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Merchant Services Program Terms and Conditions (Program Guide)

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Merchant Services

Program Terms and Conditions (Program Guide)

Thank yyour cuaccoun These Pand Disto AmeElectronSystemYour M This Prcontainyou. Wouts sh You ac IMPOR Discovby Ban The proand Otto this and OtNetwor OTHER Cards pCards, Visa UExpressSales DMasterCmerchafor the into theassessm In ordeapproxiare maadjustm Each CresponsOrganizhas bee We do can atterequiresCard tracustomfor such You wil Please

you for selecting ustomers, increaset.

Program Terms ascover® Network erican Express® anic Benefits Trans

ms, Inc. (“Voyagererchant Processin

rogram Guide, yns the terms and

We will not accephall not apply. Pl

cknowledge that


ver Network Cardnk, but are provid

ovisions of this her Services conAgreement in s

her Services, anrk Card Transact


present risks of loyou should be aw

.S.A., Inc. (“Visas Travel Related Drafts and ChargeCard and Visa tra

ants such as yourtransactions. The

eir systems. A suments.

r to speed up themately the same

ade simultaneousments.

Card Organizationsibilities and allozation Rules and en made to the me

not decide what tempt to reverse as the Issuer to doansaction even ther. While you mayh transactions.

l be responsible fo

refer to the Gloss

us for your paymees your customers

and Conditions (“tCredit Card and and Other Servicsfer payments, anr”), Wright Expresng Application will

your Merchant Pd conditions undt any alterationsease read this P

all Services refe


d Transactions, Aded by Processo

Agreement reganstitute an agreeo far as it relate

nd Bank is not retions, American E


oss and non-payware that you are a

a”) MasterCard WServices Companebacks for Card sansactions) or neself through the a

e Card Organizatiobstantial portion

e payment procestime that the Iss

ly, all payments

has developed Cocation of risk fo

applicable laws gerchant, including

transactions are ca Chargeback to t so after a formal

hough you have py still be able to p

or all Chargeback

sary for capitalized

ent processing nees’ ability to make p

the Program GuidNon-PIN Debit Ca

ces. Other Servicnd acceptance of Css Corporation anl indicate the type

rocessing Applicer which Proces

s or strike-outs trogram Guide co

renced in the Ag


American Expresr and/or third pa

rding Discover Nement solely betes to Discover Nesponsible, and Express Card Tra

ment that are difalso accepting the

Worldwide (“Mastny, Inc. (“Americasales and Creditstwork acquirers (appropriate Card ons charge the Acof the Discount R

s, the Issuer tranuer receives the made through th

Card Organizatioor this process. Mgive Cardholders g Chargeback righ

charged back and the Issuer, we ca appeal process.

provided your gooursue claims dire

ks and adjustment

d terms used in th


eds. Accepting nupurchases at your

de”) presents termard payments. Th

ces include all seCards from other d Wright Expresss of payments an

cation and the sssor and/or Banko the Program Gompletely as it co

greement may no


ss Card Transacrties.

Network Card Trtween you and P

Network Card Trashall have no liaansactions and O

fferent than thoseese risks.

terCard”), DFS San Express”) are. Sales Drafts arein the case of DiOrganization, to tcquirers interchanRate or Transacti

sfers the funds belectronic Sales he Card Organiza

n Rules that govMerchants are aand Issuers certa


we do not contron only do so if theSometimes, your

ods or services anctly against that c

ts associated with

he Agreement, inc


umerous paymentr establishment, a

ms governing the he Program Guideervices related toNon-Bank Card O

s Financial Servicend Services you ha

schedules theretk and/or other thGuide and, if maontains importan

ot be available to

ctions and Other

ransactions, AmeProcessor and/oransactions, Ameability, to you in Other Services.

e with other paym

Services LLC (“De payment card nee electronically trascover Network tthe Issuers. Thesnge fees and asseon Fees that you

back through the CDrafts. Even thouations are condit

vern their Acquirealso bound by Cain rights to dispu

ol the ultimate rese Issuer agrees tr customer may bend are otherwise lcustomer, neither

h the transactions

cluding this Prefac

t options provides and helps speed p

acceptance of Ve also includes pr: JCB® Card, PIOrganizations suces Corporation (cave elected to acc

to (collectively, tird parties will p

ade, any such altnt information.

o you.

r Services are no

erican Express Cr third parties. Berican Express Cany way with re

ment systems. In

Discover Networetworks that elecansferred from batransactions) that se Issuers then biessments for subu pay will go tow

Card Organizationugh the paymentstional and subjec

ers and Issuers aCard Organization

ute transactions,

solution of the Chato accept it or thee able to successlegally entitled to we nor the Issuer

that you submit fo

ce (if not defined a

a convenience topayment to your

Visa,® MasterCardrovisions applicabIN Debit Card, anch as Voyager Flecollectively, “WEXcept.

the “Agreement”provide services terations or strik

ot provided to yo

Card TransactionBank is not a parCard Transactionespect to Discov

deciding to acce

rk”), and Americactronically exchanganks (in the case

acquire them froill their Cardholdemitting transactioard these fees a

n to the Acquirer s under this systect to reversals an

and the proceduren Rules. The Calong after payme

argeback. While we Card Organizatiosfully charge backpayment from yo

r will be responsib

or processing.



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PART I: A. Oper1. Maste Card 1.1. Car1.2. Effe1.3. Val1.4. Use1.5. Spe1.6. Del1.7. Rec Reg1.8. Cer1.9. Car1.10.De1.11.Me1.12.Cu Termina1.13. Di1.14.Ca Ca1.15. Di1.16. Te2. Suspe3. Comp3.1. Info3.2. Mai Pre3.3. Cus Mas4. Data 4.1.Paym Stan4.2. Dat4.3. Com4.4. Imm4.5. Inve4.6.Req4.7.Merc4.8 Non4.9. Cos5. Autho5.1. Car5.2. Aut Dev5.3.Auth5.4.Third5.5.Auto5.6.Pre- Res5.7. Disc Auth5.8. Par6. Subm6.1. Sub Bus6.2. Tim6.3. Mai6.4. Elec Sub7. Settle8. Refun8.1. Ref8.2. Exc9.Reten.............




rating ProcedureserCard, Visa, DiscoAcceptance

rd Descriptions......ective/ Expiration Did Signature...........ers Other Than Carecial Terms ...........ayed Delivery or Dcurring Transactiongulations rtain Rules and Reqrd Acceptance.......posits of Principals

erchants in the Lodgstomer Activated Tals splays and Advertissh Payments by anrdholders..............scover Network Ca

elecommunication Tect Transactions...pletion of Sales Draormation Sales. .

stomer Service TelesterCard Visa and Security................ment Card Industrydards(PCIDSS).....ta Security Requirempliance Audits.....mediate Notice Reqestigation...............uired Information fochantProviders compliance Fees..

sts..........................orizations ..............rd Not Present Tranhorization via Telepice Users) horization via Electrd Party Authorizatioomated Dispensing-Authorization for Ttaurant Merchants.cover Network Proorization ... rtial Authorization a

mission/ Deposit of bmission of Sales fosiness Deposit Pctronic Merchants: bmission . ement . . . . . . . . . . nds/ Exchanges (Cfunds......................changes.................tion of Records for..............................SERVICES



s over Network and A


Dates....................................................rdholders.............................................eposit Balance......

n and Preauthorized quirements..........................................s.............................ging Industry.........

Terminals and Self- sing.......................nd Cash Disbursem..............................ash Over TransactioTransactions........................................afts and Credit (Ecommerce) an

. ephone Numbers foDiscover Network ...............................y Data Security .............................


quired .................................................or Discover Networ (Other Than

ronic Devices........on System.............

g Machines.............T&E (Travel & Enter..............................cedure for Reques

and Authorization RSales Drafts and Cor Merchants Othe


Procedures ............Daily Batching Re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . redits) ...............................................................................r Retrievals and Ch..............................

American Express .. ..................................................................................................................................................................................d Order

. ......................................................................................................................-Service ..............................

ments to .............................ons ..................................................................................fts.......................................................

nd Other Card Not ..or Cards Other Tha...........................................................



.........................................................................................rk Security Breache


n Terminal / Electro . .. .........................................................................................rtainment) and ..............................t for Cancellation o

.. ..Reversal ...Credit Drafts ....

r Than Your . ...

...........................................................quirements & Medi .. ... .

..........................................................................................argebacks ..............................



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. Retain Legible Co

. Provide Sales andChargebacks,Retri1. Chargebacks ...2. Other Debits.....3.Summary(Depos4.Disputing Other DAccount Maintena1. Change of Settle2. Change in Your3. Change in Comp Telephone/Facs4. Other Changes 5.Charges for Cha6. Credit Reports; BCard Organization


Card General TermSpecial Provisions Services.. Operating ProceduCompliance ..Settlement of CardExclusivity............Fees; AdjustmentsChargebacks ......Representations; WLiability; ExclusionConfidentiality .....Assignments .......Term; Events of DReserve Account;Financial and OtheIndemnification....Special ProvisionsSpecial ProvisionsSpecial ProvisionsSpecial ProvisionsSpecial ProvisionsChoice of Law; VeOther Terms .......Glossary


uipment Lease Agr


. Electronic Fundin2. Funding Acknowl3. Additional Fees, Termination..

4. Addresses For N


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opies......................d Credit Drafts.......ievals and Other D............................................................

sit)Adjustments/EleDebits and Summa

ance.......................ement Account NumLegal Name or Str

pany DBA Name, Asimile Number in Merchant Profilenges to Account MBank Account Infor

n Monitoring.........................................

ms s for American Exp ures; Card Organiz. d Transactions....................................s; Collection of Am..............................Warranties; Covenn of Consequential ..........................................................

Default.................... Security Information .....................................s Regarding Non Bs for PIN Debit Cars Regarding EBT Ts Regarding Wireles Regarding Trans enue; Waiver of Jur..............................




ng Authorization.....ledgement.............Fee Related Inform

otices .................


n Page .................



ectronic Rejects ..ary Adjustments ..............................mber......................ructure...................Address or . .. e ............................


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mounts Due...........................................ants; Limitations oDamages..................................................................................................................................................................................................

Bank Cards.............rd Transactions...........ess Services...........

Armor Services.....ry Trial ................................................





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This pauthorProcesthousaAmericDiscovOrganyour eand DiThe rerequire


1.1. Ca(e.g., VDiscovMasterVisa: VexpiratCards You mfrom thManaghttp://wVisa CBeginnembosembosnote, “MasterappeaPreferraccounMasterare noprocesthe Mathirty-stransayourseMasterthrougDiscovindicat

• • •

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A. O

1. Mast

part of the Prograrizations, respondssor is a full-serviands of institutionscan Express® anver Network Cardization Rules for cmployees. (In theiscover Network, yequirements set fements imposed b

ard DescriptionsVisa, MasterCardver Network CardrCard, American EVisa Cards have tion date must beand the first digit

must always checkhe previous descrgement

Card designs will bning May 2008, Vssed card has a sssed cards can onElectronic Use OnrCard: MasterCarrs on the front or red, Gold or Busint must be printerCard, Diners Cluow fifty-five (55) assed in the same asterCard Mark osix (36). When thctions. Beginning

elf with the new rCard’s website ah the year 2010. O

ver Network: All vted below, include

Card Numbers aCard Numbers aAn embossed spresent) and thevalid. An overprDiscover, DiscoCards manufaca globe piercedThe Discover NAll Cards displaholographic deswith blue glowsswitching withinCards displayinDiscover Netwoholographic maDepending on tit is held under aAn under print oThe Card Numbfront of the CardCID must be prAn overprint on

Operating Proce

terCard, Visa, A

am Guide (througing to Chargebacce financial transs who issue the M

nd JCB.® The Opd Organizations Rcomplete informa

e event we provideyou should also cforth in these Opby your state or lo

s. At the point of d, American Expres, the Issuer (e.gExpress and Discthe Visa symbol o followed by one st is always a four k these numbers cription. You are rees for Visa M

erchant or order a be circulating concVisa issued a new smooth, flat surfanly be used by mnly.” rd Cards are issuback of the Card. iness may appeaed directly below ub Cards issued inand with the Masmanner as Masten the back of the ese Diners Club

g January 2006, Mdesign by consu

at http://www.mastOnly MasterCard valid standard rece the following comare composed of are clear and unifsecurity charactere “Valid Thru” datrint on the signatu

over 2GO, Discovectured before Ocby an arrow, watetwork Hologram ay a magnetic strsign that is incorps between each sn the circular shapng either the Discork Hologram evengnetic stripe will ehe issuance date an ultraviolet lightof “void” on the sigber or the portion d and appear in rerinted in a separ

n the signature pa


American Expres

gh Section 13) deks and Media Retaction processor MasterCard,® Visperating ProceduRules, and seek ttion and to ensuree authorization, ponsult those indep

perating Procedurcal jurisdiction.

sale, the Card mess or Discover Ng., XYZ Bank, etcover Network Caron the right-handspace and may co(4). In addition, V

carefully to ensureequired to familiarMerchants” (VRM

hardcopy to be mcurrently in the macard design for u

ace. Because of tmerchants who pro

ued under the folMasterCard and r. MasterCard acthe embossed nu

n the United StatesterCard Mark anerCard transaction

Card. These DinCards are used

MasterCard has aulting a documentercardmerchant.cCards fitting the o

ctangular plastic Cmmon characteris16 digits and are form in size and sr, displayed as a te. The embossedure panel reads “Der Platinum). ctober 3, 2008 dier, and stars on areflects light and

ripe on the reversorated into the mhape. When the C

pe. cover Network Hontually replaced beach appear on Cof the Card, the w

t. gnature panel becof the Card Numb

everse indent prinate box to the rig

anel reads “Discov

ss & Discover N

1 P

escribes the proctrieval requests, adedicated, amonga,® and Discoverres contained in to provide you we full compliance

processing or settlpendent Issuers’ pes will apply unle

ust be carefully eNetwork) should a.) should also aprd designs: side of the Cardontain the symbo

Visa Cards have te that they are theize yourself with t

M 08. 12.16). Ymailed to you for aarketplace throughun-embossed Visahe un-embossed ocess with an ele

lowing names: Mthe Globe designscount numbers aumber. Only Mases and Canada and hologram on tns. Diners Club In

ners Club Cards wwithin the United

a new Card designt “MasterCard Ccom. Both the oldold or new descripCards bearing thetics and distinctivedisplayed on the pacing within groustylized “D,” apped “Valid Thru” dateDiscover” or “Disc

isplay the Discovea repetitive pattern

appears to move se side of the Caagnetic stripe. A sCard is rotated, t

ologram or the hoby the holographicards, valid Cards


comes visible if eraber displayed on tting.

ght of the signatver Network.” On


Network Accept


cedures and methand other aspects g other processinr® Network Cardsthis part focus p

with the principleswith them. They aement of transacproprietary rules aess prohibited by


examined to deterappear in bold lepear in bold lette

. Above the Visa l “V.” Visa Cards he first four digits

e same. Beginningthe new design byYou may down nominal charge bh the year 2010. Oa cards. Unlike em

cards flat surfacctronic Point Of S

MasterCard, EuroCs appear in a 3-dire sixteen (16) disterCard Cards fitre being re-issuedthe front of the Dnternational Cardswill have account d States, Canada gn significantly diard Identification

d and new Masterptions may be acce Discover Netwoe features. front of the Card.upings. ears on the samee, if present, appecover Network.” O

er Network three-dn background (the

as the Card is roard. Cards manuseries of distinct che holographic de

olographic magnec magnetic stripe fwill not display bo


asure of the signathe signature pan

ure panel on the some cards, the



hods for submittiof the operations g services, to facs carried by your primarily on certas for a sound Caare designed to h

ctions involving Caand regulations.)y law. You are re

er Card, Visa and

rmine whether it isetters on the Cardrs on the Card. T

symbol is the 3-contain a 16-digit

s of the account ng January 2006, Vy consulting the dnload the docuby telephoning VisOnly Visa Cards fmbossed Visa carce, it cannot be uSale Terminal. As

Card, Access, Unimensional hologrigits, and the firsttting this descriptd with a sixteen (Diners Club Cards that are issued numbers that are and other desigfferent from the p Features.” You rCard Card desigcepted. ork Acceptance M

e line as the emboears in mm/yr formOn some Cards, t

dimensional hologe “Discover Netwotated.

ufactured on or circular shapes wesign will reflect l

tic stripe are valifor new Cards. Aloth designs. NETWORK” will a

ature is attemptednel on the back of

back of the Card.overprint may di


ng Credit Card t of our services.

cilitating the passacustomers, as we

ain of the MasterCard program; howhelp you decreaseards other than M

esponsible for fol

Discover Networ

s a legitimate andd. For all MasterCThe following is a

dimensional holot account number number printed dirVisa has a new Cadocument entitled ument free of sa Fulfillment at 8fitting the old or nerds with raised nused for transactios a result, the bot

nion, Million and ram above the symt digit is always ation may be acce(16) digit account d. These Diners Coutside the U.S.

e fourteen (14) dignated areas, theyprevious descriptmay download t

ns will be circulat

Mark or the Discov

ossed “Member” mat and indicateshe overprint may

gram, bearing a dork Hologram”) on

after October 3will be visible acros

light and there wi

d after the effectlthough both the D

appear in ultravio

d. f the Card should

. splay the name o

transactions for p

age of your Sales ell as to the indepCard, Visa, Amer

wever, you shoulde your Chargebac

MasterCard, Visa,

lowing any additi

k Acceptance

d valid Card. The Card and Visa Caa description of th

gram of the Visa embossed acros

rectly below the eard design which “Card Acceptanccharge from V

800-VISA-311. Boew descriptions mmbers, letters and

ons that require attom of the card b

Diamond. The Mmbol. In addition, a five (5). The firsepted. Pursuant tnumber the first tClub Cards shalland Canada may

gits, the first two y will be procession. You are requthe document freting concurrently

ver / NOVUS Acc

since date or “Yes the last month in

display the name

distinct circular sha the front of the C

, 2008 feature a ss the length of thill be apparent mo

ive dates indicateDiscover Network

let ink on the fron

match the numbe

of the Card (i.e., D

payment, obtainin

Drafts back to thpendent Issuers orican Express an

d consult the Carck liability and traiAmerican Expres

ional or conflictin

name of the Carards and for some authorized Visa

Dove design. Ths the middle of th

embossed numbediffers significantl

ce and ChargebacVisa’s website aoth the old and newmay be accepted.

d symbols, the una card imprint. Unbears the followin

MasterCard symbothe words Classic

st four digits of thto an alliance wittwo digits of whic be accepted any be re-issued witdigits or which ared as MasterCaruired to familiarizee of charge fromin the marketplac

ceptance Mark, a

ear Joined” date (n which the Card ie of the Card (e.g

ape and images oCard.

three-dimensionahe magnetic stripeovement and colo

ed above, with thHologram and th

t of the Card whe

er displayed on th

Discover, Discove


e of d

rd n



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2 PPS1016

2GO,® Discover Platinum). • A Discover Network Zip Indicator may appear on the back of a standard rectangular plastic Card indicating the Card can be used to conduct Contactless

Card Transactions. NOTE: Valid Cards may not always be rectangular in shape (e.g., Discover 2GO® Cards) and certain valid Contactless Payment Devices approved by us for use in accessing Card Accounts (e.g., radio frequency (RF) enabled Cards, key fobs, and Mobile Commerce Devices) and to conduct Contactless Card Transactions may not display the features described above. Prepaid Gift Card Security Features The features described below are found on Prepaid Gift Cards; however, the placement of these features may vary:

• Depending on the issue date of the Card, the Discover Network Acceptance Mark or the Discover/NOVUS Acceptance Mark will appear on the front or back of the Card.

• The embossed, stylized “D” appears on the front of the Card. • A valid expiration date is embossed on the front of the Card.

Other Card Features for Cards with a Discover Acceptance Mark • The front of the Card may display “Temporary Card,” “Prepaid Card,” “Gift Card,” or “Electronic Use Only,” must be printed on the front or the back of the

Card. NOTE: Prepaid Gift Cards accepted at a limited, specific list of Merchants may, but are not required to display a Discover hologram and may, but are not required to, bear the Discover Acceptance Mark. Unembossed PrePaid Cards display a printed Card number. The “Valid Thru” date and the Cardholder name may or may not be printed on the Card. The embossed “D” security character is not present. “Electronic Use Only” is printed on the front or the back of an unembossed Card. Obtain an electronic Authorization Response using a POS device for unembossed Prepaid Cards. You are required to remain familiar with Discover Card designs and may reference the document “Discover Network Security Features.” You may download the document free of charge from Discover Network’s website at fraud.html. American Express Card. Some Cards contain a holographic image on the front or the back of the plastic to determine authenticity. Not all American Express Cards have a holographic image.

• All American Express Card Numbers start with “37” or “34.” The Card number appears embossed on the front of the Card. Embossing must be clear, and uniform in sizing and spacing. Some Cards also have the Card Number printed on the back of the Card in the signature panel. These numbers, plus the last four digits printed on the Sales Draft, must match.

• Pre-printed Card Identification (CID) Numbers must always appear above the Card Number on either the right or left edge of the Card. • Only the person whose name appears on an American Express Card is entitled to use it. Cards are not transferable. • The signature on the back of the Card must match the Card Member’s signature on the Sales Draft, and must be the same name that appears on the front

of the Card. The signature panel must not be taped over, mutilated, erased or painted over. • Some Cards also have a three digit Card Security Code (3CSC) number printed on the signature panel. • Do not accept a card outside the valid from and to dates.

1.2. Effective/Expiration Dates. At the point of sale, the Card should be carefully examined for the effective (valid from) (if present) and expiration (valid thru) dates, which are located on the face of the Card. The sale date must fall on or between these dates. Do not accept a Card prior to the effective date or after the expiration date. If the Card has expired, you cannot accept it for a Card sale unless you have verified through your Authorization Center that the Card is in good standing, otherwise, you are subject to a Chargeback and could be debited for the transaction. 1.3. Valid Signature. Check the back of the Card. Make sure that the signature panel has not been disfigured or tampered with in any fashion (an altered signature panel may appear discolored, glued or painted, or show erasure marks on the surface). The signature on the back of the Card must compare favorably with the signature on the Sales Draft. The Sales Draft must be signed by the Card presenter in the presence of your authorized representative (unless a Card Not Present Sale) and in the same format as the signature panel on the Card; e.g., Harry E. Jones should not be signed H.E. Jones. The signature panels of Visa, MasterCard and Discover Network Cards now have a 3-digit number (CVV2/CVC2/CID) printed on the panel known as the Card Validation Code. Visa, MasterCard and Discover Network: If the signature panel on the Card is blank, in addition to requesting an Authorization, you must do all the following:

• Review positive identification bearing the Cardholder’s signature (such as a passport or driver’s license that has not expired) to validate the Cardholder’s identity.

• Indicate the positive identification, including any serial number and expiration date, on the Credit Draft or Sales Draft; provided that you must effect PAN Truncation, and must not include the expiration date on the copy of the Sales Draft or Credit Draft that you provide to the Cardholder, or as required by applicable law, the Sales Draft or Credit Draft you retain.

• Require the Cardholder to sign the signature panel of the Card prior to completing the Transaction. 1.4. Users Other Than Cardholders. A Cardholder may not authorize another individual to use his/her Card for purchases. Be sure the signature on the Card matches with the one on the Sales Draft. Furthermore, any Card having two signatures on the back panel is invalid and any sale made with this Card can result in a Chargeback. For Cards bearing a photograph of the Cardholder, ensure that the Cardholder appears to be the person depicted in the picture which appears on the Card. If you have any questions, call the Voice Authorization Center and request to speak to a Code 10 operator. 1.5. Special Terms. If you limit refund/exchange terms or impose other specific conditions for Card sales, the words “No Exchange, No Refund,” etc. must be clearly printed (in 1/4" letters) on the Sales Draft near or above the Cardholder’s signature. The Cardholder’s copy, as well as your copy, must clearly show this information. During a liquidation and/or closure of any of your outlets, locations and/or businesses, you must post signs clearly visible to customers stating that “All Sales Are Final,” and stamp the Sales Draft with a notice that “All Sales Are Final.” Generally, do not give cash, check or in-store Credit refunds for Card sales. Visa allows for the following exclusions: A cash refund to the Cardholder for a small ticket transaction or a no signature required transaction, a cash refund, Credit, or other appropriate form of Credit to the recipient of a gift purchased as a Mail/Phone Order transaction, or a cash refund or in-store Credit for a Visa prepaid card transaction if the Cardholder states that the Visa pre-paid card has been discarded. NOTE: A disclosure does not eliminate your liability for a Chargeback. Consumer protection laws and Card Organization Rules frequently allow the Cardholder to dispute these items notwithstanding such disclosures. 1.6. Delayed Delivery or Deposit Balance. In a delayed delivery transaction where a Cardholder makes a deposit toward the full amount of the sale, you should execute two separate Sales Drafts (each completed fully as described in Section 3.1), the first for a deposit and the second for payment of the balance upon delivery of the merchandise or the performance of the services. Visa: For Visa transactions, you must obtain an authorization if the cumulative total of both Sales Drafts exceeds the floor limit. You must obtain an authorization for each Sales Draft on each transaction date. You must assign the separate authorization numbers to each Sales Draft, respectively. You must note on such Sales Drafts the words “delayed delivery,” “deposit” or “balance,” as appropriate, and the authorization dates and approval codes. MasterCard: For MasterCard transactions, you must obtain one authorization. You must note on both Sales Drafts the words “delayed delivery,” “deposit” or “balance,” as appropriate, and the authorization date and approval code. Discover Network: For Discover Network transactions, you must label one Sales Draft “deposit” and the other “balance,” as appropriate. You must obtain the “deposit” authorization before submitting the sales data for the “deposit” or the “balance” to us. If delivery of the merchandise or service purchased will occur more than thirty (30) calendar days after the “deposit” authorization, you must obtain a subsequent authorization for the “balance.” In addition, you must complete Address Verification at the time of the “balance” authorization, and you must obtain proof of delivery upon delivery of the services/merchandise purchased. You may not submit sales data relating to the “balance” to us for processing until the merchandise/service purchased has been completely delivered. American Express: For American Express Card transactions, you must clearly disclose your intent and obtain written consent from the Card Member to perform a delayed delivery transaction before you request an Authorization. You must obtain a separate Authorization Approval for each delayed delivery transaction on their

3 PPS1016

respective charge dates and clearly indicate on each record that the charge is either for the deposit or for the balance of the transaction. You must submit the delayed delivery transaction record for the balance of the purchase only after the items have been shipped, provided or services rendered. For deposits, submission must be on the date the Card Member agreed to pay for the deposit for the purchase. For balances, submission must be on the date the items are shipped, provided or services rendered. You must submit and authorize each delayed delivery transaction under the same Merchant Number and treat deposits on the Card no differently than you treat deposits on all other payment products. NOTE: For MasterCard and Visa transactions, if delivery is more than twenty-five (25) days after the original transaction date and the initial authorization request (as opposed to the thirty (30) days in Discover Network transactions), you should reauthorize the unprocessed portion of the transaction prior to delivery. If the transaction is declined, contact the Cardholder and request another form of payment. For example: On January 1, a Cardholder orders $2,200 worth of furniture and you receive an authorization for the full amount; however, only a $200 deposit is processed. The above procedures are followed, with a $2,000 balance remaining on the furniture; the $2,000 transaction balance should be reauthorized. 1.7. Recurring Transaction and Preauthorized Order Regulations. If you process recurring transactions and charge a Cardholder’s account periodically for recurring goods or services (e.g., monthly insurance premiums, yearly subscriptions, annual membership fees, etc.), the Cardholder shall complete and deliver to you a Cardholder approval for such goods or services to be charged to his account. The approval must at least specify the Card-holder’s name, address, account number and expiration date, the transaction amounts, the timing or frequency of recurring charges and the duration of time for which the Cardholder’s permission is granted. For Discover Network transactions, the approval must also include the total amount of recurring charges to be billed to the Cardholder’s account, including taxes and tips and your Merchant Number. If the recurring transaction is renewed, the Cardholder must complete and deliver to you a subsequent written request for the continuation of such goods or services to be charged to the Cardholder’s account. You may not complete a recurring transaction after receiving a cancellation notice from the Cardholder or Issuer or after a request for authorization has been denied. If we or you have terminated this Agreement, you may not submit authorization requests or sales data for recurring transactions that are due after the termination date of this Agreement. You must obtain an authorization for each transaction and write “Recurring Transaction” (or “P. O.” for MasterCard transactions) on the Sales Draft in lieu of the Cardholder’s signature. A positive authorization response for one recurring transaction Card Sale is not a guarantee that any future recurring transaction authorization request will be approved or paid. For all recurring transactions, you should submit the 3-digit Card Validation Code number with the first authorization request, but not subsequent authorization requests. Discover Network Card Organization Rules specifically require that you follow this Card Validation Code procedure for Discover Network recurring transactions. Also, for Discover Network recurring transactions, the Sales Draft must include a general description of the transaction, your merchant name and a toll-free customer service number that the Cardholder may call to obtain customer assistance from you or to cancel the written approval for the recurring transaction. For American Express recurring transactions, you should periodically verify with Card Members that their information (e.g., Card Number, expiration date, billing address) is still accurate. This will improve the likelihood of obtaining an approval to an Authorization request. All recurring transactions or preauthorized orders may not include partial payments for goods or services purchased in a single transaction. You may not impose a finance charge in connection with a Recurring Transaction or Pre-authorized Order. If you process recurring payment transactions, the Recurring Payment Indicator must be included in each authorization request, and as applicable, each Batch submission entry. Penalties can be assessed by the Card Organizations for failure to use the Recurring Payment Indicator. 1.8. Certain Rules and Requirements. The following rules are requirements strictly enforced by Visa, MasterCard and Discover Network:

• Your minimum Credit Card acceptance amount cannot exceed $10.00. Such minimum amount must be established to all Credit Cards regardless of Card Issuer or Card brands. Unless you are a federal government entity or institution of higher learning, you may not establish a maximum amount as a condition for accepting a Card, except that for Discover transactions, you may limit the maximum amount a Discover Network Cardholder may spend if, and only if, you have not received a positive authorization response from the Issuer. Setting a minimum transaction amount limit for Debit Cards (Pin Debit or Non-PIN Debit) is prohibited.

• You may impose a surcharge or fee for accepting a Card only in accordance with applicable law and Card Organization Rules. • You cannot establish any special conditions for accepting a Card. • You may provide a discount/incentive for a consumer to pay with cash, check, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc., however, you must clearly and conspicuously

disclose the discount to consumers. Also, you must offer the discount to all consumers and you cannot discriminate based upon Card brand or Card Issuer. However, you may choose not to accept either U.S. issued Debit Cards or U.S. issued Credit Cards under the terms described in Section 1.9.

• You cannot require the Cardholder to supply any personal information (e.g., home or business phone number; home or business address; or driver’s license number) unless instructed by the Authorization Center. The exception to this is for a mail/telephone/ Internet order or delivery-required transaction, and zip code for a card-present key-entered transaction in order to obtain an Address Verification. Any information that is supplied by the Cardholder must not be in plain view when mailed.

• Any tax required to be collected must be included in the total transaction amount and not collected in cash. • You cannot submit any transaction representing the refinance or transfer of an existing Cardholder obligation deemed uncollectible. • You cannot accept a Visa Consumer Credit Card or Commercial Visa Product, issued by a U.S. Issuer, to collect or refinance an existing debt. • You cannot submit a transaction or sale that has been previously charged back. • You must create a Sales Draft or Credit Draft for each Card transaction and deliver at least one copy of the Sales Draft or Credit Draft to the Cardholder. • You cannot submit a transaction or sale to cover a dishonored check. • If you accept Card checks, your Card check acceptance policy must treat the acceptance of checks from all payment card brands that you accept equally

(e.g., if you accept MasterCard, Visa and Discover Network, your check acceptance policy must treat checks for all three payment card brands equally). You should handle these Card checks like any other personal check drawn upon a bank in the United States.

• Failure to comply with any of the Card Organization Rules may result in fines or penalties. • You will inform the Cardholder that you are responsible for the Card transaction including your goods and services and for related customer service,

dispute resolution and performance of the terms and conditions of the transaction. 1.9. Card Acceptance. If you have indicated either in the Application or by registering with us at least thirty (30) days in advance that, as between Non-PIN Debit Card transactions and Credit Card transactions, you will limit your acceptance to either (i) only accept Non-PIN Debit transactions; or (ii) only accept Credit Card transactions, then the following terms in this Section 1.9 will apply: 1.9.1. You will be authorized to refuse to accept for payment either Non-PIN Debit Cards or Credit Cards that are issued within the United States. You will, however, continue to be obligated to accept all foreign issued Credit Card or Debit Cards issued by MasterCard, Visa or Discover Network so long as you accept any type of MasterCard, Visa or Discover Network branded Card. 1.9.2. While many Debit Cards include markings indicating debit (such as “Visa Checkcard, Visa Buxx, Gift Card, DEBIT, or Mastermoney), many Debit Cards may not include any such markings. It will be your responsibility to determine at the point of sale whether a Card is of a type that you have indicated that you will accept. You agree to institute appropriate systems and controls to limit your acceptance to the Card types indicated. You may purchase a table of ranges of numbers currently associated with Debit Card transactions upon execution of confidentiality/non-disclosure agreements required by the Card Organizations. You will be responsible for updating your systems to utilize such tables and to obtain updated tables. Merchant Use and Disclosure of BIN Information (Visa/MasterCard). Servicers may provide BIN information or other product-identifying data to the Merchant or its Merchant Servicer solely for purposes of identifying Visa or MasterCard Card product types at the point of sale. Servicers must provide this Visa BIN information to any Merchant requesting it for the permitted purpose. Servicers must provide a complete list of the BINs that apply to Debit MasterCard Cards to Merchants upon any form of reasonable request. A U.S. Merchant or its Merchant Servicer that receives BIN information or other product-identifying data from Servicers must not use such information for any reason other than to identify Visa or MasterCard Card product types at the point of sale and to implement acceptance practices permitted by the Visa or MasterCard Operating Rules (including, without limitation, “Discount Offer – U.S. Region 5.2.D.2” in the Visa International Operating Regulations; and Rule 5.11.1 “Discrimination” in the MasterCard Rules manual) based on such information, unless authorized by Visa or

4 PPS1016

MasterCard, as applicable. A U.S. Merchant or its Merchant Servicer must not disclose BIN information or other product-identifying data to any third party without prior written permission from Visa or MasterCard, as applicable. If Merchant provides BIN or other product data information to a Merchant Servicer, Merchant must:

x Ensure that the Merchant Servicer complies with the substance of these “Merchant Use and Disclosure of BIN Information” requirements x Include the substance of these requirements in Merchant’s agreement or contract with its Merchant Servicer

As used in the foregoing provisions, “Merchant Servicer” means any contractor, agent, hardware provider, software provider or service provider who is engaged directly or indirectly by Merchant or who otherwise acts for or on behalf of Merchant in connection with Merchant’s acceptance of Cards or the submission of Charges or Credit Vouchers to Servicers, or who otherwise assists Merchant in the performance of Merchant’s obligations under the Merchant Agreement, and includes without limitation any “Agent”, “Merchant Servicer’, “Third Party”, “Merchant processor”, “Data Storage Entity”, “Payment Service Provider’, “Internet Payment Service Provider’, or “Payment Facilitator” who acts for on behalf of Merchant within the meaning of the Operating Rules, and any other person or entity who will store transmit, process, or otherwise have access to, any Cardholder or card transaction data in connection with Merchant’s performance of Merchant’s obligations under the Merchant Agreement. Merchant Use and Disclosure of BIN Information (Visa/MasterCard) Servicers may provide BIN information or other product-identifying data to the Merchant or its Merchant Servicer solely for purposes of identifying Visa or MasterCard Card product types at the point of sale. Servicers must provide this Visa BIN information to any Merchant requesting it for the permitted purpose. Servicers must provide a complete list of the BINs that apply to Debit MasterCard Cards to Merchants upon any form of reasonable request. A U.S. Merchant or its Merchant Servicer that receives BIN information or other product-identifying data from Servicers must not use such information for any reason other than to identify Visa or MasterCard Card product types at the point of sale and to implement acceptance practices permitted by the Visa or MasterCard Operating Rules (including, without limitation, “Discount Offer – U.S. Region 5.2.D.2” in the Visa International Operating Regulations; and Rule 5.11.1 “Discrimination” in the MasterCard Rules manual) based on such information, unless authorized by Visa or MasterCard, as applicable. A U.S. Merchant or its Merchant Servicer must not disclose BIN information or other product-identifying data to any third party without prior written permission from Visa or MasterCard, as applicable. If Merchant provides BIN or other product data information to a Merchant Servicer, Merchant must:

x Ensure that the Merchant Servicer complies with the substance of these “Merchant Use and Disclosure of BIN Information” requirements x Include the substance of these requirements in Merchant’s agreement or contract with its Merchant Servicer

As used in the foregoing provisions, “Merchant Servicer” means any contractor, agent, hardware provider, software provider or service provider who is engaged directly or indirectly by Merchant or who otherwise acts for or on behalf of Merchant in connection with Merchant’s acceptance of Cards or the submission of Charges or Credit Vouchers to Servicers, or who otherwise assists Merchant in the performance of Merchant’s obligations under the Merchant Agreement, and includes without limitation any “Agent”, “Merchant Servicer’, “Third Party”, “Merchant processor”, “Data Storage Entity”, “Payment Service Provider’, “Internet Payment Service Provider’, or “Payment Facilitator” who acts for on behalf of Merchant within the meaning of the Operating Rules, and any other person or entity who will store transmit, process, or otherwise have access to, any Cardholder or card transaction data in connection with Merchant’s performance of Merchant’s obligations under the Merchant Agreement. 1.9.3. To the extent that you inadvertently or unintentionally accept a transaction that you are not registered to accept, such transaction will downgrade and you will be charged the Non-Qualified Rate or, if you are utilizing the Enhanced Recovery Reduced Discount option, you will be charged the Enhanced Recovery Reduced Rate on the volume of said transaction that Client was not registered to accept, in addition to the difference between the MasterCard / Visa/Discover Network Qualified Rate agreed to in Section 9 of the Service Fee Schedule and the actual interchange rate assessed to the downgraded transaction. 1.9.4. Based upon your choice to accept only the Card types indicated in the application, you must remove from your premises any existing signage indicating that you accept all Visa, MasterCard or Discover Network Cards and use approved specific signage reflecting your policy of accepting only Non-PIN Debit or Credit Cards. 1.9.5. EvenifyouelectnottoacceptNon-PINDebitCardtransactionsasprovidedabove, you may still accept PIN Debit Card transactions if you have signed up for PIN Debit Card Services. 1.10. Deposits of Principals. Owners, partners, officers and employees of your business establishment, and the guarantors who signed the Application, are prohibited from submitting Sales Drafts or Credit Drafts transacted on their own personal Cards, other than transactions arising from bona fide purchases of goods or services in the ordinary course of your business. Such use in violation of this Section 1.10 is deemed a cash advance, and cash advances are prohibited. 1.11. Merchants in the Lodging Industry. 1.11.1. Generally. There are additional rules and requirements that apply to merchants in the lodging industry for practices including, but not limited to, Guaranteed Reservations and charges for no shows, advance deposits, overbookings, and priority checkout. If you are a merchant in the lodging industry, you must contact us for these additional rules and requirements. Failure to do so could result in additional charges or termination of this Agreement. 1.11.2. Lodging Service Programs. In the event you are a lodging merchant and wish to participate in Visa’s and/or MasterCard’s lodging services programs, please contact your sales representative or relationship manager for details and the appropriate MasterCard and Visa requirements. 1.11.3. Written Confirmation of Guaranteed Reservations. You must provide the Cardholder with written confirmation of a guaranteed reservation. The confirmation must contain:

• Cardholder’s name as it appears on the Card, if present. • Card Number, truncated where required by applicable law to you or us and Card expiration date if present, unless prohibited by applicable law to you or

us. • Reservation confirmation number. • Anticipated arrival date and length of stay. • The cancellation policy in its entirety, inclusive of the date and time the cancellation privileges expire. • Any other pertinent details related to the reserved accommodations.

1.11.4. Cancellation of Guaranteed Reservations. If a Cardholder requests a cancellation in accordance with Merchant’s cancellation policy and specified time frames, Merchant must provide the Cardholder with a cancellation number and instructions to retain a record of it. If a Cardholder requests a written confirmation of the cancellation, Merchant must forward this confirmation within three (3) Business Days of the Cardholder’s request. The cancellation confirmation must contain: Cardholder’s reference that charges were placed on the Card, if applicable, or a guarantee that a “no-show” charge will not be placed on the Card. • Cardholder’s name as it appears on the Card, if present. • Card Number, truncated as required by applicable law to you or us. • Card expiration date if present, unless prohibited by applicable law to you or us. • Reservation cancellation number. • Date of cancellation. • The name of the Merchant’s employee that processed the cancellation. • Any other pertinent information related to the reserved accommodations. 1.12. Customer Activated Terminals and Self-Service Terminals. Prior to conducting Customer Activated Terminal (“CAT”) transactions or Self-Service Terminal transactions you must contact us for approval and further instructions, rules and requirements that apply to CAT and Self-Service Terminal transactions. Failure to do so could result in additional charges or termination of this Agreement. 1.13. Displays and Advertising. You must prominently display appropriate Visa, MasterCard, Discover Network, American Express and, if applicable, other Card Organization decals and program Marks at each of your locations, in catalogs, on websites and on other promotional materials as required by Card Organization Rules. You may not indicate that Visa, MasterCard, Discover Network, American Express, or any other Card Organization endorses your goods or services. Your right to use the program Marks of the Card Organizations terminates upon the earlier of (i) if and when your right to accept the Cards of the respective Card

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5 PPS1016

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les Draft or Creditthe Card transactired. All of the follccount number mpy of the Sales Dlast four digits

you retain. Mastare solely respofor your state/jurf the Card. Whenes Draft; it does norminal, cash registhe Card. HOWE

ORIZATION, THEFAILURE TO FOLBACK UNDER AINAL MANUALLYT ORDERS SEE Sgnature. Howeveork’s No Signaturr certain conditionsaction; ransaction (includhe goods and/or spants, one shirt”). your merchandise ation code; and ng Business As (“g Sales Drafts, dohe transaction hasreadable or illegibetwork sales usingor employee that or employee that cSales in an amouSales and you mants participating in

es Draft when requetwork transactionCardholder’s signInternet (Ecomm

entage of your tothants conducting zation and settlemsactions can resu

net and other Cansaction and you ccepting a mail/t

ul in reducing themration date of CarDraft, clearly prinnt of the transactichant’s name andpy of the Sales D

, write “MO”; for tein and keep a copze the Address Vtwork ent Transactions, you do not have Atain the 3-digit Cauire that you submorders, it is recommubmit a transactiotions will permit thhas been advisedvide a copy of thesignated by the C

les Drafts and C

ter and ask to spehe Card number, cODE ONLY INDICE PERSON PRESTRANSACTION, Y

t Draft, as applicaon is completed. owing information

must appear on thDraft or Credit Dof the Cardhold

terCard requiresonsible to deterrisdiction; ever the term “impot include the prinster, POS DeviceEVER, IF THE TEEN YOU MUST LLOW THESE PR

A CLAIM THAT THY WILL NOT PRSECTION 3.2; r, eligible mercha

re Program, and/os set forth by eac

ding the approved services involved Do not carry inforreturn and Credit

D/B/A”) name ando not alter the Cas been completedble. This may resug a paper Sales Dconducted the tra

conducted the traunt more than $25ay lose a dispute on No Signature Puested by the Carns, if you are a m

nature so long asmerce) Orders antal payment Card Internet transact

ment records. Disult in fines imposerd Not Present trwill not have the

telephone/ Internm and should be fod.

nt the Cardholderon (including ship

d address (city anaft or Credit Draft

elephone orders, wpy of the CardholdVerification Service

and if you do noAVS, contact us imard Validation Co

mit the Card Validamended that writteon for processing he immediate billid of the billing detae Sales Draft to thCardholder (i.e., b

Credit Drafts


eak to a Code 10 call the POS Help


able, for each Card

n must be containehe Credit Draft orDraft you provideer’s Card numbe

s that Card expirmine the Card

print” is used it refntout from a printe, etc.) and swipe ERMINAL FAILSIMPRINT THE C



ants participating or certain Discoveh program;

currency of the sin the transaction rmation onto a sec/refund policy;

d location (city anrdholder account d and signed. Strault in a ChargebacDraft (as opposed ansaction. For Disnsaction. 5.00 including salof such a Card Sarogram, Quick Pa

rdholder. merchant operatins the full track dand Other Card No

volume reflectedtions using Mastescover Network dd by the Card Orgransactions haveCardholder’s signet or other Cardollowed by you:

r’s account numbpping, handling, innd state required)t that you provide

write “TO” on the der’s signature on e for all Card Not

t receive a positivmmediately. ode number and iation Code with then verification of tuntil after the me

ng of merchandisails.) he Cardholder at by getting a signa

6 PPS1016

operator. p Desk for termina


3. Comp

d transaction and

ed on a single pagr Sales Draft in the to a Cardholdeer. Some states ration dates be account numbe

fers to the proceser attached to an the Card to read



in MasterCard’s er Network transa

ale); (if there are too m

cond Sales Draft;

d state required) anumber, circle or

ay marks and othck or Summary Ad

to Electronic Drascover Network C

es taxes, tip, andale if the Merchanayment Service an

g under certain mata is transmitted ot Present Sales on your applicati

erCard or Visa Cadoes not use anganizations. a substantially h

nature on the Saled Not Present tr

er; effective and nsurance, etc.); C); provided, that yto the Cardholde

Cardholder’s signfile on a form autPresent Transact

ve match through

nclude it with eache authorization rethe sale be requeerchandise has bse manufactured t

the time of deliveature of the Card

al assistance. A CARDHOLDER’


pletion of Sale

d provide a copy o

ge document conhe manner requirer must not incluhave similar reqexcluded from

er truncation req

ss of using a manelectronic deviceand capture the MAGNETIC STRTION, THE SALOU FROM DEFEID NOT AUTHOREBACK. FOR MA

Quick Payment Sactions (see note

many items, comb

and Merchant Accr underline any in

her alterations on djustment to your aft Capture), the pCredits, the Credit

d/or Cash Over amnt fails to obtain thnd/or Small Ticket

merchant categoryin the authorizat

s. You may only enion. Failure to adhards must have s

n Electronic Com

higher risk of Ches Draft as you woransaction. The f

expiration datesCardholder’s nameyou must effect Per, or as required

nature line. thorizing you to su

ctions (see note be

h AVS, you may n

ch authorization request for all Discsted from the Car

been shipped or thto the customer’s

ery. You must alsodholder or person


s Drafts and C

of it or a transactio

stituting a Sales Dred by applicable ude the Cardholdquirements that the Sales Draftsquirements and

nual imprinting ma. If you use an eleCard information RIPE OR IF YOU



Service Program, e below) are not

bine them into one

count Number. formation on the a Sales Draft maaccount. aper Sales Draft t Draft must conta

mount are not elie Cardholder’s Sit are only required

y codes approvedtion request and ngage in mail/telehere to this requirspecial codes (anmerce Indicator.

hargeback. Since ould in a face-to-ffollowing procedu

s; date of transace, billing address aPAN Truncation, aby applicable law

ubmit telephone aelow). Address Ve

not process the D

request. Discovercover Network Cardholder (sent by he service has bes specifications [i.

o obtain proof of n designated by t


Credit Drafts

on receipt or copy

Draft: law and Card O

der’s Card expiralso apply to th

s or Credit DraftCard expiration

achine to make anectronic device (evia the Magnetic


Visa Easy Paymrequired to obtain

e description; e.g.

Sales Draft or altay render it electro

must also containain the signature

gible for treatmenignature on the Sad to provide the C

d by Discover Nethe sale amount

ephone/Internet orrement may resuln “Electronic ComFailure to regist

you will not havface transaction, yures, while they

ction; description and shipping addand must not incl

w, the Sales Draft

and mail order tranerification is spec

Discover Network

r Network Card Ord Not Present Trmail or fax). een provided to t.e., special/custom

delivery of the gohe Cardholder th


y of the Draft to th

Organization Rulesration date or anhe Sales Drafts ots your businesn date exclusio

n impression of the.g., authorization




ment Program, ann the Cardholder’

, “clothing” instea

ter a Sales Draft ionically not able t

n the initials of youof your authorize

nt as No Signaturales Draft.

Cardholder with th

etwork, you are nois $25.00 or less

rders provided thelt in cancellation ommerce Indicator”ter as a merchan

ve an imprinted oyou will assume awill not eliminat

of the goods anress; authorizatiolude the expiratioor Credit Draft yo

nsactions. cifically required fo

Card Not Presen

Organization Ruleransactions.

he customer. (Thm orders] provide

oods or services trough the deliver

N. T E


s. y

or s n

e /

ot A S T N D

d s


n o

ur d



ot s. ey of ”) nt

or all e

d n n u




e d

o ry

• •

• NOTEwhetheincurrinmatch provide3.2.1. complyreferredesignour disencryptransa3.3. CuAmeriJCB, IVoyagWEX 1. Data

THE FFAILUAGREREASO 4.1. Prequirethe reqsecuritMasterAmericrequireincludi

• •

• For thesettlingsale tePersonThe Cadata scomprCISP, of yourYou madditioDetaileDetaileDetaileDetaileDetaile4.2. Da

• •

4. Da

carrier). If the Csignature. Notify the Cardhof the date authreauthorize the You may not reIf you accept or

You may not ac: Address Verificaer certain elemenng additional interaddresses when

ed to avoid high-rDiscover Netwo

y with Discover Ned to as the “desnated protocol. Asscretion, withholdption, may changection is sent by mustomer Servicecan Express/ESAnternational 1-80

ger 1-800-987-6591-800-492-0669 (2a Security


ayment Card Inements to create quirements with wty requirements. rCard’s data seccan Express Dataements. PCI DSSng:

All external conAll connectionsrouters); and Any data reposi

e purposes of thig, transmitting or oerminals, card reans used by you. ard Organizations

security requiremeomise. You agreeSDP and DISC for request or subm

must comply with tonal Card Organized information aboed information aboed information aboed information aboed information aboata Security Req

You must instalYou must protec

ta Security

Cardholder visits

holder of delivery horization was obtransaction.

equire a Cardholderders via the Inter� Complet� Descript� Custome� Transact� Any app� Delivery � Consum� A descri� The sale

informat� Address � Cancella� Date any

ccept Card Accouation Service (“AVnts of the billing archange expensesn submitted for Arisk transactions. ork Protocol for etwork standardsignated protocol.

s of the date of th Settlement until

e at any time uponeans of a browse Telephone NumA or Direct 1-80000-366-4522 91 24 hours)



dustry Data Seca global standard

which all entities thThe Cardholder I

curity program, Da Security RequireS compliance valid

nections into your to and from the

itory outside of theis Section 4, “Meother related proc

aders, merchandis

s or we may impoents. We may in e that you will notor which you ackn

mission of any Auththe data security rzation requirementout PCI DSS can out Visa’s CISP pout MasterCard’s out DISC can be fout the American uirements. You ml and maintain a sct stored data and

one of your loca

time frames and tained. If, after th

er to complete a pnet, your web sitete description of thion of your mercher service contacttion currency (U.Slicable export or lepolicy; er data privacy poption of the transae or disclosure oion to third partiesof merchant inclu

ation policy; and y free trial period ent Numbers throu

VS”) does not guaaddress provided s. AVS is a separ

AVS and still rece

Internet Transas, including, witho” You shall accepese Operating Prsecurity standard

n thirty (30) days r, which supports

mbers for Card typ0-528-5200




curity Standardsd for the protectiohat store, processInformation Secuiscover Network ements (DSR) is dation is focused

r network (i.e., emauthorization and

e authorization anerchant Equipmencessing, including,se and card scann

se fines or penaltour sole discret

t request any Autnowledge we havehorizations, Salesrequirements dests applicable to pabe found at the Program can be fouSDP program can

found at Discover Express Data Secmust comply witsecure network fired data sent across

ations to receive t

special handling ae order has been

postcard or other de must include thehe goods or servichandise return and, including email a

S. dollars, unless pegal restrictions;

olicy; action security usef databases conts is prohibited; uding country;

ends. ugh Electronic Maiarantee against Ch

by your customerate process from eive an Authoriza

actions. Each Inteut limitation, Discpt only those Interocedures, the desds can be verifiedadvance written nthe designated p

pes which are fund


s (PCI DSS). Visn of Cardholder d

s, or transmit paymrity Program (CISInformation SecuAmerican Expreson Merchant Equ

mployee remote acd settlement envi

nd settlement envint” means any an, without limitationners, printers, PIN

ties, or restrict yoution, suspend or horizations, subme provided you sus Drafts or Credit Dcribed in this Secayment applicatioCI DSS Council’sund at Visa’s CISn be found at the Network’s DISC w

curity Requirementh the data securewall to protect das networks, using

7 PPS1016

the goods or serv

and/or cancellation taken, additiona

document that dise following informaces offered; d Credit/refund poaddress and/or tepermission is othe

ed on your websittaining Cardholde

il over the Internehargebacks, but uer match the billinobtaining an Auth

ation. It is your re

ernet Discover Nover Network stanernet Discover Nesignated protocol d. However, the dnotice. You shall rotocol. ded by individual n



sa, MasterCard, Ddata. The resultingment card data muSP) is Visa USA’surity and Compliass’ data security Puipment (as define

ccess, third party ronment (i.e., con

ironment. nd all equipment n, all telecommuniN pad devices and

u from accepting Cterminate Service

mit any Sales Drafufficient informatioDrafts. ction 4.1, includingns and PIN transa

s website: www.pcP website: www.vMasterCard SDP website: http://wwnts can be found arity requirementsata across public methods indicate

vices purchased,

on policies. Merchl delays will be in

splays the Cardhoation in a promine

olicy; lephone number;erwise received fr

te; er account numbe

et. used properly, it ang address mainthorization and wilesponsibility to m

Network Card tranndards governingetwork Card tran for the encryptiodesignated protocnot accept any In

non-bank Card O


Discover Networkg Payment Card ust comply. PCI Ds data security pance (DISC) is DProgram, each baed below) where

access for procesnnections for em

you use in conneication lines and wd other hardware,

Cards if it is deteres under this Agfts or Credit Draft

on to obtain, and y

g, without limitatioactions.

website: www.maww.discovernetwoat American Exprs shown below:networks.

ed in the PCI DSS

obtain an imprin

handise shipping dncurred (e.g., out

older’s account nuent manner:

rom Servicers);

ers, personal info

assists you in redutained by the Issl provide a separa

monitor the AVS r

nsaction acceptedg the formatting, trnsactions that aren of data is Secu

col, including anynternet Discover N

rganizations inclu



k, JCB and AmerIndustry Data Sec

DSS is the name program, the Site Discover Networkased on the PCI DCardholder data

ssing, and mainteployee access or

ection with Card wireless connectiowhether owned b

rmined that you agreement for any ts until you have you will be deeme

on, PCI DSS, SDP’ DSR website


nt of the card and

dates must be witof stock), notify th

umber in clear view

ormation, or othe

ucing the risk of fuer. AVS also mate response. A trresponses and us

d by you and subransmission and ee encrypted in acure Socket Layer (y specifications wiNetwork Card tran




rican Express aligcurity Standards used to identify thData Protection

k’s data security DSS and industryis processed, sto

nance); r for devices such

authorization, cleons and software,by you, Merchant

are not compliant wactual or suspe

read and understed to have done s


p. urity/disc.html. e: www.americane

d the Cardholder’

thin seven (7) dayhe Cardholder an

w when mailed.

r Card transactio

raud by confirminay help you avoiransaction may nose the informatio

bmitted to us shaencryption of data

ccordance with th(SSL). We may, aith respect to dat

nsaction unless th


gned data securit(PCI DSS) definehose common dat(SDP) program iprogram, and th

y aligned validatiored or transmitted

h as firewalls, an

earing, completing systems, point-oProviders or othe

with the applicablcted data securittood the PCI DSSso upon our receip

and DISC, and an


ys d


g d ot n

all a, e

at a e


ty es a s e n d,


g, f-


e ty S, pt


8 PPS1016

• You must use and regularly update anti-virus software and keep security patches up-to-date. • You must restrict access to data by business “need to know,” assign a unique ID to each person with computer access to data and track access to data by

unique ID. • You must not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters. • You must regularly test security systems and processes. • You must maintain a policy that addresses information security for employees and contractors. • You must restrict physical access to Cardholder information. • You may not transmit Cardholder account numbers to Cardholders for Internet transactions. • You cannot store or retain Card Validation Codes (three-digit values printed in the signature panel of most Cards, and a four-digit code printed on the front

of an American Express Card) after final transaction authorization. • You cannot store or retain Magnetic Stripe data, PIN data or AVS data. Only Cardholder account number, Cardholder Name and Cardholder expiration

date can be retained subsequent to transaction authorization. • You must destroy or purge all Media containing obsolete transaction data with Cardholder information. • You must keep all systems and Media containing Card account, Cardholder, or transaction information (whether physical or electronic) in a secure manner

so as to prevent access by, or disclosure to any unauthorized party. • For Internet transactions, copies of the transaction records may be delivered to Cardholders in either electronic or paper format. • You must use only services and Merchant Equipment that have been certified as PCI DSS compliant by the Card Organizations.

4.3. Compliance Audits. You may be subject to ongoing validation of your compliance with PCI DSS standards. Furthermore, we retain the right to conduct an audit at your expense, performed by us or a Person designated by us to verify your compliance, or that of your agents or Merchant Providers, with security procedures and these Operating Procedures. 4.4. Immediate Notice Required. In the event that transaction data is known or suspected of having been accessed or retrieved by any unauthorized Person, you must contact us immediately, and in no event more than 24 hours after becoming aware of such activity. 4.5. Investigation. You must, at your own expense (i) perform or cause to be performed an independent investigation, including a forensics analysis performed by a certified forensic vendor acceptable to us and the Card Organizations, of any data security breach of Card or transaction data, (ii) perform or cause to be performed any remedial actions recommended by any such investigation, and (iii) cooperate with us in the investigation and resolution of any security breach. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if required by a Card Organization, we will engage a forensic vendor approved by a Card Organization at your expense. You must cooperate with the forensic vendor so that it may immediately conduct an examination of Merchant Equipment, and your and Merchant Providers’ procedures and records and issue a written report of its findings. 4.6. Required Information for Discover Network Security Breaches. For security breaches involving Discover Network transactions and/or track data, you must provide us and/or Discover Network with the following information: (i) the date of breach; (ii) details concerning the data compromised (e.g., account numbers and expiration dates, Cardholder names and addresses, etc.); (iii) the method of such breach; (iv) your security personnel contacts; (v) the name of any person (including law enforcement) assisting you with your investigation of such breach; and (vi) any other information which we reasonably request from you concerning such breach, including forensics reports. You shall provide such information as soon as practicable, and the items listed in (i) - (v) shall be provided to us in any event within 48 hours of your initial notification to us of the breach. 4.7. Merchant Providers. The data security standards set forth in this Section 4 also apply to Merchant Providers. Before you engage any Merchant Provider, you must provide to us in writing (a) the Merchant Provider’s legal name, (b) contact information, and (c) intended function. You acknowledge and agree that you will not use, or provide Cardholder data access to, any Merchant Provider until you receive our approval and, if required, confirmation of our registration of that Merchant Provider with applicable Card Organizations. You must ensure that you and Merchant Providers: (i) comply with the registration process which can involve site inspections, background investigations, provision of financial statements, and any other information required by a Card Organization; (ii) comply with the periodic and other reporting required by a Card Organization; and (iii) comply with all applicable Card Organization Rules, including without limitation, those requiring security of Cardholder data. You may allow Merchant Providers access to Cardholder data only for purposes authorized under and in conformance with the Card Organization Rules. You are responsible for all our costs and expenses associated with our review, approval, certification (and recertification as may be required by us or the Card Organization Rules) and registration of any Merchant Providers. Your use of the Services, equipment, software, systems, materials, supplies or resources of third parties regarding your Card transactions processing, including, without limitation, Merchant Providers and any third party lessors or licensors, will not affect your obligations under this Agreement to us which will apply to the same extent as if you had not used them. We have no liability or responsibility to you or others regarding these third parties, even if we referred them to you. These third parties are your agents, and you are solely responsible for (i) determining whether they can meet your needs and standards, (ii) their actions, inactions and compliance with the terms of this Agreement and the Card Organization Rules and (iii) any and all fees, costs, expenses and other obligations owed to them by you or owed by them to us or to Card Organizations. 4.7.1 Processors. As your Processor, we are responsible for PCI DSS compliance with respect to the security of Cardholder data that we possess, otherwise store, or transmit on your behalf to the extent that our possession, storage or transmission of Cardholder data could impact the security of your Cardholder data environment. Notwithstanding the previous sentence; we are not liable for (i) any Cardholder data possessed, otherwise stored, or transmitted on our behalf by a PCI DSS validated Merchant Provider under contract with us, or by you in accordance with section 4.7; (ii) Cardholder data that has been compromised due to an error or omission by you, your employee(s), contractors, agents or affiliates; and (iii) due to the gross negligence of you, your employee(s), contractors, agents or affiliates. We may annually, upon your written request, provide you with a document or representation, demonstrating that we have obtained a valid Attestation of Compliance (AOC). 4.8. Noncompliance Fees. If we have not received receipt of your validation of compliance with your PCI DSS standards within the first 90 days of the date of the Agreement, you will be charged a monthly non-compliance fee as set forth in the Application or as otherwise communicated to you, for the period beginning upon expiration of the 90 day period, until such time as you are compliant or this Agreement is terminated, whichever comes first. This monthly non-compliance fee is in addition to any and all other fees for which you are responsible related to your failure to be compliant as required hereunder. 4.9. Costs. If you or a Merchant Provider (or other Person used by you) are determined by any Card Organization, regardless of any forensic analysis or report, to be the likely source of any loss, disclosure, theft or compromise of Cardholder data or Card transaction information (together, “Compromised Data Events”) and regardless of your belief that you have complied with the Card Organization Rules or any other security precautions and are not responsible for the Compromised Data Event, you must promptly pay us for all related expenses, claims, assessments, fines, losses, costs, and penalties and Issuer reimbursements imposed by the Card Organizations against us (together, “Data Compromise Losses”). In addition to the foregoing, you must also pay us promptly for all expenses and claims made by Issuers against us alleging your responsibility for the Compromised Data Event, apart from any claim procedures administered by the Card Organizations. Each authorization request you submit to us must fully comply with the applicable provisions of this Agreement. Submission of an authorization request that does not fully comply may result in assessment of additional fees to you, a declined authorization response or a Chargeback to you. You must obtain an Authorization Approval Code from us (or a Person, as provided in Section 5.4) for all transactions. A positive authorization response for MasterCard remains valid for seven (7) days for electronic processed transactions. For true paper merchants for MasterCard and Visa transactions the Authorization remains valid for thirty (30) days. A positive authorization response for Discover Network transactions remains valid for ninety (90) days. Failure to settle within these timeframes may result in a late presentment Chargeback. Failure to obtain an Authorization Approval Code for a sales transaction may result in a Chargeback and/or the termination of your Agreement.

5. Aut Approvan Aut Do notprovidemay nApprovquestio An Autpresen If you acceptto you ChargeIf you receivi If you fin an Abe resCode d For Caaccept You man appattempFor MaAuthor5.1. Cawith resubmitNOTECardhPresen5.2. Au

5.3. Au•

5.4. ThDial, liAuthorauthorauthorIF YOCUSTOCHARAUTHOIf you of inforIf you u


val Codes can be thorization Approv

t attempt to obtainer provides you wot be valid. Even val Code from somoned in a Chargeb

thorization Approvnting the Card is th

obtain Address Vt the transaction. does not match

eback. receive a Referraing a Referral resp

fail to obtain an AAuthorization Appponsible. These cdirectly from your

ards other than Mtance for each.

may not attempt toproval of the sale pt multi-transactioasterCard transacrization. ard Not Present espect to transactt the Card Validat: For each Card

holder using the nt transaction. uthorization via T

Call your desigauthorization reIf advised to picYou will bear alto retain a CaForwardtheCardOn occasion, thso, clearly writeIf the sale is debe interpreted a

uthorization via EIf you use an elother methods wIf your terminal or may require most terminal pIf a terminal is responsible for Until the terminusing a touchtoApproval Code

hird Party Authoability resulting frrization Approval rization provided brization source anU CONTRACTEDOMER SERVICE

RGEBACKS ON ORIZATION, THUutilize another aurmation to our sysuse a third party a

obtained throughval Code, whether

n an Authorizationwith either an auth

if the transactionmeone other thanback.

val Code only indhe rightful Cardho

Verification, you mA transaction canthe billing addres

al response to an ponse you may no

Authorization Apprroval Code), yourcurrently range froterminal before s

MasterCard, Visa,

obtain multiple afrom other authons and/or multi-auctions, automated

Transactions. Ytions where the Ction Code with thed Not Present DAddress Verifica

Telephone (Othenated voice autho

epresentative. ck up a Card, usel responsibility for

ard without the Idto:Attn:RewardsDhe Authorization Ce the appropriate idclined, please rem

as a reflection of thElectronic Deviclectronic terminal will result in additimalfunctions, refeterminal programroblems are tempmoved or if wiresany service chargal becomes opera

one phone. Durinand to imprint the

orization System.rom discrepanciesCodes obtained

by a third party ad submit it to us wD TO USE ONE E. OTHERWISE,YOUR BEHALF

US REDUCING YOthorization netwo

stems and those oauthorization netw

h your POS Terminr or not the transa

n Approval Code phorization numbern is initially procesn us, we will not h

icates the availabolder, nor is it a pr

must review the AVn receive an Authoss on file at the Is

attempted authorot attempt anothe

roval Code or if yor transaction may om $25 to $150 pubmitting a transa

American Expres

authorizations for arization sources. uthorizations, you d fuel dispensers

You must obtain thCard is not presene first authorizatioDiscover Netwoation System (A

er Than Terminalorization toll free

e reasonable andr claims, liabilitiesIssuer’s direct reDepartment,P.O.B

Center will ask youdentification sourcmember that our ohe Cardholder’s ces. to obtain an Authonal charges to yer to your Quick Rming or replacem

porary in nature ans are disconnecteges incurred for reable, you must cag this time, each

ese transactions c. If you have conts with that netwofrom another aut

authorization systewithin the time fram

OF OUR AUTHO WE WILL BE . THIS DELAY OUR OPPORTUNrk, you will be resof third party authowork, you must als


nal or a Voice Resaction is approved

provided by someor or with a telephssed and funded,have the supportin

bility of credit on aromise or guarante

VS response sepaorization Approva

ssuer. If the autho

rization, you may r authorization on

ou submit a Card result in a Charg

per transaction. Toaction for settleme

ss and Discover N

a single transactioInstead, request aare subject to a Cmust ensure tha

he 3-digit Card Vant (e.g., telephoneon request only, anrk transaction,

AVS), and if you d

/ Electronic Devnumber and ente

peaceful means s, costs and expenequest or failure Box5019,Hagerstou to obtain identifice and numbers inoperators are onlycreditworthiness. T

horization Approvaou.

Reference Guide, ment. During the pnd are quickly cored, causing malfueactivation of the tall your designatedh transaction musould result in a Chracted with anoth

ork must be resolvthorization serviceem is challenged me specified on thORIZATION SER


NITY TO REVERSsponsible for the dorization networksso comply with Se

9 PPS1016

sponse Unit (“VR.

one other than usone number for o it may be charge

ng records and wi

n account at the tee that you will no

arately from the aal Code from the Iorized Cardholder

not submit the tran the same Card th

transaction after reback and may bo avoid these cosent.

Network or for che

on. If a sale is decanother form of paChargeback, Cardt completion mes

alidation Code (CVe, mail or internetnd not with subseyou must also do not receive a

vice Users). er the authorizatio

to do so, and donses as a result o

to use reasonaown,MD21740. Yoication from the Cn the space providy relaying a messaThe Cardholder sh

al Code, all sales

if necessary, or cperiod in which yorrected. nction, call the POterminal. d voice authoriza

st be imprinted ushargeback to yourer authorization nved between youe organization. Sin a Chargeback

he Chargeback doRVICES, DO NOTSUCCESSFULLYANTLY DECREASE A CHARGEBAdowngrade of anys (see Section 18)

ection 4.7.

U”). Any fees rela

s except as descriobtaining authorized back at a laterill be unable to ve

time the authorizaot be subject to a

authorization respIssuer even if AVSr disputes such a

ansaction withouthrough your POS

receiving a declinbe assessed finessts and related Ch

eck acceptance, y

clined, do not takayment. If you acd Organization finessages are subm

VV2, CVC2, CID)t sales). Howeverequent recurring tverify the name

a positive match

on information int

o not take any actof any action by yable, lawful meaou may be paid a

Cardholder before ded on the Sales age from the Issuhould be instructe

s should be autho

call the POS Helpour terminal is not

OS Help Desk im

tion toll free numsing a manual Imr account.

network to obtain Cu and that networuch Chargebacks

k, you must obtainocumentation. T USE ANOTHERY RESEARCH AASE YOUR TIMACK. y transactions to a).

ated to authorizati

bed in Section 5.4zations, the Author date. Also, if yoerify that you rece

ation is requestedChargeback.

ponse and make yS is unavailable otransaction, you

t calling for and reS Terminal.

ne (even if a subses or fees by the Cahargebacks, alway

you must follow th

ke alternative meaccept and processes and/or cancellaitted for MasterC

) and submit this Cr, for recurring traransaction authore and billing ad

h, do not process

to the VRU using

tion that will alarmyou, your employeans in retaining

reward for the re issuing an approDraft unless otheer. The fact that a

ed to call the Issue

orized through this

p Desk. The problet functioning, rem

mmediately and fo

ber and enter autmprinter machine.

Credit Card authork. We will not res will be passed n proof (e.g., third


a higher cost inter

ons will be charge

4. If a Cardholder orization Approval u receive a purpo

eived the authoriza

. It does not warra

your own decisionor reflects that thewill be responsib

eceiving a voice a

equent authorizatard Organizationsys obtain an Auth

he procedures for

asures with the sas a transaction thaation of your Agreard Cards within

Code with all authansaction authorizrization requests. ddress of the Ds the Discover N

a touch tone ph

m or embarrass thees, vendors or agor attempting toturn of the Card.

oval code. If you aerwise prohibited ba sale has been der.

s equipment. Auth

em will either be cmember to check it

ollow their instruct

thorization inform. Failure to obtain

orization, i.e., yoursearch Chargebathrough to you fod party authorizat


rchange that resu

ed for a request fo

or another servicCode you receiv

orted Authorizatioation if that is late

ant that the perso

n about whether te address provideble for the resultin

authorization. Afte

tion attempt results for which you whorization Approva

r authorization an

ame Card to obtaiat was declined, oeement.

60 minutes of th

horization requestzations you shoul(See Section 1.7

Discover NetworNetwork Card No

one or hold for a

he Card presentegents, that attemp

o retain the Card

are instructed to dby law. declined should no

horizations throug

corrected promptlt periodically sinc

tions. You may b

ation into the VRUn an Authorizatio

r terminal can Splacks resulting fromor resolution. If ation logs) from th



lt from a mismatc


e e n



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Call thJCB, IVoyagWEX 1 Availa All appoperatsubseqprocedhours, 5.5. ALimited5.6. PrIf you practic

• •

• •

• •

5.7. Di•

• • • • • •

5.8. PaauthorsufficiepaymecommeoptionaAn autransaauthorrequire

6.1. Subona fthan thtransa6.1.1. merchthe dis6.2. Tihave nCredit 6.3. M

6. Su

he following for onternational 1-80

ger 1-800-987-6581-800-842-0071

able 24 hours/day

proved sales auttional. All Credit quently receive adures on Electron

contact CustomeAutomated Dispe

d Amount Terminare-Authorization are a business en

ce of “pre-authorizA hotel, motel, oRestaurants muapplicable tax. You must notifyIf the customer the authorizatiotransaction takeVEHICLE RENPREAUTHORIZIf you receive aand receive an Hotels, motels, exceeds the oricodes must be wPre-Authorizatiothe amount “prprohibited. The You should obtathe estimated cyou must securcharges and noThe estimated applicable taxesIf an authorizatiYou do not neeYou must record

iscover Network If a Discover Nyour Authorizatiyour receipt of cannot be chanThe Discover NThe original amThe new amounThe original autThe expiration dA brief reason fo

artial Authorizatirization approval ent to approve theent card, cash, cherce transactionsal for Card Not Prthorization reversction, or the Card

rization responseements.

ubmission of Safide Cardholder anhe one approved ctions, and we maFactoring. Factoant for Card trans

sputes of any suchimeliness. In ordnot received paymDrafts may result

Mail / Branch Dep


other Card types00-522-9345 89

y; 7 days/week.

thorized in this mtransactions mus

an approval. To rnic Data Capture,er Service for furthnsing Machinesals. Records shoufor T&E (Travel

ngaged in providinzation” you must cor car rental mercust not add an es

y the Cardholder odecides to use a

on hold. Provide thes place, a new imNTAL PROVIDEZATIONS. a decline on a tranapproval, you maand car rental mginal estimate by written in the authon for certain estare-authorized” by authorization requain an authorizatiharges. If the acture a positive auth

ot include amountsamount of any ps and service chaon request is dec

ed to obtain a finad the dates, authoProcedure for Retwork Card sale ion Center directlythe authorization,ged. For an authoetwork Merchant ount of the autho

nt of the total transthorization code fodate of the Card; aor the authorizatioion and Authorizfor a partial amoe transaction in fuheck) for the rem, mail order, telepresent transactionsal must be submdholder elects not . In the event th

ales for Merchantnd your establishmby us in our Agr

ay immediately teoring is consideresactions transacteh Sales Draft and/er to qualify for th

ment for submittedt in increased inteposit Procedures

osit of sales and


manner must be st be entered intoeduce the risk of refer to the Term

her instructions on. Records must b

uld include the Ca& Entertainmentng travel and/or ecomply with the fochant may obtain astimated tip amou

of the dollar amouanother form of pahe Cardholder’s a

mprinted and signeERS MAY NOT

nsaction, you musy be subject to a erchants are allowmore than 15% a

horization area aloablishments, are a

more than 20%uest should includon for the initial eual charges excee

horization for the as already authorizpre-authorization frges; and (iv) othelined, no charges l authorization if torized amounts, a

Request for Cancis cancelled or th

y and request a c, but must be canorization cancellatNumber used in trization being cansaction (if any); or the authorizatioand on cancellation. zation Reversal. ount, an amount lull. The Cardholdaining balance ofphone order transs. If you support pmitted if the authto complete the p

hat you wish to

ts Other Than Yoment. If you deposreement with yourminate your acco

ed merchant frauded by another bus/or transaction. Alhe lowest interchad Sales Drafts afterchange rates or fs. Complete the a

d Credit Drafts


entered manuallyo the terminal forf such a Chargebminal Operating I

n processing your be produced for aardholder account t) and Restauranentertainment servllowing general pran estimated Visant to the authoriz

nt you intend to “Payment (e.g., cashaccount number, oed Sales Draft for T INCLUDE P

st wait twenty-fourChargeback and awed up to a 15%above the preauthong with the date oallowed up to a 20, you must authode only the amounestimated chargesed the amount of additional amouned. for lodging accomer miscellaneous occurring after th

the total sum of cand their respectivcellation of Authohe amount of theancellation of the

ncelled before thetion, you must prothe authorization; ncelled;

on being cancelled

Partial authorizatless than the traner is able to use f the transaction. sactions and recupartial authorizatiohorization is no lpurchase. The trasupport the part

our Business. Ysit or attempt to d, then the transacount and the Agred and strictly prohsiness. If you submso if any fraud is ange Discount Raer one (1) week frfees or in a Chargappropriate summ

10 PPS1016

y as “post author data capture. Yback, the Card sInstructions/Userstransactions.

all transactions whnumber, merchant Merchants.

vices (e.g., car renrocedures:

a, MasterCard or Dzation request bey

Pre-Authorize.” h, check, etc.) yooriginal dollar amothe exact amoun


r (24) hours befora fine imposed by variance above t

horization, you muof authorization a

0% (instead of 15%orize the additionnt associated withs and then monitothe initial estimatt. NOTE: Subseq

mmodations mustcharges as dictate

hat date will be accharges (the final a

ve Authorization Aorization.

transaction chanauthorization. An

e sales data relatiovide us with the fo• The Card numb


ion provides an ansaction amount up the remainingFor MasterCard

urring payment traons, a partial authonger needed, a

ansaction sent fortial authorization


You may present fodeposit transactionction may be cha

eement. hibited. Factoring mit Sales Drafts oinvolved, you couate, all Sales and rom your normal pgeback to you.

mary form designa

orization” transactYou may be subjhould be imprintes Guide.) If the te

hose origin and dnt’s name, termina

ntals, hotels, mote

Discover Network yond the value of

u must promptly ount and date of t and a new authoHICLE DAMAG

re attempting to rey the Card Organizthe amount autho

ust authorize any nd the amount au%) variance abovnal amount. Estimh the bill presentedor the charges to ted authorization quent authorizatio

t be based on (i)ed by experiencecepted for that Caamount) does not

Approval Codes on

nges following youn authorization mang to the transac

following informatiber;

lternative to a decrequested by the

g funds on the catransactions, par

ansactions. For Dhorization indicatoa partial amount r settlement must functionality, you

sit of Sales Dra

or payment only vns that arise from arged back, we m

is the submissionon behalf of anothuld face criminal p

Credit Drafts mupayment date, con

ated for your use.

tions into the terect to a Chargebed using a manuerminal malfuncti

data capture are al location, transa

els, etc.) or a rest

authorization at tf the goods provid

call the Voice Authe transaction, aorization code for E OR INSURA

eauthorize. If youzations. orized. If the final additional amoun

uthorized. ve the amount autmating the Authod to the consumeensure that the a(and any subsequ

ons should only b

) the intended len. ardholder. t exceed 120% ofn the Sales Draft(s

ur receipt of authay be cancelled action is submitted ion, in this order:

clined transactione merchant whenrd and select anortial authorization

Discover transactioor must be include

of the total authbe no more than

u must contact P

afts and Credi

valid charges that sales between C

may suspend or d

n of authorizationher person, you wrosecution.

ust be properly contact Customer S

Imprint the comp

rminal, once the back if you receiual Imprinter macons for more tha

automated dispenaction date and am

taurant business,

the time of check-ded, or services r

thorization Respoand the authorizatthat amount mus


u reauthorize prior

amount chargedts, and all increm

horized. If the finaorization amount tr. actual charges mauent estimated au

be for the addition

ngth of stay; (ii) t

f the previously as).

orization for the st any time within fto us, after which

by permitting an n the available caother form of pay is optional for bons, partial Autho

ed in each authorizorized is submitt

n the amount apprProcessor for ad

it Drafts

t arise from a tranCardholders and adebit funds assoc

n requests and/or will suffer any loss

ompleted and subService. Late Subm

pleted summary w

terminal becomeve a Referral an

chine. (For specifian twenty-four (24

nsing machines omount.

and engage in th

-in. rendered, plus an

onse Unit to delettion code. If a newt be obtained.


r to this time fram

to the Cardholdeental authorizatio

al amount exceedto include a tip i

ade do not exceeuthorizations), thenal amount of tota

the room rate; (ii

uthorized charges

sale, you must cafifteen (15) days oh the authorizatio

Issuer to return aard balance is noment (i.e., anotheatch authorized e

orization support ization request. ted for the settleroved in the partia

dditional rules an

nsaction between a different businesciated with all suc

Sales Drafts by es associated wit

mitted daily. If yomission of Sales o

with your Merchan

es d c





e w



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all of n

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Identifinumbeyou muDo notbe retu6.4. ElBatcheAdditioand Crin a pr• A reg• The items, • The B• Any hold th(causin• It is yto Proc• You and su

Exceptyour fiinstituttime a If you NetwoYou acthe settransafrom u

8.1. Re•

• •

• • •

• •

• 8.2. Ex

• •

9.1. ReFor Ma(18) mretain For Dis(ii) thecopiesFor Amof all Sprovidecopies

7. Se

8. Re

9. Re

ication Card, if aper and may result ust make daily det send us the merurned to you unprlectronic Merchaes must be transonally, if you deporedit Drafts to us ocessing fee and/

gister/terminal BatBatch header muetc.).

Batch/deposit totadiscrepancies betheir Media) or beng duplicate billingyour responsibilitycessor. (In some cmust confirm th

ubmit Batches with

t as otherwise setnancial institutiontion is not the BanBatch is receivedhave been classrk transactions ancknowledge and attlement of disputctions. You agrees.

efunds. You must prom

You cannot procFull refunds muhandling chargeAll dollar amounDo not circle or Imprint the Creddiffers from the Never give cashHave the Cardhwithin five (5) caAuthorization is

xchanges. No additional paFor an uneven The Cardholder

etain Legible CoasterCard and Vis

months from the dmust comply withscover Network: Y

e resolution of anys of Sales Drafts fomerican Express: Sales Drafts and e a copy of the C

s of Credit Drafts d

You cannot inteaccount.



etention for Rec

pplicable, and sigin a Summary Ad

eposits. rchant copies (whocessed.

ants: Daily Batchmitted to us by tosit via magnetic for imaging and r/or a Chargeback tch header form must be imprinted w

al must match to thtween the actual

efore sending us g to Cardholders a

y to ensure that thcases, the actual

hat your equipmehout your interven

t forth in this Progn within two (2) Bnk, your MasterCad by Processor. Thified by Discover

nd they will be subagree that if we htes regarding those to pay us for pe

ptly complete and� The acco� The Card� Your nam� A descri� The tran� The tota� For Disc

cess a Credit tranust be for the exes incurred.) The nts and other handunderline any info

dit Draft with the saccount used for

h or check Credit holder sign the Cralendar days maynot required for C

aperwork is necesexchange, compl

r’s account will be

pies. sa: You must secate of each transall requirements

You must securelyy pending or threaor no less than thrYou must submit Credit Drafts or a

Credit Draft to the delivered to the Ca

entionally submit

ges (Credits)

ords for Retriev

gn it. Please do ndjustment or Charg

ich are for your re

ing Requirementhe time indicatedtape, electronic tretrieval, the Medidue to our inabilit

must be filled out fowith your Mercha

he settled/reconciMedia and electrthe copies of theand resulting in Ce actual Media isMedia is sent dail

ent has transmittntion, it is ultimate

gram Guide, Your Business Days froard/Visa/Discover he Federal Reservr Network as havibject to your agreeave not agreed to

se transactions aner item processing

d submit a Credit Dount number and dholder’s name; me, city, state andption of the goodssaction date of thl amount of the C

cover Network trannsaction that doesact dollar amounrefund amount madwritten informatioormation on the Csame Card used bthe original transarefunds for Card s

redit Draft, give thy result in a ChargCredits.

ssary for an even lete a Credit Draf credited for that a

curely retain legibaction and a perio(see Section 3.1)y retain legible coatened disputes, ree (3) years fromthe Credit to Ame

any other transactCard Member or ard Member.

a sale and an off

vals and Charge


not staple or clip geback to you. Ma

ecords); submit on

ts & Media Submd in Section A.2. ransmissions, or a must be batchety to retrieve the Mor each Batch of M

ant Identification C

iled amount displaronic display muste deposit. Otherw

Chargebacks) or w batched correctlyly to your head offted its Batches tly your responsib

funds for MasterCom the time a Batransactions will

ve will transfer suing a Discover Dement with Discovo or do not acquirnd (ii) you will purg, authorization a

Draft for the total aexpiration date;

d Merchant Accous or services; e Credit; redit; and nsactions, the apps not correspond tont of the original tay not be for moreon must be clearly

Credit Draft. by the Cardholdeaction. sales. e Cardholder the eback.

exchange. Just foft (follow the procamount. Then, co

le copies of all Sod of five (5) yea. pies of all Sales Dclaims, disagreem

m the date of the Derican Express dition records for 2as required by ap

fsetting Credit at


11 PPS1016

Sales Drafts togeail your deposits d

nly the Bank hard

mission. of Part III, of thisElectronic Data C

ed daily by registeMedia as requesteMedia. Card, and all area

ayed on the termint be reconciled an

wise, transactions we may not be abley and, depending fice, and forwardeto us at least onility to confirm tha

Card/Visa/ Discovatch is received bordinarily be procch amounts to yoirect Strategic Rever Network. re transactions forrsue directly with tnd other fees in t

amount of the Cre

unt Number;

proved currency uo a refund on a prtransaction include than the originaly written. (Stray m

r to make the orig

appropriate copy

ollow your standarcedures outlined inomplete a new Sal

ales Drafts and Crs for the retentio

Drafts and Credit Dments or litigationDiscover Network

rectly, or through24 months from thpplicable law, trun

a later date solel

ether or to summdaily to us, or, if yo

copies of the tran

s Agreement) in Capture terminal, er/terminal followined by the Issuer.

as completed pro

nal upon closing tnd corrected befo may appear to e to retrieve an iteon the terms of y

ed to Processor fonce daily. Even if at the Batches hav

ver Network transaby Processor if yocessed via the Feur financial instituelationship with D

r any Card type (ithe related Card the Application fo

edit, which must in

used and the signarevious transactioding tax, handlingl Card sale amoun

marks on the Cred

ginal purchase wh

y, and deposit the

rd company policyn Section 8.1) forles Draft for the to

Credit Drafts or anon of healthcare S

Drafts or any othen involving the Catransaction. your Processor,

he date you submncate the Card Nu

ly for the purpose

ary forms. This wour Agreement al

nsactions. If merc

order to be proceand have contracng the procedures

operly (i.e., Batch

the Batch. ore storing the Mebe a new Submiem when requesteyour Agreement, eor imaging.) f your equipment ive been transmitte

actions will ordinaour financial instideral Reserve wit

ution. Discover Network

i) we have no liabOrganization all c

or any non-acquire

nclude the followin

ature of your authon on the original Sg charges, etc. (Ynt.

dit Draft will rende

hen applicable. Yo

Credit Draft imm

y. r the total amounotal amount of any

ny other transactiSales Drafts and

er transaction recoard transaction. Y

for payment. Youmitted the correspumber and do no

e of debiting and

will distort the Calows deposit at a

chant copies are s

essed on the datcted to send the as below. Failure to

h number, date, a

edia (for merchanssion and may bed by the Issuer.either stored at yo

is designed or proed to us for proce

arily be processeditution is the Banthin two (2) Busin

, we will not acqu

bility or responsibiclaims and disputeed transaction se

ng information:

orized representaSales Draft. You must identify

r it unscannable/il

ou should not cre

ediately. Failure t

t of only the mercy new merchandis

ion records for a Credit Drafts. The

ords for the longeYou must also kee

u must securely reponding Credit to t print the Card’s

crediting your ow

rdholder’s accounlocal bank branch

submitted, they w

te of transmissionactual Sales Drafto do so may resu

amount, number o

nts who contract tbe manually keye

our location or sen

ogrammed to closssing.

and transferred tk. If your financia

ness Days from th

uire your Discove

ility whatsoever foes regarding thos

ervices you receiv

ative or employee

y the shipping an


dit an account tha

to process a Cred

chandise returnedse purchased.

period of eighteee Sales Drafts yo

er of (i) 365 days oep images or othe

etain legible copieus. You must alsexpiration date o

wn or a customer’

nt h,


n. ts lt


o d



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n u

or er

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• •

9.2. Prlimits e

10.1. C10.1.1Chargethat, wCardhoYou ar10.1.2for tranwill thedocum

• • • • • • •

A handfrom atransa10.1.3Accoutransaimportnot proreceivetimely HowevOrganFor Visfor arbChargetime. SFor MaChargestrongchargeresponyour SFor Didiscretfor repIf the CreversIssuer attemptransaFor Ammust hChargeprove tNOTEMasterCardhomatterDiscovDue toWe strnotificacodes,Due torecom

10. Ch

You are responDo not process merchant wouldYOU ARE RESOTHERS FROM

rovide Sales andestablished by Ca

Chargebacks. . Generally. Botheback may occur

whenever possibleolder, in which care responsible for . Transaction Donsaction documenen forward your re

mentation request,Make a legible cWrite the ‘case If applicable, maIf a Credit transLetters are not aFax or mail legiIf you fax your rhelp determine Additionally, plegraphics on theIf we do not recto a Chargebac

dling fee may be ca difference in thection date. . Chargeback Prnt for numerous rction documentattant that you resocess a Credit traed may not be recand, in our sole

ver, representmeization guidelinessa Chargebacks:

bitration before Viseback is upheld, Such fees and penasterCard Chargeeback. In such evly that it is an inv

es a $250 filing fnsible for all such

Settlement Accounscover Network Ction of Processor

presentment requeChargeback is noal rights are forfeon your behalf. T

pts are not a guaction amount if ac

merican Express Chave responded eback, and providthat you already is: Discover NetworCard and Visa Colder. Discover Nr, except as requiver Network. o Card Organizatiorongly recommenation (e.g., rental , with amounts ano the short time fmend the followin

hargebacks, Re

sible for paying ala Credit transacti

d be financially resSPONSIBLE TO M SUBMITTING Cd Credit Drafts. Y

ard Organization R

h the Cardholderr. As a result, we e, you contact thease Discover Netw

all Chargebacks, ocumentation Rentation. We will foesponse to the Iss immediately retricopy, centered onnumber’ from the ake copies of a hoaction has been pacceptable substible copies of the Sresponse, please where the docum

ease set the scan documentation tr

ceive a clear, legibk for “non-receipt”charged by the Ise following inform

rocess. Regardlereasons (see beloion. Due to the sspond to a Chargansaction once acoverable and thediscretion, suffic

nt and/or reversa. Representment If we reverse thesa. Visa currentlyyou will be responalties will be debebacks: If we revevent, at the discrevalid Chargeback,fee and a $250 rfees and any oth

nt or settlement fuChargebacks: If Dand on your beha

ests and an arbitraot disputed within eited. Our only altThis process can tarantee that any fccepted in additionChargebacks: Youto the original in

de all supporting dssued a Credit to rk does not offer g

Card Organization Network rules andired for acceptan

on Rules, you mayd that you includeagreement, imprd dates, are locatrames and the su


etrievals and Ot

ll refunds submitteion once a Chargesponsible for the cSECURE YOUR

CREDITS THAT DYou must provide

Rules. You are res

r and the Issuer hwill debit your Se

e Cardholder dirework rules and reg

our Chargeback equests. In someorward the requessuer. If you fail to eve the requested

n 8-1/2 x 11-inch prequest for transa

otel folio, car rentaprocessed, a copytutes for Sales DrSales Draft(s) andset your fax mach

mentation receivedresolution on you

ransmitted and heble and complete c” for which there issuer and will be d

mation on the Sale

ess of whether yoow). If the Issuer sshort time requirgeback notificat

a Chargeback is re merchant would ient to warrant a al is/are ultimateor reversal is not Chargeback and

y charges a $250 onsible for all suchbited from your Serse the Chargebaetion of Processo we may, on youeview fee. If a der penalties imponds, in addition to

Discover Network alf and at your reqation fee as publisthe applicable tim

ternative, for Visatake up to six (6) funds will be collen to any processinu may request a Cnquiry within the documentation to the Card Membe

good faith collectioRules require tha

d regulations, howce of Discover N

y not re-bill a Carde a detailed rebutrinted portion of tted). upporting docume

her Debits


ed to us on your meback is receivedcredit as well as th

R TERMINALS ADO NOT REFLECe all Sales Drafts sponsible for any d

have the right to ettlement Accounectly to resolve a gulations expressfees, and related

e cases, before a t to you. You mustimely respond, w

d Sales Draft(s) uspaper (only one (1action documentaal agreement, may of the Credit Drarafts. d Credit Drafts, if ahine to print your originated from s

ur fax machine to elps reduce the nucopy of the transas no recourse. debited from your es Draft and the

ou respond to a tsubmits a Chargerements imposedion and transactreceived; the Issube financially resrepresentment o

ely contingent upa guarantee that

d represent the trafiling fee and a $h fees and any otttlement Account

ack and represent or, we will debit yr behalf and at yoecision is made

osed by MasterCao the Chargeback.rejects our repres

quest, submit the shed in their fee sme limits set fortha and MasterCardmonths and mus

ected on your beng fees that are chChargeback rever

specified timefrasubstantiate the er for the amount oon for Acquirers.

at a merchant makwever, prohibit yoetwork transactio

dholder after a Chttal letter along wihe invoice or Sal

entation necessar

12 PPS1016

merchant account. Credits issued ahe Chargeback.

AND TO INSTITUT BONA FIDE REand Credit Draftsdeficiencies in Ca

10. Char

question or dispt or settlement fudisputed transacly prohibit you frocosts arising fromChargeback is in

st respond to the we will so notify thsing the following

1) Sales Draft per ation on each copyil/phone/internet o

aft is also required

applicable, to the fax number and n

should additional rthe highest settin

umber of illegible faction documenta

Settlement Accoutransmitted recor

transaction documback, we will sendd by MasterCardtion documentatuer will credit theponsible for the C

of the transaction pon the Issuer athe Chargeback h

ansaction to the Is250 review fee. Ifther applicable feor settlement fundthe transaction to

your Settlement Aour request, submin favor of the C

ard as they may c. sentment requestmatter for disputechedule. by MasterCard, V

d non-fraud Chargt meet the Issuerhalf. Issuers normharged by us. rsal if the Chargebame, request theerror. If a Chargebof the disputed cha

ke a good faith atu and/or us from

ons, and require y

hargeback is receith all pertinent does Draft; the port

ry to successfully

t. We assume no rafter a Chargebac

UTE APPROPRIAETURNS OR REIMs or other transactard transaction dat

rgebacks, Ret

pute a transactionunds for the amouction or Chargebaom contacting the m your transactionitiated, the Issuerrequest within thehe Issuer and a C guidelines: page).

y /page. order form, or othed.

fax number or maname on the docuresearch be requing. The higher resfulfillments and/or

ation within the tim

unt or settlement rd: Merchant nam

mentation requestd you a Chargebad, Visa, Discovertion request withe Cardholder’s acCredit as well as th

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13 PPS1016

• Avoid Chargebacks by adhering to the guidelines and procedures outlined in these Operating Procedures. • If you do receive a Chargeback, investigate, and if you dispute the Chargeback, submit the appropriate documentation within the required time frame. • Whenever possible, contact the Cardholder directly to resolve the dispute, unless the dispute relates to a Discover Network Cardholder, in which case

direct contact with the Discover Network Cardholder regarding the dispute is prohibited by Discover Network Card Organization Rules. • If you have any questions, call Customer Service.

10.1.4. Chargeback Reasons. The following section outlines the most common types of Chargebacks. This list is not exhaustive. For ease of understanding, we have combined like Chargebacks into six groupings. We have included recommendations on how to reduce the risk of Chargebacks within each group. These are recommendations only, and do not guarantee that you will be able to prevent Chargebacks. 1. Authorization Issues: Proper Authorization procedures were not followed and valid Authorization was not obtained. The following scenarios could cause an Authorization Related Chargeback to occur:

• Authorization not obtained. • Authorization was declined. • Transaction processed with an expired card and Authorization was not obtained. • Transaction was processed with an invalid account number and Authorization was not obtained. • Card Recovery Bulletin (CRB) or Exception File was not checked (transactions below floor limit).

To reduce your risk of receiving an Authorization Related Chargeback: • Obtain valid Authorization on the day of the transaction.

� Card Present Transactions-Authorization must be obtained on the transaction date for the amount settled. � Card Not Present Transactions-Authorization must be obtained on the transaction date for the amount settled. However, if

merchandise is being shipped, Authorization must be obtained within seven calendar days of the transaction ship date. • If a declined response is received, then request another form of payment from the Cardholder. • If a Referral response is received, then follow proper voice procedures to obtain a valid Authorization and obtain an imprint of the card. • “Pick-up” response indicates that the Issuer is requesting for the card to be retained and returned back to them. The Card should not be accepted for

payment. Additionally, you can choose to retain the Credit Card and return it to the Acquirer. • Merchants should not exceed any predetermined thresholds for specific terminal types as specified by each Card Organization.

2. Cancellations and Returns: Credit was not processed properly or the Cardholder has cancelled and/or returned items. The following scenarios could cause a Cancellation and Return Related Chargeback to occur:

• Cardholder received damaged or defective merchandise. • Cardholder continued to be billed for cancelled recurring transaction. • Credit transaction was not processed.

To reduce your risk of receiving a Cancellation and Return Related Chargeback: • Issue Credit to the Cardholder for the same account as the purchase in a timely manner.

– Do not issue Credit to the Cardholder in the form of cash, check or in-store/merchandise Credit as we may not be able to recoup your funds in the event the transaction is charged back.

• Ensure customers are fully aware of the conditions for recurring transactions. Cancel recurring billings as soon as notification is received from the Cardholder or as a Chargeback, and Issue the appropriate Credit as needed to the Cardholder in a timely manner.

• Pre-notify the Cardholder of billings within 10 days (Domestic) and 15 (International) prior to billing, allowing the Cardholder time to cancel the transaction. • Provide proper disclosure of your refund policy for returned/cancelled merchandise, or services to the Cardholder at the time of transaction.

– Card present, Cardholder signed the Sales Draft containing disclosure. • If applicable, the words “NO EXCHANGE, NO REFUND,” etc. must be clearly printed in 1/4-inch lettering on the Sales Draft near or above the Cardholder

signature. – Ecommerce, provide disclosure on website on same page as check out requiring Cardholder to click to accept prior to completion. – Card Not Present, provide cancellation policy at the time of the transaction. – Provide cancellation numbers to Cardholder’s when lodging services are cancelled. • Ensure delivery of the merchandise or services ordered

to the Cardholder. 3. Fraud: Transactions that the Cardholder claims are unauthorized; the account number is no longer in use or is fictitious, or the merchant was identified as “high risk.”

• The following scenarios could cause a Fraud Related Chargeback to occur: • Multiple transactions were completed with a single card without the Cardholder’s permission. • Counterfeit card was utilized and proper acceptance

procedures were not followed. • Authorization was obtained; however, full track data was not transmitted. • Cardholder states that they did not authorize or participate in the transaction.

NOTE: Visa Fraud Chargebacks: Chargeback representment rights do not exist if you failed to fulfill a retrieval request and/or provide a sales slip that contains all required data elements. To preserve Chargeback representment rights, respond to all retrieval requests with a clear legible copy of the transaction document that contains all required data elements within the required timeframe that is specified by the retrieval request. To reduce your risk of receiving a Fraud Related Chargeback: Card Present Transactions:

• Obtain an Authorization for all transactions. • If you are utilizing an electronic device to capture card information, swipe all Card transactions through your electronic authorization device to capture

Cardholder information and ensure the displayed Cardholder number matches the number on the Card. • If you are unable to swipe the Card or if a Referral response is received, imprint the Card using a valid imprinting device that will capture the embossed

Card and merchant information. Do not alter the imprint on the draft in any way. Manually entering the information into the terminal does not protect you from this type of Chargeback. All pertinent information relating to the transaction must be written on the manually imprinted draft (transaction date, dollar amount, authorization code and merchandise description) along with the Cardholder signature.

NOTE: Do not imprint on the back of a signed Sales Draft. The imprint must be on the transaction document that contains all transaction elements to prove the Card was present at the time of the transaction.

• Obtain the Cardholder signature for all transactions; ensure the signature on the Sales Draft matches the signature on the back of the Card. • Process all transaction one time and do not Batch out transactions multiple times. • Educate staff on procedures to eliminate point of sale (POS) fraud.

Card Not Present Transactions: • Participation in recommended Fraud Prevention Tools:

– Verified by Visa Program – MasterCard Secure Code – Address Verification Services – CVV2, CVC2 and CID Verification

NOTE: While transactions utilizing these tools may still be disputed, the service may assist you with your decision to accept the Card for the transaction. • Ensure you ship to the AVS confirmed address (bill to and ship to should match).

• Obtain Authorization for all transactions. • Ensure merchant descriptor matches the name of the business and is displayed correctly on the Cardholder statement. • Ensure descriptor includes correct business address and a valid customer service number.

14 PPS1016

• American Express offers fraud mitigation tools for both Card Present and Card Not Present transactions to help verify that a charge is valid. These tools help you mitigate the risk of fraud at the point of sale, but are not a guarantee that a charge is in fact valid or bona fide, or that you will not be subject to a Chargeback. For optimal use of the tools, please visit American Express’ Fraud Prevention Information at:

4. Cardholder Disputes: Merchandise or services not received by the Cardholder, Merchandise defective or not as described. The following scenarios could cause a Cardholder Dispute Chargeback to occur:

• Services were not provided or merchandise was not received by the Cardholder. • The Cardholder was charged prior to merchandise being shipped or merchandise was not received by agreed upon delivery date or location. • Cardholder received merchandise that was defective, damaged, or unsuited for the purpose sold, or did not match the description on the transaction

documentation/verbal description presented at the time of purchase. • Cardholder paid with an alternate means and their Card was also billed for the same transaction. • Cardholder cancelled service or merchandise and their Card was billed. • Cardholder billed for a transaction that was not part of the original transaction document.

To reduce your risk of receiving a Cardholder Dispute Related Chargeback: • Provide Services or Merchandise as agreed upon and described to the Cardholder; clearly indicate the expected delivery date on the sales receipt or

invoice. • Contact the Cardholder in writing if the merchandise or service cannot be provided or is delayed, and offer the Cardholder the option to cancel if your

internal policies allow. • In the event that the Cardholder received defective merchandise or the merchandise received was not as described; resolve the issue with the Cardholder

at first contact. • If the merchandise is being picked up by the Cardholder, have them sign for the merchandise after inspection that it was received in good condition. • Do not charge the Cardholder until the merchandise has been shipped, ship according to the agreed upon terms and obtain signed Proof of Delivery from

the Cardholder. • If unable to provide services or merchandise, issue a Credit to Cardholder in a timely manner. • Accept only one form of payment per transaction and ensure the Cardholder is only billed once per transaction. • Do not bill Cardholder for loss, theft or damages unless authorized by the Cardholder.

5. Processing Errors: Error was made when transaction was processed or it was billed incorrectly. The following scenarios could cause a Processing Error Chargeback to occur:

• Transaction was not deposited within the Card Organization specified timeframe. • Cardholder was issue a Credit Draft; however, the transaction was processed as a sale. • Transaction was to be processed in a currency other than the currency used to settle the transaction. • The account number or transaction amount utilized in the transaction was incorrectly entered. • A single transaction was processed more than once to the Cardholder’s account. • Cardholder initially presented Card as payment for the transaction; however Cardholder decided to use an alternate form of payment. • Limited amount or self-service terminal transaction was processed for an amount which is over the pre-determined limit.

To reduce your risk of receiving a Processing Error Related Chargeback: • Process all transactions within the Card Organization specified timeframes. • Ensure all transactions are processed accurately and only one time.

NOTE: In the event that a transaction was processed more than once; immediately issue voids, transaction reversals or Credits. • Ensure that credit transaction receipts are processed as Credits and sale transaction receipts are processed as sales. • Ensure all transactions received a valid Authorization Approval Code prior to processing the transaction and obtain a legible magnetic swipe or imprinted

Sales Draft that is signed. • Do not alter transaction documentation or make any adjustments unless the Cardholder has been contacted and agrees to any modifications of the

transaction amount. • Ensure limited amount, self-service and automated fuel dispenser terminals are set properly to conform to the pre-determined limits.

6. Non Receipt of Information: Failure to Respond to a Retrieval Request or Cardholder Does Not Recognize The following scenarios could cause Non Receipt of Information Chargeback to occur:

• The transaction documentation was not provided to fulfill the retrieval request. • The retrieval request was fulfilled with an illegible Sales Draft or was an invalid fulfillment (incorrect sales draft or sales draft did not contain required

information which may include signature). • The Cardholder does not recognize or is unfamiliar with the transaction due to the merchant name and / or location not matching the name and / or

location where the transaction took place. To reduce your risk of receiving a Non Receipt of Information Related Chargeback:

• Provide a clear and legible copy of the Sales Draft that contains all required data elements within the required timeframe that is specified on the retrieval request.

• Ensure that the most recognizable merchant name, location and/or customer service phone number is provided on all transactions. • Retain copies of all transaction documentation for the required timeframe that is specified by each Card Organization. • Develop efficient methods to retrieve transaction documentation to maximize ability to fulfill requests.

10.2. Other Debits. We may also debit your Settlement Account or your settlement funds in the event we are required to pay Card Organization fees, charges, fines, penalties or other assessments as a consequence of your sales activities. Such debits shall not be subject to any limitations of time specified elsewhere in the Agreement, including, without limitation the following, which we may add to or delete from this list as changes occur in the Card Organization Rules or our Operating Procedures pursuant to Section 15:

• Card Organization fees, charges, fines, penalties, registration fees, or other assessments including any fees levied against us or any amount for which you are obligated to indemnify us.

• Currency conversion was incorrectly calculated. NOTE: For Discover Network transactions, you are not permitted to convert from your local Discover Network approved currency into another currency, nor may you quote the price of a transaction in U.S. Dollars if completed in another approved currency.

• Discount Rate not previously charged. • Reversal of deposit posted to your account in error. • Debit for Summary Adjustment not previously posted. • Reversal of Credit for deposit previously posted. • Debit for Chargeback never posted to your account. • Debit for EDC Batch error fee. • Card Organization Merchant Chargeback/fraud monitoring fees – excessive Chargeback handling fees. • Failure of transaction to meet Member Controller Authorization Service (“MCAS”) – Cardholder account number on exception file. • Original transaction currency (foreign) not provided. • Travel Voucher exceeds maximum value. • Debit and/or fee for investigation and/or Chargeback costs related to this Agreement, or for costs related to our collection activities in an amount no less

than $100.00. • Costs arising from replacement or damage to equipment rented. • Payment of current or past due amounts for any equipment purchase, rental or lease.

• • • •

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Date of sale/CreCardholder’s acTotal amount ofInclude a dated(You should retthe control numImmediately faxIf you have anRepresentative transaction doc

order additional splies (based on u

an EMERGENCY,very service, the ommend that you

Change of Settlemer Service or yocan Express CardChange in Your LChange in Compange your companur statement. Other Change(s) ew lines or types d (i.e., paper Sale

eeks to affect this one or Internet traCharges for Chanwise necessary relCredit Reports; Be additional informr business credit rntor (if such persoame and addresprioritypaymentsys

rCard, Visa, Discas, but not limited ces that could circ

may be subject toation of your Agreupplies

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ccount Mainten

ard Organizatio

upplies and My

hant descriptor (naaction date submitandling interchang

nses associated w50.00. sit)Adjustments/Eur Settlement AcRejects: reflected an arithms not included in yunt is unreadable/r’s account numbes Draft submitted.

incorrect/incompated credits, but nDebits and Sumection be faxed orment is for an unry (30) calendar day of the Sales Draedit; ccount number, naf the sale and des cover letter deta

tain a copy of the ber we previously

x or mail the Salesny questions, ple

informs you thatumentation to theupplies, call Custosage) on hand sh please contact Cdelivery chargesstore all supplies

ement Account our Relationship

d), you are also reLegal Name or Stany DBA Name, ny or location DBA

in Merchant Proof business; (ii) c

es Drafts to POS Agreement; and/o

ansactions. We renges to Accountated to account m

Bank Account Inmation from credireports, including on asks us whethss of the

cover Network andto excessive Cre

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on Monitoring

Merchant Bene

ame and/or city, stted. ge fees.

with responding to

Electronic Rejecccount or settlem

metic error. your Agreement (e/illegible. er is unreadable/il

lete. no credits were summary Adjustmen

r sent to the addrereadable or incorrys old, you must rft containing the f

ame and signaturescription of goods iling the reasons fcorrespondence

y used. s Draft or Credit Dease call the Cut additional docu fax number or adomer Service whe

hould not exceed aCustomer Services will be debited in a safe location

Number. If you cManager immedisponsible for conttructure. You muAddress or Tele

A name, address

ofile. You must imchange in ownersDevice); (v) volu

or (vii) change frotain the right to tet Maintenance. Y

maintenance. formation. Clientt bureaus and othrequesting reporter or not a consuy that furnished

d American Expreedit, reported fraudnitoring programs rocedure requiremdit and imposition

ll Customer Serviage) on hand shontact Customer Svery charges will rized use of sales/s and applicable s



state) submitted.

o any subpoena, g

cts. Occasionally, ment funds accord

e.g., American Ex


bmitted. nts. In order to quess listed on the nrect Cardholder areauthorize and oollowing should b

e; and services; andfor requesting a rand all document

Drafts to the fax nustomer Service nmentation is requ

ddress listed on then you have two ma three- to six-mo using the numbeto your account.

n. You may be cha

change the Settleiately. If you accetacting the Card Ost call Customer Sphone/Facsimile(or e-mail addres

mmediately notify uship; (iii) the openntary or involunta

om a business thaerminate this AgreYou may be charg

t and each undersher lawful sourcets from consumermer report was reit). Our privac

ess have establisd and Chargebacor submit suspici

ment modificationof fines.

ice when you havould not exceed a Service using the

be debited to you/Credit and summhipping and hand

15 PPS1016

garnishment, levy

it is necessary todingly. The follow


uickly resolve dispnotification. account number, robtain a valid Authe obtained from y

d • Date and Authoreview of the debittation for your file

umber or address number provideduired in order to

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arged for supplies 11. Acco

ement Account inept payment type

Organizations or cService or your Re Number. s), or telephone /

us of any change ning, closing or liqary party to a banat exclusively condeement if you fail ted for any change

signed individual as, including on pe

r reporting agenciequested, we will ty policy for the

12. Card

shed guidelines, mks, and increasedous transactions a

ns; (ii) Chargebac

ve two months’ inthree- to six-monnumber providedr account.

mary Media. We reling charges.

or other legal pro

o adjust the dollawing is a list of

puted debits and

resubmit the correhorization Approvayour files:

orization Approvat or Summary Adj

es.) If the inquiry i

provided on yourd on the last pag

fully review the on.

left. We will ship

e last page of thisnsible for unauthos and applicable s

ount Maintenan which you receives other than Viscompanies govern

Relationship Mana

facsimile number

to the informationquidation of businnkruptcy case; (vi)ducts Card-presento notify us of any es referenced in t

authorize us and Mersons and compes on persons sigtell such person, a

collection and

d Organization

merchant monitord deposit activity. as identified by a cks and/or increa

nventory left. We th supply.

d on the last page

ecommend that yo

ocess associated

r amount of your the most frequen

Summary Adjustm

ected Sales Draftal Code.

al Code. justment and docs related to prior

r notification letterge of this Prograitem, please imm

you an adequate

s Program Guide.orized use of salehipping and hand

ance ve the proceeds

sa, MasterCard aning those Cards tger and request a

r, you must send t

n on file with us inness or any locat) entry into a loannt retail sales to ochange to the inf

his Section or any

Merrick Bank andpanies named in gning below as a and if we receiveduse of social se

n Monitoring

ring programs anIn the event you Card Organizatio

ased fees; (iii) se

will ship you an

e of this Program

ou store all supplie

with your accoun

summaries/Submnt reasons for S

ments, it is extrem

t with your next d

cumentation to supcorrespondence,

r. am Guide. If a mediately submit

e amount of suppli

If supplies are sees/credit and sumling charges.

of your transactioand Discover Netwto notify them of ta new Agreement.

the request in wri

n your merchant pion; (iv) change in or other agreemone that accepts Cformation in your my other changes re

d their respective athis Guide, and tprincipal or office

d a report, we wilecurity numbers

d reports to trackexceed the guide

on or any related pettlement delay o

adequate amoun

m Guide. If supplie

es in a safe locati

nt in an amount n

missions (depositsSummary (Deposi

mely important tha

deposit. Also, if th

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Customer Servicyour rebuttal an

ies. The amount o

ent via an expresmmary Media. W

ons, you must cawork (such as thhis change. .

ting to the addres

profile, including: (n Card processin

ment with a PersoCard sales by maimerchant profile.equested by you o

agents to from timto obtain individuaer of Client or as ll give such persocan be found a

k merchant activitelines or engage iprogram or reportsor withholding; (iv

nt of supplies. Th

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13.2 My

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Subjecof term15. O

15. S

14. S

y Merchant Benef

You opted to beherein.

Terms and servlogging into youguidelines are h

rovisions in this Seant Operating Gu

American Expressolder. You must novered parties (as

ding “monitoring.”, ishments, or termMember informatioy by the Cardholdre not required to ng information ob

Disclosure and Usat we collect as pss may use the infistrative purposeste the American Ecan Express may istrative, technica

Consent for Ameration (as such infoss products, servic

h may include SMSunications from Ass may be subjectonsent under this ut: You may opt-oer stated in Part IId to important infoConversion to a DAmerican Expressment are greater t

espect to Americau will no longer bect to other paymenNo Assignment osult of American Ees (or both) at you

n future transactionThird Party Benefment that apply to

Your Right to Optctly affecting your Collections from Acan Express Card

American Expresses. Some fees anrocedures. Many nAmerican Expresransactions or to tcan Express Card

rd General Term

ition to the precedting Procedures o

ct to Card Organizminals or other equOperating Proc


pecial Provision

fit Club.

e enrolled in Sign

vices regarding theur merchant portalhandled by SignaP

ection 14 apply toide which can be

s Transaction Danot accept or haves defined in the Dayou may be char

inate the Agreemeon when the accoer. have the Cardhol

btained at the poinse of Data Collecart of performing formation that you

s. American ExpreExpress Network, otherwise use anl and physical secrican Express to ormation may be uces and resourceS or text message

American Express.t to charges or feeSection 14.3 is n

out of receiving mII, Section A.4 of t

ormation about youDirect Relationshs Card acceptancthan $1,000,000. n Express Transae able to submit Ants and services yf Payments. You

Express Card tranur establishments n receivables to uficiary Rights. Amo American Exprest Out of Americarights to accept aAmerican Expres

d unless a Charges-Excessive Dispd assessments arnon-compliance fess Right to Moditerminate your ac

d transactions.


ding Operating Pror General Terms,

zation Rules, Servuipment and localcedures;

ns For America

naPay’s, an Indep

e Program can bel or by contacting Pay. Processor be

o American Expresobtained at www.

ata. The transactie accepted transacata Security Operged a fee as indicent. Where Cardhunt was establish

der re-enter the trnt of sale, informatcted Under AgreeAmerican Expresu provide in the Apess also may use s

perform analyticsd share your inforcurity measures toContact You by

updated) to call yos available to youes) at the telephon In connection wit

es by your telecomot a condition of p

marketing related cthe Program Guidur account.

hip with Americace relationship withYou agree that , u

actions; (ii) AmericAmerican Express you elected to rece acknowledge andsactions, and all iand free of liens,

us, our Affiliates anmerican Express iss, including Amen Express Card Any other paymentss Cardholder. Yback has been exputes You may bre for special prodees and assessmeify or Terminate Acceptance of Amer

rocedures, our Ag, you may incur ce

vices may be perf support functions

n Express


endent Sales Org

e found in its entirthem at 1-800-944

ears no responsib

ss Card

on data you collecction data from, nrating Policy (DSOcated on the Mercholders pay you used), the transactio

ransaction data. Ation obtained or gement. We may ds payment procespplication at the tisuch information t

s and create reporrmation for busineo protect ProgramPhone, eMail, Te

ou or send you co. You consent andne number(s) youth the foregoing, ymmunications or opurchasing or rececommunications ade. If you have opt

n Express. You ah American Expreupon conversion, can Express will sCard transactionseive on your Appld agree that you sndebtedness arisclaims, and encu

nd/or any other fus a direct and inte

erican Express CaAcceptance. Yout products.

You may not bill orxercised, you havee subject to variouducts or services, ents can be avoidAgreement. American Express Car

greement with youertain liabilities an

formed by us or os in connection wi

16 PPS1016

ganization, My Me

rety by going to Si4-1399. This progr

bility or liability for

ce and

ct to facilitate the or shall you provid

OP)). If you fail to chant Processing Asing payment or “on data collected

All information reqenerated during Adisclose to Americssing services or tme of setup to scto perform its resprts, and for any othess purposes and

m Merchant informext or Facsimile.ommunications or d agree to receivehave provided. If

you understand thother applicable seeiving any producand materials fromted-out, you may s

acknowledge and ess if and when th(i) you will be bouet pricing and oths under this Agreeication. shall not assign toing from American

umbrances other tnding source that

ended third party bard acceptance anu may opt out of a

r collect from any e fully paid for sucus fees and asseswhile others may

ded by correcting terican Express hard transactions an

u includes the folld we may termina

14. Serv

our agents, includth this Agreemen

erchant Benefits C

ignaPay’s corporaram is non-transfeany third party pr

ons. Merchants mpguide.

Charge must be ode or have providcomply with this rApplication, we me-wallet” accountto facilitate the Ca

quired by AmericaAuthorization and can Express data transaction related

creen and/or moniponsibilities in conher lawful businesas permitted by Aation consistent w. American Expresr materials via emae autodialed, autof you provide a faxhat the calls madeervice provider th

ct or service or entm American Expre

still receive mess

agree that upon whe annual Americaund by American Eher fees payable bement, but this Ag

o any third party an Express Card cthan ordinary salet partners with us beneficiary of thisnd transaction proaccepting America

American Expresch Charge, and yossments as set fo

y be applied basedthe actions that as the right to mod

nd to require Proc

lowing General Teate our Agreemenvices

ding, without limitat.

Club (the “Progra

ate site at www.sigerable without wrirograms.

must also comply w

or have been provded transaction darequirement, in ad

may suspend Cards (which Cardholdard Not Present C

n Express evidenSubmission, and and information td services includiitor you in connecnnection with Amess purposes, incluApplicable Law. Awith the sensitivityss may use the inail, SMS, text or fa

omated and/or prex number, you co

e or communicatioat are your respotering into this Ag

ess by calling Procages or communi

written notice froman Express Card cExpress’ then-cur

by you for Americagreement will cont

any payments duecharges will be for es taxes; provided

or our Affiliates. s Agreement, and ocessing, directly aan Express Cards

ss Cardholder for ou otherwise have

orth on the Applicad upon non-compre causing such n

dify the Agreemencessor to investiga

erms. If you fail tont.

ation, our respecti

am”) for a monthly or wwtten consent. All p

with the American

vided directly to yoata to, any third paddition to other rigd acceptance prividers may have creCharge has alread

cing one or more any Chargeback

that you provide ong information ab

ction with Card maerican Express Cauding marketing p

American Express y of the informationnformation you proacsimile regarding

erecorded calls annsent and agree t

ons sent to you bynsibility to pay. Yoreement.

cessor at the Custcations from Ame

m us, you will be ccharges that you srrent Card Acceptaan Express Card atinue in full force a

e to you under thisr bona fide sales o, however, that yo

may enforce any against you. at any time witho

any purchase or pe the right to do soation, including feeliance of America

non-compliance. nt with respect to Aate your activities

o follow any of th

ive Affiliates, inclu

y fee as describe

ww.senorpay.comprogram terms an


ou by the arties other than hts and remediesleges at your eated by providingdy been provided


on your Applicationbout you. Americaarketing and ard acceptance,

purposes. uses reasonable

n. ovide in the g American nd communicationto receiving fax y American ou understand tha

tomer Service erican Express

converted to a submit under this ance Agreement acceptance; and and effect with

s Agreement as of goods and ou may sell and

terms of this

out directly or

payment on the o. es for excessive n Express policies

American Expresswith respect to

e provisions of th

uding the provisio


m, d


n n







You agincludiprovidiOrganthe GeOrganhttp://u

17.1. WOperat17.2. UAmericdue froto this 17.3. Aaudit, Accouamounnet duACCESSFROM G17.4. W17.5. Iwithoubecom17.6. YWe arethose n17.7. Yagree 17.8. TYour riwithhorights a


19.1. IpurpospayablIf a trayour aInterchWith rebe subAgreemFor mo19.2. Ato us fo19.3. Tfor all signific19.4. TlimitatiServiceapplica19.5. Sthe eff19.6. If19.7. Tbound credit Settlemwell asto youmaintain full. 19.8. Y

16. O

18. E


17. Se

gree to follow allng without limitating you with at leaization Rules or fo

eneral Terms andization Rules an

We will only be reting Procedures, wUnless otherwise can Express Cardom you. We may Agreement.

All credits to yourChargebacks (incnt for any deficien

nts from settlemene 30 days after thS TO AN ACCOUNT SGRANTING ANY SECUWe will not be liabn addition to any

ut notice, change pme due to you pursYou acknowledgee not responsible numbers do not cYou acknowledgeto be in complianThis Agreement isight to receive any

old settlement fundare being applied

g the term of this A

In consideration oses of clarity, thisle pursuant to the

ansaction fails to qccount (including

hange Fee, as weespect to inadvertbject to payment tment for any suchore information onAll authorization feor settlement. The fees for ServServices as set fo

cantly alter your mThe fees for Servon, interchange, es. All such adjusable Card OrganizSubject to Sectionfective date of anyf you receive settlTo the extent theby the terms of thand debit entries

ment Account is ms for any credit enr account. This a

ained that all mon

You agree to pa

Operating Proce


ees; Adjustmen

ettlement of Ca

requirements of tion, the data seast 20 days’ prioror security reasonthe Operating Pr

nd maintaining cochants/, http:/mas

equired to settle Cwe will initiate a tragreed to in wri

d transactions will also set off from a

r Settlement Accocluding our relatedncies, overages, fnt funds or other ahe invoice date orSUCH AS AN ATTORURITY INTEREST. ble for any delays other remedies avprocessing or paysuant to the termse and agree that tr

for detecting errocorrespond to the a and accept your ce with any federas a contract wherey amounts due ords under this Agreto claims that are

Agreement, you sh

of the Services ps includes the Ap terms of this Agrequalify for your aa different Card ty

ell any applicable tent or intentional to us of our then-ch transaction to then Visa’s and Masteees will be charge

ices set forth in thorth in this Agree

method of doing buvices set forth in assessments andstments shall be zation or other Pen 24.3, we may ay such change or alement funds by w

e Automated Cleahe operating ruless and adjustmentmaintained for amotries in error. You

authority will remaies due under this

ay any fines impo

edures; Card Or

ts; Collection o

rd Transaction

this Agreement curity requiremen

r written notice, anns, certain changerocedures, the Geompliance with t


Card transactions ransfer of the appting to the contrabe net of Credits

any payments oth

ount or other paymd losses), and feefees, pending Chaamounts due to yr on such earlier dRNEY ESCROW, RETA

in receipt of fundsvailable to us undyment terms and/os of this Agreemenransfers to and fro

ors in any Settlemactual account or responsibility and

al and or state laweby we are extendr to become due freement, without re liquidated, unliqu

hall use us as you

rovided by us, yopplication and anyeement and any anticipated interchaype), then, as appsurcharge for thaacceptance of a t

current transactioe same extent as erCard’s interchan

ed for each transa

his Agreement areement and your musiness, we may a

this Agreement d other Card Orgayour responsibility

erson as specified lso increase our faddition.

wire transfer, we maring House (“ACHs of the National Ats to your accounounts due under t

u hereby authorizeain in full force ans Agreement and

osed on us by a

ganization Rule

of Amounts Due


in connection witnts described in nd those provisiones in Card procedeneral Terms will the Card Organicom, and

for Card types splicable settlement

ary, all discount rs, Summary Adjuserwise due, any a

ments to you are es and fines impoargebacks and anou from us, or ou

date as may be spAINER OR SIMILAR A

s or errors in debitder this Agreemenor suspend creditnt, until we have hom the Settlemenent Account informfinancial institutio

d obligation to verw in the recognitioding financial accorom us is expressegard to whether uidated, fixed, con

ur exclusive provid

ou shall be chargy additional pricinadditional pricing sange levels or yoplicable to your prat transaction, all transaction other n fee(s) with respyou would be if it

nge rates, please ction that you atte

e based upon assmethod of doing buadjust your discoumay be adjusted

anization fees, or y to pay and shain our notice to yo

fees or add new f

may charge a wireH”) settlement proAutomated Clearinnt through the Athis Agreement ane the financial instnd effect until we

under any other

any Card Organiz

es and Complian

17 PPS1016


th each Card tranSection 4 above.ns will be deemeddures may becomgovern. You are ization Rules. Camericanexpress.c

pecified in your Apt funds to you. ates are deducte

stments, applicablamounts owed to

provisional and ased by the Card O

ny other amounts r respective Affiliapecified. NOTWITHSACCOUNT, HELD IN T

t and credit entrient, you agree that ts or other paymehad reasonable opnt Account shall bmation you provid

on identified by narify funds are preson of funds in yourommodations to y

sly subject and subsuch Chargeback

ntingent, matured

der of all Services18. Fees; A

ed, and hereby ang supplements osupplements or su

ou inadvertently oricing method, youas further describthan the type anti

pect to such Card was of a Card typgo to

empt to authorize.

sumptions associausiness. If the actunt fee and transad to reflect increa

to pass through ll become effectivou. fees for Services

e transfer fee per wocess is used to ng House AssociaCH network and/nd under any agretitution where youhave given writteagreements with

zation resulting fr

nce Organization

nsaction and to c. From time to tid incorporated inte effective on shoresponsible for stard Organization


pplication. Promp

ed daily. All settlele discount fees wany of our respec

are subject to, amOrganizations. Yoowed to us or anates. AlternativelySTANDING THE FORETRUST FOR THE BEN

es caused by you should any Event

ents of any and allpportunity to invesbe based on the ade, including the aame. sent prior to writinr account(s). you within the mebordinate to Chark, setoff, lien, secor unmatured.

s. Adjustments;

agree to pay us aor subsequent coubsequent commr intentionally accu will be charged abed in Section A.3icipated for your aand/or transactiope elected and apcom and www.mas. All capture fees

ated with the antitual volume or av

action fees withouases, or new feesincreases or new

ve upon the date

for any reason at

wire. effect debits or c

ation, as in effect /or through direceements with us or Settlement Acco

en notice to the fius or our respect

rom Chargebacks

Rules and Co

comply with all ame, we may amto this Agreementorter notice. If thetaying apprised ofn Rules may be uide, as those link

ptly after presentm

ements for Visa, Mwhen due, Chargective Affiliates, wh

mong other thingsou agree that we ny of our respectivy, we may elect toEGOING, NOTHING HNEFIT OF A CLIENT

or any Person. t of Default (see Sl funds, money anstigate such evenaccount number aaccount numbers

ng checks or autho

eaning of Section rgeback, setoff, liecurity interest and

Collection of

any and all fees mmunications), aunications. cept a transactiona higher interchan3 of Part III of thisaccount (includingon and be liable, opproved. will be charged fo

icipated annual voverage transactiont prior notice. s imposed by Ca

w fees charged toany such change

t any time, by not

credits to your Sefrom time to time

ct instructions to or our respective Aount is maintainedinancial institutiontive Affiliates for a

s and any other


pplicable Card Omend the Operatin

t. However, for chere are any inconsf all applicable ch

available on wks may change fro

ment of Sales Dra

MasterCard, Discebacks and any ohether or not arisin

s, our right to dedmay debit or cred

ve Affiliates, or weo invoice you for aHEREIN SHALL BE CO


Section 24.4) occund amounts now dt. nd routing numbeand routing numb

orizing ACH debit

365(c) of the U.Sen, security interes the withholding o

Amounts Due

set forth in this Aall of which shall

n other than the tynge, Discount Rats Agreement and g a different Card obligated and resp

or each transactio

olume and averagn size are not as

ard Organizations us by other Perse or addition is im

tifying you twenty

ettlement Accoune. You hereby auththe financial instAffiliates for any red to effect all suchn where your Settany related service

fees or fines im

Organization Rulesng Procedures, bhanges in the Carsistencies betweehanges to the Carweb sites such a

om time to time.

afts pursuant to th

cover Network another amounts theng out of or relate

duct fees, our finadit your Settlemene may deduct sucany such amountsONSTRUED TO GRAN PROHIBITED BY LAW

ur, we may, with odue or hereafter t

er supplied by youbers, even if any o

ts. You additionall

. bankruptcy codest and our rights tof settlement fund


Agreement (for thbe calculated an

ype anticipated fote or Non-Qualifiein the Applicationtype), you will alsponsible under thi

n that you transm

ge transaction sizexpected or if yo

, including withousons related to thmplemented by th

(20) days’ prior t

t, you agree to bhorize us to initiatitution where youelated services, a

h debits and credittlement Account ies have been pai

mposed by a Car

s, by rd n

rd as


d n d

al nt h s,


or o

u. of


e. o s

e d

or d n. o s


e u

ut e e


e e

ur as ts s d


Organor third19.9. Iand anbusinepercenVisa, MMasterAmericMaster19.10. transamade shorteyour eobligatcontinu19.11. statemoutstanrate pe

20.1. Yregard20.2. Ywithin

21.1. Wfollowi21.1.1you, reother p21. atransa21.1.5transaarising21.1.621.1.721.1.8shipme21.1.921. TOR ANFOR APROV21.3. ISUBCLOST EACH WHETTHAT PROH21.4. NCUMU(INCLULEGALPERFO21.5. N

21. RCons

20. C

ization with resped parties. f your Chargebacny applicable Cha

ess. Each estimatntages reported bMasterCard, AmerCard, American Ecan Express and rCard, American EYou must promp

ction activity, incluwith respect to yor period as provid

expense, in investtion to investigateue such investigat

If you do not pament setting forth nding at the lesseermitted by applic

You shall be respding Chargebacks You shall reimburthe applicable tim

Without limiting anng representation. each Card transepresents a valid purpose; . Each Card trans. The amount cha. each Card trans

ents to you and, ectually delivered ction for processin. with respect to ction is fraudulen

g from that Card tr. each Card trans. Each Sales Draf. You have compents; . You are validly e0. Each statemen1. You are not do2. you have not cng a different mer3. You will use the4. You have not fi5. You own and cction. 6. you will not at ty interest or lien iTHIS AGREEMENNY OTHER PERSA PARTICULAR PVIDED UNDER THIN NO EVENT SONTRACTORS, REVENUES, LOOF WHICH IS H



Representationssequential Dama


ect to your acts or

ck percentage for aargeback handlinted industry Chargy Visa, MasterCa

erican Express anExpress and DiscDiscover Networ

Express and Discptly and carefully uding, activity in tour Settlement Acded in the terms atigating whether ae or effect any sution or any future ay us all fees andthe amount due, er of (i) the per anable law.

ponsible for reimband Chargeback

rse us for any Chame limits.

ny other warrantiens, warranties andsaction is genuineobligation for the

saction representsarged for each Casaction amount isexcept for any dela

to or performed ng; each Card trans

nt or not authorizeransaction or relieaction is made in ft is free of any altpleted one Card

existing, in good snt made on the Aping business undechanged the naturchant category coe Services only foiled a bankruptcy control the Settlem

any time during n the Reserve Ac






; Warranties; Coages

r omissions. You a

any line of busineng fees or fines, geback percentag

ard, American Expnd Discover Netwover Network tran

rk Chargebacks inover Network tranreview statemen

he Settlement Acccount, you must nand conditions thaany adjustments ach adjustments. Ainvestigation. d any other amouthen we may, in

nnum rate equal t

ursing us for all tprocedures.

argebacks, return

es hereunder, youd/or covenants: e and arises frome amount shown o

s an obligation of trd transaction is n only for respectivayed delivery or afor the Cardhold

saction, you haveed by the related ve that Cardholdeaccordance with

ternation not authtransaction per s

standing and free tpplication or other er a name or style

ure of your busineode under Card O

or your own propepetition not previo

ment Account, and

the term of this Account, SettlementE AGREEMENT. WG WITHOUT LIMNFRINGEMENT O






ovenants; Limit


are also responsib

ess exceeds the espay us an excesge is subject to cpress or Discover work Chargeback nsactions in that lin any line of businsactions in that lits or reports provcount and Reservnotify us in writingat govern such acare appropriate aAny voluntary effo

unts due under thour sole discretioto Bank’s then cu

ransactions you s

n items, or other lo

u represent, warra

a bona fide transon the Sales Draf

the related Cardhnot subject to any ve merchandise oadvance deposit Cder entering into

e no knowledge oCardholder or wh

er from liability witthese General Teorized by the relasale; or one Card

to enter into this Ainformation provid

e not previously diess, Card acceptaOrganization Rulesr business purposously disclosed tod no third party se







tations on Liabi

18 PPS1016

ble for any fines o

stimated industry ssive Chargebackhange from time Network. Your Citems in any linene of business suiness received in ne of business suvided or made avve Account, whethg within sixty (60) ccount. If you notand whether any aorts by us to assis

his Agreement won, charge you inurrent prime rate p

submit that are ch

osses resulting fro

ant to and covena

saction permissibft, preauthorized o

older for the amoudispute, setoff or

or services (includCard transactionsthat Card transa

or notice of any hich would otherwth respect theretoerms, Card Organted Cardholder; d transaction per

Agreement; ded to us in suppoisclosed to us; ance practices, des, in a way not preses and will not re

o us; ecurity interest or

ntil all amounts dusaction proceeds tLL REPRESENTA





lity; Exclusion

or fees imposed o

Chargeback perck fee for all Charg

to time by us in Chargeback Percee of business in aubmitted that mon

any calendar moubmitted in that mvailable to you (pher provided by usdays after any de

tify us after such tamounts are duest you in investig

ithin thirty (30) dnterest, for such tiplus two percent

harged back. See

om your failure to


ant with, us, and w

ble under the Cardorder, or Credit D

unt of the Card tracounterclaim;

ding taxes, but wis expressly authoraction simultaneou

fact, circumstancwise impair the va; ization Rules and

r shipment of goo

ort of this Agreem

elivery methods, eviously disclosedesell, directly or in

r lien of any type








on us as a result o

centage, you shallgebacks occurrinorder to reflect c

entage will be calcany calendar mon

nth, or (b) the totalonth divided by thonth. hysically, electrons or others. If youebit or credit is ortime period, we m

e to or from other ating such matter

ays of the date oime that the amo(2%), based on a

e the Operating P

o produce a Card


with the submissi

d Organization RuDraft, and does no


ithout any surcharized by this Agreusly upon your a

ce or defense whalidity or collectab

the Operating Pr

ods for which the

ment is true and co

return policies, ord to us; directly, any part

exists regarding t

reement have behout our consent;






of acts or omissio

l, in addition to theng in such monthchanges in the indculated as the larnth divided by thl dollar amount of he total dollar am

nically or otherwisu believe any adjur should have beemay, in our discrer parties, but we srs shall not create

of our merchant sount and all accrua 360 day year, o

rocedures for add

transaction recor

on of each Sales

ules by the Cardhot involve the use

arge) sold, leased eement, that mercaccepting and su

hich would indicability of that Card

rocedures; and

e Cardholder has


r types of produc

of the Services to

the Settlement Ac

en paid in full, gr;





ons by your agent

e Chargeback fee in such line(s) odustry Chargebacrger of (a) the totae number of VisaVisa, MasterCard

mount of your Visa

se) reflecting Carustments should ben effected or sucetion, assist you, ashall not have ane any obligation t

statement or otheed interest remai

or (ii) the maximum

ditional informatio

rd requested by u

Draft reaffirm, th

holder directly wite of a Card for an

or rented or othechandise or servicbmitting that Car

ate that such Cardholder’s obligatio

s agreed to partia

ts or services sol

o any Person;

ccount or any Car

rant or pledge an


7.2 or 21.5), OURE WHATSOEVER




es of ck al a, d, a,

rd e h at y o

er n m




h y

er e


rd n






R S, S, R S E




22.1. Uany CapurpostransaunreadValidatexcept22.2. Ypersonasset umust b22.3. Yincludistrategprocesadvantobject to any agentsprior to22.3.1confidesafeguinformposses22.3.2to the confidein Clieof the confide22.3.3Exceptours. 22.3.4to us, aredres22.4. Wlaw; prextern22.5. Y22.6. Alayoutsemploybe and22.7. Callegat

23.1. Avoting all liabpurpos23.2. Tagreemcustodmake aassignimmedindemnAgreem23.3. Wperformrequireexpres

22. Co

23. As



Unless you obtainardholder informases of authorizinctions, other thandable prior to disction Codes after at upon our specificYou acknowledgenal information anupon a bankruptc

be returned to SerYou will treat this ng without limitati

gies of Servicers oss, procedure, fortage over its comcode, flow chartsthird parties, prov

s and representato its disclosure or . Our confidentiaential information uard all of our conation or material.ssion or control. . The obligations date of the Agreeence of Client to tnt’s possession ppossibility of discential information.. Except as specift as specifically p

. Client acknowleand money damas any breach.

With respect to anrovided, that we mal) and regulatorsYou shall not assigAll rights, title, ans, processing techyed by us in connd remain, as amonClient agrees thattion of fraud, susp

Any transfer or ascontrol of you or

bilities, Chargebacses of this SectionThe payment Servment that would rdy or control of anan assignment (o

nment unless accdiately, or (c) charnify and hold us hment. Without notice to med with respect ed of Bank for Visssly required by ap





n consents from ution obtained in cg, completing an pursuant to a co

carding, all recorda transaction has c request.

e that you will not d other Card tran

cy, insolvency or frvicers or acceptaAgreement, the C

ion, (i) informationor Bank, their respmula, or improvem

mpetitors; and (iii)s, databases, invevided, however, thives, which Perso(c) generally avai

al information shain confidence an

nfidential informat Upon request by

of confidentiality aement or subsequthe third party andprior to receipt fromlosure; or (v) is su. fically provided forovided for herein

dges that breach ages would be ina

ny information recemay disclose suchs, (iii) as required ogn to any Person,d interest in and hniques, procedurnection with the Seng the Parties, out we may obtain r

pected fraud or oth

ssignment of this your parent shall

cks, expenses, con 23, any transfer vices provided byequire, in any circ

ny Person. You mr provide a securi

companied by anrge for any transfeharmless from all l

you or your conto Visa and Mast

sa and MasterCapplicable Card Or





us and each applionnection with a Cnd settling Card urt or governmen

ds containing Cardbeen authorized.

obtain ownershipsaction informatiofailure of Client’s ble proof of the deCard Organizationn about the producpective Affiliates ament that is comm) all confidential ontions, know-howhat these restrictioon was not subjecilable to the publicall be used by yd not disclose thetion using a reasoy us or upon term

and restrictions onuently came into td which third partym us; (iv) is requiubsequently and i

r herein, this Sectn, no license is he

of the restrictionsdequate to compe

eived by us from C information (i) to or permitted by la, the rights to use to all intellectual res, algorithms, aervices and any ur exclusive properrelevant informatiher actual or alleg

Agreement by yobe considered ansts, fees and fineof voting control s

y us require accescumstance or eve

may not assign anyty interest) of rece

n Authorization toers that we are caiabilities and expe

sent, another VisterCard transactiord transactions, inrganization Rules.





icable Card OrgaCard transaction (transactions andtal agency requesdholder account nIf you store any e

p rights in any infoon, including any dbusiness. Upon aestruction of all Can Rules and any icts, services, ope

and the customersmercially valuableor proprietary con

w, show-how and tons do not apply tct to a duty of coc other than throuou only to exerce confidential infoonable degree of mination of this A

n use in this Sectthe public domainy, to Client’s knowred to be disclosendependently dev

tion does not confereby granted to C

s on use or disclosensate for that ha

Client via its use othird parties as ww, regulation or cthe Marks of Servproperty related tnd methods), own

updates, changes,rty of us. on from any appl

ged wrongful act b

ou, without our prin assignment or trs arising from sucshall be consideress to a single banent, the transfer oy rights, includingeivables covered o both initiate dealled upon to makenses incurred in

sa and MasterCarons. Upon substitncluding without l

19 PPS1016




1. Confidentia

nization, Issuer a(including the namd resolving any st, subpoena or onumbers and Car

electronically captu

ormation relating databases containa bankruptcy, insoard transaction infnformation suppli

erations, procedurs, clients and suppe and secret in thencepts, documenttrade secrets, wheo information: (a) nfidentiality, (b) righ any disclosure

cise your rights armation to any thcare, but not less

Agreement, Client

ion shall not applyn through no fault wledge, was not uned by law, regulatveloped by Client’

fer any right, licenClient under any p

sure of any our corm. We shall be e

of the Services, wwe deem appropria

ourt order (iv) to ovicers, our agentsto the Services (inned, developed or alterations, or mo

licable telecommuby Client in connec

22. Assig

ior written consenransfer of this Agrch transferee’s or ed an assignment k account in whic

of any payments og the right of paym

by this Agreemenebits or credits toke manually to fulconnection with a

rd member may bution, such other imitation, full resp





and Cardholder, ymes, addresses aChargebacks, Re

order. You shall usrd imprints. You mured signature of

to and derived froning such informaolvency or failure formation must beied or otherwise mres, customers, supliers of any of thee sense that its cotation, reports, daether or not paten rightfully obtainedightfully and inde

e by or fault of youand to perform yhird party, except s than that degreet shall return to u

y to any confidentof Client; (ii) was

nder an obligationtion or court order’s employees, con

nse, interest or titlepatent, trademark

onfidential informaentitled to equitab

we will keep such iate to provide the our respective Affs or the Card Organcluding without lr licensed by us podifications to or

unications providection with the Ser


nt, by operation oreement. Furthermr assignee’s Subm

or transfer of thisch we may initiateor proceeds from ment under this Ant, then we may, ao the bank accolfill such an assig

any assignment of

be substituted foVisa and Master

ponsibility for its C





you must not use, and Card account etrieval Requestsse proper controlsmay not retain or a Cardholder, you

om Card transactation, may not be of Client’s businee provided to Servmade accessible uppliers, sales, prem; (ii) any scientonfidentiality afforata, specificationsntable or copyrighd on a non-confidpendently known

u, your agents or ryour obligations has may be agreee of care used by

us or destroy all o

tial information thas received from an to keep the inforr after giving us ansultants or agent

e in, to or under ok, copyright, trade

ation would resultble relief, in additio

information confidServices, (ii) our

filiates as we deemanizations. imitation, the con

prior to, during thederivative works f

er utilized by Cliervices.

f law or otherwisemore, you shall in

mission of Card tras Agreement. e both credits and

Card transactionAgreement, to any at our option, elec

ount of the assiggnment at the ratef your rights, inclu

r Bank under whrCard member shCard program and




disclose, store, snumbers of Cards or similar issus for and limit accstore Magnetic S

u may not reprodu

tions. Cardholder sold or disclosed

ess, all Card transvicers. by us or our agenicing, business pltific or technical inrds Servicers or Bs, computer softwtable and will not

dential basis from by you on a non

representatives. hereunder. Client ed upon in writing y it in safe- guardof our confidentia

at: (i) was in the p third party free o

rmation confidentiaas much advance ts without use of o

our confidential inf secret or other p

t in immediate anon to all other ava

dential in accordanauditors and atto

m appropriate.

ntent of any matere term of, or after from such intellec

ent, as necessary

e, is voidable by undemnify and holdansactions to us f

d debits. You mays covered by thisother person. In

ct to (a) refuse to nee, (b) terminat

e of $100 per tranuding our right to p

ose sponsorship all be responsibled such other oblig

NS 17.4 AND 17.6T WE FUND TH



sell or disseminatholders) except foes involving Car

cess to, and rendeStripe data or Caruce such signatur

account numbers to a Person as asaction informatio

nts as confidentiaans and marketin

nformation, designBank a competitivware, source code

disclose the sama Person and you

n-confidential basi

shall receive ouby us. Client sha

ding its own similaal information in it

public domain prioof any obligation oal; (iii) was alreadnotice as practicaor reference to ou

formation to Clienproprietary rights o

d irreparable harmailable remedies, t

nce with applicablrneys (internal an

rials, web screensthe Agreement, o

ctual property, sha

to investigate an

us. Any transfer od us harmless fromfor processing. Fo

y not enter into ans Agreement to ththe event that yoacknowledge sucte this Agreemen

nsfer. You agree tpayment under thi

this Agreement ie for all obligationgations as may b

6, E




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Subjechereunnotice 23.4. Eshall inin banassign

24.1. T24.2. Tor you 24.3. Nreasonof Defapursuaeffectivsuch fe24.4. If24. latrusteeauthor24.4.1consol24.4.1necessof the specifihereunEvent be due24.5. Nwhich obligatfinally 24.6. Iremed24.7. Ior simthat asset-off 24.8. TAgreemprincipoccurrharmle24.9. Aadjustmthis Ag

As a chereunother con termto us aorder tmay rewhen:(thereonotice additio

24. Te


ct to Card Organnder, in whole or to you or your co

Except as set fortnure to the benefikruptcy, debtor in

n this Agreement.

This Agreement shThe initial term of terminate this Ag

Notwithstanding thn by providing 30 ault as provided ant to Section date of such nee changes shall f any of the follow. A material adver. Any assignment. A sale of all or a. irregular Card saization, or any oture for your Charg. Any of your repr. You default in aon, the establishm. You default in a

ctive Affiliates; or . You default in th. You file a petitio

gement for adjustmaws; apply for or e or liquidator of yrizing any of the fo0. Your indepenlidated subsidiarie1. A violation by ysary to comply witTreasury or youed in subsection

nder shall be immof Default, this Ag

e and payable on Neither the expiraby their terms ar

tions by you to paand irrevocably pIf any Event of Deies under applican the event you fiilar laws, and yous long as you utilizf of the pre-existinThe Card Organizment is terminate

pals to the Card Oence of an Event

ess from and agaiAfter termination ments resulting frgreement.

condition for our pnder, which additicollateral providedms acceptable to and provided all ato perfect in us a equire that all or a(i) this Agreemenf, or (ii) there shaand/or the passa

onal collateral sec

erm; Events of D

Reserve Accou

nization Rules, win part, to any Pensent. th elsewhere in tht of the parties ann possession, or

hall become effecthis Agreement s

greement upon wrhe above or any days’ advance nounder Section 245, you may termi

new fees or increabe deemed your a

wing events shall orse change in you or transfer of vot

a substantial portioales by you, exceher Person, or angebacks or otherwresentations, warrany material respement or maintenanany material resp

he payment when on or have a petitment of debts; coconsent to, or fail

you or of a substaoregoing; or dent certified acc

es; or you of any applicath any law includir breach, as detes 24.4.4, 24.4.9

mediately due andgreement may bedemand.

ation nor terminatre intended to suay or reimburse usaid in full and settefault occurs, regble law, and this Ale for protection u

u continue to use oze the accounts yg obligations. In t

zations often mained for cause, you Organizations fort of Default or for nst any and all claof this Agreeme

rom Card transact

providing Card Proional collateral sed for in Section 25us by a letter of c

agreements (includcontinuing first p

any part of the adt, or the provision

all have occurred aage of time wouldcurity of a kind, a


nt; Security Inte

we may assign orerson, whether in

his Section and asnd their respectiveother person cha

ctive upon the dateshall commence aitten notice to the other provisions o

otice to you. Eithe4.4 of this Agreemnate this Agreemases. However, macceptance of sucoccur (each an “Evur business, financing control of you on of your assets; ssive Chargebackn actual or suspewise present a finaanties or covenan

ect in the performance of funds in a Rpect in the perform

due, of any matertion filed by anothnsent to or fail tol to contest in a tintial part of your

countants shall r

able law or Card Ong without limitatiermined by Servicor 24.4.11, we m

d payable in full we terminated by us

tion of this Agreeurvive or be perpes for any obligatiotled.

gardless of whethAgreement includiunder the U.S. banour Services, it is you established phat event, you wilntain lists of mercacknowledge tha

r inclusion on sucany reason spec

aims which you ment for any reasotions processed p

ogram Services, wecurity shall be of5.4.1 hereof. Succredit issuing bankding agreements riority security int

dditional collateraln of Services herean event which end entitle us to terand in amounts, s



r transfer this Agconnection with a

s provided in the fe permitted succearged with taking

e this Agreement and shall continue

other, or as otherof this Agreementr Processor, Bank

ment. In the eventent without furthe

maintaining your mch fee changes fovent of Default”):cial condition, or bor your parent; oror

ks, noncompliancected data securitancial or security rnts in this Agreemance or observanReserve Account,mance or observa

rial indebtedness her party under tho contest in a timemely and approprproperty; or make

refuse to deliver

Organization Rule on the rules and rcers, of Section 3may consider thiswithout demand ors giving not less t

ment shall terminetual or irrevocab

ons associated wit

er such Event of ing, without limitatnkruptcy code or ayour responsibilitrior to such filing,l be responsible fo

chants who have hat we may be requch list(s). You expcified as cause bymay have as a resuon whatsoever, yopursuant to this A

we may request, if a kind, and in amch additional collatk acceptable to usof third parties) inerest therein on t take the form of eunder, shall haventitles us to termirminate this Agreesatisfactory to us

20 PPS1016

greement and oua change in spons

following sentencssors and assignscustody of a par

is approved by oue in force for threerwise authorized bt, either Processok or we may termit we provide notic

er cause or penaltmerchant account,or the Services, th

business prospectr

e with any applicaty breach, or any risk to us; or ent are breached

nce of any term, c as detailed in Seance of any term

for borrowed monhe U.S. bankruptcely and appropriariate manner, the e a general assign

an unqualified o

or our reasonableregulations promu34.2 (“Compliancs Agreement to br other notice of athan 10 days’ noti

nate the obligationble. Such provisioth transactions yo

Default has beention, exercising ouany other laws relty to open new ac we will not be abor submitting an ahad their merchanuired to report yopressly agree an

y Visa, MasterCarult of such reportinou shall continue

Agreement and all

in our sole discremounts, satisfactoteral security mays, or (B) the pledgn form and substaterms acceptable a Reserve Accoue terminated for anate this Agreemement or the pro

s as set forth abo

r rights and oblisorship, as set fo

ce, this Agreemens. No assignee forty’s assets or bu

ur Credit Departme years after it becby this Agreemenor, Bank or we mainate this Agreemce to you of any ty by notifying us, or your continueroughout the term

ts; or

able data securityother circumstan

in any respect; ocondition or agreeection 25; or m, covenant or co

ney; or cy code or any othate manner any pe

appointment of, onment for the ben

opinion with resp

e belief that terminulgated by the Offce with Laws”),thebe terminated imany kind, all of whice to you, and up

ns and rights of tons shall survive ou have submitted

n cured, we may,ur rights under Selating to bankruptcccounts to distinguble to systematicaaccounting suppont agreements orur business named consent to suc

rd or Discover Neng. e to bear total rel other amounts th

tion, that you proory to us in our sy include, for examge to us of a certifance satisfactory t

to us, are entereunt, established aany reason or anent or the provisio

ovision of Serviceove in this Sectio

gations hereunderth in the precedi

nt shall be bindingor the benefit of crusiness, shall hav

ment. comes effective. Tt. ay terminate this

ment immediately onew fees or incre

s that you are termed use of the Ser

m of this Agreeme

y standards, as dences which, in ou

or ement contained in

ondition contained

her laws relating etition filed againsor the taking of po

nefit of creditors; o

pect to your ann

nation of this Agrefice of Foreign Assen, upon the occmediately, withouhich are expresslpon such notice a

he parties pursuathe expiration or

d to us will survive

in our sole discrection 24 and Seccy, insolvency, asuish pre and post ally segregate yourting any adjustm

r Card Acceptancee and the names ch reporting if youetwork. Furthermo

esponsibility for ahen due or which

ovide additional cosole discretion, anmple, (A) a letter oficate of deposit oto us and all filing

ed into, made andas hereinafter set y party hereto shon of Services hes hereunder, and

on, or (iii) neither

er and/or may deng paragraph, or

g upon successorreditors, custodian

ve any right to co

Thereafter, it sha

Agreement at anor with shorter noteases in existing minating this Agrervices after the effnt.

etermined by Servur sole discretion,

n this Agreement

d in any agreeme

to bankruptcy, insst you in an involossession by, a reor take any action

nual financial stat

eement or suspensets Control of the

currence of (1) anut notice, and all y waived by you,

all amounts payab

ant to provisions or termination of the termination of th

retion, exercise action 25. ssignment for the

filing obligations.ur post-filing transents that you maye rights terminateand other inform

u are terminated ore, you agree to

all Chargebacks, h thereafter may b

ollateral security fond which shall beof credit, if issued

owned by you in ags and/or other acd/or taken as the forth in this Secti

hall have given noereunder or whichd you have not p

(i) nor (ii) above

elegate our dutieotherwise, withou

rs and assigns ann, receiver, truste

ontinue, assume o

ll continue until w

y time and for antice upon an Evenfees for Services

eement prior to thfective date of an

vicers, or any Carmay increase ou

, including, withou

ent with any of ou

solvency or similaluntary case undeeceiver, custodian for the purpose o

tements and you

nsion of Services ie U.S. Departmenn Event of Defau

amounts payabl and (2) any othe

ble hereunder sha

of this Agreemenhis Agreement. Ahis Agreement unt

ll of our rights an

benefit of creditor You acknowledg

sactions or preveny claim. ed for cause. If thimation regarding it

as a result of thwaive and hold u

fees, Credits anbecome due unde

or your obligation in addition to an

d in an amount anamount satisfactorctions necessary icase may be. Wion 25, at any timotice of terminatioh, with the giving orovided alternativ

e in this Section i

es ut

d e



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s ts e s

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applicaadditiosubjecWhene 25.1. YAccoutime todiscret25.2. Tnotice accounsame Agreemfor theChargeinvolveour soAccou25.3. Ifunds i25.4.1relatedpreferecause)contemamounwith anrights, being hrespeccheck instrumin this AS ANFROM 25.4.2approvbe maAgreem(such Settlem25.4.3any seFunds ControSet OfAccou25.4.4interesCertificinstitutestabli25.5. YAccou

26.1. Ufinanciprincipprovisito youaccessAffiliaterecordby us o26.2. Yyour to

26. F

able, but we haveonal collateral secct to the terms anever we require th

You expressly aunt shall be set by o time. In additiontion, may becomeThe Reserve Accoto you. Such Re

nts held by Bank are authorized sment by any party

e greater of ten (1ebacks in accordement by an indeple discretion, pursnt shall not accruef your funds in thin the Reserve Ac. To secure your

d services (includential, set aside o), you grant to usmplated by this Agnts now or hereaftny other funds of we are hereby au

hereby expressly ctive Affiliates undservices), whethe

ments and documAgreement. NOTW

N ATTORNEY ESCGRANTING ANY . To the extent fved by Bank, and intained at Bank, ment”) among youinvestment accoument Account Ban. For sake of clar

ettlement monies will be held in a c

ol Account, separaff Funds from thent will be under th. If in replacemen

st in and to one ocate of Deposit ation that has estaish and issue the You acknowledgent pursuant to this

Upon request, yoial statements with

ples. You will alsions of this Agree in connection ws and use informaes, or our represes for the purposeor our Affiliates foYou will provide uotal assets not late

Financial and Ot

e determined that curity of a kind, and conditions set hat additional colla

thorize us to estaus, in our sole an

n to, or in lieu of ee due pursuant to ount may require serve Account mor any of its Affiliaigners on such ay, an immediate R0) months after teance with Card Opendent escrow asuant to this Sectie interest. Notwithe Reserve Accou

ccount have been obligations to us

ding any obligatioor required to be rs a first priority liegreement now or ter in our possessother customers

uthorized by you waived), to set of

der this Agreemener such obligationsents as we may reWITHSTANDING TCROW, RETAINERSECURITY INTER

funds are held inshall be subject toan account contr

u, the institution aunt hereinafter refnk shall be a natioification and notwor amounts othercommingled Reseate Reserve Accoeir commingled Rhe sole control of Bnt of or in addition or more certificateand Control Agreeblished and issuecertificate of depo

e and agree that ws Agreement and

u will provide us hin 90 days after to provide such oment as we may ith our determinaation which you hentatives or regul of performing anr such inspection,

us with written noter than three (3) d

ther Information

additional collaterand in amounts saforth below in thisateral security take

ablish a Reserve And unfettered discestablishing any Rthis Agreement. immediate fundinay be funded by ates, at any financaccount; or (ii) divReserve Account mermination of thisOrganization Ruleagent, and you wion 25. Unless spe

hstanding the forent are not sufficiereleased, you ag

s and our respectons for which parepaid to a trusteen and security inhereafter in our p

sion may be commof ours. In additioat any time and fff, recoup and to ant and any other s are liquidated, ueasonably requesTHE FOREGOING,R OR SIMILAR ACREST. a separate Reso (i) Servicers’ serol agreement (asat which the Reseferred to as the “Conal bank which iswithstanding anythrwise due you purerve Account(s) oount maintained ateserve Account(sBank, and any anto the first priority

es of deposit, the ement (the “Certifed the certificate oosit shall be satisfwe will have no liathis Section 25.

and our Affiliatesthe end of each fiother financial stareasonably reque

ation whether to aave provided to Blators (as well as y inspection and/, including, but notice of any judgmedays after you bec



ral security is requatisfactory to us as Section 25 ande the form of a Re

Account pursuantcretion, based upoReserve Account,

ng in instances of all or any combincial institution maversion withholdinmay be establishe

Agreement or foes. Your funds will not have accesecifically agreed i

egoing, we shall beent to cover the Cree to promptly pative Affiliates undeayments on accoe, receiver or any

nterest in and to (possession, whethmingled with otheon to any rights nrom time to time, appropriate and toagreement with u

unliquidated, fixedst to perfect and c, NOTHING HERE


erve Account, theecurity interest purs defined by the arve Account is he

Control Account”).s mutually acceptaing in the Agreemrsuant to the term

of Servicers maintt Bank, or into anys) to the Control Ad all Reserve Accy lien and securitycertificates of dep

ficate of Deposit of deposit. The foactory and acceptability under any l

s, quarterly financscal year. Such fiatements and ot

est. You authorizeaccept this AgreeBank for any othe

those of the Caror copying of boo

ot limited to, costs ent, writ, warrant come aware of sa

21 PPS1016

uired, have requeas set forth abov any other terms

eserve Account, th

t to the terms andon your processing we may debit yo

fraud or suspectenation of the followintained in the nang set-off of any ed without notice inr such longer perill be held in an as to the funds in an writing by us ore entitled to accru

Chargebacks, adjuay us such sums uer this Agreemen

ount of such obliy other party unde(i) the Reserve Aher now or herear funds of ours, o

now or hereafter gwithout notice or

o apply any and aus our respective d, contingent, matuconfirm the lien, seIN SHALL BE CON


e Reserve Accoursuant to this subspplicable sections

eld (such institutio. The Control Agrable to you and Sement to the contrams of this Agreemained at Bank, uny control account Account as soon count funds will bey interest in the Rposit shall be uncControl Agreemerm of the Certificatable to Servicerslegal theory whats


cial statements winancial statementher information c us and our Affilia

ement and our coer reason. Upon rerd Organizations) oks and/or records

incurred for airfarof attachment, exme.

ested that you provve in this Section. and conditions ohe following provis

d conditions set fog history and the our bank account

ed fraud or unusuwing: (i) one or m

ame of Client, anypayments otherw

n the manner provriod of time as is account comminga Reserve Accour specifically requiued interest on anustments, fees anupon request.

nt and any other agations are subser any bankruptcy

Account and (ii) anafter due or to becr, in the case of agranted under appr demand to you oall such funds agaAffiliates for any ured or not maturecurity interest, rigNSTRUED TO GR


unt shall be mainsection 25.4.2., ans of the Uniform C

on hereinafter refereement shall be ervicers.

ary, in the event Sment (collectively “nless such Set Ofpursuant to a Coas practicable us

e held at Bank. Reserve Account, certificated and shent”) by, between ate of Deposit Co

s. soever as a resul

er Information

ithin 45 days aftets shall be preparconcerning your ates to obtain fromontinuing evaluatioequest, you shall reasonable acce

s deemed appropre and hotel accomxecution or levy ag

vide same, and y. Any Reserve Aof this Agreementsions of this Sect

orth in this Sectiopotential risk of loin satisfaction of

ual activity or an Emore debits to yoy of its principals, wise due to you. vided above. Anyconsistent with ou

gled with reserve unt unless and untired by applicable

ny such funds heldd other charges a

agreement for thesequently invaliday act, state or fedny of your funds come due to you any funds held puplicable law and nor to any other Peainst and on accou

related equipmenred. You agree to ght of set off, reco


ntained at Bank, nd (ii) unless BanCommercial Codeerred to as “Settlein form and subs

Servicers deduct, h“Set Off Funds”), ff Funds are wiredontrol Agreement sing commercially

you grant to Servhall be subject toand among Cus

ontrol Agreement

lt of the exercise


er the end of eacred in accordancebusiness and yo

m third parties finaon of your financprovide, and/or c

ess to your or youpriate. In such evemmodations. gainst any substa

ou have failed to Account that is est relating to the “Rion 25 shall apply

on 25. The amounoss to us as we m

amounts due or,

Event of Default our Settlement Accor any of its guarIn the event of

y Reserve Accounur liability for Cardfunds of our oth

til we release those law, funds held bd. and amounts due

e provision of relaated, declared toderal law, commopertaining to the from us. Any suc

ursuant to the forenot by way of limerson (any such nunt of your obligatnt or related serviduly execute and


or at another dek requires that thee, hereinafter refement Account Batance satisfactory

holdback, suspenyou acknowledge

d or deposited by in which case Sery reasonable effo

vicers a first priorit an Acknowledgetomers, Servicersand the financial

of our rights to es

ch fiscal quarter a with generally ac

our compliance wancial and credit icial and credit stacause to be providur Merchant Provient, you shall pay

antial part (25% o

provide alternativstablished shall bReserve Account


nt of such Reservmay determine from

in our reasonabl

or upon three dayscount or any otherantors, or if any otermination of thit will be held by ud transactions aner Clients, withouse funds to you, iby us in a Reserv

from you, or if th

ated equipment oo be fraudulent oon law or equitabl

Card transactionch funds, money oegoing paragraphsitation of any suc

notice and demantions to us and ouices (including an

d deliver to us sucordination set fortN ACCOUNT SUCOHIBITED BY LAW

epository institutioe Reserve Accoun

erred to as “Controank”) and Servicery to Servicers. Th

nd, off set or set oe that such Set OServicers into an

rvicers will transfeorts. Any Reserv

ty lien and securitement of Pledge os and the financiainstitution that w

stablish a Reserv

and annual auditeccepted accountinwith the terms annformation relatin

atus. We may alsded, to us and ouiders’ facilities anthe costs incurre

r more in value) o

e e ”.

e m e

s’ er of s s d

ut n e


or or e s

or s, h d

ur y h h H W

n nt ol rs e

ff ff y

er e

ty of al ill


d g d g o

ur d d


27.1. Ybreachnegligeof youAgreemOrgan27.2. WcovenaconnecExpresCards Corpor

28.1. NJCB, Vof this of this liable tApplicaProcesDiscov28.2. [28.3. IJCB tr28.4. Ithis Ag28.5. Ithat neAgreemfundedabsoluunders28.6. Ifa) Youmainteb) All anumbeData”)the afoc) Youd) Youreceivee) Youf) You g) Youincludeh) Youi) You j) You only pak) Youreasonl) You requesm) Youn) YouClient and norespec28.7. If

27. In

28. S

You will be liable h of any warranty,ence or willful misr use of the Servment; or (e) arisiization or Issuer).We agree to indeant or agreementction with this Agss Card Transactfrom other Non-


Non-Bank Card trVoyager and WEXAgreement, as apSection 28 will c

to you in any wayation for any non-ssor and not to thver Network or anyReserved] f you accept JCansactions will bef you accept Voy

greement which af you execute a

either we nor WEXment. If WEX exed by WEX. You uutely no liability wistand that WEX wf you elect to pau shall provide, aenance of the equauthorization requer; and the amou. All manual WEX

orementioned Autu shall not submit ushallcompleteaWed; u shall not submit

shall not accept au shall provide a e the full account u shall require the shall take all comshall not divide th

artial payment is mu shall maintain anable request of Wshall notify Bank

sts for WEX transau shall allow WEXu shall retransmit Wacknowledges anot WEX, except toct to the WEX Fullf you accept Voy

In addition to thFleet Cards for In addition to thand return of mrequired by lawIn addition to thon the single pa


Special Provisio

for and agree to, covenant or agresconduct, in conneices; (d) we or pang out of any thi

emnify and hold yt or any misrepregreement; provideions and Other S-Bank Card Orga

ransactions are prX Card types. Thepplicable, except t

control; provided, y with respect to s-acquired transacthe Bank. You auty other Non-Bank

B Cards, you age processed undeyager and/or WEre applicable to Wseparate WEX MX shall have any

ecutes your WEX nderstand that With regard to any

will charge additionrticipate in the Wat your own expipment, telecommuest data for WEXnt of the transact

X Card sales (i.e.,horization Requesa WEX Card sale


a WEX Card salea WEX Card whercopy of the receinumber or driver Cardholder to sig

mmercially reasonahe price of goodsmade by use of thare cord of all WEWEX; of any errors contactions older than

X to audit records,WEX Card sales dnd agrees that its o the extent that Acquiring Service

yager Cards: he information staany printed restric

he information promerchandise. You, you shall not giv

he information reqage document con

ns Regarding N

o indemnify and heement or any miection with Card trarties acting on ouird party indemnif

you harmless fromsentation by us u

ed that this indemervices, including

anizations such a

rovided to you by e Services provideto the extent the thowever, that (i)

such Services andtion services you horize us to shar

k Card Organizatio

ree to be bound br and subject to D

EX Cards, you agWEX and/or VoyagMerchant Agreemobligation whatsoMerchant Agreem

WEX is solely respsuch agreements

nal fees for the seWEX Full Service

ense, all equipmmunication link, anX Card sales mustion, date and tim sales facilitated st Data; for processing wh


for processing unre the WEX Card pt for a WEX Caidentification num

gn a receipt when able efforts to prot and services pur

he WEX Card and EX Card sales, in

tained within a sen 90 days; upon reasonabledata when reasonsole remedies witWEX knows of aes.

ated in Section 1 ctions at the pointovided under Sect shall promptly s

ve any cash refunduired under Secti

nstituting the Sale� Time of tr� Type of fu� As permit



hold us harmless srepresentation bransactions or othur behalf incur in fications we are

m and against all under this Agreem

mnity obligation shg JCB Card, PIN as Voyager Fleet

Processor and noed, transactions pterms of this SectiBank is not a par

d (ii) you agree toreceive from Proc

re information fromon.

by all JCB and/or Discover Network C

ree to be bound bger. ment (WEX Non Foever to you with rment and you acceponsible for all ags or WEX transactrvices that it proviProgram, the fo

ment necessary tod provision of all st include WEX C

me of the transactby a card imprinte

hen a WEX Card nAuthorizationapp

ntil the goods havappears to be invrd sale, upon the

mber; a WEX Card saletect manual WEXrchased in a singlthe balance is ma

ncluding the Autho

ttlement report wi

e advance notice, nably requested toth respect to the W

any fraud related

(MasterCard, Vist of sale. tion 1.5 (Special Tubmit credits to uds to any Voyagerion 3.1 (Informatios Draft for Voyageransaction uel sold tted by the applica

22 PPS1016

2. In

from and againstby you under this herwise arising froenforcing our righobligated to mak

losses, liabilities,ment or arising ouhall not apply to BDebit Card, and ESystems, Inc., W

27. SReg

ot by Bank and inprocessed and othion 28 directly conrty to this Agreem

o pay Processor acessor. For the pum your Applicatio

Discover NetworCard Organizationby the WEX and/o

Full Service Prograrespect to procesept WEX Cards, yreements that gotions, including buides. llowing terms ano permit the elecnetworking servic

Cardholder accoution, quantity of ger) must include a

is not presented aproval message a

e been delivered alid or expired or

e request of the C

e is not completedCard sales data f

le WEX Card saleade with another orization Request

thin forty-five (45)

related to the WEo do so. WEX Full Acquirinto the WEX Card

sa and Discover N

Terms) of the Opus for any returnsr Card holder in coon Required) of ther transactions:

able POS device,


t all losses, liabiliAgreement; (b) a

om your provision hts under this Ag

ke as a result of

, damages and eut of our or our eBank with respecElectronic BenefitWright Express C

Special Provisarding Non-B

nclude transactionher matters contenflict with anotherment insofar as it any per item proceurposes of this se

on with American

rk provisions of thn Rules. or Voyager rules.

am), you understassing WEX Cards you understand th

overn WEX transaut not limited to th

nd conditions shctronic acceptancces; nt number, vehicgoods sold, unit pan Authorization n

at the time of the Wand not accept a W

or services perforthere is reasonab

Cardholder, to the

d by an island Carfrom fraud or misue among two or mbank Card; t Data, for a peri

) days of receipt o

EX Full Service; an

ng services shall ds and fails to pro

Network Acceptan

perating Procedurs that are to be connection with a she Operating Proc

odometer reading


ties, damages anarising out of your

of goods and serreement or in colyour actions (inc

expenses resultingemployees’ gross ct to Discover Netts Transfer TransCorporation and

sions ank Cards

ns made using Dismplated under th

r provision of this Arelates to Non-Baessing, authorizat

ection, the words “Express, JCB (an

is Agreement. Yo

You also agree to

and that we will punless and until W

hat WEX transactactions and that whe funding and se

hall apply: ce of the WEX C

cle number, Card price, and producnumber or other a

WEX Card sale; WEX Card when a

rmed; ble belief that the e extent permitted

rd reader; use;

more sales receipt

od of one year a

of such report. Pro


be against Bank fovide notice of su

nce) of the Opera

res, you shall estacredited to a Voysale. cedures, the follow


nd expenses: (a) r or your employeervices to Cardholdlecting any amou

cluding indemnific

g from any breacnegligence or wi

twork Card Transsactions, and TranWright Express F

scover Network, Ais Section 28 are Agreement, in whank Card servicetion and other fee“we,” “our” and “und Discover Netw

ou also acknowled

o be bound by all

rovide such agreeWEX executes yotions are processewe are not responettlement of WEX

Cards, including

expiration date, dct code (the “Authapproval code from

an expired Card/d

WEX Card is coud by applicable la

ts or permit a WE

and produce such

ocessor will not ac

for the WEX Full Auch fraud or WEX

ating Procedures,

ablish a fair policyyager Cardholder’

wing information

resulting from anes’ or your agents

ders; (c) arising ouunts due under thication of any Car

h of any warrantyillful misconduct isactions, Americansactions involvinFinancial Service

American Expresssubject to the res

hich case the terms, and Bank is no

es described in thus” refer only to thwork on its behalf

dge and agree tha

other provisions o

ement to WEX, buour WEX Merchaned, authorized annsible and assum

X transactions. Yo

the operation an

driver identificatiohorization Requesm WEX along wit

decline message i

nterfeit or stolen;aw, which shall no

EX Card sale whe

h records upon th

ccept reprocessin

Acquiring ServiceX commits fraud i

you should chec

y for the exchang’s account. Unles

must be containe

y s’ ut s


y, n n g


s, st s

ot e e ),



ut nt d e u


n st h






es n


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The spprovisicontemanothe29.1. Pthe PINthe bafollowi

• • • •

• 29.2. T

• •

• •

29.3. Cminimubegin o29.4. Sopen. 29.5. Aresponamoun

29. S

Imprinter if requnumber). If an increase inmonth as compincreased calls,In addition to thby the fourth baday by you, redshall be requireFor daily transmparagraph for aare responsibleIn addition to thVoyager transacor the AgreemeIn addition to thDamages) of thcause whatsoevmonths prior to Notwithstandingwithout penalty at least twenty written notice, if

pecial provisions ions do not apply mplated under thiser provision of thisPIN Debit Card AN Debit Card to d

ack of the Card. Ing general requireYou must honor aYou must treat traYou may not estaYou may not reqis not required foYou shall not dissettlement or erroYou may not proc

Transaction ProcAll PIN Debit Cartransactions. You may not comrequest another frisk that the transbeen declined. You may not comCardholder. You The PIN Debit neDebit network at utilized to route ynetwork routing enot contact Procnetwork availableavailable to you bYou must issue aYou may not maunreadable, you Any applicable taYOU ARE RESOTHERS FROMTRANSACTIONS

Cash Back Fromum and maximumoffering cash backSettlement. Withi

Adjustments. Annsible for all applnts for adjustment

pecial Provision

uired, the identific

n the number of Vpared to the previ from your settlem

he information proanking day after wduced by the amod to reimburse yo

mission of sales da period of not les

for the expense oe scenario identifctions, Chargebac

ent, you shall remahe information prhe General Termsver in connection the action giving

g anything in this Ato us or the relate(20) days prior wf a Card Organiza

outlined in this Sto Non-PIN Debit

s Section 29 are ss Agreement, in wAcceptance. Mosetermine if the Caf the PIN Debit Cements for all parall valid PIN Debitansactions by Caablish a minimum uire additional infr PIN Debit Card

sclose transactionor resolution. cess a Credit Carcessing. The follord transactions mu

mplete a PIN Debform of payment fsaction fails to au

mplete a PIN Debcannot accept the

etwork used to prothe time of the tr

your transaction menabled on a PIN essor to arrange e to us for a givebased on a varietya receipt to the Caanually enter the must request ano

ax must be includePONSIBLE TO S


m Purchase. Youm amount of cashk. in one Business D

n adjustment is aicable adjustments.

ns for PIN Debit

� For all cacation number fro

Voyager transactioous month occur

ment of your Voyaovided under Sectwe process the apunt of Chargebac

ou for sales submidata, you shall mas than thirty-six (3of retaining sales ied in Section 10.cks shall be madeain liable for all ourovided under Ses, in no event shawith Voyager tranarise to the claimAgreement to theed Card Organiza

written notice by uation discontinues

Section 29 apply ot Card transactionsubject to the res

which case the termt, but not all, ATM

ard participates in Card is valid and ticipating PIN Debt Cards when presrdholders from allor maximum tran

formation, besidestransactions. related informati

d transaction in oowing general requust be authorized

bit Card transactifrom the Cardholdthorize or otherwi

bit Card transactioe PIN from the Caocess your transaransaction and wh

may or may not beDebit Card. To afor your PIN Deb

en transaction (iny of factors includardholder upon suaccount number.

other form of paymed in the total tranSECURE YOUR CREDITS AND

u have the option h back that you w

Day of the origina

a transaction that fees that may b

t Cards


shier-assisted Saom the source cre

on authorization crs, we may, in ouager transactions.tion 7 (Settlementpplicable card trancks, tax exemptiontted more than sixaintain true and c36) months from tdata records and 1.4 of this Progra

e in accordance wutstanding Chargection 21 (Represall our cumulativensactions exceed.

e contrary, our obltion upon the earl

us to you; (iii) youits Card.

only to those PINns which do not int of this Agreeme

ms of this SectionM Cards (Debit Ca

a PIN Debit netwissued by a finan

bit networks, in adsented that bear a Issuers in the sasaction amount fo

s the PIN, for the

on to any party o

rder to provide a ruirements apply to and processed e

on that has not bder or process theise declines. The

on without entry oardholder verbally action will dependhether a particulae the lowest cost narrange for your Pbit network routingcluding a PIN Deing availability, fea

uccessful completi. The account nu

ment from the Cardnsaction amount fo


of offering cash will allow. If you a

l transaction, you

t is initiated to cbe charged by a

23 PPS1016

les Drafts and Creedentials provided

calls from you notr discretion, dedu

t) of the Operatingnsactions. We shns, discounts, crexty (60) days fromcomplete records the date of the geSales Drafts. m Guide that cou

with any other Voyebacks on Voyageentations; Warrane liability to you fo the lesser of $10

igation to providelier of (i) the termi

ur failure to compl

28. Spe

N Debit Card trannvolve entry of a Pent, as applicable, 29 will control.

ards) can be accepwork that you are ancial institution Isddition to the specauthorized PIN Deme manner. or PIN Debit Cardcompletion of the

other than your ag

refund on a PIN Do all PIN Debit Ca

electronically. The

been authorized. e transaction as aCardholder shoul

of the PIN by theor in written form upon, among othr PIN Debit Card network available.PIN Debit networkg preferences to ebit network affiliaatures, functionalon of a transactio

umber must be redholder. or which AuthorizaND TO INSTITUT


back to your cusare not now offeri

must balance ea

correct a PIN DePIN Debit Card

edit Drafts procesd by Cardholder

t due to our or Vouct telephone cha

g Procedures, seall reimburse you

edits, and the feesm the date of purch

in connection witeneration of the da

ld cause an authoyager rules. Notwier transactions. nties; Covenants;for losses, claims0,000.00 or the Vo

e services to you rination or expiratioly with material te

cial Provision

nsactions that arePIN. The Services, except to the ex

pted at the point oauthorized to accessuer participatingcific requirements ebit network Mark

d acceptance. e transaction unles

gent, a PIN Debit

Debit Card transacard transactions:ere is no Voice Au

If you cannot obta Store and Forwld be instructed to

e Cardholder. Them. her things, our owis enabled for a

. Federal regulatiok routing preferenbe used, then weated with Processity and our own b

on and effect PANead electronically

ation is requestedTE APPROPRIACT BONA FIDE

stomers when theng this service, y

ach location to ou

bit Card transactnetwork. Some P

ssed manually usito valid Cardhold

oyager system ouarges, not to exce

ettlement of Voyagu for the dollar ams set forth in the Ahase. th the informationata. You may stor

orization related Cthstanding termin

; Limitations of L, suits, controversoyager transactio

relating to any Fleon of our agreemeerms relating to s

ns for PIN Deb

e processed by a s provided, transaxtent the terms of

of sale at participaept. PIN Debit netg in a PIN Debit of that PIN Debit


ss the circumstan

t network, or Issu


uthorization or Imp

tain an Authorizatward or Resubmisso contact the Issu

e PIN must be en

wn business consiparticular PIN Deons afford you theces (if any) to be

e may, in our solesor) and (ii) add usiness considera

N Truncation on it. from the Magne


ey make a PIN Deyour terminal may

r system for each

tion that has beePIN Debit networ

ng a card der’s identity (e.g

utages in excess oeed $.25 (25 cent

ger transactions wmount of sales subApplication. Neithe

n required to be pre records on elec

Chargeback to occnation or expiration

iability; Exclusionsies, breaches orn fees paid by yo

eet Card will terment with such Car

such Fleet Card tr

bit Card

Cardholder enteactions processed

this Section 29 d

ating locations. Extwork Mark(s) arenetwork, you musnetwork:

nces appear susp

er and then only

printer procedure

tion at the time osion, in which casuer to find out why

ntered into the PI

derations, the avaebit network. The e right to make usused, contact Pro

e discretion (i) utiand/or remove Pations.

etic Stripe. If the

e collected separaTO PREVENT


ebit Card purchasy require addition

h Business Day th

en processed in rks may have est

., Driver’s Licens

of 15% for a givets) per call, for th

will generally occubmitted for a giveer we nor Voyage

provided under thictronic media. Yo

cur, with respect tn of this paragrap

n of Consequentiar damages for an

ou to us for the tw

inate automaticallrd Organization, (iransactions, or (iv

ering a PIN. Thes and other matter

directly conflict wit

xamine the back oe usually printed ost comply with th

icious. A signatur

for the purpose o

for PIN Debit Car

of sale, you shoulse you assume thy a transaction ha

N pad only by th

ailability of the PINPIN Debit networ

se of any PIN Debocessor. If you dlize any PIN Deb

PIN Debit network

Magnetic Stripe i


se. You may set al programming t

hat each location i

error. You will btablished minimum


n e

ur n


s u

o h

al y


y i) v)

e rs h

of n e




d e



N rk bit o it




a o


e m

There • • •

All parElectro

If you eEBT trSectioAgreemtransathe ProWe offcard (“Nutritiotogethbelow.30.1. Aand prhours, The “Ebenefitthe Finlaws, rincludiRehabControregardnumbeof the You wTerminissuanbenefitservicetransaYou wof anyunlawfYou au30.2. MperiodsthrougAll maEBT R







30.3. Aserviceyour oconditicheckoand/or30.4. Icustom

30. Sp

are several reasThe Cardholder wThe Cardholder wA processing erro

rties involved in ponic Funds Transf

elect to accept EBransactions are pn 30 are subject ment, in which cactions, and Bank ocessor and not tofer electronic inte“EBT Card”) at yon Assistance Proer with FNS, SNA

Acceptance of Erinter or other equin a manner cons

EBT Rules” meants to EBT customenancial Managemrules, regulationsng without limitat

bilitation Act of 19ol Act of 1986, regding lost EBT Carders and addressesFood Stamp Act oill provide EBT benal upon presentance information asts in such instance provider. You wction. You must pill not accept any

y EBT customer ofully received by euthorize us to initiManual EBT Vous of time when yoh the applicable Enual voucher auth

Rules, the followingAn authorizacustomer is pattempt to voA copy of theSpecified EBsales draft. All manual vcleared withiTerminal thepayment, no In the event tmaximum auversion of theExcept as spfail to obtain transaction inIf you have nfor the same

Acceptance of Ce provider authori

other customers. Yion to receiving Cout lanes restricter other payment mInteroperability.

mers from all state

pecial Provision

sons for adjustmwas charged an inwas charged moreor may have occuprocessing adjustfer Act, Regulation

BT Cards and engrovided to you byto the rest of thisase the terms of is not liable to yoo the Bank. rfaces to EBT ne

your POS Terminogram (“SNAP”) aAP and WIC Bene

EBT Benefits. Yoipment that meet sistent with your ns (i) all procedureers; (ii) the Quest

ment Service of the and procedures tion, laws pertain73, Americans wi

gulations issued bds, forgotten PINss of the state or oof 1964. enefits to EBT cusation by an EBT cus approved and vace. You are solely

will not resubmit anprovide a receipt fo

EBT Card for anyobligation to you. either you or an EBate EBT Card tranuchers. In accordour Authorized TeEBT service provihorizations must bg limitations will a

ation number for thpresent and beforoice authorize a me voucher should bBT customer, clerk

voucher authorizatn 10 Business Darefore you shouldfurther action canthat, due to EBT

uthorized manual e applicable EBT pecifically provided

an authorization n accordance withnot received an autransaction. ash Benefits. If yized Cash BenefitYou may not requCash Benefits, uned to use by EBT cmethods such as c

If you accept EBes.

ns Regarding E

ents being initiatncorrect amount, ee than once for the

urred that caused ttments are regulan E, and other app

gage in EBT transy Processor and ns Agreement, as athis Section 30 w

ou in any way with

etworks for the pronal(s) for the provand Women, Infaefits, collectively a

u agree to acceptstandards set fort

normal business pes that we establis

Rules, as amende U.S. Treasury Dthat are applicab

ning to delivery oth Disabilities Act

by the Departments, discrepancies inother appropriate

stomers, in accordustomer of an EBTalidated as a legitiy responsible for ny EBT Card tranor each EBT transy purpose other thIn the event of a

BT customer to thnsactions and to rdance with the prrminal is not workder to the EBT cube cleared on youpply to manual isshe amount of there you provide suc

manual EBT transabe given to the EBk and sales inform

tions must be cleays after the date never mail vouch

n be taken to obtahost failure, EBT transaction and bRules. d in the applicablenumber from the

h the EBT Rules. uthorization numb

you agree to accets and will issue suire, and may notnless such conditcustomers unless

checks other than BT Cards and pr

BT Transaction


ted: either too little or te same transactiothe Cardholder to

ated by time framplicable law.

actions, the termsnot by Bank. The applicable, excepwill control; providh respect to such

ocessing, settlemvision of United Snts and Children are referred to as

t EBT Cards and th in the EBT Rule

practices and in acsh and provide to

ded from time-to-tiDepartment, as neble to the accepta

of services to EBTt of 1990, Clean At of Agriculture pen benefits authorizagencies. The “F

dance with the proT Card and such mate transaction,your provision of

nsaction except assaction to the apphan providing EBTany violation of thhe extent permittedreceive settlementrocedures set fortking or the EBT syustomers at no cour POS terminal fosuance of FS Ben purchase must bch EBT customer action if the EBT cBT customer at th

mation, including th

eared on your Autof applicable voic

hers requesting paain payment for the

benefit availabilitybenefit encumbran

e EBT Rules, you applicable EBT s

ber in accordance

ept EBT Cards andsuch Cash Beneft in your advertisition applies to othyou also designacash.

rovide EBT benef


24 PPS1016

too much. on. o be charged evenmes that are spec

29. Spe

s and conditions oServices providet to the extent the

ded, however, thaServices. For the

ent and switchingStates DepartmenBenefits (“WIC B

s the “EBT benefit

provide EBT benes (“Authorized Teccordance with theo you from time-tome, issued by theecessary (and anance of EBT CarT customers andAir Act, Clean Waertaining to Food Szed and similar mood Stamp Progr

ocedures set forthEBT customer’s e you will comply wf EBT benefits oths specifically permlicable EBT custo

T Benefits, includihis provision, youd by law. Cash sht for such transacth in this Section ystem in not avail

ost to the EBT cusor payment of vounefits by Merchantbe received by yowith any FNS, SN

customer is not pe time of authorizhe telephone auth

thorized Terminalce authorization. Vayment. If a vouche voucher. y for an EBT custnce will be $40.00

will not be reimbuservice provider a

with paragraph 3

d to provide Cashfits to EBT customng suggest, that her customers as

ate and direct othe

fits (FNS, SNAP

n though the transcified in the opera

ecial Provision

of this Section 30 ed, transactions pre terms of this Seat Bank is not a e purposes of this

g of EBT transactnt of Agriculture,

Benefits”) and/or gts”) to EBT benef

nefits to EBT custoerminal”) applicabe EBT Rules. o-time regarding ye National Automany rules that succerds and the provid EBT customer cater Act, Energy PStamp Program, aatters by providin

ram” is the govern

h in the EBT Ruleentry of a valid PINwith the procedureher than in accor

mitted by the EBTomer. ng without limitati

u will be obligatedhould never be disctions on your beh 30 and the EBTable; you will man

stomers upon presucher to be madet:

ou from the applicNAP and WIC Be

present to sign thezation and you shohorization number

l before payment Vouchers cannot bher expires before

tomer cannot be d0 or such other sta

ursed and will be sas set forth in this

30.1 above, you m

h Benefits, you agmers in the same any EBT custom

s well. You may er customers to sp

and WIC Benefi

saction did not comating rules of the

ns Regarding

shall apply. rocessed and othection 30 directly party to this Agres section, the wor

tions initiated throFood and Nutrit

government delivefit recipients (“EB

omers through theble to such EBT b

your acceptance oated Clearing Houeed or replace thision of EBT benconfidentiality, th

Policy and Conserand, any addition

ng EBT customersnment benefits pr

es, in the amount N. If the Authorizees set forth in the rdance with autho

T Rules and proce

ion accepting an Ed to reimburse thspensed for FNS, half. T Rules, you will nually provide EBsentation by an E

e to you. In additio

cable EBT serviceenefits, or Cash Bee voucher. The EBould retain one cor, must be entered

t of voucher will bbe cleared by anye it has been clea

determined at theate specific floor

solely responsibles Section 30 or o

may not “re-subm

gree to maintain amanner and to t

ers must purchasnot designate anpecial checkout la

its and/or Cash B

mplete normally aapplicable PIN D

EBT Transact

her matters contemconflict with anot

eement insofar asrds “we,” “our” and

ough the use of ation Service (“FNered Cash BenefT customers”), su

e use of a POS Tbenefits during you

of EBT Cards anduse Association ae Quest Rules); aefits by you undee federal Civil R

rvation Act, Immigal procedures spe

s with information rogram operated u

authorized througed Terminal fails to

EBT Rules for auorizations timely redures applicable

EBT Card as secuhe state or us for


manually accept BT benefits in the aEBT customer of hon to any procedu

e provider while thenefits, as applicaBT customer musopy for your recordd properly and leg

be made to you. Vy manner except bared by your Autho

e time you requestlimit as set forth i

e for a manual traotherwise fail to pr

it” a manual sales

dequate cash on he same extent cse goods or servind direct EBT cusanes for Debit Car

Benefits), you mu

at the point of saleDebit network, Th


mplated under thither section of this it relates to EBd “us” refer only t

a state-issued EBS”), Supplementa

fits (Cash Benefitsubject to the term

Terminals, PIN paur normal busines

d provision of EBnd as approved band (iii) other sucer this Section 30ights Act of 1964

gration Reform anecified by the statsuch as telephon

under the authorit

gh your Authorizeo print EBT benefuthorization of EBreceived from EBto such EBT Car

urity for repaymenany EBT benefit


EBT Cards durinamount authorize

his / her EBT Cardures set forth in th

he respective EBable. You must not sign the voucheds.

gibly on the manua

Vouchers must bby your Authorizeorized Terminal fo

t authorization, thn the most curren

nsaction when yorocess the manua

s draft for paymen

hand to issue EBcash is provided tces from you as stomers to speciards or Credit Card

ust do so for EB

. e

s s T o

T al s, s

d ss

T by h 0, 4, d e e ty

d fit T T


nt ts

g d d. e

T ot r.


e d


e nt

u al


T o a al s


25 PPS1016

30.5. Required Licenses. If you provide FNS, SNAP and WIC Benefits under this Agreement, you represent and warrant to us that you are a FNS authorized merchant and are not currently disqualified or withdrawn from redeeming food stamp coupons or otherwise disqualified or withdrawn by FNS. You agree to secure and maintain at your own expense all necessary licenses, permits, franchises, or other authorities required to lawfully effect the issuance and distribution of EBT benefits under this Agreement, including without limitation, any applicable franchise tax certificate and non-governmental contractor’s certificate, and covenant that you will not accept EBT Cards or provide EBT benefits at any time during which you are not in compliance with the requirements of any EBT Rules. 30.6. Term and Termination. If you are disqualified or withdrawn from the Food Stamp Program, your authority to issue benefits will be terminated concurrently therewith. Such disqualification or withdrawal will be deemed a breach of this Agreement with respect to your authority to issue Cash Benefits and, in the event of such disqualification, we have the right to immediately terminate the provision of service under this Section 30 or the Agreement in its entirety. With respect to the issuance of Cash Benefits only, your authority to issue Cash Benefits may be suspended or terminated immediately at the sole discretion of us, the state or its EBT service provider, effective upon delivery of a notice of suspension or termination specifying the reasons for such suspension or termination if there will be (i) any suspension, injunction, cessation, or termination of the EBT service provider’s authority to provide EBT services to the state; (ii) failure by you, upon not less than thirty (30) days’ prior written notice, to cure any breach by you of these terms and conditions, including without limitation, your failure to support the issuance of EBT benefits during your normal business hours consistent with your normal business practices, your failure to comply with EBT benefit issuance procedures, your impermissible acceptance of an EBT Card, or your disqualification or withdrawal from the Food Stamp Program; or (iii) based on a state’s or its EBT service provider’s investigation of the relevant facts, evidence that you or any of your agents or employees are committing, participating in, or have knowledge of fraud or theft in connection with the dispensing of EBT benefits. If you fail to cure any breach as set forth above, you may appeal such suspension of termination to the applicable state for determination in its sole discretion. In the event that your authority to accept benefits is suspended or terminated by a state or its EBT service provider, and you successfully appeal such suspension or termination to the state or its EBT service provider, we shall be under no obligation to reinstate the services previously provided under this Section 30 or the Agreement, as applicable. The provision of services under this Section 30 shall terminate automatically if our agreement or our service provider’s agreement with any applicable state’s EBT service provider terminates for any reason. You will give prompt notice to us if you plan to stop accepting EBT Cards and providing EBT benefits or if you are unable to comply with the terms of this Section 30. 30.7. Confidentiality of EBT System Information. All information related to EBT customers and/or the issuance of EBT benefits shall be considered confidential information. Individually identifiable information relating to an EBT customer or applicant for EBT benefits will be held confidential and will not be disclosed by you or your directors, officers, employees or agents, without prior written approval of the applicable state. You will: (a) implement appropriate measures designed to: (1) ensure the security and confidentiality of all non-public personal information or materials regarding customers (“NPPI”); (2) protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of NPPI; (3) protect against unauthorized access to or use of NPPI that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer and (4) ensure the proper disposal of NPPI; and (b) take appropriate actions to address incidents of unauthorized access to NPPI, including notification to us as soon as possible. The use of information obtained by you in the performance of your duties under this Section 30 will be limited to purposes directly connected with such duties. 30.8. EBT Service Marks. You will adequately display any applicable state’s service Marks or other licensed marks, including the Quest Marks, and other materials supplied by us (collectively the “Protected Marks”) in accordance with the standards set by the applicable state. You will use the Protected Marks only to indicate that EBT benefits are issued at your location(s) and will not indicate that we, any state or its EBT service provider endorse your goods or services. Your right to use such Protected Marks pursuant to this Agreement will continue only so long as this Section 30 remains in effect or until you are notified by us, any state or its EBT service provider to cease their use or display. You will not use the Marks of any EBT service provider without prior written approval from such EBT service provider. 30.9. Miscellaneous. 30.9.1. Errors. You will fully cooperate with us and any other participants in the EBT system in the resolution of errors and disputes regarding EBT transactions processed pursuant to this Section 30. You will promptly notify us of any such errors or disputes. 30.9.2. Issuance Records.

i. You agree to make available such informational materials as may be required by the state, its EBT service provider or any applicable regulations pertaining to the issuance of Benefits.

ii. You will retain all EBT-related records (including but not limited to manual sales drafts or vouchers) in the manner required by the EBT Rules or otherwise reasonably requested by us for three (3) years following the date of the applicable EBT transaction, or for such additional period as may be required by the EBT Rules. Records involving matters in litigation will be kept by you for a period of not less than three (3) years following the termination of the applicable litigation. Copies of any documents in media other than paper (e.g., microfilm, etc.) related to this Section 30 may be substituted for the originals to the extent permitted under applicable EBT Rules and provided that legible paper copies can be reproduced within a reasonable time after such records are requested.

iii. You will make all EBT-related records available for audit upon request to representatives of the state or its EBT service provider, or other authorized state or federal government agency during normal business hours.

iv. To assure compliance with this Agreement, including without limitation this Section 30, the state, its EBT service provider, or other authorized state or federal government agency, will at all times, upon advance notice except in the case of suspected fraud or other similar activity, have the right to enter, during normal business hours, your premises to inspect or evaluate any work performed under this Agreement, or to obtain any other information required to be provided by you or otherwise related to this Agreement.

30.9.3. Training. You will train and permit your employees to receive training regarding the issuance of EBT benefits. 30.9.4. Amendments. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, if any of these terms and conditions are found to conflict with the EBT Rules or federal or state policy, these terms and conditions are subject to reasonable amendment by us, a state or its EBT service provider to address such conflict upon twenty (20) days’ written notice to you provided that you may, upon written notice, terminate your obligation under this Section 30 upon receipt of notice of such amendment. 30.9.5. State Action. Nothing contained herein shall preclude a state from commencing appropriate administrative or legal action against you or for making any referral for such action to any appropriate federal, state, or local agency. 30.9.6. Reference to State. Any references to state herein will mean the state in which you accept EBT benefits pursuant to this Section 30. If you accept EBT benefit in more than one state pursuant this Section 30, then the reference will mean each such state severally, not jointly. 30.9.7. Third Party Beneficiaries. These terms and conditions, do not create, and will not be construed as creating, any rights enforceable by any person not having any rights directly under this Agreement, except that the state and its Issuer, as defined in the Quest Rules, will be deemed third party beneficiaries of the representations, warranties, covenants and agreements made by you under the Agreement, including without limitation this Section 30.

If you e“WireleYOU Fand otdirectlyAgreemwords ThrougcommuNetwocommuIf you acknowService31.1. PWirele

31.2. Sany doconnecAnythirelatednonexcNothinSoftwaSoftwaour prito the W31.3. L31.10, SoftwanotwithdamagServiceamounshall Savailab31.4. Irespecor relaWirelethis Sehereun31.5. Ceither safegureason31.6. Ta) Immor knothe susonly asb) Immnotice

31. Sp

elect to purchase ess Services Te

FOR HOUSEHOLther matters contey conflict with anoment insofar as it“we”, “our” and “u

gh one or more thunication servicesrks”) in order tounications to our select to purchas

wledge and agreeers are in no way Purchase of Wiress Services, you wLicenses. You agother regulatory apromptly provide Wireless Equipmthe Wireless Seras indicated on thImprovements / GWireless Servicelocation of equipthe control centemaintenance actiSuspension of WWireless Networwhich requires imshall give notice soon as commerIn the event of agiving rise to the

Software Licenseocumentation relaction with your pung in this Agreemd documentation, clusive, non-trans

ng in this Agreemeare to you. You aare. You shall not ior written consenWireless SoftwareLimitation on Liaor for any Perso

are), or Wireless hstanding, for anyge caused by partes, Processor’s, Bnt paid by you for Servicers, Wirelesble to you under thndemnification.

ctive officers, direcated to: (a) the puss Equipment (incection 31; or (d) nder, except to theConfidentiality. AWireless Vendor

uard our confidennable care. Termination. In amediately upon terwledge of terminaspension of any as to the portion of

mediately if either issued in any form

pecial Provision

the Wireless Servrms,” shall applyD OR PERSONAemplated under thother section of th

relates to Wireleus” refer only to thhird party vendorss that use radio bo allow you to csystem (“Wirelesse voice and/or de that this Agreemresponsible for p

eless Services. Twill receive accesgree to obtain anauthority, if any, fus with all such inent. You agree th

rvices by Processhe Application, theGeneral Administs, Wireless Netwoment, allocation aer serving you ativities.

Wireless Services.k’s network integr

mmediate action; oto you before sus

rcially practicable a suspension of thsuspension has bes. Processor herting to or describi

urchase and use oment to the contra

technology, knowsferable license toent confers any titgree to accept, areverse engineer

nt. Your obligatione is the right to usability. We shall

on’s unauthorized Networks, regard

y other liability artial or total failure,Bank’s, and Wirelthe particular Wir

ss Vendor(s) or ohese Wireless SeIn addition to anyctors, employeesurchase, delivery,cluding the Wireleany Person’s un

e extent any losseAll information or r(s) or Servicers ntial information w

ddition to any othrmination of the aation of such agreauthority or non-rethe Wireless Servwe or our Affiliatem whatsoever by j

s Regarding Wi

vices from us as i. THE WIRELESS

AL USE. Sale of Whis Section 31 arehis Agreement, in ss Services, and

he Processor and s (“Wireless Vendase stations and

capture and transs Services”). ata services dire

ment does not addroviding, maintainThe prices that yoss to a certain Wirey and all licensesfor the lawful openformation as we

hat in order to acceor from time to timen the terms of thtration. We and thorks, Wireless Eqand quantity of ret the particular a

We or a Wirelesrity that may be cor (c) otherwise pspending the Wirthereafter. Availahe Wireless Servbeen resolved. reby grants to young the wireless soof the Wireless Seary notwithstandinw-how and proceo use the Wirelestle or ownership ogree to and be bo

r, disassemble or dns under this Sectse the Wireless Sohave no liability faccess to Client’

dless of the formrising out of or in delay or nonperfoess Vendor(s)’ liareless Services duour respective Affervices Terms will y other indemnific, and Affiliates ha acceptance, rejeess Software), as authorized acces

es, liabilities, dammaterials which crelated to the su

with at least the

er provision in thisgreement betwee

eement, provided enewal of any licevices affected by

es or Wireless Venjudicial or governm

ireless Service


indicated on the AS SERVICES AR

Wireless Services ie subject to the rewhich case the tBank is not liablenot to the Bank. dor(s)”) selected switching offeredsmit to Processo

ctly from a third dress or govern t

ning, servicing or sou will pay for the eless Network(s).s, permits or otheration of Wirelessmay reasonably ress the Wireless me in its sole discis Agreement sha

he Wireless Vendquipment, Wirelesesources utilized, address. In additio

ss Network may scaused by a thirdprotect us or a Wieless Services tobility of the Wirele

vices, we or the a

u a non-exclusiveoftware) downloadervices in accordag, we or certain t

esses embodied ss Software in yoof any such Wirelound by all applicdecompile the Wition 31.2 shall suroftware in accordafor any warranties’s data transmitte of action (whethany way connec

ormance of the Wability shall be limiuring any period ofiliates be liable fbe your sole and

cations as set fortharmless from and ection, ownership

applicable; (b) yoss to Client’s dataages or expensescould reasonably ubject matter of tsame degree of

s Agreement, the en us (or our Affiliafurther that if Wire

ense relates to lessuch loss of authondor(s) are prevemental authority (

26 PPS1016

30. Spe

Application, then tE BEING SOLD Tis made by Procesest of this Agreemterms of this Secte to you in any wa

by us in our sole by certain cellula

or and Bank cer

party provider fothose voice and/osupporting such thWireless Service

er authorizations rs Equipment usedrequest with respeServices, you mucretion (the “Wirelall apply to your usdor(s) reserve the s Software, rules programming lanon, we reserve t

suspend the Wire party; (b) complyreless Network fro

o you. If not commess Services mayapplicable Wireles

, non-transferableded by you or youance with the termthird parties retainin or provided in

our operation of thess Software to ycable terms and creless Software. Yrvive the terminatiance with the terms by any party wi

ed through either her in contract, tocted with these WWireless Services o

ited to your direct of failure, delay, ofor any indirect inexclusive remedieh in this Agreemeagainst any and a, possession, useour negligent actsa and/or unauthos result from our gbe considered cothese Wireless Scare and securi

Wireless Serviceates) and Wireleseless Vendor(s) loss than all of the ority, suspension nted from providinincluding without

ecial Provision

the following termTO YOU FOR USssor and not the Bment, as applicabtion 31 will controay with respect to

discretion, we haar telephone and rtain wireless Ca

or use with the Wor data services ohird party voice an

es are set forth on

required by the Fd by you in conneect to matters relast use wireless Pless Equipment”).se of such Wireles right to make chof operation, accguages, administ

the right to sched

less Services to: y with any law, rerom potential legamercially reasonaby vary due to evenss Vendor will pro

e, revocable limiteur designee from ms of this Agreemn all ownership an connection with he Wireless Equiyou or shall be coconditions of use You shall not giveion of this Agreem

ms in this Section.ith respect to uninthe Wireless Equort (including neg

Wireless Services or relating to or art damages, if any,r nonperformance

ncidental, special,es.

ent, you will indemall losses, claimse condition, liens s or omissions; (corized financial acgross negligence oonfidential or comServices Terms wity that you use

s being provided ss Vendor(s), provoses its authority Wireless Servicesor non-renewal; ong the Wireless Slimitation the FCC

ns Regarding W

s and conditions oSE IN BUSINESSBank. The Serviceble, except to the ol; provided, howeo such services. F

ave acquired the data networks th

ard Authorization

Wireless Equipmeor your relationshind/or data service

n the Application.

Federal Communicection with your reating to the rules aOS Terminals and. If Wireless Equiss Equipment.

hanges, from timecessibility periods,trative and operatdule, from time t

(a) prevent damaegulation, court oal liability. To the eble to give prior nnts beyond the coomptly restore the

ed sublicense to uProcessor’s syste

ment, including thisnd copyright inter the Wireless Sopment for the pu

onstrued as a saleand other license

e any Person accement. You acknow nterrupted Wireleuipment or Wirelegligence), strict liaterms, including lrising from your u, and, in any evene of the Wireless , consequential o

mnify and hold Se, liabilities, damagagainst, or return

c) any breach by yctivity occurring oor willful miscondu

mpetitively sensitivwill be consideredfor your confiden

under this Sectionvided that we will to operate less ths, then these Wiror Services by any laC).

Wireless Serv

of this Section 31S AND ARE NOT es provided, transextent the terms

ever, that Bank is For the purposes

right to resell ceroughout the coutransactions or

ent as permitted bp with that third p

es. In connection with

cations Commissieceipt of Wireless and regulations ofd accessories apppment is purchas

e to time, in the c, identification protional algorithms ato time, interrupti

ages to, or degrarder or other govextent commercianotice, we will givontrol of us or our e Wireless Servic

use any wireless sems onto the Wires Section 31 (“Wrest in and to all Woftware, and you rposes set forth e of any rights in e terms applicableess to the Wireleswledge that the on

ess Services, as sess Services (incluability or otherwisliability resulting s

use of or inability tnt, shall not exceeServices or $50,0

or punitive damag

rvicers, Wireless ges, costs or expn of the Wirelessyou of any of youron your Merchantuct. ve that you accesd confidential infontial information,

n 31 may terminanotify you prompt

han all of the Wirereless Services Te

aw, regulation, req


, referred to as thBEING SOLD TO

sactions processeof this Section 3not a party to thi

of this section, th

rtain wireless datntry (the “Wirelesto transmit othe

by Processor, yoparty provider, an

h your purchase o

ion (“FCC”) or anServices. You w

f the FCC. proved for use witsed by you from u

configuration of thocedures, type anand designation oons of service fo

adation of, our or vernmental requesally reasonable, wve notice to you aWireless Vendors

ces after the even

software (includineless Equipment i

Wireless Software”Wireless Softwareshall have only

in this Agreemenany such Wirelese to such Wireles

ss Software withounly right you obtai

set forth in Sectiouding the Wirelesse). The foregoinsolely from loss oo use the Wireles

ed the lesser of th000.00. In no evenges. The remedie

Vendor(s) and ouenses arising from Equipment or thr obligations undet Account Numbe

ss from or relate tormation. You wbut not less tha

te: tly upon our noticeless Services or erms will terminat

quirement, ruling o

e O d 1 s e

a ss er

u d


y ill

h s

e d of or

a st

we as s. nt

g n ). e, a t.

ss ss ut n

n ss g

or ss e

nt es

ur m e

er er

o ill n

e if e


31.7. Ehereunour somake t31.8. Thereto31.9. O31.10. the avareas, or otheSERVIWARR

If you eThe TrBank inot theThe Trapplicacontro32.1. DAgreem32.2. Guse ththis SeProces32.3. Sspecifiunreadtransmdate), the aut32.4. R












32. S

Effect of Terminnder. If these Wirele discretion, contimely payment ofThird Party Bene.

Other ApplicableDisclaimer. Wire

vailable Wireless with no service a

er problems. PROICES. WE CANN


elect to utilize theransArmor Services not liable to you

e Bank. ransArmor Servicable, except to thel. Definitions. Capment. Grant of Licensee TransArmor Seection 32, includinssor in this SectioServices. The Trcally excludes el

dable) Card data dmitted to Processo

will be encryptedthorization responResponsibilities a) You are requ

Security Stacompliant witDSS or any validated eithPCI DSS Senetwork scan

b) Use of the Trstore transac

c) You must dereceipt of sucCard number

d) You must ustransaction, i

e) Any POS deService.

) If you send oto enable suc

g) You must useh) You are requ

Rules and Pr) You have no

and nothing and ownershsoftware, maimmediately granted by im

) You will not: enhance, traTransArmor permit any coway indepenthe proprieta

k) You will only ) You will use

materials or contemplated

m) You will prom

pecial Provision

nation. Upon termeless Services tertinue to provide thf fees due under teficiaries. Wirele

e Provisions. Youeless Services usNetworks’ transm


TransArmor Serve is provided to yu in any way with

ce provided, transe extent the terms

italized terms use

e. Processor granervice and the Trang without limitatin 32 are deemed ansArmor Servicelectronic check aduring transport o

or for authorization. Processor will thnse (the “Token”).of Client. You areuired to comply wndards (PCI DSSth PCI DSS. Use other Card Organ

her by a Qualifiedlf-Assessment Qu

ns performed by aransArmor Servicection data (collectieploy the TransArmch upgrades) thrors must never be se the Token in ncluding without l

evice, gateway an

or receive batch filch files to contain e truncated reportuired to follow rulerocedures”). We wo right, title or intein this Agreementhip in this Sectionaterials or documeterminate this Sec

mplication, estopp(i) distribute, leas

anslate, supplemService or any poopying, of the Tradently from the Try interest of Procuse the TransArmonly unaltered vedocumentation,

d in this Section 3mptly notify us of a

ns Regarding T

mination of these rms terminate duehe Wireless Servihese Wireless Se

ess Vendor(s) are

u also agree to be se radio transmiss

mission sites and pography, building


vice, the followingou by Processor arespect to such s

sactions processes of this Section 3

ed herein shall ha

nts to you a non-tansArmor Service on the TransArmwithheld.

e applies only to and closed-loop gof the authorizationn processing, all hhen generate or re e responsible to cwith the Card OrS). You must ensof the TransArmonization Rule. YoSecurity Assesso

uestionnaire (SAQan Approved Scane is not a guarantvely, “Merchant Smor Service (incluoughout your Merretained, whetherlieu of the Card imitation, settleme

nd/or VAR you us

les containing comonly Tokens or tr

t viewing and dataes or procedures

will provide you wierest in or to the Tt assigns or transn 32. You will noentation. Failure tction 32 and your el or otherwise.

se, license, sublicent, create derivortion of it; or (iii) ansArmor Service TransArmor Serviccessor or any thirdmor Service for yoersion(s) of the Tra

or any derivative32. a breach of any te

ransArmor Serv


Wireless Servicee to a termination ices through Wire

ervices Terms. third party benef

bound by all othesions, so Wirelessthere is sufficientgs, your Wireless


additional terms and not Bank. Baservices. For the p

ed and other matt2 directly conflict

ave the meaning

transferable, non-Marks (as identifor Rules and Pro

Card transactionsgift card transactin request from yohistorical transactietrieve a unique,

comply with the forganization Rulessure that all thirdor Service will not,u must demonstraor (QSA) with corrQ) or Report on Cn Vendor, all in acee against an una

Systems”). uding implementinrchant Systems inr in electronic form

number for ALLent processing, re

se in connection w

mpleted Card tranuncated informatia extract creation

we may provideth advance writteTransArmor Servifers any such righ

ot file any action, to comply with thaccess to and us

cense or otherwisevative works fromsell, license or otor any portion of

ce. If any portion d party, you will noour internal busineansArmor Servicee works thereof

rms of this Sectio


27 PPS1016

s Terms for any of the agreement

eless Vendor(s) to

ficiaries of these W

er terms and conds Services can’t bt network capacit


31. Spe

and conditions of nk is not a party tpurposes of this s

ters contemplatedwith another prov

s given to such t

-assignable, non-efied in the TransAocedures. Any rig

s sent from you toons. Processor wur point of sale toion data, includingrandomly genera

llowing regarding , including takingd parties and sof, on its own, causate and maintain responding Repor

Compliance (ROCcordance with Caauthorized breach

ng any upgrades ncluding replacingm or hard copy. L activities subseetrieval processingwith the TransArm

nsaction informatioon. within reporting toto you from time

n notice of any suice, any related sht, title or interestin any forum tha

his provision will cse of the TransArm

e disseminate them, reverse enginherwise distributeit; or (v) use any of the TransArmoot remove, alter, mess purposes in a e and will not usewith other produ

on 32.

reason, you will t between us or oo you for a period

Wireless Services

ditions of this Agrebe provided unlesty available at thaother conditions wEPRESENTATIO


cial Provision

f this Section 32 sto this Agreementsection, the words

d under this Sectvision of this Agre

terms as set forth

exclusive, revocaArmor Rules and hts with respect t

o us for authorizawill provide an e

o Processor’s systg Card number anated token assigne

your use of the Tg all steps requireftware use by yose you to be comp

your current PCIrt on Compliance

C), as applicable, ard Organization Rh of your point of s

to such service wg existing Card nu

equent to receipt g, chargeback andmor Service must

on to/from Proces

ools provided by Pe to time related tuch rules or procesoftware, materialst to you. You shalat challenges theconstitute a matemor Service in the

e TransArmor Serneer, decompile e the TransArmor

portion of the Traor Service containmodify, relocate omanner consisten, operate or comb

ucts, materials or

immediately pay our Affiliates and W of time to be det

s Terms and may

eement. ss your Wireless Eat moment. Therewe don’t control mNS AND WARRA



hall apply. t insofar as it apps “we,” “our” and

tion 32 are subjecement, in which c

h in this Section

able sub-license dProcedures) in thto the TransArmo

ation and settlemeencryption key to tems. During the pnd full magnetic sed to the Card nu

TransArmor Serviced to comply with

ou in connection pliant or eliminate I DSS compliance(ROC) or by suc

and if applicable Rules and PCI DSsale systems or a

within a commercumbers on your M

t of the authorizad adjustment proct be certified by F

ssor, you must use

Processor. to your use of theedures or changess or documentatioll not take any act

e ownership of therial breach of thise event of a challe

rvice or any portioor otherwise redService or any p

ansArmor Servicens any copyright nr erase such noticnt with this Agreebine the TransArmr services in a m

to us all fees dueWireless Vendor(stermined as long

y enforce its provi

Equipment is in the are places, parmay also cause faANTIES RELATINHORIZE ANYONE

plies to the TransA“us” refer only to

ct to the rest of tcase the terms of

32 or as defined

during the term of he United States ior Service not exp

ent pursuant to thyou to be used

period when the trtripe data (track d

umber that will be

ce: h the Payment Cwith your paymeyour obligations t

e certification. Cocessful completioto your business

SS. ny facility where y

ially reasonable pMerchant Systems

ation response ascessing and transFDMS for use wit

e the service prov

e TransArmor Sers to such rules or on, or any derivattion inconsistent we TransArmor Ses Agreement. We

enge by you. No a

on of it to any thirdduce to human-rortion of it; (iv) m

e as a standalone notice or any othece or legend on sument.

mor Service or anmanner inconsiste

e and owing to us), then we may, ias you continue t

isions as if a part

he range of one orticularly in remotailed transmissionNG TO WIRELESSE TO MAKE ANY

Armor Service, anthe Processor an

his Agreement, athis Section 32 w

d elsewhere in thi

f this Section 32 tn accordance witpressly granted b

he Agreement, anto encrypt (mak

ransaction is beindata and expiratio returned to you i

Card Industry Datent processing arto comply with PCompliance must bon of the applicabl, passing quarterl

you process and/o

period of time aftes with Tokens. Fu

ssociated with thaction reviews. th the TransArmo

vided by Processo

rvice (“TransArmoprocedures. tive works thereowith the stated titlervice, any relatee have the right tadditional rights ar

d party; (ii) modifyreadable form thake any copies, o program or in aner legend denotinuch item.

y related softwareent with the use

s n o


of e s S Y

d d

as ill


o h


d e g n n

a re CI e e y


er ull





f, e d o


y, e

or y g

e, es

32.5. Tnot to Sectio32.6. F32.7. TfinanciWarranrelationfor theagreesexpresremedviolatioor eng32.8. TTRANSCOVEOPER

33.1. Cprovisi33.2. VexclusGeorg33.3. WPROC

34.1. Fdelay ihostilitemploycontroshall bcontinuthis pa34.2. CfurtherapplicafurtherUnlawflaws aAct (FA34.3. NoperatmeansAgreemhave b(ii) if sreceiveunder 34.4. Hany pr34.5. Sshall re34.6. supersany su34.7. Achangewe ma“click-wshall cand 1934.8. Teach oupon a34.9. CDiscovNetwofor whi

33. Ch

34. Ot

Termination. Unlaccept the requirn 32. Fees. Client shall TransArmor Limiial sale transactionty” and is subjenship with Proces

e TransArmor Sers to indemnify anss remedy for Proy for Processor’s

on of, the Agreemage in intentional TransArmor DiscSARMOR SERVINANTS, EXPRE


Choice of Law. Oions). Venue. We have ive venue for anyia. Waiver of Jury


Force Majeure. Nis caused, directlyties, war, riots or cyees’ demands al of such party, in

be excused from ues to use comm

aragraph, your failCompliance withr agree to coopeable law includingr acknowledge anful Internet Gamb

and regulations reACTA). Notices. Except ational matters relas, including but noment, with a copybeen given (i) if sesent by facsimile ed. Notices sent tthis Agreement. Headings. The heovision of this AgrSeverability. Theemain valid and eEntire Agreeme

sedes any previouubsequent breach Amendment. Wee by terminating tay waive any earlwrap” notice intenconstitute accepta9.5. Third Party Beneof them may enforany Person any rigCard Organizatiover Network certark Cards and the ich we perform se

hoice of Law; Ve

ther Terms

ess prohibited byrements of any su

pay Processor theited Warranty. Pon by an unauthoect to the terms assor and be in comrvice. Subject to td hold you harmocessor’s breach breach of the Lim

ment, including thismisconduct.



Our Agreement sh

substantial facilitiey actions or claim


No party shall be ly or indirectly, bycivil disorders in are reasonable or

ncluding without liany further perfoercially reasonabure to receive pay

h Laws. In performerate and provideg without limitationnd agree that youbling Enforcementegarding data sec

as otherwise specating to the procesot limited to the e-y to Attention: Geent by mail or cou

machine, when o the Merchant’s

eadings containedreement.

e parties intend evenforceable. ent; Waiver. Thisus agreements an

of the same or ane may modify anythe Agreement wily termination feended to modify or ance of the amend

eficiaries. Our rerce its provisions ghts or remedies, on Rules. The paain rights to requi

Visa, MasterCardervices on your be

enue; Waiver of

applicable law, wuch modifications

e fees for TransArocessor warrantsorized entity/persand conditions sempliance with all tthe terms, conditiless from direct dof the Limited W

mited Warranty. Ths Section 32, or a



hall be governed b

es in the State of ms arising under o


iable for any defay (i) fire, flood, eaany country; (iii) awithin the party’simitation, failures

ormance and obsele efforts to recomyment or funds froming its obligatione information reqn the rules and regu will not use you

Act, 31 U.S.C. Scurity and card nu

cifically provided, assing of Card tran-mail address youeneral Counsel’s rier, upon the earthe courier confirlast known addres

d in this Agreeme

very provision of th

s Agreement cond understandingsnother term or cony provision of thisthin twenty (20) d

e that might otheramend this Agre

ded Agreement re

espective Affiliatesas it was a party and the parties d

arties acknowledgire termination ord and Discover Nehalf, may have s

f Jury Trial


we may modify thiby notifying us in

rmor Service as ss that the Token reson outside the Met forth in this Sthe terms of the Aons and limitationdamages, includin

Warranty set forth he Limited Warranny other agreeme


by and construed

Georgia and manor related to this


ult or delay in therthquake, elemenny act or omission power to satisfy)or fluctuations in

ervance of the obmmence performaom a Person shallns under this Agreuested by Servic

gulations promulgaur merchant accoection 5361 et se

umber/expiration d

all notices and othnsactions) shall bu have provided oOffice, Priority Pa

rlier of five (5) dayrmation copy is ass (including e-ma

ent are for conven

his Agreement to

nstitutes the entirs. A party’s waiverndition. s Agreement by pdays of receiving rwise apply. Your eement and whichequired herein. Th

s and any Personhereto. Except aso not intend for ane that the Visa, M

r modification of tetwork Card systimilar rights unde

28 PPS1016

is Section 32 by pn writing within th

set forth on the Apeturned to you, as

Merchant Systemsection 32. To be

Agreement, includins set forth in theng third party cla

in this paragrapnty is void if (i) yoent relating to Car


32. Ch

in accordance wi

ny of the services Agreement shall


33. Othe

performance of itnts of nature or otn of the other part); or (v) the nonpe telecommunicatibligations so affe

ance or observanc not excuse the peement, each parcers, as Servicerated by the Office

ount and/or the Sq, as may be ame

date truncation, in

her communicatiobe in writing, if to yn the Application,ayment Systems, ys after mailing or actually received.ail address), as in

nience of referenc

be severable. If a

re Agreement ber of a breach of an

providing notice tonotice. If you chosubmission of a

h you check “I Achis Section 34.7 d

ns we use in provs expressly providny Persons to be

MasterCard and Dthis Agreement wems and to invesr their applicable

providing written nirty (30) days afte

pplication. s a result of usings. This warranty

e eligible for the ing this Section 3e Agreement, incims, resulting froh constitutes Pro

ou use the TransArds eligible for the


oice of Law; W

ith the laws of the

provided under thbe in the approp


ts obligations undther acts of God; rty or any governmerformance by a ons or other equ

ected only for as ce as soon as pra

performance of yorty agrees to comrs determine nece of Foreign AssetServices for illegaended from time tncluding, without

ons required or peyou at your addre, and if to us at ouP.O. Box 246, Awhen actually rec Notice given in

ndicated in our rec

ce only and shall

any part of this Ag

etween the partieny term or conditio

o you. You may oose to do so, not

Card transactionccept” or “I Agree”does not apply to

viding the Serviceded in this Agreemthird-party benefi

Discover Network with respect to trastigate you. The pCard Organizatio

notice of such moer receiving such

g the TransArmor by Processor is Limited Warranty2, and any other

cluding the limitatim Processor’s br

ocessor’s entire liArmor Service in ae TransArmor Ser


Waiver of Jury

e State of Georgia

his Agreement arpriate state or fed


der this Agreemen(ii) any terrorist a

ment authority; (ivPerson for any siipment. In any sulong as such circ

acticable. Notwithur obligations to uply with all laws a

cessary, to facilitats Control of the U

al transactions, foto time. It is your limitation, the Fai

ermitted hereundeess appearing in ur address appea

Alpharetta, GA 30ceived or, in the cany other mann

cords, shall consti

not in any way af

greement is not en

es with respect ton of this Agreem

choose not to actify us that you aren after notice of a” or otherwise ac

o fee changes, wh

s are third party bment, nothing in tciaries of this AgrCard Organizatio

ansactions involviparties also acknoon Rules with resp

odifications to younotice that you a

Service, cannot breferred to here

y, you must mainagreement relatinion of liability proreach of the Limitability and your sa manner not contrvice or (ii) you are


y Trial

a (without regard t

e provided from thderal court located


nt if and to the extattacks or outbrea) any labor disputmilar cause beyo

uch event, the nocumstances prevastanding anything

us under this Agreand regulations apate Servicers comUS Department ofor example, thosesole responsibilityir and Accurate C

er (other than thosthe Application o

aring in Section A0009-0246, and scase of courier, wer shall be effectute effective noti

ffect the meaning

nforceable, the re

to the subject ment shall not be d

ccept the requireme terminating for t

any amendment, ocept through an ehich are governed

beneficiaries of thhis Agreement is reement. on Rules give Visang Visa, MasterC

owledge that issuepect to this Agreem

u. You may choosare terminating thi

be used to initiate in as the “Limite

ntain a processinng to Cards eligiblvisions, Processoted Warranty. Thsole and exclusivtemplated by, or ie grossly negligen


to its choice of law

hese facilities. Thd in Cobb County


ent such default oak or escalation otes (whether or no

ond the reasonabln-performing partail and such partg to the contrary ieement. pplicable to it. Yompliance with anf the Treasury. Yoe prohibited by thy to comply with a

Credit Transaction

se involving normar by any electroni.4 of Part III of thihall be deemed then delivered, an

ctive when actuallce to the Merchan

g or construction o

maining provision

matter thereof, aneemed a waiver o

ments of any sucthis reason so thaor an electronic oelectronic processd by Sections 19.

his Agreement anintended to confe

a, MasterCard anCard and Discoveers of other Cardsment’s applicabilit

e s

a d g e

or e e n




e y,


or of ot e ty ty n

u y u e

all s

al c s o d y




d of

h at or s, 4

d er

d er s, ty

to tran34.10. advert

As useAcquithat acAddreInterneAffiliatagreemAgreeincorpoApplicAuthofunds aAuthoAuthobank aBank: BankrBatchBusineCard: CardhCard, aCard Norder CCard Inc.(“VnetworCard OCard OHouseCard VVisa’s CID. CInterneCard Vthe AuCash entitiesCash serviceChargClientCreditCreditgoods any oth1 MastCreditCardhoCreditCustoSelf-SeData UDebit Dial-UDiscouforth inDiscovissuedDiscovbut theElectrCash BElectrtransmFactorGenerGross

35. G

sactions involvingPublicity. Client

isements, display

ed in this Agreemerer: Bank in the ccquire Card sale tress Verification: et order merchantte: A person thament. ment: The Agreeorated therein, eacation: See Merchorization: Approvaat the time the Au

orization Approvaorization Center: and transmits such

The bank identifiruptcy Code: Title: A single Submisess Day: MondaySee either Credit

holder: Sometimeas applicable) andNot Present SaleCard sales. Organization: A

Visa”), DFS Servicrks. Organization RuOrganization and e Association (inclValidation CodesCard Validation C

Card Validation Coet orders). Verification Valuuthorization procesBenefits: An EBTs, and for which thOver Transactioes.

geback: A Card tra: The party identift: A refund or pricet Card: A device or services on cre

her Card OrganizaterCard Credit or t Draft: A documolder, whether elet Limit: The creditmer Activated Tervice Terminal) tUsage Charge: CCard: See either

Up Terminal: An Aunt Rate: A percen the Application. ver International

d in a country othever Internationale transaction occuonic Benefit TraBenefits and FNSonic Draft Captu

mit them to the Proring: The submissral Terms: Sectios: When referred t


g such other Cardt may not use thes, or press releas

ent, the following case of MasterCaransactions from A service provides, Address verifict, directly or indir

ements among Clach as amended frhant Processing Aal by, or on behaluthorization is requal Code: A numbe

A department thh Authorization toed on the Applicae 11 of the Unitedssion to us of a groy through Friday, eCard or Debit Ca

es referred to as “d any authorized ue/Transaction: A

Any entity formedces LLC (“Discove

les: The rules, rerelated authoritie

uding, with respecs: A three-digit vaCode is known asodes are used to

e (CVV)/Card Vass. T account maintahe Issuer has agren: Dispensing of

ansaction (or dispfied as “Client” one adjustment givebearing a valid O

edit and, to the exation specified onDebit Card, Cirrus

ment evidencing thectronic, paper or t line set by the Iserminal (CAT): Ahat is not an ATM

Charged to you for PIN Debit Card o

Authorization devicentage rate and/oTransactions thatl Processing Fee

er than the countryl Service Fee: Churs in the U.S., excansfer (EBT): An, SNAP and WIC ure (EDC): A proocessor. This elimsion of authorizatin of the Program o in connection w

s. e logo, name, traes, without the pr

terms mean as foard, Visa and certamerchants such a

ed through which ation is intended trectly, (i) owns or

lient, Processor, arom time to time, wApplication f of, the Issuer to uested. er issued to a parthat electronically c

the merchant viaation signed by you States Code, as oup of transactionexcluding Bank ho

ard. Card Member” inuser of such Card

A transaction that

d to administer aer Network”), Am

gulations, releasees, including withoct to EBTs, the Qualue printed in thes CVV2; MasterCa deter fraudulent

alidation Code (C

ained by an Issueeed to provide acccash by a mercha

puted portion) that the Application. T

en for a previous pOrganization Marxtent the Schedulen such Schedules.s Card, or Maestrohe return of mercsome other form,suer for the Cardh

A magnetic stripe M.

our processing or Non-PIN Debit Cce, which, like a teor amount chargedt fail to meet applie: Charged per Dy that the merchanharged per Discovcluding JCB and C

n Electronic BeneBenefits, to EBT c

ocess which allowminates the need to

ion requests and/oGuide, including a

with transaction am


ademark, or servicrior written consen

ollows: ain debit transactas yourself. the merchant verito deter fraudulenr controls a party

and Bank, containwhich collectively

validate a transa

ticipating merchancommunicates a electronic equipmu, and in Part IV, amended from tim

ns (sales and Credolidays.

certain Card Orgd.

occurs when the

and promote Carerican Express T

es, interpretationsout limitation, thouest Operating Ru

e signature panel ard’s Card Validause of an accoun

CVC): A unique va

r that represents cess under the EBant in connection

t is returned to us The words “Subscpurchase transactk of Visa, Masteres so provide, a v o Card. chandise by a Ca all of which mustholder’s Credit Caterminal or chip-r

f Sales Data sentCard. elephone, dials and a merchant for cable interchange

Discover settled snt is located in, exver settled sale (eChina Unionpay C

efits Transfer systcustomers.

ws a merchant’s Do submit paper foor Sales Drafts byany amendments

mounts or fees, ref

29 PPS1016

ce mark of Procent of Processor an

ions or Processor

ifies the Cardholdnt transactions. Hoy to this Agreeme

ned in the Applicaconstitute the Ag

action. An Authoriz

nt by the Authorizmerchant’s reque

ment or by voice ADuplicate Confirm

me to time. dits) for settlemen

ganization materia

e Card is not pres

rds, including witTravel Related Se

and other requirese of the PCI Seules). of most Cards antion Code is knownt number in a no

alue encoded on t

pre-funded or dayBT program. Multiwith a Card sale,

by the Issuer. Clicriber,” “you” and ion. rCard, Discover Nvalid device autho

ardholder to a Clt conform to Card ard account. eading device (su

to us.

n Authorization Ceprocessing its quae requirements wiale (including Ca

xcluding JCB and excluding Cash OCards. tem used to deliv

Dial-Up Terminal r processing. y a merchant for Cor modifications. fers to the total

essor and/or Bannd Bank.

r in the case of D

der’s address, in wowever, it is not a ent or (ii) is unde

ation, the Progragreement among t

zation indicates o

zation Center whicest for AuthorizatAuthorization. mation Page, below

nt. A Batch usually

als, means the Pe

sent at the point-o

thout limitation Mervices Company,

ements (whether ecurity Standards

nd a four-digit valuwn as CVC2; Discon-face-to-face en

the Magnetic Strip

y-of-draw benefitsiple benefits may other than a PIN

ent is responsible“your” refer to Clie

Network or Ameririzing the Cardho

lient, or other refOrganization Rul

uch as an automa

enter for validatioalifying daily Credll be charged add

ash Over amountsChina Unionpay

Over amounts) on

ver certain govern

to receive Autho

Card sales or cash

k in any manner,

Discover Network

whole or in part. Pguarantee that a

er common owner

m Guide and thethe parties.

only the availability

ch confirms the Aution on Credit Ca


y represents a day

erson whose nam

of-sale, including

MasterCard World Inc. (“American

contractual or othCouncil, LLC an

ue printed on the cover Network’s Cnvironment, (e.g.,

pe of a Card used

s, or both, adminbe combined in a Debit Card trans

e for payment to uent. Also, sometim

ican Express andolder to buy goods

fund or price adjues and applicable

atic dispensing ma

n of transactions.dit Card and Non-ditional amounts as and Cash AdvaCards. transactions whe

nment delivered b

orization and capt

h advances transa

, including withou

and American Ex

Primarily used by transaction is valrship or control w

Schedules there

y of the Cardhold

uthorization for a sard transactions to

y’s worth of transa

me is embossed o

Internet, mail-ord

dwide (“MasterCaExpress”) and an

herwise) imposed nd the National Au

front of an AmericCard Validation C, mail orders, tele

d to validate Card

istered by one or a single cash beneaction, for the pur

us for all Chargebames referred to as

d authorizing the s or services on cr

ustment made bye law.

achine, Limited Am

-PIN Debit Card trs set forth in Sectnce transactions)

en the Card is not

benefits, including

ture transactions,

acted by another b

ut limitation, in an

xpress transaction

Mail / Telephoneid.

with a party to thi

eto and document

er’s Credit Limit o

sale or service. o the Cardholder’


on a Card (or Deb

der and telephone

ard”), Visa U.S.Any applicable deb

or adopted by anutomated Clearin

can Express CardCode is known as ephone orders an

information durin

r more governmenefit account. rchase of goods o

acks. s “Merchant.”

Cardholder to buredit and issued b

y the Client to th

mount Terminal, o

ransactions, as setion 19.1. ) when the Card i

issued in the U.S

g without limitatio

and electronicall











., bit

y g

d. a d




y by








30 PPS1016

amount of Card sales, without set-off for any refunds or Credits. Imprinter: A manual or electric machine used to physically imprint the merchant’s name and ID number as well as the Cardholder’s name and Card number on Sales Drafts. Issuer: The financial institution or Card Organization which has issued a Card to a Person. Limited Amount Terminal: A Customer Activated Terminal that has data capture only capability, and accepts payment for items such as parking garage fees, road tolls, motion picture theater entrance, or magnetic-stripe telephones. Magnetic Stripe: A stripe of magnetic information affixed to the back of a plastic Credit or Debit Card. The Magnetic Stripe contains essential Cardholder and account information. Marks: Names, logos, emblems, brands, service marks, trademarks, trade names, tag lines or other proprietary designations. MC Cross Border Fee (USD): Assessed on any MasterCard1 settled sale processed in USD Currency in which the country code of the merchant differs from the country code of the Cardholder (i.e., U.S. Merchant, Non U.S. Issued Card). Media: The documentation of monetary transactions (i.e., Sales Drafts, Credit Drafts, computer printouts, etc.) Merchant Account Number (Merchant Number): A number that numerically identifies each merchant location, outlet, or line of business to the Processor for accounting and billing purposes. Merchant Identification Card: A plastic embossed card supplied to each merchant to be used for imprinting information to be submitted with each Batch of paper Sales Drafts. Embossed data includes Merchant Account Number, name and sometimes merchant ID code and terminal number. Merchant Processing Application: The Merchant Processing Application and Agreement executed by Client, Processor and Bank, which is one of the documents comprising the Agreement. Merchant Provider: Any Person engaged by you to provide services to you involving or relating to (i) access to Cardholder data, transaction data or information related to either Cardholder data or transaction data or (ii) PIN encryption, including without limitation, Encryption Service Organizations (ESOs).

My Merchant Benefits Club (“Program”). A SignaPay managed program Merchant enrolls in for a monthly fee that provides supplies required to properly process Card transactions (i.e. sales slips, printer rolls, etc.)

Next Day Funding: A feature, for which an additional fee is assessed, enabling next business day settlement of Card Transactions, as specified in your Merchant Processing Application. See Section 17 settlement of Card Transactions for all conditions that apply. Non-PIN Debit Card: A device with a Visa, MasterCard or Discover Network Mark that is tied to a Cardholder’s bank account or a prepaid account and which is processed without the use of a PIN. Non-Qualified Interchange Fee: The difference between the interchange fee associated with the Anticipated Interchange Level and the interchange fee associated with the more costly interchange level at which the transaction actually processed. Non-Qualified Surcharge: A surcharge applied to any transaction that fails to qualify for the Anticipated Interchange Level and is therefore downgraded to a more costly interchange level. The Non-Qualified Surcharge (the amount of which is set forth on the Service Fee Schedule) is in addition to the Non-Qualified Interchange Fee, which is also your responsibility (see above, Section 19.1) Operating Procedures: The manual prepared by Processor, containing operational procedures, instructions and other directives relating to Card transactions. The current Operating Procedures are set forth in the Program Guide. Other Services: Other Services include all services related to JCB Card, PIN Debit Card, and EBT Transactions, Loyalty Services and Transactions involving Cards from other Non-Bank Card Card Organizations such as Voyager Fleet Systems, Inc., Wright Express Corporation and Wright Express Financial Services Corporation. PAN Truncation: A procedure by which a Cardholder’s copy of a Sales Draft or Credit Draft, or as required by applicable law, the Sales Draft or Credit Draft you retain, will only reflect the last four digits of the Card account number. Person: A third party individual or entity, other than the Client, Processor or Bank. PIN: A Personal Identification Number entered by the Cardholder to submit a PIN Debit Card transaction. PIN Debit Card: A device bearing the Marks of ATM networks (such as NYCE or Star) used at a merchant location by means of a Cardholder-entered PIN in the merchant PIN Pad. PIN Debit Sponsor Bank: The PIN Debit Sponsor Bank(s) identified on the Application signed by you that is /are the sponsoring or acquiring bank(s) for certain PIN Debit networks. Point of Sale (POS) Terminal: A device placed in a merchant location which is connected to the Processor’s system via telephone lines and is designed to authorize, record and transmit settlement data by electronic means for all sales transactions with Processor. Processor: The entity identified on the Application (other than the Bank), which provides certain services under the Agreement. Program Guide (also known as the Merchant Services Program Terms and Conditions): The booklet which contains Operating Procedures, General Terms, Third Party Agreements and Confirmation Page, which together with the Application and the Schedules thereto and documents incorporated therein, constitute your Agreement with Processor and Bank. Recurring Payment Indicator: A value used to identify transactions for which a Cardholder provides permission to a merchant to bill the Cardholder’s Card account at either a predetermined interval or as agreed by the Cardholder for recurring goods or services. Referral: A message received from an Issuer when an attempt for Authorization requires a call to the Voice Authorization Center or Voice Response Unit (VRU). Reserve Account: An account established and funded at our request or on your behalf, pursuant to Section 25 of the Agreement. Resubmission: A transaction that the Client originally processed as a Store and Forward transaction but received a soft denial from the respective debit network or Card Organization. The resubmission transaction allows the merchant to attempt to obtain an approval for the soft denial, in which case Client assumes the risk that the transaction fails. Retrieval Request/Transaction Documentation Request: A request for documentation related to a Card transaction such as a copy of a Sales Draft or other transaction source documents. Sales/Credit Summary: The identifying form used by a paper Submission merchant to indicate a Batch of Sales Drafts and Credit Drafts (usually one day’s work). Not a Batch header, which is used by electronic merchants. Sales Draft: Evidence of a purchase, rental or lease of goods or services by a Cardholder from, and other payments to, Client using a Card, including preauthorized orders and recurring transactions (unless the context requires otherwise); regardless of whether the form of such evidence is in paper or electronic form or otherwise, all of which must conform to Card Organization Rules and applicable law. Schedules: The attachments, addenda and other documents, including revisions thereto, which may be incorporated into and made part of this Agreement concurrently with or after the date of this Agreement. Self-Service Terminal: A Customer Activated Terminal that accepts payment of goods or services such as prepaid cards or video rental, has electronic capability, and does not accept PINs. Servicers: Bank and Processor collectively. The words “we,” “us” and “our” refer to Servicers, unless otherwise indicated in this Program Guide. Services: The activities undertaken by Processor and/or Bank, as applicable, to authorize, process and settle all United States Dollar denominated Visa, MasterCard, Discover Network and American Express transactions undertaken by Cardholders at Client’s location(s) in the United States, and all other activities necessary for Processor to perform the functions required by this Agreement for all other Cards covered by this Agreement. Settlement Account: An account or account(s) at a financial institution designated by Client as the account to be debited and credited by Processor or Bank for

Card trSplit DinstancSplit DCapturStore typicalcommuSubmSummTelecodo not TransaUs, WeVisa InMerchVisa MtransaSegmeauthorVisa Zauthorface toVisa ZtransaauthorYou, Y

The foIf Cliendesire page inClient which

ransactions, fees,Dial: A process wce, the merchant Dial/Capture: Prore. and Forward: Aly due to a comunications have bission: The proce

mary Adjustmentommunication Cinclude, however

action Fees: Serve and Our: See Snternational Servant, Non U.S. IssuMisuse of Auth:ction, not properlents and 20 daysrizations and reveZero $ Verificatrization request foo face authorizatioZero Floor Limit: ctions above zer

rization is declinedYour: See Client.

llowing Agreemennt desires to recein the Merchant

n the Merchant Pracknowledges thare incorporated

, Chargebacks anwhich allows the cannot be both ED

ocess which allow

A transaction that mmunications failubeen restored. ess of sending Ba: An adjustment toard Sale: Individur, calls paid for witvice costs charge

Servicers. vice Fee: Assessued Card). Charged to Visaly reversed). The

s for T&E mercharsed within 72 houion: Charged fo

or the amount of tons and reversed

Charged when a ro dollars required, the merchant m

nts are Third Partyive the products aProcessing Applicrocessing Applicaat the Third Partiby reference into

d other amounts dAuthorization te

DC and Split the Authorizatio

has been authorure. The merchan

atch deposits to Pro your Submissionual local or long-dth pre-paid telephd to a merchant o

sed on any Visa se

a authorized trane fee can be avonts. If an authorizurs for Card Abser Visa Card verithe sale. If the auwithin 72 hours foVisa sale is settle

e an authorizationmust request anoth

y Agreements entand/or services ofcation, in which c

ation or any Schedes are relying upthe Third Party Ag



due under the Agrminal to dial dire. Split Dial is also on terminal to dial

rized by a merchant will store the

rocessor for procen and/or Settlemedistance telephoneone service cards

on a per transactio

ettled sale where

nsactions that areided by settling yzation is not need

ent authorizations.fication requests

uthorization is notor Card Absent aued without the reqn approval. This her form of payme

tered into betweenffered under a Thase the terms an

dule thereto shall aon the informatiogreements.


31 PPS1016

reement or in conectly to different utilized for Checkdirectly to differe

ant when the mertransaction elect

essing. This may bent Accounts in orde calls, for which ts. Telecommunicaon basis.

the merchant is lo

e not followed byyour transactions ded, the authoriza (without an actu

t needed, the authuthorizations (to avuired authorizatiofee can be avo


n Client and the Tird Party Agreemd conditions of thalso serve as a sin contained on th


nnection with the ACard processors

k Guarantee compent Card processo

rchant cannot obtronically in their

be done electronider to correct errothe telephone seration Card Sales a

ocated in the U.S

y a matching Viswithin 10 days f

ation must be ele

ual dollar authorihorization requesvoid the Visa Misu

on (transaction ID oided by only se

Third Parties identent, Client must c

he Third Party Agignature page to the Merchant Proc


Agreement. s (e.g., American panies. ors (e.g., Amex) fo

btain an Authorizahost system an

cally or by mail. ors. (See Sectionsrvice provider is pare considered Ca

. and the Card is

a settled transacfor Non Travel anectronically revers

ization). This feest must be electrouse of Authorizatiis used to match

ettling transactions

tified in the Third Pcheck the appropreement shall be the Third Party Agcessing Applicatio


Express) for Au

or Authorization a

ation while the cund retransmit the

s 10.3 and 10.4).aid directly by useard Not Present S

issued outside of

ction (or in the cand Entertainmentsed within 24 hou

e can be avoidedonically reversed won System fee). the authorization s that have bee

Party Agreementsriate box or otherbinding upon Clie

greements. on and the Sched

thorization. In thi

nd Electronic Dra

stomer is presentransaction whe

e of a Card. ThesSales.

the U.S. (i.e., U.S

ase of a cancelet (T&E) Merchanturs for face to fac

d by obtaining awithin 24 hours fo

to settled sale). An approved. If a

s. rwise indicate sucent. The Signatur

dules thereto, all o



t, n



d ts e

n or

All n

h re


This EGlobaland “uassignLesseeherein(the “SAgreemLessorof the mannebureau1.1. Eqyou (trepresdeploy1.2. Ef





1.3. Sconfor1.4. Paa) Theb) In aor the exciseaveragMPA ac) Youd) Whethan $shall ae) In thaggreg1.5. Us








1.6. Tito the transfethat weyour n

Equipment Lease Al Leasing), and ths” refer to Priority

ns. e hereby authorizafter imposed, ow

Settlement Accounment. Further, Ler withdraws fundsdebit. This autho

er as to afford Leu or a credit agencquipment. We aghe “Equipment”),entations or warr

yed under the Leaffective Date, Tera) This Lease A

This Lease Ato the site de

b) The term of “CommencemINDICATED.

c) You agree toDelivery Date


ite Preparation. mance with the mayment of Amou

e monthly lease chaddition to the mon

Equipment, and r tax, tax prepara

ge of the estimateand/or applicable Fur lease paymentsenever any paym5.00 for each mo

also pay to us an ahe event your accgate payment requse and Return ofa) You shall ca

the manufactb) You shall no

consent. c) You shall no

sublease thed) You shall co

permits requie) We or our rep) The Equipme

shall permit ug) You shall keeh) You shall pr

insurance poor total month

) If you do noconnection w

itle to EquipmenEquipment exce

erence of intellectue may request to ame and on your

Agreement (“Lease Lessee identifiey Payment System

es us or our desigwed by Lessee in nt”). In the event ossee authorizes i

s erroneously fromrization is to remassor a reasonablcy concerning Lesgree to lease to yo, according to thranties of any kindase Agreement anrm and Interim RAgreement becomAgreement remainesignated by you. f this Lease Agrement Date”), and

o pay an Interim e until the date preOWLEDGE THA


manufacturer’s andnts Due.

harge is due and pnthly lease chargerelated supplies o

ation, compliance ed annual propertyFee Schedule.

s will be due despient is not made bnth during which administrative chacount is placed intuiring a collection f Equipment; Insuse the Equipmenturer. You shall mt permit any phys

t create, incur, as Equipment witho

omply with all govired to operate thepresentatives mayent shall remain ous to affix suitableep the Equipmentrovide proof of inolicy. The loss, dehly leases charge

ot provide such pwith insuring the E

t. The Equipmentept as expressly ual property rightsconfirm or evidenbehalf. If a court

se Agreement”) ised on the signaturms, LLC and its su

gnees, successorsconjunction with

of default of Lessets financial institu

m Lessee’s accounain in full force ane opportunity to assee. ou and you agree

he terms and cod as to the suitabd/or any additions

Rent. mes effective on thns in effect until al

eement begins ocontinues for the

Lease Payment ieceding the Comm


payable monthly, e, you shall pay, oor any services, u

expenses, but exy taxes over the c

ite dissatisfaction by you in full whenit remains unpaid

arge of $10.00 for to collections for peffort.

urance. nt to be operatedaintain the Equipm

sical alteration or

ssume or allow toout our prior writtevernmental laws, e Equipment at yoy, at any time, ent

our personal propee labels or stencils adequately insursurance as evide

estruction, theft, ores hereunder. roof of insurancequipment. t is, and shall at aset forth in this

s is intended by oce our ownership determines that t


s being entered inre panel of this Meuccessors and as

s or assigns (herethis Lease Agree

ee’s obligation herution to accept annt, Lessee authornd effect until Lesact. Lessee also a

e to lease from usonditions of this bility of the Equips, replacements, s

he earlier of the dal of your obligatio

n a date designe number of mont

n the amount of omencement Date.MENT AND/OR


ns and will make th

in advance. You aor reimburse us fose or activities hexclusive of taxes

course of the term

with the Equipmen due, you shall p (prorated for anyany debit we attepast due lease am

by competent anment in good opemodification of th

o exist any consen consent. rules, and regula

our facility. ter your premises erty and shall not s to the Equipmenred against loss byenced by a certifr damage of or to

e, you may be ch

all times be and reLease Agreemen

r conferred in thisof the Equipment

the leasing transa


32 PPS1016

to by and betweeerchant Processinssigns and the wo

einafter “Lessor”) ement by initiatingreunder, Lessee ad to charge any dizes Lessor to cresor has received authorizes Lesso

s the equipment idLease Agreemen

pment for any parsubstitutions, or a

ate we deliver anyns and all of our o

ated by us afterths indicated on t

one-thirtieth (1/30 SOFTWARE YO

AND THAT WE YOU ELECT TO NOWLEDGE THAH SAID SERVICEquipment, includihe site(s) availabl

agree to pay all asor, amounts equalereunder, includin

based on our nem of the lease. You

ent for any reasonpay us as a late cy partial month), bempt to make agaimounts, you agree

nd qualified persorating condition ae Equipment, or c

ensually or judicia

ations relating to t

for purposes of inunder any circum

nt evidencing our oy fire, theft, and aicate naming Firs

o the Equipment s

harged a fee, on

emain, our sole annt or otherwise a

s Lease Agreement, and you irrevoca

action contemplate

t Lease Agre

en Priority Paymenng Application (“Mords “you” and “yo

to withdraw any ag debit entries to tauthorizes debit odebit entries initiaedit Lessee’s accowritten notice fror from time to tim

dentified on the Mnt. We are provirticular purpose. T

additions thereto.

y piece of Equipmobligations under

r receipt of all rethe MPA. THIS IS

0th) of the month


AT YOU MAY NOE PROVIDER. ing but not limitele to us by the con

ssessed costs for l to any taxes, ass

ng without limitatioet income. Propeu will also be cha

n. charge, an amounbut in no event moinst your Settlemee that we can rec

onnel in accordannd protect it from change the instal

ally imposed liens

the use of the Eq

nspecting, examinmstances be consownership. ll other Data Merchantshall not relieve yo

which we may m

nd exclusive propagreed in writingnt. You agree to eably appoint us ased by this Lease A


nt Systems, LLC MPA”). In this Leasour” refer to Lesse

amounts includingthe bank account

of its account for thated by Lessor to ount for an amounm Lessee of its te

me to obtain inves

MPA or such otheriding the EquipmThe term Equipm

ment to you (the “Dit have been sati

equired documenS A NON-CANCE

ly lease charge fo



ed to the power snfirmed shipping d

r delivery and instasessments on or on, state and locaerty taxes are calarged an annual T

nt equal to ten perore than the maxient Account that iscover a collection

ce with any operadeterioration, norlation site of the E

or encumbrance

quipment. You ar

ning or repairing thsidered to be a fix

t Services Corpoou from your oblig

make a profit, as

erty, and you shag. Except as expexecute and delives your attorney-inAgreement does

(through its businse Agreement, theee and its permitte

g any and all salest designated by Lehe full amount duLessee’s accounnt not to exceed termination in suchstigative credit rep

r comparable equment to you “as ment includes the

Delivery Date”) or sfied. We will deli

ntation and accepELLABLE LEASE

or each day from



supply circuits andate.

allation of Equipmarising out of this

al sales, use, propculated and char

Tax Handling Fee,

rcent of the amoumum amount pers rejected. expense charge

ating instructions rmal wear and teaEquipment, witho

s on, or part with

re also responsib

he Equipment. xture affixed to yo

ration as a loss gation to pay the

s set forth on you

all have no right, tressly provided ier to us any statem

n-fact to execute anot constitute a fi

ness unit First Date words “we,” “oued successors an

s taxes now due oessee on the MPAe under this Least. In the event thahe original amounh time and in sucports from a cred

ipment we providis” and make nEquipment initiall

acceptance by usiver the Equipmen

ptance by us (thE FOR THE TERM

m and including th



nd phone lines, i

ment. Lease Agreemen

perty, privilege anrged based on th, as set forth in th

unt due but no lesrmitted by law. Yo

of $50.00 for eac

furnished by us oar excepted. ut our prior writte

h possession of, o

le for obtaining a

ur real estate. Yo

payee under youfull purchase pric

ur fee schedule i

itle or interest in on Section 1.8, nment or instrumen

and file the same inancing and is no

a r” d

or A e

at nt h it

e o y

s. nt

e M




nt d e e

ss u







ur e


or o nt n


a leaseexecutthen inhighes1.7. Rereturn accordbe ten be fifteshall bmonthterminEquipmmay coyou ag1.8. Sproces“Softw1.9. Lidamagor servwith thindirec1.10. W


b1.11. Ioperatliabilitie1.12. D



1.13. ALease Lease Priority1.14. Lsuch rany guon suc1.15. GYork (wthe apremain1.16. Naddres1-877-1.17. Eagreemcountesignatu

e of the Equipmete such documentn no contingency st rate permissibleeturn or Purchasthe Equipment to

dance with the follpercent (10%). If

een percent (15%be twenty percent ly lease paymentate and return thement to us no lateollect any amountgree to pay the amSoftware Licensesses embodied in

ware”), and you shaimitation on Liabge or injury to persvice to it, or by anhis Lease Agreemct, incidental, specWarranties. a) All warranties

suitability, meb) You warrant Indemnification. tion, use, conditioes, damages or eDefault; Remediea) If any debit o

if you defaultany of our afagreement wwould include

b) Upon the occunder this Leand are due lease period bargain. Upoapplicable, ofor our costs entitled to recour possessiamounts we amounts oweentered into Account; Sec

Assignment. YouAgreement, any Agreement after

y Payment SystemLease Guaranty.ight of subrogatio

uarantor is herebych indebtedness dGoverning Law; without applying i

ppropriate state ofn valid and enforceNotices. All noticss appearing on th-257-2094. Entire Agreemenments and underserparts and all suure page of this L

ent, then we shall tation as we may or event whatso

e under any law wse of Equipmento us; (b) purchaseowing: If the termf the term of this le). If the term of th(20%); or (c) aftet. If Client does ne equipment to FDer than the tenth bts due to us unde

mounts owed to use. We retain all on or provided in call have only a nobility. We are not sons or property cny interruption of

ment shall not exccial or consequent

s, express or implerchantability, fitnthat you will only You shall indemn

n, liens against, oxpenses result fro

es. of your Settlementt in any material rffiliates or joint venwith us or with an e a default resultincurrence of any dease Agreement,

and payable, or together with the

on any such termur recovery of theof collection, cou

cover any amounon or control, or wmay owe to you,

ed to us under thisan MPA any fund

curity Interest” secu may not assign transfer of voting its execution to F

ms, LLC shall hav No guarantor sh

on is hereby waivey subordinated to due to you from a Venue; Miscellanits conflicts of lawf federal court loceable.

ces must be in whe MPA, and if to

nt. This Lease Agstandings and canuch counterparts ease Agreement

be deemed to harequest to eviden

oever shall intereshich a court of co at End of Leasee the Equipment of this Lease is foease is thirty-six (his lease is twentyr the final lease pa

not want to continDGL. If we terminbusiness day afterr this Section 1.7 s promptly upon oownership and coconnection with thon-exclusive licens

liable for any losscaused by the Equservice or loss ofeed the aggregattial damages. The

lied, made to you ess for a particulause the Equipmennify and hold us hor return of the Eqom our gross negl

t Account initiatedrespect in the perntures, any such eaffiliate or joint ve

ng from early termefault, we may atrepossess the Eq(ii) accelerate anfair market value

mination for defaue Equipment, inclurt costs, as well ats due to us undewithin the possessin any case withos Lease Agreemeds held or availabction of the MPA, or transfer this Lecontrol of you or

First Data Global e no further obliga

hall have any righted and released. Aall of your presenguarantor until theneous. This Leas

ws principles). Thecated in Suffolk C

riting, and shall bo us at 4000 Cora

greement constitun be changed onlytaken together shby facsimile shall

SCHEDUL Initially Om


ave a first lien sence such security st deemed chargempetent jurisdictio

e Period. Upon thfrom us for its thorty-eight (48) mo36) to forty-seven

y-four (24) to thirtyayment has been

nue to rent the Eqnate the lease purr termination, or reby debiting your

our request. opyright interest he Equipment othse to use the Softws, damage or expuipment. We are nf use of the Equipte lease amount pe remedies availab

or any other persar purpose, quiet ent for commercialharmless from anquipment or (b) anligence or willful m

d by us is rejectedrformance or obseevent shall be a denture to which w

mination of the MPt our option, effectquipment and prond declare immede of the Equipmenult, we may procuding entering onas applicable shiper this Lease Agresion or control of

out notifying you pent by obtaining dble as security foif applicable.

ease Agreement, your parent shallLeasing (FDGL),

ation under the Let of subrogation toAll indebtedness tnt and future oblige obligations due se Agreement shae exclusive venue

County, New York

be given (a) if senl Ridge Drive, Co

tes the entire Agy by a written agrehall be deemed tbe effective as de

LE B mitted

33 PPS1016

ecurity interest on interest. If this Le

ed hereunder, hoon shall, in a final

he completion of yhen fair market vaonths or more, then (47) months, they-five (35) monthsreceived by FDG

quipment, then Crsuant to Section emit to us the fair bank account, an

in and to all comher than those owware in your operense of any kind not liable for the upment or resultingpaid to us for the ble to you under t

son are hereby disenjoyment, or nonpurposes and wil

nd against any anny breach by you misconduct.

d when due, or if yervance of any obdefault hereunder.we are a party wilPA. tive immediately w

oceed in any lawfdiately due and pant (as determined ceed in any lawfuto your premises ping, repair and r

eement by charginour affiliates or jorior to doing so. Wirectly from an aff

or payment under

by operation of la be considered a, a business unit ease Agreement.o any of our rightthat exists now or

gations, and thoseto us are paid and

all be governed bye for any actions ok. If any part of th

nt by mail, when ral Springs, Florid

reement betweeneement signed byto constitute one elivery of a manua

SCH Initia

the Equipment aease Agreement iowever such inter

determination, deyour lease term oralue, calculated ae buyout option ase buyout option ass, the buyout optio

GL, the AgreementClient will be oblig

1.12(b) due to a dmarket value of td to the extent we

mputer software, wned or licensed ration of the Equipor nature caused

use or maintenancg loss of business

particular Equipmthis Lease Agreem

sclaimed, includinn-infringement. ll not use the Eqund all losses, liabiof any of your ob

you otherwise failbligation or provis. Without limiting l be treated as a

without notice, eitful manner againsayable all monthlby us), not as a p

ul manner to obtto recover the Eq

refurbishing costs ng your Settlemenoint ventures, or bWithout limiting thefiliate or joint ventthe terms of the

aw or otherwise, wn assignment or tof First Data Mer

ts in the Equipmer arises after the ee of your guarantod satisfied in full.

y and will be constor claims arising

his Lease Agreem

received, and (bda 33065. Attn: Le

n the parties with y all parties. This L

and the same inally executed coun

HEDULE C ally Omitted

as of the date of tis deemed a loanrest may be chareem applicable her any extension thas a percentage os a percentage of s a percentage of on as a percentagt will revert to a m

gated to provide Fdefault by you, ththe Equipment as e are unable to ob

related documen by the manufact

pment. directly or indirec

ce of the Equipmes. Our liability arisment involved. In ment are your sole

ng without limitatio

ipment for any hoilities, damages a

bligations hereund

to pay us any amsion of this Leasethe foregoing, anydefault under this

ther (i) terminate tst you for collectioly lease charges penalty but as liqain satisfaction oquipment. In any of recovered Equ

nt Account or any by setting off amoe foregoing, you ature to which we a MPA, including f

without our prior wtransfer of this Lerchant Services C

ent or this Lease Aexecution of this Lor, to us, and no p

trued in accordanunder or related t

ment is not enforc

b) if sent by couriease Department

respect to the EqLease Agreementnstrument. Deliventerpart of this Le

this Lease Agree despite the inten

racterized or comereto. ereof, you will havof the aggregate the aggregate leathe aggregate lea

ge of the aggregamonth-by-month reFDGL with 30 dahen you shall imm determined in gobtain full satisfact

ntation, technologturer of the Equip

ctly by the Equipment, its failure to opsing out of or in ano event shall w

e and exclusive re

on, any warranties

ousehold or persoand expenses resder, except to the

mounts due hereue Agreement or ay default by you us Lease Agreeme

this lease and ouon of all charges for the remaindeuidated damagesof the amounts ocase, you shall a

uipment. You agrey other funds of younts that you oweagree that we areare a party and wfunds available u

written consent. Foease Agreement. WCorporation. After

Agreement or agaLease Agreementpayment shall be

ce with the laws oto this Lease Agreeable, the remain

er, when delivere. Customer Servic

quipment, superset may be executedry of an executed

ease Agreement. E

ment, and you wntion of the partiesputed, exceed th

ve the option to (alease payments i

ase payments shaase payments shaate lease paymentental at the existinay written notice tmediately return thood faith by us. Wion in this manne

gy, know-how anpment (collectivel

ment, including anperate, any repair

any way connectewe be liable for anemedies.

s regarding quality

nal purposes. sulting from (a) thextent any losses

under when due, ony agreement witunder a processinent. Such a defau

r future obligationthat have accruer of the applicabl

s for our loss of thowed to us and, also be responsiblee that we shall bours that come inte to us against an entitled to recoveith which you havnder the “Reserv

or purposes of thiWe will assign thir such assignmen

ainst you, and ant between you anmade or accepte

of the State of Neweement shall be ining provisions w

ed; if to you at thce toll free numbe

edes any previoud in any number od counterpart of E

ill s, e

a) n

all all ts g o e e r,

d y

y rs d y


e s,

or h g lt

s d e e if e e o y

er e e

s s t,

y d d

w n ill

e er

s of a

All payyou haSettlemSystemClient transfeand torespecwhich Bank uunlessopportbe susClient.

Automfinancinot thethe tim

If Clienbe billewill beDiscovtransaYour ina. Anyb. Thec. Incrby PrioThe diNetwoA MonSchedIn addthe apThe pabreachexpirataccuraprobabrestrictClient’sIn the Defaulwith rePursuareturn calendin caleup with(TIN) twithhobusine

PriorityP.O. BAlpharAttn: CImportIf this aInitiatioreason

A.1. E



A.4. A

yments to Client save designated orment Account desms, LLC can guarahereby authorizes

er and to authorizo authorize your fct to the source ofmay exist with Clunder terms of ths and until Prioritytunity to act on it. spended until Clie Client’s Settleme

mated Clearing Hoial institution withie Bank, your Mas

me a batch is recei

nt’s MasterCard, Ved the fee indicat charged the Enh

ver Network Qualction. nitial MasterCard,y increases or dece appropriate interreasesinanyapplicority Payment Sysscount fees showrk volume.

nthly Minimum Prule, if applicable.)ition to the PIN Deplicable debit netwarties further agrhes this Agreemention of the applic

ately estimate. Acble loss or financiats, alters or affects receipt of Servicevent that Client tlt, Client will be c

espect to the Montant to Section 605for each calendar

dar year. Accordinendar year 2011. Ihholding by deduto the payor, or (bolding, it is very imess.

y Payment SystemBox 246 retta, GA 30009-0Chief Operating Oftant Phone Numbeapplication for buson, P.O. Box 246ns for the denial w


Electronic Fund

Funding Ackno

Additional Fees

Addresses for N

shall be through thr any successor asignated pursuantantee the time fras Bank and its au

ze your financial ininancial institutionf any funds in the ient as well as to is Agreement wh

y Payment SystemIn addition, Client

ent either (i) notifieent Account must

ouse (ACH). Youn two (2) Busines

sterCard, Visa andived by Processor

Visa and Discovered in the Mid-Qua

hanced Billback Rlified Rate agreed

Visa and Discovereases in the inte

rchange level as iscablesalesortelecostems, LLC when wn in Sections 9 a

rocessing Fee wi) ebit Card transactwork. ree and acknowlent by improperly tecable term of the ccordingly, the paal harm cause by ts the amount of tcers’ calculation oterminates this Agharged a fee for sthly Minimum Pro50W of the Internr year beginning J

ngly, you will recen addition, amouncting and withhol

b) if the IRS notifiemportant that you

ms, LLC:

0246 fficer ers: (See also Sesiness credit is de, Alpharetta, GA 3

within thirty (30) da

PART lll: AD

ding Authorizati


s and Early Ter


he Automated Cleccount designatedt to the preceding

ame in which paymuthorized represennstitution to blockn to provide suchDDA, is irrevocabany fees and assether arising duri

ms, LLC and Bant shall be chargedes Priority Paymebe able to proces

r funds for Mastess Days from the td Discover Networ. The Federal Re

r Network transacalified Discount fie

Rate on the volumd to in Sections 9

er Network rates archange and/or ass consistent with tommunicationschasuch costs are inc

and 10, Service Fe

ll be assessed im

tion fees set forth

edge that, in adderminating it priorAgreement due

arties have agreedsuch termination

this fee, the Damof the amount duegreement within thsuch early termincessing Fee will eal Revenue CodeJanuary 1, 2011 rive a Form 1099 nts reportable undding income tax fes the payor that provide us with th

ections 3.3 and 5.4enied you may ob30009-0246, withiays of receiving yo





earing House (“ACd to receive provig sentence will bement may be credntative to access ik or to initiate, if nh access and to cble and coupled wessments and Chng or after termink have consentedd twenty-five dollaent Systems, LLCs or accept electr

erCard, Visa andtime a batch is recork transactions weserve will transfer

ction(s) fail to qualeld or Non-Qualif

me of said transac9 and 10 of the

are stated on yourssessment portionthe qualifying criteargesortaxesleviecluded in the Servee Schedule, sha

mmediately after

on the Applicatio

ition to any remer to the expiration to an Event of D

d that the amounof this Agreemenages shall not ex. hree (3) years froation, if so indica

end simultaneousle, merchant acquireporting all paymreporting your gro

der Section 6050Wfrom reportable trthe TIN (when mahe correct name a

4) Customer Servtain a written statin sixty (60) days our request.


34 PPS1016

CH”) and shall nosional funding of

e an account primited by Client’s fininformation from t

necessary, reverscredit and/or debitwith an interest. Thhargeback amountnation of the Agred to its terminatioars ($25.00) for eaC that ACH’s can ronic transfers via


d Discover Netwoceived by Process

will ordinarily be pr such amounts to

A. 3.Ad

ify for the discounied Discount field

ction that failed to Service Fee Sch

r Application and n of the fees; eria of each transad by any state, fevice or other fixed

all be calculated b

the date Client’s

n, Client shall be

edies contained hof the applicable

Default, then Servnt described belownt. Notwithstandinxceed that individu

m the date of appated on the Applicly with Priority Payiring entities and ent card transactioss transaction am

W are subject to bransactions if (a) atched with the naand TIN that you

Bank: Me135 CrosWoodbur

vice 1-855-813-52ement of the specfrom the date yo


ormally be electroClient’s Card sale

marily used for bunancial institution the DDA and to ining entries and at or to block the his authority extents of whatever kin

eement. This authn at such time an

ach ACH which cabe processed or ACH.

ngAcknowledgemork transactions wsor if your financi

processed via the o your financial insdditionalFeesan

nt level contemplad. If you are utilizin

qualify, in additiohedule and the ac

may be adjusted

action submitted bederal or local autd fees. based on the gros

Application is ap

responsible for th

herein or otherwiterm of the Agreevicers will suffer w is not a penaltyg the foregoing, ifual limit. Such am

proval by Priority Pcation in Sections yment Systems, Lthird party settlemions and third parmounts for each c

backup withholdingthe payee fails toame) provided byuse when filing y

errick Bank ssways Park Drivery, N.Y. 11797

293 cific reasons for du are notified of o


nically transmittedes pursuant to the

usiness purposes.where the Settlemnitiate credit and/odjustments for ansame to such acnds to any equipmnd or nature due thority is to remainnd in such a manannot be processe(ii) a new electro

ment will ordinarily be al institution is theFederal Reserve

stitution. dEarlyTerminat

ated in the rates sng the Enhanced on to the differencctual interchange

from time to time

by Client; thority related to t

s sales volume of

pproved. (Refer t

he amount of any

se available undement, or (b) this A

a substantial injuy but rather a reaf Merchant is locamount shall be pa

Payment Systems 9 and 10, ServicLLC’s receipt of Tment organizationrty network transacalendar year begg requirements. Po provide the payy the payee is incoyour tax return tha

e North, Suite A10

denial. To obtain tour decision. We


d directly to the Se Agreement. Clie Neither Bank no

ment Account is mor debit entries byny original entriesccount. This authoment rental or puro Priority Paymenn in full force andnner as to afford ted, and all subseq

onic funding agree

processed and te Bank. If your fin

e within two (2) Bu


set forth in the AppBillback Discoun

ce between the M rate assessed to

including to reflec

he delivery of the

f all Visa, MasterC

to Sections 9 and

fees imposed upo

er applicable lawAgreement is termury that is difficuasonable pre-estiated in an individuaid to Servicers w

s, LLC and Bank ce Fee Schedule. ermination Fee.

ns are required to actions with payeeginning with trans

Payors are requireyee’s taxpayer ideorrect. Accordinglat includes the tra


the statement, plewill send you a w

Settlement Accounent agrees that anor Priority Paymenmaintained. y bankwire or ACH made to the DDAorization is withourchase agreementnt Systems, LLC od effect at all timethem a reasonablquent funding maement is signed b

ransferred to younancial institution iusiness Days from

plication, Client wt option, the Clien

MasterCard / Visa o the downgrade


e services provide

Card and Discove

d 10, Service Fe

on a transaction b

w and, if (a) Clienminated prior to thlt or impossible tmate of Servicers

ual state that limitswithin 15 days afte

due to an Event o Client’s obligatio

file an informatioes occurring in thasactions processeed to perform backentification numbely, to avoid backuansactions for you

ease contact Credwritten statement o

nt y


H A ut ts or s e

ay by

ur s


ill nt

/ d





nt e o s’ s, er

of n

n at d

k-er p


it of

DUPLPROCEINFOR Please From tiorder to

______1. Youfor thes2. We m3. Theregardi4. If yo5. The 6. We includin25, Res7. By eguaran8. The in Part 9. If yoCANCE10. ForPhone11. CarVisa anThe BaImporta) The b) The c) The by Procd) The e) The Importa) Ensub) Revic) Comd) Retae) You f) You Print CBy its [versioClient signedClient NO ALClient’SignatX ____ ______Please



read the Program Gume to time you may

o assist you in answe

________________r Discount Rates se reduced rates wmay debit your bare are many reasing Chargebacks s

ou dispute any chaAgreement limitshave assumed c

ng termination of thserve Account; Secexecuting this Ag

ntors of the AgreemAgreement contaIII, A.3 under “Add

ou lease equipmeELABLE LEASE Fr questions regard

e Numbers on the rd Organization Dnd MasterCard Meank’s mailing addretant Member BankBank is the only enBank must be a prBank is responsib

cessor. Bank is responsiblBank is responsibl

tant Merchant Resure compliance witiew and understand

mply with Card Orgaain assigned copy omay download “Vimay download “Ma

Client’s Business signature below,

on PPS1016] consfurther acknowle

d facsimile or origunderstands that

LTERATIONS OR Ss Business Princ

ture (Please sign b________________

________________e Print Name of Si

e: Priority Paymenss: P.O. Box 246, Awww.mybackoffic

uide in its entirety. It y have questions regering some of the qu

_______________are assessed on

will be charged an aank account from tsons why a Chargee Section 10 of Carge or funding, y

s our liability to yocertain risks by ahe Agreement, andcurity Interest), undgreement with us

ment until all your obains a provision thditional Fee Informaent from ProcessoFOR THE FULL TEding your MerchaAdditional Import

Disclosure ember Bank Inform

ess is 135 Crosswak Responsibilitiesntity approved to exrincipal (signer) to tle for educating Me

le for and must prole for all funds heldsponsibilities: h Cardholder data d the terms of the Manization rules. of this Disclosure Psa Regulations” fro

asterCard RegulatioLegal Name: ____, Client acknowle

sisting of 38pagesedges reading andinal of this Confira copy of the Pro www.m

STRIKE-OUTS TOipal: below): ________________


nt Systems Alpharetta GA

describes the termsgarding the contentsuestions we are most

________________transactions that q

additional fee (see Stime to time for amgeback may occuard Processing Op

you must notify us wou. For a detailed dgreeing to provide/or hold monies oth

der certain circumst you are authorizinbligations to us andhat in the event yo

ation.” or, it is important t

ERM INDICATED. ant Processing Aptant Information P

mation: Merrick Bys Park Drive Nort: xtend acceptance othe Merchant Agreeerchants on pertine

vide settlement fund in reserves that ar

security and storagMerchant Agreeme

Page. om Visa’s website aons” from MasterCa________________edges that it has s (including this cod agreeing to all rmation Page by uogram Guide is alsmybackofficetools THE PROGRAM G


_____________ __ Ti



009-0246 signapay.pdf Cu

s under which we wils of your Agreementt commonly asked.

________________ualify for certain reSection 19 of the Pounts owed to us u

ur. When they occuperating Guide. within 60 days of thdescription of the lime you with Card prherwise payable to tances. ng us and our Affild our Affiliates are su terminate the Ag

that you review Se

pplication and AgrPage, Part III, Sect

Bank h, Suite A 100, Wo

of Card Organizatioement. ent Visa and Maste

nds to the Merchanre derived from set

ge requirements. bent.

at:’s website at: ht_______________received (either

onfirmation). terms in the Pro

us, Client’s Applicso available for WILL BE A



35 PPS1016

stomer Service #:

l provide merchant pt with Bank and/or P

_______________duced interchange

Program Guide). under the Agreemeur we will debit you

he date of the statemitation of liability srocessing or checkyou (see Card Pro

liates to obtain finasatisfied. reement early, you

ection 1 in Third Pa

reement, please cion A.4.

oodbury, NY 11797

on products directly

erCard rules with w

t. ttlement.

) Maintain fraud an


________________in person, by fac

ogram Guide, whication will be procownloading from tpay.pdf ACCEPTED.



: 1-855-813-5293

processing Services Processor. The follow

________________e rates imposed by

ent. ur settlement funds

ment where the chsee Section 21 of thk services. Accordocessing General T

ancial and credit in

u will be responsibl

arty Agreements. B

contact Customer

7, and its phone num

y to a Merchant.

which Merchants m

nd Chargebacks be

erations/, or by ele

ich shall be incorcessed. the Internet at:

_ _____________ Date


to you. wing information su

________________MasterCard and V

s or settlement acc

harge or funding aphe Card Processin

dingly, we may takTerms in Section 24

nformation regardin

e for the payment

Bank is not a party

Service at 1-855-8

mber is (800) 267-2

must comply; but th

elow Card Organiza

ions.html nt/support/rules/htm_______________ectronic transmis

rporated into Clie


ummarizes portions

___________ Visa. Any transactio

count. For a more

ppears for Card Prog General Terms.

ke certain actions t4, Term; Events of

ng your business a

of an early termina

y to this Agreemen

813-5293, and / or


his information may

ation thresholds.

m ________________sion) the comple

ent’s Agreement.

of your Agreement i

ons that fail to qualif

detailed discussio


to mitigate our riskDefault and Sectio

and the signers an

ation fee as set fort


r refer to Importan

y be provided to yo

_______ ete Program Guid

Upon receipt of




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