mgm law college, nerul , navi mumbai mcq sample question

MGM Law College, Nerul , Navi Mumbai MCQ Sample Question Bank of Civil Procedure Code Examination 2020 1. Which of the following deals with the transfer of decree to Court in another State in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Section 40 B. Section 36 C. Section 39 D. Section 52 2. Which of the following deals with proceeds of execution- sale to be rateably distributed among decree holders in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Section 63 B. Section 72 C. Section 73 D. Section 78 3. Which of the following deals with second appeal in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Section 111 B. Section 103 C. Section 108 D. Section 100 4. Which of the following deals with power of High Court to make rules as to their original civil procedure? A. Section 122 B. Section 103 C. Section 124 D. Section 129 5. Which of the following sections of the Code of Civil Procedure has been repealed by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1952 (48 of1952)? A. Section 145 B. Section 150 C. Section 155 D. Section 153 6. Court may order defendant or plaintiff to appear in person under which of the following in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 7, Rule 3

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MGM Law College, Nerul , Navi Mumbai

MCQ Sample Question Bank of Civil Procedure Code

Examination 2020

1. Which of the following deals with the transfer of decree to Court in

another State in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Section 40

B. Section 36

C. Section 39

D. Section 52

2. Which of the following deals with proceeds of execution- sale to be

rateably distributed among decree holders in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Section 63

B. Section 72

C. Section 73

D. Section 78

3. Which of the following deals with second appeal in the Code of Civil

Procedure? A. Section 111

B. Section 103

C. Section 108

D. Section 100

4. Which of the following deals with power of High Court to make rules as

to their original civil procedure? A. Section 122

B. Section 103

C. Section 124

D. Section 129

5. Which of the following sections of the Code of Civil Procedure has been

repealed by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1952 (48 of1952)?

A. Section 145

B. Section 150

C. Section 155

D. Section 153

6. Court may order defendant or plaintiff to appear in person under which

of the following in the Code of Civil Procedure?

A. Order 7, Rule 3

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B. Order 5, Rule 3

C. Order 6, Rule 10

D. Order 4, Rule 8

7. Which of the following deals with when plaintiff sues as representatives

in the Code of Civil Procedure?

A. Order 5, Rule 30

B. Order 9, Rule 12

C. Order 6, Rule 10

D. Order 7, Rule 4

8. Parties to appear on day fixed in summons for defendant to appear and

answer under which of the following in the Code of Civil Procedure?

A. Order 5, Rule 30

B. Order 4, Rule 13

C. Order 9, Rule 1

D. Order 10, Rule 22

9. Which of the following deals with verified copies in the Code of Civil

Procedure? A. Order 16, Rule 12

B. Order 11, Rule 19

C. Order 6, Rule 10

D. Order 8, Rule

10. Which of the following deals with power to order attendance of

deponent for cross-examination in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 12, Rule 5

B. Order 14, Rule 20

C. Order 6, Rule 21

D. Order 19, Rule 2

11. Which of the following deals with application to Court whose decree

complained of in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 25, Rule 5

B. Order 31, Rule 9

C. Order 45, Rule 2

D. Order 9, Rule 10

12. A sues B to recover a debt or damages for breach of contract. Pending

the suit A is adjudged insolvent.

A. The official assignee or receiver is a necessary party to suit

B. The official assignee or receiver is not a necessary party to suit

C. proper party

D. pleader

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13. Which of the following deals with theresult of execution proceedings to

becertified in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Section 43

B. Section 41

C. Section 39

D. Section 52

14. Which of the following deals with resistance to execution in the Code of

Civil Procedure? A. Section 63

B. Section 72

C. Section 59

D. Section 74

15. No further appeal in certain cases under which of the following in the

Code of Civil Procedure? A. Section 100A

B. Section 103B

C. Section 108C

D. Section 102A

16. Which of the following deals with powers of other High Court to make

rules as to matters other than procedure in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Section 130

B. Section 103

C. Section 124

D. Section 129

17. Which of the following sections of the Code of Civil Procedure has been

repealed by s. 3 and Schedule II of the Second Repealing and Amending

Act, 1914 (17 of 1914)?

A. Section 145

B. Section 143

C. Section 154

D. Section 156

18. No party to be ordered to appear in persons unless resident under

which of the following in the Code of Civil Procedure?

A. Order 7, Rule 3

B. Order 2, Rule 2

C. Order 5, Rule 4

D. Order 4, Rule 8

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19. Defendant‟s interest and liability to be shown under which of the

following in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 7, Rule 5

B. Order 9, Rule 12

C. Order 6, Rule 10

D. Order 10, Rule 22

20. Which of the following deals with the dismissal of suit where summons

not served in consequence of plaintiff‟s failure to pay costs in the Code of

Civil Procedure? A. Order 5, Rule 30

B. Order 4, Rule 13

C. Order 6, Rule 10

D. Order 9, Rule 2

21. Which of the following deals with premature discovery in the Code of

Civil Procedure? A. Order 16, Rule 2

B. Order 4, Rule 13

C. Order 11, Rule 20

D. Order 13, Rule 22

22. Which of the following deals with matters to which affidavits shall he

confined in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 19, Rule 3

B. Order 14, Rule 20

C. Order 13, Rule 21

D. Order 11, Rule 7

23. Which of the following deals with security and deposit required on

grant of certificate in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 25, Rule 5

B. Order 31, Rule 9

C. Order 45, Rule 7

D. Order 9, Rule 10

24. In which of the following way notwithstanding that the former suit was

disposed of, a matter will be said to have been „heard and finally decided‟? I. Ex parte

II. By dismissal under O. 17 r 3, but not when the dismissal is under O. 16 r 1

for the failure to pay adjournment cost

III. By a decree on an award

IV. By oath tendered under s. 8 of the Indian Oaths Act, 1873

V. By dismissal owing to plaintiff’s failure to adduce evidence at the hearing


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B. II, IV, V


D. All of these

25. Which of the following deals with reference to High Court in the Code

of Civil Procedure?

A. Section 111

B. Section 103

C. Section 108

D. Section 113

26. Which of the following states that orders and notices to be in writing in

the Code of Civil Procedure?

A. Section 140

B. Section 142

C. Section 132

D. Section 100

27. Which of the following deals with appearance of one of several plaintiffs

or defendants for others in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 7, Rule 6

B. Order 1, Rule 12

C. Order 13, Rule 5

D. Order 4, Rule 8

28. Which of the following deals with substituted service in the Code of

Civil Procedure? A. Order 5, Rule 20

B. Order 9, Rule 12

C. Order 6, Rule 10

D. Order 10, Rule 8

29. Which of the following deals with the duty of defendant to produce

documents upon which relief is claimed or relied upon by him in the Code

of Civil Procedure? A. Order 5, Rule 1

B. Order 4, Rule 13

C. Order 8, Rule 1A

D. Order 10, Rule 22

Ans: C

30. Ascertainment whether allegations in pleadings are admitted or denied

is dealt under which of the following in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 10, Rule 1

B. Order 4, Rule 13

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C. Order 6, Rule 10

D. Order 11, Rule 22

31. Which of the following deals with the effect of non- production of

documents in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 16, Rule 2

B. Order 13, Rule 2

C. Order 6, Rule 10

D. Order 16, Rule 22

32. Which of the following deals with the power to require personal

attendance of officer of corporation in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 12, Rule 1

B. Order 10, Rule 9

C. Order 29, Rule 3

D. Order 17, Rule

33. A, claiming to be the chela and heir of a deceased mohunt sues B for

rent of certain lands forming part of the estate of the mohunt. C claims that

he, and not A, is the chela and heir of the deceased and that he is entitled to

the rent. C is thereupon jointed as a defendant to the suit. The issues raised

are: Whether A or C is the chela and heir of the mohunt? Whether any and

if so what rent is due from B? The Court finds that A is the chela and heir

of the mohunt. It also finds Rs. 2,500 due by B for rent, and A‟s claim is

decreed. Subsequently, C sues A for a declaration that he is the chela and

heir of the mohunt and claims that as such he is entitled to the whole of the

property left by the mohunt. A contends that the question, who is the chela

and heir of the deceased, is res judicata. A. Both the suits was for rent it will be decided against C

B. The former suit was for rent, the entire question of the title to the property of

the deceased was not directly and substantially in issue in that suit and it will be

decided against C

C. The former suit was for rent, the entire question of the title to the property of

the deceased was directly and substantially in issue in that suit and it will be

decided against C

D. None of these decided against c

34. In a suit, A mortgages certain property to B which was then in

possession of X, and agrees of deliver possession thereof B after recovering

possession thereof from X. Are covers possession of the property from X,

but does not deliver possession thereof to B.B sues A for possession, and a

decree for costs, B applies for attachment and sale of the mortgaged

property. Is B entitled to the order applied for attachment and sale of the

mortgaged property?

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A. Yes, for the claim in respect of costs is not a ‘claim arising under the

mortgage’ within the meaning of O. 34, r 14. It arises under the decree passed

for costs

B. No, for the claim in respect of costs is a ‘claim arising under the mortgage’

within the meaning of O. 34, r 14. It arises under the decree passed for costs

C. No, for the claim in respect of costs is a ‘claim arising under the mortgage’

within the meaning of O. 34, r 14. It does not arise under the decree passed for


D. No claim arising from mortgage

35. Which of the following deals with summons to defendants in the Code of

Civil Procedure? A. Section 27

B. Section 20

C. Section 22

D. Section 25

36. Which of the following deals with partition of estate or separation of

share in the Code of Civil Procedure?

A. Section 43

B. Section 50

C. Section 59

D. Section 54

37. Which of the following deals with definitions of “foreign State” and

“Ruler” in the Code of Civil Procedure?

A. Section 90C

B. Section 88B

C. Section 92A

D. Section 87A

38. Which of the following deals with review in the Code of Civil

Procedure? A. Section 114

B. Section 103

C. Section 108

D. Section 100

39. Which of the following deals with postage in the Code of Civil

Procedure? A. Section 140

B. Section 148

C. Section 143

D. Section 100

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40. Which of the following deals with objections as to mis joinder or

misjoinder in the Code of Civil Procedure? A. Order 6, Rule 1

B. Order 2, Rule 2

C. Order 1, Rule 13

D. Order 4, Rule 8

41. Which of the following deals with service of summons where defendant

resides within jurisdictions of another Court in the Code of Civil

Procedure? A. Order 7, Rule 14

B. Order 9, Rule 12

C. Order 5, Rule 21

D. Order 10, Rule 8

42. Which of the following deals with evasivedenial in the Code of Civil

Procedure? A. Order 5, Rule 30

B. Order 4, Rule 13

C. Order 6, Rule 10

D. Order 8, Rule 4

43. A revision under section 115 shall notoperate as a stay of suit or other

proceedingbefore the court except where such suit or other proceeding is

stayed by: (a) the High Court

(b) the Supreme Court

(c) the Appellate Court

(d) District and Sessions Court.

44. The court can enlarge the time undersection 148 of CPC for doing any

actprescribed or allowed under the Code of Civil Procedure, not exceeding

in total: (a) 90 days

(b) 60 days

(c) 45 days

(d) 30 days.

45. A defendant under Order V, Rule 1(1) ofCPC is required to appear,

answer the claimand to file the written statement: (a) within 60 days from the date of service of summons

(b) within 45 days from the date of service of summons

(c) within 30 days from the date of service of summons

(d) within 90 days from the date of service of summons.

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46. In case of failure of filing the written statement within thirty days, the

defendant can be allowed to file the same on such other day specified by the

court for reasons recorded in writing: (a) within 90 days from the date of service of summons

(b) within 120 days from the date of service of summons

(c) within 60 days from the date of service summons

(d) within 45 days from the date of service summons.

47. Summons to the defendant under Order V, Rule 9(1) of CPC, can be

delivered for the purposes of serving the same on the defendant, to a

courier services as: (a) approved by the defendant

(b) approved by the court

(c) approved by the plaintiff

(d) approved by registrar

48. Under Order VI, Rule 17 at any stage of proceedings the court can

allow to alter or amend pleadings to: (a) either party

(b) to plaintiff only

(c) to defendant only

(d) to only one defendant if there are more than one defendant

Ans. (a)

49. The expenses for the service of summons to the defendant have to be

borne, under Order V, Rule 9(3) of CPC, by:

(a) the plaintiff

(b) the court

(c) the defendant

(d) partly by the plaintiff and partly by the defendant.

50. If a document, which ought to be produced in the court along with the

pleadings, is not produced, under Order VII, Rule 14(3) of CPC, at the

hearing of the suit: (a) the same shall not be received in evidence on behalf of the plaintiff

(b) the same shall not be received in evidence on behalf of the defendant

(c) the same shall not be received in evidence on behalf of either party

(d) the same shall not be received in evidence on behalf of a third party

51. The provisions of Order VIII, Rule 1 of CPC are: (a) directory being procedural

(b) mandatory though procedural

(c) optional under all circumstances

(d) discretionary under all circumstances.

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52. The time schedule contained in Order VIII, Rule 1 of CPC is to be: (a) followed as a rule and departure there from shall also be a rule

(b) followed as a rule and departure there from would be an exception

(c) followed as a rule and there is no scope for any departure there from

(d) followed as an absolute rule as it imposes an embargo on the power of the

court to extend the time.

53. A prayer for extension of time beyond the period of 90 days prescribed

under Order VIII, Rule 1 of CPC for filing the written statement is to be: (a) granted just as a matter of routine

(b) granted ordinarily

(c) granted on sufficient cause being shown by the defendant

(d) granted only for exceptional circumstance occasioned by reasons beyond the

control of the defendant.

54. The rule of rateable distribution of the proceeds of execution sale

amongst decree holders is contained in: (a) section 73 of CPC

(b) section 74 of CPC

(c) section 75 of CPC

(d) section 76 of CPC.

55. Supreme Court in case of Union of India v. Somasundaram Mills (P)

Ltd. held that under section 73 of CPC, the debts due to the State: (a) stand on equal footing with all other debts

(b) are to be paid only after payment of all other debts

(c) are entitled to priority over all other debts

(d) are not entitled to priority over all other debts

56. Under Order VII, Rule 11 of CPC:

(a) part only of the plaint can be rejected

(b) whole of the plaint is to be rejected

(c) part only of the plaint or the whole plaint can be rejected

(d) it is the discretion of the court to reject the plaint in part.

57. In case the suit has been instituted in a court having no jurisdiction,

territorial or pecuniary, the plaint is liable to be:

(a) returned

(b) rejected

(c) may be returned or may be rejected

(d) dismissed

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58. On rejection of a suit under Order VII, Rule 11 of CPC, a fresh suit on

the same cause of action under Order VII, Rule 13 of CPC: (a) is barred under all circumstances

(b) is not barred at all

(c) can be filed with the leave of the court

(d) can amend

59. Multifariousness in a suit results due to: (a) misjoinder of parties

(b) misjoinder of cause of action

(c) misjoinder of parties and misjoinder of cause of action

(d) either misjoinder of parties or misjoinder of cause of action.

60. Where a person who is a necessary party to the suit has not been joined

as a party to the suit; it is a case of: (a) non-joinder

(b) mis-joinder

(c) rejoinder

(d) de joinder

61. On account of mis-joinder or non-joinder of parties, under Order I,

Rule 9 of CPC, the suit is: (a) liable to be dismissed

(b) cannot be dismissed

(c) may be dismissed or may not be dismissed as per the discretion of the court

(d) rejection for joinder of wrong party

62. Objection as to the non-joinder or mis-joinder of parties under Order I,

Rule 13 of CPC: (a) can be taken at any stage of the proceedings

(b) can be taken at the earliest possible opportunity

(c) can be taken in appeal or revision for the first time

(d) cannot take any time .

63. A suit is bad for non-joinder of a necessary party, as provided: (a) under Order I, Rule 10 of CPC

(b) under Order I, Rule 9 of CPC

(c) under Order I, Rule 10A of CPC

(d) under Order I, Rule 11 of CPC.

64. A suit in representative capacity can be filed by virtue of: (a) under Order I, Rule 8 of CPC

(b) under Order I, Rule 9 of CPC

(c) under Order I, Rule 8A of CPC

(d) under Order I, Rule 10A of CPC.

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65. A person can be made a party in the suit either as a plaintiff or a

defendant: (a) under Order I, Rule 8A of CPC

(b) under Order I, Rule 10 of CPC

(c) under Order X, Rule 1 of CPC

(d) under Order X, Rule 8 of CPC.

66. The word „acts‟ in Order III, Rules 1 & 2of CPC: (a) is confined only in respect of acts done by the power-of-attorney holder in

exercise of power granted by the instrument and would not included deposing in

place and instead of the principal

(b) is not confined only in respect of acts done by the power-of-attorney holder

in exercise of the power granted by the instrument and includes deposing in

place and instead of the principal

(c) is not confined only in respect of acts done by the power-of-attorney holder

in exercise of the power granted by the instrument but includes appearances a

witness on behalf of the party in the capacity of that party

(d) is confined only to deposing in place and instead of the principal.

67. Court can direct the parties to opt for any one mode of alternative

dispute resolution under:

(a) Order X, Rule 1A of CPC

(b) Order X, Rule IB of CPC

(c) Order XI, Rule 1 of CPC

(d) Order XI, Rule 2 of CPC

68. Letter of Request is a

(a) Lieu of issuing a commission the court may issue a letter of request to

examine a witness residing at any not within India

(b) Lieu of issuing a commission the court may issue a letter of request to

examine a witness residing in India

(c) Lieu of issuing a commission the court may issue a letter of request to not

examine a witness

(d) Lieu of issuing a commission the court may issue a letter of request to

examine a plaintiff

69. Commission is a

a) Is a advocate to inspect property

b) An officer of the court to either record or decide the issue

c) An officer of the court to either record or inspect property to make


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d) A private officer he can collect record or inspect property

70. An Order Means

a) The formal expression of any decision of Criminal Court

b) The formal expression of any decision of Civil Court which is not a


c) The formal expression of any decision of Civil Court that is a proper


d) The informal expression of any decision of Criminal Court


1. A

2. C

3. D

4. D

5. C

6. B

7. D

8. C

9. B

10. D

11. C

12. A

13 B

14 D

15 A

16 A

17 D

18 C

19 A

20 D

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21 C

22 A

23 C

24 D

25 D

26 B

27 B

28 A

29 C

30 A

31 B

32 C

33 C

34 A

35 A

36 D

37 D

38 A

39 C

40 C

41 C

42 D

43 A

44 D

45 C

46 A

47 B

48 A

49 A

50 A

51 A

52 B

53 D

54 A

55 C

56 B

57 A

58 B

59 C

60 A

61 B

62 B

63 B

64 A

65 B

66 A

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67 A

68 A

69 C

70 B

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नननननननननन नननननननन ननननननननन ननननन नननननननननन?

a. ककक 40 b. ककक 36 c. ककक 39 d. ककक 52

2.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननननननननननननन नननननन नननननन

नननननननन नननननननननननननन नननननननननन ननननननननन ननननन ननननननन ननन?

a. ककक 63 b. ककक 72 c. ककक 73 d. ककक 78

3. नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननननन ननननननन ननन?

a. ककक 111 b. ककक 103 c. ककक 108 d. ककक 100

4. ननननननननन ननन ननननन नननननननननननननन नननन ननननननननननन नननन

ननननननननननननन ननननननननन ननननननननन ननननन ननननननन नननन? a. ककक 122 b. ककक 103 c. ककक 124 d. ककक 129

5. ननननन ननननननननन नननननननन ननननन नननन ननननन ननन नननन ननन

ननननननन ननननन, 1952 (1952 नन 48) नननन ननननननन ननन ननन?

a. ककक 145 b. ककक 150 c. ककक 155 d. ककक 153

6. नननननननन ननननननननन ननननन नननन ननन ननननननन ननननननन

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a. कककक 7, कककक 3 b. कककक 5, कककक 3 c. कककक 6, कककक 10 d. कककक 4, कककक 8

Page 17: MGM Law College, Nerul , Navi Mumbai MCQ Sample Question

7.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननननन नननननन नननन नननननन

ननननननननन ननननन ननननननन नननन?

a. कककक 5, कककक 30 b. कककक 9, कककक 12 c. कककक 6, कककक 10 d. कककक 7, कककक 4

8.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननन

ननननननननननन ननन ननननननननननन ननन ननननन नननननननननन नननननननननन ननननननन नननननननन ननननन नननन ननन नननननन?

a. कककक 5, कककक 30 b. कककक 4, कककक 13 c. कककक 9, कककक 1 d. कककक 10, कककक 22

9.नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननननन नननननननन

नननननननन ननननननन ननन?

a. कककक 16, कककक 12 b. कककक 11, कककक 19 c. कककक 6, कककक 10 d. Order 8, कककक

10. ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननननननननन ननननन नननननननननननन

ननननननननन ननननननननन ननननन ननननननन नननन?

a. कककक 12, कककक 5 b. कककक 14, कककक 20 c. कककक 6, कककक 21 d. Order 19, कककक 2

11.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननन नननननननन नननननननननननन

नननन नननननननन ननननननननन ननननन ननननननन ननन?

a. कककक 25, कककक 5 b. कककक 31, कककक 9 c. कककक 45, कककक 2 d. Order 9, कककक 10

12.ननननननन ननननननन ननननननननननन नननन ननननन नननननन नननन

नननननननननन नन नन नननन नननन. नननन नननननननन suit ननननननननन न नननननननन ननननन नननन.

a. क. कककककक कककककक ककककक कककककककक कक कककककक कककक ककक

b. कक. कककककक कककककक ककककक कककककककक कक ककककक कककक कककक c. कक. ककककक कककककक d. कक. कककक

13.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननननन नननननन नननन

नननननननननन ननननननननननननन ननननननननन नननननननननननन?

a. ककक 43 b. क. ककक 41 c. ककक 39 d. ककक 52

14. नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननननननननननन

नननननननन ननननननन ननन?

a. ककक 63 b. क. ककक 72 c. ककक 59

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d. ककक 74

15.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननननन

नननननन नननन नननन?

a. ककक 100क b. क. ककक 103 क c. ककक 108 C d. D. ककक 102 क

16.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननननन ननननननननननननननननननन ननन

ननननननन नननन ननननननननननन ननन नननन ननननननननननननन नननननननननन ननननननननन ननननन ननननननन ननननन?

a. ककक 130 b. क. ककक 103 c. ककक 124 d. ककक 129

17.ननननन नननन ननननननननcननननन नननन ननननन ननन नननन

नननननननननन ननन by s. 3 ननन ननननन नननन ननन ननननननन ननननन 1914 (1914 नन 17)?

a. ककक 145 b. क. ककक 143 c. ककक 154 d. ककक 156

18. ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननन

ननननननन ननननननननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननननननननन ननन ननननननननन नननन नननन ननन नननन?

a. कककक 7, कककक 3 b. कककक 2, कककक 2 c. कककक 5, कककक 4 d. कककक 4, कककक 8

19.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननन

ननननननननननन ननन ननन ननननननन नननननननन नननन?

a. कककक 7, कककक 5 b. कककक 9, कककक 12 c. कककक 6, कककक 10 d. कककक 10, कककक 22

20. ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननन न नननननननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननन नननन ननन नननननननननन ननननननननन ननननननननन ननननन ननननननन ननन?

a. कककक 5, कककक 30 b. कककक 4, कककक 13 c. कककक 6, कककक 10 d. Order 9, कककक 2

21. नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननन ननन ननन


a. कककक 16, कककक 2 b. कककक 4, कककक 13 c. कककक 11, कककक 20 d. कककक 13, कककक 22

22. नननननन ननननन ननननननननननननन नन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन

ननननननन नननन?

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a. कककक 19, कककक 3 b. कककक 14, कककक 20 c. कककक 13, कककक 21 d. कककक 11, कककक 7

23.नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननननननन

नननननननननन नननननन ननननननन ननन नननननन ननननननन ननन?

a. कककक 25, कककक 5 a. कककक 31, कककक 9 b. कककक 45, कककक 7 c. Order 9, कककक 10

24. नननननननननन नननननननन ननननननननन नननननननन ननन नननन ननन

ननननन नननन ननननननन नननननननन ननननननन ननननननननन 'ननननननन नननन ननन ननननन नननननन ननननन नननन' ननन नननननन नननन? I. नननन ननननन II. O. 17 r 3 ननननननन नननननन नननन नननन, नन ननननननन ननननन ननननननननननन न.

16 नन 1 ननननननन ननननननन नन नननननननन न. 16 r 1 ननननननन नननन III. ननननननननननननन नननननननननननन

IV. नननननन ननन ननननन 1873 नननन नन. 8 ननननननन नननननन नननननननन ननन

नननन. नननननननन नननननन नननननननन नननन ननननन नननननननननन ननननननन नननन

a. कक, ककककक b. क, कककक, कककक. c. ककककक, कककक, कक. d. कक कककक

25. नननननन ननननननननननननन ननननननन नननन ननननननननननननन

ननननननननननननननननन ननननन ननननननन नननन?

a. ककक 111 b. ककक 103 c. ककक 108 d. ककक 113

26. ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननन नननन ननन ननननन नननननन

ननननननननन ननननन ननननन?

a. ककक 140

b. ककक 142 c. ककक 132 d. ककक 100

27. नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननननन नननन

नननन ननननन नननननननननननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननन?

a. कककक 7, कककक 6 b. कककक 1, कककक 12 c. कककक 13, कककक 5 d. कककक 4, कककक 8

28.नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननन नननननन

ननननननन ननन?

a. कककक 5, कककक 20

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b. कककक 9, कककक 12 c. कककक 6, कककक 10 d. कककक 10, कककक 8

29.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननननननननन ननननननन ननननननन

नननन नननन नननन ननननन नननननन ननननननन ननन ननन uponby ननननननननन

नननन नननननननननन ननननननननननननन नननननननननन ननननननननन ननननन ननननननन नननन?

a. कककक 5, कककक 1 b. कककक 4, कककक 13 c. कककक 8, कककक 1A d. कककक 10, कककक 22

30.ननननननननन नननन नननन नननन ननननन नन ननननननन ननननन नननन

नननननन ननन ननननन नननननननननननननननन ननननननननन ननननन?

a. कककक 10, कककक 1 b. कककक 4, कककक 13 c. कककक 6, कककक 10 d. कककक 11, कककक 22

31.ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननननननननन ननननननन न नननननननननन

ननननननननन ननननननननन ननननन ननननननन ननन?

a) कककक 16, कककक 2 b) कककक 13, कककक 2 c) कककक 6, कककक 10 d) कककक16, कककक 22

32. ननननन ननननननननननननन ननननननननननन नननननननननननननननन ननननननन‍ननननननन नननननननन नननननननननन नननननननन नननननननन ननननननन ननननननननन ननननन नननन नननन?

a. कककक 12, कककक 1 b. कककक 10, कककक 9 c. कककक 29, कककक 3 d. कककक17, कककक

33. ननन ननननननन नननन ननन नननन नननननननन नननन नननन,

ननननननननननननननननननननन ननन नननननननन नननन ननननन नननननननन ननननननननननन नन. नननन नननन ननन नन नन न ननननन नन ननन ननननननननन

नननन ननन नननन ननन ननन नननननन नननननननन ननननननन. नननननननन नन

ननननननन ननननननननन नननननन ननननननन नननन नननन. ननननननन नननननन

नननननन ननन नननन: न ननननन नन नन नननन ननन ननननननननननननन ननननन? नन so नननन ननननन नननन नननननन ननन? ननननननननननन ननन ननननन ननन ननन नन

न नन नननन ननन नननननननननननननन. ननननन नननन नननननननन नननननन नननन

नननन ननननन नननननननननन न नन नननन नननन नननन. नननननननन, नन नन न नन

नननन नननन adeclaration नन नन ननननननन नननन ननन नननन ननन ofthe ननन ननन

ननननननन नननननन ननननननननननननननन ननननननन नननननननननन bytheननननननन. ननन ननननननननन नननननन ननन नन, ननन ननननननननन नननन ननन

नननन ननन नन नननननननननननननननननननन ननननननन.

a. क. कककककक कककक कककककककक ककककककक ककक कककक.कक. b. कक. कककककककक कककक कककककककक कककक, ककक ककककककककककक

कककककककककककक ककककककककक ककककककक कककककक कककक ककककककक

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ककककककककक ककक ककककककककककककक कककककक कककक ककक कक ककककककक कककककक ककककककककक

c. कक. कककककककक कककक कककककककककक कककक, ककक ककककककककककक

कककककककककककक ककककककककक ककककककक कककककक कककक ककककककक ककक ककक कककक कककककककककक कककक ककक कक ककककककक कककककक ककककककककक

d. कक. ककककककeकककककक कककककक कककककक.st c

34. ननन ननननननन, नन ननननननन नननननननन नननन नननन ननननन नन नननननननन

नननननननन ननननननन नननन ननन नननननननन नननन नननन नननननननननन नन

नन नननन नननननननन ननननन नननन.ननननननननन नननननननन ननननननन नननन नननननननन ननन, नन नन नन.नन. नन ननन नननननननन नननन ननननsननन नननननननननननन, नन नननन ननननननननन नननननननननननन नननननननन ननन नननननननननन नननन नननन. नननन ननननननननन नननननननननननन नननननननन ननन

नननननननननन नननन नननननननन ननननननन नन नननन ननन नन?

a. क. ककक, कककक ककककककककक कककककककक कककक कक ककक क. कक, कक कक कक

ककककककककक ककककककक कककक ककककककककककक कककककक कककक कककक. कक

ककककक कककककककक ककककककककक ककककककक forcosts

b. कक. कककक, कककक ककककककककक कककककककक कककक कक क. कक, कक कक कककक ककककककककक कककक ककककककककककक ककक. कक ककककक कककककककक ककककककककक ककककककक forcosts

c. कक. कककक, कककक ककककककककक कककककककक कककक कक 'कककक ककककककक

ककककककककक कककक' ककक.कक, कक कक. ककककककककक कककककककक कककककककककक कक कककककक कककक

d. कक. कककक ककककककक ककककककक कककक कककककक कककक

35.नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननननन नननननननननननन

ननननन नननननन? a. ककक 27 b. ककक 20 c. ककक 22 d. ककक 2ककक

36. नननननन ननननन नननननननननन नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन

ननननननननन नननननन ननननन नननननननन ननननननन ननन?

a. ककक 43 b. . ककक 50 c. ककक 59 d. ककक 54

37.नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननननननन ननननननननन "ननननन ननननन"

ननन "नननन" ननननननन ननननननननननन inthe ननननननन ननन?

a. ककक 90 C b. ककक 88 क c. ककक 92 क d. ककक 87 क

38. नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननननननननननननन

ननननननन ननन?

a. ककक 114 b. ककक 103 c. ककक 108 d. ककक 100

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39. नननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननननन ननननननन

ननननननन ननन?

a. ककक 140 b. ककक 148 c. ककक 143 d. ककक 100

40.नननननन ननननन नननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननन

ननननन ननननन नननननननन नननननननन ननननन नननन?

a. कककक 6, कककक 1 b. कककक 2, कककक 2 c. कककक 1, कककक 13 d. कककक 4, कककक 8

41.नननननन ननननन ननननन नननन नननननन ननननननन ननन नननन

ननननननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन ननन-नन ननननननननननननननननननन ननननननननन ननननन?

a. कककक 7, कककक 14 b. कककक 9, कककक 12 c. कककक 5, कककक 21 d. कककक 10, कककक 8

42. ननननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननननन ननननन नननन ननन?

a. कककक 5, कककक 30 b. कककक 4, कककक 13 c. कककक 6, कककक 10 d. Order 8, कककक 4

43. ननन 115 ननननननन ननननननन नननन ननननन ननन ननननननननननन नननननननननन

ननननननन नननननन ननन ननननन नननन नननन ननन नननननननन ननननन ननन ननननननननननन ननननननन नननन नननन:

a. कककक कककककककक b. कककककककक कककककककक c. कककक कककककककक

d. कककककक क कककक कककककककक.

44. ननननन ननननननननन ननननननननननननन ननननन ननननन ननननननन नननननन

ननननननन ननननन नननननननननन नननननननन नननननननननन ननन 148 ननननननन ननन ननननननननन- नननन नननननन ननननन नननन:

a. 90 कककक b. 60 कककक c. 45 कककक d. 30 कककक.

45. नननननननननन नननन V, नननन 1 (1) ननननननन ननननननननननन ननन ननननन,

नननननननन ननननन नननन ननन नननन नननननन नननन नननन नननननन ननन: a. ककककक कककक कककककककक कककककककककक 60 कककककककककक कक

b. ककककककककक कककककककक कककककककककक 45 कककककककककक कक

c. ककककक कककककककक कककककककककक 30 कककककककककक कक

d. ककककककककक कककककककक कककककककककक 90 कककककककककककक.

46. ननन नननननननननन नन नननन नननननन नननन न ननननननन, ननननननननननन

नननन नननननननन ननननननननननन नननननननननन ननननननननननन नननन नननननननन ननन ननन-नन ननननन ननन नननन नननननननन ननननननन नननन ननन नननन:

a. ककककक कककक कककककककक कककककककककक 90 कककककककककक कक

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b. ककककककककक कककककककक कककककककककक 120 कककककककककक कक

c. कककक ककककककककक कककककककककक 60 कककककककककक कक

d. ककककककककककककककककककककककक 45 कककककककककक कक.

47. नननननननननन नननन 5, नननन 9 (1) ननननननन ननननननननननन ननननन ननननननननननन नननन नननननननननन नननननन, नननननन ननननननननननननननन

services नननननन नननन ननन नननन: a. ककककककककककक ककककक कककक b. ककककककककककक ककककक कककक c. कककककक ककककक कककक d. कककककककककककक ककककक कककक

48. नननन 6, नननन 17 ननननननन नननननननन नननननन ननननन ननन ननननन

नननननननन नननननननन ननननननन ननन नननन: a. कककककक कककक b. कककक कककककक

c. कककक ककककककककककक

d. ककककककककक ककककक ककककककककक ककककककक कककक ककककककककककक

49. ननननननननननन ननननन नननननन नननन नननननननननन नननन V, नननन 9 (3)

ननननननन, a. कककक b. कककककककक c. ककककककककक d. ककककक कककककककककक ककक ककककक ककककककककककककककक.

50.नननननननननन नननननननननननननन नननननननननन नननन ननननन (नननन

नन(न) ननननननन ननननननन नननन नननननन ननननननन नननन नननन ननन नननन नन:

a. ककककककककककककक ककककककककककककक ककक ककककककक ककककक कककक

b. कककककककककककककककककक ककककककककककककक ककक ककककककक ककककक कककक

c. कक कककककक कककककककककककककक ककककककककककककक ककककककक ककककक कककक

d. ककककककक ककक कककककककककककक ककककककककककककक ककक ककककककक ककककककककक

51.नननननननननन नननन नननन, नननन न नननन नननननन नननन:

a. ककककककककककककक ककककककक b. ककककककककक कककक कककककक कककककककक c. कककक कककककककककक कककककककक d. कककक कककककककककक कककककक.

52.नननननननननन ननननन नननननन, नननन न ननननन नननननननन नननननन

ननननननननन ननन ननन: a. कककककककककक कककक कककक ककक ककककककक ककककक कककक कककक कक कककक


b. कककककककककक ककककक ककक ककककक ककककक कककक कककक ककककक कककक

c. कककककककककक ककककक कककक ककक ककककककक ककककककककक ककककककककककक

ककक कककक d. कक कककककककक कककक ककककक कककक कक ककक कककककककककककक

ककककककककककककक ककककककककक कककक ककककक.

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53.नननन नननननन नननन नननननननननन नननननननननन नननन न, नननन न

ननननननन ननननननननन नननननननन नन नननननननननन ननननननननननननन ननननन ननननननन नन ननननननननन नननननननननननन ननन:

a. ककककककककककककककक ककककक कककक b. कककककककककक ककककक कककक

c. ककककककककककक कककककककककक कककककक ककककककक कककक d. ककककककककककककक कककककककककककककककक कककककककककक ककककककक

कककककककककक ककककककककककककक कककक कककक.

54. ननननन ननननननननननन नननननननननन ननननननननन ननननननननन

नननननननननननन ननननननननननन नननननननन नननन नननननननन ननन: a. कककककककककक ककक 73 b. कककककककककक ककक 74 c. कककककककककक ककक 75 d. कककककककक ककक 76

55. नननननन नन नननननननननन नननननन नननननननन नननननननन नननन v.

ननननननननन ननननन (नन) ननननननननन नननननननननन ननन नन

नननननननननननननननननननननन ननननन: a. ककक कककक कककककककक कककक ककककककक ककक कककक

b. ककक कककक ककककक ककककककककककक ककककक ककककक ककक c. ककक कककक कककककककक ककककककककक कककककककक कककककक ककक

d. इतर सळव प्रती णाांऩेऺा प्राधान्य मिलण्यास ऩात्र नाही

56. नननननननननन नननन ननननन, नननन 11 ननननननन:

a. कककक कककककककककक ककक ककककककक ककक कककक b. ककककककक कककककककक ककककककक ककककक ककक c. कककक कककककककक ककककक ककककककक कककककककककक ककक ककककककक ककक


d. कककककककककक ककक ककककककक कक ककककककककककक ककककक ककक.

57.नननननन ननननननन, ननननननननन ननननन नननननननननन नननननननन

नननननननननन नननन नननन ननननननन ननन ननननननन, नननननननन ननननननन ननन:

a. ककक ककक b. ककककककक c. ककक कककक ककक कककक ककककक ककककककक ककक कककक d. ककककककक

58.नननननननननन नननन ननननन, नननन 11 ननननननन नननन ननननननननननन,

नननननननननन ननननन ननननननन, नननन 13 ननननननन नननननननननन नननन ननननननननन ननननननन नननन:

a. कककक कककककककककक कककक ककक b. कककककक कककक कककक c. ककककककककककककक ककककक कककक कककक ककक कककक d. कककककककक ककक कककक

59. नननननननननन ननननननननननननन नननननननन:

a. कककककककक ककककककक कककककक b. कककककककककक ककककककक कककककक कककककक c. कककककककक ककककककक कककक ककक कककककककक कककककककक कककक कककक d. कककक कककककककक ककककककक कककक ककककक कककककककक कककककककक कककककक


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60.नननन नननननननननन नननननन नननन नननननननन ननननननननन

नननननननन नननन नननननन ननननन ननननननन ननननन नननन; नन नन नननननन ननन:

a. ककक-कककककक b. कककककक कककककक कककककक c. कककककककक d. कक कककककक

61. नननननननननन ननननन न, नननन न ननननननन नननननननन नननननननन ननननन ननन-

नननननननननन ofCPCनननन ननन: a. ककककककक ककककककक ककककककक b. ककककककक ककक कककक

c. ककककककक कककक ककक कककक ककककक ककककककककककककक कककककककककक ककककककक ककक ककक कककक perthe

d. कककककककक कककककक ककककक ककककककक कककक

62. नननननननननन ननननन 1, नननन 13 ननननननन नननननननन ननन-नननननन ननननन

ननन-नननननन ननननन नननननन ofCPC: a. ककककककककककककक ककककककककक ककककककककक कककक कककक b. कककककक कककक कककक कककक

c. कककककक ककककक ककककक कककककककककक ककककक ककक कककक d. ककक कककक ककक कककक.

63.नननननन ननननननननननननन नननननन नननननन ननननन न

नननननननननन नननन नननन ननन: a. कककककककककक कककक 1, कककक 10 ककककककक b. कककककककककक कककक 1, कककक 9 ककककककक c. कककक कककक 1, कककक 10 क ककककककक d. कककककककककक ककककक 1, कककक 11 ककककककक.

64. ननननननननननन नननननननन नननन नननननननननन नननन नननन ननन नननन: a. कककककककककक कककक 1, कककक 8 ककककककक b. कककककककककक कककक 1, कककक 9 ककककककक c. कककककककककककककक कककक 1, कककक 8 A ककककककक d. कककककककककक ककककक 1, कककक 10 क ककककककक.

65. ननननननन ननननननननन नननननननन ननननन ननननननननन ननननननननननननन

नननननन नननन ननन नननन: a. कककककककककक कककक 1, कककक 8 A ककककककक b. कककककककककक कककक 1, कककक 10 ककककककक c. कककककककककक कककक कककक X, कककक 1 ककककककक d. कककककककककक ककककक कककक, कककक 8 ककककककक.

66.नननननननननन ननननन 3, नननन 1 ननन 2 ननननन 'ननननन' नन नननन:

a. कककक कककककक ककककककक ककककककक ककककककक कककककककक ककककककककक कककक कककककक ककककककककककककककककककक कककककककक कककककककक ककक ककक ककककककककककककककक ककक कककककककककककककककककककक

कककककककक कककक ककककक कककक

b. कककककक कककक कककककक ककककककक ककककककक ककककककक कककककककक ककककककक कककक कककककक ककककककककककककककककककक कककककककक कककककककक कककक ककक ककककक ककककककककककककककक ककक

ककककककककककककककक कककककककक ककक

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c. कककक कककककक ककककककक ककककककक ककककककक कककककककक ककककककक कककक कककककक कककककककक ककककककककककक कककककककक कककककककक कककक, कक कककक ककककककककक ककककककक ककककककककक ककककक

ककककककककक कककककक ककककककक कककक कककककककक ककक

d. कककक ककककककककककककककक ककककककक ककक ककककककक कककककककककककक कककककककक ककक.

67. नननननननन ननननननननननन ननननननन ननननन नननननननननननननननन नन

ननननन नननननननननन ननननननन ननननननन: a. कककककककक कककक X, कककक 1A b. कककककककक कककक X, कककक कककक c. कककक XI, CPC कक कककक 1

d. कककक XI, कककककक कक कककक 2

68. विनंती पत्र एक आहे

a. कमिऴन जारी करण्याच्या सांदर्ावत कोर्ाव, कोर्ावच्या आत नसऱेल्या एका साऺीदाराची तऩासणी करण्याची वळनांती करणारे एक ऩत्र जारी करू ऴकत े

b. कमिऴन जारी करण्याच्या सांदर्ावत न्यायाऱय र्ारतात राहणा या एका साऺीदाराची तऩासणी करण्याची वळनांतीऩत्र देऊ ऴकत े

c. कमिऴन जारी करण्याच्या खोल्यािुले न्यायाऱयात साऺीदाराची तऩासणी न करण्याची वळनांती केऱी जाऊ ऴकत े

d. एखादा कमिऴन जारी केल्याचा खर्ऱा न्यायाऱय ळादीची तऩासणी करण्यासाठी वळनांतीऩत्र देऊ ऴकेऱ

69. कमिशन म्हणजे काय

a. िाऱित्तचेी तऩासणी करण्यासाठी ळकीऱ आहे

b. कोर्ावचा एखादा अधधकारी जारी केऱेल्या रेकॉर्व ककां ळा ननणवय घेण्यासाठी c. वळर्ाजन करण्यासाठी िाऱित्तचेी नोंद ककां ळा तऩासणी करण्यासाठी कोर्ावचा अधधकारी d. एक खाजगी अधधकारी तो रेकॉर्व गोला करू ऴकतो ककां ळा िाऱित्तचेी तऩासणी करू ऴकतो

70.ऑर्डर म्हणजेकाय

a. पौजदारी कोर्ावच्या कोणत्याही ननणवयाची औऩचाररक अमर्व्यक्ती b. मसव्व्हऱकोर्वच्या कोणत्याही ननणवयाची औऩचाररक अमर्व्यक्ती जी डर्क्री नाही c. ददळाणी कोर्ावच्या कोणत्याही ननणवयाची औऩचाररक अमर्व्यक्ती जी योग्य पिावन आहे

d. पौजदारी कोर्ावच्या कोणत्याही ननणवयाची अनौऩचाररक अमर्व्यक्ती

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1 D

2 D

3 C

4 B

5 D

6 C

7 B

8 D

9 C

10 A

12 B

13 D

14 A

15 A

16 D

17 C

18 A

19 D

20 C

21 A

22 C

23 D

24 D

25 B

26 B

27 A

28 C

29 A

30 B

31 C

32 C

33 A

34 A

35 D

36 D

37 A

38 C

39 C

40 C

41 D

42 A

43 D

44 C

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45 A

46 B

47 A

48 A

49 A

50 A

52 B

53 D

54 A

55 C

56 B

57 A

58 B

59 C

60 A

61 B

62 B

63 B

64 A

65 B

66 A

67 A

68 A

69 C

70 B