merpro spe march 2006

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  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Topside Sand Handling Solutions

    Tim Podger, Merpro

    Second European Sand Management Forum

    Aberdeen, March 2006

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Optimising separator performance

    Enhancing downstream PWT systems

    Protecting the integrity of produced water re-injection


    - through effective topside sand handling

    Provide information from four case studies

    Topside sand handling solutions

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Topside sand handling solutions

    Merpro has developed a range of products for sand handling

    Products incorporate Tore for sand/solids removal

    They can be provided

    as individual products for specific applications

    or provided in combination to provide a complete topside

    sand handling solution

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Tore - how it works

    1 - Tangential feed

    to swirl chamber

    3 - Internal vessel pressure

    forces slurry into discharge pipe

    2 - Vortex generated fluidises solids

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Tore - what it does

    Moves slurries of up to 40% solids by volume

    1" Tore transports up to 4 tonnes of sand per hour

    2" Tore transports up to 16 tonnes of sand per hour

    Enables the removal of sand from vessels and the

    transportation of slurries through pipelines

    No moving parts = low maintenance

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    Tore sand handling applications

    Sand removal from separators

    Sand cleaning

    Sand transportation



  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006



    Removes sand from separators and vessels on-line

    Sand removal from separators

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    ToreManifold what it is

    Tores manifolded within

    base of vessel

    Fluid introduced to Tores

    Tore creates a vortex

    which fluidises sand

    Slurry exists through

    discharge pipe

    AIOC, Azerbaijan

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    ToreManifold what it is

    AIOC, Azerbaijan

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    ToreManifold what it is

    AIOC, Azerbaijan

    BP Alaska, Prudhoe Bay

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    ToreManifold demonstration

    Click on the image to run the video clip

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Removal of sand from separators on-line


    Merpro acknowledges with thanks the permission of

    Apache to present this case study

    Case study 1 Apache Australia

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Produced sand inside production separator before

    installation of Tore


    Case study 1 the problem


    Stag Platform,


  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 1 - results

    Removes sand from separator on-line whenever required.

    Apache activates them for half and hour every morningand evening

    remove up to 10 tonnes sand per week

    Eliminated unplanned shut downs to dig out sand previouspractice was 4 day shut downs to dig out every 3 months

    In one year, eliminated 16 days of unplanned shut downs

    Apache Stag, Australia

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 1 - results

    Eliminated associated shut down/dig out costs and HSEissues

    Maintains vessel integrity

    Enables separator to operate continuously at designefficiency, maintaining well fluid throughput at maximumlevels

    Maximises revenue generation

    Apache Stag, Australia

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Removal of sand from separators on-line


    Case study 2 Petronas Carigali

    Merpro acknowledges with thanks the permission ofPetronas Carigali to present this case study

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 2 the problem

    Petronas Carigali Dulang B platform, Malaysia.

    Shut downs every 6 months to dig out sand

    Existing sand jetting system not working effectively due to

    Jet nozzles and piping clogged

    Drain line and valves eroded and clogged

    Sand carry over to produced water system

    Sand hardened and would not fluidise to flow through

    drain nozzles No means to monitor how much sand left or removed

    Petronas Carigali Dulang B,


  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 2 the solution


    Manifold installed in HP separator Consists of 8 Tores in two banks of four

    Configured in single line

    2 inch inlet header for water; 2 inch outlet header for slurry Modifications to existing facilities minimised

    Previous jetting system supports used to support Tore


    Petronas Carigali Dulang B,


  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 2 the solution

    Operating data

    Inlet pressure : 0.5 bar above vessel pressure

    Outlet pressure : Free discharge to atmosphere

    Inlet flow rate : 16m3/hour

    Outlet flow rate : circa 16m3/hour

    Inlet fluid : Treated water

    Outlet fluid : Slurry (sand and water)

    Petronas Carigali Dulang B,


  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 2 results

    809 litres of sand collected in first month after

    commissioning Annualised sand removal rate 9.7 kilolitres (15 tonnes)

    Some loss of fine sand

    Separator volume for oil and water separation is 92m3(based on normal 60% liquid level)

    Accumulated sand would therefore result in loss of

    residence time of 10.5%

    More sand was removed by the B manifold closer to the

    fluids inlet nozzle then the A manifold

    Petronas Carigali Dulang B,


  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 2 results

    Petronas Carigalis conclusions

    Tore Manifold was easy to install, utilising existing vessel


    It is simple to operate with minimum controls No problems in utilisation at a practical level

    It removes a significant volume of sand without causing any

    operational or process interruptions

    Petronas Carigali Dulang B,


  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 2 results

    Petronas Carigalis conclusions ctd

    Eliminated shut downs to dig out sand

    Dulang B operations personnel have noticed better control

    over the produced water discharge due to less sand level

    interruption with the interface level reading

    Petronas Carigali Dulang B,


  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 3 BP Schiehallion

    Improving efficiency of produced water re-injection

    systems through effective topside sand handling therole played by Tore

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 3 BP Schiehallion

    Merpro acknowledges with thanks the permission of the

    Schiehallion partners to present this case study:

    BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd

    Shell UK Ltd Amerada Hess Ltd

    Murphy Petroleum Ltd

    OMV (UK) Ltd

    Statoil Exploration (UK) Ltd

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 3 the problem

    Increasing produced water led to installation of PWRI

    system as part of reservoir pressure support strategy

    With increasing produced water came increasing sand

    Smaller than expected particle size resulted in increasing

    drop out from suspension later than expected in the processtrain

    Resulted in elevated solids loading within the treated

    produced water system

    In 2004, 13 tonnes of solids were removed from key process


    BP Schiehallion, UK

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 3 the problem

    Key factors that set solids loading limit for the PWRI system

    well injectivity

    erosion limits for pumps, pipework, well bore and

    completion type

    Despite pipework integrity and sand removal/disposalmethods in original design, increased solids loading within

    the produced water stream had several adverse effects


    filter blockage

    accelerated pump erosion

    BP Schiehallion, UK

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 3 the problem

    Within 4 months water seals and pump casings began to failwithin the water injection and produced water booster


    Wedge wire screen filters upstream of the water injection

    pump blocked

    Result the PWRI system was suspended one year after


    BP Schiehallion, UK

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 3 the solution

    Significant modifications made to the PWRI system - Tore

    important element in this

    Erosion and mechanical improvements

    sand erosion probes fitted to each production riser

    pumps changed out for high solids pumps

    desanding cyclone replaced wire screens

    BP Schiehallion, UK

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 3 the solution

    Sand removal and entrainment minimisation

    sand jetting system in the slug catcher and first stage

    separator - replaced with ToreManifold

    ToreManifold installed in the degasser to remove the

    finer grained sand settling out in the vessel to minimisere-entrainment into the produced water system

    nucleonic profiler for oil/water/sand interface

    measurement fitted to improve level control in the firststage separator

    BP Schiehallion, UK

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  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 3 lessons learned

    Detailed understanding of sand production issues

    sand particle size distribution

    sand quantities

    sand drop out points within the process

    Equipment Specification

    sand removal and sand handling equipment

    pumps suitable for solids loading

    Review the correct point in the process to remove sand fromproduced water

    BP Schiehallion, UK

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 4 Statoil Gullfaks C

    Eliminating sand carry over problems into

    produced water outlet through effective topside

    sand handling

    Merpro acknowledges with thanks the permission ofStatoil to present this case study

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 4 the problem

    Existing sparging system causing excessive sand in the

    produced water outlet

    Production restricted by additional jetting water introducedinto the separator

    Statoil, Gullfaks C, Norway

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    Case study 4 the solution

    ToreManifold installed in production and produced water


    Statoil, Gullfaks C, Norway

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 4 results

    80 kgs of sand removed every 2 days from each separator

    Fluidising effect of each Tore is localised

    eliminated jetting system induced problems of solids in

    the produced water outlet, giving improved operational

    stability Feed water requirement reduced to 32m3/hour compared to

    previous 100m3/hour

    upstream and downstream equipment can be smaller

    Statoil, Gullfaks C, Norway

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Case study 4 results

    Since Tores cause minimal turbulence at the liquid

    interface, and the feed water and slurry discharge rates arebalanced, the separator interface level remains unaltered

    allows separation of liquids to continue unaffected while

    solids are removed

    Enabled Statoil to increase well fluid throughput by up to

    30% - increasing oil production and revenues

    Supports field life extension

    Statoil, Gullfaks C, Norway

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006



    Manifold atannual shut downinspection after oneyear of operation

    No erosion inpipework or in vessel

    Statoil describedvessel as clear ofsand

    Case Study 4 results

    Statoil Gullfaks C, Norway

  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006



    Operator experience with ToreManifold has demonstrated it

    is an effective means of removing sand from separators

    provides significant financial and operating benefits

    eliminates unplanned shut downs to dig out produced sand removes sand on-line, enabling separators to operate at

    design capacity on a continuous basis, maximising


    protects downstream equipment from erosion e.g. PWRI


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  • 7/27/2019 Merpro SPE March 2006


    Thank you for your attention
