mifos bringing banking to the poor with the help of angular js

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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  • Mifos Bringing Banking to the Poor with the help of Angular JS
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  • Agenda Introduction to Financial Inclusion and Mifos Our need for a SPA Framework Why Angular? Demo Whats next? How you can get Involved Q&A Inputs by Michael Vorburger, Edward Cable, Markus Geiss and Gaurav Saini (thanks!)
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  • The need for Financial Inclusion As of 2010, 2.4 billion people (~30% of world population) live on < $2/day 2.5 Billion People (> half the worlds adult population) do not have access to regular Financial Services - Sourced from http://www.worldbank.org/ The Microfinance Movement : A world in which as many poor and near-poor households as possible have permanent access to an appropriate range of high quality financial services, including not just credit but also savings, insurance, and fund transfers.
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  • A Micro Finance operation in rural India This image was taken during a Centre meeting conducted by Grameen Koota, one of the larger Mifos users serving more than half a million customers. A MFI employee would be responsible for disbursing loans and collecting repayments during these meetings
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  • Loan Disbursements at a Centre Meeting Many Organizations in Southern Asia follow the Solidarity Groups model pioneered by Mohammad Yunus (awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize 2006) Picture Credits @Michael Vorburger
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  • Mifos Being used in Branch offices Mifos serves as the Core Banking system for Organizations in the financial inclusion space - Picture Credits @Michael Vorburger
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  • The Mifos Story Used by more than 70 MFIs serving more than 2.5 million customers Managed by the Mifos Initiative (a non-profit registered in Washington) Built with love by hundreds of volunteers spread across the world fighting poverty one line of code at a time 2004-11: Registered on Sourceforge 2006-11: Initial Mifos Product Launch 2009: Winner of JavaOne 2009 Dukes choice award for Best Java Technology for the Open Source Community 2013: Launch of the new MifosX suite
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  • Our Community Picture taken during our 2013 Mifos Summit held at Jaipur India. Our next summit is scheduled to be during October in Kampala, Uganda.
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  • The Original Mifos Product Web based MIS for MFIs built with Java (Spring MVC, Spring, Hibernate), MySQL and the Pentaho BI suite
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  • Mifos X: The next generation of Mifos Redesigned to fulfil our long-term vision of a fully extensible platform that can scale through multi-tenancy and rapidly be extended upon through a clean layered architecture and full API. Platform: Encapsulates the complexity that exists in the business and technical domains needed for a Banking System behind a relatively simple API. This API frees up application developers to innovate and produce apps suitable for a variety of Financial inclusion services. Built on a Jersey/Spring/JPA/MySQL stack Applications: A suite of applications (mostly User Interfaces with no business Logic) built on top of "The Platform" that cater to a variety of financial Inclusion models
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  • An App built by Musoni Systems The Musoni system (built on top of the MifosX Platform) is optimized for Cashless operations and integrated with leading Mobile Money vendors in the African market
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  • Android Client for the MifosX Platform
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  • Our First Community App Some of our goals while starting building out our first Community App towards the end of 2011 Cheap to Modify and extend No Server Side language, no business logic within the app Leverage on most common skills within our Community Package (using Cordova) as a hybrid mobile app
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  • Our first Community App Built with JQuery and JQuery Templates
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  • The need for a SPA Framework As the community app matured, it became increasingly clear that the codebase would be difficult to maintain in the long run DOM manipulation impeded parallel development by UI designers and JS developers Large amount of Boiler plate code for common SPA tasks like two way data Binding, routing and tracking Browser history Decision made to rewrite our SPA using a Mature framework which would address these issues out of the box
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  • Why Angular? Clean separation between the View and the Controller (Parallel development, Mobile Views) Two way data Binding Extending HTML vocabulary with Directives Server side concepts like Dependency Injection, Modularization made sense to our (predominantly java) Community Testability (both unit testing and E2E testing) Basic Routing available out of the box. https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router provides advanced routinghttps://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router Could provide I18 support with help from libraries likehttp://angular- translate.github.io/ and http://lgalfaso.github.io/angular-dynamic-locale/http://angular- translate.github.io/http://lgalfaso.github.io/angular-dynamic-locale/
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  • Why Angular continued Other factors that were taken into account More awareness within our community when compared to competing frameworks Decent documentation (now Excellent) IDE support (Webstorm) and Chrome plugins like Batarang
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  • Our Stack Bower: Package Management Grunt: Task runner Require JS: JS Module Loader Angular JS Bootstrap: HTML and CSS Design Templates D3: Data Visualization Jasmine: Unit Testing Framework Karma: Test runner
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  • Community App Demo Hosted on https://demo.openmf.org/ (login as mifos/password)https://demo.openmf.org/
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  • Benefits to our Community Faster development cycles: Volunteer driven re-write of the Community app with AngularJS took < 3 months Greatly increased contributions from Designers / HTML & CSS developers Simplified collaboration process, increased volunteer satisfaction Implementation partners have found it easier to extend/modify
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  • Next Steps Use Ionic (and Cordova) for a tablet optimized version of our Community app E2E testing using Protractor Offline Functionality (would be made easier with the planned enhancements in Angular 2) * Details of upcoming changes in Angular 2 can be found at http://blog.angularjs.org/2014/03/angular-20.html http://blog.angularjs.org/2014/03/angular-20.html
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  • Interested? Get Involved Volunteer Opportunities: http://mifos.org/take-action/volunteerhttp://mifos.org/take-action/volunteer Learn more about Contributing to Mifos : http://tinyurl.com/ltmzgblhttp://tinyurl.com/ltmzgbl Github Repo: https://github.com/openMFhttps://github.com/openMF Subscribe to our Mailing Lists: Developer List: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mifos-developerhttps://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mifos-developer User List: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mifos-usershttps://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mifos-users
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  • Question & Answers