mindful exercises to help clear negative thoughts and emotions


Upload: kaypython

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Self Improvement

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Page 1: Mindful Exercises to help clear negative thoughts and emotions
Page 2: Mindful Exercises to help clear negative thoughts and emotions

What is Mindfulness?• We pay attention to the present

moment and be aware of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environment.

• We practice non-judgement. We are witness to our thoughts and feelings. We notice them without believing them or taking them personally.

Page 3: Mindful Exercises to help clear negative thoughts and emotions
Page 4: Mindful Exercises to help clear negative thoughts and emotions

Step 1: Recognize what’s happening

• Take a moment to recognize that a strong emotion is present. Be aware of what is happening in your body and mind… the emotions, the thoughts and sensations that are here.

• It can be helpful to mentally name it, for example, “I am feeling stressed” or “I am feeling overwhelmed.” This recognition of what your feeling, opens up inner space and brings you into full contact with yourself and the actuality of the present moment.

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Step 2: Allow life to be just as it is

• Don’t try to push the negative thoughts away. Because the more you try to resist it, the more you feed to it and it will become strong.• We try to acknowledge and accept

our present reality. Practice slow and deep breathing to stay calm.• By allowing and accepting, we’re

able to bring an inner ‘yes’ to our present moment experience. You may notice almost immediately a sense of softening and ease around the emotion.

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Step3: Respond to your thoughts and emotions in a way that is compassionate to yourself

• Ask yourself: “Are there actions I could take to nurture and support myself in this difficult time?”• You hold your pain like a mother very

tenderly holding her crying baby. She evokes her own calmness, clarity and mindfulness to soothe the baby.• To evoke serenity and acceptance, you can

also use imaginary from your religious heritage. Like Buddha or Saint Mary.

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Step 4: Knowing that it will pass• You need to understand that thoughts and feelings (including

negative ones) are transient. They come and they go. You can watch as they appear in your mind, seemingly from thin air, and watch again as they disappear, like a soap bubble bursting.

• Knowing that the negative thoughts and emotions will pass can give us great comfort. They are just like the wind that’s passing through. You don’t need to be moved by them.

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Step 5: Concentrate on Here and Now

• Many of your negative thoughts come from deeply regretting events that have already passed or worrying about what may happen in the future. • Therefore to overcome them, we

should focus only on the activity you are engaged in right here, right now.• This way we can become more

fully conscious and able to step out of the negative thinking processes, redirect your attention out of thought and into the here and now.

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Thank You.

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