metamorphic controls on seismic velocity of subducted ... · metamorphic controls on seismic...

Metamorphic controls on seismic velocity of subducted oceanic crust at 100^250 km depth J.A.D. Connolly a; , D.M. Kerrick b a Earth Sciences Department, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland b Geosciences Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA Received 15 May 2002; received in revised form 14 August 2002; accepted 11 September 2002 Abstract Most circum-Pacific subduction zones at 100^250 km depth contain layers in which seismic velocities are ca. 5% slower than in the adjacent mantle. We compute seismic velocities from thermodynamic data for equilibrium metabasalt mineralogies, determined by free energy minimization, at subduction zone conditions. Lawsonite stability has a profound effect on seismic velocities of subducted oceanic metabasalts. Velocity reductions of 3^7% are estimated for lawsonite^eclogites derived by metamorphism of hydrothermally altered oceanic basalt subducted along relatively cool geotherms, whereas a 2^4% velocity increase is characteristic of anhydrous eclogites within the coesite stability field. The restricted depth extent of low-velocity layers is explicable through the influence of the coesite^ stishovite transition, which reduces lawsonite stability at high pressure. This transition also increases the positive velocity anomaly in anhydrous eclogites to 4^6%, an effect that may account for deep high-velocity layers. The quality of the match between the properties of lawsonite^eclogite and low-velocity layers supports the contention that significant quantities of volatiles are retained within the oceanic crust beyond sub-arc depths. Because the velocity anomalies are explicable in terms of equilibrium phase relations, we find no reason to invoke metastability of metamorphic reactions to explain the low-velocity layers. ȣ 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: seismic velocity; low-velocity layers; subduction; devolatilization; metamorphism 1. Introduction With some exceptions [1,2], seismic waves that travel along the tops of most circum-Paci¢c sub- ducted slabs at depths of 100^250 km are 3^7% slower than the surrounding mantle [3^8]. To ex- plain these observations geophysical models re- quire homogeneous layers, characterized by un- usually low seismic velocities, that extend over the entire depth range of observation [2,9]. Thick- nesses estimated for the layers are comparable to, or less than, those of oceanic crust (V7 km). These estimates, in tandem with a variety of other constraints, have led to the inference that the low- velocity layers correspond to a section of the sub- ducted oceanic crust [2,6^8]. The low seismic wave velocities are attributed to mineralogy, but the speci¢c mineralogy of the low-velocity layers is 0012-821X / 02 / $ ^ see front matter ȣ 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0012-821X(02)00957-3 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +41-1-632-7804; Fax: +41-1-632-1088. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.A.D. Connolly). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 204 (2002) 61^74

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Metamorphic controls on seismic velocity ofsubducted oceanic crust at 100^250 km depth

J.A.D. Connolly a;�, D.M. Kerrick b

a Earth Sciences Department, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 8092 Zurich, Switzerlandb Geosciences Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA

Received 15 May 2002; received in revised form 14 August 2002; accepted 11 September 2002


Most circum-Pacific subduction zones at 100^250 km depth contain layers in which seismic velocities are ca. 5%slower than in the adjacent mantle. We compute seismic velocities from thermodynamic data for equilibriummetabasalt mineralogies, determined by free energy minimization, at subduction zone conditions. Lawsonite stabilityhas a profound effect on seismic velocities of subducted oceanic metabasalts. Velocity reductions of 3^7% areestimated for lawsonite^eclogites derived by metamorphism of hydrothermally altered oceanic basalt subducted alongrelatively cool geotherms, whereas a 2^4% velocity increase is characteristic of anhydrous eclogites within the coesitestability field. The restricted depth extent of low-velocity layers is explicable through the influence of the coesite^stishovite transition, which reduces lawsonite stability at high pressure. This transition also increases the positivevelocity anomaly in anhydrous eclogites to 4^6%, an effect that may account for deep high-velocity layers. The qualityof the match between the properties of lawsonite^eclogite and low-velocity layers supports the contention thatsignificant quantities of volatiles are retained within the oceanic crust beyond sub-arc depths. Because the velocityanomalies are explicable in terms of equilibrium phase relations, we find no reason to invoke metastability ofmetamorphic reactions to explain the low-velocity layers.7 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: seismic velocity; low-velocity layers; subduction; devolatilization; metamorphism

1. Introduction

With some exceptions [1,2], seismic waves thattravel along the tops of most circum-Paci¢c sub-ducted slabs at depths of 100^250 km are 3^7%slower than the surrounding mantle [3^8]. To ex-

plain these observations geophysical models re-quire homogeneous layers, characterized by un-usually low seismic velocities, that extend overthe entire depth range of observation [2,9]. Thick-nesses estimated for the layers are comparable to,or less than, those of oceanic crust (V7 km).These estimates, in tandem with a variety of otherconstraints, have led to the inference that the low-velocity layers correspond to a section of the sub-ducted oceanic crust [2,6^8]. The low seismic wavevelocities are attributed to mineralogy, but thespeci¢c mineralogy of the low-velocity layers is

0012-821X / 02 / $ ^ see front matter 7 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 0 1 2 - 8 2 1 X ( 0 2 ) 0 0 9 5 7 - 3

* Corresponding author. Tel. : +41-1-632-7804;Fax: +41-1-632-1088.

E-mail address: [email protected](J.A.D. Connolly).

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controversial. Subducted oceanic crust has tradi-tionally been thought to undergo an equilibriumtransition from seismically slow anhydrous gab-broic mineralogies to fast eclogitic mineralogiesat depths of 20^50 km. Because this transition iskinetically hindered, the persistence of metastablegabbros was hypothesized to explain low-velocitylayers at depths of 60 km [10]. With the discoveryof deeper low-velocity layers, this hypothesis hasbeen invoked to explain seismic anomalies atdepths s 100 km [4,11]. However, the petrologi-cal arguments for metastability are questionableat such depths [6^8], and almost certainly unsus-tainable at 250 km. Additionally, detailed obser-vations indicate that seismic velocities in metasta-ble gabbroic mineralogies are too slow for theserocks to be the origin of low-velocity layers [8].Most recently it has therefore been argued thatmetastable hydrous mineralogies are the mostplausible cause for low seismic velocities in sub-ducted slabs at 100^250 km depth [7,8]. This the-sis is problematic because if anhydrous gabbrosdo not persist metastably within the oceanic crust,then it is doubtful that dehydration reactions,which are usually kinetically faster than anhy-drous phase transformations, can be suppressedso as to preserve metastable hydrous minerals[12,13]. We show that the predicted stability andseismic properties of lawsonite^eclogites, whichform by the progressive metamorphism of meta-basalt, may resolve this dilemma.

2. Model formulation and methods

The subducted oceanic crust consists of a rela-tively thin (6 800 m) heterogeneous layer of ma-rine sediments, an upper 2^3 km thick sequence oflayered hydrothermally altered basalts (metaba-salts), and a less altered, but more heterogeneous,lower section comprised largely of gabbroic rockswith an average composition similar to the basal-tic section [14]. Because seismic velocities for theequilibrium mineralogies of anhydrous metabasicrocks are 2^4% faster those of the ambient mantleat the depths of interest [2], we focus on the upperbasaltic section, which should be characterized bygreater abundances of seismically slow hydrous

minerals. The strati¢cation and chemical homoge-neity of the metabasalts provide additional moti-vation for this choice, because these features areessential for e⁄cient channeling of seismic energy[2,8]. We neglect the metasediments because theirthickness and heterogeneity are inconsistent withgeophysical models for low-velocity layers [2,8].At the depths of interest, the equilibrium min-eralogy of the metasediments is similar to thatof metabasalt, but metasediments contain greateramounts of hydrous minerals [15^18]. Thus weanticipate that the e¡ect of metasediments, ifany, is to enhance the strength of any low-velocityanomaly predicted solely from metabasalt.

It is commonly assumed that the compositionof the subducted igneous crust is that of normalmid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) modi¢ed by theaddition of water through hydrothermal altera-tion. However, to a depth of at least 1 km thehydrothermal e¡ects are more complex and in-volve the introduction of water, CO2, and modi-¢cation of the non-volatile composition [19,20].The correlation of the basaltic section, or indeedthe entire crust, with a low-velocity layer wouldimply that the seismic properties of individual li-thologies must be averaged in some manner. Suchcorrelations contrast with the results of detailedseismic dispersion studies that suggest low-veloc-ity layers represent samples of the crust that maybe as thin as 2 km [5,8,21]. To constrain seismicvelocities in either scenario, we consider the end-member cases of hydrated MORB and metaso-matically altered MORB, designated hereafter as‘unaltered’ and ‘altered’ basalt (Table 1). The un-altered composition is that of synthetic high-mag-nesium MORB that was studied experimentally atthe conditions of interest [15,16]. This composi-tion was chosen in preference to a natural com-position to verify the accuracy of our computedphase relations. For our altered basalt model weuse an averaged bulk composition for the upper500 m of the igneous crust [19].

Metamorphic devolatilization may be in£u-enced by £uids derived from adjacent rocks andby the rate of £uid expulsion. Evaluation of suche¡ects requires knowledge of the nature of meta-morphic £uid £ow and lithologic structure. Toavoid the loss of generality inherent in specifying

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unknown hydrologic properties and lithologic de-tails, we consider three simple models for meta-basalt devolatilization to illustrate the extremeslikely to be realized in subduction zones. Forthe unaltered metabasalt, we assume water-satu-rated conditions, an assumption that maximizesthe abundance of hydrous minerals as a functionof pressure (P) and temperature (T, see Table 1for notation). Phase relations computed on thisbasis are those expected if the £uid chemistry isdominated by water-rich £uids derived from lowercrustal rocks that contain little CO2 [22]. Alterna-tively, such a model is appropriate in the limits ofboth a closed system or an open system, in which£uid is expelled as rapidly as it is produced (i.e.,Rayliegh fractionation) with the proviso that theinitial water content is adequate to generate a

£uid phase. For the altered basalt we employtwo closed-system models. The ¢rst model, inwhich we use the bulk composition as stated inTable 2, simulates a scenario in which externallyderived £uids do not a¡ect the devolatilizationprocess. Because hydrated minerals generally de-compose at a lower temperature than carbonates[17,18], hydrated mineral stabilities in a mixed-volatile closed system are almost identical to thosein a system that devolatilizes by Rayliegh frac-tionation. In contrast, devolatilization by Ray-liegh fractionation preserves carbonate mineralsto signi¢cantly higher temperatures than in aclosed system. Despite this e¡ect, we prefer theclosed system model because in such a modelthe devolatilization process is not path-dependentand consequently its phase relations can be repre-sented solely as a function of pressure and tem-perature. In the second model we eliminate CO2

from the bulk composition to simulate devolatili-zation in an open system dominated by an aque-ous £uid. In this model, the initial water contentdetermines the onset of dehydration, but once thesystem becomes water-saturated there is no di¡er-ence between closed and open system behavior.

Seismic velocity anomalies along the tops ofsubducted slabs are inferred relative to the veloc-ity in the adjacent mantle. To compute these rel-ative velocities we employ a pyrolitic composition(pyrolite in Table 2, [23]) as a model for the am-bient mantle. In order to constrain the P^T con-

Table 2Model rock compositions in weight proportions normalized relative to 45 parts SiO2

Unaltered basalt Altered basalt Pyrolite Lawsonite^eclogite

SiO2 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00TiO2 1.10 0.71 1.19Al2O3 14.48 15.26 3.52 20.91FeO 8.16 9.84 10.89MgO 6.31 6.54 37.33 6.58CaO 8.65 12.66 3.07 9.57Na2O 2.75 2.03 0.57 4.10K2O 0.55 0.28H2O saturated 2.63CO2 2.90 or 0.0

Unaltered basalt is a synthetic high-Mg MORB [15]; altered basalt is an average for the upper 500 m of the igneous section ofthe oceanic crust [19]; and pyrolite is a model composition originally proposed to represent the mantle beneath Hawaii [23]. Thelawsonite^eclogite composition is provided for comparison and is the average of three lawsonite^clinpyroxene^garnet xenolithsthat are thought to have derived from subducted metabasic oceanic crust [41].

Table 1List of symbols

Symbol Meaning

G molar Gibbs free energyKS adiabatic bulk modulus, Eq. 4N molar formula weightP pressureT temperaturevS shear wave (S-wave) velocity, Eq. 1vP compressional (P-wave) wave velocity, Eq. 2v0

S, v0P ambient mantle P- and S-wave velocities, Eqs.

6, 7W shear modulus, Eq. 5b density, Eq. 3

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ditions along the tops of subducted slabs at 100^250 km depth, we extrapolate geotherms estimat-ed for NE and SW Japan [24], which we adopt aslimiting low-temperature and high-temperaturegeotherms, respectively, for circum-Paci¢c sub-duction (Fig. 1a) [17,18].

2.1. Computation of seismic velocities

The assemblages, modes and compositions ofmetamorphic minerals for the model rock compo-sitions were determined by free energy minimiza-tion [25,26] using thermodynamic data for purephases from reference [27] and solution modelssummarized in Table 3. The compressional- (vp)and shear-wave (vs) velocity through an elasticallyisotropic £uid or homogeneous single crystal are afunction of three thermodynamic properties of thephase in question [28,29] :

vP ¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiKS þ 4W=3



vS ¼ffiffiffiffiW



where b is the density, KS is the adiabatic bulkmodulus, and W is the shear modulus. Conven-tional thermodynamic databases and solutionmodels are designed for the computation of phaseequilibria under isostatic conditions and thereforedo not constrain the shear modulus; however,both density and the adiabatic bulk moduluscan be expressed as a function of the Gibbs en-ergy for an isostatic system:





DP2 þD


� �2 D


� �31


where G is the molar free energy and N is themolar formula weight. Thus it is apparent thatseismic velocities are dependent on the thermody-

namic function G, which is minimized to establishthe amounts and compositions of the phases thatare stable as a function of pressure and temper-ature. Our strategy for the calculation of seismicvelocities di¡ers from that of reference [30] in thatwe evaluate the adiabatic bulk modulus and den-sity from Eqs. 3 and 4 with the thermodynamicdata used for computing phase relations. Thisstrategy has the virtue that it maximizes the con-sistency between the computed phase relationsand seismic velocities, and leaves the shear mod-ulus as the only parameter not obtained by thethermodynamic calculations. Shear moduli forstoichiometric phases were computed by the em-pirical relation:

W ¼ W 0 þ TD W




where the parameters W0, DW/DT, DW/DP are taken tobe constants. The shear moduli of solution phaseswere computed as the arithmetic mean of themoduli of the solution endmembers weighted bythe molar proportions of the endmembers. Thisaveraging approach is appropriate for a chemicalmixture, whereas the more complex averagingschemes sometimes employed in geophysical com-putations imply that solution phases are mechan-ical mixtures.

The programs and data used for the calculationof phase relations and seismic velocities are avail-able at Shear modulifor most phases were taken from reference [9], thisdatabase was augmented by shear moduli re-ported for lawsonite [31], talc [32], stishovite[29], muscovite and carbonates [33]. Where lack-ing, shear moduli of Fe-endmembers of crystallinesolutions were approximated by the moduli of thecorresponding Mg-endmember. The P^T depen-dencies of the shear moduli of muscovite and car-bonates were approximated by those of chlorite[9] and calcite [34], respectively, whereas thoseof lawsonite were taken to be as in reference [9].Because our concern is with relative seismic veloc-ities, no correction was made for anelasticity [29]and Voight^Reuss^Hill averaging of the velocitiesof the constituent phases, weighted by volumefraction, was used to compute whole-rock seismicvelocities [28].

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Assessment of the error associated with ourseismic velocity estimates is complicated by thepaucity of experimental constraints on the rele-vant elastic moduli, which are without doubt the

dominant source of uncertainty. Where data areavailable, reported experimental precision leads toa minimum error in computed velocities of 1^2%[33]. However, statistical assessment of the accu-

Fig. 1. Computed phase relations and seismic velocities for the unaltered basalt composition (Table 2), assuming water-saturatedconditions. See Table 3 for phase notation. The range of seismic velocities computed for six additional MORB compositions[2,16], di¡ers from those depicted by 6 1%. a: Phase relations and geothermal gradients; in addition to the phases indicated, cli-nopyroxene, garnet and water are stable in all ¢elds except the unlabeled phase ¢elds in the lower left corner. The geotherms,discussed in the text, are indicated by thick curves and de¢ne the probable range subduction zone conditions. For simplicity thelightly shaded ¢eld in the lower right corner masks phase relations involving quartz and sanidine. b: Absolute P-wave (solid) andS-wave (dashed) velocities (km/s). c: Relative P-wave velocity, i.e., vP/v0

P (Table 1). d: Relative S-wave velocity, i.e., vS/v0S.

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racy of the thermodynamic data used to estimateKS (T.J.B. Holland, personal communication,2002) suggests that the standard error on ourcomputed velocities is on the order of 3%. Inthe case of olivine and orthopyroxene, octahedralFe^Mg exchange has no systematic e¡ect on bulkmoduli but results in a 50% reduction in the shearmoduli. Assuming similar e¡ects are present insheet silicates and clinopyroxene for which theshear moduli are approximated by those of thecorresponding Mg-endmembers, the approxima-tion would cause a 2% overestimation of vS forthe Mg-rich compositions relevant here, and thee¡ect would be roughly half as large for vP. Thein£uence of this e¡ect on the whole-rock velocitywould be diminished in proportion to the volumefraction of the mineral. Rock fabric is an addi-tional source of uncertainty: if foliations are de-veloped more strongly within the oceanic crustthan in the adjacent mantle, then our model willtend to underestimate the relative seismic veloc-ities within the crust. This inference discounts thepossible e¡ects of elastic anisotropy within theconstituent minerals.

3. Computational results

Over the range of conditions considered, thecomputed mineralogy of the pyrolite used as aproxy for the mantle consists of olivine+ortho-pyroxene+clinopyroxene+garnet+rutile. Com-puted shear (S-) and compressional (P-) wave ve-locities for the pyrolite deviate by 6 1% fromother estimates of mantle seismic velocity [4,28].These deviations are systematic such that our S-wave and P-wave velocities are lower and higher,respectively, than the earlier estimates. Our veloc-ities are reproduced with a maximum absoluterelative error of 0.35% by the expressions:

v0P ¼ 8:50 þ 6:85W1032P3ð5:21W103431:08W1035PÞT


v0S ¼ 4:92 þ 3:27W1032P3ð3:33W103434:17W1036PÞT


where the units for velocity, pressure and temper-ature are km/s, GPa and K.

Table 3Phase notation, formulae and solution model sources (1 = [45]; 2 = modi¢ed from [46]; 3 = [27]; 4 = modi¢ed from [47]; 5 = [48])

Symbol Phase Formula Source

arag aragonite CaCO3

Chl chlorite Mgð53yþzÞxFeð53yþzÞð13xÞAl2ð1þy3zÞSi33yþzO10(OH)8 1coe coesite SiO2

Cpx clinopyroxene NayCa13yMgxð13y3zÞFeð13xÞð13y3zÞAlyþ2zSi23z 2Dol dolomite CaMgxFe13x(CO3)2 3F £uid (H2O)x(CO2)13x 3Gl glaucophane Ca232zNazMgxFeð13xÞAl3wþ4ySi832w32yO22(OH)2 3Grt garnet Fe3xCa3yMg3ð13x3yÞAl2Si3O12 3H2O £uid H2Oky kyanite Al2SiO5

lw lawsonite CaAl2Si2O7(OH)2W(H2O)M magnesite MgxFe13xCO3 3Phg phengite KxNa13xMgywFeð13yÞwAl332wSi3þwO10(OH)2 4Ol olivine MgxFe13xSiO4 3Opx orthopyroxene CazMgxð23yÞð13zÞFeð13xÞð23yÞð13zÞAl2ySi23yO6 3Sa sanidine NaxKyAlSi3O8 5stv stishovite SiO2

Tlc talc Mgð33yÞxFeð33yÞ ð13xÞAl2ySi43yO10(OH)2 3

The compositional variables w, x, y, and z may vary between zero and unity and are determined as a function of pressure andtemperature by free-energy minimization.

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3.1. Unaltered metabasalt

The computed phase equilibria (Fig. 1a) andmineral modes (Fig. 2a, b) for the unaltered meta-basalt are in excellent agreement with experimen-tal results on this composition ([15,16], see also[35]), with the exception that talc rather thanchloritoid is predicted to be stable at low temper-atures. However, the experimental chloritoid oc-currence is ambiguous. The relative experimentalstability of talc and chloritoid depends on bulkchemistry and there are grounds to suspect thatchloritoid was stabilized by disequilibrium Fe^Mgfractionation (S. Poli and M.W. Schmidt, person-al communication, 2002). The phase relations forthis composition were not investigated at temper-

atures below 650‡C. Nonetheless, on the basis ofexperimental studies [36] on other compositions, itappears probable that the low-temperature, high-pressure computed stability ¢elds of chlorite andorthopyroxene are an artifact of thermodynamicextrapolation.

To assess the sensitivity of our predictions tocomposition we computed water-saturated phaserelations and seismic velocities for six additionalMORBs chosen to represent the extremes, primar-ily through variation of Mg number, for the aver-age composition of the igneous section of thecrust [2,16]. Two of the compositions contain po-tassium, which stabilizes phengite experimental-ly and in our computations over the conditionsspanned by the model geotherms. In the exper-

Fig. 2. Phase proportions as a function of temperature at 4 and 7 GPa for unaltered metabasalt (a,b), altered carbonate-bearingmetabasalt (c,d) and altered CO2-free metabasalt (e,f) metabasalt. In c^f phase proportions include the £uid phase.

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imental model [16] phengite reacts to producemelts at conditions corresponding approximatelyto the high-temperature geotherm (Fig. 1a). Be-cause we lack a thermodynamic model for suchmelts, we are unable to quantify this melting be-havior.

For all seven compositions: the predicted ther-mal limit for lawsonite^eclogites is essentiallyidentical, and di¡ers by 6 25‡C from the experi-mental determinations; within the lawsonite sta-bility ¢eld talc is stable to 700^720‡C, irrespectiveof pressure; the high-temperature limit of talcstability decays weakly with increasing pressure,intersecting the low-temperature geotherm atpressures of 5^5.5 GPa; and the range of seismicvelocity anomalies varies by 6 1%. We thereforeconclude that our results are robust with respectto compositional variations.

The computed metabasalt seismic velocitiesdemonstrate that metamorphic devolatilization isa ¢rst order control on the seismic structure ofsubducted oceanic crust (Fig. 1b^d), whereby con-tours of continuous dehydration reaction progressare essentially equivalent to contours of constantvelocity. The velocity anomalies (Fig. 1c, d) with-in the talc+lawsonite ¢eld are comparable tothose reported for low-velocity layers; however,estimated subduction zone geothermal gradientspreclude a role for talc in the origin of low-veloc-ity layers at depths s 160 km. Seismic velocitieswithin lawsonite^eclogites stable at temperaturesabove the talc stability are similar to those of theambient mantle.

The coesite^stishovite transition also has a pro-found e¡ect on seismic velocity of metabasalts.This e¡ect diminishes with falling temperature be-cause the stability of hydrous silica-rich mineralslowers the abundances of the silica polymorphs.In anhydrous basalts the transition induces a 2%increase in the seismic velocity. Thus within thestishovite stability ¢eld, basaltic^eclogites havepositive velocity anomalies of 4^6%, a range con-sistent with the Tonga^Kermadec high-velocitylayer [2] that extends to a depth of 350 km.Thus, although deep low-velocity layers cannotbe explained by typical metabasalt mineralogies,such mineralogies may indeed be the origin ofdeep high-velocity layers.

3.2. Altered metabasalt

The computed phase relations for the CO2-bearing altered metabasalt (Figs. 3a and 4a) di¡erin a number of details from those of the unalteredmetabasalt. Most notably, at low temperaturestalc is not stable; the phase relations are not £uid-saturated; and although lawsonite stability is re-stricted to slightly lower temperatures, the abun-dance of lawsonite is generally greater than forthe unaltered basalt. The higher lawsonite abun-dance re£ects the high Ca to Si ratio of the alteredbasalt (Table 2, [19]). These observations con¢rmthat although bulk composition a¡ects lawsoniteabundance in metabasalts, it has only a weak in-£uence on lawsonite stability [16,35].

For the CO2-bearing metabasalt, devolatiliza-tion occurs in two major pulses (Figs. 3a and2c, d). The low-temperature pulse is dominatedby dehydration of lawsonite across the £uid+phengite+magnesite+lawsonite ¢eld. The high-temperature pulse is dominated by the decarbon-ation of dolomite across the £uid+phengite+dolo-mite ¢eld. These devolatilization reactions resultin a 4^5% increase in relative P-wave velocity dur-ing dehydration and 1^1.5% during decarbon-ation (Fig. 3c). The larger increase in S-wave ve-locity during lawsonite decomposition (6^7%, Fig.3d) is largely due to the high Poisson ratio oflawsonite [31]. These changes are superimposedupon the variation of seismic velocity due to tem-perature and pressure in the absence of signi¢cantdevolatilization. At temperatures below the onsetof devolatilization, roughly coincident with thelow-temperature geotherm, the combined e¡ectof pressure and temperature causes the metabasaltvelocities to decrease negligibly with pressure rel-ative to those of the ambient mantle (Fig. 3c, d).Thus the conditions of the low-temperature geo-therm de¢ne the maximum relative-velocity de-crease (4^7%) for the carbonated metabasalt(Fig. 3). Once lawsonite dehydration is complete,the in£uence of carbonate mineralogy leads to aninterval over which seismic velocities rise morerapidly with pressure in metabasalt than in pyro-lite. This e¡ect is manifest by a slight (V1%)positive velocity anomaly for conditions alongthe intermediate geotherm at pressures beyond

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Fig. 3. Computed phase relations and seismic velocities for the carbonate-bearing altered basalt composition (Table 2). Seismicvelocities are for the solid aggregate. See Table 3 for phase notation. The closed system model used for the computation resultsin stability ¢elds for hydrated minerals that di¡er insigni¢cantly from the maximum stability ¢eld possible in an open system; incontrast, carbonate stability ¢elds are signi¢cantly smaller than the maximum ¢eld possible in an open system. a: Phase relationsand geotherms; in addition to the phases indicated, phengite, clinopyroxene, garnet and rutile (6 1 volume %) are present in all¢elds. The geotherms, discussed in the text, are indicated by thick curves and de¢ne the probable range of subduction zone con-ditions. For simplicity the lightly shaded ¢eld in the lower right corner masks phase relations involving quartz and sanidine.b: Absolute P-wave (solid) and S-wave (dashed) velocities (km/s). c: Relative P-wave velocity i.e., vP/v0

P (Table 1). d: RelativeS-wave velocity, i.e., vS/v0


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the lawsonite stability ¢eld (s 6 GPa). The high-temperature geotherm is essentially coincidentwith conditions for the onset of decarbonation.Discounting the possible in£uence of £uids, at

these P^T conditions the altered metabasaltwould be seismically indistinguishable from ambi-ent mantle. Because decarbonation results in low-ered seismic velocities, a minor negative anomaly

Fig. 4. Computed phase relations and seismic velocities for the CO2-free altered basalt composition (Table 2). Seismic velocitiesare for the solid aggregate. See Table 3 for phase notation. For £uid-present conditions, the closed system model used here yieldsidentical results to an open system model. a: Phase relations and geotherms; in addition to the phases indicated, phengite, clino-pyroxene, garnet and rutile (6 1 volume %) are present in all ¢elds. The geotherms, discussed in the text, are indicated by thickcurves and de¢ne the probable range subduction zone conditions. For simplicity the lightly shaded ¢eld in the lower right cornermasks phase relations involving quartz and sanidine. b: Absolute P-wave (solid) and S-wave (dashed) velocities (km/s). c: Rela-tive P-wave velocity, i.e., vP/v0

P (Table 1). d: Relative S-wave velocity, i.e., vS/v0S.

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(6 1%) is predicted for higher-temperature geo-therms.

Phase relations for the CO2-free altered meta-basalt are similar to those of the unaltered basalt,but talc and chlorite modes are minor for thealtered metabasalt. The e¡ect of lawsonite dehy-dration on seismic velocities is comparable to thatin the CO2-bearing altered metabasalt. However,in the CO2-free model the onset of dehydrationoccurs at lower temperatures with the result thatthe low-temperature geotherm does not de¢ne themaximum negative velocity anomaly. At condi-tions along the intermediate geotherm beyondlawsonite stability, and along the entire high-tem-perature geotherm, there is no signi¢cant seismicvelocity anomaly. The CO2-free metabasalt modelis water-saturated over almost the entire range ofconditions considered. Consequently, the model isan appropriate proxy for an altered metabasaltsystem that is open with respect to a water-rich£uid.

Both altered metabasalt models predict negativeanomalies that decay between the low- and inter-mediate-temperature geotherms. Carbonate stabil-ity introduces some complexity at higher temper-atures (Fig. 3b^d), but in the present context thecomplexity is insigni¢cant. Thus, from a seismicperspective, there is no fundamental di¡erence be-tween the altered metabasalt models and bothprovide plausible matches with the velocity reduc-tions of 3^7% typically observed beneath theNorth Paci¢c Subduction zones. The quality ofthis match is diminished by the predicted di¡er-ence in P- and S-wave anomalies due to the prop-erties of lawsonite, whereas no systematic discrep-ancies in the magnitude of observed P- and S-wave anomalies are observed in seismic studies[8].

4. Discussion

The positive P^T dependence of lawsonite de-hydration within the coesite stability ¢eld, as op-posed to the negative dependence for dehydrationof talc, serpentine and chlorite, is a robust featurein all our calculations and is also observed exper-imentally [16,37,38]. Lawsonite is, thus, unique

among hydrous silicates in that its abundancedoes not vary strongly in response to changingP^T conditions in the range of interest. Conse-quently, the seismic properties of lawsonite^eclo-gites may remain constant during subduction, andlawsonite^eclogites are therefore capable of form-ing a layer with uniform properties at a 100^250km depth. If the geothermal gradients of Peacockand Wang [24] are valid constraints on subduc-tion zone conditions, then our calculations indi-cate that other hydrous silicates cannot explainlow-velocity layers at depths s 150 km, leavinglawsonite as the sole candidate for a mineralogicalorigin of low-velocity layers. The apparent depthlimit for low-velocity layers in the context of alawsonite^eclogite model can be attributed tothe in£uence of the coesite^stishovite transitionat a depth of 220^240 km. Beyond this transition,the thermal stability of lawsonite decays with in-creasing pressure, placing an upper limit on thedepth range for lawsonite^eclogites ([16], Fig. 1).The continuous dehydration reactions predictedto be stable here do not involve the nucleationof new mineral phases. It is therefore improbablethat metastable hydrous phases are an importantcomponent of low-velocity layers [13].

Despite the large P^T stability for lawsonite^eclogites predicted here and observed in experi-mental studies, natural occurrences of lawsonite^eclogites are rare ^ a fact that is commonly attrib-uted to retrograde consumption of lawsonite dur-ing exhumation [39,40]. However, lawsonite^eclo-gites are preserved as xenoliths in diatremebreccias of the Colorado Plateau [41]. These xe-noliths are thought to represent samples of sub-ducted oceanic crust and are identical to the law-sonite+clinpyroxene+garnet mineralogy predictedhere for the CO2-free altered metabasalt (Fig. 4a).The protolith for these xenoliths, which containup to 50 volume % lawsonite, is a metabasic rockthat is somewhat more intensely altered (Table 2)than our altered basalt composition but yieldssimilar seismic velocities. The existence of thesexenoliths provides reassurance not only that law-sonite^eclogites exist in natural subduction zonesettings, but also that intense alteration is notatypical of such rocks.

We have explored the in£uence of metamor-

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phism on the seismic structure of the oceanic crustfor altered and unaltered basaltic compositions.The seismic velocities computed for unalteredcompositions cannot explain low-velocity layersat depths s 100 km; but at depths beyond thecoesite^stishovite transition, the predicted anoma-lously high velocities match the properties of theTonga^Kermadec high-velocity layer [2]. In con-trast, the seismic velocities for lawsonite^eclogitesderived from hydrothermally altered metabasaltsdo provide a reasonable match for circum-Paci¢clow-velocity layers. This result is relatively insen-sitive to uncertainties regarding carbonate stabil-ity, because seismic velocities in carbonate miner-als are similar to those of the ambient mantle.

Our models support the contention that low-velocity layers represent the subduction of sub-stantial amounts of volatiles beyond sub-arcdepths [7,8], but we ¢nd no necessity for appeal-ing to disequilibrium to explain this phenomenon.A weak link in the association of low-velocitylayers with hydrous minerals is that the mostprobable candidates, lawsonite, talc and serpen-tine, are all characterized by high values of Pois-son’s ratio [31,8,32]. Consequently, the S-wavevelocity anomalies should be 1^2% larger thanthe corresponding P-wave anomaly, but such sys-tematic di¡erences are not observed [8]. Giventhat strong foliations may develop in natural law-sonite^eclogites [39,41], the extraordinary elasticanisotropy of lawsonite [31] may explain the ab-sence of such discrepancies if lawsonite^eclogitesare indeed the cause of low-velocity layers. In thisregard, it is pertinent to recall that our model forthe ambient mantle yields up to 1% lower S-waveand 1% higher P-wave velocities than the esti-mates used by reference [8]. Thus, the discrepancyin the magnitudes of the P- and S-wave anomaliesmay simply be illusory.

The association of hydrous minerals with deeplow-velocity layers limits subduction zone temper-atures toward the lower bounds estimated for cir-cum-Paci¢c subduction [24]. In view of the strin-gency of this constraint the potential in£uence of£uids must be admitted as an alternative hypoth-esis for the origin of the low-velocity layers [7,42].Metabasalt devolatilization may generate 10^20volume % £uid (Fig. 2c^f) that is a potential cause

of intermediate-depth earthquakes [11]. The fociand mechanisms of such earthquakes locate low-velocity layers within the subducted slab [6,7,43],supporting correlation of low-velocity layers withsubducted metabasalts. These observations miti-gate against models in which low-velocity layersare caused by hydration of the mantle above thesubducted oceanic slab [32,44]. Because the fate ofthe £uids released by devolatilization is a subjectof conjecture, we make no attempt to evaluate itsin£uence on seismic velocities other than to re-mark that £uid retention within the rock matrixwould cause more negative velocity anomaliesthan those predicted here for the solid residuum[8,42]. The evaluation of these e¡ects awaits amore detailed understanding of the processes bywhich £uids are expelled from subduction zones.


We are grateful for constructive reviews byJohn Schumacher, Dave Rubie and Luigi Burlini.Yuri Podladchikov inspired the computationalstrategy developed for this work, and BorisKaus helped test and debug the portions of thecode used for the seismic velocity calculations.Discussions with Max Schmidt and Stefano Poliimproved our understanding of problems in sub-duction zone petrology. This work was supportedby National Science Foundation Grant 9975231(MARGINS program).[BW]


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