micro mouse project gs1140

Micro mouse project Prepared by: Antoine Belot Wendell daugherty Citation by: prezi.com for background

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Micro mouse project Prepared by: Antoine Belot Wendell daugherty Citation by: prezi.com for background
  2. 2. Micro mouse project The micro mouse robot
  3. 3. Micro mouse project The micro mouse maze
  4. 4. Micro mouse project
  5. 5. Micro mouse project The rules
  6. 6. Micro mouse project The rules
  7. 7. Micro mouse project The rules
  8. 8. Micro mouse project The rules
  9. 9. Micro mouse project The IEEE Micro mouse competition is an event in which small, mice like robots Solve in this case a 16 x 16 maze. The robots are completely autonomous and must be able to Find their way through the maze from a starting point at the corner of the maze. The objective Of this competition is for the Micro mouse to navigate on its own ability through sensors and Programing that the members of its team implicated. The Micro mouse has to reach the Centralized finish line in 10 minutes or less.
  10. 10. Micro mouse project The goal of our project is to create a Micro mouse robot which Cost less than $200.00 and to design a 16 x 16 maze as well as to implement a strategy in Which to navigate the Micro mouse through the maze less than 10 minutes.
  11. 11. Micro mouse project The maze for the Micro mouse competition also has guidelines in which to follow Such as each square is to be 18cm x 18cm and in this case the maze is made up of 16 x 16 Of these squares a total of 256 squares. The guidelines also demands that the walls are to be 5cm high, 1.2cm thick, white on inside and red on top. The start of the maze is at square 16 Which is on one of the four corners and the finish is at square 0 which is in the center of maze
  12. 12. Micro mouse project The strategy to be implemented would be one of many Algorithm that go hand and Hand with the competition. The Algorithm that we choose is the flooding algorithm which Always picks the shortest route to the final destination. In, short this strategy numbers each Square from start to finish as the numbers decrease the closer the Micro mouse is to the finish.
  13. 13. Micro mouse project CITATIONS Wikipedia www.sites.google.com http://www-ee.eng.hawaii.edu www.societyofrobots.com . www.prezi.com . www.robotstorehk.com . www.popsci.com . www.sites.ieee.org