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2010 August Issue


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Meteorite-Times MagazineContentsby Editor

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Featured Monthly Articles

Accretion Desk by Martin Horejsi

Jim’s Fragments by Jim Tobin

Meteorite Market Trends by Michael Blood

Bob’s Findings by Robert Verish

IMCA Insights by The IMCA Team

Micro Visions by John Kashuba

Galactic Lore by Mike Gilmer

Meteorite Calendar by Anne Black

Meteorite of the Month by Michael Johnson

Tektite of the Month by Editor

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Page 3: Meteorite Times Magazine

Meteorite-Times MagazineWitnessed Fall: Pirgunje, Bangladeshby Mart in Horejsi

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An August 1882 Witnessed Fall: Pirgunje, Bangladesh

No Next of KinPirgunje and its Anticedents

Falling 128 years ago this month, the L6 chondrite Pirgunje reminds,us, well me anyway, why meteorites are coveted in collect ions.

Even thought the crust and mat rix of Pirgunje is similar to many otherchondrites, facts including the age of this fall, it s sub-kilo TKW, it s lowcollect ion dist ribut ion, the large size of this slice, the abundance ofcrust , and that a vast majorit y of the single Pirgunje stone is st illintact makes this part icular collect ion specimen a real t rophymeteorite.

The thin descript ion surrounding the Pirgunje meteorite ext racted f rom a 1889 let ter barely tops25 words:

“A stone labeled “Pirgunje, 29.8.82″, was sent f rom India to E.A. Pankhurst of Brightonby a man whohad no knowledge whatever of it or it s antecedents.”

Pirgunje is not the oldest witnessed fall in Bangladesh, but it does have the smallest total knownweight–but not by much. Interest ingly, of the eight meteorites claiming Bangladesh home, all arefalls with two of the meteorites (coincident ly both falling in 1935) making up 80% of the Count ry’sTotal Meteorite Mass (CTMM).

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With 50% of this part ial slice’s edge crusted it really doesn’t get muchbet ter than this without the upgrade to a complete slice.

When a meteor goes through puberty, it grows fusion crust andleaves behind it s vagabond lif estyle. Once on the far side of it satmospheric rite of passage, the meteorite breaths oxygen andabsorbs water unt il old age catches up with it .

Some lucky meteorites live a luxurious lif e bathed in nit rogen andvenerated by lab coat wearing humanoids, while others are hackedand beaten to pieces before being sold into thralldom becomingnothing more than personal property.

Falling in the year of Charles Darwin’s death, the evolut ion of my sliceof Pirgunje stops here hopefully remaining forever as it looks today.

Bangladesh has a colorful history to say the least . When when one overlays the region’s history ofrecovered meteorite falls across the cultural events of the area, a curious picture develops. Allknown meteorites f rom Bangladesh fell in the span of years between the Indian Rebellion of 1857and the end of Brit ish colonial rule in India. No meteorites before 1863 and thus far none af ter1940.

In specif ic, of the eight witnessed falls in Bangladesh, seven are ordinary chondrites (four L6s, oneH5, one H6 and one LL3-6), and the only non-chondrit ic out lier is a mesosiderite named Patwar.

With L6 chondrites, you have to enjoy what ’s available. In the case ofPirgunje there’s not much act ion. Pictured above is the intersect ion ofa metal inclusion with a dark, likely shocked carbonaceous area.

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The 6 in L6 basically means good luck f inding a chondrule, but the L,although meaning a lower concent rat ion of iron, does not t ranslate toa f ruit less search for any element with 26 protons.

Bangladesh is a count ry where almost a third of it f loods each year during the four monthmonsoon season beginning around June f irst . It would be easy to blame the weather for why thereare few Bangladesh meteorites, however something seemingly cont radictory appears whencomparing the monsoon season to the calendar of Bangladesh meteorite falls. First , June, July,August , and September are act ive monsoon months so those months should be the leastproduct ive for witnessing and f inding meteorites. However, the fall days for Bangladesh’smeteorites are March 27, May 14, May 23, July 29, August 7, August 11, August 29 and October 22.

That means that half of the witnessed falls fell during the monsoon season, and six non-monsoonmonths of fered up no meteorites. So it seems there is something else at work here. Any ideas?

Posing with a crooked smile, the part ial slice of Pirgunje representsthe second largest piece in any collect ion anywhere.

Not surprisingly, the main mass of Pirgunje, as listed in the Catalogueof Meteorites, resides as a 732g specimen in the Natural HistoryMuseum in London.

Beyond that , 28g are listed in the Field Museum collect ion, 23.1g inCanada, 23g in at the American Museum of Natural History, 16.2g inCalcut ta, 9g in Vienna, and 3.8g for the Vat ican. What does all thatmean? Not much except that the piece in my collect ion is secondlargest piece of Pirgunje in the world. Or, as I like to think of it , sincethe main mass is st ill 87% of the original mass, my piece is the largestslice* in the world.

*Subject to change without not ice.

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Back in the early 1990s, Blaine Reed acquired meteorites f rom theestate of the late Terry Schmidt . From what I have been told, Mr.Schmidt was able to obtain some remarkable samples of very raremeteorites in a quest to study fusion crust , and it is my assumpt ionbased on the December 1992 acquisit ion date that this slice ofPirgunje was one such Schmidt specimen.

The count ry of Bangladesh is about the size of the US state of Iowa. Bangladesh is surroundedoverwhelmingly by India with good dose of the Bay of Bengal and a smidgen of Burma. It ’smeteorite fall history over the past one hundred and f if t y years is full of f it s and starts, but todayit seems totally stalled out with the most recent meteorite fall 70 years ago. While for somemeteorite collectors that makes specimens f rom Bangladesh all the more desirable, but to me itmeans those collectors need to take a closer look at the facts because Iowa hasn’t had awitnessed meteorite fall since 1890!

Unt il next t ime….

The Accretion Desk welcomes all comments and feedback. [email protected]

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Meteorite-Times MagazineTektite Lampby Jim Tobin

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The Tektite LampMy art icle this month is maybe the one of the best examples of the convergence of hobbies that Ihave ever shared. It was actually well over a year ago that this all happened but I have just not besure that I wanted to say anything about it . As I plan on doing more of this kind of work I think thismaybe the t ime to talk about it .

I was maybe f if teen when my father found an old leaded glass window at an ant ique store anddecided to use the major art ist ic port ions of it to modify our f ront door at home. It was well over ahundred years old I am sure and very nice. I got my f irst int roduct ion into cut t ing glass andsoldering lead came way back then. I have kept up with it over the years making window hangerdecorat ions and Tif fany style lamps. I have added etched glass and carved glass to the projectsas t ime passed. I have used slabs of agate, but I had never incorporated any tekt ites into theglasswork.

When Paul and I visited Darryl Fut rell at his home there was always the tekt ite lamp he had sit t ingin the room of f the side by the f ront door. But , it was not what I decided I wanted to make if I everdid. His had relat ively few really thin t ransparent pieces of glass. If I ever made one I wanted it toreally glow with t ransparency.

Close up photo of a small area of my lamp

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So a year ago I sat down with two big boxes of what we consider scrap tekt ites and started goingthrough it looking for the thin t ransparent pieces. I worked my way through one of the boxesholding up probably a thousand tekt ites to the light to examine their t ransparency. I was graduallybuilding a pile that would work for the lamp. I never exhausted the supply in the f irst box of brokentekt ites so I know that there are plenty more lef t for projects in the future. We have at least threeof these big boxes. It was material that we had to take when we got the Fut rell collect ion ofbeaut iful tekt ites.

Af ter sort ing out a couple hundred thin pieces I had the night ly chore of wrapping them with copperfoil around their edges. That took a week or so of spare t ime. Af ter they were wrapped then it wasof f to the garage to make a mold the shape of the lampshade I was going to create. Once themold was ready all I needed was a brass disk that would be at the very top for the lamp base togo through and then I could begin soldering the glass pieces to each other. All sounds very simplejust solder the pieces together. Only problem is that I am not working f rom a pat tern with nicely cutpieces of glass that are made to f it together.

This was to become a three dimensional puzzle where I would f it dozens of pieces in everylocat ion unt il I found one that would leave the smallest gaps to later be f illed with solder. Progresswas slow but steady and the lamp came together in about one solid weekend of work.

Af ter all the tekt ites were tacked together with a couple spots of solder the copper foil must becompletely covered with a nice smooth domed layer of solder on the inside as well as of coursethe outside. It is this complete soldering that gives st rength to the glass project be it a lampshadeor anything else. Another day of of f and on work and I had it all soldered. The t ricky part is to layerthe one side without melt ing the soldering job you have done on the other side. You have to workfast and not allow the heat f rom the soldering iron t ip to remain in a spot long enough to melt outthe work you have already done. And it is hot work and you have to keep gravit y in mind becauseyou need to remember how your solder will f low and not let it run down or out or of f the area youare f illing.

Af ter the soldering you have to do a super good job of cleaning the glasswork to remove f lux andsplat ters of solder and whatever. It has to be clean so that it can be ant iqued to a black pat ina.The chemicals are nasty and smelly and you only want to use them once. So get t ing it clean thef irst t ime is something you learn fast .

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I hunted around at some swap meets and junk stores looking for a nice art deco style lamp standto go with the lampshade and f inally found one I like well enough. It needed rewiring and a newswitch. That was easy enough. And the f inial was appropriate enough that came with the lamp. Soit was done. I guess all the t ime involved would be a couple hundred hours. About 200 handselected pieces of Thailand splashform tekt ite glass and probably at least a pound of solder, afew dollars for the stand and the switch and wire, so what is it worth? I have no idea. It is almostunique, almost a one of a kind. But , I may change that soon with others. But , they may not be100% tekt ite glass. That is just one mean f it t ing chore. I actually toward the end had no pieces lef tthat would f it together and had to go back and sort out more to get addit ional pieces to work within order to complete the shade. I think maybe using tekt ite pieces here and there in projects is thedirect ion I will go in the future.

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Paul has the lamp at his home. I gave it to him when I f inished it . That kind of forces me to makeanother doesn’t it ?

Have a great month and I look forward to sharing again next month.

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Meteorite-Times MagazineMeteorite Market Trendsby Michael Blood

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This Month’sMeteorite Market Trends

by Michael Blood

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Page 12: Meteorite Times Magazine

Meteorite-Times MagazineSummer Vacation – 2010by Robert Verish

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Summer Vacation – 2010Summer vacation is a great time to catch-up on reading about meteorites. Here is myselect list of some recent abstracts.

You can blame this abbreviated version of Bob’s Findings on my “summer-t ime schedule”.The weather this summer has been so mild, here where I live, that it is hard to stay indoors andwork on computer-related projects. But , I do hope to catch-up on my reading this summer. I’vemade a list of art icles and journals that I want to read, and some of them include the abst ractsthat were presented at the 73rd Annual Meet ing of the Meteorit ical Society which was held lastmonth in New York Cit y, USA. You can f ind these, and all the other abst racts, on-line and publishedin the “Supplement ” issue (Vol. 45, 2010 July) of the Meteorit ical Society journal, Meteorit ics &Planetary Sciences (M&PS).

Here is a “short -list ” just to give you an sample of the various abst racts that were presented:









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There are many, many more various abst racts in this Volume No. 45 – SUPPLEMENT, and each isimportant and interest ing in their own right , but the above list is just my personal collect ion ofthose that I want to read f irst . Hope this list will get you started on your own summer-vacat ionreading, and that it will help you f ind your own “personal-favorite” abst racts.


Link to the website for the 2010 New York (July 26-30th):

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73rd Annual Meet ing of the Meteorit ical Society

Link to the website with the latest issue of : MAPS Vol. 45 – Supplement – 2010 July

My previous art icles can be found *HERE*

For for more informat ion, please contact me by email: Bolide*chaser

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Page 15: Meteorite Times Magazine

Meteorite-Times MagazineIMCA Insights – August 2010by IMCA TEAM

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IMCA Insights – August 20102010 IMCA Board Elections – Special Edition

In the last years, many of our Members complained that they hadn’t been aware of our annualelect ions to the IMCA Board of Directors. It turned out that several of these Members didn’treceive our IMCA Mailing List messages, or that these messages had ended up in some spamf ilter. With our new Mailman-based Mailing List these cases are get t ing more and more rare, butst ill some Members did forget to update their email addresses with us or disabled the receipt oflist emails, and so they missed our announcements, and the opportunit y to vote, or to nominatecandidates for the IMCA Board. To avoid this, we decided to make our annual elect ions public a bitearlier, this year, and thus this Special Edit ion of IMCA Insights that ’s more of an announcement ,and a brief tutorial to the IMCA Board of Directors, and the elect ion procedures. Let ’s start withsome background informat ion.

The IMCA Board of Directors

Right now, the IMCA Board of Directors is comprised of nine Board Members, with four of themserving as IMCA Board Of f icers (the year in brackets behind each name refers to the year in whichthe respect ive Board Member’s term ends):

Norbert Classen (2010) – PresidentAnne Black (2010) – Vice PresidentAndrzej S. Pilski (2012) – SecretaryMaria Haas (2012) – TreasurerJef f Kuyken (2010)Dave Gheesling (2012)Larry Lebofsky (2011)Mart in Altmann (2011)Sergey Vasiliev (2011)

According to our ByLaws, each Board Member is elected to a term of three years, and this yearthe terms of three Board Members are expiring: the terms of Jef f Kuyken, Anne Black, and NorbertClassen. All of these three might opt for running up for re-elect ion, but this is not really sure at thispoint .

2010 Election of Three New Directors for the IMCA Board

In accordance with our ByLaws, three Board Members will be elected in 2010, and at least sixCandidates will be up for elect ion (our ByLaws require a minimum of two Candidates for eachvacant Board posit ion). Something that brings us to the f irst phase of our public elect ions: theNominat ions.

Nominations: Volunteers Wanted!

The requirements to be a Candidate are very simple: you must have been a IMCA Member in goodstanding for at least two years. If you have any quest ions regarding your Membership, this wouldbe a good t ime to contact us, and to ask about your status.

A great many of you do qualif y. So tell us now that you want to part icipate in the shaping of ourAssociat ion for the future. If you really must think about it f irst (or ask a few quest ions) we will giveyou until September 14, 2010, but we must have your email announcing your candidacy no later

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than September 14, 2010, midnight (Eastern Time). Remember – we need at least sixCandidates as our Bylaws require two Candidates for each open slot on the Board. We’re justwait ing for a sign f rom you!

Contact the Nominat ions and Elect ions Commit tee at elect [email protected] to let us know that youwant to be a Candidate for the Board of Directors. If you want to nominate someone else, that ’salso f ine with us – just make sure that the Nominee is aware of that nominat ion, and that he’sactually willing to accept it . In any case, we will have to receive a formal not ice by the Nominee,stat ing that he accepts his nominat ion no later than September 14, 2010, midnight (Eastern Time).

FAQ: How much Work is it?

We of ten have been asked how much work it is to serve on the IMCA Board of Directors. Is it t imeconsuming? There’s no simple answer to that , and it certainly depends on if you are just servingas a Board Member, or as a Board Of f icer. Naturally, the Of f icers will have to invest a bit moret ime and energy into their respect ive tasks – but then, you won’t have to volunteer for anOf f icer’s posit ion af ter the elect ions.

In any case, be prepared to engage in a f requent discussion with the other Board Members, vot ingon Membership Applicants, resolving disputes, invest igat ing complaints, etc. Besides that , youmight be asked to serve on one of the Commit tees, such as the Nominat ions and Elect ionsCommit tee, the Membership Commit tee, or the Website Commit tee. Of course, you will be a bitbusier if you are a member of the Nominat ions and Elect ions Commit tee at this t ime of the year.

Besides that , working on other Commit tees, such as the EoM Commit tee, can mean a lot of work:just ask Sergey Vasiliev who did a fantast ic job in re-creat ing the new IMCA Encyclopedia ofMeteorites. Just have a look, and you will see what we mean. Thanks to Sergey for all of his t ime,his great work, and enthusiasm. And thanks also to EoM Commit tee Member Bob Falls for his helpwith this.

The cont inuing work on the EoM, the open discussion of Internat ional Meteorite Laws, and otherimportant issues will sure keep all new and old Directors busy, but don’t worry, we all have a lif ebeyond IMCA and it s Board of Directors, and we are all used to teamwork. Of course, we wouldprefer to see Candidates running that are more act ive Members, and who are actually willing togive their best for our Associat ion. But then, we are fully aware of the natural rest rict ions put uponus by everyday lif e, and other commitments.

So, What’s Next?

Af ter the nominat ion phase, which will end on September 14, 2010, midnight (Eastern Time), we willt ake a few days to verif y the eligibilit y of all the Candidates, and we will publish the names of allthe Candidates on September 17, 2010 via our IMCA Mailing List . The Candidates will t hen havetwo weeks t ime (f rom September 17 to October 01, 2010, midnight , Eastern Time) to explain toour Membership why they want to be a Director, and to answer all your quest ions (again, via ourIMCA Mailing List ). And we will actually vote during the week of October 02 to October 09, 2010.Please have a look at our of f icial Elect ion Schedule for more informat ion, and technical details.

Of f icial IMCA Election Schedule

September 14 (midnight Eastern Time): Deadline for Nominations

Contact the Nominat ions and Elect ions Commit tee to let us know that you want to be aCandidate for the Board of Directors. (eligibilit y requirements – 2 years as a dues paying memberin good standing)

September 17: Publication of the List of Candidates

September 17 – October 01 (midnight Eastern Time): Campaign

The Candidates may tell the Members (via our IMCA Mailing List only) why they want to sit on theBoard of Directors, and answer other Member’s quest ions. Their statements and answers will bepublished to our ent ire Membership during that t ime (again, via our IMCA Mailing List only).

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October 02 – 09 (midnight Eastern Time): Election Week

All members may vote for the three Directors only ONCE at any t ime during this period. Vot ingbegins October 02 and ends midnight October 09 Eastern Time. The special vot ing email addresswill be published via the IMCA Mailing List . (If you are not on the IMCA Mailing List and wish to vote,contact the Nominat ions and Elect ions Commit tee). Please be sure to use the mailing address wehave on f ile for you, so we may verif y that the vote is coming f rom a registered, eligible Member.

Please contact us if you have any quest ions. We’re looking forward to your part icipat ion, and toyour votes. Thanks.

Other Ways to Support the IMCA

If you are not sure if you want to run for the IMCA Board of Directors, but willing to act ivelysupport the IMCA there are indeed other opt ions, such as volunteering to help in one of our variousCommit tees, or by answering some of the many quest ions which we receive via our Contact form.We would be very grateful for any kind of help you can of fer, especially since the number ofquest ions and requests has been exploding ever since the “Meteorite Men” have become popularthrough TV, and other media have focused on the subject . So if you are willing to help, contact us,or just drop us a line via our Contact form, and we will be in touch with you. Thanks.

Best Regards to all of you!

In the name of the IMCA Board of Directors,Norbert Classen, President IMCA Inc.Anne Black, Vice President IMCA Inc.

• IMCA Home Page • IMCA Code of Ethics • IMCA Member List• Join IMCA • IMCA Meteorite Info

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Meteorite-Times MagazineEfremovka CV3by John Kashuba

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Just the exot ic name made me want it . Ef removka. It ’s a CV3 thin sect ion and looked dif ferent so Ibought it . (It wasn’t cheap.) The stone was found in Kazakhstan in 1962. Back then it was calledthe Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. The sample on the thin sect ion is a good size and has twolarge features that caught my eye. Here, check them out .


The sample is about 27 mm long.

At the bot tom right is a f ragment of a huge chondrule. The originalchondrule was at least 12 mm in diameter. Toward the lef t is a 5 mmchondrule.

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This and the rest of the shots were taken f rom the other side of thesect ion. The label is on the main slide but I prefer to shoot throughthe thin cover slide – the other side. This f ragment has beenthrough a lot . The steps on the lef t are f rom layers shearing f romothers. It looks like this happened early on. The other breaks, nowf illed, probably happened later. This is shot in incident light . The f ieldof view is about 10 mm wide.

In cross-polarized light it looks like it is most ly pyroxene. The part onthe lef t has a f ine radial st ructure.

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Now that 5 mm chondrule. In incident light we see metal in the middlein well rounded blebs. Further out it is in irregular masses and furtherst ill it is f inely dispersed.

Transmit ted light shows the layering well.

And in XPL. Did this thing build up around a grain that st ill lies in thecenter?

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A close-up of the top lef t corner. Rounded metal blebs, irregularmasses and f inely dispersed. Again, this is in incident light .

Transmit ted light . The bright spot below and lef t of center is wherematerial was lost , “plucked”, during thin sect ion making.

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Meteorite-Times MagazineBob Walkerby Editor

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This feature is devoted each month to one of the personalit ies within the meteoritecommunity. This month we are delighted to share an interview we had with Bob Walkerof the Queensland Meteorites Interest Group’s Home Page (QMIG).

Meteorite-Times (MT) What or who got you interested in meteorites and how old wereyou when you got your f irst meteorite?Bob Walker (BW) I have had an interest in rocks for longer than I would care toremember – but I recovered my f irst meteorite (Tenham) during a visit there in the late1990s… My colleagues in the Aust ralian Regular Army of ten laugh at me pot teringaround looking for rocks, cymbidiums and nepenthes when we are far far away ondeployment /s both here in Aust ralia and overseas ! I st ill have fond memories of f indinga community of Nepenthes Aust ralis growing wild at RAAF Scherger (Weipa) last year –no meteorites found at Weipa but acres of bauxite…

(MT) What was your f irst meteorite?

(BW) Tenham.

(MT) Do you st ill have it?

(BW) Yes.

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My gorgeous 220g Tenham individual.

(MT) Do you have special areas of interest that you focus on in regards to meteorites(thin sect ions, photography, chemist ry, age dat ing.. etc)?(BW) My primary focus has been on Queensland (my home state) meteorites ! I hadearlier fond hopes that my website ht tp:// would spur a wave of parochialmeteorite websites f rom readers’ home states but alas no. My current focus is on themicrography of thin-sect ions to keep me mot ivated, cheerful and busy now that I amon convalescent leave with terminal cancer… I st ill hope to see Christmas 2010 (andlonger) and whilst I am donat ing my Queensland collect ion to the Queensland Museum– hope to have enough t ime to complete a variety of projects part icularlymicrographing enough thin-sect ions to act as a resource for a book that a colleaguemay write and to produce a Tenham meteorite medallion. Earlier interests haveincluded hammer stones and iron meteorites.

Thin-sect ion of Winton 1, a recentQueensland f ind undergoing classif icat ion.

(MT) Does your Family share in your interest in meteorites?(BW) No.

(MT) Do you have any special approaches to collect ing? (Type collect ion, only stones,only irons, only by aesthet ics, etc. or any and all that you like.)

(BW) I have a focus on Queensland meteorites and part icularly a focus on repat riat ing

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unclassif ied and rare Queensland specimens back home.

The Queensland Museum f irst ever public meteorite display.

(MT) Do you mind saying how many locat ions your collect ion represents?(BW) My collect ion is most ly Queensland chondrites with a sprinkling of the occasionalworldwide assorted type/s that have interested me ie near misses and meteorwrongsthat you would swear must be meteorites such as the Mendota meteorwrong – classicf rauds like the Emerald meteorite also have a special place in my heart .

(MT) Is your collect ion displayed or kept in a dry box or both?


Yesterday (August 5, 2010), I helped the Senior Geoscience Curator, Dr. Alex COOK,set up the f irst ever public display of meteorites at the Queensland Museum where Ihave loaned half the display.

Dr Alex Cook, the senior geoscience Curator of theQueensland Museum and the display we set up.

(MT) In what ways do you use your computer for meteorites?

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(BW) My computer is used mainly as a vehicle to access the meteorite mailing list andto edit and update my website and also of course to email meteorite colleagues herein Aust ralia and around the world – My website acts both as a educat ional andcollect ing resource and to channel quest ions about Queensland meteorites includingtheir ident if icat ion and classif icat ion although I have been asked to ident if y moremeteorwrongs than meteorites!

(MT) Do you ever hunt for meteorites?

(BW) Yes.

(MT) What is your favorite meteorite in your collect ion?

(BW) Tenham.

(MT) What is your favorite overall if it is not the one above?

(BW) Tenham is my favorite meteorite which I have described as the “signature”meteorite of Queensland.

(MT) What makes these of special interest?

(BW) Tenham st ill can be found within the Tenham st rewnf ield and there is an amazingvariat ion of colors and features within the mat rix… and of course there are st ill newf inds to be made in and around the Tenham st rewnf ield.

(MT) What meteorites are current ly on your wish list?

(BW) My major project at the moment is keeping myself mot ivated, cheerful and busywith a project micrographing thin-sect ions both as a educat ional and collect ingresource… it is hoped that a colleague will write the def init ive book on thin-sect ionsusing these as a wonderful resource. I wish to take the opportunit y to ask readers if Ican borrow any interest ing thin-sect ions f rom them to have micrographed with apart icular focus on “pret t y” and “interest ing” thin-sect ions as well as thin-sect ions ofhammer stones. I will cont inue to update the met list with details of new thin-sect ionwebpages and will warn readers before I delete webpages to make room for newwebpages with my plan being to rotate ? ten webpages at a t ime.

My MOSSGIEL thin-sect ion.

And – if I can cont inue to repat riate unclassif ied and other rare Queensland meteorites– this can only help the Queensland Museum who I will bequeath my collect ion to whereit will reside as a community and universit y resource without seeing our history andheritage chipped away into one gram ebay sales so that my grandchildren and futuregenerat ions have something to see that I hope will inspire them to go on and study.

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(MT) What methods have been most successful in building your collect ion? (Buying atshows, f rom dealers by mail, auct ions on the web, t rading… etc)

(BW) All of the above ! though I must admit to being overly fond of my ebay bidsniper!

(MT) Do you also collect related materials like impact glasses, breccias, melts,tekt ites, shocked fossils, nat ive iron rocks etc?

(BW) No.

(MT) Do you prepare any of your own specimens? (cut , polish, etch, etc.)

(BW) No.

(MT) Have you had to take any special measures to protect them f rom theenvironment?

(BW) Some of my iron specimens require careful and regular oiling and are surfacesprayed with a t ransparent f ilm prevent ing rust easily removed without damaging theirons and even some of my high iron chondrites require a bit of a similar touch-up.

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Meteorite-Times MagazineMeteorite Calendar – August 2010by Anne Black

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Meteorite-Times MagazineBensour Brecciated LL6by Michael Johnson

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BensourBrecciated LL6 chondriteFell February 10, 2002 at around 4:30 PM in Morocco.

Images, text are Copyright © 2010 ROCKSFROMSPACE.ORG. No reproduct ion without writ tenpermission.

Web design by Michael Johnson of rocksf romspace.orgROCKS FROM OUTER SPACE

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Meteorite-Times MagazineTektite Lampby Editor

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Tektite LampCustom tekt ite lamp handcraf ted by Jim Tobin.

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Meteorites.t vLabenne Meteorites Nakhla Dog Meteorites

Michael BloodMeteorites

Impact ika Membrane Boxes Meteorites For

Rocks f rom Heaven Aerolite Meteorites ForSale

Midwest Meteorites

Big Kahuna Meteorites Advert ise Here Advert ise Here

Meteorite-Times MagazineMeteorite-Times Sponsorsby Editor

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Once a few decades ago this opening

was a framed window in the wall

of H. H. Nininger's Home and

Museum building. From this

window he must have many times

pondered the mysteries of

Meteor Crater seen in the distance.

Photo by © 2010 James Tobin