migration, development and mainstreaming

Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection Migration and development

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Migration and development

Page 2: Migration, Development and Mainstreaming

Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection


Migration of persons across international boundaries in search of decent work, opportunities to survive or as a result of war, conflict and political instability has risen substantially over the years

As technological, structural and demographic changes intensify, this trend is likely to continue in the foreseeable future

Emerging consensus that if migration is properly governed by both countries of origin and countries of destination, it has a positive impact on countries of destination as well as origin countries.

Migration should be regulated and migrants protected in manners that support its positive impact, particularly in the economic sphere

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

IntroductionDebates and arguments

Globalisation debate Recognition that migration is inevitable expressed need for it to be regulated and governed, rather than just allowing 'market forces' to push and pull it without concern for the protection and welfare of human beings involved.

Concept of developmentUsually expressed in narrow terms, synonymous with economic growth; namely, an increase in the production of goods and services.It is in reality much broader: the elaboration of productive means, forces, and capacities to provide goods, services, technology and knowledge to meet human needs for sustenance and well being. 'human development' - enhancing the political, economic, social, intellectual, educational, technical and cultural capacity of individuals and communitiesNot just generation of income and wealth, but also the redistribution thereof

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Development and Human Rights

Human development• ‘Rights based approach' to development that goes beyond economic

growth.• Human rights and development not separate spheres, but development a

subset of human rightsRight to development

• Emphasis on the centrality of the human person as a subject of the development process.

• Discrepancies between demands of economic globalisation and the requirements of human development Argument:

Globalization marginalisation of the developing world. Causes deeper levels of poverty and prevent state interventions that support the human development envisaged

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Skilled migration"Brain Drain"

Definition: Cross-border migration of highly skilled persons out of developing countries, most of whom possess a university degree or equivalent

experience, and generally stay abroad for long periods of time

Impact:Difficult to gage due to a lack of data in both source and destination countries, particularly data on skills, qualifications, economic activity and employment, of both emigrants and immigrants. Also differing policy definitions of immigration worldwide, and a dearth of research on who skilled migrants are, specific skills and qualifications that migrate with them, and why they decide to migrateWho they are?•persons whose occupations are “vital to the functional core of a national economy”,•Persons who have generally “received specialised training that results in superior technical competence, talent, or abilities that are applied in professional occupations•Persons with less formal education or training, but have gained skills, experience and qualifications 'on the job,' have developed successful businesses, or play a critical role in the public sector”, and whose skills may be therefore “in short supply in relation to the labour market as a whole

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

RemittancesSignificant ties between migrants and their home countries.

At household level, particular in rural areas, remittances usually finance day-to-day consumption of goods and services essential for survival and welfare.Health care, education, housing, nutrition, as well as income and income-generating activities, and social security

Remittances seen as “new development finance” despite being individual earningsRemittances have become the second largest international capital flow behind Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and volumes have surpassed Overseas Development Assistance (ODA).However they are individuals' earnings from work, just as are earnings for workers 'at home'

Sizeable proportion of the GDP in many developing countries Enormous impacts on economic growth, poverty reduction and development, albeit at costs of losing skilled workers, labour power, family disintegration, social and community disruption.

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Diaspora NetworksImpact on source country

Beyond financial benefits, migration can offer source countries a range of other benefits, primarily related to

nationals returning from abroad

When return to source country• Bring back international work experience and a network of new


• Skills and experiences can be applied to specific, key sectors in the source country

• New knowledge and connections with partners can lead to poverty reduction policies and strategies.

• Economic, social, cultural and political impactsnew ideas and ways of doing things

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Unskilled Migration

• Many of the issues pertaining to skilled migration are equally applicable to unskilled migration

• Harnessing of the actual or potential benefits of unskilled migration usually overshadowed by exploitation, abuse and lack of protection of unskilled migrants

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Concluding commentspros

Relationship between migration and development is complexPROS & CONS

Pros: • Migration is an important sustainable livelihood strategy used as a means

to alleviate poverty and advance development on micro and macro scales

• Resources sent to families used for consumption and human capital development: health, education, nutrition, housing etc.

• Remittances may allow a household to develop its economic potential through investments in land and enterprises

• Skilled migrants contributes to the economy brings new skills, ideas, and can replace emigrating skilled labour

• Migrants (including unskilled) are also consumers of services and spend money on commodities, all of which has a cumulative positive effect on destination as well as origin countries

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Cons:•Migrants may return home ill, disabled or old and while the country of origin has not had the economic benefit of their labour (and taxes) to contribute to pension funds and health care services, they have to bear the costs of having to provide for and take care of these migrants•Sending countries have to bear the social costs of migration and separated families

Final noteRestricting migration is a waste of resources, not least

because of the potential benefits it provides. It must be recognised that increasingly, all countries are part of a globalized labour market demand and supply and thus, the thrust of policies

should be to facilitate mobility, ensure protection and decent work for migrants, and thus ameliorate relationships between development and migration. This may include facilitating aspects that alleviate poverty and contribute to national and household economies and


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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Mainstreaming migration into development planning

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Mainstreaming migration in development planning may be defined as the process of assessing the implications of migration on any action (or goals) planned in a development and poverty reduction strategy. This means mainstreaming M&D concerns into legislation, policies and programmes at all levels (local, national and, if applicable, regional). It also means integrating M&D concerns at all stages of development planning, including design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.


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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

The contribution of labour migration to employment, economic growth, development and the alleviation of poverty should be recognised and maximised for the benefit of both ORIGIN and DESTINATION countries.

Migration and development nexus

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

Stages of development planning

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection

• Inter-Ministerial Committee

• Ministries of Labour, Finance, Education, Health, Planning, etc.

• National Consultative Committee

• Social partners, NGOs, migrant and diaspora representatives, human rights associations, research institutions, etc.

• UN Country Team

Ensure involvement of all relevant actors

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Migration in ACP Countries : Promoting Development and Enhancing Protection


Advocating Mainstreaming Migration

One participant convinces other participants of the relevance of Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning.

The other participants represent:Ministry for Labour/EmploymentMinistry of Industry/Entreprise Ministry of FinancePlanning Ministry (PM office)