mercury sydney catalgo

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  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    MERCURYC O L L E G E S Sydney, AustraliaL a u n c h y o u r C a r e e r



    Mercury Colleges will provide and exceed all the requirements for the

    delivery of quality education. We will provide our students with the

    necessary skills required in the job markets; we remain at the forefront

    of quality education and will provide a high level of education, training

    and facilities.

  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Welcome to Mercury

    I take great pleasure in welcoming you to Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd

    in Bondi (Sydney), Australia.

    Mercury Colleges has been welcoming students here or over 35

    years. The College has a long history in Australia, and over the years

    has earned an enviable reputation or its quality teaching.

    We are proud o our many graduates who have achieved

    proessional success, and have made important contributions to

    their communities.

    The sta at the Mercury Colleges is truly international and multi-

    lingual. They have been drawn to the College because o its

    proessionalism, ellowship and commitment to promoting cultural


    At Mercury Colleges, we seek to beneft the interests o our

    students through educational and cultural interchange in alearning environment o distinction. We endeavour to provide our

    students with:

    lAccredited courses.

    lAdvice on careers and accommodation

    lAssurance o quality and value or money

    lSociety and vocational developments

    lThe opportunity or personal development, sel-confdence

    and sel-esteem

    lA secure, motivational environment and a warm reception

    or people o all ages and backgrounds

    lSupport through individual attention in small classes

    tutorials and interactive learning situations

    lTheory with practical applications, with up-to-date syllabusand technology

    lThe wisdom and experience o our highly qualifed teachers

    and trainers.

    I warmly invite you to join Mercury Colleges and experience a

    highly motivated learning environment. The sta and I are looking

    orward to the opportunity to welcoming you to the campus and

    helping you to achieve your educational and career goals.

    Ms. Neda MorrisDirector

  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Sydney is one o the most exciting, modern, cosmopolitan, beautiuland multi-cultural cities in the world, with a magnifcent harbourand attractive city environment.

    WeatherSydneys weather is perect throughout the year, with mild wintersand moderate summers, making it an attractive destination or

    students rom all over the world.

    ShoppingHome to major retail shopping centres, Sydney also boasts a rangeo boutique and specialty stores which oer you everything youcould possibly want.

    RecreationSydney is proud o its recreational acilities. It is a city that takesull advantage o its environment. Its many attractions include theHarbour Bridge, Sydney Harbour, the Opera House, the Aquarium,Museums, Sydney Tower, China Town, the Queen Victoria Building,

    Taronga Zoo and some o the most beautiul beaches in the world.

    Work ExperienceA student visa allows you to work 20 hours per week during thestudy term and ull time during College holidays. Sydney providesgood opportunities or part time and casual work. Rates o wagesmay range rom AUD$10 to AUD$18 per hour or casual workdepending on the job.

    More Aordable Cost o LivingSydney oers you a more aordable cost o living compared to otherdestinations such as the USA, Canada and the UK. It costs betweenAUD$12,000 and AUD$15,000 per year or accommodation, oodtransport, clothing, medical and entertainment. You must add anadditional 35% or a spouse and 15%20% per dependant.

    The PeopleAustralia is proud o its multi-cultural heritage. People rom over100 countries live in Australia. It is a welcoming and riendly placeand is one o the ew sae study destinations in the world.

    TransportSydney has one o the most modern and convenient transportsystems including trains, erries and buses.

    Australian QualifcationAustralian qualifcations are highly regarded worldwide. Manyinternational companies actively recruit at Australian institutions

    The Australian Government oversees education providers an

    ensures that quality standards are met. International students eesare protected by the Government.

    Why study with us?At Mercury Colleges courses are designed to provide intensive

    training or career success in a proessional learning environmentthat is both challenging and motivating with the goal oemployment and/or urther study. The Diploma course provides analternative pathway to university entrance. The course is availableto Australian students ull time and to international students ulltime on a student visa aged 18 years and older.

    Mercury Colleges is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). It isaccredited through the NSW Government Vocational Educationand Training Accreditation Board (VETAB) to issue qualifcations.

    The qualifcations are recognised nationally in post-compulsoryeducation and training within Australia under the AustralianGovernments Australian Qualifcations Training Framework (AQTF).

    FacilitiesOur classrooms are modern, well lit and insulated against outsidenoise or intererence rom other classes, air-conditioned and havewindows They are ftted with sufcient power points teacher and


    SocialPrograms AccommodationOptions


    StudentLounge andLunchArea (microwavesovens, fridges

    vending machines provided or students).

    Cost Advantage Qualityeducationataffordablepricesofferingvalueformoney

    Flexibility Advantage Flexibletimetableswhichmeetstudentsneeds(morningand

    evening options)



    no fnal exams.

    Location Advantage

    Why Sydney?

  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges ensures that our students have the best learning

    environment and services. Our riendly sta provides the support

    to make your learning experience in Australia as enjoyable as


    Orientation Days

    Orientation Days at the start o the term play an important role in

    fnalising registration, timetables, course selection etc and providea valuable opportunity or students to get to know the sta.

    Social Programs

    We provide students with the inormation and opportunities to

    participate in a number o social activities throughout their course.

    These may include sporting activities, sightseeing, barbeques, river

    cruises, nature walks, parties, cultural events and estivals.

    Airport Pick-Up

    We arrange airport pick-up on request to make sure that our

    students eel welcome on their frst day o arrival in Australia andescort them to their pre-arranged accommodation.

    Accommodation and Homestay

    Our Homestay services provide an opportunity to stay with an

    Australian amily and experience the Australian culture and


    We also assist students in fnding accommodation o their choice.

    Language Assistance

    We have multi-lingual sta to help overseas students with any

    difculties they may encounter.

    General Help and Counselling

    At Mercury Colleges we understand that when students come

    to Australia they are aced with dierent problems. We provide

    language assistance or students, help them open bank accounts

    and help with any other enquiries they may have.

    We also provide a college counsellor to work with Student having

    difculty with course work or personal problems.

    Job Placement

    We provide job placement to our students and assist them in fnding

    the job o their choice at an extra cost. We also help in improving

    presentation and interview skills and in preparing resums.

    Work Opportunities and Visa Assistance

    Mercury Colleges Student Services Department assists overseas

    students to gain a working permit during the period o their studies

    at Mercury Colleges.

    Medical Insurance

    All international students are required to have Overseas StudentHealth Cover (OSHC). Mercury Colleges can arrange medica

    insurance or students. All ees or OSHC are to be paid at the same

    time as the tuition ees.

    Services Oered To Our Students

  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges is one o the frst colleges in Sydney to accredit

    courses with the State Accreditation Authority.

    Our acilities, curriculum and sta all meet or exceed governmentcriteria.

    Mercury Colleges is currently running courses in:



    For the latest inormation on various registered and standard

    courses, please visit our website at or

    call our Student Services on +61 2 8263 1200.

    Alternatively, e-mail us at [email protected]

    Entry Requirements IELTSscoreof5.5orequivalent



    University Links

    Graduates o Mercury Colleges Diploma program are able to claim

    credits rom several Australian universities.

    Students can claim credits/advanced standing or up to one year o

    university studies at several Australian universities.

    Please ask or our current articulation arrangements with


    How to Apply

    Selection and enrolment at Mercury Colleges is carried out in an

    ethical and responsible manner and we encourage people to apply

    or enrolment without discrimination through a variety o meansIndividual interviews are conducted to ensure applicants meet

    the entry requirements, are well inormed and provide us with the

    opportunity to identiy any special requirements the applicant

    may have.

    All successul applicants complete an orientation program the frst

    day o the course to amiliarise them with the Colleges services

    acilities and procedures and will be provided with the copy o the

    Orientation Guide and Student Handbook prior to enrolment.

    To enroll at Mercury Colleges

    1. Download application orm and student handbook

    2. Send an application orm with supporting documents to

    Marketing Support Department by email

    [email protected], or ax it to +612 8263 1238

    3. You will receive an answer rom us within ew working days i

    you have been accepted into the college or not.

    Courses Oered & Enrolment Process

  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Contact Mercury Colleges

    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdT/a Mercury College Pty Ltd (ABN 55 001 799 891)CRICOS Provider Number: 00172BNational Provider Number: 0872

    Campus:Level 3, 3 Waverley StreetBondi Junction NSW 2022, Sydney, Australia

    L a u n c h y o u r C a r e e r

  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    86 Ebley Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    G E N E R A L E NG L IS H C O UR S ECRICOS Course Code: 059870M

    Course Aim: Each course aims to improve overseas students general English level. Once the course has finished, students shouldready to enter the next class. The general English classes also form a basis for students to move on to more specialised areas suchIELTS Test Preparation.Duration: 10-15 weeks, depending on the levelAssessment: Students are assessed through weekly tests, assignments and participation in class.Teaching Methods: Face to face delivery. Students will develop their English language skills through a range of tasks designed todevelop their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening as well as improving their pronunciation and knowledge of grammar.Levels: Elementary English

    Pre-Intermediate EnglishIntermediate EnglishUpper Intermediate EnglishAdvanced English

    Further study: Students who complete our general English courses at an intermediate level will be able to undertake educational orvocational courses. Students wishing to take IELTS preparation should have finished an upper intermediate level course.

    IE L T S P R E P A R A T IO N C O UR S ECRICOS Course Code: 059871K

    Description: The IELTS Preparation Course aims to: Familiarise students with all elements on the IELTS test Provide test taking strategies to maximize student band scores Assist students to achieve the band score they need.

    Testing: On entering the college the student will be given a placement test to determine whether he/she is ready to join an IELTS cland in which areas of the test he/she needs to pay particular attention. Throughout the course students progress will be monitored wmaterials similar to those used in the real test.

    Modules: IELTS Preparation General module & IELTS Preparation Academic moduleDuration: 16 weeksCompletion: On completion of their IELTS preparation course our students are awarded a certificate, which grades their language lein the four key language skills.


    Course Aim: Program designed to improve English language skills and academic study techniguqs of students. The language andskills will help student to achieve goals to enter university, TAFE or other colleges in future.

    Course Outline: EAP course designed to focus on preparing students for study in an English-speaking coursenty, including: listeninand note taking; seminar presentation and discussion skills; speed reading; academic writing; library and internet use; university levevocabulary; preparation for English proficiency examination; academeic culture of Australian universities; research techniques; criticathinking; essay writing.Duration: 12 weeksCompletion: On completion of their EAP course our students are awarded a certificate, which graes their language level in the fourlanguage skills as well as their classroom performance. The grades relate to detailed descriptors explaining the students capabilitiesand learning needs.

    COURSE DELIVERY LOCATIONEbley Campus86 Ebley StreetBondi Junction NSW 2022, AustraliaTel: (02) 8263 1285

    Programs delivered: General English, IELTS Preparation, English for Academic Purposes (EAP).(Note: English orientation day occurs each Monday at this address).[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    86 Ebley Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia


    Note: The prices are subject to change without prior notice. To obtain the most up to date information on the courseavailable and associated costs please call the college or your Mercury College representative


    Course Details DurationEnrolment


    Number ofInstalments


    059870M General English 4-48 weeks $ 200 n/a 290/we059871K IELTS Preparation 12 weeks $ 200 n/a 290/we062952E English for Academic Purposes 12 weeks $ 200 n/a 320/we

    Ac commodation Fees 2009


    Room Type Price per week Placement Fee

    Homestay Single $250/week $220Student House Twin Share $190/week $220Student House Triple Share $170/week $220

    Other Services /FeesService Provided Duration PriceEnrolment Fee n/a $200Airport Transfer n/a $140OSHC single 3 months $93.51OSHC single 6 months $187.02OSHC single 9 months $280.53OSHC single 12 months $374.00

    OSHC family 3 months $187.02OSHC family 6 months $374.04OSHC family 9 months $561.06OSHC family 12 months $748.00


    ENGLISH Programs(General English & IELTS Preparation)

    Every Monday, except Public Holidays

    T IME T A B L E E N G L I S H P R O G R A MS

    Morning Timetable (Monday Thursday):8.45am - 10.45am Lesson 1

    11.00am 1.00pm Lesson 21.30 pm - 2.30pm Lesson 3

    Evening Timetable (Monday Friday):4.00 pm 6.00 pm Lesson 16.00 pm 6.30pm Break6.30 pm 8.30 pm Lesson 3[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd (ABN: 55 001 799 891)V9.2 November 2009 Page 3 of 16 Updated by: DK


    CRICOS Course Code: 067411E

    Duration: 26 weeks full time (includes 6 weeks holidays)

    Purpose: This qualification reflects the role of individuals whoapply a broad range of competencies in a varied work contextusing some discretion, judgement and relevant theoreticalknowledge. They may provide technical advice and support to ateam.

    Job Opportunities: Customer Service Advisor, Data EntryOperator, General Clerk, Typist, Word Processing Operator,Administration Assistant, Information Desk Clerk, Receptionist

    Entry Requirements: Year 12 or equivalent AND over 18 yearsold at the time of enrolment

    International students: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

    Entry Requirements for the course will depend on the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizensh(DIAC) assessment level for the country. At present, countries are classified from Level 1 through to Level See DIAC website: for more details on Assessment level requirements for your country.

    Completion: Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recognised Certificate in Business (BSB30107). Students who do not complete all units may be eligible for a Statement of Attainmein partial completion of a Certificate III in Business (BSB30107)

    Units: To gain Certificate III in Business (BSB30107) you must successfully complete all the following

    Unit Codes Unit Name Type

    BSBOHS201A Participate in OH&S process Core

    BSBITU302A Create electronic presentation Elective

    BSBWRT301A Write simple documents Elective

    BSBCUS301A Deliver & monitor a service to customers Elective

    BSBITU306A Design & produce business documents Elective

    BSBITU304A Produce spreadsheet ElectiveBSBADM311A Maintain business resources Elective

    BSBCMM301A Process customer complaints Elective

    BSBWOR301A Organise personal work priorities and developments Elective

    BSBFLM303C Contribute to effective workplace relationships Elective

    BSBINN301A Promote innovation in a team environment Elective

    BSBDIV301A Work effectively with diversity Elective[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd (ABN: 55 001 799 891)V9.2 November 2009 Page 4 of 16 Updated by: DK


    Delivery Methods: This program is delivered entirely off-the-job at the college campus. It involves face-toface theory classes and practical sessions involving small groups and individual activities led by qualified andexperienced trainers.

    For each unit, candidates are provided with training manuals, which includes materials used in the traininsessions, assessment materials and reference materials.

    In addition to scheduled classroom based assessment, learners may be required to complete assessmenactivities in their personal time and bring it to their next class for discussion, oral presentation etc. Theseassessment activities may include:

    Knowledge quizzes Research exercises where learners learn and are assessed through project-based exercises

    Assessments Methods:Includes demonstration, questioning/tests, written assessment, projects and otherappropriate assessment methods depending on the study unit.

    Tuition Fee per course: Please refer to current Price List.

    Course Delivery Location: Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Pathways: On completing this qualification students can choose carious pathways. They can either opt tstudy Certificate IV in Business BSB40207 / Diploma of Business BSB50207 further or they might try and loofor a job in these areas - Customer Service Advisor, Data Entry Operator, General Clerk, Payroll OfficerTypist, Word Processing Operator, Administration Assistant, Clerical Worker, Information Desk Clerk, Offic

    Junior, Receptionist.National Recognition: Mercury College recognises relevant qualifications issued by other RTOs. There is nfee for National Recognition. Where the qualification was gained more than 3 years ago we reserve the righto check that competence is current. This may involve the applicant in undergoing a challenge test.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that enables an applicant to gainrecognition of skills and knowledge regardless of how they were achieved. This may include formal oinformal learning, work experience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL Mercury College assessomust be confident that the applicant is currently competent against the units of competence in thqualification. The evidence to demonstrate this may include certificate, references from past employerstestimonials from clients and work samples. Where RPL is granted you do not have to participate in furthetraining and assessment for skills and knowledge that you already possess. There is a fee for RPL

    assessment. Further information regarding RPL is available on request.

    Overseas experience and qualificationsAll applicants seeking to establish the relationship between their overseas qualifications and an Australiaeducation qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework will be directed to National Office oOverseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR). AEI-NOOSR is a part of the Department of EducationEmployment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and is the Australian National Information Centre, part of ainternational network providing authoritative information and advice on recognition of qualifications. Once theapplication has been assessed by AEI-NOOSR the college will then be able to accept and process theinternal RPL application.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd (ABN: 55 001 799 891)V9.2 November 2009 Page 5 of 16 Updated by: DK


    CRICOS Course Code: 067409K

    Duration: 39 weeks full time (includes 9 weeks holidays)

    Purpose: This qualification reflects the role of individuals whouse well-developed skills and a broad knowledge base in a widevariety of contexts. They apply solutions to a defined range ofunpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate informationfrom a variety of sources. They may provide leadership andguidance to others with some limited responsibility for the outputof others.

    Job Opportunities: Administrator, Project Officer

    Entry Requirements:

    Preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include:

    After achieving the BSB30107 Certificate III in Business or other relevant qualification/s OR

    With vocational experience but without formal supervision or management qualification AND

    Year 12 or equivalent AND over 18 years old at the time of enrolment

    International students: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

    Entry Requirements for the course will depend on the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizen(DIAC) assessment level for the country. At present, countries are classified from Level 1 through to LeveSee DIAC website: for more details on Assessment level requirements for your country.

    Completion: Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recognised Certificate IBusiness (BSB40207). Students who do not complete all units may be eligible for a Statement of Attainmepartial completion of a Certificate IV in Business (BSB40207)

    Units: To gain Certificate IV in Business (BSB40207) you must successfully complete all the following

    Unit Codes Unit Name Type

    BSBOHS407 Monitor a safe workplace Core

    BSBHRM402A Recruit, select and induct staff ElectiveBSBMGT402A Implement operational plan Elective

    BSBRES401A Analyse and present research information Elective

    BSBCUS401ACoordinate implementation of customer servicestrategies


    BSBCUS403A Implement customer service standards ElectiveBSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness Elective

    BSBPMG510A Manage projects Elective

    BSBMGT403A Implement continuous improvement Elective

    BSBFIA402A Report on financial activity Elective[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd (ABN: 55 001 799 891)V9.2 November 2009 Page 6 of 16 Updated by: DK


    Delivery Methods: This program is delivered entirely off-the-job at the college campus. It involves face-to-ftheory classes and practical sessions involving small groups and individual activities led by qualified experienced trainers.For each unit, candidates are provided with training manuals, which includes materials used in the trainsessions, assessment materials and reference materials.

    The delivery of the course is classroom based. Classroom based face-to-face training includes: Establishing a training environment using a range of equipment to simulate a business environm

    Within the assessment of the modules, learners are required to participate in simulated activities tclosely reflect workplace processes and unexpected or contingency related activities

    Practice exercises that reinforce the required interpersonal skills for individual and group work. Simulated training activities in the classroom involving individuals, pairs and small group activities.

    Learner activity workbooks to support training independent reading and research projects.

    In addition to scheduled classroom based assessment, learners may be required to complete assessmactivities in their personal time and bring it to their next class for discussion, oral presentation etc. Thassessment activities include:

    Knowledge quizzes Research exercises where learners learn and are assessed through project-based exercises

    Assessments Methods: Includes demonstration, written assessment, project, presentation and oappropriate assessment methods depending on the study unit.

    Tuition Fee per course: Please refer to current Price List.

    Course Delivery Location: Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Pathways: On completing this qualification students can choose various pathways. They can either opt to stthe Diploma of Business BSB50207 or they might try and look for a job in these areas Administrator, ProOfficer.

    National Recognition: Mercury College recognises relevant qualifications issued by other RTOs. There isfee for National Recognition. Where the qualification was gained more than 3 years ago we reserve the righcheck that competence is current. This may involve the applicant in undergoing a challenge test.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) isan assessment process that enables an applicant to gain recogniof skills and knowledge regardless of how they were achieved. This may include formal or informal learnwork experience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL Mercury College assessor must be confidthat the applicant is currently competent against the units of competence in the qualification. The evidencedemonstrate this may include certificate, references from past employers, testimonials from clients and wsamples. Where RPL is granted you do not have to participate in further training and assessment for skills aknowledge that you already possess. There is a fee for RPL assessment. Further information regarding RPavailable on request.

    Overseas experience and qualificationsAll applicants seeking to establish the relationship between their overseas qualifications and an Austraeducation qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework will be directed to National Office of OversSkills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR). AEI-NOOSR is a part of the Department of Education, Employment Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and is the Australian National Information Centre, part of an internationetwork providing authoritative information and advice on recognition of qualifications. Once the application been assessed by AEI-NOOSR the college will then be able to accept and process the internal RPL applicati

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd (ABN: 55 001 799 891)V9.2 November 2009 Page 7 of 16 Updated by: DK


    CRICOS Course Code: 067410K

    Duration: 39 weeks full time (includes 9 weeks holiday)

    Purpose: This qualification provides skills and knowledgerequired to perform effectively as a manager, team leader orsupervisor managing a workplace.It will develop skill base andknowledge and awareness of management practice. Workers at thislevel operate at an advanced skill level and may also haveresponsibility for the supervision of other staff and volunteers.

    Graduates of the Diploma of Management will develop anunderstanding of the dynamics and principles underlying effectivefunctioning of work groups, as well as the necessary skills to

    competently function within small and/or large organisations.Job Opportunities: Corporate or middle manager managing aworkplace, supervisor in both business and government sectors,team leader etc.

    Entry Requirements: Preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include:

    After achieving the BSB40207 Certificate IV in Business or other relevant qualification/s OR

    With vocational experience but without formal supervision or management qualification AND

    Year 12 or equivalent AND over 18 years old at the time of enrolment

    International students: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

    Entry Requirements for the course will depend on the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship(DIAC) assessment level for the country. At present, countries are classified from Level 1 through to Level 4See DIAC website: for more details on Assessment level requirements for your country.

    Completion: Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recognised DiplomManagement (BSB51107). Students who do not complete all units may be eligible for a Statement of Attainmin partial completion of a Diploma of Management (BSB51107).

    Units: To gain Diploma of Management (BSB51107) you must successfully complete all the following

    Unit Codes Unit Name Type

    BSBMGT502B Manage people performance Core

    BSBWOR502A Ensure team effectiveness Core

    BSBMGT516A Facilitate continuous improvement Core

    BSBFIM501A Prepare budgets and financial plans Elective

    BSBCUS501A Manage quality customer service Core

    BSBOHS509A Ensure a safe workplace CoreBSBHRM506A Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes Elective

    BSBHRM503A Manage performance management systems Elective[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd (ABN: 55 001 799 891)V9.2 November 2009 Page 8 of 16 Updated by: DK


    Delivery Methods: This program is delivered entirely off-the-job at the college campus. It involves face-to-ftheory classes and practical sessions involving small groups and individual activities led by qualified experienced trainers. For each unit, candidates are provided with training manuals, which includes mateused in the training sessions, assessment materials and reference materials.

    The delivery of the course is classroom based. Classroom based face-to-face training includes: Establishing a training environment using a range of equipment to simulate a business environm

    Within the assessment of the modules, learners are required to participate in simulated activities closely reflect workplace processes and unexpected or contingency related activities

    Practice exercises that reinforce the required interpersonal skills for individual and group work. Simulated training activities in the classroom involving individuals, pairs and small group activities. Learner activity workbooks to support training independent reading and research projects.

    In addition to scheduled classroom based assessment, learners may be required to complete assessmactivities in their personal time and bring it to their next class for discussion, oral presentation etc. Thassessment activities include:

    Knowledge quizzes Research exercises where learners learn and are assessed through project-based exercises

    Assessments Methods:Includes questioning/tests, written reports, projects Examination and other appropriassessment methods depending on the study unit.

    Tuition Fee per course: Please refer to current Price List.

    Course Delivery Location: Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Pathways: Graduates may undertake a range of Advanced Diploma qualifications at other Austrainstitutions, continue their studied in Undergraduate Programs or they might try and look for a job in these ar- Corporate or middle manager managing a workplace, supervisor in both business and government sectteam leader etc.

    National Recognition: Mercury College recognises relevant qualifications issued by other RTOs. There isfee for National Recognition. Where the qualification was gained more than 3 years ago we reserve the righcheck that competence is current. This may involve the applicant in undergoing a challenge test.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) isan assessment process that enables an applicant to gain recognitioskills and knowledge regardless of how they were achieved. This may include formal or informal learning, wexperience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL Mercury College assessor must be confident the applicant is currently competent against the units of competence in the qualification. The evidencedemonstrate this may include certificate, references from past employers, testimonials from clients and wsamples. Where RPL is granted you do not have to participate in further training and assessment for skills knowledge that you already possess. There is a fee for RPL assessment. Further information regarding RPavailable on request.Overseas experience and qualifications

    All applicants seeking to establish the relationship between their overseas qualifications and an Austraeducation qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework will be directed to National OfficOverseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR). AEI-NOOSR is a part of the Department of EducatEmployment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and is the Australian National Information Centre, paan international network providing authoritative information and advice on recognition of qualificatioOnce the application has been assessed by AEI-NOOSR the college will then be able to accept process the internal RPL application.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd (ABN: 55 001 799 891)V9.2 November 2009 Page 9 of 16 Updated by: DK

    E nrolment P roces s

    Note: Prior to enrolment, student should receive the following information:

    Colour College Brochure Course Outline Student Handbook

    S tudent S ervices

    On the first day at Mercury Colleges, you will attend an orientation session and be issued with an Orientation Guide.The Guide contains detailed information covering all aspects of your course and living in Sydney. Remember that aMercury Colleges, we have a Student Services officer to help you with any part of your stay to ensure that you arecompletely satisfied and happy studying with us.

    Student Services Department provide following help for students: Orientation Sessions (for English Courses every Monday at 9am and 2 pm; for VET courses every Intake Date

    at 10 am and 4pm) Any documents and correspondence needed i.e. Confirmation of Enrolment Letters, Attendance letters

    Certificates, Student tuition fees invoices, etc Student ID cards AHM(Australian Health Management) information Assist students to apply for Tax File Number Help with accommodation and general enquiries Coordinate Group Study Tours Students event program

    Student starts the course. On the first daystudent attends college orientation Student a lies for a student visa

    Balance of tuition fees must be paid on time as per your invoice. If fees are not received on time, student will berestricted to attend class, until fees are paid. (Student will be reported to DIAC for non-payment of fees)

    Student fills up an application formPlease attach to the application form: copy of passport IELTS results Other required supporting evidence

    Send your application form to the admission office forprocessingEmail:

    Student signs the Enrolment Agreement If student meets entry requirements Letter of offer andinvoice is issued by the college

    Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) is issued by thecollege

    Payment for the course according to theinvoice (1st Installment is paid in full for VET)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

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    P re-E nrolment Information for S tudents


    On the first day at Mercury College, you will attend an orientation session and be issued with a copy of the orientationpresentation. The orientation presentation contains detailed information covering all aspects of your course and living iSydney. Remember that at Mercury College, we have a Student Services Officer to help you with any part of your stay toensure that you are completely satisfied and happy studying with us.

    Accommodation and leaving expenses

    Estimated living expenses for an international student are approximately A$12,000 to A$20,000 a year. This covers foodaccommodation, travel, entertainment and clothing

    Suggested weekly budget(Remember figures are in Australia dollars and accurate in July 2007): Accommodation $100 to $150 (for a room in a shared house or apartment) Food A$50 to A$90 Public transport A$30 to A$50

    Accommodation options for students


    Our Homestay services provide an opportunity to stay with an Australian family and experience the Australian culture anlifestyle. If you need a homestay, you will need to complete homestay application form. We need at least 4 weeks beforearrival date to arrange homestay for you. The minimum length of stay in homestay accommodation is four weeks. Fordetails of homestay fees, please refer to our pricelist. Fees for homestay accommodation include meals, laundry, your oroom and a student desk

    Student House

    Mercury College is able to book accommodation of its students in a student house, which is located 20 minutes away from thecollege. Facilities include free Foxtel, BBQ, DVD player, garden, tennis. To book student house we ask our students to fill outaccommodation form at least 2 weeks before arrival date. Minimum Stay 2 weeks; for fees please refer to our pricelist.


    Hostel accommodation is a popular option for international students, especially in the first months of their arrival. A small, furniroom is provided with access to a shared bathroom, laundry, lounge and recreational activities. Some hostels also providecomputer access. It is recommended that students considering Hostel accommodation options look at two or three properties pto making a decision. Many hostels are privately run and as such come under the Rooming House Act. Please note, if the stusigns a lease, they are covered by the Residential Tenancies Act.


    Apartment/flat rental varies greatly in cost and conditions. Before making long term arrangements, it is strongly advised that thstudent becomes familiar with the suburb or area. For purposes of bond payment and moving arrangements the student must available to sign agreements. For this reason international students are advised to secure short term accommodation upon arrso that flat and apartment hunting may be started after they have settled in and begun to seek out areas they would like to live

    Student Visa Requirements

    All students should be aware of the following student visa requirements:

    you must be enrolled as a full-time student at all times (at least 20 hours per week)

    you must leave Australia when your studies are complete and/or when their visa expires

    you must make satisfactory academic progress and meet attendance requirements (at least 80%).

    you must meet the costs of Overseas Student Health Cover to for the period of their enrolment.

    you must provide Mercury College with their address in Australia and a local telephone number on which you are ablebe contacted.

    you cannot transfer to another institution within the first six (6) months of your arrival in Australia, or if your program isless than six months duration, you must remain at Mercury College for the duration of their program. (The DepartmeImmigration and Citizenship may approve in exceptional circumstances a transfer which does not meet this rule).

    you must ensure that any school-aged dependants accompanying you to Australia attend school. Students will berequired to pay full school fees for dependants enrolled in either a government or non-government more information.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872

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    you must study a full-time course which is a minimum of 20 contact hours per week

    For more information about visa conditions visit

    Overseas Student Health CoverAll international visitors to Australia under a student visa are required by law to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).Students are required to pay for this cover prior to arriving in Australia. Students are covered by the OSHC from the day they ain Australia, until the end date of their visa.

    On enrolment all international students must pay a fee for health insurance in accordance with the length of their cour

    Mercury College forwards payment and application on behalf of new students to Australian Health Management (for pinformation please

    AHM can take up to 4 weeks to process applications and return student AHM Cards back to Mercury College.

    If you have any health problems before receiving your card you are still covered. When you go to the doctor and pay your consultation, you must ask for a receipt. AHM will reimburse your money provided you produce the receipt.

    Remember you are covered from the day you arrive Australia (even though you may not have your card).

    ESOS Framework

    The following is from information provided by Australian Education International (AEI) (

    The Australian Government wants overseas students in Australia to have a safe, enjoyable and rewarding place to studyAustralias laws promote quality education and consumer protection for overseas students. These laws are known as theESOS framework and they include the Education Services for Overseas(ESOS) Act2000 and the National Code 2007.

    Protection for overseas students

    As an overseas student on a student visa, you must study with an education provider and in a course that can be found the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) at registration guarantees that the course and the education provider at which you study meet the high standardsnecessary for overseas students.

    Please check carefully that the details of your course including its location match the information on CRICOS.

    Your rights

    The ESOS framework protects your rights, including: your right to receive, before enrolling, current and accurate information about the courses, fees, modes of study and o

    information from your provider and your providers agent. If you are under 18, to ensure your safety, you will be grana visa only if there are arrangements in place for your accommodation, support and welfare.

    Your right to sign a written agreement with your provider before or as you pay fees, setting out the services to beprovided, fees payable and information about refunds of course money. You should keep a copy of your writtenagreement.

    Your right to get the education you paid for. The ESOS framework includes consumer protection that will allow you toreceive a refund or to be placed in another course if your provider is unable to teach your course.

    The ESOS framework sets out the standards Australian education providers offering education services to overseasstudents must obey. These standards cover a range of information you have a right to know and services that must beoffered, including:

    orientation and access to support services to help you study and adjust to life in Australia

    who the contact officer or officers is for overseas students

    if you can apply for course credit

    when your enrolment can be deferred, suspended or cancelled

    what your providers requirements are for satisfactory progress in the courses you study and what support is availableyou are not progressing well

    if attendance will be monitored for your course, and a complaints and appeals process.

    One of the standards does not allow another education provider to enrol a student who wants to transfer to another courbut has not completed six months of the final course of study you plan to undertake in Australia. If you want to transferbeforehand you need your providers permission.

    If you are under 18, to ensure your safety, you will be granted a visa only if there are arrangements in place for youraccommodation, support and welfare.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd (ABN: 55 001 799 891)V9.2 November 2009 Page 12 of 16 Updated by: DK

    Your responsibilities

    As an overseas student on a student visa, you have responsibilities to:

    satisfy your student visa conditions maintain your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the period of your stay

    meet the terms of the written agreement with your education provider

    inform your provider if you change your address

    maintain satisfactory course progress

    if attendance is recorded for your course, follow your providers attendance policy, and

    if you are under 18, maintain your approved accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements.

    Contact details

    For information about Who to contact HowPolicies and procedures thataffect you

    Student Services Officer Level 3, 3 Waverley Street, Bondi JunctionPh: (02) 8263 1295 ESOS rights andresponsibilities

    Department of Education,Employment andWorkplace Relations

    ESOS Helpline: +61 2 6240 [email protected]

    Your Visa matters Department ofImmigration andCitizenship

    Website: 131 881 in AustraliaContact the DIAC office in your country


    At Mercury College, courses are designed to provide intensive training for career success in a professional learningenvironment that is both challenging and motivating. Our classrooms are modern, well lit and insulated against outsidenoise or interference from other classes, air-conditioned and have windows.

    General facilities for students include:

    computer lab

    care and counselling

    social programs

    help with accommodation

    free Wireless internet access

    language Assistance

    student lounge

    Campus Location and Contact Details


    Business campus: Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022 Australia

    ELT campus: 86 Ebley Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Telephone (main): +61 2 8263 1200Website:

    Facsimile: +61 2 8263 1238

    E-mail: [email protected]

    24 Hour Contact: +61 4 38 878 423[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd (ABN: 55 001 799 891)V9.2 November 2009 Page 13 of 16 Updated by: DK

    Deferral, Suspension or Cancellation of Enrolment Policy

    Under certain limited circumstances, a students enrolment may be deferred, suspended or cancelled. A students enrolmen

    be deferred, suspended or cancelled by Mercury College, or by the student. Deferral means to delay the commencement course. Suspension means the temporary postponement of enrolment during a course. Cancellation means terminatioenrolment in a course

    Deferral, suspension or cancellation by a student

    Students who wish to defer, suspend or cancel enrolment can apply to do so only if the course in which they were enrolleunavailable, their visa is delayed or there are compassionate or compelling circumstances. Compassionate or compecircumstances are usually beyond the control of the student and have an impact on the students course progress or the studwell-being. Compassionate or compelling circumstances include:

    serious injury or illness, supported by a medical certificate which states that the student was or will be unable to attendclasses bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents

    major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country, requiring emergency travel which has had an impact othe students studies

    traumatic experiences such as the being a victim of, being involved in, or witnessing, a serious crime

    Effect of deferral, suspension or cancellation of enrolment on a students visa

    Deferral, suspension or cancellation of an enrolment is likely to have an effect on a students visa. Students should contacnearest DIAC office or refer further information. All deferrals, suspensions and cancellations of enrolare notified to DIAC via the PRISMS system and all documentation about the deferral, suspension or cancellation of a studefiled in the students file.

    Deferrals, suspensions or cancellations by Mercury College


    Mercury College may defer the commencement of a course if the course is not offered.


    Mercury College may suspend a student for misconduct, under circumstances where the student

    has been in breach of an Mercury Colleges rule

    is in breach of enrolment conditions is assessed as providing a threat to the well-being of other students or staff

    If the suspension of a students enrolment will result in the student being unable to complete the course within the course duraas specified on the eCoE, the student must apply for a course extension using the application for course extension. The studewill be advised to check with the nearest DIAC office for information about the impact of the extension of the course on thestudents visa.

    CancellationMercury College may cancel the enrolment of a student if the student:

    is in breach of enrolment conditions

    has been in breach of an Mercury Colleges rule

    is assessed by the Principal as providing a threat to the well-being of other students or staff

    has being assessed as behaving in a way such as to constitute serious misconduct

    fails to meet the requirements of the course progress policy

    fails to pay tuition fees

    fails to re-enrol

    Notice of intention to defer, suspend or cancel enrolment

    Where a suspension is initiated by Mercury College, the student will receive a notice of intention to suspend enrolment. In eaccase, the notice will clearly identify that the student will be given 20 working days to access the Mercury Colleges internalcomplaints and appeals process. If an appeal is lodged, Mercury College will maintain the student's enrolment until the internappeals process is complete. Mercury College reserves the right to not provide learning opportunities during this process shoit be deemed appropriate.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

    NTIS Code: 0872Level 3, 3 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia

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    Note: The prices are subject to change without prior notice. To obtain the most up to date information on tcourses available and associated costs please call the college or your Mercury College representative.


    Course Details Duration *Enrolment

    FeeNumber ofInstalments

    Tuition F

    Vocational Programs

    067411E Certificate III in Business BSB30107 26 weeks $200 1 $3,000.0067412D Certificate IV in Business BSB40207 39 weeks $200 2 $6,000.0067413C Diploma of Management BSB51107 39 weeks $200 2 $9,000.0

    Accommodation FeesAccommodation Type Room Type Price per week Placement Fee

    Homestay Single $250/week $220Student House Twin Share $190/week $220

    Student House Triple Share $170/week $220Other Services /Fees

    Service Provided Duration PriceStudent Manuals(12 manuals)Certificate III in Business BSB30107

    n/a $300

    Student Manuals (10 manuals)Certificate IV in Business BSB40207

    n/a $300

    Student Manuals (8 manuals)Diploma of Management BSB51107

    n/a $320

    Enrolment Fee n/a $200Airport Transfer n/a $140OSHC single 3 months $93.51

    OSHC single 6 months $187.02OSHC single 9 months $280.53OSHC single 12 months $374.00OSHC family 3 months $187.02OSHC family 6 months $374.04OSHC family 9 months $561.06OSHC family 12 months $748.00


    VOCATIONAL Program 2010 8th

    January, 12th

    February, 9th

    April, 21st

    May, 8th

    July, 13th

    August, 8th

    October, 12th


    Timetable Vocational programsMorning Classes(Monday Thursday):

    9am 2 pmEvening Timetable(Monday Thursday):

    5pm 10pm

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    Family Name: ___________________________________ Given Name: _____________________________________

    Date of Birth: _____/______/_____ Country of Birth: _____________________ Gender: Male Female

    Country of citizenship: _____________________________ Passport Number: ________________________________

    Address in Australia (if known):______________________________________________________________________

    Email: __________________________________________ Mobile: _________________________________________

    Occupation: ____________________________ Type of visa: Student Tourist Other: ____________________

    ACCOMMODATION AND AIRPORT PICK UP SPECIAL NEEDSDo you require airport pick-up? Yes No Do you have any disability, special needs or currenDo you require us to arrange accommodation for you? health problem? Yes No

    Yes No If yes, please complete special needs formIf yes, please complete Accommodation Profile.

    RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) OVERSEAS STUDENT HEALTH COVERDepending on your previous student and work experience, The Australian Government requires all students on we are able to give you credit or exemptions from certain student visa to have OSHC.

    course units. Do you require us to arrange OSHC for you?

    Do you wish to apply for RPL? Yes No Yes NoIf yes, please complete RPL Assessment Form If yes, for how many months?____________ mont

    What is your level of English? (Please tick one) Beginner Intermediate Upper-Intermediate Advanced

    Have you taken TOEFL / IELTS / other English test? Yes No if Yes, Score: __________________________(Please provide certified copy of any English proficiency examinations undertaken.)NOTE: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent is an entry requirement for all Vocational courses

    What is the highest level of education that you have completed? University College Secondary School

    Proposed Future Studies (Please indicate)

    Vocation College TAFE University Undergraduate University Postgraduate

    Name of Institution: ______________________________________ Course commencement Date: _____/______/____

    Course(Please check availability)ENGLISH COURSES VOCATIONAL COURSES

    General English ______ weeks Certificate III in Business BSB30107

    IELTS Preparation ______ weeks Certificate IV in Business BSB40207

    English for Academic Purposes ______ weeks Diploma of Management BSB51107

    SESSION (please select one) SESSION (please select one)Morning Evening Morning Evening

    Start Date: _____/______/_____ Start Date: _____/______/_____[email protected]
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    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B

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    CCAANNCCEELLLLAATTIIOONN AANNDD RREEFFUUNNDD PPOOLLIICCYY1. The Enrolment Fee, Accommodation Placement Fees and Airport Pick-Up Fees are non-refundable whether youcomplete your course or not.2. An administrative charge of $100 is made to vary an application e.g. Change of Start Date, Change of Course

    3. Tuition Fees and OSHC are refunded in full if your visa application is rejected and you provide official writtennotification of the refusal from the Australian Government.4. Student Default: No refund will be made if a student: has given false or misleading information fails to comply with the conditions of enrolment at the College is in breach of their visa requirements as imposed by the Australian Government withdraws after the commencement date of the course

    5. If you give written notice of your intention to withdraw from a course 40 days of more before the commencement date, tuition fees will be refunded less a cancellation fee of 15%. more than 5 days before the commencement date, tuition fees will be refunded less a cancellation fee of 30%. less than 5 days before course commencement date, tuition fees will be refunded less a cancellation fee of 45%

    All refunds will be made within 4 weeks after we receive a written claim from the student.6. Where 2 or more courses are packaged, the conditions apply to all elements. Note that for packaged courses the

    course start date is taken to be the start date of the first course.7. Commencement of the course is defined as the course start date in the first Application form submitted by th

    student or agent and not subsequent changes to the starting date.8. All refunds will attract an administration charge of $150.00.9. Course and other Fees are not transferable to another student or institution but may be transferred to another couwithin Mercury College at the discretion of the College.10. Any approved refunds are made payable to and sent to the student or his/her agent, in the country of origin asapplicable in Australian dollars.11. Bank charges are deducted for refunds made by bank draft or electronic transfer.12. Provider Default: In the unlikely event that Mercury College is unable to deliver your course in full starting from theagreed date, you will be offered a full refund within 2 weeks after the default date.13. Fees for services paid to education agents by students are not covered by this refund policy.14. This refund policy applies to all tuition fees paid to the college and includes any tuition fees paid to an education ag

    to be remitted to the college.15. All refund considerations will be strictly limited to the monies which Mercury College has received from the studenttuition fees only i.e. exclusive of all non-refundable fees and agents commission (whether this commission was deducbefore or after student payment to Mercury College).16. This policy does not remove the right to take further action under Australias Consumer ProtectionLaws


    ((PPLLEEAASSEETTIICCKK))Friends / Relatives E mba s s y Ne ws pa pe rs / Ma ga zin e

    Website Agen t (Name /S t amp)

    Cheque Cash Credit Card Ba nk De po sit In te rna tiona l Money OrderBank: StGeorge Bank Branch: Bligh Street, Sydney 2000, Australia Account Name: Mercury Colleges Pty BSB: 332 072 Account Number 5516 600 05 SWIFT Code: SGBLAJ2SName on Card: Type of Card: Card Number: Expiry D

    I have fully read and understood Mercury Colleges terms andconditions including the refund and cancellation policy and I agree to

    abide by them.

    Signature of Student Date: / /

    If fees are being paid by another person(s) or company:

    I(Name of person(s) / company paying fees please print ) declathat I have the financial capacity to meet Course fees and agree to pthese fees as they become due and I have read, fully understood anaccept Mercury Colleges terms and conditions and I have signed anattached the compulsory checklist to this enrolment form.[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172BNTIS Code: 0872


    Note: The prices are subject to change without prior notice. To obtain the most up to date information on the courseavailable and associated costs please call the college or your Mercury College representative


    Course Details DurationEnrolment


    Number ofInstalments


    059870M General English 4-48 weeks $ 200 n/a 290/w059871K IELTS Preparation 12 weeks $ 200 n/a 290/w062952E English for Academic Purposes 12 weeks $ 200 n/a 320/w

    Acc ommodation Fees 2009



    Room Type Price per week Placement Fee

    Homestay Single $250/week $220Student House Twin Share $190/week $220Student House Triple Share $170/week $220

    Other Services /FeesService Provided Duration PriceEnrolment Fee n/a $200Airport Transfer n/a $140OSHC single 3 months $93.51OSHC single 6 months $187.02OSHC single 9 months $280.53OSHC single 12 months $374.00OSHC family 3 months $187.02OSHC family 6 months $374.04OSHC family 9 months $561.06OSHC family 12 months $748.00


    ENGLISH Programs(General English & IELTS Preparation)

    Every Monday, except Public Holidays

    T IME T A B L E E N G L I S H P R O G R A MSMorning Timetable (Monday Thursday):8.45am - 10.45am Lesson 111.00am 1.00pm Lesson 21.30 pm - 2.30pm Lesson 3

    Evening Timetable (Monday Friday):4.00 pm 6.00 pm Lesson 16.00 pm 6.30pm Break6.30 pm 8.30 pm Lesson 3[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty LtdCRICOS Provider Number: 00172B



    Note: The prices are subject to change without prior notice. To obtain the most up to date informationon the courses available and associated costs please call the college or your Mercury Collegerepresentative.

    CRICOSCODE Course Details Duration * EnrolmentFee Number ofInstalments Tuition F

    Vocational Programs

    067411E Certificate III in Business BSB30107 26 weeks $200 1 $3,000.0067412D Certificate IV in Business BSB40207 39 weeks $200 2 $6,000.0067413C Diploma of Management BSB51107 39 weeks $200 2 $9,000.0

    Accommodation FeesAccommodation Type Room Type Price per week Placement Fee

    Homestay Single $250/week $220Student House Twin Share $190/week $220Student House Triple Share $170/week $220

    Other Services /FeesService Provided Duration PriceStudent Manuals(12 manuals)Certificate III in Business BSB30107

    n/a $300

    Student Manuals (10 manuals)Certificate IV in Business BSB40207

    n/a $300

    Student Manuals (8 manuals)Diploma of Management BSB51107

    n/a $320

    Enrolment Fee n/a $200Airport Transfer n/a $140OSHC single 3 months $93.51

    OSHC single 6 months $187.02OSHC single 9 months $280.53OSHC single 12 months $374.00OSHC family 3 months $187.02OSHC family 6 months $374.04OSHC family 9 months $561.06OSHC family 12 months $748.00


    VOCATIONAL Program 2010 8t January, 12t February, 9t April, 21st May, 8t July, 13t August, 8t

    October, 12th


    Timetable Vocational programsMorning Classes(Monday Thursday):

    9am 2 pmEvening Timetable(Monday Thursday):

    5pm 10pm

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Mercury Sydney Catalgo


    Mercury Colleges Pty Ltd Level 3, 3 Waverley Street ABN: 55 001 799 89. CRICOS Code 00172B Bondi Junction, NSW 2022NTIS RTO: 0872 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200Registered with the NSW Vocational Education Fax: +61 2 8263 1238Training Accreditation Board Email:[email protected]

    Mercury College is a member of The Education Group (

    MARCH SPECIAL South AmericaOffer Expires: 31st March 2010

    Plus $200 Enrolment Fee for all enrolments

    $200 AGENT BONUS**Pay in March and receive $200 enrolment fee as an agent bonus


    MORNING SPECIAL $180/week

    Buy 10 w eek s &

    GET 2 w eek s FREE


    Certificate III in Business 6 months $2000 *

    Certificate IV in Business 9 months . $1150 x 3

    Diploma of Management 9 months$1150 x 3 * Must pay in full by 28th February 2010.If paid by installments, the price for Certificate III in Business is $1150 x 2 installments.

    For more information contact Luana by email

    [email protected] call (+612) 8263 1222If you are not registered as Mercury Colleges representative, please visit our website for details.

    English Classes Timetable

    Morning: Monday Thursday

    8.45am 2.30pm

    Intakes: Every Monday

    Four or less weeks of English course purchase

    price is $290 plus$200 enrolment fee.

    Classes are Monday Thur

    Morning: 9.00am 2.

    Evening: 5.00pm 10.

    Intakes: 19th



    Apr, 21st

    May, 8

    For more info go to our we

    New Timetable

    in April 2010!

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