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Mindful Eating & Well-being Program

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Page 1: Mindful Eating & Well-being Programon+Healt… · Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life! 12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc

Mindful Eating & Well-being Program

Page 2: Mindful Eating & Well-being Programon+Healt… · Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life! 12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc

Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life!

12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc. and KWC Inc. Certified Master Workplace Wellness Ambassadors who also hold Health Coaching certifications (or equivalent training)

Private clients, client groups, employees, community groups, health clinic patients, etc.

Onsite, online, and blended delivery options

To provide a mindful, healthy eating program alternative involving “responsible coaching” and “non-diet approaches”





Page 3: Mindful Eating & Well-being Programon+Healt… · Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life! 12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc

The “Focus on Health Eating Program” is delivered exclusively by Certified Master Workplace Wellness Ambassadors.© (2016) Kelly Wellness Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Have you ever asked yourself?

§ Why do I give into food cravings and unhealthy foods?

§ Why do I turn to food in stressful situations?

§ How can I get off the diet roller coaster?

§ How can I fit healthy meal preparation into my busy life?

§ Why can’t I “eat to live” versus “live to eat”?

§ How can I create more vitality and joy in my life?

Page 4: Mindful Eating & Well-being Programon+Healt… · Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life! 12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc

The “Focus on Health Eating Program” is delivered exclusively by Certified Master Workplace Wellness Ambassadors.© (2016) Kelly Wellness Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Join our Focus on Healthy Eating Program and discover how to…

§ Choose nourishing foods for optimal health, energy, and vitality.

§ Replace unhealthy eating habits with mindful eating practices.

§ Effectively manage emotional and stress-related eating.

§ Break free from restrictive diets that leave you physically and emotionally depleted.

§ Develop stress mastery, relaxation, and self-awareness techniques for mindful living.

§ Cultivate healthy weight management strategies for LIFE!

Page 5: Mindful Eating & Well-being Programon+Healt… · Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life! 12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc

Interactive Training - Resources - Support

Comprehensive Modules & Toolkits

Weekly Online Support “Take Action” Activities Focus Recipe eBook

And much More!

Interactive Onsite & Online Programs

Page 6: Mindful Eating & Well-being Programon+Healt… · Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life! 12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc

Over 60 handouts of mindful eating and well-being strategies!

High-Impact & Engaging Resources


Healthy Living Profile: Gail Sauter

My mission is to raise awareness that we CAN control our health! I’m a Health Coach, Mom and Wellness Advocate, supporting those who desperately want to take back their health, but struggle to make it happen on their own. My mission is to raise awareness that we CAN control our health - regain energy, manage weight and live better lives -in large part by changing how and what we eat. I have always been very interested in health and wellness, but not because (like so many others in this field) I hit rock bottom. Instead, I witnessed a mind-blowing glimpse of those who did. In the 90’s my mother had open heart surgery to repair a leaky mitral valve. That was the day my life changed. The moment I set foot into the cardiac ICU, I was taken aback by the ghastly mass of lifeless bodies that lay there helpless, one after the next. I nearly fainted, and swore to myself that day that I would do everything in my power to never be in a similar situation. Since then, every chance I get, I read up on the latest health and fitness trends. After much deliberation, I knew it was time to follow my true calling, my passion – helping others to learn and transform. I went back to school and hence began my rewarding career as a Health Coach. As a fabulous side effect of becoming immersed in Wellness, my energy has increased, my skin looks much better, I’ve lost a few pounds, curbed the sugar cravings, achieved balance without feelings of deprivation and have never felt better. When I’m not blogging, coaching or creating irresistible new recipes, I can be found obsessing over my Fitbit steps, spending quality time with my BF and family, perusing the aisles of Whole Foods or Trader Joes or at my most happy place of all – the beach (reading about wellness, of course!). My Wellness Tips: § All calories are NOT created equal! 100 calories of broccoli do not affect your body the

same way as 100 calories of candy. Food is information. § Fat doesn’t make you fat (sugar does). At least not healthy fats, such as avocado, nuts,

olive oil and coconut oil. It’s the refined, white flour carbs and sugars that wreak havoc on your weight and eventually your health.

§ If you don’t recognize an ingredient, don’t eat it. If that sounds too harsh, research the ingredient; and make an informed decision if it’s something you want to put it in your body.

Gail Sauter, BS, CINHC, CMWA Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certified Master Workplace Wellness Ambassador www.TheRightTrackWellness.com [email protected]

“Whole Foods” Meal Planner & Grocery Guide

Proteins (√) Plant  Proteinses        Chia  Seed  Hemp  Seed  Flax  Seed  Rice  Protein  Powder  Whey  Protein  Powder  Hemp  Protein  Powder  Veggie  Burger  (soy  free)      Nuts  &  Seeds  Walnuts  Almonds  Cashews  Pistachios  Nut  butter  (raw)  Sesame  Seeds  Pumpkin  Other:  

  Animal  &  Fish    Beef,  lean  Chicken  Turkey  Pork  Lamb,  Veal,  Bison  Eggs  Salmon,  Cod,  Halibut,  etc.  Shellfish    Legumes  &  Lentils  Beans:  kidney,  garbanzo,  black,  adzuki,  navy,  fava,  etc.  Lentil:  split  Peas,  green  peas,  red  lentils  Chick  Peas  (canned/dried)  Hummus      Other:  



Grains (√)          


Fats (√) Dairy (√)    

Breads:  Sprouted  Bread,  whole  grain,  100%  rye,  or  gluten  free  Oats  Flours:  organic  whole  grain,  coconut,  spelt,  gluten  free,  etc.  Other:  

  Pasta:  whole,  spelt,  brown  rice,  kamut      Quinoa  Brown  Rice  Millet  Other:  


Butter,  organic  Avocado    Olives  Other:    

  Olive  Oil  Avocado  Oil  Flax  Oil  Coconut  Oil  

  Milk  (organic)  Greek  Yogurt  (organic)  or  Kefir  Cheese:  Goat,  Feta,  Cottage  Milk  alternatives:  Almond,  Coconut,  Hemp,  Rice  milk  




Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire  Instructions:  Print  and  complete  this  lifestyle  questionnaire  by  selecting  the  appropriate  response  according  to  your  immediate  reaction  to  each  question.  Total  your  responses  for  each  group  of  questions.  Pay  particular  attention  to  those  groups  with  a  high  number  of  Sometimes  or  Never  responses.  Referring  to  your  questionnaire  sub-­‐totals,  list  1-­‐2  lifestyle  changes  within  each  category  in  the  “90  Day”  Lifestyle  Take  Action  Plan  that  you  would  like  to  work  on.  Please  note  that  this  questionnaire  is  not  meant  to  diagnose  any  physical  or  mental  health  issues  or  be  a  substitute  for  primary  medical  care.  Consult  your  physician  or  qualified  medical  adviser  for  support  with  any  concerns  or  health  issues  you  may  be  experiencing  or  need  assistance  with.    


   Physical  Activity     Often  



1. I  exercise  at  a  moderate  intensity  at  least  3  times  a  week  for  a  minimum  of  20  minutes  per  session  (i.e.  -­‐  you  can  carry  on  a  conversation  but  you  can’t  sing).  


2. I  do  muscle  strengthening  exercises  a  minimum  of  2  times  a  week  for  20  minutes.        3. I  make  it  a  priority  to  stretch  after  each  exercise  session.        4. I  feel  energized  and  invigorated  after  physical  activity.        


 Nutrition  &  Weight  Management   Often  



1. On  average,  I  eat  a  minimum  of  2  Fruit  and  3  Vegetable  servings  each  day.        2. I  try  to  limit  my  total  sugar  intake  to  25  grams  or  6-­‐7  teaspoons  per  day  (i.e.  a  can  of  

coke  contains  more  than  10  teaspoons  of  sugar).        

3. On  average  I  consume  a  minimum  of  8  –  8  ounce  cups  of  plain  water/fluid  each  day.        4. I  eat  a  minimum  of  3  whole  food  meals  each  day  with  1-­‐2  healthy  snacks.        5.  I  try  to  eat  slowly  and  mindfully  taking  a  minimum  of  20  minutes  to  eat  my  meals.        6. I  avoid  eating  prepared/processed  foods  or  unhealthy  fast  foods.        7. I  try  to  limit  my  food  portions  and  try  not  to  eat  to  the  point  of  discomfort.        1. I  try  to  maintain  a  healthy  weight  for  my  height  and  body  structure.        2. I  am  aware  of  my  personal  BMI  and  Waist-­‐Hip  Ratios.        3. I  avoid  Yo-­‐Yo  dieting  as  I  realize  it  is  not  a  healthy  approach  to  weight  management.        


© 2015 Kelly Wellness Consulting Inc. All Rights Reserved - kellywc.com

Superfoods Facts

AcaiAcai berry is rich in medium-chain fatty acids like oleic acid (omega-9) and linoleic acid (omega-6). They can help reduce LDL-cholesterol level and raise the good HDL-cholesterol level to help support heart health. The essential fats in this berry also help to maintain skin moisture.

Wild SalmonProteins called bioactive peptides in salmon help improve bone density and strength. Salmon has been called a brain food due to its high omega 3-fatty acid DHA. And, with the added benefit of another high level omega-3 fat, DHA, salmon is also heart healthy. To top it all off, salmon is an excellent source of tryptophan, which promotes sleep.

QuinoaQuinoa has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer, and anti-depressant effects. It is also high in fiber and is gluten-free.

StrawberriesThis superfood is high in folate, which can help prevent vascular disease as we age. A 2013 study found that eating 3+ servings of strawberries and blueberries each week can help reduce heart disease by 32%.

“Focus on Healthy Smoothies” Creation Builder

¨ Almond Milk ¨ Dairy Milk ¨ Coconut Milk ¨ Hemp Milk ¨ Rice Milk ¨ Coconut Water ¨ Spring Water ¨ Kefir ¨ Kombucha ¨ Pomegranate Juice

Liquid Base +

Protein +Pick 1 (1-2 scoops)

¨ Spinach ¨ Kale ¨ Swiss Chard ¨ Beet Greens ¨ Dandelion Greens ¨ Endive ¨ Sprouts ¨ Watercress ¨ Romaine ¨ Cucumber ¨ Cilantro (1/4 cup) ¨ Parsley (1/4 cup) ¨ Mint (1/4 cup) ¨ Basil (1/4 cup)

¨ Banana ¨ Mango ¨ Strawberries ¨ Blackberries ¨ Blueberries ¨ Raspberries ¨ Apples ¨ Cherries ¨ Peach ¨ Pears ¨ Kiwi ¨ Watermelon ¨ Pumpkin

¨ Flax Oil ¨ Avocado (use ⅓-½) ¨ Coconut Oil ¨ Peanut Butter ¨ Almond Butter ¨ Sunflower Butter ¨ Tahini

¨ Flax Seeds (1 Tbsp) ¨ Chia Seeds (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Hemp Seeds (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Bee Pollen (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Wheat Grass (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Chlorella (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Spirulina (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Camu Powder (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Acai Powder (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Goji Berries (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Cacao (1-2 Tbsp) ¨ Maca Powder (1-2 Tsp)

¨ Cinnamon (1-2 Tsp) ¨ Ginger (½ Tsp) ¨ Turmeric (½ Tsp) ¨ Cardamom (½ Tsp) ¨ Nutmeg (pinch - 1/4 Tsp) ¨ Cloves (pinch - 1/4 Tsp) ¨ Vanilla (1 Tsp)

¨ Medjool Dates (1-3 ) ¨ Stevia (3-5 drops) ¨ Raw Honey (1-3 Tsp) ¨ Pure Maple Syrup

(1-3 Tsp) ¨ Coconut Sugar

(1-3 Tsp)

Pick 1 (1-2 cups) Pick 1-2 (1-2 cups) Pick 1-2 (½-1 cup) Optional

Fruit + Superfood +Vegetables +

Protein +Pick 1 (1-2 scoops)

¨ Plant Protein Powder

¨ Whey Powder ¨ Hemp Powder ¨ Chia Powder ¨ Rice Powder

Healthy Fat +Pick 1 (1-2 Tbsp)

Spice +Optional

Sweetener +Optional

© Kelly Wellness Consulting Inc. The “Focus on Health Eating Program” is delivered exclusively by qualified Certified Master Workplace Wellness Ambassadors.

Optional Extra

¨ Lemon Juice (1-3 Tbsp) ¨ Lime Juice (1-3 Tbsp)

Over 60 Focus Program participant handouts!

Hunger Rating(1-10)

Meal/Snack(Description, including beverage choices/time/portions)

Hunger RatingAfter Meal

Satisfactionwith FoodChoice (0-5)Mood(How I felt, emotionally

or mentally after eating)

Energy Level(0-5)

Physical Symptoms(How I physically felt after eating)







Physical Activity:

# Bowel Movements:

Water (8oz servings): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sleep Time to bed ______ _____ # HRs ______

Quality: ______Good ______Poor

Aha Moments:

Personal Gratitude:Reminders to self:

© (2016) Kelly Wellness Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Daily “Food and Mood” Journal Date/Day:__________________________

High-Impact & Engaging Program Resources

*The above recommendations are suggested “single serving sizes” using an average adult-size hand. Recommend limiting animal protein

to 5-6 ounces per day, with the balance of proteins from plant-based sources. Total quantity of protein per day depends on person’s height,

weight and activity level. Heartandstroke.com recommend up to 2-3 tbsp. (6-9 tsp.) unrefined healthy oils each day for optimal health.

Refer to Focus on Healthy Eating Program for suggested number of daily servings per food group.

Focus on moderate portion serving sizes for healthy weight management and vitality!

1 Cup*

Fresh Fruit








1/2 Cup*





3 Ounces*



Veggie Burger

1 Tablespoon

Nut Butter (x2)



Salad Dressing


1 Teaspoon


Healthy oils

(flax, coconut,

virgin olive oil)




Page 7: Mindful Eating & Well-being Programon+Healt… · Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life! 12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc

The “Focus on Health Eating Program” is delivered exclusively by Certified Master Workplace Wellness Ambassadors.© (2016) Kelly Wellness Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Focus on Healthy Eating – Up Close!

§ 12-week Facilitator-led Program

§ Interactive Group Activities

§ Weekly Emails of Mindful Eating/Healthy Living Tips

§ Online Group Coaching Support

§ Weekly “Take Action” Activities

§ Focus on Healthy Eating “Food and Mood Journal”

§ Whole Foods Meal Planner and Grocery Guide

§ Focus on Healthy Eating Recipe eBook

§ Program Certificate of Completion

Focus Factor:

Mindful eating and healthy habits for abundant living!

Page 8: Mindful Eating & Well-being Programon+Healt… · Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life! 12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc

To register or learn more…

Your journey toward a healthier, more abundant life awaits!

Email Us:[email protected]

Visit Us:www.kellywc.com

Page 9: Mindful Eating & Well-being Programon+Healt… · Welcome to Mindful Eating for Life! 12-week mindful eating and healthy weight management program developed and delivered by KCW Inc

The “Focus on Health Eating Program” is delivered exclusively by Certified Master Workplace Wellness Ambassadors.© (2016) Kelly Wellness Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Kelly Wellness Consulting Inc. (hereafter KWC Inc.) Focus on Healthy Eating Program Facilitators, Certified Ambassadors/Master Ambassadors, operate as independent contractors and are not employees or agents of KWC Inc.

Neither KWC Inc., Lisa Kelly, nor KWC Inc. Focus on Healthy Eating Program Facilitators, Certified Ambassadors/Master Ambassadors or KWC Affiliates are acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed psychologist or other licensed or regis-tered professional. The information provided in the Focus on Healthy Eating Program, KWC Inc. programs and KWC Inc. website is for educational and informational purposes only. KWC Inc. does not prevent, treat, diagnose or cure any condition. KWC Inc.’s educational material, programs and consultations are not intended to replace qualified medical professional services, and they are not intended as medical advice. You are advised to always consult your physician before making any significant diet, lifestyle or prescription drug changes. You agree at all times to indemnify and hold harmless, KWC Inc., Lisa Kelly, its employees, KWC Inc. Focus Program Facilitators, Certified Ambassadors/Master Am-bassadors, KWC Inc. Associates, and Affiliates from and against delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions, or related issues as well as any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expens-es (including legal fees and expenses) arising out of or related to our programs, products or services as experienced by you, your company or your affiliates.

For full Disclaimers and other Terms, refer to the full Program Disclaimer in Program Overview and also KWC Inc. Terms and Conditions. www.kellywc.com/pdfs/KWC-Terms-Conditions-Privacy-Policy.pdf

Program Disclaimer