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Michael J. Kendrick PHD & Pat Fratangelo Optimal Individual Service Design Notes Prepared for: Colleagues & Community. Prepared by: Jules AndreBrown. Date: September 2010 Prepared notes & quotations on the required papers Kendrick and Fratangelo OISD

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Michael J. Kendrick PHD & Pat Fratangelo  

O p t im a l   I n d i v i d u a l   S e r v i c e   D e s i g n   N o t e s  Prepared  for:   Colleagues  &  Community.    Prepared  by:     Jules  Andre-­‐Brown.  Date:  September  2010        Prepared  notes  &  quotations  on  the  required  papers  Kendrick  and  Fratangelo    OISD      


Page 2: Michael J. Kendrick PHD & Pat Fratangelo - ShareVisionspechome.sharevision.ca/OISD/OISDNOTES2010.pdf · Michael J. Kendrick PHD & Pat Fratangelo ! OptimalIndividualServiceDesignNotes!

Social Role Valorization Theory = Treating People As People Utilization and empowerment to use Generic Resources: Medical care, leisure, schooling, transport, housing, and community clubs leads people to see and respect the fullness of people, Irrespective of the tendency to do otherwise. Person Centeredness can be not just at planning meetings, it can be in every moment of every day. Imagine a community in which advocacy would not normally be needed because people are temperamentally inclined to do and be the right thing. In such a community, something has been nurtured in people, within its history, that renders them to be reliably disposed to treat people well, even in very trying circumstances, such that challenging them to do so becomes unnecessary. The real mental health system lies with supports offered by friends, family, and even casual acquaintances. That should include : Me & You & Your Momma & Your Cousin Too.

Page 3: Michael J. Kendrick PHD & Pat Fratangelo - ShareVisionspechome.sharevision.ca/OISD/OISDNOTES2010.pdf · Michael J. Kendrick PHD & Pat Fratangelo ! OptimalIndividualServiceDesignNotes!

Advocacy is a craft. Advocacy is to speak on behalf of and defend the interests of people and, in particular, people who are devalued and mistreated. This can often be accomplished without any specific confrontations with authority. Establish, with both clarity and confidence, the grounds upon which it may be both polite and necessary to disagree with authority. There exists in the advocate some capacity to take responsibility for themselves: they have become convinced that better best arrive sooner rather than later. Encouraging advocacy may bring out much of what is best in people and contribute to ethics that leave human beings uplifted rather than devalued.

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Advancement must most certainly come with those bold enough to confront issues ahead of their time. It is often the case that taking a personal stand serves to isolate the advocate, It is also lonely to experience a kind of rejection at so many turns that one might wonder whether the effort is pointless and futile. Often, it can also add to the advocateʼs sense of purpose, conviction and resolve to know that what they are encountering is intrinsic deciding what is important to uphold. Support is generated over time by all means of persuasion, logic and relationship. While it matters greatly whether one is right on the issue, it has always been so that support is not obtained simply because one is right on the issue. Certainly there will be times when one has no choice but to be alone in oneʼs convictions.

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Families were there before you. Families will be there after you.

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Agency transformation

Transforming funding solutions from finding “a spot” to tailoring a service where a person needs are met and that they are contributing to a community may require starting from scratch. Connecting with agencies that made successful individual solutions may take an extended dialogue. Often a day or questions isnʼt enough. All of the agencies had in place some form of functional individual budgets

Rights are important standards to adhere too. Supporting a community to advance and preserve peopleʼs rights: Cultivate a common identity of whom we are

all are, facilitate positive & loyal relationships, and an ongoing dialogue of what constitutes a just society.

Rights can be preserved by compassion for

all people: inclusion for the rejected, developing leadership, and providing commitment to all.

Page 7: Michael J. Kendrick PHD & Pat Fratangelo - ShareVisionspechome.sharevision.ca/OISD/OISDNOTES2010.pdf · Michael J. Kendrick PHD & Pat Fratangelo ! OptimalIndividualServiceDesignNotes!

Assumptions, mistakes in transformation and planning: Planning “For” Rather Than “With” People Planning With A Lack Of Sufficient Consideration For The Unseen Potential That May Still Be Hidden In People’s Lives Expecting People To Be Articulate About Their Needs and Wants Planning On The Basis That People Actually Need Or Want A Formal Planning Process. Planning to what Is immediately practical: “Vacancies”, “The Monies” or Standardized Service Models. When making a rule with someone, be careful not to apply to the entire agency. Other Wisdom : Be Loyal, Be Good. Hire people that treat people great. Admit shortcomings and mistakes

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