mi - business life hacks inspired by back to the future

21 business life hacks Marketing G33ks Think and Sync

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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21 business life hacksMarketing G33ks Think and Sync

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pay attention butthead

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21 business life hacks

1. Setting goals

2. Structuring your day

3. Think and do

4. Two-minute rule

5. Procrastination

6. Time is money

7. Multi-tasking

8. Staying focused

9. Note taking

10.Using your calendar

11. Checking your work

12. Having the eye for design

13. Error testing on the fly

14. Your iPhone does more than take selfies

15. How to exert enthusiasm

16. Taking breaks

17. Stand-up meetings

18. Kill clutter

19. Scheduling meetings

20. Getting the most out of your hardware

21. Be heavy

Great Scott!!!21 business life hacks!

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setting goals

Define your purpose.

• Create a plan of action and start working toward it immediately.

• Look at your calendar and to-dos. Ask yourself/other’s what must I do vs. what can I do tomorrow.

• Be realistic and aware of other’s priorities and objectives.

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structuring your day

Ready set…go.• Start your day the night before,

including Sundays!

• Determine when you do your best thinking. Morning, afternoon or evening.

• Schedule time to think, reflect and do.

• End your day with — What I am going to do tomorrow.

• Set aside 15 minutes to achieve massive productivity every day.

• Ask others what they have going on and how can I help.

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think and do

Think accurately.

• The ability to separate facts from fiction and to use those pertinent to your own concerns or problems.

• Have personal initiative.

• Do what you have to without being told.

• While executing a task, pause and think did I go the extra mile?

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two-minute rule

Follow the two-minute rule.

• If a task comes on your plate that will take less than two minutes to complete, start to finish, just do it.

• This keeps your list of "I'll do it later" tasks from piling up.

• Be careful about when you open yourself to new ideas and tasks. Otherwise, you'll be interrupting your awesome rule to make time for those two-minute excursions.

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Flip a coin.

• Often, procrastination is a symptom of indecision—you don't start on a project because you haven't decided yet how you want to do it.

• When faced with a choice you're having trouble making, flip a coin. This forces you to decide in a few seconds what you could otherwise stall on for weeks. Put your head down and power through.

• No daydreams and no rabbit trails. This is all about being productive. Work as furiously as you can on the task at hand.

• Focus with everything you’ve got.

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time is money

Every second counts.

• Start working the moment you walk through the door.

• Divide your time equally.

• Example: Devote it to three elements: selling, delivering and developing the business. If it's not in balance, you'll never get ahead.

• Make that productive time holy.

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Q: When should your day start?A: The night before

Q: What was the date Marty and Doc travel to in 2015?A: October 21, 2015

Q: What is the 2-minute rule?A: If a task comes on your plate that will take less than two

minutes to complete, start to finish, just do it.

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Follow the two-minute rule.

• Command Tab, multiple desktops, browsers tabs.

• If something is going to take less than two minutes just do it.

• Listen to a pre-recorded webinar while working a non-time sensitive piece.

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staying focused

Eye on the prize.

• Take breaks.

• Concentrate your effort.

• Don't become distracted from the most important task you are currently facing.

• Get a rhythm going, if you get stumped take a walk, talk to someone. MOVE!

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note taking

Ditch the legal pad.

• We are a digital company. Be one.

• Have a meeting? Bring your laptop/iPad.

• If you type notes in real-time your can send them to the meeting owner right after the meeting ends.

• Have to write notes? Buy a pocket moleskin, get’s you half way and forces you to only draft thoughts vs. a novel.

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using your calendar

Have multiple calendars.

• Pull multiple calendars in one view one place.

• Becomes your todo list with deadlines.

• Color code.

• Think in 15, 30 minute or 1 hour increments.

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checking your work

Buddy system.

• Use the buddy system, if someone else has not reviewed, stop and have them check.

• If you think you checked it, check it again.

• Spell check, LaunchList, Litmus.

• Before you start your task, know the deadline and move it up to plan for QA.

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having the eye for design

What to look out for.

• Consistency.

• Spacing.

• Colors.

• Squint to see where the problems are.

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error testing on the fly

Right click is your friend.

• Use the inspect element to help determine what is being used, if it’s an image, what is the form, etc.

• Litmus.

• Check multiple browsers, phones, etc.

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your iPhone does more than take selfies

Don’t have time to scribe the whiteboard?

• Take a picture of the whiteboard, your notes, or the action even the moment.

• Use your phone recorder to record someone who is providing real-time information, feedback or content.

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Q: How you can be more efficient taking notes?A: Type them in real-time

Q: In Hill Valley, 2015 what are the two brands of hoverboards used?

A: Mattel and Pit Bull

BONUS: What is the name of the REAL company who is making the hoverboard in 2015?


Q: Give one example of how to maximize your calendar?

A: Color code, multiple cals in one view, schedule in 15 min increments

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how to exert enthusiasm

Exert enthusiasm.

• A positive attitude sets you up for success and wins the respect of others.

• Smile. Have fun.

• Encourage yourself and others.

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taking breaks

How to reset the brain.

• Take a walk or have a walk and talk meeting.

• Take lunch, but instead of working through lunch — read blogs, news or how todo’s.

• Keep a puzzle or industry book at your desk.

• Work in a different location to get a new POV.

• Bottom line if you have not removed yourself from your desk in 90 mins get up!

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stand-up meetings

Meetings and their purpose.

• Schedule stand-up meetings vs. booking a room.

• Keeps the blood flowing.

• Allows for more to engage in the conversation.

• Keeps the meeting on target and doesn’t drag on.

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kill clutter

Using your desk and desktop as workspace.

• Stay digital.

• Only have papers out that you are working on.

• Use your digital desktop as a way to work on files locally.

• Archive when complete.

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Q: How to reset your brain?A: Take a walk, do a puzzle, read a book, etc.

Q: In BTTF P1, what does doc say after when this baby hits 88 miles per hour?

A: You’re gonna see some serious shit

Q: What are some benefits of a stand-up meeting?A: Keeps everyone engaged, keeps it short and on point

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scheduling meetingsAccept, Maybe, Decline.

• Always include a purpose or agenda for all future meetings. That’s internally and externally.

• Include materials.

• Schedule everything as soon as you can. Don’t wait!

• Use the location field for meeting room, if it’s a WebEx or who is calling who.

• Invite people who are essential and mark attendees as maybe so they know the meeting is occurring but they are not required.

• Schedule shorter meetings.

• Be respectful. If you see the person’s day is tight and they only have a small block ask if it’s ok before taking it. Start and end on time.

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getting the most out of your hardware

Keep it clean.

• Set your updates for night. Do them!

• Don’t install/run programs you don’t need or use.

• Defrag your hard drive.

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be heavy

Make an impact.

• Indulge your imagination.

• Dare to think beyond what's already been done.

• Believe in yourself and your purpose so fully that you act with complete confidence.

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Q: When should your day start?A: The night before

Q: What was the date Marty and Doc travel to in 2015?A: October 21, 2015

Q: What is the 2-minute rule?A: If a task comes on your plate that will take less than two

minutes to complete, start to finish, just do it.

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