m.g.c. services fire risk assessment housing - haley barton. 2 disclaimer the assessors believe the...

M.G.C. Services Fire Risk Assessment conducted for Company: Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.

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M.G.C. Services

Fire Risk Assessment

conducted for


Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 2

Disclaimer The assessors believe the information contained within this risk assessment report to be correct at

the time of printing. The assessors do not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from

the use of the information herein. The report is based on matters that were observed or came to the

attention of the assessors during the day of the assessment and should not be relied upon as an

exhaustive record of all possible risks or hazards that may exist or potential improvements that can

be made.

Confidentiality Statement In order to maintain the integrity and credibility of the risk assessment processes and to protect the

parties involved, it is understood that the assessors will not divulge to unauthorized persons any

information obtained during this risk assessment unless legally obligated to do so.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 3

Table of Contents

M.G.C. Services Fire Risk Assessment ................................................................................................. 1 Disclaimer............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Confidentiality Statement ................................................................................................................................................ 2

Site information...................................................................................................................................................... 5 1: Site Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 1a: Assessment Date ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Risk level estimator ............................................................................................................................................... 7 2: Risk level estimator ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

Risk level estimator continued ............................................................................................................................ 8 2: Risk level estimator continued .................................................................................................................................. 8

Action plan .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 3: Action Plan ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Actions for section 9: Fire Hazards - Electrical........................................................................................................ 9 Actions for section 10: Fire Hazards - Smoking ...................................................................................................... 9 Actions for section 11: Fire Hazards - Arson .......................................................................................................... 10 Actions for section 12: Property Heating ................................................................................................................. 10 Actions for section 13: Cooking .................................................................................................................................. 10 Actions for section 14: Lightning Strike ................................................................................................................... 10 Actions for section 15: Housekeeping ....................................................................................................................... 10 Actions for section 16: Outside contractors ............................................................................................................. 11 Actions for section 17: Dangerous substances ........................................................................................................ 11 Actions for section 18: Other significant hazards - including process hazards impacting on fire

precautions ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Actions for section 19: Means of escape .................................................................................................................. 11 Actions for section 20: Compartmentation .............................................................................................................. 11 Actions for section 21: Fire safety signs and notices ............................................................................................ 12 Actions for section 22: Means of giving warning in case of fire ...................................................................... 12 Actions for section 23: Emergency lighting ............................................................................................................ 12 Actions for section 24: Manual fire extinguishing appliances ........................................................................... 12 Actions for section 25: Fire extinguishing and other fixed systems ................................................................ 13 Actions for section 26: Management of fire safety - procedures and arrangements ................................... 13 Actions for section 27: Management of fire safety - training and drills ......................................................... 13 Actions for section 28: Testing and maintenance .................................................................................................. 13

General information - The premises & Occupants at risk of fire ........................................................... 14 4: General information - The premises ...................................................................................................................... 14 5: Occupants at risk of fire: ........................................................................................................................................... 15

Property fire loss experience, other relevant information, fire safety legislation ............................... 16 6: Property fire loss experience ................................................................................................................................... 16 7: Other relevant information ....................................................................................................................................... 16 8: Fire legislation .............................................................................................................................................................. 16

Fire hazards - Electrical .................................................................................................................................... 17 9: Fire hazards - Electrical............................................................................................................................................. 17

Fire hazards - Smoking ..................................................................................................................................... 18 10: Fire hazards - Smoking ........................................................................................................................................... 18

Fire hazard - Arson ............................................................................................................................................ 19 11: Fire hazard - Arson ................................................................................................................................................... 19

Property heating, cooking ................................................................................................................................. 20 12: Property heating ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 13: Cooking ........................................................................................................................................................................ 20

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 4

Lightning strike, House keeping ..................................................................................................................... 21 14: Lightning strike ......................................................................................................................................................... 21 15: Housekeeping ............................................................................................................................................................. 22

Outside contractors, Dangerous substances, other significant hazards ................................................ 23 16: Outside contractors ................................................................................................................................................... 23 17: Dangerous substances .............................................................................................................................................. 23 18: Other significant hazards - including process hazards impacting on fire precautions ........................ 23

Means of escape ................................................................................................................................................... 24 19: Means of escape ........................................................................................................................................................ 24

Means of escape continued ............................................................................................................................... 25 19: Means of escape ........................................................................................................................................................ 25

Compartmentation ............................................................................................................................................. 26 20: Compartmentation .................................................................................................................................................... 26 20: Compartmentation .................................................................................................................................................... 27

Fire safety signs and notices ............................................................................................................................. 28 21: Fire safety signs and notices .................................................................................................................................. 28 21: Fire safety signs and notices .................................................................................................................................. 29

Means of giving warning in case of fire ......................................................................................................... 30 22: Means of giving warning in case of fire ............................................................................................................ 30 22: Means of giving warning in case of fire ............................................................................................................ 31

Emergency lighting, Manual fire extinguishing appliances, other fixed systems ............................... 32 23: Emergency lighting .................................................................................................................................................. 32 24: Manual fire-extinguishing appliances ................................................................................................................ 32 25: Fire extinguishing and other fixed systems ...................................................................................................... 32

Management of fire safety - procedures and arrangements .................................................................... 33 26: Management of fire safety - procedures and arrangements ......................................................................... 33

Management of fire safety - training and drills........................................................................................... 34 27: Management of fire safety - training and drills ............................................................................................... 34

Testing and maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 35 28: Testing and maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 35 28: Testing and maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 36

Media ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 5

Site information

Question Response Details

1: Site Information

1.1: Responsible person (as defined in

section 3 of the Regulatory Reform (fire

safety) Order 2005):

Tamar Housing.

1.2: Persons with "Duties under this order"

(section 5 of the Regulatory Reform (fire

safety) Order 2005) i.e. the person having

financial control of the premises:

Tamar Housing.

1.3: Address of premises: Haley Barton,

Auckland Road,




1.4: Person(s) consulted: Stuart Francis-Dubois, Tamar Housing.

1.5: Assessor:

Malcolm Cook AIIRSM


194 Exeter Road


TQ12 3NJ.

T:01626 460045 M:07803 651 594 E: [email protected]


Associate member of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management.

Fire Risk Assessments in Houses of Multiple Occupancy - Fire Service College 2007.

NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health

NEBOSH Fire Safety and Risk Management.

Timber fire doors explained – Chiltern International Fire 2010.

FRACS Technical day – Warrington Fire 2010.

Intumescent products & their properties under fire – Lorient Polyproducts 2010.

The FPA Fire Risk Assessments course (IFE approved) – Fire Service College 2011.

FRACS Technical day – Warrington Fire 2011.

Fire Risk Assessments – Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue Academy 2011.

Unit 1, Fire Detection and Design - The FIA July 2015.

Sprinkler systems technical update - The FPA May 2016.

The FPA Advanced Fire Risk Assessments - Fire Service College July 2016.

Written with guidance from PAS 79, CLG relevant guidance documents and Approved Document B:

Fire Safety (volume 2) – Buildings other than dwelling houses.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 6

1a: Assessment Date

1.6: Date of fire risk assessment: 16th October 2017.

1.6: Date of previous fire risk assessment: 29th September 2016.

1.7: Suggested date for review (1): 15th October 2018.

(1) This fire risk assessment should be reviewed by a competent person by the date indicated above or at

such an earlier time as there is reason to suspect that it is no longer valid, or if there has been a

significant change in the matters to which it relates, or if a fire occurs.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 7

Risk level estimator

Question Response Details

2: Risk level estimator

The following simple risk level estimator is based on a more general health and safety risk level

estimator of the type contained in BS 8800:

Potential consequences of fire - Slight harm Moderate harm Extreme harm

Likelihood of fire:-

Low Trivial risk Tolerable risk Moderate risk

Medium Tolerable risk Moderate risk Substantial risk

High Moderate risk Substantial risk Intolerable risk

Taking into account the fire prevention

measures observed at the time of this risk

assessment, it is considered that the hazard

from fire (likelihood of fire) at these

premises is:


In this context, a definition of the above terms is as follows:

Low: Unusually low likelihood of fire as a result of negligible potential sources of ignition.

Medium: Normal fire hazards (e.g. potential ignition sources) for this type of occupancy, with fire

hazards generally subject to appropriate controls (other than minor shortcomings).

High: Lack of adequate controls applied to one or more significant fire hazards, such as to result in

significant increase in likelihood of fire.

Taking into account the nature of the

building and the occupants, as well as the

fire protection and procedural

arrangements observed at the time of this

fire risk assessment, it is considered that

the consequences for life safety in the

event of fire would be:


In this context, a definition of the above terms is as follows:

Slight harm: Outbreak of fire unlikely to result in serious injury or death of any occupant (other than an

occupant sleeping in a room in which a fire occurs).

Moderate harm: Outbreak of fire could foreseeable result in injury (including serious injury) of one or

more occupants, but it is unlikely to involve multiple fatalities.

Extreme harm: Significant potential for serious injury or death of one or more occupants.

Accordingly, it is considered that the risk

to life from fire at these premises is: Tolerable

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 8

Risk level estimator continued

Question Response Details

2: Risk level estimator continued

A suitable risk-based control plan should involve effort and urgency that is proportional to risk.

The following risk based control plan is based on one advocated by BS 8800 for general health and

safety risks:

Risk level : Action and timescale

Trivial : No action is required and no detailed records need be kept

Tolerable : No major additional controls required. However, there might be a need for

improvements that involve minor or limited cost.

Moderate : It is essential that efforts be made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures

should be implemented within a defined time period.

Where moderate risk is associated with consequences that constitute extreme harm, further assessment

might be required to establish more precisely the likelihood of harm as a basis for determining the

priority for improved control measures.

Substantial : Considerable resources might have to be allocated to reduce the risk. If the

building is unoccupied, it should not be occupied until the risk has been reduced. If the building is

occupied, urgent action should be taken.

Intolerable : Building (or relevant area) should not be occupied until the risk is reduced.

(Note that, although the purpose of this section is to place the fire risk in context, the above approach to

fire risk assessment is subjective and for guidance only. All hazards and deficiencies identified in this

report should be addressed by implementing all recommendations contained in the following action plan.

Should the client choose not to implement any of the recommendations within this report then he shall

demonstrate how he has achieved a similar standard by alternative means. The fire risk assessment

should be reviewed regularly.)

Score (14/14) - 100% Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.


Action plan

Question Response Details

3: Action Plan

Definition of priorities (where applicable):

● Immediate: Issues noted by the risk assessor that were communicated to the client during the

assessment - to be corrected that day (the client stated action would be taken, results would not be

audited by the assessor).

● High: Issues noted that are critical for life safety and should be remediated as a priority. Timescales

of action will vary depending on the scale and complexity of the works required.

Lower resource actions, such as improved housekeeping should be implemented as soon as possible.

● Medium: Issues noted are serious and should be remediated as soon as resource is available.

● Low: Issues noted that are not critical to life safety, however consistently poor performance is likely

to impact on more critical systems – e.g. poor record keeping could allow life critical systems to fail

without the responsible person being aware.

Actions for section 9: Fire Hazards - Electrical

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 10: Fire Hazards - Smoking

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Score (14/14) - 100% Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.


Actions for section 11: Fire Hazards - Arson

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 12: Property Heating

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 13: Cooking

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 14: Lightning Strike

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 15: Housekeeping

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Score (14/14) - 100% Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.


Actions for section 16: Outside contractors

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 17: Dangerous substances

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 18: Other significant hazards - including process hazards

impacting on fire precautions

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 19: Means of escape

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 20: Compartmentation

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1



20.2 In order to comply with Article 14,

Emergency Routes and Exits of the

Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order

2005, it is recommended that the letter

plate to flat 11 be replaced and that the

electrical housing door be repaired so that

it closes.

Score (14/14) - 100% Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.


Actions for section 21: Fire safety signs and notices

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 22: Means of giving warning in case of fire

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1



22.6 Whilst it is appreciated that British

Standards are not 'Law', it is understood

that the local fire authority use such

standards in order to indicate a minimum

level of compliance with the Regulatory

Reform (fire safety) Order 2005, as such,

in accordance with section 23.2.2 (e) of BS

5839 Part 1:2013, on or adjacent to

indicating equipment, there should be a

diagrammatic representation of the

building, showing at least the building

entrances, the main circulation areas and

the division into zones.

Actions for section 23: Emergency lighting

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 24: Manual fire extinguishing appliances

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Score (14/14) - 100% Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.


Actions for section 25: Fire extinguishing and other fixed systems

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 26: Management of fire safety - procedures and arrangements

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 27: Management of fire safety - training and drills

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Actions for section 28: Testing and maintenance

The action below has been completed by: Date: 1

Priority: NONE

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 14

General information - The premises & Occupants at risk of fire

Question Response Details

4: General information - The premises

4.1: Brief description of building: This is a purpose built block of self-contained flats that

appears to be of traditional brick and concrete

construction. The block contains two, separate communal

entrances off Auckland Road; the right-hand serves flats 1

to 6, whilst the left-hand serves flats 7 to 11. The block

contains an access road located in the middle of the

building that runs beneath the first floor.

The entrance door to flats 1 to 6 leads into a stairwell that

contains a fire alarm control and indicating panel. The

stair leads down to a lower ground floor containing a fire

door that opens into a 2m2 lobby containing the dwelling

doors to flats 1&2, plus a rear final exit door leading into

the car park.

Appendix 1

4.1.1: Number of floors Ground, first and second.

4.2: Areas covered by assessment: Internal and external areas pertinent to the building.

4.3: Use of premises: Sleeping accommodation.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 15

5: Occupants at risk of fire:

5.1: Approximate maximum number: Unconfirmed number.

5.2: Approximate maximum number of

employees at any one time: One.

5.3: Sleeping occupants: Unconfirmed number within each block.

5.4: Disabled occupants: None reported or witnessed.

5.5: Occupants in remote areas and lone

workers: Potential within the communal areas.

5.6: Young persons: Potential - none witnessed at the time of assessment.

5.7: Others: Contractors, delivery drivers and postal workers.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 16

Property fire loss experience, other relevant information, fire safety


Question Response Details

6: Property fire loss experience

Comments: None reported.

7: Other relevant information

Comments: None.

8: Fire legislation

8.1: The Regulatory Reform (fire safety)

Order 2005 applies to these premises with

guidance taken from the:

Sleeping accommodation guidance notes, Approved

document B, LACoRS Guide

8.2: Enforced by: Devon and Somerset fire and rescue service

8.3: Other legislation that makes

significant requirements for fire

precautions in these premises (other than

the Building Regulations 2010)

Housing Act 2004

8.4: Appropriate liaison with fire and

rescue service Unknown

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 17

Fire hazards - Electrical

Question Response Details

9: Fire hazards - Electrical

The Law: The current regulations for electrical installations are BS 7671: 2008 Requirements for

Electrical Installations (IEE Wiring Regulations 17th Edition). Compliance with these regulations and

the subsequent issue of certificates of conformity are not a specific requirement, but are invariably

needed by your insurance company. However, there is a statutory duty of care under the Electricity at

Work Regulations 1989 for all electrical installations in work places to be maintained as to be safe and

to prevent danger. It is likely therefore that in the event of an accident the authorities will look at the

wiring regulations as the benchmark for standards that should be adopted.

9.1: Reasonable measures taken to prevent

fires of an electrical origin? Yes

9.2: Fixed electrical installation

periodically inspected and tested? Yes Mr. Stuart Francis-Dubois provided

anecdotal that indicates a rolling plan of

inspection has been instigated.

Appendix 2

9.3: Portable appliance testing carried out? N/A

No appliances witnessed at the time of


9.4: Suitable policy regarding the use of

personal electrical appliances? N/A

No appliances witnessed at the time of


9.5: Suitable limitation of trailing leads and

adapters? N/A

None witnessed at the time of assessment.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 18

Fire hazards - Smoking

Question Response Details

10: Fire hazards - Smoking

The Law: The Health Act 2006 and The Smokefree (Signs) Regulations 2007 as amended in 2012.

“Entrance” means an entrance for use by persons;

“smoke-free premises” means all public places and workplaces which are smoke-free by virtue of

section 2 or 4 of the Act, other than those that are exempt by virtue of regulations made under section 3

of the Act.

“The Act” is in relation to The Health Act 2006 that requires all smoke free premises to display

appropriate signage including Churches, Listed Buildings & Art Galleries.

10.1: Reasonable measures taken to

prevent fires as a result of smoking? Yes

10.2: Smoking prohibited in the building? Yes

It is understood that the property has a no

smoking policy.

10.3: Suitable arrangements for those who

wish to smoke? Yes

Any person wishing to smoke can do so at

a safe distance from the property.

10.4: Adequate signage displayed?


In accordance with Section 6 of The Health

Act 2006 and The Smokefree (signs)

Regulations 2012 a single No Smoking

sign is displayed within the premise.

Appendix 3

10.5: No smoking policy appeared to be

observed at the time of inspection? Yes There did not appear to be any evidence to

indicate a breach of the no smoking policy

at the time of assessment.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 19

Fire hazard - Arson

Question Response Details

11: Fire hazard - Arson

11.1: Does basic security against arson by

outsiders appear reasonable? Yes The property appeared to be secure at the

time of assessment and access was only

possible via the use of a key.

11.2: Is there an absence of unnecessary

fire load in close proximity to the premises

or available for ignition by outsiders? Yes

There was an absence of unnecessary fuel

loading at the time of assessment.

11.3: If provided, are wheelie bins secured

in place with lockable lids? N/A

11.4: Has there been any history of

vandalism or arson attempts in the

surrounding area? No

Information provided via Devon &

Cornwall Police would indicate 3 incidents

within Auckland Road, none of which were

Arson related.

11.5: Are there any pallets or skips stored

within 10m of the building? No There were no skips or pallets located

within close proximity to the property at

the time of assessment.

Score (0/1) - 0% Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.


Property heating, cooking

Question Response Details

12: Property heating

12.1: Is the use of portable heaters avoided

as far as practicable? N/A

12.2: If portable heaters are used:

12.2.1: Is the use of the more hazardous

type (e.g. radiant bar fires or LPG

appliances) avoided? N/A

12.2.2: Are suitable measures taken to

minimise the hazard of ignition of

combustible materials? N/A

12.3: Are fixed heating installations subject

to regular maintenance? N/A

13: Cooking

13.1: Is commercial or communal cooking

carried out on site? No

All cooking is undertaken within the

individual private residence.

13.2: If applicable, are filters changed and

ductwork cleaned regularly? N/A

13.3: Are there any deep fat fryers within

the kitchen? N/A

13.4: Are there suitable means of fighting

the fire?

(A 6Lt Wet Chemical should cover 75Lt of

cooking oil)


Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 21

Lightning strike, House keeping

Question Response Details

14: Lightning strike

14.1: Does the building have a lightning

protection system? N/A Due to the height and location of the

property it is felt that a dedicated lightning

protection system is not required.

14.2: If so, is it regularly maintained? N/A

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 22

15: Housekeeping

15.1 Is the standard of housekeeping

adequate? Yes

There is a very high standard of

housekeeping within both blocks.

Appendix 4 – removed


15.2: Combustible materials appear to be

separated from ignition sources? Yes No significant findings during this

assessment; improvements have been made

since 2016.

Appendix 5 – removed


15.3: Avoidance of unnecessary

accumulation of combustible materials or

waste? Yes

See above.

15.4: Appropriate storage of hazardous

materials? Yes

See 15.2

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 23

Outside contractors, Dangerous substances, other significant hazards

Question Response Details

16: Outside contractors

16.1: Are fire safety conditions imposed on

outside contractors? Yes Tamar Housing do have a policy with

regard to the selection of contractors.

17: Dangerous substances

17.1: Are substances classed as dangerous

under the Dangerous Substances and

Explosive Regulations 2002 used or stored

at the property?


17.2: If 'yes' has a suitable risk assessment

been conducted under DSEAR 2002? N/A

18: Other significant hazards - including process hazards impacting on fire


18.1: Are there any other significant

hazards? N/A

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 24

Means of escape

Question Response Details

19: Means of escape

19.1: Is it considered that the building is

provided with reasonable means of escape

in case of fire? Yes

The escape route within this premise is felt

not to be long or complicated and leads as

direct as possible to the final exit.

19.2: Is there adequate design of escape

routes (i.e. not through rooms of high risk

or adjacent buildings)? Yes

No significant findings.

19.3: Is there adequate provision of exits? Yes

It is felt that due to the projected low

number of persons within the building the

current provision would be adequate.

19.4: Exits easily and immediately

operable where necessary? Yes The final exits within the building were

quickly and safely operated without the

need for a key or a code.

19.5: Fire exits open in direction of travel?


Whilst it is appreciated that wherever

possible exit doors should ideally open in

the direction of travel, there are less than

60 persons within the building and as such

the current guidance would indicate exit

doors do not have to open in the direction

of travel.

19.6: Satisfactory means for securing

exits? Yes The final exit/s were not secured by means

of a lock, bolt or other device that required

a key or a code to safely operate.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 25

Means of escape continued

Question Response Details

19: Means of escape

19.7: Reasonable distances of travel where

there is a single direction of travel?

(Travel distances were measured using a

BOSCH DLE50 laser device) Yes

A distance of 1m was measured from the

dwelling door of flat 6 to the fire door that

opens onto the stair, 1.5m was measured

from the fire to the top of the stair, 4m

measured down to the first floor and 4m

down to the ground floor final exit; this

distance is replicated in both stairwells.

19.8: Reasonable distances of travel where

there are alternative means of escape? N/A

19.9: Suitable protection of escape routes?

(*) Yes No significant findings.

19.10: Escape routes un-obstructed? Yes

The escape route was free from obstruction

at the time of assessment throughout the

entire length.

19.11: It is considered that the building is

provided with reasonable means and

arrangements for escape for disabled



(*) Significant source of ignition and/or fuel on escape route, 30-minute fire-rated route/protected staircase.

Score (0/1) - 0% Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.



Question Response Details

20: Compartmentation

20.1: Is it considered that

compartmentation is of a reasonable

standard? Yes

There did appear to be a breach within the

compartment walls at the time of

assessment, although minor – see 20.4

20.2: Escape routes protected (smoke/heat

seals & fire doors)?


Lobby doors would appear to be solid and

fully closing however, the dwelling door to

flat 11 is missing its letter plate that could

allow smoke into the communal area. An

electrical housing box is not closing

outside flat 11.

Appendix 6 Appendix 7 2017 2017


20.2 In order to comply with Article 14, Emergency Routes and Exits of the Regulatory Reform (fire

safety) Order 2005, it is recommended that the letter plate to flat 11 be replaced and that the electrical

housing door be repaired so that it closes.

20.3: Fire doors close fully on to rebate? Yes

All fire doors would appear to be fully

closing onto the rebate.

Appendix 8 Appendix 9

Score (0/1) - 0% Tamar Housing - Haley Barton.


Question Response Details

20: Compartmentation

20.4: Service openings fire stopped? Yes

Breaches witnessed in 2016 have been

suitable sealed.

Appendix 10 Appendix 11 Appendix 12

20.5: Service cupboards constructed in

suitable fire resisting materials? Yes No significant findings.

20.6: As far as can be ascertained, fire

dampers are provided as necessary to

protect critical means of escape against

passage of fire, smoke and combustion

products in the early stages of fire? (*)(**)


(*) Based on visual inspection of readily accessible areas, with a degree of sampling where appropriate.

(**) A full investigation of the design of HVAC systems is outside the scope of this fire risk assessment.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 28

Fire safety signs and notices

Question Response Details

21: Fire safety signs and notices

21.1: Are there completed fire action

notices displayed? Yes There would appear to be suitable fire

action notices displayed within the


Appendix 13

21.2: Are there escape signs installed to

indicate alternative routes? Yes No significant findings.

Appendix 14

21.3: Are there Fire Door Keep Shut signs

on both sides of the door, if applicable? Yes

All fire doors within both stairwells now

contain suitable signs.

Appendix 15

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 29

Question Response Details

21: Fire safety signs and notices

21.4: Are there Fire Door Keep Locked

signs if applicable? Yes

No significant findings.

Appendix 16

21.5: Are there signs to warn attending fire

crews of danger (electrical intakes, gas,

oxygen etc.)? Yes

Suitable signs are now affixed to the

electrical cupboards.

Appendix 17 Appendix 18

21.6: Is there a suitable fire assembly point

identified? Yes There is a suitable area available that is a safe distance from the building.

21.7: Are there any other issues with any

signage relating to fire? No No significant findings.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 30

Means of giving warning in case of fire

Question Response Details

22: Means of giving warning in case of fire

22.1: Reasonable manually operated

electrical fire alarm system? Yes

Strategically placed manual call points

were noted.

Appendix 19 Appendix 20

22.2: Automatic fire detection provided

appropriate to risk?


There would appear to be a category L5

within the common areas of both blocks;

smoke detection within the stairwell only,

not the escape lobbies serving each flat.

It is understood that each flat is fitted with

a Grade D LD3.

Appendix 21

22.3: Can the alarm be heard over

background noise? Yes

Strategically placed sound devices were


Appendix 22

22.4 Remote transmission of alarm

signals? N/A

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 31

Question Response Details

22: Means of giving warning in case of fire

22.5: Facility to indicate all zones in a state

of fire simultaneously? Yes The current control and indicating

equipment would appear to contain the

facility to display all zones.

Appendix 23

22.6: Zone plans displayed for attending

fire crews? No

There is currently no diagrammatic

representation of the building as

recommended in the current British

Standard, BS 5839 Part 1: 2013.

Appendix 24


22.6 Whilst it is appreciated that British Standards are not 'Law', it is understood that the local fire

authority use such standards in order to indicate a minimum level of compliance with the Regulatory

Reform (fire safety) Order 2005, as such, in accordance with section 23.2.2 (e) of BS 5839 Part 1:2013,

on or adjacent to indicating equipment, there should be a diagrammatic representation of the building,

showing at least the building entrances, the main circulation areas and the division into zones.

22.7: Any false signals recorded and action

taken? Yes No significant findings.

22.8: Any automated devices linked to the

fire alarm system (roller shutters, air-con

etc.)? N/A

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 32

Emergency lighting, Manual fire extinguishing appliances, other fixed


Question Response Details

23: Emergency lighting

23.1: Is there a reasonable standard of

emergency escape lighting system

provided (internal & external) (*)? Yes

In order to comply with Article 14 (2) (h)

of the Regulatory Reform (fire safety)

Order 2005, it would appear that a

reasonable level of emergency lighting has

been installed in order to aid persons with

their escape during the failure of the

normal lighting system.

(*) Based on visual inspection, but no test of luminance levels or verification of full compliance with

relevant British Standards carried out.

24: Manual fire-extinguishing appliances

24.1: Firefighting equipment installed

appropriate to risk? N/A

24.2: Are all fire-extinguishing appliances

readily accessible? N/A

25: Fire extinguishing and other fixed systems

25.1: Are there any systems in place (gas

suppression, sprinklers etc.)? N/A

25.2: Suitable provision of fire fighter

switch (es) (for high voltage luminous tube

signs, lifts etc.)? N/A

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 33

Management of fire safety - procedures and arrangements

Question Response Details

26: Management of fire safety - procedures and arrangements

26.1: Fire safety is managed by: Tamar Housing.

26.2: Competent person(s): Tamar Housing.

26.3: Appropriate fire procedures in place? Yes

In accordance with Article 15 Procedures for Serious and Imminent Danger and Danger Areas of the

Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005, a suitable set of instructions and procedures are available.

26.4: Suitable arrangements for

summoning the fire and rescue service? Yes

26.5: Are there suitable written

arrangements to meet the fire and rescue

service on arrival and provide relevant

information, including that relating to

hazards to fire fighters?


26.6: Are there suitable arrangements for

ensuring that the premises have been

evacuated? Yes

26.7: Is there a suitable assembly point? Yes

26.8: Have you produced Personal

Emergency Evacuation Procedures


26.9: Persons nominated and trained to

assist with evacuation? N/A

26.10: Routine in-house inspections of fire

precautions (e.g. In the course of health &

safety inspections)? Yes

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 34

Management of fire safety - training and drills

Question Response Details

27: Management of fire safety - training and drills

27.1: Are all staff given adequate fire

safety training in induction? Yes

27.2: Persons nominated and trained to use

fire-extinguishing appliances? N/A

27.3: Are all staff given adequate periodic

"refresher training" at suitable intervals? Yes

27.4: Staff training/information includes

fire risks in the premises? Yes

27.5: Staff training/information includes

action in the event of a fire? Yes

27.6: Staff training/information includes

action on hearing the fire alarm? Yes

27.7: Staff training/information includes

method of operation of manual call points? Yes

27.8: Staff training/information includes

means for summoning the fire and rescue

service? Yes

27.9: Are all staff with special

responsibilities (e.g. fire wardens) given

additional training? N/A

27.10: Are fire drills carried out at

appropriate intervals? N/A

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 35

Testing and maintenance

Question Response Details

28: Testing and maintenance

28.1: Weekly testing of the fire alarm

system? Yes Evidence within the caretakers’ log.

Appendix 25

28.2: Servicing of the fire alarm system? Yes

Mr. Stuart Francis-Dubois has provided

anecdotal information that indicates a

servicing regime has been instigated.

28.3: Monthly testing of the emergency

escape lighting? Yes Evidence within the caretakers’ log.

Appendix 26

28.4: Annual servicing of the emergency

lighting? Yes Mr. Stuart Francis-Dubois has provided

anecdotal information that indicates a

servicing regime has been instigated.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 36

Question Response Details

28: Testing and maintenance

28.5: Monthly check of the fire-

extinguishing appliances? N/A

28.6: Annual maintenance of fire-

extinguishing appliances? N/A

28.7: Periodic inspection of external escape

staircases and gangways? N/A

28.8: Six-monthly inspection and annual

testing of rising mains? N/A

28.9: Weekly and monthly testing, six

monthly and annual testing of firefighting

lifts? N/A

28.10: Monthly and annual inspection of

all fire doors? Yes

28.11: Routine checks of final exit doors

and/or security fastenings? Yes The single door from each stairwell is used

on a daily basis, as such any defect would

be quickly rectified.

28.12: Other relevant inspections or tests;

Smoke vents, Refuge points, Sprinkler

systems (25yr head test), Gas systems etc. N/A

28.13: Is a fire logbook kept on site? Yes

The caretakers' inspection log is displayed

within the communal area.

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 37


Appendix 1 Appendix 2

Appendix 3 Appendix 4

Appendix 5 Appendix 6

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 38

Appendix 7 Appendix 8

Appendix 9 Appendix 10

Appendix 11 Appendix 12

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 39

Appendix 13 Appendix 14

Appendix 15 Appendix 16

Appendix 17 Appendix 18

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 40

Appendix 19 Appendix 20

Appendix 21 Appendix 22

Appendix 23 Appendix 24

Tamar Housing - Haley Barton. 41

Appendix 25 Appendix 26