migo process

GRN/Service Entry Sheet creation process will start with Initiation form of GRN. T code- ‘ZGRN!R"#ESS$ Enter the a%ove mentioned T code in command %ar  Then press ‘Enter$ Now %elow mentioned screen will appear

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Post on 13-Apr-2018




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GRN/Service Entry Sheet creation process will start with Initiation form of GRN. Tcode- ‘ZGRN!R"#ESS$

Enter the a%ove mentioned T code in command %ar

 Then press ‘Enter$

Now %elow mentioned screen will appear

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&ill the GRN Type

 There are ' types of GRN.

(. )aterial'. Service

Select *)aterial+

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Now, enter the !" nm%er and press ‘Enter$

Now, system has piced p the company code and !lant details

Now, enter yor invoice nm%er and date. )aterial/or stats.

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 To start the wor0ow press on ‘S%mit$

Now, system has 1enerated ni2e wor0ow nm%er as shown %elow

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"nce wor0ow started, Initiator will 1et wor0ow in S3!.

Now, enter the t code 4S3! or press

Go to In%o5or0ow

6o%le clic on respective wor0ow

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Screen will loos lie %elow

Now, press ‘#reate GRN 7)IG"8$ %tton

#lose the a%ove mentioned small !"! p Screen

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!" Nm%er has piced p.

Enter 9endor Invoice 6etails in *6elivery Note+ :eld and ;it *Enter+

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Now clic on *here+ ta%.

Now :ll the *Te5t+ :eld and clic on *Item "<+. Then ;it *Enter+.

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=antity can %e chan1ed if need %e.

If chan1es in =antity. #lic on *=antity+ ta% and chan1e.

Now, clic on *#hec+

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If no error system will 1enerate %elow mentioned information.

Now clic on ‘!ost+

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)aterial 6ocment no is 1enerated.

Now clic on *>pprove+

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Now a1ain wor0ow will %e sent to yor In%o5 7S3!8 for Invoice !arin1.

If not received indly clic on

6o%le clic on wor0ow

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Now clic on *Invoice !arin1+

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#lose the a%ove small !"! ?! screen.

Now enter yor vendor invoice date and Invoice Nm%er in Reference :eld.

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Now hit *Enter+.

If Small POP continues, drag and keep that aside.

Click on “Calculate Tax” if any tax to e calculated.

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Now, enter Te5t, 3s.place/Sectn and amont 7>mont shold %e same as 3alance

&ield8. #hec the *#alclate Ta5+ :eld to calclate ta5. Then press ‘Enter$

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Now clic on *Simlate+

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#lic on *Save !ared 6ocment+

Now system is 1enerated ni2e Invoice Nm%er

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Now clic on *>pprove+

Now, wor0ow have %een sent to ne5t ser who will initiate the *I")+ form

!ayment process will start with I") initiation.

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I") can %e initiated only after Invoice !arin1 and the wor0ow sent to I")initiator.

"nce Invoice !arin1 done, e5istin1 wor0ow will %e completed and New wor0ow

will %e 1enerated for remainin1 process lie I") !rocess, Invoice !ostin1 etc

I") wor0ow will %e done thro1h *S3!+

&ollow the same step to lo1 into to S3!

6o%le clic on wor0ow

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!nter the data"s and press “S#$!”

%o& click on “#ppro'e”

Now wor0ow have %een sent to ;"6 for >pproval.

or0ow will %e there in S3!.

&ollow the same step to lo1 into to S3!

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or0ow$s s%@ect wold %e as mentioned %elow

6o%le clic on wor0ow

#lic on *>pprove+

Now wor0ow have %een sent to ser who will perform *Invoice !arin1+ activity.

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