mgmt101 course information hcmc oct 2014 final pm

1 School of Management MGMT 101 Introduction to Management UEH/VUW Joint Programme Trimester 1, 2014 - 2015 COURSE OUTLINE Contact Details Staff Email ACADEMIC STAFF Dr Ho Ngoc Phuong Lecturer [email protected] VUW COURSE SUPERVISOR Dr Paul McDonald Senior Lecturer [email protected] Class Times and Room Numbers Credit Value: 15 points Prerequisite: Nil Course Duration: 20 October 2014 17 January 2015 Exam (50%): 19 23 January 2015 (inclusive) Class Times and Room Numbers Lecture Wednesday 8.00 10.00am Room H. 408 Thursday 10.00 12.00am Room H. 408 Tutorial: Wednesday 10.00 11.00am Room H. 408 Trimester Dates Teaching Period (12 weeks): Monday 20 October 2014 to Friday 9 January 2015 End of Trimester Study Period: Monday 12 to Sunday 18 January 2015 Examination Period: Monday 19 to Friday 23 January 2015 (inclusive) Note: Students who enrol in courses with examinations should be able to attend an examination at the University at any time during the formal examination period.

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Course Work


  • 1

    School of Management

    MGMT 101 Introduction to Management

    UEH/VUW Joint Programme Trimester 1, 2014 - 2015


    Contact Details Staff Email ACADEMIC STAFF

    Dr Ho Ngoc Phuong


    [email protected]


    Dr Paul McDonald Senior Lecturer

    [email protected]

    Class Times and Room Numbers Credit Value: 15 points

    Prerequisite: Nil

    Course Duration: 20 October 2014 17 January 2015 Exam (50%): 19

    23 January 2015 (inclusive)

    Class Times and Room Numbers

    Lecture Wednesday 8.00 10.00am Room H. 408 Thursday 10.00 12.00am Room H. 408

    Tutorial: Wednesday 10.00 11.00am Room H. 408

    Trimester Dates

    Teaching Period (12 weeks): Monday 20 October 2014 to Friday 9 January 2015

    End of Trimester Study Period: Monday 12 to Sunday 18 January 2015

    Examination Period: Monday 19 to Friday 23 January 2015 (inclusive)

    Note: Students who enrol in courses with examinations should be able to attend an

    examination at the University at any time during the formal examination period.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 2 MGMT 101

    Withdrawal from Courses:

    1. Your fees will be refunded if you withdraw from this course on or before Friday 31 October 2014.

    2. The standard last date for withdrawal from this course is Friday 19 December 2014. After this date, students forced to withdraw by circumstances beyond their control

    must apply for permission on an Application for Associate Deans Permission to Withdraw Late including supporting documentation.

    Nguyen Trang Thanh Thuy is the appropriate person to see about organisational and administrative

    matters, such as tutorial signups, absence from the test or problems with submitting the assignment.

    Course Textbook

    Required readings

    The required course textbook is:

    Schermerhorn, J. R., Davidson, P., Poole, D., Simon, A.,

    Woods, P., & Chau, S.L. (2011). Management (4th Asia-

    Pacific Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Australia.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 3 MGMT 101

    Student conduct The Statute on Student Conduct together with the Policy on Staff Conduct ensure that

    members of the University community are able to work, learn, study and participate in the

    academic and social aspects of the University's life in an atmosphere of safety and respect.

    The Statute on Student Conduct contains information on what conduct is prohibited and what

    steps are to be taken if there is a complaint. For information about complaint procedures

    under the Statute on Student Conduct, contact the Facilitator and Disputes Advisor or refer to

    the statute on the VUW policy website

    course-information .

    Academic grievances

    If you have any academic problems with your course you should talk to the tutor or lecturer

    concerned; class representatives may be able to help you in this. If you are not satisfied with

    the result of that meeting, contact the course moderator. If, after trying the above channels,

    you are still unsatisfied, formal grievance procedures can be invoked. These are set out in the

    Academic Grievances Policy which is published on: .

    Academic integrity and plagiarism Academic integrity is about honesty put simply it means no cheating. All members of the University community are responsible for upholding academic integrity, which means staff

    and students are expected to behave honestly, fairly and with respect for others at all times.

    Plagiarism is a form of cheating which undermines academic integrity. Plagiarism is

    prohibited at Victoria University of Wellington.

    The University defines plagiarism as follows:

    Presenting someone elses work as if it were your own, whether you mean to or not.

    Someone elses work means anything that is not your own idea, even if it is presented in your own style. It includes material from books, journals or any other printed source, the work of

    other students or staff, information from the Internet, software programmes and other

    electronic material, designs and ideas. It also includes the organisation or structuring of any

    such material.

    Plagiarism is not worth the risk

    Any enrolled student found guilty of plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary procedures

    under the Statute on Student Conduct and may be penalised severely. Consequences of being

    found guilty of plagiarism can include:

    an oral or written warning

    cancellation of your mark for an assessment or a fail grade for the course

    suspension from the course or the University.

    Find out more about plagiarism, and how to avoid it, on the Universitys website at .

    Evaluation of courses

    All students have the opportunity to give feedback on all the courses they study. At the end of the

    course you will receive an evaluation questionnaire that asks you to comment on such areas as

    course organisation, presentation, assessments and activities, the feedback you receive and the

    workload. There is also space for you to make general constructive comments. However, if you

  • October 2014 Course information for students 4 MGMT 101

    have any comments or concerns about the course we also encourage you to contact the Course

    Coordinator (Ms. Thuy) during the course.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 5 MGMT 101

    Course learning objectives and content

    Course learning objectives

    Objective By the end of this course, students should be

    able to:

    Addressed via

    1 Describe & apply the key

    concepts/theory/frameworks relevant to Strategic

    Management, Operations Management, Decision

    Making, Organisational Behaviour, Human

    Resources, Leadership and Interpersonal


    Assignment 1 & 2,

    tutorials and exam

    2 Explain the interrelation between the disciplines

    of Strategic Management, Operations

    Management, Decision Making, Organisational

    Behaviour, Human Resources, Leadership and

    Interpersonal Communications;

    Assignment 1 & 2

    and in tutorials

    3 Recognise ethical and social responsibility issues

    in a business context;

    Lectures and


    4 Recognise, support and display leadership in a

    group setting; Tutorials

    5 Demonstrate communication skills involving an

    ability to communicate clearly in written and oral


    Assignments 1 & 2,

    tutorials and exam

    6 Demonstrate knowledge of local, national, and

    global business contexts.

    Assignments 1 & 2

    and tutorials

  • October 2014 Course information for students 6 MGMT 101

    Course content

    This course covers a broad perspective on management theories and their application in the

    business, public and voluntary sectors. It provides a foundation to explore issues expanded on

    in other courses offered within the School of Management. Please note that due to the nature

    of the lectures it is important for you to have read the chapters pertaining to the lecture before

    you turn up so that you are able to discuss management theories, frameworks and concepts

    with the lecturer. This course is divided into 6 modules over 12 weeks.

    Module 1: (Weeks 1 & 2)

    Introduction The new workplace (Chap. 1 3)

    This module explores the challenges of the new workplace environment and how information

    is used for decision making.

    Module 2: (Weeks 3 & 4)

    Development of management theory and practice (Chap. 4 6)

    This module provides insight into the historical development of management theory and

    explores current trends in globalisation and ethical management practices.

    Module 3: (Weeks 5 & 6)

    Strategic planning and entrepreneurship (Chap. 7 10)

    This module focuses on organisational strategic planning and the entrepreneurial behaviour

    that drive organisations to achieve their strategic goals.

    Module 4: (Weeks 7 & 8)

    Organisation design and HRM (Chap. 11 - 12)

    This module examines the nature of organisational design, work processes and the human

    resource management functions.

    Module 5: (Weeks 9 & 10)

    Leadership, motivation and job design (Chap. 13 15)

    This module focuses on managerial and staff behaviour within the organisation and the

    concepts and theories underpinning this.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 7 MGMT 101

    Module 6: (Weeks 11 & 12)

    Communication and team work (Chap. 16 17)

    This module examines group behaviour and team effectiveness and communication processes

    in a multicultural organisational environment.

    Study skills

    The course is designed for you to read along in the textbook. The course is supported with

    nine tutorial activities. The purpose of these tutorial activities is to:

    help you with your reading by highlighting key aspects of the material,

    enable you to test your understanding of the material, and

    help you complete activities based on the material.

    To get the best out of the course materials and questions:

    read through each chapter fairly rapidly to start with, then

    read through each chapter in detail while making notes, then

    review the summary section at the end of each textbook chapter and make sure that

    you understand the key concepts, and

    note down what you think the answers are to the short-response questions (under

    Applied Activities. This will give you practice in dealing with these sorts of

    issues and expressing your ideas on paper in a coherent way. It will also help fix the

    material in your mind.

    Tutorial Activities This course includes tutorial activities. These are designed to develop

    your understanding of course materials and their application. There will be nine

    tutorial sessions. Please ensure that you prepare in advance for your tutorial

    sessions. Your tutor will debrief you on the activities at the tutorial session.

    Tutorials are assessed activities. Your preparation for and participation in

    tutorials will form part of the course assessment.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 8 MGMT 101

    Workload and key dates

    Course Delivery

    The course consists of lectures each week and tutorials. Lectures are run over all 12 weeks of

    the course and tutorials are run over nine weeks of the course. There is an expectation that

    students will attend all lectures and tutorials offered. Lectures will start in week one of the

    course and tutorials in week two of the course.

    Expected Workload

    A total of 150 hours of work is expected from students in this course. That consists of 33

    hours of classes, eight hours per week outside classes during teaching weeks spent reading,

    studying and writing assignments, and a further 21 hours revising during study breaks and

    study week.

    Group Work

    While the course has a tradition of study group collaboration, there are important elements in

    the assessment process that are strictly individual. Collaboration on individual assignments is

    not allowed beyond general discussion as to how one might interpret the nature of the

    assignment question. Please do not work together to formulate a response and do not loan

    out your completed assignments. You will be expected and encouraged to work in groups

    on in-term cases and assignments; however reports must be individual submissions.

    Mandatory Course Requirements

    Attendance and participation in a minimum of seven tutorials.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 9 MGMT 101

    Course overview


    Chapter of textbook


    1 Introduction 1 The contemporary


    1 & 2

    2 Environment and


    3 Information and

    decision making

    2 Development of

    management theory

    and practice

    4 Historical foundations

    of management

    3 & 4

    5 International

    dimensions of


    6 Ethical behaviour and

    social responsibility

    3 Strategic planning and


    7 Planning

    5 & 6

    8 Controlling

    9 Strategic management

    10 Entrepreneurship and

    new ventures

    4 Organisational design

    and human resource


    11 Organising

    7 & 8

    12 Human resource


    5 Leadership, motivation

    and job design

    13 Leading

    9 & 10

    14 Motivation and


    15 Individuals, job design

    and stress

    6 Communication and


    16 Teams and teamwork

    11 & 12

    17 Communication and

    interpersonal skills

  • October 2014 Course information for students 10 MGMT 101

    Assessment Requirements


    Title Weight Due Date

    1 Assignment 1 (2000 words)

    Course learning objectives 1, 2, 5

    and 6.

    15% Analysis of Competitive

    Environment of an Exemplary

    Vietnam Business Enterprise,

    including Strategic Response.

    Due End of Week 7

    2 Assignment 2 (2000 words)

    Course learning objectives 1, 2, 5

    and 6.

    15% Analysis of Management and

    Leadership practices of an

    Exemplary Vietnam Business

    Enterprise, including HRM.

    Due End of Week 10

    3 Tutorial Preparation and


    Course learning objectives 1, 4, 5

    and 6.

    20% See Tutorial Grading Sheet


    4 Final Examination

    Course learning objectives 1 and


    50% Two hour exam.

    TOTAL 100%

    Your assessed work may also be used for quality assurance purposes, such as to assess the

    level of achievement of learning objectives as required for accreditation and audit purposes.

    The findings may be used to inform changes aimed at improving the quality of FCA

    programmes. All material used for such processes will be treated as confidential, and the

    outcome will not affect your grade for the course.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 11 MGMT 101

    Assignments 1 & 2

    The purpose of the two assignments is to consider the impact of frameworks from different

    Management disciplines to the concept and consideration of the business environment in

    Vietnam. Assignment 1 will provide an opportunity to do a preliminary analysis of

    management issues from the perspective of Business Environment and Strategic

    Management. Feedback on this assignment must be used to refine your analysis in

    Assignment 2 when perspectives from Management, including Human Resource

    Management, and Leadership will comprise the second report.

    Assignment 1

    In order to complete this assignment: First, Choose a Vietnamese business organisation which

    is of interest to you. Ensure that you choose a business on which you can gather a lot of

    public information. Clear your choice of organisation by email with the course tutor. Each

    student must choose a separate business. Students will not be allowed to choose the same

    business. Choice of business will be on a first-come, first-served basis. It is important that

    you choose a business which in your opinion represents best business practices in Vietnam,

    including excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship. Second, research the competitive

    environment of the business using theoretical frameworks taught during the course. Write up

    your conclusions as to the competitive environment. Third, research the strategic response of

    this business to its competitive environment, including use of theoretical frameworks taught

    during the course. Fourth, based on your analysis, write up strategic recommendations for the

    firm designed to improve its performance in the future. The marking guidelines for

    assignments 1 & 2 given in Annex A and B respectively. Please do not be tempted to copy

    work from previous MGMT 101 student submissions. These submissions are all held on file

    and will be cross-checked against current submissions.

    Word limit = 2000 words, 12pt font, 1.5 line spacing. APA referencing to be used.

    The holistic academic quality of your assignment, as per the marking rubrics, will determine

    your overall performance. You will be assessed in the following key areas:

    The wisdom of your choice of business in terms of innovativeness and

    entrepreneurship as well as being a business exemplar in Vietnam.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 12 MGMT 101

    The depth and insight of your environmental / competitive analysis, including the

    correct application of theoretical frameworks taught during the course.

    The depth and insight of your strategic analysis, including the correct application of

    theoretical frameworks taught during the course.

    The wisdom of your strategic recommendations for the future of the firm and the

    degree to which they flow from your earlier analysis.

    your ability to communicate clearly with the reader. This will be assessed through the

    application of the communication rubric.

    Assignment 2

    The purpose of this assignment is to extend your analysis of your chosen Vietnam Business

    Enterprise from Strategic Management to include Management, including Human Resource

    Management, and Leadership. In order to complete this second assignment, continue to

    collect data and conduct research on your chosen company. First, look carefully at

    management and human resource management practices. Discuss the degree to which the

    company makes the best use of its human resource base. Second, look carefully at the

    leadership of the company. Discuss the degree to which the company is well lead, and the

    degree to which the leader has facilitated the creation of a motivated workforce. Third,

    present recommendations, which in your opinion based on your learning during the course,

    may enable the company to improve its leadership and human resource management

    practices. Please do not be tempted to copy work from previous MGMT 101 student

    submissions. These submissions are all held on file and will be cross-checked against current


    Word limit = 2000 words, 12pt font, 1.5 line spacing. APA referencing to be used.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 13 MGMT 101

    The holistic academic quality of your second assignment, as per the marking rubrics, will

    determine your overall performance. You will be assessed in the following key areas:

    The wisdom of your choice of business in terms of its best practice in Vietnam with

    respect to its management, including hrm, and leadership.

    The depth and insight of your analysis as to the nature of management practices within

    the firm, including the correct application of theoretical frameworks taught during the


    The depth and insight of your analysis as to the nature of leadership effectiveness

    within the firm, including the correct application of theoretical frameworks taught

    during the course.

    The wisdom of your strategic recommendations for the future of the firm, in particular

    management practices and leadership effectiveness, and the degree to which these

    recommendations flow from your earlier analysis.

    your ability to communicate clearly with the reader. This will be assessed through the

    application of the communication rubric.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 14 MGMT 101

    Tutorial preparation and participation

    To gain any tutorial marks you must attend and participate in at least seven (7) of the tutorials


    The demonstrated quality of your preparation and reflective thinking for the tutorials as

    outlined below will guide the outcome of your tutorial marks.

    Refer to Annex C for a complete description of the nine tutorial activities. The assessment

    guideline for each tutorial is shown in Annex D.


    Students who enrol in courses with examinations are obliged to attend an examination at the

    University at any time during the formal examination period. The final examination for this

    course will be scheduled at some time during the HCMC campus examination schedule.

    Additional details will be provided as to the nature of the final examination and expectations

    towards the end of the course.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 15 MGMT 101

    Penalties - for Lateness

    (i) In fairness to other students, work submitted after any deadline will incur a penalty for

    lateness. Assignments received more than 7 days after the due date will be given a zero


    (ii) Course Outlines provide a signal to students of forthcoming workload, dates of

    submission etc, and thus student study plans should take account of course requirements

    across all courses. Consequently, workload issues related to other courses and employment

    will not be accepted as reason for dispensation from mandatory requirements or waiver of

    penalties. Extensions to submission deadlines for any assigned work will only be granted in

    exceptional circumstances.

    (iii) Students who are unable to comply with any of the mandatory requirements should

    make a written application for an extension to the due date for submission of assigned work or

    for waiver of a penalty, in advance, to the Course Coordinator, providing documentary

    evidence of the reasons of their circumstances.

    All such applications must be made before the deadline and be accompanied by documentary

    evidence, e.g. a medical certificate, or counsellors report clearly stating the degree of impairment, and the dates the illness or event prevented you from undertaking your academic

    studies. This can be applied retrospectively.

    (iv) In the event of unusual or unforeseeable circumstances (e.g. serious illness, family bereavement or other exceptional events), that precludes an application in advance, students

    should make contact with the Course Coordinator as soon as possible, and make application

    for waiver of a penalty as soon as practicable.

    (v) Word limits should be adhered to, especially so when they provide a guide to limiting the students coverage of a topic and the intended assignment work load. You are strongly advised to adhere to the word limit so as to keep your workload at a manageable level. Any

    material that is above the word limit may not be taken into account by the marker. Your

    marker will simply stop at the maximum words for the assignment and you will receive the

    appropriate grade.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 16 MGMT 101

    Demonstrated understanding of

    Vietnam Business Environment and

    Model Vietnam Business was


    Exemplary understanding

    of Vietnam Business

    Environment and Model

    Vietnam Business

    Exemplary Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

    Annex A.

    Assignment One Marking Guide

    NB. The overall grade for this assignment will depend on its holistic quality. The criteria

    are not necessarily equally weighted.

    #1 Exemplary #2 Satisfactory #3 Not Satisfactory

    #A Choice of business:

    Relevance of selected

    business organisation to the

    course objectives.

    Selected business is exemplary in terms of leading-edge

    innovation and


    Selected business shows very clear relevance to strategic


    Selected business is adequate in terms of

    leading-edge innovation

    and entrepreneurship.

    Able to ascertain some relevance to strategic


    Selected business does not demonstrate leading-

    edge innovation and


    Selected business is not relevant to strategic


    #B Environmental


    Description of framework,

    concept or/theory from

    course enables student to

    conduct robust competitive /

    environmental analysis.

    In-depth analysis of business environment and competitive

    context, including excellent


    Description enables reader to clearly understand the

    dynamics of this industry.

    Satisfactory analysis of business environment and

    competitive context,

    including some examples.

    Description enables reader to somewhat understand

    the dynamics of this


    Weak analysis of business environment

    and competitive context,

    with poor examples .

    Description does not allow reader to

    understand the dynamics

    of this industry .

    #C Strategic Analysis: Description of framework,

    concept or/theory from

    course enables student to

    conduct robust analysis of

    internal mission, values and

    strategic objectives of the


    In-depth analysis of the businesss strategy, including mission, vision and values

    supported with excellent


    Description enables reader to clearly understand the internal

    strategic dynamics of the

    particular business.

    Satisfactory analysis of the businesss strategy, including mission, vision

    and values supported with

    some examples.

    Description enables reader to somewhat understand

    the internal strategic

    dynamics of the particular


    Weak analysis of the businesss strategy, including mission, vision

    and values supported

    with poor examples.

    Description does not allow reader to

    understand the internal

    strategic dynamics of the

    particular business.

    #D Recommendations:

    Derives insightful

    recommendations as to the

    strategic future for the

    chosen business


    Produces sound and practical strategic insights which could

    help the firm proposer in the


    Flow and basis for the recommendations are clear

    from earlier analysis.

    Produces satisfactory strategic insights which

    may help the firm proposer

    in the future.

    Flow and basis for the recommendations are

    somewhat related to earlier


    Produces weak strategic insights which are

    unlikely to help the firm

    proposer in the future.

    Flow and basis for the recommendations are

    not related to earlier


    #E Report Structure:

    Cover sheet, Environmental

    Analysis, Company

    Strategic Analysis and


    All sections included and sub- sections used.

    Excellent report flow and coherence.

    Most sections included and sub- sections used.

    Satisfactory report flow and coherence.

    Missing sections or sub- sections.

    Weak report flow and coherence.

    Grade =

  • October 2014 Course information for students 17 MGMT 101

    Written Communication Skills Rubric (Annex A contd.)

    #1 Exemplary #2 Satisfactory #3 Unsatisfactory E, S

    or U

    # F Structure

    and style:


    paragraph and


    structure, flow

    and layout,

    appropriate to


    Variety of sentence


    Logical flow; style and

    structure appropriate for

    task, audience and


    Uses engaging delivery

    that enhances


    Thoughtful presentation.

    Not overly repetitive

    some variety in

    sentence construction

    Generally flows well

    Some awareness of

    audience and genre

    Overly repetitive or

    simplistic sentence



    disjointed, lack of



    inappropriate for


    #G Clarity and


    Answers the





    Argument effectively

    and efficiently


    Highly focused on the


    Easily understood.

    Argument reasonably


    Occasionally misses the

    point but answers the


    Not over-elaborate or


    Main point and/or




    information, no

    transition between


    Unclear conclusion.

    #H Technical

    writing skills:







    Very few spelling


    Correct punctuation,

    Grammatically correct,

    Complete sentences.

    Occasional lapses in:



    Grammar, but not

    enough to seriously

    distract the reader.

    Numerous spelling


    Non-existent or



    Severe errors in

    grammar that

    interfere with


    #I Vocabulary:





    Highly appropriate, well

    chosen, precise and

    varied vocabulary.

    Consistently uses

    correct word choice and



    Generally appropriate


    Not overly repetitive.

    Generally uses correct

    word choice and



    Excessively limited

    or inappropriate or



    Misuses discipline-



    #J Academic


    Appropriate use

    of references.

    Appropriate use of

    others work

    acknowledged via in-

    text citations.

    Uses APA referencing

    system consistently and


    Other sources


    Generally uses APA

    referencing system.

    Unattributed work

    from other sources.1

    Does not attempt to

    use APA

    referencing system.



    Exemplary written


    Satisfactory written


    Unsatisfactory written


  • October 2014 Course information for students 18 MGMT 101

    Demonstrated understanding of Vietnam

    Business Management Practices and

    Business Leadership was unsatisfactory

    Exemplary understanding of

    Vietnam Business

    Management Practices and

    Business Leadership.

    Exemplary Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

    Annex B.

    Assignment Two Marking Guide

    NB. The overall grade for this assignment will depend on its holistic quality. The criteria

    are not necessarily equally weighted.

    #1 Exemplary #2 Satisfactory #3 Not Satisfactory

    #A Choice of business:

    Relevance of selected

    business organisation to the

    course objectives management, including

    HRM, and leadership.

    Selected business is exemplary in terms of HRM practices and


    Selected business shows very clear relevance to HRM and


    Selected business is adequate in terms of HRM

    practices and leadership.

    Able to ascertain some relevance to HRM and


    Selected business does not demonstrate HRM

    practices and leadership.

    Selected business is not relevant to HRM

    practices and leadership.

    #B Management and

    Human Resource



    Description of framework,

    concept or/theory from

    course enables student to

    conduct analysis of

    management practices,

    including HRM.

    In-depth analysis of management and HRM,

    including excellent examples.

    Description enables reader to clearly understand the

    management practices in the

    chosen business organisation.

    Satisfactory analysis of management and HRM,

    including some examples.

    Description enables reader to somewhat understand

    the management practices

    in the chosen business


    Weak analysis of management and HRM,

    with poor examples.

    Description precludes reader to understand the

    management practices in

    the chosen business


    #C Leadership Analysis: Description of framework,

    concept or/theory from

    course enables student to

    conduct robust analysis of

    leadership within the chosen


    In-depth analysis of the businesss leadership, supported with excellent


    Description enables reader to clearly understand the

    leadership dynamics of the

    particular business.

    Satisfactory analysis of the businesss leadership, supported with some


    Description enables reader to somewhat understand

    the leadership dynamics of

    the particular business.

    Weak analysis of the businesss leadership, supported with poor


    Description precludes reader to understand the

    leadership dynamics of

    the particular business.

    #D Recommendations:

    Derives insightful

    recommendations as to the

    management practices and

    leadership style for the

    chosen business


    Produces sound and practical strategic insights which could

    help the firm proposer in the


    Flow and basis for the recommendations are very clear

    from analysis.

    Produces satisfactory strategic insights which

    may help the firm proposer

    in the future.

    Flow and basis for the recommendations are

    related to analysis.

    Produces weak strategic insights which are

    unlikely to help the firm

    proposer in the future.

    Flow and basis for the recommendations are

    not related to analysis.

    #E Report Structure:

    Cover sheet, Management

    Analysis, Leadership

    Analysis and


    All sections included and sub- sections used.

    Excellent report flow and coherence.

    Most sections included and sub- sections used.

    Satisfactory report flow and coherence.

    Missing sections or sub- sections.

    Weak report flow and coherence.

    Grade = Grade =

  • October 2014 Course information for students 19 MGMT 101

    Written Communication Skills Rubric (Annex B contd.)

    #1 Exemplary #2 Satisfactory #3 Unsatisfactory E, S

    or U

    # F Structure

    and style:


    paragraph and


    structure, flow

    and layout,

    appropriate to


    Variety of sentence


    Logical flow; style and

    structure appropriate for

    task, audience and


    Uses engaging delivery

    that enhances


    Thoughtful presentation.

    Not overly repetitive

    some variety in

    sentence construction

    Generally flows well

    Some awareness of

    audience and genre

    Overly repetitive or

    simplistic sentence



    disjointed, lack of



    inappropriate for


    #G Clarity and


    Answers the





    Argument effectively

    and efficiently


    Highly focused on the


    Easily understood.

    Argument reasonably


    Occasionally misses the

    point but answers the


    Not over-elaborate or


    Main point and/or




    information, no

    transition between


    Unclear conclusion.

    #H Technical

    writing skills:







    Very few spelling


    Correct punctuation,

    Grammatically correct,

    Complete sentences.

    Occasional lapses in:



    Grammar, but not

    enough to seriously

    distract the reader.

    Numerous spelling


    Non-existent or



    Severe errors in

    grammar that

    interfere with


    #I Vocabulary:





    Highly appropriate, well

    chosen, precise and

    varied vocabulary.

    Consistently uses

    correct word choice and



    Generally appropriate


    Not overly repetitive.

    Generally uses correct

    word choice and



    Excessively limited

    or inappropriate or



    Misuses discipline-



    #J Academic


    Appropriate use

    of references.

    Appropriate use of

    others work

    acknowledged via in-

    text citations.

    Uses APA referencing

    system consistently and


    Other sources


    Generally uses APA

    referencing system.

    Unattributed work

    from other sources.1

    Does not attempt to

    use APA

    referencing system.



    Exemplary written


    Satisfactory written


    Unsatisfactory written


  • October 2014 Course information for students 20 MGMT 101

    Annex C


    Tutorial One: The Vietnamese Environment of Business

    Objective: To understand business trends within Vietnam


    Please give some thought to the changes in the Vietnamese business environment over the last

    decade. Is it getting easier or more difficult to succeed in business in Vietnam? Be prepared

    to support your answer and debate with other students in your tutorial. Bring a newspaper

    clipping or web page printout out that discusses an emergent trend in the current Vietnamese

    business environment.


    Tutorial Two: Vietnam as an Information Age Economy

    Objective: To understand Vietnamese Business within the Global Context


    Do some web-based research on the current composition of the Vietnamese economy. In

    addition, find out the definition of a knowledge-based (information age) economy versus and

    physical-based (industrial age) economy. Come to the tutorial prepared to discuss the degree

    to which Vietnam is competing on the world stage as a knowledge-based economy. Also, be

    prepared to discuss the long-term implications of Vietnams competitive stance within the

    global context.


  • October 2014 Course information for students 21 MGMT 101

    Tutorial Three: Ethical Behaviour

    Objective: To understand business ethics within the Vietnamese Context


    Find a newspaper account (within the last five years) or a web-based report of unethical

    business behaviour within the Vietnamese business sector. Come to your tutorial prepared to

    discuss the following: 1) What happened? 2) Why was the behaviour deemed unethical? 3)

    Who was affected by the behaviour? 4) What were the consequences for those involved? and

    5) How might this sort of behaviour be reduced in the future?


    Tutorial Four: Corporate Social Responsibility

    Objective: To understand corporate social responsibility


    Do some web-based research on positive examples of corporate social responsibility at work

    today in Vietnam. Be prepared to define the concept of corporate social responsibility and to

    present to your tutorial group an organisation that you think is an excellent example of

    effective corporate social responsibility. Discuss the manner in which your chosen example

    became socially responsible. Finally, be prepared to debate the following resolution: It is

    good business for business to be socially responsible.

  • October 2014 Course information for students 22 MGMT 101

    Tutorial Five: Entrepreneurship

    Objective: To identify the characteristics of a world-class entrepreneur


    Using the web, identify a person whom you think is a world-class entrepreneur. You can

    choose from any country, including Vietnam. Come to the tutorial prepared to discuss the

    following: 1) Who have you selected? 2) Why you have selected this person? 3) What

    characteristics made this person successful? 4) What obstacles did she or he have to

    overcome? and 5) What benefits has this person gained?


    Tutorial Six: Network Structures

    Objective: To understand networks as an emergent trend in organisation design.


    Research the difference between an organisation designed as a network structure and an

    organisation designed as a functional structure. Using the web, find a global example of an

    effective network organisation. Be prepared to present this example in your tutorial group.

    Also, think about and be prepared to discuss the degree to which the Vietnamese business

    culture supports the emergence of network structures over more traditional hierarchical


  • October 2014 Course information for students 23 MGMT 101

    Tutorial Seven: Business Sustainability

    Objective: To understand the concept of business sustainability


    Find an interesting article on the topic of business sustainability within the academic literature

    (published within the last five years) using Google Scholar. Print out the article you have

    found and bring it with you to your tutorial. Be prepared to verbally summarise the contents

    of the article for your fellow students. Conclude with your own viewpoint and opinion as to

    how seriously Vietnamese business leaders need to address the issue of business

    sustainability. In other words, do current concerns as to sustainability and climate change

    represent a valid and urgent concern or have these issues been over-stated in the media?


    Tutorial Eight: Work Motivation across Generations

    Objective: To understand the rise of Gen Y work values


    Think about what is important to you at work, including identifying the things that would

    motivate you at work. Develop a picture in your mind of the ideal workplace for you. Then,

    discuss with a member of your parents generation, how they saw work and what was used for

    work motivation. Analyse the differences between your view of the ideal workplace and the

    experiences of your parents generation. Come to your tutorial prepared to discuss these


  • October 2014 Course information for students 24 MGMT 101

    Tutorial Nine: Practice Final Examination

    Objective: To prepare for the final examination


    A practice final examination will be distributed prior to this tutorial session. Please complete

    this practice examination working on your own without any external help and using only two

    hours. Write down your answers and bring them to class. You will receive feedback during

    this tutorial that will help you to assess the degree to which you are ready for the final

    examination as well as what sort of refinements you may need to make in your examination



  • October 2014 Course information for students 25 MGMT 101

    Annex D




    Description of key concepts

    Describes relevant concepts

    covered in the course

    10 5 0

    No description of concepts

    covered in the course

    Demonstrates the concepts relevance in answering the


    10 5 0

    States concepts which appear

    to be irrelevant

    Application of concepts to the real world

    Links concepts to

    observations in the real world

    10 5 0

    No application of concepts

    Demonstrates critical thinking

    in application of concepts

    10 5 0

    No evidence of critical


    Presenting information and ideas effectively

    Logical presentation of

    information and ideas

    10 5 0

    Random presentation of

    information and ideas

    Participation in discussion board:

    Participates fully with comments that contributes to the learning of others

    Participates regularly with constructive comments

    Participates in up to 20% of the discussion.

    Participates in not more than 5% of the discussion


    CONCLUSION - How well do your activities demonstrate your ability to learn, research, apply and present management theory?

    |__________________________________________________________________________| Very well Well OK Not very well Not at all

    Annex E

  • October 2014 Course information for students 26 MGMT 101

    School of Management

    MGMT101 Assignment Cover Sheet

    Student Name:_________________________________ Student ID:__________________

    Name of Business Enterprise: ___________________________________________

    Date Due: ____________ Date Submitted: ____________


    Submit as per Course Coordinator Instructions


    Assignment Assignment one (1) due week 7

    Assignment two (2) due week 10

    I have read and understood the university policy on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism. I declare this assignment is free from plagiarism. Signed: ______________________________________________

  • October 2014 Course information for students 27 MGMT 101

    Marking and markers guides Your marked assignments will be returned to you with feedback. If you dont understand the feedback and / or to correct improve your performance for next time, then you should speak

    with your tutor and / or the course coordinator.


    Use of other peoples ideas and material must be acknowledged. There are many different styles of referencing and the Faculty of Commerce at Victoria University of Wellington has

    decided to make APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style the common

    standard across the Faculty. The Commerce and Central Libraries hold the APA Style Guide.

    You can also access the information from the online VUW library site
