microfinance fact sheet

U.S. Microfinance Factsheet Long hailed as an effective poverty alleviation strategy abroad, microfinance also has strong roots in the United States. The U.S. ACCION Network was established in New York in 1991 and has since lent over $250 million to financially underserved entrepreneurs, primarily minorities and women. An Undeniable Need for Microfinance 1 Access to Credit: Microfinance bridges the ever-widening credit gap, and is especially important in today’s economy. 40 million households (106 million people) have limited access to mainstream financial institutions. 2 28 million people in the U.S. are entirely unbanked 2 Even prior to the credit crisis, an estimated 10 million microbusinesses faced difficulty obtaining capital from traditional sources Employment: Microenterprises (<5 employees) account for over 87% of employment in the U.S., and over 89% in New York State. 1 Microbusinesses created over 4.5 million jobs from 2002-2005 1 Home-based businesses account for 53% of all small businesses 1 There are more than 21 million micro-business (< 5 employees) owners in the U.S. 3 GDP Contribution: Microbusinesses contributed over $4 trillion to GDP in 2007 4 From 1998 – 2006, small businesses produced half of private non-farm GDP in the U.S. 20% of Small Business GDP is attributable to single employee firms 5 40% of Small Business GDP is attributable to firms employing two to four people 5 Alternative to Predatory Lenders: The predatory loan industry is very large and growing rapidly. 2008 annual loan volume grew to more than $42 billion from $28 billion in 2006 6 Average annual interest rates are 300 to 400% Fees generally range from $15 to $30 for every $100 borrowed 7 Predatory lenders do not report to rating agencies; they do not establish a credit history Economic Stimulus: AUSA plays an important role in helping small businesses survive and rebuild our economy through income growth and job creation. Small businesses create 75% of the net new jobs in our economy 37% of small businesses see growth opportunities in the next six months, with 28% planning to hire 8 1 8/19/2010 ACCION USA provides affordable microloans to low- and moderate-income entrepreneurs who are unable to access traditional bank credit for their businesses

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Page 1: Microfinance Fact Sheet

U.S. Microfinance Factsheet

Long hailed as an effective poverty alleviation strategy abroad, microfinance also has strong roots in the United States. The U.S. ACCION Network was established in New York in 1991 and has since lent over $250 million to financially underserved entrepreneurs, primarily minorities and women.

An Undeniable Need for Microfinance1

Access to Credit: Microfinance bridges the ever-widening credit gap, and is especially important in today’s economy. 40 million households (106 million people) have limited access to mainstream financial institutions. 2

28 million people in the U.S. are entirely unbanked 2

Even prior to the credit crisis, an estimated 10 million microbusinesses faced difficulty obtaining capital from traditional sources

Employment: Microenterprises (<5 employees) account for over 87% of employment in the U.S., and over 89% in New York State. 1

Microbusinesses created over 4.5 million jobs from 2002-2005 1

Home-based businesses account for 53% of all small businesses 1

There are more than 21 million micro-business (< 5 employees) owners in the U.S. 3

GDP Contribution: Microbusinesses contributed over $4 trillion to GDP in 2007 4

From 1998 – 2006, small businesses produced half of private non-farm GDP in the U.S. 20% of Small Business GDP is attributable to single employee firms 5

40% of Small Business GDP is attributable to firms employing two to four people 5

Alternative to Predatory Lenders: The predatory loan industry is very large and growing rapidly. 2008 annual loan volume grew to more than $42 billion from $28 billion in 2006 6

Average annual interest rates are 300 to 400% Fees generally range from $15 to $30 for every $100 borrowed 7

Predatory lenders do not report to rating agencies; they do not establish a credit history

Economic Stimulus: AUSA plays an important role in helping small businesses survive and rebuild our economy through income growth and job creation. Small businesses create 75% of the net new jobs in our economy 37% of small businesses see growth opportunities in the next six months, with 28% planning to hire 8

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ACCION USA provides affordable microloans to low- and moderate-income entrepreneurs who are unable to access traditional bank credit for their businesses

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AUSA loans create employment opportunities in low- to moderate-income communities: On average, each AUSA small business loan recipient creates 2 new jobs. 9

Since inception, AUSA loans have created approximately 11,500 new jobs.

AUSA loans increase family income: 61% of AUSA clients report an increase in annual income after receiving a loan, with a median increase

of over $4,500 (or 18%). 9

AUSA loans create sustainable businesses: The business survival rate among AUSA clients is 97% for established businesses and 90% of start-up

businesses. 9

AUSA loans increase the local communities economic base: AUSA loans generate increased tax revenue and economic activity. 10

Total Economic Activity from Direct Lending (Est) $216.1 million Additional Earnings (Est) $68.6 million State and local tax revenue (Est) $12.5 million

AUSA borrowers reported they 9: Increased sales 64% Increased savings 37%

Acquired checking or savings accounts 34% Established a credit history for the first time 23%

Current Quick Facts

ACCION USA (AUSA) is a non-profit microfinance organization that provides affordable microloans to low- and moderate-income (LMI) microentrepreneurs, primarily minorities and women, who are unable to access conventional bank credit.

AUSA has lent $115 million since 1991, making us one of the nation’s largest microlenders serving more than 3,000 active borrowers across 40 states.

AUSA Portfolio (1st Qtr 2009): Loans made to-date $116 million

Borrowers since 1991 Approx. 18,600

Active portfolio $18 million

Average loan size $6,300

Interest rate 8 – 15% Historical repayment rate over 90%

Portfolio At Risk 13.7%

AUSA Demographics: 61% Hispanic/Latino(a)

15% African/African American

40% Female

AUSA has achieved 99% operational self-sufficiency and 54% of total program recovery cost. 9

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The U.S. ACCION Network has supported 36,900 U.S. small businesses, lending $250 million; our Network footprint is nationwide with an online lending platform and licensees serving the TX, LA, NM, CO, AZ, IL, and CA markets.

NOTES1 Unless otherwise noted, The Small Business Administration (2006)2 The Center for Financial Services Innovation Underbanked Consumer Study 20083 Association for Enterprise Opportunity4 The Small Business Share of GDP, by Katherine Kobe of Economic Consulting Services, LLC5 Board of Governors, 2007 (Speech by Ben Bernanke, Microfinance in the U.S. Nov. 6, 2007)6 Consumer Federation of America7 The Center for Financial Services Innovation8 Amex Small Business Monitor survey9 Microtest Program Report, FY2007 Performance

• Operational self-sufficiency is defined as total financial income (interest and fees on loan and interest on unused loan funds) divided by credit program operating costs for the fiscal year.

• Total program recovery cost is organization’s capacity to pay overall expenses (including training and education) with revenue generated by program operations and/or management of program financial resources

10 Estimates base on direct lending and total economic activity using ATX Impact Study methodology

Adjusting the International Microfinance Model

Like its international counterpart, domestic microfinance seeks to empower self-employed individuals through affordable and accessible business capital. However, there are several important differences between microfinance in the United States and internationally. These include:

Loans tailored to meet U.S. borrowers’ needs. AUSA provides loan amounts tailored to meet borrowers’ needs in a formal economy. Our loans range from $500 “Credit Start” loans to $50,000 loans for advanced businesses. While the average microloan in developing countries is less than $1,000, AUSA's average loan size is $6,300. In the United States, higher costs of doing business necessitate larger loan sizes.

A focus on financial literacy. Realizing that it takes both knowledge and capital to build a business, AUSA provides borrowers with free business and credit training.

One-on-one strategies. AUSA’s loan consultants work one-on-one with borrowers throughout the loan process to help them achieve their financial and business goals. AUSA believes the individual-lending model is better suited to U.S. borrowers because it prepares them to enter the mainstream U.S. credit system.

Broader scope of services to meet borrowers’ needs. Several factors have driven the U.S. microfinance industry to diversify beyond simply lending, including the complexity of the U.S. market and broad regulatory requirements.

Underwriting standards. Some microlenders do not require credit checks, collateral, or other financial measures. Because AUSA helps borrowers build credit by reporting repayment to the major credit reporting bureaus, it is critical that we ensure our borrowers' ability to repay through these measures. Not doing so would jeopardize their credit and financial future.

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