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Merencanakan Hidup dan Pembuatan CV Rully Prassetya Depok, 11 April 2015

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Merencanakan Hidup dan Pembuatan CV

Rully Prassetya

Depok, 11 April 2015


• First thing first • Merencanakan Masa Depan • Pembuatan CV • Sharing pengalaman • Closing remarks

First thing first

• Tauhid adalah hal terpenting dalam hidup; Ialah yang menentukan kebahagian kita di dunia dan akhirat.

• “And what is a man other than a comet which flashes brilliant light only then be reduced to ashes.” (Syaikh Murattib Al-Hajj).

First thing first (Cont’d)

“Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan amal saleh, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan dalam keadaan beriman, maka sesungguhnya akan Kami berikan kepadanya kehidupan yang baik dan sesungguhnya akan Kami beri balasan kepada mereka dengan pahala yang lebih baik dari apa yang telah mereka kerjakan.” (QS An-Nahl:97).

First thing first (Cont’d)

“Dan barangsiapa berpaling dari peringatan-Ku, maka sesungguhnya baginya penghidupan yang sempit, dan Kami akan menghimpunkannya pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan buta” (QS Taha:124).

"But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Quran nor acts on its orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection."

First thing first (Cont’d)

“Berkatalah Rasul: "Ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya kaumku menjadikan Al Quran itu sesuatu yang tidak diacuhkan.”

“And the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) will say: "O my Lord! Verily, my people deserted this Quran (neither listened to it, nor acted on its laws and orders).”

Menjadi Muslim yang Berprestasi

• Peradaban Islam paling maju pada Abad 8-13 M, e.g. Kota Badgad: dua juta jiwa, Byzantium hanya 600rb; Cordoba: 600rb, Paris 30rb.

• Polymath Islam: Al Khawarizmi: Matematika, Astronomi, Geografi; Al Kindi: Filsafat, Matematika, Kedokteran, Fisika, Optik, Metalurgi; Ibnu Sina: Kedokteran, Matematika, Astronomi, Filsafat; Ibn Rusyd: Ilmu filsafat, Hukum, Kedokteran, Astronomi, Teologi; Ibnu Khaldun: Ekonomi, sejarah.

Banyak yang menginginkan agar kita tidak berpegang pada ajaran agama kita.

Sangat banyak ‘failed state’ di dunia Islam our responsibility. The children in Syiria, Iraq, Rohingya, etc.

Jika kita tidak memiliki capability maka kita akan di-advice oleh orang yang tidak senang dengan Islam.

SDA dan urusan negara kita dikuasai oleh para koruptor dan dipengaruhi asing.

Menjadi Muslim yang Berprestasi (cont’d)

Dream High

• It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going (Brian Tracy).

Dream High (Cont’d)

• Pola pikir kita mempengaruhi pola hidup kita. • Watch your thought

Watch your thought, it becomes your words

Watch your word, it becomes you actions Watch you action, it becomes your character

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Dream High (Cont’d)

• Know your talent Talk to yourself • The quality of your life is the quality of your

communication with yourself.

Katakanlah: "Tiap-tiap orang berbuat menurut keadaannya masing-masing". Maka Tuhanmu lebih mengetahui siapa yang lebih benar jalannya (QS Al-Isra’:84).

Life Plan

• If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.

• An average person will average talent, ambition, can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused goals.

Life Mission

• QS Al-A’raf: 175-177 • QS Al-Fusshilat: 33.

Life Mission, Dream and Goal

• My life mission: • Dream: • Goal:

– Ten year – Five year – One year – Six months – Monthly

Making It a Reality

• Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration (Thomas Edison).

• Champions aren’t made in a gym; Champions are made from something they have deep inside them, a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last minute stamina. They have to be a little faster. They have to have the skill and the will, but the WILL must be STRONGER than the SKILLS (Muhammad Ali).

Making It a Reality (Cont’d)

• Instill a good western habit: – Read, read, and read. – Critical thinking.

Whatever happens is good

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude is more important than facts … We cannot change our past …

We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.

I am convinced that life is 10% of what happens to me And 90% how I react to it

(Charles Swindoll)

Format CV

• Format CV Mapres • Format CV Professional

Format CV Mapres

1. Pengurus Organisasi Kemahasiswaan a. Kegiatan Organisasi Intra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) b. Kegiatan Organisasi Ekstra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) c. Kepanitian Intra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) d. Kepanitiaan Ekstra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5)

Format CV Mapres (Cont’d)

2. Kegiatan Akademik Mahasiswa a. Kejuaraan Kegiatan Ilmiah Intra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) b. Kejuaraan Kegiatan Ilmiah Ekstra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) c. Penelitian Mahasiswa Intra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) d. Penelitian Mahasiswa Ekstrakampus (Maksimum 5) a. Penyaji Makalah Kegiatan Ilmiah Intra Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) b. Penyaji Makalah Kegiatan Ilmiah Ekstra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) c. Moderator Kegiatan Ilmiah Intra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) d. Moderator Kegiatan Ilmiah Ekstra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) e. Peserta Seminar Ilmiah Intra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) e. Peserta Seminar Ilmiah Ekstra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5)

Format CV Mapres (Cont’d)

3. Kegiatan penunjang Lainnya a. Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Intra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) a. Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Ekstra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) b. Pengalaman Kerja (Selama 2 Tahun Terakhir) c. Peserta Pelatihan Intra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) d. Peserta Pelatihan Ekstra-Perguruan Tinggi (Maksimum 5) e. Prestasi dalam Bidang Penalaran, Minat dan Bakat Intra-Perguruan Tinggi

(2 tahun terakhir) f. Prestasi dalam Bidang Penalaran, Minat dan Bakat Ekstra-Perguruan

Tinggi (2 tahun terakhir)

Professional CV basics

• Name and permanent contact details • Nationality, PR or visa status, languages • Professional experience ( reverse

chronological) • Education • Other

experience/awards/accolades/publications • Personal interests

Professional Experience

• Organization name and location, dates of employment

• Job title, dates for those positions

• Key skills/tasks/responsibilities/achievements

• Active verbs, past tense

• Results

Professional Experience Exercise

On your CV, identify instances where you have • Used non-active verbs ( eg responsible for) - ‘to

replace later’ • Forgotten to demonstrate results – ‘+ results’ • Described roles or employers in more than 2

sentences – ‘to shorten’ • Used more than 3 bullet points per paragraph –

‘to edit’ • Unexplained gaps – ‘switch to years or explain’


• For CV book, reverse chronological.

• Degree and subject, class of degree optional

• Accolades/scholarships/awards – here if general or in Other Experience if specialized

• For CV book, high school and earlier not required

• Double-check dates, particularly for part-time courses

Other experience • Scholarships • Awards • Accolades • Publications, speaker engagements • Internships and short jobs • Projects • Significant extra-curricular activities ( eg committee

positions) • Significant quantifiable achievements ( may also be in

Personal Interests)

Personal Interests

• Hobbies

• Achievements

• Personal development

• Political/religious/other controversial subjects?

Customized CV Purpose of CV and cover letter

• Obtain invitation to interview

• Articulate that are a ‘good fit’ for the job

• Provide evidence of key skills/experience/knowledge

• Cover letter – articulate motivation

CV choices • Use summary or objective?

• Use photo, add personal status details, age?

• Use months or years only?

• Highlight skills?

• List internships, specific courses during this programme?

• Student group activities?

Summaries and Objectives

‘I am a professional person who would be an asset to an any organization and am looking for a high-paying job in a Multi-national company’

‘As you will see from my CV I have over 20 years

of experience in advertising, non-profit sector , law and media including companies such as…...

Highlighting skills Example: Professional Experience 2005 – 2009 Assistant Director, Ministry of Health, Singapore Leadership • Led team of ……to deliver …..resulting in …… • Co-ordinated cross-functional taskforce to……

Strategy • Developed strategy paper presented to….with result that…

Active Verbs

Created Founded Designed Established Planned Formulated Originated Controlled Managed Led Supervised Administered Performed Handled

Reorganized Delivered Accomplished Increased Improved Developed Produced Generated Designed Discovered Researched Enforced Conducted Obtained

Negotiated Analyzed Drafted Crafted Persuaded Lobbied Consulted Sold Informed Motivated Mentored Instructed Guided Invented

Roleplay In groups of 3, one is interviewing, one is being

interviewed and one is observer and timekeeper Interviewer asks interviewee ‘Please can you walk me through your CV?’ Interviewee, take no more than 3 minutes to answer Interviewer – ask other questions as you deem necessary Observer – keep time and make notes – what does

interviewer ask about? Were the answers satisfactory? Concise?

Roleplay - debrief

Interviewers : who heard good answers? Why were they good?

Interviewees: where did you feel

uncomfortable? What needs more work?

Cover letter

• Good communications skills: clear, concise, accurate

• Strong motivation

• Fill gaps in CV

• Explain important things not apparent from CV

Closing Remarks

• Imaan – Da’wah – Ihsan.