meraas signature bridge dubai - ops structures

6/ 22/2016 Meraas Signature Bri dge Dubai - OPS Struct ures ht tp: //www.opsstruct uk/Meraas-Signat ure-Br idge-Dubai 1/ 3 Meraas Signature Dominic Pa sk wo Meraas Signature Atkins. At k in s was appoi Development Cor design stages for which would be a development, car Road over the ne The p ro posed st r span cable-staye lengt h of 200m w carriageways and over the canal. The twin Y-shape the silhouette of t a f al c on , is supp centr e of t he wat formed from steel The 33.8metre wi composite deck i using three plane cross beams are 1200 deep at the at the edges. The together to provi the loads from th deck is suppor te where it connect The bridge spans and the canal sid The proj ect i s cur stage. Client: M e ra a s De v el o pm Construction dat Scheme design; Span 2x100m Architect: Atkins Engineer: Dominic Pask Filed under Services Careers and Opportunities Contact Us Prev Next

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Post on 01-Mar-2018




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7/25/2019 Meraas Signature Bridge Dubai - OPS Structures 1/3

6/22/2016 Meraas Signature Bridge Dubai - OPS Structures

Meraas Signat

Dominic Pask

Meraas Signat

Atkins.Atkins was ap

Development C

design stages

which would b

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Road over the

T he p ro po sed

span cable-sta

length of 200m

carriageways a

over the canal

The twin Y-sha

the silhouette

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formed from st

The 33.8metre

composite dec

using three pla

cross beams a

1200 deep at th

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deck is suppo

where it conne

The bridge spa

and the canal

T he pro je ct is



Meraas Develo

Construction d

Scheme desig

Span 2x100m



Dominic Pask

Filed under

Services Careers and Opportunities Contact Us Prev Next

7/25/2019 Meraas Signature Bridge Dubai - OPS Structures 2/3

6/22/2016 Meraas Signature Bridge Dubai - OPS Structures

7/25/2019 Meraas Signature Bridge Dubai - OPS Structures 3/3

6/22/2016 Meraas Signature Bridge Dubai - OPS Structures