minecraft survival games guide

The Guide Combined by hwracer. www.mcsg.in

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Made by hwracer.Original Link:http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/the-ultimate-guide-a-pdf-of-mcsg-tutorials.22919/


Page 1: Minecraft Survival Games Guide

The Guide


by hwracer.


Page 2: Minecraft Survival Games Guide

Minecraft Survival Games

This is a guide brought in by the greatest tutorials and

guides available from the MCSG website.

Owner: ChadTheDj

Publisher- Microsoft Word 2010

Collaborator- hwracer


Thankyou to all usernames and players mentioned in

here for their creative and constructive guides and


MCSG was created during the middle of April 2012.

Over time, we have gotten support from famous

youtubers and Minecraft players, such as AntVenom

and Vareide. We currently contain all 5 Minecraft

Survival Games by Vareide and a numerous amounts

of community maps. We have reach over 90,000

forums members and over 1 million in-game players.

Page 3: Minecraft Survival Games Guide

15 Tips N Tricks from a pro!- Maxiscool24

1. Don’t ever put on armor unless you have a weapon. Because people will target you

if you put on armor they need.

2. Eat before you battle or you will be chased without regenerating.

3. Open ONE chest from corn, the chances are you'll only have time for 1.

4. If some noob asks you to team accept it, he might help later. Just betray him

when you feel right.

5. Get a route going while spectating.

6. Know where hot spots are in EVERY map so you can kill people when you get

good gear.

7. When chests refill, GO TO CORN to get Really Good gear.

8. Know tier 1 chests from tier 2 chests. Tier 1 get you leather armor, wood

swords, etc... Tier 2 gets you Iron armor, diamonds, cooked food etc.

9. Don't take risks unless needed.

10. Go to corn at the start if your route isn't popular or you just feel the need.

11. Don't brag in the lobby or a target will be on your back.

12. Don't get into big teams. (4+)

13. Play for fun, not competitively.

14. If you get a sword from corn kill the best players and also kill noobs that open

5+ chests at corn.

15. Don't fist ANYONE it will get them pissed and they might kill you or get you to

low hearts.

Here are some Hot spots for each map:

Map 1: Pirate ship, castles, and corn.

Map 2: Village, Power plant, and corn.

Map 3: village, sometimes mountain and corn.

Map 4 (New map): Airfield, Train and double chest house.

Breeze Island: Big pirate ship, Small pirate ship, House on top of mountain

Page 4: Minecraft Survival Games Guide

Newb Tutorial- NewYorkKidd9

Few tips and tricks that may help you become a better Survival Games player

Tip #1: Chest Routes. You should always have a chest route on every map. This is a number of chests that you run to every game. Having multiple chest routes is a good idea for times when yours is taken. You should also try to add on to your route or even find more efficient ways of getting to it/ through it.

Tip #2: Eating. If you have some available, always eat cooked food. Even if you're only missing 2 hunger bars, eating a food item that fills more is never a bad idea. The more hunger a food item fills, the more hunger saturation you'll have. Meaning the longer you'll have to wait before the next time you eat.

Tip #3: Sprint Jumping. Believe it or not, holding your space-bar while sprinting is a bit faster than just sprinting. Ever wondered why you just keep getting caught up to while running away from someone? That's why. Also, if you're under a 2-block gap (ex. a low tree or ledge) spamming your space-bar will give you a hefty speed boost that can be used to escape danger, or even catch up to your prey.

Tip #4: Combat. Combat is a huge part of the Survival Games. There's a lot of things that could give you an edge in combat. Being lower than your opponent is always a plus. You may think that having the high ground would give you an advantage, but that's where you're wrong. You can reach farther looking up than you can looking down, which is why running up a ladder in a fight is always a bad idea. In water, diving below your opponent will give you a huge advantage as well, making them unable to hit you.

Tip #5: Secondary Items. You should always carry a bow with you, it could save your life or even win you the game when you're at a disadvantage. Always have a fishing rod handy on maps with a lot of water. Even though it does no physical damage, it does do damage to armor, and knocks back your opponents. Never throw away feathers or flint. Flint and steel can be crafted with an iron ingot and a flint, and while it only has a few uses on these servers it can be used to scare off threats, or turn the tides in battle (as it has a damage-over-time burning effect and also blocks half the opponent's screen with a fire animation)

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Tip #6: Knowing Weapon Stats. You should know by now that a Wooden sword is less effective then a Diamond sword, but there are a few things that some people don't know. A Golden sword is only as good as a Wooden sword, so only craft it as a last resort. Wooden sword is equivalent to a Stone axe, but the sword can block so always go with the sword. Axes are equivalent to the sword of the lesser type (ex. Iron axe = Stone sword & Diamond axe = Iron Sword)

Tip #7: Knowing Armor Stats. It should be obvious that Leather armor is worse than Iron armor, but some people seem to be confused on a few armor ratings. Golden armor is equal to Chain armor for the most part. The only thing that differs is that Chain Leggings are better than Golden Leggings. Golden helmet, Chain helmet, and Iron helmet are all equal. Leather boots, Golden boots, and Chain boots are all equal as well. Diamond armor cannot be found in any chests, the only way to obtain them is by crafting them with diamonds found in chests.

Tip #8: Knowing Chest Types. There are 2 types of chests in the Survival Games. Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 chests can contain Wooden and Stone weapons, Leather armor, sticks, Iron & Gold ingots, flint, bowls, wheat, and un-cooked/ lower foods. These chests can be found strewn throughout the maps, and make up most of the chests that you'll find. Tier 2 chests can contain any armor better than Leather (besides diamond), Stone swords, Iron & Gold ingots, Diamonds, Clocks, Compasses, Flint & Steel, and cooked/ greater foods. These chests make-up the cornucopia and can also be found in areas usually well hidden or ridden with traps.

Tip #9: Cornucopia. The cornucopia is the area that you'll start out in. It contains a workbench and 8 or more chests. Seeing as how chests refill at night, you'll usually find people making their way back to the corn around that time as it's the easiest and most efficient way to get geared up in a short amount of time. You should always know your way back to the cornucopia and you should be equipped with enough loot to be able to defend it. If not, you can always just take your chest route over again and hope to get good gear.

Tip #10: Traps. This should be obvious, but if you see a dark room with a lever that says "Pull this for Diamonds", you should probably get as far away from that lever as humanly possible. The Survival Games' maps are filled with traps, lava holes, difficult parkour, and silly easter-eggs. You should avoid these traps at all costs, because even though the reward may be large, you'll most likely end up staring at the "You've Died" screen.

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Tip #11: Winning. To win the Survival games, you must be the last one remaining. The Survival games servers contain a maximum of 24 players. These players are some of the best PvP'ers you'll find, so to be successful in killing them, you'll need to be at the top of your game. Always be aware, especially in small maps like breeze Island and Survival Games 4, because where there's one guy, there's usually another 3 more only a few seconds from swooping in and killing you after an intense fight.

I hope these tips help you to become a better Survival Games player, and may the server lag be ever in your favor

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Corrupted Copper’s Survival Games 4 Route

1. #4.5 (Suggested by bargens) (Optional) - Parkour your way up to the second floor of the half built house. Climb on the crane hook and jump to the pillar. From there you would make a jump to the ladder on the crane. Climb over the control booth and there you will find the chest. (Tier 2)

#5 - Go north-west to the train station. Go up the stairs and you will find a hidden chest on the flat side. (Tier 1)

#6 - Turn around and go on the narrow bars south. You will soon find trains, and after that there will be a chest. (Tier 2)

#7 (Suggested by AlexHH25) - Head south to the barn. On your way there you can stop by the airplane (Chest) and the lake (Chest under the dock). Once you get to the barn, make your way to the top of the roof. There will be a chest

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PvP, Chest routes and More!-CeaserGamer760

Topic 1: PvP

So Most of the time in Survival Games You will always be in a fight, so you

need to be prepared, so there are many types of ways you can kill someone

and let me show you them.

PvP Tactic 1: Stealth Attack

So you are sometimes in a situation where the you see a guy and and you

want to kill him, but the first things you need to make sure of is that you

need to make sure that you have a chance to kill the guy,(Don't Go Attack

him with your fists and try to kill him while he has a sword)and second is

that to check that he hasn't seen you yet. If You don't have a chance and he

hasn't seen you yet your best chance is to Hide til he leaves, if he has seen

you and you have no chance, well.... Just Run!! But if hasn’t seen you and

you can kill him than stealthily head over to him and catch him by

surprise, but make sure you don’t make too much noise (footsteps) and

that he is occupied doing something else so you can kill him while he's

defenseless, After you get in range of him, SPAM YOUR LEFT MOUSE


PvP Tactic 2: Ambush!!!

Now even though it is kind of cheap, you can ambush a defenseless player

with your whole team and trap him. He will have nowhere to go and you

and your Team can give him a ton of damage with all their weapons

PvP Tactic 3: Fighting a Team

Now This is pretty much the opposite of my last tactic, so if you see a team

and they haven’t seen you your best bet is to hide and avoid them, but I

have learned that you can't do it like that because you will have to fight

them later. So I have a special tactic where if I have a bow and an arrow I

shoot one of them and hope that they think one of them is betraying them

and they all fight amongst each other but that might not always work

because they might be voice chatting, so my plan B is to Sneak up to them

and kill one of them and of course his teammates will chase you down after

that so after that I Run For my life and try to get them as separated as

possible and once I have only one in my sights I go in for the kill. Now if

it’s like a 6 way team then, you might not have a chance, but it might be

worth a shot. Now About my last tactic if you do get ambushed then your

best chance is to try to run and get out of their sights other than that you

are pretty much dead unless you can pull off some awesome Assassin’s

Creed Killing.

PvP Tactic 4: Water Battling

Now if you are fighting a person in water then you try to get under him and

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hit him with your sword from below and if you have a bow and some

arrows then just shoot him to death since he won't be able to avoid your


PvP Tactic 5: Classic Fighting

Now on to the most common type of PvP, Classic Fighting. Now when you

see a person and he sees you well then it’s all up to your PvP Skills.

Sword Fighting: If you only have a sword as a weapon then you should try

to sprint at your opponent and try to get in some hits from the side to

throw him off guard and get as many critical hits by jumping up and down.

Also try to stay pretty close in case he tries to run, But Also try to keep your


Bow Sniping: Now practicing your bow skills is pretty helpful since they do

a ton of damage and they are ranged weapons. If you have a bow and

Arrows then you will have the long ranged advantage, So Shooting from

afar is pretty difficult so practicing is really helpful. Now you need to also

practice Shooting a moving opponent since most opponents will be trying

to dodge your arrows, bows sniping is basically based on your skill so it is

REALLY helpful to Practice Archery

Fishing Rod Flailing: Now Some noobs use fishing rods to fight Which is

pretty useless but they can be helpful for slowing your opponent down and

getting some good hits on them while they are delayed but other than that

fishing rods are pretty useless in PvP

All Around Battling:

If You get ahold of every single one of these weapons can help you a lot. My

Tactic Is To Delay my opponent with my bow or fishing rod and then Try

to get as many hits with my sword Then, back away so I don’t take too

much damage. You can use these weapons in any order that you want,

since I have seen a lot of people using these weapons differently, just be


Topic 2: Chest Routes

now unless you are new to these games than you must have a chest route

or a certain place you always go to on every map. So I want to give you

some examples of places you can use and how to make a good chest route

that has good stuff and won’t get you killed.

Arena Bloodbaths:

On all the maps there is always a certain place where everyone goes and a

lot of people get killed at. Those places you would want to avoid until later,

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when you get good stuff, and some of these places also are home to a lot of

good stuff so unless you got something good from the beginning then going

there would be suicide most of the time.

Arena Sites:

Hers a list of sites on the three maps so far(will be adding more when new

maps are released)

Map 1:

-Two Tower Castle

-The Tower

-The Ship

-The Stone Brick Houses

-The Casino

Map 2:

-The Pink House

-The rest of the village

-The Power Plant

-The Woods


Map 3:

-The Temple

-The Village

-The Mountains

-Jungles and Beaches

These are the places that I've seen where a lot of people explore and raid.

You can use these places on your chest route if you'd like but be warned

that these places can be the cause of your death.

Planning a Chest Route:

So on to the most important part of this topic, planning your chest route.

So the first thing you should do is download the map and download a mod

to change yourself into creative, then fly around the map finding a ton of

chest and trying to find a route that can hold a ton of stuff and some good

stuff. If you don’t want to download the map than an alternative is to play

the map on these servers and play a couple rounds than make up your

route doing that. The main thing you need to ask yourself while planning

your route is "Will these chests hold stuff that can allow me to win?" If you

keep testing out your routes and you win using your route than that might

be the route for you.

Just make sure nobody copies your route I've had that happen to me. Also

if possible have your chest route end with a crafting bench to craft swords

and armor with your materials

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Topic 3: Learning New Maps Quickly

Once in a while a new map will come out and everyone will be total noobs

at it. Well if you follow these steps Then you may be able to learn the map

Easily and quickly.

When Learning a new map you don’t just want to look at it, you want to

test it out and get used to its surroundings. After exploring for a bit try to

spectate or Download the map, and Explore the whole map until you know

about every Landmark in it (Castles, Buildings, Villages). After finding

these landmarks go on a MCSG server and go to each of these landmarks

and check if they have good items in their chests. If you find that these

places have no good stuff then don’t worry there are probably going to be

little caves around the map that have good stuff. Now after doing these

steps head back to my last topic and follow its steps.

Now while you are testing the map out you need to look around the

cornucopia and look at what direction the most people are going and that

may be the place you want to avoid since that might be where all the

deaths happen.

Another thing to look out for are crafting tables, you want to see if there

are more of them other than the one in the middle, the same thing for


If you look for every single one of these things than You should have

yourself a Chest route quickly for the new maps.

Topic 4: Getting Past Hackers

I wanted to make this a topic because nowadays there are a lot of hackers

on SG, and they always win games but I have found a few ways to surpass

some of these Hacks.

Farther Reach Hack:

Well this hack explains itself, but it is one of the hacks that make it hard to

kill the hacker. To avoid this hack you want to stay out of the hacker's way.

(Don’t just run towards him and try to get hits on him) Try to get to the

side of him since that way he can’t hit you while you are around to the side

of him. That way you can get a ton of hits on him without letting him use

his hack to his advantage.

Radar Hack:

Now to avoid this you always want to keep moving don’t just stay in one

location, they might follow you, but at least you can try to avoid them.

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Even if they do find you then you can just use your awesome PvP skills to

kill him.

Page 13: Minecraft Survival Games Guide

Tutorial Section


1. I have been getting a lot of messages and I have seen a lot of posts on the forums about this so I am making this guide on how to physically join the servers.

The server IPS are located: http://www.toomanyservers.com/

US Servers:









us25.mcsg.in (48 - Slot)

us26.mcsg.in (48 - Slot)

us27.mcsg.in (48 - Slot)

us28.mcsg.in (48 - Slot)

EU Servers:





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eu25.mcsg.in (48 - Slot)

eu26.mcsg.in (48 - Slot)

saplings.mcsg.in (48 - Slot)

vareide.mcsg.in (48 - Slot)

Now that we have a list of servers, we need to try to connect:

Step 1: Click Multiplayer on the Minecraft Screen

Step 2: Choose either Direct Connect or Add Server (I suggest add server)

Depending on the one you choose there are different outcomes.

Step 3A: The Direct Connect Screen to add your server click join and try

to get in

Step 3B: Add Server the name DOES NOT matter only the IP

Step 4B: Keep refreshing the servers you have added until a space opens


Page 15: Minecraft Survival Games Guide

If you are lucky you will be able to get into the game. You can also use the

server pages that are listed at the top to find which games are currently in

the lobby and you should try to join them as they have the shortest wait

time until the game starts.

If you wish to use a pre-made server list uploaded by CandyFTW that has

the current US servers and current EU servers and will be updated if

more are added you can go here:



There is also a donor system in place. The donor system is divided

between the two regions: US and EU. If you donate to the US servers,

then you are a donor only on the US servers. If you donate to the EU

servers, then you are a donor only on the EU servers. The main reason

you should become a donator is to support the server because you like it

and you want to continue to see it prosper, but there is an additional perk

that comes with it.

Servers are always full? All donors have what we call "Donor Priority"

where you can log into a server that is full. The server will kick the last

joined spectator (not a tribute) to make room for you. Each donor rank

has its own special color in game so people can see you have supported in

the game and on the forums.

This allows for fast games and guaranteed playing time.

There are 3 different types of donors: iron, gold, and diamond. The only

difference that comes from them are the amount that you donate:

$10 USD/month for Iron

$25 USD/month for Gold

$50 USD/month for Diamond

If you wish to donate then you can go here:


Page 16: Minecraft Survival Games Guide

There is also an Official Survival Games Teamspeak server. There you

can chat with other members of the community, mods, and admins. You

can ask for help or maybe set up a team if you'd like as well.

Here is a guide written by iiCALLmeNOOBY, one of the admins, on how

to connect to it:


Below is a guide on troubleshooting your connection if you cannot

connect. It was not made by me, it was made by gamesaucer, but with his

permission, I have included it in this original post and it could be

referred to if you are having specific connection issues as the above guide

only covers getting into servers with no problem. Thank you gamesaucer.

gamesaucer said: ↑

How to join a Survival

Games server under

almost every


For Windows users only!

If you have a problem, try restarting your computer as well. It might work!

1. Log in to Minecraft

1.1 If you succeed, go to 2.

1.2 You get this message:

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Check your internet connection by browsing on the Internet.

1.2.1 It works: Now browse to minecraft.net It works: Go to “Play Minecraft from the website”. Check http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/

It is down: Minecraft is offline. You can’t play online, neither can anyone else.

It isn’t down: There is something wrong with your internet. I can’t help you.

1.2.2 It doesn’t work: check your internet connection:

(“Network – No internet access”) You have no internet access. This can be caused by various reasons. Try

restarting your router or modem, and check if other computers DO have connection.

I can’t help with this. You DO have internet access. The problems are probably caused by your

provider, for example a faulty DNS server. To make sure run Windows Problem

Solver. The wizard will take over from me here.

(“Solve problems / Open Network Center”)

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1.3 You get this message:

You have entered incorrect details. I can’t help with this.

1.4 You get this message:

Solution: Log in using your e-mail address instead of your user name.

1.5 You get this message:

Solution: go BUY Minecraft!

2. Log in to a server

2.1 Click “Multiplayer”

2.2 Connect to a server:

2.2.1 Direct connect:

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Enter the server ip and press join.

2.2.2 Add server:

Enter the server name and ip and confirm.

See step below.

2.2.3 Join server via list:

Double click on the server you want to join in the list.

3.Problems with joining:

3.1 You are banned.

Wait until your ban expires.

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3.2 You are kicked to make place for a donator.

Try to rejoin or join a server that is not yet full.

3.3 The server is full.

Try to rejoin or join a server that is not yet full.

3.4 You spawn dead and the server gives an error on respawn.

Quickly rejoin before someone else takes your slot.

4. Play Minecraft from the website

4.1 Log in to minecraft.net.

4.2 Play Minecraft in browser

4.2.1 Minecraft crashes:

Delete the \bin folder in your %appdata%\.minecraft folder.

Try again.

4.2.2 Minecraft works:

Go to “Log in to a server”.

Page 21: Minecraft Survival Games Guide

Tutorial 2- A Guide to get Started play MCSG Watch Thread

1. MoLoToVMember

First off start making a forum profile so you'll be able to post any qeustions on the


Please read this guide before posting on the forums. :



Now we are going to read the rules which are found here :



Done? Check which server is the best for you to play on :



Now you'll be able to play ( almost ) lagless in the server, don't know how to connect?

Check this :



After all that you'll finally be able to play your first game ! Don't know what to do in-


Follow those quick and easy steps to become the master of the Survival Games.

o When you get in a lobby you'll be able to vote for the maps. Got one that you love? Type /vote [map number] to vote for your map ( /v [map number] also possible ) Donors vote counts more than a normal players vote does !

o After you've entered a lobby and the game started there will be a count down until you'll be able to move around.

o Try to get to the Cornucopia* chests which can have alot of valueable stuff in it ( such as weapons, food & armor).

o Try to get as many chests as possible ! Maybe try making your own "route" so you will be able to get alot of armor every game !

o Player blocking your way? Kill him or run away. ( Fist fighting is NOT recommend )

o Tier 2 chest will give you better stuff than a tier 1 chest, (Cornucopia* chests are tier 2)). And know where they are.

o In the night all chests will be refilled** ( You'll get a warning about it ), make sure you are at Cornucopia* or another tier 2 chest.

o Died? You'll be able to spectate everyone else in the current server or just join another server.

o Still alive? Good. Try to make your way to the deathmatch*** (3 survivors remaining in 24 tribute server, 4 survivors remaining in 48 tribute server, 5 survivors remaining in 120 tribute server).

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o Try to kill the remaining survivors in deathmatch*** ! o Won the game? Good your probably now a mastered player ! Start a new

game and try to win again!

* = Cornucopia, the middle of the map with the crafting table and chests around it.

Looks may be different according to map & tributes.

** = Refill. All the chests in the map will be refilled with stuff again. If the chest hasn't

been looted yet the items will disappear and new items will spawn in it!

*** = Deathmatch. An arena which you'll be warped to at the end of a game to kill the

remaining tributes.

Want to know what Bounty does? Check this out this guide:


Things to keep in mind:

12. If you're dead other people won't be able to see join ( not even other spectators ! ) And you won't be able to loot any items.

13. Alot of players know where to get good stuff. Don't be suprised if you see someone with full iron armor + iron sword after a few minutes in-game!

14. Water is your friend. Aslong as you swim infront of the other people they won't be able to hurt you. (Look out for tributes with bows!)

15. Teamspeak, you'll be able to form easily a team with someone else on teamspeak since you can communicate way faster by just speaking than typing.

16. Donors, moderators, administrator and V.I.P's will automatically kick the last ( non-donor ) player that joined the lobby.

17. To be sure anyone with a: grey, gold, blue or purple name is NOT a moderator or administrator. Grey names are Iron Donators, Gold names are Gold donators, Blue names are Diamond donators, Purple names are V.I.P's, Red names are Moderators and Dark-red names are Administrators or Senior Moderators.

18. Still got a question left? Post it here and I (and others) will answer your question.

Did the guide help? Give it a like.

To donate to the MCSG servers check out this link:


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Tutorial 3- How to Setup Teamspeak- iCallmenooby

Our TeamSpeak Server IP: ts.mcsg.in

Step 1. Go to the teamspeak site http://www.teamspeak.com

Step 2. Go to downloads (in the top right)

Step 3. Select Teamspeak 3 (or newest version depending on when you are reading this)

Step 4. Download the CLIENT version for your OS.

Step 5. Wait for download.

Step 6. Follow instructions in the downloader.

Step 7. Open Teamspeak and go through the steps in the setup manager.

Step 8. Go to Connections-->Connect then input the server info (ts.mcsg.in)

Step 9. Please make sure your nickname is your in game name, We like to be able to easily

recognize people!

Step 10. Please! Please use a headset, or at the very least stop echoing if you dont have

one! Echos on any voice chat can be a very big nuisance.

There you go, hope that wasn't too confusing for you.

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Tutorial 4- How to use Bounties and Points- Hystericallyify

1. I've seen many people ask about how Bounty/Points works and such, this is a simple guide to explain that, some questions are even 'how to see your points?'. Your points is your prefix in-game, to see the Top 10 people with the highest amount of points in the region the server you're in, type /top.


You lose bounty 2.5% of your existing points, if your points are under 5, it is automatically set to losing 5 points. You gain as much as the number of points the victim lost.


To set a bounty on someone, you type :

/bounty <player name> <amount>

then you have to confirm your bounty by typing :

/bounty yes

The person who kills the bountied player gains that much amount of points, if the bountied

player wins the round, they gain as much Bounty set on them.