mfr nara- t1at7- dulles airport- dulles employee 1-1-19!04!00571

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  • 8/14/2019 MFR NARA- T1AT7- Dulles Airport- Dulles Employee 1-1-19!04!00571


    / C - f 2 - . . / 7 ~~

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    . ~ E~~~t: I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tDul le s-. Intel71ati .~n~.1Ai~ortType: Interview.


    p r e ; ; ~ t ~ d bY:'!prn;R~ldtSpecialAccess Is~(Ie~ : N , , ~ e >Teams: 7 "..\Dat~.:January 1 " 9 , 2004 and Ptruary"lQ, '2'004\. -. ',',',

    participts (nont~QmmiSSiOn): Phone Interview'[ ..~~ ....~~d.~~~ ...Trip toDulles. and' '.. ' .....P articip an ts (C omm issio n): L isa Sullivan.John Ra idL . ..L ocation: T he interv iew w as conducted by co ~fe .ren ce ca ll'>M s. S ulliv an an d M r. R aid thosted the cal1 from the comm ission 's GSA office'.,1 la~ '~ ~a1led fromtheir o ffic e a t D ulle s In te rn atio nal A irp ort.

    '\ T h e in terv iew w as follo wed by a 2-10-04 site v isit to the D ulles w est checkpoint to showDpictures of the h ijackers and to get a v isual impression of the door where theconfrontation occurred . John R aidt and L isa S ulliv an w ere joined by Comm is sio n s ta ffm em bers John Tam m and M arco C ordero for the trip to D ulles.Background


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    Reason for Interview[U ] Comm ission staff contacte4 Ifor an interv iew based on information he hadp rovid ed to law enforcem ent r~gard ing an incident h e w itnessed on th e ev ening of

    at Dulles. "

    [U1 lind icated th at around 8 p .m . on S eptem ber 10, he w as superv ising the w estcheckpoint in the m ain term inal of D ulles w hen he saw four M iddle Eastern m en tryingto enter a side door at th e w est checkpoint. Use of the door was restricted to LawE nfo rcem ent O fficers ~ LEO's) and g ov ernmen t o fficials.n J ] T he uniform ed nr~n w ere w earing green D ulles A irp ort 10 b ad ges im printed w ith an' 1A" that designatedpeople who work on the ram ps. One of the m en sw iped h is ID card'and punched in a code to enter the door, wh ich gained h im and the other three people/en tran ce to th e "s~ rile area" (b yp assin g th e secu rity ch eck p oin t).![Unsaid that/two of the men were dressed like "ramp rats" - in blue pants w ith!sw~rts and.headphones around their necks. They appeared to be escorting two other! plain clothed m en, also M iddle E astern in appearance. The m en w eren't carrying: anyth ing w ith /them . He did not recognize them . He noticed them because ram p ratsweren 't allowed to enter th rough that door~,D tressed that ram p em ployees "never"used that d9,or.,D also noted that M W had restricted access to the door to fewer~mp ]o ye e~ ;J ~r' s ec ur it y r ea so ns o nly a :! -ri on th p ri or to 9-11.!U] : ~~ressed that the do~,d is talking about is on the west wall of the west, !ch ,ckp~inr The door requires-that you sw ipe a card and punch in the cod,~1 ~aid

    ! ./ t~~t vefy .few em ployees haveaccess to the door. H e didn't have such access on 911 an d! ./ he w as am anager of the checkpoint security .operation.l Isa~,d ,-tfiatyou could use the, : ?oor/t~/by-pass the ma~~r~.t6meter. .' ' / [uDaid that th~e'e'ofthemenwere confused andditl~;t seemtoknowwherethey! ./ ./ going. T hese-ob serv ations and th e fact that ram p rats never used that door m ade! / /:~ ( t 1 {suspicious. .Hestopped them'. lietold them that they w eren 't allow ed through the46:or and that t,h~y had to go th rough the security checkpoint if they w anted to access the

    /~4tea. The m en-carrying ID s show ed them to h im . Their behav ior w as rude and abusive to: ' , : : > : , h i m . , < . . . . . , ': .' ".' .

    / ! / / . . . ' : : : : / [U l~ade them Y 6r;;'~"ba:c(~ut and told them to go th rough the checkpoint. The men/!,///:,'~.d~xplain ~hy theywanted access to the door. Even though they had IDs, they: : .' ::: /P I,~ ,9 'it seem to.knowwhere th ey w ere g oin g,

    t ! l ; ; ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : :~ ~ ; e ~ h :o d : a i r t ~ . p ? h ~ ~ D s a ~ h ~ : e ~ e~ ; ~ s ~ ~ ~ s U !~ :COM~~{~~S~~~TIVE




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    ........ COMMISSION SENSITIVEUNCLASSIFIED [U ] D '~:ah g:J~e fol1ow -up~i~'it'T cE J1!Y C ommission staff, John T ~m sh ow ed Danum ber of pictures, includ ing ph otos oftheA A -,#.77 hijacker~Ddid not identify any ofth e pictures as individuals he .had seen on 9/10. ". ..,: .: ..-.~. '.. ,"

    . . [ _ u. ._ _ . . .I~ca;:.;n_b;.;.eeache~:'~~'L:r-'_"'~"__ . . . I ! : ' I = = = = ! k : . : ~ ~ .::.;ber ~ ~ ~ ~ e d : ~ 4, . . . . . .~an bereached a ~ 1 " 1.-------1/ ~OTE: After the int~iew, John Raidt cont.~d~dl lofthe FBI to relay thei information thaDow claims h~:fecog~iied two ofthe hijackers as people he had

    seen on 9/10),;...... : ' ,// . ",,/ . ,,"" ;'follow ing the site v isit; C ommission staff p lan to rev iew surveillance footage ofthe.west checkpoint-from the evening of the 10th to look for im ages of theconfrontation in question; ", '

    _ Contact EdCo;x:at f \ 1W AA to-find out who on 9-10 had ID badges and the code t o.enter th e doorin question,.''''' ./_ : / o e t a list ofthose p ersonnel w ith th e aforem entioned cred entials w as on d uty on. . . . . . > : - 1 0 : , , ' , . , , . : , . :

    / _ / :' Look fo'~thecopyof th e N ational E nquirer w ith th e pictures of th e h ijackers that, .. ,:: / ca~.e"~~lt 'ln theweeks following 9-11. .

    ,:',:' ,/' ., ..

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    "\. "

    "'\\,Event: Intervie\~/of1 ... ___Jja.~,~:February 10, 2004

    ""speciltccess Issues: nonep~~paredb~:, Quinn John Tamm, Jr.TeamNumbe~LIA and 7(jO,catio,~,: DullesInternational Airport, Herndon, VA

    ' . Par .~ic ipa"h:ts from theCommission. Lisa Sullivan, John Raidt, Marco A. Cordero,\"Quinn JohnTamm, Jr. \::,\

    ... ... \, \, -.\'" '''r--\ldate ofbi~~>""-',--------------., DullesI~tema~ advised of the 'identities of the professional staffers and the nature ofthe inv~stigation 'being condu~e? 'b)i the Natio:al Co~ission on Attacks Upon

    '. the.United States, (the Comnllsslon)~1 Ihad previously been interviewed by\ Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Drug Enforcement\ A dm inistration D EA :.. concemin his duties on 09/10/2001. At that tim~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ullesAi~ort.

    I Ireported"t9 the FBI and DEA agents that on he was assignedto work at the west security.gate in the main terminal of Dulles Airport. Between 8:10 pm .and 8:45 pm on that date, heobserved five males pass through the "security entrance,"contrary to airport procedure.vf'he males were mid-eastern in appearance.

    On this date, 02110/2004~r-lwas shown and allowed to review aphotographic line-up consisting o~raphs of the following individuals:

    Hani HanjourSaid BahajiMounir E-MotassadeqZakariya EssabarSaud al-RasheedMajed MoqedJasim O baid Mohamed Obaid al-NaqbiRamzi al-ShibbhKhalid Sheikh MohammedHazma al-GhamdiNawaf al-HazmiSalem al-Hazmi

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    Ali Abdul Aziz AliMohand al-ShehriAbdeIghani MzoudiAbderraouf Jdey, Iwas asked if an y of the individuals depicted in the above list, were the

    mid~.astem males who attempted to pass t h r y s h :he srurity entrance of the West Gate,main terminal, Dulles Airport on 09/10/200~... aid that he did not recognizeanyone from that incident in the abov~.phritograp s.

    A photocopy of the ~.hot6graphic line-up is attached to this report.

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    7/24REO 23-9

    Photo Key1 Hamza Al-Ghamdi (UA 175)2 Mohammed Atta (AA 11)3 Hani Hanjour (AA 77)4 Said Bahaji5 Khalid AI-Mihdhar (AA 77)6 Marwan AI-Shehhi (UA 175)7 Waleed AI-Shehri (AA 11)8 Mounir El-Motassadeq9 Zacarias Moussaoui10 Zakari ya Essabar11 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, aka Mukhtar

    12 Majed Moqed (AA 77)13 Ahmed Al-Haznawi (UA 93)14 Saud AI-Rasheed15 Salem Al-Hazmi (AA 77)16 Majed Moqed (AA77)17 Abdul Aziz Alomari (AA 11)18 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed19 Jasim Obaid Mohamed Obaid Al-Naqbi20 Satam AI-Suqami (AA 11)21 Ramzi Binalshibh, aka Ramzi Omar

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    ./. - . . . . . ~.\\~- , < - ' - - - }

    22 Moshabob Al-Hamlan23 Ahmed Al-Nami (UA 93)24 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, aka Mukhtar25 Rani Hanjour (AA 77)26 Zacarias Moussaoui27 Mohand Al-Shehri (UA 175)28 Sameer Mohamed Mahmood Abu Ong29 Mustafa Al-Hawsawi, aka Hashem Abdulrahman30 Hamza Al-Ghamdi (UA 175)31 Waleed Al-Shehri (AA 11)32 Tawfiq Bin Attash, aka Khallad33 Nawaf Al-Hazmi (AA 77)

    34 Ahmed Al-Haznawi (UA 93)35 Khalid Al-Mihdhar (AA 77)36 Ramzi Binalshibh, aka Ramzi Omar37 Abdul Aziz Alomari (AA 11)38 Saeed Al-Ghamdi (UA 93)39 Nawaf Al-Hazmi (AA 77)40 Salem Al-Hazmi (AA 77)41 W ail A I-S hehri (A A 11)42 Saeed Al-Ghamdi (UA 93)43 Wail Al-Shehri (AA 11)

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