methodology and didactics ii segunda bimestre versión 2

Methodology and didactics II segunda bimestre versión 2 Lea detenidamente cada uno de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente el círculo que corresponda al literal de la alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas. 1 When a text is coherent, the reader can understand two things. Which of the following is not one of these? a. The writer’s purpose b. The writer’s line of though c. The writer’s style 2 This term is normally used to describe students who are living in the target language community and who need English to function in that community on a day-to-day basis. a. English for Specific Purposes b. English as a Second Language c. English as a Foreign Language 3 The activity in which the teacher draws letters or words in the air which students have to identify is focused on the following approach: a. Recognition b. Production c. Imitation 4 It helps students to remember English spelling rules and their exceptions, although many students may need some encouragement to do it. a. Creative writing b. Writing texts by using different genres c. Extensive reading 5 Which of the following activities cannot be used to teach spelling? a. Students hear words and have to identify sounds made by common digraphs and trigraphs. b. Ask students to read aloud. c. The teacher dictates individual words. Students have to write them in their books or on the board. 6 It is an excellent technique for spelling practice, especially if it contains words which exemplify certain spelling rules. a. Copying

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Page 1: Methodology and didactics II segunda bimestre versión 2

Methodology and didactics II segunda bimestre versión 2Lea detenidamente cada uno de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente el  círculo que corresponda al literal de la alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas. 

1 When a text is coherent, the reader can understand two things. Which of the following is not one of


a. The writer’s purpose

b. The writer’s line of though

c. The writer’s style

2 This term is normally used to describe students who are living in the target language community and

who need English to function in that community on a day-to-day basis.

a. English for Specific Purposes

b. English as a Second Language

c. English as a Foreign Language

3 The activity in which the teacher draws letters or words in the air which students have to identify is

focused on the following approach:

a. Recognition

b. Production

c. Imitation

4 It helps students to remember English spelling rules and their exceptions, although many students may

need some encouragement to do it.

a. Creative writing

b. Writing texts by using different genres

c. Extensive reading

5 Which of the following activities cannot be used to teach spelling?

a. Students hear words and have to identify sounds made by common digraphs and trigraphs.

b. Ask students to read aloud.

c. The teacher dictates individual words. Students have to write them in their books or on the board.

6 It is an excellent technique for spelling practice, especially if it contains words which exemplify

certain spelling rules.

a. Copying

b. Dictation

c. Making notes

7 Which of the following games cannot be used for spelling practicing?

a. Noughts and crosses

b. Secret codes

c. Whisper writing

8 One of the following activities cannot be used to make students recognize aspects of punctuation:

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a. Students can study a collection of words and identify which ones are written with capital letters. They

then work out why some words have capital letters and some do not.

b. Students can be shown a passage and asked to identify what punctuation is used and why.

c. Students are given an alphabetical list of animals. They then have to write the words in one of three


9 The technique where individual students go to the front of the room one by one and read a line poem,

say, which they then have to take back and dictate to their group is known as:

a. Running dictation

b. Backward spelling

c. Disguised word copying

10 The following procedures can be used to make students learn to spell and encourage accurate copying,

apart from…

a. Making notes

b. Whisper writing

c. Secret codes

11 Students need to learn and practice the art of putting words together in well-formed sentences,

paragraphs and texts. One way of doing this is…

a. copying from the board

b. parallel writing

c. engaging writing

12 Since it is not part of a long writing process, it can be used whenever the teacher feels it is appropriate.

a. Instant writing

b. Collaborative writing

c. Creative writing

13 In order to make students write sentences either as language reinforcement or in preparation

for forthcoming activities, teachers can use one of the following activities:

a. The weather forecast

b. Words

c. Write the postcard

14 Music can be used to stimulate instant writing, so we can use it in one of the following activities:

a. Film scores

b. Suspects and objects

c. Dictating sentences for completion

15 One of the following activities cannot be used when using pictures:

a. Portraits

b. Suspects and objects

c. How does it make me feel?

16 Poetry writing allows students to play with new vocabulary in a way that other genres do not. So in

order to make students work with poems, teachers can use one of the following activities:

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a. Metaphor generators

b. Story tasks

c. Musical stories

17 According to Harmer, in order to make students learn from each other, teachers should involve them


a. generating ideas

b. collaborative writing

c. brainstorming

18 The procedure in which students re-create a text or story that the teacher reads to them is called…

a. Copying

b. Rewriting

c. Dictogloss

19 There are many activities which are suitable for students writing in pairs and groups. Some of them

depend on a scribe to write the final version of the piece. So one advantage of having a scribe is that…

a. the other students can evaluate what is being written in a more objective way, perhaps, than they judge

their own individual efforts.

b. the other students are getting actual writing practice.

c. The scribe has the chance to concentrate on the language.

20 One way of making collaborative writing successful is to have students…

a. write down what the teacher is dictating.

b. write on the board.

c. write the postcard.

21 In order to make students write in groups and pairs, teachers can use the following activities apart


a. First lines, last lines

b. Directions, rules, instructions

c. Dictating sentences for completion

22 If we are going to ask students to write anything more substantial than instant writing, we have to give

the opportunities to…

a. think

b. write

c. read

23 One of the following activities can be used to make students generate ideas:

a. The buzz group

b. Main idea magnets

c. Letters backwards and forwards

24 One of the following activities cannot be used to involve students in making a plan:

a. Board fill

b. Papers in a hat

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c. Whole group discussion

25 A mind map is a very visual way of…

a. ensuring that students are working in groups

b. analyzing the organization of genres

c. making preparation notes

26 If we ask students to choose what they want to do a project on, we are focusing on:

a. Data gathering

b. The choice/the briefing

c. Idea/language generation

27 When students start designing questionnaires so that they can interview people, they are in the stage


a. Planning

b. Data gathering

c. Drafting and editing

28 Which of the following aspects will not prepare students for exam writing?

a. Model answers

b. Mock exams and practice

c. Information related to the different types of exam writing

29 When writing in exams students need to be able to do so quickly but not carelessly. One way of

encouraging this ability is to…

a. give students, repeatedly, tasks which they have to plan for individually.

b. set timed essays and compositions at various stages of the teaching cycle.

c. make students practice in checking through their work.

30 The teachers’ task is not to say what is unequivocally right or wrong, but to ask questions,

suggestions, and ….

a. indicate where improvements might be made to both the content of the writing and the manner in

which it is expressed.

b. give a score by using marking scales that will help students to focus on areas that are not important to


c. provide correction symbols that will be used during the whole teaching process

31 Being available when students need information or guidance is part of the following teachers’ role:

a. Audience

b. Resource

c. Editor

32 Saying how well things are going so far, corresponds to the following teachers’ role:

a. Editor

b. Evaluator

c. Assistant

33 In order to avoid an overabundance of red ink, many teachers use…

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a. Correction symbols

b. Short comments

c. Electronic comments

34 One of the following ways cannot be used to correct students’ work:

a. Selective correction

b. Marking scales

c. Post-task statements

35 One of the following ways cannot be used when responding to students’ work:

a. Taped comments

b. Electronic comments

c. Remedial teaching

36 Sometimes it is difficult to explain a mistake on paper, or it is impossible to understand exactly what it

was the student wanted to write; so in this case teachers can ask students to…

a. talk to them so that they can sort out the problem face-to-face.

b. show the whole class sentences that exemplify the mistake.

c. go and look the problem up in a dictionary or a grammar book.

37 One of the following statements does not correspond to the advantages that peer review has:

a. It gets round the problem of students reacting too passively to teacher responses.

b. It encourages students to work collaboratively, something which, in a group, we want to foster.

c. It is extremely useful during drafting and re-drafting.

38 One of the following activities cannot be used for training students to self-edit and self-correct:

a. Finding mistakes

b. Understanding correction symbols

c. Responding to work-in progress

39 One of the following aspects cannot be discussed with students if we want them to make homework


a. Homework load

b. Punctuality and even-handedness

c. Due date extension

40 The amount of time that students spend writing in class or as homework will depend both on the type

of course we are teaching and on the number of…

a. hours a week that students are studying.

b. subjects they are taking.c. students we have in class.



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Elaborada por: Ruth Minga Vallejo

IMPORTANTE:En la calificación automática se utiliza la fórmula aciertos menos errores, por lo tanto, le recomendamos piense bien la respuesta antes de marcarla, si no está seguro, es preferible dejarla en blanco.No está permitido comunicarse entre compañeros ni consultar libros o apuntes.Verifique que la hoja de respuestas corresponda a la evaluación que está desarrollando.



Lea detenidamente cada uno de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente

el  círculo que corresponda al literal de la alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas.

La alternativa (A) se usará para verdadero y la alternativa (B) para falso. 

1. El niño con dificultades de aprendizaje (DA) no presenta evidencia de trastornos emocionales severos, ni

tampoco una motricidad disfuncional.

2. Las principales características de los niños con dificultades de aprendizaje consisten en una dificultad para el

aprendizaje de los procesos simbólicos: habla, lectura, escritura, aritmética, etc.

3. El niño con dificultades de aprendizaje se esfuerza por aprender, pero no lo logra; pierde objetos; frecuentemente

está muy desorientado; habla de manera confusa, etc.

4. El sujeto con problemas de atención no selecciona los estímulos relevantes de los irrelevantes y pierde la

concentración con mucha frecuencia porque le atraen otros elementos distractores.

5. Los niños con dificultades de aprendizaje presentan problemas de selección, cuando dos o más estímulos se

encuentran presentes.

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6. Las tareas de aprendizaje requieren que el individuo posea un aislamiento crítico y pre-perceptivo de varios

estímulos, algo inaccesible para los niños con dificultades de aprendizaje.

7. La atención consiste en una organización interna y externa de estímulos, organización que resulta indispensable

para el aprendizaje.

8. El proceso perceptivo humano involucra procesos de recepción, transferencia e integración de información muy


9. La capacidad perceptiva de discernir, analizar, sintetizar, reconocer y almacenar estímulos y sus relaciones está

vinculada a la manipulación de objetos y a la elaboración de respuestas simples, compuestas y complejas.

10. El niño con dificultades de aprendizaje manifiesta discrepancias entre su capacidad para comprender

acontecimientos, experiencias e ideas, y su capacidad para aprender a leer, deletrear, escribir o calcular.

11. En el aspecto auditivo, el niño con dificultades de aprendizaje confunde la estructura de las palabras y por lo tanto

éstas pierden su significado.

12. Algunos niños que tienen dificultades de aprendizaje presentan problemas en el control de sus impulsos, por lo

que pueden tornarse agresivos, insatisfechos, frustrados y emocionalmente inestables.

13.. Los trastornos perceptivos, visuales y auditivos interfieren con el aprendizaje simbólico.

14. Mirar y ver son conceptos diferentes en términos semánticos y en términos cognitivos.

15. Las dificultades de discernimiento visual implican problemas para reconocer semejanzas y diferencias en formas,

colores, tamaños, objetos, figuras, letras, números, etc.

16. La audición tiene poca relevancia para el aprendizaje.

17. La inseguridad e inestabilidad en el área afectiva caracterizan al niño con dificultades de aprendizaje.

18. La repetición crónica del fracaso y su efecto en términos de expectativas conducen a la formación de resistencias,

fobias y defensas ante las tareas educativas.

19. La inestabilidad emocional es una de las características que se da con mayor frecuencia en los niños

condificultades de aprendizaje.

20. Los niños emocional y socialmente inadaptados tienden a obtener resultados escolares bajos.

21. En la memoria, se reconocen tres procesos básicos e interrelacionados: memoria de corto plazo o inmediata, la de

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mediano plazo y la de largo plazo.

22. La memoria a corto plazo recibe y almacena la información tornándola disponible para que se utilice y reutilice

estratégicamente en el futuro.

23. El niño que presenta dificultades de memoria y secuencialización auditiva demuestra un uso inadecuado del


24. La experiencia vivida e interiorizada por el individuo lector le permite convertir los símbolos impresos en

significados, por medio de varios procesos cognitivos.

25. En muchos niños con dificultades de aprendizaje, las letras y palabras impresas se encuentran frágilmente

consolidadas y estructuradas.

26. Se identifican problemas de lateralidad y de orientación en el niño con dificultades de aprendizaje.

27. Antes del lenguaje hablado, el gesto prepara a la palabra, la emoción precede a la comunicación y la

comunicación no verbal da origen a la comunicación verbal.

28. El lenguaje nace a partir de la acción.

29. Las dificultades práxicas o psicomotoras pueden implicar dificultades del lenguaje.

30. Aprender a hablar surge por imitación, casi de modo innato.

31. El aprendizaje del lenguaje es precedido por la adquisición de un sistema de comunicación.

32. El proceso de lectura involucra la integración de procesos sensoriales, perceptivos, de imágenes, de memoria, de

simbolización y de conceptualización.

33. El proceso de lectura no es adaptable, sino rígido e inflexible.

34. La dislexia del lenguaje interior afecta el proceso cognitivo que relaciona los fonemas con los grafemas.

35. Muchos disléxicos tienen problemas con el discernimiento de fonemas.

36. Los hiperléxicos muestran una rápida adquisición de la capacidad de leer pero tienen una comprensión pobre de

lectura y una producción escrita nula.

37. La integración sensorial y psicomotora constituyen prerrequisitos de mielinización que fundamentan la totalidad


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38. El cerebro es el órgano del aprendizaje y consecuentemente de la psicomotricidad.

39. Los niños disléxicos o con dificultades de aprendizaje presentan una inteligencia promedio o superior al


40. La oromotricidad tiene que ver con el habla o el canto, la macromotricidad con el juego o los deportes y la

micromotricidad con la escritura.

41. La manera de percibir que existe algún elemento desorganizado en el cerebro es observando la conducta del


42. La macromotricidad es un sistema más complejo que la micromotricidad.

43. El ser humano se desarrolló y organizó en términos simbólicos gracias a la especialización hemisférica.

44. El hemisferio cerebral izquierdo es responsable por la integración postural y motora.

45. La dislexia revela una dificultad para aprender a leer o para comprender el lenguaje escrito, como consecuencia

de una lesión cerebral.

46. La dislexia no surge de manera aislada sino integrada a un conjunto de problemas que confirman la manipulación

deficiente del comportamiento simbólico.

47. La lectura es importante para la madurez intelectual.

48. El tacto y el sentido cinético le permiten al niño adquirir experiencias en los primeros años de vida.

49. La audición origina el desarrollo del lenguaje.

50. El profesor ha de tener la capacidad de construir sus propios instrumentos de diagnóstico psicopedagógico con el

fin de conocer profundamente al niño.







Page 10: Methodology and didactics II segunda bimestre versión 2

Elaborada por: Mgs. Rosario María Burneo

IMPORTANTE:En la calificación automática se utiliza la fórmula aciertos menos errores, por lo tanto, le recomendamos piense bien la respuesta antes de marcarla, si no está seguro, es preferible dejarla en blanco.No está permitido comunicarse entre compañeros ni consultar libros o apuntes.Verifique que la hoja de respuestas corresponda a la evaluación que está desarrollando.


 INSTRUCCIÓN: Lea detenidamente cada uno de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente el  círculo que corresponda al literal de la alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas. 

1 In adverbial clauses, each subordinator indicates a different perspective. For example, the

subordinatorbecause indicates reason. What is the perspective of the subordinator “as if” in the

sentence “He looked as if he wanted to say something”

a. Time

b. Manner

c. Purpose

2 Adverbial clauses differ from relative clauses in several ways. For example, adverbial clauses take

subordinators, and they don’t function as subjects or objects of sentences.  While, relative clauses are

argument clauses, which can occur as subjects or objects of other clauses.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don´t know

3 There are some characteristics that distinguish subordinate clauses from main clauses; for example,

relative and adverbial clauses cannot stand on their own because they do not express full meaning

when they are not attached to a main clause; in addition,  they  only appear ...

a. in the declarative form.

b. in the declarative and interrogative forms.

c. In the  imperative and declarative forms

4 It is generally accepted that there are strong dependency relations between two phrases or two clauses;

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but, speakers of English cannot predict where sentences will occur in texts. However, speakers use

some links to join sentences in order to produce coherent paragraphs. Examples of these links are:

a. Because, so that, due to and others

b. That, which, who and others

c. Moreover, thus, nevertheless and others

5 Indirect questions are a type of structure in which the interrogative construction is a dependent clause

that might function  as the complement of certain verbs -like ask, tell, wonder, know- as it is illustrated

in the sentence “She knows how to solve this problem”

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don´t know

6 Finite clauses are the ones that contain verbs either indicating past or present tense, or verbs preceded

by a modal auxiliary. In addition, finite verbs are related to their subjects in number and person. On

the other hand, nonfinite clauses…

a. the verb is not marked according to differences in the person and number of the subject

b. the verb is marked according to differences in the person and number of the subject

c. the verb expresses tense.

7 The sentence  “James eats too mush trash food, doesn’t he?, shows that  tag  questions can only   be

attached to ...

a. embedded clauses.

b. subordinate clauses

c. independent clauses

8 In the sentence “Sarah taught him to play the violin”, the infinitive (non-finite) clause has a subject,

which is different from the subject of the main clause.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

9 There are various types of nonfinite clauses which are distinguished mainly by what type of finite clause they modify. Thus, the sentence “The man reading the newspaper didn´t hear my song” illustrates the following structure:

a. Reduced adverbial nonfinite clause:

b. Reduced relative nonfinite clause

c. Free participle nonfinite clause

10 In the sentence “I told him to leave the house” , the nonfinite clause is …

a. an infinitive clause with a subject

b. an infinitive clause functioning  as  the subject

c. an infinitive clause functioning as the object

11 English grammar is based on a set of grammatical functions (or grammatical relations) and a set of

grammatical roles. The set of grammatical functions is formed by...

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a. agent, patient and instrument.

b. noun phase, verb phrase, adjective phrase and prepositional phrase.

c. subject, direct object, indirect object and oblique object.

12 The term “grammatical relation” refers to the syntactic relationship that exists between an NP and a

VP in a clause, or between NP-subject and NP-predicate.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don´t know

13 It is stated that grammatical subjects must agree in number with the verb that follows them in finite

clauses, and they control the interpretation of reflexive pronouns inside single clauses as in “John

blamed himself for what happened to his son”.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

14 English speakers can distinguish various types of subject, according to the grammatical relation it

holds in a clause. Then, the noun phrase in subject position “Sam´s brother” appearing in “Sam´s

brother loves milk and cookies” is...

a. the possessive subject of the clause.

b. the grammatical subject of the clause.

c. the second subject of the clause.

15 The direct object is defined as the noun or pronoun affected directly by the action performed by the

subject. On the other hand, the oblique object is the noun or pronoun…

a. that appears immediately after the verb and which benefits from the action described by the verb.

b. that occurs after the direct object and  which benefits from the action described by the verb.

c. that occurs after a preposition and which benefits from the action described by the verb.

16 In English, grammatical subjects have two semantic properties: they usually refer to agents, and they

name entities that exist independently of the action indicated by the main verb.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don´t know

17 Agreement is defined as a linkage between different parts of a phrase or clause.  According to this

definition, the clause “This child cries all day” shows...

a. agreement  between subject and verb in the simple present

b. agreement  between subject and object

c. agreement between  the verb and the adverbial phrase

18 Number and person linkage in English is very rich and productive; in fact, nouns, verbs and adjectives

show differences in person and number.

a. Right

b. Wrong

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c. I don’t know

19 Subject-verb agreement happens when the verb agrees with the head word of the phrase in subject

position, not with any other element in the phrase. This assertion is illustrated in the clause:

a. One of the boys were writing an essay on fine arts

b. One of the boys was writing an essay on fine arts

c. One of the boys are writing an essay on fine arts

20 The distinctions son/daughter, boy/girl, among others illustrates differences in person and number.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

21 Indefinite pronouns are frequently used to introduce new entities; however, they are a little difficult

for speakers because they don´t identify the person to whom they refer. For this reason, speakers use a

particular  personal pronoun to refer back to all indefinite pronouns, as in:

a. If anyone answers the phone, ask him about the house for rent

b. If anyone answers the phone, ask her about the house for rent

c. If anyone answers the phone, ask them about the house for rent

22 The organization of clauses and sentences into a text includes information dealing with what a text is

about, introduces new entities, highlights information that the speaker or writer considers important

and presents entities that have already been introduced and which are familiar to listeners or readers.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don´t know

23 It is stated in grammar  that the  “existential there” is used to introduce a new entity in  a conversation

or narrative; in addition, “there” in subject position might occur only if there is an indefinite noun

phrase after the verb BE, as in:

a. There is the boy in the classroom.

b. There is a boy in the classroom.

c. There is some boys in the classroom.

24 In English complex sentences, clefts are certain words used to put a particular constituent into focus,

or to highlight a topic either in writing or in speech.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

25 IT-clef constructions  like “It was Saturday evening when I met John for the first time”, can be used


a. point to a new set of instructions.

b. open a description

c. open a narrative..

26 The sentence “The old house which you told me about is for sale” illustrates a WH-cleft construction.

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a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

27 In cleft-sentences, emphasis can be put on the subject, the object, the verb, etc. Then the structure “It

was Samantha that that James took to the party yesterday” the emphasis is on ….

a. the preposition

b. the subject

c. the adverb

28 A text to be coherent must have a “theme” and an “end-focus. The theme is the starting point and the

end-focus is the closing point. In addition ...

a. the end-focus  is  what the  text refers to.

b. the  theme is a bridge between two clauses.

c. the theme is what the text refers to.

29 There are some grammatical devices that are central to the organization of spoken and written texts.

They are: aspect, tense and  voice.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don´t know

30 English lexical verbs are classified in several forms, but there is a major distinction that splits verbs

into two major classes known as:.

a. Copula and linking verbs

b. linking and transitive verbs.

c. stative and dynamic verbs.

31 Dynamic verbs can be of three types: activity, achievement and accomplishment. In the clause “the

police chased  the gang members for months”, the verb indicates:

a. Accomplishment

b. Activity

c. Achievement

32 Aspect allows speakers and writers to signal situations and events as completed or in progress over a

period of time.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

33 In clauses like “´The congress begins tomorrow”, future events are presented by means of present

tense verbs. To do this, the event...

a. Must have an ongoing perspective

b. should focus upon the consequences of a past event.

c. must be part of a schedule or plan designed in advance.

34 In the statement “Samuel is playing the piano”, the event of ‘playing’....

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a. is perceived as completed.

b. is perceived as being  in progress.

c. is perceived as having a boundary.

35 In the text “If Bob came into his office next Monday, he would find the letter we left on his desk”, the

time reference is indicating future even though the verb is in past, the word “if” is signaling a

hypothetical event, and….

a. the adverbial  “next Monday” makes the present time explicit

b. the adverbial  “next Monday” makes the past time explicit

c. the adverbial  “next Monday” makes the future time explicit

36 English constructions in the first person and with the auxiliary ‘will’, not only place an event in the

future, but also they signal the intention of the speaker.

a. Right

b. Wrong.

c. I don´t know

37 In English, the progressive is a syntactic structure that uses the auxiliary ‘be’ + the –ing form of the

main verb. The verb BE indicates tense, and  the form shown by the main verb signals ...

a. mood

b. tense.

c. aspect.

38 Usually, English speakers choose to keep both participants – agent and patient- out of a report by

using structures like...

a. Vincent Anderson was attacked yesterday.

b. This brand sells well.

c. There was an accident last night

39 The simple present tense usually expresses habitual activities; however, it can express actual present

time in a very limited number of uses called performatives, like in….

a. She lives in London

b. I sentence you to life in  prison

c. I have to study more

40 Voice is a grammatical device that presents events from different perspectives: active and passive. In

an active construction, the grammatical subject is the performer of the action indicated by the verb. On

the other hand, the grammatical subject of the passive construction is the noun phrase affected by the

action of the verb.

a. Right.

b. Wrongc. I don’t know.


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Elaborada por: Ruth Minga Vallejo

IMPORTANTE:En la calificación automática se utiliza la fórmula aciertos menos errores, por lo tanto, le recomendamos piense bien la respuesta antes de marcarla, si no está seguro, es preferible dejarla en blanco.No está permitido comunicarse entre compañeros ni consultar libros o apuntes.Verifique que la hoja de respuestas corresponda a la evaluación que está desarrollando.



Lea detenidamente cada uno de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente

el  círculo que corresponda al literal de la alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas.

La alternativa (A) se usará para verdadero y la alternativa (B) para falso. 

1. El niño con dificultades de aprendizaje no es un niño deficiente.

2. Problemas de comportamiento, discrepancias en el lenguaje, aprender a un ritmo más lento, no beneficiarse

mucho de los programas escolares regulares, son algunas características del niño con dificultades de aprendizaje.

3. El niño con dificultades de aprendizaje presenta una discrepancia entre el potencial actual y el potencial esperado.

4. Los problemas por dificultades de aprendizaje tienden a reducir su importancia a partir de los 14 años.

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5. La solución de las dificultades de aprendizaje se opera solamente en la escuela.

6. La privación de estímulos en el núcleo familiar impide la aproximación de aptitudes multisensoriales,

psicomotoras y psicolingüísticas necesarias para el aprendizaje escolar.

7. La desnutrición severa tiene efectos desastrosos sobre la madurez del tejido nervioso.

8. Varias historias familiares de dislexia demuestran presencia de factores genéticos responsables por patrones

neurológicos heredados.

9. Las características del comportamiento son influidas por el potencial genético del individuo y por el ambiente en

donde se desarrolla y socializa.

10. La disfunción cerebral afecta sólo el aprendizaje, más no el comportamiento emocional.

11. Los factores de privación en: nutrición, estimulación, afectividad, socialización, etc., asumen una función muy

significativa en el origen de las dificultades de aprendizaje.

12. La interacción afectiva y lingüística entre la madre y el hijo, de cero a los cuatro años, determina sustancialmente

la madurez emocional y el desarrollo cognitivo.

13.. La familia es lugar en donde el niño adquiere la madurez emocional indispensable para las preaptitudes de los

aprendizajes escolares.

14. El niño que llega a la escuela trae detrás de sí una historia de vivencias y oportunidades muy compleja, que es

preciso estudiar y caracterizar.

15. La incidencia de dificultades de aprendizaje varía en relación inversa con las condiciones socioeconómicas.

16. Las dificultades de procesamiento de información auditiva, atención selectiva, discernimiento, etc. tienden a

perjudicar el desarrollo del lenguaje y la elaboración de estructuras cognitivas.

17. Un buen ambiente familiar o social que proporcione cantidad y calidad de oportunidades son las condiciones

mínimas requeridas para el desarrollo del potencial de aprendizaje.

18. La lectura, como proceso verbal simbólico, se basa en un proceso analítico, razón por la que los programas

escolares deben organizarse y sistematizarse en esa área.

19. Las múltiples privaciones culturales y psicosociales tienen escasa influencia en el desarrollo intelectual.

20. Una práctica preventiva a todo nivel, asegura la reducción sustancial de la frecuencia de las dificultades de


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21. Es necesario un esfuerzo social, institucional y político para combatir la incidencia de las dificultades de


22. El aprendizaje es una respuesta modificada, estable y durable, interiorizada y consolidada en el propio cerebro del


23. El aprendizaje humano es evidentemente diferente al aprendizaje animal.

24. La noción de motivación está íntimamente ligada a la noción de aprendizaje.

25. El acto del aprendizaje depende del estímulo apropiado y de alguna condición interior propia del organismo como

sed, curiosidad, etc.

26. La memoria almacena y preserva la información y es la base del raciocinio.

27. La dificultad para recordar nombres y acontecimientos interfiere con el aprendizaje y con las trasferencias


28. El aprendizaje comprende la utilización de todos los recursos del niño, ya sea interiores (herencia) o exteriores


29. Las funciones inter-hemisféricas concretan el diálogo y la co-función de ambos hemisferios a través de la

transducción y la conversión.

30. El hemisferio cerebral dominante del lenguaje y de las funciones psicolingüísticas es el hemisferio derecho.

31. El modelo de procesamiento de la información humana incluye los siguientes procesos: receptivos de

decodificación, integrativos y expresivos de codificación, así como complicados procesos de feedback.

32. En términos de discernimiento auditivo, el niño debe tener la capacidad de diferenciar pares de palabras con

sutiles diferencias fonéticas, como: mata-lata ó pata-gata.

33. Las agnosias implican trastornos en el reconocimiento de los objetos sin que se encuentren involucrados

trastornos sensitivos o sensoriales.

34. En el desarrollo surgen primero los símbolos interiores de contexto no verbal como las figuras, los sonidos y las


35. El niño comienza por usar los objetos en una forma inteligible y no verbal, luego de ello interioriza la palabra.

36. El niño con dificultades de aprendizaje requiere una visión integrada del aprendizaje que permita desarrollar

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nuevos procesos de diagnóstico diferencial y nuevos modelos de intervención pedagógica individualizada.

37. Dificultad de lectura adquirida, dislexia, hiperactividad, etc. son algunos de los términos aplicados por los

investigadores para caracterizar a los niños con dificultades de aprendizaje.


39. El término “lesión mínima del cerebro” se refiere a aquellos niños que tienen una inteligencia general por debajo

del nivel promedio, justo en el nivel promedio o  por arriba del nivel promedio, con ciertas dificultades de

aprendizaje o de comportamiento.

40. Las dificultades de aprendizaje se pueden definir como una falta de armonía en el desarrollo.

41. En los niños con dificultades de aprendizaje se aprecia un perfil motor adecuado.

42. El concepto de “incapacidad” incluye problemas de gravedad variable, lo que expresa una desorganización

funcional de actividades.

43. Las agnosias visuales afectan el reconocimiento y la identificación de ruidos, música y palabras.

44. El niño deficiente mental muestra un potencial afectado, mientras que un niño con dificultades de aprendizaje

presenta un potencial normal y una integridad global.

45. Las dificultades de aprendizaje primarias están relacionadas con factores médicos y sus causas son obvias y bien


46. El niño está orientado hacia la acción, no hacia la contemplación de la realidad.

47. El lenguaje escrito depende del proceso visual.

48. La lectura es un proceso cognitivo que involucra aptitudes auditivas y visuales, y sus interrelaciones dialécticas.

49. La dificultad del aprendizaje de la lectura plantea un problema de desarrollo del lenguaje y éste un problema de

desarrollo cognitivo.

50. La dislexia es un trastorno del lenguaje.




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SOLUCIONESN° Sol Res N° Sol Res1 A OK 31 A2 A OK 32 A OK3 A OK 33 A OK4 A OK 34 A OK5 B OK 35 A OK6 A OK 36 A OK7 A OK 37 A OK8 A OK 38 B9 A OK 39 A10 B OK 40 A OK11 A OK 41 A OK12 A OK 42 A13 A OK 43 B OK14 A OK 44 A OK15 A X 45 B OK16 A OK 46 A OK17 A OK 47 A OK18 A OK 48 A19 B OK 49 A OK20 A OK 50 A OK21 A OK22 A OK23 A OK24 A OK25 A26 A OK27 A

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28 A OK29 A OK30 B OK








Elaborada por: Mgs. Eliana Pinza Tapia

IMPORTANTE:En la calificación automática se utiliza la fórmula aciertos menos errores, por lo tanto, le recomendamos piense bien la respuesta antes de marcarla, si no está seguro, es preferible dejarla en blanco.No está permitido comunicarse entre compañeros ni consultar libros o apuntes.Verifique que la hoja de respuestas corresponda a la evaluación que está desarrollando.



Lea detenidamente cada uno de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente

el  círculo que corresponda al literal de la alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas.

La alternativa (A) se usará para verdadero y la alternativa (B) para falso. 

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1. In contemporary approaches to reading, meaning is seen as being fully present in a text waiting to be decoded.2. Bottom-up processing occurs when linguistic input from the text is mapped against the reader’s previous

knowledge.3. Bottom-up reading requires language processing at all levels: word, sentence, and discourse.4. Knowledge-based information processing does not occur when readers use prior knowledge to make predictions

about the data they will find in a text.5. In order to develop top-down processing skills, teachers have to make students read large amounts of text for

general comprehension.6. There are two kinds of background knowledge which are formal schemata and content schemata.7. Formal schemata involve knowledge of the world beyond texts.8. Content schemata involve knowledge of rhetorical structures and conventions.9. Comprehension of poetry requires the same interpretive processes required for any text.10. Reading is a complex information processing skill in which the reader interacts with text in order to create

meaningful discourse.11. The reader is an active, problem-solving individual who coordinates a number of skills and strategies to facilitate

comprehension.12. Reading tasks must be realistic in terms of both language use and students’ abilities.13. Nonprose reading can be used with students of beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.14. Skimming a menu is one of the activities that can be used to make students practice nonprose reading.15. A clear example of nonprose materials is the use of maps.16. Scanning is reading quickly to locate specific information.17. Thorough comprehension of a text requires students to understand relationship among ideas.18. Jigsaw reading is an activity that requires students to rearrange text in order to create a logical sequence.19. Critical reading requires going beyond literal understanding in order to draw inferences and evaluate a text.20. Comic strips do not provide useful practice in evaluating human behaviour in terms of students’ own system of

beliefs.21. Comic strips cannot be used to make students recognize relationship among ideas.22. Nonprose material provides opportunities for productive practice in both top-down and bottom-up processing.23. Nonprose material does not accompany prose.24. Maps can be used to practice receiving and giving directions.25. Diagrams may not have to be developed by students because they do not help them understand information in

texts.26. Graphs and tables often accompany technical prose.27. Expository prose is central for students who will use English for academic purposes.28. Prereading and previewing activities are appropriate only for advanced levels.29. Teachers can make students learn to recognize the structure of an argument by providing them with activities that

permits to distinguish between general claims and the data used to support those claims.30. Expository prose tends to rely on general claims that are supported by details and examples.31. Students can demonstrate their understanding of the relationship among ideas within a text by drawing semantic

maps.32. It is not advisable to make students recognize rhetorical patterns typical of English expository prose since it does

not facilitate reading comprehension.33. In order to make students work with chronological order patterns, teachers can ask them to correct an incorrect

sequence.34. The introduction of a journal article describes how the research arrived at the results.35. The discussion section of a journal article analyses the importance of the results and their implications.36. In order to make students familiarize with the information that the introduction of journal articles contains,

teachers can ask them to bring different journal articles to class and examine a series of introductions.37. Students can become more efficient interpreters of English expository prose by becoming more familiar with the

conventions that govern these texts.38. A way to make students practice critical reading skills is to bring editorials and opinion pieces into the second

language classroom.39. One of the activities that we can use to make students work with editorials is to ask them examine the function of

writing.40. The ability to distinguish fact from opinion is not fundamental to reading comprehension.41. An important part of reading comprehension is to recognize a community of readers for whom a text is intended.

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42. Fiction inspires use of inferencing and prediction skills that serve students when interpreting expository prose.43. The use of children’s literature needs to be avoided since it does not provide a window into the way cultures

attempt to reproduce themselves through their children.44. The “strangeness” of poetry does not provide students with opportunities to focus on all aspects of reading.45. The use of music helps students encounter the rhythm of a language and infer meaning of vocabulary and

concepts from context.46. Activities should be realistic in terms of students’ reading abilities, their reading goals, and how one reads in the

real world.47. Reading texts which are edited are not considered authentic.48. Glossing is a technique available when bringing into the classroom passages that contain difficult vocabulary that

is frankly not worth teaching.49. It is not important that students recognize when the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary does not impede overall

reading comprehension.

50. Vocabulary items that are used in an unfamiliar way are good candidates for dictionary practice.







SOLUCIONESN° Sol Res N° Sol Res1 B X 31 A OK2 A 32 B OK3 A 33 A4 B OK 34 B X5 A 35 A OK6 A OK 36 A OK7 B OK 37 A OK8 B OK 38 A OK9 A X 39 A10 A OK 40 B OK11 A OK 41 A OK12 A OK 42 A OK13 A OK 43 B OK

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14 A X 44 B15 A OK 45 A16 A OK 46 A OK17 A OK 47 B18 A OK 48 A X19 A OK 49 B OK20 B OK 50 A21 B OK22 A OK23 B OK24 A OK25 B OK26 A OK27 A OK28 B OK29 A OK30 A OK








Elaborada por: Dra. Rosario María Burneo

IMPORTANTE:En la calificación automática se utiliza la fórmula aciertos menos errores, por lo tanto, le recomendamos piense bien la respuesta antes de marcarla, si no está seguro, es

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preferible dejarla en blanco.No está permitido comunicarse entre compañeros ni consultar libros o apuntes.Verifique que la hoja de respuestas corresponda a la evaluación que está desarrollando.


 INSTRUCCIÓN: Lea detenidamente cada uno de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente el  círculo que corresponda al literal de la alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas. 

1 Syntax studies grammar from two different axes: internal and external. Internal Syntax deals with the structures

of phrases and clauses; while, external syntax focuses on…

a. the manner words are joined together to form clauses.

b. the function of the headword in a phrase.

c. the function a given phrase or clause performs within a sentence.

2 According to the definition of the term head already studied, in the clause “the poor boy does not attend school”,

the head of the verb phrase is the word “attend”; and the head of the noun phrase is…

a. the word “poor”

b. the word “boy”

c. neither one

3 A modifier is defined as a phrasal element that adds a characteristic or condition to the headword. Modifiers are

of two different types:

a. Complements and adjuncts.

b. Objects and adjuncts

c. Determiners and complements

4 In the clause “All boys and girls in my town play soccer on Sundays”, the expression “on Sundays” functions as

the complement of the clause.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

5 According to modern grammar theory, sentences can be of three types: simple, complex and

compound. A compound sentence is illustrated in:

a. Michael went to the beach and his family stayed home

b. Michael and his family are together in the beach

c. Michael and his family went to the beach

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6 It is understood that the verb not only controls the phrases that follow it, but also the noun phrase in

subject position. Therefore, in both clauses: “Paul wrote a poem for his mother”, and “His parrot

wrote a poem for his mother”, the verb controls the noun phrase in subject position.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

7 Collocations refer to two or more words that often go together to express a particular meaning. For

example “fast food” is a very common collocation. Now, recognize the correct collocation among the

examples that follow:

a. A fast shower

b. Blow up into tears

c. Burst into tears

8 The term “dependency” refers to the relationship between two words, for instance a head and its

complement. Therefore,

a. Dependency relations are the basis for modification

b. Dependency relations are the basis for constituency

c. Dependency relations are the basis for accuracy

9 In Syntax, constituent structure refers to the hierarchical arrangement of words and phrases into

clauses to form grammatical and meaningful structures. Thus,  constituent structure is illustrated in

“Elizabeth                    made her son proud of himself “

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

10 According to phrase structure rules (PSR) in English, a phrase is a string of words which expresses

meaning as illustrated in the structure:

a. He lives with his family in China

b. He and his family live in China

c. Lives in China

11 By definition,... is a word or a group of words that functions as a single unit within a hierarchical

structure. Then phrases are the immediate constituents of a clause.

a. a sentence

b. a constituent

c. a string

12 Elliptical sentences consist of a complete clause + and incomplete one joined by a coordinating

conjunction, as illustrated in the structure:

a. Bob loves ice cream and Kate loves almonds

b. Bob loves ice cream and Kate does too

c. Bob and Kate love ice cream

13 The structures (a) The young girl lives next door and (b) She lives next door illustrate the

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linguisticphenomenon of Transposition.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

14 Grammatical constructions are structures of different types that perform different functions. In order

to hold a conversation, write a novel, or carry out  any other type of linguistics exchange,  speakers


a. Affirmative, negative and copula constructions

b. Clauses, phrases and sentences.

c. Statements, questions and commands.

15 Passive constructions take a passive subject in initial position; the passive subject agrees in number

and person with the verb. This sort of agreement is illustrated in:

a. There were some bananas on the table

b. Give me the bananas on the desk

c. Some bananas were left on the table for you.

16 In English, copula verbs usually link the subject of a clause with a complement. The main copula verb

is BE; however, linking verbs can also perform as copula verbs. For example, the verbs:

a. Read, teach, eat, among others

b. Feel, look, become, among others

c. Can, could, shall, among others

17 There exist some dependency relations among constructions. For instance, an interrogative

construction is related in meaning to an affirmative one. In addition, the relationship between active

and passive voice is expressed by the syntactic relation existing between the subject and the verb.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

18 Cause-effect relationships can also be held between constructions, as illustrated in the complex

sentence below:

a. Population in developing countries grows very fast and poverty increases at the same rate.

b. Population in developing countries grows very fast because people do not believe in birth control.

c. Population in developing countries grows very fast; maybe they need many workers.

19 Word classes are sets of words that display the same formal properties, especially distribution and the

types of inflections and derivations they might take. In traditional grammar, word classes are also

known as:

a. Speech acts

b. Grammar components

c. Parts of speech

20 Semantic criteria deal basically with meaning and with what speakers do with words in actual

communication; while syntactic criteria refer to the particular characteristics of phrases and clauses.

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One of these syntactic rules in English refers to the inflections taken by adjectives …

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

21 Morpho-syntactic criteria are based on the inflectional system of English, which recognizes

derivational and inflectional affixes. Inflectional affixes are grammatical and they refer to the tense of

verbs, or to the pluralization of nouns. On the other hand, derivational affixes alter the meaning of a

word  as in:

a. Possible - impossible

b. Talk – talking

c. Car – cars

22 In Syntax, word categories like nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs are known as …. because they

express meaning.

a. function words

b. content words

c. grammatical  words

23 The clause “The government imposed new taxes” illustrates a non-copula, declarative, transitive

construction because the verb is immediately followed by a noun phrase functioning as a direct object.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

24 All nouns in English share the same features like: animate- inanimate, concrete-abstract and count-

non-count, among others. Then ….

a. The words idea and book are both inanimate and concrete.

b. The words man and book are both human and concrete.

c. The words man and book are both concrete and count.

25 Subcategorization is a linguistic phenomenon that refers to the number and type of syntactic elements

that co-occur with a noun, verb or adjective in order to form phrases. For example, copula verbs take

complements, while, transitive verbs take objects.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

26 In English, any lexical verb controls the number and type of complements that might occur with it; for

example the verb “break” can take ...

a. a  prepositional phrase as its complement “He broke in the window”

b. a noun phrase complement as in “He broke the front window”

c. a verb phrase as its complement as in “he broke to take the window”

27 There are two basic types of words: close and open. The group of close words contains a relatively

small number of items and new words are not normally added. On the other hand, the open class of

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words contains a vast number of terms and new words can be added. They include the word categories

known as:

a. Articles, prepositions, demonstratives and conjunctions.

b. Nouns, verbs, prepositions and articles.

c. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

28 Selectional restrictions encompass a number of rules concerning the syntactic frame in which a noun,

verb or adjective could appear. Selectional restrictions are partly based on semantic criteria; for

example, verbs - read, write live, think- must take an animate subject; while other verbs –fall, break-

can be preceded by animate or inanimate subjects.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

29 Count and mass nouns in English show some differences between them. For example, count nouns

refer to entities that are thought of as individuals, while mass nouns refer to entities that cannot be

split into countable individuals.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don’t know

30 English sentences can be: simple, compound and complex. Simple sentences are formed by a single

clause; whereas, complex sentences are formed by two or more clauses joined by the conjunction

AND, as in “George lives in Chile and his brother lives in Canada”.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don´t know

31 A clause is a grammatical structure formed by an NP subject and a VP predicate. This type of

structure usually expresses a single idea.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don´t know

32 Main and subordinate clauses are essential elements of written and spoken communication.  Main

clauses express full meaning; while, subordinate clauses have certain constraints. For example,

a. they express tense and aspect

b. they do not express a complete meaning all by themselves

c. they indicate voice and mood

33 Adverbial clauses are optional within a sentence and...

a. they modify the main verb.

b. they modify the clause to which they are attached.

c. they modify the noun to their left.

34 Subordinate clauses are formed by an NP and a VP; they are of three types:

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a. relative, complement and adverbial clauses

b. complement, adverbial and finite clauses

c. relative, complement and dependent clauses

35 Complement clauses are embedded noun clauses introduced by the complementizer THAT; they

function as subjects, direct objects or complements, as illustrated in:

a. The woman that killed James is in prison

b. Catty told her husband that her car broke down

c. Max loved the book that you gave her

36 A clause that modifies a noun or noun phrase is known as a relative clause. Relative clauses are

introduced by relative pronouns like who, that, which, and they function as adjectives.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. I don´t know

37 A clause like “when he comes to town” which appears in the sentence “Juan should visit his parents

when he comes to town’, is an ...

a. adverbial clause that modifies the verb “visit”

b. adverbial clause that modifies the noun phrase “his parents”

c. adverbial clause that modifies the main clause

38 The subordinate clause in “Citizens like the idea that the airport will be rebuilt” functions as a …

a. relative clause

b. adverbial clause

c. complement clause

39 The structure “Although Carmen loved Sam, she refused to marry him”, is a complex sentence

containing an adverbial clause that indicates.....

a. Manner

b. Place

c. Concession

40 In the sentence ‘Sam liked the food that you gave him’, the complementizer “that”.....

a. cannot be deleted because the meaning of the sentence might change.

b. can be moved to a different position within the sentencec. can be deleted without altering the meaning of the sentence.




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