merge - a partnership with our business community

A Partnership with our Business Community CARLA M. GREEN

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This is a story of being called into the marketplace to advance the Kingdom of God, the importance of the church in the business community and a program designed for churches to engage their business leaders.


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A Partnership with our Business Community


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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form or by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise--without

written permission of MERGE, LLC except for brief quotations in printed reviews.

MERGE: A Partnership with our Business CommunityCopyright 2013 by Carla Green

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Carla has been a chief administrative pastor for the past five years at The Vineyard Church in Urbana, Illinois. Prior to her pastoral role, she was a senior strategic analyst for State Farm Insurance. Her passion for merging profes-sional and spiritual callings has been at the heart of MERGE for the past few years. Carla has great vision for how the marketplace can be transformed by understanding Kingdom principles in the business setting. She has also consulted with other businesses on how to transform their business into Kingdom centric organizations. Carla is married to Rick and has three children Shane, Mandee, her husband Tyler, and Connor. Carla, Rick and Connor reside in Urbana, Illinois.


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A Partnership with our Business Community


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This is the story of how God opened my eyes to see how He sees ministry in the marketplace. Perhaps you will see yourself in some of the frus-trations and joys that I went through during the ILYH�\HDUV�RI�VHHNLQJ�*RG·V�ZLOO�IRU�WKH�UROH�RI�WKH�local church in the strengthening the men and women who serve daily in their workplace calling. And perhaps also your eyes will be opened, as mine were, to the magnificent opportunity we have to activate the 90% of the Body of Christ that now appear to be sitting on the sidelines. Please join me as I describe my journey from IUXVWUDWLRQ� WR� IXOILOOPHQW� LQ� P\� SXUVXLW� RI� *RG·V�vision for MERGE.

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1 – I Thought I was Called 3

2 – Church in the Marketplace 13

3 – Kingdom Economics for the Marketplace 23

4 – A Vision for Marketplace Transformation 35

Appendix A – MERGE Common Themes 47

Appendix B – Sample MERGE Lesson 51

Appendix C – Is a MERGE Group Right for You? 63

Appendix D – MERGE Group Starter 69

Appendix E – About the MERGE Logo 73

Appendix F – MERGE Friends 77

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I Thought I was Called

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1I Thought

I was Called


Five years ago, I left my corporate job at the largest insurance company in America to take a position in “full-time ministry” as Chief Administrative Pastor of our church. I was the first person that would be on the Senior Leadership Team that was not part of the family that started the church.

I was given responsibility for all things administrative and served as a part of the strategic planning team for our church. I thought it was a great opportunity to use my business knowledge and passion and marry it with my desire to be in full-time ministry. This posi-tion also required my family to move from our home-town.

I was so excited! I thought that God had answered my prayer and given me my dream job, my calling! That ache inside of me would be filled and now my ZKROH�OLIH�ZRXOG�KDYH�PHDQLQJ���+RZHYHU�«�LW�GLGQ·W�take long before I realized that I was doing less “min-istry” in my new position than I had been doing in my secular job.

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Granted, my new position was much more EXVLQHVV�RULHQWHG��EXW�LW�GLGQ·W�RIIHU�WKH�IXOILOOPHQW�,�had hoped for. To top it off, after the newness wore RII��,�IRXQG�P\VHOI�DV�D�SDVWRU�LQ�D�WRZQ�WKDW�,�GLGQ·W�know at all. My responsibilities at the church were mainly taking care of the business of the church, such as managing staff, processes, and planning, and that ended up taking most of my hours in a week. I found myself driving to and from home and church and that was about it. I woke up one day to find that I had lived in this new town three years and GLGQ·W�KDYH�DQ\�UHDO�UHODWLRQVKLSV���

Frustrated, my husband and I attempted to go back to my hometown to pastor, but that door was closed. It was a moment of truth in my life, my career, my calling, and my passion. How could I serve on a FKXUFK� WHDP�DQG�KHOS�SDVWRU�D� WRZQ� ,�GLGQ·W� NQRZ�DQG� WKHUHIRUH� GLGQ·W� KDYH� DQ\� ORYH� IRU"� �:K\� GLG�full-time ministry work not satisfy me when it felt like VXFK�D�VWURQJ�FDOOLQJ�LQ�P\�OLIH"��,�KDG�ULVNHG�HYHU\-thing and I was dissatisfied and frustrated and not knowing where to go from here.

And yet, there were so many people that I came into contact with who were where I had been a few years ago. They wanted my church position because it seemed to them like a way out of the “secular” world. Former coworkers envied me for finding abundant life outside of the corporate walls. They saw in me someone who had the guts to leave and follow her heart. Yet now, I was wondering if my KHDUW�KDG�OHG�PH�DVWUD\��:KDW�ZDV�ZURQJ�ZLWK�PH"�:K\�GLGQ·W� WKLV�FKXUFK� MRE�VDWLVI\� WKDW�GHHS�FDOO� LQ�P\�OLIH"

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90% of the



in the Bible

were outside

the church


Many desire this story, to leave full-time “secular employment” for full-time “ministry.” When sincere Christians fully experience the power of God in their lives, they are willing to leave their nets and follow Jesus wherever He leads them!

To most Christians, ministry is mostly thought of as ecclesiastic activities such as church services, praying for people, witnessing, etc. From the perspective of the Kingdom of God, however, we see that ministry is doing what we were created and called to do, and meeting the needs of people. And yet, some 90% of the callings necessary to meet the real needs of people are found in the non-ecclesiastical vocations.

If we will read the Bible as a book about life, rather than a book about religion, we will see the same pattern in scripture, that 90% of the callings described in the Bible were outside the church, or non-ecclesiastical callings. For example, there were 12 tribes of Israel, and only one of those was dedi-cated to the priesthood, and it was a small tribe. 0RVW� RI� WKH� %LEOH·V� KHURHV� KDG� VR�FDOOHG� ´VHFXODUµ�jobs. If you pay careful attention, you will realize that PRVW� RI� -HVXV·� GLYLQH� HQFRXQWHUV� KDSSHQHG� LQ� WKH�marketplace. Paul, the apostle most responsible for bringing the gospel to the Gentiles, and who wrote most of the books of New Testament, remained a tentmaker during his entire apostleship so as not to be a financial burden to the churches.

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The trouble is that we have lost sight of the fact that the Bible stories we have come to know and love happened outside RI�FKXUFK���:H�GRQ·W�UHDG�RXU�%LEOH�from the viewpoint of the marketplace. Certainly, we need to look to the Scripture as a guidebook for our personal lives, but we must also understand the impact it should have on our professional lives. If we will read the Bible from a marketplace mindset, it will open up many possibilities for how to answer our marketplace problems. It helps us to see how to put on our Kingdom worldview lenses and dispel the VHFXODU�ZRUOGYLHZ·V�VKRUWFRPLQJV�

Brett Johnson addresses this lack of clarity in his groundbreaking book, Convergence: Blending Career, Community, Creativity, and Call:

How do I choose what to do in life and how do we help others see their calling as well?

:KHQ�6FULSWXUH�VSHDNV�DERXW�*RG·V�ZRUN��VWDUWLQJ� LQ� *HQHVLV� ��� WKH� ZRUG� ¶KNDOP·�means occupation, work business, property, something done or made, workmanship, service, public business, political, and religious. We will not come to Convergence if we hold to a view that some things are work and some things are ministry. This view is not supported by Scripture, and will HLWKHU�SXII�XV�XS�ZKHQ�ZH�VD\�¶,�DP�LQ�PLQLV-try because I am in full-time Christian VHUYLFH·�ZLWK�WKH�LPSOLFDWLRQ�WKDW�RWKHUV�DUH�not ministers, or it will tear us down when we VD\��¶,�MXVW�ZRUN�IRU�D�OLYLQJ«,�ZLVK�,�FRXOG�EH�LQ�PLQLVWU\�·

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how do we help others see their calling as well?

“Every believer needs to understand his

or her work is not a ‘secular’ calling,

but rather a God-assigned mission!”


Unfortunately, we have many people from our con-gregation who, once they get ahold of what God has done for them, mistakenly feel they are “being led” to so-called “full time ministry” and want a paid position DW�WKH�FKXUFK���:H�GRQ·W�KDYH�HQRXJK�SRVLWLRQV�DW�WKH�church!

We have all been created with specific strengths, DELOLWLHV��DQG�JLIWV� IRU�*RG·V�SXUSRVHV�� �0\�TXHVW� LQ�life is to discover my strengths, abilities, and gifts and DSSO\�WKHP�E\�*RG·V�OHDGLQJ�RU�FDOOLQJ���7KH�PLVFRQ-ception is that we only believe we can apply this group of assets, if you will, to church life and not to the world. In response to this, Johnny Enlow in Seven Mountain Prophecy, speaks of a divine and strategic calling: “Every believer needs to understand KLV�RU�KHU�ZRUN�LV�QRW�D�¶VHFXODU·�FDOOLQJ��EXW�UDWKHU�D�God-assigned mission!”

It is so exciting that God has a mission for us as busi-nessmen and –women! Yes, our degrees, certifica-tions, and business experience make us as busi-nesspeople marketable; but what God is impartingto us makes us “supernaturally natural” to do the work of the Kingdom. In other words, we are so supernaturally aware of what God is doing in and through us, that the Holy Spirit empowers us to be naturally amazing.

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This calling allows us as businesspersons:

7KLV�FDOOLQJ�LV�QRW�FKXUFK\��LW·V�UHDO�EXVLQHVV��,W·V�FUHDWLYH���,W·V�LQQRYDWLYH���,W·V�QHZ���,W·V�IUHVK��,W·V�profitable. And it gets at the heart of the very mis-sion that we have been given.


�� � � WR� KDYH� FUHDWLYH� LGHDV� �EHFDXVH� WKH\�are Creator-inspired),

����WR�GHPRQVWUDWH�´ORYH�\RXU�QHLJKERU�DV�yourself” in practical ways,


����WR�VKRZ�JHQXLQH�ORYH�WKURXJK�WKH�YDOXH�proposition of the business,



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:KHQ�ZH�DOLJQ�DOO� RI� RXU�ZRUN�ZLWK�*RG·V�ZRUN��ZH�enter into the divine partnership that we have been promised. Ephesians 3:20 comes to life: “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” As well as 2 Peter 1:3-4: “seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted tous His precious and magnificent promises, so that bythem you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.”

2QH� RI� 6DWDQ·V� SULPDU\� VWUDWHJLHV�� KRZHYHU�� DV� KH�seeks to “steal, kill, and destroy” is to attempt to get us WR� EHOLHYH� WKDW� *RG·V� FDOOLQJ� GRHV� QRW� UHODWH� WR� RXU�professional life.

In Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship, Jack Frost-says it this way,

Whose mission am I on? We have one of two choices. We will be subject either to the )DWKHU�RI�&UHDWLRQ·V�PLVVLRQ�RU� WR� WKH�PLV-sion of the father of lies, the accuser of the brethren. Even if we think we are subject to our own mission, we are really serving the mission of our enemy, because anything WKDW�GLYHUWV�XV�IURP�IROORZLQJ�)DWKHU·V�PLV-sion weakens our life and relationships and DGYDQFHV�6DWDQ·V�SXUSRVHV�RQ�HDUWK���

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It sobers me to think that when we choose

a mission outside of what God has

designed, we are operating as orphans,

not as heirs of the King.



At some point Lucifer desired to be subject no ORQJHU�WR�*RG·V�PLVVLRQ�EXW�WR�EH�GHGLFDWHG�WR�his own mission. Anytime we become subject to our own mission, separation goes to work. Lucifer became the ultimate spiritual RUSKDQ«� %HFDXVH� KH� QR� ORQJHU� ZDONHG� LQ�)DWKHU·V� PLVVLRQ� RI� ORYH�� /XFLIHU� EHJDQ� WR�compete for a place of recognition, position, DQG� SRZHU«� +LV� VWUDWHJ\� ZDV� WR� FRQYLQFH�man to think the way he did—homeless and FXW�RII�IURP�*RG·V�ORYH³DQG�WKHUHE\�ZHDNHQ�man to the point where he would give in to temptation and allow shame and fear to UHSODFH�LQWLPDF\���6DWDQ·V�WKRXJKWV�ZHUH��,�ZLOO�do it my way. I will pursue the things that make me feel good and give me a sense of value and significance!

Frost goes on to say,

We are all called into partnership with God, to be about His mission. Being outside of that relationship ZLWK�*RG��ZKHWKHU�LW·V�SHUVRQDO�RU�SURIHVVLRQDO��VHSD-rates and robs us from the life that God has intended for us. It sobers me to think that when we choose a mission outside of what God has designed, we are operating as orphans, not as heirs of the King. My heart breaks as I am writing this, because I feel the pain of the marketplace that has been left alone and in the dark. Our calling is to reconcile our fellow “business orphans” back to what God has for them and to show them their value and significance to the Kingdom in their workplace!

This leads us to another worldview paradigm that God desires to transform: our concept of success. What is success for those who align with the Kingdom of God versus those who align with a non-Biblical world-view? Or, put another way, how do heirs of the King view success differently than orphans? For those seeing life through a secular worldview lens, success is defined as a lifestyle of continually expanding con-sumption. Unfortunately, this is the mindset of the majority of those living in the United States, and prob-ably most of the rest of the world. But for those of us living in the Kingdom of God, success is defined as IXOILOOLQJ�*RG·V�GHVWLQ\�IRU�RXU�OLYHV�

Discovering what the Author of Life has created us for SODFHV�XV�VTXDUHO\�LQ�*RG·V�DEXQGDQW�OLIH���+RSHIXOO\��we all have had moments where we just know and feel that things fit: where we say, “This is what I am KHUH�IRU�µ��,I�\RX�KDYHQ·W��WKHQ�LW·V�WLPH�WR�SDUWQHU�ZLWK�God in your work life and build a relationship with Him in that context to see what He will do!

Why? Because that is where the success of our life ZLOO�EH��WKDW�LV�ZKHUH�*RG·V�DEXQGDQFH�LV��DQG�PRVW�importantly, that is where we can be in perfect union ZLWK�RXU�&UHDWRU����-HVXV·�ZRUN�RQ�WKH�FURVV�DOORZV�XV�to fully move into that position again. Success in the marketplace with a Kingdom perspective is an excit-LQJ�SURSRVLWLRQ���7KLV�DOVR�UHTXLUHV�XV�WR�UHGHILQH�RXU�

meaning of success as understanding our identity in Christ, walking out our calling, and being willing to say ¶\HV·�WR�DOO�WKDW�*RG�KDV�IRU�XV���

We, as leaders, have an opportunity to redefine suc-cess in the marketplace or whatever arena we are living in as it relates to the mission of the Kingdom.

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���TVDDFTT�JT�EFmOFE�BT�GVMmMMJOH�God’s destiny for our lives.


This leads us to another worldview paradigm that God desires to transform: our concept of success. What is success for those who align with the Kingdom of God versus those who align with a non-Biblical world-view? Or, put another way, how do heirs of the King view success differently than orphans? For those seeing life through a secular worldview lens, success is defined as a lifestyle of continually expanding con-sumption. Unfortunately, this is the mindset of the majority of those living in the United States, and prob-ably most of the rest of the world. But for those of us living in the Kingdom of God, success is defined as IXOILOOLQJ�*RG·V�GHVWLQ\�IRU�RXU�OLYHV�

Discovering what the Author of Life has created us for SODFHV�XV�VTXDUHO\�LQ�*RG·V�DEXQGDQW�OLIH���+RSHIXOO\��we all have had moments where we just know and feel that things fit: where we say, “This is what I am KHUH�IRU�µ��,I�\RX�KDYHQ·W��WKHQ�LW·V�WLPH�WR�SDUWQHU�ZLWK�God in your work life and build a relationship with Him in that context to see what He will do!

Why? Because that is where the success of our life ZLOO�EH��WKDW�LV�ZKHUH�*RG·V�DEXQGDQFH�LV��DQG�PRVW�importantly, that is where we can be in perfect union ZLWK�RXU�&UHDWRU����-HVXV·�ZRUN�RQ�WKH�FURVV�DOORZV�XV�to fully move into that position again. Success in the marketplace with a Kingdom perspective is an excit-LQJ�SURSRVLWLRQ���7KLV�DOVR�UHTXLUHV�XV�WR�UHGHILQH�RXU�

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This leads us to another worldview paradigm that God desires to transform: our concept of success. What is success for those who align with the Kingdom of God versus those who align with a non-Biblical world-view? Or, put another way, how do heirs of the King view success differently than orphans? For those seeing life through a secular worldview lens, success is defined as a lifestyle of continually expanding con-sumption. Unfortunately, this is the mindset of the majority of those living in the United States, and prob-ably most of the rest of the world. But for those of us living in the Kingdom of God, success is defined as IXOILOOLQJ�*RG·V�GHVWLQ\�IRU�RXU�OLYHV�

Discovering what the Author of Life has created us for SODFHV�XV�VTXDUHO\�LQ�*RG·V�DEXQGDQW�OLIH���+RSHIXOO\��we all have had moments where we just know and feel that things fit: where we say, “This is what I am KHUH�IRU�µ��,I�\RX�KDYHQ·W��WKHQ�LW·V�WLPH�WR�SDUWQHU�ZLWK�God in your work life and build a relationship with Him in that context to see what He will do!

Why? Because that is where the success of our life ZLOO�EH��WKDW�LV�ZKHUH�*RG·V�DEXQGDQFH�LV��DQG�PRVW�importantly, that is where we can be in perfect union ZLWK�RXU�&UHDWRU����-HVXV·�ZRUN�RQ�WKH�FURVV�DOORZV�XV�to fully move into that position again. Success in the marketplace with a Kingdom perspective is an excit-LQJ�SURSRVLWLRQ���7KLV�DOVR�UHTXLUHV�XV�WR�UHGHILQH�RXU�

meaning of success as understanding our identity in Christ, walking out our calling, and being willing to say ¶\HV·�WR�DOO�WKDW�*RG�KDV�IRU�XV���

We, as leaders, have an opportunity to redefine suc-cess in the marketplace or whatever arena we are living in as it relates to the mission of the Kingdom.

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Church inthe Marketplace

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Church inthe Marketplace



As I was questioning my call, I found myself crying oXW�WR�*RG��VD\LQJ��´:KDW�DUH�\RX�FDOOLQJ�PH�WR"µ�+H�spoke to me very clearly (not audibly but in my spirit), “You love business; reach out to businesses in this town.”

At that moment, I remembered that prior to taking the position as chief administrative pastor, I had developed a plan to start a business ministry. My SDVWRU�KDG� OLNHG� WKH� LGHD�EXW�GLGQ·W�KDYH�D�ZD\� WR�finance it, and living an hour away from the church, LW�ZDVQ·W�IHDVLEOH�IRU�PH�WR�GR�LW�DV�D�YROXQWHHU���6R�,�took the safe, salaried road and pursued the admin-istrative pastor position.

Now, three years later, I found myself unsatisfied with what I had thought was the call on my life. I have found that sometimes God takes us to point B WKHQ�WR�SRLQW�&�WR�JHW�XV�WR�SRLQW�'�²�DW�OHDVW�WKDW·V�ZKDW�+H�GLG�ZLWK�PH��:LWK�D�QHZ�GLUHFWLRQ�DQG�VWLOO�no money to finance a business ministry, I decided to keep working in my current pastoral role and start a business group at the same time. Little did I know that I was still off track…

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I was thinking that well, the timing for this might be good, because I knew we were about 12 months away from entering a capital campaign in the church that I would be leading. This would give me the opportunity to meet our business community and understand their needs. Besides, how could I ask IRU� PRQH\� IURP� SHRSOH� ,� GLGQ·W� NQRZ� YHU\� ZHOO"��Although I knew many in the business community who attended our church, and they seemed to have a grasp on being good churchmen and –women, still ,� GLGQ·W� ZDQW� RXU� ILUVW� UHDO� FRQWDFW� WR� FRPH� IURP� D�needfor the church before I understood them better. So, I called together a small group of business leaders and proposed a plan for starting a business group. :KLOH� ,�ZDVQ·W� FRQILGHQW� LQ� KRZ�P\�SODQ�ZRXOG�JR�over, I was passionate about what we were going to accomplish. I wanted to challenge the business community with the truths that we teach but translate WKRVH�WUXWKV�IRU�WKH�PDUNHWSODFH���0\�SODQ��QRW�*RG·V�plan, was to show them how to do church in their business settings. I was so excited! I was thinking that this group was going to be a great evangelism tool for the marketplace. Then the group could move on to certain projects and even take them on as organizations. It was going to mean great things for WKH�FKXUFK���:KLOH�WKH�GHVLUH�RI�P\�KHDUW�ZDV�IRU�D�deeper relationship with this community my actions took on the look and feel of the church needs and not WKHLUV�� � ,� VWLOO� GLGQ·W� UHDOL]H� WKDW� WKH�+RO\�6SLULW�ZDV�VD\LQJ��´7KHUH·V�PRUH��WKHUH·V�PRUH�µ

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So, I started to “do church” in the business commu-nity by going with a friend to pray for a business. This was the first time I had done anything like this, and we had great success; it grew faith in us that God ORQJV�WR�GR�PLUDFOHV�LQ�WKH�PDUNHWSODFH���:H�SUD\HG-IRU� WKLV� EXVLQHVV� WKDW� ZDV� DERXW� WR� JR� XQGHU�� �:H�prayed on the outside of the business, we prayed on the inside of the business, we prayed over the cash register, the phone, the employee, and over the owner.

:LWKLQ�WKUHH�ZHHNV��WKH�RZQHU�HPDLOHG�PH�VD\LQJ�KHU�November experienced an 80% increase in salesover the previous November. In another week she emailed me asking for prayer for additional help EHFDXVH�VKH�GLGQ·W�NQRZ�KRZ�VKH�ZDV�JRLQJ�WR�ILOO�DOO�her orders for Christmas! It was a great experience where we got to show the love of God and the power of prayer within business. Yet…

,Q�P\�VWRU\��,�ZDVQ·W�GRLQJ�DQ\WKLQJ�GLIIHUHQWO\���,�ZDV�still just trying to get church into the marketplace. If I had thought about it more at the time, I would have seen how crazy it was to try and take already busy professionals and ask them to do more churchy WKLQJV���,�KDGQ·W�HYHQ�WKRXJKW�DERXW�WDNLQJ�ZKDW�WKH\�already do and submitting it under the authority of God. As I began to pray over 2 Corinthians 10:5 which tells us to take every thought captive to be obedient to Christ, God began to show me that I needed to shift my worldview to that of the Kingdom of God with respect to the “spiritual” versus the material. In the

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ZRUOGYLHZ� RI� PDQ·V� UHOLJLRQ�� VSLULWXDO� LV� EHWWHU� WKDQ��DQG�VHSDUDWH�IURP��PDWHULDO���7KLV�LV�FDOOHG�GXDOLVP���3HRSOH�WKLQN�LW·V�EHWWHU�WR�´JHW�PRUH�VSLULWXDOµ�WKDQ�WR�incorporate spiritual principles into the material life; therefore work, money, business, a paycheck, etc., is considered of a lesser status than church-oriented activities. In this view, the things of the world are separated from the things of the church. In dualism, the secular is separate from the holy; they neither overlap nor are integrated.

7KH�GLUHFWLRQ�RI�PDQ·V�UHOLJLRQ�LV�WKHUHIRUH�IURP�WKH�material to the spiritual. However, in the Kingdom of God, incarnation is the goal. God created the mate-rial universe out of the spirit realm. Jesus was incar-QDWHG��EHFDPH�PDQ����,W·V�DOVR�FOHDU�WKDW�*RG·Vdirection is from the spiritual to the material in the /RUG·V� 3UD\HU�� ´<RXU� NLQJGRP� FRPH�� <RXU� ZLOO� EH�done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Therefore the material is “good,” as God repeatedly declared in Genesis 1.

In Colossians 1:15-20, Paul says:

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all thingswere created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to

Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross.

To free ourselves from the trap of dualism, it is impor-tant that we fully comprehend the breadth, the depth,

and the magnitude of &KULVW·V� PLQLVWU\� RI�reconciliation. If we assume that reconcilia-tion involves just the individual and not all of creation, then we will likely take on the mind-set of dualism, because that way of thinking separates the so-called “secular” from the so-called “sacred.” Scripture denies such a separation. The dual-ist mindset minimizes

WKH�LPSDFW�RI�WKH�FURVV�DV�ZHOO�DV�*RG·V�SODQ�WR�IXOO\�align all things under Kingdom authority.

Os Hillman, in 7KH���WR���:LQGRZ� says it this way: When Jesus died, He became the source of restora-

tion for all that was lost in the Garden, He restored all things including the relationship between mankind and his work. No longer should we labor out of sweat and toil, for God has restored the joy to our labor that He intended in the first place. In fact, one form of the word Work comes from the Hebrew word avodah, which mean worship.

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The dualist


*RG·V�SODQ�WR�IXOO\�align all things





The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all thingswere created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to

Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross.

To free ourselves from the trap of dualism, it is impor-tant that we fully comprehend the breadth, the depth,

and the magnitude of &KULVW·V� PLQLVWU\� RI�reconciliation. If we assume that reconcilia-tion involves just the individual and not all of creation, then we will likely take on the mind-set of dualism, because that way of thinking separates the so-called “secular” from the so-called “sacred.” Scripture denies such a separation. The dual-ist mindset minimizes

WKH�LPSDFW�RI�WKH�FURVV�DV�ZHOO�DV�*RG·V�SODQ�WR�IXOO\�align all things under Kingdom authority.

Os Hillman, in 7KH���WR���:LQGRZ� says it this way: When Jesus died, He became the source of restora-

tion for all that was lost in the Garden, He restored all things including the relationship between mankind and his work. No longer should we labor out of sweat and toil, for God has restored the joy to our labor that He intended in the first place. In fact, one form of the word Work comes from the Hebrew word avodah, which mean worship.

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Therefore work is a part of

*RG·V�RULJLQDO�FUHDWLRQ��not a result of the curse.



In other words, our labors in the workplace are not “secular” or “worldly” or “materialistic,” they are meant by God to be part of our worship! After all, it was before the fall when God told Adam and Eve to ´WHQG�WKH�JDUGHQ�µ�7KHUHIRUH�ZRUN�LV�D�SDUW�RI�*RG·V�original creation, not a result of the curse. Too many times, we, as the church have encouraged this confu-sion about dualism. We focus so much on what is JRLQJ�RQ�LQVLGH�WKH�FKXUFK�ZDOOV�WKDW�ZH�GRQ·W�ZRUN�towards helping those outside the church find their DQVZHUV�WR�OLIH·V�TXHVWLRQV�LQ�*RG���1RU�GR�ZH�YDOL-date the 90% or so of the Body of Christ who He has called to the ministry of reconciliation in the market-place. Those church walls in effect become a bound-ary that we have set up. We erroneously think that what goes on within church walls is Jesus stuff, and what goes on outside belongs to some other system. That is inherently wrong - God is working every-where! Not only inside the church but also outside the church, not only in our personal lives but also in our professional lives. Not only with our families, but also with our customers, clients, and employees.

7KH�FKXUFK� LV�*RG·V�SODQ�IRU�VDYLQJ�WKH�ZRUOG��+RZ�then, does the local church come alongside the

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Business can have a redemptive purpose in alleviating poverty, creating new wealth, and enhancing human existence. Business is, bar none, the best hope of the poor. And that is one of the noblest callings inherent in busi-ness activities: to raise up the poor.

marketplace professionals to pastor and assist the burgeoning great marketplace awakening? Accor-ing to the lead article in a 2001 edition of Fortune Magazine, the “Faith-in-the-workplace movement will not be guided by churches but by business-people.” This non-scriptural pattern should concern us greatly! Because of our dualistic mindset, we are abandoning our marketplace professionals by not helping them to see how their businesses and work lives are to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation, which also should be the purpose and mission of their local churches.

,I� WKH� ORFDO�FKXUFK� LVQ·W�JRLQJ� WR�EH�UHOHYDQW� WR� WKH�marketplace, then what is its purpose? Some would VD\��´7R�IHHG�WKH�SRRU�µ��&HUWDLQO\��WKDW·V�QREOH��EXW�according to R. Paul Steven in 'RLQJ�*RG·V�%XV-ness, that too falls within the realm of the market-place. He says,

6R��WKH�TXHVWLRQ�UHPDLQV��ZKDW�LV�WKH�SXUSRVH�RI�WKH�church if not to hear from God, to help identify where God is working, to pray for the gifts of the Spirit on all people in all situations, and to continue to speak out the truth? If the church misses the marketplace connection, then it has missed how to capture the hearts of their cities. According to Robert Fraser in Marketplace Christianity,

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7KH�&KXUFK�LV�*RG·V�SULPDU\�LQVWLWXWLRQ�LQ�WKH�earth. It is to be a place of encounter with God DQG�HTXLSSLQJ�RI�WKH�VDLQWV���%XW�LW�LV�QRW�WR�EH�the primary place of spiritual expression or ministry.

Initially, I had felt our church needed to be more diligent about looking for ways to partner with busi-nesspeople and to merge activities and teachings to have the greatest impact on our communities. But the critical mistake that I made at that time was that I just took “church activities” out to the business community. I was praying for them, I was talking about their relationships; I was showing them how to “get more spiritual.” It provided a good beginning EXW� LW�ZDVQ·W� UHVXOWLQJ� LQ� DQ\� V\VWHPLF� WUDQVIRUPD-tion.

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Kingdom Economicsfor the Marketplace

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3Kingdom Economics

for the Marketplace


:KHQ�WKH�EXVLQHVV�OHDGHUV�ILUVW�FDPH�WR�WKH�SODQQLQJ�meetings, they came tired with already full plates and over-heavy schedules and seemed somewhat sus-SHFW�RI�ZKDW�,�PLJKW�EH�DVNLQJ�WKHP�WR�GR�����:H�DOO�wanted something more but none of us truly knew ZKDW�LW�ZRXOG�ORRN�OLNH���:H�MXVW�NQHZ�WKDW�*RG�ZDV�leading us.

:KHQ�,�ORRN�EDFN��,�VHQVH�WKDW�WKH\�NQHZ�ZKHUH�WKHLU�KRSH� FDPH� IURP�� EXW� WKH\� KDGQ·W� VHHQ� KRZ� WKDW�should impact their work lives. God made it abun-dantly clear to me that my work during the first year of the group was to be spent pastoring. Just listening to WKH�EXVLQHVVSHRSOH�DQG�WKHLU�QHHGV��,I�,�GLGQ·W�UHDOL]H�they were tired before, it became clear in their ideas for names for the group: Leadership Lounge, No Agenda, Leadership Edge, On The Edge, etc. Finally, ZH�ODQGHG�RQ�´0(5*(��:KHUH�WKH�PDUNHWSODFH�DQG�church join together.” It seemed to spark life.

So now we had a name, but could we really delive-ZKDW� LW� LPSOLHG"� �&RXOG� WKH�PDUNHWSODFH�DQG�FKXUFK�UHDOO\�EH�EURXJKW�WRJHWKHU"��,�IHOW�ZH�QHHGHG�WR�GHDO�with the elephant in the room first: the impact of the

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post-2008 economy. I could sense there was a defi-nite shift in the way business had been being con-ducted over the previous five to seven years, and it ZDV�WDNLQJ�LWV�WROO���,�GLGQ·W�ZDQW�WR�VLGH�VWHS�PRQH\�RU�assume I knew what they were going through or how God wanted to deal with it.

Knowing that the marketplace is directly related to the economy and that our business leaders were feeling beat up by it, we realized that we needed to think through what Kingdom economics should look like. Said another way, we needed to understand the Biblical paradigm for the rules of the marketplace when it comes to economics. Some worldview sys-tems allow the rules to change with the venue, for example, they allow personal, home, business, and government to all have different economic guide-lines. We tend to compart-mentalize here just as we compart-mentalize the “holy” and the “secular.” But the Kingdom of God cannot be compart-mentalized; it is holistic. Everything flows out of the Kingdom, and every area follows the same rules; we live in a universe, not a multi-verse.

Richard Niebuhr, In Christ & Culture, puts it this way,

The Christ who will not worship Satan to gain WKH�ZRUOG·V�NLQJGRPV�LV�IROORZHG�E\�&KULVWLDQV�who will worship only Christ in unity with the Lord whom he serves. And this is intolerable to all defenders of society who are content that many gods should be worshipped if only Democracy or America or Germany or the Empire receives its due, religious homage. The antagonism of modern, tolerant culture to Christ is of course often disguised because it

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As Christians we know that

everything belongs to

God and should be submitted

to His authority




does not call its religious practices religious, reserving that term for certain specified rites connected with officially recognized sacred institutions; and also because it regards what it calls religion as one of many interests which can be placed alongside economics, art, VFLHQFH��SROLWLFV��DQG� WHFKQLTXHV�� �+HQFH� WKH�objection it voices to Christian monotheism appears in such injunctions only as that religion should be kept out of politics and busi-ness, or that Christian faith must learn to get along with other religions.

As Christians we know that everything belongs to God and should be submitted to His authority. According to Jesus, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon”. Whatever you call LW� ²� ZKHWKHU� LW·V� VHUYLQJ� EXVLQHVV�� PRQH\�� VWDWXV��SRZHU�� RU� FXOWXUH� ²� LW·V� VWLOO� VHUYLQJ� VRPHWKLQJ� �RU�someone) other than God. Ultimately there are only two choices in who we are serving: God or Satan.

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However, our sinful nature tries to convince us that we FDQ� VHSDUDWH� ZKDW� QHHGV� WR� FRPH� XQGHU� &KULVW·V�authority from what we think can live outside of it. When we do this, however, we miss the next step in RXU�WKLQNLQJ���+HUH·V�ZKDW�KDSSHQV���LI�ZH�GRQ·W�VXUUHQ-der everything unto the lordship of Jesus our King, than we have things in our life that are outside of the Kingdom. We cannot expect blessing on those things that live outside the Kingdom, so the solution is simple: Surrender everything! Thinking we can live with different sets of rules is self-deception.

7R�DQVZHU�WKH�TXHVWLRQ�RI�WKH�SXUSRVH�RI�WKH�FKXUFK�LQ�the marketplace, we also need to tackle the nature of money. The world system loves and worships money and the power it represents. In the Kingdom of God, money is not evil, it is neutral. It is a tool for blessing, for providing our material needs, whether it be food, clothes, shelter, transportation, education, recreation, giving, or whatever. Money itself is not the problem, the problem is the love of�PRQH\���7R�XVH�LW�IRU�*RG·V�purposes, therefore, we must gain victory over the love of money.

,I�ZH�GRQ·W�XQGHUVWDQG�WKH�differences in secular vs. Kingdom thinking about money, than we will undercut the calling that God has given us. Our minds have to be tranformed if we are going to live the life that God hascalled us to live in our marketplace assignment. Johnny Enlow says this in The Seven Mountain Prophecy,

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A Christian who is called to great influence on WKLV�PRXQWDLQ� �%XVLQHVV� DQG�:HDOWK��PXVW� EH�VWULSSHG�RI�0DPPRQ·V� LQIOXHQFH�LQ�KLV�RZQ�OLIH�before he can exercise any spiritual authority WKHUH�� � ,Q� RUGHU� WR� VXFFHHG� LQ� EULQJLQJ� *RG·V�influence to bear, we must first understand the assignment and then understand the operating nature of the demonic forces that would seek to circumvent us.

We see in Mark 10 the story about the rich young ruler. His love of his money and possessions kept him out of the abundant life that Jesus was calling him to.

And he said to Him, ¶7HDFKHU�� ,� KDYH� NHSW� DOO�WKHVH�WKLQJV�IURP�P\�\RXWK�XS�·��/RRNLQJ�DW�KLP��-HVXV�IHOW�D�ORYH�IRU�KLP�DQG�VDLG�WR�KLP��¶2QH�thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in KHDYHQ�� DQG� FRPH�� IROORZ� 0H�· But at these words he was saddened, and he went away grieving, for he was one who owned much prop-erty.

,Q� WKLV�KLJKO\�PLVXQGHUVWRRG�SDVVDJH��*RG�ZDVQ·W�trying to take everything away from the rich young UXOHU�� � -HVXV� ZDV� TXHVWLRQLQJ� KLV� KHDUW�� � -HVXV�wanted to know if he loved his money more than he ORYHG� OLIH� LQ�*RG��$V� LW� WXUQHG�RXW��-HVXV·�TXHVWLRQ�revealed that he had a wrong paradigm; he was living in a worldly view and loved his money more. +H�GLGQ·W�XQGHUVWDQG�WKDW�LI�KH�KDG�FKRVHQ�WR�GZHOO�in his marketplace purpose in relationship with the King, his Heavenly Father, he would have inherited everything. We have to ask ourselves, would we give up everything to be a son or daughter of the

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The typical economic worldview of

resources is scarcity, meaning there

is only so much to go around, that

UIF�TJ[F�PG�UIF�QJF�JT�mYFE���5IJT�breeds a mindset of fear, lack,

and greed.



King? If he had chosen wisely, scripture makes it clear that Jesus would have given the young ruler back everything and more.

To comprehend the relationship between the church and the marketplace, another economic paradigm that needs to shift involves the nature of resources. The typical economic worldview of resources is scarcity, meaning there is only so much to go around, that the size of the pie is fixed. This breeds a mindset of fear, lack, and greed. The worldview of the Kingdom of God says that there is abundance and that God can create or replenish at His will. God increases the size of the pie – which inspires faith, love, generosity, and service.

,I�ZH�GRQ·W�XQGHUVWDQG�WKLV�FRQFHSW��WKHQ�WR�DFW�OLNH�D�good Christian, we have to convince ourselves that suffering and going without is the best thing for us, and LQGHHG�PXVW�EH�*RG·V�ZLOO���:KLOH�WKHUH�PD\�EH�GHIL-nite seasons in our lives when we are called to live

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sacrificially, the true character of God as revealed throughout scripture is blessing.

This is really a matter of sonship. We need to ask ourselves, Am I living my life, in all aspects as a son or daughter of the King? Or am I separating my life to make sense of my need to go to church, but outside those walls I live the way of the world? Jack )URVW·V�ZRUN�RQ�Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship helps us understand this concept. He says,

Moving from slavery to sonship or daughtership is a matter of reaching the place where you get up in the morning feeling so loved and accepted LQ�\RXU�)DWKHU·V�KHDUW�WKDW�\RXU�ZKROH�SXUSRVH�for existence becomes looking for ways to give that love away to the next person you meet. What would your life be like if you had no fear?

On the flip side, Frost adds,

Living like an orphan means struggling con-stantly with the fear of trusting. It is a life of independence where you believe you are com-pletely on your own.

,VQ·W� WKDW� ZKDW� WKH� ULFK� \RXQJ� UXOHU� ZDV� VWUXJJOLQJ�with? He had built a life of independence that resulted in riches. Then he was asked to give that up. Are we attempting to have the benefits of being in the family of God without living that Kingdom life out?

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6R�PDQ\�SHRSOH�GRQ·W�WUXVW�WKDW�*RG�LV�IRU�WKHP��WKDW�God is good. William Barry writes in Finding God in All Things: A Companion to The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius,

Whether we are aware of it or not, at every moment of our existence we are encountering God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who is trying to catch our attention, trying to draw us into a reciprocal conscious relationship.

This means anything that is getting in the way of us having relationship with Him will be brought to the surface. We will be asked to freely surrender it, which gives God an opportunity to do something with it – and with us.

What does this all have to do with how the church and the marketplace inter-relate? As pastors and leaders ZH·YH�UHDG�WKH�ERRN�DQG�ZH�NQRZ�KRZ�LW·V�JRLQJ� WR�end. Ultimately, the Kingdom wins. Yet in their day-to-day activities, businesspeople are dealing with so many demands. They need to be productive and efficient, they need to understand their market and the economics of it, they need to make a profit for the owners/investors, they need to control cash flow, they need to keep their employees and vendors happy and paid, they need to make dozens of important deci-sions every day, in short, they need to succeed. The TXHVWLRQ�LV��GRHV�*RG�FDUH�DERXW�DOO�RI�WKLV"�2U�LV�KH�just interested in preaching and praying?

The answer is: YES! He cares. He understands. And He loves business! The marketplace is His way of PHHWLQJ� SHRSOH·V� QHHGV�� DQG� +H� KDV� D� ZD\� LQ� WKH�Kingdom of God for us to do business that will allow

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And He loves business!


XV�WR�GR�LW�LQ�SHDFH��DQG�LQ�VXFFHVV���+HUH·V�WKH�UXE���Christian businesspersons have not known how the Bible views the marketplace and local churches KDYHQ·W�NQRZQ�KRZ�WR�KHOS���8QWLO�ZH�DUH�WUDQVIRUPHG�by the Holy Spirit renewing our minds to the Biblical understanding of the marketplace, we will continue to be stuck in this rut. We at MERGE are committed to seeing transformation in our businesses, our churches and our cities.

The vision for MERGE is to create groups sponsored by businesses and churches within local communities that show the marketplace how to transform business by adopting the Kingdom view of work. MERGE desires to be an oasis where people in the market-place can experience their Heavenly Father who cares about their businesses. And where they can relate with church leaders who love them, understand them, and are available to walk alongside.

:H�EHOLHYH�WKDW�WKH�PDUNHWSODFH�FDQ�VKRZ�*RG·V�ORYH�through its mission. Businesses can partner with churches to transform their cities. The marketplace is going 24/7, while church organizations only operate a IUDFWLRQ�RI�WKDW�WLPH���/HW·V�HPSRZHU�RXU�OHDGHUV�LQ�WKH�marketplace to discover their identities, to find their purposes, and to repurpose their businesses for King-dom advancement.

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A Vision for Marketplace Transformation

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4A Vision for Marketplace



The first year of my business group ended with some success, but left me feeling unsatisfied and unde-cided about repeating it for Year Two. I had success-fully created interest and brought together a group of like-minded people who started to become aware of what is going on in the marketplace from a Kingdom perspective. Basically I brought them to the table and fed them something that only made them hungrier. But God is good!

,W�ZDVQ·W�WUDQVIRUPDWLRQDO�HQRXJK��HYHQ�WKRXJK�D�IHZ�were getting it. I realized that I was running a program that was now requiring me to up my game. :H�QHHGHG�UHDO�WRROV��UHDO�H[DPSOHV��UHDO�FKDOOHQJHV�of Kingdom transformation.

For the second year of the group my question was, KRZ�FRXOG�0(5*(�EHFRPH�PRUH�WUDQVIRUPDWLRQDO"

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In Anointed For Business, Ed Silvoso writes that the role of the Christian in the marketplace is always determined by the kind of relationship that Christian has with the marketplace. The four levels are:

1. A Christian in the Marketplace2. A Christian who applies biblical principals in the marketplace3. A Christian who does business in the fullness and in the power of the Holy Spirit4. A Christian who is committed to the total transformation of the marketplace.

Level four, according to Silvoso, “Represents those ZKR��DIWHU�WKH\�KDYH�H[SHULHQFHG�*RG·V�WUDQVIRUPLQJ�power in their business, see themselves on a mis-sion to transform the marketplace. Most of the participants in our group could be described as Level 1 Christians who desired to move up to Level 2, 3 or 4. Just as I could see that businesses can be trans-IRUPHG�WR�VHH�WKHLU�PLVVLRQ�IURP�*RG·V�SHUVSHFWLYH��so I realized that my perspective needed to be trans-IRUPHG� WR� IXOO\� VHH�0(5*(·V�PLVVLRQ�� 6R�� LQ�<HDU�Two we began to push the envelope for deeper transformational thinking in our businesses. If you recall from the beginning of my story, I started out thinking that I was going to get our members involved in a cause that I thought the church should take on. But, I now knew that my thinking had to change. Our businesspersons already had all the causes around them that they could take on! I realized that the mis-sion of MERGE was to understand the mission around our businesspersons, and then to equip them to do that mission.

In other words, instead of the businesspeople help-ing the church, it was time for the church to help the

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businesspersons! It was time to “equip the [marketplace] church for the work of service [in the marketplace].” Eph 4:12. So, I embraced the para-digm shift! Personally, I made the first step into this transformation by going back into the marketplace and moving my church position to a part time position that had more outward focus. If I was going to lead, then I needed to move towards a fuller understand-ing of what God was doing.

6LQFH�ZH�QRZ�ZHUHQ·W�MXVW�WU\LQJ�WR�UHSURGXFH�FKXUFK�principles or good leadership principles, we started teaching a completely different way. Instead, in our MERGE meetings, we:

����������Taught Scripture from a marketplace lens. For example, there are over 25 prin- ciples on starting a business from the David and Goliath story alone.����������Explored how to show love in the mar ketplace. Not just to your employees, but to your customers and vendors and even your competitors. ����������Revealed how to let the Great Counselor be your counselor at work. When chal- lenging situations arise, we learned how to take time right then to ask the Father how He wants us to respond. ����������Shared marketplace stories of where God broke in with a prophetic word. We heard about businesses being saved through prophetic words.����������Repurposed businesses for Kingdom advancement. Some of our business lead- ers have stepped up to examine the way they do business and realign it with the Kingdom.

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As we began to implement this shift in paradigm, one of our MERGE business owners told us that he had been part of our church for years, their family was involved with volunteering, they tithed and even financed other ministries, they came every weekend, were faithful in small groups, and they really have never felt they needed anything from the church. But until MERGE, he confided that he always felt as if he was falling through the cracks. I was amazed at the weight of that testimony. After sharing this story with a few other MERGE members, they confirmed those feelings for themselves.

How close are we to losing our church members who GRQ·W�KDYH�DQ\�SHUFHLYHG�QHHGV"��,W�LV�VR�LPSRUWDQW�WR�engage our people in the entirety of whom they are – and for many, a significant part of who they are revolves around the marketplace. We have much to teach people in the marketplace, and doing so ben-efits both them and the church. Most connections with a church are personal relationships, or a place for kids, the poor, the sick, widows, etc. We need to include the marketplace not just as the individual person but include their entire business being in need of reconciliation, the reconciliation that Jesus paid for.

MERGE provides a great opportunity to be salt and light to the world. In one of our MERGE meetings, we taught a class on what it really means to have a sphere of influence in the Kingdom. We explained the definition of influence and had participants tally up KRZ�PDQ\�SHRSOH·V�OLYHV�WKH\�FDPH�LQ�FRQWDFW�ZLWK��,Q�a room of 28 people (counting no pastors), their total QXPEHU�ZDV�RYHU���������SHRSOH��2XU�VHQLRU�SDVWRU·V

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eyes were as big as dinner plates! I asked him if he would like to have influence on more than 400,000 people in his area. He can – through this MERGE group of 28 ordinary businesspeople!

If we can activate the 90% of the people sitting in our pews, we can transform society. This calls for a unique approach. It requires a paradigm shift of what ministry is, equipping our leaders for ministry, and repurposing the businesses that are represented in the church. The benefits to intentional marketplace teachings are numerous. We will end up with:


� ����%XVLQHVVSHRSOH�ZLWK�UHQHZHG�MR\�LQ� their positions


� ����%XVLQHVVHV�WKDW�PXOWLSO\�WKH�ORYH�RI� God to their communities


� ����%XVLQHVVHV�WKDW�JORULI\�*RG�EHFDXVH�RI� the excellence of their services

The business world is an area on which we can make a huge impact. If we are going to be able to do that, however, we need to be “all in.” Anything short of that will frustrate our businesspeople and leave them at risk. We must not compromise when we make the commitment that the group is there to serve the

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it’s realizing the unlimited

resources of the King, and it’s giving the marketplace an edge over

their real enemy


businesses, not to pressure the businesses to help the church. This is what MERGE is committed to.

Our businesspeople also need a complete toolbox of .LQJGRP�UHVRXUFHV���,W·V�QRW�HDV\�WR�PDNH�WKLV�SDUD-GLJP�VKLIW���/LNH�PRVW�WKLQJV�LQ�WKH�.LQJGRP��LW·V�D�IDLWK�and trust issue. However, once they start to experi-ence business in the Kingdom, they will see that it is GRLQJ�EXVLQHVV�OLNH�WKH\�KDYH�QHYHU�GRQH�LW�EHIRUH���,W·V�UHVWLQJ�LQ�+LP��LW·V�VHHLQJ�ZKDW�WKH�)DWKHU�LV�GRLQJ�LQ�WKHLU�EXVLQHVV��LW·V�UHGHILQLQJ�VXFFHVV��LW·V�UHDOL]LQJ�WKH�XQOLPLWHG� UHVRXUFHV� RI� WKH� .LQJ�� DQG� LW·V� JLYLQJ� WKH�marketplace an edge over their real enemy.

MERGE has purpose and vision for awakening the business community to what God can do to advance the Kingdom through � � � WKHLU�EXVLQHVVHV���:H·YH�OHDUQHG� so much through the process of forming and shaping MERGE � � � DERXW�*RG·V�JRRGQHVV�DQG�ORYH� for our businesses. The marketplace needs to experience paradigm changes to who God is, what He has called them to, and the amazing partnership that lies ahead.

We believe God can transform society in general and our communities in particular as we come alongside our businesses. When we start teaching Kingdom principles in a marketplace setting, then we will take the upside-down nature of the Kingdom and turn our communities upside down. It will be a harvest for our church partnerships, it will restore joy, and it will bring *RG·V�JRRGQHVV�DQG�ORYH�LQWR�D�GDUN�ZRUOG���7KLV�LV�WKH�salt and light that Jesus was talking about.

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MERGE is a big vision and mission. But our God is a big God who knows how to achieve His purposes in our lives and communities. We believe MERGE will bring hope to you and your church or business as you engage your marketplace. There are businesspeople in your communities searching for more meaning in ZKDW�WKH\�GR���,W·V�VR�DPD]LQJ�WKDW�WKHLU�FDOOLQJ�LV�ULJKW�in front of them and we, as business and church lead-ers, are poised to awaken them to the opportunity the .LQJGRP�SUHVHQWV���:RQ·W�\RX�MRLQ�XV�LQ�WKLV�PDJQLIL-FHQW�MRXUQH\"

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoy-ment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.” I Timothy 6:17-19 (NIV)

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Johnson, Brett. "Chapter 10/Skills Building." Convergence. Las Vegas, NV: Institute, 2000. 156. Print. Enlow, Johnny. "Introduction." The Seven Mountain Prophecy. Lake Mary, � )/��&UHDWLRQ�+RXVH������������3ULQW�


Spiritual Sonship. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2006. 54. Print.��)URVW��-DFN���&KDSWHU���:KRVH�0LVVLRQ�$UH�<RX�2Q"��6SLULWXDO�6ODYHU\�WR�

Spiritual Sonship. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2006. 63. Print. Colossians 1:15-20, NIV.��+LOOPDQ��2V���&KDSWHU���6DWDQV�'HFHSWLRQV�$ERXW�<RXU�:RUN���7KH���WR���

Window. Ventura, CA: Regal, 2005. 24. Print.��)RUWXQH��*RG�LQ�%XVLQHVV��-XO\������


Meaning and Motivation for the Marketplace. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2006. 29,37. Print.��)UDVHU��5REHUW�(���&KDSWHU���7KH�/HDGHUVKLS�*LIWV���0DUNHWSODFH�&KULVWLDQLW\��

Discovering the Kingdom Purposes of the Marketplace. Kansas City, Kan.: New Grid, 2006. 59. Print. Niebuhr, H. Richard. "Chapter 1/The Enduring Problem." Christ and Culture. � 1HZ�<RUN��+DUSHU�������������3ULQW�

Matthew 6:24, NASB.��(QORZ��-RKQQ\���,QWURGXFWLRQ���7KH�6HYHQ�0RXQWDLQ�3URSKHF\��/DNH�0DU\��)/��

Creation House, 2008. 11. Print. Mark 10:20-22, NIV. Mark 10:17-30, NASB��)URVW��-DFN���&KDSWHU���1R�)HDU���6SLULWXDO�6ODYHU\�WR�6SLULWXDO�6RQVKLS��

Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2006. 23. Print.��)URVW��-DFN���&KDSWHU���1R�)HDU���6SLULWXDO�6ODYHU\�WR�6SLULWXDO�6RQVKLS��

Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2006. 23. Print.��%DUU\��:LOOLDP�$���DQG�,JQDWLXV���,QWURGXFWLRQ���)LQGLQJ�*RG�LQ�$OO�7KLQJV��$�

Companion to The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria, 1991. 14. Print. Silvoso, Ed. "Chapter 8/God in the Boardroom." Anointed for Business. Ventura, CA: Regal, 2002. 110. Print. Silvoso, Ed. "Chapter 8/God in the Boardroom." Anointed for Business. Ventura, CA: Regal, 2002. 111. Print.





















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MERGECommon Themes

Appendix A


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1. *RG·V�LPPHDVXUDEOH�JRRGQHVV�DQG�JUDFH�LQ�� WKH�PDUNHWSODFH� a. God has already provided everything we need through the finished work of Jesus at the cross. b. Righteousness is the free gift of God by grace through faith, we do not deserve it, nor can we earn it through self-effort. c. As we receive our righteousness in Christ, we are enabled to embrace our identity in Christ. d. God has abundant provision for us, and the Holy Spirit is given to us to supernaturally anoint our labors. e. Jesus came to reconcile all things, including our work and the marketplace.��� 0DUNHWSODFH�PLQLVWU\�LV�D�FDOOLQJ� a. Work is a form of worship and shares the same Greek word “avodah.” b. God is committed to our transformation and will use our work life to renew our minds to His purposes. c. Our personal fulfillment will be found as we live out our calling in the marketplace. d. The marketplace is our primary mission field! It is the most practical way to be salt and light to the world as well as to advance the Kingdom. e. Work is the incarnation of the spiritual realm into the material realm. f. In order to understand our calling in the marketplace, we must first understand our identity in Christ. g. In order to live out our calling we must live in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Appendix A

MERGE Common Themes


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��� *RG�FDQ�XVH�WKH�UHDOPRI�EXVLQHVV�WR�� DGYDQFH�WKH�.LQJGRP� a. Renewed businesses are conduits for delivering the good news of the Kingdom. b. Along with God transforming us, we need to be intentional about Him transforming the actual purpose, processes, products, vision, and activities of our businesses. c. Everyone who becomes aware that they are a marketplace minister, can build relationships with people, and impact lives for the Kingdom, that the local church may not have the opportunity to reach. d. The products and services offered through businesses are one strategy for God to demonstrate love for His creation by improving lives and providing for the needs of people.

��� 7RROER[�RI�WKH�PDUNHWSODFH�²�UHGLVFRYHULQJ � WKH�RQH�VHW�RI�UXOHV�IRU�WKH�FKXUFK�DQG�WKH�� PDUNHWSODFH��ZKROHLVP�YV�SOXUDOLVP�� a. The Bible is the only definitive and authoritative marketplace guidebook. b. Gifts of the Holy Spirit are important for Kingdom work in the marketplace. c. The church is called to equip the saints for ministry in the marketplace – MERGE is committed to partner with churches in this effort. d. The MERGE community in your church or organization is a safe place to work out your marketplace identity through the Kingdom perspective.


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SampleMERGE Lesson

Appendix B


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Appendix B

Sample MERGE Lesson



THEMEGod lavishes His grace, His unmerited favor, on us in every part of our life. Are you willing to receiveHis grace not just for your personal life, but for your busi-QHVV�OLIH�DV�ZHOO"�,I�\RX�DUH��-HVXV�FDQ�WUDQVIRUP�\RXU�life and allow you to become a minister of reconcilia-tion in the marketplace.

KEY POINTS�����*UDFH�LQ�RXU�OLIH����:H�QHHG�*RG·V�XQPHULWHG� favor to permeate our lives in the marketplace.

2. Grace in our work. - When we open up to ������*RG·V�IDYRU��LW�FDQ�WUDQVIRUP�RXU�EXVLQHVVHV� and business lives.

3. Grace to reconcile the world. - When we allow God to transform our business lives, His unmerited favor is extended into the marketplace.

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KEY VERSETherefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who recon-ciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21 NASB)

���:(/&20(��)DFLOLWDWRU� approx. time: 20 min. Welcome everyone and pray Explain the “Lesson Summary Journal” portion of the Participant Guide. People can fill this out at any time during the meeting. Also point out that you are looking for “Marketplace Miracle” stories, which are explained in their Participant Guides. They can email you these stories. Optional: Have a few people briefly share success stories related to a previous meeting topic (suggest 2-minute maximum sharing time). Schedule people beforehand who you know have good stories to share, so they will � EH�SUHSDUHG���<RX·OO�NQRZ�ZKR�WR�SURPSW�� based on the Marketplace Miracle stories you receive.)

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Talk briefly about the theme (see above) and then read the key scripture. Optional: If your meeting is a breakfast or luncheon, pray over the food and invite people to eat. Allow them to eat most or all of their meal before introducing the lesson. Run the short video that speaks to the theme and key points of the lesson. The video ends with a question that people in small groups should discuss. Allow about 5 minutes for discussion. Then briefly introduce the speaker.

���/(6621��6SHDNHU�� � ���WRWDO�WLPH�����PLQ�


)ROORZLQJ� LV� WKH� OHVVRQ� SODQ�� ,W·V� HVVHQWLDO� WKDW� WKH�speaker focus primarily on the key points shown in the skeletal outline. However, the speaker has some latitude in supplementing those points. We invite the speaker to use marketplace stories and anecdotes from his or her own business experience, or from those at the meeting, to illustrate the points. These are the keys for the speaker to focus on:��������� Getting across the key points that were presented in the video and repeated here in the outline����������Using stories from the marketplace (and/or the Bible) to illuminate the points����������Engaging the participants in discussion and activities along the way, as appropriate – we want this to be an interactive experience for everyone���������� ,W·V�XS�WR�WKH�VSHDNHU�WR�GHFLGH�ZKHQ�LW·V�EHVW� to open up for discussion; sometimes it might � EH�GXULQJ�WKH�VSHDNHU·V�WDON��DQG�VRPHWLPHV�LW� might be held to the end

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,1752'8&7,21��810(5,7('�)$925����������5HODWH�DQ�LQFLGHQW�RI�XQPHULWHG�IDYRU�IURP�\RXU� business life, or refer to the anecdote from the video.


����������5HSHDW�WKH�NH\�SRLQW��*UDFH�LQ�RXU�OLIH�����:H�� QHHG�*RG·V�XQPHULWHG�IDYRU�WR�SHUPHDWH�RXU� OLYHV�LQ�WKH�PDUNHWSODFH�����������:H�QHHG�-HVXV�WR�UHLJQ�LQ�DOO�DVSHFWV�RI�RXU� lives – including our work lives.����������:KHQ�+H�LV�/RUG�RI�RXU�ZRUN�OLYHV��ZH�JLYH�+LP� the authority to rule over our business and to work through us.����������+RZ�GR�ZH�DOORZ�*RG·V�JUDFH�WR�SHUPHDWH�XV� LQ�WKH�PDUNHWSODFH"�%\� o Staying in a close, intimate relationship with Him. o Staying in the Word, which draws us closer to Him. o When we pray, listening for His voice to give us insight and directions for our work relationships and activities. o Hearing His solutions to workplace problems. o Asking God specifically where we need His grace to live like Jesus would have us live in our marketplace setting. o Daily depending on the Holy Spirit to show us how to use the unique gifts and talents the Lord has bestowed on us to help our coworkers, supervisors, and company be more successful.

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o Being in close, accountable relationships � � ZLWK�D�IHZ�RI�RXU�SHHUV��VKDULQJ�*RG·V� grace. o Trusting completely in His plan for our work lives.

.(<�32,17�����*2'·6�)$925�&$1�75$16)250�OUR WORK LIVES

������ 5HSHDW�WKH�NH\�SRLQW��*UDFH�LQ�RXU�ZRUN������ :KHQ�ZH�RSHQ�XS�WR�*RG·V�IDYRU��LW�FDQ�� WUDQVIRUP�RXU�EXVLQHVVHV�DQG�EXVLQHVV�� OLYHV������� :H�QHHG�RXU�SHUVRQDO�OLIH�UHFRQFLOHG�WR�*RG� through grace, and then we can allow Him to transform our business and work lives.����� :KHQ�ZH�RSHQ�XS�WR�+LV�XQPHULWHG�IDYRU��ZH� can be free from o The love of money, o greed, o lack, o fear of want, o striving, o envy, o insecurity, o and a host of other issues that hold us back from living like Jesus Christ in our workplace. ����� *RG·V�IDYRU�EULQJV�XV�DQ�DEXQGDQFH�RI� blessings: creative ideas, financial provision, partnerships, solutions, expansions, wise decision-making, etc., all to bring His blessing to the marketplace.


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.(<�32,17�����:(�&$1�(;7(1'�7+(�.,1*'20�INTO THE MARKETPLACE

����� 5HSHDW�WKH�NH\�SRLQW��*UDFH�WR�UHFRQFLOH�WKH� world. -- When we allow God to transform our business lives, His unmerited favor is extended into the marketplace. ����� 7KLV�LV�WKH�PLQLVWU\�RI�UHFRQFLOLDWLRQ�WKDW�*RG� has called us to. Reconciling all things, including the marketplace, to Christ!����� +RZ�GR�ZH�H[WHQG�WKH�NLQJGRP"����� %\�VXSSO\LQJ�*RG·V�FUHDWLYH�VROXWLRQV�WR�PHHW�� SHRSOH·V�SUDFWLFDO�QHHGV� o Clients and customers o Employees o Coworkers o Vendors o Those who serve us (receptionists, waitresses, delivery persons, bank tellers, checkout people, government employees, etc., etc.)� ���R� )RU�H[DPSOH��<RX�FDQ�VKRZ�JUDFH�WR� someone who made a mistake, rather than react in frustration and criticism.. o We are not called to be a doormat, we are called to be a doorway to the Kingdom! o Ask yourself, “How can I surprise people today with the blessings of the � � .LQJGRP"µ����� 2XU�EXVLQHVV�ZRUN�EHLQJ�D�FRQGXLW�RI�*RG·V�� VROXWLRQV�WR�PDQ·V�QHHGV� o Everyone needs food, shelter, clothing, transportation, recreation, relationships, beauty, inspiration, physical health,


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companionship, music, art, and the list goes on. God wants to supply those things through us from His Kingdom. o The question is how do we bring His solutions to people through our � � HPSOR\PHQW"�7KDW�LV�KRZ�+H�H[WHQGV� His grace through the marketplace. ����� $VN�*RG�ZKHUH�+H�ZDQWV�\RX�WR�EH�DQ� extension of His grace in your marketplace life.








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$&7,9,7<�����32:(5�48(67,216�� � � � � DSSUR[��WLPH��������PLQ�

Have participants get into groups of 4-6 people. Direct them to the Power Questions in their Participant Guide.

Read the Power Questions out loud to them and answer any questions they might have (see the ques-tions below).

Then invite the Holy Spirit to speak to each person about those questions. Tell people to take a few moments to listen to the Holy Spirit, and to pay atten-WLRQ�WR�ZKDW·V�UHVRQDWLQJ�LQ�WKHLU�VSLULWV�DQG�ZKDW�WKH\�IHHO�UHVLVWDQW�WR��7HOO�WKHP�LW·V�RND\�WR�IHHO�UHVLVWDQW�WR�an issue brought up by the questions; this may be an indication that the Holy Spirit desires to bring about transformation in that area. The primary purpose of this exercise is to listen to the Holy Spirit and then express what they are feeling and hearing.

After a few moments, have the people discuss the questions in their small groups and write their answers in their guides. Give them about 10 minutes to do so. As the groups are talking, wander around and listen in on the discussion to hear if there are common themes emerging.

Then facilitate a large group discussion of the ques-tions, asking people to share their thoughts.

Note: as an alternate format, one of these questions may be asked after each Key Point is presented, resulting in three discussion times during the presenta-tion, rather than one at the end.

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48(67,2161. What aspects of your business life do you � SHUVRQDOO\�QHHG�PRUH�JUDFH�LQ"2. What areas of your business life need to be � WUDQVIRUPHG"3. In what new way can your business bring a new Kingdom solution into your market � VHFWRU"

$&7,9,7<�����(19,6,21,1*�75$16)250$7,21� DSSUR[��WLPH��������PLQ�

Each person spends 5-10 minutes writing what his or her business, or work life, would look like if it were transformed to fully allow the grace of God to flow through it. In the remaining time, facilitate a large-group discussion, having several people share their visions.

$&7,9,7<�����6+$5(�,1�3$571(56� � � � � DSSUR[��WLPH��������PLQ�

Note: Do this activity only if time permits.

Pair people up. Have each of them share their vision from Activity #2. The purpose here is for each person to speak his or her vision of transformation out loud, allowing it to become a confession. (Rom 10:10). The person listening should give encouragement or any confirmation that the Holy Spirit is putting on their heart. If possible or appropriate, the facilitator should model this encouragement as they lead Activity #2.

���:5$3�83��)DFLOLWDWRU�� � �����DSSUR[��WLPH�����PLQ�

Repeat the three key points that the speaker presented.

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Repeat: Grace in our life! Grace in our work! Grace to reconcile the world! Refer participants to their “Lesson Summary Journal” sheets. If you have time, ask for a few people to share some insights they received. Encourage the group to study the supplemen- tal resources that provide more insight into the topic (see below). Administer a prayer time:� �� )LUVW��EULHIO\�QRWH�DQ\�WKHPHV�RU�LVVXHV�� you heard as participants engaged in discussions and activities. � �� 6HFRQG��SUD\�IRU�WKH�HQWLUH�JURXS��� making the prayer specific to the key points and theme of the lesson, asking � � WKH�/RUG�WR�SODQW�+LV�WUXWK�LQ�HYHU\RQH·V�� hearts regarding those truths and give them a vision for how to live those truths out in their work and home lives. Spe- cifically pray the Key Points as confes- sions, not only petitions, in order to model for them how to pray for them- selves. � �� 7KLUG��RIIHU�RQH�RQ�RQH�SUD\HU�IROORZLQJ� dismissal regarding the lesson topic or on any matter, and have designated people at an assigned location ready to pray for them confidentially.� �� $QQRXQFH�WKH�QH[W�PHHWLQJ�WRSLF�� �� 'LVPLVV�WKH�JURXS�

RESOURCESUnmerited Favor��E\�-RVHSK�3ULQFHThe Cure��E\�%LOO�7KUDOO��%UXFH�0F1LFRO��DQG�-RKQ�/\QFKThe Gospel in 10 Words��E\�3DXO�(OOLV

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Page 70: MERGE - A Partnership with our Business Community

Appendix C

Is a MERGE GroupRight for You?


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+HUH�DUH�VRPH�RI�WKH�EHQHILWV�\RX�FDQ�H[SHFW�RI�KDYLQJ�D�0(5*(�JURXS�LQ�\RXU�FKXUFK�RU�VSRQVRULQJ�RUJDQL]DWLRQ� �� 9DOLGDWLRQ�RI�PDUNHWSODFH�LGHQWLW\�IRU�\RXU�� FRQJUHJDQWV�RU�HPSOR\HH·V�UHVXOWV�LQ�WKHLU� fulfillment in life.�� )XOILOOPHQW�DFWLYDWHV�WKRVH�ZKR�DUH��FRDVWLQJ�� and gets them excited and involved again.�� +HDUWIHOW�LQYROYHPHQW�VWULSV�DZD\�QHJDWLYLW\� and complaining, in other words, it replaces "the sand in the gears" with the "oil of joy."�� ,QFUHDVHG�HQJDJHPHQW�OHDGV�WR�LQFUHDVHG� creativity, resulting in better problem solving, cooperation, and increased efficiency.�� ([FLWHPHQW�FUHDWHV�SRVLWLYH�ZRUG�RI�PRXWK� recruitment centers throughout your community for your church and organization.�� 7KXV��\RXU��PHVVDJH��ZLOO�VSUHDG�QDWXUDOO\�� organically.�� $V�\RXU�SHRSOH�PDWXUH�LQ�WKHLU�LGHQWLW\�LQ�&KULVW�� they will increase in love for everyone they encounter.�� 7KLV�DXWKHQWLF�UHODWLRQDO�H[FLWHPHQW�DQG� maturity will result in excellent, yet effortless customer service.�� 3HRSOH�JUDYLWDWH�WRZDUG�WKRVH�FKXUFKHV�DQG� organizations where they know they are valued.

Appendix C

Is a MERGE GroupRight for You?


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��� 7KH�E\SURGXFW�RI�WKHVH��LQWDQJLEOHV��ZLOO�EH� increase, both in numbers (church attendance or sales) and in finances.��� ,Q�VKRUW��D�0(5*(�JURXS�ZLOO�EULQJ�LQFUHDVH� to both your people AND your organization.



/HDGHUV�1HHGHG�0(5*(�/HDGHU�)DFLOLWDWRU�� The best way to attract the business community is through a business leader in your organization that has a desire to learn a work-ing knowledge of the Kingdom of God in the market-SODFH���,W·V�QRW�QHFHVVDU\�IRU�WKLV�OHDGHU�WR�DOUHDG\�EH�D�master of this concept, but they must have a desire to become a Kingdom business and to lead others into this calling. To have a MERGE Group, it is required that you have such a MERGE Leader, and it must be someone whose primary calling is to the marketplace, not to the ecclesiastical ministry.

0(5*(�$GPLQLVWUDWRU� ² In order for the MERGE-Group to run smoothly you need a designated admin-istrator that can manage the marketing, invites, follow-ups, and logistics of the MERGE program. We recommend, if at all possible, that this person not be the same person as the MERGE Leader.

6HQLRU�3DVWRU�RU�2UJDQL]DWLRQ�/HDGHU�² The Senior Pastor or Sponsoring Organization Leader must be fully “on board” and verbally and organizationally sup-portive of MERGE with their members and/or employ-ees. We expect the Senior Pastor or Leader to be SUHVHQW�DW�WKH�JURXS·V�PHHWLQJV�WR�VXSSRUW�WKH�

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business community but we have found that the teaching is often more effective from a peer business leader, therefore the Senior Leader will rarely be the teacher/presenter.

3UHVHQWHU� ²� We have found that the best way to inspire marketplace Christians to deepen their walk with the Lord in the workplace, and to grow in their XQGHUVWDQGLQJ�RI�*RG·V�FDOOLQJ��LV�WR�EH�FKDOOHQJHG�E\�their peers who are also in the transformation process. We recommend rotating the lessons among several presenters selected from the group who have demonstrated that they are mature in the Lord, humble, understand their marketplace calling, and are personally applying the principles in their work life. Normally the presenter at a given meeting will be a different person than the facilitator, but that is not required.

5HVRXUFHV�1HHGHG�0HHWLQJ�3ODFH�²�There needs to be a consistent and committed location where the business leaders and professionals can meet for the monthly meetings. When attracting the business community, the busi-ness surroundings should be professional and respect the commitment the business leaders have made. Meetings are a great opportunity to reach out to the community and attract the unchurched busi-ness leader. Some of our most committed members do not normally attend our church!

)RRG�DQG�%HYHUDJH�²�meals are optional depending on the timing of your meeting.

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&DOHQGDU�A commitment is required from the church or organi-zation to create a consistent space on the calendar each month for your MERGE event. Although it is REYLRXVO\� LPSRVVLEOH� WR� ILW� LQWR� HYHU\RQH� WLPH·V�schedule, we have found that it is important that this is an event that takes place during the daytime, rather than in the evening. In your setting you may wish to schedule the monthly meeting in an early morning time, at a lunch time, in the late afternoon, or in some cases, a Saturday morning time might work the best.

Note from MERGE Managing Partners:MERGE desires to partner with churches to help you realize the harvest of the marketplace. We have tools, training, and support to make this an impact ministry in your community. We invite you into this partnership and together we can participate in the great awakening of our marketplaces.

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Appendix D

MERGEGroup Starter


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Appendix D

MERGEGroup Starter


Planned launch is 1st Quarter 2014, church and indi-vidual packages delivered several weeks prior. To help us grow, and to receive big discounts for your group, visit our website ZZZ�0(5*(%XVLQHVV�FRP�

Page 78: MERGE - A Partnership with our Business Community


�� 7UDLQLQJ������IRU�HDFK�SHUVRQ�LQ�DGGLWLRQ�WR� the three included in the starter package


%86,1(66�,1',9,'8$/�²� ��($&+�0(5*(�*5283�$77(1'((��������



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Page 80: MERGE - A Partnership with our Business Community

About the MERGE Logo

Appendix E


Page 81: MERGE - A Partnership with our Business Community

Appendix E

About the MERGE Logo


Most of us are familiar with the classic fish symbolthat represents Christianity. Although there are many stories of how the tradition came into practice, it is widely understood that during the time of the Roman persecution of the church, when meeting a stranger, one individual would scribe an arc in the sand with their walking stick and if the other scribed the second half of the fish, they would each know the other was a practicing Christian.

The Greek word for fish is “ichthys,” formed by the *UHHN�OHWWHUV��шѕчѓё�µ�DQG�LQGHHG�ZH�FRPPRQO\�VHH�the symbol used with those letters formed within the RXWOLQH�RI�WKH�LQVFULEHG�ILVK���$V�DQ�DFURQ\P��шѕчѓёµ�VWDQGV�IRU�´-HVXV�&KULVW��*RG·V�6RQ��6DYLRU�µ · Iota is Greek for Jesus · Chi is Greek for the anointed one, ie Christ · Theta is Greek for God� � � Ã������<SVLORQ�LV�*UHHN�IRU�6RQ · Sigma is Greek for Savior

In ancient Ephesus (the city of the Ephesian Chris-tians, to whom Paul wrote the epistle) a different version of the “ichthys” symbol was used. This version was formed by overlaying the five Greek OHWWHUV�RI�WKH��шѕчѓёµ�WR�IRUP�DQ�HLJKW�VSRNHG�ZKHHO��

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and was used to mark Christian businesses by etching the wheel into the marble outside of their entrances. To this day, you can find this symbol still remaining on shop entrances in Ephesus, which is now found in modern day Turkey. We at MERGE felt led of the Holy Spirit to use this symbol as a logo, representing how we desire that our businesses would be marked by the presence, ORYH�DQG�SRZHU�RI�-HVXV�WKH�DQRLQWHG�&KULVW��*RG·V�Son, our Savior.

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Appendix F


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"where church and marketplace come together"

Contact us at [email protected]

Visit our website at

A special thanks to the MERGE Team (visit our website for more information on the team)

who are committed to the vision of MERGE:

Tom BurtnessTina Newberry

Tom HanlonSara Parvin

Thank you to the friends of MERGE. The organizations listed on the following pages are committed to excellence in bringing

products and services to churches.

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Page 88: MERGE - A Partnership with our Business Community

"The favor of God is on MERGE. Helping

professionals/business owners and leaders inte-

grate their Christian and work lives is essential.

MERGE is a perfect tool at a perfect time."

Happy Leman, Senior Pastor, The Vineyard Church, Central Illinois

"MERGE will become a model other churches

and Christian groups can embrace and benefit


Ken Cooley, CEO ShapeMasters, Inc.

"MERGE has changed our business from the

inside out. God is first in my planning and execu-


Maria Meneses, Express Professionals

"MERGE has been a great clearinghouse for

Christian business men and women to exchange

ideas, testimonies, and antecdotes on how God's

Kingdom is working in their businesses."

David Hodge, CEO Litania Sports

"MERGE is an oasis for the entrepreneur's mind

and spirit, receiving fresh truth for today's busi-

ness challenges. God is greatly using MERGE in

our plan for success."

Tina Newberry, CEO Leaders for Life

"MERGE has increased my awareness of the

business community needs and I value what this

program brings to the city of Danville and our


Jay Sorrell, Campus Pastor, The Vineyard Church, Danville