milankovitch cycles

Milankovitch Cycles

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Post on 20-Nov-2014




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Introduction The Milankovitch Theory Processesx x x Eccentricity Obliquity Precession

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INTRODUCTION Milutin Milankovitch

Serbian astrophysicist best known for developing one of the most significant theories relating Earth motions and long-term climate change

dedicated his career to developing a mathematical theory of climate based on the seasonal and latitudinal variations of solar radiation received by the Earth ( The Milankovitch Theory )

Milutin Milankovitch

built his theory from previous work done by J.A. Adhemar and James Croll 1842 - Adhemar explained glacial climate using only precession 1864 - Croll wrote about orbital change and the ice of the Ice Ages

using both the eccentricity cycle and the precession cycle 1875 - he took into account obliquity (tilt of the axis) cycle

being a mathematician, took Croll's work and set out to develop a mathematical theory of climate change


The Milankovitch Theory

an explanation of long term climate change

it states that as the Earth travels through space around the sun, cyclical variations in three elements of Earth-sun geometry combine to produce variations in the amount of solar energy that reaches Earth

Three elements:1. Eccentricity


2. Obliquity

3. Precession



is a term used to describe the shape of Earth's orbit around the sun variation of Earth's orbit around the sun ranges from 0.0005 to 0.0607

time frame for the cycle is approximately 98,000 years impact of the variation is a change in the amount of solar energy from perihelion to aphelion

at present, Earth's eccentricity is 0.016 about 6.4 percent increase in insolation from July to January





the variation of the tilt of the earth's axis away from the orbital plane varies between 22.1o and 24.5o and the average is 23.5o

changes on a cycle taking approximately 40,000 years


as this tilt changes, the seasons become more exaggerated

"the more tilt means more severe seasons - warmer summers and colder winters; less tilt means less severe seasons - cooler summers and milder winters." (Kaufman, 2002)

an increase of 1o in obliquity, the total energy received by the summer hemisphere increases by approximately 1% currently the motion is 1.4 km/century as the obliquity decreases 46.85 inches/century





the change in orientation of the Earth's rotational axis the cycle takes about 19,000 - 23,000 years two factors:

a wobble of the Earth's axis turning around of the elliptical orbit of the Earth itself


it affects the direction of the Earth's axis

the change in the axis location changes the dates of perihelion and aphelion

currently, the Earth is closest to the sun in the northern hemisphere winter

another consequence of precession is a shift in the celestial poles

5000 years ago the North Star was Thuban in the constellation Draco currently the North Star is Polaris in the constellation Ursa Minor



Milankovitch was able to formulate a comprehensive mathematical model that calculated latitudinal differences in insolation and the corresponding surface temperature

assumed that radiation changes in some latitudes and seasons are more important to ice sheet growth and decay than those in others

German Climatologist Vladimir Koppen

summer insolation at 65 degrees North as the most important latitude and season to model

correlation of the three variations

for about 50 years, Milankovitch's theory was largely ignored 1976 - a study published in the journal Science examined deep-sea sediment cores

Milankovitch's theory did in fact correspond to periods of climate change

...orbital variations remain the most thoroughly examined mechanism of climatic change on time scales of tens of thousands of years and are by far the clearest case of a direct effect of changing insolation on the lower atmosphere of Earth. (National Research Council, 1982)HOME