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SHFA FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Fire Protection System Isolation & Impairment Procedure SHFA Reference: A1297579

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Fire Protection System Isolation &Impairment Procedure

SHFA Reference: A1297579

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Policy & ProcedureFire Protection System Isolation & Impairment1.1 PURPOSE

Fire System isolations and impairments affect the ability to detect and respond to fires. It is essentialthat appropriate measure of fire protection devices are in place to mitigate risks associated with the isolation and impairment. This Policy and Procedure has been developed by the SHFA Facilities Management Department to ensure; The requirements for fire protection system impairments are defined; Early and accurate notification of impairment to Fire Protection systems and; Appropriate risk management, rectification and recording of all fire protection system

impairments in areas under SHFA control or managed properties.

2.0 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONSEWISEmergency Warning Intercommunication SystemExtended Impairment An impairment of duration greater than 12 hours FIP Fire Indictor PanelFire WatchContinuous and systematic surveillance of a defined area for the purpose and detection of unwanted fire ImpairmentOperating condition is wholly or partially disabled – in the context of this document, it refers to the total or partial disablement of a fire protection systemIsolationThe disengagement or disconnection of a system such that it cannot operate effectively Hot Works Any process that produces flames, heat and / or sparksNormal Business HoursMonday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm excluding public holidaysOut of Business Hours Weekends, public holidays and Monday to Friday 5:00 pm – 9:00 am SWMS Safe Work Method Statement

SHFA Reference: A1297579

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3.1 POLICY3.2 Scope

The scope of this document is applicable to all fire protection systems in place at SHFA managed properties and places, including; Fire detection systems Fire Indicator Panels Fire alarms All suppression systems Fire hydrants Smoke alarms Fire sprinklers Thermal detectors

3.3 Roles and ResponsibilitiesWhilst this Policy and Procedure does not specifically outline individual responsibilities, all SHFA personnel, Building Tenants and Third party contractors are responsible and accountable for ensuring this Policy and Procedure is adhered to and implemented.

3.4 Fire Isolation SignageClear signage stating the conditions for Fire Protection System isolations must be in place. As a minimum, signage must be erected at the following property locations: Fire sprinkler valve rooms Fire control rooms FIP and EWIS panelsRefer to ATT 6 ‘Fire Protection Isolation and Impairment Poster’

3.5 Tenancy Fit out or Maintenance WorksTenancy fit out or maintenance works will generally be undertaken by Third Party Contractors appointed directly by the Tenant. Where a Fire Protection System isolation / impairment is required during tenancy works, the Principal Contractor or Tenant Representative must receive written approval from SHFA prior to any isolation. Wherever possible, the incumbent Fire Service Contractor should be used. In instances where an alternative Contractor is appointed they must provide written confirmation that they will bear any consequential damages/losses due to any incorrect process, negligence or damage to the system or equipment.

3.6 Fire Indicator Panel (FIP) IsolationsThe isolation and restoration of any FIP may only be undertaken by competently trained personnel.Note; Any isolation and/or restoration of the FIP whether inside or out of business hours, is to have a suitably Qualified Contractor engaged to undertake the task.

3.7 Risk Management PlanIn instances where the isolation / impairment of a Fire Protection System is likely to be of a durationgreater than twelve (12) hours or overnight, a Risk Management Plan must be developed and implemented. Refer ATT 7 for template.The Risk Management Plan may call for the requirement of a Fire Watch. If necessary, the applicable Contractor must provide appropriately trained personnel to undertake the task.A running log of the Fire Watch surveillance (see ATT 4) must also be generated and provided to SHFA.

SHFA Reference: A1297579

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4.1 PROCEDURE 4.2 Fire Protection System Impairment

All attempts must be made to avoid the isolation and impairment of Fire Protection Systems.Fire Protection Systems may only be isolated if an alternative means of conducting required works is not achievable.Where a Fire Protection System isolation is unavoidable, if possible only one (1) Fire Protection System should be impaired at any given time to ensure the property has some form of Fire Protection System in place at all times.Once it has been determined that the isolation and/or impairment of a Fire Protection System isunavoidable or if it is unplanned, the following process must be followed:

4.1.1 Receive Written RequestA request either written or via CRMS from the relevant Tenant or Tenants Contractor must be submitted to the assigned property manager providing the following information regarding the: Type and extent of works being carried out; Fire Protection System and location impacted; Reason for the isolation / impairment of the Fire Protection System; and Duration and timing of the isolation / impairment.The request will be reviewed to ensure that sufficient detail has been provided and confirm whether the isolation / impairment is unavoidable. A Senior Facilities manager will be consulted in instances where further input or consideration of an isolation is required.

4.1.2 Confirm Impairment Details (SHFA Facilities Supervisor) Ensure a copy of the ‘Fire Protection Impairment/Reinstatement Notice’ (refer ATT

1) is available or issued to the Tenant requesting /Contractor engaged to perform the works;

Ensure the Contractor completes Section A of the ‘Fire Protection Impairment/Reinstatement Notice’

Review the Impairment Notice to ensure the required information has been provided;

Complete Section B of the ‘Fire Protection Impairment / Reinstatement Notice’; Return a copy of the form to the requester and; Ensure the Contractor completes and provides a Site Specific Risk assessment and

SWMS.Note: Sections A and B of the ‘Fire Protection Impairment / Reinstatement Notice must be completed and

authorised prior to the commencement of works.The authorised Impairment Notice must be retained by SHFA, sent to the Treasury Management Fund (TMF) and reissued to the Contractor for completion of Section C once the required works have been finalised (refer Section 4.2)

4.1.3 Record Details in Fire Protection Impairment and Reinstatement Register

Prior to the commencement of the works, the Contractor must ensure the ‘Impairment Details’ are entered in the ‘Fire Services Isolation Register’ is completed (refer ATT 5) located in the Fire Control Room or FIP).

4.1.4 Notify Relevant PartiesIn the case of an Extended Impairment, notification to the TMF and the appropriate senior Facilities personnel should occur. Extended Impairments may also need to be reported to: Local Fire Brigade Fire Monitoring Company Tenants Client Departmental Director

SHFA Reference: A1297579

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4.1.5 Implement Risk Management PlanWhere the duration of the impairment exceeds twelve (12) hours or overnight o r an isolation / impairment results in the affected area being without any form of automatic fire protection or alarm, a Risk Management Plan (ATT 7) must be developed and implemented. In the case the Risk Management Plan calls for a fire watch the following must occur: Notification to the Contractor that a Fire Watch is required; Ensure that the Contractor provides appropriately trained personnel to undertake a

Fire Watch; and Provide the Fire Watch Log Sheet (refer ATT 4) to the Contractor to record the

details of the Watch.The completed Fire Watch Log Sheet must be returned to SHFA Facilities upon completion of the works.

4.1.6 Commence WorksOnce all of the documentation has been completed and approved, the Contractor shall be notified that the applicable works may commence.

4.2 System RestorationUpon completion of the works, the Contractor must ensure that all Fire Systems are restored to a fully operational status.Note: Under no circumstances is the partial restoration of a Fire Protection System acceptable.The following shall then take place: The applicable ‘Fire Protection Contractor; Impairment / Reinstatement Notice’ shall be

returned to the Contractor; The Contractor shall complete Section C of the ‘Fire Protection Impairment /


Verify that steps to restore system/s to service have been undertaken and the system/s are fully functional and operational;

Notify the Treasury Managed Fund (TMF) in writing that the Fire System has been restored;

Complete the ‘Insurer Notification’ section of the ‘Fire Protection Impairment / Reinstatement Notice’;

Complete the ‘Reinstatement Details’ section of the SHFA ‘Fire Protection Impairment and Reinstatement Register; and

Notify the Client representative, Fire Brigade and/or any other parties impacted by the works.


ATT 1 - Fire Protection Impairment/Reinstatement Notice Form ATT 2 - Treasury Managed Fund TMF Fire Protection Impairment Notification Form ATT 3 - Hot Works Permit form ATT 4 - Fire Watch Log Sheet Template ATT 5 - Fire Protection Impairment and Reinstatement Register Template ATT 6 - Fire Protection Impairment and Isolation Poster ATT 7 - Fire Impairment Risk Management Plan Template Form This Policy & Procedure and the attached associated documents are stored at;

SHFA Reference: A1297579

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ATT 1 – FIRE PROTECTION IMPAIRMENT / REINSTATEMENT NOTICE FORM To be completed by the person / company who is requesting / requiring the isolation A risk assessment must be undertaken and attached to this permit along with a SWMS A copy of this permit must be attached to the FIP or designated place indicated within the Fire control room The permit and risk assessment will be reviewed by an SHFA Authorised Officer The authorised officer is responsible for completing the Fire Protection Impairment Notification and sending this to the insurer as required

through the Treasury Management Fund – fire impairment notification process. Responsibility for the safety controls listed in the risk assessment remain with the person requesting the isolation

1. Person requesting the isolation Permit Number(Building-FIPP-date)

Name of person requesting the isolation

Tenant Business Entity Contractor (name)

SignatureDate of submission

Mobile Phone number

2. Isolation request details: complete and forward to Property

Building Level/s Room/s

Reason for isolation Maintenance Construction

Requirements (areas marked with* will require insurance company notification

Isolate at the building(for areas/levels only) Yes. No

Isolation occurring under the following conditionsLess than 12 hours only, during business hours 6am-1800, less than 20% of building isolated(ie: daily)

Yes. No*

Isolate from security office(for more than 20% of the building) Yes.* No

Isolate for more than 12 hours or overnight(ie: continuous)

Yes.* No

Isolation date De-isolation date

Isolation time De-isolation time

Indicate days Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

3. Authorisation (Internal Use):

* For isolation: Treasury Managed Fund must be notified under the following conditions >20% building isolated, after hours, more than one day through the Treasury Management Fund – fire impairment notification process.

Name of person authorising the isolation

Use link to the notification form

Certificate number & expiry

SignatureDate of authorisation

Phone number

4. Implementation

Name of person isolating the FIPPhone Number

Date of isolation

Signature Time isolated

Name of personde-isolating the FIP

Phone Number

Date of de-isolation

Signature Time de-isolated

SHFA Reference: A1297579

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All Impairments to Fire Protection Systems exceeding 12 hours (or overnight) should be strictly controlled and authorised by Site Management.

Email To: NSW Treasury Managed Fund([email protected]) Phone: (02) 8121 3238

Agency Name: Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority


Impairment From: Date: Time:

Impairment To: Date:

Time:Equipment& AreasEffected:

Reason forImpairment:

Precautions Taken:(circle Y or N)

1. Fire Brigade Notified Y or N2. Cutting & Welding work banned Y or N3. System reinstated overnight Y or N4. Extra fire extinguishers provided in impairment area Y or N5. Extra security patrols in impairment area Y or N6. Area of impairment should be minimised (ie. part of floor or whole floor not whole or bld.) Y or N7. If sprinkler system is impaired it should be ensured that after the area involved is drained down, the

following equipment should be put back on line by the contractor:a) Diesel and/or Electric pump: Y or Nb) Fire Indicator Panel: Y or Nc) All valves restored to normal operating condition: Y or N

TMF Notified: Date: Time:

Notified By: Name:




System Restored: Date: Time:

TMF Notified By: Name:




SHFA Reference: A1297579

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ATT 3 – Hot Works Permit This permit is valid for the time specified on the permit and must be;

Completed by the person performing the work prior to commencement of any hot work Used in conjunction with a SWMS or Safe work instruction Checked/Authorised by the SHFA Representative prior to work commencing Carried and produced when requested Provided to the SHFA Representative on completion of work for sign off

Part A Work DetailsName of permit requestor Business nameContact Number Date of workLocation of work- BuildingSpecial access restrictionsDescription of work

Reason for hot work

Likely ignition source type(s): Flame (welding, soldering, brazing, etc) Spark or slag (grinding, cutting, welding) Hot Object (metal surface, plate, etc) Other:

Permit validation period From Date: / / Time:____am/pm To Date: / /Time:____am/pmSHFA Authorised Representative Name Permit order number

(from objective)PositionPart 2 – Hot Work PermitGeneral Hot Work / Ignition ControlsIdentify those general hot work and ignition controls required to be undertaken as part of the hot work:(identify as yes or not applicable)

Yes NA Control Fire extinguishers within 10 metres (building / fixed location fire extinguishers are not to be relied upon) Catch mats or boards are to be positioned over grid-mesh, flooring, grates to catch sparks or slag Combustible and flammable materials or fuel sources are required to be cleared from the area Drains, cable racks, electrical cables and other heat/fire sensitive items are to be covered A water hose is to be run to the job location and primed ready for use A Fire Watcher During Work, and/or Post Work for a time period of

Specific Hot Work / Ignition Controls Yes NA If Yes, Include Additional Control Details to be Used:

Hot work is to be undertaken on or adjacent to plant that will require an isolation A fixed fire protection or detection system will need to be taken out of service Area requiring purging, ventilating or pre-work atmospheric monitoring The nature of the work requires specific respiratory protection to be worn The nature of the work requires specific controls to be implemented to protect gas leads/pipes or other sensitive plant items involved in the work

Hot work involves arc-welding or controls ensuring electrical safety required

Permit Request:This acknowledgement signifies a formal request to commence hot works. As the person requesting this permit, I hereby certify that: I am competent to coordinate this hot work in accordance with the previous Risk Assessment & Hot Work Permit details; I shall undertake to implement all planned and necessary controls to ensure safe hot work methods; and I shall monitor the hot work hazards and control methods throughout the hot work.

Name: Signature: Date: Time:

SHFA Authorisation:This SHFA Authorisation signifies that the planning component of the Risk Assessment & Hot Work Permit has been completed, inclusive of any impairment notifications and that hot work is authorised to commence in accordance with the Permit Request.

Name: Signature: Date: Time:

Section 3 – ImplementationHot Works Authorisation (Work Coordinator in Direct Control):The procedures, control measures and precautions appropriate for the safe execution of hot work have been implemented and the persons required to work have been advised of and understand the requirements of the Risk Assessment & Hot Work Permit.

Name: Signature: Date: Time:

Constraints: This Authorisation is valid until the following occurs, or the date and time shown:

Date: Time:


SHFA Reference: A1297579

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Fire Watch Log SheetThis form is to be completed by trained personnel for all Extended Fire Protection System Impairments

Contractor Name / Company


Time Date Initials


Fire Watch Start Date:Time:

Fire Watch Completion Date:

SHFA Reference: A1297579

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ATT 5 – Fire Protection Impairment and Reinstatement Register

SHFA Fire Protection Impairment and Reinstatement registerImpairment Details Reinstatement Details



Area of Isolation(Detector/sensor/zone

details etc)

EstimatedDowntime Reason for Isolation

Isolated by(Name &


Contact No(Mobile)

SHFA Advised(Yes/No)

Impairment Notice


Time/Date of Reinstatement By Whom

SHFA Reference: A1297579

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STEP 1 PRIOR TO ANY ISOLATION ensure approval is obtained from SHFA Facilities Management

STEP 2 Follow the directions as set out in the Fire Protection System Isolation & Impairment Procedure (Third Party) to complete and submit the site ‘Fire Protection Impairment/Reinstatement Notice Form’ that will be issued upon receiving approval for the nominated isolation

STEP 3 Complete the ‘Fire Protection Impairment and Reinstatement Register’ which will be displayed at nominated fire protection point (Fire Control Room or FIP)

STEP 4 If there are HOT WORKS to be undertaken, please ensure the SHFA “Hot Works Permit form” is completed and submitted to a SHFA Facilities representative for approval

STEP 5 Upon reinstating the equipment, please ensure that both the ‘Fire Protection Impairment and Reinstatement Register’ and applicable ‘Impairment/Reinstatement Notice’ are to be signed off prior to departing the site

If you experience difficulties or need the assistance, please contact the Customer Request Management System operator on 1300 655 995

Reference: A649382 Page 11 of 12 Internal Use Only

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Risk item/s Inherent Risk Rating

Control Measure to be implemented Residual Risk Rating

Responsibility Completed

Property:Prepared By:

Date:Approved By:

Fire Impairment Risk Management Plan

Reference: A649382 Page 12 of 12 Internal Use Only