michelle dennis creative energy yoga resume nyc

Creative ENERGY yoga 40 East 3rd Street, Apt 9 New York, NY. 10003 Email: [email protected] P: (941) 400-8137 W: CreativENERGYoga.com Education Registered Yoga Teacher, 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certified in Vinyasa at Sonic Yoga, New York, NY. Currently working toward 500 hour Certification - Workshops Taken: -Chakras and the Subtle Body - Prana Flow - Twee Marrigan -Fluid Power - Developed by Shiva Rea - Simon Park MFA Painting, Boston University, School of Visual Arts, Boston, MA BFA Painting, Ringling School of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL Teaching Hot Spot Yoga, Brooklyn - Hot Vinyassa, (3 classes a week) Synergy Fitness, SOHO - Vinyasa Yoga, (1 class a week) Creative ENERGY yoga, Owner + Teacher, East Village + Chelsea - Vinyasa Yoga for Beginners to Intermediate and Rooftop Yoga for Artists, (2 classes a week) + Private Clients Iron & Silk Fitness, East Village - Power Yoga - Have been a regular sub for classes Entrepreneur Yoga Instructor and Professional Visual Artist for 10 years, exhibitions all over the US. Skills Creative posture sequencing Alignment Pranayama (breathing techniques) for balancing and cleansing the body Meditation, relaxation techniques and restorative yoga Understanding of individual chakras and how to target each in yoga practice Adapting asana postures to individual needs Giving safe and gentle adjustments, as well as use of props and the benefits Mudras, mantras, visualizations, energetic expression and focus. Styles of Yoga Vinyasa, Hot Vinyasa, Power Yoga, Hatha, Kundalini, Meditation/Restorative and Yoga Trance Dance. Press Time Out NY, Own This City - Outdoor Yoga, By Alex Schechter on Jun 13, 2011 Alignyo - Mind. Body. Community, Featured Teacher- spotlight on the communities' top teachers by Liz Eustace on July 28th, and Now this is NYC Yoga!, July 18th, 2011 Neighborhoodr/Current, East Village - Sunset Rooftop Yoga, June 1st, 2011 Testimonials "Michelle made me cry -- in the best kind of way. Soothing yet rigorous, active yet mellow, supportive yet by no means suffocating -- Michelle is an artist who knows what artists need most: balance." --Sarah Dohrmann - Writer "I took Michelle's class after a frustrating week of songwriting . She thoughtfully lead us through a practice designed to release creativity, which left me more confident, focused, and tuned in to my own process. Michelle is calm and prepared, and has an obvious knowledge of both yoga and the challenges of the working artist. She approaches both with a curious mind and an open heart." --Laurelyn Dossett - Composer, Musician. Michelle Dennis Yoga has been a driving force in my life for 5 years. I have developed my own creative fusion of Vinyasa and Kundalini Yoga, using pranayama breathing techniques, meditation, and asana postures in each practice to inspire expression of the body and liberation of the mind. Out of your head and into your body!

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Post on 03-Apr-2015




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Michelle’s Creative ENERGY Yoga dissolves creative blocks and encourages expression using innovative sequences to open the second chakra. The second chakra, called svadhishthana, means “dwelling place of the self.” Located in the abdomen and lower back, it is considered a powerful center of creativity. Michelle’s unique practice is a dance-based, free-form, breath-driven movement intended to unlock inspiration.


Page 1: Michelle Dennis Creative ENERGY Yoga Resume NYC

Creative ENERGY yoga40 East 3rd Street, Apt 9New York, NY. 10003 Email:[email protected]

P: (941) 400-8137 W: CreativENERGYoga.com

Education Registered Yoga Teacher, 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certified in Vinyasa at Sonic Yoga, New York, NY. Currently working toward 500 hour Certification - Workshops Taken: -Chakras and the Subtle Body - Prana Flow - Twee Marrigan -Fluid Power - Developed by Shiva Rea - Simon Park MFA Painting, Boston University, School of Visual Arts, Boston, MA BFA Painting, Ringling School of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL

Teaching Hot Spot Yoga, Brooklyn - Hot Vinyassa, (3 classes a week) Synergy Fitness, SOHO - Vinyasa Yoga, (1 class a week) Creative ENERGY yoga, Owner + Teacher, East Village + Chelsea - Vinyasa Yoga for Beginners to Intermediate and Rooftop Yoga for Artists, (2 classes a week) + Private Clients Iron & Silk Fitness, East Village - Power Yoga - Have been a regular sub for classes Entrepreneur Yoga Instructor and Professional Visual Artist for 10 years, exhibitions all over the US. Skills Creative posture sequencing Alignment Pranayama (breathing techniques) for balancing and cleansing the body Meditation, relaxation techniques and restorative yoga Understanding of individual chakras and how to target each in yoga practice Adapting asana postures to individual needs Giving safe and gentle adjustments, as well as use of props and the benefits Mudras, mantras, visualizations, energetic expression and focus.

Styles of Yoga Vinyasa, Hot Vinyasa, Power Yoga, Hatha, Kundalini, Meditation/Restorative and Yoga Trance Dance.

Press Time Out NY, Own This City - Outdoor Yoga, By Alex Schechter on Jun 13, 2011 Alignyo - Mind. Body. Community, Featured Teacher- spotlight on the communities' top teachers by Liz Eustace on July 28th, and Now this is NYC Yoga!, July 18th, 2011 Neighborhoodr/Current, East Village - Sunset Rooftop Yoga, June 1st, 2011

Testimonials "Michelle made me cry -- in the best kind of way. Soothing yet rigorous, active yet mellow, supportive yet by no means suffocating -- Michelle is an artist who knows what artists need most: balance." --Sarah Dohrmann - Writer

"I took Michelle's class after a frustrating week of songwriting . She thoughtfully lead us through a practice designed to release creativity, which left me more confident, focused, and tuned in to my own process. Michelle is calm and prepared, and has an obvious knowledge of both yoga and the challenges of the working artist. She approaches both with a curious mind and an open heart." --Laurelyn Dossett - Composer, Musician.

Michelle Dennis

Yoga has been a driving force in my life for 5 years. I have developed my own

creative fusion of Vinyasa and Kundalini Yoga, using pranayama breathing techniques, meditation, and asana postures in each practice to inspire

expression of the body and liberation of the mind.

Out of your head and into your body!