rt»as;L.|..-* will sit

slong ihf csnler lln* of salt!roud io th* cetner line ._, ... .... __

th* Oirdrn i m l i n Street; tbmrf Ea«tf rlv along | Fords I*frrace No. 1 croaslnn Lln. [ » » . » . » . the retnnr line o( FYeemnn SUfft: din Avenue to an angle point in ..i-artthe c*nt*r, ( o t h ( e(Mrt l l | l (, nJ R | l h w i i v A v e •• - --• ~ - - - • l B " » a-, !• Mniiiitfd on

'hereto »o 'he rrti'rr Uric of NP'.Cconduct.

.northerly tilting the center line of i nu ( , .

A n u e t h nee wmerYy„/ f H 1

Dovfr Ro«d M orlgnullv laid out;i the lie* < 31 continuing .ilom tr"1

I r*nt*r line of Nf v IX>v*r Road Ina general euterlv direction W n . „,„„„ . ,.rf , . ,•rg for t h e ^ m , o r tntmfcl lcn of suld cen- "Iv »loni! twiit Cr

n o t

c*ntrr lln* of Rahwav Av*nM"' nniitin- rrnu'r llii* (ithe ..tli*r*nl to th* r*n'er llui- of the

p n ^tead A n u e t h nee wmerYy« ts«w Kords Terrace No. 1 line; i , ,„"" „ . / center line of Hcme-1 T ° w « s h l P T » " M a P . 8 n e e t

y parallel with , ""d Avenue to i t"" e thence southeasterly alonsw™.d|,.nd Avenue alone the line or

ii- crnwr tin* of Bern- Sw*rt utit) i of Fords Terrarr No. 1 to the cfn- j a ] o n i , n,* center line of ^sh Ptr*ct:.e nrolnnga'ion rtimthfaslerly ; trr lln* of M ir\ Avenue; thence , o l h^ C P n t e r line of Myrtl* Ave-

general southerly direction Blong i being the northerly corqer of Bec-thf c*nt*r line of said Middlesex i tion 31 thence In n southeastfrly

1 ' direction along thf northerly lineof Westbury Park. Section 3. cress'Ins Bond and Bedford Streeis toth* northeast corner of WestburyPnrk. Section 3, also being th«north*rly corner of the CloverleatCemetfry; thence southwesterlyand parallel with Bedford Avenueand along the northwesterly lineof Cloverleaf Cemetery approii-mately 1290 feet to an angle point,thencp southerly still along suldcemetery approxlmatply lfiO feet Wan angle in the southwesterly lineof Cloverlenf Cemetery which line,is approximately 125 feet north-easterly from and pamllel withthe center line of Raynor Street,crossing Tyler, Brown and Mon-tague Avenues to s point In th«center Hne ol N. J. State HighwayRoute #25: thence northeasterlyalong the center linn of said High-

ine of Hcme-1 T ° w « s h l P T » " M a P . 8 n e e t 5?^" center Une thence southeasterly alons said

" l>n>lonRatlon »nd the dlvldlnR liney

l>n>lonRatlon »nd the dlvldlnR line

ythence westerly nloni! the

ot said approxt li

820ot sa l p p yfeet to the tenter line ot ChainO'HIlls Road; thence BOUth-wcster-

Wnodbridne crn-k: tbence South- \ Mary Avenue to a point 100 fe«t <.,.nter line of Mvrtle Avenue andl'V ftlonR th« center llnc of Chaincenter oft rinTth of the northerly line of Pit westerly prolongation tA Wood-t« Wo^d

southerlv i Oreen Street or Oak Tree Road;) ( (h(, c U v o ( p < r t n A l n h o y . , mu, A v , n u e ; t h e l l c e easterly p»r-

or 'he Y«rl-;D:I dUtrlcli


nrldw Townenip T>i M«i. Hheeij j , then«e (.Si souihea»irrlv aloiu utie ion the west); and hetween

;i line ion the northi drawn midKKCOND W A R D -SIXTH DISTRICT

northwesterly slows tl»c center TownsrUps; thence northerly alongline of Aven'ol Street to the point Ehld dividing Hue to the point or

(WManijatlon ot Mia ni«ia k b , l w e e n New and Becond| Beginning at the point o[ inter-1 o f intersection with the easterly place of beginning.Fifth District Polline Pl»ce

Firehouse, Green Street, Iselln


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters ol theSchool District ot the Township of Woodbrldge, In the'County of Middlesex, New Jwsey, that a special meetlnffof the legal voters of said District for the purposes listedbelow will be held at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday,February 26. 1958.

The polls will remain open until 9:00 P. M. and as muchlonger as may be necessary to permit all the legal votersthen present to cast their ballots.

The meeting will be held and.all the legal voters of theSchool District will vote at' the respective polling placesstated below.

. At the said meeting will be submitted propositions forvoting taxes for the following respective purposes:

way toGeorges

the center tine ot Bt.Avenue; thence north

alqng tbf. last-mentlontd cenWrtine to the point or ptece of Be-

l l sFirst District Polling Plice:

School No. 2, Outlook Avenue,Colonia


Beginning »t a point where thecenter l ine of New Jersey StateHighway Route #2T Intersects theprolongation ot the dividing linebetween Blockf. 426 and 428 on theWoodbrtdge Township Tax Mapand from said beglanlns pointrunning southeasterly alonK eeLdprolongation and along the divid-ing line between said blocks tothe center line or Chain O'HillsRoad; Ijhence northeasterly alongt.he center line of Chain O'HIllsRoad to s point where it intersectsHi. George* Avenue; thence north-erly along the center line ot St.Georges Avenue to Its Intersectionwith the boundary 11ns of the Cityof Rahway; thence northwesterlyalong said boundary line to itsIntersection with 8ti»te Highway


nd projecting easterly to; section i>f the center line, of Prnn-i r i C | U 0 [ Hue of HIP- Pennsyl-


Beginning nt the point of inter-section of the northerly right of

line of the Port Reading Railrosd and the prolongation south-erly of the center line of ElizabethAvenue; thence northerly alongthe seld prolongation of the center line of Elizabeth Avenue andthe center line of Elizabeth Ave- thonce Bouthweaterlfnue to the center lino of oreenCUB Bond: theure i7 er line of Main Street; i George's Rond: thence westerly Btre*t; thence northwesterly alon;then« northerly alon?

line distant easterly 100 feet Mid | the ceutcr line ot Oreen Street to Highway Rout* #27 to the pointof the center line Second District Polling Plice:

School No. Z, Outlook Avenue,out! the center lines Road to the In-

FIFTH WARD—THIRD DISTRICTic center line otnd 388-A, said dl-

belng the center of the

. meonwitlou and along I the center lineof the iibove men

. southeasterly cross

of ot Amhoy Avenue; thence n o n h -tht northern! crly linePark.

Turnpike liiterbects the dividingh T h i t

erlv nloni: s»ld L-entcr line to the

;..inn.; thence;'• • line of ihe

r Wnodbrlditr• i . i '< ' U P j » m e

• r line of meH 'n'l, thence

i i ' . ' l o n along'•'rcf Road to

• . nf Itittrwcist; ur.viiv Avctuif;1 ''^ rtlOU^ buW

•'••>••<•. A v e n u e t onue Uitrrwc!»

I rrnnui Kln'tk;*|"itrriy ind

"('n Kifihii the' ' 'in HUP«I nnd

I'' 'O H JKjljlt.'. r-i.. t- the cen-

lii hv»»v Rome'I' a wxithwebt-

Mi,. ri-nter line1 '* iv itome No.

1 I'1 Illr Mime lU-' -''.lit' HUbway

""iilv kuowu ti^l'-irk*»y: thenct

1 'Ion »lon»Jar;


Ili.-liway itoutein J hnrthvMt-

'"L" the rvOtrr* •|i't:.cj atate(' '••> to a polut

ot 'Westbun1 P"rk.thenc*' tlfli mu'liviTst*rlv along jthe Muilinmtcrly lln* of Wciiburv;


prmlniatelv leX) feet n> the northM5E

»(JlM)n TownKhlp; thrunorthtnv direction tlie didr

Hue between Edison nndld Towunhlpn to the

f B lpoint or pine* ofV

Tri* un*s, rtoe »»teut Hud theBouodnrtrs of the r U T H WARD

UEOINNINO in th* center line.of New Dover Road nt a point «)th« dlvldliM Une botween the

of Woodbridge nnd thoof KdlMin *ud from suld

iwliit ruunliig: (I) Inun ««eteriy d l inUou almirf thecenter line of New Hover Koud totliu new Gwriien State Purkwuyoi-erpuhs: thepce (21 IT0(*I"K theOiirdvn Hute parkway »loni! the

__.Ivenue'lon the west) and the cen-ter line of Freemart Street (on th«north) and Ion tho south) by aHired and 100 feet north of thenortherly Hne thereof.

Fifth District Polllnclll(h Siliool


.' "I"! Hnad or Bt»t( I renter Una of lh*11'. 'Vn.ce (8|

'llri-ciUin IUOUI"""1(1 KWi to It•'"".' Inlersocts"I Uii; City of

''""• nil In a•' i">rtlieH*rt*rly

'!"• ,uorth»r!y;'",' ny of pert&

11 or pliice QJ

uu theWAItB

rhw»v •loni; theh* Ourdeu Bute



'}><>)• vui themiU from

1 directionHuti linei' r'lnridall"" 'It r'lu

liit wherr' h

utin- U lNew

ParkWny hrldue and the eusterlvmproiKh thereto to the center Hueof New Dover Ko»d w orlglliullvluld out; tbfuc* (31 ratiunulim(tlong tbe center line of New DoverHold lu a jBuertil rwterly dlrec-llon to i point of luUrtecllon n r .suld re»l*r llo» with- th'i center iline o[ N. I Sl»le Hlghwa)', Route«J1; thence Hi In » boulhwesurlvdirection alonit the rmter lln* "IN J. a u t e Hltshwuy R»ute #»'! '

. . . UUTR1CT

M . VueT i i n e - O ( ' n « ^;.lSSt"Sor,S.rr?y.'ffiS.rutS;•fliter line o< Berry Street andaioir the center Hue of R»bwayC ' I . to t»;e. c,.ute,-mt of theMu^nrihridiii'-CJitrtcret Hoid, t.uencceltterlv Hloim the center Hue. ofthe Woodbrfclne-Curterrl Bond IPWcodhrUlge Creek, tlifiite wiuth-eriv iilmiii WooiibrldKf. Crwk toll,,. point »r Pl"«;e of bft'nnlnjk

Klilh iHstrlct rolling »•#Memurial Munlcll»l BilHSins

FIRST WAHIt—KNTii i m t i i

Turnpike liiterbcts gline between the Townships otWoodbrldKe nnd Edlron and fromsaid beglmilni; point ranulna east-erlv alone siild center line to thepoint where the same Intersects*the oenter Hue of Ford Avenue;thence northerly along the centerline of Ford Avenue to the centerline of New Jersey State HighwayRoute No. 25. now known as U. S.No. l; thence westerly along thecenter line of said Route No. 25or Route No. 1 to the boundaryUne of Bdlsoii Township: thencesomberly HIOLK said boundary lineto the point or place of beKlnning.

Seventh District Foiling Place:Sehool No, 14, Fords

the |ioiniHltshwof \i)terset- tlou of the

Mild cdbter line of N. J btaifHkhwuy Bout* #21 and U« l>r""lontmtton luirtliwehUrly of theUlvldlnK line helwoen Bloeka 4 8nnd 426. as shown on the Woud-UrWue towudi tp Ta» Kau, ah**1

53; thence (51 «ouili«B6'«>rlv ulnimwild prolonnatlon uf said dlyldln«line oroRslnif the Penn»ylvitiilaHnilroad »udT Railroad Avenue orMltMleaei-ilwa* TunipUe tiud »l«>J o n g Bald dlvldliiu line ap|tro*l-

l i l t iwle pg Bald l v l uclv ailo le»t to an


|po intlv ailo le»t to an

ald dlvUJIu* line; tlmiw*t l In it wiuthediiterly dl-

tl i l U T

nutInt'ljiillunlnu In a ooullieiuiLci .ruction 16 | polnl In tlie i!«u>'*'fHun or Clittiu O'rllll(i ro»d |wher«the Burnt la inierwx-ted by the


Hut) 1°Ifireaiiw uluii1-! 1' i lJ ( iK.,,. | | iui IWnv

11 ii' cisiiier I ne of tilula Ml|.nvv«yint. ii.n 11 ihu'ur . in u north*

»nd Hand-n at thetrtence In

Beginning Qt » polut In the cen-ter line of Colpola Road, also

«,.-Uuv known • as Colonli Boulevard,thence where the same, IB Intersected by

I the center line 6t Mew Dover Roadand from said beginning point

,, „,„..„ running in a general northerlyVI..-...W ^, , . . i .u, . , n u » .,-,. — . _ . I m B viuiioii Dtrcri. mm .ontlnulos direction along the center Unj ofalong: center llni> of St. Georges I through the center of Blocks Colonia Boulevard toa point whereAvenue to the point or place of 1 3^7.H mid 388-B to the westerly! It Is Intersected by the center line" line of Westbury Park. Section "#3,' of Hoffman Boulevard; thenc*

For Current Expenses£pr Repairs and ReplacementsFor Land, BiiHflings and Equipment

Th« total amount thought to benecessary is ....

t3.423.668.00$ m,800.oo



iwlnt belns approximate-ly 105 feet northwesterly from thenorthwesterly line of Winter

•atreet; theuce northeasterly alongIhe westerly line of WestburyPiirX. Section # 3 , approximately370 feet 10 the dividing line be-

Sli lh District Polling place:Avtnel Mrehouic


Beginning at a point in tbewesterly line of Staten Wand i v i^ ,u „ rSound where the same Is inter-1 t w e I 1 sections # 3 and #4. West-nected by thf soutrerly line of the 1 b u r y P a r k i s a l d l a 3 t p o i n t belni!Port Reading Railroad Dock Prop- , n e northerly corner of Sectionerty; thence (1)' northwesterly, . . . .along the southerly line of thePort Reading Railroad Dock Prop-erty to the point of Intersectionof the wme with tbe prolonitiitloosouthwesterly ol the center Hu*. ot

3; thence southeasterly along the.jortheiisterly line of WestburyPark, Section #J, approximately33S feet to the center line ofWorth Street, thence In] a seneralsouthwesterly direction Wong the

Turner b t r m : thence Ui uor h-l t l ln (1 o f W o r l n a t r t , e l c r 0 S 6 .easterly nlous Uie prolongatlou | u . Qvel:a y t r e e t a D d continuing(jouthwesteriy and the ceuter line Knf,thwebler|V . ^ 0 ^ t h l ) prolonKH-sand the


p ^ i ierly of the renter line of TurnerStreet to the point of Intersectionof the iHmo with tlif bouudaryHue uotwecu Wowdliridsc Towu-sl\lp and the BorouRh of Carten-t;thence |3i southea&krly along taldBoundary lit)' to the tenter lineof Woodbrldae - CurUret Road;theuce, 14) In a w u m l iibutherlydirection alonn tUc said boundarylloe to the point of Intersectionwith the northerly or wester'y Hne,ot Stateu Ulund Kound; tljeore(5) in a iicueral wciittrly directionalonn the Name uouud to thesoutherly Hue of the Port Reading'Railroad Dock Proi>erty iud jiolutor pl«M- of tteislunlui;.

Seventb District Polliug Place:H*(anun HtigliU School

Tll l l tn WARl>—T


Beginning at a i«int where thecenter Une of the New JkrofyTurnpike intersects the center] lineof Ford Avenue and from sal* be-ginning point runulng oortperlyalong the center Hoe of FqM Ave-nue to tue center Hue of N. .}State Hluhwuy Route No. la,' nov.known us U. S. No. 1; .thence east-erly BlonK the c*ut«r'llne of theUst mentioned roud to the centerline of N. J. SUte Highway Rout*No. 4, known an Garden 8t*V:purkway; thence southerly alongtlie center Hoe of the lu>t men-tioned route to the center line ofthe said N. J. Turnpike; theucewetiterly along the ceutor line ottlie lust mentioned ro»d to toeiiotnt or plnce ot bfKlnnliig

bHlllh lUilrul I'olUni PlaceSfkool No. 14, Kurd Aveue, fords

THIRD WARlT-KlRST DIBTKirtlUtflntiliii; ut the Intersection of

the wiuthfrlv Hue ot tlw PortHo»dln< RullKiid Dock 1'ropwtywllli tho Vfubterly Jlne of BUtenIsland Sound; tneace (1) Boutb-wetterly along fltnten IslaudHound to u point, aald point twluijthe Intcriieetlon ol the i>roloni!»-tlon easterly of the center line o(Cfutrnl 8ireet with the westerlyHue ' of Hutcu Island Sound;theuce (21 1 lortliwesterly ulunn theprolongation of the center line otCentral Htree-t. easterly and thereuior lino of Central Street, totlir center Hue Of aewnlei) Avi-nut!: theuce (3) BsQthweuterly

the, rciucf line of HewtrenAvemiB to the center line of OlenCove Avenue. thence (4 | iiorthwesterly KIOUK the tenter Hue "Ulvn Oovp Aveiiuu »nd tho pro-liiiiljattoii thereof northwesterly U . ...- .tlu, canter line of Woodbrldno I'urt ReudlUtf Uullroml wltli tlw

KiiaiTH msTmcTBcglnuiui; *t u uoiat lu the

roiiiibylmnU Railroad where samel.i Intersected by tho Port ReadingRailroad, and from Suld bc^luulug

l h i J th

Koutliwesterly ,.lion soiithiv.iiitrly of ts»id cen-ter Hue of Worth Street to theIntersection of same with thtnortherly rluht ot way line ot thePort Reading Railroad; thencesoulhwe&lerly nlong said right 01way Hue of the Port Re&dtns Rulliroad crosnlnK the Qurden StattParkway to the point or place o |

R i o a ,|ii>lni niunlug uorthi'riyP U lllld t

theg r h y UPeitiibylvauU llallro^d to the cen-ter Hue of Av«uel Btroei; tbencawutheaalerly Hid easterly alongthe center line of Avenel Streetto tlie center Hue of HauWny Avc-mie; theuce amlhrrly alums thecenter line of lt;ihway Avenue, \othe ceiitfr line ot NlelbOn Avenue;thence IJHIIIKHSUTIV along thecenter line of Nlelnon Avcuiw U>llje Woodlirldne Creek; theuct In11 mmtbwotiterly direction alongtrw center line of the, WoodtirldgeCreek to the norllii'Hy Hue at thePort lt.uill(in KuliiSud; thencewesterly uliuu; the nortli«rly Hueof tlie Viu-t Keaaing Rallrosd

u Kuliway Avenue to theof Intersection of the said

, W d b r l d i w urt K u KCreek; theuce IS) 111 u general .4'eiinayIvaiiU Rullroad andHurlherlv and northeasterly dtreo lfolut or place of Beslmil|i«.H along the oemer line of Belug a portion of 'Jhlrd

b l d C k i t f KlftU


81nh DUtrict PuUlns Pl»ft:School No. 8, rireen Street, iMlin


at the po'ut of inter-. . . . . , of the prolonjiiitlon eouth-westerly of. the venter Hue ofWorth street with the northerlyrlKht ol wny line of tlie Port Henri-Ini; lUllroud; thence easterly alounMid ))roloiiK»tloii crotsliii; Oreeuijtreet and along the center Hneof Worth Street, still In a horta-e,aiit«rly direction orosaluj Byrdatreel mid continuing ta Uieaorthe-rly Hue ot Weetbury Park,tiectloo #3 , ,sdW point being about13a feet northeasterly trojn thecenter lfue of Byvd btreet; tbencein n southetLBterly direction ulonuthe northerly lUu* 01 WestburyPark. Section #3, c!ro,salii|j B»ndand Bedford Streets to the north-t'abl cocuer of Westbury Park, Sec-tion »3 »ud also bflUK tlir north-erly corner ot the Oloverli*tt( Cem-etery; thence southwesterly andpurnlU'1 with Bedford Avenue analapproxinkitiely Hi feel easterlyfrom tli* ctmter line of BedfordAvonue, and ulonn the northwest-erly Une of the Cloverleaf Ctimt-urv H[)|i»iJ(iiiiat0ly MX) feel Ui tinunulii iiolut; tli»iu« southerly stillo lon i suld cemetery npproxlnmtelyItti) feel to UII mule mid nouth-weKterly Hue of Clovurleaf

HOII along the o m e l nWoodbrldge Creuk to a point of KlftUl t t l f th l t l o u Thir

t or p l c e s | «lug a portion of 'Jhlrd Ward,

U District, to be known *sd K I I U D i t i tof the

wffinTS the « XWyrtle Avenue with the renterl» t W t b r l W Cite* tb«ttc«

t of KlftU i s c ,t l o u , Third Ward, KIKIIUI Dis tr ic t .

t i j « *« 2»'*t 'fcSSSWytll»e ot,

h the rCite*, tb«ttc« Av


northerly BlonB the center Une ofHoffman Boulevard to a pointwhoro the same intersects thesoutherly line of Block 463 asshown on the WoodbridBe Town-ship Tax Map; thence easterly and•northeasterly aloni; the southerlyand easterly line ot said Block 483to a point where It Intersects thecenter line of Bramhall Roadwhich is also the dividing line be-tween the Township of Wood-bridge and the City of Rabway;thence In a southe»sterly directionalong the boundary Hue betweenWoodbrid^fi »nd Rahway to thecenter line of New Jersey StateHighway Route #27; thence south-westerly aloni! the center line otaald laat m«utl<m*d Route to line of N»w Dover Ro»d:thence northwesterly along thtrenter Hue. of New Dover Road tothe polut or place ot t«Biaoln<t.

Third District ToVHaf P lwe;School No. 2, Outlook Avenue,Colonia


_.^.i)nlng at a point wtcre thecenter line oHJew Jersey GardenBtnte rarkway Route # 4 Intersectsthf center line of New Dover Road;thenoe, easterly aloti« the centerline of New Dover Road to H» In-tersection with the center line otColonla. Road sometimes known asColonia Boulevard; thence north-erly Monti the center line ot Co-lonia Boulevard U) Its intersectionwith the. center line of HoffmanBoulevard; thence northerly atom?the center line of Hotfmaa Boule-vurd to the southerly line of Blook463 as shown 00 the Township TilMHP; thence winterly alonk thesoutherly Hue of Block 483 andBlock 464 to tbe- uartheavt cornerot Muck Ml; theuce southerly

1 ;


At the said meeting the following proposal will also besubmitted: \'

(1) Resolved that the Board be and hereby is authorizedto raise by special district tax the sum of $28,750.00 hi addi-tion to the amount provided in the annual budget for thepurpose of Improving School 14, located on Ford Avenue,Fords, by altering, replacing and Improving the heatingfacilities by removing the coal-fired boiler and replacingthe same with a new olj-flred boiler, together with a 10,000-gallon tank and necessary temperature controls and appur-tenances and to perform the necessary work and purchasethe necessary equipment In connection with the improvementqf the heating system.

The polling places for said meeting and their respectivepolling districts (described by reference to the election dis-tricts us«d at the lnst General Election in said Municipality)have been established and are designated .as set forth below,and no person shall vote at said meeting elsewhere than atthe polling places so designated for the voters of the pollingdistrict in which he or she resides. _

Dated: February 13, 1958.HELEN H. ANDERSON, Secretary

NOTE:—The term "current expenses" includes princi-pals', teachers', janitors' and medical inspectors' salaries,fuel, .textbooks, school supplies, flags, transportation of pu-pils, tuition of pupils attending schools in other districts withthe consent of the Board of Education, school libraries, com-pensation of the Secretary, of the custodian of school moniesand of attendance officers, truant schools, insurance, and theincidental expenses of the schools.

Every eitlwn of the United StaUs of the age of 21 yearsor more who shall have been a resident of the State sixmonths and of the county In which he claims his vote sixtydays next before the election and who has been perma-nently registered In the municipal election district at leastforty days prior to the date of j the election shall be entitledto vote at the school election^ Application • for military orcivilian absentee ballots may be made \s> the secretary of the,Board of Education.


Ml; h e c e s u yttkinu. Hie eai>t«rly line ot Block487 to Us southeasterly norner;then«<: westerly iiloBg the souther-

i f Bl d


SchoolPollingDistrict f


1. Municipal Building At Woodbridge2. Municipal IMtlfljng ;.r At, Wootibrtdge3. Barroa Avenue School .At Woodbrldge4. Barron Avenue) School At Woodbridge5. Public School No. 3 At Woodbrlctge6. Public School No. U At Woodbridge7. Public School No. 11 At Woodbridge8.'Barron ^Jbrary , At Woodbridge9. Public Ejchool No. 8 At Keasbey

10. Public School No, 10 At Hopelawn ....11. Public School No. 7 At Fords12. Public School No. 7 At Fords13. Public School No. 14 At Fords14. Public School No. 14 At Ford*15. Public School No. 14 T. At Fords16. Fords Fire House \..\\, Fords17. Green street Fire House j. . At Iselln18. Public School No. IB ...Atlaelln19. Public School No. US At Iseliu20. Public School No. 15 At Iaelln21. PubliQ School No. 6 At IsellnTi. Harding Avenue Fire House .... At Iselln

For Legal Votersresiding within

General Election


ly line of Block 487 and continu-ing monn the southerly line ofBlocks 473-R, 471-8. 413-T, 473-V,473-V, 473-W, 473-3J, 473-Y, 474-Cand 474-B. to the eentef lineGarden at»te P»rkw»J Routethence southwesterly iloug(Sine to the point or place of Be-

weKtery nt,ery, whVlr "tpproxlnwtoly

l f d

imhiK.Fourth Ulttrict

N : 11 lp l * " :

tenooi No: 11, lnamn Avenue,Colonia '

FIFTH W A K D - W T H WSTRICTnlnu ut a poliit « M | * the

.„ . , . . . . . Une of New Dover Bo»(Jpurttllet with the center Un* of i luterseotn the bouuo»rv Une- barHuyiior atrect, crusslni! Tyler, tween Bdlsou and Wooahrldge

, whVl ppHim uortheiuittrly from and

Brown and MuutwiUe Avouuus topoint in (he center line of N 1.

H i h a #25 (U a #11:t in

atate Highway #25 (U athvuun 'la u »authwii«wrlj


Towu»lnps; itb» oenter line oi »«w H$i—j»mAto th» cuUr line 6t New Joney

Stttte Pwiw&y {tgwt» 4)4

easterl«w H$i6t N&

ly »loos

23. Public School-No. 2"M. Public School No. 225. Public School No. 17 ,,,26. Inraaa Avenue Fire House .27. Cfvic Improvement Club28. Public School No. 9'29. Haguman Heights School....30. Public School No. 431. First Aid Squad Building .32. P i n t Aid S<m&d Building . .33. Avenel Fire House34. Public Sohool No. 12

. At Colonia

.At ColoniaAt Colonia

. At ColoniaAt ColoniaAt Fort Reading 3

,At Port Heading 3


222222 '2

2. 2, 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2

At AvenelAt Avenel

.At AvenelAt AvenelAt Sewaicn

By order of 'the Bomd of Education.Dated: Pctmuw 13, \W


Page 18: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed


The NEW RECORDSBy FHfx 'The Cati Brown

Cufiilol ;= offering musiclou i s moi.tMy :,lbums con-inlnint! popular and lishtclassical music from the fr.r<ompis of the world. Othercompanies have done some of jthis prpviously but. to ourknowlcd-jr. C'ipitol offers tl.e '.most fompli'i'' 'flection nvall-

Som< (if their lona-pl.iy 3!) sworth looking into land this;column will'be devoted to i

, these Capitol Of The World1!l.p.V lilt' E< follows- !

GERMANY: Geimp.n a h - 1

latt-r-." Tfn-f aiT Germanhits sung by rop.iliir West;

German vocalists and nr-lBiiRfri by various noted Ger-man orcheRtraK -GermanyToday." These are modern lovesongs mint by the popularGerman vocalist, WolfgangSauer, blind Bince hi* child-hood but a rising success inhl& field nevertheless,

AUSTRIA: Viennese Zi>li-fers." For those who like thiskind of music and who willlisten carefully, much enjoy-ment and satisfaction willcome from this album, oy KarlJaiKik and Frenz Brandl-holer, who do the instr.i-mentajs Another album worthtrying or buying Is 'Hi-Fi

Vienna, 'the album Is a two-iivord l.p 33 relwtM-'. twenty-four w a l t z e s < many byStrauss' and Vienna favorites,which will enrich any library.

SPAIN Try "Stindfly InSpain"1 for some event-ful listening.

HOLLAND: 'Afternoon InAmsterdam" is that familiarbarrel ontan music that ever?visitor or tourist to Hollandheard on the fttreeta »( thelamer cities, tt is flavorful andnostalgic and wonderful di-version, as are many of thesealbums.

ITALY: Neapolitan Sonus"can k s the listener to Naplesand south Italy and that'stmmiKh said.

SCOTLAND: IT you ' likepipe?. ".ScQlUlTi Pipes" will•jive you « tow of trie hivih-

lanfts. startmu on the westconst and makins thr roundsLike all of these. It's rrenrtiedin Scotland.

HUNGARY: ' HungarianMoods" brings you the sensii-otu, drpth of music from Hun-gary, strings and 'all. andBenedict Slbwman's chorusand orchestra. It's worthlistening to and you misthtjust buy it.

EW&LAlfD: There are sr.v-eral albums from England(and from many of the other!countries' and "The Moods otLondon" Is one. not even theLitest. Philip Given mid his \orchestra will put you downin the middle of the sreatest icity in the world if you !is>n 'to H is one. 1

PORTUGAL For authentic Jmush- of today's Porti^nl hy i

1 Portinresp Fados" In sum-mary, the* world albums•>r>m Cacitol are wnrlli trying.Yon Wont like them all < newones are out each month > 'nityou will like fnmr

Atmot Your HomeBy FRANCES OEM.

Indoor plnnts betotne moreImportant than ever to us thi*time of year: It is well to re-mcrntwr tfiat anyone can PHV?an indoor ^;irden. You do notneed a larEP .hecfc book nora solRrium.

The choVr nl plnnts Is im-portant. A combination ofshapes, shndes and sfre makesthe most interesting kind of

display A nice group can bebouehl for a little as 12500Philorfetidron still relsns astho supreme ho\ise plant.CliiisiriE to bur* or poles,

\ dunging or jwt hanxitiRgracefully, this foliafrr plant

• remain* the hardiest Otherpossibilities are bark-climbing

I plants like potlroi or nephy-i thytis. These start at abouttio.oo.

Flowering plants are beauti-ful when they are In fullbloom, but do not last as lonaas foliage ones. IT flowers aren must, try begonias or neninl-ums. If they are placed whereno draft reaches them and n

; warm temperature i< mnin-jtained. they will probably'bloomI Greenhouse plants cannotisland direct exposure to t!.

sun If your h o m e l i ^ n.'oulh-P ,n exposure, plant* shouldbe placed dnyn-herr but m the

windnw They thrive on ar.l-

fici»i mult. * > n r t ( ^ ' c 1 " ; "minifies the ho;,! of the sunftnd bum* holes in the leau*However, if thr plnnts mustbe placed near the wind™.

, cur ta^ «nd Venetian bimris

! ort down the rays of the * m; Plants should never be plfl««

over neat or against a »gla«,ormanylctndofndrat.

I Most plant-lovers tend toj over-water plants. A tood lestj * to poteen finwr one inrhln-1 , 0 the soil to test for drym-ss.

If the soil is danip enough <<'''„ bit of i» in din:' undei uvi.Ml. no water is needed.

The l w w of fii-nnin-nmlfoliane plan:.- must b<> k P'

I clean. Try «iP!iV: I'1" I'1'1' '

This will k«p the p o w cten,i bi.eathtnK 6e V*RTt 0 R,iow bi.eathtnK. 6e V*RT

mrrfii! about using any sub-.sti(uto to make leaves «hlne.

»ll dead leaves shouM be re-moved periodically to make,iwm for new sprouU.

by her pi in,,iver, he i h l l

RoberLsnii( a n d mils.;:iftuhet-u.-

and Into ,thinks hn1.

in this delightful

owe,„ fl small *«««* «»"™draining of capturing a richflnd handsome husband. Al-though she nccepu the pro-posal of an old friend, TommyN;,nnan. Junie l« full of WW»fn, getting acquainted withlatt(. ,11 hy bachelor who has Just,„.„„,,,„ uis yacht into the„„;,! harbor for repairs.

,•;.,. M>es a mun ftavlnR

r*cht. al lonalip,

•core. .Sim,.fellow, .ruin,,to him. I,,,,

S h e f\ii.i.i-.

boy (Rein, Awardini; ofiftoatlns p i i ,ouch R hk.;..acquires ;, ,

A lifilH .;.up. fui; I,Idances, ;!for th" >

BUSINESS and,SERVICE DIRECTORY• Accordion School • • Ingi Fiierai Directors • ! • Music lnstmction •

HENSCirSArrordion School

172 Brown Avenue, Isflin

Private Accordion Lessons(( la Vuiir Iliimr nr Our

MIKVOICompVtf Airori"ii)n Rep»1r»

r- and Ampllfif'rs Iniullrdii lt'M»Ks fur ArcordionFor ln(oimali«in Call

ME 4-5666

• Bicycle Repairs


MEreorj 4-1914


Connctlei - Film

Grectlni Cardi



Complete Repairs onAll Make Bicycles

• Saw Filing• Knife Sharpening• Scissor Sharpening

Vrtt Pick-up anaDelivery Service

i»HONE ME-4-715*





1230 Stone StreetRahway, N. J.

TelephoneFllton 8-0978




88 Main Street

Woodbridge, N. J.

Televhrae MErcurj

Dry Cleaning


Funeral HoMe

46 Atlantic Street

Cartertt, N. J.

Telephone KI 1-5715


Fst.iliHshrd 51 Vnrs420 East Avenue

Perth Amboy23 Ford Ave., Fords


Le»rn to Play the Accordion

The Modern,

Easy Way

No AreordVon

To Buy

t>n Owr Basy Ren<*l Plan'

SiMciiJ Sale Now OnNfw and Studio Vsti



We t»TTj a full llnf of Mvdcaiinitrumpnts ind Accciutlei

Perth Ambor's Oldest eAccordion Center

II Tears at thr Same tocattw

EftDIE'S MUSIC CENTEREd Bonkoskl, Prup.

357 Slate St., P. A. VA-C-1S9*

• Plumbing & Heating • Radio & TV Service • • Shoe Repairing

diaries FortPlumbing - Heating

fcleetrte 9e*»r Servlc*


MErctry 40594


Woo4brMce, N. J.


CMMY i 1K0


—SALES and SERVICE—155 AVENK1, ST. AVENEI.Antrntii'i itmtalled. Tube* test-ed free at our storf, Car Radiosserviced promptlyRKPAIR ESTIMATES FREE!

MARTINSON STOftE4! I i-alie Avenue. Colonla

,v, t to Shell Station)

r• Slioe Rrpairing« Scissor and Ice Skate

Sharpening• Radio and TV Tubes

Tested••Come in soon . . . you're only

a stranger here onee."


$1.00 In,4 f e a r h adilii

P»yahl< m

• Painting - Decerating •






ME 4-1400



Custom Tailoring •

HARD TO FIT?We make made-to-measuresuits at less cost than youprobably think.

GUARANTEED FITWe have over 25 Jews'

tailoring experience.

SUITS REMODELEDFrom Double Breasted to

New Rlngle Style

We Also CarryUuttom-Miule

Ready to We»r SuitsSport Coats nod Slacks


Custom Tailor Since 193*363 Avcnd St.. Avenel

Tel. ME-4-8490

) Bellcatesiei <




I Fishing Tackle •





"SEA JOV" and "JOHNSON"Hums nf Reil Pari ,


Keel (hrfki'd, Clt-jmii. <% MMI'ollilird. (.rfasfil and I | | l lAdjusted, Igr Only £»vv

Plus Parts 11 Needed

CLEARANCE SALK!^ # V % / Discount On AllCXr/e Fishing Tackle!


;!56 Monroe Street, RahwayTelephone H.-8-3884

• Furnace Cleaning •


Holland Sani-Var Service cleans(he part uf your lioiiu you CAN'Ttitan—warm air pipes . . . cold airpipe* . . . chimney . . . I he entirehnllrif system! Ck«n. mi, coal,oil and warm air heating systems.Here's) why it pay* to havethe Holland Hani-vac Serviceonce a year:



Phone for Representative Today:





Serving Woodbrtdgr Rrsldrnt)Slni-f 1937

St. Georgr Avenue at V. S.Highway 1, Avrnrl

(At tbe WoodbridgeClovcrltaJ Circle)

Opto 9 A. M. tu 9 V. M., Inrl. S»tPhonr MErcury 4-6666

FRANKSPainting and

Paper Hanging

_ Specializing in, —Spraying Multi-Color

Interiors and Exteriors

For EstimatesDial FU-8-4801

Prompt Expert ServiceAt Reasonable JRatrn

• Numbing and

and Srrtlce• Oil Burners.Bales and V



« Conuncrdal • R*sl4rntl»ll

I« MAIN ST. (Opp. Town4-4765

TV Service

For Export


at reasonable rates


Herb Richman TVFulton 8-9164

i Slipcovers



Liquor Stores

Telephone MErcurj 4-18(9

WoodbridgeLiquor Store


Complete Stock of Domestic

and Imported Wines, Beers

and Liquors



i piano and Voice



ALLAN WOLFE28 Goldsmith Ave.

N'ew*rk, ft. J.


Recently featurrt pianist »n«pD\ertainrr at leMlnii hotels InMiami Beach, FlorWa.




sraiAl,!K PIECES


79-9 5Sofa, 2 Chair*

5 Cushions

fur \iU

1 4 A . M . for tin.

over phonr: n ,.< ,.i

Tdephonp Mr ,;., I

BEi.i- u


Moving & Trucking t


(On. Chn««»i>

«M Amboy Avenue, Woodbridft

Fuel Oil

Complete Moving Job3 Rooms $25 4 Rooms $305 Rooms $35 6 Rooms $40All Loads Insured — 10 Years Kip.


Fulton 8-3914


National Van Line*

KODA COLORColor Film Developing


Black and White Film

Developing and Printing:




G A U M S PHOTO541 Ambflj Are. HE-4-3651


• Moving & Storing #



Ofen 1 A- M. to UlW t.*>


[ M o b i l

MobilheatFUEL OIL

Over 25 Yean *fFrtendly Servlae

ME 4-0012 " )100 Fulton StreetWOODBRHIIX1E

A. W. Hall and SonL4C(J and Lout l l i iUnie

Mmlnc and BtorafcNAV10N-WIOK blUPPEHS ol

HouubtUI abd Office rurnltuif.AnlhorljHl Atcn!

HVfcard v.n UanU H n u Room, tur St*n««CftATlNQ • PACKING

SHIPPINGUneUtaH ruraltun •» ««ry

OfBee and WarehMM14 Atlantic Street, Cariertt

Til. V

Photo Studio







(Or Call)

POPIEL STUDIOS'ill (irant Avenue


PlmblRR & HeaUig •

•Hwle listnctlMBnMU four fkild•«w tat prlnlceUuet;#• (iLITAi• ACCOftWOB



and AmpUBen • D 8 0 B a

STUDENT WENf AL PLANf»r U!or*uU»« cad m - H «


MUIIC uMl N«w Krun

WOOmRWGEPlumbing & Iteming• Remodeling

• New Installation*

t Gas and Oil

Can ftte'4-Mti.

L. p c a m w t - A. U M

In The


ME 4-1111-2-3• Folders• Billheads• Letterheads• Programs• Bookletst Announce-

ments• Invitations• House Organs.• Signs I• Post Cards

Call TodayFree Estimates






Rooflns Installation andRepair* of All Types


For Free Estimates Phone

VA 6-5616 or V A 6-0420

T.R.STEVENSRoofing and Sheet MrUI Work


Tm md LEADERS)** '

Alr-Condltloniiii • Harm Air l i t t iitidu.tfUl EihauU Sjttrm


(»ll Mk: 4 .'Hi or ME-4 S.'M

t Z l p i tThroufhout

• Hr»vy Wf Itlnf1958 Slipcover J:

lVirt Estlmalfs

Call ME-,4-3036

BORDEN'SSurprise CenUr

84 Main Street


Vacuum Cleaners iTOl CH NO DIRT!


World's Only AutomaticVacuum Owner


A Cleaner Horn**Frre nemonslration—

No Ubllfatlon

DAVID H. BUNT41 W. Lake Avenue, Colonla

Tel. IU-8-0826 _ _

• Wallpaper - hint t

RACER'SHome of:




RADER'S378 State Strict


MEN AN;O«e your spa" •weekly incomeOne full-timfmatlon call n:Rawlelghs. ]iChester. Pa.

YOUNG MFN :Application

time employ UK:necwisary. Ku,1

Store, 77* U. '• !Orten Stiei t <

. J . A p p l y »lI- • i

CASHIERS ;rflent. Klniv-v

r74 U. S. Rout. 'Street .Circle, v,Apply aftt-r V<-'•:


MOSTWO.MKNdemand tur A\

i.s tremendous 'ithis demand b>Representativemoney full or :O. Box 70S. I'l,6-6855.

I - ( I K l l l \ t

CARTKR^The»t suppH>

Immediate >r<4925.

K I K - V 1 L |

N K W !'•

C a l l !• ,

1946 PONT1A'door hard '

Call Pultor. « ;

V E R Y H1K >!••Exce l IfiU •'

able . Cull l.l

G E N E R A I. :•'freeze1 , t*1

Pulton 8-84i'.

CANCK1J-A 1Orion am'.

all the fu,11111>LonB-^>i'!



h e a U ' i ' '''••'•

Pulton l-3a»'

Henry Jatum & Son

Tlnnlac tnd Sheet Metal Work

BMflDf, Metal CeUlno tnd

Fwnape Work

588 Alden Street

Woodbridgv, N. J.

Tdcfbone tOrtarj 4-lXtl

Service Statins 4

home. M'' :

l lrwtructor ('•••KBarny 2-W^

TOWNE GARAGEJ. V. Gardner * Sen


. WoodbridgeMErcurj 4 JM»

Were SpeetaHaU In





Talented Ralph Richardsonp'ay.s the part o( a Britishscientist, temporarily con-lined u) a wheel chair, whohires a good looting youngItalian iCarlo Justin!) u achauffeur.

Ralph's n o v e l i s t - w i f e< played by Margaret Leitfi-timi worried over a plot lorher latest book. U Wptred Ufthf .sitfht of th« virile Carte,and, Kivlni fr« rela to Vttfettle Imagination, her plotthicken* to a torrW (tort pun-)y literary) conetufton. A coprof her manu»e»H>t ShU* lhtbthe handa of the dauffMtf.and. an he read), thi Winiswiiciieg from Muck and whiteto vivid color>Th» prUvdt»«>.w a d the mttairamatte telecomplete with Ullcjt PVBJloftuiid moae than a town olIrony.

The literal. mttt4e4now feel* hi ftuwtto Marjani, 4h d t b «

or write Pbridge

carpentry, i1

;ton». L. Bu-v.-m*. Call Kim


t problem

t h e m ! Cnll l

Call Fulton ' !



Page 19: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed

••f.r.NT ft.DtlUAfttf 20, 1JI58 PAOP.

- • » >

oodbridge, N. Brunswick Tourney Foes• fl


I i i lRace


SL James \ So-ShellClinchSenior Rec Loop Honors



- • • »V Wan Wavet

ArhfHcan hivlaionW

St. James' 8Arty aritl fliwe'x uEast Slfle Boys 2JlP'i's Tavern ... 'iStan's B ir As Grill 1

National DivisionSo-STfiell 9Wildcats 8I Ms Soys Club 7•i';»fwl Presbyterians 3Lions . . . . . . . 3

I. • . . . , ^,,ni.,-u ;i n i n 1 w i n i inc l ' b l n i M v i t h a of 12 p o l n i s . I

onp loss tnily is the !i;iit son- Jerry Hi Mulo Ird the losing!Kbii rldsl'd. Iritiir.trt by posting a tally of

St. Jfimrs', on the bther 'ninr counters,haiid, went down to defeat us In another senior leaguethe Arty and George team ' Mime, Patsy Mfiriiliitto put onscored nn Impressive J&-27: ;i fine single exhibition by

| win, but nevertheless the ] scoring 29 points to lend theSaints managed to hold theirlead and come dut on toi) inth A i

:'4\.20'i 30 l i .

WOODBRIDGE—With Har-iv Ztms. Annie Armando and

v,'io<i'<h Mary's, Me JdrdSn combining th»tr,-,'• Al's Sunoco: bfst. the So-flhells marriiged',',, ii,r St C("-',to eke out a 47-45 vletoiy

'',,., | (,niinp trff! over the1 Fords Boys Club and, mn'imsiwl to'secure the first-half ch<im-

,'•• ,hr league by pionshlp of the National Dlvi-,, n over M<ylt! Sldh In the tiMoiftrldKe f <wn-

I ship Recreation t> w t m e n is'Ki|i KeRlors Btfketbflll Leftstue at IMP «<•'•- i

l i fe 's Tsivcrn d u b to an en ayd nd come dut on toi) in (>&-4ti victory over the East

the American Division of the I side Boys. .Incki/ .OTtonnellsame IPa««C. St. James' had . Idokocl best. I' «• t>e loscn rccoi'd of ei'iht wins and two a tally of l.r> points,l s ^ s for tl;e first half. ! The Wildcats won the ol'nf

Jim Titpak was hlah m:m ! hi;i-le;inue gnrne Ihroujhfor the Arty imd George coin- forfeit by the Lions.

Hopelawn IndiansTakellthinRow

^ In the•Aith tu l l i e s of

..,• ihe ir o p p o -

f;V.i a n d flB2.

[ii.ii r i m e buck

...Mun with aI . . , I the other

: \vi 191 nnd,.[ 47r> to lead-> while Ruth• ,II.; fnr t h e

rrn Avenue courts. Tnc win-

Junior league2nd Half Opens


2nd Italf Stanatnr*W L

ler'i with St. James1 1 0,md 175 for Brrtolaml's 1 0

I Scrieno's Cities S'vlce 0 1Market (jar- b>mdns • 0 1; Its three Bertoiitml's and St. James'

Shop j wcr* even at one game allnfter the openinj of the sec-


Eastern Division

W LSt. James' . .. 9 2Screamin J's 8 3Hi-Flyers , 6 5Plnfe Rats . 3 8

WtM-n DivisionHopela*n Indians 11 0Five Pools 3 8Avenel Presbyterians 3 8Woodbrldfte Braves .. 1 10

K". s scorpd *session overr,\T. but thehack with aRhop-Rltr's

St. James' In the Intermedi-ate League had an easy timewith the Woodbrldge Braves,scoring a 49 to 19 triumph. EdBallo 1M the victors wfth 18

oniI half"inthf Junior Uagw. | polntt, "White Mike SchneiderSt. Jamw1 h«» already <von the <«d tn (> >»rt n e c o u W f O r t h e

f!r«t-ha!f championship. \ ^ m h* garrftrtns 11 of theAlthdu«h the score ihmea ! * • " » 1 9 ^nto. s t JJ i m e s '

••iime » n thf ' thf Demons sliMd. 26-19 ovet j n n s n o w * o n n™ a n ( J l o s t

mi- well out; Bfrrtolaml's, the officials ruled •two to l c i l d l h e E a s l e r " D l v i ":;s lime by a;that the Ramp was to «o to,(W th* Imrinp t e a m beenus* of »n!:.! the h a r d - Ineligible p layer on t he; of 107. 157! D e m o n s t eam.

'niM] of 489 to R o n Allgaler with 17 point*: : P : combine spea rheaded t h e victory

mfi had tallies,scored by the St. James' teamr d VU with a OVFT the Scheno's combine, fit, :i-itl the toning1 James' tallied 54 points• nnerdtck ires a«alnst the Scheno's 28

' ;t!i :l 419.

'V.iim1' wa.s in

•> r in,i;inu n p a i r

i !,• v T h e l a t t e r

in this league.

Those fast movlnff Hspe-lawn Indians made It eleven |wins without a loss in theWestern Division, when theymassacred the Hl-Flyers by «score of 82-26. Bob Ello wasthe chief scalper •hitting thenets for 27 points. JohnnyPastor helped the tenm alonn

with 17 additional talltfs.Dun Kuchma nnd Richard

Edmonds tried to help theIORPI'S but. tehir best effortsresulted In seven pointsapiece,

In another IntermediateLeanue tussle the Screamln'J's bested the Avenel Presby-terians, 40-28. Matt Fratterolo hnd 13 points to lead thevictors while Bob Backer andBret Hanncoak had tallies 6felcht aplecn for the losingcombine.

The Pink Rats gave a 3oodlacinn to the Fools in thfourth Intermediate Leaguegame with a tally of 59 to 37Bud Me/era wasthe differencIn the win with his sharpshooting. He alone posted 2;points for the victorious teamFor the loser.s it was Bill M<Kcnna nil the way with a tall;of 24 points.



'iP MA&t 1/orfP Ofi LfiTBR.Kino Ftalurcl


Boston College Suffers1st Defeat of Season


bridge Hijih School phicCdfourth bchlflb Nfcw Brunswick.Penh Amtioy and HighlandPiirk in the Middlesex CountyWinter Track Championshipsbut the Barrons' stiy sprinterstole the show bv blinking rrecord and scorini? the moat

iint.f-' durinu the meet.Cunningham, one of Wood-

iridge's most promising speed-iters In recent years, set a.lew record of 7.4 secondswhile Winning the low hurdlei.Ht' then went on to place thirdIn the hln,h jump and finishthe 60 yal-d dnsh in a deadtieat with Ronnie Bamloln ofJerth Amboy. .During thecourse of the afternoon's com-petition, Cunningham scored12 I.J points.

The Zebras copped liftcrowh by racking up 37-7/10points, while the remainder ofthe field was spread out:,PerthAmboy, 30; Highland Park. 22;Woodbridge, 20'A; St. Peter's7-7/10; and Metuchen 2.

New Brunswick regained theIndoor championship afterrelinquishing, it to Woodbridglast year. The Zebras andPanthers tied for second placein 1957.

New Brunswick captured twofirst places. Bill Armstead hitthe tape first in the 440, while

Colonia 5Trounced


l b

iiUnl same'ICII downedn the nextto -678 and

li started offiy crew with

Catholic School Hoophurney Slated Sunday


i Wuodbriffie[Port:I AvenelIsolin


..„•.: 4

. 4

WOODBRIDOE —-Be.lmontAbbey ruined Boston College'saspirations of completing anundefeated season In thfe St.James' Big League Ijy hand-ing the league leaders it 17-itssetback with a 10 point splashIn the fourth quarter.

Boston College., the winnersof five straight games, suitedto an 8-2 lead in the firstquarter and had th> edge, 2-1,in the second to reach thehalfway njark out front, lfl-3.

Belmont Abbey came to lifeht

• of 397.1.iiid Ann Koc-I:M; scores, tied •i: tin- Excavat-j

: !<iM Its firstCuMier Dairy

•in' b.ick to win1 ciisy mart'ins.•I.-1.* posted an.i- first a^i i lytitiiji r team, but

• :\mr through<;n nnd 641 to:. Hi-, tallies at

:i -A it h a 422.:." ^sers. and

till* Lumber

WOODBRIBOE—Due to therecent heavy snowfall, the jEighth Annual St. James'Catholic Grummw SchoolTournament. By the HolyName Society and KnighUt ofColumbus, was postponed untilSunday afternoon at the Am-boy Avenue court. Th* first

^xame is scheduled to start at

St. Mary's of Perth Amboy , p ( ) ] d

the St. James' Grammar j colonia

School League titleholders,'

will meet Our Lady of Vic-

tories of Sayieville in the first

clash at 12:30.The swond game pn the

afternoon's slate pits St.

12:30 o'clock.St. PrancLs' of Metuchen

was the tournament championlast year with Our Lad; ofPtace of Fords copping sec-ond place In one of the mostexciting elimination contentssince the inauguration of theplayoff).

R*v. Qustave Napoleon, di-rector of the tournament, an-nounced that the three topteams in the elimination willteams in the eliminationbe the recipient* of engraved

ni^iiivwu w

James' against Holy Spirit ofPerth Amboy at 1:30. The fol-lowing schedule for the after-noon Includes games betweenOur^ady of Peace of rordsarid Sacred Heart of SouthAmboy at 2:30; Holy Trinityof Perth Amboy and HolyFamily of Carteret at 3:30: St.Joseph's of Garteret and St.Mary's of Rahway at 4:30: St.Francis of Metuchen and St.Mary's of South Amboy at 5:30and St. Mary's of South Riverand Sacred Heart, of .NewBrunswick at 6:30.

victory ih the Township Gram-mar School Basketball Leagueby trouncing Colonia by a one-

WOODBRTDQE — The Bar-ron Avenue Grammar Schoolracked up its fourth straight

sided 33-9 store.

The victory enabled theijVoodbridge club to keep pacewith Port Reading at the topof the league with four winsapiece.

JimDeJoy's club, 4-2, andnarrow the gaj5.'»! & 12-?count. In the fourth and finalprlod, Belmont Abbey ciitloote with 10 pours to over-take their rivals and win thegame by a one-point margin.

L P'aul Nagy and Bill' Walsh! were Belmont Abbey's main-! stays on the floor, with pro-ductions of seven and five, re-spcctivelS. While Russ Rueyand Bob Ryan each netted sixcounters for tioston College

Niagara played by far dtieof Its best games of the cur-rent season to trouhfce St,Peter's by a wide 38-17 mar-gin at the St. James' court.

Pete Trakimowicz, theNiagara scorln?: specialist, wastop man on the floor with sixfield Koals for 12 points, whilehis teammates, John KeUnerand Sam Lomonlco, were nextsinking seven aplet*.

Kiwara had a hdavy Bandin the dpeniiig perldo" to leid,8-2, then went on td outshdotSt. Peter's, 10-6, In the sbc-ond tb hold a 16-8 lfcad at theIntermission.

It was ail Niagara in thesecond half when St. Peter'sfell behind, 7-3, In the thirdsession and 15-6 in the fourth.

Nell Casey and Tom Tovewere St. Peter's high men withtotals of eight and seven.


3-Way TieIn League



the tape fAl Jackson ctipped the 880.The latter- sprinter set a newschool and meet record witha eicskhig of 2:016.

Jim Clarke of Perth Amboyswept to victory in the highjump with a 5-7 leap, whilethe mile event was won by SigGross of Woodbridge who ledLee Burke of Highland Parkand Dave Ingraham of NewBrunswick across the finish

PordhamSeton HallSt. John'sVlllanoVR,HolycrossManhattanNbtre. Damelona r

line.George Connelly jof High-

land Park was at pe*ak formin winning the 60 yard highhurdles, while Jim Arico addedpoints to St. Peter's team to-tal by capturing the shot patevent,




r Brsss ftSt. James' LitUe BasketballLeague but only after battling

Barrons'RecordNow 7-7

woonnvunr .K ..with an ,.•'-,'veil record nl 7-7, Wood,- •bridse High will endeavor to. •'•(> nvci- the son mnvk tonltjht ;':;,when Mitldletown Township V"arrives In town to take on • V;Conch ,llm HlghberKer's capers '•!'•'.'lit the local ftym. The varsity : '

mr is scheduled to start at ^8 o'clock. . l >i

Mlddietown and the Bar- ijrons tvere scheduled earlier in :-the deasdn. but a conflict in • jtthe scheduling necessitated ft *?.-switch to tonlRht. The visitors ,' 'will move in with a respectable ••. :,-record of 12 victories against !;'>three defeats thus far. ' : :

After the Middletown clash,WoodbrMse will take onHayrevllle. St. Mary's of PerthArrtboy and New Brunswick toComrJlPte the regular 1958 sea- .son.

The Barrons dropp»d b«lowthe .500 level early last weekbut brought it up even againwith a 00-40 victory over Car-teret. Richie Barlund andBart Brodkln were thestars against the •• ftfimblers,^^netting totals of 24 and 21, re-spectively.

Norman Mansfield, the exec-utive secretary of the NewJersey State InterscholasticAthletk Association, an-nounced earlier in the weekthe pairing for the 4OUo An-nual NJSIAA Tournament, Healso stated that the 164 teamsentfertd constitute a new rec-ord.

When the eliminations startMarch 5, Woodbrldge will meetN e W Brunswick in the first'

d t ^ t b



a game settled in an overtimeperiod.

^ a} h ta s l a t e d

to go against the high powered

Also m 1st RoundAnother first-round isame

pits, Plainfleld

Boat Show is DrawingEnthusiastic Throngs

Strikes and Spares I: ill! KSIIAY SITEi v s i.taiitc

W L49 204438'343431

: 55'21

l.iniir Hullu\. v n r f Aull U f t | -

il ip Wl series.Mi ' ,n i l ,

• •'.iiiiirrs M a u r o MQ-

'••>••!-.' E A b M i l ll-n:iir Hliup.



' 5"


II' .KIIICK SF.HV1CEi • \ < ; i ' K

W12' ;10';10108

"B" 813


Fardt Tumble IIIDVuhti CaiutrucilonSehwinwr TruckingBowl-MorCenUr B»r . .Town Ehtrbtr ShopNlderm»n » BWbttAl-Fet«n Shirts

Hwior RollHlgb ImUvWiiil wor«i: 9. Cm-

ilUna 1U-JM-134—«1«. I BOch»l-il iM-W-IU- f U: W

* S ; K Booth 218-3*0;I' J Buisiir Ji ' c «~"I, J, AntoneJJI 301, E Ni-cela «7


W LMusHV* Funeral Home 48'b ITA.B.D. Eifctrtcnl Supply 44 32Mlddlewi T«le«l8lon ffi'i 21'Booih ElectricPocvqkt Il\hurulu:fStrike!HdvensTowiie



Honor Ball•caret:High individual (caret: K. Bal-

loiklt W, J Stunphlglls 112. B

^ . . . Jorgensen. the Wood-bridge center, was the fame'sindividual scoring leader witheight counters, while histeammates who lined up nextin the scoring column wertFrank Urban and Joe Palflwith totals of six and five, re-spectively. Colonla's high manwas Tom Schmiel, who col-lected six counters.

Port Reading went on ascoring spree to rip into Fords49-24 in a name decided in thesecond half.

The RffProaders were thebetter shooters in the firstquarter, riding over their rivals7-3 and again in. the second

12-8 to resell the ha!f on tori,19-11,

Port ReAtiln$ opened up inthe second half to steep overFords, 15-8. in the thirdstanza and 15-5 in the fourth.

Jim Vernlllo pumped ninefield goals arid two freethrows into the tte'ts for. 20points, to pace Port Reading.His teammates, Richie D'Apol-ito and Jim Covlno, trailedwith totals of 14 . and 12.

the continuing cold wave andunfriendly gray sky, 1,500boating enthusiasts queued upoutside Convention Hall forthe opening of the JerseyCoast Boat 8how on Saturday.

Shortly thereafter, the firstboat was sold. Since this ex-position is the outstanding SeaSkiff show in the nation, Itwas fitting that the first salejshould involve-a Sea Skiff.

The cratt was a Forsberg 20-foot utility boat with a 120 hp.Palmer engine and a price tagof $4,650. A product of Fors-berg Bout Works, Inc., PointPleasant, it was purchased byJoseph Gerard, also of PointPleasant.

On the main floor of theshow, much attention is beingdirected to the first .cruisingsailboat ever exhibited here

Fords' best shooter with 16counters was Pete Piandano.

In one other league game,Avenel bVoughti its season'srecord up to the .500 level by

0cord up

^Continued on Page 20 >

She is the 24-foot Amphfol-Ette, a light-displacementsloop being shown by SouthFreeport, Me., Yacht BasinInc. She sleeps four and ha;room for eight in (he cockpitCarrying a basic price tag o

ASBURY PARK —. Despite -4,500 without sails and equip-

ment, ahe costs about $6,000

when fully equipped like the

example in the show.

On the second floor, bothroungsters and experienced'achtsmen swarmed around ajute little 8-foot dinghy that>oasts inboard power. Exhlbit-;d by the Boat Trader of PointPleasant, this boat doubles as

tender for a cruiser and aGaining ship for junior powerboatmen. Complete with 1.8hp. engine, rudder and oarsand finished with four coatsof paint, she costs -195. A ver-sion finished with varnish Ispriced slightly higher.

The Seamen's Church Insti-tute Qf Mew York Is againmailing bottled messages forvisitors to its booth, which hason display ship' models andmarine curios. The messageswill be dropped into the mid-Atlantic next month from theS. S. United States. The firstto be returned to the Institutewill win seascapes in oils forboth the sender and the finder.

bur kin 2<XJ, It Satl«ll»nt 206oi Arw»)f 3M, E. Gaudy 203.

Thrte-ttme winners: MiddlesexTelevision over Rttrent, ABOIlectrlcU Supply over Towne Ou-t|«.

Two-game winner*: Strikes everover Buotb Electric.

L5 " , ir87


Wood-""imr (to

'r'i'mr, 913, ,.""•v Siiunc! " B " : A.

' 1'V'ii 216. J. B«rtt-1 '" iku J14. O. HO»s-

•;'ltL>i i:\mt.. a Mom-'; '-'is-nm; ;"l'i ' il scorrs: M. Dbrbi.•''•'< 'JI4 louV, Q Hull!-, " '' 'ill. H. Chomlckl"'•"man ?oi, H uliett

"•""•Hi 2|0,

Tbr»«-Iime winners: Fords Tum-ble toft ov«r Al-Peter* Shir'"BehwSier TrucklDK over TownBMbtr Shop. Bowl-Mor over Nl-dermani 8ho«s

Two-g»m« winner, Yulins Con-struction OT» cenwr B I T


(Crtlliimen1* (Hub) ^

Pl»»a BtrWrtC k flAliSmil .JackiBo'trraftirM'Blue ,B*r


W, Almwl l « , TAlmasl ISO

HlKh Individual

W t

m JO'•I nuntora U l j, *l U1 Huiae L i«

Iliimi"'1' "nrrs: Paul Til11 •'« HSU luew wa

i'«rt Ounther' McHugh ml l « . J !•.

233. P8. An.

ioo, a

•'•Inmire: l8#|iuHi«rim over


Honor Roll

. f'ucnko

US. —a-TWO-|»*B

Ov|r PnrdiiFotds[nn.

WMIwlln CbttlaAvenel Ho. IBhellAven.lAvenel 8«Moi i N«. 1 ,

mith tftmbrjdgt»x6i iH



uUu Dulry

Wllllsm Wtrren'ii 33'i W3Bauntun Dlst . 31 Mfrank Dun]>lu9'» 30 MFords Coal ind lumber 27 mSiaiidliiavlao Bar 3i 33

Honor RollIljli Individual Mores: ttekninn 2(n, Bea John us-n llO-ns.i-Sia, June Dudlck 1B3-HO-18O


me winners:llnuvUti Bur.

Mpneta: Puului rfelrytuaa Coul and t.uh(bt>r,ResuiirtuH over bl

(Ford* Kccrwttlon)

. . . . „ . - rwrTiirlible. tnn , .Heine Food Market

Honor ltollnhh Individual - r,

UWidoukl 193-H5-15

^umtfirtMr ML

one T

Dame club hits won one andlost four.

Both teams fought on feventerms throughout the openingsession scoring four pointsapiece, but the trend changedin the second frame whenNotre Dame outshot theSetonlans, 7-0, to lead at thehalftime rest period, il-4.

Gene Cory's Seton Hall quin-tet came to life again in thethird period with a five-pointsplash to narrow the gaip, 11-9.In the fourth quarter, SetonHall rallied for six pointswhile holding Not,re Dame tofour to balance the score at15-15 at the whistle.

When the overtime periodrolled around, Fitzgerald sentNotre Dame ahead, 17-15, witha field goal, but Seton Hallcame back with foul shots bySmith and Gery and a setshot by Feeney to ice the vic-tory.

Johnny Doros was high man(or Seton Hall with four fieldgoals for eight points, whileFeeney trailed with four. NotreDame's Riser captured thegame's Individual scoring hon-ors by sinking- nine markers.

One of the biggest upsets ofthe year Occurred when Man-hattan, a second division club,upended Vlllanova, the firsthalf champs, by a close 1645score. The game was a thrill-er all the way.

Manhattan, coached by WaltStillman and Charlie Parr,trailed Villanova. 4-3, in theinitial period, but picked upwith five points in the secondrmurter to knot the tally at thehalf, 8-8.

The action hi the gameslowed down to a snail's pacein the third stanza with Villa-nova scoring the drily tteldgoal to leap ahead by a 10-8count. Minucci sank tlic loneshot for Coach Jack Coley'scombine.

With trie duteome of thegame in the balance In • the

•• * . Manhattan t!tit


[•» Fl&rirt ove» In

TOM GORMAN, National J-eaiue unjflre, i t ^ M M a cap aohy wtdtatw of' yowu tell pUyew »t t tWmmUy oi|ht in Our Udy of ]fo»& t t W MrfUwium, held is honor of the Fotfs LliUfe Lw»u». Tt* .at the affair Hrr pictured above, left to rlfht: Jobn 2nUo, Mtchncl Bobal, karue nottUry; CWk» Q«dvk. VtkiSmuyak, Mr. Uarm.n, WUUwn BjtUbwi; Chief of PoUce |«U4 l « . q . Rudy AO>*iet«, treiwum, »nd Thonn. J««t.

fourtji stanza, Manhattan gotoff with an eight point rally toreach the wire on top by ftsingle point. Mike Stawlcklpumped sii counte'rB ihttJ th!fenets during the decisive lourthframe for Manhattan.

Close behind Stawickl inthe scoring column tor Manrhattan were Allen Minklerand Wardlow 'with ttur pointsnpleca. Higglns' eight coun'tifrswere the top produch(in forVlllanovfl.

St. John's, sfcipt*red tjyBill DeJoy, was rriaponsiblefor tossing the clrcutt into uthree-way tie when thwytriljsbed prevlouely undefeatedFordham, 20-17,

After Wking a 104 lead inthe first quarter, St. John'sheld i t m to t^e Veid for theremainder of the n*me. Fold,

(.continued on Page 20)

Jefferson of Elizabethand Asbury Park. '

Coming down the homestretch, the Barrons will haveto go all out to finish abovethe .500 level with such teamsas Middletown, Sayreville andlife* Brunswick remaining onthe schedule, The only softtouch Li St. Mary's, which "visits the Woodbrldge gym

Thus far this Season the RedBlazers whipped Perth Amboy2, Carteret 2, St. Mary's,Union and the Alumni, whilelosing to Linden 2, Metuchen,Perth Amboy, Asbury Park,Thomas Jefferson nnd Plain-Held.

Schaefer EntryIn May 30 RaceINDIANAPOUS, Ind. — Ed

(Dutch i Schaefer of FloralPark, l«ng Island, N. Y., to-day became the third rookie,driver assured of a fast carfor the 42nd annual 500, milerace on May 30.

Tony Hulman, Speedwaypresident, also announced tjiereceipt of official entry formsfor.the two Bowes Seal FastSpecials which will be drivenagain by Freddie Agabashianof Walnut Creek, CaL, andJohnny Boyd, of Fresno, Cal.

With these additions to theofficial entry list, the fieldnow consists of 12 cars, in-cluding two still withoutdrivers. Approximately 40Other entries are anticipatedbefore the deadline on April:13. ;

Schaefer is the 1957 cham-pion of the American RacingDrivers Club, which has 'a.working agreement with theUnited States AutomobileClub In the sanctioning ofmidget races in the Easternarea. He recently was electedpresident of the circuit for theeighth straight ye,ar.

In midget competition tajtseason, Schaefer finished 3N4or better In 13 it 35 fe&tu'ifB;events. He also placed l ?"••«•*the final standings ofUSAC Eastern sprint CM;;standing. '•[

His ca r te , the "50d"stIn*dlanapoHs will be the Bryant,Heating Special owned by i. Si(Duke) Donaldson of takfSuccess, N; V, It was n<w 1year and Bill CheesbourgTucson, Alia., qualified It,an average speed of tilfmilt's an hour, but failedfinish because of d fuel

Other rctokles alrealytered this year are Jevryof Lonss Beach, Cal.,George Ami; k. of VenJct,Amiok wus •500">entr»«tMay but hu qualifying


'Jf ,

Page 20: Mepenbent leaber - DigiFind-It · WOODBRIDGE — Joseph P . Somers Township Industrial Commissioner, announced this morning that the Elizabeth-town Consolidated Gas Company signed


Lafayette Es|dtes andShorecrest at Fords

Bj MItv I.KSTER KRESSS5 Inirrness Terrarr, Fords

liberty 8-2215

Mein".-,(TM::;> chairman,Tftm f'1'iijii. announces ny•inln : hip drive fortiir s':-,,:(;.. -,1 a! Fords CivicA.B.-..'r..i';n:; !• ur.cirrway withrr.i'H::-. ••• ; "Hi on the fourthTii '- 'dr .if I'Tii month atCt'ii I.•'• -i- r>! Pence Annex,F'ir(i< T'lnf-c interested may1

Colonia FiveiCcMtinued from vSport Ptutoromping to a 41-21 victoryover Iselin.

ttarry Jones, Avenel'.i scor-j Ing ieadri. WM In "rare lorm

_ . . . , ,„ from a Miootirn .standpoint- ^Chairman Annelo Lorn-, fe Q

bardl announces the U*W- , ^ 7 , , , „ , F o r I s e l l n .rtte Estate Civic AawctaUon w f t J * £ „ K a r d R p n

|d.nner dance, March l S . ; B r w n # h 0 s h , , e f i l h e o f f M .

the affair will b« held In theBel Alre Mirror Room, PerthAmboy.

—Mr. and Mrs. FredjSpringer, Snyder Road, at-

3-Way Tie(Contlni-xJ from Sports Page)

tended a recital by the Israeli ham did rally for nine potatom- "7 Hickok! d h n c e r s a t McCarter Theatre,' In the fourth session, but it

M(»2. All residents1, ™n<*ton- Thursday In cele-." -attend t h e ! b r a t i o n o f M r Springer's

wheniblr thd»y- O n Saturday, they j:slted Mr. and Mrs. S. Stein

was not enouah to catch up.Jack Shubert and Kevtn

O'Brien shared offensive hon-for St. John's b,y sinking

game was Tommy Webb, who moretosaeri in four markers.

Four (tames are fcheduledfor Saturday morning at the

six points apiece, while Ford-' 8 t . jam**1 gym with the firstham's most accurate shootersw«re Sernio> Germanario andJim Bedl with clusters of fiveand six.

In one other league frame,Holy Cross took the measureif Iona. 16-U. The win wasthe second for Holy Crosssince the start of the secondhalf.

Bob Tlminski, the HolyToss forward, was flt peakform by /sinking five shotsfrom the floor and one freethrow for eleven counters,lona's best shooter during the

consecutive 500 rnil1!ian any ntliT nclnr

driver — eleven — ind unsamong the leaders lnst yearuntil his fuel tank ruptured vi260 miles.

Boyd, Agflbashlan's tram-to go at it In the opener, while ; m a t e o n t,he Bowes cars enter-

starting at 9 o'clock. St. John'sand Manhattan are ocheduled |

Your NewSocial Security

Dy Robert M. Bowes II. of|1BS driven in

next In the line are Holy Crossand Seton HAU at 10: Villa-nova and Fordham at 11; and j three Indianapolis event* andlona and Notre Dame at 13. • ) l c finished sixth brt year

—" i —

Schaefer Entry(Continued from Sports Page*

fit 139.443 was a flfth-cf-a-mile-an-hour too slow to earna starting posaion, i p l a y w a s puiieci against Pitts-

has driven in burffh.

By ALLAN A. BASH,District Manager

Q. I am ft veteran ofWorld Wflr II and ' under-stand that there is some type

\ " . 0 ; credit received under socinlj The RedleRS led the National security. What is it and is'LeaRue in club fielding in i there anything I should do1957 with .982 and exeaucd to get it?ii>e National League's only A. If you were on active

play of the season. The duty or acthre «nty iwt r a i n i n g te the Arm**Forces of the United 8UU*

between September 15, 1940.and January 1. WM. * «are entitled to «ocW se-curity wage 'credit.1 of »1SOfor each month of Mtlveduty provided:—jour dlwharge or releasewas under eondltlons otherthan dishonorable, and—you either had M mud*a s 90 days of service or weredischarged or released be-cause of a disability or In-jury Incurred or aggravatedin the line of duty. »nd—monthly benefits are notpayable by the mlUUryorganisation or by anotherFederal agency based Inwhole or In part on thes a m e p e r i o d of military

howmr, win

°'a|towardcurity JiaympnKThere U no »f t i()n (

need to take nou („t h e « ware cn-iliK -be credited win, f)lK

whenever a eiaim is

:yoor account. Ti,is J,"4

—«t retirement—«t death—or In the m mcome disabled "'"At that time nr11(lf(i(

time tn ttrvlcr ,.n, !

your serial

r d to

will1'i'bniary 25 meetingi:omiii,ii ioti of officersU'tfp place.

^Ir ind Mrs Daniel Lom-b.-.rdi, Mr. and Mrs.1 Frankl.nmn'mo. Mr. and Mrs.Warren \.-eizh. Mr, and Mrs.M Mnw, Mr. and Mrs. Johny.cHu^h. and Mr. and Mre.Jnlin Zelesnir.k, LafayetteEstates attended a perform-mcc nf 'The Music Man"S.Hurday night, and dinedand riancod at tllf Hotel Edi-Min, Now York.

Mary A n n G i u n t a .d;iu!!litrr of Mr. and Mrs. 8.Ciunt:i. Arlington Drive, spenttl'.r weekend at the home ofMi and Mrs. Anthony Cijnlnomid family, who entertainedin honor of her birthday.

-Happy wedding anniver-sary to Mr. and Mrs. Charle*Aitknns. Jonqviil Circle, Mr.and Mrs. Nat Goodman, Ar-lington Drive, and Mr. andMrs Johnton Dine.

O'Meaia. Arllng-

Square DanceDate Announced

AVENEL Rabbi Moi&heCahaiin announces his topicfor tomorrow night's servicesat Sons of .Jacob Synagoguewill be, "The Mergers ofEfivpt and Syria and of Iraqand Jordan." A question andanswer period on the topicwill be held clurinp the OnegShabbot, Hosts for the eve-ning will be Mr. and Mrs. Jo-seph Htvzfeld in honor oftheir daughter's birthdays.Julie will be ten years oldand Debbie, seven.

T'nr annual square dancetn be sponsored by the conKivKiiUon at the Avenel Jewish Community Center iedK-duled for May 8, 8:30 PM. 'Music which will featurea "Daisy Mac" contest, willbe. furnished by the Chordairs.

The drawing for the rafflewill be l:eld during the reg-ular meeting of the Sister-hood, JVT-IV 6, 9 P. M. The firstprize will be a hi-fi phemo-Bi-apii. second prize, a man'swrisUatrh, and third prize isa ladies' wristwatch. Proceedswill be. used to help maintainthe Synaso;uie, CommunityCenter and Hebrew schooland U)4 set aside funds forfuture expansion.

Mrs. Nathan Temkin, donorcluunii.ui, and Mrs. JuliusPrinlln1, <-o-;iuurman, request-all merchandise-slips up to thepresent lime bo. turned in.

Mrs. Benjamin Katz, pastpresident of the Union Sister-hood, WUH chairman of. theday at the meeting pf theCentral New Jersey Branch.National Woman's League ofUnited Synagogues of Amer-ica held last Thursday atTemple Btth Sholom, Union.

TIKJM" who represented theAvenel Sisterhood were Mrs.MoisHi!Jacobs.

ield and Mr. and Mrs. J.Springer, New York.

—Mr. and Mrs. CharlesA u 11 i n s . Arlington Drive.lined in New York Wednes-

day night on Mf. Mulltn'sbirthday.

—Marilyn Ward, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. EdwardWard, Jonquil Circle, washostess at a birthday partySunday. Her guests wereDoreen Grace. Margie Dono-hue, Joe Hlggins, Chris Kulls.Margaret Grace, and herbrother, Roger Ward.

—Mr. and Mrs. EdwardNavalany spent th« weekendat DuPont, Pa. as guests ofMr. Navalany's mother,. Mrs.Mary Naval&ny. The entirefamily celebrated Mr. Kava-lany's birthday, while "snow-bound" *ln the Poconoe.

—Mr. and {Mrs. JosephEnnis. Hearthstone Avenue,observed their, wedding an-niversary and son, John's,birthday this week. They werehosts at a dinner partyWednesday. Quests were Mr.and Mrs. A. ForSberg. Brook-yn: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rors-

ber«. Levittown, Pa. and Wil-liam Ennis. Forest Hills, N.Y.

—Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Crow-ley, Concannon, Drive, enter-tained Saturday at a partyfor Mr. Crowley's birthday.Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward Henseh, Mr. and MrsEdward Hadley, LafayetteEstates; Mr. and Mrs. AlbertHenslcy, Staten Island; andMr. and Mrs. N o r m a nSchmidt, Scotch Plains.

—Happv birthday to K«n-neth Miglionlco and sons, Donand Ken, Thomas Hynes, Jr.,John H. Deegan, Mrs. I^uielLombard!. Patrick Cafferalli,Vincent D e S t e f a n o , JoeLydon, Mrs. Paul Dutch, Mrs.Shaun MacDermott, MaryEllen Green, Robin Nelvert,J a c k G o e r s , Mrs. J o h nO'Meara. Joseph Shapiro,James and Iaraine Cullen, La-fayette Estates; and EdwardSherry and Seymour Sperber,Sl;orecrest!


Cahana, Mrs. LesterMis. Reuben Gruttz.•utts

MnLeonard Lieberman, Mrs. Mil-tun Medlnets, Mrs, GeorgeKetzcnburs, Mrs. Manny Tern-kin. Mrs. Hyman Serulnick,nnd Mrs. Milton Kushner. ,

In FashionNow


simplicity of .spring'sniveH added im-

portance to .scarves. Oblong,extra Ions, loosely tied, hang-ing free, or extremely large

folded and tied trl-yh> all are ideal ac-

cents for the uncluttered linefound in dresses.

The hWnd-uway collars of•uit£ and coals also often falllor a scurf »t the neck, t h e|tcw Importance of pins arefcmsght Into Play with the use*T scarves und pins ie, the

' touch for sulis and

SHBRIFF'S S.V1.HSUPERIOR COURT OF NKW J^RSEY-CHANCEBY DIVISION, MID-DLESEX COUNTY, Docket No. F-205-51—The Bow*ry Savings Bnnlc,a New York Corporation. Is plain-tiff and Wnlwr J. Singer md Vir-ginia Sinner, his wl/«, arc Defend-ants, Writ of Execution fpr theaale of mortgaged premises datedJanuary 14. 1658

BY virtue of the abotp statedWrit, to me directed and delivered,I will expose to sale at public ven-due onWEDNESDAY. THH 12TH DAY OF


at the hour of two o'clock by thethen prevailing (Standard or Day-light 8avlng) time; in the after-noon of the salt} d»y, at the Sher-iff's Office In the City of NewBrunswick. N. J.

ALL that tract or parcel of landsituate, lying and being In theTownthlp of V/oodbrtdge, Countyof Middlesex and State at NewJersey:

BEOINNINO at a point in thesoutherly side of Bender Avenuetherein distant 71.91 feet Westerlyfrom the produced Intersectionthereof with the Westerly Bide ofPlymouth Drlvo; thence ID Bouth* degrets 23 mlnutee 30 secondstaet 190 feet; thence (21 south 85degrees 36 mlnutos 3D second*Vest ii feet; thence 13) North 4degrees TZ minutes 30 seconds West100 feet to the said aide of BenderAvenue, thenc* (4) along the sameNorth 85 degrees 36 minutes 30seconds East 55 feet to the pointof BEGINNINQ.

BEJNO known as Lot 42 In Block440-D on map entitled "Map ofWoodtfrldge Oaks. Township ofWoodbridge, Middlesex County,H J,. W. Franklin Buchanan.C E.. Mctucben, N. J,, dated De-cember. I960."

Being the premises commonlyknown and designated as No. 5Bender Ave., Woodbridge (Iselln),N. J.

Tile approximate amount of theJudgment to be satlsnfcd by s»tdbale U the sum of Ntni ThousandSeven Hundred Five Dollars 1*9.-705.00), more or lets together withthe costs of this sale.

Together with all and (Jugularthe rights, privileges, heredita-ments and appurtenances there-unto belonging or In anywlws »p

Chiffon is perfect for pro-, ghajw ' without bulk.

• fine silkquall-wtth

pr are an|hr#carf picture.

A new gtoup ¥ h«&lcry

AtAti callocl the South SeafToIors have tfWB lateoduced

company, tt^ks eplortfrom paidI h r o i j g h , „ , , , ,

stwWngs for spr' s

The subscriber reserve!* Uxe iluhtto adjourn said bale from time totime subject only to such (Imita-tions or restrlctloa upon the exer-cise of Bilcb power i s may be spe-cially provided by law or rules ofcourt.




Atnoimced tloslog U»t« for fil-ing applications

FEBRUARY 28, 1958For special application blanks,

duties sad minimum qualifica-tions, apply to DApartnien^ of CivilService. State HoiiM, Treuton,New Jeriey, ur 'roin tin branchofflces located at 1100 RaymondBoulevard, Room 107. Newark, NewJersey, and City Hall, Camdeo,New Jersey.

The salary ratet> shown for thefollowing clerical tf-aU are for the.State service. The rates of pay lathe County mid Municipal servicewill vnry from thuse In the SUMnervier and will be aomewhathigher or lower.

Open to <:ltlMMis, 12 months resi-dent In Township of .Woodbrldge.

Clerk, H«l»ry. $)2M-|l<U0 perv«ttr. The lilrluu rate and mlnl-niuui paid tit? fpr tills positionIs p i ft year.

' tenoii»pher.


How NATIONAL helps yousave money with Register Tape


\ t Just save the cash register tapesyou get each time you shop at[National* !•• 8

2, Place them in the handy envelopethat i» furnished you at our check-out counters until they total $50in tapes.

3, Use individual envelopes for eachadditional $50 of tapes.

4, When you have the required num-ber of filled envelopes for theitem you want, bring them to( National 1 and select your WestBend premium a . these tremen-dous bargain prices. For example,you can get the famous West BendHeavy duty Tea Kettle . . . a reg-ular $4.50 value . . . for only 99cwith 3 envelopes of tapes. Alsothe 8-inch Gri W*1 (shown below). . . a regular $1.75 value . . . for

'only 49c and 1 envelope.





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