mesaje subliminale în campania

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  • 8/13/2019 Mesaje subliminale n campania


    Ele exist i sunt peste tot, n politic, n muzic, n jocuri, nfilme, .a.m.d. Mesajele subliminale sunt sub limitelenormale ale percepiei. Mesajele subliminale sunt de dou

    forme, audio (auditiv) i video (vizual).

    Mesaje subliminale n campania electoral

    Oricine ar trage o privire asupra afielor electorale care otrvesc (alturi de altebillboarduri) aspectul capitalei noastre, ar crede c suntem n campania electoralpentru preedinte, i nu ntr-o campanie pentru referendum.

    Referendumul nu are nevoie de campanii electorale, dezbateri ntre partide i o sut destaffuri pentru aceeai poziie.

    Dar cel mai multun referendum nu are nevoie de manipulare neurolingvistic, ci deargumentare logic. Partidele parc nu neleg asta, i au nceputs foloseasc la greunite tehnici de manipulare ieftine, uor detectabile.

    Am strns cteva exemple:

    Programare neurolingvistic de la PLDM
  • 8/13/2019 Mesaje subliminale n campania


    Dac observai, cuvintele subliniate sunt PUTERNIC, PREEDINTE, PENTRU iPLDM. Dac am construi un mesaj din cuvintele subliniate am primi:PENTRU PREEDINTE PUTERNIC PLDM.PLDM PENTRU PREEDINTE PUTERNIC.PREEDINTE PUTERNIC.

    Alt gore-pisicolog este acel care ne ndeamn la credin, folosete aceeai tehnic dezombare:

    n vreme ce citeti acest mesaj, credina ta crete iar pleoapele devin tot mai grele...

    Cuvintele subliniate sunt:

    CRED, BUN(), VALERIU PASAT (subliniat prin faptul c-i scris mrunt de tot, teface s caui ca s gseti). Mesajul e astfel formulat c te bag n trans n ncercarea

    de a gsi o logic i un sens n el.

    Se vede c nu att referendumul i intereseaz pe politicienii notri, pe ct dorina deai odihni fundul n jilul de prezident.

    Cele mai puin manipulatoare reclame i le fac PDM (o reclam clasic, dar totpentru Lupu preedinte, i nu Pentru dreptul de ai alege preedintele), i PL (caree lider i la stupiditatea mesajului transmis De ce fel de preedinte avem nevoie? Cinstit. Domnilor, noi votm pentru modificarea constituiei sau facem reclam unuipreedinte cinstit?).

    * Manipularea, ca arm politic

    Chiar nainte de a fi demonstrat tiinific influena pe care o au mesajele

    subliminale asupra creierului uman, teama de comenzile netiute a mpins

    legiuitorii s interzic folosirea mesajelor subliminale n reclame sau campanii

    electorale. Cu toate acestea, n timpul campaniei prezideniale americane din
  • 8/13/2019 Mesaje subliminale n campania


    2000, folosirea unui asemenea mesaj ascuns a iscat un imens scandal. ntr-un

    videoclip al republicanilor, care critica planul democratului Al Gore de acordare a

    medicamentelor pentru btrni, a fost introdus fraza: The Gore prescription

    plan: Bureaucrats decide (Planul Gore pentru medicamente: birocraii decid), din

    care, pentru o fraciune de secund, rmnea pe ecran finalul cuvntului

    bureaucrats adic rats (obolani). Sesizate n legtur cu tentativa de

    defimare a democrailor, autoritile au fcut o anchet, dar nu au dictat vreo

    sanciune. Beneficiarul clipului, George W. Bush, a respins acuzaiile ca fiind o

    prostie, dar creatorul spotului, dup ce a negat c mesajul ar fi aprut n mod voit,

    a recunoscut dup civa ani c a recurs la acest truc pentru a atrage atenia

    alegtorilor. Americanii n-au fost totui singurii care au amestecat mesajele

    subliminale cu politica. n 1988, n Frana, s-au auzit voci care au pus realegerea

    preedintelui francez Franois Mitterrand pe seama imaginilor subliminale cu

    acest politician difuzate de 2.949 de ori n deschiderea buletinului de tiri de pe

    canalul naional de televiziune, inserate fiind ntr-un material promoional. i la

    noi n ar, nregistrarea Alianei Dreptate i Adevr a ntmpinat probleme pe

    motiv c sigla sa urmrete manipularea alegtorilor, crora li s-ar induce

    tendina de a spune DA acestei formaiuni. Soluia gsit a fost punerea punctelor

    dup D, respectiv dup A, ceea ce nu a modificat prea mult situaia. Ba mai mult,

    ulterior a aprut i sloganul electoral "Aa DA preedinte".

    Subliminal Messages in PoliticsPosted onNovember 20, 2010|5 CommentsThe other day, my Communication Theory Professor made a presentation about

    subliminal messages in communication. Above, you will find a 30 second

    television advertisement from George W. Bushs presidential campaign. Manypeople argue that his communication team used subliminal messages to subtly

    attack his opponent, Al Gore. The ad blames the Clinton/Gore administration for

    the high cost of elderly prescription drugs.

    If you look closely, the word RATS is flashed for a split second, before thecomplete word bureaucrats appears. The word RATS is seen alongsideimages of Vice President Al Gore. Many people believe that this controversial ad
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    was intentional and meant to be processed by the American people at an

    unconscious or subliminal level.

    According to aBBC New Article,President Bush denied the ads subliminal

    messageThis kind of practice is not acceptable, declared Bush. Conspiracy theoriesabound in American politics, but I dont think we need to be subliminal aboutprescription drugs.

    After my Professor presented this video, he asked if anyone noticed the word

    RATS flash across the screen. About half the class picked up on the message thefirst time. My Professor then replayed the ad, and the class was generally, in

    shock. In my opinion, subliminal messages is meant to evoke feara popularpropaganda technique used throughout history. In my last post, I analyzed the IsThis Tomorrow? political pamphlet, which depicted the Soviet Union as the evilempire through images of flames and fearful Americans fighting for their lives.This idea can make the American public uneasy. Many individuals are likely to

    take action, as a result.

    In 1974, the FCC said that subliminal advertising was not in the publics bestinterest. Although there is no definitive understanding on how the brain processes

    subliminal messages, I still find this ad a bit disturbing. The brains unconsciousstate is an extremely difficult concept to grasp. Many researchers including BillCook of the Advertising Research Foundation say that subliminal advertising is

    part of the popular science agenda like astrology and alien abduction. Althoughit has not been proven whether subliminal messages affect the way we think,

    advertisers may insist on using this technique.

    Subliminals in Politics

    The word SEX is frequently hidden in political propaganda, advertisements, and

    television and motion-picture frames. The simple three-letter symbol, usually

    invisible to consciousness, appears instantly perceivable at the unconscious level.

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    In the 1976 congressional election campaigns in Virginia's 10th District, SEX embeds

    were discovered in the campaign literature of all candidates except one who could

    not afford to hire an advertising agency. When a charge was made against the use of

    subliminal devices in campaign literature, the press around the Washington area

    generally rallied to the support of the candidates who had used the advertising

    agencies. Everyone was aghast at the audacious charge one newspaper referred to

    as a "sex hoax" campaign gimmick. Though many Virginia journalists privately

    admitted they could clearly perceive the embeds, they still claimed in print the whole

    idea of subliminal perception being used in an election campaign far too bizarre to be

    plausible. Yet these embedding techniques have been used in every political

    campaign of any magnitude in the United States and Canada for at least fifty years, if

    not much, much longer. SEX embeds can even be designed into campaign buttons.

    Subliminal manipulation is often used to increase suggestibility of the audience. BillGates in his presentation on energy used the following sequence of letters. Needless

    to say, it was not chosen arbitrary.

    This photo of George W. Bush has a multiply words "sex" and "obey" embedded

    subliminally on his face:
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    The words KILL, PAIN, and FEAR are usually reserved for hostile political leaders.

    For example on this notorious Time magazine cover from 12.21.1981 the colonel

    Gaddafi has "SEX" and "KILL" written on his face.
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    The famous "RATS" subliminal message that was used in Bush campaign in the

    2000 election. It was flashed over a Gore prescription drug proposal. The excuse

    was that "RATS" it's just a part of the word "BUREAUCRATS". Click the image to

    watch video.

  • 8/13/2019 Mesaje subliminale n campania


    Now, dear reader, you have to understand that the word RATS was supposed to

    be noticed. The only purpose of it was to create an impression of real fight where

    Democrats and Republicans pull dirty tricks on each other. In reality, Bush and Al

    Gore represent the same entity and have the same force standing behind them.

    They are just different masks on the same face that give you an illusion of choice.

    No matter who you vote for, the government always gets in. So in 2004 campaign

    Bush seemingly was "fighting" Kerry but in fact, both belong to a satanic secret

    society "Skull and Bones". Watch the video where they both admit it.

    US presidential elections, 2008. The Republican candidate John McCain popped

    up behind logo alongside his wife Cindy during opening theme in Fox news.

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    Watch video

    France, presidential elections, 1988. Subliminal picture of President Franois

    Mitterrand appeared for several consecutive days in the title sequence of French

    national television daily news show.

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  • 8/13/2019 Mesaje subliminale n campania


    Subliminal Messages in Politics

    The idea of subliminal messaging being used in political advertising is not very comforting. The

    undecided population could (in theory) be swayed towards a particular candidate or proposition if their

    subconscious minds were infiltrated by subliminal stimuli in political propaganda. One prominent

    accusation was back in 2000, when Al Gore was running against George W. Bush for the presidency.

    There was TV advertisement for Bush's campaign where he attacked his opponent, Al Gore, by blaming

    him for expensive prescription drugs. Super imposed next to a picture of Gore, "rats" appears before

    the rest of the word follows to spell out"bureaucrats."

    This did not go unnoticed. When asked about the ad, Bush vehemently denied it, as did the creator of the

    advertisement, Alex Castellano. However, Castellano later admitted it was intentional, but that itspurpose was to bring attention to the word bureaucrats. The Republican National Committee

    retracted the ad to prevent further controversy, but people did not readily forget about the

    incident.The video can be viewedhere,and while watching it I did notice the flashing of the word "rats,"but I don't think I would've noticed it on my own. Maybe that is because I am susceptible tosubliminal messages, or maybe it's because I am seeing what I want to see after beingtold it's there. Regardless of all that, I do find this video a little suspicious, and I thinkthe statement from Castellano really convinces me that there is something more goingon here. If there was no ulterior motive with the design of the advertisement, then hewould have no need to make excuses. The fact that he denied any foul play, but then

    later acknowledged that there was a reason for the suspicious placement of words,gives some evidence for the attempted use of subliminal messages in the politicalworld

    Maine Political Signs Carry Subliminal Messages

    10/05/2012 Reported By: Jennifer Mitchell
  • 8/13/2019 Mesaje subliminale n campania


    Every year about this time, you start noticing the little forests of political signs

    popping up on every greenbelt in the neighborhood. The reason is that there's a

    candidate who would like your vote. And according to those who scrutinize

    politics and media, there's also an unspoken message in the signs' color and

    design. Jennifer Mitchell reports.

    Related Media

    Maine Political Signs Carry SubliminalMessages Duration:


    You may notice this season that a

    growing number of political sign

    designs out there stray beyond theclassic American palette of red,

    white, and blue.

    "I think in some cases they

    represent the presence of

    deliberate third parties," says Jon

    Ippolito, a media and design

    specialist with the University of

    Maine. He says that it's increasingly common to see lawn signs clad in purple, orange, and

    yellow. And green especially, he says, seems to be gaining traction as a symbolic campaign


    "Green being a symbol both of environmental consciousnes, growth also, and money, in the

    sense of economic boon," Ippolito says. "So we associate green with a company like

    Starbucks that represents both the economic and the kind of ecological, you know, Seattle


    That color symbolism within political campaigns may have had beginnings with Jimmy

    Carter, says Daniel Shea, director of the Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs and Civil

    Engagement at Colby College in Waterville. For his 1976 campaign, Carter surprised some

    by rolling out green signs in order to portray himself as a candidate of peaceful values.

    The color scheme of choice for Republicans, say experts, has always been, and remains,

    some variation on red, white, or blue - sometimes all three. All these colors, says Shea, can

    have psychological impacts on voters.

    "Red can mean excitement and energy," Shea says. "Blue is often used as a calming color.

    White is often thought to denote purity and integrity. Of course very few candidates pick

    yellow, right? Because yellow is danger."

    Nevertheless, yellow has a role to play for some candidates. Robert Caverly is campaign

    manager for U.S. Congressional candidate, Kevin Raye. "The Raye name out in Washington
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    County is synonomous with mustard, and that did play a role in the selection of the colors,"

    he says.

    Then there are Arthur Verrow's lemon-colored signs for the District 21 State House race.

    Verrow's opponent, Will Rogers, has also chosen a non-traditional color schem, black and

    orange - chosen, he says, because he wanted to make sure that his signs "stood out a mile"from everyone else's.

    Orange on a sign, says Jon Ippolito at the University of Maine, may imply industry and

    energy - reminiscent of road crews or a big business like Home Depot, which also uses an

    orange color scheme. The color is also a hard one to ignore.

    "I'm of the opinion that signs are really for the campaign itself - you know, I don't think any

    campaign was ever won or lost on the basis of signs," says Dennis Bailey, a political

    marketing expert and former spokesman for Gov. Angus King.

    Bailey's not a big fan of signs. He says too much time is spent planning them, putting them

    out and engaging in what he calls "sign wars." There's also no evidence, he says, that they

    tell voters much of anything. But he puts them up anyway because a candidate's supporters

    insist on them.

    "I don't know if the public wants to see them so much, but as something to give the

    volunteers to do, and something to sort of rally the troops, they're a big part of a

    campaign," Bailey says.

    They work rather like advertising jingles, says Jon Ippolito at the University of Maine.

    Studies have shown that the more annoying the jingle, the more people remember it. Both

    Daniel Shea at Colby College and Ippolito agree that there are many ingredients that go

    into a successful political sign recipe - it's just not clear which ingredients resonate with

    wich voters, and exactly how many signs do the trick.

    Then there's the matter of retrieving all those political signs post election. They need to be

    taken down from most places within a week after the election. And for candidates who are

    not successful at the ballot box, all those signs can be recycled for a future run for office.

    But, on the other hand, they might want to rethink their designs.

    Photos by Jennifer Mitchell.