merit360 for participants


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360 Global Citizens Together to Tackle the United Nations Sustainable Developement Goals.


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Introduction to Merit360

The Goals

Leading the Upcoming Generation

Apply Now to be One of the First 360

Pre and Post the 360 USA Gathering

27 Aug 2016: Arrival and Orientation

28 Aug 2016: Your Responsibility

29 Aug 2016: The UN Development Goals

30 Aug 2016: Build A Team

31 Aug 2016: Forming the Outline

1 Sept 2016: The First Pitch

2 Sept 2016: Change & Employability

3 Sept 2016: Speakers Day

4 Sept 2016: Collaborate, Merge, Move

5 Sept 2016: The Second Pitch

6 Sept 2016: One on Ones

7 Sept 2016: Final Plan / Closing Campfire

8, 9, 10, 11 Sept 2016: New York Calling

12 Sept 2016: NY, DC, LA, SF & Home

Your Resonsibility When Selected

For Prospective Supporters & Sponsors






















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Introduction to Merit360

World Merit and its partners are bringing together emerging leaders and global citizens from every country in late summer 2016. It is a program open to all people determined to make a tangible impact on the complex issues of the 21st Century. Those selected will be joined by World leaders and thought leaders all keen to support the development of projects that will make a difference. Projects will be designed to work towards the newly announced Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. We want to show what can be done when a diverse group of driven young activists collaborate. We want this group to be at the cutting edge of creating meaningful change and impact. Together we will reach our greatest height. This is for you. For everyone.

• Join the community• Demonstrate your merit• Reserve your place

• Read and Research the 17 SDG’s• Connect with others on Merit360

• Research the 169 UN Targets attached to the SDG’s • Complete web modules

August 27th 2016 Arrive in the USA for two weeks working intensively on the SDG’s

• Build on ideas• Implement Projects• Create waves of change

Apply now June 2016 July 2016 August 27 - September 12

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The upcoming generation have been left with a stark reality; they simply have to tackle the problems of the planet, it is no longer possible to avoid the responsibility. They have to do this with a competence and vigour that previous generations have failed to muster. The problems we face this century are surmountable, though some are currently expanding exponentially. We made headway with the eight Millennium Development Goals, though not enough people became fully aware of them or acted on them. The report published on July 6th 2015 shows how we have done and what we still need to urgently do.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, shown on the double pages following, were formally launched in September 2015. All global citizens and people of merit should be ready to act. With the SDG’s come 169 specific targets designed to help organisations and individuals focus on what needs to be done. Through World Merit and our partners you will be at the vanguard of making this world a place where we continue to increasingly thrive. You can do it. Do it.

The goals

Progress towards the Millenium Development Goals(more detail can be found in the UN report 2015:

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MDG1In 1990, nearly half of the population in the developing regions lived on less than $1.25 a day. This rate dropped to 14% in 2015.

Globally, the number of out-of-school children of primary school age has fallen to an estimated 57 million in 2015, down from 100 million in 2000.



57 million

MDG3In Southern Asia, only 74 girls were enrolled in primary school for every 100 boys in 1990, but today, there are 103 girls for every 100 boys.




The number of deaths of children under five declined from 12.7 million in 1990 to almost 6 million in 2015 globally.

Since 1990, the maternal mortality ratio has declined by 45 per cent worldwide,and most of the reduction has occurred since 2000.

By June 2014, 13.6 million people living with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) globally, an immense increase from just 800,000 in 2003.

1.9 billion people have gained access to piped drinking water since 1990, going from 2.3 billion to 4.2 billion.

Official development assistance from developed countries increased by 66 per cent in real terms between 2000 and 2014, reaching $135.2 billion



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Confidence built

aspirations raised

together for change


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Leading and Engaging The Upcoming Generation

Awareness and insight comes to people at different stages of life. If you are seriously looking at being selected for Merit360 then you already have the right attitude. This program will provide you a platform for your own personal employability and connect you to an incredible network of leaders and future leaders. However, it is even more important for you to think about how you will lead and engage the rest of the world - starting with your peers.

Many of your generation feel trapped by the difficulties and restrictions of their own lives and environment. Many are constrained by the inequalities and unfairness that Merit360 intends to address. We will ask for your commitment to actively sharing the insight and actions we grow. This most prestigious program will only become truly valuable if we all make a pledge to act on what we learn. We will ask you to take your place as a leader of the upcoming generation and to act with the full responsibility that entails.


A total of 357.7 million youth were not in education, employment, or training (NEET)

in 2010, and the number is increasing.3

54%54% of Millennials (those aged between

18-30) do not believe their vote makes any difference in their current political sytem.1


In Turkey, Iran and the United Arab Emirates the unemployment rate among university

educated women is more than 3 times higher than that of men. Saudi Arabia is 8 times.2


1. Telefonica Global Millennial Survey, 2013.2. Roudi, F. Youth Population and Employment in the Middle East and North Africa: Opportunity or Challenge? United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Adolescents, Youth and Development, New York, 21-22 July 20113. World Bank. Youth Employment in the Developing World – A profile: Data from World Bank Micro Surveys. mimeo. 2012. Washington D.C: World Bank.

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Apply now to be one of the first 360

The Millennium Development Goals, set by the United Nations fifteen years ago are coming to an end. They are to be replaced in September 2015 by the Sustainable Development Goals. These targets for the coming fifteen years, if met, will be the lead force for equality, human rights, progress and prosperity on the planet. If achieved they will do no less than help ensure the viability of human society. We are looking to find 360 young global citizens to lead in tangibly impacting in areas highlighted by the SDG’s. We are looking for 360 diverse young people who can make sure that every young person on the planet is aware of the SDG’s and that many mobilise to achieve them.

Here are the things to do immediately.

Join us at members.worldmerit.orgEarn points, make global connections, join our challenges, build projects, join debates, and share ideas in our online community.Immediately pre-register your application online and start preparing your case now. Applications will formally open in coordination with the launch of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in September.Small pre-existing teams can apply as a group. Credit will be given to those who can demonstrate their passion and determination through relevant projects and collaborative entrepreneurial activity.





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Pre and post the usa gathering

Your selection for Merit360 will be privately conveyed to you as soon as we approve your application. Formal media announcements of our 360 will be scheduled between February and July 2016. Your preparation will be incredibly important, and lay the foundation for a successful two weeks in the United States.

As soon as you are selected you will be provided with a reading and research list, which will include videos and papers produced by the speakers and mentors on the program, and directly from the United Nations. We will try and evolve your insight in the focus areas of the Sustainable Development Goals to that of expert. We want to give you the confidence and support to take action and lead activity in the wider World Merit community and beyond.

We will also endeavour to place you in teams and facilitate your networking with as many of the 360 as possible. The World Merit platform will be the place to house the majority of conversations and any guidance that comes from head office.

Following on from past opportunities, like the World Merit Fellowship Program, we have a very clear idea of how we want Merit360 to work and grow. Not only will you have the responsibility to be fully prepared before your arrival, but we also intend for you to pass on the progress to the next cohort of Merit360 participants. Some will be selected to join the following year as facilitators but all will be asked to focus on the short and long term change we can bring to the planet.

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27 August 2016:

Arrival & Orientation

Flying into New York we will arrange for the group to be brought to our incredible venue just two hours away. Indian Head Camp is one of the most prestigious and progressive camps in the United States. It boasts a program and incredible facility that uniquely support the development of thousands of young people each year. We are proud to have them as key partners in Merit360 and believe that it is the perfect location from which to develop global change and changemakers.

4pm: Team building7pm: Welcome dinner9pm: Opening campfire

Our hosts at Indian Head Camp

dr. LaurenRutkowski


• Owner/Director Indian Head Camp

• Owner/Director Indian Head Camp

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“We are so excited to welcome the most

diverse group of young global citizens

to our camp” - Dr. Lauren Rutkowski


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28 August 2016:


Following up from psychometric testing and other tasks set prior to arrival at Indian Head, we will explore your personality type and character strengths. We will do this in the context of building high performing teams and making sure you are the most effective leader possible.

World Merit Founder Chris Arnold will formally start the program and World Merit Patron, former Executive Director of Amnesty International, and current lead at the Human Rights Action Center, Jack Healey, will provide the opening keynote speech.

Jack healey

• Director Human Rights Action Center• Former Exec.Director Amnesty International


• Founder & CEO World Merit• Founder Smaller Earth & Camp Leaders

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29 August 2016:

Overview of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

From the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals, we will have experts come to talk about the issues that were faced in making progress and to explain the reasons why the United Nations and expert advisors have evolved the targets in the way they have. We will also hear about what are believed to be the critical issues in achieving the targets of the next fifteen years.

Amongst other experts we will be joined by João Vale de Almeida, formerly the European Union’s Ambassador to the United States and now the European Union’s Ambassador to the United Nations, and Lord Michael Hastings, KPMG International’s Global Head of Corporate Citizenship and previously Head of Public Affairs and Head of Corporate Social Responsibility for the BBC.

João Valede Almeida

• European Union’s Ambassador to the United Nations

Lord michaelhastings

• KPMG International’s Global Head of Corporate Citizenship

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All problems will be tackled

By the rise of talent unshackled


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30 August 2016:

BUILD a team

Those selected for Merit360 will have been communicating with each other for many months, some for longer as part of the World Merit community. There will be a definite sense of team and camaraderie already existing, but now is the time to break it down and to focus on tasks and projects that will address the problems of planet Earth. Today is the day that the intensity increases.

Our selected 360 will include those with existing projects, big ideas, or the entrepreneurial nature to create solutions fast. Our 360 will have the researchers, the planners, the organisers, with the insight and ability to polish and hone plans. Our 360 will also have the supporters and communicators who will help us share plans with the wider World Merit and young people around the globe, crowd sourcing solutions from the talent of a generation.

The day will be facilitated by the team at Rise Beyond and its founder, and former International Chairman of YPO, Simon Preston. Our keynote for the day will come from Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau; the co-founder of the European Action Council for Peace in the Balkans, co-founder of War Child Netherlands, founding member of the European think tank European Council on Foreign Relations, the former CEO of The Elders, and Chair of NGO Girls Not Brides.


princess Mabelof orange-nassau

• Founder Rise Beyond & former Chairman YPO

• Chair, Girls Not Brides• Advisory Council ‘The Elders’

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31 August 2016:

Team Day

We have a fantastic facility in the great outdoors of the United States of America. Walk, run, jump, swim – do what you need to get the energy going, but brainstorm, collaborate and build an outline and practice a pitch – you will be sharing your thoughts the following day.

A team of facilitators and mentors will be available to support you, as well as 359 of amazing peers who come with many varied skill sets and insight into every country.

Building Concepts. Creating Ideas. Forming the Outline.

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All mindsof meritto meet


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1 September 2016:


Practice makes perfect. The pitch is to your peers, professional coaches, and experts including Activist Heather Hamilton, Entrepreneur and Author Jennifer Kushell, Environmentalist Jules Kortenhorst, and Labor Activist, Tefere Gebre. The idea is to bring teams and ideas together, to give some guidance on plans and projects. Of course there will be pressure, but delivering to a schedule and communicating well is all part of the experience. If you want to make change you will have to do this increasingly well, over and over.




• Activist and Deputy Executive Director at Girls Not Brides

• CEO and Founder, Young & Successful Media/YSN

• CEO of Rocky Mountain Institute & Former Dutch Minister


• Sustainability Advocate• Founder Paths to Change Consulting

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2 September 2016:


A variety of workshops will be offered around camp for you and the team to progress yourself and your plans. There is no bigger picture than being a part of a movement working hard towards the Sustainable Development Goals, however, we want you to reach your potential and be incredibly employable. Soon you will be in a position of leadership with increasing influence, we intend to propel you along that path through providing you experience, skills and opportunity.

Example of workshops include how to powerfully communicate from Actor and Director Giancarlo Esposito; insights into the characteristics of the best Entrepreneurs from Nobel Peace prize nominee Bill Drayton; Collaborating beyond beliefs and borders by Sister Simone Campbell; and Retaining Global Perspective by Astronaut Mae Jemison.


• Actor, Director, and Producer & Former ‘Breaking Bad’ Star

sister Simonecampbell

• Roman Catholic Religious Sister, lawyer, lobbyist and executive director of NETWORK

Mae Jemison

• Physician and NASA astronaut. First African American woman in space

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Sir kenrobinson

• World Merit Patron and Advisory Board Member • Leading Education Expert & Speaker• “One of the world’s elite thinkers on creativity & innovation” (Fast Company)

3 September 2016:

Speakers Day

What a cool day this is. We will be joined by truly incredible, inspirational and iconic people, as well as a wider audience of change-makers. Many friends of World Merit are already committed to speaking and sharing insights on this open day with time to meet and have a good Q&A session with each of them. In addition to Giancarlo, Bill, Simone, and Mae, who we have asked to stay over from Day 7 for speakers day, friends who have put in their diary to come along include:

Sir Ken RobinsonYeonmi ParkShephard FaireyEva HallerPlus two other icons to be announced.

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Shepard Fairey

• Contemporary street artist, graphic designer, activist and illustrator• Designed Barack’s Obama 2008 U.S. Presidential poster “Hope”.

• Hungarian-American philanthropist & activist• Board Chair of Free the Children• Trustee of University of California• Co-founder & President of the Campaign Communications Institute of America



• World Merit Ambassador• North Korea Defector and Human Rights Activist• Escaped North Korea in 2007• In September launching her book “In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom”

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4 september 2016:

Second Team Day

Our program has an early start and a late finish every day. You will be tired, no doubt, but it’s important to make the most of your time together as a group. Team days are important for you to develop your thoughts, and perhaps this is the day you wish to explore some evolutions and changes.

In addition to your own developing projects designed to address specific global issues, in a few days time the 360 will have created a full and detailed plan to:

Pivot, Collaborate, Merge, Move.




Communicate the SDG’s to every young person in every community on the planet.Coordinate and begin collaboration with existing global movements.To build teams in and out of World Merit to implement and scale the projects that are developed in Merit360.

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meeting aspiration with


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This day brings more opportunity for you to share plans and developments with good experienced people. Again we will have a group of mentors who really want to help you make a difference. In two weeks together we want to be able to produce plans that we are all excited to implement. By the end of this program you will be certain of your next steps, don’t underestimate how important it is the path you will take. Important for you yes, but you can and should be at the forefront of tackling the issues of the world and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Mentors for day 10 include:Ethan RoederLawrence Ellis


Neale godfrey

Ron boehm

• Entrepreneur & Leadership Development Consultant

• CEO and President of Green$treet Commons• Author & creator of over 26 books on financial literacy

Elisabeth wahl

• American journalist for amongst others CNN, MSNBC, Fox News

• CEO and Founder of Boma Investments• CEO of ABC-CLIO

5 september 2016:

THE second PITCH

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6 september 2016:

One On Ones

A day of personal meetings designed to talk through your personal plans and your wider future. We will know you relatively well before you arrive in the United States, but we want to help you develop and raise your aspirations. We want your confidence to be at an all time high when you leave Indian Head. Not only do we want you to be sure footed in steps you will take to collectively aid the SDG’s but we want you to be clearer on your next steps to reach your own full potential. World Merit and all our partners want to help you achieve, and are determined to help you do so whatever your career or entrepreneurial verticals. We know you are driven to match your personal success with the success of the wider society and we want you to quickly use your growing influence for social good.


r fu


the w

orlds future


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More personal meetings scheduled but like during the previous day, building up the detail of any plans and having them committed to paper is the focus. We will share much of what comes out of our time together, so we need to present it in a consistent and highly designed way. Be in no doubt that what is produced will be an incredible way for your talent to be showcased. There will be opportunities that come from what you deliver, so deliver well.

Though we have a few days left together, this will be the final night at Indian Head. A closing campfire will include messages from surprise inspirational figures and lots of emotion.

7 september 2016:

One On Ones / Writing Things Up (Right Now) / Closing Campfire


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8,9,10,11 september 2016:

new york calling

Day 13 will start with an early morning trip back to one of the greatest cities on Earth: New York. We will visit the United Nations and hear from more key individuals (names to be announced). Members of the 360 will get to speak and our plans and strategies will be presented to the office of the new United Nations Secretary General. The eighth UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has his tenure come to an end in December 2016, and though we intend to have his on-going support, it is important for us to connect with and support his successor.

The other days involve more fun teambuilding activities in the city and some free time to go and explore. September 11th is the 15th anniversary of 9/11, and we plan to do something special, all together, to commemorate this day.

The Closing Ceremony followed by the Changemaker Party will occur in Manhattan. The details of this grand finale in New York will be announced soon, but it’s promised to be very huge.

World Merit Delegates, Staff and Partners at Frank Sinatra’s old Penthouse, New York 2015

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world merit has the trusteeship room in the

United nations HQ on september 9 2016


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Though you will all be offered the opportunity to stay in the United States for a short period of personal travel and reflection, many will fly home on this day. It is important for momentum and commitments to be kept and that is why we see this day as, the launch. All the prep has been done, implementation starts now. As such, we will arrange for meetings in New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles and San Francisco on this day and in the days following for chosen members of the group.

Many of the second Merit360 cohort will already be selected by this point. They are relying on you to share your progress throughout the year, and in addition to our hope that you will all be peer role models and connections, a number of you, based on performance, will be selected to act as facilitators and mentors for the next group in the United States the following year.

12 september 2016:

NY, DC, LA, SF, & Homeward Bound- The Launch


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Your Responsibilities When Selected For Merit360

After being selected for a unique and heavily subsidised program you want to fulfil your obligations, ensure your progress, and make the most of the experience. Your obligations are summarised as:

• Raise or finance at least £750 as your contribution to the program (this is 12.5% of the total running costs with World Merit underwriting the rest whilst asking you to continue fundraising)*• Arrange your own flight to New York**• Arrange your US Visa (if required)***• To research, with the help of World Merit, the United Nations and other partners, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.• You will be responsible for linking global youth directly to Merit360, particularly through the World Merit online platform.

Full terms & conditions will be provided upon your application being accepted.

* Family, friends, and forward thinking organisations will be keen to help and support you. Please download the document titled ‘For Supporters & Sponsors’. There are many benefits for a sponsor, not least helping us achieve the most important global goals as framed by the United Nations. If you fundraise an amount exceeding £3750 (the full participant cost) and successfully contribute during the Merit360 program you will be fully funded to participate on a follow up Merit360 mission or World Merit event.

** We are looking to negotiate discounted airfare but supporters or local businesses may wish to sponsor this cost directly for you through air miles or corporate accounts.

*** We will provide an official letter confirming that you have been selected to represent your country and global youth on a prestigious program convening in the United States and at the United Nations. Note that citizens from many countries will be eligible to enter on the US Visa Waiver program.

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A Message to ProspectiveSupporters and Sponsors

We have built the most incredible and meaningful opportunity for emerging leaders and we are to use their ability to make positive impact particularly focused on supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We need your help to ensure that we deliver the most unique and prestigious program on the planet. We need your support to ensure every individual reaches their full potential and becomes a role model that inspires their home community and millions beyond.

Every person or organisation that provides support will be recognised through being named across Merit360 and the wider World Merit platforms, and through being given access to participants, metrics, footage, documents, and depending on the support, speakers. Sponsors will be welcomed at various points throughout the program bespoke to the support provided. A full list of sponsor benefits will be made available upon request.The biggest benefit from your support is making sure better leaders collaborate to make a better world.

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All those selected for Merit360 are prepared to contribute to the costs of the program and fundraise for others through our ‘Pay It Forward’ model. However, your help financially would help us ensure a most significant impact. Please support us in one or more of the following ways:

Through progress to

success and relief

Join our ‘Founding Families’ or ‘CSR 360’ campaigns (£6250/$10,000 per year). This will cover the cost of 2 people on MERIT360 and support other World Merit programming.

Sponsor Merit360 participants (£6000 per person). You may want to support someone from your home country, your organisation, your College or University, or perhaps just a deserving person in the World who doesn’t normally access this type of opportunity.

Fund us to tackle a specific Sustainable Development Goal (to the value of £62,500/$100,000 per SDG). World Merit and Merit360 are focused on collaboratively making progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals – your support will help us implement plans and make a truly global impact.

Be A Speaker Sponsor. We are lucky that most, if not all, of our speakers are donating their time to Merit360. However covering the expenses (and fee if appropriate) would be a significant help. If you have a high profile or influential contact that could attend Merit360 please let us know.

In Kind Sponsorship. In addition to supporting Merit360 financially we hope that you will consider reducing our program costs by providing flights, insurance, transportation and other unavoidable costs.